#sexuality spec
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never have i ever seen a better description of my sexuality
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Are you...
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A-spec, or the a spectrum, is an umbrella term that encompasses both the asexual and aromantic spectrums and the many sexual and romantic orientations that are part of them.
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1pcii · 7 months
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A messy webweave of posts I think are zolu-coded
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bizarreaizen · 1 year
"can i still be aro if i'm ____?"
"can i still be aro if i'm dating someone?"
"can i still be aro if i said _____ to someone?"
"can i still be aro if i feel ____?"
there's no "wrong" or "right" way to be aromantic, aromantic is a spectrum and it goes beyond by a lot so yes if your aromantic, it doesn't matter how you feel/act or do, if you know your aromantic. you are aromantic. /gen
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a-wondering-thought · 5 months
*banging my head into a wall* oh how i love my sexuality and the constent questioning
its just so. fucking. fun.
This is a fucking nightmare
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gillionspookstrider · 6 months
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gillion if i was president
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ao3-shenanigans · 5 months
Here’s one for all the fics where a character discovered their sexuality along with us :)
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My problem isn't that I wanna be treated terribly differently cause I'm asexual
I just don't want people to expect that I'm eventually gonna have sex and "grow up". Because I won't.
I've known my sexuality for 4 years now, and just cause I actually researched it. (Crap, i remember when I was like 8 and read about Michael Jackson possibly being asexual and wishing so bad I were asexual too)
No, i do not like when people tell me I'm still too innocent to catch your dirty jokes. Damn, I've read things worse than you could ever imagine, and my asexuality connected with thinking HOW DID YOU SEXUALISE THIS THING THIS TIME (which takes time, allos are hard to decipher)
I do not like being told "you'll understand someday". No I will the fuck not.
I'm not a kid, I'm asexual.
I don't like feeling that I'm invisible to you. Things don't need to change, you don't need to be cautious around me. Just acknowledge me and stop judging.
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scretladyspider · 3 months
Demisexuality exists under the asexuality spectrum because it describes an experience of rare, conditional sexual attraction which only occurs under the circumstances of a close bond. While it’s true many people don’t know they’re demisexual, not everyone is demisexual.
((btw if you like this please reblog this crowdfunding post!!! It’s time sensitive. please and thank you!))
Asexuality, under which demisexuality is housed, describes an experience of little to no sexual attraction. Aces (short for the asexuality spectrum, also abbreviated as acespec) may or may not be aromantic - meaning they may or may not experience little to no romantic attraction. Allosexual means someone isn’t ace, and alloromantic means someone isn’t aro (similar shorthand for aromantic spectrum, also abbreviated as arospec). Here when I say “allo(s)” I will be referring to example persons who are both alloromantic and allosexual.
Demisexuals don’t have sexual attraction at all to anyone without a close bond. It is also only felt towards that person because of the circumstances required to experience sexual attraction. The sexual attraction here doesn’t happen outside of these conditions.
This isn’t the same as experiencing sexual attraction regularly (as an allosexual, not ace, person) but choosing not to act on it before emotional trust is established. Sexual attraction and action can be intertwined, but they don’t have to be.
People always think “sexual attraction and action aren’t the same” is about asexuality and sex favorable aces— and it absolutely can be. But I think most of the time it applies to allosexuals, who don’t act on most sexual attraction they experience, as it’s part of everyday life. I think this is why so many allos don’t understand that demisexuals truly don’t experience sexual attraction at all to anyone until a close bond, if then. They see “oh, that person, like me, waited to have sex until there was trust. Sexual attraction here must mean having sex.”
For the demisexual, sexual attraction is a new, distinct experience, as it only occurs under a specific bond. If a demi is alloromantic and attraction forms towards a romantic partner, it may appear that the act of sex is tied to romantic love, or ‘waiting for the right person’.
This ‘proves’ to the allo, who doesn’t understand that the demisexual didn’t have sexual attraction at all before a bond with the person in question, that demisexuality is about waiting for the right person, but experiencing sexual attraction regularly, as they do. The allo is also assuming the demisexual “just needed to meet the right person”. But the demisexual is only experiencing sexual attraction to the person in question, and not in the everyday manner that the allo is describing in their dismissal of demisexuality. Here the allo is projecting their own experience of waiting to have sex onto what the demisexual is trying so hard to describe. The allo ironically believes action and attraction must be linked, and simultaneously that everyone has sexual attraction (is allosexual).
The reason has to do with allonormativity, amatanormativity, and compulsory sexuality. Both the demi and the allo have been taught that everyone has romantic and sexual attraction, that whether it’s okay to have casual sex is gendered, and that most people don’t have casual sex. To the allo outside looking in, there isn’t any need to differentiate the experience when sex is finally had, because they were just waiting to be in love to have sex. The demisexual isn’t different from them in any way whatsoever in this view because everyone has sexual attraction they don’t act on.
This misunderstanding is also often gendered, specifically in a way that’s cisheterosexist and that reflects ideas of purity culture - namely that all women* wait to have sex and don’t really want or enjoy it, all men* need sex, and that women exist to provide sexual pleasure. (*men and *women are used here to demonstrate the false idea where gender can only align with sex designated at birth. This ignores that presentation doesn’t equal gender and that trans and nonbinary people do exist. This transphobia is common with those who dismiss asexuality).
Asexuality and demisexuality also force the allo to consider that some people they find attractive will never feel the same way, which is a painful ego blow, as part of allonormativity is that someone’s worth is tied to whether they are sexually attractive to other people.
These misunderstandings are a result of not wanting to challenge that internal status quo. People will do anything to keep from being uncomfortable, even if it’s hurting them. But these misunderstandings don’t erase the spectrum of asexuality, or that demisexuals exist within it.
There are people who will never experience sexual attraction. There are people who don’t experience sexual attraction at all unless they form a particular close bond with another person. It’s not about allos, and many allos get very offended about that. But being ace, no matter if sexual attraction is ever felt, or if the ace is favorable towards participating in sex, is not about allos. It’s just not. Being ace is a fundamentally different way of experiencing and interacting with a world in which sexual attraction is expected.
This doesn’t mean that waiting to have sex is wrong. This is to say that there is a fundamental difference in waiting to have sex and not experiencing sexual attraction except under a select circumstance, and then only experiencing it in that limited way. Asexuality and everything housed with in it, including demisexuality, will challenge how you think about sex and sexual attraction. That will not be comfortable. But consider that it’s not about you. Because if everyone were demisexual, we would live in a very different world.
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bloompawz · 2 months
Bambi-sexual flag
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Definition of bambi-sexual
Bambi-sexual, also spelled bambisexual or simply shortened to bambi, is a term for people who prefer nonsexual touch over sexual touch. The term originated in the 1980s or earlier.
The term was featured in The Alyson Almanac, which was originally published in 1989, with its second edition published the following year. In The Alyson Almanac, the following definition was given:
BAMBI-SEXUALITY. Physical interaction centered more about touching, kissing, and caressing than around genital sexuality.
Bambi-sexuality is often associated with lesbians (i.e. bambi lesbians), but is not exclusive to them. The term can be used by straight people, gay men, nonbinary people, aromantic people, and people of any other orientation and gender, so long as there is a preference for nonsexual touch.
Bambi-sexual people may or may not be additionally interested in sex. Bambi-sexuality also may or may not be an asexual/ace-spec sexuality, depending on the individual.
Explanation behind the flag
I based the colors on Bambi, from the 1942 Disney film by the same name. Each stripe also has its own additional meaning.
Yellow represents light and/or nonsexual forms of touch
Orange represents energy, joy, and warmth
Red represents nonsexual passion and intimacy
Purple brown represents asexual and ace-spec bambis
Yellow is a light color, which feels fitting to represent touch which does not involve genital contact, as genital touch/sex is often associated with darkness (dim lights, nighttime, etc). The lightness of the yellow can also allude to touch which is, in and of itself, considered a "light" form of touch, such as gentle caressing.
Orange commonly represents energy, joy, and warmth. This stripe highlights some of the positive emotions that can come with physical intimacy, whether of a sexual nature or not.
Red is commonly depicted as a fiery, passionate color. It is often used to represent things like love, sex, and intimacy. In this case, this is nonsexual passion and intimacy.
Purple brown represents asexual and ace-spec bambis because purple is commonly used to represent asexuality, and there is a lot of overlap between asexuality and bambi-sexuality. Some consider bambi-sexuality to be somewhat of a precursor to asexuality; people who identify as asexual now may have identified as bambi-sexual a few decades ago. While I'm not asexual/ace-spec myself (I'm just a bambi), I felt that this was important to include.
On a similar note, I decided to use only four stripes, specifically so it would look good/blend well with the asexual flag, due to the overlap in communities and identities.
LPS flag and bambi pride backgrounds for fun!
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midnight-skylie · 6 days
"Me? Oh yeah I'm lesbian I'm sure of that-"
* Jayden Revri as Charles Rowland comes in to my life *
...... Guess I'm bi spec.
(Fuck you Charles Rowland. Thanks for that mess again).
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yuxinmi · 3 months
Being in the aroace spec and a shifter is a strange experience because the only person i'll ever have genuine romantic interest for is in a whole different reality, and i mean ONLY that reality. Noone in this reality, my other DRs, or literally any other reality that doesn't have my beloved person, is ever that interesting to me. The only interest i'l have for them are strictly platonic.
One of my close friends happened to confess their feelings to me, which i unfortunately had to reject (i still feel really bad about it tbh 😭) because i couldn't help but feel like my heart will only ever belong to my s/o, WHO IS IN ANOTHER GODDAMN REALITY. I can never love anyone else besides him and it's too real
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ellilyre · 3 months
I wish the fandom would acknowledged more that Reyna is heavily implied/confirmed to be aromantic (if no aroace)
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crying-in-converse · 1 year
just a reminder: labels don't have to be forever. pick a label that fits with you right now... don't feel guilty if it changes later. some labels won't fit perfectly either, just pick one you feel fits the best. sexuality is a wide spectrum and there will not be a label to describe everything.
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leftabit-leftabit · 3 months
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Every single time!
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verdantmeadows · 2 months
Beefleaf are so important. They're lesbians. They're gay men. They're bisexual. They're transfem. They're transmasc. They're bigender. They're nothing and everything. One of them is the most genderfucked boygirl girlboy thing ever. The other is being forced into being transgender with the other.
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