#was abusive and creepy and i just preferred to keep it to myself. but good god i think letting hs sit inside poisoned me. i feel the rot
nonbinarygamzee · 8 months
this like. really isnt even about hs2 (in the sense i have literally not read the new stuff and do not really plan to for my own sanity. and also take into account i am mostly just taking my emotional issues out on homestuck because im feeling very raw about it and life lately.) but good god i just cannot stand the idea of letting this beast crawl out of the grave AGAIN. i respect some of the ppl working on the newest thing and ofc hope it doesnt devolve into harassment all over butttttttt also. how many times do we watch a monster reanimate itself. its like since the damn thing ended ive been yelling to anyone who will listen about how it needs to stay dead in the ground AT ALL COSTS!!!! it needs to die to give people a chance to truly learn from it. and in the same way my silly little cope back in the day of talking about hating hs sincerely while being very invested in it got muddled and twisted when ironically insulting your interests became like The Thing, i feel like everyone thinks i am being SILLY or HYPERBOLIC and i am NOT!!!!! it is not even about the content of post canon, for all of the problems i have with it, it really never Has been. There are parts of the epilogues i actually think are compelling and expansive but that is not part of the conversation to me. the entire precedent for why i feel how i do is that it is a fundamentally flawed and dishonest move to spend literal years antagonizing your audience, overlooking if not outright facilitating abuse and harassment in pockets where "audience" and "friend" and "writer" all became deeply enmeshed labels that emboldened people to endear themselves and their interpretations to whatever you projected as "rightness" at the expense of their peers. only to like... wipe your hands of it once it stopped being the means of which to make a ridiculous amount of internet dollars and started to be like an actual problem for you and the longevity of your reputation as a creative. it couldve been the best written shit in the world and that would never have made up for how bullshit of an idea of swearing "im not the boss of canon anymore guys" while literally Still continuing to make things that not only continue to establish a canonicity but that continue to undermine alternative readings of previous events is. sometimes i think about the whole sarah z lawsuit shit and wonder how everything didnt just dissolve afterwards but really isnt this just the perfect internetspace for people to get away with being that boldfaced about throwing legal threats around to stroke their own egos? havent we been reared from day one to care more for whether people are clever and haughty before we care about whether they are literally openly trying to exert control and harassment?
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criptochecca · 8 days
I don’t think the man v bear thing is just about strangers. I’ve seen many people say stuff like “I wouldn’t have to see the bear at family dinners” or “my parents wouldn’t say the bear has a bright future” or “my friends wouldn’t side with the bear”. So I think it’s more about preferring to see a random bear in the forest than ever seeing specific men ever again. Many people have shared their own trauma, often from family/close ones with the thought experiment
Some women may have used the "trend" to talk about their personal bad experiences yes but the original intention was very much not that. And the reason I find it so annoying is that it ties very much with the reactionary view we have of violence against women, that it's weird, creepy strangers we are gonna assault us, beat us, kill us, and not that the most likely danger comes from those close to you: your family, your partner or an ex, a teacher, a priest, a coworker/your boss or other men with power over you like a cop or a soldier etc. Which does not mean you cannot be killed or raped by a random guy in the woods but it plays into this grim fantasy of the abuser being a weird stranger or even a everyday man but not someone close to you.
I've seen this with a trend from years back of women tweeting about how terrified they were when the mailman/deliveryguy was a man (and i couldn't fail but notice how racialized the thing was because they were all white women and, in my experience at least, the majority of delivery men tend to be immigrants or men of color. maybe its different in the US idk but again it plays into the fantasy of the random stranger which is similar to the threat of the pedophile in the white van when the majority of sexually abused children are abused within the family or, again, by men who have some kind of authority over them - teachers and priests). Or the neverending - and I'd say slightly dangerous - trends on tiktok of women filming themselves being very scaaaared at the gas station and looking back and forth while literally nothing happens. Or making videos of how dangerous it is to be a woman alone at the house while your HUSBAND (again let me reiterate it's more likely that husband is gonna rape her or kill her than some random guy) is outside so you need to buy these 100s of gadgets to keep you safe. Or all the scaremongering videos of like "if you find these things on your car it's because they are tracking you down to traffick you!!!!" completely ignoring how trafficking works and it's not by being kidnapped in the parking lot of a mall.
I hope I made myself clear but again, while I think the original thing was worded and thought out poorly, I understand it was a thought exercise I just thought it was badly done, the backlash it received by men who thought it was a good idea to prove their point - the point I guess that men in the forest are less dangeour than bears - by publicly admitting to their rape and abuse fantasies so. While I do disagree with the thought process behind "would you feel safer with a man or a bear in the woods?" i stick with the bear girls because men are disgusting
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piethemoon · 1 month
In defense of Abby Clark
I've been watching 911 for 3 years now, but I've always kept to myself and haven't interacted with a lot of people from the fandom. This changed recently because of my excitement for canon bisexual Buck (and the very real chance of canon Buddie) and my for you page on Twitter is now full of tweets about 911. It made me realize how many people hate Abby, to the point of sometimes advising people on skipping season 1 entirely (which I don't get because why would you willingly miss an entire season, especially one that set most of the characters and their relationships with each other?).
I think it's totally fine to dislike her but sadly, some people seems to need to twist the reality in order to look good while doing it.
As of today, I have watched the entire first season again (and the first few episodes of season 2) and thought I'd question some stuff that are presented as facts to new fans :
She was abusive/toxic toward Buck:
Where ? Like, really guys.. Where ?
First of all, I think some people are turned off by the age gap. Nothing wrong with having your own preferences. But there's no reason to make it into something it's not. Nothing in the show even hint that Abby targets younger men. There's also no scene where she tries to use his age against him. When we can hear her thoughts about him, she's never thinking about him in a predatory way and while she does seems to be a bit self conscious about her age, that's it. It's not even an important part of the plot.
Also, you know. Relationships with a big age gap between two (or more) consenting adults aren't inherently harmful, especially when the characters are fictionnal. Buck is absolutely not "too young" to date her. He's an adult man who's considered adult enough by people around him to take decisions about people's lives every day.
Sure, the way she gets his number is very questionnable, but she tells him the truth very openly. I think it's one of the many times in the show where the characters are shown being unprofessional and we're supposed to suspend our beliefs about it.
Also, if you consider this preying on Buck, do you realize the amount of women he has preyed on by using his status as firefighters? We know he dated or had sex with women he saved before, which is pretty creepy when you keep in mind that it means they might feel like they owe him a date (or more). And yet we all know his intentions are absolutely not to manipulate them into anything. So why is it so difficult to also assume Abby's intentions were absolutely not to prey on him? She seems to be happy to see someone in their work field recognize her skills, and feel like she understands him. She seems to just wants to connect with him, whether you interpret it as a romantic interest from the beginning or not.
She went away to Dubling at a key point of their relationship :
That's because she's a well written character, who's personnality doesn't revolve around her romantic relationship! That's a good thing! She's a normal woman, who spend years taking care of her mom, pretty much on her own for the most part, and she not only watched her mom's state worsen, but she also watched her suffer and loose her sense of self. And it's so tragic that her mom dying is the only thing that can truly make her free. She seems to have given up many things (including a relationship) to care for her mom.
Obviously leaving to go to Dublin wasn't the best thing to do for her relationship but to be fair, she certainly seems adamant that she's going to come back. Also, I think it's good writing! This is a woman who's far more than her romantic relationship, who lost her mom and who's realizing she doesn't know herself. It's only natural that a person like her, with self respect and a lot of life experiences would understand the importance of some selfishness, especially because she's been selfless for so long. Her mom sacrificied many things and she doesn't want to do the same!
She ghosted Buck
Well, actually... She didn't? I actually remembered that too since it's often presented as fact by some fans but she seems to have broken up with him in a way that is obvious enough that (at least) Chimney realizes. I'm not saying it was well done, of course and she probably should have been a thousand times clearer but it does seems she tried to end things. We can't be a hundred percent sure of what was said between them so it's difficult to know if part of it isn't also Buck not having the experience of a serious relationship ending/being a little bit in denial. But interestingly, certain fans seems to think it's completely her responsability.
We can assume she might have been a bit careless with it, but again, I think it makes sense for her character, who cared for her mom & her job so much that maybe she's becoming a lot more selfish now.
But no matter what you think about it.. This is absolutely not the proof of a toxic or abuse relationship. It doesn't erase the actual happy moments they shared together, the way they both improved through that relationship and it's literally the only time she messed up in their relationship, that was obviously about to end anyway. And if you can forgive/understand Buck for cheating on Taylor.. Why can't you at least not rewrite their actual relationship?
She didn't trust Buck when he was accused of being a cheater:
Again, she's not written as one dimensional character who's existence only rely on her romantic interest. Sure, she trusts Buck (and she does end up believing him) but it's understandable that, while she's going through the first stage of grief, she might not have the patience or energy to listen to her boyfriend defend himself in the very public place where everyone saw him being accused of cheating on you. It was very brief and she wasn't even mean about it. Come on.
Athena hates her:
I see people making edits of out of context moments to try and say that Athena (and the others) always disliked Abby.
To be honest, that one feels a bit sexist. So because Athena is not jumping to hug her it means she hates her? Female characters (and real women) can be not super close without hating each other. Honestly, they both don't look like they really care about the other, and that's all. And that's really not a big deal.
And I think it's the same for the other characters. Bobby seems to respect her a lot and actually helps Buck improve his relationship with her. The other characters don't seems to care for Abby and it's not like they really interact with each other anyway.
Conclusion :
Basically, I wish people would just say they don't like her instead of using moral reasons to make themselves look good for disliking her. And I would also add.. I've seen some of those people says they want complex female characters. Are you sure this is what you want or do you just want female characters who are easily disposable when they're not needed for your favorite male character? (it's not a judgement, I just think people should be honest about that)
And personnally.. I kind of like her. She's always very tired and we don't necessarily see the best moments of her life but I think that's the point of her story in the show. And I'm so glad 911 gave us so many women who are in their 40s or older (Athena, Hen, Karen, Abby...) and who are living full and rich lives. It's so very refreshing and I love that they never tried to make Abby look younger. She has wrinkles! She never tried to convince herself or other people that she was young! It's not even something she really cares about!
And I do think that, as much as she messed up in the end, she was a very good influence for Buck, and it's pretty sad to deny that part of his story. Her age actually helped with that because her life experience means she wasn't too impressed with him and was able to stand her ground which I think Buck liked. She challenged him! It helped him see that he is able to have a serious relationship (which I hope will be used for Buddie hehe) It's pretty great imo and I'm glad she was a part of the show.
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
May 2021 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Lovely Writer Ep 12 fin - that was a long arse final ep, but solid performances. I liked that we focused on the fallout amongst the side characters. (Very clever of them to depict Chap with Tae, his Y-Destiny pairing. Especially as both actors are slated for new BL roles with different partners again, The Tuxedo and You’re My Sky.) The camera certainly enjoyed wallowing in Sib & Gene’s separation, but that’s an Asian drama for you. They like to DWELL. (Frankly, I like a bit of wallowing myself.) I thought the inclusion of the “actual” writer at the very end thoroughly unnecessary. I don’t think they had to beat us over the head with the 4th wall meta quite that much. Still, this is probably one of the best BLs we’re getting from non-GMMtV Thailand this year. RECOMMENDED 
Y-Destiny Ep 8 - (Thurs) I found the first half uninteresting but once Casper the Friendly Gay showed up it was fine. The ghost reminded me a bit of Fuse from MIR. 
Close Friend Ep 4: (Just One Life) - is it just me or is Talay insanely charismatic? Anygay, the director got ahold of a drone for this one and would like us to KNOW ABOUT THAT FACT. Look, I just don’t think YoonLay have great chemistry but this was alright, cute enough. 
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Fish Upon The Sky Ep 6 - This was a better installment than we’ve had in a while. I like the obsession vs love explanation from Mork, insightful if creepy. Meen & Duean are okay, I guess. A bit annoying. Everyone in this show is a bit annoying. But the wipe toothpaste then wipe eye crud got to me. Toothpaste in the eye, yech! And then I was all, oh that’s basically this show: toothpaste in the eye. It just reviewed itself. (Also why do they keep switching aspect ratio between the two pairs? It’s like they were filming with two completely different camera types... oh. ah. Weird, GMMTV usually doesn’t make mistakes like that.) 
Call it What You Want Ep 6 fin - I skipped to the last ep on this, I told you I do that sometimes to find out what happened. So CIWYW ends happy for the main couple, but trigger warnings on: eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, depression, mental abuse, and a few other things. If you don’t mind your BL dark, gritty, self aware, and honest then you should be okay with this show. But if your preference is for fluff, then there are other fish in the sky. Speaking of... 
Nitiman Ep 2 - Giving me My Engineer vibes. This is OLD school Thai uni BL. I kinda feel like it was meant to come out in 2018, the gap year that was, but I am SO GRATEFUL we’re getting it now. Pay TF attention FUTS this is how you redeem a tsundere uke. Also I love that Bboom is just a terrible flirt and the football match twist was great. I love this show.  
Top Secret Together Ep 1 - it’s out there but no eng subs. It’s an office set romance with multiple couples all tangential to one building. A bit stilted and low production values but I’m intrigued. I hope we get subs... eventually.  
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 9 - gets the safe sex gold star for lube + condoms AND a verse discussion? Not to mention asking for sex advice from queer fam? Is this a first in BL? Might be. (I still think it’s weird that product placement hasn’t jumped on the lube bandwagon, too slippery perhaps?) I like the embezzlement drama. I always enjoy good outside conflict playing to setting, and this is the kind to be easily resolved in next week’s finale. What a roller coster this series has been. 
Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) Ep 5 - I LOVE THIS SHOW. A heartbeat after i thought, “they better address what he’s doing to the girls he’s dating,” they did it. Clever scripting that. The messaging is gorgeous, the idea that pride and media coverage and knowing about a changing world can broaden minds and lead to acceptance was basically Taiwan making a case for itself paving the way for marriage equality in Asia. Genius. 
Most Peaceful Place 2 (Vietnam) Ep 1 (AKA 4) - dropped with subs and improved production values, someone is learning (or got more dough). The younger brother’s drama is a bit confusing, but I am here for cute boyfriends being cute boyfriends together. And I love that they took the seme’s previous pair (from Nation’s Brother) to be the faen fatale, very crafty of them. Even though it’s not a trope I like, there’s great chemistry all around. 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 6 - I weirdly love this show, okay? I’m just hoping Long has known Minh’s secret all along and is playing a reverse long con cat & mouse game, waiting for Minh to tell him the truth. Because that would be THE BEST. I could do without the faen fatale but ya can’t have everything. (I’m so glad it’s not the standard 6 ep arc, MOAR!!!) 
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Rumor is GMMTV Thailand started shooting Baker Boys (here’s the teaser trailer). This is a remake of Antique (AKA Antique Bakery) a 2008 Korean movie (you can watch it on Viki) which is a remake of Antique (a 2001 Japanese series) with is an adaptation of wildly popular manga Antique Bakery. Knowing the plot I’m not sure this will qualify as BL. I’m still predicting Lee gets his first gay kiss in this series from Singto. More details about this series here. 
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Breaking News
Love Area release pushed out, reportedly due to C19. (source DramaCool) 
Be Love In House: I Do (Taiwan, of course, with that title) got a new softer trailer (no subs). It drops next week, May 19, 2021 on Viki. All the information I have is here. 
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Tangential to BL 
Two BL-adjacent shows, both from Taiwan. 
I’m watching Love is Science? on Viki which has a het foundation, but it’s a good one. There’s a BL side couple who are on an enemies to lovers slow burn trajectory; featuring a disaster bi slut meets elegant bad ass super gay. So there’s THAT. The mains are an older career woman and the sweet boy from her distant past who has pined for her for years. (He is the softest sweetest service sub you ever saw.) Props to Taiwan for a seriously underused het dynamic. As usual in Asian rom coms the straight boy love interest is a Perfect Cinnamon Role (yes I’m looking at you True Beauty & Love O2O) but I find Taiwan’s version more palatable than Korea’s or Mainland China’s. It’s not finished yet but... RECOMMENDED. 
Starting this week is Love Outlet a 50 (?!) episode show about a mall that sells relationships. It is supposed to have a main gay romance, but it might be a side dish. Very little else known about it. Coming to Line TV.
Honestly, I’m at the point where if Taiwan makes it, I’ll probably watch it. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Be Loved In House: I Do (Taiwan) 
Golden Blood (Thailand) we think, like Love Area this may be delayed due to surging C19 cases 
Love Outlet (Taiwan) we think 
Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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I finally got my Four Swords manga and read the entire thing in one sitting.
I have a few notes.
Red is a dumbass and I love him.
That whole hugging scene with Red and Blue came a little out of nowhere, but it was funny.
Red is an arsonist and I love him.
Green totally has the hots for Zelda.
I don't know why but Vio is my favorite.
Red is close in second though
Blue got fucking EATEN by the fucking Big Poe
And Red fucking saved him by being an arsonist
Green is definitely the straight one, you can tell.
Shadow is dramatic as fuck
Vio is also dramatic as fuck
Shadow has a fucking DRAGON
Shadow literally destroyed Hyrule Castle and Castletown in a day. He's technically up there with Calamity Ganon
Shadow tricked Link into freeing Vaati!
My take was that Shadow was being heavily mistreated by Ganon and Vaati, which laid down some abuse subtext and....holy fuck that was sad. Maybe it's just 'cause my family was abusive that I got that read, but wow.
Shadow needs to be protected.
I love Shadow he needs to be given the good fucking things in life.
In the LU could he technically be brought back by one of Wild's blood moons? I read a fic about that. Does he count as a monster though? Then again, the blood moon enhances your cooking, so really I don't see why it can't give Shadow his physical form back.
Shadow deserves good things.
He just wanted attention and a family.
He killed himself to kill Vaati....I mean, I knew that before hand, but seeing it with my own two eyes....fuck
Shadow is a troll and I love him
He and Vio were just messing with Blue and Red lmao
Blue learned patience by being frozen in ice until Red decided to set him on fire, which, how long was that really? It was stated that they only left Vio alone for a day, so it must've only been a few hours. Must've felt like an eternity though.
I feel like Red and Blue were the main characters for most of the middle really.
I'm not complaining, their dynamic is hilarious and I love them
But I wanted to see Green and Vio interact with them more y'know.
I feel like Vio only really interacted with Shadow
And even then he was kinda lying the entire time.
Oh Hylia, Shadow's face when he realized Vio was going to smash the mirror.
That was just betrayal on so many levels
And he had just opened up about thinking Vio was the only one he could really trust.
After that I honestly feel it was dickish to just kill him.
And then he lives
Zelda is a top tier fucking Queen(tm)
She had no obligations to comfort someone who had kidnapped her and yelled at her
But she did and it was super sweet
I didn't know the clouds were sentient and honestly I'm still having a crisis over it
And in the beginning I thought Shadow just straight up killed Link's dad and I was like "oh damn okay this is darker than I expected"
But nope the fucker is still alive.
I feel like the knights of Hyrule were kind of a deus ex machina
And the final show down with Ganon was underwhelming
Vaati is a bitch
I think Red was the highlight of this story
And the fucking art style, because damn the expressions were funny
And I'm glad they implemented the subtle ways to tell them apart, like the textures of the tunics, the color of the shirt under the tunic(Green's is black) the light and dark eyebrows, and the eyes themselves.
Tingle was unexpected and I wanted him to go away like Green and Vio did
Honestly I still don't understand why people love Tingle, he annoys me.
Her fucking doll(Rosie?) was creepy as fuck!
That trick was absolutely CREEPY AS FUCK
And I like how the four just wreck the bastard with toy weapons
And they keep them as real weapons when they leave
Like, how does that work lmao
Red set a fucking forest on fire
Red is an arsonist
Red is brilliant and I love him
Vio is an asshole and I love him
Just playing up how "Oh yeah Green is dead" and fucking messing with Red and Blue
I noticed Shadow is super touchy-feely with Vio and he's probably touch starved which makes sense.
Okay so Shadow wasn't dead, technically, is he still alive if all he can do is wave from Link's shadow and stuff?
It seems like a bad ending for Shadow.
In the LU, does this mean that Four just fucking stole the Four Sword and killed Vaati? Or did Zelda find some other way to seal him, 'cuz like, I'm pretty sure Four has the four sword in LU right????
So many plotholes but if this means I get more arsonist Red content, then I'm down.
Also, Shadow is gay af for Vio
Like, my gaydar was off the charts
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70. And, like, Vio, you JUST fucking killed Shadow, don't give me this shit
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71. This art is super gay, you can't deny that, they are literally fucking wrapped around each other
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72. And Shadow wanted to fucking rule the world WITH Vio, like, DAMN he's thirsty 73. If it were me, I'd still prefer ultimate authority 74. Just in case y'know 75. And Shadow was so ready to spill his secrets 76. And he was so fucking heartbroken when he saw Vio with the sledgehammer 77. Like fuck Vidow is definitely my top pairing. 78. And Green and Zelda, the token straights 79. And we can't forget Red and Blue 80. Like Red was hardcore flirting with Blue, you can't change my mind. 81. Zelda was so fucking confused when she saw that there were four Links, and it was cute and hilarious 82. I normally don't like Zelda, but she was so cute and sweet that I really couldn't help it. 83. Also that chad drawing of a past Link that split into four was funny 84. It was just so fucking out of place 85. They literally only rescued two of the six mages, so are the other four still trapped or were they released when Vaati and Shadow "died"? 86. The knights of Hyrule had to save the four, so are they technically the weakest Link? 87. Fuck I made a pun 88. I fucking hate myself 89. Blue was probably my least favorite of the cast, but that was probably because he reminds me of my sister 90. Y'know, the sister that hits me, yells at me, and calls me names? 91. It just rubs me the wrong way. 92. But aside from that, he was great. 93. A bit of a cocky asshole, but great. 94. And Link's dad just thinking he sees his son's dead body and Shadow just yeeting him into the dark realm. 95. Damn Shadow was an asshole 96. Vaati was even worse though, trying to get Link's father to kill his four sons. 97. That would've sucked. 98. Link hiding behind Zelda's chair was funny 99. Green and Zelda with the childhood friends turned lovers aspect would be cute 100. I like how a fairy just pops up out of no where in the middle of the book
I think that's it?
I love this book and it'll probably be the only one I ever reread.
If you didn't know, I hate rereading content unless I find it or a certain part of it worth reading through again. Which is to say, one, maybe two, fanfics(oneshots technically), and maybe this manga. So yeah, quite an exclusive club.
I don't regret this purchase!
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top 10 (ish) ridiculous or annoying FAQs:
(click at your own discretion)
1) "kids today rely on others to do everything"
ah yes, damn those participation trophies! if it wasn't for them my hands wouldn't be fucked, and I wouldn't need people to write for me. but seriously, stop reading boomer comics, and go outside to meet some actual young people.
2) "sus that a non-american says mom"
yeah, because it's clearly the superior version, and I'm not too patriotic to concede a defeat.
3) "sweaty, the victims of abuse by catholics are real people, stop appropriating their pain just because you want to hate catholics; plus teachers abuse people just as often anyway"
so firstly, I don't hate anybody. and secondly, regarding the fact that victims really do exist, [insert "of course I know him, he's me" meme here]; although I don't often talk much about the abuse I went through or what my religious beliefs are. but, more importantly, statements like "survivors are people" can be phrased like "some people are survivors", and when you're unable to act according to the latter (like when you don't even consider that somebody might be one) then you display a failure to recognise the former - you're projecting; a survivor can't be appropriating their own pain, but you can be appropriating it to silence one. and thirdly, teachers do abuse - the problem isn't and has never been purely religion, rather that abuse is often done by somebody in a position of trust, power, and familiarity; and that the lack of a global minimum enables totally legal abuse on top of the illegal stuff. people with access and respect have more opportunity to abuse than those without, and that goes for teachers too. but, once again, you can be appropriating the pain of survivors to deflect and silence people. please remember this before you say that shit.
4) "get help/therapy"
way ahead of you - years ahead of you. but it's not magic - people who say this often act as if you'll start behaving differently overnight. not only are some things simply beyond the ability of talking therapy to completely rectify, it also takes time and has to be selective. you've got to pick your priorities, and that's definitely not whatever ship or joke you're mad at me about today. therapy is a slow, arduous process that can't guarantee results - it isn't "anti-recovery" to recognise that, it's honesty. while I've been in therapy for a long time, it is not necessarily going to change whatever you don't like about me - whether that's because it can't, because my focus now is on more important or urgent things, or because I don't want to change that.
5a) "tell your family you ship incest, see how that goes; normal people find it disgusting"
actually, some know, and they're fine with it. in fact, one prefers sibling pairings in fiction to all other dynamics because, to paraphrase, "it's a deeper level of messed up co-dependence". so unfortunately for you, my remaining family (by which I mean those not dead or cut out of my life after abuse and so forth) actually are able to distinguish between fiction and reality. plus, my reasoning for caring if they find it gross or not pertains only to recommending books and such - their opinions do not dictate my tastes.
5b) "don't sexualise/appropriate incestuous abuse" and "I bet you enjoyed being raped" and other attempts to upset me over 5a
firstly, as I've already said here, survivors can't be appropriating ourselves. in addition, you're not owed people's history or trauma - it's not okay to require people's personal information, or else you'll send anon hate and accusations of appropriation. secondly, I'm not sexualising our abuse (not just because I write horror, and so a lot of my writing is intended to be creepy, not sexy); these stories aren't about us, they're not us at all. entire dynamics/people (fictional or otherwise) aren't all going to be applicable to us or identical to us, just because they have something in common with us; they're not us and they're not accountable to us. thirdly, the fact that people send this stuff (attempting to trigger people's trauma over ships) is so much more worrying to me than somebody making our communal imaginary friends kiss. you're trying to hurt people. and finally, to the "I bet you enjoyed it" crowd (if you're at all serious): do you think you'd enjoy being in a real zombie apocalypse, alone, afraid, and really at risk of being eaten alive? a fictional scenario does not feel remotely the same as a real one. this isn't rocket science - things that look like you aren't you; fiction isn't reality; don't send anon hate. (edit: comparable "just leave me alone, I'm not hurting anyone" sentiments for yandere stuff, and anything else you decide I'm naughty for.)
6) "you'll be sent off to do manual labour once your communist revolution happens"
while I don't know why people think that I'm a communist, a dictatorial regime probably isn't going to want me to do manual labour. they're more likely to just shoot me; I'm useless and a liability. call me crazy, but something tells me that "ah yes, we shall give ze deranged cripple ze power tools" isn't the communist position.
7a) "they/them can't be singular pronouns"
yes they can, and they're used as such in both shakespeare and the bible. but you don't have to say this - I'm also okay with he/him, so you could've just used those and chilled out. also, do I look like somebody who views the rules of grammar as fully immutable and imperative?
7b) "enbies/aros/pan/etc aren't valid"
do you really think that you're going to change any hearts or minds by putting that in my ask box or under my funny maymays? chill out, it's not worth the effort - you could be planning a party (in minecraft) and having fun instead. it isn't worth my time to rant at everybody who's saying something isn't valid, updating how I'm explaining it as my opinions grow and general discourse around it evolves; I'm just who I am, somebody else is who they are - why bicker in presumptuous ways about if that's enough? it ultimately is valid, in my opinion, but that isn't an invitation to keep demanding that I debate. (edit: old posts of mine probably don't phrase things incredibly, on this or anything... I tried.)
8) "what are your politics?"
my politics are informed first and foremost by the knowledge that I'm not cut out to be some kind of leader - I don't want to be the guy who tells everyone else what to do, I just offer what seem to me like valid criticisms of how we are doing things now, and general pointers on the values and ethics that I would prefer to move towards. things like individual freedom, taking the most pacifist route where possible, trying not to give excessive power to small groups of people (governments or corporations), helping those in need even when they're not palatable, and letting me suck loads of dicks. but please refrain from decreeing me something - there's not enough information in what I said, so you'll just be filling in the blanks with assumptions. (edit: workplace democracy seems cool to me; benefits are good; fair fines and taxes; and the "sperm makes you loopy" saga: 1, 2, 3, and 4.)
9) "you're a narcissist"
no, I don't meet the diagnostic criteria. joking on the internet that you're hot doesn't make a person a narcissist. the fact that I've chosen to keep my actual self-esteem issues to myself is not proof that they don't exist - you're just not entitled to that information about me. but it's also not narcissism to really like how you look. (edit: don't throw labels around carelessly too.)
10a) "kin list?"
the fabric of the universe, a zombie, dionysus, maned wolf/arctic fox hybrid, a comedian, big gay, big rock, ambiguously partial insincerity. (edit: kin list may or may not be incomplete.)
10b) "kin isn't valid/that's just being insane"
haven't we established that I'm deranged, and that sending stuff like this on anon is simply a waste of your precious time? besides, I do not care if it's invalid or insane - it's fun, I'm happy. (edit: see 7b for my opinion on sending me yet another ask with "that's invalid" in it; I'm not in the mood to discuss the nature of validity.)
bonus: "it gets better" and "trigger list?"
as I've said before, things just don't always get better for everyone - sometimes things can't be cured or even treated, sometimes they kill you; in some cases it could get better if not for a blockade or lack of time. the world is messy. it needs to be more normalised to reassure or comfort people without relying on saying that their issue will get better or be cured. it does suck to be this ill, but it also sucks to be made out to be a lazy pessimist, just because I have the audacity to not play along. and as for the trigger list, I don't like providing people with an easily accessed list of ways to hurt my feelings or harm me - upsetting me is supposed to be challenging, and thus rewarding. if you want a cheat sheet then you're out of luck, I'm afraid.
bonus #2: "FAQ stands for frequently asked questions, it doesn't need that s at the end!"
yeah, I know, I just enjoy chaos and disarray.
bonus #3 (edit): "what are your disabilities and how exactly are they incurable and/or deadly?"
again, I don't tell the internet everything about me, especially when it poses a risk, especially not as an easily accessible list for you to refer back to whenever you feel inclined to hurt my feelings. that is understandably a sore subject. (edit: that includes physical health issues btw.)
bonus #4 (edit): "so we shouldn't be critical?"
if it wasn't clear from my answer about politics or my post in general, you can have opinions about things, and you can voice that. it's just not realistic to exist at extremes: to think that you alone should dictate what exists in fiction, or to think that people shouldn't be expressing disdain or criticism of any calibur. say how you feel about things, that's fine, but it's also fine if people find that they don't value your input. plus we're all flawed, we can all be hypocritical from time to time, we all get bitchy, and we all make mistakes, or even knowingly fuck things up. that's important to keep in mind, whether we're talking about the one being criticised or the one doing the criticising - poor choices of words, imperfect tone, or contradictory ideas are inevitably going to happen occasionally.
congrats on reaching the end! if you have, at any point, said one of these to me, you owe a hug to your nearest loved one (once it's safe).
edit: might add more links/bonus points in the future when I think of things, but it's late now. (sorry for links where prior notes in the thread have my old url, that may get a tad confusing; also, not all links are my blog or my op, since it is to illustrate points/vibes, not to self-promo.)
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beauty-and-passion · 3 years
So, I just finished reading the fanfiction that you recommended and now I look forward to new ones, so if you know something else to read please let me know.
I’m finally here! It took me a lot of time to find  new works to suggest - and not because I’m lacking material. I’m still following a lot of works, but I don’t want to suggest unfinished fictions, so I had to see their endings before deciding if they were good or bad. So they won’t happer now, but they can always have a place in Recommendation part 3 (that will come out when someone will ask me again in the future):
Apologies by Fangirlwriting
This fiction is about Thomas having an abusive relationship and how it affected every Side. Janus is the only one still lucid enough to realize there’s something wrong in this relationship and we follow him in his “quest” to save all Sides - quest that will final lead to Thomas leaving his abuser.
The pace of the story is amazing, there’s this sense of “doing this before it’s too late”, all while following Janus around and rooting for him.
And some choices are GREAT. Logan isn’t locked in his room “because of the plot”, but it makes sense. Just like Virgil’s reaction when Janus talks with him. And all the Sides’ reactions are so realistic it really gives you a nice feeling.
Cold Comfort by storytellerontheside
A great story about Janus realizing what the Core Sides’ issues are, working to help them and then... well, up to you to see it. Spoiler: it broke my heart in tiny little pieces, then put them together one by one.
Some ideas are absolutely amazing and left me utterly delighted. The idea about Logan’s room is the most innovative, painful and logic you can imagine and I loved it with all my heart. The Roman chapter is great as well. And the Remus one is both adorable and oh so painful oh such good pain ow my heart.
In other words: if you want to suffer, but in a satisfying way, read this. The style is good, the ideas are good and everything is pain, but you’ll love it.
Three Minutes Less by Fangirlwriting
Oh, I definitely won’t forget this story so easily. This will probably be stuck in a corner of my mind for a long while, because I absolutely adored it.
The plot is as simple as it looks: Roman dies and a demon offers Remus the chance to come back in time to save his brother. But every time he comes back, Remus loses 30 minutes of his life.
Do you think it’s a race-against-the-clock story, with ideas and plans and how we will focus on every little detail... but no. There’s also this, but it’s first of all a psychological story. And not Roman’s, but Remus’ psychology. The thoughts, the questions he asks, his way of thinking, there’s a lot here. And a lot of regret and sadness too - and yes, there’s also the race against time. But there are also some powerful chapters and scenes. Like the mall scene (it’s so powerful, I love it) and Remus’ conversations about death and leaving something behind... wow. Just wow. That’s truly a great story.
Humility's A Sin by Ptolomeia
Awesome in everything. Plot? Awesome. Writing style? Awesome. Pace of the story? Awesome. Pain? Awesome. Solution? Awesome. Roman? A hero. (seriously, I LOVED Roman in this story. That’s probably my favourite Roman) Janus? Another hero, but also a moron. Just to give you the idea: while reading the last chapters, I was crying and laughing at the same time.
Long story short: there are problems, of course. And Roman ducks out. His decision starts a cascade effect, that leads to all Sides being involved in this  rescue mission, with a side dish of angst, more angst, the best kind of angst (especially with Patton. Ah, such perfect angst). But also King Creativity angst - and used in the best way.
It’s not like you should read this. It’s you MUST read this, because this is so good and satisfying, it’s absolutely worth the time spent.
The Other Side of the Mirror by Frejennix and Lalijinx
Techinically this isn’t a story, but a collection of one shots/short fanfictions and they’re all closed, so it technically counts as both “on work” and “finished” at the same time.
And this series is AMAZING. The concept is very simple: the Dark Sides and the Core Sides switch places. So we have Thomas with Janus, Virgil and Remus as Core Sides and he’s slowly learning about his Dark Sides.
Logan is the first one to be introduced and we’re learning to understand him, to know him better - just like Janus, Virgil and Remus are. There are a lot of hints about what will happen and it’s clear there’s a big plot planned.
The single fanfictions are very good. The writing style works, the rhythm is interesting, the characters are great. It’s a very nice way to spend some time - and a great series to follow!
Flores Facets by Whiskey_With_Patron
After The Other Side of the Mirror couldn’t left out the second important series I’m following. And this is SO. CUTE. It’s basically Sanders Sides, but from Nico’s pov. And we know his Sides. And, just like Thomas’ Sides, they’re full of issues. Of course. Especially Heart, but for a comprehensible reason. There are only four parts until now, but it’s starting to emerge a bigger plot, with possible dark sides and future names for every Side.
In addition to that, Nico isn’t just “the pretty boy”. We see him struggling with the aftermath of his last relationship, with his feelings for Thomas, with his desire to become a writer. Every shot is a nice addition to the series, it’s well written and it’s a nice way to spend some time while reading something good.
With A Door Between Them by rosesisupposes
After POF, Janus tries to talk to Roman. Simple as that.
But compared to many others stories, in which they start to profusely apologize and it’s all Good Feelings TM, here it’s... a conversation. They talk about a lot of stuff and it has a nice flow. It never sounds like it’s forced or they’s just following a script. One of the best ways to let them handle their issues.
Fitting Pieces by Haley3
Who is she? Never heard of her~
Okay, I wrote this. It’s an Intrulogical, that means there’s Remus and Remus doing Remus things. But there’s also Logan being the absolute nerd he is. And they both have amnesia, so they should find a way to get their memories back. But all they have is a tiny little dice.
If you want to give it a try, be my guest.
Or you don’t like Intrulogical and you prefer to read something about the Dark Sides being a family, with special focus on the relationship between Janus and Virgil? I have In te, Domine, speravi - In you, Lord, I have hoped that gives you an insight on them, through Janus’ memories (real and fake ones). All of this with a side dish of religious references.
I know, I’m shamelessly promoting myself.
Morbid Fascination by alicat54c
Last but not least, a great work from my beloved.
It’s an Intrulogical and you have the best of both wooorlds. Logan’s character is exactly like in the series: cold, unable to truly understand his feelings (or common slang words), yet fascinated by Remus and stubborn enough to keep hanging out with him despite everything.
Remus is amazingly creepy. His room is even creepier. Everything about him screams creepy, morbid, like a swamp monster fused with a boogey man. I loved the idea of crawling under your bed to reach Remus’ place. And I loved even more how Logan managed to demonstrate (by using the scientific method) how useful Remus is.
Special mention to Janus, because he’s also so damn creepy and I loved it so, so much.
In other words: do you like creepy stuff? Do you want to read something with huge creepy vibes, great ideas and amazing characters? This is the perfect story for you.
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hesagentlelman · 3 years
Rook JP Cappelletty Fanfiction
Love the way you lie
Okay, I'll give you a summary. Basically Rook has been in a toxic relationship with a girl for six months now. Colson and the boys have noticed and are trying to get him out of it. These fics are an English translation of my fics in Wattpad. If you like them I have some more focused mostly on Rook. I accept suggestions uwu
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Rook has been in a toxic relationship for over six months, and Colson knows it. At this point he doesn't know what to do, he has seen his best friend get slowly destroyed by the girl he is with. He started out with just dark circles, bags under his eyes that made it clear that he was not sleeping well, or nothing at all. He later found out for himself that Rook's girlfriend kicked him out of his own home in the middle of the night because of jealousy. She let him sleep in the garden even when it was raining. That had led to Jp spending more time sick than healthy. Him suffocating in the middle of playing a song because he was so sick that he couldn't even breathe normally. With coughing fits that made he looks like he would choke. They had all told him to come home and rest. He had insisted on staying. Kells didn't understand why and over time he understood that he would rather be away from home than be with her. So ... why didn't he leave her? For some reason he didn't dare to ask him and just tried to help him from the distance, thinking that he shouldn't get into it, that he would do better for his best friend if he didn't get in straight. He couldn't be more wrong.
Then one day he had to pick up Rook from a park in the middle of Cleveland at three in the morning and take him to the hospital. He said that a drunk man had thrown a bottle at him and that he had been unable to dodge it. Colson knew he was lying. He knew that it had been his girlfriend. He didn't say anything and just drove, took him to the hospital and waited patiently. They had to suture a wound that covered his left temple up to his eyebrow and he lost 30% of his vision in that eye. Then, back in the car, he burst into tears. Kells didn't know what to do, he couldn't just sit back and watch that harpy tear his little brother apart. But he didn't know how to get into that problem without causing more damage.
Rook stayed that night to sleep at his house. Colson did not sleep. He watched him while he slept. Somewhat creepy but he just couldn't stop looking at him because it seemed like it was the first time he slept in a long time. He felt guilty, because he was just standing there and watching him burn.
After that night he began to see Jp less often and when he saw him he did not look like himself. He looked like the most tired person on this earth and looking into his eyes was almost painful. Colson had never seen such sad eyes. It hurt, it hurt because Rook, his Rookie was the happiest, most active and jovial person he had ever met and at this point he was not a shadow of who he really was.
Everyone had already noticed. They had talked about his girl, how sad and destroyed he looked. Baze had told them that he had heard his girlfriend yell at him for spending more time with them than with her. Tell him that he didn't love her and that he was a bad boyfriend, that he was mistreating her and that he didn't deserve someone like her. Rook had simply apologized, he had promised her that he loved her and that he would do anything for her. Rook definitely didn't deserve someone like her. That girl was a witch. (cof cof Bitch cof cof)
However none of them did anything. They stood there, watching him burn.
The few times they saw Jp he was completely different. He cried with songs and with movies and at that point none of them dared to laugh because they simply knew that crying had nothing to do with the movie. They tried to comfort him but none of them really got in, to stop what was happening in front of their eyes. Colson dared to ask about their relationship shortly after Rook passed out from exhaustion in the middle of a hangout. But he didn't get to ask beyond "How are you doing with her?" or How's your relationship? " and his drummer always answered a " good " that sounded as harsh and bitter as a stab.
Then Rook started arriving with injuries. He started with a pair of broken fingers and he said the wind had closed a door on his hand. Just a few weeks later his nose was broken and he said a book had fallen on his face. He forced a laugh and said "trouble of being short." And within a month he had a black eye, the same one that he had lost part of his vision of. And this time he said that he had accidentally opened one of his kitchen cabinets on his face. The boys looked at him, none of them believed it and they all knew that it had been his girlfriend who had closed the door in his hand, who had thrown that book against his face and who had hit him by opening one of his cabinets uncarelessly out because of her jealousy.
The situation was getting more and more difficult. Now in the sixth month, Rook had just had his fourth anxiety attack in their short time in this month. Slim had gone with him for a walk when his breathing had calmed and he had stopped shaking like a frightened dog. Baze and Kells had stayed there, talking about how far this had come. That's when Colson decided that he couldn't just stand there and watch him burn, he walked over to the couch and took Rook's phone, thanking he had left it there and discovering that he didn't even have a password on it. A part of him wanted to believe it was because Rook expected one of them to try to help him, but deep down he knew it was because his girlfriend was checking his conversations and everything he did. Colson discovered under Baze's watchful eyes that Rook, or rather his girlfriend, had deleted all the female contacts from his phone, even Casie's was not there. What kind of upset jealous was that girl? Finally he reached the WhatsApp messages and there, the first on the list was her. Kells began to read the messages aloud.
- Where are you? - It's her two days ago. - Kells house, recording. - Rook's answer. - You prefer them to me. - She adds. - I've only been away from home for three hours- Rook answers. - You don't take care of me like before, you don't even call me queen like you did before, why don't you love me anymore? What did I do? You are always with your friends and you are no longer with me - Colson continues to read her messages. - I love you more than anything, honey. But I really have to record - Jp responds. - It's a lie, you're so mean to me, I hate you so much! - They are pure written messages, but Colson knows that Rook is blaming himself for that. - My sunshine, no. I love you, I love you very much. I'll be back in an hour I promise. I'll make you dinner and we can watch a movie together. Whatever you want ... - Rook is too good for that girl. She doesn't reply anymore until yesterday. There is a similar conversation that lasts to this day. Now there are a lot of messages from her that Jp hasn't even answered, possibly because they are from when his anxiety attack started. Yet there they are - Jp Where are you? Did you change me again for your stupid friends? You prefer them ... You are horrible ... You don't deserve me ... - She starts and Colson and Baze want to hit her even though they would never hit a girl. - Answer me! Are you with another girl? Is that? I hope you die! I hate you! Do you want me to end my life? You know I can't live without you! I told you! You will make me kill myself! I'll kill myself if you let me! - The messages end there. Now everything makes sense. Now they know why Rook wouldn't let her. She threatened to kill herself. Possibly that girl was so crazy that she was capable of doing it just to fuck the crap out of the boy. Baze and Colson are feeling sick. They know they have to do something, because at this rate it is she who will kill Rook.
- We have to report this - Baze begins. Colson knows that he is right. - She is hurting him, physically and emotionally. That is full-blown abuse. - Baze adds. And yes, he is right. But it is quite difficult to assimilate that one of them is in a toxic relationship of that caliber. More Rook, the good and pure boy Rookie. -We only have the messages, how can we show them how fat this is? -Colson knows how bad the police work, no one will believe them if they say that a girl is mistreating her boyfriend. They will think the opposite is the true and could get Jp in trouble. - I have photos of injuries from the last few months. Well, Instagram stories, but I think it will work. Also, they just need to see him, he is clearly emotionally devastated. - Baze adds and nothing more is needed to convince Kells, they both wrap up warm and send a message to Slim telling him what they have discovered and that they will report. They asked him to keep Rook out of the house until they return because they know he will not want to report his situation. Slim responds quickly, wishes them luck, and finally the boys leave. They drive in Baze's car to the nearest police station and wait until they are attended. It is a bit difficult to explain the whole situation to the agent, why they have the phone of his friend and since when he has been going through all this. But when they say the girl's name, the policeman's face changes. Apparently it was not the first complaint that they received about her for abusing her partner physically and emotionally. But there had never been enough evidence and everything had been up in the air. But now, this was the fifth report to her name and they had clear evidence of psychological and physical abuse. The agent promised them that they would send a patrol to arrest the girl and that she would be temporarily detained as alleged guilty of domestic violence on charges of physical abuse and emotional abuse. That didn't sound like a total victory, but the agent promised them that justice would be served, but by law they had to investigate a little more, that they would need to speak with Rook and take testimony from the neighbors.
Kells and Baze returned home, informing Slim of what had happened. Slim and Jp arrived shortly after they entered the house. Colson handed the phone to his drummer and the brown haired boy looked at him confused. -You don't have to go back to her, it's over ...- It was Slim who said that. Rook looked at them all, a hint of fear on his face that vanished when Baze gaves him a comforting smile. Then he burst into tears, Colson hugged him first and then everyone joined the hug. -I thought it would never end ... I was so tired of her shit ...- Jp starts crying, but he's smiling. - Fuck ... thanks ... - Rook ends. At least it's good to know that he himself had realized the toxicity of his relationship.
Ah well it's over XD. If I'm honest this occurred to me listening to Eminem and Rihanna's song "Love the way you lie" but it is quite based on what happened between Jhonny Depp and Amber Heard and also on the post that Melissa Benoist made about her relationship with Blake Jenner. I guess you all know about Johnny. As I know that Melissa's case is less known, I will explain a little, although you can look for her post with the full story of what happened. Basically she was married to Blake (she is now divorced and recently had a son with Chris Wood, with whom she has been in a relationship for a while) the fact is that she had a toxic relationship with Blake and he abused her physically and emotionally. One of the most serious things he did to her was smash a phone in her face. She lost part of the vision in that eye and now has a mark on her iris and pupil, although she had always said that she was from birth until she recognized everything that happened not long ago. Well, the point is that I relied on these two relationships to write this. I mean I wrote this out of respect for these people and for everyone who is or has been in toxic relationships. I've been to one myself. Well that's it. Thanks for reading and don't get into relationships with shitty people. Bye!
Pd: English is not my native language, I have a good level, but you may write something wrong. I apologize if there is anything wrong.
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taki118 · 3 years
How I’d Rework Miraculous LadyBug
Miraculous Ladybug is one of the series that has such a good solid gimmick behind it that I like tricked myself into thinking it was good for far too long (a similar thing happened with Once Upon a Time). So I finally sat down on wrote out how I’d rework the series. It’s really just slight character, role and magic changes but I think overall it’d work out much better than what we got, in my opinion.
What I really strive for is the idea of real vs persona which each character show casing a duality in both and how different people act behind a mask. Honestly this to me is the most important accept of the series as its set with teenagers and aimed at a younger crowd who are just starting to find themselves. Anyway enough with the preamble changes below its a lot.
So I’ve had a problem with Marinette since season one and it’s never gotten better if anything its only gotten worse. She has what I like to call romcom protag syndrome, Marinette is really good at a lot of things, with a wide array of interests that she's competent at and is very well liked but unlike a Kim Possible type where the narrative owns this and her being hyper competent is just part of her charm Miraculous wants you to think that Marinette is just like you’re average girl by giving her really like cosmetic flaws like a romcom protagonist. She's clumsy! (but only when its convenient) She’s shy and bashful! (but only when it comes to adrien), She overthinks and worries! (but not in a way that impedes her in a meaningful way).
You see what i’m getting at right? How can Marinette be your average girl when she’s already a skilled designer, makes friends with like everyone, can pick up skills insanely quick, is always in the right (even when really she should not be), gets good grades, is class president and her only real (in narrative) flaws are she’s clumsy, sometimes.
So in my reworking I want to make a clear distinction between their true self and persona and Marinette needs this the most.
First things first keep Marinette as very talented fashion designer BUT her sewing skills are not quite there yet. Look I cosplay as a hobby and let me tell you taking something from a 2D sketch to an actual piece of clothing is VERY difficult. Like and even if you manage to make it again what looks good on a sketch might not look good on a real person. So I want to showcase her struggling here, things not looking quite right and maybe give her a bit of a perfectionist problem like her friends don't notice the flaws but SHE does. I would also make fashion and clothes her hyper focus so much that while she CAN do other artistic things she doesn't really like it and struggles with it in a way she doesn't enjoy.
Next up I’d have activities she just can’t do, most important being she’s bad at baking. Like she can’t really help out at the bakery because she’s so bad at it, only able to take orders and clean up because her pastries always come out looking awful. This is because she lacks the patience for baking and the eye for it, though her food tastes fine they just look terrible. And it depresses her a little, even though her parents are fine with it.
I’d also up her clumsiness, like she’s not a good dancer, she slips a lot, gym is not her strong suit, is not graceful in any sense of the word the only time she is is when she’s sewing. Thus adding to her confidence issues.
Another thing I’d add is Marinette is CONSTANTLY over thinking things like to her determinate, like a lot of her clumsy moments comes from her overthinking things (this doesn't just apply to Adrien). And this aspect is shown to be a negative a lot in the narrative adding to her confidence issues. Like she’s constantly afraid Alya won’t be her friend anymore if she messes up, thinks that Tiki would be better off with someone else, and second guesses herself a lot.
Overall the picture I want to give Marinette is a girl holding herself back more than anyone else.
On the other hand when she’s Ladybug all her doubt is thrown out the window because she HAS to be decisive. She doesn't have the time to over think and talk herself into a tissy and because of this every time she succeeds as Ladybug her confidence in her persona grows. Putting that costume on makes her feel stronger, but the second it comes off the doubts sink in. If they depower during a battle Marienette is noticeably less sure and confident. Marinette
associates her powers with her confidence and as such can’t even picture acting like Ladybug without it. She does so so strongly that she thinks if Chat Noir saw the real her he’d be disappointed. In her mind Ladybug is everything Marionette is not and it adds to her complex.
My biggest issue with Adrien is that there is very little difference between him and Chat Noir. One of my favorite things from the anime PVs was how very different you could see between Felix and Chat and how you could see so very much with so very little. I don’t think Adrien is as big a mess as Marinette but then we don’t get much from him  (which I would 100% change)
So in my reworking here Adrien would be a much more obvious people pleaser. He’ll agree to just about anything if asked because he’s terrified of people disliking him. He’ll let people take the last one of a thing he likes, will help with projects even if he doesn’t actually want to be a part of them and will assist people even if they are wrong because he desperately wants to befriend everyone. This will often lead to people taking advantage of and misunderstanding him. Like I want on more than one occasion a girl Adrien is friendly with seeing his people pleasing nature as a genuine interest in them leading to heartbreak and akumaization. This will also play into Marinette’s own worries about confessing to him as in my version he does treat her like a friend. A friend who’s gotten close enough to confide in at times (but less than Nino) but a friend all the same.
Also I would have Adrien just now returning to Paris having been living with his Aunt and cousin up until now due to his mothers passing making his relationship with Gabriel more strained than like abusive. And his experience in his last school was not great as it was a private school where his cousin made things difficult.
I’d also add in that Adrien feels like he has to be on his best behavior at all times for his family name and father’s company and will confess feeling stifled by it and that he doesn’t even like modeling, but its the only time he really sees his dad anymore.
Overall I want it to feel like Adrien is who he feels he has to be.
Chat Noir
When it comes to the Chat Noir persona this is what Adrien feels is his truest self. He acts and speaks and does as he likes, and sometimes he just messes around in the costume at night as stress relief. (maybe even have him not wanting to help sometimes because he just didn’t like the person akumatized and having to be bribed by ladybug) As Chat Noir adrien speaks more casually says whats on his mind no matter how cruel or crude it may be, and is 100% honest with himself and his feelings. To him Chat Noir is freedom and he’d rather die than give it up, it’s Adriens one real act of selfishness.
As such Chat Noir is the true Adrien and the person he is at school is the mask.  
Love Square
So with these changes how does the love square work? Um better in my humble opinion.
Adrienette: Marinette is attracted to Adrien for a similar reason to the series in that he’s nice and sweet and handsome, I wouldn't have her start being confrontational with him just not impressed until he does something she views as special to her, but to him it was nothing. Marionette is head over heals (but not to the creepy level she gets in the series) and jealous of any girl confident enough to ask him out. She’s constantly tripping over herself wondering if it’s better to try and move forward or stay where she is as a close friend. But Adrien doesn’t see Marinette as anything more than that he thinks she’s nice but isn’t attracted to her and never does anything he wouldn’t do with another friend and is oblivious to her interest.
LadyNoir: Chat Noir is attracted to Ladybug for her confidence and straightforward attitude and finds her lack of romantic interest in him all the more alluring. He’ll make grand romantic gestures without much thought and flirts regularly but Ladybug isn’t interested seeing him as a showboat who isn’t all that serious. She is good with them being friends but firmly stands that they are nothing more as she views being a superhero as a job.
MariChat: Marinette still finds Chat Noir obnoxious and nothing more than a flirt, but she also believes that if Chat Noir saw the real her he wouldn’t be interested. And he’s not. He flirts but not to the same degree as Ladybug ad Marinette hides her mocking nature of his more ridiculous moments. But when she’s just Marinette she sees just how genuine Chat’s feelings for Ladybug are and he compliments her in ways Adrien never would and seeing a slightly more confident Marinette
Ladrien: Adrien hides his feelings for Ladybug from others thinking they’d laugh (expect for Nino) so when he’s face to face with her he often doesn’t know how to act. For Ladybug her confidence does fall a little but is far calmer and more upfront with Adrien than Marinette is. As a superhero Ladybug tires to hide her feelings for Adrien but lets it slip more than once that she has preference for him making Adrien think he has a chance.
I would also have a moment where Adrien confesses his feelings to Ladybug and it leaves Marinette in a weird state. Cause he likes her but not HER her, and things become awkward between her and Adrien. Ladybug herself confides in Chat that the person she loves doesn't love the real her he tries to say how stupid this person is but she pushes back that he doesn't really know her either. Leaving things weird between all parties. just yes this is the drama i live for
So Alya I think is a pretty solid character, but I’d have her pushing Marinette more and be less coddling towards her. My Alya would practice more tough love and also would be less invested in her friends love life. I would 100% make it an issue for her too like have an ep where Marienette is so busy obsessing over Adrien that she forgets something important for Alya and she snaps at her. Also she’d me more into news coverage in general not just Ladybug. I’d keep her confident and self assured and make it a little more obvious that Marinette is mimicking her when she starts out as Ladybug.
Rena Rouge
Now I’ll get into kwamii changes and such later i’m just talking about persona changes for now. But as Rena she’d be more cocky and arrogant and would butt heads with Ladybug on strategy. Her confident nature as Alya is great for Marinette but as Rena it’s frustrating for Ladybug. Remember Alya is a superhero fangirl so she’d be all about the action and would think she knows better. And while she and ladybug don’t get along well she and Chat and two peas in a pod a difference from how Alya is with Adrien who she regards kindly but doesn’t think they gel well.
First off get this boy a better outfit. Second again i think he’s a good start to a character but I’d have him be in a similar situation to Adrien. His parents are rich and away a lot but unlike Adrien they allow Nino to do as he likes and most people aren't aware oh just who his parents are. So he and Adrien bond easily and he confides in him more than in the series. His laid back and trouble maker nature mix well with Adrien but he knows when not to push. However because of his easy going nature people dont expect a lot from Nino and don’t really register his serious side that Adrien does notice.
As a hero I feel like he gets the short end in the series, so here his more serious personality comes out. As Carapace he takes super heroing very seriously and is more cautious willing to stand back and follow Ladybugs lead, and butting heads with Chat over jokes. Rena finds him a stick in the mud and he thinks she takes it too lightly.
Bonus for Alya and Nino i think they should date but i’d totally have them being that on and off couple who you can never tell if they’re dating at the moment or not. Just very chill and teenage.
Ok I wanna make it apparent I could rant for hours about all the missed opportunities the series has taken with her. Like Chloe is by far the most compelling character they have and they seem to hate it. But not here not with me.
First things first no personality changes Chloe is queen and i will here nothing on it, but we will be altering how she engages with others and the narrative.
For instance she is Marinette’s rival but it’s not for no reason. Chloe also has goals to be a designer and feels threatened by Marinettes work and a little embarrassed they both want the same thing just for very different reasons. While marinette just purely loves fashion Chloe wants to be acknowledged by her mother (more on this later) As such her designs are more avant guard and less favored by her peers she also has professionals make her looks herself. So she gets infuriated that Marinette work is praised over hers. Add in that they both like Adrien and this makes for volatile interactions.
Now i’d also want to play more into Chloe being Adrien childhood friend. I’d have Adrien note that Chloe wasn’t always this way, and remake about how kind she was when they were younger. I’d also have him say she wrote him everyday when he wasn’t in paris and she never liked talking about school. I’d also make it apparent that her cutesy nature with Adrien isn't fake and that’s how she’d always been with him. I’d also have times where Chloe says no for Adrien on things she knows he doesn’t want to do (like he gets invited to something that involves a thing he’s afraid of and knowing he’d go she acts like its beneath him to do). I’d also have her crush being somewhat protective like her saying that she’ll only accept someone else dating Adrien if they’re good enough for him.
I’d also have her relationship with Sabrina similar only make Sabrina a little crueler on her own. But I’d have her agree with Adrien that Chloe has more to her than everyone thinks. My backstory being that during a time when Adrien was away but before Sabrina Chloe herself got used by kids who wanted to take advantage of her position instead of crying she chose to be mean taking the kids down a peg and vowing to not let others get the advantage of her. (Also her father didn’t help in her spoils nature but still)
I’d also have her being a long time fan of super heroes not always for the right reasons but a fan all the same and use this as a means of her and Alya not getting along.
All in all I’d want Chloe to be mean and bitchy for a reason not just a sometimes obstacle for Marinette.
Queen Bee
As Queen Bee Chloe is much more honest with herself, she still has some attitude but she excitable and eager to prove herself to Ladybug who she idolizes for being like her favorite heroes as a kid. With Ladybug she’s definitely a side kick sometimes to her determinate ignoring her own intuition. And with Chat Noir they have a more relaxed friendly nature with the two feeling an odd ease around each other. Like they’ve been friends all their lives and you can see this is how Chloe and Adrien would be if she were more honest. She also gets along so better with Rena and Carapace than Alya and Nino
Master Fuu
This guy needs such an overhaul I mean honestly if i were writing this I wouldn’t even have a guardian the kwamiis would just be chaotic objects of chance. But we got him so I’d make him far more mysterious I wouldn’t have him interacting directly with Marinette and I wouldn't make him the last just one sent to Paris to find the peacock and butterfly miraculous as they had been lost ages ago. I’d have him meet both Marinette and Adrien but have them not know who he is, just a kind old man who gives good advice. I’d also have him be the only one giving out miraculouses and keep all identities secret. Eventually he’d reveal himself to the main pair but it’d be more equal.
Changes to kawmi
So heres my hot take there should only be 7 active, the ladybug, cat, butterfly, peacock, fox, bee and turtle. Theres just too many we loose focus I’m not saying we shouldn't have more heroes but they’d be more minor recurring like they’re in two for the day or something type deal. The zodiac ones also act too much like dues ex for my tastes.
Another change would be the time uses, it’d go like this:
Ladybug and Cat those two can be used multiple times a day this is what makes them so powerful amount other things
Butterfly, Peacock, Bee, Fox and Turtle can only be used once a day or a week this being why we dont have Rena, Cara and Queen in every ep after their intros they have to be sure they’re needed.
(If we NEED the zodiac ones they can only be used less frequently making them more careful in choice)
Another thing is that while Tikki and Flagg have been approved for use the rest have to be activated by Master Fuu theres like a guardian magic thing that makes it so they can only be in stand by unless summoned by Fuu or Ladybugs Lucky Charm.
Another thing is that they can’t like psychically can’t reveal their identities while in hero form and if they transform or de-transform in front of others they will no longer be able to use the miraculous. Adding in further drama as even if they wanted to tell each other the truth they couldn’t.
I think these changes would make the story far more engaging and more definitive in rules.
His overall personality and role would be the same but he’d be more direct with Marinette none of this I’ll wait for you stuff he’d make his feelings apparent but would be open to other options if they come around and he’ll tell Marinette so. He also wouldn’t be very close to Adrien what I mean is he’d be nice to him but he’d be one of the few people who sees through Adriens mask and call him out not in a mean way but a like “you cant please everyone” and “you’re gonna hurt people like that” way. His main thing would be getting Marinette to not overthink and gain some confidence.
Hers would be similar but less um stereotypical. She’d still be Adriens fencing rival with a crush on him, but like Luka she’d be more direct with Adrien with little interest in him acting nice. Stating things like she doesn't want to be his friend. She also would not befriend Marinette my Kagami wouldn’t have problems making friends she is just very hard to be friends with because of her personality, and finds Marinette’s wishy washy nature annoying. Kigali wouldn’t be cruel to her but she wouldn’t go out of her way for her. Overall Kagami would be stoic, sincere, straight forward, competitive and blunt. Her main thing would be to get Adrien to be more honest with his wants and putting himself first.
Class Changes
One thing that has always and will continue to annoy me about Marinette and Adriens class is how they’re all friends with each other, have these writers been to school????? Like I’m not saying they should be nasty but like they should just have different levels of caring. Not all the girls should be siding with Marinette all the time have one or two like Alix or Juleka being annoyed with her and Alya’s “plans” to get the two together (alix cause she’s seen this episode before and dense want to hear it and Juleka cause of her brothers feelings and Marinette not giving him a clear answer). Have one or two of the guys being annoyed with Adriens “Mr perfect” persona, again not overtly mean just don't get along. Like I’m not looking to make them antagonistic but just i think its weird that Chloe is the ONLY one who cant get along with everyone. Cause it’s just not possible especially with teenagers.
Change to Audrey Bourgeois & Mayura
Ok this is the big one and it might seem small but it changes things fundamentally Audery can’t stand Gabriel but was best friends with Emilie.
In my version Audrey is Gabriels biggest critic and never says away from taking shots at him particularly after Emilie “death”. She always considered him not good enough for someone she considered a sister, and blames him for what happened. Hinting that she may know more than we do.
She would also confess to Chloe that she left Paris out of grief she had so many memories in the city with Emilie that after her sudden death it felt wrong being there. Andre suggested she go on a trip to clear her head a few weeks, turned into a few months, turned into a few years as she avoided thinking about the loss. Of course a causality of this avoidance meant avoiding her daughter as well. She came back after Gabriel gave her a cryptic message and now is where this get interesting.
We start with Natlalie using the peacock miraculous but when Gabriel says this is too much for her and she wont use it anymore he means it. He brings Audrey into the fold showing her Emilie and asking for her help, thus she becomes Mayura.
As Mayura she’s very snide and snippy with Hawkmoth and often questions his plans and methods. She also notes Natalie’s growing feelings for Gabriel and remarks that she’s putting her life on the line for Emilie and insinuating that maybe he doesn’t love Emilie as much as he thought. An insinuation Gabriel doesn’t care for.
Anyway thats how i’d changed the characters, and powers for a more solid show in my opinion, I got no idea for plot cause I got no clue what they are doing. But I think this set up would yield better results regardless.
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cloudsrust · 4 years
YO LOBOTOMY CORP AND NSR? TWO OF MY FAVORITE THINGS? You got some amazing tastes! What are your favorite abnormalities? (Personally I love Clouded Monk and Army in Black.)
Guess it’s just my deep need for unusual characters in media- the weirder they are the more I love :,> plus both got object head/inhuman characters so I’m just in heaven with ‘em dsdsdhs.
And ohhhhh boiii- gotta find the strenght to not cite more than a half of them all or this ask is gonna be infinite ahah. They all just so neat,,, (Ohh! Those two have really good stories, especially Monk! Also a Zayin turning Aleph upon you fricking up? We love the sadism of Project Moon.) (!!Obvious spoilers for Lobotomy Corp!!)
Mhhh- so! I already said two of them: -Funeral of the Dead Butterflies (cw: death mentions, bugs) I love his design to bits plus c’mon,,, he attacks you with butterflies-... butterflies from a coffin and a literal hand gun. The thing that hits me the most it’s his flavor text and description though, so cold yet poetic, direct and harsh- is one of those many info pages that make you understand how dark Lobotomy Corp is and I love it. Weird abnormalaty to be one of my faves tho since I’m panicked by only thinking about death in a direct way eh;;; -Void Dream (cw: dreams used as escapism) They’re a sheep- a sheep perpetually tired... how can I not love them,, sgdsgd. Alright joking apart- the whole thing about using dreams as escapism is just really interesting, it’s a thing that many just go through (me included) while others just remain trapped into it? To the point of delusion- of not accepting reality anymore,,, it’s both a terribly frightening and fascinating concept- especially with how they convey it ingame! (The whole- if sleeping employes are awaken during their breach they instantly go mad? Reality kicking in right there.)
These are the main two faves explained! I’ll write more under the cut ‘cause I just really like to ramble about them and also some of the topics get a bit darker,,
Some more faves are: -Blood Bath (cw: self harm, suicide) This one makes my wrists crawl just by looking at the suit and weapon,, but I think it’s one of the reasons I find it interesting- and also because of its serene yet chilling look. It’s presence is calm- but you can just feel that something is wrong, the blood and cuts being the lowest on the frightening scale. The story is just heart-wrenching, at least for me, and I like that they had the respect to be crude and keep it quite real while describing what Carmen was going through. The last line also hits me everytime ngl;; I do prefer its legacy version though- because of the more personal final observation- especially with the choice to grab the hand or not. Those hands though.. oh those hands-,, no matter what, they’re still stretching outward and asking for help with such streght- I don’t know, it’s both hopeful and depressing to see that all that remains of its victims is that. -Today’s Shy Look Even if they killed my self insert first time around I forgive ‘em lmao. This one I like because of the way it rappresents shyness as something more than just a cute thing or an excuse. As an extremely shy person myself, reading the last phrase of their story is so sad- the way they just ask to let them have at least the space between their face and their skin mask as only their own- a space to be themselves without the need to stretch their face into a smile for the sake of others :,> -Der Freischütz (cw: guns) Hella cool looking and his story is quite familiar- makes sense since he is a “fairytale” category- heck I gotta figure out the real story that inspired it. But a cold hearted huntsman who tried to trick the devil just for the latter to let him destroy everything he loved himself and let his own soul get a free pass for hell? Love him. I like drammatic stories with an open or bad end I guess eh;; -The Burrowing Heaven (cw: eyes) Just the name itself makes me love it. I like when things usually associated with good get turned around- and with such sneaky and cool sounding names! The story I also love how is written- it’s like a poem. Imma sucker for poetic sounding things and this game spoils me to no end,, Also its aesthetic? Beautiful. -Child of the Galaxy (cw: abusive friendship, suicide) 10/10 would use him to train my weaklings in spite of the danger anytime lmao. Once again- the story does it for me. Especially the way the opening segment is described in such an ethereal and friendly way- and then you read that it’s from the diary of one of his victims,, Obsessive friendships or obsessive need for attention and love are more topics that are interesting for me to read about- just how such a nice thing can become so dark and abusive- brrr scary. I also feel it portrays the feeling of being the victim of one of these relationships in some way- always feeling observed, walking on eggshells with everything you do- scared of what they might do or think, the feeling of just being used, of not being in control- geez this game is ruthless when you look into them stories;; -The dreaming Current (cw: drugs) I love this shark boyo so much;;; their design is so surreal, creepy and colorful?? Just- woah,, Their origins are also so sad- a child’s life made of pills and comatose dreams to let them have “normal” experiences,, so heartwarming yet depressing sobs. Also this boi’s weapon shoots bubbles-... b u b b l e s- I want to get them just to use that weapon on an Aleph or Waw just for laughs sdysdsh. -The Trio of Magical Girls (Queen of Hatred, Knight of Despair, King of Greed) I still count the boxes and pray everytime I send someone in King of Greed while they’re under a certain percent;; I love all three designs, but I also love the “Uh? No more problems? We gonna be the problem then!” vibe they all mostly have sahdhsgd. All of them show how any good thing, if you have or do too much, can become bad. Sense of justice and love, compassion and loyalty, happiness- they easily become hate, despair and greediness. I’m especially fascinated by Kind of Greed due to the all thing about desire becoming something impossible for humans to fully satisfy and becoming their own cage- deep stuff for me to overanalyze ahahah. -Big Bird (cw: eyes) Birb. They big and they birb. Perfection lmao. Alright for real- the whole story of the three birds is quite good, showing that our worry over something can become an even bigger threat than the thing itself (Note to myself right there;;).  I just also really love the big bird boyo,, they a mess to keep at bay during ordeals and stuff but they adorable so I forgive the “casualties” ohoh. I would rant on and on but this is already so long- idk who will even read all this stuff but,,, it makes me happy so I guess it’s more for me than others eh;; :,>
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Ok, so, I would like a RFA match up, pretty please 🥺 I just love how you portray them.
About myself, I am an introvert, idk if you follow the personalities test thingy but I am INFP-T, which is basically this:
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(The T stands for Turbulent and is just about me being on the lower self esteem spectrum of the personality)
I do tend to be more shy and quiet, around strangers and general people that I just don't get along with, I prefer to simmer on my emotions and thoughts by myself, and once I've process I share with whoever is willing to listen. I don't like when people start pushing me about the meaning of my feelings when I'm not ready to express them.
However, I am a very feeling-based-decisions type of person.
I grew up taking care and responsibility for my sisters, and I was in charge of babysitting a lot of my baby cousins during extended periods of time, that gave me a weakness to babies but low patience to brats and their parents. Also, now that I don't take care of anyone that actually needs to be taken care of, I'm kinda restless.
I try to be polite to everyone, because I hate bullying, but only once I feel comfortable enough I show my quirky, and weird part of myself, I am a gossip (however, I don't spread rumors nor do I tell secrets that were confided to me), loyal to a fault (which sometimes leads to being spiteful if I'm betrayed) and a hopeless romantic to the core.
I am touch starved, like very very mcuh, I just want cuddles, kisses, hugs and physical affection, but I also need my space and time for myself to do my own stuff. (Is it just me or that sounds like a cat?)
I'm somewhat lazy, I daydream a lot, and I come up with a bunch of writing ideas that I never really write or finish.
My favorite color is pink because it reminds me of the good parts of my childhood, my rebel time as an angsty teen and now it brings me peace and familiarity, however I like to wear more red and black clothing because I think I look better in that.
My perfect date would be a sleepover either in my house or his house, we would order takeout from his favorite place but we would get my favorite desserts. We would watch a Dreamworks movie marathon previously agreed by rock, paper, scissors (he won, but ultimately he chose my favorite movies) and we would snuggle together in a pillow fort in front of the TV. After each movie we would share commentary in how the plot would've been better, or the actors performances, our favorite scenes, characters or anything really. Afterwards, in the middle of the night, when all the movies are over we would just start talking about everything and anything, maybe share one or two kisses but nothing more until one of us falls asleep.
The thingd I look in a partner are fidelity, patience, words of affirmation, trust, stability, and affection, a little bit of lust and possessiveness isn't bad for me, I like to feel that I belong somewhere, with someone and if my partner can be that for me would be ideal, also, I don't like being teased or mocked because I'm very sensitive, preferably someone calm that can ground me when I'm stressed or lost inside me without being mean about it, basically a man that can help me making me feel safe about myself and safe in the relationship (my ex was rather abusive and I just want stability and safety)
Ok, do I don't know if this helps but a little description of my physical appearance: I am 21, mexican, 5'4, shoulder-lenght layered dark brown hair, big dark brown eyes that I like to hide behind huge glasses because I'm blind as heck, chubby, thick thighs, plump-cheeked, round face, my skin is light with yellowish undertones, with small scattered freckles on my nose and cheeks.
Damn, this is very long, I hope this is helpful to you.
Thank you so much for your patience and for doing this, and no pressure at all, take your time and make sure to take breaks to care for yourself.
Gracias otra vez y que tengas una excelente semana.
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Oh this is perfect!
Also are you me bc I honestly relate to all of that 100% (twinsies heyooo and not only that I'm an INFP too! xD)
Anyway here we go!
I hope you enjoy the match pft I'm always nervous about this!
I match you with....
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When you first met, he found it a bit strange about how quiet you were. At first you were pretty quiet in the chatrooms, but after a few days he began to see more and more of you.
One night while you were in bed writing, you received a call from Jumin. Normally you'd be pretty shy to talk to him, but you decided to be brave and answer.
At first it was a bit awkward, but for some reason listening to Jumin made you want to get to know him a bit more. The two of you ended up talking for two whole hours.
One night you invited Jumin over to watch a movie together. The poor man had never seen the wonderful and beautiful thing that is all the Shrek Movies.
It was amazing.
Jumin actually gave some pretty deep commentary, and you loved talking about your favorite parts of the movie once it was done. Jumin couldn't help the big smile that appeared on his face and you suddenly stopped your rant about the movie, feeling suddenly a bit self conscious. Were you weirding him out?
You immediately mumbled an apology, feeling hurt, but Jumin grabbed your hands and kissed them. "No, no, please don't think I'm laughing at you. I just...well....to be honest I've never found myself captivated by someone....yet here I am, unable to tear my eyes away from you. You...you are truly a wonderful person you know?"
That day you had your first kiss.
The two of you had a really cute dynamic, with Jumin being the one that always solved everything by logic, and you being the one that always followed your heart. You two ended up helping each other a lot!
Whenever you feel down or tired, Jumin only has to take one look at you and will immediately come over to hug you. He won't ask about anything unless you want to talk about it. He's super observant, so he always knows how you're feeling without you having to tell him.
Another thing, is that you've helped this man take more care of himself. Whenever he's overworking, you'll come up to his office and wrap your arms around him, telling him to take a quick break.
Also, did you say you were almost like a cat? Because this man absolutely loves cats and just adores it when you come up to cuddle with him.
Jumin knows when you give you space, and he is always there if you need someone to comfort you. He is also extremely loyal (and protective too! -not in the creepy DONT TALK TO OTHER GUYS way- but he always makes sure you have body guards when you leave, and if he finds someone staring at you funny he will suddenly come up to you and kiss you.)
If you're ever stressed and dealing with any problems, he will take you by the hands and lead you to the balcony, where he will guide you through some breathing exercises. Then, when you've calmed down he will talk to you about the problem and give you solutions.
If you need time by yourself Jumin will definetly step away for a bit and come back when you're ready!
At dinner time he humors you by talking about any office drama he's heard about (recently he's been asking Jaehee to keep track of those sort of things so he can tell them to you -also he's definitely become invested but won't admit it pft)
Over all, Jumin will always take your feelings into consideration first, and he will make sure to always be there for you!
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Survey #398
“freedom is just man’s invention, & a soldier is just a slave”
What do you do the most when you’re online? Watch/listen to YouTube. Do you have a bobblehead? No. Have you ever spent your birthday alone? No, that sure would suck. Were you afraid of heights as a child? Actually no, but NOW I kinda am. Have you ever had a lead role in a play? No. Would you ever take a solo road trip? No, that sounds super depressing and lonely. Do the mountains fascinate you? Of course! So much history built into a magnificent, awe-inspiring piece of nature. Have you ever been insulted or called names by a significant other? Wow, no. I wouldn't tolerate that for a second. What’s your favorite movie battle scene? The fight between Simba and Scar is very powerful imo. Have you ever been to a same-sex wedding? No, but not because I'm opposed. I'd love to go to one and be the photographer. What’s your favorite Marvel movie? Probably one of the Spider-Man films. I don't remember which it is, and I don't want to spoil it by explaining what I do recall. Did you have a Walkman when you were a kid? No. What’s the most difficult experience you and a significant other have gone through together? Being long-distance when we really wanted each other's physical comfort. Have you ever attempted to pick a lock? Did you succeed? Yes, because Ashley locked her keys in the car. I don't remember if it worked, actually. Have you done the Bratz doll challenge for YouTube? No. I've seen a couple people do it, though, and it's both cool and creepy. Does the hospital in your town have a good reputation? NOOOOOOOOOOOO. What is your favorite nickname that you’ve had? "Bee" from Megan. Have you ever gotten a professional massage? No. I would be SO uncomfortable. If you had braces, do you wear your retainers still? No. :/ Well, the one you put in, anyone. I have a metal one behind the front row of my bottom teeth. If you had braces, have your teeth moved since you got them off? Yes. Do you know anyone personally who’s lost a child? I know way too many people who have suffered miscarriages. Do you take your medications regularly? Yes. What’s one luxury item you wish you could afford? An actually nice house. What’s your favorite thing to do in a swimming pool? Just kinda casually swim around. Have you ever been abused by a cop? No. What is one thing that you took to show-and-tell as a kid? My Snorlax plushy. Do you remember losing your first tooth? No. In the summer would you rather have the windows down or the A/C on in the car? I strongly prefer A/C. Have you ever been addicted to a game? What game? I had a long-time addiction to World of Warcraft for a couple years or so. I still play it now, but I'm not addicted to it anymore. As a matter of fact I get bored of it easily now. Which was better: the original The Lion King or the sequel? The original, but I love both very much. Do any of your grandparents have a tattoo? I don't know if any did. Do you believe that your pets feel love towards you? Roman, 120%. It is so obvious. Venus, no, as reptiles are literally incapable of experiencing that emotion. I do, however, know she trusts me. Are you proud of your body? FUCK no. Have you ever been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance? No. How do YOU believe the world & universe started? I don't know. I feel like MAYBE there is some sort of ultimate intelligence that formed the universe (maybe prompted the Big Bang, though I've always been dubious of that occurring naturally), but I don't think of this topic frequently at all. Does it really matter, after all? We're here, so just focus on that and live in the now. Have you ever stuck gum under a desk/chair? NO, that shit grosses me the hell out. When shopping at a grocery store, do you return your cart or just leave it? Return your fucking cart, please. It is NOT that difficult. What is one thing you’d never want your parents to find out? Certain places I've, uh, "done" things. When you were little, did you like Dr. Suess books? Yep. I seriously loved Green Eggs and Ham. What would you consider unforgivable? Rape is #1. Would you rather give your food to a homeless shelter or money to charity? Food to a homeless shelter, but I'd love to do both. What was your least favorite year of your life so far? 2016 was a fucking NIGHTMARE. Have you spent money on a game online? On one occasion, I asked if Mom would reactivate my WoW account, and when two expansions came out, I asked if she could buy them. I HATED asking. Thankfully, now, I'm rich enough in the game to pay for the "token" currency, which renews your subscription for a month, so I essentially play for free now. Have you been called a bad influence? Yes. Have any self-done piercings? Noooo. I only trust professionals. Ever pierced someone else? Again, no. Leave it to professionals, as well as someone without tremors. If you had a child with down’s syndrome, would you keep him/her? IF I wanted kids, of course I would. It really, REALLY bothers me when DS is the reason behind abortion. Mind you, I am pro-choice, but come on... Don't treat down's syndrome children as a curse. If someone tried to murder your child, do you think it would be wrong to expose them publicly and talk about it on social media? Of fucking course I would. I'd damn that person to hell myself. Is there a toxic person that you miss? I sometimes miss Colleen. Are you still contemplating going back to someone you shouldn’t? With Jason, yes. If he actually wanted me back (that will never happen, but anyway), I fear I'd say yes and probably would, realistically. When was the last time you had a new crush? When I realized I was bisexual. Do you want Jesus to come back soon? Back when I was a Christian, I was terrified of Judgment Day. I don't believe in it now. What is something you can’t wear because of your body type? I COULD wear whatever the hell I wanted, but I refuse to wear crop tops or strapless tops (or strapless bras). Oh, and thongs. No thanks. If you have curves, do you like them? I'm not curvy naturally, I'm just fat. Have you ever worn matching pajamas with someone? No, but that'd be cute. Has anyone ever mistaken you for being anorexic? No way. What fast food place do you avoid at all costs? Arby's, to name one. Are you afraid of deep sea creatures? Yes, especially giant squid. Have you ever agreed to purchase something on Ebay and got scammed somehow? Ugh, I got Ico THREE TIMES and they were ALL broken; they'd freeze in the first few minutes. Has anybody ever given you a promise ring? No. What is your favorite kind of cake? Red velvet. Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? Yeah, multiple times. Were you outdoors or indoors more as a kid? I'd say it was a split down the middle. Have you ever had a relationship that began via text? Jason, Tyler, Juan, and Sara all began over text. Girt asked me out over Facebook Messenger. Do you think sloths are cute or ugly? They're cuties! What eyeshadow suits you best? I only wear black eyeshadow. Do you watch the show Wizards of Waverly Place? I did as a kid and really liked it. Have you ever been to the rainforest? No. I don't think I could handle the humidity, though I'd love to see all the beautiful wonders. Are you a member of any clubs? No. Would you shave your head with a friend who had cancer? If it was someone I was very close to and they were extremely self-conscious about it, I'd probably be willing to get very short hair, but I don't think I could handle no hair at all. How did you meet your pet? Roman was one of the kittens of Ashley's mother-in-law's cats. She has way too many cats and needed to get rid of the kittens, and I'd been wanting one like mad. I found Venus via the online reptile-selling hub called Morph Market, and I became VERY interested in the many, many ball python morphs, and when I saw her, I immediately knew that was my baby. Did/Do you have any PEZ dispensers? I did as a kiddo. What are some of the phrases in your personal ‘bingo’ card? "Mood," "can't relate," "hi, how are ya," "jinkies," "yikes," "oof," shit like that. Have you ever been through a trap door? No. Do/did you have to wear a uniform to your high school? No, only middle school. How many video games do you own? A whole lot. Have you ever visited a sex shop? No. Have you ever ridden a bicycle through a busy city? No, I'd be very scared to. Do you use Instagram? How often do you post there? I have two for my varying photography subjects. I post very rarely on both. Have you ever had a scary encounter with a wild animal? I have not.
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ohmywhump · 4 years
Handsome Devil
next / masterlist
Meet Jonah and Vincent!
What started with a little flirt soon becomes the worst experience of Jonah's life... Since this is only the prologue things are still very lighthearted in general, but that will change rather quickly.
cw for this chapter: implied drugging, implied non-con
cw for the story in general: abusive relationship, creepy/intimate whumper, mentions of and actual torture, non-con touching, drugging and references to past drug abuse
@whumperofthetristatearea  you asked me to tag you, so here we go ;)
'Double espresso,' the dark haired man ordered, handing over his credit card to the employee without a word of greeting. Pushing his glasses back up his nose, he unfolded the newspaper he was carrying, leaning against the counter while he waited for his order.
'Double espresso?'
He looked up at the barista, annoyed that he even dared to address a regular like him given the fact that he'd ordered the same beverage every morning for more than a year now. To his surprise he saw himself confronted with a handsome young man whose ash brown hair was long enough to almost cover his amber coloured eyes, giving him a tentative smile as he shoved the espresso cup in his direction.
'Enjoy, sir.'
'Oh, hello there... never seen you here before... Jonah,' he purred, inspecting the name tag on the young man's shirt while he emptied the small cup with a single gulp.
'Yeah, erm... I just started working here a few days ago, so...'
'So that means I'll have the pleasure of seeing you again, how convenient! Have a nice day, Jonah,' he said as he put down his cup on the counter, tucked the folded newspaper under his arm and turned towards the exit with a final wink in Jonah's direction.
'Same to you,' the barista mumbled even though the customer had already left, nervously brushing a strand of hair out of his face.
'Don't do that,' a voice behind him stated.
Carol had been doing the dishes, but now she looked up, honest concern showing on her face.
'What do you mean?'
'I know that look. And I'm not going to stand back and watch while you're precipitating into ruin.'
'But I... I didn't do anything wrong, I don't know what you're talking about!'
'That guy? You know him?'
'Vincent Dunne, he's a publishing editor and an obnoxious person. Wish he'd get his espresso elsewhere.'
'A publishing editor..,' Jonah mused, turning around towards the door even though it was obvious that the man had long since gone.
'Whoa, Jonah – no. I know exactly what's going on in your crazy little head right now and you will not do that!'
'Oh come on, Carol, you knew from the start that I'd only be working here until I've found something else and that's a chance in a thousand!'
Grabbing him by his shoulders she turned him around, making him face her.
'You don't understand, it's not that I want to keep you from getting a job that matches your abilities, I just don't want you to ask him.'
'Why not?'
'Because he's creepy.'
Jonah couldn't help but laugh.
'And you're crazy, Carol. Now let me through so I can wipe the tables, will you?'
'Never thought you'd agree to see me again so soon,' Vincent smiled, taking a sip of his wine.
They were sharing a table in a cosy restaurant by the river, watching the people walking by albeit most of the time only having eyes for each other. It was only the third time they met – if you rated their first encounter at the coffee shop earlier that week as meeting even though they barely talked back then. The second time Vincent had spent his entire lunch break standing on the counter, talking to Jonah while he kept preparing lattes and mocha cookie crumble frappuccinos with non-fat milk and extra syrup for the other customers, flirting blatantly – after that experience, they decided to meet somewhere else where they could talk without being interrupted all the time.
Feeling more confident by now, Jonah started asking questions about Vincent's job, just incidentally mentioning that he was still looking for an occupation that matched his qualification.
'That is?' Vincent asked with raised eyebrows.
'I've got a master's degree in English Literary Studies and Creative Writing.'
'So you're just hanging out with me because you want me to get you a job? I'm shocked! And I already wondered why somebody this young would go on a date with someone my age...'
He made an expression as of utter consternation, then burst into roaring laughter right away.
'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of you, everyone has to start somewhere. We can give it a try if you like?'
'Sure thing, I'd love to!'
Jonah's eyes lit up as if Vincent had already offered him a job, but the other man reminded him to take the whole thing one step at a time.
'You probably shouldn't tell your colleagues just yet, not to be rude, but I'll have to see if you're any good before I can recommend you. Having a master's degree doesn't mean you're any good as an editor.'
'I know, I know! I'm just... I'm so grateful that you'll give me a chance to prove myself!'
'Don't disappoint me, then. Are you working tomorrow?'
'Yes, but only until 5pm, I could come to your office right after that...'
'Hey - slow down. You're certainly not coming to my office right away, it would make me look stupid if I introduced you to the others without testing you first.'
'I'm sorry,' the younger one mumbled, blushing, 'I really don't want to embarrass you.'
'I've got some things to get done tomorrow but I'll pick you up at 6 pm. Wait for me in front of Archway station, will you? You should be able to get there in time.'
'So you live in that area?'
After being scolded for his officiousness Jonah didn't know how to resume their chat and just stayed quiet. There were so many questions he wanted to ask, but he didn't want to offend Vincent. Looking up at him shyly, he realised that the dark haired man was watching him with an expression of kindness.
'How can I restore that beautiful smile you sported earlier this evening?'
'I don't know,' Jonah replied, feeling the heat rising in his cheeks again, 'Maybe you could...'
He felt Vincent's lips pressed against his own before he was able to finish his sentence.
'Yes honey, I can...'
Vincent showed up at 6 pm sharp, picking up an exhausted looking Jonah who had given his all to arrive at Archway station at the agreed time with his boss holding him up shortly before he wanted to leave the coffee shop and a signal failure on the Northern Line on top of it. They drove around for some time, passing through parts of North London Jonah had never seen before, the only landmark he recognised being Highgate Cemetery. Vincent seemed very focussed on his driving, so he didn't dare to address him, although he was still curious to know where they were going, especially since he couldn't fight the feeling that temporarily they had been heading south again.
The car stopped in front of a detached building that seemed to be made entirely of light wood and glass; Jonah already felt at home before even setting foot into the house.
'So this is were you live,' he muttered, 'I'm impressed.'
'I often work at home, so I prefer having a quiet and calming environment, you know, light colours, natural materials, floor-to-ceiling windows...'
'I really like it.'
'Wait till you see the inside,' he replied with a wink, leading him up to the entrance and into a light-flooded living room, beckoning Jonah to sit down on the vast sofa while he went over to the open-plan kitchen to fetch a bottle of wine and two glasses, pouring his guest and finally himself a drink.
They clinked glasses and while Jonah already took a sip of his wine, Vincent got up again, picking up his laptop from a desk in front of the window.
'We're not meeting just for fun, right?' he grinned while switching it on and placing it in front of his guest, 'Though of course we might have some fun later if you don't mind...'
'I don't mind at all,' he smiled back.
'Okay, but still – business before pleasure. I picked a text I worked on a few months ago – you're getting the original version, of course. You can have a try at it while I'm preparing dinner for us, alright?'
'Shall I get you something else to drink while you're working on it?'
'A glass of water if you don't mind?'
'Of course.'
After he was fitted with everything he needed, Vincent patted his shoulder, gave him an encouraging smile and left for the kitchen.
Curious about what his task would be, Jonah opened the test1 named document and was confronted with a 10-page text. Vincent hadn't told him how long he was expected to work on the script, but he decided to just start right away and see how far he'd get until his host called him for dinner. First of all, he'd read through the text to get a feeling for the author's way of writing.
A few minutes later Jonah leant back, staring at the screen in front of him. What the hell...? Why had Vincent decided to give him something like that to edit? He was really testing him, wasn't he? The poor protagonist really had lots to endure in this text... Jonah sighed. Let's get on with it...
Vincent returned about an hour later, two plates in his hands.
'Dinner's ready,' he stated, placing one of them in front of Jonah with a smile on his face while sitting down next to him. 'Are you ready, too?'
'I think so...,' the younger one muttered as if waking from a dream.
'Hey darling, are you okay?'
Vincent leaned over, eyeing him with an expression of utter concern.
'Sure, I'm...'
He cleared his throat, trying to sound like his usual confident self again.
'This just isn't something I read every day – but that's probably why you gave it to me, right? To show me that it's part of the job to edit things you're not comfortable with, too.'
'You're right, that's exactly why I gave this text to you. So you would still want the job now you know what you might be facing?'
'Of course! As if something like that could stop me! After all, it's just fiction, so...'
'Thought you'd say that,' Vincent smiled, 'I'll have a look at what you wrote tomorrow and let you know how I feel about it. Unless there are any questions left?'
'In fact, I do have one question about the text, background story-wise...'
'Go ahead.'
'Why was he locked in a cage?'
'Punishment for disobedience,' Vincent shrugged.
Smiling at each other to ease the tension, they reached for their plates.
'You are trying to make me drunk because you want to seduce me, right...?' Jonah mumbled, clinging to Vincent's neck and kissing his temple for the umpteenth time, still holding his wine glass in one hand while making himself comfortable in the other one's lap.
'Nope,' the older man answered, taking the glass out of his hand and putting it back on the table, 'You've been doing this all by yourself and I am putting an end to this now.'
'What...? Noooo, don't do that, Vince...,' he whined, but he was scooped up nonetheless.
'I thought we could go somewhere else... somewhere more... comfortable...'
Facing each other, they both started to grin at the same time.
Holding the younger one's hand, Vincent lead him up a wooden spiral staircase to the top floor that was set right under the roof, therefore being smaller than the living room downstairs, but appearing very cosy that way. A wide bed with beautifully carved bedposts made of the same light wood as the rest of the house dominated the room. Walking past a low table, Vincent picked up a glass bowl filled with strawberries before sitting down on the bed with his lover.
'Something sweet for my sweet boy?' he asked, offering one of the fruits to him.
Jonah didn't need to be told twice, opening his mouth and finally licking some of the juice off Vincent's fingers.
'You put sugar on them?'
'Life is bitter enough.'
Lying back, he grabbed for the tie Vincent was still wearing and pulled him down with him.
'You're too far away,' he whispered, snatching a kiss, 'And there are way too many clothes on your body...'
'Look who's talking!' Vincent chuckled, unbuttoning Jonah's shirt. The younger one tried to help, but his partner prevented him from doing so.
'Keep your hands over your head and let me do this while you relax...'
For a few seconds Jonah managed to do as he was told, but since Vincent seemed to have all the time in the world and took ages for every single button, Jonah reached down, intending to get rid of his jeans.
Vincent stopped his movements.
'Didn't I tell you to keep your hands over your head?'
'I've never been a patient person, you know?'
'I'll teach you to be patient, then...' Vincent purred, taking off his tie and getting hold of the younger one's hands, tying them to the bedpost with it.
Jonah moaned in annoyance but didn't object, kind of enjoying the feeling of helplessness while Vincent continued to strip him of his clothes. Still, something seemed off... it was getting harder to concentrate and he started to feel dizzy... he hadn't really drunk that much though, two glasses of wine in total, so this couldn't be the reason. Shifting in his restraints he tried to ease the feeling of lightheadedness, but it just wouldn't go away. Should he tell Vincent? He really didn't want to ruin this perfect evening... leaning back again, he tried to relax. Maybe it was just the excitement, the alcohol only adding up to that. He just had to stay awake, had to... With his vision blurring, he caught one last glance of Vincent, smiling down on him almost maliciously.
'You're mine now', he heard him whisper into his ear before he passed out.
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eevee-miscellaneous · 4 years
Homura and her Demons
CW: Strong Language and Swearing
I tend to find myself a difference of opinion when it comes to this topic in the Madoka Magica. The most popular pairing (Be it platonic or often romantic), Madoka and Homura, is the best thing that came from the original series and that the third movie effectively demonizes the love between them. However that’s not a good or accurate outlook on these two. It’s time to take a step back and look at the whole picture without the shipping goggles.
So let’s start off with the obvious jumping off point that everybody’s mad about, the twist of REBELLION. Homura removing Madoka from the system that she made to save everyone and basically rewrote the entire universe. Everyone hated this twist when it first came. No shortage of outrage and criticism on this plot point. I should know. I used to be one of the people. But after years of thinking, looking at other works in the franchise, and growing, my outlook has shifted. If anything, I prefer the twist and mad that they didn’t do much with it afterwards. 
The most common criticism I’ve heard is that it’s either out of character or worse it demonizes Lesbian love by turning Homura is basically the Devil. Now I find this interesting because both aren’t true when you look at the series as a whole. Let’s tackle the first one, and put a pin in the other. Homura is sadly one of those characters. Where they have the larger fan base but those fans make more misinterpretations then the most of the fandom as a whole.
Homura is often portrayed as a savior trying to save Madoka, that’s misunderstood by everyone, who just wants what’s best for Madoka, is a good person against the world, and the true protagonist. If you actually read or watch most of the works in the series (and actually pay attention), you’d know that none of the above actually applies to her. Yes she does become a Protagonist in both Wraith Arc and Rebellion, she’s not the protagonist in the Original series. 
Remember the whole conflict about the Witch/Magical System was solved by Madoka, not Homura. Homura didn’t care for the system, and only tried to stop it ‘for Madoka’. And even then she didn’t want to fight the system, she just wanted Madoka to not become a magical girl. 
The whole “misunderstood and against the world” angel is also faulty. A lot of people that say this refer to when Homura tries to tell the other about how the magic system they’re in actually works, and they don’t believe her. Pushing her to work alone because no one will accept the truth. This one hits a few snags. 
Firstly, she couldn’t explain how or why when they pushed further than that. She didn’t learn more and there’s no evidence that she bothered to learn more about the why. So it clearly looked like she was lying and was trying to fuck with them. Secondly, did everyone simultaneously forget how Homura was acting both before the twist and what kind of world we were dealing with? It was safe to assume before Magia Record even came out that yes, backstabbing and betrayal is more common than we think. Homura was not making it easier for people to trust and work with her because of her demeanor and seclusion. If anything it alienated her even more. That wouldn’t have been an issue but her entire goal would have benefited from being able to work with at least Mami and Kyoko. Not to mention her entire belief of “no one will accept the truth” is an assumption from limited data. She has been shown only tried it once in the entire franchise as a whole. We can assume or imply all we like, but the fact that she goes cute and well-intentioned to what we see in the present; and we don’t see anything close to an in-between of the events. She never shown us her approaching the problem from a different angle or direction. If anything the only one to make absolutely sure that she never finds out about the truth is Mami. Sayaka and Kyouko tend to handle it better by sheer circumstance. 
The last one is the utmost important to clear up and is by far the most inaccurate. A savior trying to save Madoka, who just wants what’s best for Madoka. Almost everything that the series has produced has contradicted this sentiment, from spinoffs games and comics, to the original show, to the notorious REBELLION film. Homura is not a good person and isn’t doing what’s best for Madoka. She’s doing what she thinks is best for Madoka. That may seem like a small difference, but it makes a huge change.
In Episode 8 of the original series when Madoka is worried sick about Sayaka, Homura attempts to genuinely help (only once passive aggressively in the whole series I made add), she attempted to kill Sayaka when Sayaka saw through her. Because “She didn’t want Madoka to see her like this”. Sayaka is a childhood friend to Madoka and losing her best friend would effectively be worse for her than losing Mami. In ORIKO MAGICA, when the whole school was trapped in a labyrinth, Homura takes only Madoka to save her. When Madoka confronts her for not saving the others when she had the chance and power, Homura is actually surprised that the friend who she herself regarded as incredibly selfless, was mad that she abandoned their friends for her own selfishness. This is the timeline after she saw Madoka break down when Sayaka turned into a witch. She didn’t think that Madoka was at all upset that she just lost her friend. 
In Magia Record, when Kei confronts her about not knowing someone other than herself, all the things she says in response just prove their point. All the things she thinks Madoka wants, are more aligned with what she wants. For someone who is said both by fans and some of the writers to be Madoka’s best friend, Homura really doesn’t know her friend. 
And again a lot of Homura’s treatment towards Madoka and her friends isn’t healthy. A lot of fans hate Madoka for not doing anything, but praise Homura. But that’s strange because whenever Madoka does try to help, Homura comes in at the last minute just to stop her. It’s hating a character for something that the other character is causing. Homura is constantly making Madoka feel worthless by pushing her away from everything. 
Madoka goes from a strong capable magical girl to someone more timid and weak over the time Homura tries to protect her. And when someone other than her takes Madoka’s attention, she acts antagonistic towards them. When Madoka doesn’t do what Homura wants her to do, she guilt trips and gets mad at her. And one question I must ask, and this one is important. If Mami, Sayaka, and Kyouko all died, but Homura succeeded with saving Madoka, would she have gone back to save them? Even if not doing so would cost Madoka’s mental and emotional health. Cause with everything I’ve listed, the answer is no. 
Now I can’t blame the fans entirely on this misinterpretation. Since if you look at only the original series, it’s a little muddled with how they treat her actions. On the one hand, they’re not afraid to show her as a bad person, but on the other they don't fully acknowledge this. The final scene the two have together is what everyone remembers but many forget the attempt to murder Sayaka. 
That’s why I’ve softened to the Rebellion twist but it’s unapologetically showing this front and center. A lot of the things that happen aren’t just Kyubey’s fault. The infamous fight between her and Mami is literally because Homura had an idea on what was going on but didn’t think fully through. And not along after is called out by the one that she tried to hurt more times in the course of the series. From what seen in Wraith arc and the end credit scene of the series, it’s safe to assume that she was able to be caught by the incubators cause she was alone and not keeping herself sane. The entire climatic witch fight is not from Kyubey’s plan to catch Madoka, but Homura trying to self destruct to save Madoka. Even though we all know it would cause more harm than good. 
Watch the tearing in half scene again and pay attention to how Madoka is reacting to the act. That’s the brazen display of what kind of person Homura is. The only place you could find that is spin off mangas, and not many fans bother with them. If I were to hazard a guess on why the two endings are vastly different, I’d say that Gen Urobuchi likely didn’t notice the abusive element between the two until the higher ups wanted to make a franchise. I’d say that point since the original ending idea for Rebellion seems closer to what happened in the Original series, and Urobuchi has admitted to liking the ending they did go with. 
It might sound like I hate these but seeing how it’s framed as a bad thing and there’s actually consequences in-universe, I love it. I love selfish characters that aren’t always good. I love it when they do bad things and those things actually have some form of consequence. A lot of things that are staple Homura behavior are compelling and have potential for interesting character work. It’s just on who’s writing and how they frame her that becomes an issue. She’s like a lot of characters that have this kind of discourse. Interesting design but it relies a lot more on framing and writing than some other characters. 
Remember the second point I made about the criticisms? The thing the ending is demonizing is not lesbianism like many claim, it’s demonizing Homura’s creepy abuse. If they had gone with the original ending, they’d effectively be making the same mistake they made with the Original. All the things I listed for what they did in Rebellion would’ve been framed completely differently. 
I would love to see Homura’s Rebellion direction go to cool interesting routes. Seeing how we have a majority of human antagonists that aren’t….the best design, I’d like to see what kind of villain she’d become. We don’t need a morally complex antagonist like Oriko, just a well written one that does her role well. If they do go the route of redemption, all I’d ask for is not to repeat the mistakes of the worst antagonists we’ve had (y’all Magia Record fans know who). I do have faith in Gen Urobuchi on making a compelling and interesting story, but he’s human and so it’s a toss up. 
I know I’ve been really harsh on the fans of Homura and her, and I wanna make something clear. I don’t hate you for liking a character. I’m not saying you can’t enjoy Homura as a character, but I am saying that if you do you have to understand that she is a bad person. And that’s ok. You can understand why and how she is the way she is, and that’s great, but you can’t act like Homura is a good person cause that’s just a disrespect to the story and the character. Characters that are bad or just not good aren’t inherently badly written. It’s perfectly allowed to like a character like that. If that wasn’t true, villains and antagonists wouldn’t be as popular as they are. 
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lifeofroos · 4 years
*inhales* part 10. I am going to give myself a pat on the back.
In short: Nico gets therapy from Dionysus. Todays’ subject: Hades. Rest is: Right here. 
This Might Be Crazy part 10: Fanta
Huh? I stopped doing what I was doing and looked at the clock. 10 A.M. ‘Dionysus, sir?’
‘I thought you would be awake. If you are not plotting out a plan to save the world, would you mind if we did a therapy session?’
I would not particularly mind. I got up from the ground, walked to the door and opened it. ‘Yes, we can do a small session.’ 
Dionysus looked at me. ‘Good. Denny’s?’
‘Where else?’
Mary pushed a Fanta into my hands as soon as we entered the restaurant. ‘I am glad to see you are doing better!’
‘Eh, yes, sorry for not sending you a message after what happened last time.’ 
Dionysus shrugged. ‘I let her know you were feeling better.’ Aha.
‘...Thanks. To you too, Mary, for the Fanta.’
She smiled and winked again. ‘I get it, Nico. Now go talk about important things. I am expecting a small rush of pre-party people to come in soon and you two are in the way.’ 
We sat down and I took a deep breath. 
‘Alright, are you feeling calm enough to start?’ 
‘Yes. I think I am ready.’ 
‘Good.’ He waited while I pulled the tab of my can. ‘Let’s start at the very beginning. How did you first meet your father?’ I took a sip while trying to put my thoughts in order.
‘I probably first met him… right before he transported me, my sister and my mother out of fascist Italy, to America. I… don’t really have a lot of memories of that. Just that one day, mom said that Mussolini was not our leader anymore, we were in a new house and there was a tall, scary, pale man.’ I shrugged. I wanted to dig further in my memories, to remember exactly what happened, but on the other hand I did not think that that was a good idea. I shifted the can around. 
´Then… I remember a hotel lobby, it must have been near Los Angeles. It was nothing fancy. Me… my sister was playing with me on the floor, and I remember that the same creepy man was sitting next to my mother. It could be that I don’t really remember him being there, but like... that I think he probably was there.’ Dionysus nodded as if he understood. ‘Then there was a loud noise, like a bomb going off and the next thing I remember is that someone delivers us to this loud, flashy place, just… think Vegas, because it was Vegas…’ My voice died down. I fumbled with my Fanta can. ‘...And my mother was gone,’ I quietly said. 
‘I think it is very likely that what you are saying are not all memories, but that you are piecing a few things together, like you said. Don’t worry about that. Now, if you can go on, go on,’ Dionysus reassured me. 
‘Bianca and I were brought to the Lotus hotel and casino.’ Dionysus blinked a few times. ‘It’s, uh… from what I can remember... and from what Percy filled me in on, because he has been there too… on first glance it seems like the best hotel in all of Vegas, filled with everything a kid would love. The difference is that time goes way faster in that place than in the rest of the world. If you’d ask me, and you are, I would say that my sister and I were in there for perhaps a few weeks. Yet, when we got out, it was suddenly a new century.’
‘I... know of the Lotus hotel, let us keep it at that,’ Dionysus told me. Even though that was interesting, I sighed and went on. I had something important to say next. 
 I…’ I took a sip, which stopped me from talking, ‘I am sure he wanted to protect us. Hades, I mean. From Zeus, who… I believe he was the one who… made that other hotel collapse. I don't… I don't know…’ I shrugged. I held a hand in front of my eyes. The talking had gone easier than I had expected, but now the tears were starting to catch up. ‘Perhaps the relationships between the gods in the years leading up to the second world war were a factor.’
‘They absolutely were, yet…’ Dionysus shook his head. ‘Hm. I mean that while that is true, Zeus can be…’ He did not finish the sentence, but I understood. ‘Do you need a break?’ he asked, while a tear rolled down my cheek. 
‘Just a moment,’ I answered, ‘I… a lot is coming out right now.’
He nodded again, while waiting for me to dry my eyes, take a few breaths and sip my Fanta. Meanwhile, a song came on the radio. ‘The sun ain´t gonna shine anymore,’ from the Walker Brothers. 
‘That is one of the songs that I vividly remember playing in the Lotus hotel,’ I explained. ‘There are a few of those, like Rum and Coca cola, Don´t go breaking my heart, Girls just wanna have fun…’
‘Those are songs from different eras. Different decades.’
‘Yes well, they just came by, one by one. Only the biggest hits, as if the other songs were forgotten too fast.’ I sighed again. ‘The hotel was a blur, a fantastic blur. Yet, after those… what felt like weeks, we were picked up by someone who turned out to be Alecto. Me and my sister were brought to a military school.’ At this point I could not help but roll my eyes. ‘We quickly learned that we were in a strange new place, without Yugoslavia and stuff.’ Dionysus smiled when I mentioned Yugoslavia. Alright, it was a pretty strange way of saying that the world had changed. ‘After a few months, Percy, Thalia and the others found us and brought us to camp.’ I took a sip. My eyes narrowed.
‘Then… You know, even though I was introduced to the world of demigods, I only really met my dad a year and a half later...’
‘I was like nineteen when I first really met Zeus.’ I looked up at Dionysus. 
‘You did?’
‘Yes, after I wreaked enough havoc, Zeus finally decided that it was probably time to grand me the time of day…’ he took a deep breath. ‘But this is not about that.’
‘Is it not? It is at least good to know that other godly parents can be just as… well…’
‘Negligent.’ That got me quiet. I had not expected him to say that. ‘You are surprised.’
‘I mean, I did not expect…’ I shuddered with my shoulders. 
‘I have been at your camp for almost seventeen years at this point, I have been a demigod and you don't think that I know how cold the gods can be?’ I could not really think of a reaction. 
Dionysus seemed to come to his senses after that. ‘So… I think you should go on. You were really on a roll.’
‘Alright. So, the time I really met him.’ I began to feel nervous again. ‘I… I went into the underworld after I talked to Percy. You know that, because you talked to Percy afterwards, I saw it.’ Dionysus did not look apologetic at all for eavesdropping on us. Godly awareness only went so far, I guess. ‘When I came into the underworld… well, my father… he immediately called me over to the palace. He did not want…’ I looked at the table and took a deep breath. 
‘Take it easy.’
‘Either he did not want me to roam around the underworld on my own, or he really did care for me, or something else. The why is besides the point.’
‘We´ll get to the why soon, after you’ve finished talking.’ Joy!
‘Luckily that was during the summer. That meant I had some time to get to know my dad, and he could get to know me, before…’ I sighed, ‘Before Persephone got a say in the matter.’ 
‘So… I quite soon learned… he probably… prefered my sister over me.’ 
‘Why do you think that?’
‘He told me.’
‘Yes. He… maybe he did not mean it. Maybe he was just devastated because she was…’ My throat began to hurt. Tears were burning in the corners of my eyes. ‘Because she was dead. And he had...’ My eyebrows raised while I came to a conclusion. ‘... he had saved us up, I guess, so that we could be a part of a prophecy. So that we, or at least he, would be important for once. And I think he saw that plan go up in smoke. I… I don’t know if I should be happy that he wanted to give us a part in a prophecy.’ I really did not know. If I had not been part of the prophecy, I would have never had Will, or I would have still been in the Lotus casino. But being part of the prophecy was not something I liked, much less three times. Plus, it seemed like Hades mostly wanted to do it for his own good. ‘I… maybe Hades does have good meanings, but he can’t really express it.’
Dionysus put a hand on the table. ‘He might have trouble expressing how he feels, but that does not excuse him from hurting you the way he did, or from the fact that he wanted to use you for his own goal. He should have known better.’
‘Do the gods ever know better?’ It was out before I knew it. Dionysus raised his eyebrows. I decided to let him pick up the conversation again. 
‘I cannot answer that. Not now.’ He looked at the table
‘Should we stop?’ I asked. ‘If it gets difficult, we can stop.’ 
‘Watch your words, Nico.’ I grinned. ‘I’ll say what I am thinking first, and then we can stop. I think you already came up with the solution to why your father wanted you in the palace. I, indeed, think that he wanted a child of Hades to be the hero of a prophecy. He probably reasoned that if a child of Hades saved the day, he would be more welcome in his family, but so would his kids.’ 
‘You are saying that it was good for him and for me and my siblings?’
‘I am saying that I think he thought that was the case.’
‘Then he was right. I helped with the titan war, and now I’ve got my own cabin.’ 
‘Perhaps Hades was right. But let me say it again: nothing excuses the way abused you.’
I thought for a moment. ‘No, it doesn’t.’ I downed the last sip of Fanta. ‘I think we can stop now. Because it got so difficult for you.’
‘Watch your words. We’ll go on about Hades next time, unless something important comes up in your life and you would prefer to talk about that.’
‘Yes, alright.’ Probably not. I wanted clarity and I felt like we had been stalling long enough. Time to get it over with - after I got a few good nights rest. 
A/N: I don’t know if the ‘tab of the can’ is a thing. It is what google translate told me the ‘Lipje van het blikje’ was (For those who do not know: I am a native Dutch speaker). 
Yes, I said a new centruy, because I honest to god don't understand the PJO timeline. 
More about Hades next time and more with Hades in the chapter after that.
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mizeliza · 4 years
So, I’m reading Jane Eyre for a class and was wondering why you like the novel? Currently, I’m struggling to get through it, finding the language to be almost disorienting and alienating and Rochester to be unlike able.
You’ve opened a can of worms here because I truly do love Jane Eyre but I am also painfully aware that it is my problematic fave - there are a lot of things that are morally unacceptable by today’s standards in it and yet. And yet. 
I’ve tried to mostly keep this spoiler free, because you seem to be in the middle of the book, but the book has been out for 173 years, and many of the things I have say have to do directly with it’s major plot points and eventual ending. For the most part I’ve tried to be vague, but that isn’t always possible, if you care about spoilers, consider yourself duly warned. And if anything is too vague and you need a better explanation with more details, feel free to message me or send in another ask! As you’re about to see I love talking about Jane Eyre lol
Addressing your issues first:
If the language doesn't work for you, unfortunately you’re just going to have to struggle through it. It’s old and that was the style. I first read Jane Eyre for my 11th grade English class and to this day all my friends from that class refer to long, long sentences as Charlotte Bronte sentences. I don’t mind them, but I am also prone to long, long sentences in both my personal and academic work so. But I can definitely see how that could be a barrier for people. If you don’t have to go too deep into annotations or tracking for the class, it’s okay to skim a lot of the longer paragraphs in order to get to more of the action.
Rochester is very unlikeable, but I think that’s sort of the point, he’s one of the original brooding older men that don’t get on with anyone but that somehow has eyes for the young heroine - he sees in her what no one else does and falls in love with her for it. It’s a trope I associate a lot with 2000s/v early 2010s YA novels, and at this point it’s tired and admittedly creepy, but this was part of the origin of it, and I think that’s why it works for me. 
Side note - If at the end of it you want to really hate Rochester, read Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, which is about colonialism and feminism and Bertha Mason and Rochester, during which he definitely comes off worse than in Jane Eyre and she gets to be more than the originator of a very different trope, but make sure to get a version with footnotes or you will be very lost 
There are a ton of other problems with it, which I won’t go into, simply because it would take lots of time and lots of space and that isn’t what you asked for.
So back to why I love Jane Eyre:
I once saw it described as the first YA novel and I think that’s a pretty succinct way of looking at it. It’s definitely a coming of age story - from Jane escaping her abusive family members to an even worse boarding school, to her entering into the wider world for the first time, eventually leaving even though she’s in love because she refuses to compromise her morals - more on that later, getting to explore herself and her purpose in life outside of having to worry about her physical, mental, or moral survival, standing up for herself and again refusing to compromise her beliefs, and then, finally, upon realizing what she really wants in life - with the obstacles conveniently removed by fate - she returns on her own terms and gets to live happily ever after. Upon first reading it, as I mentioned above with Rochester, I noticed a lot of aspects that were very familiar to me - several of my annotations in the copy I read for school are just “wow this is just like in harry potter” - but again, they were new at the time. Anyway I just love narratives of women growing up and discovering themselves and chasing after what they want, I just think they’re neat.
I much prefer the first half? 2/3? of the book, up until she leaves Rochester and goes walking across the moors (so dramatic! and yet, what an absolute mood, if I had a moor to wander across in a forlorn state after leaving the person I love because I refused to compromise myself for them I would also go for it and end up half-dead on the doorstep of strangers) than afterwards, when she’s living with the Riverses, simply because I find them boring, especially St. John (whose name is pronounced Sinjin, which infuriated half my English class). Even though I am too afraid to watch or read true horror, I love the concept of a good ambiguously haunted isolated gothic mansion, and Jane Eyre delivers that. 
Which brings me to one of my favorite things about the book, I gave a presentation on it in my English class, which I am now realizing was four years ago which is terrifying, what I call the “almost supernatural.” Jane Eyre is filled with things that could be supernatural that aren’t - the Red Room, where Jane is filled with fear at the thought of a ghost, when she first meets Rochester and at first mistakes Pilot the dog for a gytrash, then thinking the house is haunted when strange things start happening, when it turns out to have been a person all along, if not the one everyone told her it was, and even arguably Jane herself, who Rochester refers to as a fairy multiple times. She wants so badly to believe in the supernatural, and strange and interesting things keep happening around her, and even though they’re terrifying, I’ve always gotten sort of an air of disappointment from her when it’s revealed that they’re just normal things. And then, at the very end of the book, something supernatural actually does happen to her, and it’s glossed over like the fact that what happens is physically impossible doesn’t even matter to her, after wanting things to be supernatural the whole book, because she finally knows what she really wants and has the capacity to chase after it. 
Finally, I will always take the chance to talk about how I think Jane Eyre is a feminist narrative, and am always willing to argue my point. 
By the middle of the book, Jane is in love with Rochester, and he is in love with her, he’s proposed and they’re somewhat happy together, but the situation always feels a bit off to Jane. She still doesn’t really value herself at this point, and he wants to give her nice and expensive things, and she also still feels the power dynamic - she’s an 18-year-old, possibly 19-year-old at this point? I don’t remember all the dates/times, adult but v young, governess and he’s her what, mid thirties at the youngest? rich, land-owning employer. There’s a huge power dynamic there on multiple levels, and unlike earlier, during their talks in the library where she openly calls him ugly and teases him back, at this point because of the changed social dynamic between them because of their engagement and her feelings of inadequacy because of their positions in society, made very clear by Miss Blanche Ingram (another trope that Jane Eyre helped make popular - the single father marrying the governess), Jane no longer feels like she can criticize him. While before, especially while alone, they were on more or less equal footing, she is now all too aware of how unequal they are and she shrinks a bit because of it. Somewhat ironically, Jane has very little agency between her assertion of her agency - “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will” - and her leaving Rochester, during that time she basically lets things happen to her while being somewhat bewildered about them. 
And then. And then the truth about Rochester and Thornfield is revealed, and they can no longer be married. And he offers to go away with her, to where no one knows them, to live in sin as husband and wife even though they can’t be actually married. And Jane sticks to her principles. She believes that that’s wrong and she refuses, and rather than be tortured by either the betrayal of her principles or the knowledge that he’s there and loves her and she can’t have him, she leaves. She takes only what she already owned, leaving behind everything he gave her. She finally exerts her agency again, and from then on, she keeps exerting it. 
While with the Riverses, she makes her own choices, and her own money, and again refuses a marriage that she feels isn’t right and that doesn't align with her beliefs - this time, she chooses not to marry because neither of them are in love. She rejects what St. John sees as her duty, including what can be seen as rejecting a closer relationship to god and god’s work, when god was the reason for her rejection of Rochester in the first place. Even though I think this part of the book is the most boring, Jane stands up for herself a lot more here, and she asserts herself as a person who values herself, and maybe I should reread it lol. And then, after refusing St. John and asserting her value outside of marriage, and with herself now financially secure and able to be on equal footing, socially, financially, romantically, with Rochester, then she returns to him so that they can have an equal relationship - which it would not have been before. 
I hope this was satisfying to you, even though (like Jane Eyre) it is very long and somewhat rambley, and I hope that I manage to improve your experience of the book! Please feel free to send me any responses or other commentary that you have because as shown I really do love to talk about it :)
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