#quiet is violent tour
add1ictwithapen · 1 month
iconic cover
I come looking for you with Haitians
I stay smoking on good Jamaican
You get money they started hating
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phantaloon · 11 months
okay clikkies I've done this with albums but what about eras
and when i say eras i mean concerts, videos, just the general experience of the new album and stuff
didn't know if i should include rab and self titled eras bc really how many of us experienced that, but then i thought, it's worth a shot
sorry for loc and csty, you were appreciated but like, the only thing i think would count would be the neverending mv and idk it didn't feel grand enough
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journallee · 1 year
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my favorite trip-for-concerts fits: tyler edition
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sleepyjim · 1 year
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idyllic-ghost · 1 month
I've been thinking about woozi aftercare 😫😫 like after an intense session imagine him taking care of you and giving you so many compliments especially if you haven't seen each other in a long time (reader she/her)
ohhh i can see that! i do see him as a very shy person, the type of guy who wouldn't be able to speak his mind in the moment when it comes to love (i do think he's good at communicating love, his songs are his track record, but that he has to sit down and think them over first), but in that moment with so much going on i definitely see it🤭
warnings: not proofed, implied smut, aftercare, MDNI
Your legs are still tangled together, your heavy breaths synchronizing in a harmonious rhythm. He's still inside of you, keeping the close proximity for as long as possible, and your arms are still around his neck - softly playing with his hair. Jihoon lets out a sigh that almost sounds like a whimper as he leans his forehead against yours. The bedsheets are clinging to your sweaty limbs, but you can't bring yourself to start cleaning up.
"Thank you," he whispers before giving you a chaste kiss.
The energy changed in a matter of seconds. Animalistic grunts turned into soft panting, violent movement turned into gentle touches, and the look in his eyes turned from lust to pure love. You had missed this, you had missed him - both of these sides of him. Jihoon had been gone for months on tour, and now he's finally with you again - not just over the phone, or on a face time call, but here with you, in real life.
"Why are you thanking me?" You brush away the hair hanging in front of his face, a playful smile appearing on your lips.
"I don't know..." He huffs and hides his face in the crook of your neck, where he presses a few loving pecks. "You're so beautiful... I just can't believe that you're with me. I've missed you so much."
You wrap your arms tighter around him, the small amount of movement had both of you wincing. He got home two-to-three hours ago, you couldn't quite tell, and the two of you had been at it ever since. It was surprising to see him like this, but you shouldn't be surprised considering the amount of racy photos you had sent him for the past few months. Safe to say, you are more than sensitive right now.
"I've missed you, too," you murmur and then, almost brittle, say, "You don't have to leave soon, do you?"
Jihoon moves to look at you again, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. He reaches out to your face, brushing something off your cheek with his thumb - you don't know if there was something actually there, or if it was an excuse to caress your cheek.
"If you're thinking about that now, I didn't do a good enough job." He frowns, a soft pout forming on his lips - it's been so long since you've seen him act cute.
"I just don't want to fall asleep now if you'll be gone in the morning," you say.
"I won't be gone," he quickly replies. "I'm staying with you- I've taken a few days off."
It's almost cute how much he's trying to reassure you. His flushed face and his messy hair, combined with his wide eyes, makes you laugh - any worry about the next day disappearing completely. Jihoon quiets down and a smile settles on his lips. He presses a final kiss on your cheek before moving to get up.
"I'll clean up, okay? Wait here," he says, as if you're capable to move at all.
"Hurry back," you chirp as you pull the covers tighter around you.
In a matter of seconds, Jihoon comes back with a warm towel to help clean you up. He can't meet your eyes as he brings the towel to your thighs, so different from how he had treated you a few minutes ago. The shyness has apparently not hit him just yet, as he soon crawls back into bed and moves you to lay on his broad chest. One of his hands are on the top of your head, keeping it in the crook of his neck, while the other is on your back - drawing circles on your sensitive skin with his fingers.
"You're so good for me," he says. "I'm sorry for being away so much."
"It's fine," you answer, "as long as I get to experience you like this every time you come back."
"Noted." The chuckle he lets out almost sounds more like a scoff as it is quickly cut off by a yawn.
His fingers subconsciously drum against your back to some unknown melody. You find yourself wanting to ask what song it was - if it was something old, something new, or an old unreleased track - but Jihoon seems keen on not talking about work tonight. You can't blame him.
"I'm happy you're back," you murmur and nuzzle your face closer to him. "The bed is always cold without you."
Jihoon smells like the laundry detergent you told him you usually buy, his skin radiates the kind of warmth that seeps into your soul, and you can hear his heartbeat quicken at your words. You don't have to look at his face to know that he's turned red.
"I should get you a heating blanket," he grumbles in an attempt to hide his fluster.
"I like this more," you counter.
He removes his hand from your back to place over his eyes as a soft breath leaves his lips. You look up at him with a teasing smile and, as you expected, his ears are bright red.
"Jihoon." Your voice gets his attention and he removes his hand from his face to look at you. "I love you."
His flustered expression changes to a warm and much softer one. You shuffle around until your face is right above his, and you press a kiss on his lips. It's short, and Jihoon must think it's too short as he tries to chase your lips when you pull away.
"I love you, too." His eyes stay closed, as if he can't bring himself to look at you or as if he's still expecting you to kiss him again.
You give into him, pressing another kiss on his lips as your hands cup his face. Jihoon smiles against your lips as he gets what he wants, and takes you by surprise as he manhandles you onto your back. His eyes, although not as intense as before, has a lustful spark in them again.
"Again?" you ask incredulously.
"I have to make up for lost time," he argues and presses a kiss to your cheek.
"It's late, aren't you tired?"
"I'm never too tired for you," he murmurs before turning his attention to your body for the umpteenth time that night.
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speedycoffeedelight · 3 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery: You recently moved to a cabin in the woods for some peaceful time alone. But that is ruined when somehow a wide variety of different animals invade your space out of nowhere. Was this your Disney princess era or is there something more to it..
Also a crazy killer seems to be also on the loose as of now. And this guy who seems to be your new neighbour seems suspicious. Is there any connection?
(I kinda just had some scenarios made in my mind with the hazbin crew as animals so I decided to write them(◕ᴗ◕✿) )
Master list
CH-1: The fluffy and the winged friend
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As you turned the key,the door opened with a click. A gust of dusty air left the cabin as you opened the door. Coughing a little you started to look for the light switch with your hand. Soon you found it and turned it on as light filled the room. It was the kitchen from the looks of it. There was an old stove on the left side of the room,followed by a sink and a countertop.
On the right side was a wooden sofa. It look to be in bad shape as some of its parts had been eaten by bugs.You took a mental note to fix that later. There was a small stool beside the sofa which looked pretty okay. There was also a window above the sink. You went there and opened it to let some fresh air in. There was two more room to explore. You went in the right one.
This time it was a bedroom. There was a queen sized bed on a corner. Alongside it was your wardrobe and on the other side of the room was a chair and a table, all of which you made sure to be moved here before you came. There was a door in there too which you guessed was the bathroom. You went to the window above the table and opened it to let the sunlight in.
The other room was a bit spacious with a small fireplace and some old books with shelves in a corner. There was a lounge there too. Everything looked pretty neat for now.After finishing your tour of the cabin you took a big breath.
You used almost all the money you saved up till now to buy this cabin around the woods. You really wanted to settle down in a quiet place close to nature from your childhood and it just seemed perfect.
"Welp,time to get some unpacking done"
You rolled up the sleeves of your shirt and went to the balcony where all of your stuff were left in a pile of boxes. You crouched down and picked up a box labeled 'kitchen' and started to work.
You took a break at noon to whip something up quick for lunch and rest. The rest of the unpacking was almost done by afternoon,as you didn't have much anyway. You went to get one last box that was left on the balcony. It was a bit bigger then other ones. You went to open it up,but suddenly it started to violently shake.
"What the-"
You quickly took a couple steps back. You don't remember placing something moving or vibrating in that box. At least nothing that would start moving by itself like a blender. Gulping down you you slowly inched to the box again. As you were close to touching the lid, it opened by itself. Being startled,you quickly retrieved your hands as a pair of horns poked through the box.
Suddenly that something with horns jumped in front of you from the box. It was a sheep, a small fluffy adorable sheep. Following its jump, an ashy moth also flew out from the box and sat on the sheep's horns.
You were confused as hell. How the heck did a whole ass sheep and a big moth get inside your box? It didn't seem like the boxes were open beforehand. But swatting away that confusion,you focused on what to do with the two little creatures in front of you right now.
Your cabin was surrounded by woods on one side and it was far from safe for a little sheep like it. Plus you really wanted to pet it for some reason. Deciding you'll keep it with you for however long You can. You slowly started to get close to it holding out your hand.
The sheep was looking at you curiously and started to walk over to your hand. While the moth seemed to be tensed by you almost.
Slowly the sheep was under your reach. You softly put your hand on it head and began to pet it. The sheep closed it eyes which you think meant it was enjoying it. The moth seemed to be comfortable too now. Looking closer, you noticed the moth was missing one of it's eye. There was a cross where it's left eye should be.
Normally you weren't a big fan of moths. But this one really looked pretty. You mentally cursed whichever thing that made such a cute creature look like this.
Now you slowly tried to pick up the sheep so you can carry it to your room. You had some vegetables left over that you could give to the sheep.
"Hey there darling,come with me. Let's get you some food alright..?"
You spoke in a soft voice attempting to reassure it. But then it hit you that they wouldn't understand your language. You mentally facepalmed yourself right then for your stupidity. But to your surprise,it came closer to you and let itself be picked up. Even looking a bit happy in the process if that was possible. You heart absolutely melted at the sight of it and the soft fur. The moth flew and sat on top of your head.
"Well then, let's get going,shall we?"
You said as you walked back into the cabin with the small sheep in hand and moth on your head. At least you wouldn't feel lonely in this cabin tonight.
(A/n: just trying to get the environment figured out in this chapter and I'm not really good with it:') )
(Also this is already published in both ao3 and wattpad under the same name. But I wanted to publish it here too and see how it goes. The artwork isn't mine!!)
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ramblingoak · 4 months
A Nap With Secondo
~ A special edition of Naps With Copia ~
For @sodoswitchimage who needed a nap with Bone Daddy 💙
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Secondo x gn!reader
The naps are all stand alone stories so you do not have to read one before the other! This series came from my post about wanting to nap with Copia all around the abbey. The stories will all have gender neutral readers and soft naps.
Warnings: reader has anxiety, Secondo being kind and soft, sfw, 1100 words (thank you to @gothdaddyissues for the dividers!)
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“I’m going to kill your brother.”
Secondo seemed unmoved, partially because he had heard this threat from you before.  When you stomped over to the couch in his office and sprawled across it with a groan he finally looked up from his work.
“Which one?”
You narrowed your eyes up at the ceiling, pondering his question for a moment before settling on your answer, “Terzo.”
He hummed thoughtfully and you heard the sound of paper being shuffled around before he finally spoke up, “Any particular reason or are you just feeling violent today?”
“You act like I come and do this all the time.”  You turned your head to look at him, frowning when you were met with a raised eyebrow.  “What?”
“I believe it was Sunday you sent me a very thoroughly researched email about, and I quote,”  Secondo put his reading glasses on while he picked up and squinted at something on his phone.  “Ah, here it is.  How you were going to “raze Primo’s gardens to the ground and salt the earth to make sure nothing would ever grow again’.”
“I’m sorry, did you have to sit through an hour-long presentation on why he needed a new greenhouse?”
“Who do you think he practiced it on?”  He took his glasses off, tossing them onto his desk and then steepling his fingers together while he regarded you with amusement.  “And then there’s Copia.”
You resisted the urge to cuss his youngest brother out.  Again.  
“Copia is lucky he’s still here and not being roasted over a fire in the pit somewhere.”
“What was that argument over again?  The touring budget?”
“It wasn’t an argument.”  You jumped up from the couch and flounced over to Secondo’s desk, only stopping when you were at his side frowning down at him.  “I just told him that if he showed up in yet another sparkly jacket I would shove those jackets so far up his a–ahh!”
Secondo was too quick for you, his arms slipping around your waist before you could move away.  With a quick tug you had fallen into his lap and no amount of wriggling was working to set you free.
“Quit that I have work to do.”
“You can’t just yank me into your lap and expect me to quiet down.”
“I’m aware, amore.  I just like having you close.”  He brought a hand up to your chin, the leather smooth and warm on your skin as he tilted your head so your eyes met.  “Even when you’re threatening to kill my family.”
“I haven't even told you what Terzo did.”
“Something bad enough to deserve whatever punishment you plan on dealing out, I’m sure.”  He leaned in and gave you a gentle kiss before letting go of your chin.  There was a smile threatening to break out on his face but you could tell he was fighting it.  “Would you like help?”
“I think it’s best if you don’t get involved.”  His chest shook behind your back with laughter and you sighed, settling back against him.  “Thank you for putting up with me.”
“There’s nothing to ‘put up’ with, amore.  I’m here for you just like you are there for me, sì?”
You nodded, the sudden lump in your throat making it hard to speak.  Secondo wrapped his arms a little tighter around you and you closed your eyes while you took deep breaths.  He was quiet as you worked on settling yourself.  Trying to calm your anxiety and frustrations from the last few days.  You felt so lucky to have him there, to have someone that understood what to do when you were feeling out of control and on edge.
You felt so lucky to have his love.
As your body relaxed Secondo started humming, nothing you recognized at first.  The warmth of his body and the security of his arms was enough to nearly lull you to sleep.  If it hadn't been for him starting to softly sing the chorus of ‘Jigolo Har Megiddo’ you would have fallen asleep right then.  You let out a little growl, wriggling in his lap again until you were free and on your feet once more.  It was impossible to keep a straight face at the sight of his grin so you spun and made your way towards the bedroom.
“Off to commit murder?”
“I’m going to sleep on it first, if that’s alright.  Maybe after a nap I’ll feel less murderous.”
You heard his chair move behind you and the steady sound of his steps coming your way.  He reached the bedroom door first, opening it for you and placing a hand on your lower back to usher you inside.
“Perhaps a nap would be a good idea for us both, eh?”  
He worked on his suit jacket and tie while you took off what you needed to in order to get comfortable.  His shoes quickly joined yours on the floor and soon you both were pressed up against each other on the bed.  You rested your face where his neck met his shoulder and took a deep breath of his cologne, the familiar scent grounding you even further.
“Have I ever told you how good you smell?”
“Only once or twice.”  
When you pulled away to look at him you could just see the pink tinge under the paint on his cheeks.  You smiled as you leaned close to kiss each one, following with a kiss to the tip of his nose and then one on his lips.  The paint was slightly bitter on your tongue, something you had grown used to but it still had you making a face.
“We’re going to be covered in your paint when we wake up.”
“I’ve been covered in worse.”  You had to hide your face against his neck again, your body shaking with laughter.  His breath was warm against your ear when he continued, “So have you.”
“Are we going to nap or do you want to keep talking about substances?”
Secondo smiled against your ear before placing a light kiss there followed by a few across your cheek until he was smiling down at your face.  You resisted the urge to say thank you again, mostly because you knew he would say there was no need for it just like he always did.  Instead you leaned up to give him a kiss on his lips before dropping back down onto the bed and settling against the pillow.
“Let your mind rest, amore.  I’ll be here to help you with whatever battle you need to fight when you wake up.”
You didn’t answer, you couldn’t answer.  Your throat was so tight with emotion, with the love you had for this man.  All you could do was get as close to him as possible, your arm tight around his waist and his own arms keeping you near.  He was humming again and that was enough to lull you to sleep feeling warm, safe and loved. 
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Up next is a nap for an Anon 💙
~ Naps With Copia series masterpost ~
If you'd like to be added/removed from the tag list (or if I accidentally left your name off) of this fic or any of my others please leave a comment or send me a dm! Thank you 💙
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 3 months
Angst with a happy ending, pregnancy, rockstar Eddie, minors dni. 18+
Eddies naked body presses to yours, his hand caresses over your hips as he presses tender kisses to your neck. It's nice, more than nice and for just a moment you can pretend that he's yours.
But it's only for a moment. The same sinking feeling fills you again as it always does when it's time for Eddie to go.
After your heart being broken repeatedly, hopes shattered every time Eddie didn't stay with you, you had finally had enough.
It had been building for some time but after finding out what you did last night you knew you had to leave, had to give up this impossible dream that you and Eddie were going to live happily ever after.
Tenderly your hand ghosts over your belly and you feel a rush of protectiveness for the life that was growing inside of you.
Eddie turns and looks at your face, freezes when he sees the tears in your eyes. "Princess" he begins to say something but you don't want to hear it.
"I'm tired Eddie, I'm so tired of this. Tired of being some dirty little secret" your heart throbs with pain but you swallow down your emotions.
At first being with Eddie Munson the rockstar was beyond your wildest dreams, you couldn't believe he noticed you, wanted to be with you. Especially as he was married to a beautiful model called Charlotte.
A marriage that was toxic, a mistake Eddie had told you the first night the two of you made love, an arrangement between Charlotte and Corroded Coffins manager to drum up publicity for the two to date then marry in a whirlwind romance.
"I was an idiot who agreed because she was a hot as fuck model, why wouldn't I want to be seen with her?"
"But fuck, this whole thing has been a nightmare. We don't have anything in common and want nothing to do with each other, it's the stupidest thing I've ever done, she's a great woman. She really is. We're just not a good match at all"
Of course you feel in love with Eddie hook, line and sinker after two months of mindblowing sex and opening up to each other.
But you craved more. More Eddie couldn't give you.
"Sweetheart, don't say that. You know what you mean to me" did you? He had never told you he loved you, how did he really feel?
"I'm just convenient Eddie, you know that I'm so in love with you but I'll never be the one who you're really with, won't be seen with you because you're a rockstar god and married to a gorgeous model. I deserve to be more than just an outlet"
His eyes knit in fury. "That's all you think you are to me, an outlet?" you stay quiet and begin to gather your things, pick up your bag and try to stop yourself from shaking.
This was for the best. This was for the best.
"I think this is the last time we should see each other" your voice shakes, you feel like you can barely breathe. The look on Eddie's face breaks your heart even more but it quickly hardens into something cold and distant.
"If that's what you want" you want him to tell you that he loves you, deep down though you know that won't happen.
"Goodbye Eddie" you hesitate then press a kiss to his cheek. When the door closes you hear something that sounds like a sob, it's violent and rips you apart inside.
It could be from Eddie or it could be from you, both hearts are broken that night. Even if you thought different.
Three months later the divorce of Eddie and Charlotte is all over the press.
A month after that Corroded Coffin announce their new album, it's a complete surprise to all of their fans.
The songs are critically claimed. It's their best album yet according to many fans and critics alike. All through the album is the theme of loss, heartache and haunting mistakes. One song is about a beautiful and tender love that slips through your fingers.
Gossip blogs speculate that it's about Charlotte but the reports are rebuffed by Eddie himself. Fans are rampant to know who the mystery person is that Eddie is still clearly so in love with.
Corroded Coffin go on one last tour to celebrate the album. All the while you have no idea what's going on with Eddie. Steve, Robin and Nancy are protecting you and the baby from all the speculation.
You're the one that got away, the one Eddie sings his heart out about on stage every night, yet you don't even know it.
Exactly eight months into your pregnancy is the day after Corroded Coffins last tour. You're eagerly awaiting the arrival of your little girl but you're heart still longs for Eddie.
It's stupid but you have this dream that one day he will show up on your doorstep and you'll get your happy ending but dreams were for fairytales weren't they?
You're living with Steve and Robin for now, Eddie doesn't even know you're here and even if he did know, you doubt he would care.
There's a knock on the door later that night and you feel your heart fill with hope, then shake your head. God, you needed to stop thinking like a fool. It was most likely Dustin or maybe even Uncle Wayne.
You open the door and Eddie's standing there, flowers in hand and looking nervous as hell.
"I'm so fucking sorry it took me so long to find my way home princess. I love you, I love you sweetheart"
It took a long time and a lot of pining and longing but Eddie had finally found his way back to you.
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jakekiszkasmommy · 10 months
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Feel The Music
Warnings: 18+, threesome, DP, p in the v (also p in the b), ALLLLLLLL the smut, everything, absolutely filthy. MINORS IF YOU ARE HERE I WILL COME THROUGH THIS SCREEN AND SLAP YOU BACK INTO YOUR MOTHER
It had been a long day of meetings, interviews and rehearsing. Jake wanted to run through everything one more time before heading back to the hotel for the night. You opted to stay with him for company. The crew and everyone else called it quits about an hour and a half ago.
Touring with the band as an assistant, you ended up being more of a friend to the guys than you were an employee.
After cleaning up the mess in the dressing room, you found Jake in his usual spot on stage, so focused that he didn't even notice you. You found yourself wandering the stage, plopping yourself behind his amps. This is normally where Danny's drum tech sat, readily available during the whole show. You spun around on the stool before a riff stopped you dead in your tracks.
The vibrations from the amplifiers running through your body were going straight to your core.
"Jakey. Jakeeeee," you shouted. But he couldn't hear you. He continued to play, his eyes screwed shut in focus. You could see the way his back muscles moved with every strum. Every note. You could feel yourself soaking through your panties.
Looking around at the dark side stage you spun back around, leaning against the amps. Surely he would still be another 30 minutes. What's 1 minute to yourself?
Your fingertips danced atop your bare thighs, pulling your green sundress up higher. You peeked over your shoulder at Jake as he continued to play and resumed your position on the chair. Opening your legs wider, you grazed over your clothed core. Sucking your bottom lip in between your teeth as you felt how wet you were.
You let the music carry your movements. Circling your clit lightly and parting your lips in response. You tipped your head back to rest along the backside of the amp, feeling even more of the vibrations. Picking up speed you let out a small moan, halting your movements in hopes that Jake wouldn't hear you and know what you were up to. As he continued to play, moving into the most intense solo of the setlist, you yanked your panties to the side and slid a finger through your folds. Lightly pushing two fingers into yourself just the way you liked. Using your left hand, you continued the fast paced circles on your bundle, driving yourself mad.
You opened your eyes and standing at the back of the stage with his mouth nearly on the floor was Sam. Your eyes went wide in panic but you couldn't stop. You were so close. You thrust your fingers inside of yourself at the same pace of Jake's solo. Never breaking eye contact. You wanted to hide yourself away. You knew this was wrong, but maybe it was a heat of the moment thing.
You nodded your head towards him, signaling for him to come closer. He hesitated before slowly walking towards you. His eyes shooting from yours to your hands and back up again. You swore you almost saw his dick twitch. He knelt in front of you. And just as Jake's solo came to a finish, so did you. Your orgasm taking over you so violently you started to let out a moan before Sam pressed the palm of his hand against your mouth, silencing you.
Your eyes searched his and as you moved your hands away, he leaned in to your ear.
"If you stay quiet he won't know a thing." He growled. You nodded your understanding and pushed your underwear off your legs. Sam picked them up and tucked them into his jeans pocket. He removed his palm from your mouth but instead pushed his thumb past your lips. "Fuck, Y/N. You naughty girl. Getting yourself off to my brother playing. That's hot."
You swirled your tonge around his digit as his other hand slid up your leg. Popping his thumb out of your mouth you whisper in his ear, "Sammy, can you make me cum again? Please. Please- I-"
Just as soon as the words leave your mouth, his fingers are circling your clit again. Sending you lurching forward away from the amp. His left hand is splayed out on your chest, holding you against the amp.
"You are going to have to stay still or else he will notice." He slides a finger into your pussy. "Fuck, you're tight."
He adds another, his fingers stretching you out more than your own. The callouses on his figertips are just the perfect amount of rough. Thrusting them in and out of you faster.
"Dirty little girl. Come on. Cum for me. Cum for Jake." His words are swirling around in your head and you are thrown into your next orgasm. Unfortunately this time, you don't realize Jake is done playing in time to stop the moan that slips past your lips.
"What the fuck." Jake says as he peers over the top of his amps. Looking down at you, his assistant and one of his best friends...being finger fucked by his brother.
Sam pulls out of you and smirks up at Jake. "Someone was having a little fun by herself. Getting off to you playing when I found her. Figured I'd help." Your cheeks flush red with embarrassment.
You brush the skirt of your dress back down and stand up. "Jake- I- I'm-"
"Y/N," Jake says as he slings his guitar off his shoulder and llaces it in the stand. "You were getting yourself off to MY playing?"
You look down at your feet. "Yes. I was. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." You feel tears ready to roll past your lashes and quickly go to move past him. He grabs your arm and pulls you into his chest. The smell of sweat and cologne taking over your senses.
"It's my turn." Jake pushes his glasses on top of his head and pulls you into a deep kiss. He intertwines his fingers in yours and drags you towards the dressing room down the hall. Shouting over his shoulder, "You coming, Sammy?" And not a moment later, Sam is on your heels.
You barely have a chance to realize what has happened before Jake has you pressed up against the wall. "Say no and it'll stop, okay?"
"Yes. Ok. But please. Someone touch me." You gasp as he sinks to his knees and licks a stripe up your soaked core.
Sam lounges back on the couch, watching. Waiting.
You knew Jake was good with his fingers. His playing showed that. But his mouth was incredible. Sucking your clit into his mouth and rolling his tongue against it made your knees buckle. You felt yourself getting closer as your hands tangled into his hair.
"Jakeeee," you whined. "Please. Please cane I cum?"
He breaks away for a moment. Your whining and moaning coninuing. "Oh NOW you want to ask my permission? To cum in my presence? Fine. Do it. Cum in my mouth then." He resumes his attck on your cunt. And with a few more circles of his tongue, your thighs shut around the side of his head, trembling.
"YES Thank you, Jake," you yell out. Your legs feel weak and he scoops you up and brings you to the couch. Placing you in between the both of them. You feel exhausted and your chest is rising and falling rapidly.
Sam pulls you over to straddle his lap. Kissing your exposed chest and neck. "Think you got one more in you?" You nod a yes. And he lifts you up enough to push his jeans down and pull his cock out.
You line yourself up and slowly sink down onto him. Both of you moaning at the feeling. You unbuttom his shirt and splay your hands out on his toned chest. Letting you move at your own pace, Sam lounges back into the armrest of the couch.
As your start to ride him, you feel Jakes hands sneak around your waist and pull your dress up and over your head. Your breasts bouncing with every movement. He kisses along your spine, up your shoulders and neck until he get's to your ear.
"What do you want, baby?" He growls low.
"I- I want you both. At the same time." Your eyes shoot down to Sam who has his fingers interlocked behind his head. A smirk playing at his lips.
"Dirty girl likes to play. Go ahead Jake. If that's what the lady wishes for." Sam says nonchalantly.
"I'm going to go slow. I don't want to hurt you." Jake says and you nod. Behind you, you can hear him undo his belt and push his jeans down. He spits on his hand and runs it up and down his length. "Okay, are you ready?" You stop your movements on Sam's cock and nod.
Jake pushes you down towards Sam's chest, giving him an easier angle. Sam takes the opportunity to grab your face and kiss you. Licking into your mouth. Spreading your ass, Jake eases into your rear slowly. You moan into Sam's mouth and clench around the both of them.
A low "fuck" escaping Jake as he stills inside you, now all the way to the hilt. Letting you adjust, Sam slowly moves his hips. You gasp at the fullness. "Please, Jakey, please." You beg.
Jake and Sam slowly thrust into you. Making sure you are ok and aren't hurt. You start to move your hips with theirs and moans start escaping your lips. Begging them to keep going, faster.
Jake grabs your hips and thrusts harder into you. You throw your head back in pleasure. Sam below you is absolutely in awe, watching your fucked out expression change as your get closer to your end. He decides to cirle your clit with his thumb again.
"God yes, Sammy. Please."
"Give it to us, baby. Let go. One more, you can do it." Jake whispers behind you. With a few more swirls of your clit, you are thrown over the edge of your orgasm. Followed by the both of them, spilling into you. Filling you up. You lean your head back against Jake's chest as your eyebrows knit together and you cum again immediately. Screaming their names.
"Fucking hell," Sam says below you. Eyes blown wide with lust.
Jake is the first to pull out of you, slowly. And then he helps Sam lift you off of him before carrying you to the en suite bathroom.
The three of you climb into the shower, absolutely exhausted and in shock of how the events even transpired.
You get shy all of a sudden. Realizing what has officially happened. Sam noticing right away takes your lower jaw and tilts it up to his face before giving you a soft kiss. Jake starts to wash your hair gently.
"Don't even start to apologize, Y/n." Jake says, "it was perfect."
You continue on in blissful silence in the shower, letting them take care of you before stepping out and throwing on an extra pair of clothes Jake had in his bag.
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cyberfox3000 · 1 month
I think the Clancy Tour needs a cool name like the rest of the tour instead of being named directly after the album for example:
Vessel: Quiet is Violent Tour
Blurryface: Emotional Roadshow (love this one)
Trench: Bandito Tour
Scaled and Icy: Takeover Tour
Like, Clancy needs something that ties to the theme of the album. Maybe like, Escapee Tour, The Rebellion, something like that.
What do you guys think?,
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celticcrossanon · 6 days
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As usual, take this tea with salt, Celta. 2ndhandcoke says she’s a court news reporter who has a brother who works in Hollywood as a producer. She has also said she has a lot of questions about Archie and Lilibet. 2ndhandcoke says Harry is a clown. I would add that Harry is a treasonous coward.
Hi TeaWithBooks,
Thank you for sending this in. I will take it with salt, as always. 
I think that Harry was more aware of what was going on than the tea says.  I believe the rumours that say he apologised for her bad behaviour and was embarrassed by it on the Oceania Tour. I also believe the rumours that he pushed for Meghan to give her speech at the closing ceremony at Invictus Games on that tour. 
I think Harry actively pushed Meghan forward at first because it made him feel good - Look what I can do for you! - and then as time went on, he was pushed out of the limelight more and more until now he just trails behind Meghan where ever they go together.
I believe that Harry was aware of and complicit in both pregnancies, that he saw keeping quiet about the surrogate as scoring a win over the BRF, and that he was desperate for what he saw as the fuss and prestige that comes with having children.
I also believe that this is an abusive relationship, and Meghan is abusing Harry verbally and emotionally (this comes in part from her setting him up as a violent husband from the start and the DARVO practises of offenders).
However, I think that staying in the relationship has given Harry the permission he needs to indulge and display all his hatred, envy, jealousy, entitlement etc to the world. I think that things that would have embarrassed him at the start of the relationship are now normal behaviours for him and he chooses to follow those behaviours as well (rudeness, entitlement, demanding special treatment etc).
As for Spare, it was published under his name, so if he was not aware of what was written in it then that is on him, as the book was supposedly written by him form start to finish and shows his view of things.
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yridenergyridenergy · 2 months
What are Japanese fans like during their lives compared to Western fans? (personal: I am Asian but live in Europe so I'm raised with Asian culture, I seen them 3 times so far (all in London, within front 10 row), but during this tour, in London, I felt like the fans were very violent. I got shoved around, almost got knocked over, could barely stand properly, and some accessories from my clothes got missing. Just this time, I felt really violated and the berserk fans ruined the experience for me)
What you describe is precisely why I travel thousands of miles to see them in Japan and did not consider going to this European tour. Tokyo shows tend to take after the western crowd a bit, it got really rowdy in the last few years of Shinkiba Studio Coast, but usually you can enjoy some personal space in Japan. The crowd is more homogeneous, too much so sometimes, and moshpits are actually forbidden in Dir en grey's shows after an incident two decades ago. What I really enjoy as well is that fans are quiet except in-between songs.
But Kyo incited people in Europe to mosh and all, and he wants fans of Petit Brabancon to do the same (that band has a different management company), so at least it's something that the band is alright with outside of Japan, apparently. It's funny too because there was drama on Reddit between "fangirls" and "metalheads" who make up the DIr en grey fan base outside of Japan. It's difficult to cohabit.
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Kinktober Drabble #12: Hate Sex/ Squirting
Kinktober Masterlist
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors dni, fingering, squirting, smidge of vaginal sex, arguing as foreplay.
Authors Note: Unbetaed. This is also an anon suggestion fill from a while back here (idea: ‘lovers in public, rivals in secret’). Nonny I hope you enjoy this, same for everyone else. <3
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In public, you are his intended. You appear on his arm and dance together, the picture of a chaste romantic match. In private, you argue, bicker, and then fuck mercilessly. Your antagonistic dynamic makes for quite the most explosive secret sex.
The night of the Bridgerton Ball, you goad him more than ever before, perhaps crossing a line by flirting with his brother. Touching the man’s arm, you see the look of confusion flit over his face and, across the room, the look of thunder upon Anthony’s.
“Miss y/l/n,” suddenly Anthony is next to you, “I shall give you a tour of my London home.” It sounds like an offer, but it’s not; it’s a command to follow him. You’ve seen almost every corner of Bridgerton House by now, especially the quiet ones he can fuck you in. But you acquiesce, looping your arm in his and smiling, people giving you polite nods as you move through the crowd, looking like a happy courting couple. 
Tonight he leads you to his private study. 
“How could you?!” he barks the minute the door is shut and locked.
“What?” you smirk, knowing full well what he is so riled up about.
“My brother? Really?” his tone dripping with disdain.
“Don't pretend you don't love it when we goad each other. Just last week, you flirted with that young widow; just to make me so angry, I took you out into the grounds and into my throat.” you volley at him.
His eyes flash heatedly, but his nostrils flare in annoyance. “There's a line, and it’s my family,” he insists.
“Well, what's done is done. Are you going to fuck me or not, my darling intended?” you challenge, hands on hips, the last three words a snarky retort.
“Maybe I won't,” he opines haughty, crossing his arms.
“Fine,” you throw your hands up, moving towards the door. “I'm sure that bohemian artist brother of yours will be up for some fun….” You cannot resist the low blow, knowing it's like picking at a proverbial scab that will scar if you keep messing with it.
“Don't you dare,” Anthony growls, grabbing your arm and manhandling you against a bookcase, breathing heavy.
“Then give me a reason to stay,” you draw your lips into a thin line and raise an eyebrow, your grip on his shoulders harsh, digging your nails into his jacket.
“I’ll do more than that,” he tugs up your dress and chemise, his cool hand questing hard against your mound.
You inhale sharply and groan at the sensation. 
“No undergarments, why am I not surprised,” he chides, “you act such a wanton hussy.”
“Fuck you!” You spit out the harshest language you can think of, base words you seldom utter even under your breath, but still push against his fingers, now sodden as they slide against your clit.
“You’d better,” he snarls, “but first, let's get you to ruin your dress shall we?” two fingers plunging into your pussy without warning.
You cry out and huff breaths through your nose as his fingers curl and start to rock almost violently forward, swinging hard against a spot a few inches inside. Instead of it being painful, you pant wide-eyed, feeling something entirely new, like nothing you've ever experienced.
“So there are still some things I can teach you, it appears?” he growls, panting with the exertion, using the strength of his whole arm to push in and out at a blistering speed.
“What the fuck Anthony?” each word a harsh staccato as your whole body tenses.
“You've never had anyone do this before, have you?” his face just a touch conceited.
“No,” you exhale hard, holding onto him for dear life, keening with each fast stab of his fingers.
“Good. I'm the only one who can bring you this intense pleasure, only me.” The possessive, arrogant litany rockets you towards something hot and intense. 
He is forcing filthy sodden, squelching noises from your body, and all you can do is hunch over him, the need to curl up against the overwhelming sensation so strong, wordlessly panting needy noises. 
“Now let’s make a real mess,” he rumbles and his thumb rounds on your swollen clit, pushing it up against your body harshly. You scream, uncaring who can hear, your whole world pinpoint focussed on a pressure that suddenly releases as a strong gush, your knees giving out, and you feel nothing but a blinding wave of pleasure.
You hear him proudly saying, “Oh fuck yesss,” but it’s distant and fuzzy.
He is holding you up against the bookcase as you come around to realise you have soaked his arm, your dress, stockings, shoes even the rug beneath your feet.
“Look what a pretty mess you made of yourself and me.” He comments as he removes his fingers gently from inside you. 
“Anthony,” you can barely form words, “what the fuck was that?” You are disconcerted by what you see but also so sated you can't bring yourself to do anything but cling to him.
“That, darling, is what you get if you challenge me,” he chuckles, nuzzling your face as you hear trouser buttons opening. “I can't wait to find out how you feel now,” he adds, pulling one of your legs over his hip. He surges his cock deep into you before you can do anything but cry out.
“Oh god, yes, you feel amazing,” his voice thready and debauched. 
You wrap your arms tight around his neck and bite his earlobe.
“So do you,” you murmur, “now let’s do this.”
You proceed to fuck so hard against the bookcase that three books fall out and narrowly miss your heads. You wouldn’t want it any other way.
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tagging: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports
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journallee · 1 year
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my favorite trip-for-concerts fits: josh edition
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blackhairedjjun · 1 year
flowers of every color | 1. irises
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overall summary: when your father is assigned as the new head gardener to the royal family, you are also tasked with helping him maintain the castle's many gardens and extensive floral arrangements. by chance you find yourself crossing paths with the "ice-cold" crown prince, choi yeonjun... who turns out to be not as ice-cold as everyone says he is.
chapter summary: as the head gardener’s child, you are introduced to the castle and to the royal family. your first task: deliver a fresh bouquet of flowers to the crown prince’s bedroom. thankfully, the task is not as bad as it seems.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: illness, one instance of the word “dammit”
author’s note: this chapter is VERY rough, since i wrote it before i turned this fic into a series. it wasn’t planned, and i wrote it in one sitting as “hey what if i explored this idea” kind of thing. i may go back and post an edited version, but only if i have the time and energy.
masterlist | next
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after the old gardener passes away from old age, your father, who is already renowed in your region for his excellent green thumb, is appointed as the new royal gardener for the house of choi. you've always been your father’s assistant in his gardening work, so pack up your things and move into the castle complex. the next few days are a whirlwind of touring the castle and especially the surrounding grounds; there are multiple gardens bursting with all sorts of flowers, trees, and shrubs. 
all throughout your main point of contact has been with the chamberlain and with various servants tasked with helping your father manage the gardens. you meet the king and queen only once, when they meet you and your father in the main garden to give you their official welcome. you do not see their only son, the crown prince. the king and queen say that he is feeling unwell, but you have heard of the rumors about the “ice-cold” prince choi yeonjun. he is an arrogant one, they say, and turns up his nose at the thought of meeting commoners. perhaps that is the true reason why he failed to meet you, you think.
after the first few days of touring and briefing, you are given your first official task. it’s a simple one: replace the flowers in the vase of the crown prince’s bedroom using the ones in the royal greenhouse. you can’t help but feel an odd mixture of curiosity and nervousness at this task - you’ll finally see just how ice-cold the prince is, but you don’t look forward to having that coldness directed at you.
but duties are duties, so on one quiet morning, you make your way to the prince’s bedroom. the door is slightly ajar, but you knock anyway out of politeness (and to avoid receiving his scorn).
“your majesty?”
no answer.
you knock again, just to make sure, but there’s still no response. perhaps he isn’t in his room, you think -- royal duties are time-consuming, after all.
you let yourself in and spot the flower vase at the other side of the room. as you make your way to it and take out the old wilted flowers, you glance at the prince’s bed. it’s a fine four-poster bed, but it’s covered in all manner of sheets and quilts, and the bedside table is no better with the mass of jugs and half-filled water glasses on top of it. you sigh. surely even a prince has the dignity to clean up after hims--
cough! cough!
your thoughts are interrupted by a violent coughing fit, followed by a pained groan.
oh. you’re wrong. not only is yeonjun still here, but he’s also actually unwell.
still, you don’t want to disturb him too much, so you place the new flowers in the vase as quickly as you can and tiptoe out of the room. before you can make your way to the door, however, his voice calls out, scratchy and hoarse: “w-who’s there?”
you stop in your tracks and, unsure what to do, bow in front of the four-poster bed. “i’m sorry to disturb you, your majesty,” you stammer, and you hastily introduce yourself with your name and your new position. “i was just repla--”
“stay, please...”
“...your majesty?”
he repeats your name and is interrupted by another coughing fit.
at this point you realize it would be awful to just leave a sick person there, crown prince or not, so you make your way to the four-poster bed. yeonjun is buried underneath the mass of sheets, and you realize just how awful he looks. his face is pale, and his eyes look tired. immediately you feel guilty for trying to leave him, and for thinking that he intentionally snubbed you and your father when he was probably feeling much worse a few days ago.
his hand comes out from underneath the sheets and reaches out for yours. hesitantly, you take it. his palms are clammy.
“can you stay for a bit, please?” he asks again. he’s pouting now and looking at you with sincere eyes.
“ah- your majesty,” you stammer, but your words are jumbled as you try to speak. "i was only supposed to - the flowers - i’m not supposed to stay - i’m the gardener’s...”
“then i’ll...” he pauses to regain some of his energy. when he speaks again, his voice is softer. “i’ll tell them i asked for you. i’ll tell them not to punish you, okay? it’ll be my fault.”
you soften at his words and the guilt starts to eat at you again. here he was sticking his neck out for you; how could you have seriously believed that he was a cold man?
“please,” he repeats, “can you stay, even for a b--”
he starts coughing again, covering his mouth with his free hand. it strikes you at that moment that it doesn’t matter whether yeonjun is the prince or not - he’s a sick man who’s lonely and tired, and wants a little company to make the illness a little more bearable. you remember what it’s like to be sick in bed all alone, fending for yourself while your father is away doing work. 
“...okay,” you say at last. “i’ll stay.”
it takes all of yeonjun’s energy to move aside so that you can sit on the edge of the bed, but he does anyway. you sit with him, and he doesn’t let go of your hand, and the silence is surprisingly less unnerving than you expected it to be. you look around the room, taking in the fine furniture and lavish decor, occasionally sparing a glance at yeonjun staring up at the ceiling and trying to get some rest. it’s a nice room, you think, especially with the morning sunlight coming in through the large windows.
at some point, when you think that yeonjun has fallen asleep, you absentmindedly starting singing a song to yourself. you remember a lovely, lighthearted ballad that you and your father like to sing together while you two do the routine work of the gardens: watering, pulling away weeds, adding in fertilizer. you smile as you sing to yourself, thinking of all the work you’ve done together and all the work you still have to do in this castle.
your eyes widen and you glance down at yeonjun smiling at you from the bed. turns out he wasn’t asleep after all.
“e-excuse me?”
“your voice is pretty,” he repeats. “can you sing that again?”
you can’t help the blush that creeps up on your cheeks at his compliment, and you oblige.
it’s been five days since the incident in yeonjun’s room, and since then you’ve been so busy managing the gardens with your father that you haven’t had time to even think about what happened. the royal grounds are huge, with entire sections due for replanting, and you and your father set to work making sure that all the right seasonal flowers are planted in time for them to bloom. you two are also in charge of the various floral decorations adorning the castle, and it’s your responsibility to make sure that every flower in every vase in the whole space is as fresh as new.
you find yourself in the royal greenhouse one afternoon tending to some irises that are almost ready to be planted in the western gardens. you’re so busy inspecting them, checking their soil and plucking out any leaves and buds that look eaten by pests, that you don’t notice someone enter through the greenhouse door.
“excuse me,” a voice calls out, “ is y/n here?”
you whip your head and are startled to find yeonjun in the greenhouse with you. you almost drop your shears but manage to bow at him, and when you look up at him again you realize just how handsome he is. now that he’s recovered you can admire his cat-like eyes, his soft cheeks, his full lips. he really does look like a prince straight out of a storybook, you muse.
“your majesty! i - are you feeling better?!”
he smiles at you. his whole face lights up when he smiles, and he seems even more handsome to you now. “yes, i am. i wanted to thank you, y/n,” he says. “for staying with me when i was sick.”
you feel yourself blush again and you glance down at the irises to hide your expression. “uh, you’re welcome... and i’m glad you’re okay now.”
once again the old feelings of guilt creep up back onto you. no way on earth was this the same man that people called an ice-cold prince.
“you didn’t have to come here,” you say. you lift a hand to brush against the petals of the irises to distract yourself. “you feeling better is enough.”
“no, no, i wanted to!” yeonjun takes a step closer to you. “i really, really mean it. i was feeling bored and lonely when i was sick... you helped me. so thank you.”
you look up at him again, and the warmth from his words is greater than any amount of sunlight entering the greenhouse. you can’t help but smile yourself.
if you could hear his thoughts, you would hear him musing on how beautiful you look when you smile.
“you’re welcome, then,” you say.
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I saw one of your story posts mentioning you might take writing requests for trauma comfort... I've been struggling to write this story myself, and I'm looking for a particular flavor of comfort story.
Everyone seems to always latch on to how Hunter is so perceptive and notices things... but there's things he doesn't notice, even with all his sensitive senses. Particularly when there's not an actual immediate danger with a straightforward solution of "shoot it dead" or "talk to it"
Would you be willing to write something where Crosshair is the one to observe, first notice, and recognize tbe fact their new female member of the team, despite being a very active useful member, is tip-toeing around under the weight of past traumas? Then goes out of his way to take care of someone just as stubborn as he is.
I used to live with abusive housemates. While they weren't physically abusive, they were very creative in every other way of hurting their resident empath and later, attacking my whole family. It took me months after we finally kicked them out, for me to realize that i was literally tip-toeing in my own house afraid to make any noise and break tbe quiet, because i used to get badly berated for even small things like rolling in my office chair to my secobd desk while i did filing and paperwork. I didn't sing or play music for a long time, and i still find myself struggling to talk to people.
I like the idea that Crosshair would be the first to recognize long term behavioral patterns while Hunter is very fast in the uptake with someone who's state has changed in the moment.
You're under no obligation to settle this, of course, so please don't feel pressured! I just love the detailed and thoughtful, realistic way you handle writing about things like this.
My sweet darling, I am so sorry it's taken me so long to finish this. Your request became incredibly personal to me, and I both found myself inspired and struggling with how to respond! I'm honored you came to me with this request - I know how hard it is to admit to being hurt like that. Please be kind to yourself as you heal and know that I'm always happy to offer whatever support I can!
Sharp Eyes, Gentle Hands
Warnings: reference to past emotional abuse, fantasy profanity
WC: 2,253
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The silence following the gentle hum of the ramp closing left me sinking beneath a deep sigh of relief. Wrecker had sought me out to say goodbye, and I’d peaked from the little kitchenette of the Marauder in time to wave to Hunter and Echo, but Tech and Crosshair were already out of sight. Still, I found myself treading lightly about the ship as I restocked supplies, updated the inventory manifest, and addressed minor maintenance needs that didn’t warrant Tech’s expertise.
This was the beginning of my second three-month tour with Clone Force 99. I’d been assigned to them as something of a secretary in the hopes of improving their less than ideal track record of finishing their paperwork, but had gradually taken on additional small tasks as time passed. While skeptical at first, the boys seemed to have begun warming to my presence, and I was too eager to maintain that trend, even if I was still only trusted to guard the ship during actual missions.
At present, that extra task consisted of reattaching a cabinet door in the storage room that Wrecker had been a bit too forceful with. After muscling it back into its original shape – mostly – all that was left was to screw it back in. I was so caught up in my work, I barely noticed the hum resonate through my chest, nor the moment that tone gradually gave way to murmured words until, just as I stepped back to appreciate my work, I found myself shamelessly singing aloud.
Satisfied, I gathered the tools and headed into the cockpit to return them. It wasn’t until the shouted gasp tore from my throat, body shying back so violently that I nearly slammed into the wall that I even noticed him. Crosshair wordless lifted an eyebrow at my reaction before returning his attention to the helmet in his hands, fingers skillfully toying with the internal gages as though nothing had happened.
“Um, sorry I-I didn’t realize you were still here.” The apology clawed stiffly up my throat, fire burning across my face. He didn’t bother looking at me as he merely responded with a disinterested grunt. Teeth gnawing against the inside of my lips as I vainly willed my heart to ease its panicked pace, I rushed to quietly place the tools back in Tech’s storage, shoulders tucking firmly about my chest.
“Why do you do that?” The words slipped from his lips almost as though he was talking to himself instead of me, but I balked at the silence that followed, fingers shifting nervously at my sides.
“Wh… do what?” The beginnings of an apology sat like poison atop my tongue, demanding to be voiced in the futile hope that it might defuse whatever confrontation was to come.
“If you’re that scared of us, why did you stay?” His arms crossed his chest, confusion just breaching the innate impatience in those sharp eyes.
“I-I’m not… um, I’m sorry you thought that, but I promise I’m not-” My words died the instant he stood from the chair, helmet laid forgotten atop the seat. My gaze instantly darted to the worn metal beneath us as that too-familiar dread locked around my chest, breaths carefully shallow, silent, lest even that somehow worsen whatever offence I’d already made. But he said nothing in the long seconds that followed, and, hesitantly, I stole a timid glance at him. His brow was cocked, but, still, he made no effort to lash out or reprimand me, merely waited for me to finally grasp his point, and my heart dropped.
“No - I’m sorry; it’s not…” The flurry of excuses tangled over my lips, the beginnings of a tremble just beginning to creep over me. “I’m not… I’m not afraid of you, I’m just… trying to stay out of the way.” I assured him, but he merely rolled his toothpick to the other side of his mouth, those frightfully intense eyes burring into me.
“You practically flatten yourself against the wall when we walk too close to you. You stopped eating the yellow ration bars after Wrecker mentioned they’re Hunter’s favorite, even though they’re your favorite, too. I don’t think you’ve ever instigated a single conversation unless it was to update a report, and even then you act like…” His teeth ground together, words suddenly falling silent. I’d felt myself sinking beneath every wretched observation, shoulders bunching around me, expression carefully blank; waiting.
“Look, I’m not…” When I risked another fleeting look up to him, I was shocked to see his glare turned pointedly away from me, jaw shifting stiffly around unspoken words. “You don’t need to… hide every time we’re in the same room.” The discomfort in the softness he was trying to force into his voice was obvious, but the simple fact that he was making an attempt left me speechless.
“Kriff, I don’t even know what I said that made you so damn timid.” A touch of that impatience returned, fingers snatching the toothpick from his lips, but I knew it wasn’t directed at me, and that made the guilt stirring in my chest all the more prominent.
“It… it wasn’t…” My hands drew together in front of me, thumb absently picking at my nails. “My-my last crew was… pretty strict with me.” I barely breathed the excuse, unable to risk meeting his eyes. “I just… I didn’t want to cause trouble here, too.” He leaned absently against the back of the co-pilot chair, watching me with a silence that left my skin crawling.
“You realize we share living space with Wrecker?” The skepticism in his blank statement wrenched a burst of laughter from me before I could rein it back, teeth clicking together even as my lips still pulled up into a small smile. For the briefest moment, something like relief seemed to flash through his eyes, and a sliver of that tension slipped from my shoulders.
“We’re not regs.” He continued dismissively. “Whatever osik they pulled with you isn’t how we operate here.”
“It wasn’t regs.” I felt myself tense for some reprimand in the face of my quiet correction, but he didn’t move, gaze watching me silently; waiting. “I was assigned to a mercenary battalion before this.” His head tilted back slightly, eyes narrowing. “That’s part of the reason I ended up here: I requested an assignment with a clone squad, but the regs don’t usually work with freelancers, so…” I motioned subtly toward him, shoulders drawing tight into my chest.
Crosshair was silent for a long moment, expression painfully unchanged. My mind raced for some way to anticipate what he was thinking – was he annoyed to learn the reason I’d ended up with them? Was he enraged that I feared the same treatment from his brothers that I’d received from the mercs? Was he completely indifferent?
Movements unrushed, void of the impatience I’d expected, he retrieved his helmet and started toward the ladder.
“Gonna do a patrol.” He explained, slipping on the bucket. “I’ll let you know when I’m back.” I couldn’t begin to fight the shock from my eyes, the silent gasp from my lips, immediately aware of his unspoken offer: he was giving me space; allowing me a moment to collect myself in the comfort of isolation… and I didn’t have to fret over not realizing when he returned…
“You should sing more often – Echo and Wrecker like that sort of thing.” Again, I found myself utterly frozen, jaw shifting uselessly around words I couldn’t begin to form, but he didn’t wait for a response. With a few swift movements, he was gone.
Things changed after that. Not with any grand or outwardly notable gestures, but it seemed to shift the very dynamic of the squad in the most subtle ways. It started with caf.
It was hardly unusual for the sniper to be the last to force himself into the kitchenette to join us, jaw ground against the early morning grogginess. I was just finishing the breakfast scramble as he trudged to the caf machine. Without a word, he set a steaming cup on the counter beside me before taking a seat with his brothers. I stared blankly at it for a moment, only then realizing that I’d fallen into the habit of waiting for the others to get their own cups before getting some for myself. When I stole a brief glance toward him, he showed no indication that he’d done anything abnormal, head tilted back against his chair with his eyes closed as though he might steal even a few seconds’ more sleep.
Then it was the arguing. Echo and Tech’s banter rarely escalated, but when it did, neither were innocent of resorting to shouting on occasion. I couldn’t remember what had prompted the latest disagreement, but their voices boomed throughout the entirety of the Marauder until even Hunter stepped in in a futile attempt to silence them. I’d made the mistake of treading into the cockpit just as things between them began to grow heated intending to merely return Echo’s power calibrator and quickly found myself frozen in the corner, waiting for a safe moment that wasn’t soon to come.
Long after the Sergeant had joined the fray, succeeding only in adding to the chaotic flurry of raised voices, Crosshair stormed down the ladder, brows pinched and lips wrenched into a scowl, but then he saw me, sharp eyes instantly noting the tool clutched in my grasp. Ignoring his brothers, he merely held his hand out to me, motioning for the device. I tried not to let him see the slight tremor in my limbs as I hesitantly placed it in his waiting palm. Saying nothing, he merely nodded toward the ladder. I was halfway through the porthole when I heard the loud thud followed by a shocked cry of pain, and, in the next breath: silence.
That was the last time any of them got into a shouting fit like that around me. Twice, just as tensions were beginning to rise, Hunter went so far as to conveniently find a reason to summon me. It didn’t take long to realize he’d caught on and was too willing to use my presence as an indirect means of quelling tempers. The second time, he shot me a knowing wink, and I found myself biting my lips against the fit of quiet laughter.
When we found a rare moment of calm, Crosshair pressed things a bit further. A fire crackled in the stillness. We didn’t have to return to Kamino for a few days, so we made camp beside a small lake, secluded in a forgiving wilderness. I barely noticed the lithe man lean toward Wrecker, lips shifting almost silently, but then his brother’s eyes shot open, excitement lighting his face.
“You can sing?!” My heart dropped, body instantly going stiff.
“…uh…” Caught, I could only stare at him in shock, gaze darting briefly to see the subtle smirk on the Sniper’s lips before the towering clone was talking once more, pleading.
“Will you sing somethin’?! We hardly ever get to hear music!” The refusal clawed at my throat, aghast at even the thought of denying the innocent delight in his request.
“Wrecker.” The warning in Hunter’s voice was enough to dampen the large man’s glee, and I found myself distraught to see his smile fade.
“M… maybe just one.” I agreed nervously, and the thrilled gasp it earned was nearly enough to ease the frantic racing of my heart. Echo and Tech glanced up curiously, and I had to pointedly ignore the feeling of everyone’s eyes watching me.
The first words left in something nearer to a whisper than a melody, but the hint of pride just threatening to shine in Crosshair’s gaze emboldened me in a way I would never have expected. By the second verse, I left the lyrics dance over my lips. My cheeks were still flushed, blood still pounding through my ears, but I couldn’t dismiss the simple joy as I took in the wonder in Wrecker’s face, Hunter’s quiet smile, Tech’s datapad lying forgotten beside him.
In the days that followed, I’d caught most of them occasionally humming the tune, and, more than once, found myself joining them with a shy grin.
That innate need to tuck into the wall as we passed each other slowly began to fade, but the next few times it happened with Crosshair, he wordlessly touched his hand to my arm and guided me upright. It was never a quick movement, the gentle pressure an invitation instead of an order, and each time, I found my heart racing long after he’d left.
After several weeks of those quiet moments, I intentionally bumped his shoulder with mine in a moment of frightful bravery. The look of pure shock in his suddenly wide eyes nearly sent me fleeing, certain I’d made a terrible mistake, but then his lips curled into grin, breath catching in a silent chuckle. His hand reached up to carefully ruffle my hair before he continued on his way.
It wasn’t perfect. I still found myself unable to find my voice unless someone else spoke first; felt that panicked dread if I set something down too loudly or made simple mistakes, but that fear faded quicker, my responses felt a little less meek as they drew me into quiet conversations more often. It wasn’t perfect, but the patience and kindness they offered allowed me to take those first steps toward making it better.
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