#relationship page
firestar and leafpools father daughter relationship isnt talked about nearly enough on that note
I think about it so often! They make so many remarks about legacy but refuse to hold onto the FAMILY that a legacy should entail! Bad writers! Smack smack!
Leafpool and Firestar - Familial Relationship
In WCR, they have a much more fleshed out relationship.
First thing Fire notices about his newly born daughter when he and Sandstorm (and Smudge and Scourge) get back to Thunderclan is that she looks a hell of a lot like his sister, Princess! Firestar almost came up with a name in inspiration of her, but decided to stick with Leafstar, as while he could not inform his cats of Skyclan, he could at least hope that some of Leafstar's nobility and grace would invoke into his daughter.
Well, he got the noble part right, at first. Little Leafkit was clumsy and a bit uncoordinated. She would rather learn about herbs than practicing pouncing and bounding through the forest like Squirrelkit could.
Firestar has learned from his past attitude and encouraged his daughter to follow her heart. Though... Please talk to me or your mom or aunty Cinderpelt before you taste-test plants you find. Please.
Leafkit grew into Leafpaw, and finally developed that grace! Firestar was so proud of her, to the point of embarrassing her by accident. Yowling across camp "BE SAFE! BE GOOD! I LOVE YOU LEAFPAW!" When she would go for Medicine Cat meetings. She got over it quickly when she heard Cinderpelt speak about her own father, Cricketfang, and how she missed him.
Things begin to get... Difficult, once the destruction of White Hart Woods begins. In WCR, Leafpaw is the cat who gets the message to go on the Road Trip, and Squirrelpaw, ever at her side, joins too. (Along with Shrewpaw) The 2 sisters leave together under the cover of night alongside Crowpaw and Cranberrypaw of Windclan, Tawnypelt and Smokepaw of Shadowclan, and Feathertail and Stormfur of Riverclan.
It is, hands down, one of the worst times in Firestar's life. The forest is being destroyed and BOTH his kids are missing. All he can think is that the Clans are going to go through what Old Skyclan went through, and his daughters are missing.
When they came back, he was terrified and filled with sorrow. The destruction was in full-swing, and his children had come back speaking about a lake, leaving, going through a mountain... He believed them, but it was so strange, following his daughters into territory unknown... They were so grown-up.
While Squirrelpaw was reckless and a troublemaker, Leafpaw was a the good one, the quieter one, the one you didn't need to worry too much about. He didn't entirely like how Brambleclaw acted towards his daughter, but he never suspected that Leafpaw and Crowpaw's funny little friendship was anything more than that.
When she left again, with Crowfeather, he was... Sad. But not upset with her. The kind of sad you feel when you know your child has grown up enough to not need you the way they used to. It seemed like such a short while ago Leafkit was calling put for her daddy to sleep in the nursery with them tonight because the gentle rain outside was too scary...
But also sad because she'd never told him. He would have accepted it in a heartbeat, moreso than Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight.
He was overjoyed when she came back, but confused when Crowfeather was not with her. During Leafpool's Wish, he tries to give her some comfort. It's okay, honey, sometimes things don't work out.
She's so distracted with her pregnancy that she just nods along. She feels like she doesn't want to burden her father with anything more, what with Thunderclan still recovering from The Boar Attack, including Cinderpelt's death.
She never told him the truth about The Three. But Firestar wasn't stupid. The shape of Jaykit's ears and the stripes on his pelt, Lionkit's eye colour, and Hollykit's voice... He knew they were hers, and putting the 2 puzzle pieces together for their father was not hard. He's come a long way as an orange cat.
Like Shrewfeather though, he assumed it was out of a kindness. Maybe Squirrelflight couldn't have kits of her own, and sweet Leafpool had acted as a surrogate with Crowfeather to provide kits for them. He felt that he shouldn't pry.
Leafpool felt so guilty at not telling her mother and father about things, especially with how close they were to The Three. When the secret came out, she quietly walked into Firestar and Sandstorm's den afterwards and cried to them. They understood and weren't mad in the slightest.
When the secret came out, Firestar was hesitant to punish Leafpool, she'd been through enough... He didn't want to punish his own daughter but when whispers of blood clotting were beginning to start, he had to do something. He wasn't going Onestar's route, when Onestar denamed him into Crowpaw.
He still demotes her, but it's more a formality. She broke a vow about her Starclan connection but let's not prevent cats from getting medical treatment if they need it, okay? He has her go through some Hunter training with her aunt, Lightflower (Princess) but talks in Thunderclan have begun regarding an alternate permanent position for cats that aren't Medicine cats but cannot hunt. In the mean time, she takes up odd jobs all around Thunderclan and hangs around her parents.
Firestar dies protecting Leafpool and Squirrelflight, whom Tigerstar calls "abominations" and attacks during The Great Battle. Firestar dies, but the sisters escape, botb in shock and grief, only getting worse when Tjgerstar drags Firestar's seemingly lifeless body out into a clearing to show off. Leafpool will never forget her father's flaming, holy spirit rising out of his own limp body when Tigerstar least expects it, destroying him, before finally taking his rightful place in Starclan.
And the trial? Ooh, that'll be a doozy. I am going to leave this bit vague, but let's just say there's a reason Firestar still has his title of "Leader of Lionclan".
Moon Flight had better watch herself.
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exorcisticlute · 3 months
I do have a relationship page! If you’d like to be added message me and I’ll put you down! It’s a way to keep track where our muses stand :)
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ash-and-starlight · 7 months
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humble contribution
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thatmemeguy89 · 2 months
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Say it louder for the people in the back
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
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Wow. That could not have turned out worse.
Part 23 || First || Previous || Next
--Full Series--
This comic will be on Holiday Hiatus this December and January! While on a cliffhanger? What a scam! >:/
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ahalliance · 10 months
crowley perhaps did the bravest thing in his 6000 years of existence and was greeted with his worst nightmare in return. i’m sooo incredibly normal
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honeyspeeches · 4 months
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My secret santa for Lillynik in the KL Discord !! I couldn't find your tumblr tag but if you're out there, I hope you like it !! <33
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wingsofhcpe · 1 year
actually there's a huge difference between queerbaiting/"Hey guys look how gay these two are haha they're definitely gonna end up together, give us views uwu oh- never mind oops they're going to superhell" and "Hey it's 2004-2012 and there's no way we can get away with having our protags/main couple be two gay men but we really want to show these two are soulmates so we'll do it through subtext and underlying messages and by literally telling you over and over again their relationship is the most stable and important in the entire show, and the ending will imply they lived and died together", and it's insane that some of yall don't see how these two are not the same fucking thing.
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bobellafofella · 4 months
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oh, fitz, my son. be careful. be wise.
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oh also! yellowfang and raggedstar thoughts or wcr hcs? i feel like personally i always want them to either be a clearly bad and toxic relationship on his part or he’s better and they’re a healthy relationship. it reads to me like erins couldn’t decide, which is annoying.
additionally, it’s always been a hc of mine that russetfur is a foxheart and raggedstar kit!
Maybe I should do relationship pages. That sounds kinda fun.
Also, YES. I also really dislike this... Inability to decide. Finleap and Twigbranch is another one like that. There seems to be a reluctance to say "this is what abuse can look like", especially when the male would be at absolute fault.
Alright, consider this the first one!
Yellowfang × Raggedstar
What a doozy...
Everything started out well. Raggedpaw and Yellowpaw had a nice, budding relationship, one could even say courting. He was kind, charming, and liked talking to Yellowpaw. He could be arrogant, but he was never mean to her.
I think the "meanest" thing he did as an apprentice was toss snow at her. And she returned the favour!
But... Raggedpaw got older. More praised for his scars, his strength, his vindictiveness... He killed Shrewclaw, Heatherstar's former apprentice, which earned him his name. A reward for brutality.
Raggedpelt was getting more and more impatient with others, a sense of entitlement that would forever fracture his relationship with his brother. Clan culture at the time was ruining any goodness in him.
Not long after, Yellowfang got her name, and saves his life when he goes hunting for his father, as even though Featherstorm called Queen's Rights, the culture around it at the time wasn't as secure. Nobody could say anything to her face, but they could say it about her kits...
Yellowfang was struggling with her unwanted power, never meant to be hers. It was meant to go to the cursed child she would carry, but Starclan dropped the glimmer of starlight too early. Anyways, due to the sheer amount of pressure from Sagewhisker, Yellowfang gave in and decided that the only way to not be suffering the way she was all the time was to become a Medicine Cat.
That was an explosion. A fight that Raggedpelt dragged into public, screaming at Yelf for "not caring enough" about him, "abandoning" him. He felt like he'd been cut open, left to die of infection... Then he stormed off.
A few days later, he came back around, acting as if nothing had happened. Wanting to go on a walk with Yelf as if nothing was wrong at all. They went out, had a lovely time together, chatting and watching dragons fly overhead.
Sagewhisker was such an old fart... What she didn't know wouldn't kill her, right?
Well, one thing leads to another and Yellowfang is pregnant. But with her love for her Medicine Cat job, and hope that she and the very influential Raggedpelt will be able to try and change the code or bend the rules, she stays in her position. Raggedpelt... Doesn't back her up. Again with talk of abandonment, of supposed selfishness, that she cannot possibly do this to him... And Yellowfang snaps. She'll have the kittens, and then see what happens.
It happened. In that tree hollow, Wishkit, Hopekit, and Brokenkit are born. Wishkit is born asleep, Hopekit passes 10 minutes after, and Brokenkit seems... Off. Angry? In pain? Yellowfang cares for her son in the 3 short hours she has with him, before bringing him back to the camp, giving him to Lizardstripe, who is on the verge of going through a messy divorce while having to care for her 4 kits: Tanglekit, Deerkit, Runningkit, and Bristlekit.
Yellowfang realizes she is not going to be able to change the minds of Shadowclan, not when they treat a normal queen badly already. She gives Lizardstripe Brokenkit, and allows Raggedpelt to be a father alone.
He bullies her away from her own son, stamping out Brokenkit's interest in herbs. Yellowfang snaps at him, refusing to apeak to him again (aside from in a medical context).
He begins using Foxheart to hurt Yellowfang, but by this time, she ignores him. She doesn't love him anymore anyways. Foxheart is more of a character now, being Lizardstripe's best friend and known as a Shadowclan hero (the reasoning behind her... Odd name) as well as being loved by her half-brother/apprentice Nightstar. She was more than happy to use his affection to get herself up to deputyship. Foxheart x Raggedstar resulting in Russetfur is a great headcanon! WCR!Foxheart is firmly childfree, though she and Russetfur are also good friends, and Russ really looks up to her.
When things begin to go badly, Raggedstar comes back to her, begging her to do something about "our son".
"Oh. That's interesting. I'm not really sure what you're asking of me, Raggedstar."
"I'm asking you to help, I've made a mistake, all Brokentail wants is to lead us into more battles, we need to do something!"
"Raggedstar... Who is 'we'? What do you think I should do? You made it very certain to me already, I'm not his mother."
Did she mourn for him when Brokentail dragged his corpse back to camp? In a way, yes. Partly because she knew what would come afterwards.
Raggedstar found himself walking in the Dark Forest, and with Yellowfang firmly in Starclan with her Star Mate and support system, the likelihood of them seeing each other again is... None.
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livwritesstuff · 5 months
Hazel posts a tiktok captioned “p sure they had an actual argument after this lol”
It starts with a view of their kitchen where Steve is cooking at the stove. Hazel can be heard giggling behind the camera, and is presumably the one filming when Eddie walks into frame.
Eddie: Steven – question.
Steve: *turns to face him, already looking unamused*
Steve: Yes?
Eddie: Okay.
Eddie: Hypothetically speaking…
Eddie: Do you think you’d be more mad if I cheated on you with someone older than you or someone younger.
Steve: *eyebrows fly up practically into his hairline*
Steve: You can’t be serious.
Eddie: *looks at him expectantly*
Steve: Okay, here’s one for you then, if we’re playing games. Would you be more mad if I cheated on you with a man or a woman?
Hazel adjusts the camera just in time to catch the way Eddie’s wicked grin completely vanishes.
Eddie: Never mind, this isn’t fun anymore.
Steve: No, now I wanna know.
Steve: What, you can dish it out but you can’t take it, big guy?
Hazel flips the camera to face her.
Hazel, wheezing with laughter: Oh god, this was not my idea. That was all Da-
*end of tiktok*
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taiturner · 2 years
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This whole Viktor thing. Well, it's a pretty big deal, right? Should we say something? I mean, make a formal gesture? Welcome him as brothers?
LUTHER & VIKTOR ━ in season 3 of The Umbrella Academy
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leupagus · 3 months
Me before writing this GOT fic: this will mostly be about Sansa, my main squeeze, my best girl and beloved
Me while writing this GOT fic: so instead of the whole dumb shit that happens to Daenerys in seasons 5 & 6 what if instead she’s presiding over Meereen while it invents democracy so it can vote her out of the city. Along the way Meereen invents journalism and soccer.
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canisalbus · 25 days
I imagine Vasco and Ludovica have a big painting (portrait but with two people) in Vasco's house (probably his father insisted of getting one of these, people used to do it in the old days, especially wealthy ones). While it's very serious and formal, in the way all these portraits were, it is also very intimate (at least it's implications). I imagine Machete just staring at it sometimes, feeling small while looking at the big painting. And sad, maybe jealous but I don't think he'd resent Ludovica. He, most of all, understands.
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brawlmetaknight · 10 months
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what if i told you guys i had an elaborate smash bros AU and incidentally meta knight is dating princess peach. what then
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lo-batteryy · 1 year
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Apprentice Perfumer
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