#rescuing a dragon each episode
naeriie · 8 months
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I wish classic Spyro got a TV show...
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wickedcriminal · 30 days
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An alternative direction for Stryke Out where Elder gets stuck in a cage, Toothless is the top competitor for more than a few dragon fights, and— what's this? By Thor, there's a colorful mood dragon here, and she can speak Norse! What are the odds of that?
Little does Elder know that wherever this mood dragon is, Camicazi will be close behind.
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oneatlatime · 5 months
Lake Laogai
This Lake had better have Appa in it. With little water wings on.
Skipping the commentary as usual.
The Previously On section suggests that a whole lot of plot threads are about to crash into each other. Strap in folks.
Lefty Sokka!
Beat up Sokka quota fulfilled by his sister's critique of his art skills. It's not like he had paper to practice with at the South Pole.
Sometimes I forget that Aang is 12, then he does something like attempt to rescue his pet from a nefarious city-wide conspiracy of silence with lost cat posters.
"Good tea is its own reward." That means no, he isn't paid enough.
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Remember what I said in my last post about Iroh bringing too much attention to himself?
"senior executive assistant manager" someone on the writing team has worked retail I see. Nothing like meaningless promotions with no raise attached! It's right up there with employee pizza party.
I have to pause here and point something out. This whole scene with Iroh? This is an adult fantasy. I don't mean dirty, I mean this whole scene was put in specifically to appeal to the adults who got roped in to watching this kids' show by their children. A rich man walks through the door of your shitty retail job, immediately spots your natural greatness, and offers you a much better paying job with unlimited creative freedom and a better house to go with it? Find me a burnt out retail worker who hasn't conjured up this fantasy five times a shift.
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And so the plots come crashing back together. This won't end badly.
"patience really pays off" I checked. He waited literally three seconds.
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Shout out to Toph in the background playing catch with a ball she can't see. Casual flex of epic proportions.
Remind me never to go to Lake Laogai. Sounds like it's lousy with Ju Dees.
So the Ju Dees don't know about each other? Because she seems honestly confused. Does Ju Dee think she's the only Ju Dee? What happens if two Ju Dees run into each other in the street?
Posters are illegal but I haven't heard a peep about recarving a bunch of fields into a zoo.
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This is maybe the second time Aang's blown up over Appa. Frankly he deserves more blow ups about the whole situation.
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I don't think knocking down walls will help find Appa, but I applaud Toph's spirit.
They took out a whole wall and then exit by the door anyways. That's funny.
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I really hate this guy, but I have to admit that he may be the first truly competent villain of the series.
'The Jasmine Dragon' also lets anyone with half a brain know that you're Fire Nation. Try the Jasmine Badgermole instead.
Zuko really can't catch a break, huh? He wasn't happy being a tea server, but at least he was resting. But every time he gets five minutes to himself, the main plot reappears to drag him back into the action, whether he wants to or not. Although he hasn't figured out that he doesn't want to be dragged back yet.
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Every line of dialogue in this scene is a good point. Zuko's right, Iroh's right. The Zuko's right again, then Iroh's right again.
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That was satisfying!
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I'm not understanding why Sokka is the voice of reason here. Is he incapable of holding a grudge? He's the one that had all the animosity with Jet to begin with. Shouldn't it be Aang who wants to hear him out?
Toph is a living lie detector now? I can't think of an example off the top of my head, but I'm sure that could have come in handy previously. Any other incredibly useful skills we should know about?
Jet is oddly defensive for someone who claims to know he did wrong.
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Ever get so excited that your spine malfunctions?
Sokka just has a metre long map in his pocket. Good friend to have in a pinch.
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Avatar first! Katara is rude to an old person!
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I'm going to have fun with Toph's new ability.
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Toph, you have never been more right. It is the worst city ever. You are really shining this episode.
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I know this is a serious scene, but I need to point out that Jet's guyliner is on point.
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This shot is jarringly out of place. I think it's because it both black and white, and live action. Those have to be real clouds.
So the Blue Spirit can talk after all. Careful, your Zuko is showing.
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Wow Zuko is good at sewing. And fast too.
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Sokka is having far too much fun with this whole 'prompt Jet's memory' thing. Maybe he does have a bit of a grudge after all.
Katara can reverse brainwashing now too? Everyone's levelling up this episode.
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This scene with the planks is a very cool and disorienting visual.
Didn't have 'the gaang breaks into a brainwashing facility' on my ATLA bingo card.
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OMIGOD IT'S AP- did Zuko just break the fourth wall?
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Everyone always forgets to look up.
So this fight is going to be Toph v. all of the Dai Li while everyone else tries not to get in Toph's way.
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That's a boat.
Toph could probably take all these guys out faster if she wasn't having to constantly break off to save everyone else from them.
The Dai Li prancing up walls is a really cool visual. It's very Ty Lee of them.
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I love watching her work.
Why don't you let Long Feng escape? He's no longer threatening you, and you're down there to rescue Appa. Just let him go.
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The security on Lake Laogai is a joke.
Big words from someone who also had no plan whatsoever at the North Pole.
Zuko knows that Iroh's right. He knows, and that's important. I don't think Iroh is saying anything that Zuko hasn't thought and then hurriedly pretended to have never thought about before. It's why he says 'stop it' rather than being completely confused as to what Iroh is referring to.
Poor Appa's like 'can you have a crisis of self after you free me please?'
'You've chosen your own demise." No. You chose it for him. That's some top tier deflection/victim blaming right there.
Longshot can talk!
That's one hell of a set up and pay off re: Toph's lie detecting abilities.
Poor Jet. A double tragedy: to be likeable only when you're brainwashed, and to dedicate your life to wiping out the Fire Nation yet being killed by the Earth Kingdom.
Hi Appa. It's about time buddy.
Shockingly in character for Appa's first actions to be to single handedly save the Gaang from a threat.
You skip that bastard like a stone.
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Everyone go and listen to the sound Appa makes when he spits out Long Feng's shoe. It's delightful.
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I am framing this.
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And this too.
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I can tell there's some shmymbolism here, but it's gone right over my head.
Final Thoughts
Appa is back. The Gaang has Appa back. I have Appa back. Ok. I can relax now. With any luck, this means we can leave Ba Sing Se.
This episode felt like City of Walls and Secrets, Part 2. I think it was a good decision to have a couple of episodes between the two, but I think there would be some tonal whiplash if you binged this section of season 2. Which wouldn't have been a problem for a show designed to air once a week, so it's a moot point.
So Zuko freed Appa from his chains, and presumably pointed him in the direction of a door or something. Or maybe not; Appa has a ridiculously hard head, he could have busted his way out. Either way, Zuko broke the chains. Thanks Zuko!
In season 1, Zuko finds the Avatar the world had lost. In season 2, Zuko finds the Sky Bison the Avatar had lost. So in season 3, Zuko will find something Appa has lost. I wonder what that will be?
Jet being killed by the Earth Kingdom is so deliciously ironic, and tragic, yet very in character for the Earth Kingdom's approach to this war. It's also literally this:
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Smellerbee and Longshot have really gotten the short end of the stick over and over this season. They were the only ones to decide to stick with Jet. Presumably they were the only ones who believed that he had had a legitimate change of heart. And they were kind of wrong. They get to Ba Sing Se only for Jet to immediately backslide way past even where he was at his worst in Season 1. He completely discounts and dismisses their legitimate concerns for his methods and his overall health. Then Jet gets arrested and disappears for two (?) weeks. So what do they do now? Get jobs? Steal so they don't starve? Then suddenly Jet's back but he doesn't even remember them. Then suddenly Jet's dead. The whole point of coming to Ba Sing Se just died, in a way that shows very clearly that their desire to help with the war is not welcome at all in the city. So what now? Do they leave and try to fight in the war from outside the walls? Do they settle down and try to forget about the war? Things did spiral completely out of Jet's control once the Dai Li got involved, but you have to admit that he's left his only remaining friends up a creek.
Sokka had some good jokes but was oddly ok with this episode's events. Toph had some great lines and got to shine with a new skill that any writer with half a brain will bring back in future episodes. She felt like the audience substitute this episode, which is usually Sokka's role. Toph was episode MVP for sure. Poor Aang took a bit of a back seat this episode. Zuko finally hit the crisis point, and may well have made his first indisputably correct decision of the series. But, as previous episodes have gone out of their way to show me that Zuko being good always goes badly for Zuko, I'm sure freeing Appa will somehow come back to bite him.
Iroh's question of "who are you? And what do you want?" was Zuko's entire character arc this season. He took a shot at answering the "who are you?" portion in Zuko Alone, and sort of halfway got there before messing up at the end of the episode. As for the "what do you want?" Zuko will tell you (often and repeatedly) that he wants his honour back. But I think he just wants to go home. The thing is, I strongly suspect that the home Zuko wants to return to hasn't existed since his mother left, if it ever existed at all. Which means that while "who are you?" has an answer Zuko can work towards, "what do you want?" has an answer that is kind of impossible. So Zuko is going to have to learn to want something new.
RIP Jet. Your life was fucked to Hell long before you were old enough to try and salvage it. You'll probably be missed by more people than you strictly deserve. War sucks, amirite?
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bbygirl-aemond · 9 months
When Dragons Disobey Their Riders
Hi all! I wanted to comment on something that recurs in both Fire and Blood and A Song of Ice and Fire: Instances of dragons blatantly disobeying their riders, often even after multiple attempts by their riders to correct them. If you look at the context of the scenes where this occurs, I think it actually does a lot to show us the level of intelligence and agency that dragons have. Most importantly, in all of the scenes I'm about to discuss, the dragon is not disobeying their rider out of malevolent intent. They are actually trying to protect their rider, and think that their rider is making a request that would put them in danger.
Our first mention of this is with Alysanne Targaryen and her dragon Silverwing, in Fire and Blood. Alysanne is up North, by the Wall, and attempts three separate times to direct Silverwing north of the wall, but Silverwing refuses each time. Some people think Silverwing was wary of the cold, but I think this is unlikely since otherwise she would have refused to come that far north entirely. I think it's much more likely that Silverwing knew some freaky magic was going on beyond the Wall, and that it could be very dangerous for her rider.
Our second mention of this is with Area Targaryen and her dragon Balerion, in Fire and Blood. On her first ride with Balerion, Aerea disappeared for over a year, and both rider and dragon returned severely injured. Aerea's illness in particular was just straight up terrifying and very gorey, and she eventually died from it. Because of this, it's suspected that Balerion actually took Aerea to Old Valyria and that they encountered some freaky magic there. At this point in time, Aerea was trying to escape and go home, and there's a popular theory that Balerion, doing his best to obey her request, took her to the place he thought of as his home.
Our third mention of this is with Lucerys Velaryon and his dragon Arrax, in Season 1 Episode 10 of HotD. When dragon and rider are being pursued by a much bigger dragon, Lucerys is unable to calm Arrax down, and he attacks, which eventually leads to both of their deaths. Arrax is quite young, and he very obviously did this because he was feeling cornered and threatened, and felt like he had to defend himself and his rider.
Our fourth mention of this is with Aemond Targaryen and his dragon Vhagar, in the same episode, right after Arrax's attack. If you go back and look at GIFs of what this attack actually presented as, note the side the attack came from. Arrax flames Vhagar's entire head, and he does it from her left side-- the same side where her rider is blind, specifically because Arrax's rider blinded her rider. It's no wonder Vhagar retaliated; she felt that her rider had been attacked in a very vulnerable place by the same person who made her rider vulnerable and never demonstrated remorse for doing so.
Our fifth and final mention of this is with Daenerys Targaryen and her dragon Drogon, in the A Song of Ice and Fire series. For those of you who watched Game of Thrones, I'm talking about the scene in Mereen where Drogon rescues her from the assassination attempt in the fighting pits. Daenerys wants to remain in Mereen and continue to try to handle the conflict there, but Drogon ignores her commands and flies far off into the wilderness. As far as Drogon's concerned, Mereen isn't safe for Daenerys, so why should she want to stay there?
I think these instances all point to dragons being intelligent, but not enough to really understand politics--that, or they don't care. Vhagar doesn't understand or care that killing Arrax and Lucerys will cause a war; just as Drogon doesn't understand or care that Daenerys wants to remain in Mereen to rule. They prioritize their riders' wellbeing and demonstrate that they don't always think their riders know best. This makes a ton of sense especially for the older, more experienced dragons, who probably had to make more decisions during combat in order to keep their riders alive rather than just waiting for commands.
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unexpectedstormy · 4 months
There's a TV SHOW? And no one TOLD ME?
- Moon Anon
Okay Anon, get ready to have your mind blown. Here is a list of all of the media in the Dreamworks Dragons franchise in story chronological order (copy pasted from a reddit post):
Racing for the Gold (mini-series) 5 episodes
How to Train Your Dragon (movie)
Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon (short)
Gift of the Night Fury (short)
Book of Dragons (short)
Riders of Berk (TV show) 20 episodes
'Dragon Down', 'Dangers of The Deep', 'The Ice Castle', 'The Stowaway', 'The Legend of Ragnarok', and 'Underworld' (Comic Volumes)
Defenders of Berk (TV show) 20 episodes
'The Endless Night' and 'Snowmageddon' (Comic Volumes)
Dawn of Dragon Racers (short)
Race to the Edge (TV show) 6 seasons, 13 episodes each
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (movie)
Serpents Heir (comic)
Burning Midnight / Dragonvine (comic)
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (movie)
How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming (short)
Snoggletog Log (short)
Other HTTYD spinoff TV shows:
Dragons: Rescue Riders
Dragons: The Nine Realms
You can watch all of the TV shows and some of the shorts on here for free:
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klinefelterrible · 1 month
Dungeon Meshi episodes 1-3 spoilers ahead!
So I watched three episodes of Dungeon Meshi and yes of course I understand why people are obsessive about it because I don't even like the genre (anime) and I think about those characters (Marcille) almost all the time. Yesterday I gave it a try to watch it with English dubbing and it's okay too I guess, I don't think subtitles differ between Japanese and English versions but I don't know Japanese so how am I to know anyway.
But to the point!
I mean her nightmare is what keeps him moving forward (...and his sister, yeah, probably).
While those other two, Senshi and Chilchuck are vibing in the background, doing some help, bonding - AND I TOTALLY SEE THOSE TWO SHARING A SLEEPING BAG IN A GAY/HARDCORE GAY/NON-GAY WAY (each is fine).
What I'm saying is yeah, I'm hooked. Fucking barnacle snails living and having shellfish sex in a walking armor. In a show about four (so far) people on a RPG-like trip towards the dragon lair in a dungeon to save an eaten girl... Or let me rephrase it: A show about Laios eating his way through the monster-infested dungeon and maybe rescuing his sister, while other three party members are there to find traps and bitch (Chilchuck), fight and cook (Senshi) and be a total random weirdo and cutie (Marcille).
So far, so good. The experiment "Dungeon Meshi" is going well. I am glad I started it.
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laytontreasures · 8 months
Layton Mystery Detective Agency Books
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I recently discovered these Layton Mystery Detective Agency Books that I had never heard of before.
Since I'm an obsessed Layton fan, I immediately bought the entire set, ten books in total.
I looked it up and the books were made by @Layton_Creative.
(Go check out their Twitter they have loads of cute art!)
I have no idea how "official" these books are, but they are ready cute and I really enjoyed them!
Each book is based on a single episode of the anime.
The artstyle is really cute and funny at times.
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And this is a Layton book, so there are naturally puzzles to solve!
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One thing I really like is there are a few changes and extra scenes that aren't in the anime.
For example, in the final case, Hastings and Brittanias must work together to solve the puzzles to rescue the Dragons.
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And by the end of it, they actually become friends!
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Also, Clover Pryce doesn't die in this version! A great day for women!
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My favorite part however is the end of the final case, where Katrielle walks through town and sees all the people she's helped. I'm glad to see Pastel smiling, he definitely had the most tragic episode.
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There's also a cute illustration at the end.
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Wait.... who do you see those two men in the window??
I bought my books from here if anybody is interested in adding them to their collection.
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angstintensifer · 21 days
Hunter Huntsman headcanons
Hunter knows more than he'd like about shoes because he always listens to Ashlynn's many facts about them.
Hunter plays Minecraft with Cerise, Cedar and Sparrow, sometimes he teams up with Cerise just to kill Sparrow on Minecraft.
Hunter lets Dexter play Tailer Quick in their dorm room and keeps it a secret because Dexter doesn't want to get teased for it, but Hunter was already used to it anyway because Ashlynn is also a fan.
Hunter always lets Dexter vent to him about anything, he's a very good listener.
Hunter is very good at keeping things to himself as he has been hiding things about himself from his parents for years.
Hunter gets fairy down on himself a lot, because he knows he will never be the son or huntsman his father wants and while he doesn't want that destiny, he feels ashamed that he can't live up to it.
Cerise is older than Hunter and he has often come to her when he needs advice or to vent.
Hunter and Cerise are fairy good friends, he always suspected Cerise was hiding something but since he hides things about himself as well he never asked her about it and respected her privacy.
Their mothers are actually friends. Hunter's mother once made a comment about Hunter and Cerise "liking" each other in front of them and they both laughed because they never saw each other that way.
Hunter's phone contains millions of pics of Fern, Ashlynn, him and Ashlynn, Pesky, sunsets and any of his favourite wooden works.
Hunter always takes a picture of a good sunset or sun rise.
He is a terrible hexter and doesn't use his phone a lot.
He wants to be good at poetry, because he thought it would impress Ashlynn, but he's not, he's awful at it. (Literally the episode Cedar wood would love to lie)
Hunter can tell something is wrong with Pesky if Pesky isn't throwing nuts at him.
Hunter once scolded Pesky coldly for accidently hitting Ashlynn with a nut.
His favourite artist is Hozier.
Ashlynn is his go to person when he messes up.
He does not like Sparrow, at all. At first it was general annoyance, then it was Sparrow teaming up with Duchess in the exposure of him and Ashlynn's relationship, and then it was back to general annoyance but their friendship has improved because Hunter doesn’t like to hold grudges.
Hunter made the tiny satchel Pesky wears, and he made one for Fern as well.
When Fern learned to walk, Hunter insisted on taking her out for her first walk around the enchanted forest, his parents trusted him because they know he would protect her.
Once he tried on a pair of heels at Ashlynn's shop to see what they felt like, he tripped and accidently damaged them, he vowed to never do it again and paid damages for them.
Ashlynn tips him for delivering shoes, he fought her on it because he only did it as an excuse to see her.
He once beat Daring in a sword fight. Daring made him promise to never tell anyone. (He lied and only told Cerise)
Apple was never close with Hunter even though they share a story but after his relationship with Ashlynn was exposed, Apple lost some respect for him for betraying their story and with that causing her friend to betray hers (no one actually talks abt this and I didn’t even think abt it until I read Gumjesters eah rewrite and Apple made one comment to Hunter during true hearts day and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since)
He is a trans man (I know this is v popular headcanon for him but I adore it and I had to include it bc I love it sm)
Despite being a rebel Hunter is still afraid of telling his parents he doesn’t want to follow his story, he knows he will let them down and he wants to put that off for as long as he can. He thinks they won’t support his decision and his romance.
Hunter and Pesky met when Hunter rescued him from a wolf by distracting the wolf with some meat. Hunter showed Pesky he wasn’t a killer and gained his trust.
He is a great horse rider and has ridden Ashlynn’s dragon (the one from dragon games)
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butterflydm · 8 months
wot 2x7: daes da'mar
That definitely lived up to the title. Lots of games within games and lots of people moving against each other.
First: as many of us suspected, our girl Moiraine was shielded and not stilled. I love that Lan has been investigating this kinda in the background and that he essentially was able to put the pieces together to solve the problem. <3 <3 <3
So after Lan was able to shake off the accusation of being a Darkfriend sworn to Lanfear, he's... kinda working with Lanfear.
Oh, it was rough to see Siuan and Moiraine come against each other like that. Just as Moiraine reunites with her platonic husband, she breaks up with her romantic wife. But I love mess and drama, so I loved it. It was so painful!
We also got a look into Aiel culture -- after Aviendha charmed everyone in her first episode, now we see some of the violence that is embedded in ji'e'toh, and we meet two more Maidens.
When Loial met Elayne was the first time on-screen when someone treated Elayne the way that she usually gets everyone treating her, lol, which must have been so jarring for Nynaeve to witness. But they've kidnapped themselves a sul'dam and are ready to go on a rescue mission!
Mat's stuff was heartbreaking. I'm guessing that was our stand-in for a certain book event, where Mat gets to see what he's capable of (in a bad way).
Egwene's stuff was also heartbreaking, though I was thrilled when Egwene very straight-forwardly told Renna that she would kill her.
Anvaere locking up Barthanes and revealing the truth about him (to the queen)... even knowing that Moiraine will leave the city again, focused on her mission, Anvaere also knows the right thing to do and she prioritized it over getting her house restored and her son on the throne.
Of course, we had Rand's plotline which... chef's kiss, loved it.
Making it so that the Tower has a set policy to cage the Dragon is a good reason for Moiraine and Siuan's secrecy all these years and why they said last season that they would be stilled if it were known that they were trying to help the Dragon figure things out on his own.
It was so fascinating to watch the battle lines inside the Tower itself being drawn over the Dragon Reborn and so heartbreaking that Siuan is not on the same side as Moiraine, though I understand why Siuan feels like she had to make the choices that she made. She explains it pretty clearly in the episode. But heartbreaking! That is... that is a hard thing to forgive.
And now Rand knows that Moiraine, Verin, and Alanna were all willing to stand up against Tower law for his sake, because they believe he shouldn't be caged.
Rand is trying to figure out the limits of his own power in this episode -- the One Power, but also what power he has over Lanfear (she didn't kill Moiraine, after all).
But, yeah, that one of the Forsaken just broke Rand out and helped him escape is probably not going to be reassuring to the rest of the Sisters who were here with Siuan.
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 8 months
Ruffnut & Tuffnut Thorston (how to train your dragon) vs Jedediah & Octavius (night at the museum)
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Ruffnut & Tuffnut
They tried to kill Hiccup so that their dragon(s?) could rescue him and stop feeling indebted to him and return to them. Technically it worked, depending on your point of view...? Long story short they're idiots and I love them with my whole heart
They're so stupid, I love them. Just so stupid. They can actually be pretty smart, but they actively CHOOSE to be stupid, and I love them for it. They're 100% fully self-aware (well, maybe less than 100%, but still-), they know they're stupid, and they delight in it- and delight even more in dragging other people into their stupidity. They get even worse when they're together, too, since they'll bounce terrible ideas off each other until things start to snowball into a terrible, terrible mess (and have I mentioned that I love them yet). They are, like, the epitome of this trope.
They are so silly and get up to so much stupid mischief! Even when they're not the focus of the episode, they often have a weird and silly b-plot that ends up stealing the show. Highlights of their weird exploits include trying (and in the end succeding) to build a boar pit at the gangs home base, spending an entire dragon rescue mission playing fashion critics, inventing ice cream and searching for Tuffnuts beloved lost pet chicken. They really care about each other, but they're also pretty stupid about it.
Jedediah & Octavius
they are small and stupid and drove an rc car once. the besties ever
I saw they were nominated and wanted to pronounce my support. They are incredibly stupid, whether fighting each other or fighting together and also the dream team of them all. Please let them win!
Stupid tiny gay people………….. “I ain’t quittin you” with rainbow sparklies is now an integral part of my inner monologue and it’s all thanks to them
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
fic rec friday 32
welcome to the thirty-second fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. A Dragon’s Treasure by @wittyy-name
As heir to the kingdom, Lance always thought he knew exactly what life had in store for him. That is, until a dragon kidnaps him at the age of sixteen. Suddenly his life is a lot less parties, lessons, and castles, and a hell of a lot more barren mountains, grumpy dragons, and boredom. From heir to prize, in just one night.
So now he’s stuck living in a cave with an adolescent, grumpy dragon who doesn’t seem to want him there but still won’t let him go. Not to mention his annoying habit of defeating every suitor who tries to come rescue Lance.
As much as he hates to admit it, he’s probably going to be here for a while. So he might as well settle in and get to know this dragon named Keith.
i accidentally lied last week this one is the last one from my rereadables collection. and for good reason!! dragon beauty and the beast tbh. and wittyy-name ALWAYS nails the complicated i-love-you-and-feel-trapped-by-you, complicated relationships kind of thing. and i fckn love it so so much 
2. Needle and Thread by VulpesVulpes713
Based on the prompt "kisses meant to distract the other person from whatever they were intently doing ". Keith tries to fix a tear in his jacket. Lance just wants some attention. The end result? Feelings.
this one is so cute they are so in love u know?? they just like to be around each other. always a fun read. vulpes is very good at klance with a crush on each other regardless of whether they’re already dating lol
3. Plans Are Overrated, Anyway by @chyeahlex16
"Lance, I-" "I know, I know," Lance said as he bustled around his nearly bare bedroom, tossing shirts out of drawers and pictures off of walls into his open suitcase on his bed. "I totally procrastinated till the last minute, just like you said! I don't need to hear the 'I told you so,' a little help packing would be nice!" "Lance-" "I bet you're already packed," he went on, oblivious to his best friend anxiously shifting in his doorway in frustration and anxiety. "Man, I can't wait until we get there-" "Lance! I have something to tell you!" Lance blinked, stilling his movements. He'd never seen his best friend so... guilty and anxious before. His brows pulled together in concern. "What's up, buddy?" "I'm not going to the Garrison with you." ~ In which I project onto Lance about things that I'm currently going through because I need to vent lol
HUNK AND LANCE HUNK AND LANCE HUNK AND LANCE. we do NOT have enough of it in this here fandom, ESPECIALLY prekerb, early relationship, and what a shame! i have always loved this fic’s exploration of their relationship and the ways they had to learn to grow into themselves, the starts and explanations for the way they were when we saw them. i love them
4. With These Hands by @azapofinspiration
Despite all the trouble they'd been through, Hunk figured everything had turned out all right. After all, he and Lance had managed to return to the castle!
Then Hunk sees the bruises and knows that things are not as good as he thought.
bro a-zap has always KILLED early season dynamics and their missing moments series is everything!! ive always needs three hundred percent more context on the mermaid episode and this fic provides not only that but also some excellent hunk & lance moments, with hurt/comfort that isnt imbalanced or infantilizing on either paladin’s part which is a low bar but awesome anyway 
5. Not As Clueless by @azapofinspiration
Pidge had always thought it was strange that despite being quite observant, Lance had completely missed the fact that she was a girl. However, it seems that that wasn’t really the case.
from the same series i just mentioned! lance IS observant, thank you very much, and i loved this take and interpretation. as much as lance does have a tendency to be dense about things, he also tends to be very observant bc hes a walking dichotomy. he notices things but his conclusions are often different than what others would make, and this entire concept is nailed in like 1.5k words
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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fabseg-reader · 6 months
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I have some Cerisette sketches. This time, happens in a fairy tale AU.
From left to right: Marinette (Knight), Cerise (Witch/Deviless/Demon Queen) and Adrien ("Princess"*)
*he's a boy
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This is the "confrontation" scene.
The Knight Marinette is come to the castle for free the Princess Adrien but she must face Cerise the Witch Deviless and newly owner of the castle (the previous was the "Witch" Gabriel but he's dead (see at the bottom of the post)).
Princess Adrien is the witness/spectator of the battle (In VIP position).
Marinette is planifying her 131st raid/attempt (all the previouses had failed).
The strong fact: Cerise has never tried to eliminate Marinette unlike to the other knights who terribly failed their raids. She has just repelled her. It's because Marinette has managed to dodge all the traps in the castle.
This time, the Knight and the Witch Deviless make a Tie. The two opponents have their weapons (Marinette: Sword and Shield; Cerise: Magical Scepter) both destroyed.
In next moment, Cerise congratulates Marinette and declares Adrien is released from his captivity. The Princess Boy is surprised he can leave the castle (despite the fact Marinette haven't entered to the Adrien's tower room yet).
Cerise doesn't seem interested about continue to fight Marinette. The Deviless comes closer to the Knight and pins her to the wall with a flirtatous tone. First time, Marinette doesn't understand the Cerise's behavior.
Suddenly, Cerise offers a request to Marinette: To accept her wedding confession/to marry her.
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During the battles moments in the past, the Deviless Cerise had developped a little crush on the Knight Marinette.
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This is the first meeting between Marinette/Knight and Cerise/Witch Deviless.
Cerise hasn't just overthrown Gabriel the Witch (and Adrien's gaoler). She has killed him. When Marinette the Knight has finally entered to the throne room, she is confused and shortly horrified to see the recently murdered Gabriel's bloody corpse who is empaled on many objects. Cerise and Gabriel had previously a fight against each other and Cerise had won.
Marinette had worked her Knight's skills during her trainings. She became the champion of the Kingdom after winning the tournament. She prepared herself to defeat the Witch Gabriel and to rescue Adrien. And now, a new Witch (a Demon girl) she had never seen yet is standing up in front of her.
But Cerise turns her interest about the new "visitor". She sits down on the Gabriel's throne, poses like a Femme Fatale (Basic Instinct vibes) and invites Marinette to come closer to her with a finger gesture (the Deviless Cerise's hands are like Dragon claws and her fingers are claws).
Marinette/Knight: Who are you ? 🤨
Cerise/Witch Deviless: I am the Demon Queen Cerise. The witch Deviless. But you can name me Cerise. 😉😘
Concerning the Adrien's fate:
Marinette/Knight: What happens with the Princess Adrien ? Do you free him from the Witch ? 🤨
Cerise/Witch Deviless: I wouldn't say "free", more like, under new management. 😉😈
I let you find some ideas for how can be happened in the next moment.
I just taken the idea from the Gabriel Agreste episode (4.09). The illustrations of Marc and Nathaniel have been used as models for this sketches.
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
d20 finale thoughts.
for being the ‘horror season’, the intrepid heroes really go all in on the comedy in neverafter. i was laughing through the finale, in between some high stakes roles, npc and pc deaths, and wave after wave of enemies.
now that i think about it, this finale just shows how much the intrepid heroes have really tightened up their strategy as players, to the point that they can pull really crazy bits in the midst of battle and still hit a victory at the end of the day. for every ih season, they’ve had to step up the final battle to make it something that’s conceivably a challenge to the players
like in fhfy, they had some quips in the final battle, and a clutch beardsley roll to kick off the final ep, but it’s all battle focus. more individual attacks, and just trying to keep everyone alive pre-aguefort intervention. they had a few smaller enemies to deal with, but the primary issue was kalvaxus.
with tuc, it’s a similar scenario, but they have more options in terms of calling allies and a more complex environment. the individual appeals from the american dream, as well as the continuation of their fight with robert moses make this a more involved combat than fhfy. they were more confident coming in.
with acoc, the balance between troop mechanics and individual combat was the new challenge--the gimmick of the battlefield being the one they had previously fled from, as well as the task of getting rid of the leaders as well as the general troops added a new dimension to the ih final combats. edit: the intra-party tension added to this battle in particular; saccharina & ruby really defined the end of the campaign.
once they hit fhsy, battles became longer and carried out over more than just the two finale episodes. with theater of the mind, brennan could give them a longer sequence of individual and group combat. it starts with the nightmare forest individual fear scenes, layers on the need to rescue their attacking/trapped allies, as well as the continuity of the lore going on throughout the battle. i would say this style of battle, with multiple waves to exhaust the intrepid heroes, set a precedent for future combats.
with tuc II, the longer battle sequence continued, but more condensed. tony simos @ gramercy took 1 and a half episodes to get through, and so did null at the dragon’s hoard. again, each battle had layered mechanics e.g. having to stop the umbral engine overload and then having to birth the dragon. this style of battle aligns with what we saw in previous final combats, and has just the funniest instance of a divine intervention that i’ve seen.
in starstruck, they have talespire. they also have a lot of enemies, with their guns, trained on you. there were a few layers to this combat. again, the extension from a previous battle episode, the split between minis and ship combat, and of course, who could forget margaret encino, turning their enemies away with the power of emails and girlbossing her way into a campaign office. literally overwhelming odds that they managed to pull through including a 2 on the die from gnosis.
and now with neverafter, they had waves of powerful enemies, going from a siege to a tower defense from one episode to the next, the baba yaga, the ally persuasion mechanics, and the objective of holding concentration on bottle of ink that has hand(s), while either convincing or killing everyone else. the actual battle was not the hard part--as evidenced by the shenanigans they pulled off by the skin of their teeth. it was just the singular goal, and more rp than previous final combats. they also just crit. so much. no need for a beardsley crit when you’ve got siobhan one-shotting fairies and zac killing god and rolling an 18 that makes a new universe.
in short, as d20 has grown, so to have the intrepid heroes (+brennan). i’m excited to see where they go from here.
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weirdrandomtina · 1 year
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My favourite cartoon ships 2.0!
1. Broppy, Branch and Queen Poppy, Trolls
Such an adorable couple with highly entertaining interactions, anything from bickering to heartfelt encouragement.  Great yin and yang with very opposite yet very compatible personalities.  These two truly have changed each other’s lives for the better, bring out the best in each other, and would do anything for each other - you can’t have one without the other.  I’m not much into reading fanfics in general, but have read all kinds of Broppy ones!  Hopefully we’ll get another special and series!
2. Elixie, Eli Shane and Trixie Sting, Slugterra
Close friends who are always there for each other, loyal teammates who work really well together, who both pester and support one another.  Cute interactions that, to me, give the vibe that they could become more than friends in the future.  I don’t know, there’s just something about them that catches my attention, so many options for fanfics!
3. Embade (not sure if there’s a ship name for them yet), Wade Ripple and Ember Lumen, Elemental
About as opposite as two people can be!  I fell in love with these two immediately - their dynamic is highly entertaining, being fire and water they have unique interactions no other couple could have, their dance scene / first touch gives me butterflies, their first date is the cutest thing ever, and I like how it wasn’t ‘love at first sight’ - they got to know each other first, then fell in love, and they really improved each other’s lives.
4. The Love Square (Adrinette, Ladynoir, Marichat, Ladrien), Adrien Agreste / Chat Noir and Marinette Dupain-Cheng / Ladybug, Miraculous Ladybug
Four ships in one, so lots of options for different fun stories between the characters!  I’ve read a few neat fan-comics of them, their varying dynamics are always interesting.  This ship also moved down my favourites list, because I personally thought their ‘just friends’ status dragged on too long in canon.
5. Simonette, Simon Seville and Jeanette Miller, ALVINNN!!!
Close friends who have similar hobbies and compatible personalities, I love the episodes where they interact, especially helping each other on projects or just hanging out.  They would make an adorable couple, I’d love to see them on a sweet little date.  I’m not a huge fan of the CGI movies, but I watch Chipwrecked solely for their interactions.
6. Guep (no solid decent ship name for them so I’m going with this), Guy and Eep Crood, The Croods
I love the fact that she’s stronger and bigger than him, and far from a typical girly girl, it makes a unique and unconventional couple.  Also, they take care of each other, it’s never one-sided (the macho guy rescuing the dainty damsel, or the powerful woman rescuing the weak guy).
7. Eugunzel, Eugene Fitzherbert and Princess Rapunzel, Tangled
Tons of excellent interactions in the series, a healthy relationship and another couple who has given each other better lives.  She’s not the typical dependent princess, but not an overly powerful female either, just the perfect balance.  And like Guep, he rescues her, and she rescues him; both have strengths and weaknesses, making them a very realistic pair.
8. Hiccstrid, Hiccup Haddock and Astrid Hofferson, How To Train Your Dragon
Another couple where she’s the stronger one.  I like their teamwork and interactions - even though she’s much bolder than him, she respects his leadership and is loyal to him.  At the same time, he respects her and is open to her suggestions.
9. Jilaire, Jim Lake Jr. and Claire Nunez, Trollhunters
Their development from barely friends to a close couple was natural and realistic.  There is literally nothing these two wouldn’t do for each other (Jim risking his life and breaking the law to save Claire’s brother, Claire fully accepting Jim no matter what physical form he’s in)
10. Snowlin, Prince Merlin and Princess Snow White, Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarves
Excellent messages about true beauty.  The rare movie relationship where the main female does not represent ideal beauty standards, yet still ends up in a happy relationship.  These two learned to truly love each other for who they are on the inside, regardless of their appearance, and will surely stick by each other’s sides no matter what.
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Cool questions!
1: when playing, does the duo re-act stuff from movies? Like anakin vs obi wan or when Shrek is escaping from the dragon?
2: what’s one thing that one does shocks the other? Like Chris disliking bananas on pancakes? (Read that from an earlier post of yours)
3: for the superfamily, what’s one story you would write for them?
4: what’s one story you would write for Chris for his own book?
5: same as Jake?
Phew! Took me a good while but I finally was able to get to answering this one @pin-crusher2000 . Thanks for the ask
1) Oh most definitely Chris and Jake would reenact so many Star Wars duels, especially Obi Wan vs Anakin as they can float around which make doing those fancy acrobatics all the easier. Bonus points if they utilize those cardboard tubes and paint them to their lightsaber colors and Jake using his speaker’s speakers to play the music in the background
Otherwise, they certainly would also do the Dragon Escape but most tellingly if Meredith was watching them, reenact kaiju battles
2) Oh, Jake putting Milk Before Cereal which horrifies not just Chris but also Mar’i and Dick
Also, Chris not minding the dumb fun of the Bayformers films as much as Jake does
3) I think I can have Clark, Lois, Kara, Conner, Chris and Jon get blasted across space and time, across multiple time periods, alternate histories or possible futures of Metropolis during a big battle against the Time Trapper. For example, Lois winds up in Metropolis in 1889 during the height of the Gilded Age, her mini adventure being to expose a corrupt all powerful banker while Conner is sent into a Metropolis that’s controlled by Germany in a scenario should they had won the Second World War. The finale for the arc would see the Superman Family reunite at the End of Time itself coming face to face with the Trapper, but it won’t be just the family as many of their new friends they met all across their little adventures assemble to help as well.
4) Less of an entire story and more a one to two issue arc involving Nightwing Phantom taking on a cosmic being in a game of wits and intelligence rather than fisticuffs, all for the sake of saving reality itself. Think this being akin to say A 4th Dimension Imp like Mr Mxyzptlk or more overtly the Celestial Toymaker from Doctor Who. The real meat though is whatever thoughts and emotions are transpiring inside of Chris’ mind space as I place this after he has his reaffirmation from Dad Clark of him belonging to Earth in light of Zod’s invasion. He thinks about this planet he’s trying to truly accept as his home in spite of his origins and how much he must defend it from this entity while also trying to reaffirm himself that he belongs with his real family the Kents despite Zod’s words permeating his thinking space.
5) Here, I take some inspiration from the Batman TAS episode “The Underdwellers” in which like in that episode, Jake would be investigating some recent pickpocketing going on across the Bludhaven streets, all of them being committed by street urchins and runaways, a lot of them around his age range doing such under the tyrannical rule of a supposed caretaker who treats them rather horribly. After running into one of the urchins and rescuing them from an incoming subway train, Jake and the kid become friendly with each other to where the kid can lead our hero to the whereabouts of his comrades. Coming along for the ride is one of Jake’s rouges, long time best frenemy Cody Cunningham aka Lion Master, who also had caught wind of the pickpocketing so he comes along with Skybird in this investigation, forming something of an alliance between them. This proves handy as like the Sewer King in “The Underdwellers”, the villain has vicious sewer gators that serve him which Cody’s lions are able to fend off while Skybird persues and eventually captures the villain. With that, the orphans are finally freed from his reign, taken in by the Services and able to see the light outside once again. Throughout this story, we not only can get glimpses into Jake’s head as this in a way is deja vu with his history of failing to save street orphans from a supervillain once before but also once Lion Master enters the picture, the two can have talks about each other’s deal and how Lion Master in many ways just wants a place to call a home after surviving in the streets for so long and his sympathies for Jake’s situation in light of this case.
As the two were successful working together and Cody realizes he feels much better doing some actual good rather than remaining a small time thief with a gimmick, he finally takes up Jake’s offer to renounce his old life as a rouge, first turning himself in to the authorities and spending some time in Juvie to make up for his robberies (his lions we’re thankfully tamed enough for the authorities to keep in that meantime) then once he gets out of his sentence for good behavior, moves into the Grayson Apartment complex with a place of his own. A new fresh start for him, especially when his new landlord, Dick Grayson, drops by and hearing of his skills as a lion tamer offers him and his feline companions a job at Haly Circus.
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
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Listen, I don’t know why the comics decided to make this absolute unit some bodybuilder, but he’s bringing chonky back, baby.  Rotger ‘Rotor’ Waldemar is the oldest of the team (discounting Dulcy, as dragons have a different bar for aging), clocking it at  35 and has the world-weariness to show for it. He was Charles’ apprentice in this AU and reluctantly took over Charles’ cyberkinetics project for war veterans when Charles was unceremoniously stripped from the position after a late beta test (involving Sonic’s father) went awry, but he from realised from going over the data input that the test had been sabotaged and tried to raise the alarm/get into contact with Charles about it, 
However Robotnik followed him right to where Charles was and nabbed both of them to press them into continuing the project so the device could be perfected/mass-produced. Initially Charles refused, but relented when Robotnik roboticized Rotger’s eye and promised to take away one of his apprentice’s body part for each ‘no’ he heard, and when the machine was completed, had the two of them choose between each other to test it. Charles elected to go so Rotger was spared. Behind Robotnik’s back however, he got to work figuring out a way to reverse-engineer the process before Sally and Antoine, having heard of his plight, attempt to rescue him (running into Sonic at the same time, who was attempting to rescue a captured Bunnie).  He’s protective over Sonic, who he recognizes as ‘Chuck’s scamp’ and feels heavy guilt over the fact that he’s the reason Sonic no longer has a flesh-and-blood uncle, but is also the one who eventually gives Charles back to Sonic when he masterminds a plan to download data containing Charles’ memories/personality (which Robotnik keeps in an archive similar to Black Mirror’s San Junipero episode, because that’s a terrible mind to waste and perhaps he would like to revisit it some time) to upload to Charles’ droid body. He wears leg braces for support the same way landlubbers wear swimfins underwater as like most sea-based Mobians, his flipper-feet are meant for swimming and not meant to hold up his weight vertically for long periods! He can’t much run, but his strength and intelligence usually make up for that. 
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