#villain: you know what yes actually i am mad. kill me right now i swear to god
wordwizards · 5 months
I've been thinking of American action movies again and just once I'd like to see (possibly in a parody as I don't know if people would take well to this in a serious way) the villain calling the hero out for saying "I won't kill you...because that would make me as evil as you" after brutally murdering all their henchmen
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 292: You Say Jeans
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “well anyway here’s that Touya reveal I foreshadowed like a million years ago, viva la 2020.” Dabi was all “hello world, I’ve killed 30 people and today I’m going to explain to you all why” before he proceeded to explain ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but everyone was so distracted by his tale of child abuse and hero conspiracies that they didn’t much seem to notice. Can’t Ya See-Kun’s Shark Friend was all “IS THIS THE END OF HERO SOCIETY AS WE KNOW IT”, and Horikoshi was all “STAY TUNED”, and then Dabi set himself on fire and leaped off of Machia’s back like the chaotic evil, I-just-bleached-all-my-brain-cells weird little fire man he is, ready to burn everyone to crispy bits before they could even react properly to his whole big revenge speech. Fortunately he did not succeed on account of THE RETURN OF THE JING, THE JOAT, BEST FUCKING JEANIST, back from the dead by popular demand in what critics are calling “the best fucking comeback since Jesus himself.”
Today on BnHA: Best Jeanist snatches up Machia and the rest of the League with his fiber steel cables before you can say “more like BEAST JEANIST amirite.” Dabi gets all worked up and lights Hadou on fire which is a real JERK MOVE, and is all “THIS RIGHT HERE IS ALSO ENDEAVOR’S FAULT”, which, NOT SUPER CONVINCED ON THAT, BUT OKAY. Anyway so then he burns up all the cables holding him which is crazeballs btw, and then he and Shouto start fighting, and so basically the whole thing is a literal hot mess and we’ll see how that goes. Meanwhile Tomura wakes up and summons some Noumus, and poor Jeanist has to deal with those on top of the still-attempting-to-rampage Gigantomachia, and everyone else is all “we can’t help you on account of we’re all half dead”, and so it’s looking really bad. And then -- and I can’t stress enough how much I don’t even have the faintest idea how to segue into this next part -- the chapter ends with Mirio!?! just sort of POPPING UP OUT OF THE GROUND all, “SURPRISE, BITCH”, and it literally was so surprising that I am still just kind of speechless. WELL-PLAYED, I GUESS, lol wtf.
lol okay so the first page in the RHA scan is just the “three musketeers” movie promo image that we all already saw a few days ago. but it does confirm that (a) it is indeed a movie, and (b) that it’s set for a summer 2021 release! how exciting
okay so now back to our special Dabi edition of Making a Murderer
“ray of hope” oh hell yes. SAVE US MR. JEANIST
I guess he had a TV in his private hero jet or something?
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gotta say, “dammit Dabi” does not even remotely sound like Authentic Best Jeanist Dialogue to me though. gonna need Caleb to see to this. well but what do you guys think? does Best Jeanist curse?? I personally feel like he’s one of those guys who NEVER EVER swears no matter what, except under the most hilariously trifling circumstances. like he’s eating an avocado one day and he accidentally stains the cuffs of his beloved jostume green and he’s all “FUCK”
btw how fucking rich is Best Jeanist though that he has his own fucking plane? the thought just suddenly occurred to me, you know? like even Endeavor, whose agency has its own on-site luxury apartment suites for all of his interns, still drives around in a dinky little car that Bakugou has declared to be too small. which, I guess we know why he felt that way now, seeing as the guy he previously interned with apparently gets around in Jeans Force One
anyway so back to the part where Jeanist shows up to save the day!! YEAH JEANIST WOOOOO
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lmao we just saw Gigantomachia take out like a hundred guys not ten chapters ago. and Best Jeanist shows up and takes him down in like two seconds. HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES LEAGUE OF VILLAINS. BET YOU’RE WISHING YOU’D TAKEN HIS QUIRK NOW, AFO. GET FUCKED YOU OLD SPUD
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I legit almost thought that was Tomura for a second. you two look so alike now with the white hair and the crazy eyes
meanwhile, Shouto is still crying and it’s a lot to take, you guys. lotta feels
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ffff come on Jeanist you better do something awesome again here, the mood of the chapter is starting to slip now
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ffff now Spinner is trying to wake Tomura back up. nah, how’s about we not do that
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fucking son of a... fffkfkff... someone please reassure me that fire isn’t Hadou’s weakness. someone. anyone. also could someone please dial an ambulance and send them to Horikoshi’s house. but not just yet. first I’m gonna need you to wait about fifteen minutes or so while I take care of some things
well all right then, Dabi. so you wanna go on then and explain to us all how this, too, is somehow Endeavor’s fault?
oh I see, you’ve decided that since he’s responsible for “creating” you, everyone you hurt and kill is in truth really being hurt and killed by him! well now, that sure is convenient as fuck I guess
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(ETA: that’s a nice effect with the panel sides getting all warped by Dabi’s quirk though, just noticed that.)
amazing how quickly you used up that sympathy card my guy. Shouto please kick his ass, I’m fucking done lol, you can all sort out the rest in therapy later
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“if the number one suffers a total loss here, this country will fall to pieces” well okay, real talk though, I think the “country falling to pieces” part is pretty much unavoidable at this juncture. you all are just gonna have to try your best to pick up those pieces after the fact and see what you can do with them. if I were you I’d be less worried about the number one’s reputation and more concerned with the half-dozen child soldier interns who are still on the field and very much at risk of being burned to death should you suffer that “total loss.” please try to keep it together here for them
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I really thought RockLockRock was gonna come into play here. USE YOUR QUIRK TO LOCK THE ROPES IN PLACE YOU DIP!! if he seriously just sits there and does nothing when his quirk could be the deciding factor I am cancelling his useless ass cute kid or no cute kid shfkjdls
(ETA: is he even there?? did he and Manual just hightail it out of there?? “well good luck, children.”)
also, we’ll put this aside for now to perhaps speculate about later, but what’s with Tomura remembering his dad’s house yet again in that far right panel?? and being itchy again?? I still have yet to fully work out the psychological mechanisms at work as far as his itchiness goes, so I’ll admit this is intriguing to me. it seemed like it was connected to his decay quirk, but then why is it acting up again now. what is this lol
yuh oh
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forgot about these guys. looks like these heroes aren’t having such a fun time
oh fucksticks
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excuse me ma’am but I don’t like this. you do know that my kids are all there, right. all burnt and impaled and broken-boned and the like. well except for Iida. he’s fine still. BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN I FEEL LIKE WATCHING HIM GET TORN APART BY FOUR HIGH ENDS, WTF
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god fucking... okay look. Horikoshi. you win, okay!? congratulations, you win, this is your show and we’re all just sitting here at your mercy. fine. go ahead and just kill off everyone ever, then!! what am I even gonna do about it. stop reading?? fuck
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this whole thing really went from zero to fucked before I could even blink huh. I really thought this was gonna be a turning point chapter for the heroes. shows what I know I guess??
meanwhile this motherfucker is just SCREAMING
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ngl, if I wasn’t currently terrified on account of things suddenly taking such a drastic turn for the worse, this would be the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Jeanist my man, I hype you up like it’s my job because you are the greatest fucking meme character in the history of time, but make no mistake, you are also highkey WORTH ALL THE HYPE AND THEN SOME
seriously, though. don’t fucking mind him you guys, he’s just standing here in the coolest pose of all time taking on Gigantomachia all alone with one fucking lung because the substance pumping through his veins is COLD-BLOODED LIQUID DENIM, and DENIM FEELS NO FEAR
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Best Jeanist really needs to get his own theme song. -- oh my god I just finally thought of a title for this post. lmao and it’s the dumbest thing. omg
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which one do you think is the Mario and which is the Luigi. well, but I mean, Dabi clearly thinks that he’s the Luigi though and that’s why he’s so mad. nobody wants to be Luigi. what a life
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BUT OF COURSE. THAT WOULD MAKE IT ALL WORTHWHILE, holy shit. okay I’m just gonna go ahead and say it, Dabi is a piece of work. I really thought this arc would make him more sympathetic at long last, but it seems like it’s doing just the opposite?? this is like an anti-redemption arc. I don’t relish the thought of venturing into the fandom tags once I finish reading this lol
(ETA: well folks, I’ve done it. and actually it was pretty interesting because there are apparently like ten different things that people are mad about, and so it’s like. each post is a new adventure lmao.)
so Shouto is all “BRUH HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST IT” and Dabi is all “YES”, basically? like, he says he’s completely lost his feeling for anything. omg. but you were so sweet. how does that even happen
“finally I can kill you” okay for real what the heck is your damage bro?? can we not. I like Shouto just the way he is, un-killed
oh shit and now the Noumus are here
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cue Bakugou diving in to save his mentor, STAB WOUNDS BE DAMNED!! actually it would make more sense for it to be Iida, but if Kacchan is really fixin’ to go full Shounen Dumbass here then he might as well go all out, y’know
-- unless of course, Deku decides to activate another quirk??
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(ETA: okay look, all the love in the world to the brave scanlators who take time out of their lives to translate the leaks every week just so we can read the chapter a couple of days early like the addicts we are. that said, translating Mirio’s signature “POWER!!” -- which was already written in English in the original scan -- to “POG-CHAMP” is just a whole new level of wtfuckery from them lmao. is the Lida person back at it again?? amazing.)
hot damn. Tintin really saw the writing on the wall with the impending Dabi Discourse and was all “NOT SO FAST” lmao. “HERE’S A BRAND NEW THING FOR YOU ALL TO DISCOURSE ABOUT” MIRIO YOU WILD CHILD. YOU GLORIOUS THUG
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black-rose-writings · 3 years
Reading Siege and Storm because I hate myself
To begin, I’d like to state that this is my first read-through and I only have vague idea of the plot I’ve gathered from fanfics and tumblr posts.
Long post ahead
Chapter 1
So... at first I was like - huh, this isn’t as bad as I thought, but the moment Alina gets introspective, it all goes to hell.
Like, she’s being physically made sick by not using her powers, which is making her feel useless - like, she says, pretty much verbatim: “The only thing I was ever good at was being a Sun Summoner and I’m not that anymore.”
I’m gonna beat those paragraphs over the head of anyone, who says Alina got a good ending.
I’ve also noticed just how often the like “I pushed that thought away” is used and more often than not, it’s used on thoughts that should probably not be pushed away.
Ah, yes, here he comes, my boy Darkles, being the dramatic bitch he always is. We get it, you’re the hot villain, tempting the good and pure heroine away from being good and pure.
And I’m just now realizing how many times in this chapter has Alina lamented their lack of privacy. We have to ensure the reader doesn’t hink she’s *gasp* sleeping with Mal.
Chapter 2
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Alina is tripping balls while being put under by a Heartrender, got it.
Darkling is being the voice of reason, but I’m getting the distinct feeling it won’t last.
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Ivan gets one point, because Alina is in fact a traitor, but he’s also being a cunt, so it doesn’t really count.
Alina at Sturmhond: Do you even care about Ravka?
Me at Alina: Do you?
Chapter 3
“Mermaids are not real”. I’m pretty sure they are in the Grishaverse.
My boy Darkles is still making sense, but Alina is dedicated to being against him just for the hell of it, it seems.
Did this bitch just throw a tantrum, because he told her, what we can assume is the truth? Okay. Like, I get that she’s at best 18, but still. Not exactly the type of protagonist whose head I like being in.
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And in that moment, dozens of smut fics were born.
Chapter 4
Wow, that was quick.
Aaand. What had just happened?
Chapter 5
Sturmhond is a funny bitch, I’ll give him that.
And this entire conversation, it seems like Mal’s entire purpose is to stand behind Alina threateningly and repeat what she said, lol.
I’d like to remind Alina (and LB) that a king in an absolutist monarchy (which is what Ravka appears to be) is very much a tyrant. Don’t make it sound like Ravka didn’t have a tyrant before. And at the very least, my boy Darkles seems pretty competent.
A man calling himself a Storm Dog likes dogs. No shit.
Chapter 6
I hate Mal. Dude, this is your girlfriend, maybe like... listen to her? Don’t bludgeon her with the one other guy she was kinda-sorta with, when you are a well known manwhore?
I don’t know man, I don’t like him.
Everyone: You can’t have more than one amplifier, it’s dangerous.
Alina: Haha, sparkles go brrrr
Chapter 7
In other news, pirates are funny.
Holy shit, they have a plane.
That was... a lot. And we’re crossing the Fold again, yay.
Chapter 8
You feel bad for the Volcra but not for the people you’ve left for dead in the Fold last time? Okay.
Baby Volcra. Am I supposed to say “ew” or “aww”? If I tried doing both at the same time, it would probably sound like one.
Jesus fucking Christ this book is a ride.
Did Alina really just have an “oh no, he’s hot?” moment? *sighs*
Puppy boy has a title longer than Daenerys, jesus.
Alina, my dear, you could have waited for a bit before doing that. There’s like thirty soldier with guns around you and you’ve just punched a prince.
Then again, you’ve never been smart, have you?
Chapter 9
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For once, I completely agree with him. I know you two have lost your one shared braincell on that first crossing of the Fold but still, that was very dumb of you, Alina.
I’m starting to get why people were calling Nikolai “Darkling light”. Definitelly seems appropriate.
Mal, calm the fuck down, that was the least romantic proposal I’ve ever heard and you know it.
You two didn’t even let Alina get a word in for the last page. What right do you have to her, Mal, huh? Nikolai is making sense and you’re being an idiot.
What’s your deal Mal? What the fuck do you want?
And why in the hell are you the endgame love interest?
That’s an awful lot of guilt-tripping you’re doing there, Mal. No need to be pissy about it.
Chapter 10
The bones thing is definitelly yikes.
Saints, Mal, are you on your period or something? Alina doesn’t belong to you. Alina can make her own choices. Get a grip.
“You think I’m like the Darkling?” Yes. The Darkling isn’t all bad. You’re at war. No need to get your panties in a twist over a few fingers.
Oh, look, Alina has a cult now, nice.
Chapter 11
Your “dad” is a rapist, Nikolai. Quite possibly a pedo. He got exactly what he deserved.
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I’d go for the second option. Especially after that stunt. Jesus, you could have asked her beforehand.
At least Darkles had the decency to make out with her in private.
Also like... why is every single person in this series so far an asshole?
Chapter 12
We meet the King again, unfortunately.
Alina gets Darkles’s old job.
This should be a total disaster, but let’s see where it goes anyway.
Chapter 13
Alina’s nuts, yay.
(I know they have a Force-bond-thingy. I also know they did it before Reylo did.)
Chapter 14
Oh boy, Alina’s not doing as bad as I thought.
For the 100th time in this book, I wish I had Nikolai’s confidence. Though it is getting a bit too much.
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Puppy boy is dropping some truth bombs. Nice.
But he doesn’t realize that my boy Darkles has very good reasons to not align with Fjerdans - a) they think he’s a demon and b) they want Grisha dead.
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I’m not gonna say she was, but like... the monarchy is very much corrupt.
Oh, boy, Baghra. This one’s gonna go well.
Yep, Baghra’s as pleasant as ever.
So... Baghra’s plan in book 1 really had been to just have Alina run away and hope for the best? Jesus Christ, lady. I’m not saying she deserved to have her eyes taken away, but she is definitelly a trash person and I’m not surprised her son turned out the way he did.
Also, I’m fairly certain that Baghra is literally slowly killing herself - that the reason she looks so old and frail is because she’s started to supress her power and it’s literally killing her, because, you know, she’s bonkers old.
Chapter 15
Nerd Alina > Self-pitying Alina
Also, I’m just saying, Alina comments on Zoya being attractive a whole lot - I get that she’s meant to be insecure, but I’m interpreting it as her being gay, because I need some happiness in my life, okay?
Just kill the sleazy old Rasputin-wanna-be. There’s plenty of them to go around in this series.
Chapter 16
Vasily takes after his father in creep factor.
Why not the Darkling being courted by a horny prince? Be a bit creative.
Chapter 17
Nikolai has big ADHD energy and I love him for it. Fits right in with the heavily autism-coded Fabricators.
*sighs at heteronormativity again*
*sighs at improper gendering of titles*
Date night with Mal. This is gonna be a disaster, isn’t it?
Chapter 18
Fun night of cultural appropriation, yay.
I hate cultists.
You two are going to give me a headache, I swear.
Darkles cockblocking Alina. And Malice threw a tantrum. Nice.
Chapter 19
You’re way too harsh on Genya, Alina.
Horny Alina rights.
They have a laser, now. Cool. Or, well, enormously hot.
Mal is being a drunk a-hole. Great. When does he become likable? Does he ever?
Banter between Mal and Alina? Kinda weird, always somehow comes back to either of them being insecure.
Banter between Alina and Nikolai? I’m all for it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a Darklina trash, but like... Nikolai is fun. I could see him and Alina having an arranged political marriage and ending up falling in love years into it, that’s all I’m saying.
Chapter 20
Just let this one go, Alina, please. You two are not working out. Please, end it with him. You’ll both probably be happier. (I’m saying this with the full knowledge that Malina is endgame).
Jesus Alina, get your shit together. You have every right to be mad, because you two didn’t actually break up, you didn’t kiss Nikolai and also, I don’t like Mal.
Sooo... when is Alina going to realize her manchild of a boyfriend is an amplifier?
Chapter 21
Alina has the horny sickness, lol.
Jesus Christ, girl, I don’t want to read your vaguely suicidal thoughts.
Mal, you fucking idiot.
Alina, stop defending Mal.
Chapter 22
Alina has a logical thought? Impossible.
Finally, some action.
Chapter 23
Oh, boi, this is going great.
Oh, boi, Alina’s having another martyr moment.
And, we’re done.
That was a ride. Nothing really happens for like ten chapters and then everything happens in one and a half.
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coffintownkids · 3 years
Alrighty! Ch. 32 is done and such brings an end to the 朝露 arc. I’m sure y’all remember the cute scene in The Untamed/CQL when WWX comes across a group of kids playing make-believe about the Sunshot Campaign. This is the chapter where that takes place. However, as previously mentioned, we’ve actually never met pretty much any of the characters involved first-hand. So this is again slowly filling the readers in about how the world perceives all these characters.
I couldn’t decide what part I liked best...So you get the entire scene! Very long post beneath the cut.
*EDITED* @weishenmewwx was nice enough to help me fix a couple of errors. Thank You!!!
The group of children stopped chasing it, then gathered together to start seriously wracking their brains over it, “What do we do since no one shot down the Sun? It fell by itself, so who’s the Leader now?”
One of them raised a hand, “It’s obviously me! I’m Jīn Guāngy��o and I killed the greatest villain from the House of Wēn!”
Wèi Wúxiàn sat on the inn’s front steps and watched on with great pleasure.
In games like this, there was boundless high regard for the Chief Cultivator Liǎnfang-Zūn. Of course, everyone would welcome playing that role the most. Although his background made people too embarrassed to speak of it, it was precisely because of it that him climbing to the highest position made people gasp even more in admiration of his achievements. During the Sunshot Campaign, he had acted as a spy for a number of years and had been a natural at it. He had run around in circles deceiving the entire Wēn Sect of Qíshān both inside and out, having them divulge countless secrets without even realizing it. After the Sunshot Campaign, he was fawned over in every possible way with terrific amounts of cleverness and an extreme variety of methods. Finally, he took the position of Chief Cultivator and became the person fully deserving of ranking first among the multitude of cultivation Houses. Such a life can be called legendary. If was playing, he would also want to try out for the part of Jīn Guāngyáo. Picking this little boy to be the Leader was just common sense!
So JGY is super well-liked by everyone, or so we’re led to believe at this point in the story. It’s mentioned in the novel very early on that he is JGS’s bastard, but it’s definitely pretty much glossed over and this certainly makes it sound like nobody cared about his “embarrassing” history. (We will come to learn this is, in fact, bullshit.) BUT, WWX does seem to think quite well of him.
Fun language bit about the “fawned over in every possible way with terrific amounts of cleverness and an extreme variety of methods.” The sentence uses 百般, 千般, 万般 to show the increase of how much praise got heaped upon him as 百=100, 千=1,000, and 万=10,000.
My other takeaway, which I think the show did a pretty bad job at conveying, was the passage of time and that JGY was actually with the Wēn Sect for years.
Moving on.
Another one of them protested, “I’m Niè Míngjué and I’ve won the most battles and have had the most captives surrender to me. I should be the Leader!”
‘Jīn Guāngyáo’ said, “But I’m the Chief Cultivator.”
‘Niè Míngjué’ raised his fist, “So what if you’re Chief Cultivator. You’re also my sān-dì, so you won’t see me running off with my tail between my legs.”
As expected, ‘Jīn Guāngyáo’ was rather well-suited at getting into character. He hunched his shoulders and ran away.
Sān-dì (三弟) just means third brother. AKA JGY was the youngest within 3zun.
Then another kid said, “You’re the one that died young.”
Since he had chosen to be a certain cultivation head, he naturally had been looking forward to being said cultivation head a little bit. ‘Niè Míngjué’ got mad, “Jīn Zixuān, you died earlier than I did. You had an even shorter life!”
‘Jīn Zixuān’ was unconvinced, “So what if I died younger? I was ranked Number Three!”
“Being ranked Number Three just means your looks were ranked Number Three!”
At that point, one of the little boys seemed tired of both running and standing, so he slowly walked over by the steps and sat down by Wèi Wúxiàn. He waved his hand like he was some sort of mediator and said, “Alright already, there’s no need to fight about it. I’m the Yílíng Lǎozǔ, so I’m the most awesome.”
Wèi Wúxiàn, “……”
He glanced down and, sure enough, the little kid was carrying a little branch at his waist that was probably meant to be Chénqíng.
There was actually a child pure enough to not bother arguing about good and evil. He was only debating the value of combat abilities and had willing taken up the honor of being the Yílíng Lǎozǔ.
Another kid said, “No way. I’m the Sāndú Shèngshǒu and I’m the most awesome.”
The ‘Yílíng Lǎozǔ’ rather understandingly said, “Jiāng Chéng! What can you do that’s better than me? When haven’t you lost to me? How is it a good idea for you to say you’re the most awesome? Aren’t you embarrassed?”
‘Jiāng Chéng’ said, “Hmph! How am I better than you? Do you remember how you died?”
Wèi Wúxiàn’s faint smile got wiped right off his face once his meaning sunk in.
It was like being jabbed with a highly poisonous needle without warning and it sent faint prickling pain throughout his entire body.
Oof. That is a lot.
The ‘Yílíng Lǎozǔ’ next to him clapped, “Look at me! On my left is Chénqíng, on my right is the Tiger Seal. Plus I have the Ghost General. There are none beneath Heaven that are my equal! Hahahaha…” He had a stick in his left hand, a stone in his right, and was laughing hysterically, “Wēn Níng, come out!” A kid in the back of the crowd raised his hand and weakly said, “I’m here…that’s…I want to say…during the Sunshot Campaign, I didn’t die, either...”
Wèi Wúxiàn felt that he couldn’t not interrupt.
He said, “Fellow cultivators, can I ask you a question?”
The children had never had an adult take part when they played this game before, let alone one that didn’t scold them and was completely serious about asking them a question. The ‘Yílíng Lǎozǔ’ was giving him a strange and guarded look as he said, “What do you want to ask?”
Wèi Wúxiàn said, “Why don’t you have any people from the Lán Sect of Gūsū?”
“We do!”
“Where are they?”
The ‘Yílíng Lǎozǔ’ pointed at a kid that hadn’t opened his mouth to say a single word from the start, “That’s him.”
Wèi Wúxiàn looked at him and, sure enough, he was completely fine-featured and looked like a charming child. He had a clean, white string wrapped around his forehead to serve as his head ribbon. He asked, “Who is he?”
The ‘Yílíng Lǎozǔ’ disdainfully curled his lip and said, “Lán Wàngjī!”
…Great. This group of children grasped his essence. If you’re playing the part of Lán Wàngjī you really ought to shut up and not talk!
Then suddenly, the corners of Wèi Wúxiàn’s mouth began to curl again.
That little poisoned needle got pulled out and he didn’t know what cranny it got tossed into, but all the stinging pain had instantly been swept away. Wèi Wúxiàn said to himself, “It’s both wonderful and strange. He’s such a stuffy person. Why does he always make me feel so happy?”
*yelling* Why does he make you so happy, WWX? Any guesses?
I’ve seen this translated as “boring” instead of “stuffy” so I’ll explain a bit. The word used is 闷 (mèn) which can be read as boring, so that’s not wrong. But, it’s a little more nuanced than that. It can also mean something “sealed tight” or “suffocate” or “shut indoors.” Like how a hot room without circulation can be called “stuffy.” But in English, we can use stuffy to mean someone that’s kinda old-fashioned and very stuck on being prim and proper. Which certainly is someone people might consider “boring”! I just didn’t think “boring” alone really captured it though.
Of course, this is when LWJ finally emerges from his Fortress of Solitude (after needing time to get through his Gay Panic.)
When Lán Wàngjī came downstairs, he saw Wèi Wúxiàn sitting on the steps and sharing a steamed bun with a group of children. Wèi Wúxiàn was eating his bun while directing two children that were back-to-back in front of him. “……There are currently countless Wēn cultivators before. They’re all armed and they’ve got you completely surrounded. Keep your eyes sharp. Yes, just like that. OK. Lán Wàngjī, pay attention. This isn’t the current you during peacetime. You’re covered in blood! Your killing intent is so heavy! Your expression is so fierce! Wèi Wúxiàn, get a bit closer to him. Aren’t you going to twirl your flute? Let’s see you twirl it one-handed. Have pizzazz. Do you know what pizzazz is? Come let me teach you.” ‘Wèi Wúxiàn’ made an “oh” sound and handed over the thin stick he was carrying. Wèi Wúxiàn rather skillfully and swiftly twirled ‘Chénqíng’ around between two of his fingers, causing the group of kids to whoop with excitement.
Lán Wàngjī, “……”
He quietly walked over and Wèi Wúxiàn saw him coming, so he brushed off the dust from his backside and called out his goodbyes to the kids. It had been so easy to just stand up and walk along the road with a smile. It was oddly like being drugged.
Lán Wàngjī, “……”
Wèi Wúxiàn, “Hahahahahaha, I’m sorry, Hánguāng-Jūn. I ended up sharing the breakfast I bought for you with them. I’ll buy more for us in a moment.”
Lán Wàngjī, “Okay.”
Wèi Wúxiàn, “How about it? Weren’t those two kids just now cute? Who do you suspect the kid with the string around his head was imitating? Hahahaha…”
He was speechless for a moment, then Lán Wàngjī ultimately couldn’t help saying, “……What exactly did I do last night?”
It definitely couldn’t have been anything simple. Otherwise, why did it make Wèi Wúxiàn keep laughing???
Wèi Wúxiàn kept waving his hand, “No, no, no, no, no. You didn’t do anything. I was just being silly, hahahahahaha…Alright, ahem, Hánguāng-Jūn, I swear I’ll talk business.”
Lán Wàngjī said, “Go ahead.”
Apparently WWX missed his calling and should have gotten into theater!
And poor LWJ is still panicking.
So now they’re off to Shǔdōng and we’ll be starting the Yi City arc next.
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vi: i hate you but tell the team (bucky barnes x reader)
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i hate you but masterlist
summary: bucky and y/n can’t stand each other, but y/n needs help with her sister’s kids (enemies to lovers au)
word count: 1692
warnings: swearing, arguing, death, and this is not proofread
taglist is CLOSED
A/N: if ur the anon who requested a part 2 to no way, this is me letting u know it’s in progress dw :))
       “Aren’t you going to go after the other one?” Bucky questioned, staring at the door of the room where Ethan rushed into. y/n gave him a look, as though she too were contemplating if she should talk to Ethan or not, before shaking her head hesitantly and returning to her task at hand; getting Allie to keep her food in her mouth and off her hands.
       “With all due respect, Mister—wait, what’s your name again?” Olivia raised a brow as she tried to recall the same words her baby sister was yelling out again, “Mister Bucky, Ethan’s taking the news pretty hard and he’s stubborn. I don’t think he’d talk to Aunt y/n if she tried to,” Olivia exclaimed, eating a forkful of pancakes.
       “Well, maybe I can talk to him. Man-to-man, you know?” Bucky suggested jokingly. y/n gave him a stern look before shaking her head.
       “I’m not letting you talk to my nephew. Knowing you, you’d eradicate any chances I have of getting him to warm up to me so there is no way in hell you’re talking to him before I get to,” y/n chuckled.
       “You’re my teammate, how could you not trust me?” Bucky crossed his arms over his chest and pouted.
       “Aren’t you the teammate who cracked an egg on my shoe right when I was about to leave for a mission?” y/n questioned, easily recalling the events of last month’s mission.
       That day, Bucky was I charge of making breakfast and when y/n tried moving past Bucky to grab a protein bar from a cabinet, but he wouldn’t let her pass through. Annoyed, she stomped on his toe so she could reach the cabinet. Bucky didn’t really appreciate having his toe stomped on so in retaliation, he tossed an egg onto y/n’s combat boots.
       “It was hilarious!” Bucky exclaimed in his defense.
       “The rookies were laughing at me!” y/n rolled her eyes before tossing a spoonful of Allie’s baby food at his hair.
       “You were their S.O! If they laughed at you, you probably didn’t lecture them well enough on the consequences of laughing at a superior officer,” Bucky pointed out, recalling the times when he had to train a few SHIELD agents who ended up laughing at his manbun. Can you believe the audacity of those rookies?
       “Oh, and you know how to handle a situation any better?” y/n scoffed.
       “As a matter of fact, yes. I made them run twenty laps around the compound,” Bucky smirked proudly.
       “Oh? What were they laughing at you for? Being older than the exhibits at the Smithsonian?” y/n giggled.
       “No. They made fun of my hair,” Bucky frowned, running a hand through his dark brown locks. It was then, y/n broke out it a fit of heavy laughter.
       “God, I forgot you were worse than Thor when it comes to your hair obsession!” she exclaimed, recalling that time he got mad at her for borrowing his conditioner without his permission.
       “At least my hair doesn’t eat the hands of HYDRA agents,” Bucky shook his head. On a mission, one of the HYDRA agents y/n fought made an attempt to drag her by her hair. It did not end well when he realized his gloved hand was stuck in the endless jungle of knots known as y/n’s hair. Not once has Bucky even seen her run a brush through her hair in the compound!
       “Man, that glove was worse than bubble gum,” y/ frowned. The agent’s hand was stuck in her hair so she had to sit next to him on the ride back long enough for Doctor Cho to come up with the best way to remove his hand from her hair. Even after then, y/n still didn’t brush her hair before or after missions.
       “I’ve got to get going. I’ll see you around,” Bucky waved off, grabbing his keys from the countertop before walking out the door.
       “I don’t think you will!” y/n joked out half-heartedly. God, taking care of four kids was more exhausting than taking down a whole HYDRA base. At least villains didn’t make a mess at her apartment like Allie and Jackson did.
       “Oh, so you’re a house aunt now?” Bucky stopped in his steps, leaning against the doorway.
       “I guess. Tell Sam not to call me onto missions if it’s not an emergency, please? Also, if you could explain this clusterf—” y/n stopped herself before she could swear in front of the kids, “—mess to the rest of the team, that would be great,” y/n smiled before feeding Allie her last spoon of baby food.
       “I can’t promise I won’t tell him you kidnapped the kids, though,” Bucky grinned before shutting the door and running down the hall, probably disrupting the residents. Everybody working and living on the compound knew y/n and Bucky would chase each other around the compound when one said something the other didn’t exactly appreciate.
       Which is why it shocked him when she never chased after him that day. Well, she was a busy woman, he shrugged it off and headed down the elevator.
       He drove his motorcycle to where the van was, adjusted the van seats, and slowly lifted his motorcycle in the van. It probably would have been more convenient for him if he’d just asked y/n to drive the van back to the compound rather than him having to haul his motorcycle into the van.
       When he was sure his motorcycle was safely placed in the van, Bucky got in the driver’s seat and drove to the compound; ready to tell Sam about his discovery.
       He parked the van, pulled his motorcycle out, parked that too, and headed into the main lounging area of the compound where he found Sam, Wanda, Clint, Rhodey, and Peter gathered around the TV. The moment the elevator dinged, letting his presence be known, all heads turned to him as though to ask where he’d been…or why he had baby food in his hair.
       “y/n has kids,” Bucky explained quickly, plopping down on the couch between Peter and Sam.
       “y/n? Kids? That’s funny, tell another one,” Wanda chuckled, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth as her gaze was still fixated on the screen. At this point, she was used to having Bucky and y/n make up rumors about each other and she could not trust a word one would say about the other.
       “Wait, let me rephrase that. Sam, y/n told you she was taking a break because of a family emergency, right?” Bucky questioned, looking expectantly at Sam.
       “Well, yes, but I don’t see how that means y/n has ki—” Sam shook his head only to get interrupted by Bucky shushing him.
       “That family emergency was her sister died a few days ago and y/n got custody of four kids! Look, I know this isn’t easy to believe and shit, but y/n’s the legal guardian of two teenagers and two kids!” Bucky exclaimed, as if he himself could not believe what he’d just witnessed half an hour prior to that.
       “I’m pretty sure y/n didn’t take a break just so you could make up a rumor about her,” Wanda chuckled, shaking her head.
       “That’s the thing! They had a fight over breakfast and y/n was trying to make the little boy stop crying and then the baby started crying so I went over there to pick her up and god, I thought I killed the kid, but I didn’t. Then, she looked up at me with those big e/c eyes while screaming my name. God, that kid was adorable,” Bucky rambled on as though falling into a trance as he remembered the feeling of having someone so innocent look up at him with an emotion that wasn’t fear for once.
       “Assuming this actually happened, how the fuck did you find y/n? Didn’t she block any location tracking on her when we found her at that cooking class?” Clint questioned, raising a brow in disbelief.
       “I made FRIDAY look for my van and it was at y/n’s apartment place. She only let me in because she thought I was the gelato guy,” Bucky chuckled, shaking his head, “God, she looked so tired.”
       “Is there anything else y/n wanted to let us know? She promised we were going to watch all the Star Wars movies next week,” Peter frowned, hitching his feet up onto the table.
       “I’m pretty sure y/n has better things to worry about than a Star Wars marathon,” Sam shook his head in dismissal.
       “She did mention the fact that she’s still willing to go on missions as long as they’re important ones. Like some really ‘life-threatening where a lot of people could die’ type of shit,” Bucky explained with a shrug.
        “I still had no idea y/n had an apartment. I thought she lived on-base when I first met her,” Clint chuckled, shaking his head.
       “Am I the only other one here who’s been to her place?” Wanda’s brows furrowed in confusion.
       “Wait, you’ve been to her place? She told me she had some underground bunker she lives in because she was preparing for the zombie apocalypse and I kind of assumed that was a joke and she just lived here,” Peter shot up from his seat, staring at Wanda in disbelief.
       “Oh yeah, that too. I’ve been to both places. I even have a room in the bunker,” Wanda winked as Peter’s jaw dropped. He thought y/n was joking when she mentioned the underground bunker. I mean seriously, would you take someone seriously if they told you they had an underground bunker beneath central park?
       “Well, I guess if the compound gets compromised during an apocalypse, we know who to follow,” Clint broke out in a fit of laughter. After that, Bucky kind of just blanked out, not really knowing what else to say. It wasn’t as if he knew much about y/n besides the basics and what he’d discovered earlier.
       He leaned back into his chair before stealing Peter’s bucket of popcorn and watching whatever the Avengers decided they wanted to watch that afternoon, ignoring all the teenager’s complaints.
i hate you but taglist: @sarcastic-britt / @kmuir1 / @shower-me-with-roses / @justab-eautifulmess / @thomasthetankson / @x-abi-sharp-x / @intovert-gone-wild / @brittanymcsharry / @leaving-the-past-behind / @xoxabs88xox / @mylifeiscrazy0423 / @howliebucky / @i-cry-so-much​ / @witchything​ /   @naimalove143​ / @simplybarnes​ / @kseniiafirebrace​ / @buckybarnesishot310​ / @witchymarvelspacecase​ /
Forever tags: @spatium-viatorem​​​​ / @sxphiiwrld​​​​ / @strangersstranger​​​​ / @nerdy-bookworm-1998​​​ / @cutie1365​​​ / @valeriiaaass​​ / @adorkably​​ / @whatinthyworld​​ /
MARVEL TAGLIST: @captainamerica-is-bae​​​
BUCKY TAGLIST: @missmidnightxo​​​ / @tinymalscoffee​​ / @howliebucky​​ /
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allkinds-oftrash · 3 years
Ya girl is watching the latest HSM series ep and Imma live blog it hshshs and will add my reactions under the cut so it doesn't end up a long post. Anyways, let's goo:
They really said we're gonna let life imitate art with Nini and Olivia huh
Ricky was SUPPORTIVE??? Damnn I really thought we gonna get a classic Ricky tantrum....
But also wow sir that sounds salty and should definitely talk to someone abt how you're feeling...A therapist maybe 👀
I know we needed to contextualise how Ricky felt abt the song but I really wanted to see Nini's interview in full!!
Sebby you're so cute I do wanna see yall do DEH
Shjshshs not the rights not being available for another 5 years 😭😭
I dunno how they're in great shape and closer to the Menkies Gold after not having a single proper rehearsal, but go off Miss Jenn
Omg honestly Kourt's costumes are always amazing and on point Imma excited to see it
Kourt is such a simp we love to see it
Carlos is so pissy this episode we love to see it shshhs
Also love the way Seb calms him down and keeps him nice it's such a funny dynamic
"We had 20 people make our Belle dress over 50 hours" Okay North High shut the fuck up
I'm calling it now the reason North High knows so much is cos Howie is the leak and Kourt has been unwittingly telling him. The way her phone keeps going off as they discuss how North High knows everything is really good foreshadowing if my prediction is right
Also like her phone went off just as Carlos said "How did they know that?" THAT'S PEAK FORESHADOWING
If Howie ain't in North High, I dunno what Tim is doing
"I have abs" We know sweetie
"I PADDED THE THUSH FOR YOU" "AWW THANKS KOURT I NEEDED THAT" THIS INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING THAT WAS SO FUNNY!! I love that it is now canon that EJ has abs but no butt love that for him
Okay but like damn these costumes are great!! North High can fuck right off with its high end ones I just wanna see lowkey homemade costumes by students; I'd watch a Broadway show if I wanted to see professional costumes okay
Damn Carlos has killer eyesight clocking in that mask in the trunk
Nini's little look over at Gina was like "Omg you guys my girlfriend is so cute and dumb" GINI STANS HOW WE FEELING?
Miss Jenn don't be that naive, your boyfriend probably put them up to it
That Insta page is prophetic with their timing tbh; all the info is a leak obviously looking at your Howie but like the timing of it all. Those kiddos don't know that they are discussing the stolen mask at this exact moment (Kourt has put down her phone after Carlos snapped at her so Howie doesn't know they are talking abt it rn)
"We don't dance with the enemy" *cuts to her dancing with Zackey later*
SEBBY WEARING THE TEACUP COSTUME OMG HE'S GOING MAKE SUCH A CUTE CHIP (yes I am still mad Seb/Joe was robbed but Imma fangirl over the costume anyway)
Wtf why does North High look so expensive - they are literally in the same district as East High right??? How did they get this much funding
North High is a very artsy and rich for a public school; they should have had Nini go here instead of YAC tbh (like this campus feels like what YAC should have been) NOW THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN AN INTERESTING STORYLINE
Seblos' dynamic IS ON POINT THIS EP I really love my bois so much and their back and forth is hilarious
Shhshs DIANE who loves volleyball and North High okay I totally believe it
Shshsh we love Gina knowing herself and practicing self control by volunteering to be the lookout
Omg yall listen to Carlos and stfu they are so lucky no one saw or heard them yelling Wildcats
Oh no no no no no Miss Jenn you gonna get sucked in; this is gonna be so messy
Omg I saw someone post about this scene before I watched the ep YALL ARE RIGHT THAT BOI HITTING ON GINA IS SO FINE Babes go for that one, not EJ
NOT THEM FAKE DATING UGH E W TIM STOP MAKING ROMANTIC PORTWELL A T H I N G I honestly do not understand how some of yall can ship it romantically knowing Sofia is a whole underaged babey and Matty is a whole ass grown man - like I get the appeal of the Wonderstudies getting together and they do have chemistry but the irl age gap is creepy and outweighs the appeal of shipping them romantically
As I always say; Portwell/Wonderstudies should be a BROTP not an OTP
Ugh Brotp Portwell would have clocked Lily right away; romantic Portwell making googly eyes at each other isn't helping anyone
Living for Nini getting the recognition she deserves - I really like her solo arc this season she's so much more interesting without Ricky tbh
Aww Kourt you simp I love her and I'm so happy she's happy I wanna be wrong about Howie being a North High kid
Where is the mask??
Lily really wishes she was Jesse St. James huh; you could never Lily so stop
Andrew Barth Feldman and his cute little French accent I love him so much
Hnng Miss Jenn gonna get manipulated by this hoe. Omg wowow Zackey really is a hoe, making out with another girl before the show THE AUDACITY OF HIM SAYING MISS JENN WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH I WILL THROW HANDS WITH THIS MOFO
Wait the kids didn't steal it BUT WHAT IF ZACKEY DID
Ssjsgfajhdfg I CANNOT WITH ANDREW'S ACCENT but I can't tell if its really bad or really good but I'm also confused why didn't they just cast a French person as Antonie shshhs Antoine is adorableee and a little shit the best type of character
Lily is so annoying b y e sis bye and Olivia Keegan is talented I just wish they didn't make her character such a cartoony villain type
"How about if we bop to the top" SEBBY I LOVE YOU AND NEVER STOP BEING SO CUTE I SWEAR and Awww Carlos called him Honey I am s o f t
Hnng why do these fools are really gonna give into North High calling them chickens
"She told us not to dance with the enemy. She's better than this" No Sebby, she's not *cuts to her dancing with Zackey* AND OMG THE WAY I SAW THIS EDIT COMING BEFORE IT CAME
Ooooh I like this song wayyy more whatever the mess The Mob Song became (when I first heard it drop on Spotify yesterday) Around You is such a great song musically and lyrically very relevant to these two and gosh I love their voices together
They have so much chemistry damn, go home Mike (well he technically has oop) and Mr. Mazzara
Oh god this is the scene from the trailer; she's gonna make a move on Ricky isn't she?? Leave him alone Lily he doesn't need a 3rd girl to be confused about he needs a therapist
Lily shut the fuck up with quasi; STOP TRYING TO MAKE QUASI HAPPEN
"I love Nini's song" Sure, Jan.
...Okay yes you should have called him out but don't bait him LIKE THAT oop there's the scene from the trailer
Ohmygod is Andrew Barth Feldman gonna hit on Ashlyn
Okay this is so cute but also I am VERY annoyed with the way this show handles its characters like they aren't relevant or important unless they get into a relationship or a love triangle?? That's such a shitty way to give out screentime and arcs to characters. Is it not enough to develop the characters on their own and strengthen their friendship???
HUH TIM why you so obsessed with compulsory heterosexuality??(well also homosexuality for Seblos but they are the only ones I'm not annoyed with their relationship cos its a hella big step for Disney to have a gay couple and their relationship isn't in our faces or overshadows the plot and its just spinkles of cuteness every time they interact - they are honestly who Rini wishes they were; besties in love. They are a couple that Tim should be taking notes from; leave the relationship drama in the background, focus on the theatre and friendship aspect of everything)
My mini rant aside; this is a very adorable interaction between Ashlyn and Antoine.
This is so funny he keeps picking out the hottest guys of the group; as if he himself isn't the French version of Big Red they look super alike ngl shshsh
Drama between Antoine and Red is already spicing up shshsh I cannot
Why are you so dramatic with the shuffle Lily gtfo of here...also this doesn't make sense?? She wasn't even on a BATB playlist; what if a non BATB song came on ahahah
Good to know they aren't big fans of The Mob Song like I am Awww EJ you cutie, okay I will appreciate the OG Mob Song just for you
I'm being robbed of Gaston for the last 7 eps I at least deserve an EJ solo for compensation
The way the set looks straight out of Broadway but also like omg the blue lighting and fancy stage gave me intense flashbacks to that Glee episode where Vocal Adrenaline sang Bohemian Rhapsody
Howie you hoe you gonna break my girl Kourtney's heart
Yeah...still not a fan of Antoine's Dance Remix
Yall know Gina would kill the dance number if she wasn't wearing that fit
First the Beasts led it (Howie sounded better than Ricky ngl), then the Lumieres (their voices worked hella well together; I always forget what a talented singer Frankie is THEY NEED TO GIVE HIM A SOLO SONG) and now the Belles are going at it (Ashlyn's voice is superior)
...Did anyone really win, Lily??? STFU
Oooh I did see someone talk about this when the Rose Song dropped last week, apparently its illegal to add songs to a musical you're doing for a school play; I really thought the show would brush past that irl rule but I guess they are playing into it
Okay Nini is being a little pissy about leaving her song out of the show and its a little selfish to wanna keep it at the risk of being disqualified but I also understand why she's hurt
Everyone is dog piling on her right now being against her idea and it feels like they are being against her song and her herself instead of them not wanting to be disqualified. Also like she poured her heart and soul into the song after Miss Jenn lowkey rushed her to write it. So I can see why this feels like a rejection of her and her song and why she's so hurt rather than her seeing the big picture right now
It doesn't help that Ricky said the final blow causing her to walk off
Okay maybe Zackey gets some rights for being chill and wanting the kids to be peers
THIS MOTHERFUCKER I KNEW HE WAS SHADY Also the way I gasped even though I predicted he stole the mask halfway through this ep shshsh
Stab him Miss Jenn STAB HIM
Bitch why you so threatened by East High if yall have such a Broadway-esque show planned??? They honestly should have stuck to the Little Mermaid; I really wanted to see the aquarium
"It's just a song Ricky" "A song can mean everything" Do you get deja vu? Anyone else getting intense flashbacks to Jan when DL first dropped and all the drama happened 👀
YES PLEASE STAY CO ANCHORS Gosh I love them so much esp once you take the romantic connotations out of their interactions
I love this long take of checking in with everyone's relationship status (still hate how romantically focused this show has become but still a cool shot)
Okay but like looking at Kourtney's face I have never wanted to be wrong so bad GOD I HATE IT HERE I really think he likes her and I hope they work it out
Nini setting up her own music acc feels like when Olivia rebranded her whole IG to be just for her music stuff - love this for both of them
I know everyone loves her as Nini but like I have always loved the name Nina and it really suits her to be honest also shows how she's growing up now and kind of leans into the lyric "I won't be confined to your point of view" from The Rose Song because Nini is the nickname Ricky gave her so it shows that she's outgrowing him too and I love that for her!
Overall thoughts; they really crammed all the North High drama into one ep huh. Personally would have liked it if all of this was spread out throughout the last few episodes; like different hijinks for every episode. I'm just a big fan of properly setting up the overall arc over the season instead of patching it together closer to the climax/end of the show. Cos now it lowkey feels like two different seasons - 2A felt like The Rini/Rina Show esp with YAC storyline and whatever was going on with Rina and now 2B is finally feeling like what this season should have been all this time
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I think people who complain on your Tom Riddle/Lily Evans might not understand just what kind of Tom Riddle you wrote. He is very human or, otherwise, inhuman in a very human way. I've read a lot of fics with Tom Riddle, including a lot of shipping fics, and lots of time the relationships are somewhat unhealthy - and dramatized, and somehow special and fated. But (in October) Lily and Tom aren't star crossed lovers. It just happened, like things do in life. Or am I completely wrong about this.
I mean, to be perfectly fair, I am the odd one here.
JKR intended Voldemort to be a Palpatine style villain. Someone who is pure, unadulturated, evil inside and out. There’s to be no humanity in him, nothing good, and he was that way from his very sordid birth.
I think most people try to stay in line with that or at least some version of that. I see a lot of Tom Riddle being a sociopath or else a psychopath, or else he’s just mad. He’s often noted by authors of being incapable of real love, and he ends up in these toxic, abusive, BDSM relationships with the character of your choice. The fic may end with the relationship trying to convince us it’s love, that Tom Riddle has redeemed himself in some way, but the toxicity is part of it.
And a lot of people really like this character archetype. They like the sexy, dangerous, horrifying male romantic lead who whisper’s in his innocent lover’s ear, “Darling, I will never let you go. I have seen your heart and it is mine!” 
I throw all that out the window and I think it leaves a lot of people out of sorts.
I get a couple of common complaints. Not from everyone, but now and then, one that does come up is I write a very human Tom Riddle. He’s generally very messed up, has a very shitty life, but he’s more than capable of strong romantic love. To me, his great failing is falling into nihilist despair and giving up completely on the world and mankind. 
But yes, Tomarry especially, people like the starcrossed, fated, lovers aspect. They like Tom not understanding what love is and being this dark, obsessive, lead. They like the unhealthy toxic relationships and...
Well, I don’t, at all. I don’t think I could write a standard Tomarry story if I tried. Well, I did try, it was called “October” and look how that turned out. (Seriously, in the planning stages I went “I should try my hand at a slash fic” and this is what we get.)
But anyways, so right off the bat I’m breaking a lot of assumptions of Harry Potter fandom regarding Tom Riddle and romantic relationships with him. That sends a lot of people scurrying out the door.
The other is that the pairing itself is apparently so mind bending it actually makes people feel sick. First, it’s one of those things where it feels like two completely random characters I shoved together. I get that, completely, I look insane. More than that though, there’s just something about this pairing that reads a lot like me swearing in church.
There’s just some things you don’t do.
I don’t know what the others are but I can tell you that one of them is Tom/Lily.
Granted, I think a lot of it was because I introduced it in a primarily Tom/Harry fic in which Harry has now dumped Tom’s ass for twenty chapters and several decades, which made people very very very upset but that’s not all of it.
I often make decisions that greatly upset my readers (I really don’t know why you all stick around so long). I kill off beloved characters, I have bad guys win, I have my protagonists make mind numbingly stupid decisions, I have plot twists no one agrees with, I have the main pairing fall apart into a mess and hook up the lead character with somebody else. For nearly every fic I’ve written there is at least one chapter where I’m told what a moron I am, that my story is stupid, and that obviously x, y, and z should have happened and I as an author am just lazy/angst wanking/insert your derogatory term of the day here.
To this day I have never received the same kind of vitriol and hatred that I did over Tom/Lily. Really nasty terms were bandied about, I received some impressive insults towards me about how Ao3 was a better place specifically because me and my dirty ilk weren’t there (the joke being I infested Ao3 eventually like a plague), and I was certain I had lost every single reader (and somewhat surprised to find I somehow hadn’t).
Tom/Lily, on some fundamental level, just seems to disturb people. I think part of it is they picture a Tom Riddle very different to mine. Part of it though is that seeing Tom/Lily is like seeing the antichrist, you just know that thing is pure evil and must die when you lay eyes upon it.
Which is, of course, why I am a heretic.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
kidnapping fire.
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We been knew that I am a hoe for soft villains. 
Villain!Todoroki x Pregnant!Reader
word count: 1,300 (about)
warnings: swearing, pregnancy, kidnapping, murder, blood, 
Summary: Todorok is a dangerous killer but you were his wife, you saw a softer side of him that no one else knew, but there are times where you saw his evil side too. 
“Baby?” Todoroki whispered opening the bedroom door. you were snoring softly on the bed, curled tightly around his pillow. his heart ached a little bit, you were too cute like this, he felt guilty for not being around so much, leaving you home alone all day but there wasn’t much he could do. 
Todoroki was a notorious villain, although these days he was doing less actual crime and more maintaining his power to protect you.  he crawled beside you and looked at your sleeping form. 
“Sho-to?” you croaked cracking one of your eyes open. 
“Yeah, it’s me, go back to sleep sweetie,” he purred reaching over to smooth down your hair. 
“Are you hurt?” you asked scootching closer to him 
“no I’m good,” he assured, you guided his hand to your swollen stomach. making him smile. “how has the little one been?” he asked rubbing circles onto your tummy
“restless kept kicking me all day,” you groaned,
 “I think they missed their daddy,” you teased he smiled and pecked your lips
“I missed my babies too,” he sighed. 
“must have been a long day,” you sympathized. he nodded when you were a criminal every day was a long one. he tried to pull you closer but you resisted.
“Have you eaten Shoto?” you asked him wearily. a quick flash of guilt crossed his face, an odd emotion for a criminal. 
“well, I ate a big lunch-” he tired but you had heard enough and started getting out of bed
“you need to eat Shoto,” you scolded heading to the kitchen. he leaped out of bed and pounced on you.
“I’ll fix myself something to eat you rest,” he demanded. you sat at the foot of the bed, angrily. you were nine months pregnant, set to burst at any minute, the doctor had told you to rest as much as possible and Shoto had interrupted that to mean you weren’t allowed to lift a finger even for the simplest of tasks.  
“I want to see you eat Shoto,” you pouted and he relented. 
Shoto leaned casually in the doorway eating leftover soup while you stared him down. Todoroki had a bad habit of not eating unless you forced him too. 
“you know normal couples don’t do this,” Shoto said swallowing another bite. you couldn’t help but laugh, so little about your relationship could be classified as normal. Shoto finished eating and only then did you let him pull you into his arms. 
“rest, love,” Shoto yawned pulling you close to him and tucking your head under his chin.
“goodnight shoto,”
Morning light filtered in through the curtains, hitting you directly in the eyes. you sighed, already too awake to even think about going back to sleep, you untangled from Shoto and waddled to the bathroom. by the time you were out of the restroom, Todoroki was up and in the kitchen making breakfast. 
“Morning Shoto,” you greeted with a yawn. he frowned at you, 
“The doctor said that bed rest was the best idea for the next few weeks.” he chided. you batted your eyelashes at him
“I just wanted to see my husband is that so wrong?” you asked. Shoto caved instantly. he hugged you tight. you wondered what heroes would think if they saw Todoroki, wanted killer and super villain cuddling you and fretting over your health.  you married a villain, but not a bad man.
“do you have to go to work today?” you muttered against his chest. he sighed. 
“yes, unfortunately,” he sighed “but I’ll be home early. We can get lunch together,” he offered you smiled. 
“That sounds nice.”
you were curled up on the couch trying your best to understand knitting. since you weren’t allowed to work due to your pregnancy you had been picking up and dropping hobbies left and right, today you were trying knitting, which was going about as well as you had expected. you set down the needles and stretched your aching fingers. 
the door exploded open. you yelped and jumped to your feet, your hands thrown protectively over your belly. that wasn’t Shoto. 
Todoroki examined his destroyed apartment. he had been alerted the instant there was a break-in and he ran to that same instant, but he was too late. you were kidnapped. there didn’t seem to be any blood, but there were signs of a struggle. He was already fantasizing about the ways he was going to make these men pay once he found them. 
His phone rang and he answered in a flash. it was a ransom call. He didn’t speak, just listened to their demands. they were asking for a couple million yen to ensure your safe return. which meant you were safe. he shut off the phone and went to the meeting location not even bothering to gather any money. He was going to get you back, you and his unborn child. 
you woke up tied to a chair, a gag stuffed in your mouth. “smile for the camera sweetie,” someone laughed seeing that you were awake, you blinked, your eyes adjusting to the darkroom. there was a camera positioned in front of you, one of the men reached down and squeezed your cheeks and forced you to look in the lens. 
“It’s been two hours Shoto, someone is running late.” the blade of a knife pressed to your cheek. 
“you must not care what happens to your little wife or your child,” the other man whispered. the camera shut off and suddenly the knife was thrown away from your face. 
“oh my god, what the fuck are we doing?” one of the men screamed clutching his head. 
“Matsu calm the fuck down man-”  Matsu, did not calm down
“we fucking kidnapped a supervillains wife, He is going to kill us we are so dead,” he looked about ready to keel over from the stress of it all “Like Jesus, Rokuro what were we thinking??” the other man, Rokuro smacked his partner in the head
“well, It’s too late for this now dumbass,” you relaxed into the chair slowly. they were clearly amateurs. you weren’t sure whether you should be relieved they weren’t going to hurt you or if you should be mad that you had been kidnapped by people who clearly didn’t know what they were doing. 
“come on we have to send that video, at least Todoroki will think we mean business,” Rokuro grumbled. suddenly the temperature of the room dropped considerably.  frost coated the floor, your breath started coming out in white clouds. 
“oh fuck,” there was a loud screeching sound, like metal being torn. the frost turned to ice. Ice that crept up the legs of your two captures. before the could even scream the were completely frozen. you tried to yell out wriggling in your confines, to let Shoto know where you were, He seemed to hear you and appeared rapidly at your side. 
“Sweetheart-” he crooned kneeling beside the chair and undoing your bounds. you could see there was blood on him, it probably wasn’t his own. once your hands were free you ripped out the gag. he kissed you and clung to your shoulders protectively. 
“Sweetheart are you hurt ? is the baby-” you cut him off
“we’re fine Shoto,” you soothed bringing him close to your chest, you didn’ know if either of you were hurt, but it would only be worse if he panicked. Todoroki rarely let his emotions bubble to the surface, if he lost his composure now who knew what would happen. 
He lifted you into his arms effortlessly, even though you couldn’t have been light. 
“Let's get you home and make sure you are alright,” Shoto sighed leaving the warehouse. briefly, you spared a thought for the two men who had kidnapped you. left there, trapped in ice to freeze to death or suffocate, whichever came first. 
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noshitshakespeare · 4 years
Why everyone thinks than Hamlet not killing Claudius in Act 3 is him being soft/nice? Hamlet only refused to kill Claudius because he was afraid the latter would then go to heaven. I understand that it is hard to understand for modern people(because we mainly do not super seriously believe in heaven and hell like medieval people did ), but... Hamlet sparing Claudius in that scene was actually Hamlet being cruel. I believe that Hamlet's tragedy was in him being too cruel.
That’s an interesting point to discuss. I’ve not come across too many people saying Hamlet was nice in letting Claudius live in Act 3, but I suppose anyone who says that Hamlet is indecisive or not strong enough to kill Claudius at this point is implying that he’s soft in some way. 
You’re completely right. Hamlet’s choice not to kill Claudius at that point is not kindness at all. in fact, for a Christian it’s hard to imagine much worse than the desire not just to kill someone but to damn them too. Let’s have a look at the lines:
Now might I do it. But now 'a is a-praying. And now I'll do it – and so 'a goes to heaven, And so am I revenged! That would be scanned: A villain kills my father, and for that I, his sole son, do this same villain send To heaven. Why, this is base and silly, not revenge. 'A took my father grossly full of bread With all his crimes broad blown, as flush as May... (III.iii.73-81)
Hamlet knows that his revenge might be physically possible. He is alone with Claudius. But he needs to reconsider ('scan') that logic. Shakespeare introduces this Christian dilemma that since heaven is better than earth, dying is not a bad thing. He does this elsewhere too. For instance, Feste in Twelfth Night argues that it’s foolish for Olivia ‘to mourn for your brother’s soul being in heaven’ (1.4.66-67). Hamlet is arguing, in other words, that it’s not revenge to help someone to a happier place, as he would be doing if he kills Claudius while he’s praying and therefore in a state of (he thinks) repentance. In Q2, Hamlet says this is ‘base and silly’, that is, inferior and feeble-minded. So he certainly doesn’t think he’s being soft in not killing Claudius. In F it is ‘hire and salary’ (this is the more popular version in conflated editions), and the idea seems to be that in sending Claudius to Heaven he’s just doing it like a hired murderer who doesn’t consider the situation (as opposed to a revenger). But even by Shakespearean standards, what he’s suggesting is very cruel. Even Othello who’s half mad when he kills Desdemona, gives her a chance to pray and repent, saying ‘I would not kill thy soul’ (Othello 5.2.31–2). Samuel Johnson famously said that ‘his speech in which Hamlet, represented as a virtuous character, is not content with taking blood for blood, but contrives damnation for the man that he would punish, is too horrible to be read or to be uttered’.
So yes. It is a dreadful prospect for anyone who believes in a traditional Christian afterlife. 
The thing that bothers Hamlet, of course, is that Claudius himself killed Hamlet’s father while he was taking an afternoon nap (hence ‘full of bread’) and therefore not in a spiritual state. The fact that the Ghost says he is in purgatory, ‘confined to fast in fires / Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature / Are burnt and purged away’ (1.5.11-13) confirms that his journey is not straight to heaven (if we believe the Ghost). So, Hamlet comes to the conclusion that the only fair recompense is to kill Claudius when Claudius is in a state of sin:
When he is drunk, asleep or in his rage, Or in th'incestuous pleasure of his bed, At game a-swearing, or about some act That has no relish of salvation in't. Then trip him that his heels may kick at heaven And that his soul may be as damned and black As hell whereto it goes. (3.3.88-95)
The difference is that where Hamlet’s father’s sins are venial, Hamlet is almost certain Claudius’ sins are mortal, and will send him to hell. 
Part of the horror of what Hamlet is suggesting is that he becomes not just an earthly judge, a vigilante for justice (which is understandable to some extent), but also a judge of the destination of Claudius’ soul, deliberately giving Claudius no choice over his redemption. Not only does revenge itself go against God’s injunction ‘To me belongeth vengeance and recompence’ in Deuteronomy 32:35 (quoted by Paul in Romans 12:19), Hamlet is acting as the last judge in choosing where to send Claudius’ soul. Shakespeare isn’t shying away from the moral consequences of revenge, where the revenger is implicated in his actions, and ends up having to commit a crime as bad as the one he’s trying to punish. As I always say, Shakespeare’s plays are rarely just an individual issue: through Hamlet, he illustrates a much bigger problem with vengeance and injustice.
So while I see what you mean when you say that the tragedy is in Hamlet’s being too cruel, I think any such equation of the tragedy = x is never going to satisfy this play. And while I understand why people want to criticise Hamlet himself as the one to blame for everything (he overthinks; he’s a procrastinator; he’s cruel etc.), blaming one character misses the broader systemic issues that are responsible for Hamlet’s situation (see this post on this question). The play is called Hamlet, but Hamlet is not the play. 
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
001 - Tales of Zestiria?
Favorite character: It's a tough call between Maltran and Symonne, and Lunarre is trailing right behind both. I tend to call them the "Heldalf Squad," but make no mistake, Heldalf himself isn't part of it. I just like his swagalicious minions. The dry and sarcastic political manipulator, the sadistic and wordy theater nerd, and the flamboyant cannibal who hates everything. Yes. LOVE. But I have to give a shout to my boy Dezel on the hero side! Angsty/stoic characters are very hit-or-miss with me, but Dezel is the flavor I love - obvious soft spots and quirks, and slowly he builds from being antisocial to showing how big his heart is. When he stops the woman from leaping off the Guinevere tower...that's one of my favorite scenes in the entire game, because you can see when the switch flips, when he realizes that he CANNOT stay aloof any longer when there's a stranger's life on the line. He's still a grump about it but a compassionate grump.
Least Favorite character: Heldalf. His backstory is really clever, and I like the curse on him. But he himself just feels like Ganondorf but more boring. I kinda hate that he's so vanilla when his three lieutenants are in my arsenal of pet villains from the vastness of fiction. Also shout-out to Chancellor BART in the opening Ladylake act, because I distinctly remember liveblogging this to a friend, and I played Zestiria *after* Berseria (I'd loved Berseria and that's why I eventually sought out Zestiria) so here I am just comparing up the corrupt church in Ladylake to the Abbey's suave rogues gallery like "Yeah no BART has nothing on Lady Teresa Linares." Thankfully BART was never seen again.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): DezeRose, SorMik, Symonne x Coco Atarashi (The World Ends With You), Alisha Diphda x Sergei Strelka, and...I swear you have to bear with me here...Zaveid x Anna (Frozen). I also kinda wanna note a couple ships I'm on the fence about for my other favies - those being Maltran x Ebony Maw (Marvel Cinematic Universe or Marvel Ultimate Alliance) and Lunarre x Arkham (Devil May Cry).
Character I find most attractive: Dezel. It is a scientific fact that guys with pointy teeth are just hotter.
Character I would marry: Maybe Dezel, maybe Sergei. I wouldn't want to take them from those I see as their wifeys, but at the same time, they are husband goals, both of them.
Character I would be best friends with: Catch me clinging to Maltran's train and she drags me along annoyedly as I yell "PLEEEEAAASE LET ME HANG OUT WITH YOU GUYS" and Lunarre is losing it laughing while Symonne rolls her eyes
a random thought: So I toyed around with basically every accessory I picked up, and I decided to put the sideburns on Rose because fuck gender roles. Well then I just got used to seeing her with facial hair in every cutscene where her 3D model was used, and now I headcanon that she does get it. Maybe nonclassical CAH intersex? Like, I don't necessarily see her as trans (but I support everyone who hc's her as such) but moreso "a cis woman, but I grow this stupid damn facial hair like a dude and I don't get why." And this is why you shouldn't let me play with customizable accessories on RPG characters because I can and will abuse my privilege to headcanon.
An unpopular opinion: That this is actually a very good game. Listen, I think I get it - the initial marketing promised something far different. And that's disappointing. But coming back to it several years after its release, after the release of its PREQUEL, when I never had that hype building up...it actually exceeded my expectations. I held off from it for a while because I thought Eizen's fate would make me too sad, but that didn't end up the case at all. I actually had just come off playing a more recently-released triple-A game that was hyped up for years, and I completed it to my satisfaction in 20 hours. $80 for 20 hours. Zestiria gave me my money's worth in comparison; it took me about 60, and I loved just how MUCH story it had to offer me. I honestly like Rose better than Alisha anyway (Rose was one of the biggest aspects that interested me about playing it in the first place). I've also seen complaints that the characters weren't well-developed enough? Which I just kinda take to mean "They didn't angst enough." Listen. There are PLENTY of games out there if you want angst and sad stories. I don't really like sad stories in my games. I like adventures where the party is a goofy foundfam that jokes around with each other and helps each other work through shitty situations, and that's EXACTLY what I got. (And Berseria really worked on me too because it kinda started at the bottom of the angst barrel, then worked its way up through "The edgy and tortured protag has gained a party of idiots and oh noooooo she's learning friendship and happiness.") Dezel's death is one of the few game deaths that just made me SATISFIED to watch instead of depressed because of the closure he got and the themes tied into his final moments and sacrifice. I loved going on this adventure, I loved the idiots who I went on it with, and I loved seeing what Glenwood had to offer me in world design the further I explored.
my canon OTP: There's not much for canon romance in this game, come to think of it. Just subtext and some flirting. So I'm blanking on if there actually were any canon couples at all.
Non-canon OTP: DezeRose! Which maybe can be considered almost-canon based on the amount of subtext, but still. It's adorable. (And it's the exact same dynamic as EiRoku except M/F and a thousand years later. I need these four to double date...the dual-wielding goofs with their edgy, grumpy Reapers...)
most badass character: Rose! Not only able to wield the Shepherd's Armatization powers, but also to be a dang good assassin on her own, able to hold her own against Heldalf before she even had her eyes opened to seraphim! Though a shout-out goes to Edna because her armatization was my favorite to play with. There's something just satisfying about bashing the enemy in front of you with a pair of GIANT FISTS
pairing I am not a fan of: RoseAli. To be honest, it was at one point something I kinda enjoyed as a third-tier ship for Rose (Dezel first, then Lailah in second). But then...Alisha's Story. I didn't actually purchase it, thank goodness, just watched it on YouTube, and it was the most grating addition that anyone could've made to this game. First of all, I can sum up the issues with Alisha's Story by reminding everyone that it canonized a secret entrance to Camlann that was much easier to get to and wasn't protected by Muse's sacrifice. But the real thing that hurt to watch was how far down they had to knock Rose and Alisha's friendship to get them to rebuild from scratch. Rose claiming she was never Alisha's friend because she's grieving Sorey? The two of them getting into a PHYSICAL FISTFIGHT over it? Nope nope nope. That's not my Rose. Even less my Rose is that whole scene where she...you know...pounces on Alisha to dress her in the silly noblewoman's dress, and it's framed like...let's just say it's really uncomfortable to watch if you don't know the punchline is just a silly outfit. Even though Alisha's Story isn't canon in my head, it still really killed any buzz I had for RoseAli. I will also say I'm not a big fan of Eizavie - first of all, EiRoku or bust in this house, and second, I have a little bit of a hard time seeing Zaveid as mlm due to how much he goes on and on about The Ladies(TM). (Though I could see Eizen as having a tiny crush on him, though. Just like "Oh no he's hot but he's connected to Aifread's disappearance help")
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Mostly just in Alisha's Story. I was mad about the aforementioned Rose stuff, but also...like...they undid Lunarre's original cathartic death, they did so to team him back up with Symonne and then do a whole fakeout that they had Maltran with them too, but Maltran is just an illusion and immediately after this, Lunarre and Symonne just decide "Yeah, we're not gonna work together anymore, have a nice life." Why does Maltran need to stay dead if LUNARRE somehow survived EXPLODING? And just...look to next question for more clarification:
favourite friendship: I just want to imagine that Maltran, Lunarre, and Symonne were weird evil friends. The kind who'd take artistic selfies and caption them "Murder and mayhem with my besties!". Maybe they even had a sibling dynamic. They were all pretty dang jaded, so I like to think they sat around sometimes talking about the things in this world that did them wrong. The reasons they were drawn to Heldalf. Heldalf himself wouldn't have cared, he would've kicked them around like disposable tools, but the three of them were too entrenched in his dogma to see it. Maybe if they met up again after he was off the board...then they'd sing a different tune. Realize they're all three better than this, and now they're gonna do things THEIR way, because remember when they made a three-point attack on Glenwood and Sorey was barely able to keep up with them wrecking Lastonbell AND Pendrago AND Glaivend? Remember when Lunarre and Symonne had each other's backs the night Dezel died? Now they can do what they want on their terms! And I just - I have many MANY feelings about these three.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Okay silly self-insert time but the thing is, Archibald Snatcher (The Boxtrolls) and Roman Torchwick (RWBY) are my two favorite parental f/o's (and also my OTP to end all OTPs), and I have this thing about how they'd be PERFECT crime dads to Symonne in particular because she's like a little, more theatrical Neopolitan. So there's a universe in my head where Symonne is basically already my little sister, and I look out for her - well, okay, she's a seraph with powerful Artes and I am a powerless mortal so really she looks out for me because "I suppose SOMEONE has to make sure you don't die" and I am grateful to her for it.
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thoushallnotfall · 4 years
Hi! Would you say David was obsessed with Michael or had real feelings for him? I saw a girl talking once about how David, even after his brothers getting killed, still talks to Michael to "stop fighting him" and still asks him to join them. I was thinking about that and I wondered if this was just a form to David to tricky him again or he was really trying to convince Michael to give up and stay with him? And if so, would it be because of feelings or because he hates to not get what he wants?
Real talk? 100% honest opinion? David is a repressed bisexual wreck and this movie is as gay as the Fourth of July.
Now I feel like I’ve touched on this a little bit in some of these previous “deep dive” questions (thank you guys so much for continuing to send me these I swear I am on cloud nine right now) but honestly what I personally feel the characters themselves would realistically do/feel/how they would react to things as real beings with complex emotions/backstories, and how this 1h 38m horror/comedy movie treats their reactions are not the same thing.
Look, as much as we love the characters and as writers and fans have expanded on them as much as we can and actually care about them as individual characters with like, actual thoughts and feelings--they’re the monster antagonists of the film. This was also the 80s. They’re not really meant to have complex motivations. 
Even when I read the prequel script Schumacher literally cares so little about developing the personalities of the other lost boys that aren’t David he just kind of throws their names in at random when they have to talk, and I know that because at the end when the fifth lost boy that was just in the prequel script had died, they still gave him a line postmortem because they literally don’t care who says the line--they just plug their names in at random. 
All the personality we get for the other boys comes 100% from the actors, from how they developed their characters. Yes, they get direction and I’m sure Schumacher had an idea of what he wanted for each one, but I think it was only at a surface level (I would murder someone for a copy of Lost in the Shadow so I could read more about this, but c'est la vie). They’re background props in the movie; I mean I don’t even remember hearing Dwayne’s name in the movie. He’s got like, maybe three lines? One of which we all just choose to ignore as writers because it’s so out of character for him. (I cringe whenever I get to that scene in the movie every. single. time) It took the actors actually caring about their roles and trying to develop them further for us to be able to pick up on all the little things and wring out what personality we can from their performances.
So as far as the David/Michael dynamic. I would say David 100% has feelings for Michael. No doubt in my mind. This movie is gay to the max. I already talked about the reasoning behind David changing Michael in relation to Max. I think he brought him into the cave with the intention of having Michael be Star’s first kill, but I think David and the boys genuinely enjoyed hanging out with/messing with Michael and on a whim David changed his mind and decided to turn him. But if we’re being real I think David was repressing a mad crush he was forming on Michael at the same time.
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That is the face of a conflicted bisexual man who’s suddenly realizing, “Oh no, he’s hot.” I don’t make the rules.
Seriously though, I think David genuinely had feeling for Michael. It’s not like David and the boys hang out with other guys on a regular basis aside from each other, and I see their relationship with each other in a more brotherly way rather than sexual, particularly when you look at their relationship from the prequel script (are you guys tried of me talking about the prequel script yet?). So for David, this would be the first time in probably 80ish years that he’s actually just hung out and had fun with another guy that wasn’t one of his brothers. He’s probably feeling a lot of repressed feelings coming to the surface and Michael’s a good time, so why not? Plus he’s a snack. So I agree with the movie on this part, I think David would have gone through with turning him for his own reasons (not because of Max).
But after his brothers were killed I don’t think David would have still been trying to recruit him. I think the movie is sincere in this line though.
I think movie!David is still trying to get Michael on his side, most likely because of Max (again, from my previous post, I really think the secret villain reveal hurt the characters in the movie more than it helped) because Max still wants Michael to join them because he wants Lucy. 
I think if we’re being fair to the character though, no matter how heartless people might think David is, even when it comes to the other lost boys, (I’ve talked about that too) he’s not. This is an 80s horror movie, this is before the villains/monsters were allowed to be complex and have real feelings (fun fact: that tear David sheds in the movie after Marko dies and the Frogs/Sam flee the cave? It was actually because the glass contacts Kiefer had to wear. You could only keep those things in your eyes for like 5 minutes before they dried your eyes out really bad, hence the tear; but Schumacher liked that it fit the scene so he kept it in the movie. That’s the only reason we get even an inkling of emotion from them post-Marko death.) so we don’t get to see the complexity of his character as much as we’d like. I do think Kiefer, the absolute king he is, really did an amazing job of trying to throw in a lot of layers to the character. 
So to wrap up my rant here, I personally think there are two answers to your question.
I think, in the movie, David is genuinely still trying to get Michael to join him. Whether it be for Max’s benefit or not I can’t say, but I think, for the sake of the movie, yeah, that’s what that scene was trying to do. I think movie!David is totally crushing on Michael and that’s why he turns him, but I don’t think that has anything to do with why he’s still trying to get him to join after the boys are dead. Pretty sure that ship sailed; it’s all business now.
But if this character was allowed to exist outside the sphere of a 90 minute movie? If he was allowed to deviate from furthering the agenda of the “secret villains” plot? No. No way in hell would David still be okay with Michael after what he’d done to his boys. He’d being flaying him alive. 
Thank you so much for the question! It was such a good one! ❤️ Feel free to send me any more! I am always down to answer these kinds of questions. (I’m genuinely surprised anyone actually want me opinion on this stuff. It’s bonkers. You guys are amazing.)
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 295: So How Are You Holding Up (Because I’m a Potato)
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi randomly and graciously decided to answer all of our long-standing questions about Mr. Compress, including “is he secretly hot,” “is he secretly related to that Robin Hood thief guy,” and “is he ever going to use his quirk to chain chomp a hole right through his ass??” with the answer to all three being “yes, of course.” As for our follow-up questions, “sir, is Mr. Compress going to die,” and “holy shit,” his answers were, respectively, “wait and see,” and, “I understand, really I do, but that isn’t actually a question.” Well, he’s got us there.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi finally ends the War arc with the speed and grace of an overworked college student scrambling to BS their entire midterm essay with five minutes left before the deadline. Deku’s Spidey Sense is all “what up, I exist, p.s. you’re in danger kid” like oh shit, no, you think?? Compress is all “I’m not gonna die but I am going to pass out and be captured” and honestly, at this point I’ll take it. Spinner is all “Tomura you can have this one last Souvenir Hand I found that was in the oven for too long” and slaps it on his face because HE’S JUST TRYING TO BE HELPFUL, SHUT UP. Dabi is all, “[currently in a marble].”Tomura is all “actually, I’m AFO.” AFO is all “hahahahaha” and summons all of the remaining Noumus to cart him and Spinner and Dabi off to safety. Deku is all “DAMMIT TOMURA I’M REALLY MAD AT YOU FOR KILLING, AND I QUOTE, ‘AN UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE’, BUT AT THE SAME TIME, GET THIS, I TOTALLY WANT TO SAVE YOU TOO! LMAO ISN’T THAT WILD.” Fandom is all “OH MY GOD, NO WAY, is what we would say if we had literally never met Deku before, I guess.” And then the arc just ends, lol. See you in the new year, kids.
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no you didn’t pass out because of a ~heatwave~, you passed out because he set you on fire while you were out here shooting Blackwhip out of your mouth with your SPINDLY ACCORDION LIMBS dangling uselessly from you like WINDCHIMES you RIDICULOUS BOY
“where’s Todoroki-kun” oh shiiiiiiit. right. god I hope someone caught him. BAKUGOU OWES HIM A FAVOR, HOW ‘BOUT IT
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Todoroki Shouto has really highkey been the MVP of the entire fourth quarter of this arc. he deserves the world, and odds are all Horikoshi’s going to give him are lasting trauma, and a souvenir shirt that says “I survived this stupid arc and all I got was this t-shirt”
anyway now Deku’s being hit by a Lightning Bolt of Realization or some such? idk what’s going on, but I bet you it’s related to Tomura waking up again
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LOL WHAT. THAT’S IT?? SPIDEY-SENSE?? I mean we all predicted Spidey-Sense being one of his quirks like ages ago, so Well Done, Us, I guess
but also, seriously?? all of that drama and intrigue about the fourth user’s quirk and this is what we end up with? what was All Might being so cagey about then? how did this dude die? I need answers goddammit. new, better answers lol
maybe it’s something to do with the fact that Deku keeps talking about how his head hurts?
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I mean, for Deku of all people to be all “ouch that hurts”, it must really fucking hurt, you know? like oh my god Deku are you dying
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this man is out here FROLICKING, half-naked and half-torsoed, AND STILL FEVERISHLY RATTLING OFF HIS MONOLGOUE. YOU HAVEN’T EVEN ESCAPED YET YOU DINGUS. did watching Dabi pour bleach over his head inspire you to think of interesting new ways you could abuse your own body for the sake of Theatrics?? why are villains Like This
anyway so now Mirio’s punching him, because what else are you even supposed to do in this situation
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I read this speech bubble three times in a row very carefully this time around just to make sure I was reading the words right. and then looked for a T/L note below. and there was none. whatever RHA, at least you all are out here enjoying yourselves
wait what?
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I guess he hasn’t woken up yet after all?? so then wtf is Deku’s Spidey Sense getting all worked up about. I mean to be fair there’s danger all around them still so having a Spidey Sense in this kind of situation is kind of like bringing a smoke alarm to a BBQ
now what
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wait did he put them back in the marble?? or is that panel just meant to show us how they were in the marble earlier?? Horikoshi please make this less confusing, I’m already having trouble staying focused as it is. and on top of everything else Compress is cascading blood like Niagara Falls right now and I’m starting to wonder if you really are going to kill him off
anyway so Mirio is still in mid-punch, and now he’s reaching out to punch Spinner with his other hand. heh. Mirio please be careful Tomura is right there, and I swear to god Horikoshi IF HE LAYS A HAND ON HIS SWIRLY BLOND HEAD SO HELP ME I WILL MAIL YOU A VIAL OF MY TEARS
okay seriously what the hell is happening
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when you attach?? everyone?? to your body?? whose body?? who is this??
oh wait okay it’s a flashback to Tomura talking about his Hands
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lmao this is so disjointed, I can’t tell what’s a flashback and what isn’t and whose thoughts these are lmao I give up. I’m just going to fire up a bunch of question marks until this starts making some goddamn sense. ???????
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-- !!!!!!!!!!!
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okay hold up. so did Spinner just slap Tomura’s last remaining Signature Fashion Hand onto his face just now for absolutely no reason?? is that what’s going on?? and fuck me but it actually worked too, lmao. is your buddy unconscious and unresponsive to stimuli?? no problem, just slap ‘em in the face with a burnt and shriveled severed hand. works every time
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ohhhhhh, okay. so this is AFO’s narration
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and that’s a partial answer to the question of “why did AFO bother raising Tomura up as his heir if he was planning on taking over his body the whole time.” apparently it makes it easier to control him. joy :’)
also this image of a potato wearing a Tomura wig is sending me fjkllkhl
oh my god he summoned all the Noumu to him like Aquaman and his sea creatures. this whole situation just keeps on getting better
-- oh hell no. oh fuck me, fucking shit
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oh my god. I fucking hate everything right now oh my god
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fucking great!! so I guess nobody is getting a happy ending today, then. the heroes got their asses handed to them (sorry Compress, it’s a figure of speech, didn’t mean to be disrespectful); Deku and Kacchan died; Shouto’s evil brother came back from the dead to ruin his life; everyone and their dog lost various limbs; and the villains have now lost Twice (dead), Compress and Machia (presumably going to be captured), and now their fearless leader’s body has been completely taken over by AFO, which is such an unsexy development that it managed to completely undo all of the Mr. Compress Sexiness from last week. goddamn it
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up close Hadou’s face is looking pretty rough. :/ that’s going to scar over isn’t it. at least she’ll look like a badass
meanwhile I appreciate that Horikoshi drew what looks to be a little puff of air next to Kacchan’s mouth, just to reassure us all that he’s not actually dead. that’s fine. you just lie there then. also his wound really is in the exact same place as All Might’s and it’s giving me all kinds of feels you guys but whatever I’m not gonna sit here dwelling on it all day
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“peace out, loser.” “SHUT YOUR TRAP, HO.” quality encounter right here
anyway so he’s blasting Deku with something and Deku’s just flying back all unconscious-like. so then, what even was the point of all that, huh
oh I see, it was to lead us into one last Deku monologue to close this arc out
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oh my god Deku if you say you’re going to save him I will turn around and do a cannonball into a ballpit of feels right now, don’t do this to me
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by the way I just have to point out here, that after all of those impossibly pretty close-ups of Hawks’s unconscious face, Horikoshi really did my child dirty here lmao
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he looks like a squished cockroach. THAT’S MY BABY BOY
and it looks like the cavalry is finally on its way too! took them long enough. so I guess they can take care of any of the remaining Noumu stragglers, but first let Deku finish his speech. listen up Deku I really need you to say something cool and iconic to cap off this thus-far admittedly underwhelming Last Chapter Of The Year, here
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well he thought the thing, anyway. close enough. I’ll take it!
so this is really the end of the arc then! or at least I hope, good lord. anyways, all right then so let’s do a quick status check:
it looks like the Noumu are hauling Tomura and Spinner away to safety, but it doesn’t look like they managed to save Machia or Compress. this honestly might be in Compress’s best interests though. the heroes can get him some medical help along with Kacchan and Endeavor and everyone else
Dabi is apparently hidden inside Spinner’s scarf, but do they have any way of releasing him without Compress there to undo the quirk? will he be all right in there. like how is he going to get food and water and air and stuff lol. does it wear off after a bit? can Compress undo it when he wakes up, even if he’s in custody? is there a distance limit on it?
and Skeptic was presumably turned into a marble as well, but Compress didn’t bother mentioning him at all. nobody cares about poor Skeptic lol
and bonus AFO theories status check:
Dad for One - AFO called Deku worthless and hasn’t seemed to take the least bit of interest in him despite getting to see his fancy SIXQUIRKS up close and personal. so if he is his dad he sure as heck is a terrible one, that’s all I can say
All for One for All/Deku is a horcrux - well the Spidey Sense seems to offer an alternative explanation to why Deku could sense AFO’s presence, but on the other hand it doesn’t explain why AFO was able to sense Deku’s as well (seeing his dreams and such). still thinking there’s a connection there, guys, idk
AFO is the final villain - five words for you: “EVERYTHING IS FOR MY SAKE.” is that concrete enough yet lol. pretty sure this arc marked both the beginning and end of Tomura’s brief stint as the Big Bad. Deku’s got it in his mind to save him now somehow, and we all know what happens when Deku starts getting determined to save people. look out AFO
as for the heroes, they’re all varying degrees of Fucked and I think it’s honestly too much to even take stock of at this point. maybe if I get a rush of hyperfixation in the next couple days or so I’ll do a separate post analyzing the impact of this arc and where things currently stand and where they might be headed from here
but in the meantime, ngl, this chapter was kind of a hot mess lmao. but whatever, I don’t even care because at least he managed to get all of it done within the allotted 17 pages, meaning that next week (or rather two weeks from now, sob) we really can get moving onto the aforementioned Triage arc! BRING ON THAT ANGST. I am so fucking hyped goddammit
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monst · 4 years
ya know... its almost new year... and theres no better way to spend the last moments of the decade than with the league of villains and our chaotic family! pretty please??
Well it is New year’s day so here ya go :P
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A New kind of Madness:
Lov of villains that make an appearance – Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Spinner, Kurogiri, Twice, Compress, and you!
This probably won’t make sense if you haven’t read Thanksgiving with the LOV or Christmas with the LOV.
Warnings: More shenanigans, More crack, Suggestive comments? Cursing and crude/dark joke ^.^ dumbassery. I wonder will your family and league family start off right this year???
                 To say you felt more deeply connected with the league was an understatement. After they had spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with you and your family it seemed as thought you guys were bonded intimately. And, everyone seemed to be in a much better mood. You thought it was because they we’re finally eating better as you had kept your end of the promise and, started making them food.
               Mr. Compress had managed to find your uncle a job and your Aunt… Well your aunt now loved to hang out at the pub with you all…. It was awkward at first. You saw a lot more of Spinner that was for sure. Dabi… Well after what happened with your female cousins’ friend you thought that they would never be down to fuck again. Apparently not... It was amusing how your villain family was mixing with your blood family.
               Things were running so smoothly that you actually didn’t mind them coming over for New Year’s Eve. But you wished they would have shown at least some enthusiasm about it. “So, Guys your all invited to my Fam’s apartment for New Year’s!” The responses were a combination of “We know” and “Your aunt already invited us” “I was gonna go anyways.” Yup they were very comfy with your family….
               When you got home that day you received the usual commentary. “Did you bring the weed?” For the last time no. “I keep telling you to dress sexier how are you going to attract the heir if you don’t use your assets!” I’m not trying to seduce the leader of the league of villains. LEAGUE OF VILLAINS DAMMIT!! We run serious business it’s not a fucking social club! “Ew your trying to attract that rat? Just spread yourself open I bet he’ll come running. No class, and fucking nasty, he’s perfect for you (Name)!” Fuck you, cheap ass whore.
               Just as you were removing your jacket the door was being knocked upon. It surprised you as the members had always arrived a bit late. You opened the door to see Toga, Twice, Dabi and Sinner. You had told them that they had arrived a bit early but none of them seemed to mind easily making themselves at home. Spinner went to sneak up on your male cousin who was playing a game on his phone.  When the lizard like man had kissed his cheek, your cousin let out a high-pitched shriek the likes man kind had never heard before. Spinner was then met with hostility from your flustered cousin who punched the cosplayer’s arm.
               Toga and Twice had already claimed the remote and were shifting through channels on the television. “Oooo Let’s watch this one~” “No I want to watch this one. You picked a shitty show.” There bickering was quickly settled when they saw a horror comedy start. Dabi on the other hand…. You looked round the apartment for him. You could hear that he wasn’t with your other cousin but that also meant you didn’t know where he was.
               It was then that you put two and two together. Your uncle was also missing. With an annoyed groan you called out your uncle’s name. He replied with a choked up ‘What?’. You really hoped that they weren’t doing what you thought they were doing. The noise had emanated from the fire escape and Lord knows you were a bit hesitant to peek outside. You didn’t want to be scarred. “W-what are you two doing out there?”
               “Smoking a blunt what else would we be doing?” Your uncle replied. “Yeah, He’s not my type.” Dabi puffed leaning his head inside the window to blow out a ring into your face. You waved it away with a frown. “I swear if the neighbors call the cops on you one more time!” You heard your aunt yell as she stomped her way over. She held up a spatula to their faces threatingly “If both of you don’t put that shit out right now, we’re going to have a problem.”
               “Shut the fuck up sis you never had a problem with it before.” You uncle scowled. “Didn’t we smoke one together three days ago.” “That’s different you buffoon, today we’re welcoming the New Year right!! That and we can’t have the place smelling like this when our esteemed RICH friends come over.” You did a double take on the word friends. You wanted to comment on how wrong that was, but you held your tongue. It seemed as though It hit Dabi different and he didn’t comment either.
               It was then that the door was knocked upon once more. And, when you opened it, it was your ‘esteemed rich’ Boss, his ward and the ‘fancy’ Mr. Compress. Needless to say, your aunt was catering to them immediately. She shot you a look and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. You wondered when they were going to break the façade and finally tell her that they weren’t wealthy. But, seeing the way Kurogiri and Mr. Compress basked in the praise you didn’t think they’d spill any time soon. -.-
               “So, when are we eating.” You couldn’t help the smile that touched your lips. Shiragaki always came for the food. Not that you were complaining as it was good to see him fill out some. He looked much healthier and, not that you were looking but was he getting even more attractive? You liked his nasty rat appearance but, his clean cut gentleman look was messing with your pulse….. You didn’t like your boss…. You wouldn’t give your aunt the satisfaction.
               Now that all of you were gathered your aunt called everyone for dinner. And, as usual Shiragaki sat next to you. You heart felt strange. And, your face felt hot. ‘I must be getting sick. Or is my body warning me of what’s to come’ You thought in horror your body tensing. ‘That must be it!’ You narrowed your eyes at the biggest troublemakers, Dabi and your Uncle.  They were eating in unnatural silence. Not a single word or snide comment..
               “(Name) dear are you alright?” Your aunt asked. Various pairs of eyes landed on your form. “You look a bit sick.” Spinner mused. “Big sis are you alright?” Toga asked in concern. “Your look a bit dizzy.” Mr. Compress added. “(Name).” You looked to Shiragaki who had addressed you and you noticed there were two of him…. Two? You groaned groggily clutching your head. You glared at your snickering cousin. “Seriously.” You seethed. “You two were in on this right!” You hissed glaring at the two figures of Dabi and your Uncle.
               “I’m gonna fucking kill you!” You raged grabbing your butter knife and lunging at him. Your feet stomped into the green salad on the table and you tripped. Landing face first into Twice’s lap. “Oh, shit are you okay! What the fuck are you doing!” Dabi and you uncle shared a look of confusion. And your uncle spoke “It wasn’t us. I don’t fuck with that hard shit.” Your attention fell on your female cousin as Twice helped you to your feet patting your head reasurringly.
               “It was you!” You hissed. “(Name)! please” Your aunt chided “Control yourself. I am so sorry for her behavior I don’t know what’s gotten into her!” You raised your fist but before you could land a hit on your cousin’s face your male cousin caught your arm and sighed. Your female cousin was lost in a fit of hysterics “You know exactly what’s going on.” She snickered looking to you and your male cousin. Your eyes widened in realization. “What’s going on?” Kurogiri asked. “(Name) just realized she has a crush on someone.” She smirked.
               Dabi snorted incredulously “So she acts batshit crazy when she’s got the hots for someone.” “Who is it!!” Toga chirped. It was then that you heard many shouts asking you who was the lucky person who made you ruin the salad. You grumbled in embarrassment. “Shut up and, let’s just eat.” You sighed. With great reluctance they stopped. Well they stopped because “I’m trying to eat in peace.” Yeah.. No one wanted to see Shigaraki turn everything and everyone into ash…. As for your family your aunt told them through a gritty smile “Respect the important company.”
               ….You couldn’t believe that you were the cause of chaos this time. After dinner everyone split off and you had decided to mope on the couch. “GUYS!!” Your female cousin yelled. “Were five minutes away!!”  “Seriously?!?!” You sputtered. “Duh?!?! Hurry up let’s all head to the roof!!” You let everyone go up before you so that you could lock the door. You were feeling better and you were excited that both of your families were here to celebrate. Just as you opened the door to the roof you felt someone tug you off to the side.
               “I’ve never celebrated New Year’s what do you do.” Shiragaki asked. “Uh well you just cheer?” Now that you thought of it New Year’s was kind of hard to explain. “It’s a New Year a chance for new things and we just celebrate that we get to see it. If that makes sense.” He didn’t look very into it but he stood by your side when your cousin squealed three minutes. “we should kiss.”
               You made a noise incomprehensible to man. You looked to Shigaraki your jaw on the ground. “W-what??” You squeaked. “Spinner said it’s something people do.” He shrugged. “B-but do you even know w-what that means??” “No. Did he lie to me is it not something people do.” He shrugged. “No, I mean yes I- Well yes people kiss on New Year’s but it’s only with people they like or their significant other.” You explained your heart racing a mile a minute. “Who do you have a crush on. Shouldn’t you be by their side when the clock strikes twelve.”
               “You know don’t you…” You sighed bringing your hands to cover your face. He didn’t reply as a matter of fact he didn’t think it was him, you had just told him, and he wasn’t sure how to respond. “Thirty seconds left!!!” Someone yelled. You both stood in awkward silence. “Ten seconds!!” He brought his hand up to your chin to turn you to his direction. Your eyes widened as he leaned in. “Five seconds!!” His nose brushed against yours. “Three.” Closer “Two” His scarred lips brushed against yours “One”
               “HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!”
               “Oh, Shit!! there fucking kissing!!!!” Twice yelled. “I knew she liked that ratty ass guy!” Your female cousin laughed. “Yes!!!!” Your aunt yelled. “You’re not gonna fuck on the roof right!??” And the moment was ruined……
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bunnylouisegrimes · 4 years
Spoilers, so be ready. Also, this one might be a little longer than my other ones, so just be aware.
This episode was both good and bad, at least for me. Let’s start off with all the bad and get that out of the way:
For starters, Bing’s sudden “I’m so high and moral, I’m so above Charlie, boo hoo he used me” narrative I swear... he’s so annoying. Gtfo with that shit Bing. You’re a rapist literal motherfucker. Charlie uses assholes like you for his benefit and kid’s benefit, then you die in the end, it’s what you deserve. I did love the nod to Dewey Hansom from the book and comic in this episode tho. Dewey was a rapist himself and if I remember correctly, he did stuff to kids, and Charlie made sure he got his in the end too. I guess this attitude Bing had did lead to his eventual downfall, but still... doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying lol.
A question I had, a friend on here had, and I’m sure we all had was: did Charlie get raped by Bing or... what? I mean, at the time, it was implied, based on what Bing said to him which was extremely creepy, but we didn’t know because his body got dragged away like nothing ever happened. Plus, it cut to what happened to him in his childhood around this time (my opinions on his childhood in a moment). The answer is: No, Charlie was not raped by Bing. He was about to be raped by him, but was not. Here is the screenshot from my friend who asked the writer of the episode:
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So no, Charlie was not! Thank God... Of course, hitting him was not good, and what happened to him as a child was not good at all, but this would’ve made things a lot worse both writing wise and in regards to Charlie. Credit to @welcometochristmasland for asking the writer, thank you so much for clarifying this for everyone!
I’m especially relieved by this not just because I’m a Charlie fan girl, but this reason: Charlie getting raped AGAIN in his life, and especially by that fucker, would be so unneeded and stupid. There would be no point to that other than shock value filler. Not to mention, wouldn’t it make things extremely awkward between Vic and Charlie? Despite what’s happening with Wayne, I mean, she was almost raped by Bing herself, and if Charlie actually were in this scenario... that would be pretty awkward between the two, right? I know if I were Vic and I found out about that, I would feel pretty awkward, even if he had my kid, because rape is way too strong a punishment over this. We already know Bing is worse than Charlie, you wouldn’t have to show it through this, and thank God the show did not. I was gonna be real angry over that... of course, there is one thing that unexpectedly made me angry at this episode...
I don’t know what the writers’ problem is with Charlie’s backstory and the women in his life hurting him. They don’t make them saints, but they make them out to be like, “Oh, look at us, we love you and we point out your flaws, and you hurt us.” You know what Charlie’s mother and wife said to him all those years ago according to the comic book that reveals his backstory? They told him how much he drained them of their happiness and youth. No shit Charlie has such a distrust in women! He’s been told by his own mother and first wife, who he broke an arm and a leg for how much just to support the family, that he’s worthless. This leads him to snap! His mom wouldn’t have cared he was raped. She hated him. She told him, when he was forced to sleep in a coffin in the back of the inn and mortuary they lived in, that he belonged in one, so it served him right to sleep in one. Real loving mother of the year, am I right? Again, she still wasn’t a saint in the show, but Charlie going off at her like that was just... WHAT??? NO. And making Charlie groom other kids uknowingly while he’s groomed himself? I really don’t like this, and it’s even worse that Charlie gets more mad at his mom and not so much himself in this situation. He blames himself, but moreso blames his mom. Just... why?
In the comic, the guy who hurt Charlie as a kid was a random guy. He was kicked out of the inn and mortuary for hurting his mom while he was her customer. She points out that maybe a woman doesn’t satisfy him, and boy, is she right, because the fucker follows Charlie as he’s walking up a hill to play with his sled, and rapes Charlie. Charlie gets away, his abilities start to unlock just a bit once his head hits a tree, he kills the rapist, goes back into town, kills his mom, and kills one of the owners of the inn and mortuary (probably because he was trying to stop Charlie, and little boy Charlie has snapped). After this, Charlie leaves and ends up in Kansas. He has little no memory of this.
Now, did the episode show us his mom’s neglectful behavior by leaving her son midway through a little show he was doing to sleep around? Yes. Did they show his abilities unlock after his rape and him killing her? Yes. Did they show him get raped in the first place, and is it still horrible? Yes to both. And I think it was a good change in the show to make the man someone Charlie trusted instead of a random guy (its both equal in how horrible and wrong it is, but the fact it was someone he trusted is even more shocking, I think, but the good kind of shocking, not some cheap useless bullshit).
But similar to Charlie’s backstory with Cassie, the writers seemed to have skimmed through the comic and not understand the point: Not only does sexual assault as a child fuel Charlie’s trauma and pain, but so does the feelings of uselessness he felt from his mother hurting him and his wife hurting him. I get it, you want to make Charlie out to be the big bad, but he already is with the questionable ways he saves kids. His backstory is meant to be the place where you see his softer side, not see more of his bad. You see his softness, but then the show turns around and says, “ReMeMbEr, hE’s StIlL tHe BaD gUy.” We get it, writers! Now can you please stop making him unsympathetic? There is that side of him that people need to understand! That’s what makes his character so genius!
Slightly off topic, but I thought of something briefly: I can’t help but feel the show is maybe doing this not only because they really want to make it out like “Charlie’s so evil and if you like his sad backstory and understand him, you’re just wrong UWU), but maybe it’s also because they don’t want to talk about a male victim of abuse story. Of course, yes, they did it with him being raped as a child, and I’m glad that they still covered the topic of a male victim of sexual abuse, especially sexual child abuse. Showing how awful that is is important, and I think they handled that aspect well. However, Charlie is also a child abuse victim with his mother, and a domestic violence victim with his wife. Why wouldn’t they want to show a child abuse victim, and a domestic violence survivor (and a male one at that!) in a way that is important and well handled too? They didn’t make a PSA out of it, no, and they wouldn’t make PSAs out of the other things either, that’s not what I’m saying. But by showing these things in media, it’s important. It raises awareness of these issues that happen in our world, and who knows, it could help somebody find something to relate to. Think of the movie Kill Bill: the movie brings up people, especially women, getting raped in comas. It’s a problem, it happens to people, and Tarantino brought that up. It wasn’t in a PSA fashion, but he still showed you that something as awful as that could happen and does happen in our world. So what’s the problem, writers? Why couldn’t you explore these things with Charlie? Is it because he is a man, so exploring women hurting men is “wrong?”
Because let me tell you all: If Charles were Charlotte, and she were abused by her father and husband the same way as Charles was in the comic and book, I think the writers would praise this concept. “She has a distrust for men because of how much they hurt her in life! She’s a genius villain!” And don’t get me wrong: Charlotte would be. And men abusing women happens way more often than the other way around, it’s still absolutely wrong, and I would fully support Charlotte as a villain. I wouldn’t like her in that way as I do Charles because I’m straight, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy Charlotte Manx as a character and love her genius writing. But here comes Charles, a man abused by women... oh no! We can’t discuss that! Why not? What’s this double standard crap?
I’d like to reiterate that this is only a possible theory for why the writers made these choices, not an official reason. I’m not trying to accuse them of pulling a double standard, I’m just throwing that idea out there as a general, “is this why, because you’re not really giving a reason why.” And before anyone twists my words: Abuse of any kind, regardless of sexes involved, is wrong. I think female abuse stories should be told, and I think male abuse stories should be told, both in real life and in the fictional realm. I am a bit disappointed they did not do the full potential and exploration of Charlie’s very tragic backstory that they had in regards to his relationship with his mother and wife.
Now that I’ve let out my ranting, the positives of this episode:
Bing getting bird shit in his mouth in the beginning was hilarious. What happens to him in the end was fabulous. Charlie’s final words to him and how he left him to rot... oh how wonderful it was! And Charlie’s words to Bing throughout this whole episode were just... excellent. Obviously it was hard to watch him get beaten, but he had quite the guts to still try to trick him. His truthful words to Bing that made him stop when he was about to rape him, and his words to Bing after stabbing him were just... I think the best lines Charlie has said out of the whole series so far. His bad assery shines in this episode.
I find it fascinating how Charlie’s fears are outside of Christmasland and locked in that house. Despite all the nonsense with Cassie’s character I’ve discussed before and how she is not the abuser she is in the book and comic, and how important it is to discuss it and portray it, I do like Millie exploring herself. I suppose her mother does kinda have to be involved to help Millie explore herself, so I guess there is something good coming out of this, even if the take away is an aspect of Charlie being ruined and made less sympathetic when it should be.
Wayne and Craig’s interaction is really sweet, I’m glad he’s here and helping him. The comparison between Millie and her mom and Wayne and his dad is really good, I do like that. And Wayne saving Charlie, I was like HELL YES!!!! You’re doing good and you don’t even realize it, kid!
All in all: there was a part I was about to hate in this episode that was confirmed to not be there by the writer of it (Thank God), there was something I actually do hate about this episode, and then there are a few things I love about this episode. It was definitely interesting. You feel horrible for Charlie, you hate Bing even more, you feel glad he gets what he deserves, and the exploration with Millie and Wayne is good. If you’re like me and you really want Charlie’s backstory to be as it was in book form in regards to his relationship with his mother (and with his wife, quite a few episodes before) because it makes more sense, allows better exploration of concepts in our real world, and allows you to understand Charlie better, you won’t like his backstory entirely even as he was a kid. But if you can look past all that, there’s really no sour taste that will be left in your mouth, except for pity for Charlie (but most of us, if not all of us, feel that for him, that’s obvious, it’s horrible what happened to him).
Sorry this one was very long, thank you for reading till the end if you have! I hope you enjoyed it!
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tonya-the-chicken · 4 years
I wrote this post some time ago as a reply to someone and now I somehow want to post it again with some changes lol
TW: mentions of murder, referenced canon abuse and swearing
Let’s talk about redemption arcs and people’s overwhelming desire to punish fictional characters for what they did... Inspired by Endeavor hate ngl... I mostly speak about fictional charcters in this post so pllease, don’t go dumb and understand that fictional characters and irl people should be treated differently
I think sometimes people don`t understand why punishment exists in our society at all. Like, why couldn`t we just forgive? Why punishment is needed? Oh, I would like to talk about behavioural psychology, but it is kinda creepy so instead let`s remember what my teacher of LAWS said(idk what you call it in your bitchass America)
Punishment basically serves two functions:
Preventative (show others and a person that they can’t just get away with their deeds). Like, if you knew that there are no negative consequences, wouldn`t you do it? Wouldn`t you kill the old lady?
Correction and all work with a person in general (for example, you can be forced to go through some psychological help)
Also, I lied there’s one more: compensation. Like, if you stole something, then bring money back, you little shit. Or pay for therapy for your victim
So when we put it into stories and so popular nowadays redemption arcs (which I fucking adore if they are done correctly) we have 4 points out of this 3 cause the first one can be put into two
Character is punished to show others that this is not something you should do (it’s a kinda societal thing and has nothing to do with character in particular. This point in general is not interesting because it doesn’t drives changes in person by itself)
Character is punished so he himself would think twice before doing this shit again (we can’t know if person’s remorse is genuine so it’s better to simply scare them. But I can allow skipping this point if person’s remorse is clealy shown to be genuine and we as readers understand that. That’s probably the big distinction we, as readers, should see: while irl we never know persons true motives, work of fiction can provide them to us clearly)
Character changes and understands what is wrong in what he has done (the part of redemption we all love and enjoy)
Characters work hard to correct or atone for their mistakes
As we can see first two bullets has nothing to do with character development and serve for the purpose of maintaining order. The third one IS a character development and the last one is what makes people actually forgive horrible actions and not go ape shit I guess. But for some of us nothing is enough, isn`t it?
And there is one more shit that is often in redemption arcs and that shit is great and I fucking love it
Explanation of the character’s behaviour, their reasoning and motivation
I truly enjoy reading about WHY characters behave a certain way but people, remember, SAD BACKSTORY IS NEVER AN EXCUSE FOR YOUR ACTIONS. Same goes to your mental problems and hard life situation. The fact that behaviour can be explained doesn’t mean shit. Like, behaviour also follows certain laws and despite the fact that it’s sometimes hard to understand all the details we still theoretically can explain ANY BEHAVIOUR. Does this mean we can excuse any behaviour? HELL NO
So remember folks, “They had their reasons to do this” means nothing most of the time. “I wanted to try how it feels” is actually a valid reason to kill someone, you know. Of course, if crimes is not severe, reasoning suddenly can be very important like we won`t punish harshly someone who stole bread cause he is starving or cause he has kleptomania (I mean as a literal disorder). But even in that case you must pay back money cause like stealing is bad but eat the rich
let`s talk examples from bnha cause why not
We have Enji oh my baby you have done so much stupid shit you dumbass. Sad backstory even if will be brought up in the future, currently is not a focus of redemption at all. Like, he even doesn`t explain his behaviour too much. “He want to be the strongest, so he decided that even if his genes will make it to the top it will be enough. As a result,  blinded by his goal,   he abused his family”. Basically, it`s all the explanation we have right now. And if Hori stops at it I will be fine with it. Honestly, as much as I want to learn more about Enji’s past if Horikoshi leaves everything at this I would give him nothing but mad respect cause... This kind of shows that your reasoning doesn’t matter that much if you did horrifying things
So 3 points to redeem someone
Enji didn’t suffer any punishment for his actions (nightmares are considered punishment only if you believe in God. Also, too weak, God, try harder... And same goes for High-End). When I think about him being punished I actually worry about society’s reaction cause, like, he is number 1 hero and the fact that he’s an abuser will be, like, very shocking to simple people.Trust in hero will fall harder than my will to live during 2020. And honestly, media would just turn this into a drama possibly hurting other members of his family, like.... Enji being legally punished for his action would be an interesting plotline but in general I am not a fan
We see his genuine remorse and character growth. We all agree that he even is drawn differently now changed and trying to become a better person, yeah? Clumsily at first, but he genuinely works hard to be a better peron, hero and father. I can respecct that
Compensation… Well, you can exactly “correct” trauma so he should pay up for psychologists for each child he probably should follow the path of atonement and try to give them something he robbed them from. Like, go to family dinners with Fuyumi even though every last one of them is a disaster and nobody is happy to be there. Or make everything possible to provide Rei calm life with her children (like building a new house, yes, this is an amazing thing) or at least become *reducted cause I wanna this post to be serious and SFW*... Tbh I have nothing to say, he himself says multiple times that he seeks nothing but atonment, not even forgiveness
So like you better work bitch to make your family happy bastard... [And tbh they seem so much better then when I first wrote this post, I am so proud of you, my garbage fire man]
In no way is he redeemed but somehow people put Overhaul and Endeavor stans in the same category so here he goes
Kai has something Enji doesn’t: very good and detailed explanation, a plan, a smart reasoning. His wrong deeds were basically for a better good he believed in. But we all collectively hate him for what he done to Eri despite his actions having r E A S o n S. Dude has some MOTIVATION. So like yeah bros. It makes him an interesting character and he is an amazing villain but dude deserves to rot in prisons. He shows no remorse and I am gonna bet he won`t even think about somehow helping others. Dude is a shitty person. And I fucking love him
So let’s go for our 3 bullets again
Punishment. Yes, he is punished, he is in jail with both his hands cut off. Would it make people forgive him? Nah
Personal growth. I would like to see it but as far we saw barely no growth... Though maybe being in jail without quirk will make his brain work
Atonement... Dude has a Messiah complex, I ain’t waiting for that anytime soon
So I asked myself if I had two men: one who spent a sentence in jail for child abuse but is more or less the same person and another who wasn’t punished for his abuse but feel genuine remorse and actively try to make things better who will I choose? Of course, I will choose Pikachu
But is it possible to redeem Overhaul? I wonder if there`s a force in this world strong enough to make him become a better person. Welp... I am a sucker for redemptions, justt letting you know
All for One
Oh, he is irredeemable (and this is sexy). Why is he here? Cause, well
Even if he is punished there`s no punishment severe enough to describe how horrifying his deeds are
Even if he is to feel remorse… he has like 500 years or something??? And he didn`t feel anything killing people??? So why would he change today?
Even if he atone for what he’s done… I am to believe he started at least a civil war. You can`t atone for that bitch. You crossed all fucking lines, all fucking lines
AfO is literally the most evvil man in bnha... I don’t want to see him redeemed cause I love characters that are pure evil and I love the despair of realizing you can’t fix what you have done. Though you are free to have a different opinion! Who knows, maybe Horikoshi will make a classy redemption for him and I will scream out of excitement? Cause I am that kind of bitch??? Who knows! I just love to think Doctor Ujiko is gay for him
Anyway, why do people like to make this characters suffer? Like, Endeavor, Minoru, Overhaul, many others? Is this part of the “punishment” to feel like person paid for their deeds? Or do people just like fictional violence and punishing “bad” characters make them feel good about themselves? Who knows
I have no idea what this post is about I want to sleep and I like Enji though if you dislike him this is fine. I hope it was interesting reading this, love you all bye
Don’t kill me for my controversial takes, I am depressed
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I only answer to MY Queen.
[Novoselic Castle, 11:06pm]
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Guard 1: What are you doing?
Guard 2: It’s humid tonight and this armour is stuffy...I need some air...
Guard 1: I don’t give a skongs ass how humid it is! Get back to work.
*As the two guards argue, Mikan quickly scurries past them. She makes it to a doorway, goes through it, and closes the doors behind her.
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Phew...good, the coast is clear...
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Now, if I remember correctly...Sonia’s bedroom should be just up these stairs...?
*She begins to head up the carpeted spiral staircase, being careful with her steps.
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That all went smoothly...maybe a little too smoothly...
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Can’t help but feel bad about what I had to do to poor Tenko though...
*She makes it to the top of the stairs and comes across a door. Upon trying to open it, she finds it’s locked shut.
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Darn...Well, I guess it makes sense that it’s locked...
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Guess that’s where this little guy comes in...
*Mikan reaches into her apron and pulls out a golden key.
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I basically had to steal this from Sonia, but it was all for a good cause...I hope...
*She enters the door and walks into Sonia’s bedroom.
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Wow...This really is a bedroom fit for a queen...
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Alright...the secret door should be in here somewhere...
*Mikan suddenly spies a statue in the corner of the room.
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Don’t exactly know who this guy is, but I’m willing to bet he’s got exactly what I need...
*She walks over to the statue and begins to examine it.
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*She presses a button. All of a sudden, the statue moves back into the wall, revealing a narrow secret passage behind it.
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Well...looks like he was right...I’d never have known how to find it if I didn’t know where to look...
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A very clever hiding place, I need to admit...
*Mikan squeezes through the passageway and follows it into a large chamber.
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This is a pretty big room to have hidden away...
*The only thing of note in the chamber is a large, ironclad chest at the end of the tunnel. Mikan approaches it cautiously, then using the same key she used to break into the bedroom, unlocks the chest.
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Guess this stuff is to help the royal family make good their escape...May as well grab it while I’m here...
*She reaches into the chest and pockets a dagger and some bullets into her apron.
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And this...must be the family heirloom itself...
*She reaches and pulls out the only remaining thing in the box. A scepter with a smooth orb on top, almost glowing a forget-me-not blue color.
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The Scepter of Tamuzan, huh? Very impressive...
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Wait...hang on...didn’t Angie say that is was red?
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Ah...I see...very clever Yonaga...Looks like she doesn’t trust me as much as she pretends...
???: Or maybe, she was just using you to find this place?
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*Mikan whirls around, and is shocked to see Angie, Mikihiko, and several armed guards are standing at the other end of the tunnel.
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So, what brings you down here then? Ms Mikan Tsumiki?
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Oh, uh...just looking for something.
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Hm...Something very special indeed. The Scepter of Tamuzan, if I’m not mistaken?
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So it was hidden here all along...and hidden very well...Believe me, we searched long and hard for it...
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I must admit Mikan, I find myself sitting on the line between disappointment and pleasure...To deceive the one’s you profess as your master or mistress is...most uncivil...
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Heehee...I believe the saying goes “All’s fair in love and war” doesn’t it?
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Indeed it is...I am so very glad not to have believed your lies for a single moment...
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...You...traitorous pig...!
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Everything you said to me...About how we were similar...About how we would defeat the Neverminds together...Was that all a lie!?
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The stuff I said about serving Angie over Sonia...Yes, that was a lie...Everything else? I swear to you, I meant every word...
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Tch...As if I have any reason to believe you now...!
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It looks like you’ve really hurt my dear advisor Mikan...
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Now, if you’d be so kind as to hand over the scepter.
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I don’t think so. This belongs to the queen...!
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NO YOU’RE NOT! Not yet! And I sure as hell wouldn’t answer to you even if you were! I only answer to MY Queen! Queen Nevermind!
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If anything, you’re the only person in this whole equation who doesn’t deserve to be on that throne! Mikihiko deserves to rule this land more than you!
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You speak of your pathetic monarchy...Though I hardly think you’re in any position to defy me right now...
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Well, as someone who’s lived through and been a direct cause of the tragedy, I can think of at least 50 dozen worse fates and situations that this one right now...
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Nyahaha! You are a very interesting specimen. To send a spy was most cunning of the queen though. I must confess, I did not expect Nevermind to be capable of such subterfuge...
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Well, Sonia’s not about to poison her rivals or anything, but you’re forgetting that being the worlds greatest princess IS her Ultimate Talent.
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And she doesn’t take too kindly to people overthrowing her from power and killing her family.
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You refer to Lord Rufus yes? Well, to be honest, I did not have much a say in the matter. The plot went ahead without my say so...
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But still, I’d have had no objections to it...It had to be done...and I would have done it again in a heartbeat...
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I’m sure you would...So tell me, what exactly is your end game here?
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All I want, is to bring back a home I once lost...I want to remake the island where I was born; to remake Atua’s kingdom...And I will use Novoselic to do it.
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Hm...Well, as far as villain motivations go...I’ve definitely seen worse...
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But I’ve definitely seen better too...
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I’ve had enough of this!
*Without a word of warning, Mikihiko snatches a crossbow off of one of the guards, aims it at Mikan and fires, causing the arrow to hit her dead in the shoulder!
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I am tired of listening to this woman...!
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I say we kill her! Here and now!
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Very well...Men! Forward! Show her no mercy!
*The guards start charging at Mikan, brandishing their weapons.
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*Mikan, violently and defiantly yanks the arrow out of her shoulder, paying no mind to her blood loss or the pain. She then reaches into her apron and pulls out a strage looking device.
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Here goes nothing!
*Mikan throws the device in the air and shuts her eyes tightly. The object suddenly explodes, revealing that it was actually a flashbang!
Guards: RAGH!
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YAHH!! M-My eyes!
*As soon as everyone is stunned, Mikan makes a mad dash for the exit, scepter still clutched tightly in her hand.
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That’s that taken care of...Now there’s just one more thing to do!
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