#percy jackson platonic fanfiction
at1nys-blog · 2 months
Thunders leaving hints
Pairing: not much of a pairing to be honest
Summary: something out of the ordinary happens and Percy Jackson is furiously mad
A/N: I know I have WIPS piling up but shhhh. Also this was based on a post by @awesome-shoes-with-wings and I had to write this just for fun so is not as good as my other works but is something. For the requests, I’ll be finish them shortly I hope
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They didn’t know where they were going, the only thing they knew was that wherever was safer than what it was supposed to be home.
New York had been chaotic the past couple of weeks both for the mortal world and the…immortal one.
They knew about the monster living among humans, knew about the gods and goddesses watching over them. The deities appeared in their dreams every now and then leaving cryptic messages that only made sense in dreamland.
The last one was the most weird message they received, talking about a camp in Long Island where they could stop by for a while before starting their journey back again.
It took them a couple of days, walking around the forest to finally see the entrance of the so called Camp Half Blood. Before stepping in, they looked around, making sure no monster were after them, if they were they didn’t want for the campers to be in danger.
Something, stroking their leg made them jump out of their skin but when they noticed it was just a cat, once again, they felt relieved.
“Why do you guys keep scaring me like that.” They started saying while getting down on the animal level. “Thank you for keeping me good company.” They added before taking out of their backpack a cookie to give the cat a piece of it. “Okay now…” standing up they took a deep breath. “Let’s do this.” And they stepped foot at camp.
Hestia was minding her business when she saw the kid getting inside, eyes still on the situation she called Zeus over.
“I think you need to claim them as soon as possible before Perseus pays us a visit.” The father of the Gods was caught unprepared for this, choking on his ambrosia.
“I don’t have kids to claim.” He said frenetically, looking around hoping his wife wasn't around, who knows what she might think of this.
“Are you sure?” The Goddess asked, she just wanted to make sure they were not going to get a visit from Percy anytime soon. She loves the kid, dearly, he is a sweet boy but she knows how scary he can be, just like his father’s domain.
“I’m 100% sure THAT is NOT my kid to claim. If anything they look like they could be Hera’s kid if she was anything like me.” Thunder, at the mention of Hera’s name, there were thunders which surprised both Zeus and Hestia.
“Are you so scared of her you can’t control your thunders?” Joked the Goddess but again, it wasn’t Zeus.
The two deities dropped the conversation there, if his brother claimed that wasn’t his kid after mentioning Percy Jackson than Hestia cpuld believe he was telling the truth. That was not his kid.
Percy Jackson was furious, it had been three hours since this kid got at camp at the Gods didn’t say a word yet. He made it clear, they were to claim their kids as soon as possible.
For the son of Poseidon it had been a struggle the first hour with the new camper, but everyone talked some sense into him, wait, maybe their godly parent is busy with something, but Percy was sure it wouldn’t be difficult to just send a little message even while busy. They didn’t had to drop at camp, looking at their kid and saying ‘yep that’s mine’ they just had to send a little glowing little symbol, nothing that would take literally a second.
“I’m going to talk to them. They are coming with me” He couldn’t wait longer.
“Whoah whoah whoah. Hold your horses man, Annabeth and Chiron asked you to wait until tonight. Maybe their parent is busy.” Stopped him Grover.
“Man, I love you, I do but I’m pretty sure is like sending a text message. You can do it everywhere you are, whatever you are doing.” It was a fair point, the satyr agreed.
“Okay, but what if…” the glance that Percy sent him scared his best friend, who just shut up. There was no way he would make him change his mind. “You are scary.” Grover commented under his breath, praying the Gods Percy didn't hear him.
“They only had one job. One hell of a job.” Another set of thunders and lighting rumbled on Earth. “Don’t get mad at me Zeus, fix that or else…” he shouted at the sky. “I’m going to take a shower since I have to wait. Keep them company.” He said pointing at the new kid, who was having something to eat with the Hermes’ kids.
Three hours and yet nothing. Zeus called a meeting 30 minutes after he noticed no one was going to claim the new camper but all the major Gods came with the same answer ‘is not mine’ but how was that even possible?
It wasn’t a kid of the minor deities either and he was going crazy about this.
“Can you guys tell me who is so stupid to go against Perseus?” It came out naturally, everyone looking at Zeus confused. “What? That kid is worst than Poseidon here.” The God of the sea was smirking, proud of his boy being feared by his “all mighty” brother.
“Not to be that Goddess but have you noticed they attract cats like they are catnip? Could that be used to find who between us is their parent?” Said Athena and, as if a lightbulb turned on in their little godly brains, everyone agreed, and the twelve gods turned their head to Artemis.
“You people have to be kidding me. I swore celibacy.” Her words did not affect the deities. “I would give up immortality than laying in bed with a man.” Disgust filled her tone at the use of that word.
“It was worth the shot.” Commented Apollo. “So who else here loves cats.” He added looking deep into Ares’ eyes.
“Stop staring at me.” If anything Apollo’s gaze on him intensified. “Oh for the love of me, just because I had a cat as a partner ONCE now that means every kid that like cats is mine?” The war God had to take a step away from Apollo, not standing the way he was looking at him so close and so deep. “Look if that weakly thing was mine I would send something else to keep them safe.” He added which only made the Sun God coo and teased him for being a softie. “I’ll show you how much of a softie I am…”
“Stop it. If you keep fighting between one another, we will never find out who between you created them. Now…” started Hera, who only wanted this day to be over.
“Maybe is one of the nymphs’ kid?” Suggested Dionysus.
“Man you should really shut your mouth. If that was the case we wouldn’t be here.” Iris interjected before anyone else could. “Listen, that one is not mine okay? Now I need to go.” And she left, just like this but she knew the others would believe in her words, she wasn’t one to lie. On the other hand… The pro liar between them did not say a word yet which Hecate had to point out.
“What if the cats are just a disguise? What do you think about that Hermes?” Oh Gods if she was having the time of her life at this exact moment. Knowing who the demigod belonged to was so much fun, she had to thank Freya for this. “Isn’t it weird that he didn’t say anything? Maybe they are yours? Or do you know something?”
“The only thing I know is that my wings are killing me right now. Good me, I never flew this much in ages.” He said.
“Why are you avoiding my questions? Am I right? Are they yours?” Of course she was mistaken but Gods if she was loving it. Now she understood why Eris loves to create dramas.
“That is not my kid. As Ares here, I take pride in my children’s talent and they are not good enough to be my kids.” Thunders once again. “Zeus you really need to check on your thunders. If the go ballistic once again I might start crying.” cried Hermes. While everyone was trying to figure out who was behind the kid’s creation Hecate was having so much fun, trying her best to not laugh at their faces.
It was at the end of the day, when Percy came to Mt. Olympus looking at the twelve Gods with eyes filled with rage that Hermes had an enlightment.
“Uhm guys, I think I might know why we couldn’t find out who is their parent.” Hestia and Hera rolled their eyes, while everyone else was so ready to jump him. “Is because their godly parent is from another pantheon.” Thunders started rumbling in the background, like a laugh.
“Dad stop this.” Zeus' kids said in unison.
“Is not me.”
“Is not him, that is Thor laughing at us. He had been sending them all day long, how could I not notice that sooner?” At the gods faces turning into a question mark, Hermes just sighed. “Didn't you noticed he would use thunders every time we belittled the kid? No one? Really? Wow.”
“So, you are saying that there are other Gods out there? And they still don’t claim their off spring? Alright, can you tell me where they are? I need to take it out on someone.” And Percy was ready, so ready to knock some good manners into the Gods, he didn't care if they are powerful being that could easily kill him.
The gods had to block him there before he went on doing something stupid.
“Kid, that is so nice of you but they are already claimed, pretty much since birth.” said Hermes, knowing about you from Loki.
“The cats.” The other said in unison.
“This is why Loki called me last week and asked me so many questions about Camp Half Blood.” Oh, that God was in for a good group jump.
Leaving Mt. Olympus Percy was content with the outcome: the new kid was already claimed, the Greek gods had nothing to do with it and another pantheon was revealed to exist. ANOTHER PANTHEON EXISTS?! He wished those Gods didn’t like him very much but with his luck? He was ready to get a quest the second he walked back into camp.
“I just hope it is local and I don’t have to go to Canada once again.” If only he knew what the Fates had in store for him.
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lafleshlumpeater · 5 months
hey!! for the luke castellan x child of posideon!reader could you do an enmities to lovers type of trope where he teases and flirts with the reader a lot? possibly fem reader? tysm!!
Ofc!! Thanks for requesting- it’s a little short but i hope that’s okay <3
Warnings: luke calling r nicknames (love, doll), enemies to lovers (?), mentions of weapons, teasing, flirting, fem!reader- lmk if i missed any
(also, so sorry this is so late)
part two luke castellan masterlist
“You’re back isn’t straight, love.”
Rolling your eyes, you grudgingly straightened your back, desperately ignoring the irritatingly cocky smirk of the platinum- blond behind you. All you were trying to do was teach one of the younger kids from the Apollo cabin how to use a bow and arrow, after seeing him almost shoot himself in the eye whilst examining the contraption. Not spotting any of the campers you knew who were more experienced in the field of archery, and lack of anything else to do had driven you to do this. And you regretted it bitterly, when out of nowhere, appeared the one person who learnt all the right buttons to push just so he could push them to his fancy. Luke Castellan.
You didn’t know what it was- a short while after your brother had been claimed, you had arrived to camp and no sooner than that Poseidon had claimed you too. Ever since then, Luke had befriended Percy and the two got along like a house on fire while all he strived to do with you, on the other hand, was to tease and flirt and mock to the point where you were pulling your hair out and Luke remained coolly satisfied, that smug smile which would make anyone with eyes go weak in the knees residing in his sculpted features.
Not acknowledging him still, you gently took the elbow of the young (and clearly naive) Apollo camper, guiding it where he felt most comfortable and it was most convenient for the task at hand. As the younger camper drew the arrow back under your mentoring, his eyes focused solely on the target metres away, Luke tutted once again.
“Feet shoulder- width apart, Nick. Your tutor not doing a good job, huh?”
“Tutor not doing a good job, huh?”
“What was that?”
You bit your tongue after imitating the taller boy under your breath. Why did you let him get to you so much?
It was so infuriating how he was the one person who could break through your usually- cool demeanour, causing you to lose it within minutes.
The curious Nick lost concentration, arms going limp at his sides. He looked up at you, eyes quizzical and bright with amusement. “Is that your boyfriend?”
“He is not my boyfriend,” you hiss, praying Luke hadn’t heard. “If anything, he’s the opposite. Alright, back straight, shoulders-”
“I asked a question, doll,” Luke called out obnoxiously, which in return painted your cheeks an embarrassing red. “Did you just mimic me?”
“Yes I did,” you snap, fist tightening around an arrow. “Now will you shut up? I’m not your love, or your doll, or anything in between!”
Luke remained quiet throughout your rant- not absent of his signature, sly smirk, or at least, signature when it came to you. His eyes were light, flecks of grey gracing his irises as they glinted with familiarity- of mischief. You stopped, wondering why when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey,” Percy grins at Luke, charming as ever before turning back to you. “Was it you who was yelling? I could have sworn-”
Both of you reply at the same time, you with a flustered “No,” and Luke a confident, arrogant: “Yes”. Percy raised a puzzled eyebrow, eyes narrowed and flicking between the two of you in suspicion.
“I’ll see you later,” Luke drawled, thankfully breaking the uncomfortable silence under your brother’s scrutinising gaze. “I gotta shower.” He fistbumped a still- bewildered Percy, turning his back to the three of you- not before throwing you a wink over his shoulder. Nick’s eyes widen in understanding.
Before his mouth can open, you nudge him, sending him an intimidating glare.
taglist: @quickslvxrr @bibliophile-dendrophile
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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graysmiles-world · 11 months
forget therapy. ima go read about someone who has the same problems as me fall in love with someone who also has the same problems as me
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triptuckers · 5 months
wild flowers - percy jackson
Request: yes! "Can I request a platonic Percy Jackson x Child of Demeter!Reader based off the new Disney series? Where Child of Demeter!Reader is significantly older than Percy (17/18 maybe?) and is the one to welcome him to camp instead of Luke. Reader is more gentle and understanding to Percy's questions and is in general sort of a parent figure in the camp?" Pairing:  percy jackson x demeter!reader (platonic) Summary:  you welcome the newest kid at camp half-blood Warnings:  none (omg??) Word count:  1.1K A/N: was excited when I saw the new episode will be out on Tuesday but then I looked at the time zone and it's 3 am for me so I'll still watch it on wednesday :') thanks for your request, enjoy!
you try not to look away as percy, the newest addition to camp half-blood, nearly shoots another camper. he falls to the ground due to the force of the bow.
'alright.' you say, walking over to see if percy's okay. 'so not archery.'
'I didn't mean to!' says percy, looking at the kids who had flattened themselves to the ground to avoid being shot.
'of course you didn't, they know that. can I have the bow?' you say.
percy quickly shoves the bow in your hands as well as the quiver of arrows. you hand them back to the apollo kid who was teaching him with a thanks and an apologetic smile.
'see, I suck at this.' says percy. 'I'm not good at anything.'
'hey, that's not true.' you say. 'everyone is good at something. c'mon, I'll take you to my favorite spot at camp.'
that gets his attention. 'your favorite spot?'
'yep. right this way.'
you lead him away from the archery field. you can tell he's curious. you take him to the strawberry field, where some of the satyrs and your siblings are tending to the plants.
you walk past the strawberries to a field of grass where wild flowers grow.
'it's pointless.' says percy as the two of you sit down.
you frown. 'what is?'
he gestures around. 'all of this. I'm not one of you. it's clear there's something wrong with me. none of this matters because my dad won't reveal himself, he doesn't care. my mom is gone. I suck at archery. and I can't work in the forge. I can't do anything.'
you look at him. most kids are tough on themselves when they arrive. percy isn't any different.
'at least you didn't suck as much at archery than I did.' you say. 'contrary to you, I actually did hit someone when trying out archery '
percy's eyes widen. 'you did?'
you nod. 'apollo kids had to patch them up. luckily it wasn't that bad. but still I haven't touched a bow since. and I'm also not good at sword fighting. I only carry one because it's the weapon I suck the least with.'
'what if you suck at everything?' asks percy softly.
you smile at him. 'this is all normal. we all felt like this when we came here, regardless if we could already fight or not. and look at me, I still can't fight that well. I'm a joke compared to luke and clarisse if it comes to fighting. gods, even annabeth is better than me and she's your age.'
you point ahead to the strawberry fields. 'my cabin doesn't bring forth the best fighters. and that's okay. we're good at other things.' you say.
percy looks at your siblings, sure enough, not a lot of them carry weapons. maybe you do because you're head counsellor of your cabin.
'when did you find out who your mom was?' asks percy.
you sense he's not just curious about your godly heritage. he wants to know how long it would take before his father claims him. and he already knows there are unclaimed kids.
'for me it was pretty clear. I've always loved plants. I've got an impressive garden back at home.' you say. 'demeter claimed me my second day at camp.'
'so pretty fast...'
'for some kids it's fast. for some it's slow. some kids are very certain about who their godly parent is and sometimes they're right and sometimes they're not. you can't predict it with 100% accuracy.'
'did someone guess it correctly?'
'most of the times it's the athena kids who are right about their hunches. but they're athena kids of course, very smart. also a lot of ares kids are right. and for others it's a 50/50 chance. for instance, milo. everyone was convinced he was a hephaestus kid because he really liked to blow stuff up. turns out he's an athena kid. he's just really smart about blowing stuff up.'
'I bet I'm a kid of the god or failure or something. I'm just a regular kid, I'm not special. I don't have any impressive powers. not like you.'
'you think my powers are impressive?' you chuckle. 'I'm good with plants percy. over the years I've learned how to master those. but at first all I did was accidentally make flower patches.'
percy looks at you, frowning. 'you what?'
you laugh, then point to your shoes. they look like you've worn them every day for the past five years. which you have, somehow they won't wear down.
'these were a gift from my mom. if I don't wear them, flowers grow where I walk.'
you nod and take them off. you get up and walk a circle around percy. and indeed, flowers grow where you put your feet down on the grass. you pick one and give it to percy, then put your shoes back on.
'it's the only thing I still can't master. maybe it's not something to be mastered. I'd ask my mom but the only time I saw her was when I was out fighting for my life. wasn't really the time to ask about flowers. she didn't even give me my shoes in person, just sent them here.'
you and percy are silent as you look out over the valley. you remember your first days at camp, how scared you were. you didn't know anyone, you were told your mom was a goddess, and you could never have a moment alone because there would always be someone who could find you based on the flowers you left behind.
'everyone here has been through what you're going through now.' you say. 'maybe they didn't experience it in the same way. I mean, you did kill the minotaur. but all of them have been confused, wondered about wether they belong, if there's something wrong with them. we all found our way in the end.'
'did you feel like you didn't belong?'
'sure. but then chiron explained to me it's all because of the gods. we've got dyslexia because our brain is wired in greek. the adhd is from our need to fight. it's all in our dna. just give it time, you'll belong. any other questions?'
'what do you do when you're not at camp?'
you smile. 'try not to run into any monsters and wait for the time to go to camp again. you'll find your family here, percy, trust me. now let's see if the aphrodite can teach you anything.'
you get up and offer your hand to percy. after pulling him to his feet, you start to walk toward the aphrodite cabin.
'you know, regardless of what cabin you belong to, you can always come to me if you have any questions.' you say.
percy smiles at you. 'thanks.'
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit/Max
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kaciebello · 2 months
Sibling rivals, sibling allies
Nico Di Angelo x Hades! reader (platonic) Summary: Nico was aware his sibling loved him, to the point that lectures were inevitable. Warning: Angst, Siblings written by an only child, no use of y/n Author note: English is not my first language so I am sorry for any mistakes beforehand. I am not very good at angst so I hope I did this some justice. I also tried to make it gender-neutral as the request did not specify, however, this is my first time writing like that so I am sorry if I missed anything. All right to the artist of the fanart, I could not find them, but if you do, let me know and I will tag them.  Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) request: Yes word count: 1,3k Song: Lean on - Major Lazer ( ft. MØ, DJ Snake )
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 Sibling rivalry was something everyone expected when having more than one child. And who especially expected it were the Greek gods. They even encouraged it. Sadly, for Hades, his children got along and refused to fight each other.
Usually, Nico would play mythomagic with them or just lazily exist in the camp. Only a few people would talk to him. But he is used to it now. That's why he was confused when they ran into the Hades cabin and suggested training with said two. He agreed nonetheless, not wanting to disappoint his last older sibling, and he also thought Percy was okay-ish.
That is why he was standing in the area, watching them absolutely beat Percy's ass. Annabeth was standing beside him but did not look very happy about what was happening. He can't blame her, he would not be either if the roles were reversed. Also, the Hades children weren't really known for their good temper, so it made sense.
So when Percy tapped out, he wasn't surprised. However, the girl next to him made her way to help her friend up.
“Close your mouth, flies gonna take it as an invite.” They said, slightly tapping his chin to close it. Nico glared at them but did not argue. they were covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Nico was sure it was from the sun, not the fight, as he dubs Percy would give it much. If anything they more likely only tickled each other with swords. Although he was warned, that activity can cause accidental stab wounds and immediate visit to the infirmary.
The other two campers joined them. Percy bleeding from his scratches and Annabeth frowns on her face. He knew it was his turn now. That's what they agreed on. He did not think putting him, a child of one of the 3, against Annabeth was fair. Granted, were it a few months back when he thought he had a crush on her, before releasing he had a crush on Percy, it would have been harder to fight her.
“Come on whip, it's our turn.” Says Annabeth and gestures her knives at him. Nico can only tighten his hold on the sword he was holding. He takes a few steps to face her.
“Annabeth.” Sounds behind him warningly. The girl in question just huffs before charging at him. He moved out of the way, but it was like she already knew his steps before him and stuck him in the leg.
He winced but kept on his feet. She charges again, but this time he manages to avoid and block her from sighting him. Annabeth did not like that. Not only she was a fast thinker, but Nico would also forget she had been trained by Luke, one of the best swordsmen in the last couple of hundred years. Annabeth strikes again and Nico has no time to even register what is going on. She slashes his Achilles. Nico yelps and falls, having no strength to put weight on his leg. Annabeth manages to get hold of his sword. She was not standing above him with the tip of his sword at his throat.
“Get up,” she says with a sinister smile. He won't admit it but he was scared for a moment. That was before Annabeth got slammed by his sibling and rolled away. Percy yelped in surprise and went to help Annabeth while the siblings helped each other. 
“What the fuck was that for?” Argued Annabeth once she regained her composure.
“You immobilized him! What the fuck do you mean get up!” His sibling yelled still kneeling next to him. Nico has sat up now, trying to move his leg but when pain shot up he decided against it.
“Monsters are not gonna hold back just because he can't stand!” Annabeth was now making her way to them. Percy was trying to stop her but was very unsuccessful.
“Monster my ass Annabeth. You knew very well what-” A roar cuts her off. All of them freeze in their spots. A rustling in the trees got their attention. A distant yell is what got them moving. Nico felt four arms lifting him.
His sibling and Annabeth were trying their best to get his limping ass away from whatever there was. Percy was surveying the area when he saw it.
“Fuck.” Was all that left him. there stood, an automatic bull, as big as the house. All of their eyes widened as they tried to hurry up. unfortunately, the bull has seen them and charged at them. Nico could feel his weight bearing but only on Annabeth as his sibling went to aid Percy in trying to distract the beast. He wanted to stop them, but he was no use at the moment.
Annabeth stops and props Nico on a tree.
“What are you doing?” He hisses and she just rolls her eyes.
“I'm going to help them.” She says making sure Nico is comfortable.
“You can't leave me here.” Nico could see that she took that as a challenge. before she could leave him however they both heard Percy yell. turning their attention to him they can see a giant boulder heading their way. Nico makes eye contact with his sibling before he feels something tackling him on the ground.
“NICO” Was all he heard before the world became black.
 When Nico came to his senses, he thought that perhaps, Dad pulled him aside, that maybe travelledow travelled. And Brehabs a small hope of seeing Bianca was there. However, when he heard his sibling absolutely destroying their vocal cords from the yelling, he knew he was mistaken.
Opening his eyes, above him stood a well-known Apollo kid, his name was Will or something like that. The light from his hands makes Nico turn his face away and to the side. Only to be faced with a comic view. Annabeth sitting on a bed having her hand looked after by a different Apollo kid. Percy is next to her, holding her other hand. And his sibling, going off on both of them, mostly Annabeth by the looks of it.  Annabeth's head was hung low, it was apparent that she got an earful from Percy beforehand.
Nico is enjoying the situation. Not only is he not getting reprimanded, but he is also getting taken care of by a cute guy. His freedom is shored, however, as Percy nudges the other Hades kid and points to him.
His sibling turns to him at lightning speed, when they see he's awake, they rush to him kneeling by the bed. He can see they are worried even when all of them are out of immediate danger. When they saw he was okay they jumped in for a hug. Will jumped back startled and Nico could only groan in pain. Letting him go just as quickly as they hugged him
“Sorry, I just. I just thought I would have to bargain with Dad.” They say with a smile on their face. Although tears were streaming down their faces making them look a little bit hysterical.
Nico smiled at them.
“I'm fine, I did not even see Dad.” He says, trying to reassure them that he in fact did not die and came back. They just chuckled and nodded.
They all sat in silence for a few minutes before Annabeth with Percy walked up to his bed.
“I'm sorry.” She says. Nico expected her to continue but she didn't. So Nico just nodded, taking in that they were all still startled by what happened.
Next to him, his sibling stood up. It was like a switch turned in in them. Manually they made both Percy and Annabeth sit down at the end of his bed. They took a deep breath before starting.
“I am lost for words!...”
And despite being lost for words, they continue to yell at them for the next 45 minutes. Nico would not want it any other way.
Tag: thefallensacrifice
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cabinofimagines · 21 days
Sibling Nico HCs
I didn't really know what to say for this one, but an attempt was made! Pairing: Sibling PLATONIC Nico di Angelo x gn!reader Request: Can I ask for headcanons on what it would be like to be Nico's younger sibling? Like how they met, when they first started bonding, their dynamic. Sorry if this doesn't make sense.  Word count: 0.7k Warnings: mention of injury! -Asnyox
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To be honest, you probably only met Nico after the second war. Of course, he built the Hades Cabin after the first great war, but he never stayed around for long enough to get to know him. You arrived at camp sometime before the Argo II left, and was one of the few who did still get claimed even as the gods were split between their two parts. Perhaps Hades had a moment of clarity just enough to peek through and claim you. 
Either way, while Nico was on the Argo II he had heard about you in passing, according to Leo you’re “less scary, more energetic,” and Jason had voiced his surprise at the cold shoulder Nico gave him. They had both agreed though that both of you had been the same amount of awkward socially, although you dealt with it differently. Nico wasn’t sure what to make of the hypothetical new sibling- was he scared? Excited? Did he fear for your fate?
Anyways, the first meeting would be after the fight, Nico going to his cabin ready to collapse. You had already gone back to your cabin and were currently sitting on your bed, trying to comprehend what had happened, what you had seen in the day. It had been a horrific day, and in your silent contemplation you hadn’t noticed Nico coming in. Nico, in his tiredness, only noticed you after a moment and with a small yell he tried to grab his sword, which he currently wasn’t carrying. 
You shot up hearing the yell and scrambled backwards, getting your feet underneath you and standing on the bed. You had been ready to sleep, but now adrenaline was once again in your limbs as you stared at the stranger. But as you stared at the pale stranger, realization dawned on you. “Nico di Angelo?” your tone was questioning, and Nico nodded slowly, still staring at you. His gaze was intense, although you didn’t know that Nico didn’t mean to be intense. You slowly get off your bed, and hesitatingly hold out your hand. “I’m (Y/n) (L/n), nice to uh, meet you?” 
At first your relationship was hardly there- Nico had his own shit to deal with mentally, and he genuinely thought that you didn’t need him. You had friends from different cabins, and Nico thought that associating with you might get you judged. However he always kept an eye on you. 
One day, while he was helping rebuild the infirmary with Will, you got carried in by Paolo. There was a huge gash in your lack, and Nico felt a protective surge in his chest. “What did this?” he asked, as he moved next to you. He didn’t know how to heal, but Will was on it. “There were some monsters at the border,” you shrugged, “They almost got to Paolo. Are you angry at me?” your voice got quiet near the end, and Nico looked questioningly at Will, who had looked up from bandaging your leg. “No.” Nico stared at you. “You look angry.” You said, looking at your half-brother. Nico felt his heart drop a bit at your innocent face. He was angry at the monsters- but he also realized that he might care for you. 
Since then Nico seemed to seek you out. It started with training together, then talking about the underworld, learning about the dangers and perks of summoning the undead and shadow travel. Nico learned that although he had to figure it all out himself, you wouldn’t have to if he taught you. 
He even took it upon himself to teach you about the different myths using Mythomagic, and it warmed his heart to see you enjoy yourself. Nico’s life had been hard but he didn’t want that for you- he secretly promised himself to make sure your life would be better. 
As for your dynamic, it’s much like Nico and Hazel. You care for one another, and are very close. In the beginning it was simply that, protecting each other and just being kind. Over time, as Nico got more mentally healthy, he started being a bit more cheeky and made (lovingly) fun of you, just as you did in return.
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captainsophiestark · 5 months
Parents Weekend
Platonic!Percy Jackson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Summary: Percy's clear-sighted mortal cousin on his mom's side flies out to California to visit Percy for his first parents weekend away from home, at New Rome University.
Word Count: 2,166
Category: Fluff
A/N: This is full of spoilers for every book that features Percy Jackson, so if you're a new fan brought in by the show, welcome! But this fic might not be for you, unless you really don't mind spoilers. Also, it is loosely related to this other platonic Percy fic I wrote, but you don't need to read one to understand the other
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"HALT! Not another step without approval!"
I jumped backwards as a talking statue appeared in front of me out of nowhere, stopping me right on the threshold of the city of New Rome. Of all the things I'd seen as a clear-sighted mortal, this ranked among the weirdest for sure.
"Who are you, and on what authority are you here?"
"Uh... I'm Percy Jackson's cousin, and I'm here to visit him at college?"
The statue narrowed his eyes at me.
"Percy Jackson's cousin, hm? I know him well. He spent quite a lot of time when he first got here disobeying and disrespecting my rules. But we killed a giant together, and he defended Rome honorably. So as long as you are not armed...?"
The statue raised an eyebrow at me, and I quickly held out my hands and shook my head to show him I didn't have anything on me. He narrowed his eyes, then nodded curtly.
"Then you may enter. Tell him hello, and to get a haircut."
"Yes sir."
The statue nodded, clearly pleased, as I walked past him and into the city of New Rome. Percy had told me all about his adventures whenever we caught up with each other, and I felt fairly confident that I'd just met Terminus, the Roman boundary god. He was even more uptight than Percy had said.
It was a beautiful fall day in California, the sun lighting up the Oakland hills and creating just the right amount of warmth. I stared around in awe at the city before me, which practically sparkled in the sun.
Percy had told me all about it, and I'd even seen a few pictures. But nothing quite compared to seeing it in person.
I joined the crowds moving through the city, laughing and talking with one another. Luckily for me, a very easy to find street sign pointed me in the direction of New Rome U, and I started heading in that direction.
Percy had just started college this fall, moving all the way across the country just when I'd finally settled for the long haul in New York. I gave him a bit of teasing for that, but I knew how happy he was to be going here (especially with Annabeth) and how hard he'd worked to get in, so I really was happy for him. I'd just made him promise to visit New York often, which I knew he would do for more family members than just me.
What I hadn't told him was that I also intended to visit him. This weekend was officially "parents' weekend" at NRU. Sally and Paul couldn't come, since Estelle was still a baby, but I had no such limitations. I'd booked a flight the second Sally had told me the date, and now, I was finally here.
Percy had no idea. As far as he knew, he had nothing special happening this weekend. I couldn't wait to see his face when I surprised him.
My head was on a swivel the minute I set foot on campus, looking for my favorite cousin. He wasn't short, so I hoped he'd be easily visible over the heads of people in the crowd, but I wandered between buildings and students with no luck. I needed a better plan.
It didn't take me long to come up with one, thankfully. A big, beautiful fountain sat in the middle of a cluster of university buildings, so I headed right for it and hopped up on the ledge, standing tall and scouting the crowds from my new vantage point. After a minute, I heard a surprised voice from behind me.
I whipped around to find Percy standing at the top of some stairs, apparently just coming from class in the building. He was hand in hand with his girlfriend Annabeth, which always made me happy to see. I beamed at him and waved like a maniac before hopping down and heading his direction.
"What are you doing here?" he called, momentarily dropping Annabeth's hand to race towards me, meeting me halfway across the square. I laughed as he picked me up in a tight hug and spun me around.
"It's parents' weekend for New Rome University, isn't it?" I asked, once my feet were back on the ground. "I might not be your parent, but I'm pretty sure the event has changed to mean 'family weekend' by this point."
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming!" he cried, laughing a little as he apparently didn't quite believe I was really here. Annabeth joined us, a smile on her face to match mine and Percy's.
"Because I wanted to surprise you, duh!" I laughed and pulled Annabeth into a tight hug, which she returned. "It's so good to see you both! Oh, and Percy, Terminus said you need to get a haircut."
Percy groaned and shook his head while Annabeth laughed.
"You met Terminus? How did you even get in here?"
"I name-dropped you for street cred with Terminus, obviously," I teased. Percy rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. "And I might have found a way to reach out to a friend you mentioned had some power here. Frank Zhang was very nice when a total stranger appeared through a very shaky Iris message asking him to let me into his camp."
Percy and Annabeth both laughed at that, sharing a smile.
"I'll have to remember to thank Frank for the assist," said Percy.
"I actually have some of your mom's cookies with me for that exact purpose."
Percy's mouth dropped open in outrage. "And you didn't bring any for me?"
"Did I say that?"
I turned and reached into my bag, then pulled out a tupperware container of Sally's famous blue chocolate chip cookies.
"These are for you. I ate mine on the plane, and I have a batch of purple ones for Frank, since that's Camp Jupiter's colors."
"My mom is amazing," Percy breathed, the box of cookies already opened with one in his hand.
"Yeah. Yeah, she is. Now come on, I flew all the way out here from New York to hang out with you. I want to see your new school and hear about all your classes and everything else. Just tell me where we're going first."
Percy grinned. "I know the perfect spot."
My cousin didn't disappoint. Annabeth had to do a bit of work to prepare for the coming week, so after getting a promise from her to meet us later, Percy and I hiked to the top of a beautiful hill overlooking the entirety of Camp Jupiter, apparently called the Garden of Bacchus. With the sun shining and a slight breeze blowing, I quite literally couldn't have imagined anything more perfect.
"You know, I love New York. But I could stand living somewhere with more weather like this," I mused. Percy laughed.
"Yeah, it's a perk. I do miss the city sometimes though."
"Of course. But you'll be home for the break, right?"
"Yup. Annabeth's coming with me. I can't wait to see my mom, and Paul and Estelle. And we'll probably visit camp, which will be nice."
"I'm sure everyone will be excited to see you. Just don't forget to come visit your favorite cousin in fun places I can actually get to," I said, nudging him in the shoulder a little as I teased him. He grinned right back at me.
"Good. Because otherwise I'll have to come track you down, and based on what you've told me about Camp Half-Blood, I'd have a hell of a time getting into that place."
"If any mortal could pull it off, I bet it'd be you."
I grinned, and Percy smiled. We paused for a minute, taking in the gentle breeze and bustling city below us, then I spoke up again.
"Alright, so catch me up. How's everything? Classes? Annabeth? Being on the West Coast? Any more of the Olympians trying to give you trouble?"
Percy frowned at the mention of the Olympians, which seemed incredibly fair to me.
"Thankfully no, at least for now. Otherwise, things have been good. It's still a little weird to be here, and I miss a lot of people back home, but I have a lot of friends here too. Mostly I'm just happy to finally have some normal life time with Annabeth."
"I can't think of two people who deserve it more." Percy huffed in agreement as I continued. "And one of the hardest parts of college is leaving behind people you love to go do what you need to do out in the world. But like you said, there's a lot of people you love and who love you here, too. And you know me and Sally and everyone else in New York will always leave our doors open for whenever you want to come back."
Percy gave me a small smile.
"I know. And I'll always be happy to see you visiting me here, or wherever else I might go. Especially if you keep bringing my mom's cookies with you."
I laughed. "Yeah, that makes sense. I think her cookies could open most doors for me, honestly."
"For sure."
We took a moment, smiling and laughing and breathing in the fresh air. Then finally, I sighed and stood, facing Percy with my hands on my hips.
"Alright, I've gotten the bird's eye view and I'm finally warm again after New York got that early cold snap. Now let's see what else this Roman camp has to offer."
The more we walked around, the more my jaw dropped. It looked just like the pictures I'd seen of Rome and Italy as a whole, places I'd always dreamed about visiting. Only bright, shiny, new, and right here in front of me, where I could reach out and touch it.
As we walked around and Percy gave me the full campus tour, we found more and more people who knew him, smiling and calling out hellos as we passed each other. I beamed every time, happy to see my little cousin doing so well. He'd been through hell, but he seemed at peace here. Settled, in a way I hadn't really seen him before.
"The camp itself has pegasi stables and stuff, but we'd need to get special permission to visit them," Percy explained as we walked into the plaza where I'd first found him, headed for 'the best coffee shop this side of the Mississippi'. The basic tour was completed, so we were on our way to meet Annabeth. "I can ask Frank about that, maybe. How long are you here?"
"I'm staying for the whole parents' weekend, so hopefully that means I get to see the pegasi! The day I met Blackjack might still be my best day ever."
Percy laughed as we walked through the door, a bell jingling happily over our heads. Annabeth waved to us from a table near the window, and we headed her direction.
"I think Blackjack enjoyed that day, too. He always likes to be appreciated."
"He's a flying horse. Who the hell isn't appreciating him?"
Percy just shrugged as we joined Annabeth at her table. She grinned and slid two drinks our way, one for each of us.
"Percy told me your order. Hopefully they got it right."
"I'm sure they did," I said, taking a careful sip. My jaw would've dropped, if I weren't incredibly determined not to let a single drop go to waste. "That is... actually maybe the best thing I've ever had."
"Right?" Percy grinned as he sipped his own drink.
"So, what did the two of you get up to?" asked Annabeth.
"Percy gave me the whole campus tour," I said, smiling as I leaned back in my seat, leisurely sipping my drink. The sun coming through the windows gently warmed my face, and I could've stayed right there for the rest of the day and been perfectly happy. "We hiked up to the Garden of Bacchus too, and I got a bird's eye of this whole place. I know I'll probably never get to see Camp Half-Blood to compare, but... this place is stunning."
"It really is."
Annabeth and Percy shared a smile, and he took her hand across the table. I beamed. I loved Annabeth, and I loved the two of them together. I'd never met somebody other than Annabeth who got such an immediate, unanimous family seal of approval.
"So, I got the tour of campus. I heard there are pegasi stables, which I will not be leaving without seeing. But what else is a can't-miss?"
"Don't worry," said Annabeth with a grin. "I had enough time after homework to make the perfect plan."
"Athena always has a plan," said Percy. He and Annabeth shared another smile, and I couldn't help smiling with them.
"Well good. Because I'm here all weekend, and this seems like a city I don't want to miss."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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yandere-toons · 2 years
I loovvee percy jackson!! Hows about some platonic headcanons for luke castellan? The original sympathetic edgy sadboy.
Luke Castellan (Platonic Headcanons)
WARNING: yandere, death, violence, abduction, psychological manipulation, toxic mindset.
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EVERY TIME his friend comes to him with complaints about another camper harassing or bullying them, Luke listens and takes note of the name so he can intimidate the camper later. Even if the complaints are not a call to action, that is how Luke chooses to interpret them.
His way of exacting revenge is to make the camper his next sparring partner. Many of the half-bloods gather to watch his swordplay, and Luke disguises his agenda as a lesson in how to parry and disarm one's opponent.
The camper has no hope of winning when faced with a vengeful and driven Luke. He rips the weapon out of their hands before they have a proper chance to defend themselves and shoulder-charges them into the dirt.
Depending on the severity of the transgression and how upset it made his friend, Luke will do this again and again until the camper is bruised and exhausted.
If anyone has the mind to question his apparent hostility, it is dismissed as Luke adding a touch of realism to the training session to better prepare everyone for how unforgiving the monsters will be.
Should his friend be there to witness his triumph, Luke teases them about enjoying the sight of the camper getting bested. Regardless of whether this is true or not, Luke believes he has done his friend a service and takes pride in the fact that the camper is most likely afraid of him now.
It does not take long for Kronos to catch wind of the relationship, what with Luke dreaming of his friend most nights. Kronos seizes the opportunity to lead Luke further astray and perverts these dreams into nightmares about his friend dying.
Their death is always the result of negligence by the gods, such as his friend falling under attack by monsters and making a prayer for help that goes unanswered. The lighter nightmares are of his friend rotting alone in the Hermes cabin, abandoned and forever unclaimed by their godly parent.
Luke descends into paranoia and hatred for whoever his friend's godly parent is, devoting what little time he spends away from his friend to stewing over imagined threats to their life. He views his mission as bringing them salvation and delivering them from the uncaring grasp of the gods.
Anytime his friend is presented with a quest or the offer to join one, Luke takes on a bitter attitude and states that the gods deserve no favours from them. He has no qualms about sticking mortals with Backbiter if they come across any humans who treat his friend badly.
Coming back from a quest dead or with injuries is certain to get someone else killed. Luke blames the other members of the quest for, in his eyes, failing to protect his friend. He holds a grudge against these people that spans years, and he makes sure they catch the tip of Backbiter one day.
Once he ditches Camp Half-Blood, Luke hounds his friend to hop aboard the ship Princess Andromeda and embrace Kronos' revolution. He promises the coming of a paradise where they no longer need to waste their life waiting for the right god to acknowledge them.
He refuses to take no for an answer, convincing himself that rejection only means someone has corrupted their perception of him and lied to them about his goal. Luke sends monsters to correct this wrong by abducting his friend and attacking anyone who goes to intervene.
Percy sees this order in a dream and warns Luke's friend not to leave the camp for any reason. The poisoning of Thalia's pine tree makes this a bit of a moot point, as monsters begin to slip through the cracks in the barrier and wage various kidnapping attempts.
Kronos grows wise about how this conflict is distracting Luke, so he starts to assault Luke's friend with nightmares about betrayal and their gruesome death. Kronos aims to turn them against the gods and Camp Half-Blood so that they will come running to his side, allowing Luke to focus on the task at hand.
Luke is careful to instruct the monsters on Kronos' payroll that his friend must not be harmed. If they are brought before him battered and bloodied, Luke erupts in rage and tries his hardest to have the monster responsible executed.
He forges a story in which they have proven to be a useful war asset to shield them from Kronos, and Kronos, noticing how much Luke's sanity rides on their life, dangles the threat of a fate worse than death for them if Luke fails to uphold the cause.
If his friend does convert to Kronos' side or at least pretends to convert, Luke considers them his new family and taunts anyone who would persuade them otherwise. Lying to Luke is a tricky gamble because Kronos will suspect the deception and whisper it in Luke's ear until Luke wonders if Kronos is onto something.
When doubt creeps in and Luke finds his loyalty to Kronos wavering, he seeks out his friend and begs them to flee with him. He speaks of leaving both the gods and Kronos behind in favour of being on the lam with no one but each other.
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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urromanempire · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson Characters: Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson, Grover Underwood Additional Tags: Book 1: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), TLT, percabeth, Baby Percabeth, Baby Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson is a Dork, Percy Jackson is a Good Friend, Canon Compliant, Lotus Hotel and Casino, annabeth plays sims, Their Love Is So, Fluff, Platonic Romance, Minor Angst, Missing Scene Series: Part 1 of percabeth scenes we were robbed of Summary:
"I don't like not knowing how to do things."
"Well, that's an easy fix. I'll teach you."
percy teaches annabeth how to play video games while theyre at the lotus hotel and casino.
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granolawriting · 9 months
Welcome to my request forum!
Status: OPEN!
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What I WONT write:
incestous relationships (includes characters that are like family; I.E obikin)
underaged characters in anything other than platonic
however, if anything requested comes about and i'm uncomfortable, I can still reject it on those grounds. obviously.
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Characters I currently / can write for:
the mandelorian
anakin skywalker / darth vader
Joel miller
ellie TLOU
kylo ren
technically, I can write for anyone listed on my fandoms list. However, these are the ones I write best :). Though dont be afraid to request otherwise, I will gladly write whomever.
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Fandoms I can write for / will post about:
the last of us
Harry potter
percy jackson
star wars (mostly prequels)
most popular anime titles
any fandom I am apart of with real people and actors, remember they are the CHARACTER! I would not like to write anything about the real actors :)
⋆┆ ┆ ┆ ┆⋆
How to request!:
you can always shoot a message into my inbox, or you can DM and talk to me about it there! Please just use these specifications;
which character(s)
smut, fluff, angst, platonic, etc. (can be multiple)
one shot, headcanon, or imagines
general outline/setting (when, where, so on)
with who! it can be x reader, character x character, or it can be an alt ending fic
and remember if you want something very specific, consider checking out my comissions instead so I can make your visions come to life :)!
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bookishjules · 11 months
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Here Without You - Chapter 2
"It used to be that Leo’s survival was dependent on his ability to be a one-man army. He couldn’t form deep connections, had to be self-sufficient—a necessity born from his experience with the foster system, but also just to protect his heart from the intense pain that he knew came with losing a loved one, and losing people is inevitable when you’re always on the run. He’d never had the opportunity to know how good it felt to have friends until Piper, Jason, Cabin 9, the rest of the Seven. But now that he knows . . . it’s like he didn’t know how thirsty he was until he had a sip, and then suddenly water was all he craved."
read from beginning // playlist // chapter 2
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at1nys-blog · 5 months
Hungry and exhausted kids
Pairing: Demigods x diner’s staff
Summary: when the “Regulars” come to eat all injured and bruised is time for something special, and a lot of first AID kits
A/N: this is based on a post I reblogged some time ago(I don’t know when I’m going to post this nor if I can actually. If not just tell me to take it down no hate thanks) also you might read something similar written by @/drberfarious but do not worry people of tumblr I am a good writer so they contacted me and we talked about it so is safe for me to post it.
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The 3Heads a diner run by the Pecks was one of the very few diners in the city open 24/7 no matter the weather conditions. The diner was open even under the holidays.
Sylvia, the youngest grand daughter of the owner, was happy about all of that, especially since she was allowed to decorate the space however she liked: on Halloween she gave her best if not more, this one being her favourite and the costumers loved the hanging spiders' webs and the skeletons having a bite with them and the owners loved the masked costumers-the second year since they were out for business they decided to inaugurate a contest for best Halloween costume and everyone loved it so much- the staff came to work dressed up as well; on Thanksgiving the atmosphere was more chill, with less decorations that excpected but the one not used for that holiday were soon going to be put out for Christmas.
Zackary, the older grand son of the owner, and Sylvia's brother, he noticed how many people were alone during Christmas, it was sad to witness young people spending such a jolly holiday, he wished for every single one of them to find a new family to spend that time of the year together. Some did, coming the next year with a partner, or their family; others didn't.
Than it was time for San Valentine, the sweetest holiday of them all, well on an equal footing with Halloween, but still. The diner turned from all green and red to pink. Hearts, flowers and ballons filled the diner and every now and then the owners were able to assist, and record, a couple of proposals.
It was before Easter, a couple of weeks prior to the festivity. A Saturday late night, maybe around 1 am or 2 when Sylvia welcomed inside a boy. The girl noticed he was exhausted, she had a thought that the boy had walked for a long time, how much to be exact she didn't know but again, the phylosophy of the diner was to not ask or assume.
She welcomed him in, a big smile on her face despise the late hour, he looked at her, for a second before turning around and scanning the space as in search of somewhere to hide.
"We have a couple of booths away from the entrance" she explained.
"No windows?" he simply asked.
"No windows" she repeated after him. The boy nodded and she asked him to follow her with a simple movement of her arm. When she had left him take a seat, the boys asked if they had something blue. Sylvia had to ask for some explanation here because what did he meant by something blue?
"I am craving blue food" he answered, which didn't help much but the girl knew how to deal with such reqeusts.
"I see what I can do." this was the magic formula to avoid conflict and with that she left the menu on the table and went straigh into the kitchen. "weird question but, do we have blue food coloring?" her older brother looked at her weird, as if she just asked him to take out from his pocket a monkey or something of that sort. "Ehy don't look at me like that. The kid asked for blue food." she defended herself. Her brother rolled his eyes and went to search for it.
"By the way do you know what he wants?" Sylvia was silent, she didn't ask. I mean the poor girl just got asked if they had blue food, the only think on her mind was if they could provide that for him and gain a new costumer or not a loose a potential costumer. "go ask him."
And so she did, and when she was back to the table he left the guy, she noticed he was sleeping, or on the verge of doing so. She pocked him, carefully, sure he was there to eat but if he fell asleep in the worst position ever that meant he was really worn out (?)
She pocked him again, a little harder this time and the poor kid jumped out of his skin taking out of his pocket a stabilo pen, using the object as a weapon as a fit to cause her arm.
"Sorry, I forgot to ask what would you like to eat."
"I don't really know, I just would like if it was blue."
"Okay, I'll tell that to our chef and see if we can meet your request. Anything to drink while you wait?"
Percy Jackson, Sylvia learned his name, became a regular at The 3Heads and after the second month-he passed by at least every single day to grab his usual to go, and once a week he took his sweet time by sitting and enoying his meal- he came in, the Pecks decided to add a special section of their menu and what best way to show it to him?
Percy walked in, followed by his two friends, Grover and Annabeth, with a quick hello went straight to his usual seat and then relaxed resting his head on the table. Annabeth was fast scolding him, it wasn't very polite to sleep in a diner but before Percy could explain, Sylvia was ready to give Percy that good news.
"Hello." she greeted the two new costumers. "Ohy sleepy head I have some news." she looked at the blonde girl and asked if it was okay for her to seat for a moment, when she nodded Sylvia sat down. "Perseus Jackson listen to me" his head was up in a second, the mention of his real name didn't scare him for once but only put him in listening mode. "I have, I mean the entire family has a surprise for you." Percy looked behind the girl and saw her brother, dad and grand father looking at him with anticipation. "read the menu" and so he did.
The first pages weren't any different, just a couple of new dishes nothing major really but then his eyes widened when he read the title of the section thet added 'Blue Food&Drinks'
"We have to find a new title for the section and we wanted..." she got cut off by the boy.
"Who's idea was that?" she smiled.
"Zachary joked about the fact we had to add it since you are basically living off of our food, dad thought it wasn't such a bad idea. Grandpa was the thoughtes to..." and once again Sylvia couldn't end her speech due to Percy hugging her out of nowhere with a soft thank you.
He then went to hug the rest of the Pecks and thanking them, he couldn't believe it. He never thought that complete strangers were going to do something this nice and sweet for him.
"Okay, why is Percy acting like a kid on Christams?"asked the boy. Sylvia just smiled and told him to check the menu. He started reading under his breath not understanding much about what was happening untill... "wow he comes here this often?"
"What? What is it?" said the blonde girl next to Sylvia and the menu was given to her, she smiled. "He comes here that often for sure. Thank you, you gained a loyal costumer and he is never going to stop talking about it. I am pretty sure the other campers will come here too." The Pecks knew about the summer camp not that away from the city, Percy had talked to them about it some weeks after he discovered the diner.
After that, Percy came in with always new people and the first think he showed them was the section about the blue food, picking for them his favorites and sharing new ideas with the cooks of the diner even because the blue food was becoming to be a trend. Kids asked their parents to take pictures of it; teens loved it and also felt the need to have it to fit into a new society that was head over heals for it; elder people just wanted to have some fun and try something out of the ordinary because who could have thought they could have a smoothie with blue cookies? Not them.
Time passed and The 3Heads had campers from "Camp Half-blood" almost on a daily, they became like a very extended family and good friends. They celebrated their birthdays there, went on dates there or just went and between one bite and the other played Mythomagic, similar to a game of Yu-Gi-Oh! but with mythological creatures. Sylvia did played a couple of rounds while on a break.
Time had passed since that first night when Percy Jackson walked into the diner and since then Sylvia and Zachary made good friends with the campers, everyone had their favorite kid but Percy? He was the number one for them. He was funny, sarcastic, intelligent on his own, witty and so much more. He sure was stubborn but one of the nicest kid the older Pecks have ever met in their life.
It was the day of Percy Jackson's birthday, in 2009, that the Percks closed the doors of The 3Heads for the first time in their life because how can you keep a diner open when a bunch of teens come to you bruised and injured, whith a face that read 'we lost someone' all over their faces?
Sylvia, Zackary, Colto and Taddeus Peck didn't asks question because this was their phylosophy of work, and whoever walked into that doors had a chance to choose either tell their story or not, and that night campers that have seen death, fought her and won decided it wasn't the time to tell the story of what did happen.
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noctarcanum · 9 months
fanfic of the day:
i can't save us || a pjo & marauders crossover pirate au with:
a cursed, 19-year-old Harry, co-parented by Jily
Aroace plus size Lily Evans
Trans Percy Jackson (Captain Perseus Jackson, to be exact)
Sirius living his best vodka aunt life
Enemies to reluctant allies to lovers
magic and the greek gods co-existing and I'm so much better at it than jkr
everybody is queer until stated otherwise
a lot of Odyssey references and fun side-quests
a very very big found family
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cloudywrites0 · 1 month
just posted another grover & percy fics plz feed me with comments 🫣
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addsalwayssick · 4 months
Addie is…?
Facts about me + My works
(If you ever need anything or just want to chat or get advice, feel free to ask me! i love answering asks and helping people out)
My name is Addison, but I prefer Addie or Adds || I don’t really believe in astrology but i’m a May Gemini || My birthday is May 30 || I keep my age undisclosed so it’s hard for people to find out who i am || My main fandoms are: Marauders, Percy Jackson. || I have red hair and hazel eyes || my dream job is an actress and i have so far starred in musicals and plays || my favorite album is Ziggy Stardust || my favorite fanfiction is Art Heist, Baby! || My favorite movie is Call Me by your name || I have celiac || New York >>> || If you send me a chain i’m my inbox [Send this to ten people who…] i see every single one, cry at it, he all like ‘omg people think this abt me?’ but i don’t answer them or continue them (i’m sorry i just hate the pressure and don’t want to continue them to anyone else but i love getting them)
My works
My works are something I take pride in, something I work hard on when I have time between volleyball, acting lessons, theatre, and school. Treat them with kindness. (Like, nice one?)
Ao3 completed works:
Orders out for delivery! [Pizza Boys and two brothers who love the pizza (and the boys)]
Dancing to the stars song [Dancer James Singer Regulus]
And I’ll miss you Forever [James and Lily’s last few days]
A03 Uncompleted works:
I Know Places [ Volleyball Au | Wolfstar and Jegulus]
I Remember Everything [Call Me By your Name au | Jegulus]
It’s In the Stars [ The Invisible Life of Addie Larue au | Jegulus ]
Here We Go Again [Wolfstar reunited- Mamma Mia! Au]
Which fics are worth your while?
Now, as a fic author, im inclined to promote all my fics, but which ones have the best writing? the best plot?
If you want pure angst: And i’ll miss you forever
If you want pure fluff: Dancing to The Stars Song, Here We Go Again
If you want the prettiest writing: I Remember Everything
If you want angst, but people falling in love: It’s in the Stars
If you want a sports AU: I Know Places
If you want a comedic fic with lots of pining: Orders Out For Delivery!
If you want platonic moonwater and platonic prongsfoot: I Know Places
If you want a little bit of golden trio with teddy: Here We Go Again
If you want a vacation/Italian fic: I Remember Everything
If you want mainly wolfstar: Here We Go Again
If you want mainly Jegulus: I Remember Everything, Dancing to The Stars song, It’s in the stars
If you want Jily: And I’ll Miss You Forever
If you want a mix: anything not mentioned.
if you want a variety of wolfstar, jily, jegulus, dorlene, pandalily, dorlene, and others, find my writing tag under this post!
Works i’m coming out with soon:
You’ll Hold my Hand Right? || Rosekiller
Sick but Not of You || Wolfstar texting fic
Just the way it goes || Group text fix
Writing request info
You can request anything. I may not write it i don’t like it, but feel free to request it. i’ll do smut, fluff, angst, etc
I don’t really have many tags, but most of my writing will be under
‘Addie Writes’
my art will be under
‘Addie does art’
and anything about sports/my life should be under
‘Addie cooks up’
i have a favorite mutual ❤️
I support everyone. ()
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itsss4t4n · 6 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-lee jordan
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-Fleur delacour
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace (no romantic fem reader)
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
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