#spider-man nwh
sinditia · 2 years
post-nwh peter parker buying a sad little cupcake from a bakery 10 mins before closing so it's discounted, bringing it back to his apartment, lighting up a single candle on it, quietly singing "happy birthday" to himself, imagining that aunt may and mr. stark are smiling down at him from heaven, making a birthday wish that ned and mj are having a wonderful time at MIT, before blowing the candle out
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spidergrotto · 6 months
here is a bad draft people it is all i can give you guys i am so exhausted.
parker’s are good at running, it might just be their defining trait. may parker excelled at it, she picked up and moved cities and even the minorest of inconveniences. a fight between her and one of her new friends? she’s gone, a random bad week? you aren’t seeing her again.
so if things got rough, if she got in trouble or someone was upset with her— she ran as far away as she could.
just like her mom, just like her grandma. she ran and she never usually came back, not until ben.
ben who somehow convinced her to stay without even knowing it, ben who made commitment look appealing— ben who helped her look for jobs in nyc while packing her bags for australia, ben who never once pressured her into staying but all the same gave her the option to, ben who said yes when may ( dramatically ) asked him to marry her.
when peter came into their lives, despite everything— he somehow carried that parker gene, running away at every chance he got at every minor thing.
the two really did try to break him out of the habit, and technically they did; peter stopped running away at every argument or any failure. but that little habit was still there, his body choosing flight instead of fight when things got just a little bit too overwhelming.
but he didn’t run after ben passed, it was his fault it happened and he couldn’t just leave may behind after everything— so he stayed, he stayed and focused all of his attention onto school, taking care of may and the bills; and soon spider-man.
so when tony stark turned into more of a father than a mentor, when may was certain that both her and peter could trust him— she told him everything, forcing him to make a file about it all. reciting her own story; warning her of peters own tendency to run off because deep down she knew that if something happens to her peter would book it, he’d leave and god knows where he’d end up.
( skipping over endgame, tony lives because i said so? )
after may dies, peter had already made the decision to leave whether he realized it or not. the memory spell only made things easier, and while the plan WAS to visit dr.strange again and figure out a way to reverse the effects of the spell on the people he cared about, peter knew that the moment he thought it was safe he’d be out of there in seconds.
mj wasnt an idiot either, she had known of this character flaw for awhile and didn’t put it past peter. so when he promises to tell her the truth the second the spell is over— when he tries to convince her that he isn’t going anywhere, she rolls her eyes.
“just make sure you come back okay? i don’t care if you’re all the way in south africa fighting off a new villian of the day, or if you’re scared i’ll be angry, just make sure to come back.”
and ned shoves him into a hug, telling him that if he needs to run away from wherever the hell he ends up going to come straight to his apartment just like he did when he was younger.
peter doesn’t dignify either with a verbal response, he just nods— giving them a small smile, quietly promising that he’d find them.
and we cut to tony stark, freshly recovered ( he should NOT be standing, he had woken up just a week earlier. ) reading through dozens of corrupted files and comes across two titled “runaway parker’s” and “peter’s memory spell schematics.”
when did he start playing hide n seek with a vigilante teen? and why the hell did he have so many files for him and spider-man?
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griefpersevering · 6 months
which is worse: peter attending may's funeral as a faceless extra stood at the back, or finding out where she's buried and that he missed her service from a stranger?
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fusionkitty23 · 1 year
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no way I drew him again?!
close ups:
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elwolfen · 12 days
Alfred Molinathon Day 25
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2022)
Dr. Otto Octavius/Doc Ock
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His Role:
The Rest of the Movie:
I'm going to be leaving them blank for right now and edit to add more later! It's a bit difficult for me to watch and then write something every day! Doesn't help that I'm behind... so sorry! I wouldn't reblog these until there's something more palatable...
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tapwaterx · 1 year
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Normans based off this post
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otto-rocktavius · 2 years
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Never expected to pre order a Funko Pop but here we are....
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ac1d--tr1p · 1 year
i never noticed he was waving at him...
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xandersrailcrash · 10 months
watching spider-man no way home as someone who's special interest is spider-man for the FIRST TIME goes so hard
didn't watch it in cinemas when it came out and i just found it online so you KNOW i'm hyped asf
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seraph-draws-stuff · 2 years
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my other spidersona, Damon Cyr!
(click for better res)
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sinnadone · 2 years
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[Image description: a digital drawing of Otto Octavius, as portrayed by Alfred Molina in the 2004 Spider-Man 2, set during the scene where he demonstrates the fusion reactor to an audience. He stands with his back to the camera, gesturing with both hands as if explaining something. He’s wearing the backless tank top, but without the harness for the actuators. A great emphasis is placed on the rendering of the exposed skin of his arms and back; a bright spotlight shines on top of him while blueish bounce light fills in the shadows. The background is just straight up a blurred screenshot from the movie, of the audience standing in front of the big window in the laboratory. End of description]
Anyone remember last year’s August? Good times... anyways the demons possessed me
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Another win for Zendaya! 👏😊
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griefpersevering · 6 months
the best parts about rewatching spider-man no way home with my extremely menopausal mother is that a) she barely remembers the plot of the film so it was like she was watching it for the first time and b) that meant i could convince her that the extended version scenes were in the original film. of course it was always this long, what do you mean you don't remember matt's second scene?
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fusionkitty23 · 1 day
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I've been wanting to redraw my spidersona and her bio for a bit so-
original cringer bio art:
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allltttt · 2 years
Post-nwh concept:
Mj discovers her black dahlia necklace is a locket. What she finds inside leads her on a journey to find the truth.
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spiderversechaos · 1 year
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happy one year!
We did not forget
I apologize for the lack of posts, as I'm busy with irl junk, but hopefully we can see somewhat of a revival someday :)
- mod Minty 🕷
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