#queen petty
randomz83 · 2 months
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When someone decides to send a rude email or post snarky comments and they don’t know you are a walking talking thesaurus with a PhD in Petty!!!
I’m telling you now, outside work or Social Media you can definitely catch these hands.
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A lot of these keyboard gangsters are just that. Social Media has a lot of people thinking they can’t get touched. Anyway, so as I’m gathering documents making requests like I normally do, I’ve had people get real disrespectful and nasty. I’m polite until I’m provoked. I keep asking myself why people feel so comfortable being rude and disrespectful towards me? Well they are going to learn today. If you can grant my request great. If not, there’s a way to respectfully decline. But there is always that one person that must test my patience with a pointed tone and nasty delivery.
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Little do these parasites know, I am a proud alumni of Petty University. If I have to take it there I gladly will. Check my credentials. Usually I would let things roll off my shoulders but I have to remind myself and these people who I am. So after calling out their rudeness and redirecting their misplaced anger; I take screenshots and proceed to show them who they think they are talking to.
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So let this be lesson, be careful and think before you post or respond. Think and reread that message or email before clicking Send.
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Taylor is so funny for finally making an album of songs that sound like her other work after years of this very accusation being levied against her
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laurapetrie · 2 months
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Queen Victoria's sketches of Anne Boleyn after seeing Giulia Grisi in Donizetti's Anna Bolena, 1830s.
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superbat-love · 7 months
Oliver: You know, if you squint really hard, he looks pretty hot.
Bruce: Who are you talking about?
Oliver: That reporter right there. From the Daily Market. Clock Bent.
Bruce: You mean Clark Kent.
Oliver: Yeah, that’s what I said. He’s tall and has good, strong shoulders. Nice butt. I can soooo tap that. Shame he hides that hot bod under that ugly suit.
Bruce: …Hey Ollie, be a dear and hand me that glass of wine, will you?
Oliver steps forward to grab a glass of wine off the tray carried by a passing waiter. Unfortunately, he trips and crashes into the waiter, spilling wine all over himself. People around him quickly scramble to help him up. Clark wanders over.
Clark: I saw what you did, Bruce. You shouldn’t have done that, Ollie was drunk.
Bruce: [sulkily] Well he deserved it.
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elizakai · 4 months
One thing I really want to see explored more when it comes to Nightmare’s character is the fact that he doesn’t lie.
Nightmare “never lies, only hides the truth.”
Nightmare being manipulative, twisting people’s words and disguising meanings is much more interesting than him simply lying to someone’s face and giggling about it later…
The amount of intentionality and intellect that goes into twisting the truth is, in my opinion, infinitely more intimidating.
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ruanbaijie · 4 months
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RNZ in Arc 5
THE SPIREALM 致命游戏 (2024) 1.34-1.37 adapted from the danmei novel Kaleidoscope of Death 死亡万花筒 by Xi Zi Xu 西子绪
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lokiusly · 6 months
During the holiday season, Mobius wasn’t as lonely as usual. He had met a man who always flirted with him.
“Oh, look there’s mistletoe” he looks up grinning at the red orbs as he steps closer to Mobius.
As Mobius looks up, he sees nothing. It was gone.
He laughs. “There’s nothing there.”
The man looks up confused. “But… I swear—”
Mobius nods smiling. “I know. Look, I gotta go, but thank you for the offer.”
As Mobius walks home alone, he thinks out loud, “You don’t have to worry y’know.”
Snowflakes flutter down and pepper kisses on his face.
Loki smiles.
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radarchives · 1 year
thirteen and that guy she fucking hates
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knightofleo · 2 years
“Love, Your Reigning Queen, in Seat 1A, First Class”
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Contemplating this post, and that got me thinking
What if Bruce and Oliver’s petty rivalry of pettiness resulted in them recruiting each other’s children for the cause.
Bruce offers Roy a chance to annoy Ollie. Roy: say no more.
Oliver is brainstorming ways of annoying bruce back. Jason shows up unannounced with vodka and a fifteen page bullet point list of ideas.
Bruce and Oliver are both individually enjoying being able to recruit the others’ child into their schemes carefully constructed plans
Except then all of a sudden Jason and Roy are getting married and when did that happen and oh no this was not in the ten year plan and why is Diana laughing at them?
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la-pheacienne · 4 months
Y'all love being progressive and edgy until the dishonor to the HOLY MATRIMONY and the HOLY WIFE and the SANCTITY OF A FICTIONAL ROYAL ARRANGED MARRIAGE comes to the table. Then you get flashbacks of that cool_girl/slut™ in your class that stole your boyfriend at 9th grade even though you were always so respectable and had his mama's approval, so all progressiveness flies out the window.
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supemaeve · 4 months
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You enjoying this?
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robintherobiner · 4 months
dreaming of an au where the reason Jack was so salty about Bruce taking care of Tim while he was in a coma was bc the Drakes both dated him when they were younger but he left them when Janet got pregnant because he got scared about the idea of parenthood and then adopted a kid like four years later and then said nothing for a decade and then just took in Tim.
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cupcake-hearts · 8 days
This is so Ares. I'm dying!😂🤣
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filledwithair · 8 months
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Meet Claire my MC for @apt502-if
Claire Trémaux ○She/her○ Journalist
26 years old, 174cm, bisexual and way too proud for her own good
RO: Rainn for the moment
Claire was born in London but her parents are french
French is her first language, she learnt english at kinder because her parents always spoke french at home
She is a bit self conscious about her accent
Claire loves art but didn't thought she could make a career out of it so she ended up choosing journalism
And now she goes to art galleries and museums to see what could have been
Luckily she discovered her love for being in front of a camera, and she is great
"I wish you would have cheated, it'd hurt less than choosing your job over me" Claire to Rainn at some point
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