#ryan reynolds fanfiction
fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Meanwhile @ the Avengers Compound…
Tony: okay we’re here to discuss our new recruits and-
Y/N: hey! Where’s Wade?!?
Deadpool: I came in like a wrecking ball!!!
Deadpool swings in on a wrecking ball, destroying most of the living room…
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imdonnalynn · 1 year
Abigail "Abby" Whistler / Hannible King Blade: Trinity (2004 film)
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The Nightstalker's were supposed to get a spin-off movie or tv series but obviously it never came to fruition. Even if it had it likely wouldn't have cast these two as the returning actors for a tv series, maybe a movie though and that would have been awesome. I always pictured them raising Zoe together.
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harmonity-vibes · 1 year
Author : Harmonity-vibes
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You join the 6 underground.
One: Welcome, eight.
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Nolan Booth/John Heartly/Sarah Black Red Notice Fics because I love this movie so much
Booth was scrunched up in the backseat with far from enough room for his legs, doing his best not to feel like a third wheel while also trying to keep the two very keen eyed criminals from noticing the blood that was steadily staining his shirt.
It's not really a request.
"You're insatiable!" he squeaks, throwing his hands up dramatically.
It's her turn to shrug now, like she's been caught and can't be bothered to defend herself. She resets the board, black side facing him this time.
Nolan Booth picks up shoplifting while he and the Bishops wait for their new score, gets caught, and gets fucked. Things get messy.
Nolan thinks he's been flirting with his soulmate-slash-professional rival for the last few years until he realizes he actually has two soulmates. And they've already found each other.
It takes a solid two weeks for Nolan Booth to realise that he’s essentially just following The Bishop and Hartley around like a lapdog.
It takes him a lot less time to realise that they fuck a lot.
Sarah and Hartley attempt to negotiate polyamory with Nolan, but Nolan is too clueless to figure out what is happening.
Not everyone has a soulmate. Only about 10% of the population is born with a mark on their skin signifying that somewhere out there their perfect match walks the earth. And even then there is no guarantee that the two will ever meet.
John Hartley has a soul mate somewhere. Sarah Black does not.
“That you could never truly give me what I wanted,” Nolan said bitterly with a laugh. “I was such a fool to think that I had finally found a family, people who actually cared for me…”
“What was it that you wanted?” John dared to ask.
Nolan stared them down with a fixed look. “Isn’t it obvious?” When they shook their heads, his lips twitched into a small smile. “God, you’re both thick, aren’t you?” He sighed, eyes flickering towards the wall. “I wanted the two of you.”
It had been hours, days, since those bastards had taken Nolan, and Sarah didn’t like to think of what could have happened in that amount of time. She couldn’t think about any of it or she would have to fight the urge back even more to claw at the eyes of anybody who got just a little bit too close.
And then they're alone.
This feels staged. It feels like such a fucking setup. "Found anything interesting?" he tries.
"Only on this side of the door," says Hartley, not without humor.
Booth makes an effort to brush past that with a positive outlook. "No news is good news, right?"
Hartley raises an eyebrow. "So you kissing my girl is not new?"
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missyandwade · 4 months
From Across The Hallway - Chapter 2
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When Missy moves in across the hallway with her two-year old daughter Emily, into what is definitely NOT the best neighbourhood, perhaps Wade Wilson can be there for them to brighten their world, and keep an eye out for them when they need it most...
It was 8.20 and Missy was already running late.
Today was her first day at her new job, and from past experience, Missy knew that bad impressions lasted.
The plan was to drop Emily off at the office crèche on the sixth floor before taking the trip up to the eleventh floor where she now worked as an office assistant.
But despite Emily waking her up super early, Missy had no idea where the morning had gone…
Between giving Emily her breakfast and letting her play a little with her favourite stuffed animal, Missy had somehow found the time to shower and get dressed.
Now she had already popped Emily into her fluffy coat and mittens, and was now pulling on her own beige trench coat, ready to head out the door.
Missy smoothed down her slightly curled hair, hoping that it looked ok.
Having only moved in a couple of days ago, she hadn't even had a change to unpack let alone find a mirror amongst the chaos of boxes. Her priority had been to get out Emily's toys and clothes, more to make the little girl feel at home than anything else.
So having dabbed on a little makeup in the bathroom mirror and pulling on a white blouse, pencil skirt and high heels, she only hoped she looked the part. It had been a while since she had worked and of course she was nervous.
But letting out a long breath to steady herself, she knew that this was all a good thing. A job meant that she could support her and Emily alone… without help from anyone else….
"You ready sweetie?" she asked her tiny daughter, bending down and grasping her hand gently.
Emily stared up at Missy, before smiling.
"Yesh," she said with a big nod, causing Missy's heart to instantly melt.
She loved her daughter more than anything in this world. But the prospect of spending time away from her like this was killing her. She knew today was definitely going to be tough for the both of them.
Missy picked up her purse, hanging it from her elbow, before tugging open the front door.
The pair of them ambled out into the hallway, only to be met with a familiar face.
"You off for an early morning stroll momma-bear?" came the sudden voice of her next-door neighbour, Wade.
There he was again. All tall and blonde and rough around the edges, standing in practically the same spot she had left him in fourteen hours earlier.
Missy immediately scowled.
"Are you stalking us?" she said narrowing her eyes, her voice icy.
But Wade merely grinned his silly grin, causing Missy to growl beneath her breath.
There was something about that swagger, that cockiness, that irritated her so much…
But he ignored her glare and merely took a step fowards, before crouching down and bouncing on his heels, coming to look directly at Emily.
"Hey there Em-bear? How you doing? You off for a play-date?" he asked her, his voice soft….different now.
Missy frowned down at him. What was his deal?
"She won't-" Missy began, snappily.
But before she could say another word, there came a sudden tiny voice…
"I play now," said Emily, in what was perhaps the shyest tone imaginable.
Her daughter never normally talked to anyone, let alone strangers, so it wasn't surprising that Missy's jaw dropped slightly.
Wade's face broke into a wide smile, his dark brown eyes wrinkling at the corners.
"That is super awesome," he said in a friendly tone, causing Emily to look away shyly and clutch at Missy's bare leg with her mittened paw. "I've kinda got a play date of sorts myself today."
Slowly and with a groan, Wade got to his feet, his eyes finally reaching Missy's again.
"And by play date I mean work…" he said to Missy, rolling his eyes sarcastically.
Missy pursed her lips.
"And what is it you do?" she said icily. "Drug dealer, or male gigolo?"
He tone was mocking.
But Wade merely let out a chuckle, skimming around her question.
"So a play date, huh? I've gotta say you look a little overdressed for that…" he swiped back, smirking, as his eyes roved up and down her slender form. "Those shoes really appropriate for a game of tag?"
But Missy didn't grace him with a retort, she merely stared him down, studying him carefully.
She knew that this neighbourhood wasn't the best. Hell, even the real-estate agent who had shown her around the place had advised her against living here. But it had been one of the only places in Missy's rent budget that had been close to her office-building. Besides, although it was a little rough around the edges, she could make it into a home, she knew that. As long as she didn't start associating herself with the weirdos that hung around here, everything would fall into place.
Her neighbour was just a little older than she was, by the looks of it, but looked like he had been more than just a few bar fights over the years. From the scar that ran through his eyebrow, to the remnants of what looked like a broken nose, he looked a little…thrown together, at best.
Besides why would a guy like this ever be interested in talking to her or Emily anyway?
And after what had happened with Scott…
Missy gulped….well, all she knew was that she couldn't let her guard down….not again.
"Well, we need to go," said Missy, a little louder than normal, clasping Emily's hand tightly, knowing that the little girl was sure to look up and hear her. "Come on baby."
And with that, Missy strutted away, without more than a back glance at Wade, her heart pounding in her chest as she did so.
It was 3.45pm and Missy had already had the worst day.
Her job had been fine and getting to grips with the tasks that she had been given had been the easy part. It was the people who had made the day difficult for her.
As soon as they had seen her, whispers had carried around the office.
"Oh her, yeah she's the new part-timer…"
"Yeah she's got a kid, so they let her leave early…"
That was true of course, she finished her work day at 3.15, but was only contracted until that time, which meant her pay was less than everyone else's…but obviously according to them, she was a slacker…a person who had got special treatment from the boss.
"He obviously felt sorry for her…a single mom…how could he say no?"
The whispers had continued over her lunchbreak where she had sat alone at her desk, rather than go to the staff canteen like everyone else.
But the worst part still had yet to come.
Thirty minutes ago she had shut down her PC and headed down to the crèche to pick up Emily.
She was so excited to see her after what had felt like the longest day apart from her little girl.
But the moment she had stepped inside, one of the staff had approached her, their face worried-looking and for a brief moment Missy had panicked.
But the lady had given her a sad look, sighing.
"We tried our best with her," started the lady, without even saying hello. "But Emily didn't want to join in with the other children…"
She gestured over her shoulder to the large room, where fifteen or so children were playing loudly, running about, barging into one another, having fun.
But as hard as Missy searched, she just couldn't seem to see that recognisable tuft of brown hair anywhere in amongst the crowd.
It was then that she finally spotted her….and her heart plummeted.
Emily was sat on the floor in the far corner of the room, alone, her head bowed and a large book propped open on her lap. She had tucked herself into the tiniest corner of the room away from the others.
Missy of course recognised that stance…she knew it very well.
Emily would do this was she was feeling uncomfortable and scared. She would hide herself away, try to block out the noise and make herself as tiny as possible to try and get away from it all.
"I know she has difficulty hearing…" started the woman.
But Missy growled.
"She's deaf…I told one of the other staff that this morning," snapped Missy defensively. "If you talk to her slowly and make sure she's looking at you, s-she's fine…"
"I understand that," said the woman attempting a false smile. "But we have a lot of children here, so special attention can't really be given to one child over the other, our staff are stretched as it is. Look, if Emily doesn't at least try and get along and join in with the other children it makes our job hard for us. Listen, there might be other options you could look at. Specialised nurseries…"
At these words Missy's eyes blackened.
She ignored the woman's comment and stalked across the room, heading straight for the corner where Emily was sat with her tiny back to her.
Missy as always, came around to face her little daughter, so that she would catch her attention.
"Hey sweetie-pie," she said in a clear voice, as Emily gazed up at Missy with bright green eyes.
Instantly the little girl scrunched up her face, as a kid across the room let out a loud scream.
"I know, I know, baby," said Missy, more to herself than Emily, clutching the little girl to her. Emily immediately buried her face in Missy's coat.
Missy's heart was ready to tear in two.
This entire thing had been a mistake…
That was thirty minutes ago…now the pair of them had walked home quietly hand in hand, finally reaching their apartment building.
It was then that Missy saw him again.
Wade, her neighbour, trudging towards them, coming from the opposite direction.
Spotting them, he immediately raised his hands innocently.
"Ok, ok, before you say anything, I swear I am not stalking you," he said smiling, his tone playful. "I've just had a rough day and now have an afternoon date with a pint of ice cream and a season of The Walking Dead."
With that, he held aloft a tub of cookie-dough ice cream.
But Missy was still too downhearted to argue with him or even to fling him a snappy response.
But Emily managed to stare up at Wade, studying carefully with her bright green orbs.
The blonde man caught the little girl's eye.
"You enjoy your play date, Em?" he said, perhaps a little too loudly, as people often did when talking with her.
But Emily slowly shook her head, giving a little pouty face before looking down at her white mittens.
Missy noticed Wade give the slightest of frowns before immediately looking back up to Missy questioningly.
Missy paused for a second before giving a sigh. Her eyes dropping down to the ground too.
"We've just had a rough day too…" she explained, her voice breaking slightly.
But Missy couldn't look at him. As if now, after all she had been through, she would admit she was struggling… even to this complete stranger.
She merely gave Emily the tiniest of tugs as they headed up the steps towards her building, and through the front door.
Wade was hot at their heels, but he didn't say another word as they climbed the steps up towards the hallway they shared.
It was only when they had reached the landing did Emily suddenly pull on Missy's hand, as Wade turned towards his front door, pulling out his keys.
The little girl looked up at Missy before suddenly pointing with her mitten towards the tall, blonde, guy next door.
Emily uttered something Missy didn't quiet catch.
Missy crouched down beside her daughter, tucking a long strand of caramel hair behind her own ear.
"What was that sweetie?" she asked gently, as Wade glanced back over towards them.
"Ice cweam," said Emily in a sudden tiny voice, pointing up at Wade once more.
Her neighbour gave a chuckle, his face brightening.
But Missy shook her head. "No baby, we haven't got a freezer yet for ice cream…" she said stroking her thumb across Emily's chubby baby cheek.
The little girl looked immediately crestfallen.
"You can have it," came a sudden voice from right beside them and Missy turned to see Wade now standing at their side, holding out the tub towards Emily. "Why do you need a freezer when you can eat it now?"
Missy looked up at him for a second before turning back to her daughter.
"Because we haven't had our dinner yet, have we sweetie?" she said in a slow voice.
But Emily's little face was a picture of sadness, and after all that had happened today, Missy so wished she had some ice cream to give her. Right now she wished she could give her anything she wanted in the entire world…
"Nah," said Wade suddenly, coming to crouch down beside them, right in Emily's line of sight. "On bad days you gotta have ice cream before dinner. You think that sounds about right Em-bear?"
Emily gave a tiny nod, before looking over at Missy.
Missy paused a little uncertainly for a long moment as Wade held out the pint of ice cream towards her.
"Here you can have it…gotta watch my figure anyway," he said poking at his oh-so-flat abs.
Missy's lips twitched as her green eyes suddenly met with his chocolate ones.
She titled her head. Who even was this guy….?
After what felt like an eternity she finally gave a gulp and reached for her purse.
"Let me at least give you the money for it then…" she murmured, rifling around for a few dollars she knew she had stuffed inside her handbag, somewhere between a fruit-rollup and a ton of hair bows.
But Wade merely held the ice cream in front of her face, shaking his head and giving a smirk.
"Hey, don't worry about it. Us male gigolos make tons of cash…" he said in a mocking tone, his eyes flashing with something Missy couldn't quite put her finger on.
She froze for a moment, one hand still mid-way through rooting around inside her purse…. before slowly retracting it and taking the ice cream from his grasp a little apprehensively.
She gave a another gulp, before-
"Thank you," she murmured in a soft tone.
After the day she had had, this generosity was overwhelming to her.
She slowly got to her feet as Wade mirrored her, doing the same.
Missy plucked out her keys from her bag, her eyes drifting away from his and down to Emily who was staring up at the pair of them.
"You want some ice cream then, sweetie?" she said affectionately to the little girl who nodded her head slowly, her mouth gaping open.
Missy smiled, her fingers toying with the little tuft of hair that stuck out from Emily's bow.
And as Missy glanced up, she caught Wade staring at her with the strangest expression on his face, looking at her as if truly seeing her for the first time.
Missy blinked at him a couple of times, staring back questioningly, before placing a hand to Emily's head and opening her front door.
"Thanks again," she said curtly without turning around, her face blushing the slightest shade of pink as she headed inside.
But what Missy didn't notice was little Emily look around and give Wade the smallest of waves with her mittened hand, before the door finally swung shut behind them both.
Outside, Wade Wilson smiled to himself…
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entity9silvergen · 6 months
They changed the Spirited (2022) fandom tag on ao3.
I made that tag and they changed it!
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slasherslay · 2 years
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I believe he would let me peg him with one of our dildos, and make jokes the entire time we fucked, I would suck him off while he ate my meow meow, he would try out so many positions, He could fuck me while talking to the audience idgaf, and I'd let him fill me to the damn brim with his baby making juices, CAUSE HE IS SO SEXY, HE MAY LOOK LIKE A PIECE OF BURNT BACONED OLD MAN BALLS BUT IDGAF, Thank you and good night 😊
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dropyourswordfanfic · 2 years
Singles Awareness Day - Wade Wilson
Summary: you and Wade are both single on valentine’s day
Warnings: fluff
Notes: Y/N means your name Y/N/N means your nickname
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Valentine’s day was rapidly approaching and everyone in the apartment had someone to spend it with. Except for you and Wade. They were going to be all alone on the most romantic day of the year.
Plopping down on the couch planning to spend the night alone watching different rom-coms. Trying to make it feel like you’re in the perfect relationship even though you’ve never been in one even close to perfect. Joining (Y/N) not long after, Wade tried to pick up the remote and change what they were going to watch. But (Y/N) was quick to snatch it out of his hands before he could.
"Hey!" He rubbed his hand as if it hurt him. Pouting to try and make you feel guilty.
Rolling your eyes at him before going back to watch one of the many rom-coms you were planning on watching today. "If you think that's enough to get me to change to whatever action packed movie or sports game you wanna watch you are sorely mistaken sir," (Y/N) huffed.
"You are a piece of work," Wade scoffed. "I'll find a way to persuade you." He winked in your direction, settling in further into the sofa cushions. Marking his territory by making a deep impression of his butt.
"Uh huh," slipped out of your mouth as you brought your knees up to your chest. Now fully invested in the film and not paying anymore attention to the hooligan next to you.
Wade smiled watching you rest your chin on your knees. (Y/N) was invested in the movie but he was invested in them. Except he quickly looked away, not wanting to get caught. Not wanting to be seen as a creep when all he had was a crush. Honestly he did not care what they watched together, he just wanted to spend time with you.
Time passed and before he knew it the movie was over. (Y/N) glanced over at him blurting out, "So, what do y'a want for lunch?"
"Shit (Y/N/N) you scared me!" Wade jumped in his place. Hand to his chest as if his heart was about to burst.
"Oh sorry," you stifled a laugh or two. "I didn't realize you were so into romantic comedies," you teased.
"Ha ha." He dryly responded. "More like I was doing anything and everything in my power to stay awake during that garbage."
"Mmhmm," you hummed. Rolling your eyes, not believing him a single bit. "So I'll just make sandwiches then?" (Y/N) said as she got up off the couch. Walking towards the kitchen.
Getting up after you Wade followed into the kitchen. Sitting on the barstool at the island. Watching contently as (Y/N) made different sandwiches. "I don't get a fancy lunch today since it's Valentine's Day?" He quizzed batting his eyelashes, trying to look innocent.
Scoffing at his remark (Y/N) answered, "Sure. If you were my boyfriend."
"What?" Wade almost choked on one of the halves of his sandwich.
"I'm just saying that if I had a boyfriend on Valentine's Day I would spoil him with cooking and baked goods. But I'm doomed to be alone forever!" You stated dramatically.
"Oh that's not true," he brushed off. "If anyone's gonna be alone forever it's gonna be me."
"I can't tell if your making fun of me or trying to make me feel better," (Y/N) raised her eyebrow at him. Taking a bite of her fresh sandwich before continuing, "either way I guess we'll both be alone together. Er- I mean forever." You quickly raised your sandwich to your mouth, eyes darting away from Wade. A severe blush on your face and neck that can't be hidden. One so bright it makes everyone else blush just by looking at it.
Silence came over the apartment as the lunch hour came to a close. You and Wade both headed back to the living area to watch another movie. They continued to watch movies for the rest of the day- only getting up when they were hungry or needed to use the restroom. Soon their roommates would come back home with or without their significant other, while Wade and (Y/N) were half asleep on the couch.
As the clock rolled past midnight Wade stretched his arms and legs, moving his body on the couch to become more comfortable. (Y/N) also stretched they’re arm out- into Wade's face proceeding to push him away. Groaning Wade wrapped his arms around them, bringing you in close to him. Stopping you from flailing your arms around everywhere.
"I think it was a good valentines day," you mumbled. Yawning before falling back asleep, cheek squished up against the couch cushion.
"No. It was the best singles awareness day I've ever had," Wade's eyes were barely awake as he looked at the person in his arms. Cheek just as squished into the cushion as theirs.
"Are you trying to one up me Wilson?" you whispered.
Leaning his forehead onto yours Wade came back with, "now I am." Gently coming in to kiss your lips goodnight.
a/n: i’ve had this written for a while and was going to publish it on valentines day but forgot because i haven’t done this in forever. i also have a version of this with an original character on my wattpad if y’all wanna check it out my wattpad is linked in my bio :)
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darkleysgarden · 1 year
So far, yall want a new fic for Up on your Feet. But, would you rather that or a fic with the same ship inspired by The Proposal. Idk if I wanna write both... The og series wasn't very good anyway and this might end up being better.
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tarzinnia · 11 months
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Photo credit: @cypherdecypher via public domain
That Defining Characteristic
S.O. and I were watching Yorgos Lanthimos' film The Lobster and we happened upon the scene where Ben Whishaw's character stands up and talks about his defining characteristic.
Completely ignoring the meaning of the scene and yet embracing it in a different way, I mentioned that my defining characteristic appeared to be a net. A mesh if you will. Or perhaps a cage. I see the many chapters long Peter Parker/Spider-man epics, the long-standing projects waving futilely from the island across the sea where they are stranded. I would need to be a long-lived lobster with incredible focus to complete them all. Or perhaps a fisher scooping them up to carefully and devotedly tend to them one by one and then set them free. Meanwhile the short drabbles, the insignificant tasks, and the side tangents frolic on the beach next to me, unaware of the tragedy beyond the mesh.
Aaaaand I just realized I somehow joined in crossover The Lobster and Free Guy and if that doesn't define me, then I don't know what does. My S.O. didn't even bat an eye.
What is your defining characteristic? Then perhaps tag a few people and learn more about their own perspectives...
@sincericida, @periprose @blooming-violets @withahappyrefrain @ficthots @p3mybeloved
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harmonity-vibes · 1 year
Author : Harmonity-vibes
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You are secretly dating One.
One : I love you Eight. Eight : I love you too One.
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entityupdates · 2 years
New fic for the movie Spirited. Can be read with my other Spirited oneshots or as a standalone. It’s called Medium.
Summary: The Ghosts get a message from a mortal. Apparently, Roberto has been trying to contact them.
Rating: T
Category: M/F, Gen
Fandom(s): Spirited
Characters: Clint Briggs, Ghost of Christmas Present | Present | Roberto, Ghost of Christmas Past | Past, Ghost of Christmas Yet-To Come | Ghost of Christmas Future | Future, Jacob Marley, Kimberly, 
Relationships: Clint & Present | Roberto, Clint & Ghosts, Present | Roberto/ Kimberly
Other Tags: Reunion, Seeing Ghosts, Afterlife
Warnings: Mention of drugs, dead character
Word Count: 3.2K
Chapter Count: 1 (oneshot)
Year(s) Written: 2022
Status: Complete
Where To Read: ao3
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Words Only the Heart Could Hear
"I call him Puppy..." "Pumpkin." "Monkey." "Daisy." "Kiddo." "Uh...Bird." "Sometimes I call him Rick."
7 times Margaret and Andrew call each other the pet names they list in their INS interview + 1 time Andrew calls Margaret a new name entirely.
Read on AO3
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grungelovingrat · 2 years
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stormxpadme · 2 months
New Deadpool & Wolverine trailer is out! Looks like the fun with a little feels that it should be.
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lizard-ratt · 4 months
Hey, if someone can write a fanfiction that's a Percy Jackson AU and it's called the Percy Project where the 12 Year Old Disney Series Percy meets an alternate universe version of himself and it's the version of himself from the Chalice of the Gods and they have to work together to fix the multiverse, that'd be faaannntastic. I don't want to have to write it myself, because I'm in the middle of five other projects and I'm worried this'll take up all my attention.
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