#or work with each other to opposite ends?
vivwritesfics · 14 hours
Her bed is too comfy for Bucky. But she has a solution
Fluff, fluff, so much fluff - but also I haven't written for this man in so long, it was like coming home
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Her bed was like a marshmallow. Now, to most, this was no bad thing. But Bucky Barnes wasn't most. He was a soldier, Sergeant James Barnes. He wasn't used to comfort.
They'd met in such a normal way for a super soldier. Bucky had been trying to date, he'd been trying for so long after… everything, that he'd given up hope.
But there she was, reaching for a coffee that wasn't hers because she was too tired to proper comprehend it.
Her own name was called just after (Bucky definitely hasn't been listening while she ordered her own coffee, who said that?) and Bucky picked up her coffee and carried it to the outside table she'd been sitting at. There she was, ready to lift his coffee to her own lips.
“I think you've got mine,” he said with a warm smile as he showed her her own name written on the side of her cup.
She paused, pulled the coffee away from her mouth and looked at the name on the cup. Her head fell forward, embarrassment written on her face. “And my name isn't Bucky,” she said and pushed the cup of coffee towards him. “What kinda a name is that, anyway? I've never met a Bucky before.”
“It's a nickname,” he began as he slipped into the seat opposite her and placed her coffee down in front of her. He held out his flesh hand. “The name's James.”
“How do you get Bucky from James?”
Things progressed from there. Conversation was easy, in a way it hadn't been on any of his other dates and, by the end of the night, he was asking her to dinner.
It was dinner. And then a movie date. And then the library. Picnic in the park, nature walks, they did it all.
The first time Bucky stayed over (which took some convincing. They'd been seeing each other for three weeks and she'd determined that, after watching movies on her couch, it was too late for him to travel through the city back home), he'd just laid awake, sleep unwilling to find him.
He couldn't sleep, anyway. Not with her sleeping on his flesh arm. He played with her hair, touch gentle to not wake her. A little while before he met her, he would have seen a monster as his vibranium fingers played with her hair.
It kept happening. It was almost like Bucky couldn't stay away. And, every time he slept in her bed, she ended up sleeping against him in some capacity. Laying on his arm, head against his chest, holding his hand as it was wrapped around her middle.
He'd get used to it, he told himself. Lay there long enough and he'd fall asleep eventually.
Well, that wasn't how it was panning out. Bucky remained away, plastering a smile on his exhausted face the next morning so that she wouldn't worry about it. For now, it was working. For now, he was happy to wear that smile while they drank coffee on her couch, her feet in his lap.
It was his third night in her bed and Bucky was exhausted. Maybe this was the point where he could finally fall asleep beside her, holding her close.
But no, that wasn't the case. Of course it wasn't, Bucky never got that lucky.
She'd started the night laying on his chest, lips parted as soft snores left her lips. Bucky had his arm around her, keeping her close as he shut his eyes and tried to force himself into sleeping (which we know didn't work).
She rolled away from him in her sleep, releasing him completely. Bucky stayed there, laying on his back as he looked at her. She looked so pretty when she slept, and he couldn't stop himself from being jealous.
Pushing himself up, Bucky sucked in a breath. He rubbed his hand over his face, momentarily shutting his tired eyes. Even with his eyes shut, it offered him no rest.
It was, well, bullshit.
As carefully as he could, Bucky climbed out of the bed. He tried to leave the sheets undisturbed, to keep her asleep. But there was little he could do to stop himself from reaching over and kissing her cheek.
He left the room after that, feet quiet and carefully as they carried his heavy, muscled body away. He pulled the door as close to shut as he could without it clicking shut.
Loose in the apartment, Bucky didn't know what to do with himself. He got himself something to drink and just looked through the fridge. He sat on the couch, patting his thick, muscled thigh as he silently flipped through channels.
But there wasn't much he could do. Part of him debated laying on the floor and attempting to sleep, but he couldn't. Not when she was in the next room, probably searching for his warmth.
Through his boredom, Bucky remained quiet. He couldn't imagine anything worse than waking her up, not when she was sleeping so peacefully.
Except she wasn't sleeping peacefully. It was the absence of him that woke her. She knew something was wrong, she just couldn't place it. But then she woke up and Bucky was gone. That was what was wrong.
Wrapping a blanket around her shoulders and slipping her feet into her slippers, she walked out of the bedroom.
“Buck?” She called, voice groggy as she walked towards the couch. He turned his head, watching as she made her way to him and climbed up onto the couch. Throwing one leg over his, she seated herself on his lap and wrapped her arms around him. “What're you doing out here?”
His hands were on her hips as he looked at her. “Couldn't sleep,” he replied and pulled her towards him.
The kiss he placed against her lips was soft, sweet, slight beard scratching against her cheek as he moved towards her neck.
“I missed you,” she replied as she settled against him.
Suddenly, Bucky's lips stopped moving against her neck. He released a sigh and pulled back to look at her tired face. “Do you wanna know why I haven't taken you back to my place yet?” He asked and she nodded her head, fingers dancing across his chest in a soothing manner. “It's because I don't have a bed.”
“You don't have a bed?” She asked, looking up into his blue eyes.
He shook his head. “No, doll, I don't have a bed,” he repeated, his own fingers moving up and down her sides. It wasn't ticklish. No, it had her damn near falling asleep. “I tried to sleep on a bed, got an expensive one for my apartment. Had it for a week before I got rid of it. When I tried laying on the floor, I actually got to sleep.”
Suddenly, she was standing. She grabbed two pillows from the sofa, held them against her chest and grabbed his hand. “C'mon,” she said and led him over to the empty corner of the room.
Throwing the pillows down, she sat and laid the blanket down on top of her. She patted the space beside her, looking up at her with her pretty eyes.
Bucky sat beside her. She pulled the blankets over his legs and then pushed his back against the pillow. “Doll,” he began as she rolled over, resuming her position from earlier. “You don't have to do this.”
“I want to,” she replied and kissed his shoulder.
“But you back-”
And then she was hushing him, shutting him up with a kiss. “Let me do this for you. Besides, if things get uncomfortable I can always lay on you, right?”
She settled down against him, eyes shutting. But seconds later, Bucky had her in his grasp. He rolled her over until she was laying on top of him and kissed the top of her head. “There,” he said against her hair. “That's better.”
And, that night, Bucky Barnes fell asleep.
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bunny584 · 1 day
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A/N: God I LOVE when you guys let me break the 4th wall. Most of you guys already know my specialty but in my junior years of residency I had to rotate on different services as part of training. Everyone loves a well rounded doctor. 
Anon, you’re insane for this ask. I could never write a full medical fan fic because it’s TOO close to home and I already spend 100 hours/week at the hospital I need to escape it somehow. 
Nevertheless, I’m SO happy to indulge you, baby. Let’s get into it. I’ll break this up into two parts. The Attendings, then The Residents. 
Dr. Satoru Gojo:
Most people incorrectly assume trauma surgeons to be stern and intense. I would argue that they are the opposite. They are so deeply unserious. My co-residents and I legit played pranks on our attendings 24/7 during the rotation - right up this blue-eyed psychopath’s alley. When push comes to shove, they get the job fucking done. The most calm under pressure. A patient comes in coding and requires a thoracotomy and its your first one. You have less than 5 minutes to access the heart and massage — Satoru would stand behind you. Steadying your hand. 
“Good. More pressure on the incision. Spread the fascia. Good. Don’t puncture the lung, they need that right?” 
And the second you get to the heart he gives you a tiny nod of approval. Takes over at the head of the bed. You’re in for a LONG OR night with Dr. G, hope you had dinner.
Dr. Suguru Geto: 
Alright chat, hear me out. I know what you are about to say. I am biased because it’s my specialty and the boy is fucking pretty. But contrary to popular belief aesthetic surgery is 10% of our field. We do burn, hand, bony and soft tissue craniofacial (cleft lip, palate, etc), cancer reconstruction, trauma reconstruction, etc. Suguru is meticulous. He can sew up a severed 4 mm peripheral nerve with his eyes closed. He demands perfection in EVERY case. In the OR he watches your hands like a hawk. 
“Don’t skive the blade or the dermis will be uneven.” “Approximate, don’t strangulate.” “Cut that stitch out and do it perfectly the next time.” 
And when it’s good. I mean fucking flawless. He looks at you over his mask with those violet eyes. ONLY smiling with his eyes. 
“Good job. Make it perfect next time.” — This is the highest form of praise you will ever receive from a plastic surgeon. We are chronically unimpressed. Take it and RUN. 
Dr. Kento Nanami:
Phew this one is going to make me emotional. Nanami has a very special and private ceremony he does to honor those that have given life to others with their bodies. He sits on the top of a hill by the airport. For each plane that takes off, he names a donor patient, thanks them, and says his goodbye. Your first kidney transplant (personal experience) you cry like a little baby when they pink up and the patient starts making urine at the end of the case. 
Nanami tilts his head and chuckles. “Congratulations, doctor. You just made your patient urinate. How does it feel?” 
For a patient who has been on Hemodialysis for a decade. Chained to machines 3x/week. Can’t remember the last time they’ve independently gone to the bathroom? It feels fucking amazing. You’d cry too. 
Dr. Ryomen Sukuna
Who here is shocked? Raise your hand? Because I don’t know WHAT contract the orthopods have with the Gods but every single one of them is 6’5, works out 3 times/day and drinks muscle milk in between cases. The thing about Ryo is that he doesn’t give a single FUCK if the patient is 99 years old on blood thinners, 10L of O2 at home because of COPD — he WILL take them to the OR and he WILL smash that hip to smithereens because a hip replacement is a hip replacement okay?
I kid you not, my attending and I came into the OR to finish reconstruction on an ortho case. I’m 5’3, my attending is 5’0. The orthopods were 6’5 and 6’6 the patient table was basically touching the ceiling. When we scrubbed in they had the audacity to say:
“Can we lower the table to plastics height?”
Dr. Shoko Ieiri 
This one is obvious. Neurosurgeons are brilliant. Naturally some of the most gifted humans I have ever met. Special grade. And given the unfortunate outcomes a lot of their patients face, they all have a darkness about them. Both charming and intimidating. Twisted humor to cope with devastating loss after loss. I don’t have to explain much here. After a 15 hour Chordoma case, Shoko walks outside the HOSPITAL to smoke a CIGAR.
Literally everyone is like???? Aren’t you a literal doctor??? Our moody brunette just takes a long drag and says:
“Do me a favor. If I ever need a ventilator to breathe for more than 48 hours, pull the plug and smother me with a pillow.” 
(Shoko I’m here anytime if you want someone to smother—what?! Who?)
Dr. Utahime Iori
Specialty: ANESTHESIA 
The Gas Gang. EVERYONE loves the anesthesiologists. Fiercely intelligent. Insane handle on physiology. The sleeper pick. They are the smartest person in the room. Surgeons are just fancy plumbers. Anesthesiologists actually keep the patient alive. And the thing about our Gas Gods, is that they WILL take a coffee break, ok? All that standing for 10 hours shit is NOT for them. 
Part II: Meet your first year residency class. Grunts. Bottom of the surgical food chain. Hope they slept after med school graduation because the first shift lasts 36 hours. And you work every second night until you drop.
Eat when you can. Sleep when you can. And DON'T fuck with the pancreas (and for the love of GOD don't fuck the attendings)
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adenobabe · 3 days
Let me help you darlin’
My first iii fic 🥹 there will be many more to come. I love this man so much and am truly feral for him in the smuttiest and sweetest ways!! 🌸
This is a long one….if you love iii as much as I do, I hope you enjoy! xx
Tags/warnings: sleep token iii x F!reader, no y/n, you’re his assistant, smut, fluff, slow burn (it’s worth it trust me), friends to lovers, iii is a sweetie and has a filthy mouth, teasing, oral (f receiving), explicit language, he talks you through it, praise kink, size kink, p in v (intercourse), love making if you squint, light choking, hand kink.
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It has been a very long tour. So much travelling, so many late nights and long hours but it’s also been one of the most rewarding experiences you have ever had. As the assistant to Vessel, iii, iv and ii you have naturally developed strong bonds with each of them. Whether it be coffee runs, admin work, organising their outfits, helping to apply their body paint, you were their right hand woman for everything. You truly loved every minute of it and made such special bonds with them all, especially iii. You both just clicked from the beginning. It was honestly impossible not to considering you were often sharing a tour bus with him and the rest of the boys. Most nights were spent playing Mario Kart or Fortnite with iii and eventually falling asleep on opposite ends of the couch together. Your giggles and laughs late into the night with each other filling the bus. None of the boys batted an eye though in fact they just enjoyed your company so much and how happy your friendship made iii.
Although you were beyond happy for the success of the tour and glad you were all going to finally be able to take a break, you couldn’t help but feel slightly upset at the fact that tonight was the last show. As you heard the crowd cheer for their closing, you saw iii come around first backstage. You watched him as he made his way through the crew. Things between yourself and iii were always kept at the friend level and you tried to remain professional in most settings, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the longing glances and attraction you both started to develop for one another over the past few months. Really from the moment you both met. You’d always found iii so incredibly attractive, you’d never admitted it to him of course, always trying to push it away or push down the feelings and thoughts you had about him. The sexual tension had been building for quite a while now, especially living in such close quarters with him. You just couldn’t deny the pull to him you felt. Every time you saw him you felt yourself spiralling, your heart would race and your thoughts battling between he’s your friend stop it and god just take me now. And in this moment you definitely could not ignore the wetness pooling in your panties and the throbbing between your legs you felt seeing him masked up, his hair hanging over his face and sweat dripping down his neck leaving a trail of peeled back paint his bare skin peeking through, as he made his way through backstage. Oh god he looked so hot.
His eyes lit up as soon as he spotted you amongst the crew making a b-line straight for you. “There you are, love!” You snapped out of your lustful thoughts, and relaxed the suddenly apparent tight grip you had on your clipboard. You beamed up at iii, his height towering over you. “You did so great out there! What a way to end the tour!” You said with such pride. “Thank you love we could not have done this without you, I really mean it.” He leaned down for a hug and lifted you up catching you by surprise. You giggled as the clipboard you were holding fell on the floor. “Oopsie sorry my bad darlin!” iii said as he put you back down. You both went to reach for it bumping heads. “Oh god love I am so sorry! I didn’t mean-” he placed his hand on your forehead “no no it’s fine I’m so stupid!” You laughed. iii delicately held your forehead in his hands and you met each others gaze his hand dropping to the side of your cheek. You felt your cheeks blush under his big hands his eyes wandering to your lips and back up to your eyes. “You look really beautiful tonight love.” You held his gaze, unable to say anything back shocked by his compliment, his big beautiful blue eyes staring into yours before suddenly seeing Vessel come into your peripheral as he made his way off stage. “Sorry I um l didn’t mean to- is your forehead okay?” iii quickly took his hands off you and straightened himself up. You nodded back at him “yeah I’m okay…I better go check to see if anyone needs um water…” You hurried off, accidentally leaving your clipboard behind in your flustered state making your way straight out the venue to the tour bus.
As you made your way inside you sat on one of the couches in a huff and turned the A/C on desperate to cool yourself down. You couldn’t stop thinking about iii’s hands on you, how big they were how good his hand would feel around your throat and his fingers inside- did he really mean what he said? no stop he is your boss, your friend. You had already blurred the lines so much considering you spent most nights gaming together and developed such a close friendship not to mention how much just a graze of his finger or his eyes on you you lit up a fire deep in your core.
The boys wouldn’t be back for a while so you knew you had some time to get dressed up before joining them for a big celebratory drinks and dinner with the rest of the crew. You sat for a moment your thoughts spinning when suddenly you realised how quiet it was, it was the first time in weeks you were completely alone and if you’re being honest it had also been weeks since you had gotten off, there was never any privacy. With the sexual tension between you and iii brewing it was becoming torturous not being able to let all of it out. There were times you tried to but with iii sleeping right above you in his bunk, you just knew you wouldn’t be able to contain your pathetic whimpers as you played with yourself thinking about his fingers being your own. Perhaps you could take some time to sort yourself out before getting dressed up to go out for dinner you thought to yourself. You needed this out of your system.
After having a cool shower you dried yourself off and threw on a robe making your way back to the couch. As you got yourself comfortable you closed your eyes, took some slow deep breaths, and let your mind wander soon enough landing on iii. Your mind was racing with the thought of him between your legs eating you out or him towering over you his hand on your throat ramming his cock into you making you take all of him. You were desperate to hear him moan in your ear or have his hands in your hair as you take him in your mouth and down your throat. You couldn’t contain yourself anymore and slipped your fingers down into your panties gathering your slick to rub long big circles on your clit teasing yourself, your robe falling down your shoulders. Your breath hitched throwing your head back as you bucked your hips up desperate for more. God this felt so good. You slid your panties down your legs allowing your legs to fall open spreading them out on the couch. Your fingers quickened around your clit in fast tight small circles, pumping your fingers in and out of your dripping hole, your climax building as you moaned getting lost in the feeling and fantasy of iii filling and stretching you out “oh iii fuck baby.” Your breath quickened, moans leaving your lips completely letting yourself get lost in your fantasy. Just as you were about to reach your high, the door to the bus opened suddenly and iii entered, your clipboard in his hand. Your eyes shot open you froze in disbelief your fingers still inside of you. He saw the panic on your face as he stood there in shock seeing you sprawled out on the couch your pussy dripping and the flustered look on your face. You saw his eyes drop to your fingers, the sound of the clipboard dropping to the floor quickly bringing you back to reality.
You quickly closed your legs scrambling to use your robe to cover yourself. “Fuck oh god iii I am..I am so sorry I um-” you cheeks flushed intensely as you stood up and tightened your robe. “I am so sorry I-you left your clipboard I came to bring it back I didn’t mean to walk in on you-” iii picked up your clipboard and set it down on the table. “NO I um- fucking hell, it’s okay I didn’t know you would be back for a while I well I just needed some alone time you know? It’s been a while and god this is so embarrassing.” You awkwardly crossed your arms and looked down at the floor. “I get it trust me, I’m sorry I ruined it for you I could tell you were close. You um you look really beautiful like that actually.” iii moved closer to you. “You-you what?” You looked at him in disbelief the aching between your legs building again just at his words. “Yeah, I could tell by that pretty look on your face you were close.” He placed his hand under your chin moving your face to meet his gaze, “You know….I could help you with that darlin.” iii stood in front of you looking down at you. His hand moved to yours bringing your fingers to his mouth taking his mask off. You watched him transfixed on him, your heart racing and your knees getting weak as he put your fingers in his mouth licking and sucking them clean, the same fingers you were just using to play with yourself. “Fuck you taste so good, love. You have no idea how long I’ve been desperate to taste you, to kiss you, to make you cum over and over again.” He moved his hand to your cheek “Tell me you feel the same way. Tell me I’m not absolutely mad for thinking you want this just as much as I do.” He says running his hand through your hair lingering as he brings his hand down your neck gently moving his thumb over your pulse. You take his hand in yours moving his hand down to your wetness. You moan at the contact as you confess to him “feel that? That’s because of you. You have no idea how crazy you make me. For weeks I’ve wanted nothing more than your hands on me or in me. Just the thought of you makes me so wet.” you move his fingers around your clit whimpering. iii’s eyes grow darker as he feels your wetness dripping onto his fingers “fuck” is all that leaves his lips as barely a whisper.
All his patience gone now that he knows you want him just as bad as he wants you, the months of sexual tension erupting inside of him and finally his lips are on yours passionately groaning into your mouth as he holds your face with his other hand. You moan into his mouth the feeling of him rubbing circles on your clit, his tongue now in your mouth making you head fuzzy and the warm feeling in the pit of your stomach grow again. iii pulls away from the kiss “You sure about this love” his lips hovering over yours, his other hand caressing your cheek and moving your hair behind your shoulder. “More than anything iii, please I need you.” iii smiles back at you his lips back on yours as he picks you up wrapping your legs around him neither of you breaking the kiss. His big hands holding your legs around him pressing you into him as he moves them underneath your ass his long fingers grazing your aching core. You can feel how hard he is underneath his pants, his hard cock pressing into your stomach begging for release. He moves you both the edge of the couch setting you down and dropping to his knees. He pulls you by your legs closer to him. “Lay back for me love need to taste your pretty pussy.” You lay back as iii’s gaze drops to your dripping mess below. You watch him as he spreads your legs resting your calves on his shoulders. “Fuck me you are so perfect.” His hands smooth up and down your thighs moving over your lower stomach taking in the site before him before bringing one hand to rest on your thighs the other rubbing through your folds his two fingers rubbing up and down gathering your wetness. You moan watching him as he teases your clit moving his two fingers up and down slowly. “Mmm that feel good baby? Look at how wet you are. A dripping mess all for me? I’m so lucky.” You buck your hips at him the feeling of his long fingers moving achingly slow over your clit sending jolts of pleasure through you. “Oh yeah that definitely feels good doesn’t it? I’ll speed up soon baby just want to savour this as long as I can. I’ve waited so so long.”
He moves his hands down your thighs moving himself closer to your pussy your thighs on his shoulder as he brings his hands to rest on your sides caressing you gently with his thumbs. He looks up at you, your breath hitching as he gets achingly closer. You watch him below you holding his gaze as he kisses your clit before licking a long stripe all the way from your dripping hole to your clit, kissing it again sucking gently. You moan tightening your thighs around him locking your legs behind his head. Running your fingers through his hair gently tugging earning yourself a groan from him. “Jesus fucking Christ you taste so good I could do this forever.” His hands held your sides his long fingers resting below your breasts. “iii please-” you pleaded his slow pace and gentle kisses driving you crazy your wetness dripping down his chin. “I know, I know darling. You’re doing so well. Just so beautiful.” His fingers replacing his tongue as he calmed you down with his voice. “Feels so good hmm? How about this?” He pushed two fingers into your pussy moaning as the sounds of your wet squelching filled the room his fingers stroking a spot in you that made you clench around him. “Want me to go faster honey? You look so fucking hot with my fingers inside of you.” he asked as he pumped his fingers in and out of you “want you to fucking suffocate me with your pussy.” His tongue back on your clit his gaze up at you watching you get closer and closer to coming undone for him. You could barely let out a coherent thought your mouth open your chest heaving up and down as you could feel his pace quickening his face fully buried in you now, squirming under his hands holding you in place your breathy moans becoming louder nearly screaming in pleasure as he sucked on your clit. “iii oh god I’m so close you’re gonna make me cum. Don’t stop.” He moaned against your clit moving his hands to your hips pulling you closer to him, sending vibrations through you and tipping you over the edge your pussy clenching around his fingers, weeks of pent up sexual frustration spilling down his chin dripping to the floor below you both. His fingers fucking you through your orgasm and tongue working quick over your clit he glanced up at you watching you come undone for him, because of him, it drove him crazy, grinding his hard cock into the couch desperate for some kind of friction, his cock leaking precum into his boxers.
Waves of pleasure continued to wash over you, your vision blurry and your legs still shaking as iii slowly pulled his fingers out of you bringing them up to his mouth to taste you one last time. “That was the hottest thing I have ever seen. You are so beautiful when you cum for me.” You looked up at him his tall figure coming into focus as you felt his hand move to the side of your face caressing your cheek. “You okay love?” You nodded in response “best orgasm of my life.” You pull him to you gently kissing his lips, tasting yourself on his tongue, as iii moves you back onto the couch him laying on top of you between your legs your robe discarded somewhere on the floor.
You move your hands up his torso and down to his pants. “You’re still fully clothed, that’s not fair now is it?” You smiled up at him as you sat up reaching to push his pants down his cock desperately hard a wet spot on his boxers. Your eyes widen at the size of him, even in his boxers he looks so big. Your pussy throbs at the excitement and nervousness of feeling him fill you up and being inside of you. iii sees your reaction and kisses your forehead and moves your hand over him. “Feel how hard you make me? Every single day for months I’ve been achingly hard for you desperate to fuck your pretty pussy.” He whispers against your lips kissing your cheek down your jaw to your neck. You move your hand to his waistband pushing them down freeing him from his boxers. “Fuck” he hisses through his teeth feeling the cool air on him bucking his cock into your hand. You stroke his long thick veiny length his hand coming to rest behind your head kissing you and moaning into your mouth thrusting himself into your hand. “iii you’re…you’re so big.” You say against his lips as you gather your slickness moving it over the tip of his cock. iii groaned at the feeling hanging his head over you his hair tickling your face. “My sweet boy.” You say as you move his hair from his face tucking it behind his ears. “Making my cock leak so much, so hard for you love.” His breath hitched as you continued to work over the tip of his cock moving down his shaft, lightly tugging on his balls. “Here baby let me make you more comfortable.” You moved his pants and boxers down more throwing them and his shirt somewhere across the room. You caught a glimmer of nervousness in him that made your heart swell. “Doing alright sweet?” “Never better” he smiled at you as you brought his face back down to yours kissing him deeply. iiis hands moved to your legs spreading them to rest himself between them. Sitting up he wrapped his hand around his cock moving it up and down your wet folds groaning at the slickness covering him lightly tapping on your clit sending jolts through your body. You grabbed for him bringing him back down as you wrapped your legs around him moving against his cock coatings your wetness over him. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you realised you were about to be stretched out and filled to the brim by the man you’ve been pining for, for so long. Seeing him like this, so hard and desperate for you, grinding against you made your head dizzy and your desire grow and grow. iii kissed down your neck sucking and biting at your skin licking the wound that was sure to leave a mark. You didn’t care, you wanted him to claim you as his.
iii moved his hand back down to his cock pressing his tip at the entrance of you his eyes on you watching you as he pushed in inch by inch. “Fuck. That’s it love, relax for me doing so well.” His size bigger than you’ve ever experienced before, he filled you completely to the brim inch by inch stretching you so good. “Oh god-” your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he filled you completely bottoming out in you, your pussy clenching around him. iii stilled in you letting you adjust to his size. “Fuck you’re so tight around me. Feel so fucking good.” He leaned down his hand guiding you to look at him before kissing your lips. With your legs wrapped around him he started moving in and out of you slowly, moans and curses leaving both of your mouths as you met him with each thrust in disbelief with how good he felt, how good he was making you feel. You’ve never had someone make you completely lose yourself in ecstasy and moan in the ways you are right now. It was truly heaven. You felt so close to him so intimate with him. iii moved the hair out of your face, thrusting in and out of you, moaning against your lips “so beautiful. Taking me so well. Want to be inside you forever.” You felt his cock twitching in you as he moved his hand down between you rubbing circles on your clit, your breathing becoming erratic again breathy moans and whimpers escaping your lips your fingernails digging into his back. “That’s it baby. You sound like heaven. Making me so feral for you seriously.” You moved his hand desperately to your throat your hand on top of his, his eyes going wide. “Need your big hands around my throat.” “Fuck.” He kept his hand around your throat gently pressing the sides of your neck and releasing as he pumped in and out of you quicker his other hand continuing to rub circles around your clit. You felt your climax building and building as iii pressed his forehead against yours, breathing into each other “fuck iii I’m so close.” “Me too baby cum for me, cum all around my cock.” iii kept his pace in and out of you circling your clit staring into each others eyes, you came undone again throbbing and tightening around his cock, your back arching off the couch and mouth falling open, your orgasm ripping through you from head to toe you swore you died and went to heaven. iii’s hands were all over you as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm your moans spurring him on. He linked his arms under your thighs pressing them into the mattress, pumping in and out of you faster, and groaning against your lips “oh fuck take all of me in your pussy, feel all of me, you feel so good.” The squeezing of you around him milking his cock, his thrusts becoming erratic. You held him close your orgasm washing over you, grabbing his face to look at you spurring him on as he chased his release “look at me when you cum in me iii. You feel so big so thick and big inside of me.” iii came hard moaning against your lips his head falling to the side of you as hot ropes of cum painted your insides. The feeling of him twitching inside of you, his praises and moans bringing you close to yet another orgasm. iii kept fucking into you slowly, his cock still hard riding his high until he stilled in you both of you coming down from your highs. He kissed you slowly with so much passion savouring the taste of you on his lips, butterflies growing in your stomach again. “I could do this all night. Want to be inside you forever.” You moved his hair out of his face looking into his eyes “me too baby.” You and iii spent another hour making each other come undone over and over the dinner you were meant to be having with the rest of the boys and crew becoming a lost thought.
Ok I could write forever about this man. Byeeeee!
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astroamorsworld · 10 hours
Astrology Observations #26
If you guys would like to show your support, you can buy me a coffee here :)
I’m starting to compile a list of reviews for readings on my masterlist so check it out if you’d like😊
If you guys would like a reading, feel free to DM me or fill out my Google form here
Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. Enjoy!
Please do not copy my work.
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🍿Someone I know has a Scorpio ruled 7th house and through their past relationships have been victims of witchcraft because of it. Whether it was their partners paying people to do spells on them or someone their partners were previously involved with or someone their partners were close with, its been a somewhat common occurrence for this person unfortunately☹️
(And i don’t think having a neptune there helped either…😕)
🍿Those of you who have your Moon in the 8th house, do you like horror films? Like it’s something i’ve noticed with a few people i know and i personally dislike a lot of them👎
🍿As a girl with a Gemini Juno, funny guys are my absolute weakness😩😩 Gemini Sun men also. In fact just all men with Gemini placements. Does this apply to you guys with your Juno placement?
🍿Aquarius risings are so cool, love them😚
🍿Since the 12th house rules bed pleasures, how many of your 12th housers like really and i mean REALLY like your bed. Like in fact do you guys ever like leaving your house?
🍿If you have Uranus in the 4th house, if you’d like to, tell me what your family does that you think no other family does🤔
🍿Everytime I have my Moon in the 8th house in my lunar return chart, something always comes to an end. Do you guys notice the same thing with your lunar return charts or nah
🍿Not an observation but I have Pluto in the 8th house at 29 degrees for my solar return chart this year and I am a little frightened icl… have any of you guys had this placement in your sr charts? If so, what happened that year?
🍿Living on your Saturn MC line is soooo tough😩feeling like life is harder for you than most ppl is NOT it😭😭
🍿Leo Risings, do your relationships ever stem from a friends to lovers type situation or nah?
🍿Now i know i’ve mentioned this before in a previous post but I just wanna say again that having a Moon-Chiron conjunction in your sr chart absolutely sucks. A year where you can really be going through it😖😖😖
🍿I currently have Neptune in the 1st opposite mars AND mercury in the 7th house in my sr chart and i can tell you that the daydreaming about being in a relationship has gone into overdrive…😔
🍿I also have my 5th house ruler conjunct chiron in my sr chart and heartbreak has occurred… so if you have it in your sr chart you may wanna brace yourself😫
(I thought my sr chart was gonna be really good but I was unfortunately blind to every other placement in my chart but my major 7th house stellium… REMEMBER GUYS A 7TH HOUSE STELLIUM CAN INDICATE GAINING BEST FRIENDS AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A RELATIONSHIP😭😭
🍿A more straightforward observation but having Chiron in the 11th house of a SR chart can indicate losing some friends… like not necessarily in the typical way where you guys fall out, but it could be a scenario where they move away, or you guys can’t see each other as often for whatever reason.
🍿I feel like living on your Saturn MC line can also indicate getting into more problems with authority figures and more so them starting problems with you… they can turn into absolute f***ing b****rds out of nowhere… sorry i just have some trauma with members of authority😭😭
🍿I have my sun at 10 degrees and a 10th house stellium… I wonder if thats why i’ve always felt like i had an old soul… this is probably why my family always says to me that i’m a grandma😭😭
🍿7th house ruler in the 10th house of a sr chart can indicate meeting someone at work
🍿In a few months Jupiter will conjunct my natal Juno… I wonder what’ll happen then?🤔
🍿I feel like Gemini Mercury’s multitask a lot. Like A LOT. It’s almost tiring to watch them do it tbh😭
🍿I feel like having a Leo ruled 5th house can indicate attracting partners who worship you.
This was different from my other observations but I hope you guys still enjoyed it😭
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avonne-writes · 2 days
A quick birthday drabble for @swifty-fox 🩷🎂 Happy birthday, dear!
Here's Chick Harding's POV, picking up from the end of my latest HS AU chapter. It’s Gale's 18th birthday 😊
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When Georgia said she was going to go get the birthday cake they ordered for Gale, Neil thought she'd be back in half an hour. But it's been two hours and there's still no sign of her. As he predicted, the boys didn’t really need any distraction at first, but when he hears the sound of them coming down from upstairs, he knows that time's up. He’s gonna have to cover for Georgia or spoil the surprise. From his seat in the old armchair, he increases the volume of the soccer game he’s watching and pretends to be engrossed in it. He hopes that it catches their attention instead of the empty driveway.
As they approach, he hears them rib each other about one of those video games they play online with their friends, then Bucky throws himself down on one end of the sofa, Gale on the other. Bucky stretches his lanky limbs wide and yawns.
"Chelsea-Arsenal?" He says before he has even closed his mouth. "Ugh, that was one shitty game. Look at that corner. Did he wanna shoot a pigeon or something?"
Neil chuckles. He loves that Bucky has no filter whatsoever when he's comfortable, and it fills him with warmth that they are close enough now to share mundane moments like this. It feels like belonging. He feels blessed that he took his chance and asked Georgia out that hazy summer day one and a half years ago. Every day with her and her family has been a gift so far. Even the hard ones.
At the thought, he glances over at Gale, who's staring out the window instead of watching the game. His legs are curled up under him. On the opposite end, Bucky swings his own up on the cushions to sprawl sideways on the couch. He’s too long to fit, but instead of settling down with his knees pulled up, he starts kneading at Gale’s thigh with his feet. Gale ignores him. How, Neil can’t fathom, but the boy looks like he’s so used to that kind of behaviour that it doesn't even register to him.
"Where's Georgia?" He asks Neil after a moment.
There’s an edge to his voice that Neil can’t place, something anxious. Always so hard to read. Neil wishes he could just comfort him with a hug, a friendly clap on the back or a terrible soccer game rerun, but Gale continues to be unreceptive to him. It makes sense, he thinks, stomping down on the anger rising in his chest as he thinks of Gale's father. Gale doesn’t know, but he and Neil had an altercation after they moved Gale out. But Neil can be intimidating if he wants to be. He doubts that the alcoholic bastard is going to cause them trouble again.
"Getting some groceries." Neil lies smoothly.
Bucky groans. "What groceries? Fridge is chock full already, there's nowhere to put it."
"Damned if I know, boy." Neil spreads his hands, faking indifference. It works seamlessly on Bucky, but a hint of sadness appears on Gale’s blank face.
"I would've gone with her if I'd known."
No wonder that Georgia asked Neil to cover for her. She must have known that Gale would want to spend time with her today and to help out wherever he can.
Neil opens his mouth to say something but Bucky beats him to it. "I can take you to Walmart if you want."
Amusement tugs Gale's lips into a smile. "Walmart?"
"Anywhere you want." Bucky straightens his legs to plop them on Gale’s lap. He scratches his chest. "See? Chivalry isn’t dead."
Gale's smile widens, digging into the apples of his cheeks. He shoves Bucky's legs off.
To Neil's relief, the sound of tires rolling on the driveway and a purring engine interrupt the conversation. Finally! She's back, and Neil hasn't fucked up and ruined the surprise yet. He pushes himself up from his seat and stretches, cracking his spine. Bucky yawns again, then gets up to walk off towards the front door with resignation, expecting bag upon bag of food that he’ll have to haul in from the car. Neil is about to follow him when he hears Gale's tentative voice.
"Yeah, buddy?"
He can count the number of times Gale addressed him directly on one hand. He turns to look at him curiously. Gale is taller than him, but he looks small as he smooths a hand over his long hair in discomfort.
"I was wondering..." Gale clears his throat, then stands up straight and looks Neil in the eye. "...if you knew any part-time jobs you could recommend. Maybe at a garage? Or something. I can learn anything."
Neil hums, impressed. "I'm sure we can find something." An idea occurs to him. "You’re good with spreadsheets, aren't you?"
When Gale nods, he grins. "I think I have just the thing for you."
That draws a smile to Gale's lips too.
The front door opens, and first Bucky, then Georgia walks in, twin grins on their faces, eyes squinting in their joy. Her auburn hair looks windswept, tumbling over her knitted green scarf, and her cheeks are flushed from the cold. Neil wants to sweep her into his arms and kiss her skin warm again, wants to hear her laugh against his chest.
But he’s not the one getting hugs and kisses today. It's not his day, and he doesn’t mind it one bit, because he gets to see Gale's expression shift from curiosity to surprise, then joy as he spots the box Georgia carries carefully to the kitchen. She sets it down on the table and opens the carton to reveal Gale's cake. It’s covered in fondant decorations shaped like his favourite things, and cursive letters wish him a happy birthday in the middle of it.
"Oh." He says when he sees it, then looks up at her.
Neil can’t see his expression but he sees hers crumple for a moment as she pulls him into a hug and kisses the side of his face. She closes her eyes as she holds him close.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart."
Gale mumbles a thank you into her shoulder.
After a moment, Bucky steps closer too and wraps his long arms around them both. That makes them all laugh. For a second, Neil feels out of place, but they pull back from the embrace, and the next thing Georgia does is drawing Neil into one too. She smells like the sweetest flowers and fresh winter air, like Christmas and home. To Neil, she's all that and more.
She gives him a sheepish smile when she steps back. "How did you know I was going to get groceries too?"
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creadigol · 2 days
Hello i just recently found this blog and i'm in love with your writing.
Can you please continue the hero x villain story with the criminal please?
I am so sorry for the long wait…but here it finally is! Thank you so much for the ask! I hope y’all like part 2! 
*Warning for slight flashbacks of a traumatic event, but nothing bad.
Part One here.
“Once again Detective, I have no answers to your questions, I have no clue where they are, and if you don’t leave my property within the next thirty seconds I claim the right to shoot you for trespassing.” 
 Hero heard the voice below them speak with little attempt at patience. Their eyes were heavy and their body felt like lead, but their ears seemed to awaken with no problem. Why would Villain be threatening to shoot Detective? Hero had thought the two tended to keep out of each other’s way. Wait, why was Hero asleep in the same vicinity as Villain in the first place? 
“I know you have them! All accounts place you following Hero into the house! Dammit Villain! What happened?” 
God, Hero had never heard Detective so worked up before. The man was usually made of stone, even in the face of absolute evil. Hell, Hero once saw the man play a game of russian roulette with a mob boss and win through sheer intimidation. How had Villain got him so worked up? Of course they were enemies, being on opposite sides of a moral code tended to do that…but they had never been outright hostile to each other. 
“Fifteen…sixteen…seventeen…” Villain counted. Hero could just picture them casually looking at their watch while unholstering a weapon. 
“Fine!” Screamed Detective. “But don’t think I won’t be back! I’ll not rest until Hero is found!” 
Hero heard the stomping of boot heels on the walk. 
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have lost them in the first place!” Villain yelled back. 
“Fuck you!” 
Hero fought to open their eyes. They moved their fingers and toes, feeling like they were some kind of mummy awakening after centuries of death. 
What was Detective talking about? Hero was right here. They had just finished up another case for them when…
The memory flashed before their eyes…the Criminal…the knife…that goddamn smile as Hero bled onto the kitchen floor…the fear…Villain!
No amount of lead in their veins could keep them down at the thought. Hero shot out of the plush bed with speed their body was not ready for. 
The window to their right was open, that must be how they heard the conversation at the front door, and Hero stumbled towards it. It took a moment, as their foot got caught in the exceptionally soft bedspread, but they made it. 
Hero stood to the side, not wanting anyone outside to see them in such a state of weakness…nor did they want Detective to see them…and looked out. Sure enough, this was Villains street…at least this was the street of their safe house. Hero had found it six months ago while following Villain after a deal gone wrong. They had just wanted to make sure Villain wasn’t too beat up…they ended up staying all night wrapping the Villains wounds. 
Hero assumed Villain would have changed houses after that. Guess not. 
Hero watched as Detective stomped angrily to his silver sedan. Now how had Detective found the safe house? And why did he not just raid the place? Why put up with Villain’s taunts if he knew Hero was here? 
Hero took stock of the room. It was a nice bedroom, rather typical. Blue walls and a matching white and blue quilt. There was a small dresser, night stand and desk that looked like they were bought together at the local Big Lots. Nothing expensive, like how Villain usually liked. Nothing gleaming of elegance or gilding. Nothing special…but comfortable. Actually really comfortable. And kind of cute. 
Nothing at all like Villain. 
A shuffling outside the bedroom door made Hero stiffen. The door opened revealing Villain, still muttering to themselves about ‘nosy, pain in the ass detectives’. Hero stayed frozen by the window. 
Villain was carrying a tray with a sup and bowl on it, something steaming from the bowl when they glanced at the bed and saw it was empty. 
“Shit!” They swung around frantically, somehow not spilling anything, and immediately laid eyes on Hero. 
“Hero!” Villain gasped. They placed the tray on the nightstand as the tension in their shoulders released. “What in the hell are you doing up? Do you have any idea wha…”
“Where am I?” Hero interrupted them. Villain froze. “What the hell is going on?” 
Villain’s eyebrows scrunched. “Hero…” They started. “Do you remember what happened? I mean, I understand if not…” 
“Of course I remember,” Hero snapped. “But that does not explain why I’m in your safe house or why Detective was here.” 
“Fuck. I knew his voice carried,” muttered Villain. They looked at Hero, seeming to take in their appearance, which Hero felt was probably not great. “You were stabbed Hero. It was bad…really bad. I had to heal you, but…” Villain gestured vaguely. 
“You redirected my body’s energy to heal the wound,” Hero finished. That’s why they were sleeping. That’s why they had no energy to spare. 
“You should still be out,” Villain said as they walked forward. “I estimated at least another week, if not more. Had planned on Doctor giving you an IV tonight.” 
Hero looked down at themselves and took stock of their appearance. Their hair was down, though that had happened during their scuffle with Criminal, and their arms were bruised. Finger prints littered their wrists and elbows. They lifted the front of their t-shirt and glanced at their stomach. Only a slight discoloration showed any sign of the life threatening injury they had received. 
“How long was I out?” 
“Four days. Detective’s been following me incessantly after they couldn’t find you in that damn house.” 
Villain had walked to only an arm's length away. Seeming reluctant to come any closer, yet holding themselves as if to reach out. 
“Followed you here I see,” Hero said. They traced their fingers over the discoloration on their stomach. 
Hero let the shirt fall back down and only then comprehended their attire.
“Did you dress me in your pajamas?” Hero asked incredulously. 
Villain laughed, “Well your clothes were ruined and there wasn’t much else here.”
“You didn’t…” Hero gave them a look that promised quick vengeance should they hear the wrong answer to their question. 
“I was perfectly professional, I assure you. Nothing but doctoring on my part.” Villain clapped them on the shoulder. “You should get back to bed though. You still need time to recover.” 
Hero was feeling faint standing, so they agreed and got back into the bed. They got situated under the covers, but sat up by the headboard. Villain stood hovering for a moment before stepping back.
“Why did Detective need to follow you? Why not just tell him I’m here?” Hero eyed Villain as they fiddled with the covered steaming bowl, “Not like saving my life is very illegal. Unless you..you know.” 
Hero didn’t finish as they thought about Villain’s words to them before they passed out. 
Best not to look to your right though…you have too fair a disposition to look at Criminal now.
“Criminal’s alive,” Villain spoke as if reading their mind. “Did my best, but the bastard lived.” 
Hero felt their insides freeze. 
You really are perfect aren't you?
Let’s not prolong this dear. 
“They’re secured in the hospital ward of the prison.” Villain sat down on the edge of the bed and placed their hand over Hero’s pale one. “You got enough for the case while you were undercover. Better than a confession.” 
Villain made eye contact, “They’re never getting out Hero. And if they did, I would finish the job.” 
Hero smiled softly. “I have no doubt you would finish the job now if I asked.” 
Villain chuckled, “Wouldn’t be the worst job I ever took.” 
“But why Detective?” Asked Hero. 
“But why Detective what?” Villain said. They patted Hero’s hand and got up to go back to the tray once more. 
“Why lie about saving me?” 
Villain took the top off the bowl and Hero saw that it contained hot water and a white cloth. 
“Should have known you’d have heard that. Damn hearing.” 
“Why?” Hero pressed. 
Villain handed them a hair tie. “Because I don’t trust him. Or at least I don’t trust who he works for.” 
Hero pulled their hair into a bun. “Why?”
Villain swirled the cloth through the water a couple of times. Hero could smell what they assumed were salts or oils mixed in. 
“They never should have called you in,” Villain spoke.
Hero reached out for the cloth, “They call me in all the time.” 
The cloth stayed in Villain’s hand, submerged in water. “They don’t for the petty stuff.” 
“Well this wasn’t exactly petty. Criminal was the killer we’ve been looking for.” 
“Exactly!” The water sloshed with Villain’s outburst. “All the victims look like you. All the Criminal’s ‘types’ look like you. Every outfit, hair style, and mannerism was just like you. Criminal’s had an obsession for a while Hero and those bastards banked on it.” 
Hero faltered. 
“You’re saying they tricked me to get them?” 
“I’m saying something’s going on and until we figure it out you’re not safe to go back.” 
Villain handed them the warm cloth. “Yeah…damn.” 
The scent infused water felt heavenly on Hero’s neck and face. They wondered if this was how Villain kept them clean while they slept. 
“So what do we do?” 
“You,” Villain pointed, “rest. At least for the next couple of days.”
“And you?” Hero handed the cloth back. 
“I’m going to pay the good Commissioner a little visit this week.” 
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thedemiseofdj · 1 day
I have way too much to say about Jason Grace as a character so I might as well start here. I will also preface that while I might be critical of things in the Riordanverse, I do like it, I just think Jason in particular was done hella dirty. I’m also not working with a fully fresh memory of the franchise so if I say something stupid feel free to yell at me.
The relationship between Percy Jackson and Jason Grace was underwhelming, but it could’ve been a lot better. I think it boils down to three main areas: their rivalry, their relationship as foils and their eventual friendship
As Rivals
Jason and Percy’s rivalry basically boils down to “They fought because they were possessed,” and I think that they could’ve had plenty of reason to actually not like each other. This is part of my belief that the HoO series could’ve been longer to flesh out a lot of stuff. But I do believe that it’s bizarre that Percy and Jason meet, initially get along, and then come to blows in the same book. I know they were possessed, but that didn’t have to be the case. I think there were some things that Rick could’ve used to give them actual reasons to fight
I think it would boil down to two types of reasons: a systemic one and a “personal” one.
For Jason, I believe it was canon that the gods didn’t pay too much attention to Roman demigods, so it would’ve been interesting to have him go on a Greek quest while his memories are returning, see the amount of involvement from the gods and go: “So y’all can help, but the choose not to help the Romans? Fuck that!” I think the second reason that Jason would have to not like Percy would be to have him see how much the Greeks care about getting Percy back and contrast that to the Romans, who didn’t look for him and went as far as to replace him and you have Jason go: “Fuck That!” This would eventually turn into “Fuck Percy Jackson,” because even though Jason’s not really mad at Percy, he’s the poster boy for what Jason is really mad at
For Percy, you have him see the safety net that the Roman demigods have in New Rome and go: “Why don’t the Greeks have something similar? Fuck that!”. You can also have Percy find out that while he pretty much lost eight months in the blink of an eye, Jason was only asleep for a few days and go: “Fuck that!” This turns into a “Fuck Jason Grace” attitude because Jason is also the poster boy for what Percy is actually mad at
All in all, I don’t believe that they need actual personal gripes with each other, they just need to view each other as the easy target for the actual things they’re mad at.
They would eventually do fight, but not right away. In an ideal world where there is more space in the narrative(more/longer books), there would be at least a whole book where Percy and Jason just don’t get along. However, they wouldn’t come to blows by themselves. This is where the eidolons come in. Instead of it being a full possession like it was in the books, it could’ve been that the eidolons just stoked the tension that was already bubbling under the surface.
Who wins this fight? I would want it to be Jason(probably because I like the character and project on him way too much to have him lose). But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter who wins, it just matters that the truth comes to light and they eventually talk it out.
As Foils
Jason and Percy could’ve been interesting foils because they both occupy the same space, both being big three powerhouses and leaders at their respective camps. However, they operate completely differently.
Both of them are opposites when it comes to their personality. Percy is a much more untamed, free-spirited rebel while Jason, even though he chafed under rules, still followed them. They are such opposites to the point where some characters that like one, automatically don’t like the other(Annabeth to Jason and Piper to Percy).
Percy is the type to sacrifice the world to save the people he cares about. And while I personally don’t believe that Jason is the ‘needs of the many’ type, he’s certainly not gonna go that far
They are also interesting in how similar they are.
On a basic level, both of them are good people who want to do the right thing, but it goes far deeper than that
I have a headcannon that Jason Grace’s fatal flaw is ‘Self Sacrifice’(I might get into this more in another post). This gives Jason an equally “job interview-y” flaw to Percy’s ‘Personal Loyalty’(as much as I love that being Percy’s fatal flaw, it is very much like when someone says “I’m too *insert good trait*” for the greatest weakness question in a job interview, at least in my opinion)
As Friends
Like I said before, Percy and Jason occupy the same space, so they both can relate to one another on a much deeper level than most others. In canon, they get along great after their spat and I wouldn’t change much about that.
I feel like their similar positions in life would allow them to trust each other
I do think that it would’ve been cool to see them go apeshit together with their combined strength more often
God I hope this shit made sense. I mainly just wish Jason and Percy’s fight had more meaning.
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spenceragnewfics · 6 hours
I'M SO LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS!!!!!! I'll be so hyped for whatever you write!
Maybe a frisky 18+ Fic of the reader being so into Spencer wearing that choker at Erin's party (I hope you know what im talking about lol) that they hit on him for the first time. And they end up going home together.
AHH! I know exactly what you're talking about and honestly I was hoping someone had written something about it but hey, I'm okay with doing it!
CHOKE ME | Spencer Agnew x Reader | 18+ MINORS DNI
I did my best to make this GN because I didn't know if you wanted that for F!reader.
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TW: Smut, choking, allusion to alcohol, oral, the usual smut stuff
Word count: 2.5k
Description: Y/N is Erin's roommate and best friend since forever. Having grown close to the Smosh crew because of her friendship with Erin, they've grown a crush on a certain director of gaming. Now at Erin's birthday party a certain accessory sets everything into motion.
The music in the club was bumping as Y/N took a sip of their drink. Usually they don’t go out and party but it was one of their best friend and roommate’s, Erin Dougal’s birthday to be exact. The two have known each other for years and despite being opposites with certain things, they are close like siblings.
The theme of Erin’s party was emo, a look Y/N doesn’t do often but had the perfect all black outfit for that made them look irresistible. An unexpected addition to the outfit was a little victorian choker on their neck. Erin had made several for all her friends to wear as a silly joke, everyone played into it perfectly.
The club was full of people but it was mostly Smosh cast and crew. Which is where Y/N currently was, hanging out with Angela, Chanse, and the birthday girl herself, dancing along to the Doja Cat song playing. While Y/N didn’t work at Smosh, they did know a lot of the cast and crew as they visited Erin a lot and well the two are roommates so it’s just how things fall.
The four are singing along to the song and dancing close together until Erin gently places her hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “Come with me to get another drink!” She yells close to their ear so they can hear over the music. They nod and the two go over to the bar together, as they walk away from the dance floor the music gets softer which makes it easier for them to talk.
“So, how’s your birthday so far, lovely?” Y/N asks, wrapping her arm around Erin’s. “It’s been amazing so far! Thank you so much for coming out, I know this isn’t really your thing but I’m so glad you’re here.” The birthday girl is obviously drunk with how her words and movement is but the sentiment is real.
“Of course, anything for you Dougie.” Erin groans at the nickname as the two get to the bar. She orders a drink while Y/N continues to sip on their’s. Their eyes start to look around and take in the atmosphere of the bar. The area where you get your drink and hang out is very fancy and regal which transforms into a very interesting dance floor area that matches everything else but still seems a little weird.
Taking a moment to themself, Y/N takes a deep breath then sips their drink, “Holy fuck! Spencer!” Erin yells excitedly which makes Y/N spit out their drink. ‘Spencer’s here?! Erin said he couldn’t make it!’ They think to themself as their eyes move over to where Erin is…or…well…was. Now the girl is running over and hopping into Spencer’s arms.
After a moment Erin walks back over with Spencer following behind her. “Y/N/N, sorry, didn’t mean to run off but Spencer is here.” Y/N waves, “Hey, Spence. Glad you could make it.” He smiles at them as he walks over, “Yeah, I wouldn’t miss this. Erin always knows how to throw a ranger.” He says before turning to order a drink.
“Oh, Spencer! You need one of these!” Erin pulls out one of the chokers that everyone is wearing. “What is this?” Spencer asks, chuckling as he looks at the item in his hand. “It’s a choker with one of my thirst traps on it. It’s part of the party requirement. Y/N you should help him put it on.” Erin says, winking at them before walking off. 
Erin knew of Y/N’s feelings for Spencer. It was pretty obvious from the first time the two met plus Erin knew that Spence was their type. She’s been trying for a while to get the two of them together but there has never really been a good time for them to just talk and get to know each other until tonight. Erin had planned for this to be the kickstart of their relationship and later tell her plan at their future wedding.
“Do you…” Y/N starts pointing to the choker in his hand. “If you don’t mind, I’ve never worn one of these things.” He says chuckling. Y/N nods and takes the choker then walks behind him. Their fingers work quickly to tie the choker but not too tight, “That okay?” He nods and they back around.
“How do I look? Like an idiot?” Spencer asks, grabbing his drink that the bartender gives him. He doesn’t notice the way Y/N is looking at him, the choker making him look even hotter than normal and that is something they never thought could happen.
“No, no, you look…you look good.” Y/N says, trying to hide the nervousness in their voice. They take a big sip of their drink as Spencer smiles at them, “Should we go find everyone? Or are you okay with just staying here?” He asks, walking over to them. “Well I was dancing not too long ago, so if you want to come and watch that or even join the group then that would be fun.”
He chuckles and nods his head, the two chit chat as they walk into the dancing area of the club. Y/N shows him the table where Erica, Kiana, and Peter were sitting. Setting their drinks down, the two of them walk onto the dance floor and join the others already there.
Y/N dances with their friends and drinks throughout the night. Unknowingly, they end up dancing against someone. Turning around, they see that the person they’re dancing with is Spencer. Usually, this would freak them out but the drinks throughout the night have given them confidence. They’re not even tipsy, just calm and have some liquid confidence in their system.
They lean into him and he puts his hands on their hips. Putting their hands on his shoulders, they lean up to his ear “You look really hot in that choker.” He looks at them shocked as they continue to dance to the beat. “Are you serious?” He asks and they laugh, “Come on, Spence. How can you not know how hot you are?” They ask, their eyes connecting.
“No one ever really says that. I didn’t know you felt like that.” He says in their ear. “You really can be oblivious sometimes.” They chuckles and looks down at his lips. Looking back up, they raise an eyebrow and he nods. Cupping his face, they pull him down to their lips and it’s like magnets.
Starting slowly, their lips move gently together as he moves his hands to their waist to pull them closer. The kiss quickly turns more passionate as Y/N bites gently onto Spencer’s bottom lip. A groan comes from his throat that makes them even more excited.
Y/N pulls back, smirking as they see Spencer pout a little. “I would love to do this here but I’d rather go somewhere more private.” He smirks, “My place?” he asks and they nod. The two don’t say anything to the group as they quickly walk off the dance floor and to the exit.
The car ride to Spencer’s place is full of tension. His hand is on their thigh squeezing every few moments as they play with his fingers. No words are really said as his car speeds through the streets getting closer to his apartment with each passing moment.
Once the car pulls into the building, Spencer parks and opens the door for Y/N before leading them to his apartment. As the door closes he pins them to the door, his lips attach to theirs. Y/N’s hand finds placement in his hair and runs through his curly hair. They gently pull, earning a moan from Spencer. 
“Mmm, someone likes that.” They mutter against his lips before attaching them again. Spencer places his knee between their legs as he moves his lips down their neck. The scruff of his beard and his soft lips on their sensitive neck is more than enough for Y/N to softly moan his name as he works on their neck. The sound encourages him as he smirks against their neck.
His hands grip the edge of their shirt before leaning back, “Are you sure you want to do this? Are you fully here?” He asks, knowing they drank but just not how much. Y/N’s index finger wraps the velvet of the choker still on his neck and uses it as leverage to pull him closer to their face.
“I am absolutely sure and am very here.” They say, their voice soft as they look into his beautiful dark blue ones. That’s all Spencer needs as he slides his hands under their shirt. The shirt moves with his hands, exposing their chest and Spencer sighs dreamily when he sees it.
Y/N gasps as he suddenly starts to kiss their collarbone and moves down, each kiss moving to more and more sensitive areas that lights their body even hotter. “Spence, please, don’t tease me.” They whine as he gets on his knees. Eye level with their stomach, his eyes move up to stare into Y/N’s as he kisses their stomach gently with small nibbles between every few kisses.
They pull the shirt over their head then put a hand back in his hair. His mouth and hands continue to move down as he slowly pulls off their pants. His warm lips kissing their hips and pelvic bone as it moves lower to the place where they desire him most.
Kicking the pants off, he grabs a leg and puts it on his shoulder as he kisses their inner thigh. The scratch of his beard and his lips starts to make their brain fuzzy. It’s been a long time since someone actually took time to make them feel good and so their body is reacting like it’s the first time.
Pulling their underwear down, he licks a long stripe up as Y/N grips his hair and their head leans back against the door. His lips and tongue work wonders on them as moans, groans, and whimpers escape Y/N. The normally quiet person has thrown that all out the window as they enjoy themself. Feeling safe and cared for is something that they knew would happen with Spencer if this ever happened but it’s even better then they ever imagined.
Looking down, they moan his name as their eyes lock onto his. “God, fuck, how are you this good.” They whine as their hand grips his hair again. This encourages him to keep going as their sweet sounds are all he needs to keep going.
Y/N feels a knot in their stomach as Spencer continues to work magic on them with his mouth. “Please, don’t stop, oh fuck. I’m gonna come.” They moan as the feeling approaches faster and faster. He doesn’t stop but actually speeds up as they wrap their thighs around his head, slightly suffocating him but he’s loving every second.
They scream his name as the feeling bursts, their legs are shaking as the high fills them and Spencer starts to clean every drop. Once he’s done, he stands up and takes off his pants. Already hard and at attention.
“Wait, don’t you want me to-”
“No, tonight is about you. We can do that later.” He assures as he guides them to the couch. He sits down and Y/N straddles his thighs. Licking their hand, they stroke his cock to lubricate before sitting down on it.
Despite all his small dick jokes, Spencer is a pretty good size and girthy. The stretch is a bit much but also so welcomed. “Holy fuck, you’re taking me so well.” He groans, his hands on their hips. It takes Y/N a bit to take him fully but once they do, it’s a feeling like never before.
It’s like it was perfect, not too much and not too little. The two stay like that for a moment, letting Y/N adjust before they start to move up and down. Leaning down, they connect their lips onto Spencer’s as they continue to ride him. 
The two fight for dominance in the kiss as Y/N’s hips continue at a good pace. Spencer grips their hip and starts to slam into them and their lips disconnect. Y/N leans their forehead against his as they moan his name out. “Fuck, Spencer, don’t stop.”
The room is filled with skin slapping and moans, the passion is pulsing between the two of them. Y/N opens their eyes, seeing the choker still around Spencer’s neck, they slide a hand to his neck. Feeling the hand at his throat, he looks at them and nods then feels his body get hot at the lack of oxygen. “Fuck, I love the choker but seeing someone else on it instead of me is very disappointing.” They moan, continuing to choke for just a bit longer. 
Once their hand is off his neck, he flips them over to where Y/N is laying on the couch and he’s on top as his thrust continues their pace. They wrap their legs around his waist to pull him closer and their nails scratch down his back. The feeling of him inside is making their brain fuzzy as the pleasure continues to build.
“I wouldn’t mind having your picture around my neck. You just need to give me it.” He groans, his pace never wavering. This is shocking to Y/N because they didn’t think he would have so much stamina but aren’t complaining. Reaching between them, Spencer starts to rub and it increases Y/N’s pleasure.
It doesn’t take too long for both of them to get close to their apex. “Spence, I’m gonna cum.” Y/N says as their legs tighten even more around him. “Me too, where do you want me to…” He asks, but it trails off as he moans from the tightening felt around him,
“Inside me, It’ll be okay.” They assure as the peak feels closer and closer. “Cum with me, please.” He begs as his thrusts get sloppy. A moment later, they both cum. Sounds of pleasure are loud and resounding as the two enjoy the feeling of their high.
Once the fuzziness clears, Y/N blinks rapidly to bring themself back to earth. Spencer is still on top but his head is laying on their chest as he catches his breath. Y/N runs a hand through his hair with a soft smile, “That was amazing, Spencer.” Their voice is soft and slightly hoarse from the activities that have concluded.
He looks up and smiles back when he sees their face, “It was, and definitely something I want to do again.” He says and caresses their thigh. “I would also love to take you out sometime.” That makes them laugh, “I would love that too, and…” They gently untie the choker and throw it across the room. “To see you without that on until I can make it better.” he chuckles and kisses their thigh before moving up and kissing them softly.
The two stay in that position all night. Cuddled together as they talk before slowly falling asleep on the couch.
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autumn816 · 2 days
Okay but a championship fight fic between George and Lewis. There are two types that have been stuck on my mind.
1. Exes- George and Lewis breaking up when Lewis moves to Ferrari. Them ending on bitter terms and both of them finally having a car that can fight. An extra motivation on track to beat each other. Icy and cold George with firey Lewis of course (i love this opposite headcanon too much not to do it). Both George and Lewis making comments like they do right about each other (nice ones and not so nice ones). Other drivers would be involved in the fight too.
2. Dating- Gewis are actually dating and the public knows about them. The tensions rising in their personal relationship as the fight for championship keeps on increasing. Them being worried that their relationship won’t make it by the end but they make sure to work through all of their problems. Now this is the actual reason I love this scenario. Lewis winning the championship while George comes P2. Lewis being the happiest he has been but also thinking about their relationship while he sits in the car for a few minutes. He finally steps out and the first person he looks for is George. George is standing by his own car and they both look at each other. George breaks into a smile and Lewis breaks into a run. He just runs over to George and hugs him (maybe a kiss too). Also little moments between the families. Lewis’ parents being at the race and gewis hanging around them in the parc ferme. I don’t think I have ever seen George’s parents be in the parc ferme even when they are at the gp. The parents hugging Lewis but then also hugging George.
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pocketed-fool · 2 years
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Maybe this is how i imagine they actually met eachother..........
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scalproie · 3 years
young adult dante is fun to think about in a "what if nothing bad happened" scenario because he simultanously feels like the "leaves the mansion at night while everyone's sleeping to go to a party/concert/club" rock star child while almost hating every second he spend there because he constantly feels like he doesn't belong, almost like hes chasing the idea of escaping the house to have fun but not having fun at the actual events AND the really happy momma's boy, being such a good son, if a bit turbulent and all over the place, so content to be with his mother and brother he legit can't think of a life without either and can't really project himself in the future.
I'd even say he is culvitating the image of the former to purposely oppose vergil. As the little brother, he has to find himself, and he's been competiting with vergil almost since birth, so naturally, if vergil goes one way (the quiet, mature, book-loving), dante has to go the opposite way to really dissociate himself from his twin.
Problem is that I think Eva would actually encourage his little outings, completely rendering useless his "rebellious" acts. Yknow who they'd piss off tho? Vergil.
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liv and tania is just like, Thasmin (Happy Variation)
ANDY: All packed up there? HELEN: Just about. LIV: How have we managed to acquire so much stuff. We haven’t been out anywhere. ANDY: That’s the point isn’t it? Lots of ordering in. HELEN: No sign of him? ANDY: Nope. HELEN: Well, he’s a Time Lord. It would be awfully surprising if he was ever on time. TANIA: Yes. LIV: Tania, I- TANIA: It’s fine. You’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do. LIV: Yes. (tardis sounds) ANDY: Sounds like it’s time. TANIA: Yes. 8: There we are, my favourite foursome. Everything packed and ready to go? HELEN: Everything’s packed, certainly. LIV: I wouldn’t say I’m ready to go. 8: Then we should be off, goodbye Andy, Tania. ANDY & TANIA: Bye. HELEN: Goodbye. I can’t believe I won’t be seeing either of you tomorrow. ANDY: Well then make it the day after eh? HELEN: Thanks, Andy. I’ll try. TANIA: Goodbye. 8: Liv, your turn. HELEN: I think we should go inside, Doctor. 8: But I thought- HELEN: Inside. Now. ANDY: I’ll leave you two alone then. (andy leaves) LIV: Tania- TANIA: You don’t have to say anything. We had a good year. Twice. I don’t have any regrets, if you don’t. LIV: Of course I don’t. TANIA: Then there’s nothing to be sad about, is there! Come here. (they hug and kiss) LIV: I’ll miss you. TANIA: You better had. (liv laughs) You can come back any time you know! LIV: I know. I’ll see you around then. TANIA: I’ll see you around. LIV: Goodbye. (she takes her stuff and goes into the tardis. the tardis leaves) ANDY: You okay? TANIA: You can stop asking me that  you know. ANDY: I probably won’t if that’s alright. Cup of tea? TANIA: (scoffs) The great cure for all life’s problems. A cup of tea. (sighs) Sure. Why not. ANDY: Are you gonna come inside? TANIA: In a mo. I’ll wait out here for a bit. ANDY: No worries, see you in a mo. (andy leaves and tardis sounds again) TANIA: What on- (tardis door opens) LIV: I mean you did say “any time”. TANIA: But you- I- Liv? LIV: Forgotten me already? Bit cheeky. I told you, ages ago, forget me and I’m coming back. Thank you, Doctor! (she closes the tardis door) TANIA: He’s going? LIV: Of course! He’s not planning on staying here, is he? TANIA: But- you are? LIV: What else would I be doing here? TANIA: You came back? LIV: Yes! Of course. I missed you. TANIA: Missed me? When did you leave? How long has it been? That wasn’t as quick for you as it was for me, was it? LIV: Let’s... let’s not worry about that for now. TANIA: The Doctor and Helen, are they-? LIV: Let’s not worry about that either. I’m back. And I’m staying. For good. TANIA: (laughs) For good! LIV: Yes. 2021, here we come. This is gonna be the best year ever.
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modernday-jay · 3 years
y’know at first i saw vb as that sorta explosive relationship you have in your youth and it’s doomed to fail but you’re both so in love at the time you don’t really care about that, but eventually they’ll call it off and find the person they’ll spend forever with.
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androidemotions · 2 years
ok im finally ok with the colors on this
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[ID: a screenshot of a unfinished digital painting open in the art program Krita. It is of Tanjiro and Inosuke from Demon Slayer. Both are trans boys in this depiction and Tanjiro is shirtless with a wrapped wound in his abdomen. They’re crying on the ground with a sunrise behind them. End ID.]
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dragonji · 2 years
hey. you're worthy of a person who takes you and your friendship seriously. your friend isn't...being a friend. asking you to hang out only to have you wait and wait for her not to text you back, hearing how she made other plans instead of at least following up with yours to rain check, it's...sounds like you either need to have a conversation about the type of friendship you have, or you need to, and I hate to say this, drop this friend. a friendship should never make you feel like this. and if it does, it's a not because it's going to turn out to be a good one. you're worthy of the time people spend with you, and you are worthy of the bare minimum communication.
Thanks 'non, and yeah I plan to try to bring it up with her as soon as we're able to meet in person. We've been friends since high school and I know we both enjoy being around each other so I want to put in the effort to stay friends if possible, it's just overwhelming because this sort of situation is exactly how I've lost all of my other friends from that time.
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nerdyqueerr · 3 years
Jonny D'Ville and John Gaius have beef
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