solar-sunnyside-up · 3 months
I'm really curious about what you think schooling would look like in a Solarpunk world/future!
Because the current public school system is broken af and the homeschool system isn't much better. I personally have looked into things like Sudbury schools and found good things and also issues. I've always been a proponent of the IDEA of Unschooling (which I understand to be, letting the child learn naturally through the world around them, learn reading through reading to them or teaching math and even basic chemistry through teaching them to cook, etc) but it seems like most parents use it as an excuse to not educate their kids...
I really think kids should learn practical things alongside the Academic stuff (three Rs, science, etc) but no system seems right...
Oooh boy! Have I thought about this one endlessly!
So background info that I have to frame where I'm coming from-
A- the current system is built for school>> factory worker pipeline
B) it also evolved from ppl working at factories and needing to put their kiddos somewhere while they worked their 9-5! Thus Sunday school evolved from something to teach basic literacy to a full time job for children (it's legit nearly 40 hour weeks for CHILDREN) so there's a lot of padded time to ensure they meet that quota
C) it's used of a massive scale it was NOT designed to be used at
Soooo!! Let's imagine a better one!
Personally, based on children's development I think schooling should be broken up into focused chunks and then obvi each kiddo should be able to work at their own pace within these chunks of time.
0-6 Motor and sensory skills- introduced to music/shapes/building, "helping" with community chores (laundry/windows/dishes/sweeping), basics of plants/gardens, learning about transportation and basic navigation.
7-10 Written- literacy (reading/printing/telling time/storytelling/etc), health (emotional+physical), basic cooking + tool usage, basics of history/geography, basics of all sciences, gardening more independently
11-13 social + advanced work -- advanced history/science/literacy/home eco/etc.. start working within the community in a vollunteer capacity, Starting to specialize in interests, focuses in philosophy/analysis/debate,
14-20 community and citizenship --greated focus in Philosophy/debate/analysis in addition to apprenticeships of testing out what they'd like to do with their lives
20+ whatever they wanna do! Personally I think our adulthood should start over from 0 here. Bc after you hit 20 your a baby adult, but like a 35yr old is nearly a teenager as should be treated as such! Finding themselves, building community, getting the swing of all that jazz.
Then the WAY this is taught would be with ppl close to the kiddos, neighbors and parents and community leaders would be in charge of these chunks. Much more like a tutor or professor style where each teacher specializes in both the thing their teaching but also the kiddos their raising.
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bumblebeeappletree · 7 months
This is your reminder to go check to see if there is a school for the blind and low vision or school for the deaf and hard of hearing for either yourself if you are under 18 or your relative is under 18 who is one of these things near you or said relative. There should be at least one in your state/providence/territory and odds are they will have a dorm to stay in during the school week or all school year round (kinda like a boarding school). And if you or a relative is 18 years or older who is also either blind, low vision, deaf, or hard of hearing then check to see if that school has any programs for adults. Even if it’s only a week long it is still a good opportunity to brush up some skills and meet new people!
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vesper93 · 1 year
"School" in the question means the educational facility you usually attend between 5-17/18. I'm not including higher education in this definition.
Baby Boomer - 1946-1964
Gen X - 1965 - 1981
Millennial - 1982 - 1995
Gen-Z - 1996 - 2011
I'm gonna assume we haven't got any silent generation (pre 1946) or gen alphas (2012+) who have somehow miraculously finished school already, lurking on tumblr.
Reblog for wider sample.
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palatinewolfsblog · 11 months
"A child's mind is not a bucket to fill, but a fire to be kindled." Dorothea Brande.
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typhlonectes · 5 months
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cleverwitch-wolfskin · 6 months
I might be going back to school...
I can't believe it. At 32, I am looking into wildlife biology and conservation programs. This is all your fault, Tumblr.
The bird blogs, especially @todaysbird and @herpsandbirds, are big factors in my decision as well as the wonderful experts and enthusiasts and citizen scientists on this site. You all inspire the heck out of me and now it looks like I'm actually making that into action.
I have the good nerves right now 😂
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the-heaminator · 9 months
I am fascinated that more than one of my mutuals have never been in a fight. And they were homeschooled, I want to see if theres a correlation here. And please do say where you have come from, as in country and whether you considered your school to be a of a good standard.
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I wonder how homeschooling is actually viewed nowadays, because at this point homeschooling can be way better than public schooling depending on where you live and what materials you use. Homeschooling groups can be massive and well put together to the point where they provide actual skills and a stronger support system than brick and mortar schools. Homeschooling curriculums can be teaching worthwhile things while also providing a different way of learning. I don’t know. Seems weird that we could still be stuck in the idea that all homeschooling is misinformed and all homeschoolers are weird and stupid and socially inept.
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botherbug · 1 year
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those fish waves from ponyo!!!!! stimboard
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equinesandeducation · 10 months
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Lesson time!! Trying to give Frelsi some more experience away from home, so we had a lesson off property. Didn’t expect there would be quite so many trailers or miniature pigs, but we roll with the punches 🤪🐷 Frelsi was great and we focused on getting back our connection even though our surroundings were scary and strange. V proud!!!
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spirit-2005 · 6 months
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Sunset rides 🌅
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sapphos-tooth · 4 months
hey umm serious post here. but anyone who's gotten their GED have any advice on studying and what to expect from the test?? and anything else you think might be helpful
my therapist has been working on helping me gain confidence to study and try to take the test. i've been avoiding this for years...and also been on ssi which is currently being in review...so i do have that risk of losing it. which will make things pretty difficult since that's my only source of income of my own. and my mom is the only one who currently works in my house.
so having a GED is important in case i need to get a job because 99.9% of jobs don't hire people here, unless they have a diploma or GED :')
(yes. even retail, cleaning, or food service jobs)
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Schooling in Morocco
French vintage postcard
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whatyadrawin · 1 month
Sorry for so many delays in my fics and art, I have really been going through it.
I'll be back to my sort of regular schedule soon.
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clearjello · 4 months
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Schooling Wishiwashi used Whirlpool! Day twenty-nine entry for Pokeddexy is Scariest Pokemon. For context, I'm terrified of massive open spaces and things in it at a distance that I can't entirely make out. So the wide, open ocean underwater, and something like a whale in the distance, absolutely terrifying! So if I ever encountered a school of Wishiwashi while I was out diving in the ocean, I'd probably have a heart attack. I'm also freaked out by whirlpools, so that was appropriate as well.
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thatshirleylee · 8 months
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Explaining Maths As Someone Bad At Maths by Shirley Lee
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