#tom hardy reader inserts
buckyownsmylife · 2 years
hi ! i didn’t realised how much i missed reading your headcannons until i read bff!tom . and I LOVE IT . i know you have afew bff!tom already but pls i beg for more like maybe the reader just gets really jealous and upset cause she thinks tom has a girlfriend that he’s been seeing recently and just thinks “ oh i completely missed my chance again “ and then tom notices and confronts her about it and she accidentally blurb out the truth 😩😮‍💨😮‍💨 i honestly appreciate anything you write cause they’re just all so good
Thank you so much, that's so sweet of you to say! I liked your idea, let me see what I can make of it...
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“Why are you avoiding me?”
You didn’t know what to say or where to hide
Once Tom got in one of those moods, all bets were off
But you had your reasons to pull away from him
Namely the pictures that had been circulating in the web of him and a rising young actress
You had thought the kiss you two had shared one night, a few weeks ago, had meant something
At least to you, it did
But seeing those pictures was like a punch to the gut
And so you decided to stay away from him
Thing is, he didn’t agree with your decision
“Tell me,” he insisted, while you fought tears from escaping
How could he not know that this was killing you?
“You’re gonna tell me right now, Y/N, or I swear to God!”
“Shouldn’t you be with your girlfriend?” You yelled, surprising even yourself
“Shouldn’t you... Shouldn’t you be worried about her, instead?”
For a second, Tom stayed there, confused
And then he remembered
“Oh, baby...” He managed to get close enough to you to capture you in his arms
“That was a publicity stunt. I barely know the girl and besides, I’ve been in love with someone else for much longer.”
Although you already had an idea about who he was referring to, you couldn’t help but ask, “Who?”
“You, crazy lady.”
He pulled you into his arms, and kissed your forehead while smiling ear to ear.
You knew you were smiling just as wide, so that’s why you taunted him
“Why don’t you kiss me then?”
That’s when he took you in his arms, kissing the heck out of you
You were left dizzy from the lack of breathing, but happy
“You’re the only one I want,” he reassured you, putting any remaining doubt to sleep - forever
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angelofthenight · 5 months
Alfie, to Tommy: Ur in (y/n)’s dms, I’m on google looking for nutrient rich soil I’d keep them in if they were a worm. We are not the same
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smuttyfantasyrecs · 1 year
Tom Hardy
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🦋 anal 🦋 degrading 🦋 meeting the parents 🦋 praise 🦋 tattoo 🦋 virgin 🦋 personal assistant 🦋 ass man 🦋 calming 🦋 motorcycles 🦋 use me 🦋 I can't wait for you to break 🦋 friends to lovers 🦋 shy 🦋 bratty 🦋 innocence 🦋 pregnant 🦋 I want you 🦋 innocence 🦋 party girl 🦋 breeding 🦋 mirror 🦋 innocent 🦋 early riser 🦋 naughty girl 🦋 24/7 🦋 nipple piercings 🦋 miles and miles 🦋 jealousy 🦋 bath 🦋 i'm gonna take care of you 🦋 boob guy 🦋 bath time 🦋
🦋 undress me 🦋
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worstamongequals · 1 year
— “This crazy bitch is trying to kill me.”
“Hmm, I wonder why.”
Eddie Brock x Vigilante!Reader
You and Eddie had been working together for months now: you, Karma, in your hooded disguise, and Eddie masked by Venom. The Lethal Protectors started working with you after coming across you in an alley one night, where they watched you single-handedly take down a would-be rapist, and Venom offered to eat his head. You and Eddie have never revealed your identities to each other, but tonight, you’re forced to when Eddie takes you back to his apartment for a patch-up after a really bad fight.
word count: 3k
Holy fucking shit. Eddie watched in awe as you handed that guy’s ass to him. You, whoever you are, wearing a protective suit with a mask covering your face, the visor glinting in what little light illuminated the alley. We should help her, Eddie. No, buddy, I think she’s got it.
The man grunted when your knuckles connected with his cheekbone once more and he dropped to his knees. “Come on, man, if you’d have just said she was your girl, I’d have left her alone.” You buried your boot in his stomach and he curled into a ball on the cold pavement.
“That’s your problem, pal.” Your voice was all ice and poison. It occurred to Eddie that the man you were currently kicking the shit out of hadn’t realized you weren’t a man. “You should’ve left her alone because she said leave me alone, not because you think she belongs to some other guy.” Eddie heard a loud crack and suddenly the man yelped in pain. You broke a rib that time.
“Please,” He begged. “Don’t do this.”
“Oh?” You paused, drawing a knife from some unseen hiding place and pressing the blade against his throat. “Are those words suddenly supposed to mean something now? Coming from you?”
The man fell silent, save for a wheezing sound whenever he breathed. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again, like a fish gasping for air.
“You didn’t seem to think those words held any weight earlier.” The blade of your knife pressed deeper into his skin, releasing a thin trickle of blood. “Speak.”
“I-I just,” He stammered. “Please.”
“Hmm,” You hummed liltingly, as if considering his plea. “I’m gonna go with no.”
You put your foot to his shoulder and pushed him down, until he was flat on his back, lying in a puddle of what Eddie could only hope was the man’s own piss. You pulled a gun from the holster at your back, cocking it and aiming it right between his eyes.
“Good fucking night, you piece of shit.”
“Wait!” Venom leapt down from the roof he had been perched on. You stepped back, adjusting your stance so your gun was now pointed at Venom and your knife was back against the man’s throat. “Allow me to make you an offer.”
“I’m listening.” You tried to steady your voice, but it was difficult to sound cool and collected when you were confronted by this 7 foot, oily black alien thing, with rows of teeth and milky white eyes. But Eddie silently commended you for standing your ground.
“I will eat his head. For you.”
“You-” You stuttered, shocked, but also… pleased? “Who are you?”
“We are Venom, the Lethal Protector.”
“Uh… cool.” You lowered your gun. “I’m Karma.”
“You’re a bitch.” The man on the ground spat.
“Oh yeah? You think so?” You gently dragged your knife down his neck and chest, coming to a stop at the waistline of his pants. Ignoring his panicked shouts, you cut through the jeans and boxers, digging the serrated blade into the base of his weapon of choice. “Right, well karma is a fucking bitch, isn’t she?” You sawed halfway through before you stepped back, almost as if admiring your work. He won’t be using that anymore. Then you looked at Venom and gestured towards the man on the floor. “Be my guest.”
Venom devoured him. And this time, Eddie was glad he did it. Venom wanted to eat brains, and Eddie didn’t want innocent people to die. This was their perfect target group. Someone who deserved to be violently removed from this spinning rock.
“My partner would like to speak to you.”
Eddie could picture your eyes widening underneath your mask. “Who?”
Venom’s face peeled back, revealing a smaller, human face underneath. You tried to get a clear look, to figure out if this was someone you knew or someone you should be able to recognize later, but Venom distorted Eddie’s face just enough so that although you could tell you were now speaking to a human man, you couldn’t make out any identifying characteristics. “Hi,” He said, somewhat awkwardly. You cocked your head to the side - his voice didn’t match his hulking figure at all. “We are Venom. And I’d like to make a deal with you.”
- - -
You grunted when your back slammed into the brick wall behind you. Sucking in a ragged breath, you forced yourself back up onto your feet. Eddie admired that about you. You sniffed, dragging the back of your hand across your nose, only taking a second to acknowledge the blood that came away on your hand. “You’re going to regret that. And everything else you did tonight.”
“You crazy bitch,” The guy’s fists were up, but he looked tired. Not much of a fighter. “I didn’t do anything wrong. She wanted it. You’re just a fucking cockblock-”
“More like chopping block.”
“What’s that even supposed to mean?”
“Come find out.” Two knives slid out of their sheaths and into your hands with a shink sound. The man pulled out his baton, gripping it tightly in his sweaty hand. You’d never liked batons - they were fucking brutal. Anyone whose weapon of choice was a baton made your stomach churn; it took a special kind of sick to be comfortable beating someone to death. “She wanted it.” He repeated, mostly to himself.
“None of them did.” You tightened your grip on your knives. “The only thing you protect and serve is yourself.” You launched yourself forward, dodging his first swing of the baton and landing a deep cut on his forearm. He hissed in pain and if looks could kill, you’d be dead. He reached for the radio clipped to his belt. “This is Foxtrot-22, I am in need of assistance-”
You shoved your hand underneath his chin, against the top of his throat, forcing him to step backward if he wanted to continue breathing. “I don’t think so.” You plucked the radio out of his hands, resting your thumb above the talk button. “Repeat after me.”
“You cun- AGH-” You pushed your hand harder into his throat.
“This is Foxtrot-22.” You nodded, signaling him to speak. You clicked the radio on.
“This is Foxtrot-22.”
“And I need to be held accountable for my crimes.”
“I need-” He paused. “Help, Code 8, at my last location-” He knocked you off balance, and you tripped over his discarded baton. You let out an angry, inhuman sound when your palms slammed into the compacted gravel. You flipped over almost immediately, already reaching back to grab your gun when a heavy boot connected with your face. “Fuck!” You fired off a single shot but missed when the man landed a solid kick to your ribs. You dropped the gun, arms immediately moving to cover your abdomen to protect yourself from his unforgiving blows. You heard the gun skittering across the pavement and were suddenly acutely aware of the ever-shrinking number of weapons you had left at your disposal. You pulled a small blade from a hidden holster at your belt and sliced it across the man’s Achilles' tendon, and he let out an animalistic howl of pain. Blinded by white-hot rage, he brought his baton down on you over and over again. You tried your best to gain back your control over the situation, but he got the drop on you. Black spots dotted your vision. That was when Venom came sliding down the rooftop.
“Oh shit.” This stopped the man in his tracks.
“What seems to be the problem here?” The question might’ve sounded neutral enough, but Venom was circling the man like a shark after its prey, eyeing him as if he couldn’t decide which part to eat first.
The man gulped, seemingly aware of his hopeless situation. That didn’t stop him from trying to talk his way out of it. “This crazy bitch is trying to kill me.”
“Hmm, I wonder why.” Venom smiled big. He ran his tongue across the front of his teeth before biting the man’s head clean off at the shoulders. “I never liked the taste of pig.” Venom turned, partially revealing Eddie’s face to you. “You okay?”
You coughed, clutching at your ribs in pain before spitting out blood. Should ribs move this way? Gingerly reaching your fingers under your mask, you touched your face, and you could feel the print left by the man’s heavy work boots. Nose is definitely not supposed to bend that way. The world grew fuzzy and dark. “No.” You mumbled, before fading away.
Venom immediately retreated back into Eddie. Eddie paled, staring at your limp figure that was now slumped back against the squad car of Venom’s most recent snack. He shook his head, forcing himself back into the moment.
Eddie rushed forward, gently placing his hands against your rib cage. Two, maybe three, broken? Carefully, he picked you up and carried you out of the alley.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.” Eddie muttered.
I can heal her, Eddie.
I need to get her somewhere safe.
And Venom took over again, holding you close to his chest, bounding from rooftop to rooftop until he reached Eddie’s apartment. He slid down the side of the building and landed on the sidewalk before melting away until Eddie was all that was left.
Eddie carried you up the stairs, adjusting his grip on you every few steps. He was afraid to drop you or bump your ribs the wrong way. He had to fight the urge to stop and check your breathing every two minutes. When he finally got you inside, he laid you down gently on his couch and checked your pulse.
Allow me.
Your eyebrows scrunched up when Venom vanished into your skin. Something cold wrapped itself around Eddie’s heart and squeezed as he watched Venom mend your broken bones.
- - -
When you woke up, you were warm. Wrapped in a blanket that smelled like a laundry detergent you’d never used. You opened your eyes slowly, afraid of the pain you knew you’d be in and the bruises that most definitely covered your body.
“Hey, good morning,”
Instantaneously forgetting to move slowly, your eyes flew open and you shot up into a seated position. “Venom?”
“Uhh…” He hesitated. “You can just call me Eddie.”
“I don’t remember any- Where-”
“You’re in my apartment, you were hurt really bad. I carried you here,” You turned to face Eddie, surprised to see him on the floor, wrapped in a blanket. “Venom healed you.”
Your hands flew to your face when you realized that Eddie was doing nothing to obscure his face from your view. “Oh no, no, don't worry,” Eddie reached out his hands in a calming gesture. You relaxed when your fingertips met the material that still covered your face. “I left your mask on. Never saw your face. Venom just attached to you for long enough to fix your broken bones.”
“Thanks,” You murmured. You looked around at his apartment. “Nice place.” Then you looked out the window. The moon was shining. “How long was I out?”
“It’s just been a couple hours.” He frowned down at his phone. “It’s 3 AM right now.”
You nodded, unsure of what to say next. You’d never interacted with Venom outside of kicking the shit out of assholes, and this was your first time meeting just Eddie.
Say something to her.
No, what the fuck? Let her go back to sleep.
“My face hurts.” And suddenly your eyes welled with tears. You squeezed them shut, glad to be wearing a mask.
“I can get you some Tylenol.”
Your lower lip quivered. “I can’t swallow pills.”
“Oh, that’s fine.” Eddie smiled at you. “I have these bad boys.” He set a small packet of dissolving Tylenol powder on your knee.
A laugh/sob combo clawed its way out of your throat when you picked up the packet. “Thanks.” You tore it open and flipped up the bottom part of your mask so that the lower half of your face was uncovered.
“Holy shit.”
“Your face…” Eddie trailed off. “Are you… Wait here. Don’t move.” He practically leapt to his feet, rushing off to another room before returning with baby wipes and a first aid kit. “Do you want me to clean you up?”
You froze. “How do I know you won’t tell anyone who I am?”
“You know me now.” His smile was lopsided. Cute. “If I expose you, you expose me. Even trade.”
You silently pulled the mask off your face.
Eddie failed to hide his grimace. “That bad, huh?” You joked. He smiled apologetically, not bothering to stumble over his words in a feeble attempt to convince you that he never made a face. You appreciate that about him.
You made space for Eddie on the couch, sitting with your legs crossed. Eddie sat facing you, one leg pulled up between you and the other hanging over the edge.
“I mean, you took a boot to the face. It’s to be expected.” Eddie gently wiped your face, careful to not rub too hard.
Five minutes later, he had a small pile of red and pink-tinged wipes next to him and was diligently working at bandaging the scrapes on your face. You found yourself staring into his eyes until he met your gaze, at which point you would quickly look everywhere but him.
“You’re really pretty.” The words fell from his lips and he looked almost surprised at himself for letting them escape. Your eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. Eddie had refused to bring you a mirror, but you could feel the swelling around your left eye and the many band-aids that Eddie had applied with care. “That’s not funny.”
“Wasn’t a joke.”
The two of you sat in silence for a few more moments, until he moved the first aid kit aside and leaned back, satisfied with the care he’d given you. You fumbled with your mask, running your fingers over the stained material. “Thank you, you really didn’t have to do this.”
“Isn’t this what friends are for?”
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. “Friends?”
“Yeah, I mean… we’ve been a team for a few months now, I’d say we’re friends.” Eddie didn’t meet your gaze. He couldn’t. Eddie had never wanted to speculate on what you looked like underneath the mask, or who you were during the day. Nothing he imagined could compare with what little he already knew about the kind of person you were, so why bother making something up? He’d also never asked. You wore a mask for a reason, Eddie reminded himself. He wanted to respect your privacy. But maybe… Maybe part of him was worried about what he’d find out about you if he ever bothered to do any digging. If he got to know who you were, he might find out something he didn’t want to know. Maybe you had a partner of the non-ass-kicking variety. A life partner. 2.5 kids and a dog in a yard with a white picket fence. I could eat the dog. Shut up. All of the above. Any of the above. It’d crush him. So yeah, he couldn’t bring himself to look at you for too long, because if he did, all he could think about was the next time he’d get to see you without the mask. Eddie already knew you were a fantastic person and a fucking badass. But to top it all off… You were beautiful. He never gave himself permission to wonder what you looked like, but seeing you here, now, you were better than anything he could’ve imagined anyway. Your eyes, your nose, your lips, everything was just so you. It was too much. You needed to leave. Or maybe he should leave. You were the one who had broken ribs 5 hours ago-
“Eddie.” Your voice pulled him out of his spiral and he looked at you. And then you told him your name. Your real name.
He repeated it after you. “Sounds familiar, do I know you from somewhere?”
“No, you’d remember if you did.” You smiled at him in a way that made his heart skip a beat.
Eddie laughed nervously, and the silence settled around you once more. You thrummed your fingers against your thigh, an anxious habit of yours that Eddie had clocked during your first few nights working together. “Can I-” Eddie cleared his throat. “Can I ask you something?”
“Can I… can we,” Was it hot in here? Eddie tugged at his shirt collar. “Can we maybe see each other again, without the masks sometime?”
“Maybe in a restaurant?” Venom piped up.
“Dude! Can you shut up?”
I’m helping you, Eddie!
You smiled wide, accidentally tearing open a few of the cuts that had begun to clot. “Ow. Oh, fuck.” You and Eddie reached for a nearby roll of gauze at the same time and your fingers brushed together. “Sorry.” The two of you whispered. Eddie took the gauze and pressed it against your broken skin, holding it there. You looked up at him, but he was staring intently at your injuries. “Yeah. That’d be fun.”
This drew his attention back to you. “Really? So… you don’t have 3 adorable kids and a dog in a suburb somewhere?”
“No,” You smiled. “I’m more of a cat person.”
“Ah.” He smiled back. “Me too.”
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 1,019
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @lightning-thing (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2022
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"I cannot believe they are making me wear this god awful thing." (Y/n) hissed as she adjusted her new work uniform, an outfit both ridiculous and honesty scandalous. Eddie sat on their bed nursing a cup of coffee, his eyes shamelessly drinking her in as she turned and toiled with bits of the outfit. "That's hot." Eddie decided after another sip of his coffee, licking his lips with his eyes glued to her perk ass. "Oh please." (Y/n) scoffed, despite the grin trying to tug at her lips. "I'm serious babe." Eddie insisted while setting his mug aside, standing from the bed to embrace her from behind. "It's the perfect combination of cute and sexy." He breathed against her neck, planting a quick kiss against her soft spot. "Very hot." He emphasized as he squeezed her hips, nipping at her earlobe playfully, a smirk tugging at his lips when she giggled in response. "Atta girl, perk up pumpkin. And when you get back from work, I'll show you just how much I like this new uniform." Eddie hummed, looking into her eyes through the mirror, completely relishing in the blush that dusted her cheeks. "Promise?" (Y/n) bit her lip a little, her sour mood washing away completely when Eddie grinned at her. "I promise pumpkin." He agreed with a wink, giving her butt a little smack before letting her go, knowing she would end up late if he kept at it. "I'm not gonna be able to think about anything else today." (Y/n) admitted with a embarrassed giggle. "Good." Eddie mused before walking off to start his own morning routine.
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tawneybel · 2 years
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Imagine bumping into Venom at the rave. 
You tell him Eddie’s worried about him. Then you notice the glow necklaces. He offers you one in exchange for flashing. 
“What?” you snapped, arms akimbo. “Eddie didn’t teach you that.” 
“…He did.” 
“Bad alien. We’re going home.” 
You took Venom’s hand in your own, waiting for him to infest you. And ignore a couple of guys who were giving the symbiote thumbs up. 
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Tom Hardy.
You and Tom always had a flirty relationship. After filming a movie together years ago as a couple, you became close. Unfortunately, that movie was as far as the romance went, and everything else was harmless teasing.
You bent over and let out a breath, stretching your muscles very well.
"Christ love, what did I tell you about yoga in the trailer?" Tom spoke from the doorway, a smirk playing on his face. You stood up and let out a chuckle, turning and facing Tom, who was still obviously checking you out.
"Ever heard of knocking, perv?" You teased, grabbing your water bottle and taking a sip.
"It's my trailer! I didn't expect to come in here and see one of the writers ass out in tight leggings waiting for me." Tom teased right back. You and some other writers in Hollywood began a movie project a few years ago that finally began filming, Tom being your lead man as per both of your requests.
"I was just doing some yoga, Tom." You spoke, adjusting your glistening breasts in your small sports bra. Maybe you chose the tighter work out gear knowing Tom would be done filming.
"Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?" Tom joked. You smiled, turning around and bending over at the waist, gripping both of your legs and spreading them wide.
"What ever do you mean, babe?" You said with a smile. Tom groaned and walked by you, smacking your ass playfully. You let out a squeal but maintained your pose as he positioned himself on the couch, right in front of you.
"Hands off the merchandise asshole! I'm trying to maintain my mental clarity and peace of mind." You spoke, breathing deeply.
"I love it when you talk dirty." Tom teased. You let out a laugh and lost your pose, standing upwards and stretching.
"You've officially ruined the session, I'm going to my trailer to shower and then we can do lunch." You spoke, gathering a few of your things.
"My shower works." Tom spoke, standing up from the couch. You laughed nervously when you realized he wasn't laughing.
"I'm sure it does." You tried to joke, your heart pounding.
"I'm being serious, love. Why waste the water and keep pretending we don't want to fuck each others brains out? I know you're soaked under those leggings that you never wear panties with. And I know I'm rock hard imagining plowing all your holes in those sexy little positions until you faint on my cock." Tom spoke, moving closer to you with every word. You were now against the wall of the trailer, breathing heavy.
"You're right, no need to waste water." You spoke, throat dry.
"That's what I thought. Strip. Now."
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imagineandimagine · 1 year
Satisfy your taste, chapter 3
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x You
Warnings: Slightly sexual content. 
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You decided to visit Alfie the next day. It was late in the evening and there you were, in a pretty dress, standing in front of the distillery gate, as cute as a button with a cake in your arms. You stood out like a sore thumb among the rough looking men that passed you wondering what the heck you were doing there at this time of night. You were starting to wonder that yourself.
“Are you lost, little lady?” a bulky looking man with a ponytail approached you.
Before you could answer a tall thin man in a striped shirt looked you up and down and added. “She doesn’t look like a-”
The other man elbowed the tall man before he could finish.
“Mr Alfie Solomons is expecting me.” You showed the two men the card that Alfie had given you.
The two men exchanged looks, “Right this way M’lady” the man with the ponytail said with a dramatic bow and the two men sniggered before they led you through the distillery.
The man with the ponytail knocked on the door and made sure that Alfie wasn’t busy before he opened the door to his office.
The day before, you avoided the topic of kissing Alfie but it was starting to weigh on your mind more and more. You tried to convince yourself that if he was messing with you, you were going to mess with him too, but the truth was, every time you thought of that kiss it would send shivers down your spine. Should you say something today? Should you mention it at all? No. You were determined to act as unaffected by what happened at the club as possible. Which was going to be hard because when you entered Alfie’s office he looked good. Real good. Like an entire hot meal. He was sitting at his desk, writing something. His hair was messy but in nonchalant sexy way. His white shirt was open, revealing his tattooed chest and his sleeves where rolled up exposing his muscular arms. Ooooof! You’d run your tongue along that exposed chest of his any day. Wait. This wasn’t the plan! You hadn’t even spoken to the man yet and you were already fantasizing about him. Control yourself woman!
Alfie looked up from his work, for a split second he looked confused but his expression quickly changed when he realized it was you, “Miss y/n! Come in! Come in!” he said gesturing for you to sit down.
You sat down in one of the chairs, “I brought cake as a thank you for yesterday,” you said placing the cake on his desk.
Alfie grabbed the box, “Oh, thank you, that’s lovely.” He opened the lid, “It’s very pink.” he added.
You felt a bit silly, “It’s strawberry.”
He casually stuck three fingers in the cake, plucked a piece out and put it in his mouth, “It’s good. Did you make it?” he asked licking the icing from his fingers.
You tried to tear your eyes away from his tongue, “No but I can make one myself next time.”
“Next time?” he asked with a smile.
Well that was FUCKIN AWKWARD! Why was he staring at you like that while he was licking his fingers?? Being at a loss for words you decided to get straight to the point, “You said something about a whiskey tasting?”
Alfie studied you for a moment, “Right. Of course! I just didn’t expect you at such a late hour. Is Tommy going to be joining us?”
Was that why he was so confused about your presence? Of course Tommy should be here. What were you thinking? This involved your business, or at least that’s what you were telling yourself. Then you noticed small splotches of blood on Alfie’s shirt, he tried to discreetly conceal the bloodstains by adjusting his shirt. You probably shouldn’t have seen that.
You looked to the side not wanting to make eye contact when you answered ”No. Tommy won’t be joining us today,” You felt a bit embarrassed. What will Alfie think you came here for then?
Alfie smirked, “I see…”Alfie walked over to the door and when he opened it, the two men from before almost fell inside, clearly eavesdropping.
They both looked petrified, “Sorry, Sir…”one of them mumbled as he got up.
The man with the ponytail pointed his finger towards his companion “It’s all his fault! I Told him not to eavesdrop but he wouldn’t listen!”
“You bastard!” the tall man shot back.
It looked like the two men were about to fight each other but Alfie raised his hand for them to stop, “Just bring me one of the blue caskets.”
The men returned a moment later and handed Alfie a big blue crate. Before the two men left, Alfie whispered something to them, they both looked horrified as they scurried away apologizing “Of course, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”
Alfie closed the door and placed the crate on his desk next to the cake. “Before we begin, I have a proposition for you.” He walked over behind his desk and took something out of the drawer, “Since we are business partners, I’d like to ask you would like to join me to a soiree. I think we should get to know each other better. Don’t you think?”
Your heart skipped a beat. It had been so long since you got to dress up, “Yes, I think that would be nice. It’ll be my pleasure to accompany you to this event.” You said calmly, trying to conceal how excited the idea actually made you.
Alfie leaned forward and handed you an invitation, “I’m glad you agree and the pleasure will be all mine.” He said smiling at you “Perhaps you could keep this particular outing to yourself…”
You understood what he meant, “I think that will be for the best.” After all, your ‘tell Tommy everything’ rule only applied to what happens at the club.
“Well then.” Alfie opened the blue crate to reveal several bottles of whiskey. “Lady’s choice.” He said as he tapped on the bottles.
You tried taking small sips but after trying several different variations of whiskey you could already feel that you were getting drunk.
“You’re wasting a lot of whiskey.” Alfie said as he looked at all the glasses of whiskey he poured for you that you hadn’t finished.
The whiskey was like a little devil on your shoulder urging you to be more bold in your actions , “Then perhaps I should drink from your glass.” You said grabbing the whiskey out of his hand and taking a sip. “This one is better than the last one. It’s a lot sweeter. I like it.” You handed the glass back to him and your realized that you left a smudge of your lipstick on it.
Alfie turned the glass over in his hand “Is that right?” he said right before he placed his lips on the spot where the lipstick was and took a swig.
The bastard knew exactly what he was doing and unfortunately it was working, you wanted jump on that desk and kiss him right then and there.
“Another one?” Alfie asked holding up a bottle.
“Are you trying to get me drunk?” you giggled.
“I would never,” Alfie replied with a hint of mischief in his eye as he poured you another glass.
If only Alfie knew the mental turmoil that he inflicted upon you every time he looked at you like that. It was such sweet torture, you could feel the heat rising within you, since the moment you entered his office he hadn’t even attempted to make any physical contact with you, that stupid desk might as well have been a wall that separated you from one another. He had already teased you with that kiss at the club, so if you wanted to move forward with your flirtation you’d have to give him something in return.
You stood up, grabbed a glass and walked over to him on his side of the desk. Standing over him you stared intently at him.
He turned in his chair to face you, smirking, like he was challenging you to continue whatever you were planning and he was looking forward to it.
You wanted to be audacious and sit on his lap but he had his legs spread wide apart. Maybe he guessed what you wanted to do and he was intentionally making it difficult for you? Whatever you were going to do, you had to do it quick because at that point you were just staring at his crotch for far too long. There was no other option, you turned around and you sat on the bit of chair between his legs, as you leaned back against his chest. “Maybe we can try it this way,” you said as you dipped two fingers in the whiskey and you slowly ran them along his lip, leaving a wet trail on his mouth.
Alfie leisurely ran his tongue along his lower lip maintaining eye contact with you the entire time. You glanced at his Adams apple as he swallowed, “My turn” he said as he dipped his fingers the same way you did. He intended to do the same to you but you caught him by the wrist and you put his entire finger in your mouth and you started to suck the whiskey off his finger while you looked up at him over your shoulder.
Alfie’s pupils dilated as he watched you with a burning desire, his entire body seemed to tense up and you felt something growing against your lower back.
You took his finger out of your mouth with a pop as you continued to look at one another with hunger in your eyes. You dipped your fingers in another glass and ran them over his lips again. Before he could do anything, you leaned in and you ran the tip of your tongue over his lower lip.
You could feel every muscle on him strain as he dug his fingernails into the armrests, you knew that he wanted to touch you and it took every ounce of his willpower not to.
You weren’t giving up so easily though, you pressed yourself into him even more and you started to slightly grind your ass against him from time to time, as if by accident, “It’s really warm in here,” you teased as you undid a few of your buttons, giving him a peek at your cleavage.
“What are you doing,” he breathed.
“What do you mean? I’m just making myself comfortable,” you replied.
Alfie squirmed and twisted but he had nowhere else to move except against you, he buried his face in the side of your neck as he let out a muffled groan.
“Hmmm? What was that?” you teased.
“Do- you- intend to kill me, woman?” his breathing was heavy and each word that came out of his mouth sounded tense. The man was at his limit.
“What do you mean?” you asked smirking at him.
He looked at you with his mouth slightly agape and watery eyes. He licked his lips as he looked at your mouth, he started to lean, your lips mere centimeters from each other…
When you heard a commotion outside. Somebody shouted “Hey! You can’t go in there!”,  and then suddenly the door swung open and Tommy barged inside.
“Apparently you’re having a meeting without me,” Tommy said coolly but when he saw all the open whiskey bottles and the state you were in while sitting between Alfie’s legs, with your dress half open, Tommy’s face fell. Tommy  knew exactly what happens to you after one too many.
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Actor Masterlist
Andrew Garfield
coming soon!
Ben Hardy
coming soon!
Chris Evans
coming soon!
Joe Mazzello
Physical Attraction, Chemical Reaction
WIP-Somebody To Love
Kathryn Hahn
coming soon!
Laura Dreyfuss
coming soon!
Mike Faist
coming soon!
Oscar Isaac
coming soon!
Sebastian Stan
coming soon!
Timothee Chalamet
coming soon!
Tom Holland
coming soon!
Main Masterlist
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
likeevalikeeve’s mini-celebration
so i’m celebrating my 1,050 followers (i know it isn’t much compared to others but hey, i can be happy about it, right?)!
*more under the cut
wasn’t supposed to tag mutuals as to not disturb them, but... here we go! @trumpkinhotboy @angel-cap @everythingnerdyxoxo @mimatosstuff @himetsundere @dutchforstrangers @ri-ships-takari @tangledupblue @earlgreymon @ashandpikachu @singinprincess etc. no worries if you don’t want to participate! this is just a little thing. please tell me if you want to be removed!
as a thank you to those who follow me, and especially my mutuals, i will be accepting requests for any of these (i have the right to refuse though):
anthony mackie x reader
ben hardy x reader
chris evans x reader
sebastian stan x reader
tom holland x reader
william moseley x reader
criminal minds
matt simmons x reader
spencer reid x reader
mimi tachikawa
hikari yagami
taichi yagami & sora takenouchi
yamato ishida & mimi tachikawa
takeru takaishi & hikari yagami
jianliang lee & ruki makino
koichi kimura
harry potter
george weasley & katie bell
oliver wood x reader
arthur & ariadne
eames x reader
law & order: special victims unit
sonny carisi x reader
bucky barnes x reader
sam wilson x reader
peter parker x reader
the chronicles of narnia
caspian x x reader
edmund pevensie x reader
peter pevensie & eva skye bellamy (*they’re my grandparents’ names, not mine)
top 30 animanga ships
akatsuki no yona - hak & yona
akkuma no riddle - tokaku azuma & haru ichinose
alice 19th - kyo wakamiya & alice seno
*bleach - ichigo kurosaki & orihime inoue
cells at work! - white blood cell & red blood cell
d.n. angel - daisuke niwa & riku harada
devils line - yuki anzai & tsukasa taira
digimon adventure - takeru takaishi & hikari yagami
*fate series - shirou emiya & rin tohsaka
ghost hunt - naru shibuya & mai taniyama
ginban kaleidoscope - pete pumps & tazusa sakurano
harukanaru toki no naka de - tenma morimura & akane motomiya
kamigami no asobi - apollon agana belea & yui kusanagi
kawaii dake ja nai shikimori-san - yuu izumi & micchon shikimori
*kaze no stigma - kazuma yagami & ayano kannagi
kenka bancho otome: girl beats boys - rintaro kira & hinako nakayama
koi to yobu ni wa kimochi warui - ryo amakusa & ichika arima
koroshi ai - ryang-ha song & chateau dankworth
la storia dell arcana famiglia - liberta & felicita
magic knight rayearth - lantis & hikaru shidou & eagle
mahoutsukai no yome - elias ainsworth & chise hotori
marmalade boy - yuu matsuura & miki koishikawa
shin shirayuki-hime densetsu pretear - hayate & himeno awayuki
shintei tantei yakumo - yakumo saito & haruka ozawa
*spy x family - damian desmond & anya forger
*tenkuu no escaflowne - van fanel & hitomi kanzaki
tesla note - kuruma tanaka & botan negoro
*yashahime: princess half-demon - hisui & setsuna
yu yu hakusho - yusuke urameshi & keiko yukimura
zombie-loan - chika akatsuki & michiru kita
(*super selected)
i will also be doing a top 30 + selected prompts thing, though I’m not going to do it everyday. i realized i’m too ambitious, hehe. so I’ll be doing this during my own free time. what i do need help with is which ships and prompts i should write for first; you can fill this form here.
and, another treat for anyone who wants, send me a “meet cute” prompt + a ship/reader insert (listed above) and i’ll write a super mini-fic about it (3-5 sentences). 
and for mutuals! send me a *🐾* and i’ll tell you my super first thought/s about you.
so that’s it! i know this wouldn’t be a big hit but hey, i tried, right? thank you!
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stillswearing · 2 years
Blood, Sweat, and Chrome
In less than five days I devoured Kyle Buchanan's 500-page oral history of how my most favorite film of all time, Mad Max: Fury Road, was made.
The Movie and I
I never saw the original trilogy. Frankly, I have no intention to. Fury Road for me stands alone. Fury Road is not just my favorite action movie of all time, or my favorite female-led movie, or even my favorite Tom Hardy movie. It is quite simply my Favorite Movie. Period.
2015 was a brilliant year for American films. A lot of my personal faves came out that year - Spotlight, Ex Machina, The Big Short, to name a few. But nothing has changed my perspective on what movies can achieve, let alone what action films could be, like Fury Road.
It was 2015. I was in the cinema, excited mainly to see Tom Hardy post-Inception, clueless about how this film took as long as I had lived up until that point to make it onto the silver screen.
My feminism was just about formed at that age. I had experienced the peak of the exhausting "anti-SJW" phenomenon online, clashed with people irl over my increasingly progressive philosophies, and carried all the baggage of a sociology undergrad who was shedding their traumatizing, extremely conservative Christian upbringing.
All that to say, I was wholly unprepared for the elegance with which Fury Road executed its message and how much I would resonate with it.
I thought I was just going to see a fun action movie starring my then-new favorite British boy. Instead, I left the cinema, overwhelmed and unable to process how much it meant to see Furiosa, and The Wives, and The Vuvalini defeat a patriarch that symbolized violence, inequality, and degradation. I was stunned at the face of something new. It would take a few of years for me to realize that Fury Road now held a special place in my heart.
At the risk of being overly sentimental, writing about my experience with this movie does make me misty-eyed. I never thought something like Fury Road could be possible. Not even aware yet of how much technique and energy it took to execute the film, I was primarily in awe of its audacity to exist given its story and over-arching themes.
I've always been a film nut. And as my love for movies grew, I had come to accept that the action genre (like many other genres) was never going to be interested in catering to someone like me, even if I did enjoy the best movies of its kind.
But in 2015, Fury Road came out, put Charlize Theron front and center (with a shaved head and amputated arm), and told me, "Fuck them. This is for you."
I was 20 years old, sat in the cinema, and I couldn't breathe.
The Book and I
It's 2022 now. My love for films has only grown. I now follow not just the careers of actors, directors, and screenwriters, but also trade publications, production companies, and culture reporters.
I was familiar with Kyle Buchanan through Twitter and thus his work for the NYT. I am also a fan of his peers, Hunter Harris and E. Alex Jung who write incredibly sharp profiles on people in the industry as well as film reviews.
When Buchanan announced his book, I was excited. I knew some of the drama that went down in the making of Fury Road, but obviously, there was no way for outsiders to know the depth of the journey to make the entire thing possible.
I am floored by Buchanan's work. A novice reader may just see this 500+ page book as a compilation of quotes from interviews of various people. But those who know how oral histories are made understand how difficult it is to create something like this. One needs the expertise and sharpness to know when to cut a quote, when to move on to a different speaker, which statements to put next to each other and in what order, when to insert narration, and ultimately how to weave multiple stories across dozens and dozens of interviews into one coherent, deeply affecting message. This is painstaking work. And all of it during a pandemic.
For me, reading this oral history was much like watching a documentary series. Blood, Sweat, & Chrome puts you among the people involved, immersed in every detail they shared. It presents a cohesive 20-year journey, with ups and downs, with moments of poignant stillness and moments of high-octane adrenaline. The fact that this book delivers a final product so dense yet so clear, without the need of a single authorial voice and instead uses the voices of so many people, it's amazing literary work.
Much like the film it was studying, Blood, Sweat, & Chrome pulls off its story with elegance - one that, honestly, I wish I could do too as someone writing nonfiction.
All that said, here are just some of my favorite moments from Blood, Sweat, and Chrome:
The movie was set to begin shooting in 2003 with Mel Gibson reprising the role lmao
Co-writer Nico Lathouris wrote a 190-page dramaturgical analysis of the film to further clarify its themes and to imbue the plot and characters with symbolism. (This man is my personal hero!)
They didn't just audition actors; they auditioned CAMERA CREW.
Speaking of auditions, all the auditions were... avant-garde. Actors weren't given scripts. They were asked to show up to workshops. It was like an hours-long vibe check. Only Charlize Theron (Furiosa) and Hugh Keays-Byrne (Immortan Joe) did not audition and were instead offered the parts.
Heath Ledger was Miller's ideal choice for Max
Tom Hardy, in character, spat at Armie Hammer during an audition
The fact that it rained in Broken Hill for the first time in 15 years just as they were about to shoot in the desert
The art department having the time of their lives making cars and weapons out of junk!
Whatever the fuck Nadia Townsend made the stunt men do when they workshopped the War Boys. Alternatively, all the stunt men sharing what it feels like to do character work for the first time.
Speaking of stunts, GUY NORRIS and CHRIS PATTON.
So many people fell in love on set...
Zoe Kravitz teasing Josh Helman and Nicholas Hoult for being nerds because they were having tea in their hotel room
Charlize Theron enthusiastically giving Nicholas Hoult a YES after he asked permission if Nux could spit back at Furiosa
GEORGE MILLER BRINGING IN THE EVE FUCKING ENSLER TO HOLD A WORKSHOP FOR THE WIVES (Ensler is the writer of the feminist play The Vagina Monologues).
Antoinette Kellerman and Charlize Theron speaking in Afrikaans on set
It was Charlize's idea to shoot the now-iconic scene of Furiosa screaming in the sand
Everyone giving the Vuvalini the respect their due as older female actors in the industry
Charlize Theron (justifiably) yelling at Tom Hardy for being incredibly difficult on set. Nicholas Hoult explaining that being in the War Rig with the two leads was like being on a road trip with your parents who are fighting.
George Miller saying he found his movie to be PG-13. Lmao.
Legendary cinematographer John Seale mentioning that between him and George, there is 150 years of experience. Bless.
Charlize Theron being a class act throughout the entire book, honestly.
The crew sneaking out to shoot scenes even when Warner Bros did not want them to.
Warner Bros having the audacity to do their own cut of the film and then having said cut bomb at the test screenings. Vindication.
The entire crew each explaining what it was like at the Oscars
Academy Award winning editor Margaret Sixel. Icon.
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angelofthenight · 3 months
Alfie, badly dancing: Wanna dance?
You, standing stiffly, arms crossed: No.
Alfie, stops dancing: Yeah, me neither.
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hauntedbestie · 2 years
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As I begin taking writing requests again, I thought it would be a good idea to detail my guidelines for requests as well as fandoms/characters I’m open to writing for (there are…quite a few). Before submitting any kind of request or commission, please take the time to read the below and ensure your request fits the guidelines. Any requests submitted that do not meet the listed guidelines will be deleted without notice.
Note: For commissions/paid requests there is a bit more wiggle room in guidelines since payment is involved. If there’s something outside my guidelines I’ll reach out and work with you to achieve a mutually satisfactory resolution. 
Content Guidelines:
I will write: 
Sexual content and themes
Violent content and themes
Alternate Universes
Fics involving my Original Characters (Paid requests can include OC content for your characters)
Specified Readers (Race/Gender/characteristic/etc)
Kink (this is a broad category with more “wills” than “wont’s”, submit the request and if something doesn’t jive I’ll reach out)
Reader insert and canon character ship fics (pairings I will write for are listed below)
I will not write:
Specific medical conditions (depression/anxiety/broken bones yeah sure. But something specific that will require research is a no).
Homophopic content
Fandom/Character List: 
Charlie Hunnam Characters
Will Miller
Arthur Pendragon
Raymond Smith
Tom Hardy Characters
Alfie Solomons
Eddie Brock
Tommy Conlon
Pedro Pascal Characters
Max Phillips 
Marcus Pike
Frankie Morales
Javier Peña
Din Djarin
Pro Wrestling
Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose
Seth Rollins
Roman Reigns
Triple H (any era)
Randy Orton (any era)
William Regal (any era)
CM Punk (any era)
Colt Cabana
Eddie Kingston
Chuck Taylor
Bryan Danielson
Wade Barrett
Nick Stokes
Greg Sanders
Gil Grissom
Catherine WIllows
Horatio Caine
Tim Speedle
Star Wars
Boba Fett
Obi-wan Kenobi
Fennec Shand
Poe Dameron
Din Djarin
Cal Kestis
Dragon Age
Alistair Therin
Cullen Rutherford
Josephine Montilyet
Varric Tethras
Cassandra Penteghast
The Iron Bull
Kremissius “Krem” Alclassi
Dorian Pavus
Sebastian Vael
Michael Myers
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Bo Sinclair
Richie Kirsch
Triple Frontier
Will Miller
Benny Miller
Santiago Garcia
Frankie Morales
Mass Effect
Kaidan Alenko
Garrus Vakarian
Thane Krios
Cyberpunk 2077 
Johnny Silverhand
Viktor Vector
Jackie Welles
Panam Palmer
Saul Bright
Goro Takemura
River Ward
Misty Olszewski
Resident Evil:
Leon S. Kennedy
Chris Redfield
Albert Wesker
Jill Valentine
Carlos Olivera
Claire Redfield
Ada Wong
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buckyownsmylife · 2 years
Tom Hardy waking up by your side would be like...
A/N:This is sort of a follow up to Take me, thanks to a suggestion made by @jamesbuchananbarnesslut​.
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Tom’s P.O.V.
The soft but startling feeling of sunlight on my face woke me up from a deep slumber. I did not remember falling asleep, but considering the night’s activities, that wasn’t all that surprising.
I could still barely believe what had happened. After years of dreaming about it, I finally had my best friend naked in bed, writhing with pleasure underneath me. It was everything I’d always hoped for, and the fact that she’d allowed me to enact every single one of my wildest fantasies only made me grow harder as I realized morning woods had a completely different meaning when I knew she was right next to me.
I couldn’t turn around to check on her, and when I opened my eyes, I realized it was because all of my limbs had been expertly tied with what looked like my shirts, to each and every corner of my bed.
The immediate panic had me surging against the binds, but just as I tried to move, my body was pulled back against the mattress again. I was about to start screaming for Y/N when the door of my room was opened and in she came, glancing at me like she didn’t have a care in the world.
“What is this?” I asked, trying to sound angry but obviously just coming across as amused, which was my actual emotion. She simply giggled, slowly climbing onto the bed and walking on her hands and knees towards my body, wearing nothing but my shirt.
The sight had me licking my lips as I watched the way the sunlight danced over her skin. God, I wanted to lick it all over again.
“Untie me,” I urged, eyes still focused on the space between her legs that the edge of the shirt kept hidden from me. “I’m still not done with you, darling.”
The smirk she gave me was chill-inducing, but in the best possible way. I could already feel my toes curling from the warmth of her thighs as she climbed further up, until she was hovering just over my head.
“You’ve had your fun yesterday, Tommy,” she whispered, caressing my jaw with soft hands. “Now it’s my turn.” I was about to point out that she seemed to have had the time of her life yesterday, but before I could, her lips were on mine, controlling the kiss and taking my breath away.
“And I won’t let you leave until I’ve had my fill.” I expected her to lower her perfect little pussy on my face after such a warning, but instead, she made me look her in the eye, still cradling my face, as she asked, “Do you trust me?”
It was the same question I’d asked her the night before, when I refused to even touch her until I heard the confirmation fall from her lips. The reminder made me smile, and there was no doubt in my mind as to what my answer would be.
She captured my lips with hers once more, sealing my heavenly fate. I couldn’t wait to be but an instrument for her pleasure.
And she started by riding my face.
The sweetness I’d grown accustomed to the night before was still as overwhelmingly delicious. Despite the uncomfortable feeling of being stuck to one specific position, I settled down to enjoy the taste and the view of her tits bouncing freely underneath the shirt she wore, making my cock twitch in need.
I still hadn’t had the pleasure of feeling her tight cunt embrace me, but the longer I spent with her nude body, the more desperate I became.
However, that experience we shared after a couple of beers hadn’t been about me. It was about showing her the pleasure that she deserved, the pleasure I could give to her, should she allow me to.
Thankfully, it seemed like my goal had been achieved, and she was now willing to give a relationship with me a try. Or at least, I hoped this was what she was saying with the rhythmic way she kept rubbing her cunt against my face, slathering her wetness all over my chin. And I was here for the road.
She had tempted me for so long. But now, she was finally mine. I wouldn’t let her go, wouldn’t let her pretend this was strictly sexual when I had so many feelings for the woman on top of me. She grabbed my hair to help her movements as they grew frantic, and we moaned in unison, me at the slight pain at my scalp and her as she rode down the orgasm she took from me.
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lanawintrs · 3 years
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synopsis: the night venom finally asks to take you as his couldn't have been more spur of the moment - he was tired of watching, feeling, unable to share every time eddie ravished you. you two can’t be too surprised, after all, he and eddie are one, of course they love you the same.
pairing: eddie brock/venom x fem!reader
cw: 18+, unprotected sex, creampie(s), size difference, size kink, fingering, overstimulation, tentacle penetration, dp with said tentacles, belly bulge, mentions of discomfort, venom gets eddie’s sloppy seconds, ya’ll are in love <3
wc: 3.6k
notes: i posted the first version of this way back in ‘18 and venom: let there be carnage made me fall in love with them all over again. slightly different take on the same story.
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You can’t find it in yourself to even try and stop the moan that slips from you when Eddie slides his tongue against yours, the world fading away as your lips mold together - the only thing anchoring you is his hands, one smoothing over your thigh, gripping at the skin, as his other hand holds the back of your neck. It’s a fast, overwhelming kiss, stealing your breath and making you dizzy, but you pull him closer, leaving no space in between the pair of you. 
You can’t help yourselfs - truly - your bodies fit together as if you were made for this, to fall into one another, to lap each other's lips as if you were starved. 
It’s you who breaks first, squealing when you feel his big and calloused hands slide under your thighs to lift you right off your feet. 
He laughs as he carries you over to your bed, letting you drop with a soft bounce on the mattress, not wasting a moment when you drag his heavy body down to you and open your mouth, chapped lips back on yours in seconds. 
He swallows your delighted giggles, heart swelling when you run both your hands through his hair and cradle his head in your hold. 
You pull away. 
He dips his head down to press kisses into your neck. 
“I missed you, Baby,” you murmur, “missed you so much.”  
The tips of his ears burn red from his flush, giddy, he hides his head in the crook of your neck, kisses once, twice, pulling back to admire the sight of you below him before cupping your cheek. 
“I missed you too,” he murmurs, his fingers caressing your face, the touch doing nothing to dull the white hot flame in your belly. “I’m sorry. I -you know how it is. We found a lead, but he got hungry and I had to stop -“
You surge up to bring your tongue against his, and then flush into your mouth. 
He blinks. 
Eddie blinks before his eyes flutter close, snaking his hands beneath the fabric of your shirt, pulling it off before the rubbing quickly turns to gripping and kneading. 
“You talk too much,” you whisper. 
He hums in agreement.
You grasp his shoulders, squeezing hard as his fingers play with your breast, hands tweaking at your nipples, pulling hard before letting go, repeating the action. Your breath catches in your throat  - and then he’s roaming over your stomach and your waist and your hips, trailing down and down til he’s at the hem of you panties, sliding under and -
He runs his middle finger down your slit, the other two spreading your lips - you keen, arching, while he gathers all the gooey slick on his finger to rub slow, calculating circles on your clit. 
You whine indignantly when his gaze meets yours, fascinated by you and by the little noises leaving you - “You’re soaked.”  
You smile, your pupils dilated wide and dark, “always for you.”
Eddie’s groans. 
It’s a low, approving sound that comes from deep in his throat, overtaken by your mewls when he pushes a fingering your, pumping, pumping pumping until he deems you ready for a second, a third - your hands clutching onto his forearms. 
You’re trembling, toes curling up, and you’re only vaguely aware that you plead out Eddie in broken whines 'till whatever else you wanted to say is exchanged by a heady, breathless moan when he scissors the digits inside of you, stretching your walls and making the pleasure turn almost painful.
And -
And then you feel it. 
A hand, hot and oily and strong, intertwining with yours, pulling it away from Eddie’s sleeves and into the mattress, interlacing your fingers. Your body taut from your boyfriend's actions, you’re desperate to latch onto anything, not minding that Venom is as desperate to simply hold you. 
But suddenly the pleasure vanishes completely. 
Venom’s head forms behind Eddie, his claw squeezing your hand. 
Neither you nor the symbiote are pleased at Eddie’s hesitation, but your pout is quickly wiped away once Eddie lurches forwards, resuming his fingering in jerky, jolting motions that show he’s being controlled by Venom. Venom’s purr at your pinched face is slow, languid, loud - a tendril reaching out to stroke hair away from your pretty eyes. It’s enough for him to ignore his host’s annoyed sputtering, enough for you with the way your blood rushes through your ears - 
“No,” Eddie flicks at the mass protruding from his shoulder, rolling his eyes when it flicks him back, “No, no, no. We’ve talked about this, man, what are you doing?”
Venom nips at his shoulder, unwilling to stop his puppeteering.
“We agreed to talk to our sweetling, Eddie. Have you forgotten?”
It takes a few seconds for you to butt into their argument, not sure how to stop the bickering when the fingers tugging at your gummy walls are that thick, Venom’s hurried pace a bit inexperienced but the eagerness makes you gasp and squirm - 
“What - what are you two talking about?” you choke out dazed, fighting against the orgasm building in your belly. And it's nearly instinctive in the way their eyes soften when they stop and look at you, gazes soft and fond as you tear up from the second sudden stop of stimulation, your little hole clenching around nothing.
Endeared by you, two hands, one alien and one human, cup your face.
They both pause.
“Eddie and I are one,” Venom continues, voice uncharacteristically vulnerable, and you swallow the lump in your throat as his face comes closer to yours. “And we want to be one with you.”
Oh - oh.
The thoughts ricochet against your skull like bullets. You know exactly what he means, of course you do. Your boyfriend’s symbiote has been a part of him for a while now, long enough to be a part of your relationship for more time than when he wasn’t in it. Experimenting with the alien was only natural, necessary even, he’s a permanent (for the most part) fixture in your lives. 
It’d be a lie to say you haven’t imagined Venom touching you lewdly, and you know for an absolute fact that Venom and Eddie have done more than you’re aware of, but, it’s just - 
Venom is a beast. Literally.
Not that you don’t find that appealing, but you're hesitant, intimidated by his impossible bulk; he’s ripped, corded muscles making up every inch of his 7-feet form. His dick must be so big, and with Eddie’s being the struggle it is, you’re worried that Venom would completely rip you apart.
Venom could easily crush your skull with one hand, with one squeeze, and yet, the hand on your cheek holds you as gently as Eddie does.
You wonder, idly, how you could ever think that he would hurt you.
After all, Venom is still half Eddie.
“Y/n, ‘m sorry about him, I - we wanted to ask you in more delicate way-”
“What time is better than now -”
“You can’t just spring this on her while we’re -”
You sit up. Eddie follows, leaning back onto his knees, straddling your waist and facing you nose-to-nose. Your sudden movement makes him flinch, not away from you, but closer to you. You giggle and grab their hands, pressing a kiss to their palms as he swallows and takes his plush lip between his teeth. 
“Let’s try it,” you say with hot cheeks, half-surprised by how easy it comes out; and he relaxes, the shaky gasp he releases supplemented by Venom’s excited purr.
“Shit,” he breathes - and Venom ignores whatever he wants to say, tongue unrolling over your chest, cleaving through the sweat collected on your skin. He grins as you let out a loud keen, drooling leaking down onto your lap. “Shit - are you sure?”
“‘m sure,” you whisper in response, and your voice shakes when Venom’s tongue curls around your nipple. Eddie’s eyes widen, your determined stare causing blood to rush to his tip quick enough to make him dizzy. “‘m in love with you both.”
He grabs your face rather harshly and connects your lips.
It’s an open mouth and sloppy kiss, stealing your breath away, and you can’t be surprised when Venom swoops in when Eddie pulls away to breathe, sticking his tongue in your parted lips and curling around your own. You choke on a moan, feeling the ridges of his taste buds rubbing against every corner of your mouth.  
You suck on it and his growl rumbles through your head. 
They take turns, heads bumping together as one will pull away for the other to take his spot, lips and tongues and teeth clashing together; giving in and completely relinquishing your ability to think, feeling devoured in every sense of the word. 
Something unintelligible is spoken against your lips before you jump, gasp, hands ripping your panties at the seams, and goosebumps prickle your hot skin. 
They pull back. 
They eye your naked body, your pussy pulsing at their stares -
Eddie peels off his sweater, clumsy enough to get his head stuck for a fraction of a second, and you would laugh, expect Venom pushes you back against the bed and shoves your thighs backwards to meet your chest, giving Eddie the perfect view of your sopping folds as he fumbles with the buttons of his jeans and finally pulls himself out of his underwear - 
His heavy cock lands onto your pussy, tip sticky with precum and he brings his mouth to your ear, voice cracking and low as he reassures - we love you too - and your thighs tremble when he brushes your clit, lips slanting over yours -
He shudders. 
Black tendrils wrap around your body, kneading and rubbing and fondling as he moves his hips to find your hole - the space between you nonexistent. It’s always a stretch, the walls of your pussy tug at his pretty pink tip, squeezing down around him. 
His bottom lip is bitten raw as he tries, and fails, to hold on his composure.
You can’t help but hiccup as he pushes another few inches in, never used to his fat cock no matter how many times you’ve taken it, every vein and ridge molding your insides to fit him. 
God - it takes all your energy just to lie there and take it, to not fight against the hands and tendrils pinning you down as your eyes water. Just having a taste of him nestled inside makes you feel weak. 
“Oh,” you gasp, reeling from a blunt claw that makes its way to your clit, rubbing frantic circles. It’s too fast, too much - 
You’re already creaming around him, length not even all the way in yet. 
There’s already little self restraint on Eddie’s end and your tightening even more sends him into a frenzy. It’s with tunnel vision that he barrels the rest of his way into, knocking the air from your lunges, his own breath sufferings and you can barely squirm at all with the way your legs are hitched up. 
The buckle from his jeans digs near painfully into the fat of your ass, and you’re reduced to only be able to hold onto his arms, his large palms resting on either side of your face while whispers soft praises into the air as he starts to move - 
You sob. 
You’re so wet - from the drool forming at the corner of your mouth, the tears pooling in your eyes, even your arousal has pooled in a thick ring at his base, painting the skin where you meet a creamy white. 
Eddie can barely recognize his own name as the sound comes from you, spoken in too many syllables and broken yelps. 
Neither of you can manage to produce full words when two tendrils forms from his hips, the mass covering his pubic bone, reaching to prod at your opening, flush with Eddie’s cock, and you twitch, shake, dig your nails into his arms like that’s the only thing keeping you grounded. 
They - they spear into you, rattling your whole body; thin, pulsating ridges taking up more space than what should be possible.
Eddie pauses - has to, with the way your muscles clench, Venom continues; works you open slowly, carefully, relishing in the sharp little pleads of his name. And Venom laughs. A deep sound at how his pretty humans can barely handle a small piece of him, he can’t wait to see you gaping open, taking more -
The thought has them trembling, breathing hot and shaky air against your face. 
“Oh - oh God,” Eddie stutters, voice catching, “this is - ‘s so tight…is this ok?” He bites back the need to move, eyes zeroed in on where you're clenching down, struggling to adjust to their girth.
But there's a sharp twitch of his cock while you try to blink away the hazy mess of tears. At this point you can barely formulate a response, so, you nod, all you can do is nod because you feel them in your tummy and it’ll drive you crazy if they stop -
A small please leaves you and it’s all Eddie needs to restart the piston of his cock into your swollen hole. 
It gets harder to breathe, to think, the way your folded, cock and tendrils are so close to punching your cervix. 
Nothing else exists; it all fades away until it’s just you and Eddie and Venom, your body jolting forward with each snap of his hips against the apex of your thighs. The slapping of his heavy balls against your ass grows louder as he drops further into you, weight almost crushing, that spongy spot inside of you abused by each stroke, neither letting up on the punishing pace  - 
“I -mmhh - fuuuck! You feel so good, you know that?”
“You take us so well.” 
Your reply comes in the form of a wail, words pouring out your lips in incomplete sentences as your head tips back into the bed, your pillow bouncing under the force - you almost want to run from the feeling, if you could, but the grip they have on your legs gives you no choice but to take it, take all they had to give - it’s suddenly suffocating, you are going to break.
He kisses you, connecting your lips with all the  gentleness lacking in his brutal thrust. “That’s it. Fuck - let go.”
You let the world crash for them, feeling your walls clamping down, spasming and creaming and pushing the intrusions out, clenching so tightly that Eddie has to grit his teeth and dig in to make sure he doesn’t slip out. 
“Eddie,” your eyes roll back before closing, your body skirting up the bed as you’re worked through your orgasm. You're overwhelmed, gone really. “Venom!“
Eddie tucks his head into your neck and inhales your musk, falling prey to you. 
“‘M cumming too,” he pants, the sweat on his hairline smearing into the column of your neck. 
It’s almost relieving when he slows - biceps trembling in effort to fully crush you as he seals himself against your puffy cunt, knocking the wind from you. Each shallow thrust is messier than the last, squishier, less controlled as he spills inside you. 
The tendrils have stilled, but there’s barely any space left for his cum with the way you’re held open. 
Your legs are freed from Venom’s hold, prompting Eddie to gently bring your legs off of his shoulders, mindful of their soreness as he places them on either side of him. He wipes the rest of your tears away, smiling wide when you rake your nails over his scalp despite the small tremors still affecting you. 
Thanks for loving us, he murmurs, and your heart can’t help but stutter, tingling absolutely everywhere. 
You grab his face without a pause. 
You wonder how he can be this sweet after fucking you like that. Honestly, it’s cute, you can’t even deny the urge to press kisses on his cheeks, eyelids, lips, wanting him to know how happy being him, with them, all without saying the words. 
But -
Venom is impatient. 
He wasn’t done with you, not yet, and he lets your tired throbbing burn out before the mattress beneath you creaks, Eddie startled, not fully sitting up before Venom takes over. 
It’s a soft question, claws grabbing onto your hips - his tongue rolls over his teeth, looking predatory and fascinated and hungry. 
“Will you let me love you too?” 
His hands tighten around you, prepared to stop your squirming when a tendril bigger than the last buries itself in your swollen pussy. You feel like it’s stirring your guts around, sloshing the cum inside you, dripping down onto the bed.
“Will you let me love you like Eddie does?” He hisses, watches, thinks the way you jolt is enough of an answer.
You don’t stand a chance. You clamp your thighs tight, hoping for a small reprieve after another tendril finds your clit - he stops that, of course, leaving you to take it while he splatters the strings of cum around your hole,  a thick ring of creamy wetness painting him. 
You thrash against his hold, back arching. 
He folds himself  down to look directly into your eyes.
Venom locks onto the desperate mewls you make, his tongue darting over your skins, each lap leaving you covered in twines of drool. He laughs at the sound you make when he slows, stops, enlarging the tendril inside to tease you before completely pulling out and -
And it’s here you teeter on the brink of consciousness and unconsciousness, faint at the huge cock that drops on your stomach, heavy and hard and pulsing with his heartbeat. 
You laugh in disbelief.
Precum oozes from the plump head, dripping opalescent white on your skin. “All for you, Sweetling,” he growls, voice strained from his willpower to keep from shoving into you in one go. 
He reaches well past your belly button, and you have no idea how it’s going to fit - but he shifts himself so he presses against you and there’s a moment before he pushes in, the air heavy with expectation and tension, and before your uncertainty gets the better of you, his tongue curls around your face.
“Is our pretty girl ready?”
He doesn’t give you a chance to respond. With no effort, he rolls you onto your belly and lifts your ass into the air, placing a claw on your back to keep your face and chest firmly planted on the rumpled blanket. He pulls your hips back, grips so tight you know you’ll have bruises later, the meeting of his plump cockhead against your hole has you clenching your teeth. 
You cry out as his length tears you open, you’re sure you’re going to snap, break, walls unable to adjust without seizing. “‘s too much. Too much.” 
He's insistent on leaving no room between the back of your thighs and the front of his, the weight of his body swinging forwards making the bed creak loudly. “No - you can take it.”
A rumble escapes from deep within his chest at the way your pussy tugs at him when he pulls away, like it’s trying to keep his cock out. A mix of cum and arousal coats his corded thighs as they begin to smack the back of yours over and over and over.
In your haze, you press your hand to your stomach, feeling the bulge from where he’s sheathed inside.
“All for our sweet.”
You grasp the blanket, holding on for dear life as Venom moves you and the bed, saliva splashing across your back as he digs the swollen head of his cock right up to your cervix.
He tests it, prodding at the closed ring, hurting so bad, but god if it wasn’t worth it. 
You don’t have the mind to be embarrassed at the echoing, wet pats of meeting thighs. His raw strength is unquestionable, impossible to resist as he slams into you, hitting every special place without effort - it’s devastating, has you gushing -
You shove your face into the pillow to stifle your screams, orgasm passing in waves, splattering all over his thighs and the sheets. 
His grunts become roars and snarls that are more primal and near frightening as your body slumps down, your climax only exacerbated by the sudden pull of your hips into the air.
“Venom I - nghh - please,” you aren’t sure what you’re pleading for, if you want him to stop or keep going; your hand has a mind of its own as it reaches back, tries to push against his stomach, but he only snarls, yanking your arm to drill you at a harsher pace, your louder whimpers at the impact spurring him on. 
“Take it,” the alien barks, imposing and loud, ignoring the way you thrash in overstimulation. 
“You’re a good girl,” he drapes his body down, chest to your back, puffs quick, hot breaths in your ear, rutting as far as he could with one final thrust, cumming so hard that it squirts from where you’re connected. “Our good girl.”
Venom’s hips rock through his release, pump after pump of iridescent cum stuffing your cunt. You feel more full than you ever have - your lower body numb while Venom’s grinding ensures that his cum is rubbed into every inch of your walls. 
His seemingly endless orgasm just serves to accentuate the mess you’ve made, sheets definitely needing to be changed, but right now, in this moment, all you can do is fall into the sheets when he lets go of you, smiling, content when he carefully drapes his weight next to you. 
You both ignore how the bedframe cries out, Venom’s purrs lulling your frantic heartbeat as he nuzzles into you, smoothing out your hair with a gentleness that pushes you into the embrace of sleep. 
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fanficwrit3r · 3 years
I'm Always Here - Alfie Solomons
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@starkandsparrow-blog submitted: Hi there! Can I request an Alfie x reader (or tommy if you prefer) with prompts 8 and (or) 15? :)
This ended up being a little more platonic, but I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for the request!
To make a request, you can find prompts here and requesting guidelines here. You don't need to use a prompt to request.
Alfie Solomons x Reader
Prompt: "What happened to you?" and "You know I am always here for you, right?"
Warnings: mentioned abuse, some description of injury related to abuse
Word Count: 1.3k
The London streets were dimly lit as the Sun presumably dipped below the horizon, storm clouds covering its descent. Thunder rumbled overhead, occasional flashes of distant lightning illuminating the sky. Rain was already pouring down, drenching everything it possibly could. You were no exception to the rain’s icy torment. Your clothes were wet down to your skin, your shoes having their own independent puddles. Mentally, you cursed the events that lead you here.
You had gotten into a fight with your fiancé. Well, more like your fiancé had gotten into a fight with you. All you had done was gotten home just a little later than your usual time. He had called you a whore, which was typical. But, for once, you wanted to stand up for yourself. When he started to go on a rant, you interrupted him. This was not met kindly… and resulted in several bruises now littering your body.
The walk was miserable and cold, but there was a destination in your mind. Alfie Solomons was a man you had known for many years. You were a few years younger than him, but that didn’t stop your close-knit friendship from blossoming.
The two of you met when you worked at a bar, serving drinks to wealthy businessmen who claimed to have class. All those men had were cheap remarks about your appearance and the state of their drinks. But Alfie Solomons was a different man. A wealthy businessman, yes, so much so that the other men who usually talked tough would turn their heads in fear. You admired that kind of man, especially since he would treat you with the respect you were so rarely given.
Alfie suggested the prospect of dating pretty shortly after you met. You weren’t interested in anything casual at the time, which was what he was looking for. Being a respectful man, he didn’t pester and try to change your mind. Well, with the exception of a few friendly comments and jokes. Alfie could talk your ear off though, that was for sure. He would ramble about things of no importance so other men didn’t have a choice but to quietly accept their drinks from you and move on.
Now, as you continued to wander down the cold wet streets of London, you couldn’t help but wish you had chosen him. Instead, you had chosen a complete prick that didn’t seem to truly give a shit about what happened to you. A loud crack of thunder startled you out of your thoughts, causing you to pick up your pace as you reached the door to the residence you had been searching for. The rain made the walk seem so much longer than it typically would take. Raising a shivering cold hand, you knocked as loud as you could against the wooden door.
Inside the home, you could hear cursing and footsteps ascending to the door. A dog barked a warning, a low growl being made as you heard the man inside shushing him. The door swung open, Alfie Solomons staring at you with a grumpy expression before his face softened. His eyes drooped a little from their usual alertness, his frown switching to one of concern.
“Y/N, bloody hell, what are you just standing there for? You’ll catch your fuckin death.” He spoke in his low voice. Alfie stepped to the side, holding the door open for you to walk into his home. You were hit with a wave of warm air causing you to shudder.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” You asked quietly, shrugging off your soaking jacket. You were careful not to look directly at him; there was no need to alert him to the bruises on your face. “I know it’s late and pouring, you were asleep… I should leave.”
“No, no, fuckin hell.” Alfie shook his head, not giving a damn that he was in fact asleep. Your entire body was shivering violently, your teeth beginning to chatter. “Let me get you something dry to wear, stay here. Don’t drip water over my nice wood floors, yeah?” He teased, not seeing the bruises on your face just yet.
You could hear Alfie’s footsteps as he descended the staircase. Drawers were loudly opening and closing as he tried to find something for you to get changed into that would moderately fit. Bending down, you scratched his dog, Cyril’s, ears. Cyril rubbed up against your leg affectionately; he did always love to see you. Soon enough, Alfie was back downstairs with some clothes and a couple towels.
“Alright, get changed into these. Tea or whiskey?” He set the clothes inside a nearby bathroom, walking back out towards the kitchen. “Don’t know about you, but I need a bloody-” Alfie’s expression dropped from one of the playful smiles he was known for to pure concern… with a little bit of anger. You flinched away, trying to cover your face again.
“Alfie… it’s nothing, yeah? Nothing… tea would be great. And whiskey.” You decided, walking into the bathroom without another word to him. Alfie contemplated stopping you, but he didn’t, figuring you would be more comfortable to talk in clothes that weren’t still dripping water on the floor.
When you closed the bathroom door, you covered your mouth to stop the sob that tried to escape. You looked in the mirror, realizing exactly why his expression would change so suddenly. Your eye was a bit more swollen than you thought, already a deep purple bruise forming. Near the corner of your eyebrow was a small cut, perfectly placed for where your fiancé wore a ring. The sight of yourself was a little jarring, so you just rushed to get changed, avoiding the mirror.
Alfie had brought you down some clothes he must’ve kept from past lovers, but they would do. You buttoned up a shirt that was too big for you, trying to figure out how to get the pants to stay up. Luckily, if you tucked the shirt in, it wasn’t so bad. Leaving the bathroom, you found Alfie standing in the doorway to his living room.
“What happened to you? Don’t tell me it was him.” Alfie asked you, his voice softer than usual. His eyes were filled with sympathy and care, something that was rarely seen by anyone besides you.
“I said it’s nothing… We just got into a disagreement.” You persisted, knowing the truth was never that simple. “It was my fault, really, I shouldn’t have…” You trailed off, tears forming again in your eyes before you just broke down.
Alfie was quick on his feet, wrapping you in a warm embrace, his strong arms gently giving you a squeeze. “It’s alright, better out than in. Listen to my heart and my breathing… take your time.” He spoke barely above a whisper, one hand moving up and down your back in a comforting motion.
You cried for some time before finally settling down, sniffling. Neither of you made a move to release from this embrace. “Thank you… I-I don’t…” You whispered, trying to regain your thoughts.
“You know I’m always here for you, right?” He asked softly, pulling you into his lap with a grunt as he finally sat more comfortably on the floor. “Even if I hold you at an ungodly hour in the worst possible position for my back.” Alfie lightly teased you, letting a small smile return to his face.
“You’re bloody impossible.” You responded, managing to crack a small smile yourself. The smile was short-lived, though. You sighed heavily, resting your head against his shoulder again. “Can we talk about this later? I think I would like whiskey and tea now.”
“Sure, we can talk about this later.” Alfie pulled away, grunting and groaning like an old man as he pulled himself from the floor. “Now, about this whiskey I’m serving you tonight…”
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