#silk pillowcases lol
purposechef · 6 months
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First time.
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missmeganlee · 2 years
Head canon that when August first came to Hillerska he threw a hissy fit because the sheets on the beds in the dorms weren’t silk and he only sleeps on silk because he’s a pretentious asshole and also thinks it’ll help him look younger longer because of silk’s anti-aging properties
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batfams-posts · 3 months
Jason Todd is the type of boyfriend who loves to watch you get ready for the day or bed. Hear me out
He would totally love the girl that “goes to bed ugly to wake up hot” like crazy shower routine, 10 step skincare routine of the best products, heat less curls in, body moisturized head to toe in something that smells like vanilla or cinnamon, has a silk pillowcase/bonnet on, maybe mouth tape or retainer etc like not sexy lingerie but all the stuff the TikTok girlies use. Definitely sleeping in Jason’s sweats.
He would love to sit on the bed or stand somewhere in the bathroom and listen to you talk about your day or maybe he is getting ready for patrol while you are getting unready.
I think he would try to help you moisturize when you step out of the shower because he would just want to have his hands on you lol
And in the morning when he is still in bed/trying to sleep from a crazy night patrolling he would sleepily have one eye on you while you took off yours heat less curls or putting on your morning skincare and makeup.
If you styled your hair he would love to see the before and after before you leave the apartment and would get sad if he didn’t get a little ootd (outfit of the day” rundown from you. He thinks is silly but it’s one of the bits you guys have together.
My first post ever but it’s just a thought I’ve had after reading so so much Jason Todd content lol
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malusokay · 1 year
Glow-up tips that actually work from your favourite beauty girly (me)
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Hot girls don't gatekeep, so here are some of my favourite glow-up tips that actually work. <3
Find a skincare routine that works for you!! It took me years to find mine, but now my skin is literally perfect. <3 (let me know if you guys want a detailed skincare routine!!)
Don't pick your skin, the less you touch your face, the better.
I believe ice rollers are bs…
If you struggle with dark circles, don't try fixing them through skincare. Most likely, the problem comes from your diet or stress.
Dry brushing is a game-changer!!
Use lotion after every shower and apply a body spray before the lotion is fully absorbed into your skin. You'll smell amazing for DAYS.
Don't try homemade skincare if you already struggle with your skin. I learned it the hard way, lol…
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The more heat you use, the more damage you'll have.
Never sleep with wet or damp hair.
Stop buying cheap shampoo and conditioner, also make sure to check the ingredients!!
Some ingredients to avoid: Sulfates, Parabens, Polyethene Glycols, Triclosan, Formaldehyde, Synthetic Fragrances and Colors, Dimethicone, Retinyl Palmitate.
I trim my hair every 3 months.
If you have damaged hair, invest in some Olaplex!! my favourites are N4c, N6 and N7. <3
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green juice actually makes you feel better. I make mine at home and LOVE it :)
Balance is key!! I swear by the 80/20 rule.
Drink more water, even if you think you're drinking enough. DRINK MORE
Keto is BS <3
Focus on eating more protein. Usually, low-fat products have more protein, so I just try to buy those, lol.
I eat gluten-free, not by choice… But it did clear my acne, so…
Take supplements, get a blood test done, discuss it with a doctor and start taking whatever they recommend. GAME CHANGER.
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Focus on being more active, walk more, workout, join a club or sport, dance, whatever works for you!!
I aim for 10K steps, I live in a big city, so I usually walk more than that but still.
Hobbies that don't include screen time. Trust me.
Find your personal style and ALWAYS dress up. <3
TREAT YOURSELF. Buy yourself flowers, and presents, go to your favourite restaurants, vacations!!
Read more. As a classics lover, I can't imagine a life without literature, but even if you don't like classics, any book is better than no book!!
Take more pictures. I've noticed that I have become a lot more present since I've started taking more pictures!! highly recommend :)
I hate to say this, but getting up earlier is lowkey kinda great... been doing it for a few weeks, and unfortunately, I do feel better... they were right...
Get a cat. :)
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Stop assuming that everyone hates you, they don't, trust me.
Journaling, manifesting, law of attraction, affirmations.
one of my favourite affirmations: "if I weren't capable, the opportunity wouldn't have come my way; I belong here." <3
Stop hanging out with people who drain your energy
stop consuming media that makes you feel bad.
What would the highest version of yourself do?
If you change your mindset, you will change your life.
Romanticise every aspect of your life. <3
As always, please feel free to share your own suggestions and glow-up tips in the comments! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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thatanimewriter · 6 months
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➳ synopsis: v. to meet again, especially after a long time apart
➳ character/s: hayama akira, tsukasa eishi, riku dola, morinozuka takashi, lie ren, winter schnee, qrow branwen, midoriya izuku, todoroki shouto, jirou kyoka, shinsou hitoshi, togata mirio, dedue molinaro, felix fraldarius, shamir nevrand, vi, ekko, dan heng, blade, gepard landau, fushiguro megumi, zen'in maki, nanami kento + any of your faves
➳ warnings: fantasy!au (character is a knight, you are the royal they serve), medieval shit, major character death, descriptions of blood, descriptions of injury, childhood friends to almost lovers, accidental murder lol, intentional murder, reader described as beautiful, hurt/no comfort, angst, gn!reader (as always)
➳ word count: 2k
➳ notes: the thing got graded finally, so you can now have it. sorry for any hurt feelings (not really, that was the whole point of the story-). character list is just some characters i DO write for that i think work for this story. also this won't be tagged properly, but it's fine
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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to them, the weight of their golden armour is equal to that of guilt and grief. the castle they swore to protect is a permanent reminder of their shortcomings, though they never expected to return so soon. their metal-clad figure decorates the deteriorating structure in flecks of fragmented sunshine along the sandstone hallways. the kaleidoscope of light is no longer disrupted by the servants’ shadows. instead, the faux sun lurks on the walls as they drag their feet along the floor. the scraping of metal along stone replaces the low murmurs of maids and the light footsteps of staff as they flitted around the castle. the echo is deafening, and they realise they despises silence. it isn’t true silence with the clanking of their armour, but it makes them painfully aware that they are a survivor. the rattling of metal causes them to be uncomfortably conscious of their isolated existence. glancing through ajar doors that line the walls, they longs for a semblance of home, yet they are met by blood-stained tile and mangled corpses littering the floor in unappealing heaps of sunken cheeks and open wounds. 
anita yasmine rosie luka penny william-
they step around them, gaze flickering to each of the faces paralysed by a still heart and wishes to lay with them, to feel the sticky black blood seep through their clothes and be held by the icy arms of death. they steel themselves against the pungent scent of rotting flesh, waving off the flies lingering around their head but failing to break through the helmet that conceals their shame and anguish.
the squeal of rusty hinges makes them close his eyes as they shakily exhale. their eyes flutter open at the quiet groan of the floorboards, and their breath hitches in their throat. it is as if colour returns to their vision, and they are several years younger, free of the faint crow’s feet stemming from the corners of their eyes and the dull ache in their chest.
it’s… the same. but you're not here.
silk sheets lay neatly atop the mattress, and the pillows remain meticulously arranged. they think if they sleep under the covers, they might smell your floral perfume on the pillowcases. they don’t entertain that idea. the sunlight filters through the translucent curtains, highlighting the blanket of dust that settles on the furniture and floor. the room hasn’t changed much since childhood; though it was sporadic, they were permitted inside. nonetheless, it was timeless. throughout all the phases of your life, it still felt like you.
they eye the vanity, clear of clutter but filled with nostalgia. the hairbrush is likely unusable – at least not without lacing dust and bugs through one’s hair – but it looked the same as when they originally gifted it. strands of hair weave between the bristles, and they wonder if their own locks are hidden away in the forest of DNA. 
the maids would have cleaned the hairbrush since I was a child.
they don’t touch anything; they knows what is tucked away in the drawers and boxes. there is one thing they allows themselves to taint with their touch. they pry a brick from the wall, reaching into the pocket of secrecy they’d made with you. a matted velvet box graces their armoured fingertips. they don’t feel the texture, but the box size is familiar. they carefully pluck it from the treasure trove of memories and broken promises, sliding the brick back into place. gently unclasping the box, they smile softly at the two rings that lay side by side. 
“one day, i’ll marry you!” they proclaim as you sit on the floor of your balcony. you giggle at their proposal and inquire about the rings you would wear if you married. “rings?” “you have to give me a ring to tell everyone that we’re getting married.” their little shoulders slump, and a pout forms on their lips. they sheepishly scuff their foot along the ground and tries to ignore the tears in their eyes. “...i don’t have one.” you sigh but give them a hopeful look. “but eventually you will?” they quickly brighten and grin through their tears as they lift their head to look at you. “yes! it’s gonna be like no other ring in the whole kingdom!”
they pocket the box and glance at the balcony. they kneel and bow their head, resting their right hand on their heart. when they rise, they look at the room before gently closing the door behind them as if you has retired for the night, and they don’t want to wake you. a practised method that hasn’t entirely left their bones.
as they descend the stairs to the ballroom, they nearly smile at the memory of the ball before the tragedy that befell the castle. they don't let it break through the perfectly crafted mask of neutrality. not when the ballroom floor is occupied by more lifeless bodies and darkened blood smears. they look to their side, wishing they could relive the memory of the ball and hoping they can look into your eyes as they escort you down the stairs, hoping you can share one last dance. 
but you're not here…
they raise their arms, supporting the memory of everything they long to return to, and waltz. there is no music, yet their timing is precise, and despite having no dance partner, their form persists. they ponder the events of the tragedy as they glide along the bloody floor and skirt around the dozens of corpses, each bearing a face they'd seen a million times and maybe even a little more. 
they can almost feel the weight of the spear they carried that day as they dance. they could hear your deafening scream as you were pulled into the crossfire. the sound follows them into their unconscious, a horrifying alarm. they never forgot the ache in their heart as their spear pierced through you. a human shield is a cowardly move in their mind, but the culprit had succeeded if the goal was to leave them with insurmountable guilt.
they come to a halt, bowing to the ghost of you. recalling your morning together beneath the gazebo, they gravitate to the imaginary scent of tea and pastries. the winter sun doesn’t fully reach them through the armour, and they attempt to resist the welcoming rays of warmth that beckon them to stay longer. they sit on the concrete bench they had called dibs on when they were twelve, ignoring the dull pain in their chest. slowly, they remove their armour. the metal feels warm despite the thin layer of ice along the lake the gazebo resided by. 
the metal plates rest neatly on the bench, and they shiver at the fresh, cool air that tickles their skin. they sigh and roll their shoulders free of lingering tension, allowing themselves a moment of tranquility. their eyes – drops of sunshine that had fallen from the heavens according to you – scanned the garden that built their childhood and adolescence. the twitch of their fingers goes unnoticed as they reminisce about their training to become a knight. the tightness in their throat is unacknowledged when they see the statue of you standing tall, proud and beautiful atop a marble pedestal. they wonder if the sculptor had taken a cast of you rather than building beauty with a reference. they clench their fist, imagining your fingers laced between theirs. they've memorised the sensation, embedding it into their brain each time your hands embraced over the years. flicking the box open, they let the rings fall into the palm of their hand.
“like no other in the kingdom”. heh… what an understatement.
they chuckle at their craftsmanship. it is what is expected when an eight-year-old finds wire to make a ring. they observe the jagged circle – if you could even call it that – and the haphazardly hidden wire ends that made them feel like an ant had bitten them. it was irritating beneath their little armoured hand, often coated in a thin layer of sweat, but now they crave the sharp sting that fades to a dull ache. perhaps the discomfort has travelled from their calloused and scarred skin to their weary bones and heavy heart.
they mindlessly hum a tune from their childhood as they unwind the wires, straightening them as best they can. their nimble fingers falter as their vision blurs, but they intertwine the wire into a band of love as the soft melody cracks and fades away. in their tunic, they shed responsibility and don youth while they recraft the rings as if they could rewrite history. the art of creating jewellery didn’t embed itself in their flesh and bones like combat did, despite their parents teaching them before they left the village.
a cold wind kisses their skin, and they wet their lips, gazing at their workshopped rings with a smile you claimed could warm even the most hostile souls. they rise with a newfound energy, standing before the ethereal marble effigy. their breath crystallises as they stare into the stony eyes of the statue, slipping a halo onto their ring finger. they don’t dare to tear their gaze away and finds their vision joining the misty gardens again. a short apology escapes them as they climb onto the plinth, slide the accompanying token onto your marble finger, and lay a chaste kiss on your icy forehead. they dismount the pedestal at the sound of shouting and is struck with a familiar paralysing experience. they can hear their pulse in their eardrums over the voices, and their limbs itch with the desire to escape.
no. i stay.
the faces that emerge from the tall grass aren’t familiar, but the old, blood-stained uniform brings ease. they don’t hear what the intruders declare over their heartbeat, but they focus on the sword shared between the looters. a sudden movement breaks their concentration, followed by a new ache in their abdomen, and they are acutely aware of the sword skewering their organs and poking through their tunic. the sturdy marble pedestal makes an ugly screech against the metal before meeting their back. they hiss when it’s pulled from its temporary sheath, dripping with red and shreds of tissue. the blood that coats the blade slides down the statue’s base, gathering in their hair and absorbing into their shirt. as they slump against the surface, they let their eyes flutter shut, and they faintly hear the footsteps of the intruders grow distant.
they frown as they lay on the lawn, ripping dry skin from their lips with their teeth. “can i ask you a question?” “you just did,” you respond with an ounce of playfulness.  “what if i fail?” you turn to face them with narrow eyes as if you dared them to elaborate. “what if i can’t protect you?” you stare for a moment as you debate your answer. they gaze into your eyes and look for a hint of uncertainty but is met with their insecurities as they reflect their image.  you flash a gentle smile and pick a blade of grass from their messy mop of hair. “i’ll see you soon, won’t i?”
a final smile tugs at their lips, and they exhale, weakly lifting their hand to look at the ring that failed to shine in the sliver of sunset light. the warmth disappears beneath the horizon, permitting the stars to adorn the navy skies, and their hand falls to the ground.
see you soon. i missed you. in our next life, maybe…
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atinylittlepain · 8 months
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Only Lovers Left Alive
cowboy!vampire!joel x f!reader
series masterlist
warnings 18+ smut, blood, murder, studio 54, this bad boy has gawt it allllll honey
a/n | this one is from the VAULT lol. i wrote this back in june and never posted it, and now it's spooky season, so here you go, my beloved vamps. it's camp okay? we're going for camp here. ALSO, bonus points if you can guess what song vampaw (joel) is talking about hehehe
“Wake up, baby.”
“The sun is almost down and I’m thirsty. Come on, Joel.” When he still doesn’t stir, only letting out another petulant huff, the kisses she had been leaving along his bare shoulder blades halt, teeth sinking into skin, her jaw closing just enough to make him grumble.
“Not very nice, darlin. Was having a good dream. We were back in California. You were wearing one of those sweet dresses you always had on.” He cranes his head over his shoulder, cheek still smushed into his silk pillowcase, one eye crinkling open, seeking out a kiss that she is happy to provide.
“Those sweet dresses are about sixty years out of style, my love. Are you saying you don’t like the way I dress now?” With another grumble, he finally twists around to sit up in bed, squinting in the dim light as his eyes roam over her body, sequined and slinking.
“I like you all the time. You know that, huh?” Even after all this time, his palm slipping along her cheek can still set her stomach flipping, the only one he softens his snarl for. 
“I know. So get dressed for me. While the night is still young and the people haven’t flooded themselves with too much liquor yet.” 
If ever there was a decade for her man, she’d think it’d be the seventies with how good he wears it. Cream-colored suit and a black silk shirt that could hardly be called a button-up with the way he wears it, dripping gold chains laid pretty and perfect over the tan plains of his chest. Faded orange aviators to dull the sting of all the Manhattan neon when they step out into the night, his arm slung heavy around her waist as they throng through the sweltering summer crowds. 
That’s the other thing, as the years have passed by it seems that people have started showing more and more skin. Bare shoulders and sternums, shimmering with sweat in the close, hot night. It’s enough to make a girl’s mouth water. But they aren’t the kind to dine out, at least not these days, not when it’s so much more fun to do it like this.
She can feel the bass in her hips all the way down the block, eyes drooping in pure pleasure when she catches sight of the familiar flickering sign of Studio 54. A dance they have down by now, slinking right past the line of people waiting to get in, a quick bat of her lashes loosening that velvet rope for both of them to step inside the pulsing rhythm and light of the club.
Already a little bounce in her heels, bobbing her head side to side, her lips pulling back in a sharp grin, she presses her palm in the middle of Joel’s chest, though he’s unmoving, unimpressed in the close crowd, sunglasses sliding down his nose to look at her.
“Please, Joel.” 
“You go on. Gonna get a drink first.” Whiskey neat. Beneath it all, still her cowboy.
“Oh fine, you’re no fun though. What’re you in the mood for tonight, baby?” 
“Something lean. Swear I could taste the heart attack on that one last night.” Teeth, all teeth, technicolor in the flashing lights. A quick slip, his tongue licking into her mouth just once before he’s shouldering off toward the bar, leaving her to it.
She wastes no time, slipping through the crowd to the middle of the dancefloor, the pumping beat rolling her shoulders back, swaying her hips in an easy spin as she stretches out. She knows all the beats to hit by now. Arching her neck just so, one arm extending out before slipping her palm from her sternum down to her pelvis, her hips dipping back in time with the thrumming music. Side to side, eyes fluttered shut, she can already feel the pull of someone coming closer. Brunette, tall, all sharp lines and glittery eye makeup. 
Early in their time here, they had to set some ground rules. Never anyone famous, not after she nearly drained Elton John before Joel stopped her when he realized who the man was. Low profile. The nobodies, the hanger-ons, the ones they could slip out with and not a soul would notice. And this girl sliding up behind her fits the bill perfectly.
Cherry red nails splay along her hips and she leans into it, tossing her head back on the girl’s shoulder, smiling big and bright. She doesn’t ask for her name because she doesn’t care, simply slipping her hand through the girl’s hair to guide her lips to hers. A quick flicker of her tongue, just a taste to see what she’s working with. Sweet, sweet, sweet.
No words, not over the rolling bass and dizzying lights, just her hips molding and moving with this girl’s, spinning around to slip her arms over her bare shoulders. She catches his eyes through the crowd over the rims of those damn sunglasses of his, shooting him a slanted grin and a small nod, an invitation that she knows he won’t take just yet. Joel likes to watch, something else she’s learned over the years. Nursing a glittering glass of something dark and strong as she continues to sway and dip against the girl. But the moment the dizzying synth of I Feel Love starts flooding through the club, she knows it’ll be time for dinner real soon. Because for as much as he rails against disco music and its sugary-sweetness, Joel Miller has to admit that Donna Summer makes a mean record. 
She feels him before she sees him, a wide palm slinking around her waist to splay over her stomach, pressing up behind her even as she keeps her arms slung behind the girl’s neck.
“Is he with you?” Barely heard over the driving music, she just smiles and nods, leaning in to let her lips graze her ear.
“Do you wanna come have some more fun with us? Somewhere a little more private?” It’s almost too easy. She’d be bored with it if she wasn’t so thirsty, smacking her lips as they trail out of the club, her arm slung around the girl’s waist, her other hand held in Joel’s as they traipse through the swirling, blinking city streets. 
“He doesn’t talk much, does he?”
“Don’t worry about him, baby. I promise he’s lots of fun, you’ll see.” 
Their other ground rule. No alleys, no backs of bars or cars, never in public, always at home, wherever that might be. Easier, simpler, cleaner. The world has gotten more complicated, and they’ve had to change with it.
She lets Joel lead them up the two flights to their apartment, all the while stumbling in between stolen kisses and squeezes with the girl whose name she still doesn’t know, and probably won’t ever know. Another lesson learned, while fear tastes good, whatever this is, this want, this lust, goes down even sweeter. 
Joel doesn’t like to touch though, instead sitting down in the leather armchair facing the bed, legs splayed wide and a palm rubbing at his scruff as she and the girl crawl onto the mattress, the slip of silk against skin, swallowing down her sighs. She kneels behind her, her hand skating up her front to curl around her throat, holding her spine in a perfect arch, on display for her lover.
“What do you think?” The tilt of his head, elbows coming to rest on his thighs, gold chains dangling and dazzling on his neck. And teeth, all teeth. 
“This’ll do just fine, darlin.” 
“Are you guys tripping out or something?” A little tug, just a touch unkind to the girl’s hair, lips to her ear, shushing her. 
“Shh, baby. You wanna feel good, don’t you?” A kiss to her temple, just behind her ear, down over that dizzying pump just below her jaw, so much of it rushing all at once she feels herself get a little lightheaded when her tongue flickers out over that pulse. Her one hand still tangled up in her hair, holding her neck long and taut, her other palm gripping the swell of one of the girl’s breasts, feeling the rise and fall of her ribs between her fingers. That fluttering thing, that thing she can break and burst between her teeth.
Her eyes don’t leave his, steady and still as she mouths along the girl’s neck, finding that soft, trembling spot that makes her jaw ache. A broken gasp, the only sound the girl makes when her teeth finally sink in before that fluttering fizzles out. 
“Dinner’s ready.” 
“Thank you, darlin. Always do so good for me.” Finally sliding his sunglasses off, he kneels down on the end of the bed, the body held between them as they both start to drink. Every last drop. Her mind swims in the sate, warmth rushing beneath her skin as she lets out a long sigh, already slumping back into the sheets while Joel hoists the body over his shoulder. She doesn’t know what he does with them, just that by the time he gets back with a soft click of their front door, a different need has settled in her bones. 
“All good?” His hand slips along her ankle, kneading at the curve of her calf as he kneels at the end of the bed, eyes dragging along her body.
“Taken care of. Don’t worry yourself about it. You already handle the hard part.” The beaded material of her dress slips back, bunching around her hips as she spreads her legs for him to settle between her thighs, his slow crawl onto the bed ending with a kiss dropped to her lips.
“Hmm, I’m not worried. But I do need something else from you, baby.” 
“Think I might know what you need.” He’s already slipping back down her body, tugging the straps of her dress off to let his teeth graze over her nipples. But before he can set her mind into a perfect haze, she reaches over to the nightstand to flick the needle of the record player into place. A chuckle thrums against her stomach where his mouth is resting when that familiar snare riff starts to crackle and pop.
“Don’t deny it. I know you like this song.” He hums low in his throat, his chin resting over her pelvis as his eyes glint up at her. 
“Best invention in a while has to be the twelve inch. Can just let it play, don’t have to worry about catching the needle for a little while longer, and this song was made for it.” When she rolls her eyes at him, his teeth bite down over the jut of her hip, a quick pinch of pain that makes her huff. 
“If you like it so much how come you never dance with me?”
“I like watching you too much. Watching everyone else watching you, knowing you’re all mine, even when you get all fresh with them.”
“Fresh, huh? Someone learned a new slang word it seems.” Another bite to the soft curve of her stomach, hard enough to make her yelp, though he’s quick to soothe the skin with his tongue.
“Just keeping up with the times, darlin. But if you really want a dance with me so bad, I suppose I could indulge you one of these nights.” That crooked grin of his makes her huff. He’s promised her a dance a few times now, and has yet to fulfill that wish. But before she can tell him off he’s already settling the heat of his mouth over her cunt, his tongue dragging a salacious stripe up before settling over her clit in a lazily circle. 
He knows her body like his own at this point, coaxing pleasure out of her the way he knows she likes, a low hum in his throat as he dips his tongue down to fuck up into her, fingers digging into the swell of her ass to press her hips up closer to his mouth. 
They don’t even have to speak, not anymore, just long mewling sighs rolling through her chest, her heel digging between his shoulder blades while he continues to lap at her cunt. But it never gets old, the way she furls up around him, that pleasure contracting and contracting until it all blows out and bursts, white hot and heaving. Only her fingers hooking in the chains around his neck finally drag his face away from her cunt, up and up until she can taste herself on his tongue. 
“Always so sweet for me, huh? My angel gets sweeter every day.” She runs her fingers through his hair, taking a beat just to look at each other, the same man she fell for all those decades ago, that same sweetness in his eyes.
“You and me, Joel. Forever.”
“That’s right, darlin. Forever.” Another kiss, slower and more desperate as she shrugs his suit jacket off, fingers running quick through the few buttons of his shirt that are actually done up before she gets to work on his belt. But she doesn’t get far in her efforts when the catch of the needle startles both of them, Joel grabbing her wrist before she can reach to set it back to spin.
“We don’t need it, huh? Give that Summer woman a run for her money with the moans coming out of you.” He swallows up her laugh, his tongue twining with hers as he finally shrugs his pants down his legs. She’s only a little surprised to see he isn’t wearing underwear, a habit he picked up somewhere in Italy in the 30s.
“How does this damn dress come off?” He grumbles it out, hands grasping at her waist where the fabric has all bunched up and she has to laugh at the furrowed frustration in his face.
“There’s a zipper, here.” Joel huffs as she deftly undoes the zipper running up the side of her dress, pressing his face between her breasts and sighing.
“Fucking zippers. You know what I liked? Those corsets you used to wear with all the laces. That was easy to figure out.” She tugs at his hair, coaxing his face up so she can quirk her brow at him.
“Spoken like someone who never had to wear one.” He just grins, shimmying her dress down until she can toe it off and lay tangled up in each other’s bareness. His cock rests against her thigh, flushed and heavy, the weight of it sending a pang of want up her spine. 
“Do you want me, darlin? You still all mine?” It startles her sometimes, how sweet he can be, those dark brown eyes of his looking up at her through his lashes, glinting in the dim lamplight. Her man, the beast that lays down at her feet. She brings her palm to his cheek, lightly scratching at his stubble, his eyes fluttering shut with the sensation.
“You know I am. I always want you.” That sweetness snaps into a snarl when she coaxes him down for a kiss, her tongue slipping into his mouth and lapping up the last taste of their dinner, just a tinge left on his bottom lip. 
Languid and smooth, he guides the tip of his cock through her aching cunt, both of them sighing when he starts to spread her open around him. Perfect pain simmering just beneath that shake of pleasure, his hips settling against hers, stuttering into stillness as they both settle into the stretch. His palm slides down the outside of her thigh, hooking behind her knee to draw her open for him, her calf resting in the crook of his elbow as he finally pulls back before rolling his hips forward in a languorous stroke that sends them rucking up the sheets. Push and pull, he moves them into a slow, strong rhythm, each thrust making her gasp as she drags her nails down his back. 
“Always so perfect like this, ain’t you? Mine from the moment I met you.”
“Fuck yes. Make me feel so good. Yours, all yours.” It all slurs together, praise and pleas mingling with the slick sound of flesh meeting over and over again. Their mouths rest over each other’s, just close graze, open and receiving what the other provides, swallowing up sighs and moans and preening cries of each other’s names. Just like this, her favorite way to have him, blanketed by the broadness of his shoulders and those blown-out eyes of his, unwavering, a heady weight on her even when she scrunches her eyes shut. Though Joel doesn’t let that last long, a snarl with the sweet when his hand comes to her jaw, fingers pressing into her cheeks to get her to refocus.
“Eyes on me, darlin. That’s it. Fuck, you’re good, huh? So good for me.” His words come out a bit breathless, though his eyes stay steady on her, even as he sits back on his haunches, palms slipping under her ass to pull her hips up into his lap, fucking into her deeper, more desperate. It’s just over the edge of too much, her spine arching off the bed until only the wings of her shoulder blades are pressed into the mattress. Every muscle in her body snares taut and tight, her cunt spasming around him as she unravels, going sick with the pleasure as he settles his hips into a close grind. He’s never far behind, ready and willing to freefall alongside her, muscle curling until he’s hunched over her, his forehead pressed to her sternum as he snaps with a groan of her name. 
He goes slack, slumping down against her, the solid weight of him making her sigh as she runs her nails up and down his back, both of them still coming down. 
“You know, baby, we’ve still got a few hours before the sun comes up.”
“Mmph, not thirsty.” 
“Not what I meant.” He lifts his head from where his cheek had been smushed against her sternum at that, brow furrowing at her.
“You owe me a dance. And I intend to get it before we have to leave this city.” 
While she’s certainly all his, she knows that he’s all hers just the same, and that he couldn’t possibly say no to her, ever. And though it’s not without a few grumbles on his part, he’s back in his suit and sunglasses in no time, palms grabbing at the barely-there fabric of her dress as they slip back into the club. Except this time, she keeps her fingers circled around his wrist, tugging him out into the center of the pulsing dancefloor. 
“Move pretty good for your age, baby.” He rolls his eyes, biting back a smile she can see twitching at the corners of his lips. But he’s quick to hide it, throwing her into a tight spin that makes her laugh, his arm snaking around her waist to pull her back against his chest, his lips pressed to the curve of her ear. 
“Guess I better remind you just how good I can move, huh?” 
He does, until they absolutely have to leave before the sun starts to creep out from behind the skyscrapers, slinking home in the haze of dawn and collapsing in a heap of tired limbs on their mattress. 
Meanwhile, across town, a young woman is taking the subway with a sinking, sickening feeling in her stomach. She’s on her way to the police station. Her roommate said she was going to Studio 54 last night, and never came home, even though she knows she had an early morning shift at Macy’s. Maybe she’s overreacting, she thinks to herself. But the string of disappearances tied back to the club are hard to ignore, and something cold snickers up her spine when she thinks about her roommate stepping behind that velvet rope.
The officer she talks to is kind, taking the time to listen to her story, though he regretfully informs her that they don’t have a single lead on the disappearances, taking the picture of her roommate from her hands and tacking it onto a cork board alongside at least a dozen other faces. 
“I’m sorry, ma’am, we’ll do our best to get to the bottom of it. Though I’ll admit this one has us scratching our heads. But in the meantime, my advice to you is to stay far away from that club. Whoever, or whatever is doing this, it seems like pure evil to me.” 
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wilbursprincess · 4 months
Wilbur with long hair reader? Wilbur lazily playing with readers hair on a random afternoon?
Wilbur With A Long Haired Partner
Wilbur Soot x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: None <3
Hello again ✨ anon! I actually had long-ass hair for most of my life, had a bit of a mental breakdown, and chopped most of it off in September 😎 It’s a lot easier to take care of, but I do sometimes miss it lol.
Headcannons below cut!
~Wilbur would absolutely adore your long hair.
~Plays with it whenever you’re cuddling <3
~Learns how to braid just to braid your hair!
~Melts whenever you let him wash it for you in the shower.
~Confused by how you manage to do the towel-hat thing.
~”Will! Don’t grab it! My hair’s in there!”
~Loves to give you head scratches, seeing you melt under his touch <3
~Takes you to all your hair appointments, paying for the nicest hairdresser in town to keep your hair flawless.
~Memorizes your hair washing schedule.
~Also learned about hair washing schedules.
~Brushes the snarls from your hair so gently <3
~Switches his pillowcases to silk ones for when you stay over!
~Speaking of staying over, he buys all your hair care products to keep at his <3
~Tries in vain to learn hairstyles to try out on your hair, but he’s kind of terrible at it.
~You still let him, since it makes him so happy.
~Even if it tangles your hair horrifically.
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financeprincess · 10 months
It is so inspiring hearing about your weight loss :) i was wondering if you had any particular weight loss tips you’d like to share? I went through a period of weight loss myself, but have lately gained back a lot of what I’ve lost and I’d like to know if there’s anything that helped you get back on the wagon. Love your blog btw!
Don’t be too hard on yourself, its rough out here especially in the US. it’s easy to accidentally slip up and gain 15 pounds just by eating a lil extra every day.
Some things that helped me:
Intermittent fasting, only a 13 hour window though. The 16:8 was too much for me and with women it can screw with your hormones if you’re not careful.
Drinking lots of water. Like a ton. I put those hydration multiplier electrolyte packets in my water as well.
Get good quality sleep. I got some Brooklinen sheets and they are 100% worth it. Definitely improved my sleep quality. I also have a really nice down duvet and an Egyptian cotton cover for it. I also have a silk eye mask and a silk pillowcase from Slip that I love. Sleep is extremely important.
Get 10k steps a day or at least just walk as much as you can. I’m sedentary a lot for school/work/etc. so I absolutely have to get out and walk and get moving. Even if you just aim for a mile or two a day it’ll greatly help.
If you don’t want to lift weights that’s okay. It’s not for everyone. I used to be super into powerlifting and got pretty muscular but it doesn’t excite me like it used to. I do a mix now of walking, jogging, pilates, rollerblading, cycling, kickboxing, swimming, yoga, ice skating, and weightlifting. That way I’m never bored and the variety allows me to choose what I want to do.
Consistency is key. Doing 4 workouts a week at a light/medium intensity is better than doing 1-2 a week of super high intensity and burning yourself out. Every little bit helps.
I do a full body stretch every day. This is super important. Our bodies get so stiff during the day. If you don’t stretch this can lead to injuries when you try to do other things.
I love the sauna (and hot yoga too). If you can find and afford a gym that has a sauna, I would highly recommend. Sometimes I will just go and walk on the treadmill for 30-45 minutes and watch YouTube videos and then sit in the sauna. It’s the best.
Make sure you’re not deficient in anything. Take a complete multivitamin and get blood work done. I was severely deficient in vitamin D and it was making me depressed. Once I took a supplement, got more sun and got my levels up it really helped my overall health.
Cut out grains, sugar, junk food, fried foods, etc. and just eat real foods. Anything with a long ingredient list usually isn’t a good idea. It’ll take a minute to get used to it but once you start eating almost exclusively vegetables, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats you won’t miss it. I have such a big sweet tooth sometimes I’ll have to eat like five servings of berries with a few tablespoons of honey just to satisfy it, but that’s better than ice cream or candy any day.
Don’t deprive or starve yourself. I eat as healthy as I can manage 80-90% of the time. But every once and a while I will eat a huge plate of pasta, gelato, tiramisu, croissants, those types of foods that I love. It’s not helpful to punish yourself and you gotta live a little.
I got a smart scale in my bathroom, the one I got is from FitIndex. It has an app that connects to your phone and it syncs to other health apps. it shows you body fat, muscle mass, water weight, everything. Honestly super triggering at first because I felt called out lol but now I step on it once a week just to make sure I’m on the right track.
You do not need a gym membership to workout. YouTube is the best. I love Yoga with Adrienne, MadFit, Move with Nicole, Charlie Follows, Vicky Justiz, and there’s a bunch of others. Find what you like and try to stick with it as much as you can.
Rest is super important. Don’t run yourself ragged. If you’re sore don’t force yourself to workout.
MyFitnessPal is super helpful. If you have a history of disordered eating this might not be for you but it’s good to be conscious of what you’re eating. Figure out what you need to lose fat/maintain/gain muscle and then track to see where you’re at and adjust accordingly.
Eat more protein. Protein, healthy fats, and fiber keep you full. You will be starving if you eat only salads. Fruit smoothies with protein, protein oats, salmon, yogurt, eggs, etc.
Get cute workout gear. It makes it more fun for me to workout with my pink towels, my pink hydroflask, my lululemon yoga mat, I have a baby blue jumprope and pink dumbbells and pastel colored resistance bands for at home workouts. A lot of my workout clothes are from lululemon, alo yoga, free people, and aerie. I have some of those blender bottles in cute colors for preworkout, protein powder, super greens powder, electrolyte mixes, etc. Some of this stuff is pricy but I’d rather be investing in my health than paying medical bills down the road so it’s 100% worth it to me.
The only way to see permanent change is to make it a lifestyle. Unfortunately you can’t just go back to eating unhealthy foods once you hit a certain goal. Those models who say they live exclusively off of pizza and pasta and cheeseburgers are lying through their teeth. It’s perfectly healthy to have days off where you indulge or don’t exercise but most of the time you’ll have to find ways to eat healthy and exercise and prioritize your health.
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godshitgirl · 6 days
Purpose! AU
Tags: major character death, depressed chuuya, hints of soukoku, hinted dissociative amnesia, decay of angels chuuya, fyodor pretty much wants chuuya to join him lol he's so whipped
I'm planning on drawing for this au too, but the quality of the pictures will be bad if I post them thru my phone. So here's my art account, posted straight from my drawing tablet, it's mostly mha art so far but I'm going to add hints of bsd in there too.
Art acc: @god-shit-girl-art
"Everything you have, and everything you've lost, I'll give it a purpose. Your past, your present, and your future, give it to me. And I will give you purpose."
Chuuya laid achingly amidst the softness around him. Linen sheets and silk pillowcases danced around him on his bed, and yet, he paid them no mind.
A heart can only take so much. But in his case, it seemed as if it had nothing left, nothing to give, nothing to own, nothing to fight for.
It had been 2 months since Dazai mysteriously died. He feels guilty for the fact that he cannot even remember how it happened. The death of his....someone....and his mind couldn't even grant him the decency to remember.
It was like that in cases of trauma. Just like the heart, the mind can only take so much before it breaks. Shattering like a mirror, some pieces will inevitably break apart, never to be seen again.
All he knows is that before he died, however he died, Dazai had used his Ability on Chuuya. And now that he was gone, so was his Ability. Chuuya no longer has the power of gravity manipulation, but for some odd reason, he wasn't mourning over it.
Whether Dazai had left him a note, a phrase, a word, or anything at all, he didn't know. It was all a part of the shattered mirror that was his mind. He couldn't even remember how he died, or if he even left him anything. Part of him wished, prayed, begged for this to all be some sort of scheme, one of Dazai's old tricks. He wasn't dead, no, this is just part of his plan. Somehow, some way he and the ADA will fix this mess, and they'll be together again. Someday, any day now.
The creak of a large wooden door could be heard from across the room, reminding Chuuya of where he was. He didn't bother getting up, or even looking in its direction. He laid there like a lifeless dog, after losing its owner.
"Nakahara Chuuya," came a voice. Deep and laced with an accent. Chuuya knew who it was, and was half-hoping to hear the sound of an ADA member, telling him to get up and that Dazai needed him for the next phase of his plan.
When Chuuya didn't reply, footsteps answered instead. The sound of hard leather soles against the expensive polished wood, it rang in his ears. He never bothered to really listen to them before.
"I have to admit, it was hard to find you," said the man, tall and slender, his shadow doing justice to his sleek and mysterious nature.
"This penthouse of yours, seems far too big for just one person. However I do believe you'd been visited many a night, correct?"
Did he just call Chuuya a whore?
Perhaps it was the thinly veiled insult, or how Chuuya just realized that a powerful enemy whose strength outweighed his own was now in his bedroom, but the ginger found the strength to sit back up. However slowly and groggily, with his hair a red-orange mess that framed his face and a dress shirt unbuttoned across his chest. His blue eyes seemed more grey, now that Fyodor looks at it. Were they always this dull?
"What do you want you anemic son of a bitch," Chuuya said, it wasn't a question.
Fyodor didn't answer. Instead the two stared at each other, one with eyes posing no threat and one with eyes that couldn't pose any even if it wanted to. In his mind, the Russian compared the man's blue-grey eyes to that of an empty glass. Nothing to give, nothing but potential.
"Dazai's dead." Chuuya said finally. His voice was hoarse and he could taste his thick saliva. How long had it been since he brushed his teeth or combed his hair? Was he wearing the same clothes he did that day 2 months ago? Or was it that night?
"I am aware, yes." Fyodor said, his voice and demeanor unwavering. What did this asshole want?
Chuuya looked down, facing his hands that laid aimlessly on his knees, legs folded, blankets ruffled and forgotten. There were wounds on them. Why were there wounds on them?
"However, I am not here for him."
Chuuya looked back at the dark-haired man, noticing a change in his attire. His coat that had once terrorized countless innocents in its dark tone was now white, with dark feathers around the collar. He could barely see what was inside, though.
"You look unwell." He said.
"Yeah? Great, thanks." Chuuya retorted sarcastically. "That's what I was goin' for, actually."
Fyodor chuckled at his comment, voice deep and alluring.
"You know, Chuuya, a man is only as great as his biggest weakness."
"Fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Fyodor maintained his smile, and began walking to the side of the room slowly, leather shoes rhythmically playing the wooden floor like a piano. Slow and steady, each note just like the last. Like it was leading up to something.
"It's a story of power. Lose and obtain. Give and take. Something must be lost in order for another to be found."
Fyodor took one of the floor-length curtains in one of his pale, slender hands. His illuminating lilac eyes remained focused on the redhead.
"You lost one of your biggest crutches," He said. "And in turn, one of your biggest weaknesses. Ride a bicycle with training wheels, and you'll never truly learn to ride without them."
"Wait a second," Chuuya finally gained the strength to speak again. "Are you talking about Dazai?"
Fyodor nodded, as if he was happy to hear Chuuya was on the right track.
"The man was a necessary loss. The final stepping stone to your metamorphosis. Because of him, and everyone who you've lost before, you now have the choice to become something greater."
"And what's that?" Chuuya scowled. "Another one of your chess pieces? Another pawn to your sick little game? Dazai is dead, you've won. What more could you possibly want from me?"
"Ah, you take the king away," Fyodor said, "but the queen still has all the power."
With that, his hand flew to the side, opening the curtains wide enough to see the world below it, the world outside. Cars and streetlights, people out on the town, the moon shining just as bright as before, as if nothing had changed.
"Even without your Ability, I believe you still have the potential to create more," He said, staring up into the stars.
Chuuya emerged from the darkness of his canopy bed, the first time he stood on his own two feet in ages. He walked to Fyodor's side, entranced by the light of the moon.
"Ah, how fitting for it to be a third quarter tonight." Fyodor said.
"A what?"
"A third quarter. Only half the moon is visible tonight, the other is shadowed in the dark. And yet, it's still just as beautiful, no?"
Fyodor faced Chuuya, albeit having to look down a little bit to look him in the eye.
"Everything you have, and everything you've lost, I'll give it a purpose. Join me, give me your past, your present and your future, trust it with me and I will give you a new purpose."
Fyodor stretched his hand out to Chuuya.
"Together, the moon will shine even brighter than before."
"What do you say, Chuuya Nakahara?"
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itzr1anne · 1 month
Nah, Ian never leavin' you.
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disclaimer!: i don't really like using y/n because i would rather ME imagining it then smb else lol, so yea i'm gonna use a random name. (all the writing and all my ocs BELONG to ME)
warnings!: nun but-- fluff, slight self-doubt(insecurities), reassurance, little mention of s£x lol
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Layla Melowive - Lala - Lay
Fiancée of Joshua Fatu
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Joshua Fatu - Jey Uso - Josh
Fiancé of Layla Melowive
igh let's go --- --- ---
"Yeah..." Layla was finished off her sentence just when she saw the door handle to their bedroom twitch. "I'm finna go to bed boo, I'll call you tomorrow" Lala said on the phone to her best-friend, Angela, in which she responded "Yeah, that's alright, night baby". Lay said her good night then ended the call just as soon as her husband walked in.
"Who was you on the phone to?" Jey questioned, his face expression blank and unreadable.
"Just Ang?" she replied back, her eyebrows furrowing. Joshua hummed in response before crawling into the bed. He turned so that his back was facing her face. That was weird..
Layla dropped her phone (not literally) onto the nightstand; laid on her bed, allowing her pink, silk bonnet to connect with her wonderful silk pillowcase.
It's been around 15 minutes and Lay is still having struggles to fall asleep.
"Man, could you stop moving?" Jey mumbled. She shrugged, knowing that he couldn't see her. "Sorry" she murmured back. He turned around and looked into her eyes for a split second. She was crying. Well, from what he saw anyway. Josh sat up and took the hand of his fiancée to let her know that he's there for her. "What's wrong, ma?" he asked gently before giving the 5'6 woman a kiss on the forehead. She shook her head. "Nothing" she said wiping away her tears and checking her fingers afterward to see if there were still anymore left.
"Bro, don't tell me nothing. Sums' up, wassuh?" he held her in his arms for a while until she pushed him away and finally built up courage to ask him the question that's been on her mind for a total of 3 weeks now.
"Jey, baby?" she called for him. He nodded. "Do you still wanna do this? Am I good enough for you? Ba- matter of fact, do I deserve your fine self?" she asked, tears running down her cheeks as she pronounced each word. "Yes, definitely and heck yeah! Are those real questions, baby? Huh? That's what's been on your mind, hmm?"
"But bae.. I see the way you look at other girls. I'm nothing like them. I feel like you liked me, then you loved me and now we've just grown apart and you aren't even close to liking me anymore- like I'm a bur den to you. A distraction, almost."
"Respectfully, are you stupid?" he asked. She stared straight at him and gave his the meanest, dirtiest mugs ever. Way worse than ANY of his (lolss).
"Wha-?" she was about to say something but he cut in. "Because you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. For starters, I do not ever look at other women, ma, secondly- don't chu' dare accuse me of not loving you." he started off, whispering. She looked away, sniffing. "Ay, look at me when I'm talm to ya, you are the love of my life. Why'd you think I put this ring on you, huh? Why'd you think I wanna commit myself to you and this relationship if I didn't love you?" he lifted her chin. "Dang, don't even get me started on how good chu' are in bed. You's a master, fa sho"
Layla blushed at that comment. "Eh, listen babe, ian even jokin' around, you is way too good for all this to handle, I promise" he says, chuckling softly as Layla does the same. "Sexy girl."
She kisses and lays in bed, in his arms, for a while longer before drifting off to sleep. Jey notices and says this, "I love you, nobody can replace you, word" he kisses her cheek and then falls asleep as well.
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bnt0 · 1 year
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silk pillowcases, fendi socks, nepo babies. none of these words were in the bible. or maybe they were i didn't read it
a long time ago, @glammoose asked to see an oc of my choice in their sleep attire :3 another two-for-one, this time featuring bao and kurt. you WILL ignore that kurt is doing the same pose lol i couldn't choose
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malusokay · 1 year
2023 reset guide
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Glow up
2023 vision board. Visualize your dream 2023 and write down your goals!
Daily Hot girl walks. No excuses, babes; let's get moving!
Reflecting on 2022. Look back at what you've accomplished and what you could have done differently.
Make a Bucketlist. Write down places you want to visit and things you want to do.
Extended self-care. Take some time to yourself to recover from the stressful holidays and get back on track. <3
Buy a good SPF. Do some research and find something that works for you!
Start Investing in yourself. Money, time, and energy. Put yourself first!
Annual check-ups. Make a dentist appointment, go to the optometrist etc...
Buy a Silk pillowcase. Protect your skin and hair!
Set clear boundaries. And make sure that people respect them!
Less screen time. Self-explanatory.
Manicure, lash lift, haircut. High maintenance to be low maintenance! ;)
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Daily vitamins. Visit a doctor to discuss which ones you should be taking for the best results.
Morning stretches. Wake up your body and drink some water!
Skin/hair care. It's time to find products that actually work for you.
Reading more literature. Set yourself a daily reading goal.
Planned grocery lists. Make a grocery list that aligns with your dietary needs and goals to make shopping less stressful. <3
Less coffee. Especially if you struggle with anxiety!!
More greens and protein. Let's give our body what it needs.
Journaling. Truly helps with overthinking!!
8 hours of sleep. Beauty sleep. <3
Cooking for yourself. Such a cute form of daily self-care.
Yoga. Or just any low-impact exercises in general.
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Deep cleaning
Organizing your closet. Only keep things that make you feel beautiful.
Budgeting. Check your bank account and plan ahead.
Clean your hairbrushes. Trust me...
Donating clothes. Donate the items that you don't wear anymore.
Clean your make-up brushes. The first step to clear skin!!
Fresh sheets. Wash your pillows too.
Charge your electronics. IPad, Mac, Camera etc...
Get rid of expired make-up and skincare. Step 2 to clear skin, lol.
Declutter stationary. No need to keep dried-out pens.
Delete old emails. I currently have 1840...
Delete unnecessary apps. Anything you don't need.
Clean your camera roll. Making some space for new memories! :)
Cut out toxic people. <3
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Pretty, smart, kind, and prioritising myself.
Positive affirmations!!
Your daily habits play a huge role in your mood/life. Be mindful, and take care of yourself.
It's okay to outgrow people!!
Decide what kind of life you actually want and start saying no to everything that won't get you there.
"I'm attracting opportunities that align with my dream life."
A girl who will do big things can't let small things bother her.
Honestly, reinvent yourself over and over again until you are satisfied with who you are.
Do you want to be comfortable, or do you want to grow?
"Am I doing this for me, or am I performing for others?"
very high standards. VERY HIGH STANDARDS.
Be obsessed with yourself.
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2022 has been such a life-changing year for me, not only personally but also regarding my social media! As I already said on Twitter, I'm incredibly grateful for this little community that has formed this year, and I'm excited for all the things that lay ahead of us! I wish everyone a successful 2023 with many beautiful moments and lots of growth!!
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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vampyr3wife · 5 months
Hiii ♡♡ u should make a hair FAQ or like a hair routine masterpost
r u a psychic anon T-T bc as I got this ask I was already typing out a hair masterpost…. I‘ve been getting a lot of asks abt hair lately but all of the info has been very scattered so here it is :] ⊹ ࣪ ˖ the hair masterpost ⊹ ࣪ ˖ I will preface this by saying it’s important to do research on what will work for your own hair type! I am still working on it >.< but this is just what I currently do for my fairly fine, naturally wavy hair. I hope this helps ^-^
ᴾʳᵒᵈᵘᶜᵗˢ :
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Walgreens brand therapeutic shampoo
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Ion color repair conditioner (looking 4 a better conditioner :/ )
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Infusium original leave in conditioner
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Beyond the zone heat protectant
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Jojoba oil (optional : add a couple drops of rosemary oil)
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Tangle teezer ultimate detangling brush
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Silk scrunchies + claw clips
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Silk pillowcase
ᴿᵒᵘᵗᶦⁿᵉˢ :
I wash my hair about every 3 days n I frequently give myself scalp massages, especially during shampooing. I focus the shampoo on my roots, then conditioner on my ends and leave it on for at least 10 minutes. I use a large cotton t-shirt instead of a towel to squeeze out my hair because it’s much more gentle. Leave in conditioner + heat protectant and then blow dry on low heat.
I do my best to do my oil treatments every other time I wash my hair but I’m not perfect abt it >. .< .. there are tons of YouTube videos that will do a better job of explaining than I will but basically. focus the oil into your roots and massage.. work it through your hair and ends.. avoid using 2 much oil. I usually leave it on for like an hour or longer. When you wash it out you will probably want to shampoo twice ♡ other times if my hair feels dry I will rub 2 drops of oil in my hands and distribute it through my ends.
I probably don’t trim it as much as I should, n I don’t really have any time routine for this. I do it myself and just take an inch or so off the ends.. it’s also important 2 use hair cutting scissors! I use antique hair cutting scissors tht cut womens’ hair in my family for generations.. not required obviously lol but I think little magics are important.
ᴼᵗʰᵉʳ ᵗᶦᵖˢ :
⊹ ࣪ ˖ To avoid damage, twist your hair up into a loose bun or claw clip while you sleep (see silk pillow case + scrunchies)
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Be gentle w ur hair! I treat it like my little creature.. take ur time w detangling, avoid harsh heat tools, try protective styles, try hair masks, learn about your hair type..
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Hair health not only starts from the scalp n roots but from ur insides.. greens n lentils n fats r good for hair growth. there r also vitamins that are known to improve hair growth but none of it will work much if u r not taking care of urself (u_u)/)♡
ᴴᵃᶦʳ⁻ᵈʸᵉ :
I am occasionally asked about my hair dye so I will include this little bonus section! The hairdye I use is L’Oréal Hicolor black onyx H21 with volume 10 developer. It’s permanent so I only touch up my roots every month or so.
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cal-a-bungaa · 6 months
You’re cool AF and I absolutely adore you. I enjoy our laughs more than you’ll ever know! 😊
Love, Aunt Heather xoxo
P.S. bring back the silk pillowcase or you’re grounded.
I love you🤍🤍
P.S. the pillow case is dead. Deal with it lol
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i need hair care tips please 😭
ooohh it depends what kind of hair u have, but here are a few of my tips <3 :
- use a little bit of argan oil (or any moisturising oil) on ur hair to defrizz n keep it smooth and sleek
- use a bonnet!!! no matter what hair type u have, they’re so useful for protecting hair overnight
- don’t overuse heating tools, but this comes from a straightening addict so i know it’s hard LOL. try keep it to once a week to reduce heat damage <3
- use silk pillowcases! i only recently started this and they’re so cute n comfy and they prevent frizz/split ends too
- a specific product i’d recommend is the garnier hair food, i literally live by it, u can use it as leave in, a hair mask or just regular conditioner. (ps the coconut one smells heavenly💋)
hope this helps !! xo
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
What do your OCs and their partners wear to bed?
Ooh, good question! Fair warning, there are probably going to be some repeat answers because... well, there's really not that many types of pajamas lol
Rae and Warren (Worthington): Rae will typically sleep in a camisole and pajama shorts. Warren usually just sleeps in boxers, sometimes in sweatpants or pajama pants if it's particularly cold (he never sleeps in a shirt though, they tend to get tangled up in his wings)
Robin and Peter (Maximoff): Robin will steal one of Peter's band tees and use it as a nightshirt. He probably has a few sets of standard men's pajamas - normally he'd wear less, but he's had more than a few bad experiences with emergencies at the mansion, trying to get dressed too fast when he's still half-asleep, and hurting himself.
Madison and Alex: Madison doesn't have any particular patterns. Her clothing is really just a random assortment of things, and that includes her pajamas. Usually this culminates in oversized hoodies, worn-out fleece pants, whatever's warm and fuzzy since she's perpetually chilly. Alex is pretty much the opposite, since he's perpetually warm: he'd sleep in the nude if he could, but that's a bit risky in the X-Mansion so he's usually got something on the bottom in case of any sudden starts.
Jasper and Kyle: For Jasper, a standard and fairly androgynous pajama set, sometimes a hoodie over it if it's cold. For Kyle, about the same. They both share dorm rooms with roommates, so full pajamas are just a courtesy. Nobody wants that wake-up call, lol
Ophelia and Peter (Parker): Ophelia's a wild card. If she actually goes to bed at a semi-normal hour, she's got a few nightgowns and things in rotation. But just as often, she works too hard, crashes, and ends up sleeping fully-clothed on accident. Peter's probably a t-shirt and flannel pants guy (and then gets too warm in the middle of the night and kicks away all the covers, much to Olly's chagrin)
Quinn and Billy: T-shirt and sweatpants (or something along that line, comfy but easy) for both of them. Money's tight, not to mention packing space on missions, why would they bother buying separate sets of pajamas when normal clothes work just fine? Plus, in case of emergency, they don't have to waste any time getting changed before they can get moving.
Kestrel and Warren (Burgess): On one of their many excursions across the globe, they both discovered bamboo pajama sets and have never gone back. They're lightweight and breathable, they're silky (but way cheaper than silk), they're durable enough to last, and they don't have any weird rubbing or chafing issues with the bedsheets. Though sometimes, if they're out on a mission and utterly exhausted, the best they can do is just run a quick shower and fall asleep in their underwear
Katherine and Ahk: Katherine got a set of silk pajamas from a relative one year and loves them to death. She also has a satin pillowcase or a hair cap to protect her hair. No answer for Ahk since he doesn't really sleep, just changes into his wrappings before sunrise in case anyone decides to open his sarcophagus during the day.
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