#thank you you are making me melt through the floor /pos
iwaasfairy · 6 months
15K MILESTONE??? WOWOWOOOWWW THATS INCREDIBLE ohmy super congrats to youuuuuu 🤧🤧🤧 /// now for the event, you think you can make something about Michael Kaiser + noncon? thank you sooooo muuuuuuch in advance ilyily 🥹🥹🥹
thankyOUUU So much my loveee it really is incredible im sOOO thankful MWUAH It was fUn writing this pos!!! hehehe
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tw noncon, yandere, gaslighting
The locker room stinks of sweat and gym clothes and testosterone, and you wish you could just sink into the floor. But no matter how hard you try, you can’t escape the panting in your ear, the confessions of… love? Is that what he called it? You’re not sure anymore. No matter how hard you stare that that dented corner of the locker door, the way it sort of resembles a star— it doesn’t drown out the feeling of being invaded, fondled.
You never believed in that sort of thing but feeling the sweat that builds on your back where his body is pressed to yours, the spit and the tears dried on your cheeks, the mere heat that’s coming from your body as you’re shaked and rocked with each thrust just feels so invasive. It taints.
Micheal hasn’t stopped murmuring into your hair, like you’ve been listening at all- but even that constant noise feels like a fly zooming around the room and cherishing the stench. When you try to turn over your shoulder, you come face to face with the curve of his smile, feel the way he hums at the acknowledgment, and you regret it. His snake-like eyes bore down on you like he’s eating you up.
“Easy tiger,” he chuckles, “you might shoot me with that look. What’s- agh- a guy to do?”
“Go fuck yourself,” you barely manage to whisper back, and flinch when he pressed his face closer to your ear, panting in it and licking at the shell. Though you might be keeping on a brave face now, you can feel the panic sitting in your throat. Waiting, pleading to get out. He doesn’t even bother to hide his amusement when you groan in discomfort as he fucks his hips into you so hard it echoes. “Are- you almost- done?” You grit out through a clenched jaw, and he giggles lowly.
Before pulling out to push you back against the cold metal by both shoulders, and almost flattening you when he yanks one leg up to put it over his arm before he lines back up. The reddish, fat head of his cock is shamefully wet and glossy, and he leans down until your head is trapped between the locker and his. “You’re just so cute, I can’t help myself.” He pushes into you with too much precision, shoving himself into your pussy again and filling you up too far- your foot trembles where it hangs over his elbow.
“You’re a little super fan, ain’t ya?” He whispers against your skin again, before laughing when you lean away from a kiss. It’s like he takes it as a challenge, sadly for you, and starts aiming his cock better to make your eyes roll. His cock is big and he fucks in a deep, greedy rhythm that makes your entire body feel weak. “I knew you’d feel good from the second I saw you. Besides,” strands of his hair are stuck to his forehead as he leans his body back over yours, like he’s trying to melt you into him, “you knew not to be alone with me, right?”
His lips brush over your forehead when he gets the chance, and though you try to lean away, he uses his supporting arm to trap you until they land- until you’re shaking against him in anger and regret. “You tried to flee earlier, didn’t you? But you forgot your ‘boyfriend’s’ jersey.” His slow, devilish expression comes into view when you dare to look up and his blue eyes trap you under him, pussy squelching around the thrusting of his cock sliding in, out, in, out perfectly into you.
“So really, aren’t you at fault here? ‘S almost like you wanted it.” His smile widens when your frown grows twice as deep. A droplet of sweat rolls down his neck along the dark ink, and your body jerks when he fucks back into that spot that makes you squirm. You don’t want to. You don’t want to. No matter how good- “Don’t you feel a little bad for your poor boyfriend who’s waiting for you? Should we call him?”
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thebeautyoffanfics · 1 year
hi!! may I request teru with a s/o who one day, after staying a little late to finish some student council work gets attacked by an apparition but is saved by him?
teru minamoto x gn!reader
a/n : hello !! i’m so so sorry for the wait ahh ,, thank you for requesting , and i hope that this turns out alright !! i apologize in advance if it’s short !!!
writing teru always ends up more enjoyable than i realize ,,, /pos
warnings : reader is chased by a supernatural ? they also get slightly injured , but it’s nothing graphic !!
word count : 760
“Thank you for your help, (Y/N),” Teru spoke, smiling at you, as he took the stack of papers you offered him. “Really, I think that’s all the work left for you… everything else is just things I need to finish up, so you’re free to head home before it gets too much later. I’d walk you, but I don’t want you to be out too late…”
“Alright! It’s not a problem, Teru. I’ll see you later, love!” You responded, letting Teru place a quick kiss to your forehead, then making your way out of the room. 
You wandered down the hallway, in no particular rush to get home. The sun had made its way across the sky, only far enough for the orange and purple hues to be seen through the hallway windows. “There’s still plenty of daylight,” You noted aloud, “I should have helped Teru a bit more, huh… well, he probably wouldn’t let me either way-”
You cut off your sentence, footsteps stumbling slightly as an overwhelming sense of danger attacked your entire body, wracking you with goosebumps and making your mouth feel uncomfortably dry. Heart rate beginning to increase, you glanced around, trying to pinpoint exactly why you suddenly felt so unsafe. 
Standing at the end of the hallway was an unfamiliar, and very much inhuman, silhouette. Your knees felt weak, as you froze in fear. Before you could realize it, the apparition raced your way, and your stomach sank as you put your fearful body into action, darting as quickly as you could down the hallway.
You didn’t quite realize what you were doing, nor what you were saying, simply desperate to get help. Screaming for help- then for Teru- then for help again, as you suddenly realized that, in your panic, you had practically cornered yourself. The apparition grabbed your arm harshly as you ran, nails digging into your skin as you yanked your arm away, feeling as if you were going to vomit as the end of the hallway approached. 
As you turned, no where left to run, you were greeted by lightning so bright that it made your eyes ache a bit-- causing you to squint, and finally stumble a bit to the ground. Your arm throbbed, as the apparition became far more interested in Teru. 
“Disgusting. Malicious supernaturals like you, honestly-” He paused, slashing the creature once more, causing it to fizzle and fade out in a way you couldn’t quite describe, “they make me sick.”
He was quick to resheath his weapon, his disgust towards the supernatural melting into concern and a bit of guilt as he stepped over to you, kneeling down to be more level with you as you sat on the floor. 
“(Y/N), darling, I’m so, so sorry,” He apologized, lifting your scratched arm slightly. Blood dripped down your arm, though the wound wasn’t too terribly deep, Teru’s face was still etched with guilt.
“No, Teru- why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault, really,” You responded, moving your free hand to ruffle his hair lightly. Teru sighed a bit, offering a slight smile as he stood up, then helped you stand.
“Actually, you saved me back there,” You added, as he began leading you down the hallway and towards the nurse’s office. 
“Yes, but… well, I should have walked you out, at least. It’s… I feel the need to protect you, (Y/N). Force of habit, maybe…?”
You smiled a bit, despite feeling bad that he felt the safety of those around him was his responsibility. “Then, thank you. For looking after me. Like I said, you saved me back there- you protected me, so there’s no need to stress about it.”
Teru nodded, letting you know that he acknowledged what you were saying as he pushed the door to the nurse’s office open. You took a seat on the bed, watching Teru grab disinfectants and bandages, then allowing him to treat the scratches on your arm.
“You’re pretty when you’re focused,” You noted, admiring his slightly furrowed brows as he cleaned the wounds. Dare you say you felt his hand stutter a bit, before continuing to gently wipe the scratches on your arm. It hurt, a fair amount if you were being quite honest (the sting of alcohol on a scratch was never pleasant) but you found comfort in Teru’s presence.
“Aren’t I pretty all the time?” He teased, glancing up at you with a smile tugging on his lips.
“Absolutely,” You grinned, your free hand once again reaching up to ruffle his hair.
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modx-reborn · 3 years
helloooo again :] its ur favorite pansy, im gonna throw more worms in ur compost heap
imagine being like. a camboy/camgirl/porn livestreamer. and simpbur comes across ur stream when searching for. stress relief. and he starts just,, frequenting your stream. becoming more enamoured by you and stalking you outside of stream. on social media and if you live nearby in real life
maybe you have a po box where people can send you toys/things they want you to use on stream, and knowing simpbur he'd spend so much money spoiling you.
eventually you start wondering who's the anonymous donor sending you money and other items, you sort of want to give them a private show. after all, its just a small thank you for everything they've done for you.
you dm them after stream, trying to coax them to turn on their camera. ask them what they're into, explaining you want to know them a little more.
you tell him you want to get off with him, this is a personal show after all.
ill let you take it from here :) <3
Oh ho ho 🍊, yes.
Your shows weren't site toppers or even top five on the days you do stream, and yet there are still quite a few regulars that you know off by heart, their screen names are written on something or other or maybe even on a schedule for a private stream after they had spent a certain amount of money during one of your shows and yet there was one that you only had as an anonymous account with a few numbers.
This particular person would donate, tip, and do paid votes often even sending things for you to wear or use in streams to your P.O box, mind you some of the things they write in the letters they send make you flush a deep red with how they seem to long for you and your attention.
Little did you know that your dear anon was beyond enamoured with you, knowing everything he could. Names, birthdate, home town and even your apartment complex (if not the actual floor, not the number not yet but he would get that sooner or later) all this information was tucked away just waiting for the day he gets his chance to be near you, to have you and be your only one.
After all, he could give you everything you ask for and then you would only do shows for him and him alone, or so his mind told him.
So after another one of your shows you put a plan in motion, knowing that your dear anon would sit and wait till the very last moment to log out, lingering in your room till you disconnected and the screen goes black. Using this little piece of knowledge you call him out, cooing for him to DM you and let you put on a private show for him, telling him it would be for him and him alone as thanks for all he has sent/done for you.
His message shooting through before you could finish your sentence, letting him hear a small laugh before the main screen goes dark and a small pop up tells him you're calling, a private call with you made his mind melt.
Your face filling his screen, and your voice streams from his speakers as you try to coax him to turn on his camera, wanting to see the person who had been so good to you. Even going as far as pulling some of the toys that he had bought for you into the frame, running your fingers over a rather life-like cast dildo knowing that it was most likely a cast of his own cock hoping that the sight would spur him into doing what you asked.
When he does, you're greeted with the bottom half of his face, lips parted and his breath shaky when it reaches his mic, a rumpled button-up shirt parted over unbuttoned jeans. One of his hands curled at his chin as the other grips his thigh, not wanting to move till you speak again, cooing over how good he looks on your screen telling him how this is for him and him alone and thus he could ask for whatever he wanted.
Finally getting to hear the voice of your top donator and loving the sound you hear, filing it away for future use as it was a delight to your ears even if he stuttered and stumbled over some of his words. Asking for nothing more than being able to get off with you, to watch you us the toy still being traced by your fingers, knowing full well that it had never been used in any of your shows, inadvertently confirming your thoughts on what it was.
"Oh, pretty boy of course I can, wanna watch me get off on your cock. Want to see how you touch yourself to my shows, knowing that right here, right now it's your cock in me, not some factory cast imitation? God, you are a big boy wonder how you would actually feel in me..."
Your words feeding into his obsession, especially the last sentence, his mind-warping the words into something like a confession of wanting him rather than just something cooed at him to help him get off.
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mianavs · 3 years
thank you for the prompt, nonnie! this was what i needed to get back into writing dark content tbh :)
tw: non-con, breeding, incest, yandere themes
wc: 1.7k
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To you, the Kurta Clan had meant nothing. You’d never even heard of the almost extinct clan until that fateful day when your boyfriend was murdered by the Nostrades, and their leader just so happened to be a Kurta.
The two of you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and, as a result, you saw the shower of bullets, his convulsing body that eventually flopped on the floor, and the patches of blood that seeped through his shirt. Shell-shocked, you collapsed on the floor as the cacophonous sounds of gunshots, crying, screaming, and yelling reverberated in your skull. All you could do was watch the life leave your boyfriend’s eyes as his scarlet blood pooled on the floor until it coated your pants, shoes, and hands.
Red. It was all you could see.
And when a chain-covered hand tilted your chin up, you saw that same scarlet color reflected in that blond man’s eyes. Those bloody orbs widened the moment you met his gaze, and every cell in your body screamed for you to run away. Then, as if he’d read your mind, he took ahold of your face with both of his hands; his fingers digging harshly into your skin.
“Who. Are. You?”
Unlike the delicate features that adorned his face, his voice was like cold hard steel, and each word punctured your being, leaving you trembling like a leaf. You tore your gaze away and looked around for someone or something to save you, but there was only mayhem and your boyfriend’s corpse.
“Answer me!” He growled, jerking your head closer to him.
Tears stung your eyes and you opened your mouth. “Ah! I-I- Nghhh!”
Words were beyond you and incoherent noises were all you could make out until sobs ripped through your body, and hot tears streamed down your face onto his hands.
The anger that had etched his face melted into something akin to fascination the longer his scarlet eyes bore into yours. He eased his bruising grip on your face and let his hands settle on your upper arms with enough force to keep you from running away—as if that was even an option given your stupefied state.
After what seemed like an eternity, he turned his gaze to a group of suited individuals to give them instructions, and that was when you realized he was a leader in the Nostrade Family organization. You were able to pick up the words clean-up, dispose, silence, and escape as your shock subsided and your survival instincts kicked in.
You looked around searching for an escape route and found an exit a couple hundred feet away. You shifted your weight but at that moment chains rattled, and the man in front of you raised a hand to your cheek, garnering your attention.
“You’re coming with me,” he declared, leaving no room for argument. You jerked away from his grasp and scrambled backwards on four limbs like a cornered animal. He quirked a neat brow as you shook your head in protest.
A small sigh left his parted lips before he motioned towards a burly man a couple of feet away. The man was arguably one of the largest specimens you’d ever laid eyes on, and you immediately deduced that escaping him would be a nearly impossible task. The scarlet-eyed man stepped to the side while his underling reached down and pulled you up from an arm like a rag doll.
Before you could even howl from the pain, the larger man produced a white handkerchief that he pressed against your face. Acrid fumes invaded your nose and mouth as you struggled against him, but it was to no avail. The last thing you saw was the workings of a relieved smile on the chain-user’s thin mouth.
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You woke up to cold fingers trailing down your face and scarlet eyes fixed on yours. As the eyes that had haunted you in your sleep greeted you post-slumber, you tried moving only to find chains wrapped around your entire torso.
Panic-induced adrenaline coursed through your body, and you wriggled against your captor’s chains as your heart thumped erratically against your ribcage.
“They’ll only get tighter the more you struggle.” He warned, and, like clockwork, you felt the cool metal dig into your skin.
“W-why…am I-I h-here,” you stuttered.
“Tell me your name.” His voice was ice, and you winced from the bitter coldness of it.
“F/N L/N”
“And what was your mother’s name?” It was a question but something told you he already knew the answer.
“M-mireia L/N,” you replied honestly, hoping it would buy you your freedom.
“No!” The man snapped, and the chains tightened even more, eliciting a cry from your lips. “Her real name was Miriam Kurta and she was my aunt. She was a Kurta and so are you.”
He pulled out a hand mirror and what you saw in it turned your blood into ice. It was you—albeit, dirtier and worn out, but you, nonetheless—and at the same time it wasn’t because, instead of their normal hue, your eyes were the same scarlet color of your captor.
“You and I are the last survivors of our clan.” He informed you, setting down the mirror and gauging your reaction.
Your entire body went limp on the chair you were chained to. His revelation shook you to your core, and you burrowed yourself in the darkest recesses of your memory digging up anything that would prove him wrong. Unfortunately, the only memory of your long-deceased mother that stood out was that of her in the bathroom putting on contact lenses first thing in the morning. The memory fit into your captor’s disclosure and the rest of your world crumbled apart leaving your body immobile from the sheer shock.
“Don’t worry,” his voice whispered into your ear as the chains dissipated into the air. “We’ll be together from now on, and you’ll fulfill the role your mother refused all those years ago. I’m going to make you my partner, my wife, and the mother of my children. We’ll rebuild our clan all on our own.”
His lips pressed a trail of kisses down your neck and tremors wracked your body as tears welled up in your eyes. The air in the room thickened until you couldn’t breathe, and your limbs became too heavy for you to move as your captor’s fingers discarded your clothes until all that remained was your underwear. As soon as the clip of your bra came undone, a painful gasp ripped from your mouth and air filled your lungs once again.
“F-fuck off, you sick bastard! I’d rather die than give birth to your fucked up kids.” The venomous words tumbled out of your mouth like vomit. His crazed scarlet eyes regarded you with twisted mirth before his chained hand flashed before your face.
A deafening crack reverberated in your ears and crippling pain assaulted your head. You toppled over, reeling from the agony as your vision went blurry—all from his blow to your head.
“My name is Kurapika. It’s about time you learned it and started using it.”
His arms hoisted you up with an ease that made you realize there was no beating him in terms of strength. Just as fast as he picked you up, he threw you on a large but plain bed in the corner of the room. Through your blurry vision you made out patches of scarlet blood on the bed sheets, and a hand to your throbbing head made you realize you were bleeding from the hit.
Rattling chains wrapped themselves around your limbs and pinned you to the bed, leaving you naked and vulnerable for the crazed psychopath who watched over you with the smallest hint of a smile. As you struggled against your binds, Kurapika’s hands went to work removing his own clothing. The thin black tie was tossed aside and his slender fingers went to work unbuttoning his white blouse all while keeping his piercing scarlet eyes fixed on you.
His lithe naked figure was breathtaking. You’d never seen a man as beautiful as Kurapika Kurta, and the traitorous thought made you break into tears.
Your cries grew wanton as he settled his hot mouth against your sex and sucked on the bundle of nerves through the flimsy material of your panties. Jolts of pleasure rippled through your body which only encouraged his ministrations. You were covered in slick before he ripped the soaked material off, leaving you completely bare before his eyes that drank you in with maniacal lust.
“N-no mor- AH!”
Without warning, he inserted three of his long fingers into your tight cunt. Your fleshy walls gripped his fingers that moved in and out in a steady, punishing rhythm. You bit your lip until it bled, not wanting to give him the pleasure of making you climax; it was to no avail, and you came with a loud gasp.
He brought his hand, drenched in your cum, to his mouth and licked it clean while you watched him and whimpered. Then, to your horror, he lowered that same hand to his swollen cock and started pumping it, mixing his precum and saliva together.
As he climbed over you his cock flushed and ready, the realization you’d only ever been with one other man hit you, and when Kurapika sheathed himself completely inside of you with a sharp snap of his hips, a guttural scream left your lips.
Like everything else, Kurapika fucked you harshly with no regard for your comfort. Your cunt tightened around him doing everything it could to push him out, but he only thrusted harder. His strokes were fast and angry, hitting the entrance of your womb with a  bruising force.
You thrashed against your chains and screamed until your voice let out. But it was all in vain and he continued rutting into you as he let out an onslaught of groans and curses.
“Fuck, so good!”
“You’re mine!”
“Gonna fill you up!”
Your struggle against him ended when he cried out his release, and hot ropes of semen shot up to your womb, filling you up to the brim. You collapsed on the bed, and he immediately followed, his sweaty blonde head resting on your chest. All of your fight melted away in that moment, and all you could do was stare up at the ceiling and resign yourself to your fate as Kurapika’s broodmare for his your clan.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - Chapter 14
It’s Monday and it’s new chapter time.
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First of all... the gif above is one of the most hilarious scenes in Top Gun, so when i started writing this chapter I knew I had to re-enact it. The manoeuvre is called buzz the tower. 
This chapter is a moment of respite from what’s going to happen next. it’s a bit angsty at the beginning, but then it gets lighter.
CW: hurt/comfort,  PTSD, panic attacks, and also a bit NSFW,
She was in a room, of that she was sure. The heat was becoming unbearable by the second and the smoke enveloped her in a tight grip. Her eyes burned and she felt lost. Everywhere she looked there was smoke. Slowly she walked to a door and once she opened she saw fire. She walked in. She had to find him. She moved a step and her skin felt on fire. She walked and walked.
“Help,” she heard a male voice. She moved towards it. But when she found the person she noticed it was too late. She could still recognise his features: Sam. He was dead and she was too late. She started running as the tongues of fire chased her and the sense of being lost got worse. She ran and collided with something metallic. It was a plane. Its wings were broken, the canopy smashed. She noticed a figure in it. She walked to the aircraft and her heart stopped when she noticed the silver hair: Row— an explosion filled her ears.
Aelin woke with a scream, she threw the duvet aside and launched herself off the bed, crashing on the floor and then ran for the bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach in the toilet. Over and over again. Tears pricked her eyes and she noticed her hands shake visibly. Exhausted, Aelin plopped on the floor and let the tears fall. It was just a bad dream. Just a bad dream. But she could still smell Sam’s charred skin and the odour of kerosene. Her sobs intensified and when she started hyperventilating she realised a panic attack was building up.
“Rowan…” she called but remembered too late that he had gone out with Aedion. She tried to bring her breathing under control but failed and the sense of terror grew stronger. Slowly, trembling she dragged herself back to the bedroom and once she reached the nightstand, with trembling hands, grabbed her phone and called Rowan.
His answer was immediate “hey you, miss me already?”
Aelin could not reply straight away, she tried to calm her breathing “I…” she started sobbing again “I am scared.” Was all she managed before her sobs took over completely.
“Aelin, where are you?” Rowan’s voice was panicked “Are you at home?”
He and Aedion had driven her home before going for their night out.
“Yes…” he voice barely audible.
“I am on my way.” And he closed the conversation.
Aelin dropped the phone and collapsed exhausted on the floor.
Rowan had cut his night short and drove back home like a madman. He should have never left her alone. He knew she was suffering from nightmare and panic attacks. But the idea of going out with Aedion had been very tempting. They had a great night and they had a fascinating chat that helped him a lot. His heart raced and growled at every single set of traffic lights. He had to be back home quickly. Aedion had mentioned to keep an eye on Aelin for PTSD. He hadn’t told the man that Aelin was already showing two symptoms. The nightmares and the fact that at night she struggled to sleep. He was getting really worried and his finger tapped nervously on the steering wheel.
He finally made it home and ran in the house, sprinted to the bedroom and found Aelin on the floor. Her mobile had slipped from her hands. He hoisted her in his arms and took her to the bed noticing her clammy skin. Gently he deposited her on the bed and went to the bathroom to grab a cloth. With it he brushed her face and cleaned it. She had been sick. He stood again and went to grab a fresh pair of pyjama and changed her making sure not to cause any more injury to her arm. Gently he tucked her under the blanket. She was sleeping and he did not want to wake her. He kissed her head and then he went to get himself ready for bed. Once he joined her under the blankets he pulled her to his chest and enveloped her body with his. His strong arms looped around her frame and his leg draped over hers in a protective embrace.
It was early morning when he woke, kissed Aelin’s head and brushed her blonde hair away from her face. She had managed to sleep throughout the night and he relaxed. She must have been exhausted after whatever happened. He imagined she had another nightmare and a panic attack. She was his brave and fierce Fireheart and it destroyed him to see her like that.
Rowan felt her move and slowly shift to awareness, her body turned and blue, beautiful eyes met his.
“Morning.” He smiled at her and kissed her briefly.
“You are here.” Her hand brushed his face.
“Of course I am here.”
“You…” but she stopped and shook her head “it’s nothing.” And she turned.
“What is it, Aelin?”
“Nothing.” She repeated and curled in a foetal position turning her back to him “you will leave me eventually. Everyone does.” He heard her cry.
He rolled her over and made sure she faced him “I am not going anywhere.”
“You will leave me, just like Sam did…” she whispered against his chest “and I will be alone again.”
His heart ached painfully. He wanted to make her a promise that he would always come back but his job was just as dangerous as hers and he could not utter that promise and lie to her.
“Do you want me to give up my job?”
She looked up at him “no.” she kissed him “no, I could never ask you that. No matter how much it scares me.” She leaned a bit more into him “Just come back to me.”
“It will be my pleasure.”
They remained in bed holding each other for a while. Aelin had told him about her nightmare and telling him felt good.
Rowan looked at his phone and groaned “damn I need to go to work.”
Her face turned sad and he kissed her pout away, then he had an idea “Come with me.”
“You are still a consultant. I know that Lorcan has continued our project with Aedion. But you can come and see for yourself what we have done.” Then he gave her a big smile “you can see me fly as well. The guys and I will be probably running some drills as well as we have a performance review coming.”
The smile that she gave him almost made his heart melt. With renewed energy she jumped off the bed, ran to his side and began pulling him out of bed “come on, shower and we are going.”
“Fine, fine,” he complained and dragged himself out of bed, then he grabbed her and carried her to the bathroom sack of potato style. Aelin trashed in his arms, he pinched her buttocks in reply and she squealed. He deposited her in the bathroom and once free he started to undress and Aelin stared at him while leaning against the sink with a wanton smile on her face.
She peeled off her clothes and walked to him. Her hands brushed his chest, following the lines of his tattoo and then her tongue traced the same path. He folded his arms around her and pushed her in the shower and opened the jets. Another step and she was pinned to the wall. Aelin looked up at him “I do love a good wall in the morning.”
In a second his mouth was on hers, a hard demanding kiss. Her mouth opened to him and his tongue brushed against hers “well, let’s try and not disappoint you.” He pulled her legs around him and with one thrust he was in her.
The shower took longer than expected but it had put Aelin in a better mood and that’s all he cared about. He was getting ready in his uniform and smiled when Aelin hugged him from behind “What?” He asked softly while tying his tie.
“Thank you for being at my side last night.”
Rowan stiffened “I should have been with you all night, but I didn’t.”
Aelin placed a kiss on his back “but you came back straight away and it helped. In your arms I slept peacefully. You made me feel safe.”
“Well,” he turned and faced her “I need to make sure we do that every night.”
Aelin nodded and went to her side of the closet to grab her clothes “did you have a nice time with Aedion?”
“I did. And he helped. He went through this a few times and well, it felt good to talk with someone who could fully understand.” Then he stopped and looked at her “I don’t mean that you can’t. You have been supportive and amazing.”
Aelin stepped up to him “I know, but Aedion has been in the military. I haven’t. He can help you talk about things I might not understand. That’s why I asked him to take you out.”
“Thank you.” He said leaning over for a kiss “Are you ready?”
Aelin twirled in front of him, she just had jeans and a hoodie and he still thought she was the most stunning creature he had ever seen “I am, captain. All ready to see my top gun in action.”
My. Rowan felt a tug of deep joy at hearing her using that possessive for him. Since she forced the topic after the opera he realised that he had been fooling himself when he tried to convince himself he had no deep feelings for her. He wanted her. To be with her. To commit to her. And he was going to show her just how much.
He took her hand and together they walked out of the house.
They arrived at the base not long after “do you have your badge?” He told her as they reached the first check point.
Aelin fished it out of her bag and showed it to him.
“Captain,” the man in the booth said acknowledging Rowan “captain.” He added towards Aelin.
They drove through the second check point without being stopped and then Rowan parked in the staff car park. Aelin put her lanyard with her badge around her neck and followed Rowan inside, taking his hand.
They walked into his office and Aelin took in the room. She had been inside the first time she had visited him but not bothered to notice anything around. The place looked immaculate and super organised. A big filing cabinet at his back and a bookshelf full with books. Aelin went to have a look and discovered they were all books about flying. Then at the top of the shelf she noticed metal planes all lined up.
“This one,” he said, pointing to a plane with propellers “it’s called a spitfire. It’s quite an epic one.”
“Did you fly it?”
Rowan laughed “No, it’s an old plane. I wasn’t even born when it was used but it’s just gorgeous.”
“It looks cool,” said Aelin looking at the other models.
“These are some of the other planes I have flown.” He pointed to the remainder ones. 
“And this?” She took in her hand the model of an aircraft carrier.
“That is the first aircraft carrier I have served on. I met some great people there.” And lost a lot as well, but he did not say that out loud. “It was my first mission and like a proper newbie I was all excited and eager to prove myself.”
Aelin smiled and then her eyes noticed a picture on the wall behind his desk “is that you?”
Rowan nodded and walked closer to her “the day I graduated from the academy. I was nineteen.”
She took his hand feeling the anguish in his voice “you look quite dashing.”
“I felt smug as fuck and invincible. I had finished the academy at the top. I came out number one.”
“Such a nerd.” She gave him a smile.
He turned her and grabbed her shoulders “don’t tell me that you were not a competitive brat at the academy.”
“I was the only woman at the time. I had to fight twice as much. I showed them all and I finished at the top as well and I made captain well before some of the morons who thought that they were better than me because they allegedly, had the correct reproductive apparatus.”
Rowan snorted and Aelin glared at him “don’t tell me you are one of those because I am going to dump your arse so hard you have no idea.”
He kissed her “No. I have been fighting with Lorcan for a while to get women to serve in the airforce if they want to. The navy has them, the army does as well. We are the only corp that doesn’t and I have been losing this battle for a while. Lorcan is one of those and since he doesn’t believe in the fact that women should be allowed in the airforce he never brings the fight to the higher levels.”
She kissed him and she felt like her heart could explode with love for him.
“He really is an arsehole.”
“I am not his biggest fan either recently.”
“Can’t you take the fight higher up? Go over his head?”
Rowan sighed “we are run by a bunch of old fashioned mummies who are even more retrograde than Lorcan.”
Aelin was about to reply when someone knocked at the door. At Rowan’s invitation she saw the man called Gavriel enter the room “We are all ready to go. We got clearance from the tower and the guys are getting changed now.” Then he noticed Aelin and gave her a big smile “hello, captain.”
“Hello, Commander,” she greeted him remembering his rank. She had liked the man from the start.
Rowan kissed her “I’ll be back in ten minutes. I need to get changed. I’ll come and get you.”
Aelin nodded and he left with Gavriel.
“So, you finally decided to do the right thing,” said the other man to Rowan.
“Stop grieving and being scared and finally try to be happy.”
Rowan gave him a tight smile “she is worth it.”
Aelin waited in his office and when she got bored she grabbed one of his books about flight and started reading. She had been doing some research on her own to understand his job a bit more. She grabbed one that seemed to start from the basics and began reading how a plane did manage to stay in the air. She was so engrossed in the book that she missed him coming back. When she lifted her eyes she saw him standing in front of her in his flight suit. Gods, he was… she had so many naughty thoughts crossing her mind.
“What are you reading?” He asked her, noticing the book abandoned on the desk.
“Oh…” she cleared her voice “just discovering how a plane can stay up.”
Rowan laughed “four forces: thrust, lift, drag and push or gravity” he told her with a smug smile and then he offered her his hand “come on.”
She followed him and they walked to the hangar and every so often she checked him out. In the jump suit he was even hotter than usual.
They entered the hangar and Aelin noticed a lot of people swarming around the five jets “the engineers are getting the planes ready,” he explained her as they got closer to his.
They stopped and Rowan got to open the canopy and finished to dress by adding what he had told her was a G suit used to help with the pressure with manoeuvres where they had to pull a lots of Gs. She stared at him doing all the checks to his suit and then gave a man at her side the thumb up.
“This is Greg,” said Rowan nodding at the man at their side “he is my engineer. Once we are ready to go he will take you to the observation tower.”
Aelin smiled. She was really going to see him fly.
“Give me a have fun kiss,” he said leaning into her.
Aelin brushed his hair and kissed him deeply, then she broke the kiss and her forehead was against his “Be safe.”
He kissed her nose “I love you,” he said very softly.
He left her and climbed into his jet. She studied him finishing to don his helmet, do some checks and then he waved at her. He gave Greg a thumbs up and Aelin saw some other people take the jet away. No taxi, she corrected herself using the right term.
“Miss, you can come with me. They are taxing out and it’s going to get loud in here.”
Aelin nodded and followed the man, casting a glance ever so often to where Rowan had disappeared.
They climbed up the tower and Aelin gasped at the view. She could see the jets lined up on the runaway.
“They are waiting for final clearance from the tower. They will go that way for a bit, but eventually will come back here.” He passed her a pair of binoculars “these are handy.”
Aelin thanked him.
“Don’t leave until someone comes back to collect you. Probably captain Whitethorn will come himself. You are safe up here.” He explained her and Aelin nodded.
The man disappeared and she leaned against the wall. She stared at the jets and then realised she had no idea how to tell them apart.
One at a time all the jets took off, they disappeared at the horizon and eventually came back a flew by the tower. One of them rolled its wings up and down and she had a feeling that was Rowan.
She giggled and grabbed the binoculars.
A moment later she felt a presence at her side. Lorcan had joined her with a thermos of coffee in his hands “Enjoying the view?” He asked in a bored tone.“The fun should start soon. Whitethorn is probably explaining the parameters of the exercise and creating the two teams, that’s why they are still in formation. As soon as the game starts you will see them veer up and break into two groups.”
“How can you tell them apart?”
Aelin rolled her eyes.
“Whitethorn is that one,” he pointed at the jet at the head of the formation.
“That’s it.” Said Lorcan and Aelin saw the team break apart like he had told her.
Lorcan brought out a radio and he changed to a channel that allowed him to listen to radio chatter of his pilots.
“Do you do this often? Coming up here and watch them, I mean.”
“Every time they are out. I am not as much as a monster as the captain depicts me.” He sighed and looked at his pilots “I care about them. They are my team.” then he chuckled and pointed at the jets in the air “Fenrys is already trying to get a lock on Whitethorn. Can you see how he is flying?”
Aelin followed the scene with interest and the radio went silent as the man probably concentrated on their job.
“Moonbeam is sneaky but there is a reason why Whitethorn is the best.”
“I got your arse, Iceman.” She heard Fenrys over the radio. Then something amazing happened. She saw the jet in front of the young lieutenant pull up in a vertical and breaking and letting the other jet pass him the he pulled down and Rowan ended up behind him and over the radio she heard a noise.
“Another time, wolf.” She heard Rowan laugh and the sound warmed her heart “you can sit this one out, pup.” 
“That was awesome.” Said Aelin in awe.
“Whitethorn is not an easy one to get. I think in many years of drills only Gavriel managed the feat a few times. And we all believe it was because well, he was not himself.”
Aelin had an inkling she knew when that was. 
“I think he needs this today. Losing that student has sent him back to a dark place.”
“How so?” Asked Aelin curious.
“Not my story to tell.”
They went back watching the exercise “that is a high G barrel roll, isn’t it?” She remembered it from thew video.
“Well done, captain.”
“Rowan has told me about some manoeuvres.”
“You see why he did that?” Lorcan pointed at the jets.
Aelin nodded, “the plane behind him is too close for comfort so that is an option to shake him off.”
Lorcan nodded “That is Gavriel. He probably painted him once already and had Rowan’s tail and a firing solution as well so Rowan pulled that manoeuvre to get rid of him and succeeded.”
“That’s Connall being his wingman. And Vaughan is with Gavriel.”
Then she gasped. Rowan had just flew in between Vaughan and Gavriel in a vertical line then she saw him bank and get back in formation.
“That’s Connall gone as well. It’s just Whitethorn against Vaughan and Gavriel.”
Gavriel was fast and sneaky. Even someone like her could see that. 
Rowan was on his own but Lorcan did not seem worried. His planes flew mere metres from a second one, their bellies almost touching. He rolled away and then pulled into a dive chasing the plane that was trying to escape. He stood at the other person’s tail playing chase until she heard over the radio curses coming from Vaughan and she knew the man was out as well.
“Now things get interesting.” Commented Lorcan who seemed cheerier all of a sudden.
“Rowan told me you are against the idea of having females in the airforce.”
His face turned hard again “I was just starting to like you, captain.”
“What is your problem with our gender?”
“You cannot do that.” He pointed at the fight scene in front of them.
“That is exactly what I heard all throughout the academy. I was the only woman at the time. I was told I did not have what it took. That as a woman my body could not sustain the heavy training regime, that I had no chance of becoming just as good a firefighter as a man. They thought that me being born with a vagina prevented me from being a firefighter.” She explained, not removing her gaze from the two remaining planes “I proved them all wrong, sir. I finished the academy at the top of my class. I set the record in one of the exercises and no one has broken it just yet. I made captain before many of those pricks and I am still to this day the only woman who did so.”
“This is a dangerous job.”
Aelin scoffed and showed him her bandaged arm “I almost died after running into a building on fire. And I do that on a daily basis. Don’t talk to me about a dangerous job.”
Lorcan breathed out “you made your point.”
“Elide has her own ideas as well on the matter. She might be tiny but she is one scary woman.”
His face all of a sudden lost its hard edges. Oh look, the man had feelings.
“She is quite an amazing woman.” He confessed.
“You’d better remember that.”
“She told me about… her past.”
Aelin knew. Elide had told them.
“It doesn’t bother me. I mean, it bothers me what the fucker did to her but not that she… has no experience.”
“Good, because Elide is very nervous about all that stuff.”
“When she is ready.”
Aelin nodded and went back to the fight. It looked like Rowan was trying to get on Gavriel’s tail. The older man pulled into a vertical but Rowan never left him. Aelin stared at the climb and wondered how many Gs they were pulling. The jet flew with the canopies facing each others. Aelin then noticed Rowan’s plane break formation. Pull, again the strange breaking manoeuvre and make a precise loop that landed right on Gavriel’s tail. 
A moment later she heard the long beeping sound and soon after a barrage of curses from Gavriel.
“That was damn sneaky.”
Aelin laughed and waved at him, not sure he could see her “That was awesome.”
“Oh, they are not done yet. Rowan’s drills are quite intense. We are in for much more fun. Now they all want revenge.” Added Lorcan leaning again against the wall and taking a sip of coffee from his thermos. 
“He really is good.”
Lorcan nodded “he was the best since flight school. And his cool temper helps him to be great in a situation of great stress. That’s why we have been fighting recently. He has been rash and impulsive. That is not him.”
Aelin did not make any comments on that.
“Rowan and I have known each other for a very long time, since we were both still in Doranelle.” He told her “he is very respectful of rank and etiquette but with me and in private he had always spoken his mind and a few times he had pegged me down a few notches. We both have clashing tempers and it tends to end badly at times.” He sighed “I had no intention of suspending him but I had to. And I have a feeling he looked for a fight on purpose to get suspended. To be with you.”
Aelin gasped. She was not expecting such revelation. She had assumed Lorcan had followed the rules.
“I hope you realise he put his career in jeopardy for you. A captain pulling a stunt like that and breaking aerospace lockdown was bad. And leaving his post at the airbase in Doranelle was just as bad.”
“I am grateful that he did, though. I might be selfish but he helped me greatly and he is still doing it.”
“Don’t fuck up his life, captain. One woman did it already and I think it’s enough.”
Lorcan’s words toward Lyria sounded quite harsh.
The exercise eventually came to an end but Lorcan stood there with her.
She heard Rowan ordering the team to go back to base.
“Tower, this is Iceman, requesting permission for a flyby.”
“Request denied, Iceman.”
“Get your arse back to base, Whitethorn,” shouted Lorcan over the comms.
Aelin stared at Rowan’s jet, the only one still in the air and looked at the very strange trajectory.
Then it was a matter of a second and a deafening noise startled her and a second later she heard a curse. Lorcan had spilled his hot coffee on his uniform and was now threatening the worst punishments for Rowan. She wanted to laugh but she restrained herself.
“Let’s go back down, captain. Your boyfriend is in for a treat.”
They got back inside and by the time they were back in the hangar the five jets were parked as well and Rowan was complimenting his team for a nice training session.
“Whitethorn.” Shouted Lorcan marching up to him “The tower clearly denied you the flyby. What is your problem?”
His green eyes landed on her and she saw a flash of amusement in them. 
“I should ask you the same thing, sir. Your uniform needs a change.” With his head he pointed at the stained clothing.
“Your arse in my office. Now.”
Rowan stood to attention and followed Lorcan. He looked at Aelin and winked at her.
“Did you enjoy that, captain?” It was Gavriel’s voice at her side.
“Immensely. It was super fun to watch.” She sighed “I know that when you guys do it for real is not fun, but this drill was awesome.”
She turned to where Rowan and Lorcan had disappeared and got worried “Will he be okay?”
It was Connall who answered “they will yell at each other for a while. Lorcan will call the captain reckless. Explain to him what regulations say with regard to the dear practice of buzzing the tower.”
“What’s buzzing the tower?” She interrupted not recognising the expression.
“The manoeuvre the captain did. It’s a very low pass made to startle or frighten someone. The noise of the jets, as you have experienced is quite high. The captain knew the commodore was with you and very likely had coffee.”
“It was a stupid thing to do.” Added Gavriel not happy “he knows that manoeuvre is dangerous.”
“Let the man have some fun. With all the shit that is going on he has been in a foul mood.”
Gavriel growled at Fenrys “first of all, our job is not to have fun. If that’s what you want, well I have got news for you, boyo. You are in the wrong job.” Gavriel moved closer to the young lieutenant “the captain has lost a student. Have some fucking respect for someone who is grieving.”
Gavriel shouted some orders to the ground crew and moved away “it was a pleasure to see you again, captain.”
She waved back at the man. She liked him. The three young men followed as well.
Not knowing what to do she found her way back to his office, thinking it to be the best and safest option. He came back to her half an hour later and he did not seem too mad.
“Are you two still alive?” She asked him as he walked into the office and lay down on the sofa.“Yeah, he is still alive. I told him to fuck off only once.”
She stood from his chair and walked to him “buzzing the tower was not a great idea.”
He looked at her with curiosity.
She tilted her head “they guys explained the manoeuvre to me.
He stood, closed the distance and his arms went around her waist “I was saying hi to you…” he kissed her “and when I saw Lorcan I knew he’d have coffee with him. He always does.” He kissed her again “and can I add how much of a turn on is when you use technical terms?”
“You are evil.” She poked him in the chest.
“No news there,” another kiss “did you enjoy the show?”
“It was awesome. So, so awesome. And you are quite incredible, captain. And I also recognised one of the manoeuvres from the book you were reading on the beach.” She told him all excited.
“Which one?”
They were so close their bodies were now touching “the high G barrel roll when Gavriel painted you.”
His jump suit was unzipped down till his navel and her hands landed on the t-shirt he wore underneath and he had the suit sleeves rolled to his elbows. He was stunning.
“So… so turned on just now…”
She pressed against him, his hands found their way in her hair and pulled her close for a hot kiss.
“I have so many naughty thoughts as well…”
“And I feel like breaking another rule…” he whispered in her ear and Aelin felt heat pool at her core.
He went to the door and locked it and when he turned he saw that Aelin had removed her hoodie and t-shirt and was sitting on his desk with just trousers and a bra.
Rowan closed the distance in a second, and his mouth claimed hers with an intensity that took Aelin off guard. She had quickly learned that sex with him was never boring and that the man had the power to reduce her to an exhausted mess. Not that she complained…
“I love naughty Rowan,” she teased with a finger on her lips. He moved between her legs, pulling her closer and took the finger in his mouth sucking it and licking it suggestively.
Aelin removed her bra and heard his gasp, then she proceeded to free him from the jump suit and leave him in his black briefs and his grey TAF t-shirt. She looked down and discovered him hard for her. He grabbed the back of his shirt and tugged it off.
“Are we doing something about those trousers, captain?”
Aelin smiled and slowly and with provocation unbuttoned her jeans and started lowering the zip. In a swift motion he pulled them down and away, taking her underwear with them, leaving Aelin stark naked “in a rush, captain?”
He bit her earlobe “the door might be locked, but people might still come and look for me.”
“Well, we better be quiet and pretend there is no one in the office.” And she kissed him eliciting a moan from him “I said quiet, captain.”
Aelin jumped off the table and a moment later was on her knees in front of him. Her hands grabbed his butt and then pulled down his briefs “lean against the table, sir.” He did so and a moment later her mouth was on him and he had to restrain himself to stifle the loud moan that threatened to escape from him. She looked up at him in his green eyes and with her tongue licked the tip.
“Fuck,” swore Rowan never breaking eye contact with her. She looked at him and could see lust in his eyes. Her tongue licked the length of him and then she took him in her mouth fully and Rowan let out another curse “If you…” his hands tightened on the desk when she added a hand “continue like this I might not— ” and his protest was cut off when she gently added teeth as well. She still looked at him in challenge and then sucked hard and that was Rowan’s undoing. He pulled her up and deposited her on the desk on her back, her legs wrapped around his waist.
“You wicked, wicked woman…” he told her silencing her protests with a sizzling kiss while a finger slipped into her and Aelin’s back arched at the feeling he coaxed from her. With her legs, she pushed him closer and felt his hardness nudging at her entrance and pulled a bit more as if to tell him what she wanted. He kissed her and his finger hooked inside her teasing that sensitive spot inside her.
“Whitethorn,”she ordered him.
“Such a demanding woman,” and with those words he pushed into her and Aelin had to cover her mouth with her hands to stop the indecent moan that was about to escape from her.
It hadn’t take them long to reach their peaks and now Rowan was leaning on top of an equally spent Aelin. It had been short and intense.
He kissed the space between breasts “I didn’t even have time to greet your friends here,” he added posing gentle kisses on each breasts.
She pulled him in for a kiss “it’s okay… this woman here feels very pleased and satisfied.”
He smiled at her “we better get dressed again. Just in case.” Very quickly they got their clothes back on then Aelin walked to him “I blame the jump suit.”
He raised an eyebrow “not the amazing content inside?”
She kissed him “the jump suit makes the content tastier.”
“Come on,” he took her hand, unlocked the door and walked out of the office “I promised to show you what we did.”
Aelin squeezed his hand and followed him. He took her around the airbase and they covered all the places that she had mentioned needed changes. The works on hangar bay 2 were almost over and the place was still empty but in far batter shape that last time she had seen it. Aelin walked closer to the walls and touched them “fire retardant paint?”
Rowan nodded “Aedion suggested it. The whole of hangar 2 is painted in it. And once the works here are all done, we will do the same in the main hangar.” She walked around impressed that they had taken on board every single suggestion she had made “I am impressed, captain. The place looks amazing.”
“Given the budget we got, Lorcan had ordered to do the same in the main hangar.”
“So, the man can do his job. Good to know.”
Rowan took her around the rest of the base and Aelin approved of what she had seen.
“What time is your doctor appointment?” Asked Rowan as they got back to his office.
“I will need to go soon.”
“Will you text me?” He asked her brushing a wild lock of hair from her face.
“I will let you know.”
She had a meeting with a doctor about her return to work. She knew it was only for desk duty but the idea of going back at the station was quite exciting.
Rowan pulled her into an embrace “go get them.” In response she kissed him.
“Don’t kill Lorcan, captain.”
He gave her a huge grin and she left.
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the gif above gives you an idea of one of the trick our bird boy pulled.
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alonelysimp · 3 years
Ты тоже красивый
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Characters: Tartaglia x GN! Traveler! Reader
WC: 1683
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of violence, swearing
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, M/GN, fluff, Established relationship, Love confession, Lots of flirting
heavy simping, send help ;-; i cried way too many times writing this /pos
Also full disclaimer: no i no not know Russian, apologies if anything is mistranslated. the closest thing ik regionally would be dutch or my shitty half assed excuse for german qwq
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Your foot stays firmly planted on his chest as you lean down and press the blade of your sword to his neck.
“You wanna kiss me so badly right now it makes you look stupid.”
“Shut up, tortellini.” His dumb smile probably reflected your own, a light blush dusting his cheeks at the intimate position. You could feel your rapid heartbeat in your chest, whether it be from the adrenaline of fighting or your proximity to him. Excitement sparkles in his eyes, almost as if he were asking for a rematch. His breath tickles you as your gaze traces the minor cuts and bruises on his face. His hands tug at the front of your shirt, lips ghosting across yours. “I hate you.”
“That’s not what you were saying an hour ago.” You scowl at him and push up from the floor, leaving him on his back. The sound of your sword sheathing echoes off the walls of the golden house.
“At least you didn’t destroy it this time. You can’t rely on your fatui money forever,” you mutter. The metal pieces of his coat clink against the floor, scrambling to go stand by you.
“Can we go again?” You glare up at him with the most annoyed, deadpan expression you can muster. He huffs, flicking your forehead.
“Hey, hey, watch the pretty face. I worked hard for this shit,” you hiss and cover your forehead with both your hands.
“I could say the same, жизнь моя. (zhizn moya ‘my life’)” He pauses after every syllable of the nickname, gesturing to the tiny marks on his face.
“Oh, shut up, you’re fine.” You turn to the door; his arms wrap around your waist from behind. He buries his face in your hair, lifting you off the ground slightly.
“You’re so mean to me~”
“Tartaglia, I feel like a cat getting picked up by a toddler. C’mon, let’s go home and get you fixed up, attention whore.” You blink as your eyes adjust to the daylight outside and grab his hand. He intertwines your fingers. The smirk on his face burns through the back of your head.
“Aww, so you really do care about me.”
“I hope you trip and fall on your face.” He pulls you closer beside him as you walk down the dirt path to your home, the midday sun shining down on the two of you from above. You only had to pull on his arm a few times to slow down on account of the difference in your strides.
As soon as you step inside, he releases your hand, opting to collapse on the bed.
“Dipshit—” you pull the supplies from the shelf, “up.” He doesn’t move, even when you nudge his shoulder, pretending to sleep. You sigh, summoning your sweetest voice and sitting down next to him. “Darling, can you please sit up for me? I need to take care of you~” His eyelashes flutter open just enough to peer at you. You grit your teeth, burying your face in his chest, embarrassed. “I hate you,” you mumble, muffled by the fabric of his coat. His fingers gently run through the hair at the bottom of your hairline and slowly work their way up before cupping your face and making you look up at him.
“Thank you for caring about me.” Your eyes narrow, heat pricking at your cheeks.
“I should’ve left you back at the golden house.” He presses a kiss to the top of your head and sits up, letting you lean against him still. The post-battle heat radiates off him but the smell of sweat is beginning to get to you.
“So are you just gonna lay there or..? I know how comfortable I am, but I was under the impression you were gonna help.” He laughs when you push yourself away quickly and set the supplies down on the nightstand. You begin to unclasp his coat, fumbling with them slightly before getting it open. You punch him lightly when he opens his mouth, knowing full well what he was about to say. “So mean~” He pulls you into his lap while you work, dabbing the soaked cloth at the various scrapes.
“Was I too hard on you?” you ask him softly. He laughs, leaning back and resting on his hands.
“It’s not an easy task to defeat me, ангел (‘angel’). I’m proud you were even able to land a hit.”
“You won’t fight me using your delusion. What if I go overboard and hurt you?” Your fingers dance across his skin, flitting over his muscles.
“Is it bad that I want to make sure I don’t kill my beautiful ангел (‘angel’)? If you don’t want me to hold back, you better not either.” He giggles, pressing his lips to your forehead and smiling “Wouldn’t it be fun?” The soft linen sheets brush against your skin as you shuffle to face his back, taking care of any wounds, regardless of how slight they may be.
“I’d have to patch your weak ass up after, though.”
“I wouldn’t mind watching you turn beet red undressing me.” You choke, covering your mouth with the back of your hand. The alcoholic smell from the cloth quickly deters you from keeping your hand there, but it doesn’t stop the mindless panic you’ve been thrown in. At least he wasn’t watching you burn up, you’d never hear the end of it.
“S-shut…” you stutter out, failing at a desperate attempt to regain your composure. He laughs and turns to take the bottle and cloth from your hands.
“Hmm, I didn’t expect such a rare treat today.” He sets the things back on the nightstand. “Is this your way of apologizing after being so mean to me earlier?”
“Not to your crusty dusty ass,” you mumble, not making eye contact with him. “Go take a shower, you reek.” The palms of your hands press against his chest, more in a gentle urge than a demand. He chuckles, sighing, and presses a kiss to your forehead before standing up to head to the bathroom.
You take the opportunity to stand up and put away the antiseptics and clean the cloth. The soft white noise from the shower fills the house as you hang the towel up to dry. He steps out a few minutes later though, you wonder how he always manages to take such short showers. Yours takes a few minutes longer, and you slip into a clean set of your usual clothes after.
“I have to go do guild stuff, you coming?” You stand by the door, messing with your hair. He glances up his food, a chicken mushroom skewer leftover from breakfast. He hums, tossing the bamboo skewer in the trash.
“Of course ангел, (‘angel’)” he says cheerfully, moving to stand by you. He takes your hands in his, fixing your part line himself. Your arms wrap around his waist, pulling him close in a hug. His lively heartbeat drums against your ear as the scent of sandalwood floods your nose. His fingers run through the back of your hair with one arm around your waist, pressing you closer.
“Hey, darling?” He hums, waiting for you to continue while stroking your hair. “I like you.” You look up at him. He melts, the dumb smile on his face making it quite evident. He buries his face in your hair, mumbling out a “м-милая. (m-milaya ‘[you’re] c-cute’)” You manage to pry him off you, taking him by the hand as you lead him to the harbor.
The commissions you received were nothing out of the ordinary, just little deliveries around Liyue and a few hilichurl camps to clear. You sighed, plopping on the edge of the cliff. The grass rustles as Childe sits next to you, leaning back to watch the sunset.
“I have to admit,” he breathes, “the sunset in Liyue is unlike any other I’ve seen.” The fiery sky matches his hair, a sight you could never see from such a city like Snezhnaya. Your breath hitches when you turn to glance at him. He looks… stunning. The way his hair glitters in the light, cerulean eyes shimmering. How in Teyvat did I manage to land someone like him? He looks over at you, concern shadowing his eyes as he brushes his thumb across your cheek. “What’s wrong котёнок? (kotonok ‘kitten’)” You reach up to your face, fingers coming away wet. You laugh softly and wipe them away.
“Nothing, just thinking about how lucky you are for having such an amazing partner.” He pauses, realization flashing on his face after a few seconds. He huffs, pouting, and pokes at your side.
“Hey! Stop making me think I messed up somehow.” You push his chest lightly, turning away. He huffs, breath tickling the back of your neck as he pulls you into his lap and nuzzles your hair.
“...You’re beautiful.” The waves crash against the cliffside as you stare into the sunset. He pauses, resting his chin on your shoulder. The salty Liyuean breeze ruffles his hair and tickles your cheek as the sun dips below the horizon.
“What do you mean?” His hands shift against your waist, holding you ever so slightly tighter. Your brows furrow together slightly, chewing your bottom lip as you pause to think. You sigh, the hesitant silence lasting between you for a short while.
“Do you know how much you mean to me? You’re incredible. Everything I hope to be and more. I can’t stop thinking about you and it messes with me so badly. I can’t get enough of you, your smile, your touch, your voice. You make me feel ways I never knew I could and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m so... mad, how irreplaceable you are, how much you’ve become in just a year but I love it and—” Your breath catches in your throat, tears beginning to well up. He takes your hands in his rubbing them with his thumbs. He presses a chaste kiss to the back of your neck.
“Ты тоже красивый. (ty tozhe krasivyy)”
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omg thank y'all for the support I'll try to post more consistently (。ŏ‿ŏ)
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akitohsworld · 3 years
Disclaimer: Thank you for all the love on my last smut fic. But well, since I want to commit, Imma give you another for this new year. I crave a more dominantly portrayed Simeon (I'm a switch, I have my craves ok) because I think he be the most shady of them all. I still need to accustom myself to writing these and get better, so extremely kinky shit will have to wait, but I did my best with this one as I vow to always do :D
Happy New Year everyone ❤️🌚👉👉
Warnings: NSFW, smut, light BDSM (collar etc.), fetishizing religion (Christianity), mentions of edging
Divinely Demonic (Simeon X GN!Reader)
"Take these off for me, would you?", his voice sounded innocent, but his eyes had this sadistic subtext to them. Taken aback, you reached for one of his arms, to take off his glove.
"Ah, (y/N)", you stopped, "I'd prefer you use your mouth."
An innocent smile tugged at the angel's lips. You huffed silently.
So this is how he wanted to play it?
Being in a relationship with Simeon for some time now, you could definitely say that he was all parts of a perfect lover and more. He was kind, caring and he conformed to your wishes as much as he could. For him bringing you happiness was his greatest joy and, if he was being honest, he never thought that he would feel that way about anyone. With different parts of your relationship, came different and new things to try and experience together, and so it had been a bit awkward to open up about kinks and fantasies at first. Especially, since Simeon was an angel and you didn't know where you had to draw the line. But, like everything in a good relationship, communication and an honest approach was key to fulfilling both of your desires, and indulging in this angel's fantasies in particular had you blushing and squirming in all the right ways.
You couldn't lie, the idea of Simeon's perfect, angelic, kind mask crumbling off to make space for that beautiful sadistic nature of his, sprinkled with raw un-honeyed disdain, made you quiver in excitement.
You provocatively shifted on the bed, hand grazing his arm as you took yours back to lean into for support. A shimmer glistened ever so slightly in Simeon's blue eyes when he grazed his gloved thumb over your bottom lip.
Your eyes trained on his as your lips parted, sensually engulfing his thumb, careful not to bite down on his finger. Teeth biting at the thin cloth, then pulling at it cautiously. Doing the same with his other glove afterwards. But this time, you made it a point to kiss his fingers, before taking them into your mouth, eyes trained on his. Simeon's breath hitched.
"(y/N)..", your hand traced his abdomen lightly, before suddenly sliding it into his pants, making him hiss as you palmed his already erect cock, proceeding to apply pressure to it deliciously slow.
You weren't going down without a fight. Not that it mattered, top or bottom, both was very enjoyable. But who could decline a bit more spice?
Your lips found his in an attempt to distract him from your other free hand, already pulling down the zipper as you felt him sigh into your mouth. Your fingers traced his slit just how he liked it, and he must admit, he was this close to let you just service him right then and there. Much to your dismay though, the angel smiled against the kiss. Indulging you, feeling you up himself as his tongue devoured your mouth, hands uncharacteristically squeezing your ass. He moaned.
You hummed against his lips.
The angel's hands were causing a tingling sensation on your skin as they traveled up your sides and a pleased sigh escaped your mouth.
He grabbed you by your chin and you could feel the excitement burning into your core at the change of tone in his voice. Innocence long forgotten. Simeon's eyes were dark with lust and-
"Ahh.. Where's your patience, little lamb?"
-you swore you saw a sadistic shimmer in them.
He chuckled, shaking his head in a pseudo-disappointed manner, pulling down your pants swiftly. You let out a surprised gasp as he pushed you on the bed.
"Sim- hah", his fingers traced your clothed sex, already wet with your fluids. He applied pressure to it, fingers trailing its features in a teasing build up, earning a gasp from your lips. Your inner walls clenched around something that wasn't there and you felt your core aching for his touch. Your body started squirming as you desperately tried to hold back your voice, while Simeon rubbed the spots that made you whine and hold onto him with need. When his slender fingers finally proceeded to enter you, moans and gasps followed as they signaled your growing impatience.
He slid down between your legs nerve-wrackingly slow, planting lingering kisses on your chest, abdomen and between your thighs, while your undergarments were tossed aside in a swift motion.
"You didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?"
His breath tickled on your skin as you felt his eyes bore into your soul. You said nothing and just looked at him tauntingly, a façade. In reality you wanted nothing else for him than to ruin you.
A smirk formed on his lips for a split second. Simeon's expression was no longer restrained, but clearly amused. Without warning his mouth enveloped your sex, tongue sliding around what made your hole clench and shiver. .
God, you wanted to touch him so badly.
"Simeon please- haah...nnh-", you felt a coil in your stomach tighten with each suck, each lick and stroke of his tongue against your sensitive spots. He groaned against your sex, sending vibrations through the sensitive nerves. You were so close, so so close-
"Fuck- Simeon-.."
He moved away.
You let out a very frustrated groan.
"No... Why?-"
"You didn't answer my question, little lamb."
He was mocking you.
"I-..", your fingers clenched at the sheets, "I forgot what you asked..."
Simeon sighed, seemingly disappointed.
"Oh no. That won't do", his gaze sent shivers down your spine, "That won't do at all."
He stood up, getting something from his nightstand.
A collar with a chain, and a Bible.
Your eyes widened. His cape slid down to the floor with a quiet thud.
"Now, now", the angel, still fully clothed hovered over you, "like we practiced."
The collar found your neck tilting it upwards as he gave the chain a light tug. He then proceeded to place the now open Bible next to your head.
"What do you say? Shall I forgive you?"
You breathed in sharply. Your mind was in shambles from all the teasing. And normally you hung onto Simeon's lips whenever he quoted the scriptures during sex because it was just so hot to you. But that didn't mean that you knew everything by heart. The Bible, tauntingly placed beside your head, was not an option. It was just there to test you and you knew that .
Your nose scrunched a bit as you tried to remember.
"M-Matthew 14 to s-"
His hand slapped your thigh.
You bit back a moan.
The numbers always messed you up, it was hard to remember them.
It didn't help that his fingers prodded your entrance before provocatively taking his cock out of the restraints of his clothes, rubbing it against your sex. Your hips ground up for more friction.
He just send you a teasing smile, a chuckle escaping his lips. "You were saying?"
You knew the answer was there, right beside your head, but no, no Simeon didn't like brats. Well maybe he did, but he didn't take too kindly to them. And today you were just not patient enough for hours of edging.
You felt his soft, warm hands rubbing at your thighs, spreading them slowly to see you better.
You were so lovely to him. Already so needy and throbbing. But that didn't mean he was going to let you off easy. A light tug on your collar told you he expected an answer.
"M-Matthew..... 6: 14 to 16, says ahh..", his fingers spread out your entrance, "F-for if you forgive them-"
He tugged at the chain, harshly.
"Guh- oth- other people when they do-"
Slowly he entered you, feeling your walls clench and sucking him in. A loud moan leaving your mouth. More, faster, deeper, is all you could think about as your legs attempted to draw him closer. Simeon groaned, brows furrowed as he indulged in the feeling of your aching entrance around him. "If you mnh do well" , he pounded into you once, hard, a guttural moan escaping you, " I'll let you cum, okay?"
That was not a question.
You nodded aggravatingly.
He then started to move at a steady, but rough pace.
"Mnh- hah siinn against you, ngh- your heavenly F-father will also...", your eyes traced down Simeon's beautiful features, " forgive you.  But if you don't-"
Another harsh tug at the collar took your breath away, followed by a particular hard thrust against your hips. You felt the coil tightening inside your stomach again, trying very hard to bite back your moans and do as you're told. Just concentrate, concentrate but... You were captivated by his flushed cheeks, his skin glistening with sweat and his eyes dripping with lust.
Good God, he was so pretty.
"Mnh Do not forgive others", your gaze lingers at his crotch, shamelessly and hungrily, " their... Uh their-"
Your vision was beginning to blur, he was hitting all the right spots. As such, it was beginning to feel harder and harder to recite in a comprehensive way. Every sound coming out of your throat threating to be a moan, rather than a word. Although, that's just what Simeon wanted. He loved to see you melt away under his touch, struggling to be good for him. It was the most delicious thing, seeing you squirm under him, trying so hard to make him proud and praise you.
The wet sounds his thrusts were making echoed througout the room, ragged breaths and low moans the only thing reaching your ears.
"Ahgh-", a cut out moan escaped your throat as he tugged on the chain once again, this time with more force.
"Are you mn..distracted, little lamb?", his voice brushed your ears like feathers as your gaze shifted up to his eyes again. He slowed down his pace teasingly, making you whine. "Done already?"
You shook your head. You wanted nothing more than to make him fuck you into oblivion at this point.
"Then continue. Unless", he lowered himself onto you, lips brushing yours, "you want to be punished?" your thighs clenched at his hips involuntarily.
"Their...", you furrowed your brows in concentration, hands clenching the sheets, "sins, your Fa-"
He pounded into you harder.
"Hahh- fuck-", a harsh tug on your collar took your breath away once again, but he wasn't slowing down. On the contrary.
"hah..Continue", his lips curled into a full blown sadistic smirk. His face darkened by shadow from the light hitting him from behind made him look so divine yet so demonic, eyes shimmering like sapphires drenched in blood.
Simeon himself was getting slightly impatient, what you did to him, he never experienced before. Your walls kept sucking him in, trying to keep him there in a delicious tide, as he felt his own orgasm approaching. Your moans and prayers tugging at his own restraints, when your body reacted to him in all the right ways.
You wanted to touch him. You needed to touch him. With pleading eyes and furrowed brows you tried to concentrate one last time. Gaze fixed on him, as you recited the last part.
"Yo-hah-your", he hit a particular spot with force, your back arched and made you almost shout the rest, "F-faather- aahhn- will not forgive yoUR SINS!!"
Simeon's smile widened while cupping your cheek.
"Such a good little lamb.", you felt his fingers tracing your sex again with urgency, while he hovered over you, letting go of the chain and pressing his forehead to yours lovingly. He bit his lip, muffling his ragged breaths and moans that dared to escape him each time his hips slammed into yours.
Finally, your hands buried into his locks, kissing him passionately as you drowned out your moans in each others mouths. Tongues intertwining as if you tried to suck out your souls, claiming each other.
"(y/N)", you parted, hooded eyes staring back at you, while both of you let the pleasure take over. Simeon's hips crashed into yours with more vigor every time, hitting that one spot that made your back arch and your walls clench deliciously around his aching cock. It was all so much. Your hands found their way under his shirt, clawing at his sensitive back. Your legs pulled him even closer towards you, flexing with each thrust. He felt his member dragging along your walls as if you were trying to milk him dry, your body trying to devour everything he was giving you and more.
"Hng Simeon"
His hand movements sped up together with his pace. The coil was tightening and tightening. He was close. And so were you.
The slapping sound of flesh against flesh mixed and matched the groans and pants of this ravaging play of pleasure. You were clenching him so forcefully now, every movement, every twitch of his cock mirrored in moisture of your hole. Bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
"Hah- mn- Simeon please, please, please-", your fingers were clawing at the angel's back so much, your knuckles turned white. With powerful thrusts dragging along your walls and his fingers moving over just the right spots a loud guttural moan accompanied your spasming walls , covering him in your juices as you were driven over the edge. He moaned loudly, overwhelmed by the feeling of your orgasm bringing about his own while he bit down on your neck in an attempt to deal with all the pleasure he was feeling. His wings had sprung out and his body was shaking wildly. As you rode out your high, you held him close, his moans still spilling out of his mouth.
He rocked his cock in and out of you in a slower more sloppy pace as his arms held your head, pressing his face into your neck, while your hands gently graced through his locks and then found his wings, causing him to shiver and groan, hands clawing into your shoulders.
With time you had come to understand that angels experienced orgasms way longer and were highly sensitive and vulnerable in those moments.
"It's okay...", you panted and lovingly kissed his head, "I'm here.. it's okay.. you did amazing."
A low chuckle errupted against your neck.
"I- ahh.. should be saying that...", he turned his head to face you, eyes full of love and adoration, "You did ama-nnh-zing, little lamb.."
Now it was your turn to chuckle.
"Let's take a bath later, shall we?"
He hummed quietly and nuzzled into your neck again.
"Yeah.. let's do that"
In moments like these, you don't need to say it, to get it across. Because you share it and you feel that.
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bchanslvr · 3 years
pairing - Draco Malfoy X Harry Potter
words - 1,650
warnings - angst, fluff, war, and our boys figuring out how to love.
written for - @drarrymicrofic , prompt: bloom
a/n -this is was originally supposed to be quite short but this is what happens when you procrastinate on your school work at 11 in the night bored out of your mind, nonetheless I hope you enjoy :)
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I first saw you in Madam Malkin's Robes, with your unruly black hair, big bright-emerald eyes, full of wonder.
I thought of speaking to you, and so I did. You didn't like me I could tell. But it wasn't my fault I was raised like that and didn't know who you were.
The second time I saw you was at Hogwarts. You looked beautiful, standing there with that Weasley, your face sporting an adorable smile that even the toughest man in the world would melt against.
I knew you then. 'Famous Harry Potter'. It shocked me of course, my mind swimming with ideas to befriend you.
And when you didn't accept it, I was furious. You dare reject a Malfoy?
Since then I made it my life long goal till we graduate to make you pay.
Third year was a disaster. I wouldn't admit it but you've grown quite a bit. No longer where you the skinny, clumsy, awkward little git but something more.
Your hair was still the bird nest as ever, though I wouldn't say the same about the rest of you.
Your delicate face looked gorgeous. Those rosy lips of yours, glossy from you licking it, that crimson blush that appeared on your face every time you got embarrassed, your eyes. Damn your eyes.
I wouldn't say that every time I looked into them when we fight, I would get lost it them, mesmerized by their beauty. No, never!
And when I told myself way back in first year that I'll make you pay, how was I to keep that up, when you smile my whole world ignites?
Fourth year was nothing I expected it to be. That old man hosted this thing called 'The Triwizard Tournament'. It sounded dangerous in the least, and plus even if I wanted to join it, then I'd have to be at least seventeen.
So it left me wordless when your name was pulled from the cup-and I found myself worrying about you despite the hatred I treated you with.
Would something happen to you? Will you die? Will I never get the chance to confess my feelings towards you?
I realized soon enough that I never felt hatred toward you, more just jealousy.
My jealousy erupting more as I watched you dance the floor of the Yule Ball with that Patil girl, thinking it should have been me.
I had no idea what was happening in our fifth year. Everything a confusing puzzle piece.
I hadn't known what was happening at the seventh floor.
I hadn't known what the cruel lady had done to you.
I hadn't known that you've lost the one person that truly loved you with all his heart. That guilt, and absolute heartbreak that should have been visible in your pretty eyes instead masked with a fake facade of happiness that I could see right through because of all these years of watching you.
And I hadn't known- I hadn't know what was going to happen next.
Sixth year. Well... it did things to me. First I got the dark mark. The worst and most foolish decision of my life. All just to please my father.
I was given a mission, a mission from Vol- the dark lord himself. To kill Dumbledore.
I didn't want to do it. I really didn't. But I had to. Or else he'd kill me.
But Po-Harry on the other hand. God his sweet sweet smile. His gorgeous laugh. And dammit I'm in love with him. He could never hurt me-
-I was wrong.
Our fights were brutal yes, but not-not like this. I thought I was going to die. Right there. On the cold-bathroom floor.
Starring up at the man that I loved.
But I was wrong once again.
I looked into his forest green eyes, expecting to see anger, and victory for bringing me down like this. I deserved it honestly, after all that I've done to him, his friends. I really did.
But not this.
He wasn't smirking, wasn't even looking at me with any kind of emotion other then crying. Tears streaming down his face as I watched him panic not knowing what to do.
My ears were ringing, the only thing registering in them were Harry's small babbles of "I'm so sorry" "Oh I'm so sorry" "I- I swear I didn't-" "I didn't kno-"
Everything was starting to black out, his breathing slowing down. In the distance he heard a loud shout, and footsteps, cursing, and more shouting.
And when he woke up in the infirmary, he was disappointed. Harry wasn't there, nor was he for the rest of the year until that dread awful task.
Never in his life had he been more than thankful for his godfather. Severus had come in last minute and saved him, saved him from the life long of remorse he would serve if he had done the deed.
Seventh year, wasn't even seventh year anymore. It was war. Every single time of day he was pestered and worried. He hadn't seen Harry in months, almost a year. And he was terribly worried. He knew that he wasn't dead but that thought of where was he? is he safe? is he hurt?, kept him up at night regretting not telling Harry how he really felt.
The day he saw him at Malfoy Manor, covered in blisters and his gorgeous face turned into something like that made him almost retch.
But when his mom asked him if he was Harry Potter. He said he wasn't sure, looking at him directly trying to convey the message that he wasn't going to hurt him.
And when he fought for his wand, he let him because it was the only thing he could do.
The room of requirements was truing to ash by the second, the fire spreading closer and closer to him. And he thought for the second time that I really was going to die like this. Like a coward.
Never in his life tho had he thought that Harry Potter would come back for to save him. His wobbly hands holding onto the broom for dear life as they swerved through the fire back outside.
Harry had saved him. He couldn't be more thankful but before he could voice it Harry and his friends were gone.
He didn't protest really, they were in the middle of the war after all. So he let it go.
For next time.
And he thought that there will never be 'the next time' as Voldemort revealed that Harry was dead.
His heart shattering into million pieces as he took in the sight of the giant holding the love of his life in his arms.
The Weasley girl ran and screamed but he knew that she would never feel the same pain that I felt.
Relief and astonishment had never spread through my body faster than Longbottom had finished his bravery speech. I watched as his body fell down from the giants arm as he picked himself up.
I didn't know what took over me but my first instinct was to run to him. And so I did, I ran to him and threw him my wand. The split second of actual awe and love I saw in those green eyes giving me newfound strength.
I wanted to fight, oh so badly, but my parents. They would never understand me as I walked swollen with anger as they brought me away from where he was, fighting for the wizarding world.
Word that Harry had defeated Voldemort once and for all spread like wildfire. The whole of wizarding England rejoicing to the news.
But yet the thought of the most powerful dark wizard of all time had been defeated couldn't even bring him to smile.
Mum and I had a trial in 2 minutes. The nerves in my body on fire as my mind raced, thinking about how this last hour would describe the rest of our life.
My father had been put in Azkaban for a lifetime, my face forever sporting a small grin because that's exactly where he belonged. Tho my mum on the other hand. Not so much.
The clock seemed to go by faster than usual to where I found my mom and myself standing in the middle of the court as I basked in the few moments of silence.
My heart stuttered and tripled in size, my whole body beginning to sweat, my breathing becoming rapid.
Why? Because the man that I have loved for 7 years, the man that saved me and broke me, the man, the small-fragile boy I saw at the shop was here. There in the stands vouching for us. Even my mum breaking out in slight relief at seeing the man.
Our body finally relaxing a bit at the though of him winnings us our freedom because we knew that we didn't have that option in our hands.
I should have known from the beginning for what I was getting myself into. That I would have to face through so many trials and errors. Pain and relief. Pure torture to feeling like being on the edge of the world.
But I found myself never wanting to change a second of what my life had become as I closed my eyes in our bed. My arms holding onto the thing that had started all of this. My lips instinctively pressing softly against another.
And as we pulled apart and rested our heads on each other, our breaths and limbs tangled together, his soft emerald eyes holding the look of pure contentment and love. I find myself thinking of what new things will start to bloom into our lives like white lily's on a summer evening that Harry suggests to keep for good luck tucked into the corner in a sliver vase.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
taglist -@dearseungie @hey-there-angels [just send an ask or a comment to be added or removed from my taglist]
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I Don’t Know(ft. G Dragon and MINO) (6)
Part 6
When Jiyong stumbles into your home drunk, you start to remember things long forgotten.
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This series will be updated once a week, every Friday! No specific time though lol. It’s an AU where Jiyong has a younger sister and you’re her best friend! Featuring my OC Mirae as the Best friend. Just saying, it’s not related to any of the scenarios I’ve written so far. Please do leave me some comments or asks! I love receiving them! It’s also a bit of a love triangle situation, so yeah :)) There will be eventual smut in this series.
(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Please comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list:))
Word Count: 2840
WARNINGS: slight smut, drinking.
6 years ago
It was late. Jiyong had just finished watching a movie and was wrapping up. He was just about to go to bed when he heard loud singing and knocking from the front door. Rushing to get the door before anyone else woke up, he opened it to find you, flushed and swaying, with an idiotic smile on your face.
And you threw yourself at him. He caught you, whisper shouting at you.
“What’re you doing? Why did you drink so much?”
You pouted, eyes becoming sad. His heart clenched.
“It was Mina’s bachelorette.”
“Why’re you here?”
You looked around, confused.
“I don’t know.”
Your eyes widened.
“Do you not want me here?”
Your lips started trembling. Jiyong sighed.
“No, it’s not that. Come with me. Just… don’t make any noise.”
Immediately, your face lit up and you yelled,
He smiled looking at you, gently shushing you. You were an adorable drunk. You pouted.
“Why do you not want me to talk Jiyong?!”
“Because it’s 2 in the morning and I don’t want you to wake up everyone else?”
“Oh. Good point.”
He held your hand and guided you to the couch.
“Sit here and don’t move, okay?”
You reached out and grabbed his hair.
“Woah! So fluffy! Your hair is surprisingly soft for someone who dyes their hair so much.”
Jiyong froze, a light blush spreading across his cheeks. You ruffled his hair, laughing.
“You’re surprisingly cute Jiyong.”
He turned red.
“J-just wait here, okay?”
Still flushed, Jiyong went up to his room to get make up remover for you. By the time he got back though, you weren’t there anymore. It was relatively easy to find you though. He just had to follow the sound of the crashes.
He found you in the kitchen, crawled up on the counter, trying to reach the chocolate wafers. He sighed and reached over you, getting the wafers and handing them to you.
“What’re you doing?”
“I was hungry.”
“Okay. Turn towards me.”
“No. I want to eat and you’ll steal my wafers.”
Jiyong didn’t know whether to laugh or sigh.
“Y/N, I’m not going to steal your wafers. I just want to remove your make up and get you to bed.”
“Sleep is for the weak Jiyong.”
“Says the girl who once slept for three days straight.”
You huffed and widened your eyes.
“Hey! That was after not sleeping for a week!”
“Why didn’t you sleep for a week?”
“…I procrastinated.”
Tired of you rambling, Jiyong gently grabbed your waist and turned you towards him, standing between your legs.
“You can continue eating. I just want to remove your make up.”
And as he gently wiped off all your makeup, you stared at him, wondering how he was so beautiful. When he looked up and caught you staring, you blushed and stuffed a wafer into his mouth.
“What was that for?”
“Consider it a gift.”
“Come on, let’s go up.”
You started whining.
“No, Jiyong. I’m tired. I’m just going to curl up here and sleep.”
Jiyong raised his eyebrows.
“On the cold marble counter top?”
“Where there is barely enough space for you to sit?”
He sighed. Muttering under his breath, one of his hands gently went under your knees and the other went around your waist as he carried you, enjoying the way your arms went around his neck immediately for support. Your face went red and you buried your face in his neck, leaving you unaware of his adorable smile. He opened the door to his room and gently put you down on his bed. Sounding adorable confused, you asked,
“Why are we in your room?”
“Because if you wake up Mirae, she’ll kill you and you need to change. Here, take this t-shirt and shorts. I’ll be outside. Call me once you’re done changing and I’ll help you to Mirae’s room.”
You felt happy when you wore his clothes. Your drunk mind didn’t comprehend why, but it felt nice. It was comfortable. It was familiar. You looked around at his room and stared at the pictures he had up. You were in some of them. It made you feel nice. At least he cared. Even if you didn’t remember this the next morning, it was nice to know he cared. You were interrupted by a gentle knock and Jiyong came in.
“You should have called me.”
“I was looking around.”
He sighed, ruffling your hair.
“Come on. Let’s go.”
And as he held your hand, you pulled him closer, burying your face in his chest.
“Jiyong, can we just stay here like this for a while?”
His breath hitched, but he sat there next to you in silence, allowing you to rest against him. After a while, he realised your breathing was getting slower and sleepier. He was about to get up and tuck you in when you grabbed his hand. You mumbled something in your sleep.
“Don’t go Jiyong.”
His heart melted when he saw your small hand wrapped around his. He moved you in and lay down next to you, letting you snuggle into him and just enjoyed the moment. He stayed like that for a while, until he was sure you were asleep, and then got up and slept on the couch. Seeing you in his arms in the morning would have been too much. He didn’t want to give himself hope.
 4 years ago
There was a family get together at Mirae’s place. You were practically part of the family, so of course, you were there too. You smiled at everyone as you stepped away from the light and the noise, wanting a bit of fresh air. You walked away, enjoying the cold, fresh night air. You walked towards the back, walking through some grass when you heard the grass behind you rustle. Tensing, you turned around, prepared to punch whoever was following you, but only found a very surprised, sheepish Jiyong trying to light up a cigarette. You walked over to him, stifling a laugh at the way he refused to meet your eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like? I’m here to smoke.”
You looked at him sceptically.
“Weren’t you supposed to be trying to quit?”
He looked at you suspiciously.
“What’s it to you?”
“Hey, I’m just trying to help you.”
You moved away, not liking the smell of the smoke, and you stumbled. Jiyong’s eyes widened and he grabbed your arm, pulling you into him.
“Be careful! You could’ve gotten hurt. Why’d you move away?”
Your face scrunched up when he breathed out the smoke on your face.
“I don’t like the smell of cigarettes Jiyong. You do what you want, but I’m going to just walk for a bit.”
You gave him a light smile, wrapped your shawl around yourself tighter and walked off. Jiyong watched you walk away with a growing sense of panic. Suddenly, he found himself putting out his cigarette and jogging up to catch up with you. He never smoked a cigarette around you again, because he never wanted you to walk away from him like that again.
Minho sat down at the table, with you sitting right next to him, your hand on his thigh. Jiyong’s jaw tensed. You didn’t realise but Minho did, and he couldn’t stop himself from smiling at Jiyong while taking your hand and saying,
“Hi hyung! It’s nice seeing you here.”
Jiyong barely managed to politely smile and nod at Minho before getting up to leave for the bar. It was going to be a long night. Minho felt a little guilty for driving away his hyung, but the overwhelming feeling was still relief, because seeing you with his hyung just reminded him of everything in the past.
Two hours later, Jiyong could barely stand when Hwiyoung, the designated driver for the night, helped him into his car. Hwiyoung had very kindly offered to drop off everyone, but you had declined, knowing that they couldn’t find out about Minho. Jiyong was drunk, and while that was nothing new to him, he was used to taking someone home with him. After meeting you again though, he couldn’t, because every time he was with another woman, all he could see was your face, your smile, your lips, everything about you. He was lost in thought, thinking about you when Hwiyoung stopped the car for Somin to get out. Just wondering out loud, he asked,
“I wonder why Y/N didn’t just come with us. You and Y/N literally live on the same floor.”
Somin laughed.
“I’m sure she had her reasons. But we don’t live on the same floor. I live on the 9th floor and she lives on the tenth floor.”
“Meh, close enough.”
Hwiyoung was about to start the car again when Jiyong suddenly sat up, barely aware of what he was doing when he told Hwiyoung,
“Hwiyoung, thanks for the lift, but I’ll get off here.”
“What? Why? This is so far away from your place.”
To make things less suspicious, Jiyong smirked and said,
“Yeah, I know, but a girl I know just texted me to meet her at the ice cream place down the road, so I’ll just go.”
“Oh, okay then. See you tomorrow then.”
“Yeah. Thanks, Hwiyoung.”
 You were slowly unwinding after Minho dropped you home, changing into a tank top and shorts and listening to music while going through your emails. You smiled when you saw Somin’s. She really was a lifesaver. You opened up the email and a chill went down your body. It was about the meeting with Jiyong. The one where you thought he was making fun of you. The more you read of it though, the worse it became. Why was he apologising? Why were the colours he picked your favourite colours? Why did he pick tea, peonies and poems? Oh no. Oh good god no. You shook your head. You had to be wrong. He couldn’t possibly like you. After years of making you feel awful, he can’t just change his mind. Just when you were finally happy. You snapped your laptop shut. You didn’t want to think about it anymore. You couldn’t afford to. But just as your mind went back to it, you heard the doorbell ring.
You were suspicious about who could be knocking at your door so late, but you knew who it was the moment you heard his drunken singing of ‘If you’. Your blood froze, but you opened to door to see what he needed. Icy, you asked,
“What is it?”
Jiyong didn’t respond and walked straight into your apartment, looking around in wonder.
“Get out of my apartment.”
Jiyong just turned and flashed you a light, trusting grin. You just stared at him in disbelief. He came close to you and cupped your cheeks.
“Wow, you look really pretty.”
And before you could react and pull away, he moved away, covering his face and blushing. You looked at him, drunk out of his mind and sighed.
“Can you stand on your own?”
He jumped.
“Yeah, I’m going to take that as a yes. You’re too drunk to go home on your own, so I’m going to call you a cab, okay? I know we have to be careful about your image but I know this one guy-”
And before you could complete your sentence, he fell on you, pushing both of you onto the couch. His forehead was resting against your collarbone. You blushed as you looked around. It was a very awkward position to be in. You were just about to push him off when he held your hand and very sleepily said,
“Don’t go Y/N. Let’s just stay like this for a while.”
You froze. You never fully remembered what happened when you were drunk, but this brought back memories. Why was it that you had a vague memory of saying that to him and him actually listening? You looked down at him. He was asleep already. Sighing, you pushed him off and got up, shaking your head as you forced yourself to not think about what you just remembered. Or what Somin’s mail told you. You couldn’t afford to. Not when you finally got over him. Not when you were happy with Minho. You went and got a blanket to cover Jiyong with. It was cold without one. You looked down and decided that you didn’t want to be alone at home with Jiyong. Too many memories. And it would have killed Minho if you did. So, you called him.
He sounded quite surprised when he answered.
“Hey Y/N, all okay?”
You smiled when you heard his voice. You could already see the raised eyebrows on his face.
“Hey Minho. Did I wake you up?”
“No, I was just changing. What’s up?”
“Do you mind spending the night here, with me?”
You could hear him grab his car keys and wallet.
“I’m on my way. What happened?”
“Jiyong is here.”
Minho had just gotten into the elevator when he heard that. His heart stopped for a second.
“Jiyong turned up here drunk and passed out on my couch. I don’t want to be here alone with him, which is why I called you.”
You paused.
“Minho, sweetheart, listen to me. It’s going to be okay. Nothing happened. He just passed out here. I like you. I’m with you for you.”
You could hear Minho shakily take a breath.
“Yeah, I know Y/N. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Don’t worry.”
 When you opened the door fifteen minutes later, you were expecting to find a worried, sad Minho. You were not expecting to be pushed against a wall and kissed hungrily. Before you could get used to it and kiss him back, Minho wrapped your legs around his waist and his mouth had already moved on from your lips to your neck, hell bent on leaving marks. Minho couldn’t help it. His fear got the better of him. He had to feel you. He had to feel you to know that everything was real. That you were his girlfriend. That he wasn’t just lying to himself.  His hands desperately went to your tank top and bra and ripped them off. You gasped. You knew something was off. This felt different. Minho had never been this aggressive with you. But the moment his tongue met your nipple, all thought left your mind and you moaned, letting him carry you to the bedroom.
Jiyong woke up early the next morning, wincing at the sunlight that was hitting his face. Yawning, he slowly stretched and looked around. Where was he? Did he go home with a woman last night? He furrowed his brows. No, that’s not right. He was with Y/N and her team last night. Oh shit Y/N. that’s when everything started to come back. And then suddenly, in the span of seconds, he went from confused to happy because if he was in an unfamiliar place, that meant you had let him stay. He looked down at the blanket covering him with a newfound appreciation. You had put that blanket on him. You still cared enough about him to do that for him. He grinned and jumped up, wincing from the ache in his head. He had to do something as a thank you. As he went to get water, he suddenly found a packet of pancake mix. His smile got wider. That was one of the few things he could cook and luckily, pancakes for breakfast were your favourite.
A good twenty minutes later, you stirred, the sounds from the kitchen disturbing you. Wait. Sounds from the kitchen? If you weren’t cooking, who was? Turning around, you saw Minho with his arms wrapped around you. You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face. You pressed a kiss to his cheek and slid out of his arms, throwing on his shirt from last night before walking out into the kitchen. You were taken aback when you saw Jiyong flipping pancakes and adding them to a stack next to him.
“Jiyong, what is this?”
Jiyong grinned. You called him Jiyong again. He was in the middle of flipping a pancake, so without turning around to face you, he said,
“Good morning Y/N! Thanks for letting me crash here last night when I was drunk. As a thank you, I made pancakes.”
He had just flipped the last pancake and turned around with a huge smile on his face only for it to fade. And fast. It first faded because he saw all the new marks on your neck from last night because of how loose Mino’s shirt was on you. It faded more because a shirtless Mino had walked out of your bedroom, wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you. He looked up at Jiyong, surprised at first, then nervous and finally, with a challenging raise of his eyebrows, he said,
“Good morning hyung.”
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rjoy · 3 years
Kipo and wolf’s midnight party (p.s this story is very sexual and is for 18+ or for people who can handle it.) (by the way this story was a remake the story a work in process chapter 6 on archive of our own so go give that writer some love please and thank you) enjoy 😊
Eyes heavy with sleep slowly open. Once her vision starts to focus, Wolf casts a glance at the analog clock on the other side of the room. A sigh soon follows and she reaches up to rub her eyes. She’s about to sit up when she hears a weird sound.
It sounds like breathing, Kipo breathing, but it’s different. It’s a little louder than normal and it almost sounds like she’s out of breath. Curious, but also a little worried for the other, Wolf slowly turns her head to look. She can’t believe what she sees.
The mute-girl is on top of her bed, laying flat on her stomach. One of her arms is cushioning her forehead and the other is... underneath her? That’s weird. The comforter is covering half of her and it’s obscuring Wolfs view but for some reason the sight and sounds Kipo is making are causing a weird, growing feeling in her belly. Like butterflies in her stomach but lower. The younger wants to ask what she’s doing but something is keeping her from saying anything. This feels like something she shouldn’t interrupt.
“Huff... huff...” Kipos moving herself in a strange way, rocking her lower half into the mattress. Wolfs hand subconsciously wanders and finds itself grabbing at the front of her underwear. “Hahh... Huff...” a small moan slips through between her labored breathing and it makes Wolf shiver with arousal, not that she knew the word for it.
“S.. so good for... me...” closing her eyes, Wolf bites her lip and finds herself lightly squeezing the front of her crotch. She finds herself gently rocking into her hand on instinct, the new and pleasurable sensation becoming overwhelming. “Oh... oh... Wolf...” hearing her name being whispered out in that same needy tone makes the younger girl freeze. Her entire body shivers, unsure what to do. Part of her is scared, not wanting to bring any attention to herself and just act like this never happened. Another part of her wants to know what Kipo is thinking about, another part of her for some reason wants to hear her name coming from her again and again and again. The blood is rushing way too quickly through her and she’s speaking before she can even think about it.
“Kipo.” There’s a small gasp and the room immediately falls silent. “Kipo, wh... what are you doing?” She hates how timid and little her voice sounds.
“I-I didn’t... I’m sorry I woke you up. I was... it...” there’s a beat. “It’s nothing, sorry I woke you up. Go back to bed.”
“It’s not nothing, you were doing something.” Wolf knows better than this and the fact that the older girl assumes she’s dumb enough to buy that pisses her off. “You said my name.” She sits up, voice more assertive.
Kipo shifts and slowly turns on her side. It takes a moment but she bashfully makes eye contact with the other. “I... I was... thinking.” Just the look Wolf gives her is enough for Kipo to understand that that answer wasn’t going to suffice. “I’m being honest! I was thinking of you.” The purple girl sucks her lower lip in between her teeth, worrying it as she looks away. “... thinking you... and me... doing... things.”
The tingling feeling from before makes a comeback. Wolf licks her lip and swings her legs over the side of the bed. “Wh-what kind of things?”
“.....” After a long moment, Kipo slides herself out from under the blanket. There’s a sudden new smell that Wolf Notices right away, but not necessarily a bad scent. “Wolf.” She sits beside the smaller girl. Her first reaction is to scoot over because she is a little close but something stops Wolf from moving. “Tell me if you want me to stop.” The child opens her mouth to question but her words are immediately silenced with a kiss.
Immediately Wolf pulls back but Kipos lips follow. Soon she’s on her back and the mute-girl is on top of her. She has no time to comprehend what is happening before Kipos hand is running up her stomach to her flat chest. The eager groping at her chest has her trembling again. Now with her having some time to register what was going on she kisses the other back with equally inexperienced kissing. They’re messy and their teeth keep clashing into each other but it’s perfect and both girls can’t help the little noises they make as they get into a heated makeout.
Soon though Wolf pushes the other girl back from her shoulders, trying to catch her breath. “Is this, huff, what you think of us doi- ah!” She’s taken off guard from the mute-girl moving down to her neck, peppering kisses and light bites there. It’s apparent her question will go unanswered but that is more than okay as long as Kipo keeps touching her. Her breath hitches as the other finds one of her nipples through the fabric and teases it.
The burrow-girl shucks the bottom of the nightgown up and helps Wolf pull it over her head and discards it to the floor. When she turns back to her younger partner she sees an embarrassed girl, who’s little hands have come up to cover her underdeveloped breasts. Kipo smiles softly at her and Wolf has to look away. “Are you doing okay? Do you want me to stop?” Her thumbs find themselves rubbing circles in the soft skin of her sides. It takes a beat but Wolf slowly shakes her head. She mumbles a, “it’s okay” and gives Kipo the green light to continue.
Purple hands come up to remove smaller ones and Kipo admires Wolf. The younger girl is already blushing a bit and her brows are knit together, chest rising and falling with her quick breaths. “You’re so pretty.” The mute-girl leans in and gives her a quick peck on the corner of the others mouth before moving to give a few kisses to her nipple. Each split second of contact has Wolf tensing, little gasps escaping that fade into quiet moans once Kipo starts licking her.
With her mouth busy sucking on one nipple, her hand comes up to toy with the other. “Ki- po!” The younger girl hisses when the mute-girl bites down on her sensitive bud. To make up for the pain she caused, Kipo administers a few more licks before moving to the other nipple. A few more minutes of this and the girl beneath her is shaking like a leaf and arching her back with every tug, bite, or suckle. “Huff, I feel, ah!, w-weird...” Kipo pulls away and stares down at the other. One of her hands makes its way down past her belly and to her underwear when Wolfs eyes go wide and she struggles a moment. “Kipo… wait” She says in as loud of a whisper as she can.
Kipo props herself up with one of her arms. ”are you sure you want to do this” wolf said, kipo presses her head on the front of wolf underwear. The feeling of her hot breathing against her makes wolf moan. “I’m just make sure” She insists as Kipo looks up at her.
“i’m sure, i’ve wanted this since the day I fell in love with you.” The older of the two cooes, nuzzling the blushing girl below. Soon she sits up and pulls away entirely. Wolf watches nervously when she sees what Kipo is reaching for. She stirs again, trying to wiggle away from the other but is easily pulled back, the mute-girl pushing her legs apart on the process. “Hey, it’s okay! Try to relax little one.” The choice of words used is enough to have the other slow to a stop. She wasn’t sure why but being called “little one” by Kipo made her heart swell in the worst way.
the light blue underwear are removed, Peeking through the spaces between her fingers cutely, the younger girl watches as Kipo stares at her exposed vagina. Kipo stares and admire Wolfs pussy “Every part of you is... so small...” Kipo said rubbing her jand up her thigh.
“Kipo,” Wolf groans in irritation, lowering her hands to rest on her stomach. “Shut up.”
Instead of replying, Kipo dives down to get a better look at Wolf. Thin fingers move to part her lips and the younger girl has to fight to keep her legs spread. “Wh-what are you doing?” She wiggles under the other girls touch. When Kipo pulls her fingers away there’s a thin layer of sticky discharge that clings to her. Kipo has little hesitation before she brings the lubricant to her lips and licks it off. “That’s so gross, don’t lick that!” Wolf hisses, face flush with embarrassment. However her protest is cut short when Kipo lunges forward to lick meet her lips to the younger girls pussy. Her breath catches in her throat and what comes out is a strangled noise.
Hot and slimy. There was no other way to describe it. Kipos thick tongue lapping slowly at the others virgin parts has her body trembling. She can’t help it when her tiny hand moves down to grip at the back of Kipos wild hair. “ahahah... huff” Wolf melts, her eyes closing. She wasn’t sure what was happening but she did know that her body felt hotter than ever and she doesn’t want Kipo to stop. “Huff... huff...” the wet noises of the burrow-girl eating her out were just as erotic as the panting from the other. It doesn’t take long until Kipo puts 2 fingers inside Wolf and starts thrusting into her making her moan like crazy. kipo starts to pickup the pace making her moan louder. ”fuck, Kipo…. f-fast!” Kipo starts thrusting harder and faster. soon wolf is arching back and her lower half is throbbing with excitement. “Something is, ah! h-happening Kipo...! I’m, huff, huff, going to...!” The other doubles her efforts now. Soon enough Wolf is howling out and Kipo is thrusting harder and faster into her. With one last thrust, the younger girl orgasms for the first time screaming Kipos name.
As she comes down from that high, Kipo slowly pulls out. Wolf opens her eyes to look and is mortified to see her cum sticking to the other girls hand. However instead of being grossed out Kipo shoots her a smile and licks the cum off her fingers. Wolf is not sure if she should feel relieved at this reaction or not.
After this Kipo grabs wolf a new pair of underwear and a oversized t-shirt, settling to lay down beside her. “That... was awesome.” Wolf smiles a little as she speaks. She shifts a little as Kipo carefully places around her smaller body.
She turns to face the older girl, averting her gaze as they lay with one another. “I’m glad you enjoyed that. I liked doing it. You don’t taste too bad either.” She licks her fingers playfully and Wolf snorts, shoving her away a little.
“Gross.” She scrunches up her nose at the crude comment but soon settles down in Kipos arms again. The two find themselves in a comfortable silence but Wolf feels she needs to say this. “Kipo... I really... you...” she mutters a bit to herself, trying to find the right words. She ends up groaning in frustration and burries her face into Kipos neck. “I like you.”
Wolf wasn’t sure what she was expecting but it certainly wasn’t Kipo laughing. This was followed by some silence. “Wait, really?” The lack of an answer is enough to confirm. “Oh, wow. I mean, I had a feeling but I didn’t know for sure.” She speaks slowly. Kipos hand comes to rest in the small of her back and the other cushions her head. “I’m really flattered Wolf. I’m not sure how I feel exactly but... I’d like to try this. Being with you that is.”
Wolfs face is burning and her heart is pounding out of her chest. Still leaning into the girl, she whispers. “Like dating?” She asks and is met with Kipo pulling away a moment. Just when Wolf thinks she has crossed a line, Kipo gives her a soft kiss.
The two lay in each other’s arms. With Kipos confirmation, Wolf isn’t sure how she can sleep. However within the hour the two of them are fast asleep, concluding their first of, hopefully, many nights together as a pair.
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bidean-byedean · 3 years
holy shit, I posted a fic?
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Merry Christmas fruits (affectionate), here is my Christmas present to me: actually writing something for a prompt and posting it!!
SPN Advent Calendar Day 24: I’ll be Home For Christmas
AO3 Link 
It’s silent in the Bunker. But not empty, not even close. It waited patiently. As it always does. For those who were meant to find it, did. They always do. And for the first time in many years, for the first of many years:
The Winchesters are home for Christmas.
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It’s silent in the Bunker. Empty. No one around for miles that even knows of its existence. Patiently it waits. It knows that eventually, someone will hear its calls and find their way. Those who are meant to be there always do. 
Sam Winchester is the first one home. Technically now, Sam Leahy. He pulls up in the sensible car he managed to snag from a grateful dealership owner who had a problem with a cursed family heirloom, and no matter how much Dean teases him, Sam appreciates the normality of it. Especially now. 
Coming around to the passenger side, he opens the door and holds out his hands for Eileen to grab, her centre of gravity no longer where it should be. She pretends to huff, but softens immediately as he pulls her to her feet, her enormous belly pushing them back apart. It’s easy to forget how lucky they are, with all that happened in the last year, and then he sees Eileen, sees her growing with his baby, and it hits him all over again. For all the bad they went through, where they’ve ended up is pretty incredible. 
Eileen tip-toes up to kiss him, their lips already cold despite only being out of the car for thirty seconds. Something wet lands on her face and they both look up to see the first flakes starting to fall. She smiles brightly. 
“I love snow,” she signs. 
“I know, but we should  go in before-“
“Wait, just one minute. Please.” 
She breathes in deeply, letting the cold air fill her lungs and tingle all the way down into her fingers. Where she grew up, there wasn’t snow on Christmas, always the possibility, but it usually amounted to cold rain and miserable clouds. Here, there’s proper good snow, the kind that falls in fat, fluffy chunks from the sky and settles quickly, building up to a thick blanket in the time it takes you to find your coat and hat and gloves and scarf. 
Letting her face fall back, the flakes tickle her skin, landing on her eyes and mouth, melting almost instantly into tiny cold droplets that run into her hair and down her neck. Sam watches her entranced. He’s never thought much of snow before, not more than it being a type of weather that usually denotes Christmas time and them getting stuck somewhere because the Impala is not an all weather vehicle. But Eileen, she makes it magical. The way it makes her smile, how she breathes it in like it’s her first breath of fresh air in years, and not to mention, she looks even cuter than usual with her cheeks and nose all pink from the cold, her eyes shining brightly in the darkness. 
“Why are you staring at me?”
“Cause you’re beautiful.”
“You say that to all the girls.”
He pulls her into another kiss, deeper than the first, trying to tell her that he and Dean may have saved the world but it’s her that made it worth saving in the first place, it’s her that makes it beautiful,. 
Inside the Bunker, it’s perfectly toasty, the rush of warm air that escapes when they unlock the door is like a hug, as if the Bunker itself has come to greet them. The place looks like Santa’s grotto on steroids. Their Mrs. Butters interlude may have ended tragically, however she did remind them that they shouldn’t be embarrassed about embracing the holidays - you never know when will be your last chance to celebrate with your loved ones. No one was meant to have another Christmas, and definitely not the Winchesters, so going all out was a unanimous decision.
The banisters are laced with tinsel and the insanely long strings of lights that the boys found tucked in the back of one of the storage rooms. It took hours to get them just so, but the effect is breathtaking. Sam flips off the main lights and lets the place be bathed in coloured lights: reds and blues and greens and golds and whites. Some of them blink in and out slowly, some change colour, the motion giving it all a dream-like quality. Although they finished putting everything up in the first week of December, Eileen still hasn’t gotten used it to. It’s just so much and she loves it. 
They unpack the last minute groceries and put the oven on for tonight’s dinner: party food. If it comes frozen and in miniature, they were eating it. Sam couldn’t wait to see Jack’s face when he saw tonight’s offering, which reminded him- when would Jack get here? He didn’t exactly have a cell that they could call, but he usually gave them the heads up before he was popping in. He kind of expected him to be here already, it was Christmas Eve and Jack had seemed so excited about the holidays…
The lights click off briefly, so briefly that Sam thinks he might’ve just blinked but when he looks up he sees Eileen by the light switch, an urgent look on her face. 
“Come, come, and shhh,” she signs before disappearing without waiting to check Sam follows. He always follows. 
She makes her way through the Bunker into the library, slowing down to sneak into the room like she was trying not to disturb someone, but as far as Sam knew, they were the only people in the Bunker. 
“What?” He signs frowning, but then he sees:
In the library is the tree; the biggest, most obnoxious tree that they could fit through the front door. Thankfully, they found a ladder so they could actually put the lights and tinsel on the monstrous thing, but apart from that the green bows are bare. It’s not the tree that the pair are concerned with though, it’s who is standing, staring up at it. 
Jack’s had Christmases before. The one with Mrs. Butters was his favourite, but not a perfect one because Castiel wasn’t there, and if Castiel wasn’t there then it couldn’t be perfect. This year would be perfect and his favourite because they would all be there. Him, and Castiel, and Sam, and Dean, and Eileen, and the baby. 
He likes the Christmas tree. He feels its life energy coursing through the evergreen leaves; thankful that Sam listened to him about making sure to cut it so that it could be sustained and replanted. It looks beautiful. He likes the lights, the way they blink slowly, changing colour as if they think you might not notice, bleeding from one hue to another almost perfectly. Jack likes perfect things. Which is good because he thinks everything is perfect. 
“Hey Jack,” Sam calls out. 
They think he didn’t know they’re there, and he let them. It’s nice. “Hello.”
“Do you like it?” He signs while he speaks. He’s getting much better at that, Jack smiles. “Biggest one we could get.”
He nods up Sam. “Very much.”
“We, uh,” he taps a box on the floor with his foot. “Left the decorations for you. Thought you might wanna put them up. There’s an angel for the top.”
“Can I wait for Castiel and Dean to get home?”
“Of course.”
“Want a hot chocolate, Jack?” Eileen asks. “I think baby does.”
His eyes drop to her belly. It’s much bigger than the last time he saw her, the baby is almost ready. His sibling, that’s what Sam and Eileen said. He would be big brother. “Can I have marshmallows?”
“Duh! And whipped cream?”
They disappear together, Sam staying behind to look at the tree for a moment. Flashes of childhood Christmases come rushing back, all jumbled into one. There’s one particular year they had a tree in their sad little motel room, probably stolen from a store or something, but it was still great. They even put their gifts under it and waited until after midnight to open them, almost like a real Christmas. How Christmas should be. 
It’s hard not to be angry or ungrateful or dwell on the horrible shit that happened to them over their lives, but it also isn’t healthy to pretend to not be all those things. He spent so much of his life feeling like he didn’t deserve good things, like he would never get to be happy because he was created for evil and doing bad. The fact that Sam Winchester, the boy with demon blood, Lucifer’s Vessel, was decorating for Christmas with actual God, who considered him a father figure, was almost the most insane thing that had happened to him. But it was good and real and he deserved it. He did. 
“We’re home!” 
Dean’s voice echoes through the Bunker making Sam roll his eyes; no matter how many times he tells Dean it’s a dumb habit, his brother just couldn’t drop it. Sam finds them all in the kitchen, Dean already trying to swap out Jack’s Christmas mug of hot chocolate with a beer.
“Hey! Full house, huh?” Dean beams. “I was just telling them, it’s a fuckin’ nightmare outside. Thought we were gonna get stranded.”
Cas sighs loudly. “You should really get a car that can cope with the weather. Or at least snow tyres.”
“Don’t insult Baby like that, Cas. She got us home, didn’t she?”
“Just,” he mutters into his own drink. “Can I ask the plan for this evening?”
“Food, food, and more food?” Eileen signs. “Did you want to finish the tree first? We can put the presents out now too?”
“Good idea,” Dean nods and they all slope back into the library. 
The box of decorations is extremely old and extremely heavy. Inside, it is packed away meticulously, one of the last remnants of Mrs. Butters’, which they had no hope of replicating when it came to taking it all down again. However, no one is thinking about tidying up right now. They rummage through the vintage decorations: delicate glass shapes, baubles filled like snow globes, and weird festive caricatures of monsters like Bigfoot with a Christmas hat on it’s head. There are spell bags for good fortune and keeping spirits high and hangovers at bay, which they check over thoroughly before deciding are not traps and can go on the tree. 
Soon enough there’s only one thing left. 
“Jack, will you do the honours?” Castiel asks, handing the porcelain-faced angel to him. 
He nods happily and steps into the air. It’s surreal to watch him walk as if on solid ground but get further and further away from the floor. He pauses by the top of the tree and smiles before securing the angel to the point. From the ground, it’s almost too far away to really appreciate the thing, but they all beam up at his handiwork anyway. Then they put out the presents. Somehow everyone managed to get on board and there are five distinct piles, everyone getting their own wrapping paper in order to minimise confusion. It’s really quite impressive that they’ve managed it all so smoothly. Mistakes will likely come to light quickly in the morning when they actually come to unwrap them. 
Silently, Castiel slips his fingers through Dean’s, and as always, the Hunter’s heart leaps in his chest. He never wants to get used to the way that it feels to touch Cas, whenever he wants, however he wants. He would never get used to the fact that Cas wants to touch him back. 
“We’ll go set up the Den,” he announces, pulling Cas along with him.
“Not on the blankets!” Sam calls after them. “And crack a window, we have to sit in there too!”
He flips his brother off over his shoulder. However, the big galump has a point. Not that he’s taking Cas to the Den do anything inappropriate, even if that is their usual MO. It’s not Dean’s fault that they have a built in netflix-and-chill room and that Sam decided to get his wife pregnant immediately instead of making the most of not being dead. Plus, he and Cas had years of lost sex to catch up, as was their God given right. (He doesn’t have the brain capacity to unpack the use of that phrase now that his kinda-sorta-maybe-son-in-law is God). 
The Den is also Christmas-fied, just not to the extent of the rest of the place. There are always fairy lights strung up (their Cas’ favourite lighting), but now, they’ve been swapped out for festive coloured ones. 
“Wait,” Cas says, stopping them as they go through the door. Dean frowns at him, but Cas just looks up until Dean follows his gaze. Ah. “Mistletoe. I believe that mistletoe over a doorway signifies something.”
“Does it now? Do you know what?”
They move in closer. 
“I’m not quite sure.”
“Oh? Must not be important then,” he starts to turn away.
Cas catches him and pulls him in. “It’s coming to me.”
“Mmm?” Dean licks his lips. 
Cas mirrors him, his eyes glittering with the reflections of white-blue lights. “On the tip of my tongue.”
Their faces move together slowly as he speaks. Dean’s hands are on Cas’ waist, while Cas’ travel up Dean’s arms, dragging his fingers over the soft fabric of his shirt, until they settle behind his head. Their lips meet in a gentle kiss; gentle but wonderful. 
When they first started kissing, it was urgent. Every kiss was full of importance, full of words they hadn’t said, full of moments they had missed out on; full of anger and sadness and lust and hatred and betrayal and forgiveness and begging and demanding and everything. They couldn’t touch each enough or at all, it was like sticking your hand in a bath that’s too hot, like gripping an ice cube until it eats into your flesh. It was all too much and they nearly collapsed under the weight of it all.
But they didn’t. 
Now they kiss in the moment. Lazily in bed when they wake up, and briefly when they leave the Bunker without each other, and playfully when they tease each other, and defiantly when people give them bitchy stares, and desperately when they’re drunkenly stripping each other, hungry for each other’s skin. They learnt to be Dean and Cas, this new Dean and Cas that, as it turns out, isn’t all that different from what they had all along. 
The kissing is definitely an improvement though.
They set up for the movie marathon silently, working around each other in perfect synchronicity, hands brushing, shoulders bumping, content with the smallest reassurances of each other’s continued existence. By the time that the others appear, laden with food, the pair are back to making out on the couch. 
“There are children present,” Eileen says loudly, making them jump apart. “Schooch!”  
It takes a second to notice what’s going on, but Sam’s stupid grin is what makes Dean pay attention. 
“No, no way, absolutely not!”
“C’mon! It’s fun!”
“You’re idiots,” he says and signs. “No.” 
“Cas, you know you wanna,” Sam wiggles his eyebrows. “You’d look great in them.”
Cas looks between Dean’s scowl and Jack’s smile for a second before giving in. “Hand them over.”
“Cas! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
He sighs. “You’ll understand when you’re a father, Dean.”
“Hey-“ Dean jumps up after him. “What do you mean, when I’m a father, you brought me two whole ass kids that I-“ They disappear down the hall to get changed and he gets cut off. 
When they come back, Cas is beaming and Dean is failing not to do the same. The onesies are teddy-bear fleece, red and white fair-isle style with a reindeers and Christmas trees and candy canes, and ridiculously cutesy. The fact they’re all wearing one makes Dean want to throw up until he actually sees them all together: this is his family, one that he was never supposed to have, and yet, here they are. His throat stings and he scrunches up his face to try and stop the tears before they’ve even formed, but he catches Cas watching him and knows that he’s been caught out. 
“Dean, come here,” Sam beckons. “Picture.”
“Dude, no way-“ But then Jack is pulling him over to the couch and he’s letting him. “I cannot believe-“
“Shut up and smile,” Eileen says, pushing his shoulder roughly. 
Someone has set up an instant camera, balancing it on books and DVDs until it’s the right height, and they all crowd into where they think the middle of the shot is. On the couch, Eileen sits at an angle against Sam so the camera can pick up her bump, his arm around her; Jack is on the floor by their feet grinning brightly; Dean drops next to him, between Cas’ legs; he rests a hand on Dean’s left shoulder and Dean puts his right hand on top of it. It’s the perfect picture of the frankenstein family and Jack insists on taking more; ones less serious, less perfect, but even better than the first.
Sam dates them all with a sharpie on the white boarder. One will go in the family photo album, the others to be tucked away into wallets and jacket pockets and personal picture frames. Cas snags the one where Dean is looking up at him instead of the camera, completely focussed on his boyfriend. He’s always liked Dean best in the moments that he is unaware of being watched, that’s when he’s the the most beautiful, the most Dean. 
He blushes hard at the picture, but allows Cas his indulgence. 
They get through a lot of food and about two and a half movies before people start to wind down for the night. Lying down for long periods of time is guaranteed to mean that the baby starts up a gymnastics routine, and Eileen lets Jack watch until going to the bathroom becomes imminently required. Her getting up makes everyone else realise that going to bed is a good idea, so they end up switching off the film halfway through and clearing up a little. At least taking the food back to the kitchen so it doesn’t go stale and inedible overnight, stinking up the Den for the foreseeable future (it happens far too often). 
Cas takes Jack to bed, even though he’s God and 1) doesn’t actually need to sleep and 2) probably doesn’t need his (kind of) father to tuck him in. However, his delight at discovering that theyve put sheets on his bed that match his pjs reminds Cas that Jack may be a cosmic being of unfathomable power, but he is still his son. 
“Thank you, Castiel. This is the best Christmas Eve ever, much better than last year because you’re here.”
“I’m glad you feel that way, Jack.”
“It’s difficult being human,” Jack says suddenly. “Even being partly human is tough, and I think you’re doing a great job.”
Cas cracks his knuckles, a new nervous habit that he’s picked up. “Thank you. It gets better everyday, easier; I miss my old self less.”
Jack pats his chest. “I’m taking good care of your Grace, don’t you worry.”
“I have no doubts about that,” Cas smiles, only slightly wistful. There have been many days that he’s wanted to ask Jack for it back, mostly days when Dean gets injured and he cannot do more than silly little human remedies. But it’s better this way. Living a human life with Dean, it’s right. It’s what they both deserve. He hugs Jack tightly before he leaves. “Goodnight, Jack. Merry Christmas.”
On the way back to his and Dean’s room, Cas meets Eileen, a spoon in her mouth. He raises his eyebrows and she puts a finger to her lips.
“Cranberry jam,” she admits. “At least my cravings are seasonally appropriate!”
“I’m not telling if you’re not.”
She winks. “Thanks for making Dean put the pjs on.”
“He loves it really.”
“Not as much as he loves you,” she says it so casually and Cas feels his face burn. “Still?”
“It takes some getting used to… after so long…”
She nods and pulls him into a hug, her bump pushing him away as much as her arms pull him in. The baby kicks against him, a clear foot making contact with his side, which is still surreal to feel to say the least. Before Eileen’s pregnancy, the only time he’d been allowed to touch a pregnant belly was when Kelly put his hand on Jack. It took some getting used to, processing the fact that there was a little person in there, growing and becoming, and in a matter of weeks, it would be out here with the rest of them. 
“Oh yeah,” she laughs. “Sleep is getting pretty impossible. But it’s good, strong is what we want.”
“Your child could be nothing less.”
It’s Eileen’s turn to blush. The impending motherhood nerves have been getting harder to handle lately; every time she gets a good kick to the ribs, she’s reminded that there is a real baby in there, and soon it will be in her arms and she’ll have to raise it and make sure that she doesn’t mess them up. She can do that, right? Even though she and Sam lost their parents to hunting, they can do better, right? They can find the balance. The idea of going out on a hunt while her baby sits at home waiting for her makes her heart ache, but she cant imagine never hunting again… Maybe she’ll fall in love with the Men of Letters like Sam and she’ll be happy with researching, perhaps be a consultant like Dean’s considering, but somehow, it doesn’t feel right yet. There’s still so much to prove: that you can be a badass Hunter as a woman, as a Deaf person, and soon, as a mother. But would she really risk losing her family just to prove a point? After everything Sam and Dean went through to make sure she got to live her life at all? There’s so much unknown, but as long as she has this family around her, she can face anything.
“We should get to bed. Merry Christmas,” she goes up on tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek and then disappears into her and Sam’s bedroom. 
The quiet of the Bunker is soothing, even though Cas isn’t often up late enough to be the only one - he can never say no to falling asleep in Dean’s arms - he enjoys the solitude. It’s different from being actually alone. He knows that behind the doors, his family slumber peacefully, able to relax and dream of good, hopeful things. The existential horror of constantly fighting for your life abated, at least on a cosmic level; if the idiots around him still want to throw knives at monsters, that’s their prerogative. And he doesn’t even have to pretend to be happy with it. 
He turns off the main lights as he makes his way through the rooms, checking each one out of habit more than an actual need. Soon, he’s bathed in a gentle, colourful glow of the fairy lights, the only illumination left on. He stops by the tree, staring up at the adorned branches, his heart full of a contentment that he used to associate so solely with faith. So strangely similar: the peace he feels knowing that he is loved and that he is able to love back, and the one he felt when he followed God’s commands. But this little family, being part of it, is like a new kind of worship. Now his heart laid down before the altar of love instead of obedience - the difference is he gets something back. Now he knows that when he puts out his hand to hold his God, it will hold him back. 
What would Dean make of him thinking like this? Equating their love to something so intrinsically holy? And on Christmas, of all days. He would mock him, but only out of embarrassment, the continued belief that he is inadequate to be compared to the divine, even though Cas has never met anyone more deserving of the epithet than Dean. 
In their bedroom, Dean is already tucked in bed, reading a battered copy of We that Cas found buried in one of those chaotic secondhand book stalls. He should’ve saved it for Christmas, but Dean’s already halfway through and it gives him a little thrill to know that he did good in picking it, because he knows Dean. 
“Get lost?” He jokes without looking up from his book. “C’mere.”
Cas climbs in and under Dean’s outstretched arm, which he promptly tucks around Cas, pulling him tight into his side. He’s taken off the onsie and is in just his underwear, which is probably for the best considering how they both run hot during the night and always end up kicking the covers off even when they sleep naked. Cas presses small kisses to Dean’s side and chest, not entirely meaning to distract him from his book, but also not being unhappy with that side effect.
‘Something on your mind?” Dean asks playfully. “Could give you an early present, if you like.”
“Mmmm?” He moves up to Dean’s collarbone and throat, sucking a little at the soft flesh, but not quite hard enough to leave a mark. “What kind of present?”
“One you only get if you’ve been good this year.”
“And if I’m on the naughty list?”
Dean looks surprised at Cas’ reply, usually he takes a bit of warming up when it comes to their role-plays. “We- We could go through all the bad things you’ve done… See if can’t figure something out.”
“I think that’s for the best.”
It’s silent in the Bunker. But not empty, not even close. It waited patiently. As it always does. For those who were meant to find it, did. They always do. And for the first time in many years, for the first of many years:
The Winchesters are home for Christmas. 
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floof-reppu · 4 years
Aight, so… this is my piece for the BNHA Writer's Fest, written for @ellectric-blue. I wanted to give you the best quality writing I could manage with my knowledge and time crunch, so I chose to write for Yaoyorozu. I've been a little bit preoccupied lately with a lot of family issues since it's that time of year, but nonetheless I was able to pump this out for you just in time. Happy Holidays to you!
Word Count: 2.4k
It was getting to be that time of year yet again; Christmas was just around the corner.
Many hours were always dedicated to shopping for friends and loved ones, this year being no exception. You had gotten to know your current friends over the course of the past few months, especially living at the dorms together with them for at least half that time. Going through such hardships together with your classmates solidified your bonds with one another and made this Christmas feel special to you.
The lot of you decided to host your own Secret Santa of sorts, which was fun and all, but you ended up drawing a name you… didn't exactly expect or desire to draw. Momo Yaoyorozu was more than just a fellow classmate or a friend; to you, she was your crush. To say that you were absolutely terrified was an understatement. She was rich beyond measure, something that you couldn't compare to in the slightest.
Yaoyorozu wasn't much of a materialistic girl thankfully, but it was hard to point out her exact interests and put them to heart. As far as she was concerned, she bought things out of habit and would rather better the economy than use her quirk and imbalance it. Maybe she would like something that you made yourself?
Instead of dawdling on the thought, you instead decided it might be nice to learn how to crochet. Homemade gifts were the best, because it shows how much you care, the time dedicated and the overall process being most meticulous. A scarf would look lovely wrapped around Momo's neck (and possibly around your own as well), a winter coat look sounding appeasing to you, and crocheting one couldn't be all that hard… right?
Your time limit made everything all that more stressful, as well as trying to hide the supplies from your fellow classmates, especially Ashido. If she found out, she would have an absolute fit and press for more information, which you couldn't have at all. That's why you did shopping by yourself, picking out the softest yarn at your disposal. The colors you'd chosen were a compliment to her hero costume: crimson and silver. They both look good on her regardless, but you thought it would be nice for a potential outfit.
Smuggling the materials into the dorms without getting caught wasn't as hard as you thought it would be, given that everyone was preoccupied with one thing or another. However… you did catch a glimpse of Yaoyorozu, and— well, she's walking over here now. Shit.
"Oh, Y/N? Everyone was wondering where you had gone!" The smile she had on her face sent butterflies through your stomach. She glanced down at the bag in your hand which you tried your best to hide from plain sight, but was too wide. "You went to the store? What did you buy?"
"Oh, ah… just a few things, nothing special…" You had to get away from her, and quick. Her eyes continually glanced at the bag, which you kept moving around to block from her sight. "Anyways, what are you up to? Not doing any shopping?"
"There's no need! I purchased my present the day I drew a name!" Momo had her hands folded in front of her body oh so characteristically of her as she spoke proudly. Of course she would have purchased something already. "It was quite easy for me to choose for the recipient of my Secret Santa gift."
"Oh… well, I'm still thinking of what to get mine."
"I'm sure whatever it is will be amazing, Y/N. You're such a thoughtful person, and I know whoever receives your present will absolutely cherish and adore it."
There she goes again, saying something so beautiful that it makes your heart melt. She always seemed to know just what to say to put you to ease, but it made you feel even more pressured to make your gift as perfect as possible so she isn't disappointed. Momo seemed to notice the awkward silence you gave her, blushing a bit out of embarrassment.
"I hope I haven't said anything wrong, Y/N."
"Oh, no! Not at all! I'm just thinking about what you said… thank you, Yaoyorozu. I'm going to start working on my gift now."
And with that, you gave her a small wave before going to your dorm room and practically throwing the yarn to the side. She almost caught you red-handed, but thankfully you were able to change the subject quick enough before she had the nerve to peek in your bag.
Opening the lid to your laptop, you searched up a tutorial on how to crochet a scarf, and thank goodness there was one that popped up immediately that seemed to be reliable enough to follow. You almost forgot that you bought the needles as well (because how would you have been able to crochet without the needles). Grabbing all the materials from the bag, you started to work on your hopefully wonderful masterpiece for Momo.
Weeks had passed since that fateful day, and with every new talent came bumps in the road. You had failed at least five times trying to make the scarf the way you wanted it to turn out, even while following the tutorial. Yarn was wasted and you even had to make a second trip to the store to purchase even more of it.
But your hard work finally paid off, and in front of you sat your finished creation. Each thread was carefully crocheted together perfectly, and you couldn't wait to present it to your crush. Putting it in a box and wrapping it up, you didn't put your name on it, instead writing Your Secret Santa on the tag. You didn't forget to put Momo's name on it, though.
Going down to the first floor, the tree looked marvelous and grand in the middle of the lobby. Presents were already adorning the underside of the tree, while bulbs and lights alike decorated the branches. A star was placed on the top, shining brightly and looking over you and everyone else. You remember putting it up with your friends vividly, as if it just happened yesterday. Iida and Yaoyorozu did most of the clean up when it came to the decorations, all of them being strung in the same places on the tree. Moving them so it looked nice was a must.
And there she was, Momo Yaoyorozu, dressed in some of the most Christmas-like articles of clothing she owned and sitting alone. Placing your present under the tree, you swiftly took a seat beside her, a blush evident on your cheeks.
"Merry Christmas, Yaoyorozu." She turned to face you as you spoke, a bit surprised since she wasn't really paying attention to the seat beside her before now. She returned your greeting earnestly, eyes closed and a wide grin taking up her face.
"Thank you, Y/N, and a Merry Christmas to you too. Are you excited for the Secret Santa present exchange?"
"Yes, I am. I can't wait for a certain someone to open my gift and hopefully smile just like a kid when they see what it is."
"I see. I'm quite confident that my gift with have that same effect, but I'm not sure… maybe I overdone it?" Momo opened her eyes, and for a second you saw a hint of doubt in her expression. "Gifts aren't always things you should buy, that much is for certain. Sometimes I wish Mother and Father would stop purchasing them and be a tad more creative."
"Do you get the same things every year?"
"Unfortunately so. Clothes are always high on the list as well as the newest technologies, but once in a great while I might receive something completely different."
"Really? Like—"
"Everyone, we are now going to start passing out the Secret Santa presents! Please refrain from opening yours until they are all handed out!" Iida was ever the wise one and cut you off, but for a good reason at that. Both Yaoyorozu and yourself directed your attention to the blue-haired president and his wild hand gestures as he spoke. The raven-haired girl beside you took that as her cue to stand up, dusting off her skirt.
"I apologize, Y/N. It's my duty as the vice president to help Iida with handing out the presents. You wouldn't mind saving my seat though, would you?"
"Of course not, take your time."
In a little less than ten minutes, everyone had their present on their lap. Ashido looked to be the most excited to open hers, while Bakugo glared at his. Your present seemed to be big, but not heavy, so you took it as something that was either a gag or a very expensive item (because everyone knows the smaller the gift the more it costs these days). Yaoyorozu sat down beside you yet again when she was finished, the box you had so precariously wrapped earlier placed on her legs.
"I'm quite curious to see what I've received. It's not on the heavy side, but…" She looked over at your present, the curious side of her lighting up yet again. "Perhaps you have a clue as to what your gift is, Y/N?"
"Not a clue. It looks like it would be something big, but it's so light that it doesn't feel like much." You wanted to shake the box, but you didn't want to break whatever was inside if it was fragile. Trying to keep the attention off of you, your head glanced down at the box in Momo's grasp. "Why don't you open yours first? We can see what each other has gotten that way."
"That is a very smart idea, Y/N. Very well, I'll open mine first."
Her hands went and tugged at the bow you added at the very last minute, pulling it free and making it easier for her to tear off the wrapping paper. She read the tag, a bit confused as to why there wasn't another person's name written. Nevertheless, she tore off the rest of the paper and lifted the lid to the box. Tissue paper covered your creation as well as a card you decided to put in so she knew who it was actually from. Pulling it out, she unfolded the envelope and stared wide-eyed at the card.
Momo Yaoyorozu,
I thought of you when I made this scarf for you with my own hands. Your family spoils you with material possessions, and nothing that comes from the heart. They want to make you happy with whatever you desire, but that's not what Christmas should always be about. It's about giving others heartfelt, thoughtful gifts. I hope you cherish this scarf as much as I cherish the time I spent making this for you. I wouldn't have it any other way.
With much love,
You saw tears forming at the corners of her eyes as she read the card. She threw the tissue paper aside and took out your real gift, the one you handmade yourself. The silver accented the crimson perfectly, and she clenched the material in her hands. The tears started to flow like a fountain; that's when you knew that you did the right thing.
"Y/N, I… just can't believe that you spent so much time making this for me. You didn't have to do this—"
"I didn't do this because I had to, I did this because I wanted to. I… meant every word that I wrote on that card, Momo. I love you so much, and I would do anything for you. I wanted to make you smile, because God how I love it when you smile. I messed up a lot of times while I was making that, and even while training and studying I managed to get it done for you in just the nick of time," You paused, catching your breath and chuckling slightly, "but anyways, I hope you like—"
"Like it? Y/N, I absolutely love it. This is the most thoughtful present I've ever received. Thank you from the bottom of my heart," Momo wiped the tears away from her eyes and wrapped the scarf around her neck, her gaze fixed on yours, "so… would you care to open yours now?"
You nodded, prodding carefully at the paper covering your present. Whoever wrapped it used a lot of tape, which wasn't the best idea in a situation like this, so it caused you to take a bit of extra time tearing it off. Finally, it was revealed to you.
The one who had your name was none other than Yaoyorozu herself.
Neither of you expected for it to end up this way, but it was quite the pleasant surprise. You looked at the culprit out of the corner of your eye and opened the box at the same time, revealing a card for you as well.
I know how much you adore the Christmas holiday, as well as books. I myself, as you may already know, enjoy both just as much as you. My gift to you comes from the heart, as I have purchased a book full of Christmas fables for us to enjoy. I would love for us to sit under a blanket together and read it.
This is the most discreet way I could confess my romantic feelings. I would very much love to spend more time with you, as well as… get to know you more than I already do.
Please accept my invitation as well as my feelings.
Momo Yaoyorozu
This was… no way was this happening.
"Y/N…?" Momo sounded worried, her pitch lowering drastically as she met your gaze once again.
"Yes. Yes, Momo, of course I accept your feelings." Now you were the one that was tearing up, grasping the book in your hands and letting the box drop on the ground. "I want this to be the first thing we do together. Tonight."
"I would love to, Y/N."
You spent the rest of the night in the comfort of your own room, Momo and yourself wrapped in a blanket with no worries whatsoever as you took turns reading aloud the many tales. When you were at the last few pages, a blank space was occupying them.
This was where you were going to write your own Christmas Story, with you and Momo as the main characters.
You would never, ever forget this day.
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“All stories about how we got here are Lies, honestly.” - From The Discourse of the Tambay Swordsman and the Alcoholic Witch.
Ang Nilapastangan knows that they had no other choice but to get out of town. 
Later that night, Ang Nilapastangan tells Makabintang to find refuge in his home for a bit while she goes and secures a way out. She wears her panuelo and travels to the far west side of the barangay, near where there is a karinderya. A karinderya is where all the travelers stop to eat and maybe drink something. It usually offers cheap food and drink and some kind of camaraderie in this friendless world, so it’s become a popular spot for many people to simply lounge about in or talk with each other while others dine in and try to get some semblance of breakfast in before going to whatever work or duty they had to attend to.
Beside the karinderya--which is signified by a large sign in front saying Aling Nenang’s Karinderya--there is a small wooden hut on stilts, in front of which one can find horses tied to a wooden row. 
Past the wooden hut, and into the Wilds, is a trading path that is flanked by forest. Ang Nilapastangan knows that that path splits into two: the east path goes to Barangay San Justo, while the west path goes up to Mount Huseng Suku. Everywhere you see, you can only really find forest, with it being denser near the bases of the mountains. The plains region of the island can only really be found if you travel further north or east.
Ang Nilapastangan walks up to the stairs that lead up to the front porch of the house and knocks on it. “Tao po.”
A few seconds later, a young boy walks out, wearing a white shirt and red trousers. “Ah, are you... Ang Nilapastangan?”
Ang Nilapastangan blinks, and then angles her face in a way that lets her hide her face away from the child. “Boy, where is The Handler of Horses?”
The kid blinks, and then says: “Ah, you mean lolo? He’s… he’s out for a while. He’s… not going back anytime soon. He says that he’s gone for Biringan, and took the kalabaw with him. Oh, right! Wait there.” 
Ang Nilapastangan blinks, looking up at the kid. “You’re his apo? His grandchild?” The child doesn’t hear her, however, as he’s already running into the house and then coming out with a folded piece of paper.
“He asked me to give this to you if you were ever to go looking for him.”
Ang Nilapastangan sighs and nods. “Thank you. Ah, before I read this, I was hoping to conduct some business. Your lolo owed me a ride. I was hoping I can claim that promise now.”
The boy thinks, contorting his mouth into a thinking grin. “Well, I can’t exactly leave this place since lolo entrusted it to me. Uh, can you drive a kalesa?”
Ang Nilapastangan smirks. “You know what? I know someone who can. Go ahead and prepare it for me and I’ll be back here tomorrow morning.”
“You got it, Ate Ang Nilapastangan!”
Ang Nilapastangan smiles. “Nila’s just fine.”
Ang Nilapastangan begins her travel back to the colony of mounds where Makabintang’s house can be found. She makes a quick stop by the street where her own house was, now destroyed thanks to her antics. When she gets there she sees that the people that live in the neighborhood have begun looking around, spreading rumors, whispering, muttering amongst them as the Guwardya Sibil investigate the front of the house and the house that she had knocked that one other angel into.
Ang Nilapastangan curses herself for not having the foresight to have gotten the things she had before bringing Angela to the safety of Makabintang’s home. After a few moments of rumination, she decides to go up and retrieve her things anyway, as her own little form of rebellion. It’s not like they’ll be able to find her anyway. She smirks.
She moves through the crowd and then picks her way into an alleyway that leads to the back of the stackhouse. It’s another street, one where the people are sparse and the wagons and kalesas are busy. She scales up the side of the stacktower pretty easily, using the various jutting pieces and railings and balustrades as ways to pull herself up to the hole that she herself had made.
Ang Nilapastangan eventually reaches her hole and pulled herself into her room, moving slowly to avoid the Guwardya Sibil that are standing guard, presumably waiting for their detective to get to the scene. She opens her rattan weave backpack and stuffs a bunch of clothes, some few bits of food and seasoning, a packet of yosi (the term for the small cigarettes), and then, of course, the larawan that she had sitting on her own little spirit altar. It’s something that she can’t really live without.
“Pagpalain mo ang iyong alipin, Bathala Inaginid, [Bless your follower, Bathala Inaginid]” she whispers into the larawan. She then kisses it once and then shoves it into her bag. With that done, she sneaks over to the edge of the hole, readying to jump down, but then a Guwardya Sibil appears on the ground, with a six-headed dog.
One head of the six-headed dog is normal, but one is a bulbous mass of eyes, another is a bulbous mass of noses, another is a writhing coagulation of tongues, the fourth is a simple nondescript dog face, and the last is a flopping, dog-headed lump of dog-ears.
Nila immediately flattens herself against the wall of her room and positions herself in such a way that she wouldn’t be seen from below. She slows her breathing, and it’s easy. Easier now. An old technique she learned from an old teacher. Her beating heart slows as she descends into that state of calm. 
“Hiyang,” she says. Oneness, she thinks. Melting into perfect harmony with the surroundings. She becomes completely nondescript, completely one with the floor, with the air, with the sound for kalesa and wagon wheels bouncing upon the dirt road.
And then, as she sinks into her kapwa-paligid, that metaphysical sense of belonging with the environment, her fear is replaced by the serenity and perpetuity of nature. She becomes that red leaf falling slowly towards the floor, unnoticed by many and silent to all.
The silence feels like forever, but to Ang Nilapastangan it is simply a single second. Even time, the passing of moments, is but a cog in the whole of Kalikasan: nature. She is so still that when the door opens and a Guwardya Sibil pokes his head out to look at the hole, she is not seen. 
When he leaves, she looks down, breaking the silent stillness, and sees that the hunting dog is gone. Having let the danger pass by, she leaps down, inhaling and then exhaling, letting her Gahum buffet her fall. And then she is off, running through the daylight streets to Makabintang’s mound.
“So like I said, I leapt up and clobbered that unclefucking kapre right?” Makabintang performs a facsimile of said action, leaping up on top of the wooden chair--which he himself is only half the height of--and slamming it repeatedly with a kitchen knife. Angela can’t help but cringe away from the action.
“Makabintang, you might notch the chair!”
“Eh, it’s my chair.  I can do whatever I want to do with it.”
Angela looks about her as Makabintang continues his story about how he managed to fell a ten-foot tall kapre because the kapre was creeping on his sister. Makabintang has brought her to the only safe place he knows: his house. The house itself is mostly earthy brown walls, somehow solidified like hardened clay. No pillars, no windows, since the house is under the earth. There are no doors either, only a single opening in the ceiling that can be reached by either jumping really high or climbing a short abaca rope. There is a simple rattan bed laid flat against the clay earthy floor on one side: a bahag, a table with four chairs around it besides that, and then a small stone stove against another corner. Well, Angela decides to call it a corner since it’s on the farthest side of the house, but the house itself is more or less a circular hovel, having no other corner.
The village itself, Angela notices--which they call barangay similar to back at home where they also called their villages barangay--has a sort of tiered structure. The chapel, or church, the one she saw before, is apparently the crux of the barangay--the nail pinning it all down. Radiating from the church comes the place where the rich people--or maginoo--apparently stay, a circle of bahay-na-bato houses mixed with small mini palaces of bamboo and palm. And then, the emanation after that is the circle of traders, where all trade occurs. Past that is the Circle of Creators, where all creative endeavors, such as forging or writing and sculpting and arting take place. After that is the residential area, where the rest of the people live within huts and stackhouses.
Past that is the border, where the farmland can be found and the village meets with the forest. That’s not exactly where they are right now. Nearer to the edge of the village, right before the farmlands and the mounds nestled against the trees of the forest that seem to border Laurel, there is a colony of mounds that surround a single house and tree, wherein one elderly looking woman with strange antler horns and glowing green skin lives, perpetually staring out where the sun sets. There, in one of the mounds of the colony, is where they are right now. 
When Angela asked why they went here and why there are so many mounds here, Makabintang simply answered: “This is the place for the duwende they don’t like anymore.”
She didn’t want to think more about that, especially since she has a lot more stuff going on right now that needs a bit more attention.
“Okay so let me get this straight,” begins Angela as Makabintang is beating on his chair. “I’m in a place called Sansinukob because I was abducted by a human-trafficking group of angels. AND Sansinukob is the center of all possible universes?”
“Correct.” Makabintang drops down and then moves over to a stone box that has a few blue and white sprites dancing around it. When he gets nearer, the sprites turn into humanoid creatures with bodies of pure ice. They are mouthless, but have innocent blue eyes that seem too large for their skulls. Makabintang pushes the lid off of the stone box and then retrieves a… bar of chocolate, which has been wrapped in some strange aluminum foil. “You want some? I can only give you one, the rest of the stash is mine.”
Angela blinks. “You have chocolate bars here?” She says as she opens her hand, asking for some. Makabintang throws her the bar and Angela manages to catch it. She looks at the packaging: against a fake gold wrapper one can see a purple elephant, and then the words “Karikoko” written in their strange alphasyllabaric script. 
“Is it good?” asks Angela, still staring at the bar.
“Made from cocoa nuts from the highest trees in Mt. Santa Ana.”
“Mt. Santa Ana?”
“It’s this super tall mountain in the Liberyo Island to the west of here. One of the tallest, actually. It’s guarded by diwata, and in truth that diwata is the mountain, and their name is Antalan. That was the mountain’s old name too.”
“But what happened?” 
“Well the Ysparanzan Empire came--the first of the Trinity Empires--and renamed it. Now Antalan is said to be a demon, but that’s not true.” Makabintang unwraps his own bar and commences the consumption.
Angela stares at the bar of chocolate. Still frozen, it’ll take a long time before it gets soft. Angela eyes the strange beings of pure ice once again, who are now dancing to inaudible harmonies around the stone box. She turns her gaze back to the chocolate bar. “So the cocoa nut is harvested there and then just turned into a chocolate bar by the people here to eat?”
Makabintang shakes his head. “Close. They turn it into chocolate bars here and then those chocolate bars are shipped to the Gunmetal Kingdom where it’s sold by the Kari Trading Goods Kalipunan. It's much more expensive when sold here too, so I make sure to try to get some when the smugglers walk in.”
Angela blinks. “Wait, so, the people here make the chocolate bars, and then they’re transported into…” Angela coughs, “the Gunmetal Kingdom, where it’s packaged and branded and then sold? To whom does the money go to?”
“The Kalipunan, of course,” says Makabintang. “And not even the ones that wrapped the bars into the wrappers. It goes to the Kalipunan heads. It’s just the way of the world.”
“What a shitty world,” says Angela, blinking. A thought, a memory, attempts to grow itself on the back of her mind, but she doesn’t remember anything. She tries to forget it. “Anyway, Kalipunan?”
Makabintang pouts as he thinks. “Think of them as like… hmmm… what’s the word for them. They’re kinda like a conglomerate of guilds that have a hand in every industry. There’s a lot of them, and some people say that the heads of each Kalipunan are either related or are the kings of the Trinity Empires.”
“God this all makes no sense.”
“Lady, you’ve been transported here by a human-trafficking ring of angels. That didn’t tick you off?” Makabintang chuckles. He’s enjoying the chocolate bar way too much.
Angela sighs and buries her head into her hands. She’s getting antsy. Thankfully the earth is cool, and somehow there’s a breeze that runs through the entire house. That mostly just forces Angela to think where the air might be coming from. Maybe some weird-ass spirit is blowing into the house or something, Angela thinks.
Before long, the door on the top of the house is opened, and then in jumps Ang Nilapastangan. She removes her panuelo and stretches. 
“The Guwardya Sibil are on the move,” she says, dusting herself off. She turns to Makabintang. “Hit me.”
“What? Putanginamo, I’ve spent money on this stack.”
Ang Nilapastangan stares at Makabintang. 
Makabintang gulps and throws her a wrapped chocolate bar. She unwraps it and takes a bite. “Disgusting. The taste of capitalist greed.”
“U-Um, Nila? What do we do now?”
Nila walks over to one of the chairs and sits. “Lie low. At least, until the Guwardya Sibil decided to ease up on the looking. They were everywhere when I went back to retrieve my stuff. It looks like they’re investigating the aftermath of the place. Definitely not somewhere we want to be.”
“No shit,” says Makabintang, as he walks up to Ang Nilapastangan waving his chocolate bar at her face. “But you didn’t leave any evidence behind, did you? Nothing to lead you back here?”
“Who do you think I am, Makabintang?”
Makabintang doesn’t answer. He goes back and eats his chocolate.
Nila turns to Angela. She’s smiling now, and her skin isn’t glowing that hot red anymore, as if her body is a piece of steel being heated. She begins chewing on the chocolate bar with both of her feet up on the wooden table. “So, Angela. Angela, right?”
Angela nods. “Angela… Angela de Jesus. That’s my name.”
“Unfortunate,” says Ang Nilapastangan. 
“Is Ang Nilapastangan your actual name?”
“Yeah,” she replies. “Well, more or less. It’s the one I’ve used. What are names but things we call ourselves? I am Ang Nilapastangan because I have been blasphemed. That’s all. No one calls me by my old name anymore. I’ve forgotten my old name now as well.”
“And you’re not a native of this… place…?” asks Angela again. She’s licking her lips and sitting with her fingers interlocked, her feet together, and her back is straight and flat against the back of her chair. 
Ang Nilapastangan shakes her head. “I come from a different universe. One where stars produce coldness and the void is pure heat, and life sprouts in the spheres that inhabit the zones in between the stars, producing apt conditions for beings like us to arise. Although for the most part, I didn’t look like this. I looked more or less human. It’s weird: humans, or tao as they’re called in Sansinukob, appear almost everywhere, albeit with little changes here and there.”
“Is yours having extremely pale skin and having red and black eyes?”
Ang Nilapastangan shrugs. She’s taken off her panuelo and doesn’t really care about her dressing, so the baro she’s wearing slips off, showing a bit of her shoulder. “No. I used to be perfectly pale, with the blackest of irises and hair blacker than night. I didn’t look like this, and I didn’t have the eyes. That all came later.”
“You know,” Ang Nilapastangan shrugs. “When I was blasphemed.”
A silence falls over them for a bit as the knowledge churns in Angela’s stomach. Makabintang is busy eating his chocolate. As that air of uncertainty swirls around them like a gathering storm, Ang Nilapastangan pulls out the larawan from her bag and puts it on the table in front of them.
“Larawan,” says Angela.
Ang Nilapastangan blinks and then nods. “Yeah, that’s right. I’m surprised you know that little bit of knowledge. Do you know where they come from? What they mean?”
Angela shakes her head. “I’m… still not over the human-trafficking angels part. You know that and the whole… where the fuck am I and how did things end up this way.”
Ang Nilapastangan snorts. “Well,  buckle up, girl. Why don’t I tell a little story to tide us over until the morning?”
Next Chapter
Return to the Table of Contents.
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Collin’s Coronavirus Thoughts
Corona Diaries
 I know what you are thinking. It is Day 4 of the Quarantine and Social Distancing and Collin has gone so crazy without all the busy-ness of life that he is writing a blog post. And you would be absolutely correct. Like every other millennial twenty-something, I have a lot of really great ideas that haven’t quite come to fruition. By now I thought I would be operating a volleyball facility, or traveling the US in a VW van driving for Uber, or pursuing a PhD program in England while playing volleyball, or coaching a small college team in Southern California.
All this to say I’m a big-time dreamer and a mostly incredibly poor “executer”. I often mistake my busy-ness for full-ness. I have seven unread books on my night stand, I haven’t been grocery shopping in weeks, I never got around to painting the trim in the bathroom my dad and I remodeled, my phone hasn’t been at full charge since November, and there has been an overflow of recycling sitting outside my house from the garbage disposal and mattress I got for Christmas… and now it’s March. Welcome to it, friends.
 Let’s start here: I stopped by my parents’ house this week to print something – which I often do because I have a lot of printing needs but haven’t ever purchased a printer. It’s nice because I can print some papers I need AND I can always count on cool ranch Doritos and a Mango Orange Crystal Lite…. that I’ll likely take one sip of, leave on the counter, and finish when I’m there 4 days later.
 Anyway, here I am printing in my dad’s office and running late for a meeting  (all because I napped for too long). I rush out the door of the house, accidentally leaving one document on the printer, pens and paper everywhere, and a cupboard desk drawer open. A few minutes later, my dad sends me a picture of his office, which was without a doubt entirely put together five minutes prior to me being there. The tone of his text is sarcastic but loving but semi-annoyed which I can handle. I spend six seconds feeling bad about my reckless and disorganized self until Hillsong’s Highlands comes on the radio and I turn it up. I don’t spend time reflecting on things that would make me sad, I’m a 7.
 In the midst of my frantic printing and meeting prep, my dad told me he was going to call me “F-5”as my new nickname. By the look on my face, he could tell I was confused as to why. He begins to tell me that tornados are classified in F-0 through F-5 categories, with an F-5 tornado being the wildest in nature. My quick google search defines an F-5 tornado as the most “violent damage, homes lifted off foundation and carried considerable distances, autos thrown as far as 100 meters.” I think what my dad was trying to say is that my general way of life is to rampage my way through different spaces, groups, situations… often times in an assertive, proactive, somewhat wild, chaotic way and then just… leave (I think this how I drive too). Stop go stop go stop go. I go from this thing right on to the next without pause. I show up, jump out of my car, race to wherever I’m supposed to go, be (mostly) present there until BOOM, it’s a Monday evening and I’m in the Eagle gym, shutting off all the lights, gathering volleyballs, turning on the alarm, leaving for Young Life – all in an attempt to get there three minutes before it starts so I can prep items for the game I’m leading ALLLLL before being interrupted in the parking lot by a mom of a U11 kid who is reminding me (probably for the 3rd time) about the t-shirt they ordered and are waiting on. Following? Me neither.
 In short – my life actually is like an F-5 tornado. I run run run from one thing to the next, filling my world to the brim with as much as I possibly can all until I arrive back at my house at 10:30 pm, gas light on, eat whatever I can find in the fridge before my head hits the pillow 4 minutes later, only to set my alarm and do it again.
 I’ve been living my life like this for a really long time until…. well until Sunday when we got the news that school is cancelled, which means volleyball activities are all cancelled too, and Young Life gatherings paused and suddenly my wild Monday is WIDE OPEN.
 This blog post / journal / diary is my attempt to articulate from my squirrel brain some things I’ve learned about myself in the last 48 hours since this craziness called coronavirus officially stopped my (and probably your) collective world right in their F-5 tornado tracks.
 First, let me tell you about my day today paint a picture of how my world feels just a bit (LITERALLY ENTIRELY) different…..
 1)    I didn’t set an alarm and I woke up at 8:30 am.
2)    Shortly after, I went on a quick walk to the nearest coffee shop and ordered a Misto: I am on my journey to black coffee and I just graduated from a latte to this half coffee half milk concoction (with caramel) and I feel accomplished.
3)    I stopped by my neighbor friend’s house to say hello.
4)    I got home, cleaned a couple things around the house, washed a couple plates in my sink, and went on a bike ride to downtown Boise where I enjoyed a takeout lunch from Whole Foods. I would like to tell you that I rode my bike home, but a friend happened to see me and my girlfriend (she is working remotely from Utah and visiting right now) saw us and somehow realized the journey completely uphill from downtown to my house on the bench might not be all that fun so we piled our bikes in her car and she took us home.
5)    I took a 20 minute snoozer.
6)    I got up and did some yard work outside, gathering pine needles from underneath my big backyard tree and finally broke down those big boxes that have been sitting outside my house for months and was able to fit them all inside my recycling can.
7)    It started to drizzle so I came inside, crawled under a big blanket and read the first couple chapters of Prodigal God by Timothy Keller.
8)    Kinslie and I then stopped by the store to pick up some things for dinner and I grilled some steaks and shared a giant salad and some grilled asparagus.
9)    After a few girl scout cookies (they stopped by yesterday), we watched the last half of Ellen’s Game of Games and picked a movie on Netflix.
10) Now I’m lying in my (perfectly made) bed (because I had the time to make it) writing all my thoughts down in a word document wondering if I’ll actually post this or if there is really anything of worth that I’m typing. I think there is but not sure yet.
 Well, friends of the interwebs, you might be wondering why you just read a detailed list of my day from start to finish. Here’s what I want you to know.
 1)    Upon arriving at the coffee shop, I had a cheerful silly conversation with the barista about what drink I should order as we laughed about me wanting to eventually enjoy drip coffee. We engaged in authentic dialogue for a few minutes and on the way out I thanked her for the drink recommendation.
2)    Before leaving for our bike ride, my tires were flat so we walked them to the gas station and filled up with six quarters before we went on our merry way. I empathized with the Chevron employee as we talked about coronavirus and how it might impact our lives. I wished him well and went on my way.
3)    While bikeriding downtown I noticed there are five…. FIVE… different types of massage or spa places between my house and Curtis, which is the next main stop light.
4)    At Whole Foods, I asked the clerk their favorite pasta salad as she walked over and told me all about the 2 for $6 deal. I noticed the different textures of the floor and the neatly stacked chairs and how the vegetables were perfectly arranged in their place.
5)    While doing yardwork, I stopped and looked at Kinslie as she was raking leaves into a pile. I went over and looked, I mean REALLY LOOKED into her eyes and noticed how the Irish green edges melt into a light sky-ish blue before meeting her pupil. I noticed the way she parted her wavy blonde hair and the way it fell just barely over the sweatshirt she was borrowing of mine.  I noticed how thankful I was I had someone to share this day with and even more thankful for her idea to do this yardwork that surely wouldn’t have been started for maybe forever.
6)    While reading, I noticed the way the soft sunshine pressed through my semi-open blinds onto my page and made the black ink pop off the page. I contemplated Keller’s words of Pharisees and tax collectors and a story of two sons on their journey of deeper understanding of God’s steadfast love and grace in the midst of their own struggles.
7)    While making dinner I couldn’t help but take just a little extra time to delicately cut each cucumber and carrot slice with care as I heard sounds of clattering branches from my cracked window as dusk began to settle in.
8)    And while writing this blog post, I can’t help but notice all the things I noticed in my own world for perhaps the first time.
 While I can’t be sure what life will look like in a few short days, weeks, or even months, and while I’m not positive what my income will be, and what daily routines or rituals will be impacted, or how our schools and communities will be changed – I can be sure of this: I hope in the midst of my crazy F-5 tornado life that surely will be back in busy routine before I know it – I hope for a couple things.
 I hope I can continue notice the little things. To notice the wildly interconnected, perfectly-timed, awe strikingly beautiful, crazy detailed, little details of this world like the way I noticed the lines on the fresh steaks as I pulled them off my garage sale grill.  
 I hope to breathe deep and see, I mean REALLY see the world around me, to engage in relationship in more authentic and honest ways, to stop for a moment wherever I am to truly connect with the people around me.
  I hope to take my time through a home cooked meal, and to not be so filled with anxiousness and fear of the future and unknown that I my eyes are blinded to see the way God is working in and through my (and our) world, possibly even through something like the freaking COVID-19.
 While I’m sure there will be more lessons to be learned in the next little while, I challenge you to take a couple moments to really press in and reflect upon the way this Zombie apocalyptic ish tirade is impacting your world. I truly hope in the midst of empty toilet paper shelves and hand sanitizer hoarders there is something beautiful in your world that you’ve noticed, too.
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standingovertheedge · 4 years
The Day I Unblocked My Memory
A few days ago I was reading a Facebook post about a girl who had an emotionally abusive boyfriend during the early years of high school. 
She described the stages she went through: The beginning - thinking it was a phase that would end eventually. The middle - struggling with her own self-worth. The end - her boyfriend threatening to kill her or himself.
I couldn’t help but wonder why her story seemed so familiar. I kept thinking to myself - you’ve never been abused, why is this bothering you?
That’s when I unblocked my memories from high school.
When you’re an awkward 15 year old and you suddenly start receiving attention from a 17 year old, you sort of throw all your morals and self-worth aside. At least that’s how it was for me.
I had just started my sophomore year of high school when a senior boy randomly started taking notice of me. I wish I could go back and tell myself “just because he’s older, doesn’t mean he’s any more mature.”
He would find me when I had after school practice, or over lunch in the halls. He would make me laugh and feel so comfortable that the world around me would start to melt away. And it would just be him, and me.
The abuse started slow. It came with sudden words of jealously or anger, or even “jokingly” calling me names like bitch, slut or whore. One day he even jokingly said to me “I’m going to rape you.” 
I didn’t think anything of it at first. I was so blindsided to have found someone that made me feel comfortable, that I didn’t really care about the other things.
He started pressuring me to have sex. I didn’t want to. I know I didn’t want to. But I really wanted to do anything to make him happy, or just want to be with me. 
I’ll never forget the day I lost my virginity. In a car. With him.
I remember starting to make out with him, and suddenly having my pants ripped off. I kept saying “I don’t want to do this here.” But my words were hitting deaf ears.
I remember immense pain. I remember him telling me that it would “feel good in a minute.” But it never did. It made me cry.
After my tears were dried and our pants were up, he drove me home. 
The next day at school he ignored me; acted like I didn’t exist. 
He had gotten what he wanted, and now he threw me in the trash just like his fucking used condom.
Our conversations stopped that day. But our story didn’t.
Fast forward to two years later - Senior Year. 
I had just broken up with a guy I had been dating for a few months. He was perfect in so many ways, but the spark faded fast. I knew I couldn’t date someone I didn’t have a connection to.
I was waiting outside school one day for a ride from my mom. I looked over and saw the boy who was now a “man,” that had finally disappeared from my memory. He gave me a wink. And later that night I got a text.
“how are u”
I had a brief moment of pause where I debated responding. The flashback to sophomore year and all turmoil he caused me made me hesitate.
This is the moment that I really wish I could have taken back. I had made all these positive moves in my life, and in one moment I took a giant step back.  I caved.
And with that message he was back in my life.
It was like nothing had changed, even though it had been 2 years. All those feelings of passion and comfort came rushing back, like a soft weighted blanket. 
I kept my “relationship” with him a secret. I knew no-one would approve, and that should have been my first clue. I had this whole other secret life. My family had no idea the type of emotional trauma I was going through because I never told them. My friends never knew because I never told them. I became his, and he became mine. There were no other people in our bubble.
This closed-off relationship started to wear down on me. I was no longer happy with him, or without him.
I didn’t want to be secretive anymore. I knew this wasn’t the relationship I wanted, but I was too scared to say anything. I didn’t know what he was capable of. 
One night I decided I was going to end it, and never look back. 
He called me, drunk and swearing. I told him “we’re over, I can’t do this anymore.” His response? “Are you fucking kidding me? You can’t do this to me. I swear, I’ll drive and fucking kill myself right now.”
And that’s when I hung up.
He didn’t stop calling that night, but I couldn’t answer. I never answered.
I wish I could say this was my last experience ever hearing from him.
Fast forward to the first few months of my freshman year of college.
I was having fun partying and letting loose with my friends. Escaping the responsibilities of living at home with parents. 
I came back from a party late at night and received an urgent message the next day to see our building director. I went to her office, and as soon as I sat down in a chair she asked me “are you being stalked?” and “are you safe?”
I was shocked, and confused. I didn’t know what she was talking about. She told me that last night an intoxicated man was able to get into our building and find my floor. He ran around banging on all the doors and screaming for me to come out, and saying I had “broke his heart.”
I didn’t even know what to say to her. I was so thankful I was away from campus that night. I didn’t have to face him. And I know if I would have faced him, I would have caved again.
I made a vow to myself to never let that POS back into my life again. And now I’m happily dating a wonderful man who treats me like a princess, and I’m excited to build my future with him.
It’s weird how random things like a Facebook post can unlock trauma that you have buried for years. 
Anyways, thanks for listening.
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floatingpetals · 5 years
Lovely Heartache || Ch. 2
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Orignal Female Character (Jasmine Conroy)
Warnings: All the angst, cheating, tiny bit of NSFW
Word Count: 1800+
Summary: Bucky was Jasmine’s best friend growing up. From grade school all the way to middle school they were inseparable. But then high school came and ruined everything. Bucky grew from the awkward gangly preteen to a handsome young man that had all the girls throwing themselves at him. He left Jasmine behind, and since then she can’t forget the hurt. Angry and alone, she finishes high school and decides to move away, leaving her childhood behind. Seven years have passed and she gets an unexpected visitor on her doorstep. Can she forgive the familiar face that hurt her so much all those years ago? Why does he choose now to show up back in her life?
A/N: Reposting because for some reason tumblr decided this was inappropriate. pos... 
The gif is not mine. credit to @sehbs
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Bucky peeled off his wet clothes and tossed them to the floor with a plop. He quickly turned the shower on, sighing as the steam filled the small room. When he turned, he stopped at the sight of himself in the mirror, his face twisting in disgust at the worn lines and deep circles under his eyes.
“Shit.” He mumbled, rubbing at his eyes with the heel of his palm.
He really did look as awful as he felt. With one last quick look in the mirror, he stepped into the shower, letting the heat melt into the tension out of his muscles. One hand leaned against the wall in front of him, the water flowing down his face around him, his shoulder-length hair creating a curtain, almost shielding him from the world around him.
This was the first time he had a chance to be alone, to think about what he walked into, and reality was rapidly crashing down around him. Bucky was only gone for three days, it was just a simple out of town meeting with Stark Enterprise. He was there just to make sure the higher-ups were happy with his work. He was in and out in two days, lucky enough to wrap things up earlier than anticipated.
Bucky never would have thought he’d walk in and see his fiancé with her legs up in the air, getting plowed by her ‘friend from work’ and thoroughly enjoying it. At least she had the gall to look surprised. She threw the man on his ass while she scrambled to cover herself with the sheets.
“Bucky?! What are you doing home?” He laughed, actually laughed in her face.
“Apparently, I came home too soon. I’m sorry.” He spat, looking down at her in disgust. “Please. By all means; finish!”
He turned at heel and walked out, ignoring her pleas to stop. She didn’t mean it, she loved him! But Bucky wasn’t an idiot, he knew she didn’t mean it. He made sure to slam the door with all his strength, shaking the whole apartment, and shutting that chapter of his life.
Now he had no clue where to go. When he got into the car he just started driving. He didn’t even realize he pulled up to Jasmine’s house until there was a clap of thunder. Bucky sat in the car, looking out at her front door for what seemed like hours before he numbly made his way to the door.
Truth be told, he didn’t expect her to let him in her house. Not after what happened all those years ago.
They used to be inseparable growing up. Jasmine and Bucky were never far from the other all throughout grade school. Bucky lived in the house right behind hers, so they would always walk to and from school, spend days playing in the streets or floating in Jasmine’s pool.
Even throughout middle school, before either of them grew into their bodies they were the best of friends. It wasn’t until their 9th-grade year that things change. Looking back on it, Bucky’s heart sank at how he treated her. He grew up faster, growing out of his awkward gangly body. He grew up and thicker, hours at the gym because he made it on the football team did that to a teenage boy. He discovered what girls were, and quickly shut out his closest friend.
Bucky sighed, grabbing the shampoo bottle on the ledge. He inhaled deeply, chuckling when the familiar sweet scent of strawberries and coconuts. Even after all these years, she kept some things the same. Finding some comfort out of that thought, he finished his shower quickly and grabbed one of the fluffy white towels out of the small closet.
He paused, looking at his duffle bag. He really wished he had at least some hindsight to grab a hand full of clothes before he left. All he had was a pair of sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and two probably very wrinkled suits. Too late to worry about it now.
Getting dressed as quickly as he could. He hung up his wet clothes and towel over the shower rack and grabbed his duffle bag. He stopped short at the closed door, hesitating. Bucky couldn’t tear his gaze away from the handle, a thousand thoughts running through his brain. Why did he think it was a good idea to come here? What was he going to do now? More importantly, how could he ever make up what he did to Jasmine all those years ago?
Letting out a shaking sigh, he took hold of the handle and swung the door open.
Jasmine sat on her couch, staring blankly at the television, playing whatever channel she landed on. In her hand was a glass of scotch on the rocks, needing something to take the edge off.
Why did she think this was okay? Bucky ruined her life in high school, destroyed whatever self-confidence she had, and now suddenly he was back here on her doorstep, begging to be let back in. She scoffed and took a sip of the drink.
She was an idiot, she decided. Absolute idiot letting that man back in. But damn if time hadn’t aged him like a fine wine. Even when they were younger, Jasmine had a crush on him. He was always awkwardly taller than the rest, long gangly arms he couldn’t figure out what to do with. Bucky had a cute baby face that her mother just loved to pinch his cheeks and tell him how adorable he was. He’d blush like crazy and swat her hands away. Then puberty hit, and boy did he ever fill out.
There were a few weeks they hadn’t seen each other, Jasmine flew to Seattle to visit her grandparents for about four weeks during their summer before the 9th grade. When she came back, her jaw almost hit the floor. He wasn’t a defined, but she kept asking him where the muscles came from. The baby fat on his cheeks seemed to have melted away, showing off his strong jaw and high cheekbones. Just like she knew, under the awkward preteen was a handsome man finding himself. Unfortunately, it also meant that everyone else noticed his change as well.
Jasmine frowned, the flashbacks too painful to even think about. She shuddered and pushed them back down. Nope, she wasn’t going to think about it. Not now, it was the past and she needed to move forward. At least, that’s what she kept telling herself.
The sound of the water shutting off pulled her from her pity party. Sighing, Jasmine stood and began to pick up the little bits of trash on her coffee table. She moved around the room, pulling out blankets and pillows from their hiding spots, placing them on the couch while she tried to ignore the butterflies of panic in her stomach.
She was doing this because she was the better person. She let Bucky in her home because her mother raised her right. Jasmine found herself repeating those words over and over again, trying to keep the sizzling rage from exploding.
She had just finished the last of her scotch, hips leaning against the counter in front of the sink when she heard the door slowly open down the hall. His feet were quiet as he padded in the room, stopping short at the sight of the blanket and pillows on the couch. Jasmine didn’t want to move, afraid he’d spot her. Ridiculous thought, but she wasn’t ready to face him. Not yet at least. She was still kicking herself for not slamming the door in his pretty, dumb face when he stood on the porch.
Bucky caught her ramrod straight back at the sink out of the corner of his eyes. Regret and shame filled his chest, finding it harder to swallow around the lump that formed there. It didn’t hit him how much he hurt her until he saw where she stood. The only thing that kept him together was seeing the carefully folded blankets and pillows she set out.
“Uh…” He cleared his throat. Jasmine jumped, slowly turning her head in his direction. “Thank you… for letting me stay here.”
Jasmine didn’t speak, just nodded numbly. His shoulders fell, and he let out a shuddering breath of air. His duffle bag dropped to the floor beside the couch and he sank into the soft leather of the cushions.
Turning to lean her back against the counter, Jasmine watched as Bucky buried his face in his hands. His long hair covered his features, nevertheless Jasmine knew all his tells. He was struggling to keep it together, his knuckles white where he gripped to his face. She figured he would wait until she left to let it all out, even then though he might keep it all inside.
She really wanted to escape to her room, to just ignore that stupid voice in her head to told her to wrap her arms around his stupidly wide shoulders and tell him everything was okay. However, she found herself across the room before she knew it and doing just that.
Bucky didn’t even flinch when she wrapped arms around him. It had been so long since he felt a comforting touch, even if it was slightly stiff. It was like the dam broke open and all his bottled emotions came flooding out in ugly sobs. Gut wrenching, full body shaking sobs tore from his chest. He clutched Jasmine like a lifeline, realizing she was really the only one he had left that he could turn to.
Jasmine was stunned but held on to him tighter. Never had she seen someone break down as quickly as Bucky had. It was like her touch was enough for Bucky to unleash everything. She hadn’t the slightest clue what he was holding on to, but clearly, it was enough to bring him down.
She didn’t know how long they sat there, Bucky letting go all of his bottled emotions while she awkwardly rubbed his back. Neither said a word, Jasmine unable to find the right words to soothe him. She didn’t let him go until his sobs turned to faint sniffles.
Reluctantly, he sat back with a rub to his eyes, now bloodshot. Jasmine reached for the box of tissues on the coffee table and passed them over. Bucky mumbled his thanks, dabbing at his eyes before he blew his nose. Silence rang through the room, Jasmine shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
“I um…” She said with a frown. “I’ll let you get situated.”
Bucky watched her slowly stand, trying to shield his sadness. He wanted to ask her to stay longer, but she had already done more than enough. He nodded and reached for another tissue.
“Yeah. Thank you, again.” He mumbled. Jasmine’s chin jerked in a nod and she quickly stepped around the couch. Bucky followed her with his eyes, deflating when she shut the door softly behind her without a second glance his way.
He turned to the pillows and blankets, sighing sadly. He had a lot to make up, but first, he needed to sleep.
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Lovely Heartache: (OPEN, 18+ ONLY)
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