#tom hollad imagine
ohholyfanfics · 6 years
First Christmas|H.Holland Headcanon
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Countdown to Christmas:Day 35
November 30,2025
This was the day Harry and you welcomed a son into the world 
Liam John had arrived two weeks and a half earlier than expected 
He was born at 10:45 AM. 
A healthy baby boy
Everyone was thrilled at the new edition onto the family 
He was the blessing you and Harry had hoped so long for 
In a matter of days you three were sent home 
December 24, 2025:
It was Christmas Eve
You and Harry had chosen to stay in due to the new born 
A quiet Christmas was what you both wanted 
But most importantly what you both needed 
Liam was proven to be a very laid back baby 
But he had his moments during the night 
The day was spent with cuddles between the three of you 
Constant laughs and sweet kisses onto his cheeks and forehead 
“Baby look at him..” 
You had dressed him up in a long sleeve onesie 
Harry had placed a santa hat on him as you both took pictures of the baby 
Both you families had dropped by in order to say a quick Hello and to drop off parents for the new born 
December 25, 2025:
As the clock hit twelve Liam was up and crying 
Looking down at your phone you smiled softly 
“Marry Christmas baby boy..” 
Taken him into you arms as you hummed softly 
Harry wakening up feeling the bed dip besides him
Watching you take care of your son
“He’s the best gift we could've asked for.” 
The whole day being spent in bed 
All in all it was quiet and meaningful Christmas as you three spent the time together as a family 
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vendettaparker · 2 years
Ken-Doll [T.H]
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Summary: An injury on set leads Tom to believe he broke a very important appendage. Being the amazing friend you are, you offer to help him fix it.
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: injury, swearing, unrealistic depiction of pain meds? typos, very slight angst, smut (oral m. receiving)
A/N: this is completely based off of a dream i had the other night, so this is really just a compete crack fic. like there is no ounce of realism in this at all, but i thought it was a fun dream, so i thought it’d share it with you guys :)
The moment you saw Tom miss his mark on that stunt, you just knew something was going to go wrong. He didn’t tuck enough in his flip and he completely missed the platform he was going for—instead landing face-first in a pile of prop bricks. Thankfully, they were fake bricks, meaning they weren’t made of concrete and they were only meant for show, so they were easily transportable and made of plastic. Unfortunately, they were still made of something hard and the second Tom landed, the entire set could hear a loud crash followed by a pained groan. 
“Oh, shit,” You set your coffee and rushed over to Tom, Harry right behind you. 
“Fucking hell,” Harry looked at Tom, already being attended to by the medics on set. He had his arm clutched close to his body and his nose was bleeding down his chin. His face was scrunched up as the medics tried to jostle him around, seeing to what extent his injuries went. 
“Can you move your leg?” One of the medics asked. Tom did his best, bending his knee slightly before wincing and dropping it, “Okay, I think we need to get him to the hospital for this one.” 
“Okay,” The director nodded, motioning for lights and camera to stop rolling, “take a moment and get him out of here. We’ll shoot some scenes without him—keep us updated okay, Tom?” 
Tom held up his good arm, holding out a thumbs up before the director walked off. 
“I’ll go with him,” Harry said, “there’s no way he’s going to be able to drive himself home later—”
“Actually,” One of the producers came up to him, “we need you here, Harry. They wanna shoot your scene as an extra since Tom doesn’t need to be in it. Should only take a few hours, but they need you in the costume department now.” 
“I can go with him,” you offered, looking over at Tom who was being helped up by some medics, putting his weight on them. 
“I don’t know,” Harry scratched the back of his head, “I feel bad, he looks really hurt—”
“Shut up, you div,” Tom grumbled, “just stay here, this could be your big break,” Tom argued.
 In reality, he couldn’t care less how well his brother did acting. Of course, he was proud of his little brother for stepping out of his comfort zone and getting in front of the camera, but he really just wanted to spend some time with you. Especially after you saw that completely embarrassing wipeout; his ego—and a few ribs—were definitely bruised. 
“I only have two lines,” Harry deadpanned, “but now I am gonna stay here because you’re being mean.” Harry crossed his arms and walked away pouting. 
You laughed at their antics and took Tom from the medics, “Want me to drive you? Or do you need an ambulance, drama queen?” 
“Ow,” Tom wrapped his good arm around your shoulders, “not only is my body hurt, but now my feelings are too.” He frowned. 
You rolled your eyes and began to walk him to the car, “Should be,” you smirked, ready to take him to the hospital. 
“I am happy to report that there are no serious injuries,” the doctor smiled, “just a sprained wrist and ankle, a few bruised ribs, and busted—but not broken— nose. That should all heal in a matter of weeks, ten at most. I’m going to go get you a brace and a boot and we can make an appointment to see you back here in five weeks, okay?” 
“Sounds good,” Tom nodded, laying on the medical table with his head in your lap. 
“Are the pain meds working?” You asked.
“Mhm,” Tom nodded, feeling a little loopy, “working like a charm.” He loved the way your hair framed your face as you worked so attentively on comforting him. It was so calming and sweet, and that calmness mixed with the pain meds made you look like a goddess—even more so than you already did to him.  
You were running your fingers through his curls and smiling down at him, “Well that wasn’t so bad,” you hummed, “definitely could’ve been worse.” 
“Honestly,” Tom looked up at you, “I’m shocked I missed that flip, I practiced that stunt for hours this morning. Of course right when you get to set I have to make a fool of myself…” he mumbled. 
“No,” You shook your head, “Harry sent me that video of you doing your stunts yesterday and I saw you completely miss that platform.” 
“Yeah, but at least I didn’t fall thirty feet and land in a pile of bricks,” Tom chuckled. 
“Yeah, that’s not ideal,” You laughed, rubbing Tom’s shoulder, “Does it still hurt a lot?” 
“No,” Tom shook his head and closed his eyes, “keep rubbing that spot though, feels good.” 
You rolled your eyes, “Such a diva,” you clicked your tongue, “(Y/N) do this, (Y/N) do that—”
“Hey, you offered,” Tom defended but winced when you pressed a little too hard on his hurt arm. 
You began rubbing his shoulder with one hand and running your fingers through his hair with the other. Tom sighed contently, feeling warmth spread through his chest are your loving actions. His eyes then shot open, remembering that he was wearing loose sweats, and what you were doing was making him so relaxed, almost a little too relaxed. Tom looked down, good arm ready to shield a boner before you saw, but he was surprised to see nothing. 
He was flat. Like a ken-doll with nothing there. That was weird; usually, he’d get at least a halfy just from talking to you for extended periods of time. 
“Um, (Y/N)?” Tom looked up at you, busy reading a poster on the wall about early-onset Alzheimers. 
“Hm?” You hummed, looking down at him. 
“My thighs are killing me,” Tom complained, “can you massage them a bit?”
“Um,” You nudged his head off you and got up, “sure…” 
Tom laid out on the medical exam table with his arms above his head as you began to slowly massage his thighs, close to his knee. 
“Here?” You asked, pressing down on the mussel. 
“Yeah,” Tom nodded, “m-maybe just a bit higher actually?” 
“Tom,” You deadpanned, “I saw Scary Movie 2, I know exactly what you’re trying to do and I’m not going to fall for it. That’s gross.” 
“No, no,” Tom sat up and reached out for you when you stopped touching him and moved away, “it really does ache!” He tried. 
“Tom,” You looked unamused, “really? That’s just immature.” 
“I’m serious!” 
Tom looked down at his crotch and sure enough, nothing. Complete ken-doll. 
“Oh no,” Tom groaned, flopping back down and putting his hands over his eyes. 
“What?” You asked. 
“I think I broke more than just my wrist and ankle.” 
“You actually only sprained—” Tom shot you an unamused look of his own, causing you to quickly shut up, “fine,” you sighed, “what else did you break?” 
“I can’t talk about it,” Tom mumbled.
“Why not?” 
“Because it’s embarrassing and if I talk about it I might cry.” 
“Oh my God,” You groaned, “you are the biggest drama queen I have ever met in my entire—”
“I landed on my dick when I fell on those bricks and now he won’t get hard. And I know for a fact he won’t get hard because he always gets at least a little hard when I’m around you and now nothing. Absolutely nothing. I’m like a ken-doll. I’m flat and broken and it won’t work and even when you rubbed my thighs he won’t work,” Tom began to ramble, motioning to his crotch as he complained. 
“Tom,” You tried, but he just kept going.
“And it’s so embarrassing and what if he never works again and if I can never get him to work then I’ll never be able to have sex again and it’s not fair because I never got to have sex with you and I always wanted to do that. I would’ve asked you out and then we would’ve kissed and I am so good at sex too and I would’ve been so good and we could’ve been so happy and now you’ll never get to know and it’s not fair—”
Tom sniffled, “What?” 
“That was a horrifying confession,” You said, “I’m a little traumatized by the way these events played out.” 
“But,” You ran your fingers through Tom’s hair again, “I would’ve liked to try sex with you too. Except I probably wouldn't have just blurted that like you did because that’s a little weird.” 
“Sorry,” Tom mumbled. 
“It’s okay,” You smiled, “do you really think it’s broken?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” Tom nodded, “I can’t get him to get up.” 
“Want me to try later?” You asked with a smirk. 
“Yeah sure,” You agreed, “I’d hate for your dick to be broken. That’s really sad.” 
“It is,” Tom agreed. 
When you got back to Tom’s rented condo, Tom was completely ready to let you fulfill your offer. In his boot and with his wrist strapped up, he hobbled off the bedroom to get undressed, hoping that even soft you’d still be at least a little impressed. 
“Where’re you going?” You asked as you set his things down. 
“Getting ready!” Tom yelled back, limping quickly to his destination. 
“Ready for what—” You began but then quickly remembered the thing you offered in the doctor’s office, “Oh shit, Tom!” You followed after him. 
“Tom,” You entered the room, “I was just kid—What the fuck?!” You covered your eyes and looked away at the sight of Tom laid out on his side, completely naked, save for the boot on his right foot and the wrist brace on his right arm, “You’re naked!” 
“Well, yeah,” Tom tried to stay in position, but your reaction was not doing wonders for his confidence, “because you said you wanted to try—”
“You’re hopped up on pain meds, Tom,” You said with your back turned to him, “I-I was just joking around with you like we always do, right?” 
Tom grabbed his comforter and covered his lower half with it, “I wasn’t really joking…” Tom mumbled. 
“Tom,” You sighed, grabbing the door handle, “get dressed in some comfy clothes, I’ll make us some food, and after you take a nap and the medicine wears off, then we can talk about it, okay? But I can’t trust how genuine what you’re saying is right now.” 
“But it is genuine,” Tom protested, “my dick really is broken—”
“Not that part!” You snapped, “That part about you wanting to have sex with me and take me on dates and how we could be happy, that’s the part that I need to be genuine!” You closed the door and gave Tom his privacy while you went into the other room to make something for dinner. 
Tom got on some sweats and a t-shirt while he thought about what you said. Maybe he was super hopped up on pain meds. He never would’ve said half the things he’s said to you today before. He could feel his own internal filter failing whenever he spoke to you, but he just couldn’t help it. And now you thought he was just some freak that wanted to get his dick fixed. 
“Hey,” You said as Tom came back into the living room and sat on the couch, “I made soup.” 
“Of course you did,” Tom smiled, “let me guess: Campbells?” Tom teased. You smiled, it was nice how quickly you two could go back to being normal after such a not normal day. 
“No,” You feigned offense, walking to the couch with two bowls in your hands, “it’s a super special secret family recipe, passed down from generation to generation.”
Tom rolled his eyes, but properly wheezed when you set his bowl down in front of his and he could see the spaghetti-o’s floating around in their red sauce. 
You ate in relative silence and watched Hawkeye, making small comments every now and then about where Spider-man could’ve been added to the scenes. 
“You can’t just plop Spider-man in anywhere, Tom,” You complained, “it wouldn’t make sense.” 
“Spider-man always makes sense,” Tom defended with a yawn. 
“Tired?” You asked when you looked over and noticed Tom’s head lulling. 
“Mhm,” Tom nodded a bit, “I think it’s the meds.” 
“Go to sleep,” You shrugged, “I’ll clean up around here and then show myself out.” 
“No,” Tom whined, “stay.” 
“It’ll be late by the time you wake up,” You said. 
“But when I wake up I’ll be able to be honest,” Tom argued, “and I can tell you how amazing you are without being all weird about it.” 
“Fine,” You agreed, “only because I like to be told how amazing I am every opportunity I get.” 
When Tom woke up it was well into the night. His head was feeling a lot more clear though, so the first thing he wanted to do was find you and let you know how he felt with full honesty. He could still remember completely what he said at the doctor’s office, and then what he did when he got back to his condo, and that memory would haunt his nightmares for years to come. If he could die from embarrassment, it would be those moments that killed him. 
“(Y/N)?” Tom hobbled to his room, finding you sleeping cuddled up in the comforter. He smiled softly at the sight. 
Tom shuffled to your side of the bed and nudged your shoulder gently, “(Y/N)?” 
“Hm?” You hummed, turning over a bit. 
“Are you awake?” Tom whispered in your face. 
“No,” You whispered back, “at the tone please leave a message—”
“Oh shut up,” Tom laughed, shoving you into scooting over for him. 
You smiled up at Tom when he finally got settled, “You wanted to talk?” You prompted. 
“Yeah,” Tom let out a deep breath. So the pain meds were definitely out of his system because even though he more or less already said too much to you regarding his feelings (and his dick), he was still completely nervous, “I just wanted to tell you like I really like you,” Tom confessed, “and I feel really bad for acting so weird about it earlier.” 
“You were on a lot of pain meds,” You tried, “it’s okay.” 
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” 
“You didn’t,” You said, “well I mean, you did. Like the thing on the bed—that was a lot. That was really a lot—but it’s okay, I won’t hold it against you.” 
“You won’t?” Tom asked skeptically. 
“I mean I’m definitely going to make fun of you for it for years to come. Maybe I’ll tell a few people or leak the story to TMZ—but other than that I won’t—”
“You’re the devil,” Tom feigned offense with a gasp, but it quickly turned into a smile. 
You placed your hand on Tom’s cheek and brought his face to yours, pressing a gentle kiss to his nose, “I like you too, Tommy.” 
“Yeah?” Tom asked. 
“Yeah,” You confirmed, bringing his lips to yours. 
Tom smiled into the kiss, savoring the feel of your soft lips practically enveloping his as your mouths moved against one another. 
You pulled away for air after a moment, “Is it still broken?” You asked. 
“Your dick.” 
“Oh, him,” Tom looked down at his crotch, in all of its Ken-doll glory, “I think so. Oh my god,” Tom complained, “I know I was on pain meds when I was worried about this but what if I actually killed him?” 
You quickly snaked a hand between the two of you and began to palm Tom gently through his sweats. He let out a soft hiss, feeling himself get harder with your touch. 
“Fixed?” You asked, pressing a kiss to Tom’s jaws, sucking a soft bruise there. 
“Mhm, almost,” he sighed. 
“Can I suck you off?” You asked breathily in between kisses. 
“Fuck, yeah,” Tom nodded, lifting his hips up to wiggle out of his sweatpants and boxers. “Wait—shit,” Tom grumbled when his clothes got caught on his boot. 
“Here, let me just—” You chuckled, gingerly unhooking his sweats from his boot and throwing them in the corner of the room, “there,” you said triumphantly, settling yourself between his legs. 
You took his semi-hard cock in your hand and began stroking him, spitting on it for lubricant. “This good?” You asked, looking up at him with doe eyes. 
“Fuck, mhm,” Tom looked at you like you hung the moon, with such love and adoration in his eyes. But he couldn’t hold eye contact much longer when you took his tip between your soft lips and began to suckle on it, “oh shit,” Tom closed his eyes and threw his head back, “you’re really fucking good at that.”
“And look,” you said, releasing him with a little ‘pop’, “all fixed,” you stroked his now hard cock with long, harsh tugs. 
You put him back in your mouth, taking more this time, and began bobbing your head up and down, stroking whatever couldn’t fit. Tom’s heavy breathing and occasional groans were music to your ears and urged you to continuously take more, taking him deeper and faster. 
You got to the point where you had your nose pressed up against his pelvis, suppressing your gag reflex as you held yourself there. You could feel Tom twitch with every little contraction of your throat around him. 
“Oh, fuck, (Y/N),” Tom weaved his fingers through your hair. You finally released him again to get a fresh breath of air. Your eyes were a little watery and you had drool and precum painting your lips, making a mess all over your face. 
Tom brought his hand to your cheek and pulled you up for a kiss, humming at the taste of himself on your tongue. 
You kept him in his hand and continued your movements, your saliva providing even more of a smooth glide as you stroked him. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Tom panted against your lips. 
You quickly shimmied down again, just in time to wrap your lips around his tip and catch his salty release in your mouth. 
Tom put his hand on your head and held it there as you suck on him, helping him rude out his high, “Oh, fuck,” Tom groaned, watching in awe as you looked up at him with big, bright eyes. 
You finally released his softening cock and swallowed what you had in your mouth. 
“Come here,” Tom said, grabbing your arm and sitting you on his lap. He pulled you in for another sloppy kiss, relishing in the salty taste that clung to your lips, “Mm, did so good,” he said softly, “so perfect.” 
Tom reached a hand into your shorts, pressing his fingers against your heat. You sighed softly as he began to rub you through your panties. 
“I think I might be broken too,” You said with a smirk, “maybe you should take a look.” 
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arvinsescape · 3 years
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this one, bit different of a topic to deal with. I have read a lot of stories of these things happening, I have put warnings in and if the topic is too much please don’t read. I will accept constructive critiscm. (I understand that what happens throughout this writing is not a reality for some but it is a work of fiction and I absolutely hold no intent to offend anyone.
Warnings: Mentions of sex, talks of infertility, language.
W/C: 5K... there may be typos.
You were almost in shock as you stared at the test in your hand. Impossible. There was no way that this was true, it couldn’t be, you’d been told as much. You furrowed your brows as you looked up at the doctor.
“This isn’t, this can’t be right.” You stumbled out.
“It is, we’ve tested you almost every way possible. You’re pregnant.” He confirmed and you still couldn’t work out how it made you feel.
You’d never considered this as an option, you were told when you turned sixteen that you couldn’t have children, that you were infertile. You struggled with bad periods and when you went to the doctors they ran full tests on you and that’s how you found out. You’d never thought about children, why would you have? The idea of being a mother wasn’t something you ever considered and now you were faced with it, well you didn’t know how to feel.
You were terrified, you’d come here today because you thought you were ill, not pregnant. You wondered if you were dreaming, you were so sure you’d turned your alarm off and rolled out of bed this morning for this appointment. It must have been a dream, there was no way this was possible.
The doctor continued to look and you and you looked up at him, you couldn’t speak, you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t even know how you should feel, let alone what to say about it. “Would you like us to call Mr Holland?” The doctor asked, he’d grown concerned over your quiet demeanor.
“No,” you shook your head. “He’s away.” You continued quietly.
“Would you like me to call someone for you?” He asked again and you shook your head.
“No, I’m okay. I just, I don’t know. I’d never considered this a possibility. Will it make it? The baby I mean?” You asked quietly and the doctor gave you a small smile.
“You stand the same chance as every other woman who falls pregnant.” He offered, it was almost a comfort to you, the worry setting in that you’d miscarry because you genuinely believed the universe didn’t pick you to have children. You nodded slightly as you stood. “You should talk to your husband.” He added.
“I will.” You confirmed, you just didn’t know how and when. You’d told him about your infertility early on in the relationship so you could save a broken heart down the line, save him getting his hopes high as the relationship progressed. He’d mentioned the idea of adoption, but it was something you both wanted to wait for and hadn’t fully decided if you were going to, what if this hindered the plans you’d made together?
Being a married couple who seemingly couldn’t have children, you’d planned your lives to work a little differently. It never involved a family in your mid-twenties. You’d been with him for three years, married six months and now you were about to become parents. Where would this leave you?
You suddenly felt guilty, you were part of an extraordinarily rare group of women. Shouldn’t you be jumping for joy? Maybe you would be if you weren’t so shocked. You hadn’t exactly been trying, of course you’d gone three years having unprotected sex with no birth control but there was never any need. You were never doing it for the purpose of procreating. You didn’t even track your period, that’s how much you believed you couldn’t conceive.
You made your way out of the doctors, sitting in your car as you pressed your forehead against the steering wheel. You debated telling Tom your appointment was over but ultimately decided not to. He was only an hour ahead of you from where he was filming, you knew he’d be waiting for your text or call but you weren’t ready to have the conversation, you still had a lot to process first. The drive home was almost a blur, making your way back to your shared house.
Tess greeted you, jumping up at you as you mindlessly stroked her head, making your way into the kitchen, she was hot on your heels, your greeting towards her wasn’t what she wanted, it felt off. It was like she always sensed when you were out of sorts or having a bad day, she’d follow you around, make sure you were okay. Pouring yourself a glass of water you thought about what you should do.
Your thoughts spiraled more the more you thought about how you were going to tell your husband. You wanted to feel complete and utter joy, but you couldn’t, so many emotions running through your mind at once. It was almost head ache inducing. Your phone buzzed on the side, bringing you from your thoughts as you picked it up, opening a message Tom had sent you.
Tom: You finished yet? Seems like a long appointment. You okay? I’m getting worried not hearing from you xx
You stared at the text, how do you respond? You can’t tell him news like this over a text or a phone call, it didn’t seem right. You needed to tell him in person, but he wasn’t due back for a month, you swallowed thickly as typed out your response.
You: Yeah, sorry, I forgot to message, got distracted. I’m okay xx
You read his reply, he was happy you were okay, a light scalding about scaring him like that. You needed to see him, but you couldn’t ask him to come home, he’d only worry more, and he was filming, his schedule was tight. You sighed as you pulled up Harry’s contact, it didn’t take him long to answer.
“Y/N? Hey.” Harry said, his usual chirpy self.
“Hey Harry. Can you send me the details of where you’re staying? Want to surprise Tom.” You said as normal as you could muster.
“You missing him already? He’s only been gone a week.” Harry teased with a short laugh.
“Yeah, I just want to see him.” You confirmed, tone dropping slightly.
“You okay?” Harry asked worriedly, he knew you were always up for a laugh, but you’d not taken the bait, so he knew something was off.
“Yeah, like I say I just miss him.” You sighed, hoping Harry wouldn’t press further. “Just don’t tell him I’m coming, yeah?”
Harry promised he wouldn’t ruin the surprise, giving you the location of the hotel they were stopping in. You put the phone down and booked your flight, the next one wasn’t until tomorrow and you needed to talk to someone about this, you also needed to find cover for your shifts. You killed two birds with one stone as you called your best friend, asking her to come over if she could.
“Y/N? What’s up? You okay?” She asked as she made her way into your home. She knew something was off when Tess didn’t greet her like she usually would. The dog only looking at her to make sure she wasn’t a threat before placing her head back in your lap.
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly, you felt tears brim your eyes, the emotional confusion was becoming too much for you. She sat next you, carefully as not to disturb the dog in your lap, who huffed, leaning her head onto you more. She became almost jealous when anyone else tried to comfort you, Tom found it endearing and infuriating at times.
“Have you had a fight with Tom?” She asked carefully, the pups ears pricking up at the mention of her owner. You shook your head in response. “You just missing him a lot?” She pried, trying to get to the bottom of your problem.
“No more than usual.” You answered as you slightly scratched Tess’s head.
“Help me out here Y/N/N, what’s wrong?” She asked and you looked at her, she noticed the tears in your eyes and furrowed her brows. “Y/N/N?” She asked softly and you let the tears fall, you couldn’t help it. Tess standing on your lap as she nudged at your face. She assumed you were missing Tom, she was always so attentive and tried to cheer you up when you cried.
“I’m pregnant.” You said through your tears, pulling Tess into a hug as she placed her head on your shoulder. Your friend looking at you, shocked expression on her face.
“Are you, are you sure?” She asked carefully. Of course she knew about your supposed infertility.
“The doctor said so. I don’t know. I didn’t think it was possible. I know I should probably be happy but it’s so much to take in. I didn’t know this was possible.” You got out. Your friend waited for you to calm down, watching as you cuddled Tessa, the dog licking your cheek every now and again until you calmed down.
“Sorry,” you said as you sniffled, eventually calming down. Your friend smiling at you, in a comforting way. “I just, I don’t know how this is supposed to make me feel.” You said, Tess now peacefully back in your lap.
“I don’t think there’s a hand book for this sort of thing.” Your friend said. “Look, you’re just confused. The impossible has just become possible for you, of course you’re not gonna know how it makes you feel. You told Tom yet?” She asked.
“No, I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know if it’s something he wants right now.” You said, tears welling your eyes. “How do I tell him?”
“I think you should just come out with it. Just say it. He loves you, I’m sure he won’t leave you. This is a good thing.” She reassured as she placed a hand on your shoulder. “A really good thing. Just tell him. I’ll cover your shifts this week, just go and tell him.” She said with a smile.
“You really think he’ll be okay with it? That we’ll be okay?” Being pregnant was already scaring the living hell out of you and the thought of doing it alone? You couldn’t think too much about it right now.
“I know he loves you and I know that the two of you are solid. You guys can work through anything. I think he’ll be over the moon. You’ve been given a chance that not many people in your position do, I know that means you’re scared but you don’t have to be, you’ll be okay. Just let the excitement in.” She said and you took in her words.
Maybe you did need to relax, this was a good thing. You didn’t feel ready to have a child, but you were given a gift that not many other women in your position are. You should be excited, you thought about it for a while, letting the excitement flood you. This felt like a miracle, an absolute gift from the universe.
After a relatively short flight you were met with your brother-in-law’s arms, as he picked you up from the airport.
“I could’ve gotten a taxi.” You smiled and Harry shrugged.
“Toms on a closed set, spoilers and all that. Didn’t have anything better to do.” He teased as he nudged your shoulder and you smiled. “Right, out with it.” He said after your lack of usual response.
“What?” You asked, furrowed brows.
“Something’s off. What’s wrong?” He asked, concern written all over him as he opened the passenger door for you, making his way to the driver’s side.
“I just want to see him.” You shrugged, bringing a hand up to play with your bottom lip.
“I appreciate that, I do. But, you had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and all of sudden you’re rushing to see him.” He observed, he cared for you just like he would his own sister.
“How’d you know about that?” You asked and Harry gave you a knowing look, of course Tom will have spent the last few days worrying about it. “Can I tell you when I’ve told Tom?” You asked quietly.
“Wait, are you sick? Like actually ill?” He asked as he pulled into the drive of the hotel. He turned the ignition off and looked at you. “Y/N/N, are you okay?” He asked again and you couldn’t help as you burst into your second fit of tears in two days. He placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry I’m just worried.” He furrowed his brows, when you didn’t respond he sighed as he pulled you into a hug.
“I don’t know what to do.” You said vaguely.
“About what?” He asked as he hugged you tighter, it was awkward positioning, but you felt slightly better.
“Harry I need to tell Tom something and I don’t know how he’ll react.” You sobbed, something about being in the hotel grounds had your nerves shooting through you, you weren’t far off Tom right now.
“Hey, whatever it is it’ll be okay.” He said as he rubbed your back, you silently calmed yourself and he pulled you back to look at him. “Come on, let’s get you to your husband.” He said as you both exited the car.
The walk through the hotel didn’t feel long enough, your nerves felt like they were eating away at your heart, making your breathing more difficult as you tried to calm them. Harry was quiet as he led you through the halls. When he stopped outside the door you knew was Tom’s hotel room, you felt panic rise, you couldn’t do this.
“Harry, I can’t.” You said as you stopped him opening the door. He whipped to look at you.
“Y/N/N, when has there ever been a point in your relationship where you haven’t been able to talk about something?” He reassured and you sighed.
“This is different.” You said and Harry smiled sadly.
“It’s nothing you guys can’t handle. You’re a strong couple you know.” He reassured as he grasped your hand in his. You’d always been close to Tom’s family, they became like your own brother’s. “Come on.” He said as he opened the door with the second key, Tom had his back to the door.
“Harry? Where’d you go?” He asked, knowing it was his younger sibling.
“Went to pick up a present for you.” Harry smiled and Tom turned with furrowed brows.
“Wh- Y/N/N?” Tom let out a breath of surprise. Seeing him after almost eight days apart still brought that feeling of excitement in you as your feet moved before you could stop them. Running to him as he opened his arms, ready to catch you. Your body collided with his as he picked you up, your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as he buried his head in the crook of your neck.
You inhaled his scent, letting it calm your nerves, it always did. His scent and being in his arms, grounded you, kept you sane. It wasn’t long before the panic set in, what if he wouldn’t be there to ground you anymore? What if he didn’t want this? It was hard, you knew everything about him apart from his want or lack of when it came to children. You didn’t know how he was gonna react.
“I’m just gonna.” You heard Harry excuse himself as he heard your sobs start again. Tom stiffened slightly, holding you tighter.
“What’s wrong? Hey, it’s only been eight days, we’ve done more.” He said as he lightly shrugged his shoulder, forcing you to look at him. He took in your face, how tired you looked, it wasn’t until he settled on your eyes that he saw the fear in them, he didn’t miss a single detail when it came to you. “What’s happened?” He asked and you shook your head before stuffing your face back into his neck.
He held you, let you cry, he knew you’d talk but he wouldn’t push you. As worried as he was he’d wait for you to calm down, wait until you were ready. You stayed like that for a good five minutes before he heard your breathing calm and sniffles quieten, running a hand through your hair and running a hand up and down your thigh in comfort.
“Tom?” You whimpered and his heart shattered, he couldn’t decipher what the fuck was going on and it scared the shit out of him. You’d seen him and cried your eyes out, your sobs shaking your body in a way that had Tom’s heart hammering in his chest.
“What’s wrong baby?” He asked, voice soft as he kissed your temple. “What happened?” His grip tightened when you tried to get down, your body had still clung to him like he’d disappear. Hands relaxed as you let go of the tight grip on his t shirt. He didn’t want to let you go.
“Can I get down please? You might want to sit for this.” You said and Tom furrowed his brows as he did as you asked. He studied you for a moment before you gestured for him to sit on the edge of the bed, wiping at your sore nose. You’d rubbed it so much after all your crying that it felt a little tender. He sat and you sat next to him, taking his hands in your shaking ones as you played with his fingers, he knew you did that when you were nervous or extremely relaxed and he deciphered the reason easily.
“Hey,” he said as he let you continue playing with his digits. “You can talk to me, sweetheart you’re scaring me here.” Tom said, voice incredibly soft, he was scared if he talked any louder you’d break, he’d never seen you so vulnerable.
You breathed in, you had to say it, he’d find out eventually, it wasn’t exactly something you could hide. On top of that you and Tom didn’t do secrets, not between each other. You let out a shaky breath as you looked at your husband, nothing but worry and care reflecting in his eyes.
“I,” you started, voice hoarse from all your crying. “I don’t know how to say it.” You admitted and Tom’s heart dropped, he’d never in your entire relationship seen you so vulnerable, never seen you at such a loss for words.
“Just say it. Rip the bandage of?” He offered in aid, and he heard you take in a deep breath before speaking.
“I’m pregnant.” You breathed out in a whisper. Tom didn’t catch it as he pulled one of his hands from your grasp, eyebrows furrowing as you pulled it back into your grasp. You were grounding yourself, using his hands as a way to keep your emotions in check. He knew that which is why he left his hand he’d previously tried to free.
“Sorry darling, I didn’t catch that.” Tom said as he placed his chin on your head. You played with his wedding ring on his finger for a moment, twirling it on his finger, it wasn’t as mindlessly as you usually did it, before you spoke again, it was still quiet, but Tom didn’t miss it. The words echoing around the silent hotel room. Of all the things he expected to be wrong, this was not it.
“What? How?” Tom got out, shock taking over his system. He didn’t think this was possible, didn’t think you could.
“I’m sorry.” You said, voice quiet, no tears but Tom would be surprised if you had any left. You placed your head on his chest as you waited for his response. You were nervous, incredibly so and Tom was shocked.
It was your fingers playing with his more harshly as you grew more nervous of his silence that brought him crashing back to Earth. His heart hammering in his chest, excitement bubbling through his system. He felt like he’d just been told he was King of the world, felt like every good piece of news had come back to him all at once. This was a miracle.
“Say it again.” Tom said with a smile on his lips, he needed to hear you say it again, just so he knew it was true.
“I’m pregnant Tom.” You said and he couldn’t help himself as he let a tear fall, his chest filling with a happiness he hadn’t felt since you’d said, ‘I do,’ and he was sure this was even happier than then. You’d done something you were told was impossible. “Are you angry?” You asked, voice small as you grasped a hand around his wedding finger.
“Angry? Princess this is the best news in the world. We’ve been given a chance, one most couples don’t.”
You looked up at him and studied his face, it was full of nothing but joy and adoration, you smiled sadly as you let the excitement settle in your chest. You didn’t have to do this alone, he wanted this. You both did.
“I’m scared.” You voiced your concern.
“You’ve got me, and I’ve got you.” He said reassuring as he kissed at your cheeks. “We can do this. Together, like everything else.” He said again and you let go of his fingers as you hugged him, strong hands finding your back as he pulled you tight against him
A month later and Tom had quit the role, the director and his agent understanding, he needed to be here for this, he couldn’t and wouldn’t miss it. He didn’t care if it gave him a bad name, you and your baby came first, always. Luckily everyone understood, well everyone involved in making the film. You still needed to tell your families, your mum and dad had cried at the news, your dad unbelievably so. Your sister was nothing but ecstatic for you, it was not time to tell Tom’s family, Harry had been worried after your exchange when he picked you up, but he stopped pushing when Tom reassured him you were okay.
“What? I thought?” Harry started as he looked at the couple in shock, of course Tom had told him that you were unable to have children. He’d told all of his family to stop the questions about them cropping up.
“So did we.” You said with a smile, nothing but excitement was left now, all your fears and concerns leaving your system.
“Are they certain?” Sam asked, he was just as shocked as Harry.
“Yeah.” Tom said, you’d been to a couple of doctors to confirm the news, the two of you both lived for a solid week thinking you were dreaming and almost needed it confirming as many times as was possible.
“I’m so happy for you.” Harry said with a wide smile, engulfing you in a hug, squeezing you tight.
“Have you told mum and dad?” Sam asked, smile matching his twin’s.
“Not yet.”
“Mum’s gonna cry.” Harry smiled.
“What?” Dom asked, like everyone else, nothing but shock evident.
“Oh Tom,” his mother said as she hugged him, smile on her face as she cried tears of happiness. “This is a miracle.” She said and Tom smiled as he hugged his mother back.
“I thought it wasn’t possible.” Dom was still in disbelief.
“So did I.” You said and Dom pulled you into a hug.
“I couldn’t be more happy for you.” He said into your ear.
His parents understood this was different for you, Tom had made the choice where you’d not had one. As harsh as it sounds Tom could have called it quits in the early stages of your relationship when you’d told him. Whereas for you, you’d lived your life thinking it didn’t matter who you married you’d never have the choice and here you were. Nikki was the next to pull you into her chest.
“I’m so unbelievably happy for you, you have no idea how happy I am for you right now.” She cried into your shoulder, and you smiled, Tom mouthing a slight ‘sorry’ over her shoulder before his dad pulled him into a hug.
It wasn’t until your three month scan that things got incredibly emotional, when the nurse had placed the gel on your stomach to listen for a heartbeat. You all heard two and the only person who didn’t catch on was you, you assumed it was your own heartbeat. Tom cried when he heard them, cried so incredibly hard and you assumed it was because he’d heard his child’s heartbeat for the first time and it was, but it wasn’t only that.
“I knew twins ran in the family but Jesus fucking christ.” Tom muttered as he sniffled, and you looked at him confused.
“Darling, there’s two heart beats.” Tom said as he looked at you, how had you not caught on. You looked to the nurse for help.
“Mrs Holland, you’re having twins.” She smiled and you almost screamed in joy. How had you gotten so lucky? You couldn’t help as you pulled your husband into your arms, he let out a slight breath as you pulled him to your chest and cried into his hair.
Neither you nor Tom cared the gender of your child, male or female, you were ecstatic. The baby reveal was incredible, it brought tears to everyone’s eyes as they watched the two of you with your little confetti canons.
“Okay, darling. On three?” He asked, nerves kicking in for the both of you. He whispered out the numbers and on three you both set your canons off. Blue confetti showered everything in its path, they were both boys. You heard as Harry and Paddy practically roared in excitement, Sam clapping his older brother on the shoulder with a ‘congrats.’
Tom picked you up and cried into your chest, you were both over the moon. You ran your hands through his hair as you kissed the top of his head, you’d never seen him as emotional in the last few months, he cried at everything do to do with your pregnancy.
“We’re gonna have nephews!” You heard Paddy scream as he fist bumped Harry, the two had been adamant they were both boys. You smiled at their excitement.
The labour was long and hard, you felt like you couldn’t carry on through the last four hours. Both boys being born, half an hour apart, you both cried, Tom cutting the umbilical cords with shaky hands.
“I’m so proud of you.” Tom said as he kissed your temple, you were sweaty and in your opinion probably looked like shit, not to Tom though. You looked like an absolute angel.
“I never thought I’d have this.” You said in a small and tired voice, a wave of emotions hitting you.
“I know sweetheart.” Tom said, he knew there really was nothing else to say, no ‘if’, ‘buts’ or ‘maybes.’ What had happened for the two of you was an absolute miracle, a chance not many were given.
“I love you.” You said as a tear slipped, and Tom was quick to wipe it away as he moved the sweaty mess of hair from your forehead.
“I love you to, more than anything.” He said as he rested his forehead against yours.
“Tom, I’m all sweaty.” You groaned as you tried to calm your onslaught of emotions and he laughed.
“How do you think these guys were made, we had to get a little sweaty then didn’t we?” Tom teased and you lifted a tired hand to slap his shoulder. He laughed as he pulled away to hold your hand.
“Thank you.” You said as you played with his fingers, particularly the wedding ring that rested on his finger. Although this time, it wasn’t out of nerves, you were content, happy, in pure bliss.
“What for?” He asked, the gratitude confused him.
“For staying with me, sticking by me.” You said as you closed your eyes slightly, you were so tired, a long labour having caught up with you.
“I told you when I asked you to marry me, I’m never going anywhere, no matter what. Get some rest darling.” He said but it fell on deaf ears, your breathing evening out as you looked the most content and happy he’d ever seen you in his life, sleep consuming you. Your hand didn’t leave his, your two healthy boys were currently sleeping next to your bed. As Tom looked around the room at his family that was much bigger than he’d anticipated at the start of the year he counted his blessings that whoever was up there had given you a chance.
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pasiveagressive · 4 years
Opening Night // Tom Holland
Y/N is an artist who needs a date, best friend Tom is happy to step in.
Best friends to Lovers
Warnings: Slight implication of smut, language? maybe?
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Y/N’s  Saturday was a mix of good and bad. It had started shitty, she woke up and her roommate/ brother's latest conquest was still in the apartment. She had walked into the kitchen half asleep and started a pot of coffee when she looked up. Harrison was trying to get the girl out the door and she was trying to tell him that she wanted to go another round. Y/N almost puked on the spot. 
“Marissa you guys go through this at least once a week.” Y/N said making her presence known. “He’ll call you tomorrow or the next day when he’s horny again.” she had said all of this while picking up the rest of the sluts stuff with her finger tips. “Bye Marissa hope to see you never.” She shoved the girl out the door, then turned to glare at her brother who just grinned at her.
“Morning sis.” He kissed her head. She rolled her eyes at him and went back to her coffee pot where she poured herself an overflowing mug of black gold. Once she had woken up a bit more she addressed her brother.
“You’re going to be my date tonight to the gallery opening right?” his eyes went wide and he tried to cover it up but she was faster. “You didn’t forget that I have a gallery opening tonight did you?”
“Um, maybe?” he scratches the back of his head. 
“Harrison!” she yells “You were supposed to intimidate that asshole Jonathan so he would stop bugging me.” The end almost sounds like a whine and she is totally fine with that if it gets him to cancel his plans and come with her.
“Y/N, I am so sorry but I can’t cancel. I have an audition for a new movie.” her body sagged at this. Y/N knew that Haz needed to go to this audition. There was a knock on the door at that moment. Haz went to open it while Y/N pouted. She had perked up when she heard the familiar voice belonging to a curly haired brunette. As Haz brought Tom into the room Y/N basically tackled him. She, Harrison and Tom had grown up together and she and Tom were just as close as Haz and Tom were, if not closer. Tom caught her and pulled her into a tight hug that made her heart flutter. There was that too. She might have the tiniest crush on her best friend.
“I didn’t know you were going to be in town anytime soon.” She said as they pulled away from each other.  
“Neither did I to be honest.” Tom replied “I have a couple interviews I need to go to later this week but other than that I am all yours.” He smiled at her and hi fived Harrison. That’s when she saw Haz’s eyes light up.
“Hey man you got anything going tonight?” he asked. Tom shook his head 
“No mate why?”
“Y/N has this thing I was supposed to go to with her but I made plans. You can go instead!” Y/N tried to signal to her brother that this is a very bad idea but his eyes were only on Tom. The Holland didn’t take more than a minute to consider it before he agreed.
“What time do we have to leave?”
That was how she ended up at her gallery opening with her long time crush and best friend. So yeah not the greatest day so far. The gallery was doing great; she had several interested buyers, her personal life was sucking however. Tom had to run to the bathroom and it looks like he got caught by the bimbo who works the desk, why she is even here Y/N has no idea. 
“Hello Y/N.” and there he was the man she was dreading seeing all night. A mutual friend had tried setting her and Jonathan Up a few years ago and it was terrible. She tries to avoid him the best she can but his family were big buyers in the industry and so he is always at openings. 
“Hello Jonathan” She says, trying to plaster a fake smile on her face as best as possible. 
“Please call me John,” he very obviously looks her up and down, making her want to roll her eyes, “How about you tell me about this piece.” Oh thank god, she thinks. Art is something she can talk about for ages no matter who she's talking to.
“Um sure, so it’s obviously muted but,” she trails off as she feels a hand on her back. Y/N  moves away from Jonathan and continues “ as I was saying, I wanted it to come across as alive.” as she’s talking Jonathan moves closer to her again. Just as she is about to flip out on him she is saved in a very unexpected way
“Hey babe.” a kiss is dropped on her temple. She knows who it is and she also knows that he is just barely able to reach that high due to her heels. “Who’s this?” she is a little out of it from the fact that Tom just called her babe like it was the most normal thing but luckily enough Jonathan loves to overstep and introduces himself. 
“Jonathan Thomas and you are?”
“Oh, right of course, so sorry Tom Holland Y/N’s boyfriend.” The first thing that goes through her mind is that he uses his full name, a name that anyone who knows anything about pop culture will know. The second thing, is the thing that makes her spit out the champagne that she was taking a drink of, all over Jonathan.
“Oh my gosh I am so sorry Jonathan!” He looks down at his definitely ruined tie.
“It’s fine Y/N,” she slightly winces at the way he says her name “I was thinking of heading out anyway. I will contact you about a few of the pieces I am interested in.” with that he walks toward the door and she turns to Tom
“What the hell was that? I asked you to get him to back off not give me a heart attack!” he just smiles at her
“I got him to leave you alone, isn’t that what you wanted? Plus it could have gone way worse.” She just stares at him shaking her head
“In what way could it have gone worse? Tom let me tell you, there are at least seventeen ways this could have gone better, I am counting them now you ass.”
“Well darling” he grins into the endearing nickname, “that bimbo that  was flirting with me earlier could have come over and caused a scene.” Tom says while looking over Y/N’s head
“Why is that even a scenario?” she is about to go on a full scale rant on him  then sees the panic on his face “Oh Stephanie is on her way over here right now isn’t she?” he shakes his head 
“Just follow along okay?” He says and before she has a chance to respond he is leaning in and kissing her. It takes her by complete surprise, but when he realizes her lips aren’t moving he pulls back just enough to whisper against them. “What am I not a good enough kisser for you love?” That’s enough for her to grab his neck and pull him back on to her mouth. She is feeling  like nothing could ever take her down from this high she’s on when Tom pulls away, fully this time. He turns his body to reveal a very pissed off Stephanie. 
“You know you could have just told me you were seeing someone instead of leading me on earlier.” she then smacks him across the face and walks away. Y/N gasps at the nail marks her claws leave on his face. 
“Oh my gosh are you okay?” she grabs his face. He manages a smile
“Kiss me better?” she blushes and kisses his cheek. He grabs her hand and leads her out of the building “Now come on Angel you know that’s not what I meant.” He captures her lips with his again and she almost lets herself be pulled into bliss. However she manages to get away and speak
“Tom we need to go clean up your face.” He nods his head and lets her lead the way home.
Once they get to the apartment Y/N leads Tom to the bathroom. She bends over to look for her first aid kit and when she returns to the upright position finds Tom shamelessly staring at her ass. 
“Um hello there? Do you want to stop looking at my butt?” She snaps her fingers in front of his face. This seems to shake him out of whatever trance he was in and put his signature pantydropping smirk on.
“Not particularly Angel. Why? Do you want me to stop?” she feels the telltale sign of herself blushing, aka her face feels like a fire, but she tries to play it cool and rolls her eyes at him. 
She hoists herself on to the kitchen counter with the first aid kit open beside her. Tom is just standing in the doorway with the dried blood streaked down his face. Once she is up on the ledge however he seems to get the idea, and walks to stand between her legs. They had both changed out of their nice clothes and all he has on are a pair of black joggers. She tries very hard not to get distracted by his sculpted body, and you think it would be fairly easy because of how much time the man spent shirtless, but it is very hard. She cleans the cuts and soon realizes they aren’t nearly as bad as she once thought they were. She wasn’t sure where all the blood had come from, the lines on Tom's face were miniscule. They didn’t say one word as she was wiping his cheek down, they didn’t need to. She and Tom always had this weird kind of connection, they could literally just sit in a room together with nothing else to do and just be in each other's company. No talking was needed, they knew everything they needed to about each other, and maybe even some things they didn’t need to. She almost laughed at the thought. 
After she had finished, Tom had simply turned around in her legs and she put her arms around him. They sat like that for a few hours just talking about stupid stuff ( just because they could sit in silence didn’t mean they always wanted to), until Haz came home. He didn’t even give the position they were in a second glance because they were always like this, but he did disturb the peace that was resting over them so Y/N decided to call it a night. 
“Night Haz.” she kissed him on the cheek “Night Tom.” and him too. She wanted to kiss Tom for real of course, but she knew that it wasn’t a shared feeling. She sighs walking into her room trying to remember every detail of the way his lips felt against hers because she knows that tonight was just a one off thing. Tom didn’t like being tied down, and while she didn’t quite think that he saw her as a little sister anymore, she was definitely friendzoned. 
Tom  was nervous. He was standing outside his best friend's house so he shouldn’t be nervous right? Wrong! His best friend just so happens to be this beautiful, spitfire who he has been in love with since he was 15. He is now 25 and has been keeping it a secret from her and her brother , aka Tom’s other best friend, for almost ten years now and he doesn’t know how much longer he can keep it up. He knocks on the door. Harrison answers so he has another minute to compose himself. 
“Tom mate!”
“Hey Haz.” he smiles and hugs the blonde man who then pulls back motions for Tom to follow “How long you staying man?” Tom starts to answer but is cut off by a hug from his girl. He melts into the embrace and they must have been hugging for a bit too long because Haz cleared his throat. She takes a step back
“I didn’t know you were going to be in town anytime soon.” 
“Neither did I to be honest.” He replies, “I have a couple interviews I need to go to later this week but other than that I am all yours.” He smiled at her thinking about all the time they would get to spend together. She runs and paints for a gallery so her hours are loose and anytime he’s in town she basically just blows off work. 
“Hey man you got anything going tonight?” Harrison asks a little out of the blue. Tom thinks for a second 
“No mate why?”
“Y/N has this thing I was supposed to go to with her but I made plans. You can go instead!” Tom doesn’t need very much time to think it over, seeing all of Y/N’s hard work, and her in a dress. It was a no brainer, so he turns to Y/N
“What time do we have to leave?”
Y/N had given him the run down of why she needed someone to come with her on the way over. Apparently some creep was giving her a hard time and continuously is asking her out. Sometime in the middle of the night Tom had to run to the bathroom and on his way back this woman stopped him. 
“Hey hot stuff, who are you here tonight?” She bats her eyes in what Tom supposes is her attempt to be appealing but his eyes are very quickly drawn to Y/N looking mildly uncomfortable with another man other there. So Tom simply tells this girl that he needs to go and makes his way over to Y/N.
“ as I was saying, I wanted it to come across as alive.” Gosh he could listen to her talk art all day. He pulls out of his trance and swoops in to save the day
“Hey babe.” a kiss is dropped on her temple. “Who’s this?” she seems a little confused but the douchebag introduces himself
“Jonathan Thomas and you are?” Tom smirks everyone who is anyone knows who he is anymore so when he says 
``Oh, right of course, so sorry Tom Holland Y/N’s boyfriend.” Jonathan’s eyes go wide. Yes he plays Spider-Man  but that doesn’t mean the asshole needs to stare, so Tom rolls his eyes at the same time he hears,
“Oh my gosh I am so sorry Jonathan!” and he has to try very hard not to laugh. Y/N had somehow gotten her drink all over him.
“It’s fine Y/N,” she slightly winces at the way he says her name,“I was thinking of heading out anyway. I will contact you about a few of the pieces I am interested in.” with that he walks toward the door and she turns to Tom
“What the hell was that? I asked you to get him to back off not give me a heart attack!” he just smiles at her
“I got him to leave you alone, isn’t that what you wanted? Plus it could have gone way worse.” She just stares at him shaking her head
“In what way could it have gone worse? Tom let me tell you, there are at least seventeen ways this could have gone better, I am counting them now you ass.”
He honestly wasn’t expecting the girl to slap him, let alone slap him so hard he was bleeding. He couldn’t can’t even feel it however because he just kissed Y/N, twice. And it seemed like she liked it. God he sounds like such a girl, he scowls to himself. She leads him to the bathroom and bends over. He can’t help it but her butt looks phenomenal. Before he knows it she is snapping in his face 
“Um hello there? Do you want to stop looking at my butt?”  he smirks
“Not particularly Angel. Why? Do you want me to stop?” she blushed hard and rolled her eyes at him. 
When Haz came home he had never wanted to punch someone so much in his life.Y/N kissed his cheek and said goodnight heading to her room and there was nothing more he wanted to do then follow her in and kiss her senseless. He watched the clock hit one then two and finally when it hit three and he had yet to fall asleep he walked to her room. Didn’t bother knocking, just walked in and she sat up as the door opened. 
“Hey Angel, I couldn’t sleep.” she shuffled over and pulled back her covers
“Me either.” he crawled in with her and they were lying face to face. Her breath was hitting his lips and killing him. So he finally did it. He kissed her for the third time that night. And then they did it a fourth and a fifth and a sixth. 
“Y/N I have to tell you something.” he says after about a half-hour 
“Okay me too but you can go first.” He looked into her eyes and very seriously says
“Y/N I am in love with you.” she gasps and then kisses him,  
“Tom I have been in love with you for years.” he smiles and pulls her close to himself. 
“So how are we going to tell Haz that we are dating?” 
“I don’t remember ever being asked Mr. Holland.” she giggles. He rolls his eyes and squeezes her sides so she lets out a squeal 
“Y/N Y/M/N Osterfeild, will you be my girlfriend?” she stops laughing
“Tom what are we going to do when you leave?” He smiles at her
“We will work it out, you will always be my home so I will always come back to you.” Now she is smiling back at him
When they tell Harrison in the morning he says 
“About time.” and continues drinking his coffee
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captaindodson · 4 years
Will you go to prom with me? (t.h oneshot)
Synopsis: Neither you or Tom got that magical slow dance at prom. So you decide to change that, but with a special marvel twist. 
Word Count: 1.6k+
New Messages from Harry H. Sent 1 minute ago
“Yo, your boyfriend really wants to go back to your room. “
Harry H. Sent 2 minutes ago
“You better hurry up cause I don’t think Jacob, Haz and I can hold him up much longer.” 
I slide my finger across my phone screen and respond to Harry's message with a quick, 
“ just need another 10 min and then you guys can let him go,”
I shove my phone into my back pocket and rush my way into the back of the costume store hoping to find what I came here for. Tom had been busy all month promoting Spider-Man, Far-From Home. He’s been flying from major city to major city, country to country, with barely any time to breath and take a moment for himself. Every morning when he called,  I could just hear the drag in his voice. The exhaustion melted through every word that left his soft lips. When we would video chat, the bags under his eyes seemed a little bit darker, smile a little less brighter, laugh a little bit quieter, my heart could no longer bare to watch him burn himself out. It didn’t help that he was still working longs days on the weekend for Pixar and has to start filming Cherry really soon. So I decided to use some of my vacation time from work to join Tom and his brothers on the second leg of the Far-From Home tour to see if I could make the rest of the tour less stressful. 
 It seemed like my presence by his side away from the cameras seemed to lift his spirits, but only just a little bit. When he woke up this morning, through my eyelashes I could see how he slouched on the edge of the bed, dragged his feet to the shower, and his lips almost ghosted mine as he kissed me goodbye and left the hotel room with a soft shut of the door. 
 I stared at the black ceiling of our hotel room wondering, what could I do, even just for one afternoon (or evening). Then I remembered a conversation we had a few nights prior and I shot up from the bed. Ripped off the pale hotel sheets, grabbed my laptop and got to work on my plan. I now found myself hours later in the middle of a costume store in New York city trying to find the last piece to my plan. 
“Frankenstein, a ghost, a zombie, a sexy nurse, a sexy nun, superman, batman, a peanut, a bundle of grapes, holy shit where are the marvel costumes,” 
I mumble to myself while scanning each of the hangers of costumes. I eventually find some Marvel costumes in the back corner of the store only to find one Spider-man costume left. Without looking at the size I snatch it off the hook and head towards the counter to pay. Luckily, its the middle of June and no one is buying costumes so I just walk up to the counter and pay. Once I leave the store I start my sprint back to the hotel that is just two blocks away.
 I dodge and weave in between people walking on the New York city sidewalks while the sun beats down on me. I start slowing down as the hotel comes into view. I keep a steady pace as I open the doors to the hotel and enter the air conditioned lobby. I ignore the stares of fellow hotel stayers as I walk down the hall past the main desk to the elevators. 
I press the button to call the elevator and this is when I lean forward, resting my hands on my knees to catch my breath. After a couple deep breaths, the elevator DINGS, and the doors open. I get in and press the button for the 6th floor. I feel a buzz again in my jean pocket and take it out to see another message from Harry. 
New Message from Harry H. Sent 1 minute ago
“Yo Y/N he’s on his way up now. I hope we gave you enough time to finish.”
“C’mon elevator, go faster, “ I grasp my phone tighter in my hand without responding to Harry. This elevator ride feels like I’ve been on it for an hour by the time it reaches my floor. 
I book it down the hall and around the corner to our room. I get out the key card from my purse and I swipe it to get inside. I slam the door behind me cringing slightly at the force but I still I throw my purse into the tub in the bathroom. I rip the hanger and tags off the Spider-Man costume as I start to put it on. As I put one leg into the costume I realize that it’s not going to fit with my jeans on. So I take them off and try again.
The costume gets about have way up my body and then gets stuck on my t-shirt and I groan. I take my shirt off and proceed throw it into the bathtub and pull the costume over my shoulders. I exit the bathroom and start putting everything into place. I shut the curtains to block out the light, plug in the lights, connect my phone to my blue tooth speaker and set my Spotify to play my, “Prom 2K19” playlist. Its a playlist filled with Theweeknd, Tom Jones, Kendrick Lamar, and many other artists. I feel like everything is all set so I start I make my way over to the door. 
I grasp the cool metal handle and open the hotel door enough to stick my head out into the hallway to see if he’s coming. I hear the echo of an elevator arriving at this floor and hopefully it is Tom. I pull my head back a little bit so only half my face can be seen popping out the door. I hear foot steps get louder and louder until someone turns the corner and I sigh in relief. Tom, whose hair is still nicely styled from his interviews, is looking down at his phone completely oblivious to everything around him. I quickly collect my homemade sign from behind the door and jump out into the hallway. 
I raise my sign above my head and say, “Will you be my Spider-Man and swing to prom with me!” 
I smile widely at Tom to the point my cheeks start to hurt. He stares at me from a few feet away, eyes wide, and mouth agape. It takes him a few seconds to re-collect his thoughts before he starts to talk. He slides his phone into his dress pants and walks towards me. 
“Wha-what are you doing darling? Why are you dressed as Spider Man,”
Tom stutters out his words. I lower my poster because my arms start to tingle because of how hard I’m fighting against the costume.
“You know how we were talking a few nights ago how I didn’t have a good prom and you never had a prom so I thought I would try and change that. I know I can’t turn back time and we can’t really leave New York since you’re promoting Far-From Home, so I decided to bring prom to us,” I continue. 
“Plus you’re my favourite super hero baby, ” 
I giggle as I put up my sign up above my head again. 
“So will you go to prom with me Tommy?” 
“I would love to go to prom with you darling, but where?”
I wink at him as I tuck the poster under my arm and wiggle my finger at his seductively. I push open the door to our room to reveal what I have been working on all morning and afternoon. 
The lights are off and the curtains are closed. Fairy lights are strung from the ceiling as well as a long the dresser and around the bed. About a dozen balloons are resting against the ceiling with their golden and silver strings flowing below them. A bottle of champagne lays in a bucket of ice with two wine glasses standing close by.  As Tom stands with mouth slightly agar I get down on one knee and extend my hand out to him. 
“May I have this dance, Spider-man?”
Toms face breaks out into a smile that gets bigger and bigger every second he stands in the doorway of our hotel room. He closes the door as his smile gets bigger, he then starts to laugh, his body shakes as he kneels to the floor. My smile reaches ear to ear at his laughter that I haven’t heard in weeks. I stand up and quickly grab my phone to change the music from some cheesy pop song to something much more relaxing. 
The instruments of ‘Just the Two of Us, by Grover Washington and Bill Withers dances its way out of the blue-tooth speaker resting on the dresser. Tom’s laughter eventually calms down as he stands emptying out his pockets and throwing his phone on the bed. He moves forward to interlock fingers with my hands, he pulls me close so we are chest to chest. We allow are bodies to take over and sway, enjoying this moment of peace in each others arms. 
“You need to take care of yourself bub, take this night and relax with me,” 
I whisper into his muscular chest as we sway together. 
“I love you, ” he whispers back to me as he spins me around and dips me only to reconnect our lips once more.
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hotforharrison · 5 years
FYI -- everything I write is or turns into irredeemable smut.  Absolutely nothing you will find here is family-friendly.
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Enraptured Writer Masterlist (5,557 words) Incomplete
Writing fanfiction was your guilty pleasure, but it was definitely not meant to be shared with certain people -- specifically, people named Tom Holland.
His Service Masterlist (6,845 words) Incomplete
A series of memories of memories relating to the love of your life, Tom, and his service in the Army. 
Meet & Greet Masterlist (34,873 words) Incomplete
You missed out on a Tom Holland meet and greet, but a stranger, who you are pretty sure is a Tom Holland lookalike, rescues you from your pity party for one.
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream Masterlist (13,192 words) Incomplete
He’d been in your dreams almost your whole life, but was it real?
Turning Tables Masterlist (2,031 words) Incomplete
After 3 years together, Tom wants to spice things up in the bedroom in unexpected ways. (Tom/Harrison/Reader in Part 2.)
The Five Misadventures of Jessica Drew (+1 Adventure) (3,042 words)
When you meet Tom Holland, you have the worst luck on what’s supposed to be your best day ever.
Hot Tea  (2,997 words)
You came to the club just to dance, but then Tom Holland happened.
Legitimate Dance Moves (1,260 words)
Your savior and roommate Tom catches you in an awkward position.
Parker Peters (2,430 words)
You knew you’d seen him before, but couldn’t quite put your finger on it…
Beach Party (215 words)
Sex on the beach
Praise You Like I Should  (315 words)
Gratuitous praise kink
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H💖 Masterlist (1,895 words) Incomplete
You meet Harrison unexpectedly at a crafting meetup at a BDSM dungeon – flirty, gorgeous, British Harrison. By his looks and accent alone, you could honestly see yourself having a thing for him. Life is never that simple, though.
Heart’s Desires Masterlist (6,600 words) Incomplete
In a desperate moment, you make Harrison an offer he can’t refuse. 
Time’s Up Masterlist (6,000 words) Complete
Making the most of seven minutes in heaven with Harrison.
Club Utopia (2,001 words)
Meeting Harrison during your first visit to a sex club.
Confessions in a Can (1,307 words)
Confessing your feelings to Harrison with help from some whipped cream.
Disobey (1,007 words)
Finally getting your reward for being a good girl for Haz.
Never Have I Ever (1,577 words)
A game of Never Have I Ever reveals a secret you’d kept from Harrison.
Nice Boys (4,192 words)
Your heart has always belonged to Harrison, but he never brings the same girl around twice.
The Package (2,265 words)
Your roommate, Harrison, accidentally opens your mail, with interesting results.
Reception (1,861 words)
A chance meeting with Harrison at a wedding reception.
Teach Me (3,591 words)
You want Harrison to teach you something, but you end up learning more than you ever bargained for.
Handful (773 words)
Sometimes Haz can be a handful, almost literally.
Harrison’s New Ring (541 words)
Harrison has a new ring, and you find it quite interesting.
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A Little Something Masterlist (5,577 words) Incomplete
Tom told you he got you ‘a little something’ for your birthday, but it turned out his gift was about to change your life.
Long Overdue (4,764 words) Incomplete
You were looking forward to your much needed vacation with your boyfriend, Tom, and best friend, Harrison, but things take an interesting turn.
Shelter Masterlist (15,391 words) Incomplete
You’re stuck thousands of miles away from home and everything you’ve ever known as what had come to be known as ‘the infection’ spreads. Things look bleak until you find your two saviors.
Take Me There (Coming Soon!)
What if Tom Holland hadn’t been chosen to play the role of Peter Parker, leaving both himself and his best friend and would-have-been assistant Harrison Osterfield as just another pair of struggling young actors trying to catch their big breaks? A Porn Star AU.
Unholy Divinity Masterlist (16,708 words) Incomplete
Choosing to spend your eternity in heaven or hell should be easy, right? Yeah, not so much.
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multific · 5 years
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Tom Holland x Reader
Request: Hello! Cen you please do something where doctor!Tom is a obgyn? The reader is a young single pregnant and it's her first appointment with Tom bc something happened to her original obgyn, she's there to do a ultrasound and gets pretty nervous when she sees how gorgeous Tom is? Thank youuuu
 You thought he loved you.
He promised you everything and more.
You truly loved him, his name was Adam.
You met him during collage and you quickly moved in together. You thought your life was perfect. You really wanted it last forever.
But it never did.
Adam was the kind of guy who would make you feel safe and loved.
You never would have thought that it was all a lie.
Four years into your relationship, you found yourself to be pregnant. You were shocked but happy at the same time. You thought that it was fate’s doing.
But once you told Adam, everything went downhill.
He wanted you to get an abortion, or he would leave. Then when you told him that you will not do such thing, he got mad very very mad.
To the point where he physically assaulted you.
The neighbours called the police and an officer had to take him off of you.
Your kind and caring boyfriend turned out to be a monster.
It was hard to get over it. And the fact that none of your friends of family supported you.
But now, you were fine, you already were in your fourth month. You rent an apartment from a nice lady who upon hearing your story felt bad for you and decided to help you. Everything went fine until your obgyn threw the towel in and moved out of your country.
So, now you were assigned to a total stranger.
All you knew was his name.
“Dr Holland.”
He was a male, and you were a bit afraid because you always wanted a woman to be your doctor, you hoped that way, she won’t look down on your situation.
“Miss Y/L/N.” called the nurse, and you had no time to think anymore, you were in your way to his office.
Today was your first ultrasound. Today, you will learn the gender of your child.
“Sit there, the doctor will be here shortly.” the kind nurse said, offered you a smile and left you in the room.
You looked around the room, it looked very similar to your previous doctor’s . But it was more…calming?
The door opened an in came your doctor. You didn’t know if it was the hormones or what, but you found him to be extremely handsome. His dark brown chocolate-like eyes and that jawline…
It wasn’t good it was literally only five seconds and you already had a crush on your doctor.
“Miss Y/L/N. Nice to meet you, my name is Dr Tom Holland.  May I call you Y/N? We are the same age after all.”
“Sure.” you said as he sat down in front of you. He looked into his computer then turned to you.
“So, Dr Shan sent all of your information to me, and I read it all before you came. You are now into your eighteenth week and today is your first ultrasound where you will learn the gender, is that right?”
“Yes.” you nodded. He gave you a smile.
“Okay then. Let’s move to that chair, but so far, any questions?” he wanted to stand but sat back and looked at you.
“I hope you will say more than just yes and no to me. But I understand, you don’t know me. Believe me please, my best interest is taking care of you and your baby, you do not have to be afraid.” he said and gave you a warm smile before he moved to the other chair that was the ultrasound examining table.
“Okay, I will explain what I’m going to do first. I have this gel, I will have to ask you to roll your shirt up to expose your stomach. Then, I will apply the gel, it will be rather cold, so don’t be shocked. Then I will turn this machine on and place this thing on your stomach with this, we will be able to look how’s the little one doing. Is that clear?”
“Yes. A-and… can I have pictures?”
“OH, a question, nice. Of course you can! As many as you want to. Any other questions?” he smiled, damn he was sexy and cute at the same time when he smiled.
“Umm. No, I understand everything.”
“Okay. Then Shall I began? Or are you waiting for someone?”
“No, it’s just me.” you said. It seemed like that Dr Holland sensed your sadness.
“It’s okay.” you gave him a weak smile and he continued with his job.
You rolled up your shirt exposing your pregnant belly and he applied the gel, he didn’t lie, it was a bit cold. Soon, he placed the device to your stomach and the pictured showed black and white.
It was your baby.
Through the speaker you heard the heartbeat, although you hear it before, this time you saw the baby too. It made tears appear in your eyes.
“Perfectly healthy. Everything is going fine. This is the head, the spine, the little arms and legs.” the doctor explained at he pointed at the screen, showing every part of the baby.
“Would you like to know the gender?” he asked when he finally turned and looked at you. Your eyes were glued to the monitor, so you could only give a nod. He moved the device around your stomach
“Seems like. It’s a boy. You can see the signs here.” he said as he pointed at the monitor once again. You couldn’t look away.
Your little baby boy. At that moment you felt so lonely but lucky at the same time. This was when the tears finally rolled down you cheeks.
“You know, I have seen may people crying out of happiness here. Some, out of sadness. But this is my first time seeing both.” he said, and you looked him in the eyes. He almost seems, worried?
“Can I have pictures?” you asked, ignoring his comment. You didn’t mean to be rude, but your emotions were mixed.
“Sure, let me print them out for you. You can clean yourself off and dress back, I’ll leave this picture on.” he said as he pushed a button on the machine. The screened showed your baby from the side.
Suddenly a lot of ideas came to your head.
You’ll have to find a name for him, you can finally assemble his room, find clothing. So many things to do, with so little money.
Dr Holland came back with a folder in one hand and a paper in the other.
“There you go. And I wanted to give you this too. This is a charity, they specialize in single mothers. If you need help, you can ask them or even me. It really breaks my heart to see such a young woman so sad.”
You didn’t know why, since he was a stranger, but you felt like you wanted to tell him everything, cry on his shoulder and hug him.
“I… How should I say this… First of all, thank you. Dr Shan had already gave me this and other options when I came to her the first time. But I really appreciate it.”
“So, you are single, right?” he asked.
“Good. I mean not good, because you are alone with a child and that’s not…Sorry, what I meant is that at least I won’t feel guilty for checking you out while you were here, and I can ask you on a date too.”
What? Checking you out? Date?
You were in such a state of shock, you couldn’t say anything at first.
“B-but you’re my doctor.”
“Technically, not anymore. Dr Shan said that you are more comfortable with female doctors and already assigned you to another one. You only had this check up with me because that doctor is on break for this week. So technically, I won’t be your doctor after you leave this room. So, what do you say?”
“B-but…” you looked down at the folder in your hand.
“I don’t care that you are pregnant. You seem like a nice girl, shy, yes, but you seem kind and when I saw that look in your eyes. I knew, I needed to know more about you.”
“I’m free this Friday.”
“Great, then I’ll text you the details, I can look for your number in your files.”
“Okay. Just one more question. As my doctor, is the baby fine? Do I need to change my diet? I have been craving for peanuts and Nutella all day, is that healthy?”
“Oh. As your doctor, yes, the baby is healthy as ever, he is growing well and your diet seems fine to me. Cravings are normal, just do overdo them.”
“Thank you.” you gave him a nod. He smiled at you again, that sexy-cute smile of his.
“You’re welcome, then I’ll see you on Friday.” you smiled back at him.
“Yes. Goodbye.”
“Daddy?” Tom woke up to the soft voice of his son, it was currently the middle of the night.
“I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you and mommy?” the little boy asked, when Tom’s eyes finally adjusted to the dark, he saw the little guy standing there, with his favourite bear plush hugged to his chest.
“Sure, but don’t wake mommy.” he said as he helped the little boy to lay between him and his wife.
In the morning, when Tom finally woke up, his son was still sleeping beside him, just like his mother, you.
He never imagined that a one-time check-up would end with marriage.
But he was the happiest man alive. When you told him the story of your pregnancy and ex, he wanted nothing more than to help, and that he did.
And now, little Bill was six years old, and thought of Tom as his father and Tom loved the child more than anything.
You were very grateful that you agreed on that date and that you opened up your heart and let Tom in.
It was worth it to trust him.
And nothing could prove that more than the growing life in you.
Yours and Tom’s.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway fleursirvart  v-2bucky ehsebastian  crunch-time-sports pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmiler smexylemony greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd thisismysecrethappyplace sincerelyfan theoneanna aestheticsandmarvel rororo06 castellandiangelo avengers-r-us destynelseclipsa castellandiangelo  spilledinkindumpster celebsimagines capsiclesdoll firstangeldragonranch 
My taglist is open!
Feedback means EVERYTHING to me, so please take the time and tell me how you liked my story. Thank You~
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
T.H| Its Freezing
summary: your freezing cold and you decided to take a turn to thomas.
warning: weak fluff, as fuck. You ramble like a bitch, your feet are freezing.
A/n: unedited i made this last night and heres what i said last night "i am sleep, like deadass brain dead. Probably sum miss spelling but you guys love me to much to worry, right?" i am so sorry for this picture.
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Tonight you were sleeping in your room, alone, as usual. You and tom have been in a newly found relationship, and of course. Both of you are awkward. Which is weird because thomas is the most talkative human being on this earth, its annoying. But besides that youve both agreed to make that step when you both can actually talk to each other.
you layed in your bed, a oversized nirvana shirt and small grey shorts, of course no socks because thats weird. But tonight its cold, like hella cold. You mightve considered socks.
but one thing you cant stand is being cold, you smacked your lips and rubbed your right eye, using your left foot to scratch your right ankle before getting up. You shivered and rolled your eyes, really aint feelin the breeze in your room before you grabbrd your small Lalaloopsy blanket and exited your room.
you wrapped the blanket around your neck like a scout and walked down the hallway thinking,"he wouldnt mind, its freezing." As you fot finished walking down the hall, you found his room. Looking at his closed door in front of your face before raising your englufed fist to knock-
"oh what the bloody hell! You scared the absolute shit out of me!" Tom whisper yells, jumping and raising his fist in attack mode, but soon calmed dowb and placed his hand over his heart. You giggled and shook your head, a wide smile plastered on your face as you got back into your normal stance.
"its uh, freezing in my room- i just wanted to ask-"
"if you could sleep over? Of co-course darling, you are my girlfriend right, darling?" Your face red but the browness/darkness of your face/hallway helping it not to show, he chuckled abd waited for your response, seeing as you didnt reply he took your hand and pulled you in.
some how thomas has LEDs, you laughed looking at the cute colors and how it reflected the walls, setting either a mood or a vibe in the room.
"what do you not like it?" He asked in all seriousness, you looked at him and shook your head "i love it thomas, just didnt know youd be like this- in a good way!" You cut yourself off, he chuckles and closes the door behind him, still having his hands in yours he pulls you to the bed and sets you down.
"um get comfortable?" he says, more of a question. You nod and lay down, tom putting the blanket over your toes and under your navel. He goes over to his speaker and looks back at you "music?" You nod in agreement, he playes tame impala, borderline of course. Smiling at his choice of music you put one hand behind your head and look up at the ceiling.
he lays down next to you, just watching and smiling as you didnt notice. As you start to look to your left you see him, meeting his eyes, your widen as you turn over to your side, away from him. "Dont make this awkward because if you do then i will- oh no im being awkward arent i? Geez, im such an idio--"
"calm down" he laughs, raising a hand and putting it on your waist, tugging you to lay on your back until he does it again but on the other side. There you both laid, just listening to music boring into each others eyes.
"so uh-"
"what did you do Today?" He interrups, mentally thanking him you answer. "Just went shopping a bit"
"oh really? Are you gonna show me?" "You already know how i dress-" "you dress in like four different ways, it cant hurt to show me, right darling?" You heart skipped a beat, thudding against your chest as your eyes widen, but no cat got your tongue. "I guess so, tommy" he puts his hand on your cheek.
"well, i would share my kiss with you right now but itll be out first, i want it to be special" "anythinng with you is special, Thomas" you bite the corner of your lip as his cheeks heat up, brushing his thumb over your cheek.
he pukks your face closer to his, but instead you bring your whole body. Both of your legs tangle together as he pulls in for a soft and slow kiss, just to pull in for a deeper one.
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tessasangeltom · 5 years
9. “Come back” + Tom bringing the reader back from subspace? I love your writing sm! 💛💛
A/N: OOO kinky. Haven’t done smut since the Peter one. But I guess this is some post smut? I’ll still consider it because oh well. And I’m glad you like my writing!!!! I love it when I get little comments like these. Hope you like it, Lots of love ♥
Side note: I don’t have the experience of being in head space so sorry if my information is incorrect, this is just my idea of what it would be like. And i suck at endings, sorryyy.
9. “Come back.”
With legs shaking and numbing body, you almost didn’t feel Tom roll on the side next to you. With only having so little time together before he continued his press tour, you guys wanted to spend as much time as you could together, even if that meant making love most of the time. 
It felt like hours since you’ve started, and you lost count of how many times you’ve cum. Your eyes have started to droop and only whimpers and small moans have left your mouth. 
Tom started to kiss your shoulders and rubbed at your sides. With little consciousness left, you couldn’t feel him on you. When your eyes were open, your vision was blurred and when your eyes were closed, you tried to focus better on what you could hear.
Tom knew you needed a break, this not being the first time that you went into subspace from overwhelming sensations. He trailed the kisses from your shoulders to your neck and still rubbed your sides. He turned you towards him and landed a small kiss on your nose before he got up out of bed. 
Coming back in the room with a warm face cloth and a clean towel, and placed the face cloth on your forehead and cleaned you up. He placed the cloth and towel back where he found it before he got one of his shirts from his drawer and helped you put it on. 
As he was doing everything in his power to take care of you, he was whispering sweet nothings in your ear to bring you back.
“Baby, I need you to come back to me.”
“Stay awake, love. I wanna see those eyes.”
“C’mon pretty girl, I want you to look at me.”
After about ten minutes or so, you were sleepy but conscious. You came back to him and gave him a lop sided smile that made him chuckle. He stayed by your side and pet your hair down, trying to help you relax. 
“How long was I out for this time?”
“Not that long. I stayed the whole time and helped you get ready for bed.”
“You put this shirt on me?” You let out a small giggle and cuddled close to his side, laying your head on his chest.
“Yeah, I know how much you love to wear my clothes.”
You hummed out a small agreement and an ‘I love you’ before falling asleep. Tom stayed awake a bit longer, looking at you and watching your body move with the rhythm of your breathing.
It always hit him of how much he loved you at times like these; small enough to make someone fall asleep, but large enough to stay awake. In moments like right now, Tom knew he wanted you in his life forever, so much he is willing to take care of you for the rest of your life like he just did right now.
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evermari · 5 years
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MAYOR 80s fboy vibes. Can we get him on a Grease remake pls? 🥺
Tom for GQ
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heyhihellowhatsup0 · 5 years
Harrison Osterfield Masterlist
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- That Nervous Feeling (Fluff) -  Harrison take you to his new premiere and takes a chance to tell you how he really feels
- No Reservations (Smut) -  You go out to dinner with Harrison, Tom and Harry. But, Harrison is having a hard time waiting to get home to have you to himself.
- Stressed, Hungry, and Out of Control (Smut) -  Harrison tries to get you to relax by helping you out in the kitchen
-Bed-Rest (Fluf/Smut/Angst) -  The reader is sick and on bed rest and Harrison attempts to take care of her. But, the reader grows
- Can I Skype You (Smut) -  How does Harrison keep things going while he’s away…?
-NEW- -How Many Have You Had? (Fluff) -  Harrison reacts to the reader coming home after one too many drinks…
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afterglowparker · 5 years
HBD Tom Blurb Week! 💓
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In honors of the wonderful, talented, and beautiful man’s birthday...I’ve decided to host a blurb week! I won’t be able to post/answer anything today, but Tom deserves to be celebrated for more than a day anyways! So:
You can send me your own ideas or a prompt from here, here, or here (from the angry, sad, or situations list)
Accepting requests from June 1st-June 8th
We love a good angst and/or fluff piece!
Feel free to send in your own blurbs too! I might expand on it or post as is.
I write for Tom Holland or Peter Parker.
I do not write smut and reserve the right to not write any request I receive that makes me uncomfortable or I feel I can’t do justice.
Please no Mob!AU as I don’t feel I can properly write it, but heavily received it last blurb week.
Everything will be tagged #hbdtom
I will try and keep these 500 words or less, but you never know with me.
Thank you and I cant wait for us to all cry over this beautiful man together! 💓 Happy 23rd birthday Tom! 💓
tagging some mutuals 💓: @upsidedownparker @parkerpuffwrites @pparkerwrites @parkeret @naturallytom @mcuspidey @spideypeach @spiderboytotherescue @starksparker @spidey-caps @obsiidio @hollandsosterfield @parkerpeterholland
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foreverwcnter · 5 years
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hollandroos · 6 years
Strawberry Kisses | Tom Holland
Summary: You find yourself on your best friends doorstep for the first time in three weeks after you find your boyfriend cheating.
Warnings: Cheating
Words: 2.7k
A/N: This is a piece based loosely on ‘Little Bird’ by Ed Sheeran for @wayfaring----stranger  and @fratboievans  writing challenge!! There’s little pieces of the song tucked up in there but I went a little off course :-) 
- Moodboard made by the amazing @fratboievans !! It’s so pretty, i love it.
Here’s my masterlists!
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Rainy days were never a favourite of Toms.
He had thought about it many times before– about why exactly he preferred the sun beating down on his back and layers of fetid sunscreen slapped all over his body and the days of pain if he so much as forgot. There were the ice-cold lemonades and ice pops, racing around his front yard when he was a kid and tripping over rocks and meeting the earth with a harsh thud. Yes, he loved being outdoors whether it was going on a hike or messing around in the pool with Harrison.
But his favourite thing about summer was you. It was just as bright, just as happy.
His eyes locked on the big, aged oak tree on his front yard. The thing hung over his house, leaves shielding any ounce of sunlight from peaking through his front windows. It was the tree with multiple sets of initials carved in the front and roots beginning to rise, saying hello to the never present sunlight.
He had come to the conclusion that the reason he disliked the rainy days so much aside from the obvious reasons were because all of his favourite memories with you began under that oak tree, in the beating sun. The rain was sad, it was dreary, and it was what board the two of you to no extent as children. But on those sunny days you’d share ice creams and count the leaves on each branch, sometimes you’d try and climb it and he’d stand at the bottom in case you fell.
He was so distracted that he nearly missed the sound of someone knocking at the door and on such a cold, dreary day he honestly hadn’t expected anyone. He had locked himself in, built a little nest in front of the tv right beside the fire with Tess. The boy had only got up to flick the jug on so he could grab a cup of tea and maybe a packet of biscuits at that– somehow he’d ended up staring at the oversized oak tree, watching the branches dance with every heavy gust of wind.
That damn tree, and the damn leaves that boarded it and the initials carved into the wood and the– then, you didn’t have a boyfriend. Then, it was just the two of you against the entire world and he was silly enough to think that it’d stay that way forever.
Tom trudged towards the door, sweatpants sagging against the wood as he peeked through the peephole. Tessa whined next to him after forcing herself up off of her spot on the couch
There you stood in the rain, soaking wet hair and clothes and Tom could only assume that you’d walked all the way to his– not a good idea considering the storm brewing outside. Any makeup you’d been wearing was either smudged or gone and you looked distraught, absolutely broken but still, he still recognised you– how could he not? Tom wasted no time in tugging the front door open, meeting your slightly embarrassed and still rather gentle eyes.
After three weeks of not seeing you, he couldn’t forget about the little lines beneath your eyes, and the curl of your lips and just how much he loved you–
“What happened?”
You step into the house immediately to be engulfed by the warmth, the sound of the fire roaring away in the living room competing with the television and the jug that sizzled in the corner of the kitchen. His place hadn’t changed much since you’d last been, the same pictures of the two of you remained on the counter and Tessa's toys were still scattered across the floor.
“He cheated on me.” You mumble.
Tom felt rage flood his veins right away, gritting his teeth as he replied. “He did what?”
“He cheated on me.” You hiccup, feeling sobs sitting in the back of your throat and wrap your arms around your chest tightly. Teeth gutted together as you shivered and not even the warmth in his house could help you. “W-we had a date and he didn’t show up so I went back to our apartment to see if he’d forgotten.” You stop, choking on your words. “He had another girl.”
“I don’t want pity, Tom, I just… I didn’t know where to go and for some reason you were the only person I could think about.” Maybe you said the words a little harsher then you intended too but you were fucking cold and heartbroken. And you would admit that now you were realising your greatest mistake was getting with Max in the first place.
It wasn’t a lie because after three weeks, he was the only person you could think about and maybe that’s why Max had done what he had because your mind was occupied by the curly haired boy with the biggest heart and the toffee coloured eyes.
Tom sighs, gripping the counter bench to stop himself from going down there and hunting your now (hopefully) ex-boyfriend down. Rainwater dripped down your arms, soaking the clothes that rightfully belonged to Max and you were practically itching to get them off, but they cling to you like a second skin. Tom seemed to notice.
“You need to change or you’ll get sick, go have a shower and uh– borrow some of my clothes, yeah?”
You can only look down at the carpet, little paint stains from the time you two painted the walls and forgot to lay down a mat still scattered the room.
“Thank you.” You breathe out, exhaustion getting the better of you.
He watches you leave, staring at the space between the hallway and his kitchen until he couldn’t see you anymore and glared at the front door. He wanted to leave and show Max a lesson and he would have because you were his best friend, the girl he swore not to let anyone lay a finger on and now you were here and heartbroken.
But he could also stay behind and be there for you now, waiting with a warm cup of tea and a movie the second you get out in a pair of his clothes and offer a shoulder for you to cry on. He could barely think over the kettle that warmed behind him and while the first option was tempting, he–
Just down the hall, two doors to the left and past the spare room and his study you stood in Toms bedroom, staring in the body length mirror as you tugged the shirt down over the sweatpants. The dark blue shirt and black sweats were definitely mismatched but you didn’t think twice. They were comfortable, doused in his cologne and it was better than anything you remembered. 
You did a small twirl, extending your arms out and tried not to focus on the fact that the area beneath your eyes was slightly puffy and your heart was quite practically shattered. Your wet hair stuck to your cheeks, toes melting into the bedroom rug. You nearly forgot how comfortable his place made you.
It was homely. It was easily the place you’d always find yourself going back to time and time again.
“Do you feel any better?”
Tom offers a cup of tea and you take it, practically melting into his clothing. “I’m definitely not as cold anymore.” Laughing lightly, you rest the mug on the bench and begin to bob the tea bag up and down– it gave you something to fiddle with. “I just can’t believe I saw it, you know?”
Tom bit his tongue from uttering those words he wanted to say so badly- I told you so.
“You don’t deserve that and he doesn’t deserve you, he just isn’t the one.” Tom sighs and takes the tea from you, chucking the used bag into the bin. “I hope you plan on kicking his ass out of your apartment.”
You scoff, bringing the mug to your lips. “Already done, if he was even listening to me then he should be out by morning.”
“You can stay here tonight.”
“Thank you.” You smile warmly, biting back tears.
Things were briefly awkward between both of you, though you’d forgotten what your last words to one another were three weeks ago and what the stupid argument was about.
You knew as well as Tom did that you didn’t deserve this, for things to go down with Max as badly as they had but one thing you had to wonder was if it was your fault that he did what he did. Were you not making him happy? Could you have been doing more?
While you debated that, Tom stared lovingly and if you caught him then he would’ve been embarrassed, cheeks flushing a firetruck red but you were too deep in thought. Offering you to stay wasn’t that big of a deal but now Tom felt that it was, you used to do that all the time before Max. Sometimes you’d even share a bed.
There was the one time you two kissed. He thought that the feelings of utter adoration and fondness were shared and maybe they were. He definitely felt them, and he definitely remembered the way your lips tasted like strawberries but he didn’t know if it was your lipgloss or the alcohol and he never got to ask. He remembered how gentle his hands were flush against your cheeks, and how his heart practically broke when you left his apartment for a date the very next day.
He thought that maybe you were too drunk to remember your shared kiss and let it go, but truthfully you did remember and your date was a distraction because surely he didn’t share the feelings you felt towards him, right?
“Let’s go sit down, yeah?” He offers, carrying his own mug as well as the television remote in one hand.
You don’t answer but simply reply with a nod and look in awe at the little nest he’d created for himself. It was a bundle of blankets and snacks, something you both used to build on rainy days. You both snuggle beneath the blankets, both a little closer than necessary and no words needed to be spoken for him to wrap an arm around you, pulling you closer comfortingly– because that was all this was, he was comforting you.
“Tommy?” You hum softly, peaking up through the mug of scalding tea. Your voice was still damaged, cracking between words and sighs. “Thank you.”
The bags beneath your eyes were obvious and he noticed the weakness in your voice. Tom gave a sad smile, the corners of his lips barely peeking up. He hated seeing his best friend like this. “You don’t have to say thank you, I’m your best friend, aren’t I? I’m here for you no matter what.”
He pulled the friendship card once more and too distracted by his own harrowing remorse, Tom barely noticed the makeup the stained the shoulder of his grey tee.
In the back of his mind Tom was thinking ‘I told you so’ Because fuck, he told you so. He told you Max would break your heart and that the guy was untrustworthy straight from the start. He knew Max’s type and knew the guys track record but you didn’t listen. But the thing was, you did listen. You listened to him rant and rave and ramble about the guy all while thinking; ‘If you don’t want me with him then make me yours, goddamnit!’
“Earlier I was thinking about how all guys are assholes, but not you, definitely not you.” You sniffle. Any anger you’d been feeling earlier had dispersed but you were still thinking about the moment you saw Max’s lips on hers and that hand that sat on her waist– for some reason you weren’t surprised, shocked maybe but not surprised. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
You knew from the start that Tom would never hurt you that way– or at all.
Tom chuckles lightly, chest vibrating against the side of your head and your fingers continue to run little patterns and designs over his clothed abdomen.
“I try my best for you, darling.” He resists the urge to place a gentle kiss on your forehead, not wanting to press the boundaries. “There are good guys everywhere, you just happened to stumble across a roach. You never know, your prince charming could be closer then you think.” 
He was guilty of talking about himself.
“You think so?”
He nods his head, wild curls brushing against his forehead. “Remember your worth, there is someone out there that’s perfect for you. And someone that’s willing to give you the entire world.”
Silence sat among the two of you while the little whimpers that escaped Tessa were few and far between. She herself was warm, cuddled up on the living room rug. You doubted that the blanket was necessary considering Tom was practically a furnace, providing enough heat to keep your shivers at bay but the blanket provided extra comfort.
Not even twenty minutes later you’d finished your cup of tea and the empty mug was sitting on the coffee table next to Toms. It’d been a while since he’d seen that mug– the one you claimed to be your favourite sitting next to his and he realised how he’d missed it, missed you. He couldn’t help but be pleased that you were back in his arms, fitting perfectly just like two pieces of a puzzle. He gazes down, finding your eyes shut loosely and mouth hanging open gently against his chest, more so on his shoulder.
Your phone vibrates on the edge of the blanket, coming to life as multiple texts and missed calls come up on the screen. They were all reasonably short, one to two line texts that read just as Tom was expecting. The typical, ‘I didn’t mean it’ texts and ‘I’m sorry.’ ‘Come back home’ and ‘I got you your favourite flowers.’ He groans quietly and shifts gently so he doesn’t you wake up, extending an arm to grab the phone.
His finger goes straight to the do not disturb button but doesn’t go that far. It hovers over the ‘view’ button and he knows he shouldn’t. Tom didn’t know if what he did was the right thing to do but he wanted to do more– he could have. Texting Max back off of his own phone was possibly one of the bad things in a long list of things he could’ve done to handle the situation. But Tom knew your password– no, he had his print in your phone just as you had yours in his.
‘Back the hell off or you’ll be dealing with me.’ 
He finished by signing his name at the end.
At that moment, for a split second, he wanted to get up and beat the shit out of the guy that had torn your heart into pieces and brought you here. Don’t get it wrong, Tom loved having you tucked under his arm dressed comfortably in one of his hoodies while the rain pelted against the roof of the house. 
But it was a different story when tear tracks ran down your cheeks– it was a different story when you clung to him with a grip that showed just how scared you were that he was going to be the next to leave.
If you didn’t look so broken, scared and in need of a little love as you did just then he swore he could have gone over and made Max’s life hell. He could have and he would have. But he wanted to savour this moment– having you so close and flush against him. 
He had to think about how you looked better in his clothes instead of Max’s, and how his clothes only made him more fucking in love with you– drop it, Tom.
Delicately, he brushes a strand of hair away from your face and only hoped that the reruns of friends wouldn’t wake you up from your sleep, because for the first time that night you looked utterly pain-free and content.
Somehow, a light smudge of lipstick was left on the corner of your lips and Tom smiled, swearing that he'd recognise that colour everywhere. It was the same strawberry lipstick you wore the night you kissed.
“My little bird.”
Leave comments or asks, reblog if you wish!!
Everything tags: @cosmetologynerd @holland-ish @smexylemony @thewiseandfree @zendayacolemen @dej-okay @hollandsletters @ive-got-some-lies-to-tell @liz-gayllen @marvelismylifffe @lovelyh0lland @tomhollandandmarvelsworld @woah-jess @southsidefandoms @justannothermonday @its-claire-louise @sophiatomlinson23 @mockingjaygirl1221 @joyfullyjenny @damnhisfaceisliketheskyatnight  @bride-of-loki-odinson @in-the-corner-coffee-please @futuremrsb-r-main @spideyyypeter @saturn-aka-six @c0prolalia @buckykinz @ashtonsbandannas @dennasaur @amyyleblanc1999 @fnosidam @randomfangirl1701@maybeandperhaps @acciorinn @marvel-language @micki-smiles @justmesadgirl @converseskyline @niall2017 @gavemylifetotomholland @tomuchmarvel @leslieandjensen @painted-soulss @practicallylivesonline @mischiefmanaged49 @its-the-unknownspidey @holyrose96 @for-my-mind @mlxbm @erindillon11 @captainbuckyy @shawnandhisroses @converseskyline @smitten0-0kitten @parkeroos @whileinparis @unicornio-vomita-mierdas @draqcnheartstrinq @rainyboo-posts @mikalaka @petxrpxrker @tony-starks-ego @thedaydreamingwriter @peter-quackson @kateelyse96 @lesbian-jesus-jr @wheresmyquill @elyshugh @hollanderheart @tomshufflepuff @marvelismylifffe @tomsh0lland @obsessed-fandoms @girl-in-the-chair @trashqueenbitch @dramatic-and-young @honey-honey-5644 @parkerluvs @chingonaconcha @captainbuckyy @jes-sica1 @tomsfireheart @Rainbow-marvel @spideysimpossiblegirl @spideys-gurl @thomasstanley-holland @mlxbm @ixchel-9275 @parkerssweb @peter-parkersbb @tom-hollands-eyelash @starlightfound @vldlvj  @paradoxparker @lustfulcry  @mlxbm @musiclover1263 @justatheatredork @peterparkerscamera @fandomnerdsarecool @thequeensardine @cutesy-angst @httplayer @mischiefmanaged49 @loca-lola @softboyparkerr @desir-ae @dangerousluv1 @t-hotland @laucontrerasv @peter-parkersbb @whatdafricklefrackle @thatblondebelgiangirl @fairydustparker @they-call-me-le @jamiemac26
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uglypastels · 5 years
Hey girl!! I love your writing and was wondering if I could request a Tom or peter imagine where they go to a panic at the disco concert? I went last night and it was AMAZING!! Thank you so so much!!
I’m sorry this took so long. I love Panic! I’m actually going to a concert again in a few weeks!! 
The bass was thumping in your chest. Light blinding but it didn’t even matter. You were too excited to be seeing your favorite aritst live. 
What made it even better was the arm draped over your shoulders. Tom was leaning on you, a beer in his other hand. Together you sang along with Brendon. Your shouts not even comparable to the singer’s amazing voice. Your voices were quickly lost in the crowd but you didn’t care. You were having too much fun. 
“If you love me let me GOOoooo” you sang full of passion, looking into each other's eyes, laughing as the line ended. Your hand on his soft cheek. You stared into each other’s eyes, a bit too long. All you wanted to do was to lean in and kiss him, to feel his lips against yours. 
But as Brendon sang “And truth be told, I never was yours” everything came back to reality. He was your best friend. He wasn’t yours. As much as you wanted him to be, that just wasn’t his thing. 
I’m too busy for a relationship, he had said to you one night. Always traveling and always working. He didn’t want to put some poor girl through that. But what if you didn’t mind being that poor girl?  You had almost asked him that, that night, but as usual, you chickened out. 
And now here you were. In the crowd of thousands of people. The song was at its end. The next one being announced very quickly afterward. People screaming and cheering around you as they recognized the hit. You were still standing next to him, looking into his eyes. The colorful lights illuminating him in this glow that only pulled you in closer. 
For a second you could have sworn you saw him look down at your lips. But no, that wasn’t possible. Probably just a trick of the moving lights. However, you did look at his. They looked so soft, so sweet. Just begging to be kissed. 
You knew that any girl in this arena would be ready to grab the chance to be the release he needed. Thousands of them were standing around you. Yet you were the only one standing up against him. You were the only one he had his arm around. The only one his eyes were locked on. 
But the lock got smashed. He pulled his eyes away, to take a sip from his cup. No, a swig. Before you knew it he had chugged the rest of his beer and threw the large plastic cup to the ground. 
The now empty hand found its way up to your cheek. He pulled you in closer. You didn’t know what was going on but you let it happen. He pressed his lips against yours. 
Fireworks exploded inside of you. Your head was spinning. The crowd of thousands of people suddenly didn’t exist anymore. It was just the two of you. The loud music was only a faint echo in the back of your head.
Needing the air, you pulled away, but only a little. Still staying close enough that your noses could touch. Everything came flooding back. The flashing lights, the screaming crowd, the booming music. But it didn’t overpower your beating heart. 
“The Death of a Bachelor” Brendon Urie sang.
And he couldn’t be more right. Because as the chorus of the song went on, Tom pulled you in for another kiss. 
The End 
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Hey, so I finish my summer class yesterday and I’ll probably start writing today. The only things I’m writing at the moment is HCS, Ships, N/SWF Alphabet (Just ask if you want smut or fluff) and one-shots.  And I’m honestly willing to write for anyone.
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