mrcaptainrex · 1 year
I started taking birth control recently for medical/hormonal reasons. I forgot the name of it, and loudly asked my mom, “what kind of birth control am I on again?” My brother, who can not stand my obsession for animated clones, was walking by my room, confidently looked me in the eye and said “Star Wars”.
I know he’s right but damn. Uncalled for.
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readheadxx2011 · 1 year
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ericshoney · 11 months
Imagine.... Niki being your twin brother and finding out your being bullied
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Y/n's POV
It was another day at this terri- I mean wonderful school. I was sat outside on a bench, eating my lunch quietly, when I hear a witches cackle. I mean the laugh of Ari Song, my bully.
"Hey bitch, aww couldn't find anyone desperate enough to have lunch with you?" She calls in a mocking tone.
"Go away." I mumble.
"What did you say?" She spits.
"Nothing, nothing." I reply.
"Thought so, now we have somewhere much nicer to be."
She walks away with her little followers. I sigh and go to continue my lunch, when my brother and his friends come over.
"Hey little sister." Niki said, ruffling my hair.
"Its two seconds Niki!" I shout.
"I'm still much taller though." He replies, sticking his tongue out.
"Kids." Heeseung mumbles.
"Why are you bothering me? Shouldn't you be chatting up some cheerleaders?" I ask.
"Just coming to check on you." Niki said.
"I'm good." I answer quickly.
"Okay, you coming to watch practise tonight?" I nod at my brothers question.
"Okay then, see you later baby sister!" I shake my head as they run off to cause chaos.
The day carries on quickly and soon the bell rings for the end. I walk out my last class slowly and towards my locker, since the guys have practise and I said I'd watch it.
As I walk towards my locker, I didn't see Ari coming the other way, making us bump into each other. I drop my books as she drops her bag.
"You rat!" She shouts.
"Sorry i-it was an accident." I apologise.
I bend down to pick my books up, when she pushes me over, my back hits the row of lockers with a crash.
"Ow." I mumble, trying to get up, but she pushes her foot onto my chest.
"Your just a dirty little whore. I mean always trying to get into your brother's friends pants. How desperate are you? I bet Niki wishes anyone else was his sister." She growls, pushing her foot harder onto my chest.
Just before I pass out from lack of oxygen, she removes her foot, only to kick me in the face. My head falls back against the locker in pain.
"Come on, try to stand up." She teases.
I groan, moving a bit, for her to only kick me again, she laughs but then I hear a shout.
"What the fuck is going on!"
I look to the side to see Niki at the end of the hall. Ari stands there frozen.
"Get away from my sister!" He shouts.
Ari runs away as Niki comes over, he bends down in front of me, holding my face gently.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks softly.
"Scared too. S-She threatened to hurt me, but guess that already happened." I answer.
Niki sighs and pulls out his phone. I see him typing away before putting it back in his pocket. He uses a tissue to wipe my face a bit before he pulls me up gently and moves to bend down in front of me.
"What are you doing?" I ask, rubbing my chest slightly.
"Get on my back, we're going home. I texted the others to come too." He answers.
I nod and slowly get on his back. The other arrive quickly as Niki explains what he saw.
"Don't worry, we'll deal with her, Ari Song won't be a problem to you no more." Jay tells me.
I smile a bit and lay my head on my brothers back. I'm just glad he was there to save me.
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yanderewriter101 · 4 months
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Older Brother Izuku Midoriya x Younger Sister Reader
The house door opened and Inko turned her head as she began dinner, her green eyes focused on the front door but a smile spread across her face as her eldest son entered through the front door his green fluffy hair bright and his hero costume on show.. 
Inko was ever so proud of her eldest son he was now the Number One Pro-Hero of Japan.. it warmed her heart to know her son had achieved his dreams she was the proudest mother in the world each time she saw her son's wide smile and gleaming green eyes..
"Hey mom!" Izuku greeted with a wide grin as he took of his large boots putting them by the front door Inko smiled and once her son was close enough she kissed his freckled cheek with a soft and heart warming smile as she usually did whenever he came to her side..
"Hi Honey.. Just on time for dinner!- your sister will be happy to know her older brother is finally coming for dinner.." Inko rambled softly while stirring the Katsudon in the pot the steam wafting into the air and swimming through the small but loving home the aroma in each corner of the house..
Izuku hummed and smiled as he leaned away from his mothers shoulder his large frame leaning against the kitchen counter his green eyes flickered across the kitchen to the living room as he breathed out gently as the aroma of the katsudon hit his nose "I'll go tell Bunny that I'm back.." He spoke before pushing himself of the counter to the doorway of the kitchen'
Inko nodded muttering a small 'okay honey' she sighed softly.. 'Bunny' was a nickname that was something that Izuku always called his younger Sister a nickname that never died down.. Inko never questioned it.. just like she never questioned why her older son was missing for so long after his missions that finish hours earlier...
Izuku made his way up the stairs.. silent.. eerie.. he reached the top of the stairs his eyes shifting to the left to his old bedroom that he usually stayed in whenever he stayed at his mothers house.. he then turned to the right spotting his younger sisters room the oak door shut firm.. his eyebrow quirked.. that was odd..
He moved forward to the oak door his hand wrapping around the cold silver handle opening it swiftly.. his large form took up half the doorway his eyes scanned the room.. until they landed on the girl sat at the desk.. headphones on as she wrote in a book a grin crept up on his lips...
The number one hero walked inside the door shutting behind him quietly like it was never open in the first place.. he got behind his younger sister sat at the desk.. and made his move.. like a predator capturing his prey.. his hands grasped her shoulders and she jolted immediately a yelp like scream escaping her mouth as her knees slammed up into the desk out of reaction and an elbow to his face
"Ah- Bunny- pfft- I'm sorry!" Izuku laughed gently his large scarred arm wrapping around the girls smaller form to calm her but he was met with a book to the head and a curse out of his sisters mouth he chuckled pushing the book away with his free hand "You idiot- were you trying to make my have a heart attack!?" (Your name) Squealed at him angry
Her expression was scrunched up like an angry bunny he could of sworn he saw her leg stomp on the ground for a second.. he sighed out and ruffled her hair but she grumbled at him for that trying to fix her hair.. like a bunny trying to groom herself back to its usual fluffy form.. he blinked his thoughts away as he sighed out softly.. his bunny was so silly sometimes..
"Wait- are you staying for dinner?" (Your name) questioned her older brother as her (your eye colour) eyes sharpened at him with suspicion crossing her arms on her lap as she twisted her chair around to face him Izuku stared down at her with a small grin.. she could be so serious in the flip of a switch! it always amazed him..
"Yes I am.. and i'm sleeping for the night.." Izuku briefly explained.. now that it was the weekend he had some time to spend with his family since his agency would be taken over by Katsuki for the weekend for once.. (Your name) nodded her head as she sent him a smile "Ah.. that's nice!" 
Before Izuku could utter a word Inko's voice was heard from downstairs calling her children for dinner.. interrupting their moment.. Interrupting Their bonding moment!.. he breathed out.. and moved away from his younger sister shooting her a grin "I'll see you downstairs don't be too long!" He spoke as he waved a hand exiting the room..
It wasn't a joke.. it was a command.. one (Your name) knew too well.. her expression fell from it's smile to it's frown.. her fingers tightened around her knees.. why did he have to come.. it seemed like he was never away for too long! every-time he comes.. things.. become scary weird.. she just hoped that this time he wouldn't-
"(YOUR NAME) YOUR FOOD IS GOING TO GO COLD!" Inko's voice screamed up from the kitchen and (Your name) jolted quickly jumping out of her chair and grabbing her jacket off the bed as she stumbled to the doorway grumbling under her breath "Coming!!"
Dinner was peaceful.. Izuku enjoyed eating his favourite meal and answering his mothers exciting and worrying questions of if his hero career was too much or if he was getting on fine.. but he easily consoled her like he usually did.. but the one question he always dreaded was the 'are you ever going to get a partner?' He knew what his mother meant.. but she just never understood.. Izuku was too focused on protecting and caring for his younger sister!
The night came.. faster than (Your name) hoped.. so she was under her blankets.. her wide (your eye colour) eyes staring blankly ahead her heart was hammering in her chest so hard she was almost scared her ribs would break from the force but she didn't dare move..
She let out a small breath and it seemed like hours passed.. nothing came.. nothing happened.. and relief finally filled her body.. and she calmed down.. maybe she.. was just overreacting.. well.. it only happened once why was she thinking that way anyway.. (Your name) felt her body relax and her eyes fluttered shut.. and her grip loosened around the blankets around her body..
As she was just about to finally drift off.. she heard it.. the.. silent.. eerie.. footsteps reaching her bedroom door.. her eyes flew open.. but she knew better than to try and get up and question who was at her door.. so she just tensed but she quickly relaxed herself to try and make it seem like she was asleep.. her face finding itself buried into the pillow..
then the door opened.. and she could hear the breaths.. heavy.. but still quiet not to 'wake her' she heard the door shut after and almost for a second she believed it was her mother checking in on her.. until she felt the bed behind her sink.. and she heard the bed creek slightly that's how she knew it was her older brother.. because no one else was that heavy to make her bed creek..
She kept herself calm and relaxed but when she heard the voice whisper near her ear.. it was so hard.. she was almost terrified that her heartbeat would be heard from how hard it was racing.. she was so.. so scared.. her older brother was the number one pro hero.. he had sensitive hearing he heard everything.. he knows everything.. and he knew.. no one would believe her..
"Oh Bunny..~ I do this to keep you safe.. to make sure no one hurts you.. to make sure no one even comes near you.. that no one even fucking breaths the same air near you.."
His voice.. it was so.. terrifying in the darkness.. but she didn't have to look to know that his green piercing scary eyes were staring down at her sleeping form.. but then.. something knew happened.. something so different from his usual whispering in the room.. changes from his normal scary threats..
A hand placed on her side.. and she could of swore her heart stopped in her chest real quick.. but what scared her the most was the heavy body pressing against her back.. and the hot breath hitting her cheek.. 
"I know your awake.. your always awake.."
Izuku's eyes stared down at his younger sisters form.. she tensed.. her heart-beat always sped up when he came in.. so much quicker than normal.. and he knew she was awake.. but it didn't sway him.. because what could she do.. 
HE was the number one pro hero.. 
HE was the one their mother always trusted.. 
HE is the one the people will always trust.. 
HE is the symbol of peace..
His hands shifted over her body twisting her onto her back and her wide terrified (your eye colour) eyes stared up at her.. and his right hand paused on her side and the left stopped on her stomach.. She was like a terrified and vulnerable bunny.. his prey.. his bunny.. and he'd protect her.. after all.. she was quirkless.. he vowed the day she looked at him with a smile.. that he'd keep her by his side.. keep her in his eyesight.. keep her in his grasp..
That look in her eyes made him know he was the one in control.. his fingers lightly trailed over her stomach.. she was (Your body type) and he loved her for every curve.. ever dip.. she was young sure.. but still developed... well.. she was 17 now.. his green eyes glinted down at her form.. she was shaking under his hands.. oh his poor bunny so scared.. so terrified.. so.. perfect.
Izuku found himself between her legs.. her thighs over his own.. his large hands enveloping her waist tugging her against him firmly as he let out a breath at her body flushed against his.. he had never been so forward.. so touchy with her.. but he needed to get it through to her head that he was and always will be her protector..
(Your name) trembled terrified unsure what to do.. she couldn't fight back.. she couldn't scream.. she couldn't do anything!.. he was just staring down at her.. his hands gripping her body felt so.. scary.. it made her realise that if she made one wrong move he could easily either pin her so fast and so firm.. or just crush her in his hands.. 
The room was heavy in silence.. tense.. the only light being Izuku's dark green eyes peering down at his younger sister who was beginning to tear up.. his hand moved over her side to her cheek wiping the tears that fell down her face before he leaned forward.. by her ear.. a sick twisted grin painting on his lips.
"I am your protector.."
" I am your symbol of protection.."
" I am your older brother.." 
"and I have always been this way.."
"i have killed for you.." 
"i have ended destruction just to get to your side.."
 "i am what you run to when your scared.."
 "I will be what you see out in the darkness of your life.." 
"And I will make sure you do.."
"Even if it means ending EVERYONE in your life.."
"You will stay mine.."
"My bunny.."
"My sister"
"My only hope."
Thank you for reading children!! :)
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lovelydee86 · 1 year
It’s been a week and I still can’t believe it. You were so much more than my older brother and fellow middle child. You were my surrogate sister, sidekick, stylist, concert partner, hairdresser, my ride, and the mugre to my uña. Although if anyone asked you, I was the mugre to your uña. I loved your humor, sensitivity, loyalty, creativity, grumpiness, and all that made you the person you were. I was lucky to have you for as long I did, but feel robbed of what was to come. We had so many more memories to make. All I can do now is cherish the moments we had and know that you’ll always be with me. Love you Jimmy. 🥺
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curlynnxo · 1 year
Mom never expected she'd get such a horrible call. A traumatic car accident when you were just five, Left you re-learning how to walk, talk, and sip through a straw. Severely injured and suffering from a TBI; My big brother, you were so scared, so strong, so loving, and small. Unsure you'd make it through the night, doctors said to say our goodbyes. Beating all odds, you put up a fight; You lived. So much trauma, so much pain, recovery not in sight. Twenty years later, you were twenty-five. You grew up to be a man both fair and true, You continued to prosper, you continued to strive, And every day throughout my life, I will think of you. Twenty days before your birthday, you left without warning; Gone so fast. Now, all we have are memories of our past. Death snuck in late at night while everyone was asleep. And Death stole you away from us while everyone was at peace.
My big brother you are: still stronger, still loving, Still gone. I miss you so much, my tears I cannot hide, Yet within my heart, I feel you by my side. So, I'll honor you big brother, in everything I do. I'll work to make you proud of me, In loving memory of you.
Never in a million years did I imagine myself writing a post like this, let alone having it be one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do. On September 21st, 2022, my 25-year-old brother, Jacob, passed away overnight unexpectedly in his sleep. He would’ve been 26 on October 10th, 2022. It's been difficult for me and my other siblings to accept that we'll spend the rest of our lives without him physically present; he's present spiritually, but it's not the same.
Empty is still empty, and missing is still missing, no matter how I look at it. I will always dedicate whatever I do in my life to honor my brother and keep him close.
I know I'll never see his bright smile again, see what colorful clothes he decides to wear for the day, hear his wonderful laugh, or hug him again. He always had a deep love for shoes, and while I never understood it, I always supported it because new and cool shoes made him happy. When I think about how you're no longer here, I can hardly breathe.
You were the best brother ever, truly one-of-a-kind, and I hope you know how much I loved you. When I realized you'd already left this world, my heart constricted in my chest and my stomach twisted and turned violently, almost making me throw up. It's bizarre how I felt it in my chest—how I found you—that hurt my feelings and left me speechless. I cried so hard that day that my eyes hurt—I couldn't eat or sleep—I was just existing, thinking of you and hoping that wherever you are if anywhere at all, you're okay and happy. Knowing you passed at such a young age makes me reconsider everything I believed about the world, myself, and God. You took a piece of me with you, and while I still walk the earth, my spirit is dim, wondering when I'll be able to light up again . . . breathe again. ❤️‍🩹
If I'd known that September 20th would have your last night on earth–the last time I'd hear you say goodnight, the last time I'd hear you laugh, the last time I'd hear you say I love you and the last time I'd ever see you smile in real time; not in pictures or videos, but in real life–I’d have hugged you a little bit longer and a little bit tighter.
I love you, Jake-the-snake, may your soul rest in eternal peace. 🐍🤍🕊️🦋
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demigodprincess · 1 year
I think I realized why I don’t get crushes easily or when I do I friend zone guys easily. I have always wanted a older brother and sister. I have a really close friend now who is like my older sister but I don’t have a older brother type person in my life and I think I keep trying to fill that wish and desire in my heart so I friend zone every guy I meet.
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chrisssie18 · 27 days
Wow this evening was heavy for my head.
I’m there for you, and will try to be there for you.. but not now… no please not now… I can’t handle your problems together with my problems. A 10 minute drive to your work I did within 3 minutes to be there for you and pick you up… but my stress level was going from 3 to 10 really quick. My head didn’t know what was happening and I didn’t know what to do in the situation…sorry.
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texasjen13 · 8 months
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My older brother
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kelly-writes-1127 · 1 year
Schrodinger's Brother
Thursday, 28 October 2021, 1:00 p.m.
I snuck away from work for a sushi lunch with a friend. This friend also happens to be my boss’s wife. It’s ok she’ll cover for me. We order in at her place so her toddler can nap.
“You’re the only one that gets it.” She says. “All my other friends think I’m terrible for not wanting my parents to visit.”
I laugh an easy, pain free laugh. The last one I’ll ever know. “Maybe I’m not the best example,” I shrug, “but I’m no stranger to a draining or unloving family. You don’t owe them anything just because you’re related. And it’s okay to feel however you feel. I have a lot of “family”, I air quote the word, “but the only ones I am close with are my brother and a couple of cousins.”
The name Brendon James appears on my phone as it lights up. I roll my eyes, “That’s my dad. I’ll call him after lunch.” I push the side button to silence the disruption.
Suddenly, my friend’s phone lights up with her own call. “Is that my boss?” I joke as she answers. “Tell him I’m definitely working.” She smiles and gives me a friendly wink as she answers. 
My phone goes off again. This time an obscure aunt. Ugh, what do these people want. I answer the phone as I step into the other room. 
“Have you spoken to your dad?” immediate panic in her voice. My heart starts racing. I hang up without saying a word and call my dad. No answer. I call him again. No answer.
Back to the obscure aunt. She answers with that same panicked voice, “yea, Kelly?”
“What’s going on?” I demand.
“You need to sit down,” she says.
“Tell me what is going on right now. My dad isn’t answering. Tell me what is going on.”
“Your brother is dead.” She doesn’t scream it or say it in a panic. Almost as if she is trying to steady herself for me, but it comes out as if she is telling me that she left the mail on the table. And I’m too confused by the words and her cadence.
“No he’s not.” I hang up. I’m standing in my friends foyer. I can hear her on the phone in the other room with my boss. My brother is not dead. I call him — “Charlie?!” No answer. My family is full of unreliable and dramatic people and my brother is not dead. And if he were dead I wouldn’t be finding out from an obscure aunt. If my brother had the audacity to die then he damn well would have told me himself.
Is the room spinning? I fucking hate my unreliable and dramatic family. I fall to my knees and call my dad. No answer. I had just been eating a California roll. My brother is not fucking dead.
I call Erin, his fiance. She answers the phone in a crying, pleading scream, “Keeeellllllyyyy”. My heart breaks immediately. But he is not dead.
“Erin, what is going on?” I demand.
“He’s dead. He’s dead Kelly.” she’s sobbing.
“Who told you that? Where are you?” I’m crying and my voice is escalating, but he is not dead.
“I’m at his apartment. He won’t wake up.”
“Call a fucking ambulance. What is going on? He is not dead, Erin.”
She answers with incomprehensible sobbing. I hang up and call my dad.
“Hello” his voice is gruff and ragged.
“What is going on?” Someone say something fucking comprehensible.
His mind is racing and I can tell words are falling from his mouth without any thought. “What is going on…let’s see what is going on… is that my only son is dead.”
“Why are you saying that??” I scream. My friend comes in from the other room. She’s telling her husband — my boss, that she needs to go, that something is wrong. I’m sitting on my knees near the door and rocking and sobbing. None of this can possibly be real.
“Why am I saying that? Because he is dead, Kelly.” He almost chuckles at the end. Because it’s so absurd? Because I’m such an unrelenting bitch? He’s exasperated that he had to say it again. I’m exasperated because I still don’t believe him.
“Who told you that?”
“The coroner, Kelly.”
“I want to talk to him. Give me the number.”
My friend is holding me and I’m rocking and saying “no no no no no no” over and over again.
“What’s going on?” she mouths.
“I think… maybe… they’re saying that… that my brother’s dead.”
“Oh my god,” she whispers and wraps her arms around my rocking body.
“Has anyone even called an ambulance?” I’m screaming at my dad as he looks for the number of the coroner.
“Kelly.” He’s angry, or hurt, or annoyed. I don’t know, and I don’t really care. How many times has he been wrong about how many other things? Who is the fixer in this god damn family? — Me. That’s right, me. Give me the god damn coroner’s number and I will find out that he was actually taken to the emergency room. Or that we’re not even talking about the right person. Give me the fucking number. I will find the truth. He finds the number. “I gotta go dad. I’ll figure out what is going on.” I hang up before he can answer.
I dial the coroner. No answer, so I leave a message and wait. Schrodinger’s brother. He’s not dead, but not quite alive.
My friend holds me while we wait for a call back. “I need to go. I need to go home and figure this out.” She understands and I’m out the door on my way to solve this.
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yakkoyesi · 1 year
OLDER SIBLING Yesi And Yakko yakko oc
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💚💙💝👨‍👧‍👦👩‍👧‍👧Yakko and Yesi Are Both Older Siblings Of Two Awesome Siblings.👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👧‍👦💖💜💙
*any ideas for colors for our wonderful caps🧢🧢  (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡*
Yakko Warner
© Warner Bros
'Yesenia Yesi' Yakko Oc belongs to me
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ericshoney · 1 year
Best friend’s bro ~ Ji Changmin (SMUT)
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It was a hot Saturday, you was over at your best friend, Lily, house. You two were relaxing by the large pool, taking in the sun in your very tiny bikinis. You two were just chatting and relaxing, when Lily’s older brother walks through, shirtless. You could see his abs.
“Hi girls, don’t mind me working out a bit do you?” He asks, a smirk on his face, showing that large dimple.
“Fine but why are you shirtless? I have a friend over!” Lily shouts.
“Its hot baby sis~” He replies and winks towards you.
You could feel the blush on your cheeks, you had to admit, Changmin was hot! Him and Lily defiantly got lucky genes. You’ve always had your eyes on the older male, his flirty attitude always being the key point in your conversations.
Changmin turns his back to you both and begins working out, Lily  goes back to sunbathing as you secretly admire the man. The three of you falling into a comfortable silence.
“Hey I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” You said to Lily after a while.
“Okay you know where it is!” She cheers sweetly. 
You smile at your best friend and glance at her brother. Changmin smirks at you as you wander inside. You walk up to the bathroom to handle your business, wondering why Changmin was smirking like that, you couldn’t deny it was hot, but just why.
As you walk out the bathroom after doing your business, you bump into a hard, sweaty chest. You glance up to see Changmin still smirking at you.
“H-Hi” You said, making the male laugh.
“Hi pretty girl~” He replies casually.
“W-What are you doing?” You ask him.
“I see you, always checking me out. I don’t blame you, I am hot. Your not too bad yourself.” He responds, making you scoff.
“Thanks Changmin.” You said, trying to push past him, but Changmin has other ideas.
Changmin pushes you against the wall, his lips quickly meeting yours in a much needed and heated kiss. You gasp, giving him the change to slide his tongue into your mouth. His hands travel down to your ass, squeezing your cheeks softly.
“Hey Y/n I’m gonna head to the store to get ice cream!” Lily shouts from downstairs. Changmin pulls away for a second so you can reply.
“Okay!” You shout back.
You two then hear Lily leave the house, Changmin smirks again.
“Fuck me.” He said.
“What?” You call.
“I said fuck me, Lil’s gone out and your hot, I’m hot,, let’s fuck.” He said.
Before you could answer, Changmin kisses you, hard. He grabs your waist, his large hands roughly on body. You moan into his mouth as he lifts you up with ease.
“Changmin!” You scream as the boy laughs.
He carries you to his bedroom, throwing you gently onto his bed. He climbs on top of you smiling wide.
“Yes?” He calls, you glance down and see he’s hard through his shorts.
“Admiring the view? This is what you do to me baby.” He said, his voice above a whisper.
You look into his dark brown eyes as his hands travel down to your bikini bottoms, the smirk making its way to his face again when he realises your wet. His thumb circling your clit softly.
“i’m going to make you cum so many time baby.” He said.
He pushes your bottoms to the side, sliding two fingers into you. You moan at the sudden feeling as he moves them in and out quickly.
“C-Changmin... hmm.” You moan softly.
“Is it good baby?” He asks softly
“Hmm.” You moan again.
Changmin smiles and continues moving his fingers, your walls clenching around the digits. You then moan, cumming on his fingers. He chuckles, slipping them out and sucking on them.
“C-Changmin want you in please.” You whimper, wanting more.
“Hmm? Beg for it.” He said as he finishes licking his fingers.
“B-Beg?” You stutter, Changmin laughs and pulls away slightly, pulling his phone out.
“Yes angel, beg. Come on Lil’s still in the store.” He said.
“How do you know?” I ask.
“I have a tracker on her phone. But that’s not the point, you want my dick, beg for it.” He replies.
You look up at the still smirking boy, that dimple deep in his cheek. You was feeling very flustered and horny, seeing the tent in his shorts.
“Please Changmin.” You said softly.
Changmin throws his phone down, moving closer to you, your foreheads touching.
“Please what princess?” He asks.
“Please fuck me.” You cave in.
“My pleasure babygirl” He said with a kiss on your lips.
Changmin then pulls your bottoms down slamming into you quickly. You moan loudly as he moves his hips quickly. His large dick deep in you and you wonder how you managed to fit all of him.
The bed rocks with force, slamming against the wall, you moan in pleasure, your body on cloud nine, the the wave of pleasure hits you.
“Fuck cumming!” You scream.
Changmin chuckles and with another hard thrust, you cum hard all over his bed. He moves quickly and finishes in you, your bodies both covered in a thin layer of sweat. He pulls out gently, kissing your lips softly, both of you smiling wide, until you hear the door open.
“I’m home!” Lily shouts from downstairs.
“Fuck!” Changmin shouts.
You two scamper around his room to get changed quickly, you both running downstairs. You see Lily in the kitchen, unloading food.
“Sorry it took so long, it was busy.” She said, her back to you both.
“Its okay Lil.” You said. She turns around and smiles at you and her brother.
“How come your both sweaty?” She asks, tilting her head slightly.
“Umm, Changmin was showing me some work outs!” You shout in a quick lie, Changmin nodding along.
“Oh, that’s cool! So ice cream?” She calls, holding up three tubs.
You smile, slightly happy for your best friends obliviousness. You all head outside with the ice cream.
You glance at Changmin who smirks and winks at you and you know you two will be having more fun like that in the near future.
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magicalbunbun · 4 days
my BIG BROTHER myers
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They are outside before michael could walk inside and kill anyone.
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Mike is embarrassed 😳
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princessbrunette · 4 months
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
thinking about older brother jj with younger siblings. a set of twins. one girl, one boy.
luke cleared off and left them with his oldest, typical. the boy is loud-mouthed, troubled, angry at only five years old. he’s always running off, little legs sprinting away from their little shack until jj easily catches up and carries him back to the house with a fistful of the back of his t-shirt. “nice try, bud. get your little ass inside, now.” he’s just a little ball of rage, mad that both his parents aren’t here anymore.
the little girl is the opposite. dark blonde hair like jj, but none of his characteristics. she’s quiet, advanced for her years intellectually, already able to read to a higher standard than any of her peers. she’s popes little best friend, always at his side quietly peering over his shoulder at his books. she’s a huge crybaby, and jj figures its because whilst she’s so smart on a book level— she just can’t work out why her mommy and daddy aren’t there anymore. jj gives her all his love and hopes it’s enough.
jj can’t afford a babysitter, so he’s constantly carting around the two five year olds — wrangling the boy and making sure the girl is okay at all times. they think their big brother is the coolest — driving them around in the twinkie with john b, yelling “pogues for life!” in little roars out the window.
as difficult as it is sometimes, it’s not all bad. they have their better moments, when the little boy is too tired to misbehave and the girl has pulled her nose out of a book— the three of them sat on the pier at sunset, the oldest boy pointing out boats and telling stories until the two of them fall asleep against him. he promises he’ll take them to disneyland one day like the kids on the youtube videos and it keeps them happy, despite the fact he’s not sure if he’ll ever be able to afford it.
when it’s bad, it’s bad — jj often goes hungry to make sure the twins eat, standing at the doorway watching the two of them share their double bed, wiped out on the bed his father used to sleep on. he wonders how he’ll manage when they get older, bigger, need their own space. he couldn’t afford to move out of this old shack. there’s times the young boy had yelled, screamed the house down, running through the grass to get away from everything and jj nearly couldn’t bring himself to chase him, too overwhelmed and on the verge of breaking down himself. one look into the fearful eyes of his sweet little sister, and he would be taking off after him.
you come along and things get easier. you greet jj’s brother for the first time with a remote control car, and you’ve instantly won him over — jj’s mini-me having an obsession with all things vehicle. you pay equal attention to his little sister, having quiet time with just her on the porch painting eachothers toenails and giggling — even when she completely covers your feet in the shiny pink pink. jj falls deeper and deeper for you as he watches.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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hellzfire · 4 months
naramis but they post super chunky low quality video complimations of eachother attempting to do skateboarding tricks on a shared youtube channel
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yourirridescantgrace · 6 months
Michealangelo vs the not so horrifying tickle monsters- rottmnt
Lee: Mikey
Ler: Leo, Raph and Donnie (in disguise) 
Summary: During a game Micheal the famous explorer gets caught up in ore than he bargained for. 
Michelangelo Hamato was the greatest turtle explorer in the world. He had explored all the places in the world where no one dared to go. And he was about to do it again. He was about to explore the gigglsome forest. A scary forest where whenever someone goes in. They don't come back. 
Of course Micheal will come back. He was the worlds greatest explorer after all. With his supplies and book of animal facts. He went inside the forest. His goal you may ask? To get a rumored golden feather that can draw any kind of map to anywhere. Micheal could only imagine the treasures he could find. 
He decided to press on before it got dark. He traveled not so deep into the woods when he heard a real noise. It was a deep growl. Followed by a giggle? That was strange. Micheal decided to go forward with caution in order to avoid getting caught by whatever that noise was. 
Two hours later he seemed to be lost in the forest. With no map to lead him through he guessed he had to make his own way through. He stopped in a second hiding behind a bush. He hears footsteps Who could be out there? Or what? He heard that mysterious growl and giggle once again. That was quite weird wasn't it? He decided to take a peek at what was out there. He lifted his head over the bush being careful to not make a noise. Thats when he saw something. He stiffed a gasp. 
There were not one not two but THREE huge monsters. One red, one blue, one purple, the red being the larger. All strange looking hair covering their whole body. And then an antennae on the top of their heads. With eyes glowing red. This gave Micheal a chill down his spine. He definitely doesn't want to mess with these guys. He better get out of here.
He turned and started to go out of the way out of the weird fluffy monsters. When all of a sudden he felt something grab his ankle. And he was pulled into the air with a THWACK!! And he yelped in surprise. As soon as saw the world upside down he knew he was trapped. Absolute silence filled the air. He knew he had gotten the attention of   those weird fluffy monsters. He all of a sudden getting lifted above the ground even more and carried back into the area of the monsters.
Being slammed on the floor Mikey looked up to see the three monsters towering over him. Their beating eyes staring down at him. With a hungry look on their face. He gulped. What was going to happen? He was so focused on their faces that he didn't realize that vines had grabbed onto his arms and legs. Putting him into an eagle pose. The monsters looked down at him. Their hairs standing up on end with two long tentacles appearing from each. They were going to tear him apart! 
The tentacles lowered to Micheal's pose. Surrounding his helpless body. He trembled in fear and closed his eyes. All of a sudden he felt the soft, fuzzy touch of the tentacles. some went to under his neck , two approached his armpits, one for each side. The same thing could be said for his sides and feet. And lastly one on his stomach. He clenched up wondering what was going on. He releases a little giggle. Wait what? 
Tickling sensations were all over his body. He wheezed a laugh and started giggling more. "hehehehhwhahahhatthehehehehhehehehahahhahahahhack?" Mikey squirmed in the clutches of the monsters. They were tickling him? 
One of his arms were freed. The tentacles seemed to try and catch him. Worsenign the tickles and making it even worse. Using his free hand he broke open the other vine. Whoops now he was upside down. "AHAHHAHAHAHHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" His feet were tied up still he pulled himself up and untied one of his feet. He kick away the tentacles and untied the other foot out. It was only a short fall. He imeadiantly pulled himself up and ran away. He ran as fast as he could until the monsters were out of their sight. This is when he had noticed that he was not near a cave. With a warm glow from the inside. He let out a silent gasp. 
That could be where the golden feather. He quickly ran into the cave. It was a short and awfully safe walk to the treasure room. Gold coins, lamps, jewels and so much more had filled the room. It was beautiful! Micheal explored the room for a few minutes. This is when he saw what he came for. The golden quil, on a small pedastool.  Mikey was careful to grab the quil. As he picked it up it released a silent pluck. Before he could do anything else he heard three huge roars! The monsters had caught up to him. He ran as fast as he could through the cave. The monsters gaining ground on him quickly. He turns a corner not paying attention to his surroundings when he tripped on a rock. 
"OOf!" He shouted hitting the ground. The monsters quickly approached him surrounding him breathing heavily. This was it. They were going to tickle him to the death! Or for the rest of his life! He didn't know. He shut his eyes bracing for impact-
"Boys!" Splinters voice interrupted the boys game. "Come help me with the food!" Splinter had gone out to get food to eat from a japanese restraunt. 
Mikey sat up as his brothers took off their fluffy blankets. "Coming!" They all called getting up from their spots going to assist their father. 
You see, the boys always play games when their dads not home. Today was Mikeys turn to be the main 'target' and the other three had to catch him. If the target gets away, he wins! If the other three catch him, they win. Mikey was not expecting the surprise tickle attack, but he guessed it was just his older brothers messing with him....
He'll get them next time. 
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