#video game villains
aviles2003 · 13 days
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twistedtummies2 · 3 months
Top 15 Video Game Villains
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Before I get into this list, given the topic, I have to make a very simple and honest confession: I’m really not much of a gamer. I’ve played some games, but not really that many. I’ve honestly WATCHED more games than I’ve actually PLAYED. There’s a lot of reasons why this is, but at the end of the day, the fact is that video games are just one of those forms of media where I’m really not an expert.
With that said, I have a great respect for video games as a medium, and I know a LOT of people are EXTREMELY into them. Video gaming has gone from something of a niche subculture to a MASSIVE market and piece of major pop culture in and of itself, just as generally respected, lauded, and appreciated as movies or television. Games themselves have come a long way: back when they were new, no one really cared about story or character, it was really a matter of just making things fun to play as a pastime. Over time, however, the medium has evolved, and the storytelling and characters in some of the greatest games have become just as important as the actual gameplay involved…which is why I’m able to say that, despite not playing many games, I can still make a list like this in good confidence. See, you don’t need to play something to understand how good a character is…and every game needs an obstacle. Something for the player to overcome. Like any other great story, one needs an antagonist…and sometimes, you need a villain. Many of the villains of video games, like games themselves, have become just as popular as the games themselves, as well as many other great and glorious villains throughout history. Through the ones that have lasted the longest, you can really trace the evolution of gaming itself, and with the ones that are more “one hit wonders,” you can see glimpses of some interesting moments in the grand pantheon of video games. So, despite hardly being an expert on the subject, I felt it was time I give these characters some time in the spotlight. Keep in mind, my opinions will DEFINITELY differ from those of a LOT of other people, simply because I have a different perspective on things. Also, with two exceptions, I’ll only be including one villain per game/franchise. With that said, let’s waste no more time! These are My Top 15 Favorite Video Game Villains!
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15. The Phantom Blot & The Mad Doctor, from Epic Mickey.
This is the first exception I mentioned in my preamble. I couldn’t decide which of these two to include, so I just decided to include both. The Epic Mickey games - which were sadly cut short by various behind-the-scenes shenanigans - were Disney’s attempt to bring Mickey Mouse to the forefront in gaming, and to try and find a way to make Mickey “cool” again. The games are sort of a love letter to the Mouse’s long history as a character, as well as to Disney’s history as a whole, and while they are far from perfect, they still have a bit of a cult following, for various reasons. The main antagonists of the first game were these two scoundrels. The Phantom Blot - also known as “The Shadow Blot” or simply “The Blot,” in this specific title - is a character who has had a long history in Disney before this title. In comics and cartoons prior to the game, the Blot was a masked supervillain. In the games, the Blot is reimagined as a ravenous ink monster, who essentially acts as a force of pure destruction, with no apparent purpose but to spread ruin wherever he goes. The Mad Doctor, meanwhile, first appeared in a Mickey cartoon by the same name; in the games, he is a cyborganic mad scientist who started out as a friend to some of the characters, but ultimately revealed his true nature and joined forces with the Blot in a bid to become the greatest villain of all time. While the Blot never returned in any of the sequels, the Mad Doctor did, and the Blot’s impact was still felt even after the beast was defeated. Both were fun twists on classic, somewhat obscure characters, and more people know about them because of these games than anything else. I don’t really think that’s a bad thing.
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14. The Crooked Man, from The Wolf Among Us.
This was a title released by Telltale Games, who specialized in games that were interactive “choose your own adventure”-type stories. The player’s choices would determine how the stories went, above all else. In the case of “The Wolf Among Us” - based on the comic series “Fables” - the story was a sort of fantasy and film noir blend, with Sheriff Bigby Wolf (guess who he is) trying to solve a case of mysterious murders in the city of Fabletown, where characters from fairy-tales, folklore, and mythology all live. At the end of this long and twisted case, it’s revealed the mastermind behind it all is this fellow: the Crooked Man. From the moment we start realizing his involvement, the Crooked Man seems like a total and pure nasty…and he is. But here’s the genius of the character: after going through so much to reach him and finally confront him, when the time finally arrives, he isn’t depicted as a dark-hearted monster, but instead a reasonable, intellectual, and EXTREMELY persuasive gentleman. The brilliance of the Crooked Man is that he doesn’t just get into the heads of the other characters in the story, but has the capacity to get into the head of the player, and make them doubt the decisions they are making. You know he can’t be trusted and has to be brought to justice, but he’s very skilled at twisting things around, making every moment tense as you wonder whether you’re making the right choice or not. His demeanor of composed, collected rationality almost never falters, making it feel like he’s in control even when you have the upper hand. In a game all about your choices and their consequences, that’s an EXTREMELY powerful villain to have, and no other main antagonists from other Telltale titles, in my opinion, are quite as effective in THAT regard. He may not be one of the most iconic villains in history, but he’ll always be one I hold in high esteem.
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13. The Moon Bear King, from Puppeteer.
All of the other villains after this character are from series or franchise works. There are multiple installments in them, and so there are often many villains to choose from. The same goes with the previous two entries, as well: Epic Mickey had three games to its name, and a sequel to “The Wolf Among Us” is in development as we speak. “Puppeteer” is an oddball, as a result, because it’s a one-and-done deal: it’s not part of a major franchise or series, it’s just one single, lonely title, and it’s not necessarily one that tons of people would know. I doubt you’d be seeing cosplays or highly-viewed videos about this game anywhere of note. However, as far as one hit wonders go, it’s a VERY good game: it’s got a wicked sense of humor, simple and addictive gameplay that still manages to be challenging, and a very unique sense of aesthetic style. It also has a very fun main antagonist: the evil and bombastic Moon Bear King. The King is an evil, gluttonous monster who has taken over the kingdom of the moon. It’s eventually revealed that he was once a humble little teddy bear, who suffered from deep insecurity, and desperately wanted friendship. The Little Bear stole the Black Moonstone, a dangerous artifact, which corrupted his desires and transformed him into the beastly Moon Bear King: a literally power-hungry demon who longs to devour the souls of all of Earth’s children. Aided by his Twelve Generals (all themed around animals from the Chinese Zodiac), the King’s plans are challenged by the hero of the story, Kutaro. The King is one of those wonderful villains who mingles humor, menace, and pathos perfectly: he’s actually EXTREMELY funny, but he’s also extremely nasty, capable of some truly horrifying acts of evil. When you learn the truth of his origins and motivations, he becomes a sympathetic character, which only adds to the layers of his personality. On the one hand, it would have been nice to see more of him, and the world of Puppeteer in general. On the other hand, I think this is one of those games where its singular status is part of what makes it so special. If a sequel or spin-off ever does come out, I shall be curious…but as it stands, the King and his source work are perfectly grand on their own.
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12. Kefka Palazzo, from Final Fantasy.
I’ll come right out and admit it, I’m not really super familiar with the Final Fantasy series and a lot of its characters. And that, very frankly, is why Kefka is so low on the list: he’s one of the very few characters from the franchise I do feel I know pretty well, even if I do say so myself. This is good for him in terms of his own merits, but it’s also why I don’t think I can honestly and justly place him higher. With that said, he IS a really fun villain. I know a lot of people praise Sephiroth as the greatest antagonist of the series, and he’s a good villain, too…but in my opinion, Kefka is even more interesting, as well as just a lot of fun. One of my issues with FF, and why I’m not really familiar with it, is that a lot of characters (among those I know) feel very similar, in terms of both personality and design. Kefka, however, is truly a one of a kind figure: he’s a wild, chaotic, childish, brightly colored jester who walks, sounds, and generally behaves in a way that is extremely unique compared to all the rest around him. As far as villainy goes, he’s wonderful in how he’s such a paradoxical character. Kefka is a nihilist of the highest order, who has no purpose in life other than to inflict suffering and death. While he can be manipulative and cunning, there is no end goal beyond just making others feel pain and seeing things perish. On the one hand, this makes him one of the most thoroughly vile figures in the franchise, and in some ways one of the most frightening. But at the same time, there’s a sort of sadness to Kefka: the reason he is so obsessed with destruction is because he literally cannot understand the ideas of love, compassion, or even hope. When others express those concepts, his physically incapable of comprehending them: he sees no meaning in life, because in his mind, there IS nothing but death looming on the horizon. His flamboyant and vibrant facade is exactly that: a sort of armor that hides an overwhelming emptiness, which only making others hurt seems to satisfy in any way. He is funny and frightening, tragic yet despicable, and those kinds of layers always make for fascinating antagonists. He would be MUCH higher if I just knew more about his universe in general. 
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11. Pagan Min, from Far Cry 4.
I should point out that Far Cry 4 is the only Far Cry game I know especially well, mostly because it’s the only one I’ve actually played. I have not played nor even looked at much from the other games in the series, so I really can’t comment on them. (I say this because I know there are some villains from other installments people might list over Pagan. In my case, he’s really the only one I know well.) Initially, when I was planning this list out, Pagan was a bit further down…but after revisiting FC4, I discovered he was a lot greater than I already recalled. He’s a villain who really works best IN a video game world, as his presence is felt through the gameplay and various other things that can ONLY work in a video game setting. Most of his time in the game is spent on the peripherals, but his impact is felt throughout the whole adventure. He’s also an intriguingly layered sort of villain: Pagan is a tyrant and a psychopath, with a flamboyant sense of style and a very freewheeling, jocular personality. However, as the game goes on, we quickly realize more sides to his personality. Perhaps the most notable is his relationship with the main character, Ajay: he actually LIKES Ajay, and doesn’t really want to kill him, because our protagonist has ties to Pagan’s past. Pagan seems to see Ajay as a sort of surrogate son, but unlike other “father nemeses” in fiction, he never goes down the path of “you may be my son, but I will still kill you because too far gone into evil and so forth.” Instead he just…kind of gets annoyed we’re playing with “naughty children.” Right up to the end, though, he’s jolly and sympathetic with the protagonist, which honestly makes the cruelty he shows towards others all the more unsettling. A lot of this game revolves around the question of loyalty, and of rightful leadership. Pagan Min represents the nightmare of absolute power, but he also represents a sort of strange temptation…and hey, it’s not like the alternative rulers the game presents are any nicer, at the end of the day. :P
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10. Skull Face, from Metal Gear Solid V.
Most MGS fans would probably place a villain with longer standing here - such as Liquid Snake, Revolver Ocelot, or possibly Psycho Mantis. And all of them are fun villains, but I am not most fans. Skull Face may only appear in one game (well…technically two games, since MGSV was released effectively in two parts, “Ground Zeroes” and “Phantom Pain”), but that doesn’t negate him placement by any means. This character seems to be one fans are polarized over: depending on where you look and who you ask, he’s either one of the best villains from the series, or one of the worst. As you can imagine, I fall into the former category. Skull Face is an extremely messed up bad guy, with a very depressing past and remarkably twisted motivations. You feel sorry for him in some ways, but in other ways, he’s one of the most utterly reprehensible villains the series puts forth. His demeanor is equally paradoxical: his physical design and some of his mannerisms are rather over-the-top, but there’s a seriousness and a subtlety to him at the same time. He’s kind of everything you want from a villain…and to top it off, he’s the kind of villain who I feel really only works in a video game. (A bit like our previous pick.) See, part of what makes Skull Face so great is that, even when he isn’t onscreen, his presence is felt: what he does in the game affects the player even when they aren’t physically facing him down, and a lot of who he is is presented in things you find hidden throughout the game. It’s these little nuggets of intrigue that make him so fascinating, but even on a superficial level, I think he’s still a pretty great baddy. The only problem with the character I have, and why he doesn’t make the top ten, is that we never really get what I feel is a satisfying conclusion for him: his story ends, make no mistake, an what happens to him isn't WHOLLY disappointing, but I feel like a final boss fight against him would have helped him make even more of an impact. Maybe that’s one of the reasons some people have a problem with him, but for me, it doesn’t ruin him entirely.
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9. Jack the Ripper AND Bartholomew Roberts, from Assassin’s Creed.
Here is the other exception I mentioned earlier, and it’s admittedly a somewhat more glaring example. With the Mad Doctor and the Blot, they at least appeared in the same title together, the first Epic Mickey game. Roberts and the Ripper appear in the same franchise, but in two completely different titles and storylines. There are lots of great villains in AC, from historical figures to totally fictional characters, but when trying to decide between my favorites, I knew it would have to be at least one of these two…and after revisiting their respective appearances, I couldn’t decide between them. The issue is that I like both for similar reasons, but also for totally different ones. Both are historical criminals of great infamy, and both are my favorite fictional depictions of those figures. Each is interesting in different ways, and also despicable in different ways. Roberts is one of the main antagonists of the game “Black Flag,” and is a prominent figure throughout the story, with a big impact on things that happen. He’s also a unique villain in that he is neither an Assassin nor a Templar, but a Sage; someone caught in-between the two feuding factions. Roberts also starts out as a sympathetic character, and even becomes an ally, before eventually showing his colors as an antagonist. In the Ripper’s case, he’s only the villain for a DLC package, which is optional; it doesn’t really affect the story of the main game for his title, “Syndicate,” if you play it or not. So in that regard, Roberts has him beat. However, Jack’s setup - as a former Assassin turned rogue - gives him a similarly unique status in the universe of the games. Plus, gameplay-wise, Jack is much more fascinating; first of all, you actually get to PLAY as the Ripper throughout the DLC. Second of all, his boss fight is probably one of the best bosses in the whole series. The battle with Roberts is nothing to scoff at either, but it’s comparatively much more standard; it’s great in its historical accuracy and grandiose nature. Between the two, I found the pros and cons of each evened out; I kept going back and forth on who really earned the spot. So, end of the day, I decided to just let both of these dastardly gentlemen have it.
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8. Flowey/Asriel Dreemurr, from Undertale.
So, talking about this character/these characters means delivering MAJOR spoilers, just to warn everyone. However, since Undertale is such a big deal at this point, and since it’s now been ALMOST A DECADE since it came out? I think it’s okay for me to speak candidly about the subject. In “Undertale,” your main character - whose name is eventually revealed to be Frisk - winds up in a mysterious world populated by monsters. The game subverts the trope of RPG titles, where you boost your powers and abilities by slaying beasts in random encounters; you absolutely can slaughter every monster in sight, if you WANT to, but if you do that…well…“you’re gonna have a bad time,” as the game says. Most of the “enemies” you encounter in the game are actually friendly, or simply acting on a sort of misunderstanding, or otherwise able to be reasoned with. There is, however, one exception: throughout the game, in all of its different paths, you are plagued by a mysterious, talking sunflower simply known as “Flowey.” Flowey is a sadistic monster who revels in death and quite literally hungers for power. It’s eventually revealed, if you take the “True Pacifist” route - which is typically regarded as the “True Ending” of the game - that Flowey is the reincarnation (or something like it) of this character: Asriel Dreemurr, the long-dead prince of this underground world. Eventually, his true form is revealed, which leads to an epic final boss. (Though, to be fair, Flowey’s own boss, found in other routes, is pretty crazy, too.) Along with it comes his backstory, which is…really quite gut-wrenching. Asriel is both one of the most dangerous enemies you face, if not THE most dangerous, and yet also arguably the single most tragic character in the entire game. There’s not enough time and space for me to go into everything about him, but suffice it to say, when you learn why he is the way he is - both as Flowey and as himself - it’s honestly pretty heartbreaking. He’s the only character who one could argue doesn’t get a happy ending, in the True Pacifist route, and yet he’s also the character who you wish could have one the most, despite all the terrible things he does by the end of the story. Between both his true form and his appearance as the demented Flowey, he manages to kind of be everything you could want out of a villain: he’s powerful, menacing, rather creepy, and yet also shockingly sympathetic. If any villain on this list most exemplifies the idea of “sympathy for the devil,” it’s probably Asriel.
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7. GLaDOS, from Portal.
This evil AI is another rather paradoxical villain. Most versions of the “Evil AI” concept - whether it be an out-of-control robot, or a computer program gone mad, depict the AI in question as somewhat morally ambiguous. They typically are just trying to carry out their programming, or see themselves in the right and humans in the wrong, seeing people as flawed and themselves as perfect. There’s a coldness, a detached-ness, to such creations, typically speaking; they aren’t necessarily EVIL, they’ve just gone to an extreme measure. GLaDOS, however, is different: she IS evil, plain and simple, and it’s not entirely clear why. She is openly sadistic, cruel, and murderous, and uses her power and presence to manipulate others in various ways. GLaDOS actually has a conscience, unlike most characters of this sort, but she deliberately ignores it, and her personality and desires go well beyond simply furthering science as she claims to do. What’s fascinating about GLaDOS, however, are the complex emotions that arise between her and the player’s main character, Chell. On the one hand, the two are arch-nemeses, but on the other hand, the two are almost friends. GLaDOS yearns to kill Chell in the first game, but Chell also relies on her a lot in both Portal games. GLaDOS is cynically sarcastic, passive-aggressive, and bitter towards Chell, in lots of ways and for lots of reasons, yet she also admits to thinking of Chell as “her best friend.” Indeed, GLaDOS seems pretty pissed at the player during the final boss in the first game, and after her defeat when we meet her in the second game, but not in a “How dare you, mere peon!” way so much as a feeling of bizarre, genuine betrayal. It’s the twisted emotions of GLaDOS, and her unique nature among other characters within her own archetype, that makes her so intriguing. She is, once again, a villain who melds so many different layers - humor, horror, and surprising empathy (if not necessarily sympathy) - making for a well-rounded and memorable antagonist.
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6. Xehanort, from Kingdom Hearts.
“Kingdom Hearts” is one of my two favorite video game franchises (we’ll get to the other of those two soon), so it seemed only fair I place the main antagonist of the entire series high up. I nearly gave him a spot in the Top 5, but...well...when you see who DID take the number five slot, you'll understand. In some ways, having said that, I think Xehanort is one of the most underrated video game villains: despite the popularity and success of the KH series, I rarely hear Xehanort’s name mentioned when people bring up famous video game baddies, and I also don’t typically see much cosplay of him or anything like that. For me, though, he’s definitely one of the greats, and also one of the single most persistent buggers. It would take FOREVER to describe EVERYTHING that goes on with this guy, because, essentially, describing Xehanort’s story and setup in any meaningful way would mean going into the lore of the entire KH franchise, and…yeah, we’re not doing that here, if ever. XD For now, suffice it to say he’s a marvelous villain in how he permeates the whole franchise: everything that goes wrong in the heroes’ lives is either directly or indirectly thanks to Xehanort’s meddling, and with multiple different forms of himself - from Xemnas to “Terra-Nort” to the Seeker of Darkness - you can’t turn a corner without running into some version of this guy causing trouble somewhere. His motivations and character archetype ride a fine line between mad scientist and dark wizard, and despite causing all sorts of havoc across many different worlds…when his story comes to an end, you do sort of feel sorry to see him go. It’s been indicated Xehanort’s ultimate defeat may not be the end to KH as a whole, so time will tell what other villains could come in the future. And who knows? Considering how many times this character and his many forms have cheated death before, maybe we still haven’t seen the last of him…
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5. Dr. Eggman, from Sonic the Hedgehog.
I’ve only actually played one Sonic game, that being “Sonic Unleashed.” (Apparently, that game is sort of a polarized one among fans.) However, I have looked at things from other games, as well as come to understand the franchise through its other outlets, such as television and movies. So while Sonic isn’t necessarily a universe I’m a pure-blooded expert on, I know a lot more about it than, say, Final Fantasy. One thing that’s consistent in every version, in my opinion, is this: Dr. Robotnik, also known as Dr. Eggman, is ALWAYS my favorite character. Eggman is one of the most iconic of all video game villains, perhaps second only to Bowser from Nintendo’s core lineup. He is the quintessential mad scientist: a greedy, ambitious lunatic and robotics expert who seeks to, of course, take over the world. If only he could just smash, shoot, or otherwise scuttle that annoying hedgehog who keeps ruining his dastardly schemes! Eggman is one of the most versatile villains in gaming, I would say, as well; different depictions of him throughout the Sonic franchise have handled the kind of villain he is in different ways. Some takes on Eggman are honestly VERY scary, making him a truly threatening and grotesque villain with no redeeming values whatsoever. Others make him into a clown, a sort of roly-poly goofball who isn’t really a threat so much as a persistent nuisance. My favorite ones, however, blend a bit of both; making Robotnik a character who can be funny, and perhaps even sympathetic, but is nevertheless totally capable of committing absolute atrocities. I always love villains who have that kind of multi-layered aspect to their personality, being empathetic and entertaining while also still able to pose a decent threat and act as a true obstacle to the hero. If there’s one thing that Eggman is consistently shown to be in every depiction, it’s determined; some might even say stubborn. No matter how many of his machines get ruined, no matter how many plans for global domination are foiled, he always comes back ready for more. He’s basically the Wile E. Coyote of video games: forever chasing a super-speedy foe, but seemingly destined to always come second place. Sometimes, that simple formula is all it takes to make a character fun.
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4. Count Dracula, from Castlevania.
Alongside Kingdom Hearts, “Castlevania” is one of my two favorite video game franchises, and…to be honest, one of the single biggest reasons why is this guy. The Castlevania series started out as a tribute to classic horror and monster movies, featuring various references to both Universal Monsters and Hammer Horror. While it hasn’t abandoned those roots completely, over time, it’s become more and more its own thing, and most of the really famous classic monster figures - such as Frankenstein’s Monster, the Mummy, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon - while certainly persistent figures throughout the franchise, have always sort of remained background figures. The one great exception is the king of the monsters: the Prince of Darkness, the Lord of the Vampires, the Count of Transylvania…the One and Only Dracula. Castlevania’s Dracula may not have the automatic recognizability of some film versions, but over time, he has become more and more iconic, as he is the main antagonist of the whole franchise. And considering the franchise has been around since the 1980s, and has not only had multiple games under its belt but two very successful animated series adaptations, it’s not hard to understand why. Even when Dracula isn’t the final boss or main antagonist of a specific game, he’s always present in some form or another, and the different paths the franchise has gone down have evolved this villainous vampire in all sorts of ways. He’s gone from a pretty straightforward villain, to a sympathetic and tragic antagonist, to even getting to be a protagonistic anti-hero figure. And with every interpretation, he is always interesting and intimidating. He’s easily one of my favorite interpretations of Bram Stoker’s greatest creation, and has earned every ounce of respect as one of video gaming’s most classic adversaries: he’s just as immortal in those ranks as anywhere else.
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3. Bowser, from Mario Bros.
Well, you can’t have a good list of video game villains and not at least mention this guy. As I said before, alongside Dr. Eggman, Bowser - the King Koopa himself - is quite possibly the single most iconic antagonist in video gaming history. Heck, whenever people bring up video games in general, the Mario Bros. series is probably one of the first examples to come to mind. Just as Robotnik will never seem to give up chasing Sonic, Bowser is thoroughly unceasing in his desire to abduct and wed the beautiful Princess Peach. No matter how often she spurns his advances, he always comes back to try a new plan to conquer the world and gain her hand in marriage…and every time he does, Mario is there to stop him, along with Luigi, Yoshi, Toad, and all the rest of the plumber’s playmates. Also, much like Eggman, Bowser is as versatile as he is iconic: some versions of the character depict him as a genuinely monstrous threat that needs to be beaten, others show him as more of a buffoon who tends to be more annoying than truly dangerous. Once again, like Dr. Robotnik, I like Bowser best when he’s somewhere in the middle: able to be funny and perhaps even sympathetic, but also still being a genuine menace and a villain to be reckoned with. What boosts Bowser above Eggman is primarily that I know and understand the Mario universe better than the Sonic universe, and I have a slightly bigger attachment to Bowser as a result. (Plus, I…sort of have a crush on him, I’ll confess. I can’t help it, he’s a big, burly, man-eating monster with a deep, powerful voice, I’M WEAK. >///> )
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2. Carmen Sandiego.
You won’t find Carmen on a lot of other people’s video game villains lists, admittedly not without good reason, but there was never any doubt in my mind she’d rank highly here. If you only know this character through the Netflix television series, and its spin-offs, then you’re probably confused: in that version, Carmen is the main protagonist, and was depicted as a sort of misunderstood heroine. She’s akin to Arsene Lupin or The Saint: using crime to battle crime. That is NOT the original interpretation of Carmen Sandiego: Carmen had a loooong history before the Netflix reboot, and it started with a series of computer and console games, where she was the main antagonist. The games were “edutainment” packages: meant to offer educational value as well as entertainment. They were primarily focused on teaching children social studies, like Geography and History (although some other fields got covered, too, such as Math and English). I grew up playing a LOT of “edutainment” games (my mother was, and still is, a schoolteacher), and most of them were kind of “eh.” But the one series I absolutely loved, and STILL love, was Carmen Sandiego. The premise of the games had Carmen as the World’s Greatest Thief: the leader of a secret cabal of robbers and spies known as VILE, who sought to plunder the world’s greatest treasures. Everything from the Statue of Liberty, to Elvis’ Pink Cadillac, to the Mona Lisa…Carmen and her cohorts would steal everything rare or one-of-a-kind under the Sun, no matter how implausible the crime seemed. Throughout the franchise, Carmen was consistently depicted as a glamorous and mysterious character, a sort of teasing incentive: we wanted to capture this illusive, fascinating, shadowy woman in her fine red outfit, and the urge to know what it would be like to go toe-to-toe with her directly kept people playing. As time went on, Carmen’s character was developed further, giving her a more morally ambiguous personality, and a backstory that was both revealing…and yet still full of tantalizing holes. You never really knew why Carmen did what she did, or what she would do next, or where she could pop up. It was the eternal mystery of the character that made her so interesting. While her career has had ups and downs, she’s never really gone away, and while I do like the Netflix version and its more heroic depiction of her…I will always prefer the Classic Carmen, and all her villainous ways. The thrill of the chase she provided always made learning fun.
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1. Joker, from Batman: Arkham.
As I think I’ve said before in the past, the Joker is quite possibly my favorite villain of all time. And as I ALSO think I’ve said before, Mark Hamill’s take on the character is my favorite version of the same. So it stands to reason, just by that logic alone, that the Batman: Arkham series would have my favorite villain in video games, since it features Hamill playing my favorite baddy, and it’s arguably his greatest work with the character aside from the DCAU. (Oh, and Troy Baker also took the reins a couple of times; he’s freaking awesome, too.) While the Joker was not the main antagonist of every single game in the franchise, he was always - as the character ever is - a persistent and impactful thorn in the Dark Knight’s side. The series focused a lot on the twisted, strange relationship between these two arch-enemies, and their seemingly eternal duel with each other was what drove much of the plot in each game, and provided many of the most interesting moments. Even after dying in-universe, officially, the Clown Prince of Crime would continue to plague the Caped Crusader from beyond the grave. You can really see the whole series, overall, as an exploration of the rivalry between these two characters, from where it started to how it ended. Other villains came and went, and were portrayed in a variety of ways - some better than others - but the Joker was consistently present, and consistently well-handled, making for not only one of the best versions of the comic book creep that’s ever been, but one of the most iconic and lauded villains in video game history. He is part of the reason the Arkham games were a success, as much as any of the gameplay and atmospheric elements, and there is so much you could analyze or say about the character - both onscreen and behind the scenes - to explain why. It’s therefore no surprise at all that he takes the cake as My Favorite Video Game Villain.
Albert Wesker, from Resident Evil. (I just don’t know a ton about these games or this character, so despite his iconography, it didn’t feel fair to place him in the ranks.)
SEVERAL Villains from American McGee’s Alice. (The Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter, and the Dollmaker from “Madness Returns”, in particular. All are great villains, but when I really looked at things, I felt other characters earned it more, and I felt like three villains at once would have been MAJOR cheating.)
Doc Ock, from the PS4 Spider-Man Game. (Wasn’t sure how else to credit that title. Also, I haven't played the sequel yet, but I hear Kraven the Hunter there is AWESOME.)
Ganon, from The Legend of Zelda. (Same issue as Wesker.)
Gruntilda, from Banjo-Kazooie. (Very nearly made the list, but I just have a bigger fondness for Epic Mickey.)
Rollo Flamme AND Fellow Honest, from Twisted Wonderland. (Oh, you all know I couldn’t ignore this one. These two are the most antagonistic characters so far, one could argue, as we really haven’t seen them become protagonists - at least not yet - and they do arguably the most reprehensible things of any character in the game. However, because of the way this whole game works, not sure if they really count enough to make the list.)
Shao Kahn, from Mortal Kombat. (Same issue as Gruntilda.)
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supernightboy08 · 7 months
My favorite Video Game Villains:
1. Bowser Koopa
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2. Dr. “Eggman” Robotnik
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3. M. Bison
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4. Ganondorf
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5. Dr. Wily
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6. King K Rool
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7. Mewtwo
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8. Sephiroth
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morwaldblog · 2 months
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Mario enemy drawing :0
My favorite enemy from Super Mario World (along with Dino Rhinos and Dino Torches), I just like their color pattern and silly design. I wonder what lots of dragons are doing in a place called Dinosaur Land, because some sources mention they're dinosaur-like dragons, others say they're dinos, I guess they're just weirdos. Also, when I was a kid it was odd to me how they looked like Yoshis, and how Yoshi had no problem eating them. Despite all that, I really like them, they're awesome critters and fun characters to draw
Technically this was the first drawing that I made in 2024 (I say this because I've made some others, but they're more lineart to me), and my first drawing colored with alcohol markers that I got on Christmas. Also, this was inspired by my Tweeter drawing, since I only planed to draw the Rex but ended up drawing a small background based on the game
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Not a single fuck was given.
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tyrannic-world · 11 months
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I look at You,
Evil Grows....In Me~"
Art By Me.
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toxin45 · 1 year
Diablo Lord of Terror
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This is Al'Diabolos aka Diablo the lord of terror the titular character of the video game series diablo. He was the third and youngest of the prime evils but the older brother of the lesser evils. He was by far the most powerful and dangerous of his three brothers. He embodies terror and spreads across the sancutary and wants to take over all of creaton and defeat the angels. He is also the father of leah.
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peterkothe · 2 years
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A robotics genius-turned supervillain by both a rivalry with his former friend, Dr Light, and an obsession to prove his superiority in all things science and machine! Armed with an army of mad machines and super-powered robot masters, he’s intent to take over the world, and only his rival’s greatest creation Mega Man stands in his way!
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weirdgirl92 · 1 year
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ceristhehedgehog2 · 11 months
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zentendo · 6 months
Legacy of Villainy: Unveiling the Iconic Antagonists in Nintendo's Gaming Saga
In the rich tapestry of Nintendo’s illustrious gaming history, one cannot ignore the formidable presence of its iconic villains. From the menacing Bowser to the sinister Ganon and the cunning King K. Rool, these antagonists have become ingrained in the collective memory of gamers worldwide. In this exploration, we delve into the depths of their characters, motivations, and evolution over time,…
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View On WordPress
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pokeberry5 · 4 months
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i feel like i never draw tim smiling but bb robin tim smiles a lot! (in between angst and tragedy)
brought to you by my continued attempts at figuring out tim’s early robin hair
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Revenge of the Top 10 Favorite Video Game Villains
My original Favorite Video Game Villains video was one of the first countdowns I ever made. So this topic has been waiting a while to take its revenge. And since my channel is turning 10 years old soon, how about now?
My St. Jude Play Live Campaign
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/RipperLightning
Thumbnail by Rissuuu: https://twitter.com/Rissuuu
Intro Theme by The Plant Commander: https://twitter.com/Plant_Commander
Avatar Images by Autumn Kouhai: https://twitter.com/autumn_kouhai
Background by Jett Altair: https://twitter.com/JettAltair
Logo by Switch Branding: https://twitter.com/SwitchBranding
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supernightboy08 · 4 months
My favorite Video Game Villains Part 2:
1. W.D. Gaster
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2. Springtrap/William Afton
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3. Monika
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4. Ansem
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5. Xemnas
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6. Xehanort
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morwaldblog · 9 months
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Compre sus tuiros fritos son muy baratos
Tweeter, not Twitter
Heyo a Mario drawing! This is a thing I drew like one or two weeks ago, but I forgot to upload it here, sorry lol. It was done with markers for the same reason I drew the Kremling one, I always wanted to do it that way
You see, storytime: back then in like 2017-2018, I wanted to draw cartoony stuff on DeviantArt like some artists I saw there. This enemy was one of the things I had in mind, but when I finally created my account, I never drew it. I don't know why, probably I didn't felt experienced enough to do it and forgot about it eventually. So, that's why I drew this, to make my dream come true. I wanted to only draw the enemy, but I added the Subcon-like background to give it more life. There are a couple of things I didn't like, but it turned out better than I had in mind years ago
Tweeters are some of my favorite obscure Mario enemies, I like how they're based in mythical creatures (Tengu), but as a small version of them. It would be cool if they bring them back like they did with Ninjis
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Yandere Head Canons:
Your Only Option
Yandere Otome Game Character x GN Reader
TW: psychological horror, trapped forever in a time loop, yandere behavior, mind break, and manipulation
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It was always spring when your world would reset once more. When the flowers were in full bloom and the scent of spring was heavy enough to make your head spin. You were in this digital world you had somehow ended trapped in, forever forced to repeat the story premise until you inevitably had to start over once more… yet you always ended up with only one of the capture targets. The villainous crown prince, Edwin Fritz.
Edwin was your favorite character in this game prior to you ending trapped in it. He was the hardest character to romance but the creator had stated in a forum that he was a yandere. The kind of character you were a sucker for each time! With his silver hair and crimson red eyes, you always melted into a puddle when he’d appear on your screen… yet it was much different in real life… Edwin was terrifying.
You spent over a hundred hours playing the game to romance him because you adored his twisted love routes, but it was so different now that you were in the game… especially since he’d always greet you at each starting point.
Both of you retained your memories of the countless previous games and he’d always greet you with an extravagant gift of some sort… must be the perk of being the villainous crown prince.
You gulped when Edwin made his way over to you, his crimson gaze didn’t leave your shivering form once. His large form easily towered over you as he held a giant bouquet of ruby roses in his arms. A ghost of a smile on his gorgeous face.
“Hello, darling.” Edwin handed you the roses before his hand brushed a loose strand of hair from your face. “You tried to talk to Count Jesse in the last game play through… do you enjoy making me jealous?“
You trembled like a leaf but gave Edwin a bright, reassuring smile. You needed to reassure him before he went ballistic in a fit of rage… and you didn’t want to see other characters die again. “Of course not, Edwin. I only love you after all.”
Edwin pulled you into a hug, the roses in your arms shedded a few petals from the embrace. You gulped when you felt his breath shudder. “You do, don’t you? That’s why you’re the only one who didn’t give up one me…”
Edwin sighed dreamily when you relaxed in his hold. “I don’t know why you keep associating with such lowly characters when you have me. I can offer you such a wonderful life of luxury. You’ll never die or age. We can truly be together just like you’ve always wanted before I brought you here! You said you hated your life prior to me.”
Edwin pressed his lips against yours in a hungry kiss. He didn’t care about the gazes from the other nobles at this small party. You were his in this life and his again in the next loop. Forever and ever and ever and ever. No one would be able to take you from him. He would keep repeating this loop until you swore you’d be his spouse!
“So what do you say? Will you be my spouse for all of eternity or do you want to keep playing this game?” Edwin gave you a smile that made a chill run down your spine. “I don’t mind repeating time another four hundred times until you finally relent.”
Edwin moved to cup your cheeks between his hands so his eyes could look into yours. You felt as if you could drown in the sea of obsession that lies behind those ruby red eyes. “I’m your only option, after all.”
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