#there are so many cute little moments in previous eps
elahogn · 2 years
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I like you!
Me too.
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pajamas-lipstick · 1 month
The last 4 episodes have been such a rollercoaster and full of so many great moments - comedic and beautiful and heartbreaking.
The thing i can't get over in both the original version of events around Sol's attack and the current one she's working to prevent is how damn brave Sun Jae is. In both scenarios he has an unrequited crush on someone who barely notices him and yet he fiercely and courageously not only saves Sol but is determined to bring the perpetrator to justice. His witness statement was so clear and just and calm - he was unflinching in the face of danger. We see this echoed in his statement to Sol that he's ok with getting hurt if he can protect her - he loves her yes, but he's also a fundamentally brave and heroic person, who trusts his heart - just as Sol is. As so many others have said, they are both reaching out through time, space and fate to rescue each other. Sol also trusts her heart and is similarly unflinching in her pursuit of a happy ending for Sun Jae, no matter what it costs her. I would bet on her too, if I were in Sun Jae's place. I believe our cute little bulldozer can do anything!
Going backwards, episode 8 was a blinder in so many ways - the meeting on the bridge after so many near misses the previous episode, the echoes from the beginning of their story, the umbrella! Then watching Sun Jae slowly morph from a cool, unruffled superstar to his sweet, awkward teen self the longer he was around Sol was just lovely. Her presence allowed him to be himself, truly.
I haven't even got to Im Sol's confession in the present - my goodness, what a breathtaking declaration of love. The acting from both was just gorgeous here - you could feel the release and relief of all that pain and longing. And after Sun Jae repeatedly made himself vulnerable it was time for her to do the same. I especially loved Kim Hye Yoon's startled reaction in the lift after actually telling him how she felt and Byeon Woo Seok's delirious, overwhelmed delight in his car after. And that kiss!! One for the ages and I love so much that she initiated it and crossed the last divide between them. I think I saw that was Woo Seok's suggestion when they were blocking the scene? which...makes me swoon even more, honestly (as if that was possible).
I love Detective Kim's doggedness in pursuit - he feels like a man who can get the bad guy. Indeed, all the 'adult' characters here are reassuring in the best ways and I agree with all the theories about a bit of magic around Halmeoni, too. Taesung was Ep 10's MVP for me and he's definitely got more of a role to play in changing fate. There's still six episodes to go after all (how on earth am i going to cope with the stress?!?!)
I am absolutely convinced it will be a happy ending. The lightness of touch and genuine laugh out loud moments every episode are setting the tone for a happy conclusion. Plus, there's no pre-determined feeling here (looking at you, Moon in the Day), rather the opposite. We are being shown over and over that a kind and unselfish heart can work miracles. They're not going through it for nothing, i just know it.
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aurora-starwars · 1 year
Ooh I just saw a cute little AU prompt I wanna see if it can be used! So it’s the soulmate au where the reader shares eye color in one eye with their soulmate. I’d love it if you could do an angsty fluffy Anakin x reader would mate au with Anakin in his revenge of the sith era? Also, I was wondering if you write for Stargate or know any writer who does on here? There’s not enough Stargate love and it makes me sad 😞. Thanks lovely!
The Look of Terror In Your Eyes
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Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!reader; Soulmate au!!!!
Summary: Reader is one of padmé’s handmaidens, and while joining her on Mustafar, she finds a familiar pair of eyes. Eyes that shouldn’t be as red as they are…
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: fire, sobbing, sith, evil anakin, star wars stuff, related violence (not really) Idk, you let me know…
A/n: Thank you so much for waiting and requesting! Took a while to get out but I was feeling the angst after ep 7 of The Last Of Us. 😭😭😭 Also, sorry, I don’t know any writers for stargate! i had to look it up 😭😭, but if anyone has any recommendations, comment them. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, sorry for the long break y’all!!! <33333333
P.s: I love the soulmate au trope!!!!! <3
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[Name] always loved the idea of a soulmate. The mere thought of a perfect person for her, a soul that perfect for hers sounded marvellous. Two hearts connected by the grace of the universe, or as the Jedi believe, the force. Many people debated the origin of this special connection between organisms; specifically humanoids. Some thought it was their planet’s deity that blessed–and in some cases, cursed– the living beings with companionship, others thought it wasn’t real, that it was all just some trick of a decease or parasite. But most have concluded and agreed that it was the work of the seemingly magic that holds the universe together; the force.
[Name] was a big fan of any theory or story she could hear about soulmates. Free time was spent asking the people around her about their second eye. She always wondered how other’s knew which eye was whose, and she was always met with, “You only know when you meet them, when you lock eyes.” [Name] often liked to imagine what her soulmate looked like. Which eye would be her soulmate’s and which would be her own? What would her soulmate look like with a body around her matching eyes? Would they be brunette? Blond? Would they be a man? Be a woman? What would it look like when they eventually locked eyes? Would their eyes fill with the amount of love [Name] knew that she would feel for them?
Thoughts of her special someone flooded her mind every moment she had time to think. And as much as she loved to think about it, she hardly had time too. [Name] was a busy girl as she was a handmaiden of Padmé and often was travelling, doing one of the other girls make up or switching places with Padmé in order to keep her safe. The senator was the girls main priority and honestly, she was their pride and joy.
This busy job didn’t keep [Name]’s thoughts from wandering at night and like a magnet, her mind would gravitate to her soulmate. She only began to think more about it after a trip to Naboo, where [Name] learned of two of Padmé’s previous handmaidens who were soulmates and had met each other through the former Queen’s protection program. While a wonderful story, [Name] couldn’t help but think about if she would meet her soulmate on the job, if ever. It was a large universe and more often than not, soulmates die before they are ever able to meet the soul destined for them.
Days in the senate were quiet and beyond mundane. And while every once and a while Padmé and her causes would get a win, those times were few and far in-between. Majority of days were spent in the rooms that were provided for the senators, pouring over documents and finding information on how to fix the wrongs of the galaxy, diplomatically.
But these issues are never resolved overnight, and after years of tireless hours of dedicated work within the senate, [Name] found herself less and less hopeful of the wonderful life she pictured outside of the senate. She dreamed of a life with her soulmate, back on Naboo, where she could be with her family and friends. Somewhere nice, somewhere where she could live out the rest of her life out in peace surrounded by everything she has ever loved.
Those dreams always seemed silly once she was sat in the senate, watching over Padmé time and time again, no hope that this life would cease. That the war would end and they could go back home once they finally had did all they could in repairing the senate. That [Name] could finally live out her happily ever after with the one she dreams of, but knows nothing of. Nothing but what one of their eye’s looks like.
Although soulmates could come as romantic or platonic, [Name] never cared. [Name] would be happy to not be lonely. To have someone by her side for the rest of her life. That was all [Name] dreamed of. Not being alone.
That was why she took the job after all. Of course, when the former Queen calls, it is hard to decline the honour of protecting the one and only Padmé Amidala. But that deal becomes a whole lot sweeter when there is a promise of a group of girls accompanying you. A promise that you will not be alone. That was very incising for [Name].
And while most of the senate meetings were snore inducing and late nights reading and rereading documents was beyond tedious, it was made incredibly better by the girls who had also agreed to lay their lives of the line for Padmé. They had become a sisterhood of sorts, a unbreakable friendship formed between them and there was an unspoken understanding that while they worked with Padmé, they were in for anything. That meant life or death, they stood together in order for Padmé to prosper.
That security meant everything to [Name]. In fact, that was everything to [Name]. Since she joined Padmé on her trip to Coruscant all of those years ago, [Name] has practically forgotten who she used to be, and was convinced that a part of her lied in this job. And that part would be ripped from her if she ever left the job, and she would be left alone.
Her dreams of meeting her soulmate never died though. In fact, that is what got her through every day. Every day that she spent with the people she loved so much, every day she dreaded them being taken from her. Thoughts and dreams of a perfect world, with her perfect person. No war, no slavery, no crime, just two souls meeting and living out the rest of their lives, just one day at a time.
But as she stood in front of the mirror of the fresher, all of those thoughts flew out the window. Traveling with Padmé as her escort, [Name] ended up on a J-type Naboo star skiff headed towards Mustafar. [Name] didn’t know why they were going to Mustafar or what would be waiting for them on the old mining planet, but she did know that she wasn’t ready.
It didn’t matter what met them on Mustafar, because all that really mattered to [Name] in the moment, was her reflection. Or more specifically, her right eye that had turned a gnarly, fresh blood red, with irises the colour of acid.
It only took a matter of moments before [Name] found tears running down her face. She pulled at the skin of her cheeks, moving in closer to look if what she had seen was right before closing her eyes. It was a vicious loop; pull, look, cover. She wasn’t sure how long this went on for, finding herself heaving on the floor what felt like a century later. What was she going to do?
She had heard of Sith eyes. Many had, especially if one had spent any time on Coruscant. The tales of Jedi going to the dark side were relatively popular in the upper-levels of Coruscant. The nasty evil that had become a cataclysmic emergency in galaxy had ruthlessly killed millions with no regard for life. That was of course until the Jedi Order vanquished them. The nasty plague that was the Sith had been thought to have been defeated, extinct, as of many, many years ago. But yet, her [Name] was, with her right eye as bright as the sun, glowing so bright, it was as if it was haunting her.
What does this mean?
Am I going to die?
Am I Sith?
Will I hurt innocent people?
Am I evil?
Thoughts infiltrated her mind without mercy and terror tore through her brain like a violent hurricane. Her mind was spinning.
Millions of lives have been lost at the hands of the Sith. Millions of innocent caught in the reign of terror the Sith brought where ever they went. How could [Name] be like them?
Then it hit her like a freighter.
Her soulmate.
Her soulmate, the one she had dreamed and fantasized about her whole life, a Sith. Pure evil, working for causes that only bring harm to the universe. Lying on the floor, [Name]’s sobs wracked through her body, the only rest she got is when she started to violently leave heave before more tears and loud sobs found their way from her lungs.
It made sense though, she was never a Jedi, never force sensitive. So why would her pair of eyes be the distinct aggressive colour of the force sensitive Sith?
The Sith wasn’t her, so that only left her soulmate. Her wonderful, beautiful soulmate of which she has never met. And as she curls deeper into herself, [Name] questions whether she would actually meet them.
And whether or not she wants too.
Just as [Name]’s sobs and shook started to subside, [Name] felt the familiar jolt of the ship landing. A cool chill shot up her back as she made her way to her feet. Looking into the mirror once more, she found that both the eyes were back to how she remembered them to be. What they had always been her entire life. Wiping her eyes, [Name] tried to clear all evidence of her tears and break down.
[Name] closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. The sound of the ships engine shutting off reminded her of where she was. Right, Mustafar; the place where Padmé was rushing to in order to help a friend. Letting out a breath, she made a promise to herself to help Padmé out with whatever.
[Name] stood next right next to Padmé as the hatch lowered and the red hazed glow of the lava coated planet overwhelmed her vision. As she was momentary blinded, Padmé ran down the ramp towards a cloaked figure. From the distance, [Name] couldn’t hear much but she could make out a faint conversation as she slowly approached.
“I saw your ship, what are you doing out here?” The brunette man spoke as he leaned into the hug Padmé was giving him, before pulling away and holding on to the sides of her arms.
“I was worried about you, Obi-wan told me terrible things,” Padmé looked up at him, and from her tone of voice, something [Name] knew very well, it was evident that Padmé was very upset.
“What things?” He questioned, not harshly, but certainly not in a tone of voice one should use with a senator.
“He said that you’ve turned to the dark side. That you…” Padmé began, before pausing, struggling to find the strength within her to whisper the words.
“Killed younglings,” She muttered in horror. Terror was set in her eyes, but there was not quiver of disbelief in her tone, no indicator to [Name] that this man wouldn’t do such a thing.
“Obi-wan is trying to turn you against me,” The man spoke after a moment, his voice deep with the familiar feel of unnerve that Padmé and her handmaidens have become so used to in the senate.
“He cares about you, Anakin,” Padmé argued, although it didn’t sound like an argument, more like a plea. “He wants to help you.”
Anakin’s eyebrows furrowed, “Nothing can save me, only my new powers can do that.”
Padmé took a step back and [Name] took two steps forward.
“At what cost?” Padmé looked into his eyes once again, and as [Name] could see, she was begging. “You’re a good person. Don’t do this.”
“I am becoming more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of,” Anakin's gaze was intense, his eyes narrowed on Padmé as if at any point she would stab him and run away.
“I am more powerful than the chancellor. I-I can over throw him,” Anakin began taking steps forward and quickly Padmé started taking steps back.
“And together you and I can rule the galaxy, make things the way we want them to be,” Anakin stops moving, watching Padmé eagerly in hopes that she will agree.
Taking another step back, Padmé shakes her head, “I don’t believe what I am hearing. Obi-wan was right. You’ve changed.”
Anakin scuffs, shaking his head before raising his finger, “I don’t wanna hear any more about Obi-wan. The Jedi turned against me, don’t you turn against me,” That sounded like a command.
“I don’t know you anymore. Anakin, you’re my best friend, you are like my brother,” Padmé plead, her voice broken and littered with heartbreak. It might not have sounded like it, but those few words meant everything to Padmé. Those words were like a code that only one of her handmaidens could crack. That [Name] could crack.
The words whispered of betrayal, of heart break and of a familiar love that she cannot part with. She truly loved Anakin, the sister in her seemed to shine through as she spoke with the man.
“You’re going down a path I can’t follow.”
“Because of Obi-wan?”
“Because of what you’ve done,” Padmé sobbed, her voice raising as she neared her breaking point. [Name] finally made her way behind Padmé as she spoke again, “Because of what you plan to do.”
And as [Name] laid her hand on Padmé’s shoulders, bring her back slightly, Anakin’s eyes were back on the ship. [Name] rubbed Padmé’s arms gently in attempts to comfort the distressed girl and as she did so, it was almost as if she could feel the rage from the man behind her. [Name] tried to pay no mind, busying herself with the sobbing girl before her. Padmé’s head raised, looking up from the spot she marked on the ground, and gasped as she made eye contact with you.
“Liar!” Anakin yelled, bring the attention back to him. And when [Name] eyes drifted over to the simmering man, she found herself looking into a very familiar set of eyes.
Her eyes.
The same pair of eyes that stare back at her in her reflection every day, mirrored.
A gasp left [Name]’s throat, bringing his attention to her. As his gaze connected with hers, his eyes faded from one red, and one of [Name]’s to just infectious red. A wave of comfort went through [Name]’s body as she stared into the eyes that she has been dying to meet.
But instead of relief, or joy, [Name] only felt gutted. The harsh heat from the surrounding lava did nothing to sooth the soaring stinging in her eyes as she watches the man before her look behind her again. She hardly even notices when another man, a Jedi, passes her. As angry words were exchanged and she found herself losing focus, standing by the side as she watches the Jedi and the Sith duel to the death.
Her world just flipped its axis, leaving her body to adjust. Emotionally, physically. The biological reaction to meeting one’s soulmate was to release serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, all chemicals in one’s brain responsible for happiness. But in this moment, those hormones were only adding to the increasing feeling of emptiness growing in her heart.
She had just watched her supposed soulmate turn to the dark side before her eyes. Choosing to assist the death of others rather than assist the quality of living for others. Everything [Name] and Naboo has ever help to fix in the senate could be destroyed in a snap of her own soulmate’s fingers.
How was she going to live her life know what she was tied to? Would he come back to the light? Would he die? Would she?
Or would she give up everything she has ever known for the chance of a life partner? Someone who will never leave her.
[Name] drops to her knees, a suppressed sob managed its way to the surface, bringing sharp tears from her eyes.
The famous Anakin Skywalker, former Jedi knight, [Name]’s soulmate, leaving tears in her eyes. And as she watches the blurry two duel, she finds that not only is there tears in her eyes, but also terror.
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A/n: I got a little carried away with this, and it might have gotten a little off topic, but I hoped you liked it. I haven’t edited it yet, but I will get to it! Thank you so much for reading and waiting!!! <333333 Let me know what you think! Love y’all to the stars!
Taglist: @luvlykrispy
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mikuni14 · 6 months
The Sign - Ep 3
So much happened in this episode! (Although I might have missed something because half of the ep I was suffering from a serious case of second-hand embarrassment, because they were filming the series among ordinary people in tourist places and these people were staring and I was dying of embarrassment 💀).
I have to admit, jealous, stressed Phaya was great. I like a good portrayal of possessiveness and Phaya is good at it because he's not violent in his jealousy, just more worried ✨
It was good to see Phaya in a different environment, it turns out he lives in a palace and is an artist, like a prince. So this making out in red paint in a studio scene, it still COULD be Phaya/Tharn 👀
I really liked the fact that the series didn't drag on any threads. Ooooh mysterious amulet? Abbot: this amulet was given to you by Tharn 😀 end of story. Already in this episode there are glimpses of their previous lives, they are already returning to their team, good pacing, stuff is being talked about, explained, discussed. Other series - please take notes!
My beloved Tharn, pretending not to want to be with Phaya, at the same time perfectly attuned to his mood and behavior. Always thinking about him and worrying about him 🥺 Tharn is visibly stressed, he wants to give in to Phaya, everyone around him is encouraging him to do so, but he is so afraid. I really liked their sparring scene: Tharn - stressed, tense, lashing out. Nervous and then sexual tension in this scene, Phaya relaxed when he finally sees Tharn and that he is fine, he doesn't push because he notices that Tharn is not himself, that he reacts differently. Phaya allows him to take it out on himself, also he knows that this is the best way to convince Tharn - by giving him a choice, an opportunity to fight, not making arguments and forcing him. Phaya won, he gained, not forced contact with Tharn. And it works, because Tharn is distracted from his worries, and he turns from a stressed little cat, into a predatory cat on the hunt (you can literally see the moment of his transformation and when the stress comes off him, replaced by something else 🔥). I love Phaya in this scene, how he controls himself and the situation. He could have led it in any direction, but he stopped because he had achieved his goal. Phaya is so cool, I love how pushy he is at the right moments and how he withdraws at others.
I liked showing their relationships with family and friends, I loved Tharn and Sand. "Aways finding excuses when I ask you about girls" omg girl lol. It's also cool that Tharn and Phaya are so cute together, but it gets me every time when they are like two bro dudes together lmao this is such a whiplash 😂
Team leader, please lead me 😍 Happy to see his pretty face, he's so strict and professional. I would love to see him in a relationship with someone.
Tharn…gosh, but he's SO BEAUTIFUL. I can't stop looking at him. This episode especially spoiled me, so many scenes, so many versions of Tharn, each more beautiful than the previous one, at the pool (I appreciate that he didn't have long shorts and that his speedos were red), with a wig, even slightly unkempt with his hair not perfectly done in the temple scenes, Tharn always looks like a million dollars ✨ (but I have to ask, isn't Babe standing on a box, or at least on his tiptoes, in some scenes? because that's so cute)
The Kiss - how is it, that it wasn't a full make-out session, but it was still one of the sweetest, most natural kisses I've ever seen? 💖 The chemistry between Billy and Babe and the fact that they clearly have no problems with physical closeness and intimacy, hm?
I like that Wansarat is shown as male, at least that's how I understood it. Wild theory time! Wansarat secretly met with Sakuna, even though he shouldn't (these are hostile deities?), Sakuna was punished, he could have died and Wansarat saved him by doing something wrong, maybe killing someone, for which he pays in subsequent incarnations. Wansarat may also have been promised to another serpent deity (Chalothon) who truly loved/wanted him and now this deity wants Wansarat back in the form of Tharn. End of wild theory time.
Phaya has completely abandoned all pretenses and openly says that he likes Tharn and kisses him in his own house. He's such a freak, I love him 😍
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waywardmongergoopzine · 10 months
OK so idk if somebody feels the same but here we go. Something about ep 6 that caught me off guard
So we all saw how NUzi is now canon right?
Well upon thinking about/rewatching the episode I concluded that the ship moments are kinda out of place (NOT THAT I HATE THEM)
While NUzi moments can be found in the previous episodes, I think they were idk a little short? vague? (Except in ep 5 and perhaps 3) and now in this episode they were MORE prominent (Basically I think that It was like really abrupt)
I think that Liam could've just left the episode without any ship moments and It would've been better.
I feel like they have just like bombed us with that
You know?
Like there wasn't really enough build up for the reveal. (Ofc you can say that this is wrong and Its ok)
I feel like even though I knew about this possibility and It sounds good, it still caught me off guard and feels out of place.
I watched the previous episodes and thought more about Uzi's character and her behaviour and her relationships and like someone else on here said, I think that Uzi is like Cyn for N, a little sister. I THINK THAT UZI IS A PARALLEL TO CYN.
N, like with Cyn, seems to be the only one that understands her and wants to help her. THIS IS WHY I STARTED TO THINK THAT MAYBE IN THE FUTURE ENVY GETS CONFIRMED and this thing becames more evident.
Also I do realise that V did drive N away because of trauma and that N has been (In my opinion) really hard to understand (like what he is thinking) in ship moments.
NUzi is cute and I love them and their dynamic very much BUT what about the PLOT?? WHAT ABOUT THE STORY?????! I'M AFRAID THAT THE STORY WAS TEMPERED IS SOME WAY
(Though I doubt it since he knew the plot from the start)
Ofc maybe Liam will resolve this problem or maybe he already has everything under control. But who knows we'll just have to wait for the next episode!
It personally feels like a lot of things have happened in one episode and my mind is still blown away. So many answers. So many questions.
Maybe this post isn't the best in terms of explaining how I feel/think or you don't agree with what I just said but I want to know if you have something say
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janujaja · 11 months
Thai BL Favourites Tag List Game
Of COURSE @lost-my-sanity1 want me to partake in this and I am doing it for that wee little child only.
Favourite BL
I mean, it was a tight competition between THE 2 - MSP and BB. But as I have screamed out into the void before, BB just takes the cake, man. That show viscerally changed me as a person. I am a NEW BEING after BB. It's the way in which it came during the pandemic with its amazing acting and directing and music and STORY and chemistry and all that and more. MSP is a close second but my uni bois have a special place in my heart.
[p.s I love nanon and his entire face in this scene so much I cannot even descRIBE]
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Favourite Pairing
The pretentious me hates how I am following the mainstream and not thinking of some obscure pairings but yeah TinnGun genuinely deserve it. I am sorry but I still get butterflies whenever I watch the last scene of ep 4. That kind of chemistry is super hard to come by and GemFourth did such a good job, I love them. 🥺 I wanna forget ever having watched MSP and watch them all over again.
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Some noteworthy mentions are obviously patpran, everything maxtul plays, akkayan, biblebuild, etc.
OH I do infact have a not THAT mainstream pair! It's whatever couple name mark and perth acted as in the [admittedly not a BL] show, The Stranded, on Netflix.
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Favourite Character
Tinn. I relate so much to that boy, especially his awkwardness. Also he is super cute and I am super cute. He is also super simpy and I love that in a man. I truly don't know if I want him or want to be him.
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[ANOTHER noteworthy mention is Pleum in Ghost Host, Ghost House cuz again, mans is a walking green flag and a simp. ALSO hella awkward. *gasps* I have a type].
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Favourite side character
This position is shared by 2 of my fav comic reliefs who are also very pure hearted I love them to bits - Tiwson from MSP and Tankhun from Kinnporsche. The series truly wouldn't have been anything without them and I stand by it.
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Favourite Scene
If I could say the entirety of ep 5 of BB, I would have. But if I had to choose. This.
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Nothing surpasses this. Paof told them to make it award fucking worthy with the angst and they fucking did it. Ohm in this scene does so many things to me I cannot even I shall be kicked out from society if I ever open my mouth. I can't even stand seeing that gif cuz my knees will buckle down that very second. It also paved the way for the rooftop kiss TM so.
Favourite Line
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I mean. I warned you about this in the previous question so. It's more to do with the way he says it but it's still my fav cuz it was done right.
Underrated Actor:
SING who plays the role of the villain in Not Me. It is time that he got some main character roles, gmm.
Most anticipated BL and why:
1. Dangerous Romance cuz I have missed seeing Perth and Chimon, another 2 actors that can ACT, in a main role.
2. Only Friends cuz
3. I feel you linger in the air cuz plot looks interesting and they r both hunks.
Healthiest relationship in a bl:
Tinngun. Aint even have to put up a fight.
Most toxic relationship in a bl:
I mean, there are lots, girlie. If you immediately thought of that one pairing after seeing this question, then yeap I am going with that pairing too wink wink.
Guilty Pleasure Series:
Tonhon Chonlatee and that too only the first few eps. I love khaotung man what do I do.
Bonus! Most underrated series:
I think khun chai is pretty underrated in the sense that it's very telenovelaesque and mayhaps not fully bl so people r put off by it but I LOVED that show to bits.
YYY was a comparatively underrated series too even though I loved the romantic moments as much as the weird and comedic ones. It truly sits in a league of its own.
OOOKIE thassit for now. I have exhausted my typing abilities and I am pretty sure I left a lot of good series and scenes off cuz my brain couldn't conjure them up while I was typing.
I welcome anyone else who wants to try this out honestly, but if @ashedddaisy and @gaylittlepieceofsh1t could contribute their think pieces, I would LOVE to read em.
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for-dramas-sake · 1 year
The Starry Love ep 25, 26 thoughts
YOUQIN IS BACK. I don't need to say anything else...JUST KIDDING.
Fair warning though: Most of this LONG post is fawning over Youqin. Don't say I didn't warn you.
The beginning of ep 25 made me so tense. Girl, just tell them before things escalate--too late.
Gotta hand it to Qingheng. He knows how to end things with a bang! (evil smile) I love this.
MY EMOTIONS! This is the beginning of the end of the soul shard arc and I'm conflicted. I love these 3 and my heart breaks when they learn the truth. But then Youqin is going to come back. Let's get through these tears, guys! (reaches for a tissue)
Chaofeng and Qingkui really should just run away and start a family away from the Void realm. They could have the happy ending they freaking need. I can see that happening! Let's make it reality. P.s. Bring Haichou
Every time that guy with a moustache shows up: Aren't you supposed to be dead? Was that explained earlier?
The two baby-faced Immortals show up and this their backup? No. The true backup is the soul shards! 3 men protecting their woman? That's romantic.
Once again Youqin is doing a selfless sacrifice: his soul shards give up themselves for her. This getting to be a very bad habit!
Youqin is coming back!!!!!!! My Immortal Turtle! He's got the same deadpan expression and he's still powerful. Phew!
Dingyun just died? I didn't expect that moment of sacrifice from someone like him.
I am legit, no lie, crying. Those 3 saying goodbye breaks my heart. Excuse me a moment while I sob in the corner.
Yay…Youqin has no emotions! The Immortal Realm will be rejoicing tonight. Bring out the wine.
Between you and me, the turtle DEFINITELY has his emotions and he's in love with her. Those eyes don't lie. And Yetan is in love with him no doubt.
I never liked the Immortal Emperor. It was his constant constipation face that irked me and that fact that he's willing to throw his son to the Guixu because "he's earned it".
I knew he remembered everything, and he knows Yetan's true identity. I'm just an emotional mess right now!
Admittedly I put off any attachment to Chaofeng and Qingkui because Youqin was coming back, but now that he is back, I can say: the Void couple are super cute. I wish them happiness no matter short it is.
Short complaint: Heavenly/Immortal clothes are boring as hell. It's just pastels and various shades of white. They do this all the time with fantasy dramas. (shakes head) Come on, let's do something different. But this clothes-changing-scene is adorable. Poor dragonfly guy, he can never win.
(gasps) The hugs! My heart is rollercoaster: first, the tears now the heart palpitations from the adorableness radiating off the Immortal couple! And he's Immortal Turtle, but out his shell. (I will keep this analogy up for as long as I darn well, please. And yes, I wish I could have thought of turtle references for Foxy and Greed, but I couldn't.)
It's going to be impossible for our lovebirds to keep their dates a secret. Youqin is doing a terrible job at keeping his emotions in check, now that he has them. And Yetan has literally never been doted on, so you know she loves this.
I totally see the 3 shards in the new Youqin. He's a mixture of all 3 and still has some traces of the old turtle. Again, Chen Xingxu does a phenomenal job playing so many different characters.
The Void Queen is going after Chaofeng and the Void gang. Haichou is trying to do the right thing by keeping all news from his friend, but Chaofeng is still the little schemer. I bet he'll sneak out and draw the army away from Qingkui or something like that.
Here are the links to my thoughts on previous episodes:
23, 24 / 21, 22 / 19, 20 / 17,18 / 15,16 / 13,14 / 11, 12 / 9, 10 / 7, 8 / 5, 6 / 3, 4 / 1, 2
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theodore-lasso · 1 year
Okay I’m just gonna do a little Ted Lasso vent under a cut feel free to keep scrolling this is just so I don’t ruin someone’s day in DM’s by being salty as hell
TLDR this season has just been: go girl give us nothing for me. 
I’ll start with overall vibes, I just think they’re doing too much. Maybe this is personal preference re: ensemble shows but there are so many plotlines and while I disagree that Shandy and Zava and Anastacia are useless and time fillers (they’re side characters to advance main characters personal arcs.... that’s how side characters work) I do agree that they feel flat and one note, but I think that’s just because there’s too many characters and too many plots, and they’re not able to go deeply into any of them anymore. Like we’re not often sitting with characters, it’s like a quick scene then moving onto the next person and issue. 
Unfortunately I’m feeling that with Henry and Ted now, which sucks, because it’s one of the most meaningful relationships on the show. But Henry had an issue this ep, and by the time Ted spoke to him it had already been solved by parenting he’d done in the past. Which... I feel like we as an audience don’t need more reminders that Ted is a good dad, we already know that. Also I don’t feel as if “count to ten until you don’t feel angry even if that’s infinite” is the lesson that Ted has been learning this season? Hasn’t he been learning to occasionally be assertive and stand up for himself? I think this plot line could have been a bit deeper - Henry being insecure because his dad isn’t there and taking it out on other kids instead of... undisclosed being mean for no apparent reason and immediately apologising. Anyway that’s just one moment in the entire episode that fell flat for me. 
Rebecca, bro idk. She feels like 2 different characters to me at the moment. Like she’ll yell at Ted to make them win a match and then literally isn’t doing a single thing about it outside of that and will just be like hi :) to him in the hallway. Loved the moment where Higgins said maybe they needed to find another manager so much, I love his growth from S1 and actually saying brave things now, but I hate that it was brushed aside especially if she’s yelling at Ted on the regular now about losing. I’m glad she got her fertility tested because I feel like otherwise there’d be this huge “what if” for her. As a single person I was rolling my eyes at the emergency contact thing but yeah I get it she wants to find love. I think this is where my main criticism of the season comes in, and that is the reliance on the psychic, things that have been “set up” in previous seasons rather than characters actively doing things. Like as someone who has been watching closely for years now, I haven’t really been surprised by any of the directions they’ve taken s3. 
Rebecca is walking around looking for signs related to the psychic, which is all well and good especially if it leads her to getting her fertility tested and stuff, but same with Ted, not currently doing anything about the teams losses, not doing anything about the team & Zava when he was still there. He hasn’t spoken to Colin about benching him and then playing him when like... S1 Ted would be all over that. He hasn’t spoken to Beard about Jane. Idk I think there’s so much reliance on “it will all work out in the end” that they’ve forgotten you need to make active strides in the middle. We haven’t yet seen Roy working on himself to figure out what he wants with Keeley, Jamie has had no arc this season so far other than being suddenly a genius (like nothing has come from the 4am training sessions yet?)
Literally shocked that the writers can’t seem to think of a meet-cute that isn’t with someone’s boss, like I do think it’s odd that it’s happened 3 times now (Sam and Simi, Keeley and Jack, Sam and Rebecca) but I am here for seeing sapphics kiss onscreen even though I’m slightly concerned about the long-term of that for Keeley (but tbf I was about Sam too and that ended fine) 
Shandy Keeley stuff, I know it was a mirror with Sam Edwin but fml, I thought Keeley was going to learn to be a good manager and grow Shandy as an employee but... no. 
Final note even though I could probably rant for longer: I miss Phoebe SO MUCH
Anyway highlights of the season are: NATE!!!!, BeardRoy, Trent although I wish he’d say more, Higgins, and Colin has potential 
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chocomd · 1 year
ATLA rewatch thoughts, Book 2 (ep 2, 3)
2) The Cave of the Two Lovers: One of THE classic Kataang episodes! The very first time I saw the title card, I was like, “The cave of what” 🤣
Sokka playing the pessimistically logical straight man...poor Sokka 😂
Chong and his nomad friends are ICONIC
“What if we...kissed?” 😳😘
Aang digging himself a hole without earthbending lol
For some reason, the legend of Oma and Shu hit harder than I thought it would 🥺😭...maybe because Aang and Katara are discovering their stories while standing in their tomb, and because of how much the story parallels and foreshadows Kataang in the rest of the series 
This was the episode where I knew that Kataang was going to be endgame. No way the creators would write a whole episode like this and not have it happen 😤
Zuko is a wanted exile, but he’s still an entitled prince at heart - he throws a temper tantrum in his first scene in this episode. “I can't live like this! I wasn't meant to be a fugitive!”
When Song mentions that she hasn’t seen her father after he was taken away by the FN, Zuko broodingly mentions that he hasn’t seen his father in a long time, either. He’s still hanging onto happier memories of the relationship he used to have with Ozai (in the previous episode, when Iroh places his hand on Zuko’s shoulder, there’s a flashback to Ozai’s hand on Zuko’s shoulder - such an impactful way of showing how much Zuko values his relationship with his father, and that Iroh is now that familial connection for him, even if Zuko’s doesn’t fully realize or accept it yet). In this episode, Zuko still clearly wishes for his relationship with his father to be restored. Even though Iroh acts as his surrogate father, no one can take the place of Zuko’s real father, even with everything that has happened.
When Zuko sees the burn scar on Song’s leg, this is the first time he is faced with a real person who was harmed by the FN in a similar way as he was. It’s his first step to stop centering the world around him, and to feel a little compassion for an unimportant commoner on the enemy’s side. It’s the first time he starts to see someone like Song as a human being with intrinsic worth.
But it’s only a first step. Zuko still feels like the world owes him what he wants and needs, and he steals Song’s ostrich horse. Iroh can’t stop him, so he joins him (and Iroh benefits, too). For me, Zuko sinks to a new low here. I have many thoughts about this, which led me to write this fic from Song’s POV.
3) Return to Omashu: 
Katara and Sokka don’t want to risk going into Omashu and suggest that Aang find an earthbending teacher elsewhere. Aang says, “This isn't about finding a teacher. This is about finding my friend.” Bumi is his only friend left from before the iceberg, and one of his last connections to his life back then 😭
The pentapi are so cute 🥰
The Omashu citizens really escaped by acting like a zombie plague 😂
Azula, Mai and Ty Lee!!! Love all the nuance in their interactions. Azula is clearly the queen bee popular girl, the one with status (because she’s the FL’s daughter, duh), and the one who calls the shots...and even if Mai and Ty Lee disagree with her, they’ll never say so and won’t buck her authority. Because they know that Azula has the power and will to make their lives miserable if they don’t comply. So they’re friends because they grew up together, went to school together, and were part of the same friend group. Their loyalty to Azula is based on their history together and her status. They’re committed to the mission of capturing Zuko and Iroh (and the Avatar), but only as far as they value and fear Azula’s hold on them. 
Btw I love Mai!! One of my faves 😍
The fight scenes and action sequences are so much fun 🙌
Bumi talking about neutral jing at the end: “Neutral jing is the key to earthbending. It involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike.” There’s that theme again of waiting to do the right thing at the right time 🤌
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jancys-blue-bayou · 2 years
Well, for how I feel about the Jancy of s4 and the gross and unnecessary Stancy shipteasing, see previous post (ask response). For s4 in general I’ll say... vol 2 was better than vol 1. S4 was better than s3. But it’s really not good, I think.
There’s just way too many locations and characters. It sidelines a bunch of characters which I ranted about here before. The Cali crew (sans El) barely got do anything at all to do with the plot. We got some nice character moments, esp between Jonathan and Will in vol 2. But plot wise they had nothing to do. Jonathan just got to drive for 9 episodes. Mike got to “be the heart” aka yell encouragement to El. Will got to... tell Mike to do that. And together they got to do a rehash of the sensory deprivation tank in s1. And at the end Will got to have a little UD tingle moment. It’s ridiculous that main characters who were at the heart and center of the show before was reduced to this in s4 while walking Russian memes and new mains like Eddie got more to do.
The bigness in terms of abundance of characters and locations also throws the pacing off. Especially in ep 9 when there’s so much stuff that’s supposed to happen simultaneously but bc they go from Nancy/Robin/Steve to El/Max vs Vecna to Cali crew to Russia gang to Lucas fighting the jock to Eddie and Dustin with the odd sprinkle of Erica too, there’s like at least a half hour between Nancy/Robin/Steve getting choked by vines to us seeing them again... still being choked. I get they’re very proud of their big action sequence and in theory I think them all fighting the Hive Mind on different fronts is a neat idea but the execution is lacking, I’m just like how are the guys in the Creel house not dead yet El is taking her sweet time doing anything in the Mind Scape etc.
There’s other pacing problems too but this was where it most jumped out to me. I think it worked way better in s1 and s2 when they also had simultaneous plans going into action but not to this scale and it worked better then I feel.
There’s some interesting UD and Vecna stuff though idk if it makes sense really but hey, maybe they’ll pull it all together in s5. But right now I still have a lot of questions about why Henry is who he is, why he had powers and why he decided “i’mma be super evil” like are we gonna get more of a motivation than “I hate 9 to 5 eat work die lifestyle” lol? Also why did he tell Nancy everything? I suppose they’re saving that for s5 but. The border between the real world and the UD disappearing is a neat concept, I think that can be really cool. On the other hand I’m having trouble wrapping my head around the logic of one dimension overtaking another but I’m willing to run with it.
As an aside, I’m not wild about turning to using another test subject as the big bad, just on principle I always thought the test subjects would be innocent victims. But how they changed up all that background about the Lab and retconned a bunch of stuff in s4 turned into... yeah. Idk. On the other hand I totally see the appeal of Vecna as a villain, I’m just torn.
Also I don’t see the point in the Russia stuff. Yeah I get it, the Cold War was going on. But I think they could’ve just used Russia as a looming but unseen threat, it’s enough with the supernatural threats + the US government as a threat.
Speaking of, the portrayal of the US government from s2 and on is really weird. How they humanize it with Owens and now have turned into internal conflicts, Owens vs Brenner vs Sullivan, it’s really weird. Esp Owens part of it, why is there randomly this super friendly uncle in the shady covert government operations and why is he so completely selfless and willing to sacrifice and save El and her friends, why does he care so much?
Btw goddamn what a choke hold Coca Cola has Stranger Things in, that product placement at the end with El spinning the bottle. I don’t get why she had to spin a bottle at all was it just to get a prominent COKE logo in there?
Positives uh... aside from cute Jancy reunion:
Jonathan and Will talking and hugging and Jonathan clearly knowing Will is gay and seemingly Will knows Jonathan knows, that was all nice but eh couldn’t they have let Will say it please?
Nancy being a fucking badass.
The little Nancy and Max scenes we got in s4 was great, why couldn’t we get more of that instead of all the needless Stancy shipteasing moments? Stancy is long dead, you could’ve just focus on Nancy and Steve both having a lot of nice bonding with everyone else in their plot (and be completely fine, platonic and not weird with each other).
Joyce got to hug both her sons this time lol. Still can’t believe Winona asked the Duffers if she could hug Jonathan too at the end of s3 but got “there’s no time for that” as answer. There was time for the most overlong, unnecessary, excruciating musical moment in tv history, but not for Joyce Byers to hug both her sons.
Lucas and Max was great this season both individually and together. I’m never into kid ships but Lumax might be an exception to the rule, they’re very sweet together.
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reveliz · 2 years
"girls" review 🛗🐍🗡️🏍️
(spoiler alert: i say 'slower grower' waaaay too much.)
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like the majority of people who now self-identify as mys, i really didn't care for aespa at all when they debuted. to me, the group felt like sm's poor attempt at creating their very own blackpink, yet another girl-crush group that was only distinguished by its big 3 privilege and somewhat concerning ai concept. i also saw the dozens of scandals about them that plagued news headlines and youtube video titles, and figured that what i saw as a problematic group was never going to be quite my cup of tea.
black mamba was good, but underwhelming. it came at the tail end of a year that already had a lot going for it, what with bts' map of the soul 7, twice's eyes wide open, blackpink's the album, and many successful mini albums from groups like itzy, seventeen, and txt. needless to say, it didn't really stick out from the pack.
then the bombshell hit that was "next level" dropped. "next level" is still probably my least favorite title track from them (including their smaller cover songs such as "forever" and "dreams come true"), but the weird-ass beat switch in the middle got everyone in the entire k-pop stratosphere talking about them. everyone was doing the cute little arm dance, everyone was singing the chorus, and everyone was waiting for what they would release next.
then "savage" and its respective ep came out, which was adjacent to nct 127's "sticker" in its off-putting production and weird synths. it had a limping, throbbing beat that turned a lot of people off, myself included. i remember the first time i listened to it, at 6am on an october morning, i couldn't even get through it. i had to pause it during the first verse, then the chorus, then the bridge, when i proceeded to ask myself why sm thought it was a good idea to make naevis sound like some uncanny valley cult leader. if it weren't for the b-sides, i would have probably never played that mini album ever again.
but alas, throughout the past six months or so, aespa has given me what i like to call, the 'slower grower' syndrome. it's a syndrome that a lot of music lovers experience when you have that one song you use to hate suddenly smack you in the face and add itself to all your playlists because it suddenly decided to start aging like fine wine instead of spoiled milk. sure, my 'slower grower' syndrome didn't really affect my opinions on "black mamba" or "next level" that much, but it completely changed the savage ep for me. suddenly, i was… an aespa fan?
oddly enough, the thing about the title track "girls" that was the most jarring to me was how not jarring the song was to me after my first lesson. where was that aespa *spice* i always hated? how long of a shelf life did this song really have for me, if it wasn't going to give me 'slower grower' syndrome?
surprisingly, a long time. "girls" has this sliding electronic bass line that, combined with the lighter piano notes broadcasted over the track and the dramatic string touchups, makes for a really interesting instrumental. it has a pretty long runtime and has no classic aespa beat switches (minus the dance break, which i'll get to in a second), but i don't find myself ever getting bored of the song in its entirety. however, i do think that unlike aespa's previous title tracks, the highlight of "girls" is its vocal arrangements.
not only are the vocals addictive and suitable for a vocal-heavy sm group, this song has a lot of great rap moments that i didn't expect from some of the members. so often, you see groups like twice or itzy do these talking-on-the-beat raps that make up substantial chunks of their songs, and you just kind of wait for it to be over so you can get to the chorus, but aespa makes it worthwhile. i love the song's quirks, from winter's little squeaks at the end of her lines to karina's ad lib at the end of the song. the chorus also has this call-and-response structure that really engages the listener, and i can't even imagine how good it would perform live. oh, and don't even get me started on the second half of the song's bridge. holy crap.
honestly, my only gripe with this song is, as i mentioned before, the song's dance break. first off, i don't care for aespa's dances to begin with. none of the members are extraordinary at dancing or have remarkable stage presence, and the small size of the group limits the amount of formation changes they can do, which makes their performances seem really boring when no intricate camera work is used. but also, the dance break just doesn't sound related to the song at all. sure, i know i'm probably a hypocrite for saying that when the first part of this review was talking about how good savage's disjointed parts sounded with time, but the issue with this instance is that dance breaks are not part of conventional song structure. sure, if you make the bridge half time and swap out some of the synths, it will throw the listener off, but it's still the bridge. it's still expected to be there in terms of song structure. i can't say the same thing about a dance break, when it could have been cut and had no effect on the listener's expectation of song structure or the track's runtime.
while "girls" was my favorite song off the mini album, i still enjoyed the b-sides. i liked "illusion" the most, likely because it sounds like it came straight off of the savage ep, with its minimalistic chorus, vocal harmonies, and again, very questionable lyrics (i'm looking at you, naevis). it wasn't a surprise to me that i enjoyed "icu" since i actually really like aespa ballads (exhibit a: "lucid dream") but i like how this one didn't sound too serious for a group so young and experimental. "lingo" was way spunkier than i thought it'd be, but the intro of the song makes it instantly recognizable as an aespa song, i feel. my only complaint is that i feel like "life's too short" should have just been released as a single; it's too acoustic sounding and poppy for the ep in my opinion, and i kind of wish it had been released in the spring as a 'song of the summer' sort of deal, since we didn't get any truly new material from them for the better half of the year.
so while i don't think the b-sides this go around were as diverse and experimental as those on savage, "girls" was definitely a pleasant surprise that i found myself enjoying just from the first listen.
and finally, here are the stats for this review!
1. girls
2. illusion
3. icu
4. lingo
5. life's too short
title track score: 9.5/10
ep score: 7/10
thank you for reading :)
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feuqueerfire · 10 months
Stay With Me Live Blogging
Watched the second half of Addicted last month, saw some tiktoks of Stay With Me that looked good, saw people losing their minds over it on r/boyslove, so I'm watching this.
It's like a 12 hour long show, so probably a bad idea to start it now instead of after internship and semester is over but I'm gonna be watching Boys Planet then, so the time is now.
Ep 1 (Aug 11)
The transitions when Wu Bi came are so funny, Indian serial tease
omg is Wu Bi's mom making the doll for the stepmother's son Su Yu? They used to be friends? girl... anyway Su yu mole on ear?
so the mother didn't give the doll to Su Yu?
loll so instead of Su Yu agreeing to move to Wu Bi's school, Wu Bi's pre-emptively moving on a different school where he'll end up near Su Yu
Mao Chong and Han Bokuang - I remember there was maybe a second couple or smth in the background of Addicted that also had enemies to lovers, is this them?
pls the Wu Bi theme song every time
not this random singing?!?! girl what T.T and Wu Bi staring at him so intensely from the back loll
pls I can't. mentioning the sculpture and then facial nerve paralysis ?!?!?!
Ep 2 (Aug 11)
bro Wu bi changing some of Su Yu's answers? die.
plss how'd Su Yu get perfect score, he answered things wrongly and Wu Bi accidentally chose the correct ones? - oh i see the teacher caught it
Bro, Su Yu should just beat the shit out of Wu Bi at least once before they get lovey dovey cuz how dare he step on his new shoes after he heard they're new
plss the transitions as Su Yu's being a little chemist genius
Su Yu's dad working a second job to earn money and obviously, it's somehow for Wu Bi
ofc Wu Bi's soft when it comes to a father who's working hard for his son - but so rude to the son smh
Duoduo so cute and smart and endearing >.<
Ep 3 (Aug 11)
It's 1:30AM so I should be going to sleep but oh well. also my head/eyes ache
Bokuang mentioned jelly like 4:30mins in and the Viki comment had lyrics to Boys Planet Jelly Pop
lol Wu Bi being like no.. the coincidences can't be... he can't be tahe mover's son... but he doesn't even now about the incredible coincidences of them being stepbrothers !!
Wu Bi doesn't pity Su Yu too much, treating him like some charity case
the editing is so funny what is this figtttt pls T.T
only I can bully you Su Yu, nobody else >:((
Wu Bi wants happy family
Ep 4 (Aug 12)
bro Duoduo is actually a menace, she's so cute and funny
ah, some heart-to-heart between Wu Bi and Su Yu as he learns about Wu Bi's mother and her death and her sculpting
Ep 5 (Aug 12)
Su Yu buying Wu Bi breakfast hehe
not this BL jealousy moment of Wu Bi seeing people touch or confess to Su Yu
Damn, I thought Su Yu was gonna accept Wu Bi's request on QQ or something but instead he's view Wanying's and she even messaged him, ah - I remember some drama with a girl in the tiktoks and in the original Addicted one of their previous girlfriend also came into the picture
so many things going on at this dinner: Wanying calling Su Yu and him hanging up - Wu Bi watching all that, Duoduo sneakily drinking a shot, Wu Bi giving food to Su Yu
lol Wu Bi's poor man cosplay gets one step more real
ah, the face each other bike riding - I've seen this on tiktoks too, it's so romantic looking
Ep 6 (Aug 12)
Su Yu is so cute in glasses
plsss Wu Bi shit-talking about Su Yu's stepdad's son - whole time it's him. surprise you're step-brothers <3
plsss he fr cursed himself?! Wu Bi my guy D:
okay, so, is this show dubbed? Sometimes it doesn't seem like it but sometimes... the mouth movements vs sounds ?
plssss Su Yu probing into Wu Bi's family secrets and both Wu Bi and Su Yu's father fumbling through it
plsss this fake dad T.T
"even if you doubted Wu Bi, you couldn't have doubted your own dad, right?" ...girl this is gonna blow up fr
Ep 7 (Aug 12)
omg so this is how they find about the dad and mom marriage? In Addicted, it was the mother coming to Su Yu's house that made them find out
Are we gonna get singing again? oh, just the editing at the club lol
damn, throwing punches D:
Ep 8 (Aug 12)
nvm we're really back to singing
wait true, Wu Bi can take on thugs but let Su Yu hit him
bruh who is taking a photo of Su Yu and his mom and her handing him money? i thought Wu Bi's friends were gonna give Su Yu a talking to for making Wu Bi cry but would they do this instead?
oh i see, the scholarship thing
They never translate the on-screen text agh
oh nvm they're translating some others
Bro Wu Bi why would you fake admit that you spread the photos
Duoduo sooo cute
brooo it really was Wubi's friends?
I kinda liked it last time when the dad was like "okay? and did Wubi keep the parental marriage situation from you? no? then why are you mad at him?" But he might be more involved with Wu Bi this time than in original Addicted, so there's more hurt associated with learning this?
Ep 9 (Aug 12)
yesss supportive dad who loves Wu Bi!
This is fun, at first it was Wu Bi trying to get Su Yu's attention and now vice versa
"Faster my foot, slow down. Do you want to tire him out?"
ah, I was wondering what the timeline was, i's in New Year's 2006
The way Wu Bi climbed over Su Yu's sleeping body... ah.
bro why are we getting women being assaulted in this randomly
why would you give me voiceover of Wu Bi going "I am your ge. you are my di." stop this
Ep 10 (Aug 12)
ah, Su Yu's silly worries of becoming an outsider in his family and them not looking out for him anymore - squashed by them worrying + calling Wu Bi's phone since Su Yu left with him last night. good. silly kid, your dad got married, didn't abandon you
pls is Wu Bi's birthday actually a few days later than Su Yu's lol Wu Bi wants to be ge so bad
Actually I did remember the rich kid in Addicted being younger by a day or two but I thought they just switched it here lol
The way this ge/di battle would be doing Everything for me if they weren't step-brothers... now it's still doing it for me but tentatively
Ep 11 (Aug 12)
lol the cousin-brother's girlfriend is Wanying? rip she's the girl who was haunting the relationship in Addicted, right? Also, the cousin mentioned that they have a mutually beneficial relationship, so is he really gay?
I don't get what Wu Bi's doing on his phone
oh i see, he realized that Wanying is his cousin's gf
Wu Bi's tantrum is so annoying - why doesn't he just tell Su Yu that she has a bf? Then he doesn't have to say anything about liking Su Yu (idk if he even knows that he likes him romantically) but can just be like she's a liar and a cheat bruh
Did the cousin understand that they've got a thing going on? Cuz in Addicted, the cousin understood I think.
Also, Wu Bi stopped the cousin from talking about the gf Wanying, why?
bro why do Wu Bi's friends and now his bodyguard keep screwing over Su Yu...
Ep 12 (Aug 12)
rich spoiled pathetic wittle babies are so :/ do it right, Wu Bi
"Su Yu is mine" is crazy. to say to Wanying especially
bro what right does Wu Bi have to be mad? I think if they weren't step-siblings, it'd be different but... I'm like do you even know you're in love with each other?
bro Wanying is terrible D: liar liar
Wu Bi telling Su Yu about Wanying dating his cousin would have seriously been able to avoid this
bro she's such a mastermind, she's meeting Wu Bi and is gonna make it seem like he's harassing her or something right?
"Not winning an Oscar for best actress would be a waste of your acting skills" plsss
finally Wu Bi mentions Wanying dating his cousin but now too much has happened
Duoduo is genuinely so funny
Ep 13 (Aug 12)
bro show me what the wishes are! what did Wu Bi write!
also now we've seen Duoduo and Su Yu both exchange their wishes wish new ones - will Wu Bi do the same?
damn, are we gonna get the last of this Wanying conflict? pls let it end
damn, we're finding out about the sculpture connection right now?
man, I do have to love just how interconnected the families are in this. Even though Wu Bi's dad and Su Yu's mom aren't present, Su Yu's little family is so good
okayy Su Yu going to meet Wu Bi
"From today until the day you get married, I'll be with you every holiday" saw it on tiktok, it hits harder with the full context
Wu Bi dying to kill Mao Chong fr
Mao Chong and Bokuang fake dating pls
omggg he literally has Bokuang in drag!
Ep 14 (Aug 13)
damn, so much drama between Su Yu's mother and Wu Bi's dad
damn, more conflict between the families
I wonder what the end result of this show will be? Will they have some mending between the kids and their parents?
Ep 15 (Aug 13)
is she reading yaoi in class? T.T pls now fantasizing about Su Yu and Wu Bi. This is one way to edge across the censors
plsss Wu Bi taking the yaoi novel for Su Yu T.T
nooo did Duoduo take the yaoi? hope it's child friendly....
Ep 16 (Aug 13)
Would her taking so many photos of the two of them have any consequences?
why do they keep singing?!?!
girl, not this dancing, I'm clutching my head
Ep 17 (Aug 13)
"They don't spend enough time looking at... your face."
So they're trying to solve the death of Wu Bi's mom, okay
I hope Wu Bi doesn't somehow misunderstand Su Yu's secrecy around the mystery though
Ep 18 (Aug 13)
plsss this dance T.T
This MR. Mo character is so annoying
are we just fully believing this man?
Ep 19 (Aug 13)
okay they've made up
birthday dinner at Wu Bi's house with the parents, woah and Su Yu's there too
ah car birthday presents... the accident's gonna happen in a few episodes i guess
plss what is up with Bokuang's dad fr, are we supposed to extrapolate that he's gay?
not the flashback to happy child birthday boy Wu Bi
Ep 20 (Aug 13)
pls arguing about whose father gave a shittier gift
and then getting school by Duoduo
plssss Su Yu's dad "I already have an ex-wife who went with him" when Wu Bi's dad liked Duoduo's mom's noodles
damn, evidence in the Su Yu statue - is there more?
Ep 21 (Aug 13)
Wu Bi is so cute with his hair down like this, so innocent looking despite being a Grade A Rascal
I hope the relationship with parents don't get ruined, they're cute now, esp Wu Bi and his father
wait, this is what people were talking about, right? we're calling it lip balm to cover up but really it's actually lube?
he put the lube lip balm on his father?! and then barely containing his laughter
Duoduo's little crush on Mao Chong is so cute
anyway, I'm dreading Mao Chong and Su Yu sleeping in the same bed and Wu Bi coming home to surprise them and seeing that
omg not them gossiping about how Su Yu finds Wu Bi handsome and treats him differently lol
plsss not the girls just discussing gay ships of Mao Chong right behind him?
plsss not Wu Bi seeing Mao Chong's headphones on the bedstand and tackling Su Yu
pls Su Yu's status "I'm hungry." -> Wu Bi literally running out to make food for him -> cousin man being like "He's gone mad. If this continues, he'll squander all the family wealth."
Ep 22 (Aug 14)
"Give our relationship, I can think of something better than money." okay
Ep 23 (Aug 14)
Immediately picking up on Wu Bi calling Su Yi ge finally
not lubricant jokes pls
god the endless innuendos, "if you get 30 points more, I'll reward you with something hehehe"
"If he wants your dad's group, will you give it to him?" "I will." is a wild thing to say and then "Impossible" about being separated like bruhh don't provoke our cousin, don't you know your mother was murdered? Shouldn't you be a bit more careful about how people view Su Yu and whether he needs to be eliminated
bruh what is the love confession letter that the fujoshi gave them so cringe i die
girl not Wu Bi continuously getting hurt over nothing between Su Yu and Mao Chong
man, cousin guy don't be so preoccupied with the Su Yu/Wanying thing fr
Ep 24 (Aug 14)
I know it's not a happy ending, I don't wanna watch this fr
the cousin giving Su Yu the haircut reminds me of The Devil Judge except she was way cooler and deadlier
damn, causing separating the two of them early in the morning tomorrow
cousin literally boutta send a kill on Wu Bi as well while only trying to do Su Yu
plssss the way Wu Bi's talking to Su Yu once they realize there's a brake failure is soo brain melting "It's okay, I'm here. Just close your eyes and rest for a while"
I've seen people talk about how Wu Bi had angled the car so that he was hit with the impact ahhhh
so much of this last 15 minutes is just flashbacks bro wtf
bruh that's it? the end? well, someone on discord did say it's non-fatal car crash so yknow
Overall Thoughts:
Well, this is really as close as BL you can get without saying out loud that they are dating but there are innuendos galore and it's pretty clear (there was lube on their bed, like...). So it didn't really feel unfulfilling as if something was missing because like... they were together pretty much lol.
The family aspect was the best, I love that we got to see Su Yu's situation so much and his blended family and the way they were always there together. You can understand why Wu Bi prefers the warmth of their home over the coldness of his, though we got to see progress on that end too. Duoduo sooo cute, little munchkin.
The ending is... an ending, that's for sure. Hope we get a season 2 next year but who knows.
Rating: 6.5/10
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aubieinsanity · 1 year
#trigunbookclub | Vol 1 | Ch 02
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Commentary below the cut!
[Art & Story by Yasuhiro Nightow. Translation by Trigun Ultimate Overhaul.] [Disclaimer: I have consumed much meta content & had many conversations about Trigun on Tumblr and Discord since earlier in 2023. Lots of my commentary will be a result of cooperative analysis, so thank you to all who share their thoughts!] [Warning: While I will mostly avoid manga spoilers, some of my commentary will involve discussion of future topics. I am also assuming readers have seen the 98 anime and/or Trigun Stampede and are at least somewhat familiar with some of the major story beats.]
Sometimes I forget how July was A Thing from the very beginning of the manga. It's such an amazing slow burn of mystery and angst. July was a really, really big deal. I appreciate the way it plays out in the manga; even though it was an event that happened in the past, it still holds a lot of narrative weight. I also appreciate that Stampede told the story a little differently, where we actually got to see the event of July's destruction firsthand. Two different ways to approach the story, but both greatly impactful.
(I remember watching ep 3 of Stampede for the first time, at the end of which Vash announces he's heading toward July, and I was just like *gasp* "Oh no" ....though I suppose I should have been clued in since ep 1, when Roberto identifies the July military police.)
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Note: I know Orange has stated the official spelling is JuLai. I am continuing to spell it July because I want to. Just like Nai instead of Kni. Fight me
These two panels that talk of the obliteration of an entire city and depict a mysterious, brooding Vash are particularly interesting when sandwiched between the previous chapter, which featured a very goofy Vash, and the next page, which graces us with this:
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~ Plantussy count: 2 ~
Good lord this man has legs for DAYS. And all those belts--why did Nightow do that to himself??!? Those must have been such a pain to draw!
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Lovelovelove that Vash starts whining in French here. Nobody speaks French on this godforsaken planet. I love that, among the many things he learned on the SEEDS ship as a child, other human languages were among them. I imagine he and Knives learned a lot in a very short amount of time, a la genius child prodigies. The other funny thing about this to me is that it's been a long time since Vash would've learned French, and it's doubtful he's had anyone to speak it with in decades, if not a century or more. Yet here he is, pulling it out. It's kind of cute, like he loves all these little details of humanity and probably finds French / languages in general fun and/or beautiful, and even though he can't use it to communicate with anyone, he still retains it. It's also kind of sad, because it both ages and otherizes him -- no one else around here speaks like that. No one has for a long time.
This chapter also has one of my all-time favorite Meryl moments:
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This is so fucking funny. Meryl's like, if I speak super, super loud using this megaphone, then everyone will listen and internalize what I have to say! It's sooooo absurd and just...wrong, lmao. But she's so damn self-assured. (The townsfolk do completely ignore her as she's hollering at them over the megaphone, RIP)
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Aaaaand I just LOVE this page. He's so silly!!!!
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Poor Vash. Doing his best to run away without getting anyone hurt. The very people he's trying to protect, hunting him down. It's a quintessential Trigun experience.
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Now, now Vash, don't be sexist. (Just kidding, I don't think this was meant to be a sexist comment. I think the point he's trying to make is that these women aren't predisposed to the violence they now display. They are mothers, and barmaids, and overall gentle people. I don't think he's implying that any woman touting a gun would be unnatural, just that this particular scene is difficult to stomach: everyday citizens, choosing violence over peace. We also see this in the 98 anime as well as Stampede.)
Vash is no fool. He knows the people in this town --hell, on this entire planet -- are struggling. While he is disappointed in their decision to choose violence, he understand: he even says so.
Actually, something struck me on this re-read, when comparing Vash here to Vash in Stampede. Here, after hearing the townspeople's plight, he still whips out his gun, startling the barmaid(?) and causing her to topple backward. With a terrifying expression, he declares "Until I see him again, I cannot afford to stop moving!" then begs them not to make him shoot them. He defends himself. He threatens them. He may very well have shot them (non-lethally, of course) if they refused to let him go, if they got in the way of his greater goal. He cries at the thought of having to do it, but he would do it if he had to.
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This is one of the bigger differences we see with Stampede Vash. Most of the time he's fighting or threatening someone, it's to protect others, not himself. (Yes, yes, taking down Knives is for the greater good, that's what manga Vash is focused on here...) Stampede Vash literally lets himself take a bullet for no reason other than guilt.
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I just don't see manga Vash doing that (but that isn't to say manga Vash doesn't have a massive guilt complex and constantly suffers, both mentally and physically, for it. But then again...is it a guilt complex? Or is it just a deep, excruciating sorrow?) Idk, I think I'm having a hard time articulating this and will probably have more to say about it in a later post, but the vibe is just...a little bit different. (I do think there's also a difference here between Trigun and Trigun Maximum, so we'll definitely get back to it.)
Moving on... we have the Nebraska attack, where the women with whom Vash is having a standoff are injured. And we're back to sassy little bitch Vash, who wrote "KISS MY ASS!!" with marker on Gofsef's hand.
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ooOooOoooOooo he mad. Look at that serious face.
Two final comments on this chapter:
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I am obsessed with this strange holster Gofsef wears to carry around Father Nebraska. It even has a lil seatbelt! Safety first!!
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~ Plantussy count: 3 ~
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i-donot-forget · 3 years
Eldarya Ep 7 (opinion)
Episode 7!!!! They gave us a nice ball, a nice dress and a nice moment with our LI (Discounting some details in the illustrations that I already mentioned before) the episode was very good, it is a clear transition, that little respite before everything goes wrong again.
Eldarya has always been a different otome, because the story does not revolve around the protagonist and her love story, it is about the protagonist saving the fucking world, the moments with our route have always been scarce and interrupted, remember that in TO until episode 17 we have the first date, from then on things go too fast and finally it cannot be said that we really got to know any of our romantic interests, an exception for Valkyon but I think it's obvious why. New Era has a great advantage, we already know these guys (except Mathieu but we have that connection of "hey we are both from earth"), we already know who they are, we already know this world, now falling in love will be "faster" than in a way it's good because we already saw that when Erika realizes that she feels something for someone, she goes after him (I love her for that, I couldn't ahahaha) and so we come to this episode, after the beautiful moment on the boat where we realize that we feel something for that special boy.
But this is Eldarya so...
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the damn world is going to end again and Nevra is ready for war, I know it sounds ugly but I find it absolutely correct, if the earth is going to absorb Eldarya... They are lost, I cannot imagine any scenario in which the humans of the earth welcome all of Eldarya with open arms, that is, let's face it, how many countries are there where immigrants are a plague for a certain portion of the population? I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just saying it's like that and with the Eldaryans it will be worse. People like Huang Hua, Huang Chu, might go unnoticed, but Koori??? Lance???? What will humans think when Chrome is in trouble and can't control himself with Earth's Moon, how are Nevra and Karenn going to live with Earth's Sun that is lethal to them??? I can only think it's going to be a disaster, besides, how does this "absorption" work? Will the portals get bigger and bigger until eldarya disappears? Will everything fall from the sky? because clearly earth will not be the most affected... Humans are dangerous, our history of clash between cultures is always to exterminate the unknown and in this case it will be fatal for both factions but if you ask me, humans are not going to become extinct...
With all of that in mind, I'm not surprised that Lance had his head elsewhere and forgot about his clothes... but hey, it was a funny moment that made me think that we still don't know the real Lance and that attitude is just the same one that Valkyon adopted after Lance's "death"...
The moment of meditation with Leiftan was painful… now I understand many things, and I believe that all his sufferings and the loss of his powers is something mental. All the confidence that Leiftan had in himself resided in his powers, in TO he was at the top, he was the most powerful being in Eldarya and he handled everyone like simple puppets, he was confident, capable of everything, the first time we saw him desperate was after losing half his life (for us), now in NE ufff he tells us, he feels vulnerable, helpless, incomplete, without identity, If everything you were was based on your strength and power, who are you without it? Despite everything, I think it started very well, Leiftan tells us the truth, for the first time he trusts something of the utmost importance in us, the fact that he is now defenseless implies many things, Lance remains on the guard because of his power and abilities which is very useful, the same could apply to Leiftan but without his powers he could believe that the HQ would not want him (although in TO nobody knew he was a daemon). He confides in us a secret that is vital to him, reveals his vulnerability and I must say that I love him too much, when he tells us that he feels exactly the same as we do when we talk to him about our powers, he finally opens up to us and then the hug melted my heart. Now that he no longer has (and cannot) protect us, our relationship will be different.
The ball, I am not surprised that Princess Koori organized a ball, Huang Hua's speech was extremely touching, my heart clenched when she mentioned those who had left, I couldn't help but think of Valkyon... Now is the time to dance and I am fascinated by how Erika takes the reins and invites her LI, here we part.
Mathieu: adorable nothing to say, I love them, his route is pure laughter and games and fun, I really like Mathieu, I did not trust him but their moments together are sooo sweet, we see him as the center of attention, something very about him but naturally, it does not attract attention forcibly, they really are standing out for what they are, everything is very nice, a great dance, I think that at the point where they left the scene, I would believe in a kiss, not passionate or anything but a first kiss all cute, nervous and natural.
Nevra: I love that he's waiting for us, I think they already act like boyfriend and girlfriend without wanting to say it hahahaha and I love him, Nevra want us and loves us, he doesn't say it but he shows it only with his actions, I still feel like he's going to scare at the key moment, I feel that he keeps many things that explode in that uncompromising anger, I wait for a very intimate moment between them that makes me cry I want to see him cry, I know he needs it, I know he needs Erika to hug him and tell him that everything it will be fine, he needs someone to be the strong one.
Lance: the moment is very nice I cannot deny it, it is beautiful, Lance's reaction to Erika's invitation is great and again I love her determination, it struck me that Lance does know how to dance, but an old-fashioned dance, that just means that In his previous time in the guard of eel he did dance, I always imagined him as the popular cool boy that everyone follows, I'm still waiting to see that, I already want to break that shell and get the real Lance out.
Leiftan: Ahhhh my beautiful baby I leave him at the end because it is my route and I love him and I can't help but fangirl very hard for him. Erika dragging him to the dance floor imitating Karenn, I loved it, Erika helping Leiftan with his confidence and security, I super loved it, the inevitable attraction between them that is so strong that the moment screams that they will kiss, I cannot express my emotion, I love him I can't stop loving him and I just want they to be alone to see the damn connection in all its glory 7u7
So I wait for the catastrophe in the next episode, I still don't know if it will be a portal opening in the middle of the crystal room or if it will be the crystal itself that does something idk, surprise me beemoov
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shinjaeha · 2 years
bad buddy ep 8 (thoughts)
so this ep really took us for a ride. i’m still reeling over the end of the ep even though i had a feeling that something like that was going to go down (though maybe not as publicly as what actually happened...). i have so many thoughts and questions...but most of them prob won’t end up being answered until at least next ep.
i think we’ll really have to strap ourselves in for a bumpy ride from hereon in, but FIRST let’s talk about all the things i loved about this ep as usual :)
as fun as last ep was, nothing beats seeing them as ACTUAL boyfriends and the domesticity that comes with that :’) they’re so CUTE i can’t stand them omg. pat making pran breakfast in bed!!!!!!!! i love the little details like the pics/post its on pran’s wall, or their uniforms hanging on the hooks in his room together. the ketchup kiss was so adorable (esp knowing that that was improv on nanon’s part and ohm’s reaction was very real 😂). it’s just so sweet to me that pran can be as playful as he wants with pat now (at least when they’re alone). he’s spent his whole life repressing all these feelings, but now he has the chance to actually indulge and fully be himself around the boy that he’s been in love with for years. you can already see how different he is from previous eps when he was more closed off. he doesn’t have to be like that around pat anymore bc they’ve laid all their cards on the table. they’re BOYFRIENDS now and i’ll never get sick of saying that!!
something i really like about this show is, even though there’s obviously an overarching narrative throughout, it feels episodic bc many of the conflicts they deal with are introduced and resolved in a single episode (and sometimes another conflict is introduced at the end of the ep). like last episode, it was the challenge and who would cave first (resolved at the end when they both become boyfriends). this ep, it’s the struggle of having to keep their secret relationship under wraps, whilst also dealing with their differing personalities and stances within their relationship. this is a fairly common and realistic thing for people in same sex relationships to have to deal with, but it’s obviously more complicated for pat and pran given the situation with their friends and family. as we’ve already seen, pran’s friends and family seem very accepting of whatever he chooses to identify as, so i feel like it’s fair to assume that pran’s as scared as he is to reveal their relationship not bc he likes a guy, but bc that guy is PAT. he’s also experienced firsthand how unaccepting his parents have been about him just being in the same band as pat before (let alone boyfriends) so he has a very valid reason to be as scared as he is.
the hand holding scene is SO sweet bc although pran pulled away initially (and pat was super understanding about it), he couldn’t even bear pat being sad for a moment longer and gave in almost immediately. it’s the little concessions they make for one another that i’m absolutely in love with. just these little things they do to make one another smile bc they know it means a lot to the other.
paa with her arms around the both of them as they held hands behind her back made me weep THEY’RE SO ADORABLE...i’ve watched this scene way too many times to count at this point.
literally this whole rehearsal scene i just felt bad for toto 😂 no idea how he was able to make them get anything done in the end. but also, watching this back, how DIDN’T he know there was something going on with them bc they weren’t even a little bit subtle. just constantly flirting on that stage.
inkpaa!!!!!!!!! i love that paa’s the one always knocking some kind of sense into her brother, but the second she’s with ink she becomes this cute, bumbling mess. and you can tell that ink finds it so endearing. wai though...that’s a no from me :/ it’s so funny to me how ink keeps shooing away all these boys buzzing around paa like their flies...she was NOT here for wai’s interrogation whatsoever.
omg so i full on burst out laughing the moment i heard the sizzy song and saw pat doing the moves in his car (love score has been and always will be a certified BOP). even better when pat starting rapping nanon’s part with the moves bc YOU KNOW that ohm had a great time with that and that pran’s reaction was really just 100% nanon being embarrassed haha.
i was having fun laughing along and then they hit us with whoever it was that saw them in the car...and i will circle back to this again at the end of this post bc i have MANY thoughts about this...
anyway, this is a great ep for us inkpaa stans :) paa continues to be the clumsiest person on earth, but she’s so SOFT around ink. if i were ink, i would be totally enamoured too. interesting how she paid attention to what pat supposedly said about how much paa likes shrimp (and peeling them for her!!!!!)...and their cute little ~moment!! i love them ;;;
i like how the scene right after this is pat and pran’s rooftop dinner date. it’s a great contrast. the rooftop is obviously a special place for them, but i love that this is the first time that we’ve seen them on it when the sun’s still up (now that they’re both awakened to their feelings for each other). it’s lovely, but there’s still that underlying sadness there that they can’t date each other in public (or just hang out in general) the way that pat sees ink and paa doing on their hotpot date. this is clearly something that’s quite difficult for pat esp to deal with since he’s the type of person that WANTS to show off who he’s dating/that he’s taken. i just really love how pran can see how much it affects pat and quickly tries to cheer him up. they’re stuck being a rock and a hard place, but they’re both so understanding of one another as they’re able to see things from the other’s perspective.
pat’s ig posts remind me of how jealous he was when he saw that ig story of pran and wai drunk at the bar together. and even that ig story he just saw of paa with ink. THAT’S what he wants...to be able to post freely about his boyfriend, but he can’t do that. so he settles for these cryptic shots relating to pran bc he needs an outlet of sorts. he’s never been able to suppress his feelings in the same way that pran can bc that’s just not how he deals with things. on the other hand, pran’s just a lot more private in general. and he’s understandably worried that someone might be able to link all these posts to him, so he can’t help but panic on reflex when pat teases him with the kiss (even though logically i’m sure he knows pat would never post something that obvious without his express consent). either way, it broke my heart a little that they’ve been forced into this situation where they have to hide their love like this.
pran trying to make it up to pat with all those little post it notes (and the toilet paper)...MY POOR HEART CAN’T TAKE THIS. pran using his love of smiley faces to make pat smile too!! they really, really just can’t stand to see the other sad at all. honestly, this is the type of cute, domestic relationship stuff that we tend to miss when couples only get together at the end of a drama. i LOVE that we’ve gotten to see their dynamic morph from their playful ‘not friends’ bickering at the start, to them still playfully bickering, but being in an established relationship now. how could you stay sulky after that :’) impossible.
every single one of their friends are so dense it would almost be sad if it didn’t makes it that much easier for them to hide their relationship, i guess 😭
the way we go from pat being sulky to pran being sulky though. but you can already see how the conflict will start ramping up more and more from here as pran gets more paranoid about pat’s posts (esp as they get more daring). that being said, it’s so endearing to see the different methods the both of them use to cheer the other up. they hate seeing each other sad, and they can’t stay mad at each other for very long either.
the line reading back hug scene though!!!!! no matter how many times i’ve seen it, i can never stop smiling during it. it’s just so damn adorable. poor pran squirming in pat’s arms as he reads his lines ahhh...again, how could you stay sulky after that...there’s just no way. also, the behind the scenes for this particular scene was so CUTE...nanon was really going through it omg 😂
it’s so weird to me how obsessed wai is with paa when he literally only talked to her like that ONE time they bumped into each other (and almost fought her before he saw her)?? and then wanting to fight pat when he thought paa was his girlfriend?? this boy doesn’t need a love interest, he needs anger management classes...
not how wai called pran dramatic in ep 6 when HE’S being as dramatic as he is. pran using wai/paa for his monologue on why his relationship with pat is so exhausting bc of all the hiding :((( pran tends to do this a lot. confide in his friends SOME of his feelings (without them really realising), but never telling them the whole truth. pat is the only person he ever tells everything to, but pat is also the one who’s the most patient and perceptive of pran’s feelings when he’s not saying what he means.
i have more to say about wai’s involvement in all this, but i’ll leave that until the end...
pat’s argument with his dad absolutely broke my heart. pat is such an interesting character to me bc on the surface he seems easygoing and carefree. he’s honest and wears his heart on his sleeve. but there’s also a lot more bubbling under the surface with him. and we’ve gotten to see more and more of this with each new ep.
originally, i thought that pat had more freedom than pran (even pran mentioned that pat’s family was more ‘flexible’ than his own), but i think i might have been wrong on that front. pat SEEMS like he has more freedom than pran, but it’s bc he’s always followed the path that his dad has set for him. his dad is constantly talking about his own reputation and how he needs pat to uphold it, and so far, that’s what pat’s been doing. up until this point he’s been the ‘perfect son’. he’s always been involved in the things that his dad WANTS him to be involved in and has been rewarded for it (eg. the drum set, the car). he’s living out his dad’s dreams. but by participating in the architecture play, he’s deviating off this set path that’s been laid out for him by his dad. i hate parents like this. they want to live vicariously through their children instead of acknowledging that their children are their own individual people with their own interests and wants in life.
it’s interesting when he says that he doesn’t intervene in pat’s life much when truthfully he does seem to be keeping pretty close tabs on what his son has been doing. in ep 2, he goes to pat’s dorm and pokes around his room, then tells pat that one of pat’s professors was his senior in school. he’s there during the bus stop opening, and again when pat was talking to pran’s mum. and now he knows about pat skipping rugby practice. all of this could just be him being a supportive parent, sure, but looking at if from this context...it does feel a lot more controlling than it appears on the surface. esp given how his father’s acting towards him now just bc pat is in a university PLAY. maybe he skipped some rugby practices, but he’s STILL on the team. he’s still doing what his father wants of him...only he’s doing something else HE wants on top of that.
i think what really gets to me is just how torn up pat is about disappointing his father like this. he very clearly looks up to and respects his father a lot, and he SO wants his father to be proud of him :( like he couldn’t even outright say that he didn’t want to play rugby last ep...he just kept saying he was too lazy, even when paa pressed him on why he was going for tryouts when he didn’t even want to play anymore. he’s followed his dad’s footsteps for so long, that now that he’s taken his own steps, his dad has intervened in a way that he’s never outright done before...and it’s really shaken pat. i get the feeling that pat might never have realised just how much he needed his father’s approval until this moment (since his priorities have always aligned with what was expected of him by his dad). this is the first time that this hasn’t been the case, which explains why it’s so crushing for him. he feels like he’s letting his dad down for the first time in his life. i just want to hug him :(((
i feel like this scene also lays the groundwork for how pat’s dad is going to react once he finds out about pat and pran’s relationship (esp if he’s already blowing up at pat for being in a PLAY). it’s not boding well for them...but i think we all knew that :/
OF COURSE the first person he thinks of calling is pran...he’s the only person in the world that can give him the comfort he needs. the only person that will understand. i read another post somewhere that basically said that the love that pat and pran’s friends and family have for each of them come with conditions/expectations, but the love they have for each other is unconditional bc they love each other for who they actually ARE and not what they expect from each other, and i just thought that was so beautiful and true ;;; they’re each other’s safe zones.
something i adore about this scene is how pat always come across as super confident and sure of himself, but when he calls pran up and hears that he’s out drinking, he seems to get kind of insecure in that moment. like he doesn’t want to burden pran with his problems/feelings (esp when he’s out having a good time). this is a pretty relatable feeling to have when you’re in a new relationship too. you just don’t want to come across as too much so you end up keeping things to yourself. i just like seeing this more vulnerable side of pat. that he’s not always confident all of the time.
but i also love that pran just knew something was up from the tone of pat’s voice and rushed back home to comfort him. this was actually my fave thing about this whole ep. in previous eps, it was mostly pat that was the one to come over and comfort/cheer pran up...we see so much of pran doing this for pat this ep, and it makes their relationship feel much more balanced and reciprocal.
pran presses a little bit bc he knows that pat’s upset about something, and pat folds immediately which is just so in line with his personality. he can try, but he’s just not the type to hold his emotions in like that. he’s way too communicative, and never wants things to be lost in translation. it’s so consistent with his character and what he previously said in ep 6 (”if you don’t say it, how will i figure it out? how can i possibly understand you?”).
THE BALCONY SCENE!!!!!!!!!! i. can’t. stop. smiling. pran being all cute and trying to make pat happy just shows how comfortable and stable he feels in their relationship now (he would never have done this before they became official). he just wants to make pat feel how pat makes HIM feel...wants to make him smile too. it’s always been really evident how much pat loves pran bc he’s not subtle about it at all. he conveys so much of his love in grand gestures. pran might be more quiet about it, but things like this really prove how much pran loves pat too. it’s just so cute seeing pran be silly and playful in order to make pat laugh. they’re both so madly in love with each other. i’m glad that pat gets to sniff pran’s shirt as much as he wants now too :’)
this is just my head canon, but i feel like pat specifically got pran the earphone bag with their initials on it bc he knows how much pran likes things with the first letter of his name on them (his bag, the giant ‘p’ light in his room)...and idk i just think that’s adorable.
oh god, the montage with kacha’s ost!!!!!!!!!!!! they’re both so gone for one another (and i’m gone for them). at least they gave us a giant slice of happiness before everything came crashing down...
pran’s anxiety about people finding out about their relationship when he heard his classmates talking about it...we knew it was coming bc it’s been building up but still :((( their fight hurt to watch.
i think this drama does a really good job of making us feel for BOTH pat and pran. it’s easy to empathise with either side as both their feelings are absolutely valid, and that’s why it hurts so much. their conflicting feelings in this ep remind me a lot of the ep 5 kiss. since pat’s living in the present, he wants to be loud and proud about the boy he’s in love with, but pran’s paranoid and worried about their future...so he lashes out and panics as soon as he realises that people could potentially be putting the pieces together through pat’s ig that they’re together.
okay but ohm’s acting in the xylophone scene!!!!!!!!! outsold!!!!!!!! gave me goosebumps and everything 😭 i really love that they didn’t use a score here...it was pure xylophone. they just let pat play out the anger he was feeling. art reflecting life. it made this scene so much more effective imo.
pran watching in the audience and thinking back to the history of their entire romance up until this point while pat played...then pat looking up at him with those eyes, so angry, and pran thinking back to what a huge thing it was that pat did for him (taking on the role of riam), making him reflect on how he shouldn’t have blown up at pat like that before walking away. ouch.
and the clarity in pat’s eyes. how he goes from furious to realisation to regret as he remembers the shirt and what it means to him (how much pran means to him). the way the fury in his eyes just dissipates like that as his xylophone playing simmers down to a stop. i just really, really love this scene so much. it says so much without any words at all.
THEIR APOLOGIES TO ONE ANOTHER. they REALLY can’t stay mad at each other for too long ;;; i love that they both knew exactly what they were apologising for, admitted their faults, and just realised that their anger wasn’t worth it in the end. they’re competitive, but they’ve never been too stubborn to admit when they’ve been in the wrong. this is what a loving relationship is. can’t believe pat and pran invented romance AND healthy relationships :’)))
the communication between the two is just soooooo incredibly refreshing and satisfying to see. but the way they compromise with one another is just as important. pat wants to tell the world that he’s taken, but as always, he takes into account pran’s feelings above his own (only posts cryptically, tells pran that he’ll stop posting if it’s what he wants). pran is terrified about anyone finding out about them, but he can also see how much it hurts pat having to keep their relationship a secret...he can see how stifling it is for him, so even though he’s scared...he still takes these baby steps forward (holding pat’s hand, letting him post vague posts alluding to them on ig, the hand holding pic) bc he knows how much that means to pat. they put each other first in so many ways. constantly make an effort to adjust to the needs and wants of the other. genuinely care about and want one another to be happy. if that’s not true love, i don’t know what is.
i also like that while it was pran that needed assurance in previous eps, it’s pat that needed more of it in this ep. i feel like that’s partially the reason he kept posting about them on social media. although pran shows his love in actions (acts of service), he’s not very vocal when it comes to how he feels. i really think pat needed to hear it from pran’s mouth himself, so when he says “just because i’m not telling people doesn’t mean i don’t like you” and admits to being pat’s boyfriend (which he’s never really said properly before), it provides pat with the assurance and security he needs...bc it’s one thing knowing someone loves you/thinks about you in a certain way, but it’s another thing hearing the person that you love say the words out loud like that.
OKAY. so now let’s talk about the big reveal. it was always coming but...it really had to be in the most dramatic and revealing way ever huh.
so there’s a lot of speculation that it was wai that revealed them (possibly turned up the mic on stage/dropped the curtain)...and he does seem like the most likely candidate seeing the way he was overseeing them in the sound booth...like they were just puppets on his stage. he, at the very least, most DEFINITELY heard everything from the look on his face. i know one of the screenwriters tweeted about it too before deleting their tweet. it would also fit with the more villainous trajectory of his character development seeing as how he’s been racking up the red flags for awhile now (and esp since last ep). i’m sure he’s also angry at pran for telling him to give up on paa when pran’s been secretly dating pat this whole time.
what i’m having trouble fitting with the narrative though is, if he really was the one that saw them in the car, does that mean he was acting the entire time he went drinking with pran?? he knew the whole time but was just waiting to reveal it?? i know that wai’s pretty manipulative, but that’s plain diabolical. that’s so much more deliberate (and evil) than if he’d just found out at the theatre and revealed them impulsively...also imo it would have made more sense for him to have confronted pran immediately after seeing him in the car bc that seems more in line with his personality. since he’s the type to act first, think later.
unless he just saw pran get in the car and didn’t know who it was with?? so he went drinking with him to try to figure things out, maybe saw that the phone call pran received wasn’t from his mum, but still wasn’t able to quite pinpoint who pran was being so secretive about until seeing/hearing the two of them in the theatre (and then exposing them in an impulsive fit of anger).
or maybe someone else entirely saw them in the car?? ngl at first i thought korn...like why was he in the theatre in the first place? but then he didn’t seem very sus when they were teasing pat about dating an architecture ‘girl’ so...who knows. i guess we’ll only get answers with ep 9.
either way, what happened to them made my heart stop :( i’m so upset for the both of them that it had to happen like this. and i know their friends are gonna make this REAL hard for them next ep, but i hope they can power through everything together as they’ve been doing so far.
bless ink :’) and i know that the preview has paa looking kind of shady, but i do think she’ll come around. she’s grown up in the same heteronormative environment that pat has...she’s likely never even thought about her brother liking another boy (let alone PRAN) in that way so it might take her some time to adjust. esp given their family histories. and who knows, it might also make her question her own feelings and admiration for ink in more detail...js.
anyway, i do think we’ll get a resolution for the friend drama by the end of ep 9 (since that’ll be their main conflict next ep). they’ll prob have to wrap it up by the end so they can get to the family drama, which is likely going to be a thousand times worse... :/// i’m so worried for them but so invested...here’s hoping we’re all able to get through this storm okay. i just want them to be happy together, that’s it!!!!!
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tokyokookmin · 3 years
Can you post your top 5/10 favorite jikook moments?
Oh, my anon, where do I begin? There are plenty of Jikook moments that I like and just love however, I will be talking about more of their "loud" or you can say peak boyfriend's moments. My previous posts were all about the cutesy moments so I'll guess I mix things up 😆.
ROSE BOWL the ‘I love you's,- I don't think that I have to explain much about this moment. This moment melts my heart, it is special, emotional, endearing, it's sentimental. Literally just all of those words 😂. Just them having each other ❤.
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MMA 2020 BLACK SWAN INTRO - I think that I have made so many posts about this moment, it's graceful and just ethereal. Two men breaking stereotypes perform a delicate dance which is usually performed by a male and a female. Will I ever get over this moment? NEVERRRR.
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HUGGIES RUN BTS EP 89- I really don't know why I chose this moment, it felt really cute. Just look at the way Jimin hugged JK and the way they embraced each other! JK'S wrapping his hands. Really domestic (to me) Such an underrated moment.
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MMA 2018- Lol I'm sure that y'all would be sick of me inserting this moment into almost all of my asks and post. Well, IDC because this moment remains epic. It's just loud. I leave the gif below to explain everything lol.***coughs*** no translation because I assume that everyone would know what he said
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Serendipity- "First time is a mistake, two times is a coincidence, and third time is a pattern." "All of this is no coincidence"
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Tokopedia just had to add the "saya adalah kamu dan kamu adalah saya" I'm not Indonesian but I understood it's really easy to grasp on their language cause it's pretty similar to ours!
Check out @stormblessed95 ♥ posts, she has many posts similar to this one.
I'm a little busy these days. I will try to post but it isn't guaranteed that there will be daily posts.
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