#when I set out to write fluffy beach fic
rambleonwaywardson · 28 days
Salt Water
A Clegan (Buck x Bucky) one-shot
Summary: The boys take a trip to the beach, where Bucky learns that Gale is a little afraid of the ocean.
Word Count: 3020
Author's Note: This idea came to me out of nowhere, and I decided I don't care if it feels accurate or not because I wanted to write fluff about it. I've also never posted a fic on tumblr before, but I'm waiting until I have a larger collection of Clegan one-shots before posting them under a single work on AO3 and wanted to put this out there somehow before that happens. My AO3 is also RambleOnWaywardSon.
Gale is perfectly comfortable reclining lazily on a beach towel, book in one hand while he props himself up with the other, when a towering shadow blocks his sun and causes him to glance up through his sunglasses. Bucky, even through the glaringly bright light of a cloudless July day, may be the most beautiful human Gale has ever seen on this planet. Water droplets like glittering crystals cling to the pale skin of his chest and abdomen and drip from salt-water damp curls. Even today, his smile gives the sun a run for its money. 
But he is, in fact, blocking Gale’s actual sun. And Gale had been perfectly happy in the sun, thanks very much. 
“You’re blocking the sun,” he says matter of factly. Even so, he earmarks the corner of his paperback and sets it beside him on his towel, full well knowing that Bucky, giving him this facial expression that somehow manages to mix ‘hurt but hopeful puppy’ with ‘giddy, plotting boyfriend,’ will not be easily deterred.
He would be correct.
“You’ve barely gotten in the water all afternoon. Why the hell did we come to the beach if we’re not gonna swim?” Bucky’s puppy dog smile turns to a pout, and Gale rolls his eyes behind his sunglasses as he glances Bucky up and down.
“You’ve been swimming.” 
“But you haven’t!” Bucky steps closer to Gale and grabs one of his hands, tugging insistently. “Come into the water with me,” Bucky says. 
Gale lets Bucky work for it for a second, but eventually, reluctantly, allows himself to be tugged to his feet. It beats the inevitable alternative where Bucky uses his – extremely slight though not insignificant – size advantage to drag Gale into the sand before throwing him over his shoulder. “Bucky,” he sighs, running a hand through his own dry hair. “I don’t know.”
“Why not?” Bucky whines. He tugs Gale’s hand again, and Gale indulges him until they reach the shallow tide of the ocean, water lapping peacefully at their feet. Gale feels the cool water splash his ankles, the soft and gritty sand nestling between and over his toes. He stops ankle-deep in the clear water, staring at the tiny fish that dart around him as the tide pulls them forward and back.
“See?” Bucky says. “You’re not gonna melt if you get a little water on you.”
Gale looks over at him. Bucky ignores the fact that he knows Gale is rolling his eyes behind those sunglasses. Buck is sassy today. “I walked around in the water with you earlier,” Gale reminds him. “And no, I’m not the wicked witch of the west, thanks so much.”
Bucky ignores the last comment, practically having to physically force himself not to make some poorly executed joke about Gale, apparently, being a witch. A sassy witch. “You’ve been laying in the sun long enough,” he says instead, patting Gale’s cheek. This earns him another eye roll. Bucky doesn’t care. “You’re gonna burn your pretty face like that.”
“I will in the water, too.” Deadpan. Unamused.
“Gale,” Bucky pleads. “I wanna swim in the ocean with you. We don’t get to come to the beach every day, so can we please just make the most of it? For me?”
Gale sighs and looks down at his feet, shifts and presses into them until the sand is almost completely covering them, an anchor. Only when he feels Bucky drop his hand does he look up again, just in time to watch him walk away, without a word, into deeper water. Gale bites his lip and runs his hand through his hair again, trying to tamp down the feeling of abandonment rising between his ribs. This should not be such a big deal. This should not be so hard.
Once Bucky is a good few yards away, the water up to his thighs, he turns around, fully intent on calling Gale out on his bullshit. But he stops short. He doesn’t know what he really expected to see. Gale had been a little off -- difficult, sassy, John doesn’t really know — all day. But he did not expect to see Gale biting at his lip and staring down at the water around his ankles, his arms crossed protectively over his chest. Bucky tilts his head and squints. 
When Gale hears splashing and glances up to see Bucky walking back towards him, wading through the waves, he feels the tight feeling in his chest begin to ebb. He drops his arms to his sides and straightens up, trying to seem nonchalant. Bucky doesn’t buy it. “Hey,” he says. He reaches out and grabs Gale’s hand in his again, this time insistence replaced with a gentleness that wasn’t there before. “It’s okay.” Gale just blinks at him, opens his mouth, closes it, looks down at his feet. “Gale,” Bucky says quietly. With his free hand, he tilts Gale’s chin up again, so he has to look at him. “You’re scared of the ocean?”
Gale shrugs uncomfortably. “Not a whole lot of ocean in Wyoming.” He’d always been a good swimmer, it’s just that he’d never had very positive experiences with the ocean itself – the unknown of it, the unknown in it, the tides, the salt water that tastes awful on his tongue.
Bucky smiles and shakes his head. “No,” he agrees. He lets go of Gale’s chin and brushes his fingers down his check just briefly, a thoughtless touch that's barely there. “Why did we come to the beach if you don’t like the ocean?”
Gale shrugs again. “You like it. Wanted to make you happy.”
Bucky about melts, and he’s not a melting type. At least, he wasn’t before he met Gale Cleven. He squeezes Gale’s hand tight and gently tugs again. Gale takes a step forward, then another. Bucky leads him a few yards out, where he’d been just a moment ago, where the water hits about mid thigh and the waves swell up to just below the waist. It’s here that he feels resistance pulling at his hand. When he turns to look at Gale, the other man is tugging back, his feet firmly planted in the rocky sand. He’s shaking his head. 
“Come on, Buck,” Bucky urges. “Just a little further.”
Gale shakes his head again. “This- This is good.”
Bucky turns a little more so he’s face to face with Gale and steps towards him, so close their noses almost touch. He takes Gale’s free hand in his, so he’s firmly holding both. “It’s okay,” he whispers. He starts slowly stepping backwards, pulling Gale along with him, and is relieved when the other man follows, unsure. Bucky glances behind him at the waves. The water is fairly calm today — Bucky is thankful for that now — but earlier in the day, here and there a wave would catch him by surprise. He doesn’t need any surprises with Gale. They just go slow, so very slow, one step at a time. 
By the time the water is at Gale’s midriff, splashing up towards his chest, he stops and shakes his head definitively. He will not, under any circumstances, go further than this. Bucky decides to take it. He decides that they don’t have to swim today. They can stand, float, whatever. His new task is simply to get Gale comfortable in the ocean that he loves. 
“Look at me, angel,” he says. He holds his breath for a second, worried the nickname will throw Gale off. He never really could figure out what to call Gale other than, well, Gale or Buck. Sometimes the nicknames he came up with were hit or miss — baby depended on the day; princess had earned him radio silence for about an hour, but he’d convinced himself that Gale just didn’t want to admit that he kinda liked it (he is most likely wrong but will not be deterred); darling was acceptable but how fucking boring; and sweetie was a very hard no.  Angel just kind of popped out now because, seriously, Gale looks so goddamn ethereal in the ocean sunlight, the highlights in his blond hair bright and glittering from the sea-spray. 
But Gale does look at him. He looks amused, but John can’t tell if his cheeks are tinged pink from the sun or because he’s blushing. Reaching a hand up to Gale’s face, he pushes the sunglasses up away from his eyes so they’re sitting on top of his head. “There you are,” he says. “Just keep your eyes on me.” He tugs Gale closer, so they’re nearly chest to chest, nose to nose. Bucky can feel Gale’s hair, which has grown just a little too long in the front, tickling his forehead as Gale looks back down at the water rising and falling around them. It’s not so clear anymore; he can no longer see what’s under the surface. “Gale, look at me.” 
Gale obeys, meeting Bucky’s eyes. He’s suddenly very aware of how close they are. “People are gonna look,” he mumbles.
“No one cares what anyone else is doing at the beach.”
“They might…”
“No,” Bucky reaffirms. “And to hell with them if they do. Just keep looking at me, okay? I’ve got you.”
Bucky wouldn’t admit it – it would just scare Gale off – but he secretly loves these little moments where he can be Gale’s safety. He can protect him, reassure him, let him know everything would be alright. Buck Cleven was always so in control, seemingly fearless. Bucky loves that he gets to see this side of him, the one that can be unsure, the one that needs some guidance. He likes that he’s the one Gale looks to for that. 
Bucky guides Gale’s hands up so they’re wrapped around his neck and shoulders. “I’ve got you,” he repeats. “We’re just gonna stand here, okay? You and me.” Then he reaches down behind Gale's legs and picks him up, convinces him to wrap his legs around his waist so now Bucky is fully holding him, lifting him higher out of the water so he doesn’t have to contend with the waves alone. 
“Bucky,” Gale starts to protest, immediately moving to disentangle his legs. He feels silly, a little too dependent. It goes against everything he tries to let the world see of himself, and everything he’s careful to ensure they don’t see.
Bucky holds tight to his waist though, keeping his arms firmly wrapped around Gale’s middle. “Just breathe, Gale. Just stay here with me.”
Gale hesitates, but nods and re-secures his legs around Bucky, leaning back in his firm embrace. The water makes him feel like he’s floating while the arms around his waist anchor him. He tries to focus on the sounds of seagulls soaring overhead, waves breaking over the sand, the distant buzz of a plane engine somewhere up above. The water is cool against his skin, leaving him almost cold where it splashes up and recedes again. Bucky’s body is warm and solid against his. He focuses on Bucky’s face, all warm eyes and a soft, encouraging smile. Gale lets that ground him, almost smiles back. 
But then a larger wave comes and smacks him in the bicep, knocking him off balance and causing his breath to hitch as he tightens his grip on Bucky and shuts his eyes tight. “Bucky!” He’s a little ashamed of how nervous his own voice sounds. 
Bucky just grins at him, though, totally unfazed. “I won’t let you go,” he promises. 
When Gale opens his eyes again and stares straight at Bucky, Bucky’s breath catches in his throat. He feels like a teenager with a crush, the way his stomach flips at having the undivided attention of someone who may very well be the most beautiful man in the world – definitely the most beautiful in Bucky’s world. When they had first allowed their friendship to turn into more, Bucky was terrified that he wasn’t cut out for commitment. He never had been before. He was a low stakes, one night, paint the town red kind of guy. And Gale, well, Gale was not. He deserved so much better than Bucky. Even now, Bucky still beats himself up too much about whether or not he’s good enough, but slowly, slowly, slowly his anxiety over it had started to fade. Now, staring into Gale’s eyes, taking in his beautiful face, his hair, running his hands up and down his slim waist, Bucky is awestruck. Not for the first time, he can’t imagine ever wanting anyone else again. It physically pains him how much he wants to spend his entire life with Gale. 
“What?” Gale asks, smiling a little shyly as he quirks an eyebrow at Bucky. 
“You’re beautiful,” Bucky blurts out. 
Gale’s smile grows. He opens his mouth to speak just as another wave comes and catches them off guard, spraying salt water into his face. He splutters and gags, trying to get the unwelcome taste off his tongue. Bucky can’t help but laugh. 
“‘S not funny,” Gale mumbles. 
Bucky surprises him by pressing their lips together for the briefest of moments, relishing in the taste of salt and sand mixed with Gale. “It’s a little funny.”
Gale rolls his eyes and unwraps one arm from around Bucky’s neck so he can check that his sunglasses are still safe atop his head before clinging on again. Bucky shifts him up an inch or two higher, a silent apology and an attempt to spare him from the bigger waves. 
“Are we done now?” Gale asks impatiently. “Can I go sit on the beach again?”
Gale huffs and looks away from Bucky, out to the great ocean and the horizon beyond, even as his fingers play mindlessly with the wet hair at the nape of Bucky’s neck. “It is pretty, I’ll give you that.” When Bucky hums in agreement, Gale frowns. “Of course, I’d rather think that from where I was on the beach.”
Bucky lifts one hand to the side of Gale’s face, runs his fingers down his cheek and then presses his thumb to Gale’s bottom lip, which he’s still been worrying between his teeth. “You’re still nervous.”
“Yes John, I’m fucking nervous,” Gale snaps, and he immediately regrets it. Then he sighs, closes his eyes. The words rattle around in his brain like gunfire. “Sorry.”
Bucky barely reacts, though. He knows Gale doesn’t do well with nerves, or with being looked after, or really anything that shows him to be less in control than he wants everyone to think he is. “You’re doing great,” Bucky says. “Now what was that you were telling me earlier about how stars die? Fusion or something. All those smart things you know so much about.”
Gale glares at him, but there’s no more malice behind it. He looks more like a petulant child who doesn’t want to be coddled anymore. “I know what you’re doing,” he says. 
“And what am I doing?”
“Trying to distract me.”
“So what?” Bucky grins at him, and Gale can’t deny how much he loves that smile. How much he loves feeling their upper bodies pressed against each other as they just float. Or the way Bucky’s hand reassuringly strokes up and down his side as a silent I’m here, I’m with you, I won’t let you go. “Buck?” Bucky bumps their noses together, making Gale scoff. “Tell me about all your nerdy physics facts.”
So Gale does. He tells Bucky all about the life cycle of a star: the fact that the sun is made up of hydrogen and helium, and how hydrogen nuclei collide in a process called nuclear fusion to create helium and release energy, and how eventually the helium will start creating carbon and the star will become unstable, ejecting its outer layers into the cosmos like a fireball. Gale tells Bucky about all the types of stars and how they die in different ways to become different things — No Bucky, the sun will not become a black hole, sorry — and the fact that even the biggest stars eventually stop fusing when they inevitably create iron because they no longer have enough fuel to evade collapse. These are the stars that explode outward in a spectacular encore of literally stellar proportions, a supernova. 
All of this really is over Bucky’s head, but he’ll listen for hours if it means he gets a front row seat to Gale’s unfiltered excitement. The thing that catches his attention though is when Gale smiles at him, brushes his wet hair away from his face. “That’s where everything in the universe comes from, Bucky,” he says. “The Earth, moon, planets, the sun itself. You and me. We’re all made of star stuff.”
Bucky can’t look away from this amazing, beautiful man that he’s holding in his arms. He wants to make some comment about when did you become such a poet, but all that comes out is “That must be why you’re my entire universe.”
Gale’s expression somehow manages to be long-suffering and unamused but somehow so loving. A look that says you’re an idiot but you’re mine and I wouldn’t trade you for the world. 
“You doin' okay?” Bucky asks. 
Gale blinks at him, then looks down at the water again. One arm still around Bucky’s neck, he lets his other hand rest on the water’s surface, bobbing up and down with the waves. He finds the motion somehow satisfying, the physics of it as well as the repetitive rocking, the cooling feeling of water adhering to his skin. He has no idea how long they’ve been out here. “I’m fine,” he concedes.
“Maybe next time we can go out a little further,” Bucky says. “Ride the waves in.” Gale looks skeptical if not a little terrified, and Bucky can’t help but laugh. “Alright, that’s a no for now.”
“I think,” Gale starts softly. He pulls his sunglasses back over his eyes and bows his head, so his forehead is resting on Bucky’s as he tightens his grip on him once again. “I think I’m okay right here.” He feels safe, secure. And he finds he doesn’t mind admitting that. 
Bucky decides he’ll take it. He doesn’t need more right now. After all, he has his entire universe right here in his arms. 
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frenchkisstheabyss · 2 months
♡A Sky Full of Stars♡
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♡ Pairing: idol!dad!hongjoong x fem!mom!reader
♡ Genre: the fluffiest of fluff
♡ Summary: Just some sweet moments you share with Hongjoong when you and your daughter surprise him after their Coachella set.
♡ Word Count: 1.4k
♡ Warnings: If there's any warning it's that your kid has a name. I know some people don't like that. She's named after an artist Joong likes who I think has a pretty name so that's all babes.
♡ A/N: I set out to make this super fluffy summer road/beach trip fic with Joong but I sat down to write and this is what came out instead so I present to you some post-concert fluff and I hope it gives you all the sweet feelings it gave me writing it.
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This can’t be real.
It’s all Hongjoong keeps repeating in his head as he steps off of the Sahara stage at Coachella. His ears are ringing, his heart’s beating out of his chest, his throat’s on fire, and he’d walk right back on that stage to keep going if he could.
It seems like only yesterday his group was fighting to debut; now they’re here, performing on a stage some artists can only dream of stepping foot on. The joy on his member’s faces. The sound of their fans screaming for them. It’s a special kind of magic he wishes he could bottle up and keep somewhere safe to treasure forever.
“Captain!” Wooyoung cheers, throwing an arm around him, “We did good?” Hongjoong looks around to see his members staring at him, his approval all that matters in the sea of praise thrown at them by staff. Hongjoong nods, wiping his face with a towel, “We did good!” Smiles perk up their exhausted faces as they drag themselves down the steps leading to the backstage area.
Stepping onto the grass, Hongjoong stares up at the infinity pool of stars that is the California sky. Just when he feels himself begin to float away, a faint tugging at his pants keeps his feet on the ground. It’s so faint that he almost questions if he felt it at all until Yeosang lays a hand on his shoulder letting him know, “You have company.” 
Hongjoong’s eyes dance their way down his leg to find a smaller nearly identical set of eyes staring up at him. All he’d done not to cry is for nothing when he sees the chubby glitter speckled cheeks of his little 2 year old smiling at the sight of him. “Olivia…” he gasps, scooping her into his arms, “What are you doing here?”
The other members gather around like moths to a flame. Of any fan they’ve ever had their niece will always be their favorite. Mingi squats down to eye level with her, pinching her cheek, “Hi, Oli. Uncle’s here.” “Oh look at these” San coos, playing with the two ponytails sat atop her tiny head, “So cute.”
Hongjoong holds her close to his heart, shaking the tears from his eyes. “Daddy cry?” she asks, touching his cheek. Hongjoong smiles, choosing to dodge the question rather than lie, “Um, where’s your mo—” “Here!” you say, hugging him from behind. You had every intention of announcing yourself to begin with but the happiness on his face seeing Oli was too adorable to interrupt.
That same happiness plays on repeat when he feels your arms around his waist. You weren’t supposed to be here. Your flight had been delayed twice and the baby was beginning to get fussy. Hongjoong had insisted you just stay home and watch the livestream. Just knowing you were watching would be enough for him but that’d never be enough for you. If you had to grow wings to fly yourself here you’d have done it to be by his side.
Not satisfied with simply knowing you’re there, Hongjoong reaches his free arm back to pull you around to his side. Time slows when he looks at you this way—like you’re one of the most precious things on this Earth. You’re one of two really, the other’s bouncing in his other arm with her fingers scrunched around his collar.
“Hey you” you beam, wiping a few rogue tears from his face. Hongjoong kisses you, soft lips pressed to yours in what has to be the sweetest, saltiest kiss you’ve ever shared. You don’t care how sweaty he is, only that you’re together. “Hey you” he smiles, his eyes narrowing slightly, “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” You shrug, playing it cute so he doesn’t kill you, “I wanted it to be a surprise.” Give him a heads up so he has ample time to play it tough? Never.
“Ahem,” Seonghwa interrupts, “Does that mean you were watching and saw…everything?” The guys look at each other, suddenly mortified at their onstage antics. “Oh, for sure. We saw everything. She’s gonna be an alcoholic now” you tease just to watch their heart’s sink. Hongjoong shakes his head at them, “Shame on you. For the record, my cup was water.” 
Jongho throws Hongjoong some vicious side eye, “Water, right. Oli, your daddy’s a liar.” “Daddy liar” Oli repeats with a giggle. You dip your head down to hide your own laughter as the guys hit an equally amused Jongho with their towels. Seonghwa casually swipes the baby away from Hongjoong to teach her how to throw a few hits. Hongjoong chases them down as if he’ll never see her again, “Be careful!”
“Joong, she’s fine!” you shout after him, “As long as Hwa has her…oh, no…Mingi unhand my child!” 
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“Goodnight stars and goodnight air” Hongjoong reads, flipping the final page of a children’s book, “Goodnight noises everywhere.” He closes the book and Oli cheers, flipping it over for him to read again. Propped up in his lap as he longues in a barely comfortable hotel chair, it’s clear her miniature lids are growing heavy.
“Honey, it’s late. No more Goodnight Moon. Bedtime, okay?” His voice is stern, he means business, but so does she. Oli flips the book open, her hand rubbing the first page. Her bottom lip pokes out and he knows he can’t say no to her. “Fine but one more time and then bed.”
You emerge from the shower in time to hear the story start back up again. “In the great green room…” Hongjoong starts in his bedtime story voice. You move quietly around the room, listening to the story for what’s the 1000th time for you too. As you do, you steal glimpses of them holding hands, turning the pages of the book together. Hongjoong pauses to let Oli read or poke around the pages marveling at the illustrations.
“Is bunny?” she asks, pointing to a figure sitting in a rocking chair. “That is a bunny” he cheers softly, poking his two front teeth out to mimic a rabbit. Oli copies him—it’s sorta her thing these days—making you laugh so hard you snort. “Are you laughing at me?” Hongjoong jokes, his mouth still in perfect bunny formation. It only makes you laugh harder. Your two little bunnies, twins in every way they can be. Especially in their silliness.
You approach the them, planting a kiss on both of their foreheads, “You guys are adorable.” Hongjoong leans his head back, allowing it to rest in the palm of your hand. “You are too. So adorable” he yawns, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. A blink and you miss it moment of silence passes before he speaks again.
“Did I do okay, today?” he asks, his tone more serious now, “I don’t want to…I can’t let everyone down.” “God, no. You were amazing. Look at me” you demand, cradling the sides of his face to keep his anxious gaze from drifting. “You. Were. Amazing” you repeat, “Your fans are so proud of you and your members they love you. And that little bunny down there, she loves you.”
Hongjoong looks at Oli who’s fallen fast asleep against his chest, her hand still in his. “We both love you and you fucking killed it. If anyone says any different I’ll kick their ass” you promise and you mean it. “What’d I ever do to deserve you two?” he asks, kissing your inner wrists. You lean in close to him, your lips hovering just above his, “Exist. That’s all you ever have to do, you know?”
Your lips part to meet his and he welcomes them, sipping down feelings there are no words for and pouring the same into you. “I love you” he whispers and you smile. “I love you too.” Easing the book from between them with mom-like precision, you throw a pillow on the floor and take a seat by Hongjoong’s feet. You open the book and begin to read, not to Oli but to him.
Finally relaxing into the chair, he strokes your hair and listens to the sweet sound of your voice. He balances Oli on his lap, his delicate little gem who treats him like the sun rises and sets in his eyes. He’d long ago sworn that he didn’t think he’d ever have everything. What a frighteningly beautiful realization it is that he finally does.
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sarawritestories · 4 months
can I request an Az x reader fic with lots of hurt/comfort vibes? maybe they are out on the town and they run into the readers ex who was not very nice to her and she gets scared and az goes into protective mode? thanks thanks thanks!!
My Wife. My Mate. My World
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Azriel X Plus Size F Reader
A/N: Thank you for this request! This just felt fitting to have as a plus size reader I hope that's okay! This is also my first time writing for Az and I hope I did him justice for you!
Summary: Azriel and You are in your home Court of the Summer Court. When you run into your ex, the confidence you spent a long time building was shredded and your Mate was more than happy to remind you how amazing you were.
Content Warning: 18+ Minors DNI, Depictions of verbal abuse and slight (Briefly), slight fat shaming, low self esteem, fluffy ending
Word Count: 2.6k words
It was a beautiful day in your home court, Summer Court, your hair was up in a curly bun and a loose cobalt dress that had a crisscross design on the front and two high slits. The dress accentuated your curves and was one of your favorites. You didn’t bother with jewelry as shadows were always swirling around your arms and in the blazing summer heat their cool touch was a welcome reprieve.  A Hand wrapped around your waist as you walked through the beach, “I love you, in Night Court attire, but you are a goddess in Summer Court dresses.” Azriel whispered causing you to giggle.
“Azriel, you have said that when we are in every other court except for the Spring Court, and you also say that I am a goddess with no clothes on at all.” I tuck myself into his side, “I’m beginning to think I could wear garbage and you would call me a goddess.”
Azriel kissed the top of your head. “You would make quite divine garbage, Angel.” You rolled your eyes and elbowed him though he was quick and gripped your arm spinning you around while simultaneously taking your legs out from under you with his own. The next thing you knew your back was pressed against the warm sand and the shadowsinger was on top of you pinning your arms above your head with one hand. His wings flared up to block the sun rays, so you weren’t squinting. He had a playful smirk on his face, “Violence is never the answer, my love.” There was a twinkle in his eye as his face lowered to yours.
“Says one of the most feared spymaster and warrior in all of Prythian.” You murmured before his lips were on yours. The kiss makes your toes curl but every kiss he gives you has that effect ever since your first date, it only intensified when the mating bond snapped for both of you. He slipped his tongue in your mouth, and you moaned and arched your back yearning for more friction.  He pulled away causing you to groan in protest. He chuckled and pushed off you standing and dusting the sand off his knees.  You glared at him, “You’re cruel, Shadowsinger,” he laughed and held out his hand, you grasped it the scars bringing comfort on your skin.
Azriel lifted you up and gripped your waist bringing you close kissing your nose, “Listen I’m not trying to get a bloodstone because of public nudity. Rhys would kill us both.” His hand grazed down to your plump ass and squeezed, “When we get home though,” he continued to grope and, in a flash, slapped your tender flesh causing you to gasp as his lips grazed the shell of your ear, “I will happily show you how cruel I can be.”
You could feel the heat rise from your neck to your cheeks, “Is that a promise?”
He was about to respond when a familiar voice rang in your ears, “Y/N? Is that you?” Your body stilled and shadows swirled around my body anxious from the shift. You turned and were met with a familiar set of eyes. The male was in the Summer Court army uniform his gold skin compliment
You pulled away from Azriel and he let you to fully face your ex, “Micah, what a pleasant surprise.” You gave him a grin, but Azriel as he moved to your side his wings tucked in tightly.
Micah gave you a tight lip smile, “For sure, I heard you were in the throws of the Night Court.” He looked over to where your mate his cold assessing gaze.  Azriel’s relaxed demeaner shifted, he widened his legs, crossed his arms and made sure that one wing curved around you.
Micah opened his mouth and with a familiar glint in his eye you gripped Azriel’s arm. “Where are my manners? Micah, this is Azriel, my mate. Az, this is Micah, an old friend of mine.” Rage flared briefly in his gaze at your choice of words. “Darling, could you give us a minute?” you looked over at my mate, who’s hazel eyes met yours his brow quirked, “Just going to catch up, I’ll meet you at the café, okay?” Azriel met Micah’s gaze who puffed his chest out and you rolled your eyes.
Azriel pressed his lips to your forehead. “You sure?” he whispered, you gave him a nod and he gripped your face in your hands, and he crushed his lips to yours letting the kiss linger for a minute longer, and with a wary glance over the other male, he made a few stepped backs and took to the skies. A cool shadow still swirled around your wrist sliding up your arm and around your neck.
Micah held out an arm and I slipped my hand through his I felt his hand instantly flexed. “So, you fuck vermin now?” I scowled at him, and he laughed and continued, “You really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel, huh?”
You gritted my teeth, “Watch your fucking mouth, Micah,” trying to focus on your feet sinking into the sand.
Micah proceeded, “Why did you leave, Y/N?” He feigned sadness and you saw right through it. “We were so good together.” He took a moment to look me up and down, “Though you, don’t look nearly as radiant as you did when you were sinking into my cock.” His arm moved and snaked around my waist, his hand gripped the flesh and my body tensed. “They clearly do not treat you the way you deserved. With discipline.” I didn’t even notice my shadow fleeing.
You closed your eyes and tried block out his words, but you were sent back to that time before the Night Court took you in.
“Get out of my house,” Micah gritted out. The blonde soldier in his bed scrambled to get clothes on as the male placed his arms behind his head arrogance seeping out of his pores as the female fled and bumped into you fleeing the house you shared. “Enjoy the show, Princess.”
You wanted to be heartbroken by this, but you had suspected him of being unfaithful. I crossed my arms and leaned on the door frame, “How long?”
He snorted and decided to rise from the bed, “Does it matter? You’re not going to leave.”
Anger began to bubble up, “Oh really? Why is that?”
Micah approached with predatory grace and gripped my chin tightly. “Because I’m the only one who will give you the time of day. I mean you and I both know you’re plain looking,” He looked down at my body, “Your body is subpar, and you are lucky that I put up with you.” He pressed his thumb that smelled of the female he was with on my bottom lip and propped my mouth open. I knew what he wanted me to do. “You going to be a good girl or are we going to need to punish you.” I closed my mouth over his thumb and sucked, tears did fall of humiliation. He pressed a kiss to my forehead, “So here is what’s going to happen, you are going to be my pretty little doll for all events, and we’ll go on dates, and I will fuck anyone in our shared bed I please.”
A hand patting my cheek brought me back to the present, “Ah, good you’re back.” Micah smirked. “Were you thinking about me, Princess.” Uncomfort began to settle in my bones, and I sent that feeling down the bond as Micah pinned me against his chest.
With a thud and a cloud of sand blue siphons radiated through the smoke. Emerging from the cloud Azriel’s shadows swirled around and ready to attack. Rage filled those hazel eyes of his. “Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her. Now.” His voice was ethereal the shadows giving it a haunting cadence and it entranced you.
 Micah only tightened his grip on the order, and you yelped Azriel snarled. “Well look at that, Y/N you found someone who would be willing to kill, for your mediocrity.” You flinched as you met the shadowsinger’s eyes. His Hazel irises softened as he watched the verbal blow land. Though in a flash they steeled into calm rage as shadows leaked from his body and wrapped around you again bringing comfort.
Micah ignored the lethal man in front of him, “I mean maybe your Cunt is not so medio-“Azriel’s fist collided with the male’s face and he released his gripped on you. You wrapped your arms around Azriel’s neck and inhaled his scent.
“I got here as quickly as I could,” The High Lord of the Summer Court’s voice broke through the chaos on the beach. “Y/N, are you okay?” You turned to face him, Azriel’s hand splayed across your stomach soft circles rubbing my stomach.
“I’m fine, Asshole never knew when to shut up.” You muttered, your brows furrowed, “How did you know?”
“Azriel’s shadows alerted us something was wrong with one of our Soldiers and a member of a different court.”
You leaned into Azriel’s chest his hand holding you protectively, your head resting at his shoulder, “You never went to the café did you,” his shadows sputtered around me as if trying to confirm my theory.
He pressed his lips on your hair line, “The shadows that love you so much didn’t trust him, so I didn’t go far.”  He looked at Tarquin, “Will he be taken care of?”
Tarquin nodded, “Yes he will, we don’t take lightly to our soldiers manhandling civilians, especially when they hail from a different Court.” He looked at you, “I know this was once your home, I always want you to feel welcome here. I’m so sorry for Micah’s behavior.”
You crossed my arms around my body, “Micah has always been like that, but I appreciate you handling this for me.”
Tarquin nodded and walked to the other sentries that were hauling a knocked-out Micah away.
Azriel nuzzled his nose in your neck taking in your scent, “Would you like to go home?” He whispered.
               You closed my eyes, “Please.” Azriel pressed his lips to your neck and shadows erupted around the two of you and then you were in our town home that you built after you had your mating ceremony.
You pulled away from your mate and gave him a tight smile, “I’m going to hop in the bath get the sand out.”
Azriel smiled, “Want me to join you, worship you like the goddess you are.”
You shook your head, “Sorry, my love, I’m not in the mood.” You cupped his face and gave his free cheek a kiss.
He furrowed his brow and watched as you walked to your shared room and went into the bathroom.  In a few moments’ time you were in the bathtub and thinking back to everything Micah had said.
Your body is subpar, and you are lucky that I put up with you.
Did Azriel feel that way?
You’re plain looking.
Azriel always said you were his goddess, was he lying. Micah always lied and told me how beautiful I was.
Hours went by and you barely moved out of the bath and there was a soft knock on the door, Azriel poked his head in as you were staring at your knees. “Angel.” The spymaster walked into the room, closing the door behind him, and leaned against it. “You’ve been in here for hours.” You met his gaze, and he inhaled sharply as he felt worthlessness down the bond. In only a few strides he was by your side and gripping your hand, “Talk to me.”
Tears began to resurface as you faced your mate, “I’m sorry, Az.”
Azriel’s brows furrowed. “For what?” He was stroking the top of your hand with his thumb.
“For not being a good enough mate for you.” Azriel’s eyes flashed with pain but were gone in an instant. “You deserve someone better than me.” Tears were falling down your face and your breathing began to quicken, “I’m not worth-“
Azriel gripped the back of your neck and pressed your forehead against his and your eyes fluttered closed. “Shhh, enough of that.” He pressed a kiss on your forehead that was so tender, and he sent love down the bond like a caress on your soul. “Let’s get you clean up.” Azriel grabbed soap and a rag and began washing your body and massaging your hair. He was whispering sweet little nothings in your ear as he cleaned the sand and dirt from the day.
When he was done, he helped you out of the tub and wrapped you in a towel, his shadows bringing in your favorite nightgown that was the same blue as Azriel’s siphons. “Arms up.” You lifted your arms, tears still flowing down your cheeks.
Once the nightgown hugs your skin you wrap your arms around yourself, and the cool touch of the shadows yank my arms apart and your brows furrowed. “They don’t like you hiding,” His hands met yours and the comfort of his scars kissing your skin the shadows slithering between both of your hands. “I don’t like it either.”
He led you to your shared bedroom and led you to the full-length mirror. His shadows swirling around your neck and through your hair giving you some light kisses. He rubbed the top of your arms and left soft kisses on your bare shoulder. His hazel eyes met yours in the mirror, “Tell me, Angel, what do you see?”
You took a deep shaky breath, “I see me.” He casts a look toward you, causing you to bite your lip. “I see a plain, large woman who isn’t a warrior like Feyre or Nesta, Or beautiful like Gwyn or Elain.”
Azriel wrapped his arms around your torso, his fingers digging into your soft skin and gave your shoulder a soft bite, eliciting a moan from you. “You want to know what I see?” I nod and he presses you closer to his chest and sways back and forth as he looks at your reflection. “I see a strong female, that fought and lived though a war. I see a kindhearted female, who took it upon herself to make her best friend’s mate comfortable just so she didn’t feel alone,” You smile thinking of the first time you met Ferye. “I see a loving female, who saw the mangled hands of a broken male and decided to kiss every scare telling him that you want to place good memories on those scars to erase the bad ones.”
Your hand founds his and gave him a squeeze as tears streamed down before he turned you around to face him, he tucked the wet strands of hair behind your ear, “I see a female, who is powerful because she was brave enough to leave an abusive situation with someone who did not appreciate or respect all the amazing things, I adore about you.” He wiped the tears from your cheeks and kissed you passionately for a moment and when he pulls away, he keeps your face close to his. “I love you, Y/N. Your smile almost made me fall to my knees in praise.” You laughed and you could see his eyes light up at the sound. “My Wife, My Mate, my world, is anything but mediocre. You are amazing and I thank the Cauldron everyday that it brought you to me.” He kissed your nose, “My beautiful.” A kiss to my lips, “Kind,” Another kiss, “Passionate,” another kiss, “Sexy,” he growled, and I smiled, “Mate.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, “I love you, Az.” You kissed his lips and Azriel’s hands slid down to grip your plump ass, “Now I do recall you saying something about worshiping me-“ You couldn’t finish your statement before Azriel scooped you in his arms and put you to your bed and spent all night showing you just how amazing he thought you were.
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redbullgirly · 4 months
Hi! Can you write something about Lando x reader where she wants to wait till marriage to have sex and how'd he react to this? I'll leave the rest to you, it doesn't have to be a whole fic, maybe just a small blurb. Thank you <3
Lando Norris x reader
Summary: You and Lando have been going out for few weeks, maybe months now. While you're enjoying each other's company on a beach with sunset behind your backs, you decide to tell him you want to wait with sex till marriage.
Word Count: 0.8k
Warnings: English isn't my first language and I honestly didn't write for a while, so if some sentences are kinda weird or sloppy, I'm very sorry! Don't be afraid to correct me if you find some errors.
Author's Note: Hi Anon, thanks for the request! I hope you and everybody else will like this shorter fic I wrote based on it. I'll appreciate likes, comments, follows, reblogs and any other form of support! :)
The sand beneath your feet was still warm, though the sun had almost set behind the fluffy clouds on the horizon. You ran up the beach, trying to get as far from the sea as you could, before the curly-haired man could throw you into the waves, messing up your hair. He followed you, laughing and almost tripping, which was probably the only reason you actually managed to escape to the laid out blanket with your things and bags.
You laid on it, your chest covered in droplets of salty water heaving with uneven breaths. Some sand probably stuck to your wet skin, but you didn't mind.
“Y/N, you left me there all alone!” Lando faked a pout, standing above you with crossed arms and a silly smile.
“Yeah, 'cause you tried to drown me!” you fired right back and stuck out your tongue.
He shook his head and stretched out his arm, helping you stand back up. Then, without any warning, he slapped your ass. You squealed his name and tried to punch him, but he dodged effortlessly. May his fast reflexes be damned.
It was getting darker by every minute, the sun now nearly gone from the evening sky. Shadows slowly crept to the beach, and you shivered in the cool air. Lando, the caring boy he was, instantly noticed the goosebumps popping up all over your body. You were both still just in your swimsuits, and it was getting cold. 
He bent down to the bag you took to the beach with you and took out a big towel. “C'mere baby,” he mumbled, and when you took a step towards him, he wrapped you and himself up in it. 
Suddenly, you didn't feel cold at all — quite the opposite, really. Lando's firm body was pressed against you, his hands around your waist and faces impossibly close to each other. You could feel his warm breath, smelling after the vanilla milkshake you drank at a cozy café before going to the private beach.
One of his big hands cupped your cheek, your eyes locked in with his intense blue stare. Lando and you were going out for a few weeks, even months now. You didn't put any label on it, maybe too afraid of the feelings that bubbled in your stomach every time that exact expression appeared in his eyes. The one of pure adoration and happiness, as if you'd give him the Moon. And honestly? If he ever asked, you probably would. Or at least try.
As if the boy could read your thoughts, his smile deepened, and he finally closed the remaining distance between you two. His lips felt soft and hard against yours at the same time, asking and demanding all at once. Lando was always careful at the start, but as soon as your body relaxed, and you gently bit his bottom lip, the kiss heated up pretty quickly.
He moaned into your mouth and his hold on your waist tightened. This wasn't your first time making out, but it never felt so intense, so breathtaking before. You struggled to keep pace with him, though you'd lie if you said you didn't like it. However, when his hands slipped under the towel that was still wrapped around your bodies, and tugged onto your bikini straps, you pulled away. Your cheeks were flushed, lips swollen and hair messy.
He stopped, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked at you questioningly, eyes wide. You realized Lando thought he did something wrong, again. And that made you feel even worse than before.
“What's wrong, babe?” he asked in a quiet voice, his hand still cupping the side of your cheek. You wanted to look down, ashamed and not knowing how to say what had to be said, but Lando didn't let you. “You can tell me Y/N. I won't be angry or anything.”
It was his assurance and sweet voice that caused you to sight and swallow thickly.
“I… there's something I need to tell you,” you whispered. He just nodded, listening curiously. “So, I feel weird saying it, but… I never actually… you know.” You point between you and him. “I never did this before,” you confess, not able to look him into the eyes.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “That's no problem at all-” You put your finger on his lips, silently asking him to be quiet.
“And,” you say, making him know that's not all you wanted to say, “I don't want to. Not until marriage.”
Now he seems surprised, taken aback even. It's clear he's processing your words for a moment, while you almost faint from the nerves. You're worried he won't understand. That now, when you told him he won't get what most men want, he'll break up whatever you two have going on.
But he does nothing like that. No, he nods slowly, a little smile tugging at the corners of his lips. A smile that soon turns into the grin you know so well by this point. And then, Lando pulls you closer and whispers in your ear: “Well, good thing I plan on marrying you one day.”
And even though he says it in a joking voice, wanting to lighten up the atmosphere, you know right there and then that deep down, he means it.
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𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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All my fics for Jude ♥︎ some mature content (if over the age of 18 and you cannot see them go to settings, content you see and turn off mature block ♥︎ tag on Jude scenarios here
🩷 = mature
Last updated July 26th
A win anyways ♥︎ hi can u write jude x reader comforting him after losing the match?
A blurb with no name ♥︎ Can you do a little blurb with a jealous Jude? Maybe you’re a few years older than him and thinks you’d get along better with Trent?
Anything for you ♥︎ Request: one where jude takes care of you when you feel off/bad and the feeling comes out of Nowhere. Like you start to reminisce abt your childhood and it ruins your mood
The L word ♥︎ hiii could you please write a jude imagine where the reader and jude have a lazy day at home and it’s cute and fluffy and he confesses he loves reader for the first time? thank you 😊
Stay ♥︎ hi my love, would you mind doing an angsty jude bellingham smut where they have agreed to break up as he needs to focus on his career but they decide to spend one more night together and have very intimate but also sad sex before they have to leave eachother (and if you don’t mind have them kinda talk it out and decide not to split in the end if you want) thank you 🫶🏻 🩷
Biggest supporter ♥︎ can u write a Jude Bellingham fluff abt just going to his practices and games and being his biggest supporter
Kissing booth ♥︎ Based on a TikTok I saw. Where you tell Jude you love him while taking photos in a photo booth.
Makeup or breakup ♥︎ Jude says some disgusting things during an argument which results in you leaving for some space. Maybe you'll makeup... 🩷
The way he loves you ♥︎ Headcanon on the way Jude shows you he loves you
What about us ♥︎ Jude lied to you and said he was going to stay with you instead of transferring. You felt betrayed
Lust and envy ♥︎ Summary: IM BEGGING jude smut/angst where him and reader are broken up but he finds an old (rough?) sextape and he touches himself to it (we want details tho intense solo sessions are HOT😩) then yeah he regrets leaving her and wants her backkk, and then maybe shes with another guy and he gets all jealous and possessive (sorry to much details) I want toxic jude soooo bad 🤭 🩷
Soulmates ♥︎ sitting in the car in the rain, you and Jude havs a heart to heart
Initials ♥︎ I just know bf Jude would buy you a necklace or a bracelet with his initial on it 😍
The other woman ♥︎ Jude can’t get enough of you, but he is with another woman that's not you 🩷
My life ♥︎ Jude angst where he tries to break up with the reader because he thinks that his life is too much for her but she’s not having it. Just like ‘yea but no’
Mykonos ♥︎ You and Jude enjoy your time on the beach together but that was cut short when you both decided the hotel room was a better option 🩷
Birthday surprise ♥︎ you surprise Jude on his birthday after being away from him for a while. You give me him a little something as well 🩷
There's this girl ♥︎ Jude and the reader talking late at night because they barely got to talk during the day. They talk about the random things, laughing at each other shitty jokes And stuff. Neither wants to hang up because they love to hear each other’s voice )
Love languages ♥︎ all five Love language with Jude 🩷
Hidden feelings ♥︎ Can we got some enemies to lovers with Jude maybe him and the reader “hate” each other but are in the same friend group and one day reader gets hurt and he rushes to come and help her 😩😩 anything will don’t tbh
Soul intertwine ♥︎ English is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes… I was thinking about something fuffly + smut. Like the reader being innocent and a shy person. She and jude got into their relationship recently and they have had no sex yet bc jude don’t wants to pressure her to do anything (but ofc he wants have sex w her), especially when he starts to realize how innocent she is… he thinks she’s too cute and at the same time he wants to ruin her, he feel the need to protect her. But when y/n is in a convo w her girlies friends and one of them asks about her sex life w jude and she don’t know what to say, she would be curious about it but would be too shy to talk w jude about it he would find it weird that she was quiet and looking bothered by something and would talk w her. After insists a lot, she finally says about all the stuffs that she heard about her friends and she would be “idk how react” and jude gets fully turned on by her innocent but makes he’s best to not show ithe tries to find a way to explain for her without destroy her innocent but she wants to know about everything and she wants him to do everything w her bc she wants to be his. 🩷
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© writing by Iguessweallcrazyithinktho do not steal or repost any of my content anywhere without my consent
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usedtobecooler · 1 year
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if it's not with you | tom grant x fem!reader
Pairing | Tom Grant x Fem!Reader
Warnings | sexual content 18+ minors dni, unprotected piv sex, vaginal fingering, general banter, flirting, all around fluffiness.
Word Count | 5k
A/N | eeeee i'm so excited to share this fic with you all!! honestly i've fallen in love with tom all over again writing this, i hope you all enjoy this flirty fluffy cuteness!!
This caravan park was easily the worst place you’d ever been on holiday to. You couldn’t even lie to yourself — the entertainment area was outdated, the food was far from good, the staff were mostly rude and unhelpful, and the caravan you’d rented for the week was the biggest piece of shit.
Your idea of a nice, relaxing beachside break from the city was basically down the pan the moment you arrived, though you had to admit the one saving grace was in fact the gorgeous beach, barely thirty steps away from your rental, all golden sand and crashing waves. It was peaceful, quiet — the school summer holidays were over so it only left the caravan owners and the odd few stragglers without kids behind. 
Summer was barely clinging on, the nights were beginning to close in fast and the air was feeling that bit crisper once the sun set, like it had done every Summer since you could remember. There was still the odd humid, hot day, and this was one of them. 
Muggy beyond belief, despite the cool sea breeze rolling in from the East. You were sweating, skin feeling sticky as you sunbathed in peace, laid out in a one piece on your towel. Regardless of the factor thirty, you already knew you were going to burn — you always did, no matter what. The harsh rays from the sun were unforgiving to your sensitive skin, leaving you flushed and freckled.
You feel the figure looming over you pretty quickly. The slight darkness on your left hand side as said person blocked the sun. You let out a deep sigh, using your hand as a makeshift sun visor as you open your eyes carefully, squinting up into the sun.
You spy the caravan park logo on his polo shirt immediately — site worker, clearly. He’s all curly hair, pale skinned and a goofy grin on his face as he clutches onto the magazine you’d taken with you to read, obviously blown off in a gust of wind when you’d been blissfully unaware, “Think this was trying to do a runner on you,” His voice is unexpectedly deep, though still chirpy, as he extends his arm out with the magazine rolled up in his hand.
“Thanks, mate,” You bark out a little embarrassed laugh, propping yourself up on an elbow and taking the magazine from him. Your fingers brush, and you can’t help the flush that creeps up to your cheeks at the barely-there touch, “It’s shit anyway — one of them magazines people get paid fifty quid to share their fake stories to, y’know.” 
The man snorts, shoves his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts, “I know the ones, my mums obsessed with them. Surely nobody believes the ghost stories?” He’s making conversation, not in any rush to get off, and it’s strange. He’s maybe the second worker you’d encountered who was genuinely an alright person. 
“Oh I know, in this one they’re claiming the ghost made toast in the middle of the night. Didn’t realise they could open a loaf of bread, who’d have thought it?” You humor him, and he properly laughs at that, kicking his toes in the sand as he looks down at you. 
He’s awfully pretty, you notice, as you look up at him properly now the glare of the sun has been blocked a little. Big brown eyes and a freckled nose, tinged pink from too much sun and not enough sunscreen, no doubt. Nice full lips and a cute chin, chains dangling on his neck. Very typical English boy, but that was always your type.
Your mouth runs dry, now that you’re suddenly aware of how attractive this man is and you’ve just called him mate. Ground swallow you now.
“Anyway, I’ve got to get going,” He looks sullen at that, nose scrunching up a little, “Duty calls — these old fuddy-duddies who arrive this time of year always find something to moan about.”
“Well, you enjoy that…” You blush, giggling like a dickhead, suddenly aware of the fact you’re lusting over a man who’s name you don’t even know,  “Sorry, I never got your name. No nametag?”
“Tom,” Tom digs in his pocket, a small triumphant noise escaping him when he pulls the old nametag out between two fingers proudly, showing you it, “I usually don’t wear it. Can’t be fucked when these arseholes complain about the staff and name us to management.” 
“Well, I’ll make sure to name you to the staff when I check out and let them know you were a very helpful young man, Tom,” Your voice drips sarcasm and humour, and you know you’ve got him hook, line and sinker when he bellows a true laugh, throwing his head back and exposing the vast expanse of his neck, veins protruding. Your thighs clench.
You’re both shook out of the little bubble when somebody starts shouting Tom’s name from behind you both, startling you. He rolls his eyes, tapping the watch on his wrist, “Gotta go, darling. You need anything just ask for me personally when you phone, yeah?” 
You nod, dumbstruck as he smiles wide at you, pearly white teeth on display. He takes off in a jog, and for the first time you truly understand the term ‘hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave.’ 
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You bump into him again two days later, in the laundry room as you’re banging on the washing machine that currently had four days worth of clothes and underwear locked in it. It’d swallowed your token, locked the doors then refused to start, and you were raging — three quid down the fucking drain, just like that.
He knocks up behind you unexpectedly, his hip catching on the soft flesh of your ass as he leans over to pop a token into it. You suck in a breath and hold it, watching with awestruck eyes as the tendons in his wrist flex when he turns the dial. The machine whirs to life, water beginning to fill the drum in just mere seconds.
“What’d I tell you about just shouting for me if you needed anything?” Tom’s smug, lips so close to your ear they’re almost brushing the shell and you have to literally shove down the gasp that almost makes its way up your throat. He’s so close to you that you can feel the heat radiating off of his body, and a shiver ripples up your spine. 
“I didn’t expect to need maintenance help for washing my underwear,” You bristle, trying to act calm as he brushes past you and opts for leaning against the machine, hands once again buried deep into his pockets — he’s wearing grey joggers this time, clearly to match the miserable and dreary weather outside. You avert your gaze from the obvious bulge in his trousers, willing yourself to just get a fucking grip.
It doesn’t help when you lock eyes with him, and he’s all gooey brown orbs and long eyelashes. It’s embarrassing how much you fancy him, and now you feel like a right slob — down here in your leggings, hoodie and crocs of all things. Hair up in a messy bun and no makeup on, on account of the severe sunburn on your nose and cheeks.
“C’mon, we’ll go back to the token machine and I’ll get you your money back,” Tom nods towards the door, a small smirk tugging at his lips. You want to tell him you don’t need the money back, but a little part of you wonders — and hopes — that he’s offering to do this so that you have an excuse to wander off with him.
“Sure, lead the way my saviour,” You joke, extending an arm out towards the open door. He scoffs, rolling his eyes with a look that could only be described as fond on his features as he saunters past you. You feel your cheeks heat up, and it’s not from the sunburn this time.
“What’s brought you to Cornwall, then?” He asks conversationally — you’re bumping arms you’re that close, and the corridor isn’t even that narrow, he’s just naturally gravitating towards you. You plod along slowly and he matches your pace, your heart thudding in your chest as your hopes were confirmed; he was being nosey, interested in getting to know you.
“Not much, I like the beach but I live in London so I don’t get to see it much,” You admit, shoving your hands into your hoodie pocket, “I work from home, too. So I thought I’d maybe get some work done whilst I was here. The wifi is shit, by the way.”
Tom winces, shooting you an apologetic look, though it’s clearly a mockery, “Yeah, this place doesn’t have much going for it, darling. Though it’ll give you an excuse to actually enjoy your break instead of worrying about work, right?”
You’re walking so slowly you may as well be at a standstill, and you know it’s because the token machine is barely ten feet away, “Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” You admit, because it’s true — you’d hardly even thought about your job since you got here, enjoying your time soaking in the sun and the peace away from your roommate, “What about you? You from around here?”
“Born and raised,” Tom shrugs. You glance to the side, watching as his adams apple bobs up and down when he swallows, “I live on the site now, though, have done since I was sixteen. I’m here all year with Kai, you’ve probably seen him around, angry looking dickhead with a buzzcut. A girl called Jade used to live here too but eh, she’s gone now.”
You hum, acknowledging what he’s saying. You want to pry, the way his voice changed when he spoke about this ‘Jade’ character leaves a bitter taste in your mouth — an ex, maybe. But you were basically a stranger to Tom, so why would he explain that to you? 
The both of you stop right at the token machine, and Tom fumbles for his set of keys, flipping them until he finds one with a red tag on it. You watch his hands the entire time, thirsting silently — god, his hands were so nice. For a maintenance guy, they were clean, nails manicured, the skin soft. You could tell he took care of himself, and that made him all the more attractive to you. 
He slips the three pound coins into your hoodie pocket, knocking you out of your daze. His hand bumps against your waist when he pulls it out of said pocket, leaving you feeling flustered. There’s no way he’s just being nice, he’s flirting, albeit subtly. 
“Thank you,” Your voice is breathy, catching in the back of your throat as your eyes search for his again, though it doesn’t take long before his eyes are locking on yours once more, “Don’t know what I’d do without you. Or that three quid, actually, that’ll get me another shitty magazine from the shop and a bottle of Coke.”
Tom laughs, showing off his ridiculously perfect teeth once again, “You’re right, it will. Hopefully the ghost story in this one’s a bit better —” 
There’s a sudden harsh knock on the window behind your head that has you leaping out of your skin. He glances up to where the source of the banging came from, and he’s huffing, rolling his eyes, “Gotta go, darling. Another dickhead to deal with. Remember what I said, need anything just shout for me, yeah? Enjoy your magazine.” 
He lands a soothing hand on your shoulder just barely before he’s taking off, and your skin burns even through the thick material of your hoodie. 
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There’s one day left of your holiday. One miserable day. You hadn’t seen Tom at all since your encounter in the laundry area, and you had to admit you were feeling deflated over it. You hadn’t been avoiding him, in fact quite the opposite, but your paths had just never crossed again. 
The weather was unbearably hot once more, worse than the first day you’d met Tom, not even a breeze coming in off the sea, and you were desperate for a cold shower to rinse off the sweat from your now sunkissed skin.
The caravan door slams shut behind you as you step foot inside, basking in the little bit of cool air in the living area that’d been bathed in shade the entire day. You strip off your two-piece without a second thought — your caravan doesn’t look onto any others, and you don’t see anybody around, so there was nobody to scar when you stripped naked. 
At the beginning of your holiday you didn’t believe you’d ever become accustomed to the tight living quarters, especially the bathroom, but now that you’d been at the park for a week you almost couldn’t imagine going back home to your shitty little flat in Central London. You actually enjoyed the peace and quiet, and you were saddened about leaving.
You couldn’t deny that Tom was part of that, too. Though you’d hardly gotten a chance to know him you were drawn in, and the thought of heading home the next day and never seeing him again was weighing heavy on your shoulders. 
Stepping into the tight shower, you twist the dial to turn on the water, only to be engulfed in a roaring hot heat that has you yelping and gasping. The sharp sting of the scalding hot water hitting your sunburnt chest brings tears to your eyes, your hands flapping to turn the dial back until the stream stops.
You jump out of the shower, grabbing for your fluffy towel that you’d set in the open window that morning, pulling it around your bare body and tucking it in until it’s sat nicely. The ends of your hair drip wet, the water cooling fast, an almost pleasant feeling in comparison to what you just felt.
There’s not a second thought before you’re dialing 0 on the phone in the living area and asking for a maintenance person to come look at the shower, reeling off that the water was scalding hot and had burned you. The person on the other end sounds bored, uninterested and far from shocked when you tell her what happened. You hang up and, in your anger, stick up your middle finger at the phone. 
You didn’t even think to ask for Tom. You perch your ass on the arm of the U-shaped sofa, nervously chewing on your bottom lip and shaking your leg as you wait, wondering who it’d be that showed up to your call. You really, really hoped it’d be him.
Not even five minutes go by before you’re hearing a rapping of knuckles on the glass pane of the door, and you answer it quickly, all street smarts going out the window as you pull the door open just clad in your towel. Tom stands on the narrow step, clutching onto a metal tool box, and you breathe out a sigh of relief that it’s him.
“Fucking hell, that burn looks sore,” Tom looks with bug eyes at your chest, taking in the look of your skin tinged a deep red, much darker than the rest of your sunburnt body. You flush, moving out of the way to let him in, “If you put in a claim for that this place would be shut down.”
He laughs about it, but visibly looks nervous. You can’t help but wonder if, as much as he complained about the job, he genuinely liked it. Or maybe it was all he knew, which was also probably true, considering he had told you he’d been here living since he was just a teenager. A pang in your chest asserts itself at that realisation.
“I wouldn’t worry about that, it’s my own stupid fault for stepping into the shower before turning it on like a silly bitch,” You shake it off, a wobbly little laugh escaping you, “Nothing a bit of lotion won’t fix, Tom.” 
“No, it’s fucking ridiculous that this even happened,” Tom grunts, stepping past you and wandering the short distance into the bathroom. You follow him like a lost puppy, clutching at the top of your towel with one hand, standing in the doorway as you watch him flip his toolbox open, grabbing for something and banging the shower door open. 
“Dunno why they still rent out this caravan every summer there’s so much shit wrong with it, told the manager it was fit for the scrap yard two years ago,” Tom’s conversational, unscrewing the shower tap and fiddling with it as if you’re not standing there basically naked and still slightly damp from your failed attempt at hosing off.
You’re trying to look anywhere but right in his direction. It’s hard, though. Out of the corner of your eye you can see his arm bulging and straining under the tight material of his polo shirt as he uses his wrench to tighten a bolt, “S’okay, I got it pretty cheap. I’m away home tomorrow, didn’t want the next poor sod to get burnt like I did.”
Tom shoots a glance at you, brows marrying for a moment until he’s turning back to the job at hand, “I didn’t realise you were away so soon, fuck sake. If I’d known I would’ve come and seen you earlier. You’re alright, y’know?” 
“Thank you?” It comes out as a question, and you can’t help but feel somewhat offended by his choice of words, “I suppose you’re alright yourself. Probably the only decent member of staff I’ve spoken to this entire week.” 
“Yeah, the nice face and banter are just a bonus, eh?” Tom flashes you his teeth again and it has you rolling your eyes, though a fond smile tugs at the corners of your mouth, “Not like those posh London boys, they’re stuffy and boring.”
“You’re right about that,” You agree, watching as he throws the wrench back into the toolbox blindly, the tool landing correctly in its place. It’s now or never, you think, as he screws the tap back on. This is it, after this last chance meeting you’re not gonna see him again. “Who’d have thought something as simple as catching a blown away magazine would have a girl weak at the knees?” 
You cringe at yourself, though Tom’s head shoots around. He looks at you with a confusion etched on his features, and you have to physically stop yourself from rolling your eyes. Surely you were being obvious enough, right?
You watch him dumbly step out of the shower, even going as far as to shut the screen door behind him, “What do you mean?” He asks, quirking a brow. Clearly you weren’t being obvious, then. 
“Is it not totally obvious that I’m into you?” You scoff, wanting to lean forward and rattle that devourable looking neck. He’s clearly so clueless, it would actually be kind of endearing if you didn’t find it so infuriating. 
Tom balks at you, taking a step closer to you, which has him almost right up in your face, with how enclosed the space of the bathroom is, “Really? I’m really shit at reading signals, sorry, love.” 
Love. You melt at the pet name, going all gooey. You take your chance, fingers tugging at your towel until it’s loosening on your body. He watches you with curious eyes that soon turn lust filled, when you let the towel drop to the floor and pool around your feet.
You blush under his intense gaze, taking in the swell of your tits, the pebble of your nipples, the curve of your hips, the mound of your cunt. He takes another step, so you’re basically toe to toe, and he exhales loudly.
“Not done this for a while,” Tom admits, as his large hands engulf your waist, pulling you closer to him until your naked body is flush against him, the soft material of his worn-in work polo a pleasant feeling against your skin, “Can I kiss you?” 
You nod, far too fast, too eager, but he clearly doesn’t seem to mind, leaning in until his plump lips are capturing yours. You melt into it, arms wrapping around his neck to tug him in closer, fingers burying in the hair at the nape of his neck.
Tom deepens the kiss quickly, tongue running over your bottom lip and you open up willingly, letting him slip his tongue into your mouth. His own tongue glides along yours deliciously, has your pussy clenching and your legs shaking. He moves you blindly backwards, like he knows the entire layout of this caravan — which he probably does, has probably been here many a time.
The backs of your legs hit the bed and you let yourself fall backward, opening your legs for Tom to nudge between them, one hand still on your waist tightly, other slipping down your leg, fingertips digging into the meat of your thigh. You shiver, unable to contain it, the feeling of the hands you’d thought about so much the last week finally on you was almost enough to drive you crazy.
Tom’s hand skates higher and higher up your thigh, until he’s cupping the heat of your cunt. He’s the one to break the kiss, pulling away from you to look you in the eyes properly, like he’s looking for confirmation that you’re still good and you’re okay to keep going, “You okay if I touch you?” 
You melt. You nod, and he dives in, kissing the side of your neck with spit-slick lips, leaving you gasping and writhing below him. He bumps his hips down into you, and you feel the outline of his hard cock brushing against your inner thigh.
Suddenly, your carnal desire for him overcomes your every being, your hands falling from the back of his neck to fist into his shirt, bunching up big handfuls of the material, “C’mon, you too?” You beg, voice whiny, completely distracted by how Tom bites and kisses at your neck, “Need to see you too.” 
He sits back on his haunches, smirking down at you, hands leaving your body and in turn leaving you cold — though it’s not for long, as you watch him pull his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side. He dives back down into you quickly, bumping those godforsaken hips down against your pussy this time, leaving you gasping.
That stupid, shit eating grin never leaves his face until he’s burying his face back into your neck, peppering your skin with kisses, hand nudging between your legs again, until the pads of two of his fingers finally dip in between your slick folds, gathering your juices on them. He grunts against you, rutting his hips down again, “Fuck, you’re so wet.” He mumbles, caught off guard by it.
“Mmph, all for you,” You gasp, breath catching in your throat when he finds the swollen, sensitive bud of your clit and starts rubbing in small, tight circles, until your hips are pushing up into the air, “Oh God —!”
You lose yourself in the feeling of Tom lathering you in kisses, the way his plump lips ghost along the stinging, burnt skin of your chest and soothe it, his fingers working on your clit until your cunt is gushing wetter than before. He’s so sensual, passionate, taking the most attentive care to your body, and it’s driving you wild.
“You feel so good on my fingers,” Tom groans in between kisses, looking at you with those pretty, chocolate brown eyes, now mostly blackened with lust, “Can’t wait to feel you on my cock, babe.” 
You squeal, a moan punching out of you when his fingers leave your clit just barely to dip into the entrance of your pussy and glide back up, taking some of your milky wetness with them. You clench, quivering at his words, a deep heat blooming in the pit of your belly, alarmingly fast, “I’m so close,” You admit, losing yourself in the pleasure of Tom’s fingers catching on your clit, winding you up tight, tight, tight.
Tom kisses the swell of your breast, lips dragging down until they latch onto your nipple, licking and sucking until you’re crying out. He can’t take his eyes off of you, watching every contortion of your face as he makes you fall apart. Your fingers grip into his curls, tugging lightly until he’s groaning, vibrations echoing up your chest.
His fingers work at that same torturing pace, sliding in circles until you’re arching off the bed slightly, coil in your tummy snapping, your entire body tensing and going lax just as fast as your orgasm washes over you, a gush of slick slipping from your hole as you shake through it.
Tom works you through it until you’re jerking away, fingers unwinding from his hair and pushing at his shoulders instead. He presses a light kiss to your nipple, pulling himself up and slipping his fingers from your cunt, “Was that okay?” He asks, though he’s smiling, proud of himself, clearly.
You nod, catching sight of the prominent bulge in his grey joggers, sudden desperation to get to his cock overtaking you — you lean up, tugging at the waistband of the offending material until it’s bunched around his thighs, uncut cock springing out proudly, you gasp, “No underwear? You always wander around like this, you slag?”
Tom laughs, shaking his head, “No, I wasn’t on shift but took the call because I knew this was your caravan,” He admits, and you giggle, a little swell of pride in your chest. That little admission was enough for you, he did like you as much as you liked him. 
He dives back into you, capturing your lips with his own, and you take that opportunity to get a feel for his cock, deft fingers blindly wrapping around the length and giving him an experimental tug, pulling the foreskin back. He gasps into your mouth as you work him up and down, your thumb swiping over the tip, and he’s punching his hips into your hand.
“Keep doing that an’ I’m gonna cum before I get to fuck you,” He mumbles against your mouth, nibbling at your bottom lip just a little. You take that as your cue to stop, hand dropping from his cock and instead wrapping around his bicep.
He makes a show of it, like an arsehole, grabbing a hold of his cock and sliding the tip through the mess of your cunt, catching on your clit and gliding it back down, until you’re gasping and silently begging for it, digging your nails into the meat of his tanned arms.
“C’mon, Tom. Please?” You whisper, looking up at him with pleading eyes, and he takes the bait — he slips his cock into you in one fluid motion, until his balls are flush against your ass. You couldn’t have been prepared for the sheer thickness of him stretching you from the inside out, a gasp escaping you when the head of his cock brushes along your frontal wall.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Tom moans, burying his head into the other side of your neck this time, kissing and biting at your flesh until it’s raised. He pulls out, slamming back into you to the hilt, and you clench around him, unable to help it, the curved head of his cock brushing against the spongey part of your cunt perfectly, “God, babe, don’t do that, I’ll cum so quick.”
You moan, clenching around him again until he’s groaning, fucking in and out of you properly, your cunt sucking him in, gushing around his length. You’re overwhelmed by the feeling of him all over you, his lips and teeth on your neck, his hair tickling your face, his toned torso crushing down into yours, his cock sliding in and out of the tight heat of your pussy.
“You feel so good around me, fuck,” Tom’s mumbling against you, words almost getting lost in your skin, but you’re fucking melting for it, the praises having you keening up into him.
You feel your orgasm building quickly, unaware of how loud you’re moaning until Tom’s picking up the pace of his thrusts, the slap of his hips against your ass echoing in the room, the wet schlick of your pussy mixing with the other sinful noises. 
“M’gonna cum,” You cry, tears pricking at your eyes as your tummy blooms with heat once again, orgasm building a lot quicker this time than the last time, and Tom pulls himself away from the crevice of your neck, looking at you with his lust blown eyes, swollen red lips open in a constant moan, “Fuck, Tom, s’good, so good,”
You’re babbling and Tom groans, fucking you so rough you’re sliding up the bed — your high hits you so hard you see stars, eyes squeezing shut as your cunt flutters and gushes around the girth of Tom’s cock, fingernails biting into his arms so hard that you know you’re going to leave behind broken skin.
“Oh shit, oh fuck,” Tom’s voice goes high pitched, eyes rolling into his skull as your pussy grips him like a vice, and he’s coming too, hips stuttering as he paints your walls in his release, cock pulsing in the tight heat of your cunt.
You mewl, spent body giving into everything. You feel like you’re floating, unable to comprehend what just happened. Tom’s looking down at you with this big dopey grin and you smile back, leaning up to kiss him languidly as his spent cock goes soft.
Tom slips out of you with a hiss, collapsing down next to you, chest still heaving on breath, “You sure you’ve gotta go home tomorrow, darling?” He asks, voice quiet as he tugs you into him, those big arms engulfing you in a tight cuddle. Your whole body melts into his, your mind blank of anything but him. Maybe you didn’t have to go home just yet. 
“I suppose I could see about hanging around for another week… or two,” You admit, and Tom cackles in triumph, squeezing you tighter until you’re giggling into his chest, heart swelling.
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ilovetoomanymen · 7 months
this is my first official fic!! i hope you guys enjoy!!
mike schmidt x female/girly!reader 🍓🍰
- fluff
- after the events of the film
hmm,, I don't really have any clear ideas as well atm, buuuut could you perhaps try to write smth like-- the reader, mike and abby went to go picnic or smth by the beach(?) idk if that makes sense HAHA 😭
i hope you enjoy!! (lower case is intended!!)
your eyes flutter open gently, being awoken by the sun flaring through the blinds, creating pretty patterns across mike’s bedroom. you hear a groan from behind you, and feel an arm squeeze around your waist. you turn around in his arms to face him.
“hi”, he mumbles with his eyes closed.
“hey, good morning”, you reply with a gentle smile.
he opens his eyes to look into yours and he immediately smiles which makes you giggle.
“what?” he asks smiling at you.
“nothing.” you reply, smiling back at him again.
“hey, it’s pretty sunny today, do you want to go for a picnic since abby isn’t at school today?” you ask, waiting patiently for his response.
“sure, what time is it?”
you turn around in his grip again and look at the little pink alarm clock he bought you, which contrasted with the dark oak of his bedside table.
“it’s only 8. do you wanna go at 11? ooh, should we go to the beach?”
mike doesn’t reply verbally, but he grabs you by the waist again, gently pulls you flush to his chest, and nods into your back.
“mike i have to get ready” you giggle at his affection.
“no, not yet, please” he grumbles in your ear.
“mike i have to shower, unless you want me to smell all day”
“y/n/n, you always smell good” he nudges the space between your neck and ear with his nose and inhales deeply.
“mike c’mon it’s been 20 minutes” you laugh at his ridiculousness.
“ugghhh, fine.” he kisses your neck.
you slip out of bed and leave mike alone. you open the bathroom and turn the shower on, tie your hair up, step in and start washing your body. you hear the door open and peek behind the curtain to see who it is, and looking back at you is mike’s mischievous face.
“mike get out!!” you shriek and laugh.
“relax, relax, i’m just using the toilet”
mike uses the toilet, then leaves, and you carry on with the rest of your shower. you get out and do your skin care, brush your hair, and dry yourself off.
walking back into the bedroom, you see mike lying awake in bed. wrapped in your pink, fluffy towel, you walk towards the window and open it to let some fresh air in.
you walk back over the the wardrobe, open the doors, and search for the perfect dress for the occasion. you pick out a little white dress with lace details, pink dainty flowers, and a little pink bow on. you turn around to face mike.
“what do you think?” you question him.
“i think that that is a very pretty dress, and you should wear that one.” he smiles at you, adoringly.
you smile back at him, turn around, pick out a matching baby pink underwear set, put that on, then put the dress on. mike stares at you and bites his lip, but you don’t realise.
you put deodorant on, sit at your vanity that mike lovingly built for you when you moved in, and do some light makeup. you tie your hair into a high ponytail and add a little pink ribbon around it.
you walk out the room, to go make everyone some breakfast, whilst mike watches your ass as you walk out.
deciding on waffles as being the best option, you make them, and serve them up onto plates, and whilst your laying the table, mike walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waist.
“hey” you giggle. he gives you a squeeze then lets go, to allow you to carry on getting everything ready.
“abby! breakfast is ready!” you shout for the little girl.
she comes skipping through and you and mike greet her, and for the whole of breakfast, you listen contently to abby recalling a dream she had the previous night. you sit down together and eat, just you and your happy little family.
mike does the dishes afterwards, and abby helps you pack the picnic full of your favourite fruits and snacks, cherry and strawberries being one of them. mike packs the car, and 10 minutes later you are all sat in the car, with mike driving, and you and abby singing along to songs on the radio, and laughing together. mike looks across to you and smiles, happy just because you’re happy. he puts his hand on your thigh and moves his thumb up and down.
you finally make it to the beach, and you and abby grab the picnic basket together and run down the steps leading to the sand, holding one handle each. mike laughs at you both and grabs the chairs and towels and walks behind you two.
you and abby run across the beach, shrieking and laughing together, whilst mike watches you two, smiling to himself.
5 minutes of running and laughing down the beach later, you guys find a good spot to sit down and enjoy the prepared food. you eat together, and laugh together, just enjoying each others company. abby goes down to the water to stand and play around with the shallow water. you and mike lie down together on the towel and hold eachother. you talk about everything together, and then just relax. you have never been happier with your two best friends in the world.
i’m so sorry if this is too long or really bad and boring and repeating!! it’s my first fic ever, so constructive criticism is much appreciated! i also haven’t re-read this very well, so there might be some mistakes! i’m also sorry if the end is rushed, i felt like it was getting too long so i decided to cut it short 😭
if you have any other requests, drop them in my request box, and have a great day!! 🍓🍒
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shitouttabuck · 9 months
Do you have any buddie fic recommendations for me? Sweet fluffy smutty idc I need something good 🥺
hiya! these are some of my faves off the top of my head and you’ve probably read most of them and if you’re like. nina. these are eighty percent fics by your mutuals. well i BECAME pals with them by adoring their writing and bullying my way into their lives about it <3
stitch my soul 30.5k by @onward--upward (soulmates au that genuinely changed my whole life i think about it daily—fair warning it’s a little heartachey, but in the best way)
it’s nice to have a friend 6.4k by @colonoscopys (a little domesticity i love this with my whole heart it’s so soft and sweet)
drench yourself in words unspoken 26k by @eddiediazes (everything is the same except eddie secretly writes romance novels and i reread this like once a month it makes me so happy)
the side effects of eating too many clementines 3k by @forthewolves (idk what to even say, no one writes love like amanda writes love, it’s a bigger-than-your-chest kind of feeling)
(this kiss is) something i can't resist 7.9k by @clusterbuck (family curse where eddie has to kiss his true love in one year or he’ll die, i laughed so much, EXACTLY the kind of romcom shit with a side of ridiculous i adore)
growing sideways 3k by @housewifebuck (extremely evan buck buckley is christopher diaz’s parent and you WILL cry about it)
left your mark on this heart 5.8k by @anxieteandbiscuits (buck thinks he has post-lightning heart complications but he’s just That stupid in love)
slip like freudian 4.4k by @jeeyuns (eddie diaz gets jinxed and is Extremely entertaining about it)
sundae kind of love 18k by @rewritetheending (okay this was the first morgan fic i ever read—and maybe one of the First buddie fics i read actually—and i think about the pier scene all the time! au where buck works at an ice cream shop by the beach)
maybe fall in love 1.8k by @try-set-me-on-fire (brick’s writing is just. unfailingly gorgeous but also 8 out of 10 times the most devastating thing you’ll ever read so this is a sweet, minimal emotional damage first kiss one???)
there’s always been a rainbow hangin’ over your head 8.7k by @alyxmastershipper (just the heartwarmingest of coming outs feat. the mug of my dreams. so so soft)
i think it’s my body wanting it the most by @transboybuckley (post-date that they’re not sure is a date, this is under a thousand words and i could not stop beaming i come back to it all the damn time)
you shaped this heart of mine 5k by justhockey (i haven’t reread this because it was such an enormous ache—in a good way—when i read it the first time, but god. god i love it so much. domestic sickfic)
i’ll scrawl it on every wall i see 29k by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (loosely a you’ve got mail au???? which is simply my favourite romcom in the whole world. this is so fucking funny as is everything they write and i adore it)
there ain’t language for the things i feel 1.8k by calvingseason (eddie buys buck a plant at the farmers market it is. so unbelievably soft)
i’ve almost certainly forgotten a bunch of faves so let me trawl through my bookmarks later and round some more up!!!!! highly rec ALL of these guys’ fics though SOME OF YOU are hell bent on breaking my heart these days and anon asked for “sweet. fluffy. smutty” and not hole-in-chest-in-shape-of-author's-fist, so
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mingigoo · 2 years
We fell in love in August || song mingi || (m)
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A/N In honor of Mingi’s bday and for hitting 500+ followers (thank you omg) here’s a very healthy fic that I already love. I hope you guys love it too!! (Also this is unedited my bad I just wanted you post it today)
Also thank you to @mingkiyoo for requesting this, I had a blast writing it :)
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🍊Pairing ⇢ best friend’s brother! Mingi x (fem) writer! reader x seonghwa
🍊Synopsis ⇢ Believing that you were destined to be with your best friend seonghwa all your life, his little brother Mingi was never a thought in your mind. After reuniting with the brothers after years of being abroad, you had your mind set to get together with seonghwa—until Mingi stole your heart without warning.
🍊Genre/au ⇢ best friends brother au, summer au, beach house au, smut, fluff
🍊Warnings/tags ⇢ 18+ minors dni, healthy relationship, pining, drinking, mingi is a sweetie, love triangle (barely), picnic, mingi has a cat, height difference, hopelessly romantic, super fluffy, also super smutty but in a romantic way, shower sex, unprotected sex, oral sex (male receiving) total summer read lemme tell you
🍊Word count ⇢ 14.7k
🍊 Taglist ⇢ @mingkiyoo @atinywhore @ch0isa99ie @jjhmk @roe-sinning @yeritheloml @meowmeowminnie @yesv01 @yukine-smx
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Summer. The word itself feels warm. Like being curled up in a blanket next to a fireplace, or even the warm, harsh sun rays that break through the windows.
Summer to you was an escape. A getaway. A time when you didn't have to worry about anything—except your feelings for seonghwa.
He was your sun. Your world. The boy you pictured yourself marrying, and even daydreamed about what kind of dress you would wear to your wedding. He was perfect in every way, but the thing was, he was your best friend. Friends don't stay friends when complicated feelings are involved. 
All your little life you dreamed about him. Longed for him in ways no friend should think about. You always thought you kept it buried pretty deep that no one would be able to notice, but you didn't think about a certain younger boy that knew everything behind those eyes of yours. 
It was as if he knew your soul like the back of his hand, while you barely knew him.
Seonghwa was your sun; you were Mingi’s moon. His moonlight—his everything.
You left six years ago, on a journey across the world to the bustling city of New York, you fell in love with everything around you.
But not enough to stay. 
After those years of growing up, you ran through college like it was a marathon. Getting your life on track knowing that you couldn't stay in the states your whole life—maybe because of your lack of english knowledge—you decided to fly back to your hometown. 
You had no plan, no idea in your mind. You just got up and left, hoping everything would fall into place. Maybe you'd bump into seonghwa again, and maybe he would still think of you as his best friend. It was better than nothing, at least.
Stepping onto the rough gravel, you shut the door of the taxi cab with your luggage in the other hand. The air already felt different—like home. The scent felt like a warm embrace, even if you had nowhere to go. It smelled a bit fishy with a hint of salt from the ocean, but you loved it. Craved it.
It was summer. 
Your mom left your childhood home a few years back. She told you it started to get a bit lonely ever since your father left, and decided to move back in with her sister in the heart of Seoul. You couldn't lie, it was a good idea. Your aunt was a riot, so you figured your mom was enjoying herself—and enjoying her homemade fruity cocktails you always wanted as a kid.
You took a breath as you faced the slightly run-down airbnb you booked for a few weeks out of the summer—the perks of being a bestselling author. You've been in a slump for a while, the lack of romance in your life caused your mind to fall behind. This summer, you wanted to find love. Well, at least some form of it.
Lugging your luggage behind you, you checked into the home and walked in. The strong scent of wood erupted your senses, a feeling of nostalgia taking over your heart. It enveloped you as you walked in, your chest feeling heavy. The smell reminded you of your old home here in Jeju, and you had wished you never left. You wondered about the what if’s, but there was no point drowning into any of it.
After settling in and cleaning up a bit of the dust around the house, you sat down on the couch as you wondered what to do. You had your mind set on meeting your childhood best friend again, and you thought about how good he looked now years later. He was slightly younger than you—only by about five months—but you always rubbed it in your face that you were older. His brother was two and a half years younger than you, and you always thought of him as a cute baby brother. 
To be fair, the last time you saw him, he was only sixteen and still hasnt grown into his body. You had no concept of time, and it was hard to imagine him as a twenty-two year old grown man now. Did his ears still turn pink when he blushed? Did he still run around like a maniac as if he never got tired? Is he still as clumsy as ever?
Your mind wandered all around Mingi; the sweet little boy that seemed to be attached to your hip. He wasn't too much younger than you, but a part of you has never thought of him as anything more than a little brother.
Well, until now.
You left the house, your mind on mingi now moving towards the brother you thought you were destined to.
You walked around the outside market by the seaside a few days later, the air now really smelling fishy. You tossed in a few things into your basket, not exactly organized in any way.
After tossing in some green onions from the produce stand, someone ran right into you from behind, causing you to tumble onto the ground, dropping all your groceries out from your basket in the process.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry,” a deep voice rumbled from above you, and you looked up to notice a boy with dark brown hair. A few light brown streaks scattered through his gorgeous locks, and his lips were a soft pink. He looked all too familiar, and held out his hand to you, frowning when you weren't taking it. “Are you alright?”
You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, meeting his piercing gaze. His hand twitched now as he peered at you, taking notice of your features—features he could never forget. “Y/N?” he questioned, his deep voice raising a pitch or two. His lips were parted in a smile, his eyes glittering under the fluorescent lights from the fish tanks around you.
It seemed like a movie. From the way everyone stopped and stared, to the way this handsome stranger held his hand out to you—although he’s not a stranger at all. It took you a second to put two and two together, and the minute you took his hand, you felt the warmth flow through you.
Once he pulled you up from the ground, you really noticed how tall he was. He towered over you like some sort of skyscraper, his hand still holding onto yours like his life depended on it. You frowned up at him, peering through the curtains of his hair to stare into his honey-like eyes.
And there it was. The minute you knew him.
You could recognize those eyes anywhere.
“Mingi?!” you gasped, pulling your hand away from his to take a step away from him in shock. It’s been six years since you saw him, and the last time you did see him, he was only about half the size he is currently. His hair changed, and it made you wonder what else changed about him. “Holy shit.”
He was taken aback, looking around shyly before letting out an anxious giggle. “Is that reaction a good or bad one?” he asked you, fiddling with his fingers. You looked up to him—literally. He was no longer that baby brother. He was a totally different person.
“What happened to your teeth?” you mumbled, eyes wide as you noticed how pin-straight they were. They were also blinding white, matching the t-shirt that seemed a bit too snug on his toned body. Since when was he built??
“I got my braces off a few years back,” he spoke, running a hand through his unique head of hair. It was longer now, falling past his ears. “Also grew a few inches. I’m taller than Seonghwa now.”
Seonghwa. He was barely a thought in your mind as you looked at the younger brother. You had to admit, you were a bit curious about Seonghwa's whereabouts, and what better than having Mingi right in front of you for the answers. 
You took a step closer to him, totally forgetting about the scattered groceries on the ground. “Speaking of seonghwa,” you carried on, getting a bit nervous. “How is he? Is he still around?”
He frowned.
“Oh, he um, he’s working on a business trip in Seoul for the time being. It’s just me and the cat,” he let out a chuckle, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. “My parents went on a trip to some tropical place, I don't know.”
You watched his eyes dance around yours until he bent down to pick up your groceries. “So, it’s just baby Mingi, huh?” you bent down to help him, standing back up after everything was collected.
He nodded, sticking his large hands into the pockets of his jeans. They were a bit baggy on his body, sitting loosely on his hips. You couldn't stop looking at him. Staring at him. You could tear your gaze from him. There was nothing “little” about him anymore, you had no reason to keep that nickname anymore…
Should you call him big mingi? Enormous, large, gigantic, monumentous—
“It’s just me,” he shrugged, handing you the basket. “I go back to school in the fall, so I'm home to take care of the cat and the house.”
You looked around the market, realizing it's getting a bit crowded. You reached out without thinking and gripped onto mingi’s hand, pulling him through the crowd and out towards the exit, setting down your basket before exiting. 
“Aren't you gonna get that?” he asked you.
You shook your head, walking further out. You reached a quiet spot, the blue sea visible and the burnt orange sky glistening onto the water. 
“Sorry, I should have remembered you don't like crowds,” He murmured, the corner of his lip upturned in a smirk.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you noticed how tan his skin looked. “You remember that?”
He nodded, looking at you with unknown emotions. “Yeah.”
You took a second to collect the thoughts in your mind. You watched him as he looked at you, and your eyes trailed to his lips as he licked them.
“So you're in college? What are you, a third year?”
“No,” he smiled. “It’s gonna be my last year. History Major.”
You smiled. You did remember how much he loved to learn about history. It always intrigued him to the point of no return. It just makes so much sense that it’s what he chose to do the rest of his life.
He moved his gaze to the ocean, a look of content across that face of his. It felt strange—the feeling when you looked at him. It felt like you barely knew him, even if you spent eighteen years in this place with him by your side for sixteen. Your mothers were best friends growing up, causing you and the boys to grow up together as well.
 It was your choice to leave, but it was also your choice to come back, even if the reason to come back was for Mingi’s brother, he wasn't even here anyway. You were strangely okay with that, as mingi offered a source of comfort.
“So, how was New York city?” he asked, his voice deeper than ever. It was hard to imagine that younger self of his now after seeing this version. “Did you meet a city boy with a yacht?” 
You laughed, looking out to sea with him. You watched the waves ripple through the sand, the sound music to your ears. “No, sadly. Although that would've been romantic.”
He smiled as you spoke.
Your voice was music to his ears.
You turned towards him when you felt his gaze on you. You didn't notice his ears turn pink.
“Romantic, huh,” he trailed off, biting the inside of cheek. You peered through his eyes, noticing how pretty they were as the orange hues from the sunset reflected onto them. He looked tan–his skin like honey and kissable lips. You were drawn into him like a fish on a hook, and it made you uneasy. You've never felt this way—you were certain it was just the nostalgia.
“So, where are you staying? I saw that your old house was sold,” He said, his eyes sparkling. They reminded you of the sea.
You sighed, looking back to the ocean. It looked prettier than ever—maybe it was because you were with him. “Just in an airbnb until I find my own place,” you hummed, watching the waves crash onto the shore. “Lame, I know.”
He stuck his hands in his pockets, kicking at the rocks on the ground. It was a bit awkward meeting him right away, but something told you it was fate. 
Maybe he was your fate.
“It’s not lame, but…”he trailed off, seeming a little nervous. “I mean you could always stay at mine. I know that you used to hate being alone….” he spoke carefully, making sure you were comfortable. “I’m not telling you that you have to–I mean, I must be a stranger to you now but um…If you start to feel lonely, I'll be your company.”
His smile cut through you like a knife. You almost stopped breathing for a second, his kindness overtaking you. You weren't used to men being this friendly without motives. He was genuinely making sure you were okay, and he even remembered how much you hated being alone. Sure, you grew out of that fear, but he didn't need to know that.
You thought about it. You already spent the money for the stay, but maybe you could cut it short. This summer would be more fun with him, anyway.
“That sounds nice,” you smiled, fixing the strap of your sundress. “I’ll have to see if I can cut my stay time. I’d rather not spend the money if I don't need to.”
He laughed. It sounded so sweet. “I um, yeah. Think about it and let me know.”
Silence enveloped you both. The air felt smooth and easy to breathe, and you couldn't remember the last time you truly felt at ease. The gears in your mind started to turn, thinking about writing about this moment—he could be the perfect inspiration for a summer romance novel.
Fuck the airbnb, it was time to make a bestselling book.
“Actually,” you rubbed your elbow anxiously as you tried to form the right words in your mind. “I’ll get my stuff out of there tonight, if that’s okay with you.”
His eyes lit up like he was shocked you wanted to stay with him. You didn't want to tell him the reason for your quick response, but he had to know how beautiful he was. He seemed like the perfect protagonist—salty hair and tanned skin, his heart upon his sleeve—you were already planning on the plot as you looked at him.
So perfect.
“How much stuff do you have? I can help.”
You watched as Mingi lifted your suitcase into the back of his sleek SUV, dusting off his hands after shutting the trunk. It was unusual to see him so…manly. He was always such a lanky string bean, and now, your mind and heart had a hard time understanding his change.
He looked back to you, opening the passenger door for you to get in. “Only one suitcase? Were you planning on only staying a few days?” He asked you as you got in, holding his hand out to prevent you bumping your head.
To be fair, you had a moving truck ready for all your stuff when you were able to find a place to move in to. You weren't sure how long it would take you to find a place, and you were secretly hoping that your old house was up for sale.
“No, I'll be here permanently after I find an actual home,” you laughed, settling into the car.
He sat in the driver's seat then, and as he drove away, you watched how his fingers wrapped around the wheel ever so slightly. You wanted to touch his hand. Hold his hand. You wanted to touch more than his hand.
Dear god, these thoughts have to stop, or you might do something you regret.
The house was just as beautiful as it was years ago—flowers lining up the walkway to the brick steps. You smiled as you saw a cute little orange cat in the window.
Mingi rolled the suitcase behind him, chuckling as he saw your enjoyment. “There's my baby,” he cooed, and your heart fluttered for a moment too long. You knew he wasn't talking to you, but you kind of wished he was. 
Once you both reached the door, he moved close to you to open the door. You felt your heart race as his shoulder bumped into yours.
You watched the cat jump out of the window when it noticed Mingi.
He opened the door, hinting at you to enter first. You were immediately welcomed by the whimsical orange cat, who rubbed against your legs like it’s seen you before. You've never met such a friendly cat. You wanted to steal it.
“Ah, that’s Clementine. I just call her tiny,” he reached down to pet his sweetheart of a cat, and she meowed at his touch. “Awe Hi tiny girl. I promise I’ll feed you something tasty–ah, be nice, we have a special guest.”
Just by the way he treated the cat made you feel at home. He looked over to you, and all you wanted to do was brush the stray hairs away from those kind eyes of his.
You looked around the beach house, gazing at the picture frames that were scattered along the walls. Everything felt the same, as if it were never moved. It was nice to see his family still intact—even if they weren't all together physically. It was like a breath of fresh air.
“You can sleep in the guest room. No one’s ever used it,” he smiled at you, making his way to the steps, picking up your heavy suitcase with ease. “I just hope you'll be comfortable.”
“Oh, anything is better than that overpriced airbnb,” you giggled, following him up the stairs. 
You trailed behind him as he walked down the upstairs hallway, turning into a pale orange room. The walls were barren, but the bed was made nicely. It was almost bigger than your full studio apartment in NYC, you were grateful for that.
You so didn't have to be here right now.
You took a mind note on how inviting he was, making sure you add that characteristic to your love interest.
“If you need anything, let me know. I’m here for you.”
Fucking hell, he had a way with words.
He started to walk out of the room, but he peeked his head back for a moment. “Oh, my friends are coming over tonight, if you don't mind.”
Friends? Little mingi was a social butterfly now?
You nodded, unable to hide your happiness for him. “Of course, it’s not my place to argue with that, anyway,” you mumbled, unzipping your suitcase to start to unpack. “Oh, and when is seonghwa coming back? It would be awkward if he just showed up while i’m here.”
His smile fell for a second, but he brought it right back. “Oh, um. In three weeks or so,” he murmured, clearing his throat slightly. “I’m sure he’d be happy to see you, y/n.”
You smiled to yourself, but in your heart, you felt not one, but two of the brothers stirring around. You were used to one, but having the two of them in your heart felt heavy. You had to think with your mind instead, anyway. 
You were sure that you’d be happy to see Seonghwa, but right now, you were content with Mingi. He felt like the only person in the world, and you craved that type of comfort.
You snapped awake when you suddenly heard a loud thump from downstairs, followed by a bit of laughing. You jumped out of the bed quickly, just in case mingi hurt himself. You didn't want to baby him, you were sure he was having a blast with his friends, but you couldn't help but worry. It was instilled in your mind ever since you were younger—he was always breaking things.
You stumbled down the steps and made your way into the living room. “Mingi? Is everything okay—” you stopped in your tracks as you noticed three more sets of eyes than normal.
“Ah, who’s this, hyung?” one of the boys hummed flirtatiously. “Your girlfriend?”
“Stop it Wooyoung, can you ever be serious?” the other one said with irritation laced through his smooth voice.
“Why else would there be a girl here at midnight?” 
“Uh, hello,” you looked at Mingi, who was smiling at you with slight embarrassment. You weren't sure how to introduce yourself, so you prayed that he would do it for you.
He furrowed his eyebrows for a minute, then looked over to his two friends. “Guys, this is Y/N. She's an old friend of mine and Seonghwa.”
“Ah, I see,” the brown haired boy nodded, a mischievous smirk on his face. You had to admit, every person in this room looked like they were pulled out of a novel. It was hard to know which one to look at. “So, why are you here….this late?”
“Oh I—”
“She’s staying here with me,” Mingi shrugged confidently, flashing you a comforting smile.
You stared at him. Something in your heart just shifted.
“Anyway, Y/N, these are my friends, Wooyoung and San. and I’m sorry if I woke you, I accidentally tripped on the carpet.”
You chuckled. Ah, same old Mingi.
You offered a smile to his friends, and you turned to Mingi, who wouldn't take his eyes off you. “Oh, alright. Just be careful,” you yawed, giving them a little goodbye before trudging up the steps and back into your comfy bed.
You heard them laugh and carry on as you tried to fall back asleep, smiling at how happy Mingi seemed. It was nice to see him again, and even though it was by chance that you ran into him at the market, you haven't felt this comfortable in ages. It was healthy—so unlike your past relationship while you lived in new york.
You dreamed of Mingi—who felt like a warm summer night.
The week passed quickly. Staying with Mingi came with routines, and every morning you woke up, he’d have a plate of food ready for you on the table. He wasn't so sure about what kind of food you liked now, but his effort was what made it count.
He was gone most of the time before you were even awake. He helped the grannies at the market every morning, making sure they weren't carrying anything heavy. He was the kindest soul you've ever known, and your mind started to wonder why you never thought of him in any other way other than a brother.
Mingi still wasn't home as the sun set on the horizon, and you started to worry if he was okay. He definitely was, but you had a habit of making up the worst possible situations in your mind. 
Thunder boomed loudly, nearly shaking the house. You let out a yelp, holding onto yourself as it startled you. You were never fond of thunderstorms; they always scared the shit out of you. The minute another boom rang through, you ran up the steps to take shelter under your blankets. Clementine sat at the edge of your bed, not even budging as you moved around.
You didn't know why you were so scared of it, maybe it was because it was thundering the day your dad left. It was deeper than just a little fear, but it still didn't take away the embarrassment of being scared of something so typical—especially at your dinosaur age.
You heard the roar of an engine pull into the driveway, the sound of the rain pitter-pattering against the car. You slid out of the bed to peeke out the window, feeling relief wash over you as you noticed it was Mingi. 
You rushed out of the room in your pajamas, running down the stairs and into the kitchen to act like you weren't scared of anything. After pouring some juice into a mug, you heard the front door open, followed by the squeak of wet shoes.
“Y/N?” his soft voice called. “Are you down here?”
You swallowed the sip of juice, nearly choking on your words. “I’m in the kitchen!” you called out to him, cradling the cup tightly as another boom of thunder erupted.
You squeezed your eyes shut, and opened them as if nothing was wrong when he entered the room.
He seemed cautious, like he already knew you were scared. Maybe he did, and you found it cute how much he remembered about you. It almost made you feel lacking, since you could barely remember anything about him.
“Are you alright?” he asked you softly, taking a step closer to you. 
His hair was soaked, a shade darker than normal. He walked closer and closer until he was an arms length away. Close enough to see the raindrops in his eyelashes.
God, he was so pretty. 
“Yeah,” you gulped, squeezing the cup in your hands. “Just peachy.”
He frowned, looking down at your hands. To your surprise, he reached out, sliding his hands around yours. “Let go, I know how you feel about thunderstorms, y/n.”
Your eyes widened as he took the mug from your hands, replacing it with his own.
You paused, looking down at his hand in yours. “Why…why do you remember so much?” you whispered, watching as his thumb rubbed your knuckle. He was so gentle, you weren't used to it.
He laughed at that, but didn't answer your question. What he did do was tilt your chin up with his free hand, making your heart beat faster than the thunder made it.
“It’s late. You should get some sleep,” he smiled gorgeously, tearing at your heart more and more. There was just something about his demeanor that made you want to jump his bones right then and there, but the other thing was…that you really just wanted to keep holding his hand.
He didn't let go as you walked back up the steps and into the room, but stopped in your tracks as thunder ran through again and again.
“Um, goodnight, I guess.” with all your strength, you pulled your hand out of his hold. It seemed like he didn't want to let go.
You got yourself comfy in the bed while he stood in the doorway. He sighed as he looked at you, and then looked over to the windowsill, where clementine was sleeping peacefully. “Should I…stay?” he mumbled. You barely heard him.
Your heart pounded in your chest as he stared at you across the room. It was dead silence, the only thing making noise was the rain pounding against the roof. 
You took a second to respond. Unable to form words, you nodded, and he took a step further into the room, shutting off the light before walking towards the edge of the bed. He hesitated, and went to lay onto the floor.
“No, don't lay on the cold floor, Mingi,” you huffed out, reaching out to grab his arm to stop him. You let out a shaky breath. “Just…sleep up here with me.”
He swallowed hard, looking down at the hand that held his wrist. After a second, he nodded, slipping under the covers next to you.
He laid stiffly on his back and his eyes trained to the ceiling, but after a large bolt of lightning and a bang of thunder, he reached to hold onto you, tucking your head into his chest. You were honestly just fine with having him by your side, but he was caring enough to hold you like this. It kind of made you want to cry—you haven't been held in ages. 
“Shh, it’s alright,” he hummed into your ear softly, resting his head on top of yours. One arm was wrapped around your waist, the other cradling your head. His soft breaths hit your skin, offering a cozy feeling you weren't sure you've ever felt. 
He held you all night, making sure you were alright, even when the rain stopped.
You fell asleep in his arms, never feeling this safe before.
You woke up to the sound of birds chirping from outside the window. Letting out a sleepy yawn, you tried to move, but you were held down by someone’s strong hold.
You opened your eyes then, peeking through the sleepiness to come face to face with a sleeping Mingi, whose lips were slightly parted with drool pooling at the corner of his mouth.
How cute.
Not knowing what to do or if you should do anything at all, you took a second to admire his features. His expression was relaxed, his hair was scattered over his face, and his lips looked as soft as ever. You wanted to reach out and touch them.
So you did; without even thinking.
The tips of your fingertips brushed against his smooth lips, causing you to blink slowly in wonder. It was as if it were the first time you've touched anyone—it wasn't, but he made it feel that way. He captivated you unlike any other, and it made no sense to both your heart and mind.
His eyes opened slowly, meeting your lost gaze. You didn't move. You kept his sleepy stare, lost in the sparkle in his eyes. He was so…pretty. It caused a stir in your heart the more you looked at him. It scared you, but you were too far gone at this point.
He blinked at you as if he couldn't believe you were real. Maybe you were a dream to him the same way he was a dream to you at this moment.
You didn't pull your hand away—you just left it resting on his parted lips like it belonged there. He didn't move it or say anything, and you were too caught up in him to think about anything else.
“Good morning, y/n,” he hummed roughly, his sweet morning voice music to your ears.
You took a second to respond, lost in the thoughts of his beauty. “Morning,” you said, looking down at his lips one more time before letting go.
He watched you back away slightly, but his arm was still tossed on top of you. You watched a smile appear on that beautiful face of his, and you were unable to move any further. It was as if he put a spell on you like some sort of witch—he had a hold on you, physically and mentally, even if you didn't want to admit it.
As the memories of last night flooded into your mind, you offered him a sheepish glance. “Uh, I’m sorry about last night. I’m sorry you had to sleep…in the same bed as…me,” you stuttered out, but he just laid there with a slight smirk. He was even more attractive in the morning. It felt so domestic, like you were in a relationship with him. Maybe he’d bring you breakfast in bed when you’d be sick. Possibly hold you every night without the thunder being the reason behind it. He would kiss you when—
“No, I liked it, actually,” He smiled sweetly, shutting his eyes as he yawned. You wanted to kiss him right then and there.
All right, that's enough of those thoughts now.
Sitting up on the bed, you glanced at him through your eyelashes. “What do you mean?” you wanted to know so bad, but you had a feeling it was just something simple that you over thought about.
“I mean that I enjoyed sleeping with you,” he hummed huskily, but you caught the worry in his eyes as the words left his lips. “I mean, sleeping next to you, not with you. I guess technically I slept with you, but not in the sexual—”
You interrupted him with a laugh. He was too cute. “Mingi, I understand. No need to try and explain it.”
“I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea,” he sat up with you, his back against the wooden headboard. His hair was a mess; you wanted to fix it. “I just–it’s not like I wouldnt want to sleep with you sexually because I would totally want to do that but–” he stopped himself, sighing when he realized what he just said. You watched his ears turn pink. “I’ll just stop talking now.”
You tried to hide your own blush at those words. If anyone else said that, you'd be smacking them to the moon. This time, however, you wanted him to keep talking. You wanted him to tell you all the things he wanted to do to you.
You ignored the pounding of your heart and gave him a slight smile before sliding off the bed. Clementine was standing at the door, meowing like crazy. She was probably hungry. “I’ll go feed tiny,” you glanced over your shoulder to see a sulking Mingi slumped over. 
He didn't say anything as you walked out the room, but as soon as the door shut, he threw himself around in the sheets that now smelled like you. 
As you poured clementine's delicious food into her bowl, you heard Mingi come up from behind you. He entered the kitchen like some kind of gremlin, his shoulders hunched and bags under his sparkling eyes. You snickered, standing up straight after giving tiny a little pet.
“You okay? You look like you got mauled by a tiger,” you snarked, to which he replied with a half smile. He walked towards the fridge and grabbed the eggs, setting them down on the kitchen island.
Even the morning looked good on him. God, you were getting different versions of the same man you once thought was a boy, confusing your heart more and more. Was it a crime to find him attractive? No, hell no. but it sure felt like you were committing one as you dreamed of him rather than seonghwa.
“What’s Seonghwa's job now? I haven't even thought about asking that,” you leaned up on the counter while mingi pulled out a pan from the cupboard. “I’m sure he’s some crazy smart businessman or something,” you laughed, but Mingi didn't think it was funny. 
He turned on the stove burner. “He is, actually,” Mingi sniffed, running a hand through his hair while he cracked the eggs into the pan. “How many eggs do you wa—”
“I always pictured him in a suit,” you sighed as you thought about how hot he would look in a suit, when all of a sudden, it changed to an image of Mingi. His lean figure stood tall, the imaginary tailored suit clung to his silhouette. He was so beautiful, so so beautiful. You could say that a million times and you would still believe it.
Mingi watched the delusions shadow your expression, and little did he know you were imagining him and not his brother. 
“He looks like an alien in them. Like a fucking string bean,” he growled, plucking out a spatula from the holder. He aggressively tossed around the eggs in the pan, and then waltzed over to the fridge to grab the leftover rice. “And you didn't answer my question on how many eggs you wanted, y/n.”
The tone of his voice was sharp; it cut like a knife right through you. You wondered if he took offense to the fact that you would think about his brother, but you shook the crazy thought away and changed the subject, standing up from your lean. 
“I’ll have two. And can you put cheese on it for me?”
He didn't turn around to look at you. He just nodded, and rummaged through the fridge for the cheese.
The room was quiet. Too quiet. Mingi was usually quite loud and playful, and you wondered why the change of temperament. “Do you want to go out with me today?”
Mingi choked on nothing at those words, having a coughing fit. You almost grabbed him a drink, but he caught his breath fairly quickly and turned to look at you as he piled the eggs on a plate. “W-what? Go out with you?”
You smirked. “Yeah. like a date, but not a date,” now you were just teasing him.
Mingi stared at you with wide eyes, the sleepiness completely wiped away. “Uh, sure. Yeah. What are you planning on?”
“I’m not going up there.”
You both stood at the bottom of a mountain, ready for a hike up it. You were never really an athletic person, but you always wanted to try and do a hike to see if you could do it. Mingi was not having it, backing away towards his car as if he wasn't the one that drove here.
“Mingi, please?” you pleaded with puppy dog eyes, almost cringing at yourself for your actions. “It'll be fun, I promise.”
Mingi scoffed, crossing his toned arms over his chest. You kept getting distracted by him since he decided to sport a cutoff shirt that revealed quite a bit of skin. It made you want to see more. “What do I get out of this?”
You smirked, hooking him in. “Hmm. How about drinks on me? At the bar downtown?”
You saw the sparkle in his eye, knowing that he’d cave at that. And he did.
 You began your trek up the rocky mountain, your feet already starting to burn from the scolding terrain.
“I told you it was a bad idea,” Mingi groaned, sweat dripping down his face. You watched as his smooth skin shined brightly under the sun, feeling a spark go off in your heart.
You huffed as your legs started to get tired. “No,” huff. “It’s a great,” huff. “Experience.”
Mingi scoffed at that, looking ten times better than you after a bit of time. He kept looking over at you every chance he got, but he was still more quiet than usual.
Well, until now.
“Do you still like my brother?” he broke all the walls you put up with one little question.
You stopped mid stride, looking up at the cloudy sky as you thought about the answer. You always dreaded this conversation with him ever since you were a kid, but you never knew Mingi knew. “You knew that I liked him?”
Mingi stopped too, slightly ahead of you. You were about halfway up the mountain with no other hikers in sight. “To be fair, y/n, you didn't really hide it. I think the only person who didn't know was Seonghwa himself,” he sighed as a single raindrop fell between you.
 Maybe you should've checked the weather.
You frowned, furrowing your eyebrows. “I uh, well, I did like him—”
“I know that. Do you still do? He asked sternly, taking a step closer. 
You looked straight into his eyes. It was an easy question—super easy, actually. Your heart knew the answer as soon as it was asked, but for some reason, you couldn't form the words on your tongue. You wanted to tell him that Seonghwa was barely on your mind since you ran into him. You wanted to tell him that you didn't want to look at anything else now that you saw him. You didn't want to think of anything else.
“I…” The rain began to fall around you like tiny shards, and as it started to speed up, you changed the subject as quickly as you could and turned the other way. “We should head back, it's starting to get bad.”
Mingi didn't say anything. As you frantically moved down the mountain to escape confrontation you could easily solve, your foot got caught between a rock, causing you to fall down and tumble slightly. You let out a yelp as your ankle cracked, and the sharpness of the rocks cut up your legs slightly.
“Y/n!” Mingi let out, completely forgetting that he was going to tell you to forget your feelings. “Are you okay? Ah No—don't get up, just give yourself a second.”
You groaned, but more so because of how embarrassing that was. You put your head down and let out a hiss as you tried to move your ankle. “I think I sprained it or something.”
Mingi sighed, kneeling in front of you as the rain pounded on you both. He looked at your beat up legs, and then peered at you through his eyelashes. Without a word, he stood up and turned around with his back to you, hinting at you to get on.
You tilted your head at him, although he couldn't see you. “Just get on, I'll carry you,” he softly said, and you heard the sweetness drip from his lips. The same lips you were dying to kiss.
You leaped onto his broad back, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. You heard his breath hitch as your hands touched the bare skin of his collarbone, and you nearly got the wind knocked out of you as his hands gripped your thighs to hold you up.
“Thank you,” you mumbled into his ear while he walked down the mountain in the pouring rain, his two-toned hair soaking wet against your cheek. “And I'm sorry for the crappy date.”
“Don't be sorry, y/n,” he hummed, leaning his head against yours as he walked. You were worried that he might slip on the rocks, but he managed to walk like they were dry. He gripped your legs tightly, afraid to drop you as if you were as precious as glass.
He treasured you the way a museum treasured its art.
The rest of the way was quiet. He lifted you into the car and leaned over to put your seatbelt on. He smelled like acid rain and sweat with a hint of vanilla; it stirred something inside you. His wet hair dripped down on you as he tried to get the seatbelt in and oh, the dirty thoughts swimming around your mind.
You were in such a haze that you didn't even realize that he shut the door and was now on the other side of the car. You tried to steady your breaths—in and out, in and out—until he entered the car with you.
“Are we still going to the bar? I need a drink,” you muttered.
He shook his head, running a hand through his dripping hair. “No, we’ll just drink at home. You need rest.”
Home. Home. your heart began to bang in your chest. You had no words to utter, and he drove home quietly, stopping to grab a bag full of soju and beer at the corner convenience store.
The rest of the ride was a blur. He stopped the car in the driveway, running to your side before you tried to get out without help. He picked you up and carried you into the home as if you were married to him, setting you down on the couch softly, afraid to hurt you. You were fine other than the slight ache and cuts, but he didn't need to know that. Right?
“I’ll be right back in with the alcohol,” he hummed, leaving you alone in the dark room. The sun was setting slowly, and you didn't realize how long you were actually out on your date.
Date. you wished you would've just told him your true feelings. You hoped you didn't ruin it.
Mingi waltzed in with the alcohol bag, Clementine trailing him happily. She jumped up onto the couch next to you, but only nudged your head slightly before jumping up and into the window.
You smiled at Mingi as he sat at the edge of the couch. He reached to pull your shoes off, and walked over to set them down at the entryway.
Your eyes followed his every move, already feeling like you were under the influence. He came back with a first aid kit and sat down in front of you. You smiled as he cleaned your wounds, blowing at them gently before covering them with bandages. He was so gentle, it once again caused you to think what he would be like in bed.
The room was quiet. The only sound was both of your breaths tangling in the air. He was so close yet so far, and all you wanted was to cross the distance. You were way too sober to even try.
He looked up at you then, a slight smile on his face. 
“Ready to get fucked up?”
One drink. Two drinks. Three. Four. you were completely obliterated—there was no way you were going to remember this tomorrow.
“You're telling me that he dumped you because you touched his hair?” Mingi slurred, leaning towards you with a grimace. “Thats so fucked up.”
“He was like, my hair is sacred, no one can touch it except my mother.”
He nearly spit out his drink. “Pfft, his mother??”
You were both on the floor of the living room, leaning up against the couch, lost in random drunken words and sober thoughts. You were telling him about the messy flings you had as a college student, and when you asked him if he had any, he shrugged and laughed it off and said he had a few. You expected more than just a few.
“His mother was the only woman for him, Mingi. Duh,” you smirked, totally lost in your words.
His laugh nearly shook the room, his head tossed back as he cackled. You watched his adam's apple bob as he let out his enjoyment—he laughed so hard that no noise left his lips, and you couldn't help but giggle at that.
“Mingi!” you giggled, slapping his thigh playfully as he laughed silently. Oh, he was painfully wasted. “What kind of laugh is that? I swear to god there's something wrong with you.”
He calmed down at that, but he was still smiling from ear to ear, lifting his head back from the uncomfortable position he was in.
“Are you making fun of me?” he drunkenly teased, leaning towards you slightly. You saw the strength of his gaze—it pierced right through you. He looked irritated and playful at the same time.
You leaned in, too. “Maybe,” you smirked, looking down at his dewy lips flavored with alcohol. “Hey, it's cute! I promise I'm laughing because it’s cute.” you giggled, but his lips were still downturned.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, and picked up the nearly empty bottle of soju. He paid strong attention to your movements, especially as you took the bottle up to your lips, causing him to lick his own.
“You never answered my question,” he pondered, still looking at your lips.
“Question?” you slurred, getting the last drops of the apple flavored soju onto your tongue. 
He swallowed hard. “If you still like my brother,” he sniffed, picking up his bottle. “I mean, I think I know the answer, so I don't even wanna—”
“Like, it’s always been him. I’ve only ever watched you guys on the sidelines like some shitty benchwarmer or something I swear to god–”
“Mingi please let me talk—”
“I mean to be fair I was a literal child so I get it, but now I—”
“I don't like Seonghwa anymore,” you nearly yelled, causing Clementine to make an appearance by your pile of empty bottles. She rubbed up against one, knocking it over as you focused on the speechless man in front of you. “Ugh. finally. I thought you would never shut up.”
He froze, now just realizing how close you were. You were able to see the little specks of light brown in his irises. You were way too far gone to hold yourself back from anything—and your writer self thought that this would be a great scene in that story of yours.
“So…um…would that mean that you might, um,” he stuttered, his leg shaking anxiously while you smiled at his expression. “That you might think of me in a not so friendly type of way?
You chuckled, watching his eyes grow darker. You looked down at his parted lips now. 
“You have pretty lips.”
He furrowed his brows now, looking as confused as ever. “What are you trying to say? He asked, setting down the bottle that was in his hands.
 His hair was dry now, which was a shame since you really liked how he looked with wet hair. His lips looked even more kissable than they did five minutes ago. 
You shrugged, drunk off your ass. “I mean, you could just kiss me. Or I could kiss you. Either way, it’s what I meant.”
He just stared at you with wide eyes. He didn't make any movement towards you, once again like he didn't want to hurt you or make you feel inferior.
You smiled at his awestruck look. “Do I need to spell it out for you? Me. you. kiss. I–want–to–kiss–you. Mwah.”
Again, just a piercing stare. He licked his lips though, and looked down at yours.
After a few moments of uneasy silence, you couldn't take it anymore.
 “You know what? Fuck it.”
You leaned as close as you could to him and grabbed the back of his neck. His eyes were about to pop out of his head, but the minute your lips neared his, he shut them softly, letting you press your lips to his.
Oh, did it feel like fireworks were going off in the middle of your body. Your heart began to race, feeling like it would pound right out of your chest. His lips melted into yours like honey, and his hands found a home on your hips.
He pulled back slightly, your breaths tangling together.
“Can I really kiss you?” he asked in disbelief, as if you didn't just share saliva. “Is it really what you want?”
“Mingi,” you sighed, moving closer until you were sitting on his lap. He let out a little gasp as you felt the hardness of him underneath you. Sitting on his lap barely got you to eye-level with him, since he was so tall compared to you. He tried to breathe, but his breath was shaky. “I wouldnt of kissed you if I didn't want to.”
“Ah,” he gulped, biting his lip nervously. “My bad, but I’ve just been dreaming about that since I was four, so to be fair, I need a moment.”
You smiled at the man in front of you like he was your world. You couldn't help but lean forward and give him a peck really quick, to which he responded fairly quickly.
You did it again, and again, and again. This time, he gripped your waist and held you to his body with one arm while his other hand gripped your jaw. It caught you off guard—was he the same mingi who needed a moment to process a kiss just a minute ago?
“If you do that again, I’m gonna be tempted to do more than just kiss you, y/n.”
Dear god, his voice. It rumpled right through you, but what really got you was how serious he was. The look on his face made you feel like he was about to maul you like some sort of predator, and you were merely his choice of dinner.
Oh, you were ready to be torn apart—you were drunk and delirious, after all.
You met his gaze for a moment too long, and then you reached out to wrap your arms around his neck. Pulling yourself up to his lips, you kissed them softly, breaking open his own to slide your tongue into his mouth. He tasted like apple soju and smelled like vanilla and sweat; a perfect combination.
It felt like your first kiss. It meant more than any other kiss. He held you so tenderly, caressing your back as he kissed you back with all the love in his heart. You smiled into the kiss as your mind wandered back to how he confessed to liking you for ages, even if it was a bit hazy from the alcohol.
You hoped you'd remember this in the morning. You wanted to treasure this moment.
You let out a shaky breath as you kissed his lips, feeling like you were getting high from him as if he were a drug. His hands began to snake up your top, gliding over the soft skin of your stomach, reaching your ribs.
You shivered at his touch in a good way, ready to rip off your shirt for him. You wanted to tear his right off his body, but you held yourself back for the sake of not ruining the mood just in case.
Subconsciously, you began to roll your hips into his. He gripped onto them as if his life depended on it, and you bet he left fingernail marks into your skin. His hot breaths hit you in the face as he pulled away to catch his breath, looking down at your hips crashing into his.
He leaned his forehead against your head, unable to pace his breathing. You weren't any better, especially with the way you could feel his arousal right underneath yours. Oh, dear god, you were completely lost in his touch. In his gaze. In his movements.
The little brother was now much more of a man than you ever imagined, completely forgetting about the one you made an effort to come back to.
Now, at this moment, when he groaned as he rocked your hips into his for you, your mind exploded in thoughts about him. The way he moved you into him was so effortlessly hot, and the way his face scrunched up when you grasped a handful of his hair in response.
 It felt like you were drowning. Maybe you were. But you needed more than just this.
You needed all of him.
“M-mingi,” you whispered breathlessly as his lips sucked on your neck. 
“Hm?” he moaned right into the skin of your neck, still rocking your hips into his.
Your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head. You couldn't even think about the words you wanted to say—they aren't important anymore.
What was important was the way your body spoke for you.
Your fingertips brushed against the hem of his t-shirt, curling around it in pleasure. You pulled it up slightly, and without a word, he gave you a nod to take it off of him.
You pulled the shirt over his head, a smirk on your face as you looked at his toned waist. You ran a hand down the ripples of muscle, not noticing the entranced look Mingi was giving you.
He fiddled with the end of your shirt, and met your eyes before doing anything hasty. You smiled and nodded, and he gently took the top off with affection. He smiled back at you, leaning in to bump his forehead with yours with a slight chuckle.
You leaned in again, kissing him with a bit more power than before. Your stomach flipped as he grasped the back of your head with one hand, his other sliding down your neck to meet your chest, gripping your breast softly through your sports bra. 
He spared no time in burying his head in the crook of your neck, biting and sucking like no tomorrow. You were way too drunk to realize how sloppy you both were, but in the moment, it was blissful. It felt like the very first time, and in your mind, you wanted it to be. You kind of regretted how you thought he was nothing but the brother of your crush. Well, now, that was now reversed.
“It’s either I fuck you down here on the couch,” he mumbled into your lips. “Or I’m carrying you up to my bed.”
You nearly melted into a puddle. Who knew he was like this? Was it the alcohol?
“Bed,” you moaned into his neck, biting his earlobe. “I want to be in your bed.”
He nearly growled as you said those words, gripping the back of your thighs before standing up straight with you. You held onto him tightly while he wobbled up the steps drunkenly. You hoped this wasn't going to be some type of intoxicated mistake in his eyes, but in yours, you had nothing to regret. There was nothing holding you back.
He held you tightly as he walked up the stairs of his beach house, unable to wait any longer. As soon as he entered his room, he set you down gently on the bed. “Is your ankle okay?” he asked, making sure he wasn't manhandling you—it was quite the opposite.
To be fair, you completely forgot about the pain in your ankle. It was the least of your worries as the beautiful man stood above you while you laid flat on his bed.
“Just come here.”
It took a second for him to process that you were laying in his bed, ready for him to do absolutely anything to you. He stared down at you for a moment, eyes raking over your half-naked body. He couldn't get enough of you—you were his dream. So now that you were in his bed? Well, he wasn't so sure where to go with it.
But you did.
“Mingi,” you sighed, meeting his intoxicated gaze. “Just please come here.”
He looked lost, as if he didn't want to do anything rashly. Maybe a bit of the alcohol wore off, as his eyes looked like he wasn't sure how he ended up here. He hesitated as he looked you up from head to toe, but once you saw the slight smirk peek from his lips, you knew what was next.
He leaned over you on the bed, giving you a kiss as his body pressed flat against yours. As the moment sped up with your hands in his hair and his on your chest, he finally slid the bra off in one swipe, catching you off guard.
He took a second to admire your beauty, then gave you another kiss, letting out a breath as he began to kiss you from your lips, to your collarbone, then meeting your breasts. He nibbled at your nipple slightly, causing you to gasp in pleasure. 
You wanted to moan out his name. Cry out for him. At this moment, all you saw was him and the friendly sparkle in his eyes—although now they looked more like the devil’s.
He sat up for a moment to undo the tie on his shorts, allowing you to pull them off of him to reveal his length that you were aching to have inside of you. He was bigger than you even imagined, although you had taken a bit of time to actually acknowledge how much he has grown since you last remembered him. He was more than anything you could imagine, and now the brother you used to think about was only a distant memory in your mind. 
After he was fully undressed, his eyes looked devilish. He leaned over you once again, knocking you onto your back with force. His chain necklace hit your face as his hands caressed your curves, meeting the waistband of your pants. He slid them down your hips, and you lifted yourself up slightly to help him out. The minute he got them off, he was back to feeling you up with a lovestruck look on his face.
“You're so beautiful,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours as he hovered above you. “So beautiful that it hurts.” he kissed your forehead at that, leaving your heart spiraling.
You smiled up at his gorgeous face, watching his eyes dance with curiosity. He looked nervous, like he’s never done this before. You knew that he had, but it was his first time with you, atleast. It was an overwhelming thought—this man had longed for you while you longed for his brother. You wanted to prove to him that it was only him in your eyes and heart.
He looked down at your heat and then back up to your eyes, a shy expression on his beautiful features. “Can I…make love to you?”
It was the fact that he asked so respectively that nearly made you squirm under his hold. Not the fact that you were about to get fucked or the fact of his body over yours, but the slight worry in his tone made you want to share your life with him. You nodded without a word, allowing him to begin to enter you. He lined himself up against you, lifting your legs up to put them up on his chest. He gripped your thighs tightly as he slid into you, slowly beginning to thrust with each moment. Your senses began to heighten as your walls collapsed for him, all you could hear was the pitter patter of rain and the tangled breaths between you and him both.
His breath was shaky as he pumped in and out of you, letting out small moans whenever he looked at you. You scrunched your eyebrows in pleasure as he started to move faster and faster, crying out as his fingernails pierced through the skin of your thigh.
“You have no idea how much I wanted this,” he said breathlessly as he moved gracefully.
You were sure the alcohol in your system was long gone, considering how realistic this all was. You saw his eyes glimmer. You felt his heart pound. You saw beads of sweat drip down his neck. You saw the smile he let out as he looked down at you. You were his everything—and now you were one, sharing the same body and moving together like waves of the ocean.
As you were getting closer to your high, he flipped you around quickly, tossing you into your back with no struggle. He slid right back into you, causing you to moan at his strength. “Mingi,” you moaned, lost in the sea of his movements.
He grunted, fucking you harder and harder as you moaned more and more. “Fuck, I love it when you moan my name,” he hissed, gripping your hips as he pounded into you.
He nuzzled his head against yours as he moved, and you got wetter by the minute. You've never felt this way with any other man, and as you reached your high, he bit your earlobe from the back and gripped your hair, tugging it slightly as you began to see stars.
His breaths became shallower, his heartbeat picked up speed. He noticed your state and chuckled seductively in your ear. “Ah, you like that, hm?” His laugh was smooth. “No more making fun of my laugh, huh?”
You had no words for him. He already knew the answer. But when you came all over his dick, he thrusted into you even deeper, causing you to grip at the silk sheets underneath you.
It was as if you put a spell on him. The minute you came, he couldn't hold it in anymore. He let out a sharp breath as he shoved himself inside you, harder and harder, throwing his head back like he was possessed. You were sure your knuckles were turning white as you gripped onto the pillow that your head rested on. He bucked his hips for the last time, emptying himself into you before crashing down onto your back and rolling to the side of you.
The room was spinning, you never even gave yourself a chance to look around to see the detail of his room. You were sure there were lots of unique things tied to the unique mingi, but you couldn't focus on anything but the man beside you.
His chest rose and fell like the sun, glistening with sweat like the morning dew. He was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, and even as you fought to keep your eyes open after that eventful experience, you reached out to wrap your arms around his waist, throwing yourself into the comfort of his embrace.
You were already asleep when he whispered his adoration with a kiss on the forehead, tucking you under the blankets with him as your pillow.
It wasn't the first time you woke up to him, and you hoped it wouldn't be the last. His warm sleepy breaths hit your face in the daylight, and you opened your eyes to see mingi in all his glory, soft snores escaping his lips. The same lips that claimed your own the night before.
Despite your drunkenness last night, you remembered everything in detail, including the way the nightlight in the corner of his room glowed as you drifted off to sleep in his arms. It was a bit domestic, much more realistic than any type of sexual encounter you’ve had in the past. You didn't want to ever have another encounter like that if it wasn't with mingi…
As you were lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice how affectionately Mingi was looking at you through his sleepy eyes. 
“Good morning,” you hummed, suddenly feeling a bit insecure in his hold. He has now seen every part of you in every way, and he was no longer the brother of your friend. He was no longer just a friendly face—he was now your lover.
“Hi,” he smiled, his voice raspy. You watched his gaze deepen as he looked at your eyes, then your nose, then your lips. The corners of his mouth turned up when he saw you yawn. “Are you still tired?”
You didn't want to tell him that the alcohol—and the sex—wore you out completely, but he wasn't the type to really inflate his ego. He would probably blush and hide his face into your chest, and even though it would've been cute to see, you shook your head no.
“I’m wide awake now,” you chuckled as he stared at you lovingly. You looked down at his smooth lips, getting flashbacks from how amazing they felt on yours. You leaned blinked at him for a second, until you leaned over and pecked them quickly. You didn't want him smelling your morning breath.
Just as you were about to escape from his arms to go brush your teeth, he gripped you by the waist to pull you to him, causing you to hold your breath as his face neared yours. “No, you're not just gonna kiss me and leave like that,” he tilted his head playfully, then gripped the side of your face before bringing his lips to yours.
“Wait–” kiss. “My morning breath—”
He kissed you again. “I don't care.”
You stopped trying to squirm out of his grip at those words, and you relaxed in his arms while he kissed you through his smile.
He leaned his forehead against yours now. “I love kissing you,” he smiled blissfully, his brown hair covering the smile of his eyes. You reached out to brush it away, tucking it behind his pink ears.
So cute.
You ran your hand down his cheek in adoration of his beauty. You knew you were gonna add this whole situation into your book, but you might have to change some steamy details. “So, do you work at the market today?” you asked him, leaning on your elbows on your side.
He shook his head. “No, but I am planning on doing something today.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Hm? Like what?”
He smirked. You couldn't get used to it. 
It took you a moment to understand the cheesy joke, and when you did, you gave him a smack on the shoulder and took it as a hint to stand up. It felt like you were together for years, but at the same time, it was as if you had just met. It was dreamlike—straight out of a fictional story. Maybe that was why you were so keen on writing your book about him.
“Okay okay, besides doing you, I would also like to take you on a date,” he mumbled as you stood up, but lost his train of thought as you were completely naked in front of him. “I uh, i forgot what I was saying.”
You tried to hide your insecurity as you stood confidently in front of him. You tossed on his t-shirt and slid on your underwear, making him lose it even more.
“Fucking hell, y/n,” he breathed, staring at you in awe as you wore his shirt. 
You slid on your pants then, looking at him mischievously as he sat up in his bed. Clementine was snoring on the edge, offering even more ambiance to the moment. It felt like you were meant to be here with him.
“What?” you tilted your head at him with a smirk. “Are we gonna go on that date or what?”
The sound of crashing waves filled your senses, and the smell of the salty air made memories of your childhood flood into your mind. The memories included Mingi, who would always sit on the sand and watch you and seonghwa from a distance. He was there, but it was always his brother, and not him.
Oh, how the times have changed.
You walked through the sand with Mingi next to you; your yellow sundress flowing in the wind. He wanted to hold your hand—you could tell by the way it twitched towards you. The sky reminded you of his hair, as the clouds looked slightly like stripes. It was a beautiful day.
The orange hues of the sky also reminded you of the day you ran into him, and you remembered how you felt when you first saw him. 
Being with him felt like you were meeting for the very first time over and over again. Every touch felt like the first time. Every kiss felt like your first one.
In the hand that wasn't trying to grab yours, he held a wicker-picnic basket filled with homemade food. He had told you earlier about how bad he always wanted to go on a picnic date, so you spent the entirety of the day making random things to take to the beach. It mostly consisted of rooting through cabinets and kissing each other at every chance you could get.
You walked quietly next to each other, the only sounds were the crashing of the waves and the chirping of birds. You held the picnic blanket close to you with one hand, and finally, you interlocked your fingers into his. You watched him swallow hard, and you were unable to hide your happiness. 
Once you got to the perfect spot, he set down the basket and put down the blanket nicely. You sat down on it while he set up the food, unable to keep your eyes off of him. 
He stood tall as per usual, with a white button up with a few of the buttons undone. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and a pair of khaki shorts clung to his thighs. His skin was like honey and his eyes glimmered. He looked otherworldly—as if he didn't belong here. There was no way someone this attractive was real, but here he was, in front of you. 
His heart was beating for you.
“Here,” he handed you a plate of food he so proudly made. There wasn't anything he couldn't do.
You smiled and took it from his hand. “Thank you, Mingi.”
He grinned as he sat down across from you. He watched you as you took a bite of the food, unable to look away from you. He didn't even reach to grab his own plate of food, and just smiled as you ate.
You met his eyes. “What? Is there something on my face?” you asked frantically, wondering why he was looking at you so attentively.
He laughed at that. “No, you're just pretty.”
You smiled and took another bite. “Jeez, you're cheesy.”
He leaned back, the tips of his fingers in the sand. There was barely anyone on the beach at this hour, as the sun was about to set on the ocean horizon. “I can't help it. I never thought I'd be on a date with you. It's like a dream.”
You swallowed the food before you spoke. “I still can't believe you liked me. I never even realized,” you sighed, lost in the past while he was enjoying the present.
“Hey, it’s fine. You're here with me now, it’s all about timing.” he mumbled happily, reaching for a piece of strawberry cake that was store bought. You didn't have the skills to bake. 
You looked him up and down, just happy to be in his presence. Once again, Seonghwa was not a thought in your mind as you looked at Mingi—who couldn't stop admiring you. 
You smiled as you thought about him. “You were my little Mingi,” you teased, watching his ears turn pink.
He scoffed. “Little?” he stood up deviously, and you should've known what was coming next. “Come here.”
He grabbed you before you could even make a move, and lifted you up off the blanket. He carried you towards the ocean, struggling as you tried to get out of his grip.
“No! Stop! I take it back!” you laughed, kicking your feet as you watched the water flow from underneath you. He still held you in his arms, but the minute the water was slightly deeper, he tossed you into the water with a romantic laugh.
Water enveloped you as you fell, and you looked up to him as you tasted the salt water in your mouth. With all the strength you got, you stood up and jumped at him, causing you both to tumble into the water. 
It was like a scene from a movie. He tossed water at you while you tried to knock him down once again, and how he looked even more romantic than he did earlier. His hair was messy on top of his head, and the white shirt he was sporting now clung to his toned chest. You thanked the lord he wore white today, as you were able to see the ripples of his abs through the fabric.
You were tangled in each other both physically and emotionally, lost in each other’s souls and beating in each other’s hearts. You wished this moment would last forever, and you craved to share more moments of him that you could remember for a lifetime.
The romantic moment ended the minute you got back to his home, but in a different way.
He ripped your dress off your body as quickly as he could, the shower running in the background. His hair was still wet from the ocean, and his lips tasted like saltwater. You couldn't get enough of him.
He breathed heavily into your mouth, gripping your hips as he backed you up into the wall. His shirt was long gone now, the only thing on him were the soaking wet shorts.
“Take them off,” you groaned as he kissed you hungerly, tugging on his waistband. He moaned in response, gripping your face instead of listening to you. You decided to do it yourself, and as you unbuttoned his pants, you kneeled down onto the soft throw carpet and pulled the shorts down to the ground.
“W-what are you—ah,” he stuttered as you gripped him, unable to finish his sentence. The minute you stuck him in your mouth was the moment his knees weakened, and he almost lost his balance. “Oh my god.”
You glided your tongue around him, sucking tightly as you almost choked on how big he was. He gripped the hair on the top of your head as he inhaled sharply, breathing like he had just ran a marathon.
“Fuck, y/n,” he moaned your name, tossing his head back onto the wall. “How are you so fucking good at this?” he wanted to say more and you could tell, but you nibbled on his dick slightly before he could get any other words out.
You looked up at him from the ground, meeting his intense gaze. He sucked in sharply, gripping you by the shoulders to lift you up and to toss you into the shower. You were immediately met with scorching hot water, but you were numb to it the minute he entered the shower.
His mouth was on yours once again, biting your lip so hard you could've sworn you tasted blood.
“I’m gonna show you that I'm not so little anymore,” he whispered raspily into your face, his eyes slanted with lust. You wanted him to do everything possible to you—no matter what it was. 
There was just something so attractive about a man being in love, and maybe it was because it was him. He was passionate and powerful, and was going to make sure you knew what you were getting into.
He fucked you hard from behind and pounded into you as hard as he could. You saw the stars again as the edges of your vision grew darker and darker. The water from the shower dripped down your face as he moved rhythmically, lost in his movements. 
“You feel so good,” he moaned out, his head resting on top of yours. “Fuck.”
You smacked your head against the tile walls from his strength, unable to hold yourself up. He had a hold on you that no one else ever will, and you were sure that he was going to be the one for you, even if you ever even thought about the possibility before.
It felt like you were floating. He made you feel as if you were above the clouds, lost in a mess of him and his beauty. You knew that you’ve never had someone like him before, and you never wanted this to stop.
He made love to you over and over again as July became August—and you became his lover.
You woke up next to him the next morning. And the morning after that. And the morning after that. He’d kiss you on the forehead while you would hold him tightly, and then you’d brush your teeth together in the morning with clementine at your feet.
You never specified if you were officially dating or anything, but you didn't want to ruin the bliss you were in for now. 
As the days passed, you fell in love with him. You knew you loved him from the minute he held you when you were scared of the storm all those nights ago, but now, as you laid in bed next to him on a rainy august morning, your heart knew what it wanted.
And what it wanted was him.
You watched him sleep peacefully as the rain tumbled to the ground outside. Clementine sat on the windowsill, watching the raindrops race down the glass.
But the silence didn't last.
“Yo, i’m back Mingi—” a voice boomed from the door, and it opened to reveal a handsome man you knew was seonghwa. He stood in shock as he met eyes with you, and mingi woke up with a jolt as soon as he heard his brother’s voice. “Oh?” 
You cradled the blanket to your naked chest while mingi leaned over to cover you. “Hyung? Y-you're home?” he frantically stuttered, but you couldn't help but notice the shock in Seonghwa’s eyes as he began to recognize you. 
“Y/N?” his eyes were wide, completely shocked. He dropped the bag that was in his hand, his mouth slightly agape as he stared at you from across the room. “Is that you? In my brother’s bed?”
“I–uh,” you spit out, looking between the two brothers. It was uncomfortable, especially since you were worried about what was running through Mingi’s mind. “Yeah. It's me. In his bed.”
He looked at the way you were clutching the blanket, and the way mingi was protectively covering you with his own body. “Naked…in bed…with my brother. What a great reunion,” he muttered, and you were unable to read his expression. He scoffed then, but then looked away from you respectfully. 
“I’ll explain, hwa—” you tried to say, but Seonghwa interrupted.
“No. No need, just talk to me when you're um,” he signaled to your body without looking over. “Fully clothed.”
He walked out at that, shutting the door behind him. You couldn't lie, he looked great. Amazing even. He had hardly aged a day, but looked much more refined. Mingi looked over at you with a sigh, and you wondered what he was thinking. You hoped he wasn't second guessing himself.
You gave him a sweet kiss to brighten the mood, which made him smile immediately.
“We should go greet him,” you murmured with a slight chuckle, to which he laughed along with you.
“Yeah, that would be good.”
Seonghwa stared at you with awe, unable to meet his brother's eyes. 
“I just can't believe it. You and my brother—when did you even come back?” he questioned, looking through your eyes. “I would have rushed back here if I knew you were here.”
“Well, good thing you didn't,” mingi joked, but you knew he was thinking way too hard about something. 
Hwa disregarded that as most older brothers would. “You look good. Really good,” he smiled at you, his eyes piercing into yours. His hair was longer than it used to be, and it was styled smoothly on his forehead. He looked good, too. 
His brother just looked better.
Mingi sat next to you on the couch in the middle of you and seonghwa, his hand gripping your thigh. You knew what he was doing, and you just wanted to tell him he didn't need to worry.
“Thanks, Hwa. it’s so good to see you again,” you smiled at him, truthfully. You had to admit that you really wanted to see him, but right now, every romantic emotion that was once tied to him was now tied to mingi. You set your hand down on top of the hand that was on your thigh, making sure he knew you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
Seonghwa looked down at your hand and swallowed hard. “So, what brings you back here?”
Mingi’s grip tightened on your thigh.
“Oh, well I um. I came back to see you guys. I missed you both.” you couldn't say you came back to see seonghwa, because now your whole motives changed. 
The way seonghwa was looking at you felt like a bomb was about to go off. You were never hyper aware of his feelings for you, but as his gaze met yours and the way mingi kept you close to him made you think that he knew something you didn't. 
“Oh, you came to see me? I’m sorry I wasn't here when you got here, y/n,” he smiled.
Mingi didn't like the way he was smiling at you.
“I have to go feed Clementine,” He made an excuse, letting go of the grip he had on you to stand up. He gave one last look to you before walking out of the room and into the kitchen.
Once he left, your thoughts were interrupted by Seonghwa’s sweet voice.
 “Are you guys a thing?” he asked you softly, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. “I always thought that we were….you know…”
You sighed and sat up more, ready to explain everything on your mind. “Yeah, Mingi and I are together,” you smiled as you thought about him. “And uh, I did like you. I really did. I always did, Hwa, but now, I….” you took time with your words. “Now I know that Mingi is the one for me.”
Seonghwa nodded, letting out a sigh. “I guess my timing was a bit off, huh?” he chuckled, offering you a kind smile. You didn't mean to change the pattern of your heart, but it was just what needed to happen.
You didn't say anything. You didn't need to. He knew your feelings, and knew that they weren't for him. At least not anymore.
“Well, it was good to see you. I hope we can still be friends,” he smiled, standing up from the couch. “I have to go to work, but um, it was really nice seeing you.”
You nodded, standing up with him. “It was good to see you, too.”
He walked past you and patted you on the head before walking out of the house, leaving you alone with mingi once again.
You knew he heard all of that. You hoped he did, at least, so he knows how much you care for him. You know how insecure he feels about the fact you used to like his brother, and you wanted him to know that there was no reason to worry about it anymore.
“Mingi?” you called out, but there was no answer. You walked into the kitchen to see tiny snacking on her dinner, but there was no mingi in sight.
You walked through the kitchen to go out of the patio doors, finding mingi in the backyard next to the garden you used to steal strawberries from.
“There you are,” you breathed, walking on the grass barefoot towards him. The rain had stopped now, the only sign of it was the dewyness of the grass. Mingi was facing the other way, deep in thought as he stared at the crimson fruit in front of him. “Seonghwa just left.”
He nodded without a word. You took notice of his slumped shoulders and his unusual aura. 
You reached out to touch him on the shoulder. “Mingi, I—”
“You're not gonna drop me for him now that he’s back, right?” he asked you, turning around to face you now. 
His words hurt more than they should have. Even if you never declared you were in a relationship together, that doesn't mean you’d drop him for an old flame that never caught on fire.
You looked up into his eyes. Oh, those beautiful eyes. They seemed to worry way too much.
You took a step closer to him, just enough to tightly wrap your arms around his slim waist. You didn't say anything to him at the moment. You just held him, knowing he needed to be held. It took a second for him to wrap his arms around you, and when he did, he squeezed you tightly, as if he were afraid you'd escape his hold.
“No, baby. I’m not gonna leave you,” you looked up at him, smiling bright. “Why would I leave the man I love?”
He stiffened in your embrace, pulling back slightly to read your expression. “What?” he spoke softly, his eyes wildly looking into yours. “What did you just say?”
“I said why would I leave the man I love?” you giggled nervously, knowing it was a bit rash to say. “That would be stupid. How could I do that?”
He held onto you tightly, but looked confused as ever. “I thought I was gonna be the first one to say it,” he smiled, focused solely on you and only you. “I was just worried you didn't feel the same.”
“Oh, come on,” you grinned, pulling him toward you again. “I thought it was obvious.”
He looked down at you, completely in love. “Well I love you, too, y/n,” he pushed his forehead against yours, leaning down to press his lips against yours. “More than you love me, of course.”
You scoffed, but still smiled happily as he kissed you again. 
It was everything you ever wanted. From the way he made you feel—enough to write a book about him—and the way he cared for you as if you were the most expensive work of art in a museum. He cherished you, and you wanted to live out your life with him. You wanted to spend every summer, autumn, winter, and spring with him. 
After all, He was your sun. Your world. And you were his moon, his everything. 
“In your dreams, Song Mingi.”
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spark-my-nature · 1 year
It Takes Three to Tango (5) - DRW & SFK
This one's overdue, but it's also dummy thicc, so I hope that makes up for it. I love you all so bad, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love you've shown this silly little fic, I can't tell you how much it means to me. As long as y'all keep enjoying it, I'll keep writing, I'm so grateful!
Also, a big thank you to @jake-kiszkas-smirk for the brilliant ideas and the never ending encouragement <3 Do yourself a favor and go check out their incredible writing if you haven't already!
Chapter summary: It's been a couple of days, and you come home early to find something very interesting playing out on your couch. Very smutty, very fluffy (yknow, me and my usual bullshit)
Chapter WC: 12.7K | Pairings: Danny x Reader x Sam (MFM threesome with slash pairings)
Chapter warnings: 18+! Smut (handjobs, unprotected penetrative sex, unprotected anal sex), slash pairings (silly bisexual boys), language (swearing, use of derogatory terms but its all loving and in good nature), spanking if you squint, power play, mentions of infidelity, the briefest, tiniest blink of angst but it's immediately taken care of because I'm incapable of writing anybody suffering
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-------- ⭐︎☽⭐︎☾⭐︎ --------
The sunny beautiful weather kept up into the next several days, and the gentle swishing of the warm breeze through the trees bordering your lawn was already serving to help you decompress as you juggled a few grocery bags around. Digging in your purse for the house keys, you felt the sun beating down on your neck and briefly toyed with the idea of a beach day with your boyfriend, something you were especially hopeful for once you’d seen his car in the driveway. Getting to ogle your gorgeous boyfriend in his short little yellow shorts? Yes please.
The days had been long for the boys, their stubbornness and passion keeping them going at full throttle as of late, and this was the first time in a while that Danny had been home before dusk.
It was now mid week, and after Sam had gone home Saturday afternoon, you’d hadn’t even had a chance to talk to Danny yet about… anything. You’d been working, he’d been recording, and the only time you’d see each other was in the evenings when both of you were too tired for words beyond your usual goodnights and I love yous. 
You wouldn’t say it was awkward between you, not by a stretch. But you could sense mild waves of an unidentified tension coming off of Danny when he’d walk through the door each evening, and with both of you too exhausted to have a real discussion about the recent happenings, that unfamiliar restless energy simply simmered on the back burner with a wordless promise to unravel it soon. 
Finally jutting the keys in the lock, you pushed inside, humming softly to yourself. You set down the bags and dropped your purse, kicking off your shoes with a pleased sigh. Home at last... no sign of Danny yet, though. He generally met you at the door, welcoming you home with a forehead kiss and a hug, but you supposed you weren’t usually finished work this early. He wouldn’t be expecting you yet, and you felt a prickle of mischievous excitement, hopeful to surprise him. 
That excitement was rapidly snuffed out and replaced with a worried confusion, though. From the direction of the living room, you heard it. 
A moan. 
Not Danny’s moan, no, that was a sound you knew well. You froze, listening closely as your heart drummed uncomfortably, racking your brain for any reasonable explanation or cause for the sound.
Then, again, a soft groan sounded, and this time it was immediately followed by a much more familiar grunt, one from your boyfriend’s chest. 
Your heart clenched for a second, seizing with a streak of fear and pain.
No, calm down, you told yourself, Danny wouldn’t cheat, and you knew this (at least you thought), but you couldn’t help the immediate twist of anxious pain that twisted your chest as you kept listening, silent and still in the entryway. 
Muffled and drawn out, another moan sounded from within the house, and it clicked into place for you. The most welcome, albeit unexpected cold bucket of relief washed over you as you recognized the source of the next noise. 
“F-fucking- mmm, Danny…”
In all honesty, you didn’t see that coming, mostly because neither of you had really talked about Friday night’s rendezvous with the bassist aside from a few jokes and reassurances spattered throughout the rest of the weekend. And while you held a tiny shard of confusion, frustration, even a little anger at the lack of communication, the emotion that reigned over them all was this sort of voyeuristic intrigue.
Chasing after those feelings pushed you further into the house, as silently as you could manage, the thrill of catching them off guard confusingly mingling with the remaining embers of anxiety and hurt. For a flash, you felt guilty for sneaking around on them, before you indignantly shook the feeling off when you realized the hypocrisy. If they were gonna sneak around on you, then you were most definitely entitled to do the same, right? And so down the short corridor you went, toward the living room quiet as a mouse. You barely peaked your head around the corner and peered into the living room, and you were instantly knocked on your ass, on the verge of collapsing at the sight. 
Shirtless and disheveled, both men lay semi-upright, tangled across the length of the couch. Sam sprawled half on top of Danny, the latter with his hands tangled in the former’s hair and around his shoulders, holding on to him desperately as their lips muffled each other’s moans. 
Your eyes traveled hungrily to the movement of their grinding, bucking hips, and you realized each boy’s pants were undone and lazily shoved down beneath their groins.
“God, you’re so fucking hard,” Sam whined under his breath, interrupting nearly every word with a sloppy kiss to Danny’s mouth, unwilling to break apart for longer. 
Danny’s forehead pressed to Sam’s as he slipped his hands around to hold both sides of Sam’s face, his jaw slack as he attempted to catch his breath, inhibited by the relentless grinding of Sam’s cock against his own. 
“Mmhmm,” he nodded, arching his hips impossibly tighter against Sam’s. “You drive me insane, you know that?”
Sam grunted, his eyelids fluttering heavily as his back muscles flexed and rippled, his shoulders supporting his body as he kept his lithe hips rolling. He sucked in a sharp breath, pushing himself up straighter to watch his cock slide up and down alongside Danny’s. 
“Fucking shit,” he groaned, tossing his head back.
Danny’s hands smoothed down his neck, slowly palming down his chest, stopping to tweak his nipples and earning a stuttery gasp in reward. He descended further, finally landing both hands on Sam’s hips, gripping the flesh that was exposed with his jeans hanging around the swell of his ass. 
Sam paused his hips and shifted until he was balancing his bodyweight over Danny with one arm. Then with a submissive glance at the drummer’s face through his lashes, he brought the other broad, veiny hand between them and wrapped it around both their cocks together, slowly beginning to stroke them both in tandem. 
Danny hissed, eyes locking with Sammy’s as the pleasure rushed through him, the exhilaration apparent on his blissed-out face. 
Sam’s jaw hung open, drinking in his best friend’s pleasure-wracked expression. “You are so gorgeous, Daniel,” he whimpered.
Danny cracked a weak smile up at him, too distracted by the friction between his legs for much more. “So’re you, pretty boy.”
As Sam’s hips bucked involuntarily at the pet name, a spasm born of pleasure, he ground deeper into Danny’s purplish, rock-hard length and his fist jerked them both suddenly, sharp and tight. Danny’s head fell back with an almost pained-sounding moan, breaking off from the heated kiss and sending his cry of Sam’s name echoing off the walls. 
It was a gorgeous sight, the two of them absolutely lost in each other. No wonder they hadn’t heard you come home. The longer you watched, though, the harder it was becoming to stay still, hidden.
Sam let go of the two of them for a second, sighing needily at the frustrated whine Danny let out, and brought his hand to his mouth. He looked Danny in the eye as he slowly licked the flat of his tongue up his palm, coating it in spit before taking both their twitching cocks in his fist again. He huffed a whiny sound through his nose as he picked up the pace, Danny’s jaw dropping with a long, soft, moan that quivered out of him from the way Sam’s movements trembled his body. 
“Shit, Sammy,” he grunted, bucking his hips up, adding his contribution by fucking into Sam’s tight grip. 
Sam rolled his hips deeper. With the most submissive doe eyes you’d ever seen, he mumbled, his cheeks pink and breathless with the exertion, “That feel good, Daddy?” 
Oh, fuck. Well that’s all you’ll be thinking about for the rest of your life, you thought. 
Danny’s tightly furrowed brows tipped up in the middle at his words, a sharp gasp quickly followed with a loud groan. “Jesus christ,” he growled, nodding quickly as his hand behind Sam’s neck brought their foreheads together. As they panted into each other’s mouths, Danny’s low voice rumbled between the soft grunts punched out of him, “So good, uhh- so fucking good for me… such a sweet, pretty boy for Daddy, aren't you?”
 Sam whimpered loudly with a particularly delicious pump of their erections, his jaw clenching, flexing his gorgeous jawline. "Yeah," he whined desperately.
You swallowed hard, bracing yourself and stepping out into the open doorway. You leaned against the frame, crossing your arms, and when they still remained oblivious, you cleared your throat softly. 
Sam didn’t seem to notice, but Danny’s head jerked towards the sound, his eyes widening comically once they locked on you. He quickly shoved at Sam’s shoulder, hissing in his panic, “Sam, stop- stop,” to which Sam blinked up at him, confused and frustrated as he reluctantly stilled his hips. “What?” he breathed, brows knitting. 
“Babe!” Danny croaked, already hurriedly trying to tuck himself back into his pants. Sam’s head whipped to the door, his panicked expression matching Danny’s in an instant. 
“Oh fuck-“ he uttered under his breath, then rasped breathlessly, “H-Hey, doll.”
You stepped into the room, eyeing the two of them, holding up a hand to Danny, who reluctantly gave up on his futile attempt at modesty with Sam’s lithe body pinning his jeans in place. Sam, bit by bit realizing the situation at hand, went to climb off your boyfriend, but you shook your head. 
“No, no, you two stay put,” you ordered softly. 
Danny swallowed hard, his expression guilt ridden and panicked. “Honey, I- we didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry, it just kind of…” 
Sam nodded, finishing his sentence, “Just kinda happened, we didn’t- we should’ve told you, I’m sorry, it wasn’t, planned- fuck, I’m sorry, I’ll- I’m gonna go, I’m sorry.” 
Danny, for all his panic, seemed just as remorseful to see Sam leave as he was to have been caught with the boy on top of him. “Sam, wait-“
“Stop,” you interrupted, commanding but gentle. “Relax, alright? Both of you. Sam, stay, please?”
He took a breath and relaxed, only slightly, and nodded, shuffling his pants up over his hips as he adjusted to sit beside Danny as he too redressed his lower half. 
You shuffled your foot, glancing around the room. “I’m… I’m not mad. I mean, not really,” you told them, licking your lips. 
Danny let out a slow breath, and Sam nodded as he studied the rug beneath his feet. 
You shifted your weight as you rubbed your arm shyly. “Like, obviously, you guys seriously suck at communication…”
“I know, and I’m so fucking sorry baby, you’re so right, I-“
You cut off your boyfriend’s grovelling with a shake of your head and the hint of a grin. “Shh, let me talk.” He nodded apologetically and sat back into the couch cushion, looking small despite his broad frame. 
To your surprise, Sam extended a comforting arm, resting his hand over Danny’s leg and thumbing at the denim. 
Your eyes traced the movement, and you took a second to center yourself. "I know we never really set any kind of groundrules? Which is nobody’s fault in particular,” you conceded. 
Both boys peered up at you, slowly unfreezing by the minute when you continued to not flip out at them as they’d clearly expected. It was endearing in a strange way, especially with the way Sam still held his hand protectively over Danny’s thigh. 
You chewed on your lip and moved towards them, pulling the cushioned footstool that matched your lazyboy over to sit in front of them. Shyly keeping your eyes below their faces, you nodded once as you said, “I think we should… talk.”
Danny quietly agreed, “Yeah, absolutely,” joined by Sam’s tentative, “Okay.”
You swallowed, trying to land on a good place to start. Part of you selfishly wished Sam wasn’t here for this, with so much left unsaid between you and your boyfriend. You felt like you’d been caught unprepared, knowing there were things you would’ve liked to have gotten out in the open with your boyfriend alone first. Now, with Sam thrown in the mix, patiently but expectantly sitting before you, you struggled on the right words. 
With your eyes still casted down, you licked your lips again, then Danny’s hand came into view, gently holding his palm open for you. You suspected he was offering his comforting touch as an option for you, rather than just taking your hand as he usually would have done, perhaps out of fear that you were secretly, actually upset with him. You quickly took him up on it, squeezing his hand in comfort to both you and him. 
His reassuring touch put an end to the invisible stopper holding you back, and the words poured out of you.
“First of all, um... Sammy, I want you to be aware that Danny and I haven’t really, uh, talked about… you know.” 
He nodded, biting his thumbnail as he fixed you with those sweet brown eyes, and you continued. 
“So, Danny,” you looked up at him, meeting his gentle gaze, “I’m not… well, I’m not mad that you guys are…” you cracked a little smile, gesturing between them, “You know. Cause if I’m honest, I was hoping it would happen again, what happened Friday, and I think you were too. I mean, clearly,” you giggled quietly. 
Danny blushed, resting his cheek bashfully in his hand, his elbow propped on his knee. “I think that’s safe to say...” 
Sam smirked to himself, glancing at Danny from the corner of his eye before dropping his gaze to his twiddling thumbs. 
You smiled, lifting his knuckles to your lips. You then looked over at Sammy, catching his eyes. He ran his tongue between his lips. 
Addressing mostly Sam, but opening the discussion to both of them, you looked down nervously as you quietly started, “I think the only part that’s like, bothering me, is like, y’know, you guys did this without me, and like… maybe I should be, but I’m not really mad about the fact that you didn’t tell me, I’m more just… second guessing where I fit into this. I’m wondering, you know, is this… is this an us thing, or just a Sam and Danny thing…?”
Your question trailed off, and you cursed the pathetic way you asked. Danny was yours, you knew that, and it was stupid to feel like an intruder, but when you really thought about it, that’s how you felt. And the hurt and insecurity that you felt stemmed both from the fact that you loved Danny (and could be very territorial over him when you wanted to be), so the disregard for your feelings stung, especially from him. But it also stemmed from the fact that you wanted to be a part of what they did, to be included. 
You didn’t know exactly how you felt about Sam, but there was something there. You liked him, more than you'd realised for sure, and you were certain Danny felt the same. It happened so fast, so fast that you hadn’t had a chance to process it, let alone broach it with your boyfriend, and those feelings scared you enough without the whole, walking in on your boyfriend and mutual best friend on top of each other without telling you, thing.
Sam sat up straighter, more serious than you’d ever seen him, and shook his head quickly.
“No, nonono, it’s… if it’s anything, it’s an all of us thing. You really gotta believe us, dollface, we did not plan for this.” 
You blushed and nodded, satisfied with that for now. “So, will you tell me? What- what did happen, then?”
Danny glanced at Sam shyly, and Sam, meeting his eyes, smirked boyishly and fluttered those long eyelashes at him. “You’re a better storyteller than me,” he murmured, nudging Danny with his knee. 
You raised an eyebrow at your boy, cracking an expectant smirk as you leaned forward on your hands. 
Danny’s lips parted shyly, glancing between the two of you and chuckling softly after a second, “Okay, uh… we were recording, and I guess Jake had to leave, some interview thing? I dunno, but we all just packed up for the day, but somebody’s Tesla hadn’t been charging, so I said I’d drive him home.”
Sam rolled his eyes, loosely pushing air through his lips petulantly, “Yeah, yeah, anyway, we were gonna go do something-“
“-go to the beach,” Danny filled in.
“-Yeah, so we came here first, and…” Sam looked down and giggled, shrugging one shoulder as his cheeks pinked endearingly. “He asked if I wanted a drink. Such a great host, you know,” he glanced up at you, then back down to the safety of his hands, “… and then we…”
Danny rubbed the back of his neck, making you grin wider at how cute they were being, dancing around the subject of their obvious desire for each other. 
He mumbled, “Yeah, then we were just…” 
Sam finished softly, holding his hands out in awkward offering, “…kissing.” 
You snorted, making both of them look up at you, baffled and amused as you laughed at them. 
Shaking your head, you giggled out, “That was some intense kissing.”
Sam snickered with a bratty eyeroll, and Danny chuckled awkwardly, running a hand through his curls. “Like he said, it just kinda happened.” Sam nodded his agreement, and Danny squeezed your hand. “I’m so sorry, honey. You know I’d… I’d never…” he shook his head slowly, pleadingly, and you nodded understandingly, squeezing back. 
“I know baby,” you assured, leaning forward, smiling softly when Danny immediately met you halfway for a short kiss. He smiled, relieved and loving, whispering as he pulled away reluctantly, “I love you, so so fucking much.”
You smiled back, the last of your insecurities fading away, “I love you, too, Dan.”
Sam shifted on the cushion, and you glanced at him, unable to stop the way your eyes lowered to his pouty lips. 
He watched, curious, but too shy to say anything about it so soon after such a peculiar interaction, though he noticeably glanced at yours too. He took a controlled breath through his nose, and you watched his tongue dart between his lips, wetting them with that look of longing he seemed to carry with him whenever you were around. Your heart fluttered, feeling some deja-vu with the tension that suddenly manifested in the air. 
Nobody had warned you about what comes after a threesome with your best friend. How could anyone expect you to feel and act completely normal around Sam when you had intimate visuals playing like an NSFW slideshow in your mind’s eye of how his gorgeous face twisted in pleasure as you and Danny absolutely-
Danny softly cleared his throat, and your gaze shot back to him, jarringly broken out of Sam’s spell. 
“Um…” he held your gaze, keeping your hand in his tight hold as if expecting you to run away. “Can I just say what I’m thinking, and nobody gets pissed off at me?”
You chuckled, nodding, “Please, babe, you go for it.” 
Danny inhaled deeply and blew it out through pursed lips. “I… think… that this,” he gestured vaguely, shutting his eyes as he tented his fingers over the bridge of his nose, speaking into his hands, “…is more than sex for me. A-and I think you feel the same way,” he nodded toward you, then turned to Sam, looking considerably more nervous, “…and I… well, I hope that you feel that way, too.”
Sam stared at Danny, his eyes laser focused, and after a few tense seconds, he slowly nodded. “Yeah,” he admitted in a whisper, sucking his lip between his teeth. 
Danny nodded and turned to you, raising his brows. You blushed after glancing quickly at Sam, who sat raptly watching you for your answer. “Me too.”
Danny relaxed slightly, cracking a nervous grin. “So… I dunno, where does that leave us?”
Sam licked his lips, thoughtfully trailing his eyes around the room. “Well, you guys are so disgustingly in love, it’s hard to be in the same room with,” he teased, smirking, lifting his eyes to your face. 
Your heart fluttered, smiling shyly at him, and he grinned back, tilting his head to the side. “I like you a lot, doll, I’m not afraid to admit that, I just wasn’t sure if I should.”
You giggled, a hang clutching your imaginary pearls. “What?? The Sammy I know would never hold back on saying something he shouldn’t!”
“Well, actually, I just said it anyway, so point proven.”
You moved your hand to your cheek, hiding your face a little from him as he sat back with that stupid, know-it-all smirk.
“I like you, too.”
Danny chuckled, and when you looked at him curiously, he shrugged, “This is just... so fucking weird.”
You giggled, and Sam shot him a funny look. “The fuck do you mean by that?”
Danny held out his hands in front of him, “Oh, I dunno, my girlfriend admitting she likes another guy right in front of me? Is that not a strange thing to you?” 
Sam smirked, elbowing him. “Nothing new, all your ex-girlfriends secretly wanted me, too.” 
Danny shoved Sam with a snort of laughter, “Fuck off, you know what I mean.”
Sam snickered, “Yeah, I know what you mean, but I dunno, it doesn’t feel that weird to me.”
You giggled and nodded, shrugging, and Danny grinned at you. “Yeah, that’s the thing, it doesn’t feel, like, wrong,” he agreed.
You smirked at Danny playfully, “Everything is always weird with you guys, maybe we’re just used to it.”
Sam laughed, “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” 
You giggled innocently, shrugging and sitting up straighter. Danny rolled his eyes playfully, shifting slightly to face Sam more directly. When he had Sam’s attention, his grin turned more serious. 
“Do you…” he trailed off, hopeful and expectant. Sam chuckled, growing bashful as he eyed Danny’s face. “Do I what?” he softly teased, “Like you?”
Danny blushed, saying nothing as he blinked at his friend. Sam licked his lips, then placed his hand back on Danny’s thigh. 
“Of course I do,” he softly confessed, his eyes tracking his own hand’s movement back and forth. 
“I’m no geometry professor, but it seems like that’s a complete triangle to me.”
Both boys laughed softly at your observation, and it fell quiet for a moment. Danny holding your hand, and Sam’s hand on Danny’s thigh, you extended your arm forward to touch Sam’s knee instinctively, closing that triangle.
Your touch made Sam’s breathing catch in his throat, and your eyes locked on each other. Your stomach erupted in butterflies all over again. 
“So… where does that leave us?” He pondered, more flirtatious than Danny had been before. 
You looked at Danny, and he smiled at you with a raise of his brows, as if to say, ‘You’re running the show, babe.’
Grinning, you looked back to Sam and said, “I mean… should we just see where this goes?”
Sam leaned toward you a little more, “Yeah, fine by me,” he grinned. 
Danny nodded, “Should probably have some ground rules, though.”
You smiled as you toyed with the rip in Sam’s jeans. “Probably, yeah, you whores.” 
Sam barked out a laugh, and Danny blushed, giggling to himself. 
“Kay,” Sam shook his head, amused, “Well, how do we feel about like, fucking without one of us there?”
You smiled wide, shyly giggling at his bluntness as you thought for a minute. You were about to answer when Danny spoke up, “I think I’m okay with that, if you are, sweetheart.”
You grinned shyly, heart fluttering under the suggestive heat of Sam’s smirk. “I’m okay with it too. I mean, I’d like to know about it, preferably, but I know things just happen sometimes. As long as we communicate, I don’t have a problem with it.”
Sam leaned back into the couch cushion, folding his arms behind his head with that self-assured, cocky smirk stretching his lips. “Well then, lucky me,” he purred. 
You bit your lip, failing to conceal a bashful smirk as you ignored him. “Are you guys gonna tell Jake and Josh?”
Danny glanced at Sam, who shook his head dismissively. “Those nosy assholes don’t need to know what I do with my dick,” he said bluntly, making you laugh and nod. "I'm not gonna hide it, but I'm not gonna make some weird, confusing announcement."
Danny gave a soft smile and shrugged his indifference. “S’up to you, baby.”
Sam’s eyes widened at the pet name, and you smiled wide, surprised but endeared as you watched Danny’s shoulders stiffen, his lips parting in surprise at himself as his cheeks flushed pink. 
Sam blushed even brighter, a crooked grin finding its way across his face. “Oh,” he said quietly, looking absolutely smitten.
Danny broke into an embarrassed smile, chuckling awkwardly, “I- sorry, I-“ 
Sam shook his head as he leaned forward, lips pressing over Danny’s to shut him up, and Danny let out the cutest little upward-lilted coo of surprise. Sam smiled visibly against his lips, and Danny melted, kissing him back gently, bringing his free hand up to cup Sam’s face. 
You squeezed Danny’s hand longingly, and he pulled away with a flustered smile. He beckoned you over, “C’mere, baby,” scooching to the side and patting the space between him and Sam. 
You quickly switched seats, turning your head to Danny first once settled. He smiled down at you lovingly, so familiar and gentle, and you felt safe. You leaned forward and met his lips in a soft kiss, melting into the sweet warmth of his mouth as he deepened it with a low hum. 
A hand came to rest on your thigh, and you broke from your boyfriend to face its owner, smiling boyishly at you, his eyes hopefully dipping to your lips and back. You nodded almost imperceptibly, and Sam’s smile widened, leaning forward until his lips met yours. 
And God, did this feel good. Sandwiched again between them, even better than the first time now that you were all on the same page. Danny’s lips latched onto your exposed neck, and you let a moan of surprise permeate the kiss, the sound egging on Sam. His cute button-tipped nose brushed your cheek as he enthusiastically indulged in your kisses. 
He slid his hand further up your lap, bunching the fabric of your flowy shorts up around your hips as he kneaded and pawed at your inner thigh. When he swiped his fingers beneath the hem over your bare skin, you shivered, and he was pulled back to reality, parting from the kiss with a sharp, wet sounding gasp for air. His eyes fluttered open, pupils dilated as they focused. 
Danny’s hand mirrored Sam’s, slipping between your legs to squeeze the flesh of your other inner thigh. You bit your lip, a rush of heat making your brain lag for a second, your eyelids fluttering. Danny smirked as he sucked at the delicate skin behind your ear. 
“Mmmhhh,” you softly whined, brows knitting as Sam’s nose brushed your cheek, teasing you with his lips millimeters away. 
“You want me?” he rasped in a whisper, the corners of his ridiculously attractive lips quirking up when you nodded weakly and whined, “Yeah, Sammy.”
Danny lifted his face from your abused neck, licking a line up your racing jugular as he ascended. You whimpered, struggling to keep your eyes open already, something a very smug Danny seemed to notice. 
Murmuring seductively against your cheek, he smirked, “You want me too? You want us both, baby?” He nudged at your cheek with his beautifully arched nose, and Sam’s fingers rubbed gently teasing patterns up and down your inner thigh. 
You let out a tortured sigh, losing the fight and closing your eyes. “Oh god… yeah.”
Nimble bass fingers untied the string holding your shorts around your hips as one drumstick calused palm scraped gently down to curl under your knee. Danny waited until Sam had wiggled your shorts past your ass to take over and tug them off, your foot flicking them off to the side. He mouthed his lips along the shell of your ear as he lifted your knee, bending your leg to rest one foot on the cushion. 
Sam’s eyes threatened to stare a hole into the damp spot forming through the baby blue cotton between your legs. He licked his lips, placing his hand over your lower abdomen, as he snuck a quick glance at you and Danny. You spread your thighs a little further, smirking as the boys’ eyes met and Danny’s hand slid up your thigh with an inviting nod between your legs. 
Gently, locking eyes with you, Sammy smoothed his hand down, tucking his fingers under your panties and grazing his middle fingertip down and back up through your folds. Sam’s eyelids drooped with lust as he sighed out a low groan, “Oh my god, you’re wet.”
Danny purred against your cheek as he watched your underwear stretch over his friend’s knuckles. “Oh yeah? What a good girl, baby, dripping all over his hand.”
Your eyes closed of their own accord, a humiliating whimper slipping unexpectedly past your lips. 
A second set of lips evened out Danny’s, tugging at your other earlobe and flicking his tongue against it. Sam’s fingers spread you open, rubbing in loose, lazy circles. The slick noises drew a growl from Danny’s chest, and you fluttered your eyes open weakly, only to catch Danny’s tongue wetting his fingers. His eyes flashed dangerously at you as he closed his lips around them, the light catching the glisten from his saliva as he pulled them out and joined Sam’s party for one in your panties. 
You moaned sharply as you felt Danny’s fingers take over circling your clit, switching into tighter, faster circles, while Sam’s middle and ring finger slowly curled into your heat. 
Your head rolled against the back cushion, looking up at Sammy as he lifted his face away. Your needy and glazed over expression made his nostrils flare in hunger, and his lips parted absently. “How’s it feel, beautiful girl?” he rasped quietly. “Our fingers feel nice?”
You whimpered, brows tightly knit as you bucked against both their hands, working away at your wet center in incredible synchrony. “So nice, I fucking-“ a deeper curl of his fingers had you keening pathetically. “-shit, like that, yeah,” you mewled. 
“Yeah?” he cocked a smug eyebrow, “S’that the spot?” He drug the pads of his fingers against your walls, and gave you a dirty smirk when you jolted and whined. Danny’s fingers paused their languid circles, his pointer and middle finger parting and slipping down along either side of your clit, squeezing together in a slippery hug as he pulled them back up. 
Your jaw hung open, your gaze unfocusing as you blinked distantly at the ceiling. You heard Sam’s dark chuckle by your ear as Danny returned to his expert massage to your clit. 
Craving more, more friction, more of them, you swallowed dryly. “Fuck me?” you softly pleaded, voice hoarse already. 
Danny playfully nipped the apple of your cheek, whispering teasingly, “Who? Me or Sam?”
Sammy echoed, “Yeah doll, who’s cock d’you want?” 
As his fingers pumped in and out of you faster, Danny moved his lips back to the shell of your ear, nibbling gently and murmuring with that low, breathy voice. “We both wanna be inside you so bad.” 
“So fuckin’ bad, beautiful, you got me addicted to that tight little pussy,” Sam confirmed, a touch of begging in his tone contrasting deliciously with Danny’s domineering rumble. 
You whined, reaching your hands up to grab at both boy’s necks, rolling your hips into their talented hands. “Both, I- fucking christ- both of you, take turns, or whatever you want, please?” 
Sam’s forehead plopped against your temple as he breathed out a strained whimper. “Shit,” he breathed. 
Danny removed his fingers from your clit, his hand rising to your chin. He grabbed your face firmly, his two glistening fingers forcing into your mouth as he turned you to face him. You sucked his fingers, lapping lazily at the pads of them as you slowly focused your eyes on his gorgeous, pleased face. His filthy, challenging grin would’ve had your knees buckling had you been standing. 
“Aren’t you just the sweetest little whore,” he grit the last word through his teeth, his grip tightening slightly around your jaw. You inhaled sharply through your nose and nodded around his hand as best you could. 
“What a naughty little thing,” came Sam’s voice, far too smug for your liking. “You a little slutty for us, babe?”
Jesus christ. 
Danny’s hand suddenly let go, and in a flash, Sam found himself in the same boat that you were just in, locked into your boyfriend’s firm grip. 
“Not sure where you’re getting all this attitude from, Sammy,” he all but sneered, Sam’s shuddery inhale threatening to bring a smirk to your face. 
“I was just- ah!” Danny slipped his hand around to tighten his fist around Sam’s hair, tugging at the root near the back of the brunette’s head, effectively interrupting his pitiful excuses. 
“You what?” Danny smirked, slowly rising to his feet as he leaned over Sam’s face. 
Sam’s eyes, wide and submissive, blinked up at him as he licked his lips nervously. “Nothing…!”
Danny cocked his head, arrogantly shaking his head and hovering his lips just out of Sam’s pouted reach. “Good boy,” he purred. 
Sam’s eyes flew shut as he bit back a groan. 
You curled your fingers sweetly around Danny’s bicep, fixing him with a pleading look. When he met your eyes, you fluttered your eyelashes and asked, “Bedroom?”
Danny grinned at you rather ferally, then gave a quick nod and grabbed both yours and Sam’s hands. 
He marched you both down the hall, you and Sam sharing a quick, bashfully excited grin from the corner of your eyes before Danny gently but firmly turned you around to the bed and pushed you down, side by side and equally impatient for his next move. 
Danny stepped over you first, brushing a gentle hand along your cheek as he gazed down at you tenderly. “Can you be my sweet girl and sit quiet for a minute, baby?” 
You smiled and nodded up at him, pressing a chaste kiss to his wrist. He thumbed once over your cheek and smiled back sweetly, booping your nose just to hear your giggle before he stepped over in front of Sam.
Sam leaned back on his arms, paying close attention as the drummer stood before him. Danny brought a hand to Sam’s cheek, much like yours, and his eyes followed as he trailed his fingers lightly down Sammy’s neck and collarbones. 
Sam’s breathing stuttered, licking his lips as he let Danny’s delicate touch brush admiringly across his upper half. “What about me?” he challenged softly, flustered but smirking playfully nonetheless. 
Danny raised a brow, lifting his heavy gaze to Sam’s, before placing his palm firmly in the center of Sammy’s chest and shoving him down flat on his back. Sam gasped, the sound choked and ending with a garbled whine as Danny followed, crawling over top of him to hover over his lithe form.
Gripping the bassist’s jaw lightly, Danny brushed his lips ever so faintly against Sam’s as he murmured lowly, “You wanna be a good boy for me, too?”
Sam’s wide eyes blinked up at Danny in a sort of lustful awe, nodding his head and licking his lips. A smirk creeped across Danny’s lips, nodding along teasingly as he brushed their lips together again. 
With the most arrogant, shit-eating tone, he rumbled low in his chest, “Yeah? Are you daddy’s good boy?”
Sam’s face flushed wildly as his eyes closed tight, but the moan he tried to conceal was unmistakable. Though as pathetically needy as Sam surely felt, you could swear you had it worse. Arousal coursed through your veins like adrenaline, and it threatened to send you into cardiac arrest, as your boyfriend groaned like he’d tasted the finest wine and his tongue languidly slipped through his parted lips to lick across Sam’s pouted ones. 
Sam slunk his arms around Danny’s neck, pulling the man down on top of him into a deep, needy kiss. His long fingers raked through the drummers silken curls, his brows furrowing as he sighed a moan of satisfaction into the kiss. Stealthily, Danny shuffled his knees up around Sam’s hips to balance himself, then smoothed his hands up the wiry arms that held him in place. He then gracefully pried Sam’s hands away, taking them in his own, still slow and sweet, before pinning them above his head and breaking the kiss, biting his lip at Sam’s bratty little whine. 
You found the presence of mind, through the absolute brain fog of arousal, to cheekily goad them on. “Little desperate, aren’t we Sammy?”
Sam’s head whipped over to you, jaw dropping as he prepared to retort with a sassy comeback, but Danny eradicated any chance of that with a firm roll of his hips into Sam’s stiff crotch. 
“Aht,” he warned, “Don’t make me shut you up, Sammy.” 
Instantly, your cheek was forgotten, as the bassist bit his lip. Once again doe-eyed and smirking for Danny, Sam murmured with a shake in his voice, “…and, uh, for curiosity’s sake… how would you do that exactly?”
Raising an eyebrow at him, Danny wordlessly gripped Sam’s jaw in his broad hand, and when Sam’s jaw instinctively fell open between his thumb and fingers, his open mouth was promptly filled with Danny’s pointer and middle fingers. You watched Danny’s eyes droop in lust as Sam’s widened submissively, obediently closing his lips around the callused digits and sucking demurely. 
“There’s plenty of ways I can occupy your smart little mouth,” Danny sneered arrogantly, “The only problem is finding one that you won’t fucking like so much.”
You ventured a hand over to lightly rub over Sam’s chest, amusement evident in your cheeky addition, “That’s awful slutty of you, Sammy.” 
Danny’s shoulders stiffened, and he kept his eyes on Sam as he warned, “Glass houses, babygirl, glass houses.”
Sam’s smirk became clearer when Danny slipped his fingers out of his mouth. “Yeah, sweetheart, glass houses,” he mocked condescendingly. 
You shot him a petulant glare. “I thought you were told to shut up? Or are you not daddy’s good boy?”
Sam tried to sit up indignantly, blushing, but was restricted by your boyfriend still pinning him to the mattress. His mouth opened with another smart ass remark, but a snarl from Danny’s chest stole the words from his tongue. 
“Enough! Not another fucking word from either of you,” he barked, shooting Sam a dominant, warning look as he straightened off of him with a final, parting squeeze to his jaw. 
You both watched Danny nervously as he loomed over you both, running his tongue over his teeth. 
“Up,” he grit, tipping his head back. 
You stumbled to your feet, but Sam’s bratty streak flared up full force, and he cocked a sassy eyebrow and eyed up Danny challengingly. “Why?” he huffed. 
You rolled your eyes with a knowing smirk, and Danny smoothly articulated, “Because I told you to, Samuel, and you will listen to me, or you won’t like what happens next.” 
Sam scoffed but clambered to his feet beside you, and Danny gave him a condescending smile. “Good.” He leaned back on his hands against your shared dresser and eyed you both admiringly. “Now take each other’s clothes off.”
You looked up at Danny as you echoed his command back in your head. He met your eyes and gave you a smug smile, winking at you. You blushed and smiled back, then giggled as you felt Sam’s hand on your shoulder. 
Facing him, he fixed you with that butterfly-inducing, boyish smirk of his. He rested his hands at your shoulders and bit his lip. Those hands began roaming, from your shoulders towards the hem of your shirt, as slowly and patiently as his eagerness allowed, taking his time to subtly palm at your tits through the fabric. 
“Mmm… he doesn’t have to tell me twice,” Sam softly flirted, lifting his honey brown eyes from your midsection to meet your flustered gaze. 
Lopsidedly smiling, you helped him lift your shirt over your head and quickly began working his pants off. “First time for everything, I suppose,” you teased, dropping to your knees to tug his pants down his thighs. 
Sam’s breath hitched, his brain rebooting at the sight of you below him like that, and pride bloomed in your chest from his lack of a sassy retort. 
His briefs, caught in the bunch of fabric, were pulled down as well, and the tip of his erection grazed your chin as it sprung up. Nearly forgetting about the third party watching silently beside you, you leaned forward instinctively and kitten licked over the delicate slit at the tip of Sammy’s cock. 
His resulting hiss of surprise was almost lost under Danny’s softly, but rigid order, “Nope, I said undress, not suck his dick, get up.”
You blinked over at Danny, pouting, “But Danny, I-“
He shifted his weight, cocking an unimpressed brow at you, and you gave up, rising to your feet to level yourself with the boy who was suddenly singing a very different tune.
Sam wordlessly rushed to tug your panties down past your ass, letting them drop to the floor and stepping even closer to you as he reached around behind your ribcage to nimbly unclasp your bra. His fingers slipped under the straps, brushing them off your shoulders and letting it fall to the ground, his hands immediately cupping and squeezing your tits appreciatively. The softest breathy moan breezed past his lips, but now it was Sam’s turn to be interrupted. 
“Sam. Bed,” Danny grit, “On your back.”
Sam’s eyes flashed with that same needy, aroused glaze, obeying Danny, even giving him a little nod as he sat at the edge of the bed, swinging his legs up and laying flat, lacing his hands over his stomach as he turned his head to look up at you both patiently. 
“Good boy,” Danny purred, sounding pleasantly surprised and pleased, and he tipped his head back to peer at Sam down his nose. You licked your lips, watching Sam’s cock twitch against his flexing stomach with longing. 
Danny’s fingers brought you out of your daze, tipping up your chin as he smirked down at you. “Hi, beautiful,” he sweetly brushed the back of his hand over your cheek, and you smiled lovingly up at his gorgeous face, preening under his praise. “Can you do me a favor, my love?” 
Your heart fluttered as you rested a hand on his chest and nodded, “Yeah, gorgeous, what do you need?” 
He casted a playful glance in Sam’s direction before refocusing on you fondly. “I want you to go sit on his lap, and then do exactly as I tell you. Can you do that?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you replied, seductively playful, thoroughly enjoying the way his jaw clenched subtly through his slow inhale. He shook his head fondly, lightly smacked your ass, and you gave him a cheeky grin and turned on your heel, climbing onto the bed beside Sam’s lithe form. 
“Hey,” you flirted, planting your hands on his chest and swinging one leg over his hips to seat yourself atop him, his cock parting your slick lips, pressed between you and his abdomen in a wet hug.
His gasp shuddered out of him and was joined by his hands shooting to hold your hips tightly. His fingers flexed tight, white knuckling the flesh. “Ohh, god, you little devil,” he grinned lazily, struggling to not buck into you. 
Smirking down at him, you brought your thumb to your mouth, wetting the pad of it and dropping it down to rub circles gently into the delicate, vulnerable underside of the head of his cock.
Sam whined, wincing in surprised pleasure as his head rolled sideways, face burying into the pillow as he writhed under you. “Shitshitshit-“
“Okay, hands off now.”
You lifted your hand immediately, shooting a proud grin Danny’s way when Sam sighed from either disappointment or relief, you couldn’t be sure. 
Pleased with your listening, Danny cocked his head and drank in the sight of you both. Your attention was drawn to the movement below his waist, absently rolling your hips into Sam’s as you watched your boyfriend rubbing over his bulge. 
“Mmm- Danny,” Sam choked, swallowing hard, “What now?”
Danny hummed thoughtfully, casually popping open the button of his jeans. “Grind on him, princess.”
Nodding quickly, you started rutting your hips against Sam’s steadily, slipping his length up and down through your folds. Sam hissed, his eyelids fluttering closed as his brows tipped up in the middle. His face the picture of pleasure, he moaned softly, encouraging you with his hands kneading and pulling at your hips. “Fuuuuuck, sweetheart,” he rasped.
Danny grinned, a dangerous gleam in his expression. “Stop.”
You bit your lip hard, reluctantly stilling atop him. Sam huffed, lolling his head impatiently to face Danny, unimpressed and pouting. Danny snickered at his expression, nodding his permission to you to keep going. 
You kept your eyes on your boyfriend’s as you wiggled slowly forward and back, your stomach flipping with anticipation as Sam’s cock slipped frictionless through your folds. Danny’s little smirk morphed into something darker, tugging his zipper down as he held the heated eye contact. His fingers slipped beneath the band of his boxers, and he flicked his gaze to where you were soaking his best friend’s cock rhythmically. 
“Stop,” he articulated again.
Sam expelled a puff of air beneath you, and you were broken away from Danny’s spell. Glancing down at the man beneath you, you had to bite back a whimper, fighting not to disobey Danny’s instruction. Sam’s face twisted in his growing frustration, his forehead beginning to shine with sweat. It had you suddenly realizing just how hot it had become in the room, three bodies warming the space with the heat of the growing, restless neediness. 
Sam swallowed harshly, “Wish you weren’t such a good little girl for him.” His eyes flashed up to meet yours, a teasing glint peeking through his frustration. Danny huffed a smug laugh beside you.
You giggled softly, dropping your gaze to his nipple as you swiped a thumb over it, rolling it against your forefinger. “Oh yeah?”
He sighed and let his head lean to the side as he gazed up at you, fond and needy through those long lashes. “Mhmm. I think you should be my good girl,” he rasped, rolling his hips enticingly, sending the tip of his cock slipping just barely, teasingly, into your clit.
You whined softly, acutely aware of the man leaning against the dresser beside you, watching you both interact quietly. 
Sam watched you lick your lips longingly, and he smirked, smoothing his hands up your sides slowly. “Sounds nice, doesn’t it, gorgeous? You wanna listen to me instead? I’ll let you do whatever you want to me,” he finished with a seductive, raspy whisper, punctuating it with a squeeze to your tits as he reached his destination, cupping and massaging them. 
Your lips parted with a breathy moan, fighting every urge to give in to the temptation he dangled in front of you. 
You met his eyes again, apologetically, regretfully shaking your head. 
You could feel Danny’s proud, wide grin without even glancing at him. “Good girl, sweetheart,” he praised, pushing off the dresser and stalking toward the bed. Once he’d reached your side, plastering himself along your body, he purred, “God I love you.” He bit down on the back of your shoulder, earning a shaky whine from you through your smile. 
You craned your neck, peering at him through your eyelashes, the way that made his knees weak for you. Danny’s face softened further, taking your face in one hand as the other wrapped around your middle. He captured your lips in a needy kiss, insistently taking another kiss the second each one would end. You melted back against his solid chest, the change in your seating position cruelly dragging your slit against Sam’s neglected length. 
A helpless, sweet whine eminating from below you brought both your attentions to Sammy, laid out beautifully unraveled against the sheets. He watched your kiss with longing eyes, and his swollen tip peeking out from between your lips was a dark shade of pink. 
Danny rested his chin over your shoulder, hugging you with both arms from behind as he raised a brow at Sam, smirking lightly. “What?” he teased, deliberately clueless.
Sam furrowed his brow and rolled his eyes, centering his focus on Danny’s face. “Oh, nothing,” he retorted sarcastically.
Danny ignored him, turning his face in to tuck into your neck, his breath tickling your neck. You giggled as he brushed his nose against your shoulder. “Okay then,” he smirked. Kissing and loving on your skin and deliberately making you squirm, knowing full well how each wiggle he coerced out of you was driving Sam crazier.
Sam grit his teeth, hissing as you jerked your hips against him suddenly, his grip on your hips stiffening as he growled, “Fucking stop it already!”
Danny raised a brow and emerged from your neck, gazing arrogantly down at the bratty demand. “What was that?” he muttered lowly, warning Sam with his tone. 
As usual, Sam ignored the warning and proceeded full throttle. “I said stop it! I need- I need more, just-“ He fought against your weight, grinding weakly into you and making you whimper softly. His voice came out breathless and rough when he pleaded, “C’mon, enough fucking around, let me fuck her.”
If anybody had’ve asked, you wouldn’t have been able to tell them how much you would’ve loved the way Sam bypassed you, going directly to your boyfriend for permission to use your body. It was somehow simultaneously degrading and empowering, and with your affinity for both praise and degradation, the confusing combination worked like a charm for you. 
Feeding into both of these kinks, Danny toyed his fingers down your lower abdomen, grazing the tips against your clit and the tip of Sam’s cock as he responded, “Well isn't that just a damn shame, Sammy. You were so close, too.”
Sam furrowed his brow incredulously, “Close? To what? Losing my mind?”
Danny chuckled humorlessly, “To getting what you wanted. You were being so good,” he tsked. “Oh well, you made your bed, now.”
Sam sputtered, and let out a stuttery whine as you ground against Danny’s fingers, and by extension, his aching cock. “Fuuuck, please,” he groaned, “Let me in, let me- oh-“
Danny copied your move, circling his thumb, wet from your soaking pussy, into Sam’s frenulum, smirking evilly when the boy squirmed and jerked beneath you. His anguished bucking hips had you weakly leaning back into Danny’s chest for support, and the two of you falling apart beneath his control had Danny’s cock pounding in his pants. 
Finally Danny removed all contact, stepping back from the bed as you fell forward onto Sam’s chest for support. Both of you looked up at him with matching pleading, lost expressions.
Danny’s lips quirked up in a smile as he shoved his pants down and caught onto your needy faces.  
“Well god, don’t look so pathetic,” he cooed, “Both of you, breaking my heart over here. Just be patient, I’ll make it worth it.” 
He bit his lip as he watched you both closely, pushing his briefs down his thighs, his cock twitching in the air under both your desperate stares. 
Taking himself in hand loosely, he instructed, “Roll over, babes. Sammy on top now.”
Sam flushed at the endearment, and you smiled to yourself. You managed to roll off, onto your back, and wiggle into Sam’s place as Sam fit himself between your thighs on his knees. He stared shamelessly at your spread open lips, biting back a soft groan, and your stomach twisted with excited butterflies, opening your thighs wider teasingly. 
“God,” he sighed, licking his lips as his eyes lidded heavily. Sam began leaning forward, his face nearing your folds, but instead groaned and rested his forehead against your stomach when Danny barked, “Stop.”
“Whyyyy?” Sam whined, muffled against your tummy. “I want her so fucking bad, Danny,” he lifted his head, begging Danny with his eyes. “Why not? Please, baby,” he whimpered softly. 
Danny’s face softened in surprise and affection. “Sammy, babe…” 
Sam closed his eyes, his cheeks flushed pink as he continued, “I want you both, I wanna fuck her, I want you, I want- just, please, Danny, anything, please, I-“
Danny, in two strides, was back with one knee up on the edge of the bed, crashing his lips against Sam’s desperately. Sam moaned, wrapping an arm around Danny’s strong midsection, the other hand resting on your thigh, gripping and kneading at the flesh, seemingly to feel grounded to both of you. 
Danny reluctantly pulled back, pecking Sam’s lips a few times in a drawn out apologetic goodbye. Breathless, he rested his forehead against Sam’s and looked into his eyes as best he could in their proximity. 
“Let’s take care of this, yeah?” He murmured, running his hand down Sam’s front smoothly, past his navel, wrapping his broad hand firmly around Sam’s achingly hard, slick-dampened cock. 
Sammy nodded, shallow and desperately, rocking himself through Danny’s grip with a sigh of relief that melted his entire body against Danny’s, much like yours had just done. Danny wrapped his free arm around Sam’s waist, supporting him, and used his leverage point there to grind his own erection into the plush of Sam’s ass.
Danny inhaled Sam’s sweet musky scent, burying his nose in the boy’s hair as he groaned under his breath at the relieving contact to his neglected cock. With one more roll of his hips, he straightened out, steadying Sam overtop of you before crawling onto the bed behind him. 
Sam craned his head curiously, but Danny placed a soothing hand to his shoulderblades, thumbing reassuringly as he got himself settled comfortably. He positioned himself behind Sam, a sort of vertical big-spoon around the lithe bassist. 
You bit your lip in anticipation as the addition of another body atop the bed pushed your thighs open wider to accommodate Danny. Sam’s lips parted in awe as he caught glimpse of the light catching the delicate strings of your wetness decorating your parted lips. His eyes shot closed with a whimper though, as Danny gave a smooth rock of his hips against his ass.
Danny, now firmly plastered skin-to-skin against Sam’s back, reached around Sammy’s front and took his cock in hand. He leaned them both forward, forcing Sam onto his hands and knees above you. Sam gasped, Danny’s cock grinding between his ass cheeks as he loosely jerked Sam off. 
You reached down, and Sam fluttered his eyes open at the movement, catching your gaze and locking eyes, electric and intense as you swirled your fingers around your clit. Your jaw fell open a bit, and the relief had your eyes rolling back slightly with a sigh. The sight of it had Sam exhaling through his nose harshly as though the wind had been punched out of him. 
Danny lowly rumbled in his ear, “Push forward a bit, sweet boy.”
Sam shivered, obeying and letting his hips droop forward until the tip of him caught against your entrance. Danny kept his eyes locked on the contact of his cock against your pussy from over Sam’s shoulder, angling his jaw to the side to kiss and nip the bottom of Sammy’s jaw. “Good,” he breathed, “You just let me do all the work.” 
Sam whined and nodded, blinking sluggishly. 
Danny gave his cock a few pumps, twisting loosely at the tip after each pass, the head of him torturously pressing at your entrance. At Sam’s shudder of pleasure, he grinned lightly, slapping Sam’s cock against your clit with a few filthy smacks. 
You gasped, whimpering and arching into it, “Danny- Sam-“ Their names rolling off your tongue instinctively was like sexual whiplash, and you panted, lost for words.
Sam weakly chuckled, lifting his head to peer at you through his lashes. “Yeah, tell me about it.”
Danny nipped at the shell of Sam’s ear playfully, using his thumb as leverage to hold Sam’s length close and snug to your folds. He then rocked into Sam’s ass, forcing Sam’s cock through the tight squeeze and causing a feral moan to slip unrestricted past the boy’s lips. You gasped, tossing your head back as the sudden, focused contact to your clit sparked intensely through your body. You cupped and groped at your tits absent-mindedly as Danny continued to second-hand thrust Sam into you. 
Both boys locked eyes on you hungrily, but you were oblivious, eyes closed and brows tipped up in pleasure from the steady rubbing of the ridge of Sam's head against your clit. Moaning weakly, you pinched your own nipple, head lolling to the side. “Yes,” you whined, “Fuck yes, oh my god…”
Danny growled near Sam’s ear, abandoning your combined groins. He brought his hand at Sam’s hip up to wrap around the front of Sam’s throat, a sight that stole your breath as you fluttered your eyes open. Sam hoarsely keened as Danny opened his mouth and licked a hot, filthy line from the base of Sam’s neck to his jaw, sealing the move with hot open-mouthed kisses to Sam’s jaw and cheek, finally meeting Sam’s lips hungrily in a sloppy, feral kiss. 
Squeezing his throat cautiously, Sam encouraged him with a cut-off groan, sucking on his tongue. Danny moaned, his grip tightening at both sides of his neck, parting from Sam’s lips to mumble, “Want me to fuck your ass?” 
Sam’s knees buckled, Danny’s hand shooting from his neck to wrap around his middle again in support, a breathy humorless chuckle at the wanton reaction. 
Sam gulped, his eyes wide and dark as he opened them, fixing them on Danny’s face. “Fuck me,” he rasped, “Fuck me right into her pussy, Daddy.”
Danny’s nostrils flared, his jaw falling open, and he breathed so quiet against Sam’s lips, “Oh god-“
With your front row seat to their little show, you felt lightheaded with desire. Equally desperate as Sam to get Danny’s cock in his ass, you took it upon yourself to reach over to the nightstand, fumbling and grasping the bottle of lube and presenting it to Danny like a present. 
Danny took it with shaky hands, shooting you a fucked-out smile of thanks. You smiled back, biting your lip as Danny kissed Sam’s shoulder, then guided him forward overtop of you on his hands. 
Sam met your eyes as Danny flipped open the cap behind him, giving you a lazy, dirty grin. You smirked, taking one of his hands and using it to grope your breast. Sam’s fingers molded around the curve of it, licking his lips hungrily as Danny began slicking up his own cock. The slick wet noises got your heart racing with arousal, and Sam clearly felt it too, as he dove forward and captured your nipple between his pouted, kiss swollen lips. You gasped, burying your fingers in his silky hair as he sucked at you. 
You felt his groan acutely, vibrating sparks of pleasure to your core, as Danny’s lubed up fingers slipped between Sam’s cheeks. He pressed one finger inside Sam’s hole, not wasting any time and slipping in all the way in one smooth motion, and Sam abandoned your boobs as his mouth fell open with a loud, wanton moan, the side of his face smacking bonelessly against your sternum. 
Danny grunted lowly, eyes flickering between his finger encased in Sam’s tight heat and your disheveled faces, hair clinging to both your foreheads with sweat. 
He pumped his finger slowly in and out, then curled it towards the root of Sam’s cock, and the bassist whined, high-pitched and drawn out against your breast, “Fuuuuuuuuuck, Danny!” 
You stroked and pet Sam’s head as Danny slipped a second finger in alongside the first, fingering him a little faster and targeting that sweet little spot inside Sam’s body. High in his throat, Sam let out a choked cry, biting down gently into the flesh of your breast, making you hiss. 
Muffled around his mouthful of your boob, Sam weakly pleaded, “Please, baby, fuck me!”
Danny groaned at his begging, his eyes shooting closed as he bit his lip hard, rutting against Sam’s ass cheek. 
“You ready for me, pretty boy?” he rumbled. 
Sam sobbed out a quiet moan, nodding into your chest as he squeezed your tits in his hands, effectively smothering his blushing face in your cleavage. “Mhmm,” he mumbled. “Do it.”
Danny grasped himself, slapping his own slick cock against Sam’s wet, lubed up entrance a few times, before lining up and pressing his head past the tight ring of Sam’s hole. 
They both groaned in sync, Danny’s relieved, deep groan pairing harmoniously with Sam’s whimpered, pathetic, pleading one. The sounds they made, the visual of Danny’s pleasure-wracked face, the sweaty, submissive boy clinging to you like a shaking leaf, all of it reduced you to a feral, desperate mess of arousal. Pinned as you were beneath them both, you felt it as Danny rocked tentatively into Sam, pulling out and pushing in a little further with each thrust. Sam’s soft cries climbed up in register each time, until his voice sounded feminine and so deliciously submissive, you weren’t sure how Danny hadn’t already lost it and coated his walls already. You felt near the precipice of an orgasm as it was, and you’d hardly even been touched yet. 
Danny slowed his thrusts, his jaw clenching with restraint as he gripped Sam’s hips. He licked his lips and bent forward, his arm snaking around Sam’s waist again, and taking his leaking erection in hand. 
“Baby?” your boyfriend softly called, and you reached down readily, brushing his hand affectionately and helping him guide Sam’s cock to your entrance.
"Okay," you confirmed shakily. You were losing your mind, you felt so ready to be filled. 
Danny braced himself, and Sam flexed forward flexibly, allowing Danny to push forward into Sam, which in turn, pushed Sam fully into you, all in one slick smooth motion. 
“Sammy, fuck-“ your jaw fell open loosely, panting and bucking into him as Danny retreated them both and fucked back into you exploratively. 
Sam’s lips parted with a steady, unintelligible stream of filth, moaning and keening as Danny used him like his own personal toy, pushing and withdrawing from your soaking core in an uncoordinated, but incredibly erotic and nonetheless enjoyable dance. 
Slowly, with a bit of fumbling, the three of you found a rhythm that worked, similar to the first night, but instead of Sammy holding himself still and getting fucked from both sides, you and Danny limited your movements to a light rolling motion, and Sam rocked himself back and forth, both fucking himself into you, and back around Danny’s pulsing cock. 
“God Sammy- uh- fuck, so tight, babe,” Danny praised, his voice rough and strained through his pants. 
Sam whined, his shaking muscles driving his hips forward and back on pure, animal instinct. “Please, please please pleasepleaseplease…”
Danny’s grip on his hips tightened in response, and you and Sam both benefited when he used his leverage to guide Sam’s pelvis faster and harder, jerking his body back and forth between you and Danny like a game of sexual tug of war. 
Your mouth hung open loosely, losing your composure quickly as the combined physical pleasure, the angelic view of both god-like men above you, and the filth of the whole situation in general spurred you on. 
"I've never felt so fucking good in my life," Sam pathetically whined, "This was-" he gasped, "w-was all I could thing about, since the first time."
Danny moaned, his head tipping back as he drove himself deeper into Sam.
Sam was forced forward onto his elbows, and as he balanced himself, he looked up, making glazed-over eye contact with you. “Baby, I need you to cum, please fucking cum for me,” he choked out, begging you with his eyes, “His cock, it's so fuckin' good- ahh! I’m so fucking-“ he cried out a short jerky wail, “s-so fucking c-close, please.”
You wiggled your arm between your bodies, relieving the ache his words brought on with your fingers, cirling and rubbing frantically over your clit and nodding desperately, staring Sam in the eyes as your orgasm built. “Gonna-“ you gasped, your eyes fluttering shut as Danny’s hips jerked hard against you both, “…gonna cum, you’re so good, such a good boy for us, Sammy, so good, just keep- don’t stop, Sammy, fuck-“ 
Danny reared back, slamming into Sam harder, earning a loud, unabashed cry of his name from Sam’s chest, and Danny growled animalistically, smacking Sam’s ass hard, twice, in quick succession. The sting of the slaps, and the subsequent tight squeeze to the abused flesh in Danny’s wide, veiny hand, sent you careening over the edge. 
Your desperate, high-pitched cries of ecstasy drew groans from both boy’s chests, and your trembling, clenching walls squeezing so tight around Sam’s cock as it was sent pumping unforgivingly into you, sent Sam over the edge right after you, his wet release pooling hot, forbidden and dirty inside you, his own cries washing over you as you rode out the waves of your orgasm.
Danny, despite his dwindling resolve to hold off, lost himself in Sam’s clenching, pulsing heat, and in the hazy chorus of his two lover’s combined sounds of pleasure, he gave into the pleasure and spilled, hard and hot into Sam’s tight wet walls with a groan that shook his chest. 
He barely held himself up long enough to slip carefully out of Sam, then collapsed at your side, completely spent. Sammy pulled out next, whimpering at the overstimulating drag against his sensitive, slowly softening cock, and rolled just slightly to the side, laying himself mostly still on top of you. 
Danny rolled himself weakly onto his side, not bothering to open his eyes as he panted, curling into your side and wrapping his arm over your tummy, holding you close to him. Sam’s knee hitched up over your hips, his calf resting between your thighs as he, too, caught his breath in the cavern of your neck. 
Your eyes drooped closed, your entire body feeling floaty and relaxed, the tension of the day, quite literally, fucked out of you. 
Sammy’s arm, draped over your ribcage, blindly groped for Danny’s forearm, curling his long fingers around it, and Danny hummed his appreciation quietly, his arm extending a little further against your stomach to squeeze his hand around Sam’s thigh. 
As you laid there, endorphins making your entire body feel light, buzzed, happy and safe, you smiled to yourself, simply existing in the moment, in this space between your favorite boys in the world. 
Sam lazily kissed your shoulder, nuzzling further into your skin as he sighed contentedly. Danny’s chin tucked against his chest, his mouth pressed into your hair while his soft, evened out breaths fanned it out gently. 
Danny broke the silence first, humming softly, the sound shifting to a soft groan as he stretched his legs down the bed, settling back into place. “That was… incredible.”
You smiled wide, eyes still closed as you hummed your agreement, turning just enough to nuzzle into his sweaty curls that clung to his forehead, pressing a loving kiss there.
Sam remained silent, which, even if you only knew Sam for ten minutes, you’d be acutely aware of how unusual that was. You looked down at him, unable to see his face from where it was buried in your shoulder, so you shifted up on your side, settling down little-spoon style against Danny’s chest as you scooted down to level with his face. 
You soothed a hand down his side, admiring the softness of his flawless skin and smiling fondly at his pretty, boyish face, which blinked up at you almost shyly. 
“No sassy remark?” you teased quietly, your eyes crinkling fondly as you reached up to cup his cheek. 
Sam grinned lopsidedly, lowering his gaze to the sheets beneath you, his fingers fiddling with a wrinkle in them. “Nah… I’m sure one’ll come to me, though.” 
You giggled under your breath, nodding lightly. “Good, good.”
His eyes lifted to yours, big and brown and sweet, more innocent than you’d ever seen him. He stole your breath for a moment, so stunningly perfect that you couldn’t quite fathom your own luck, to bask in his beauty. 
He smiled faintly under your enveloping, warm gaze, that crooked smile widening. “Hi,” he breathed, a soft chuckle following. 
“Hi,” you returned, quiet and affectionate.
Behind you, Danny leaned up on his shoulder, resting the side of his face against your cheek, both of you admiring him. 
Sam’s cheeks pinkened as he grinned shyly, “What?”
In an uncharecteristically shy move, Danny tucked his chin into your cheek, keeping his eyes on Sam as he kissed and mumbled against your cheek, “You’re so pretty, Sammy.”
The heat from Danny’s flushed cheeks mirrored Sam’s own blush, and Sam giggled quietly, wrinkling his nose as he lazily dismissed him with a swat of his hand. “Says the literal Greek God."
Danny giggled adorably, blushing harder and making your heart clench with love.
You wedged your hand under Sam’s other cheek, pulling his head toward yours and smiling as you kissed his lips softly. Sam melted into your gentle kiss, your hands on his face, accepting and returning the gentle affection. 
The moment you released him from the kiss, Danny leaned over you and tilted his chin up. He smiled, devastatingly sweet and handsome in your side-view of him, and he flickered his eyes from Sam’s curious gaze and his mouth, leaning forward and taking his turn at Sam’s lips. Sam kissed him back readily, his eyes fluttering closed. 
You continued to pet his cheek lovingly as they basked in the slow push and pull of each other’s lips, and as soon as they separated, you completed the triangle by capturing your boyfriends mouth, smiling happily against his lips. 
Danny pulled away after a moment, slowly blinking his eyes open. He bit his lip, boyishly smiling between you and Sam, and you giggled softly, the laughter catching on as Sam chuckled, and soon the three of you were laying together in a heap of seratonin-high giggles. 
Calming down, you sighed happily.
Then Danny’s stomach growled. Loudly. 
Any semblance of peace was thrown out the window, all three of you dissolving into laughter again as Danny blushed and rolled onto his back. 
“Shut up,” he groaned, chuckling, “I haven’t eaten since nine this morning!”
Sam leaned up on his elbow, giggling at him, “Who’s fault is that, mr. come-in-for-a-drink?” 
You snorted and Danny’s jaw dropped playfully at him, “I was literally about to make lunch when you kissed me!”
You pursed your lips in a silent, ‘oooo!’, turning your gaze back to Sam in amusement. 
“Hey, nuh-uh, you kissed me first, Wagner,” he poked Danny’s shoulder with a sassy raised eyebrow.
You giggled, and Danny looked at you with wide disbelieving eyes, whispering, “He’s full of shit.” Turning to Sam, he repeated louder, “You’re full of shit!”
Sam snickered, shrugging and rolling on his back, lacing his fingers on his chest. “Whatever you say, kissy-pants.”
You snorted, “Kissy pants?” you rolled your head to face Sam incredulously. 
He grinned at you innocently, shrugging. 
Danny rolled his eyes and sat up, moving to climb off the bed. “You’re such a dork,” he said, affectionately exasperated as he grabbed a fresh pair of boxers from the dresser. Sam smirked shyly as he eyed Danny’s naked back, and subsequently blushed when you tapped the tip of his nose and winked, letting him know you caught him checking out his ass, then climbed off the bed and walked to the closet.
Sam smiled wide, despite the redness colouring his cheeks, and he kept his heart-eyes on your back as he answered Danny softly, “Yeah, but I’m your dork.”
Your face softened inside the cover of the closet, smiling so hard your cheeks hurt as you pulled a sundress off the hanger.
Danny’s hands paused within the drawer, a goofy smile making its way over his face as he distractedly pawed through shirts. “…Oh yeah?”
Sam hauled his boxers back on, biting his lip as he came up behind Danny, touching a shy hand to his side. Danny turned around, and you watched, smoothing your dress over your head from the doorway of the closet, as Danny pulled Sam’s hips flush to his. Sam grew endearingly flustered, his hands resting tentatively on Danny’s bare chest, as Danny brushed his nose against Sam’s. 
“Yeah,” Sammy murmured, looking up into Danny’s eyes, losing his breath. 
Danny playfully nipped at Sam’s lip before pecking a gentle kiss to his lips. 
He shyly kept his eyes trained on Sam’s mouth as he quietly returned, “Well I’m yours too.”
Sam chewed on his lip, and he turned his head searchingly in your direction, his face relaxing and softening fondly when he saw you, making your heart flush with affection and the reassurance you felt at his clinginess.
He held an arm out to you, and Danny smiled wider, nodding you over. You stepped into their arms, leaning your head on Sam’s shoulder. Out of your sight, Sam blinked down at the crown of your head in surprise, warmth spreading through his chest at how you’d subconsciously come to him just as readily as you came to Danny. 
Danny let his forehead lean against Sam’s again, and you straightened, kissing Sam’s cheek sweetly. Sam’s heart fluttered, overwhelmed with the double-teamed touches, and as he looked at you, still leaning the side of his forehead against Danny’s, he said quietly through the close space, “…I’m yours, too.” 
You brought your hands up to lace over his shoulder, lifting on your toes to kiss his cheek again, trailing your lips to his jaw and smiling shyly against his skin. “I’m yours too, baby,” you whispered. “I’m yours, just like I’m Danny’s.”
Danny nodded lightly, and Sam sucked on his bottom lip, eyes flickering between you both when he lifted his head straight. 
“So… uh,” he swallowed, blushing, then cracking into a bashful smile. 
You smiled wide at his shyness, tilting your head encouragingly. 
“What is it?” Danny reassuringly asked with a hand on his shoulder, thumbing at both his shoulder and at your hip subconsciously, a rush of warmth swirling in your chest. 
Sam rocked from the ball of his foot to his heels, playing off his shyness as his usual goofy playfulness. “Well, if I’m yours, and you’re mine, and I’m yours,” he nodded at you, grinning wider, “and you’re mine…” 
You giggled, raising your brows impatiently, “Yeah?”
Sam smirked at the floor, “Well, I was just thinking that, you know, that sounds a lot like I’m your guys’ boyfriend, doesn’t it?”
You felt your heart turning to a mushy puddle as the adorable question registered. “Oh,” you giggled breathlessly, certain your face was the picture of sappy joy.
Danny cooed quietly, nudging his hip sweetly against Sam’s. “It does, huh,” he nodded, matter-of-factly before cracking a wide grin. 
Sam shrugged one shoulder, his tongue poking in his cheek as he grinned to himself, nodding at the floor bashfully. When he lifted his gaze, he met your eyes, and your smile stretched even wider, grabbing his face and pulling him into a sweet, enthusiastic kiss. Sam cooed in surprise, immediately falling into the kiss and sighing against your lips. His hand came up to cup your cheek, holding you in place. 
Then Danny’s nose brushed against both your cheeks, squishing his way in and making you both separate and burst into giggles, Danny cracking up too. 
You giggled, “Wait, lets try, come back.”
Your boys’ smiling faces drew nearer again, and you wrapped your hands around the backs of their heads, pulling them into a short, strange, but cute little three-way kiss, pulling back from it with blushing cheeks and wide, bashful smiles. 
“Huh,” Danny nodded, shrugging. Sam’s eyes closed fondly as he dropped his head forward against Danny’s chest, his hand still smoothing back from your cheek into your hair, lacing into it and scratching affectionately. 
You leaned your head into Danny’s shoulder, feeling a surge of love when his strong arms wrapped around both you and Sam, holding you both into a tight hug. 
Softly, you mumbled into Danny’s upper arm, “Let’s go get some food.”
They hummed their agreement, two low, rumbly tones that felt very right together. 
Sam lifted his head then, grinning at the two of you and wiggling his eyebrows. “Our first date!"
-------- ⭐︎☽⭐︎☾⭐︎ --------
>>>Chapter 6 >>>
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174 notes · View notes
amhrosina · 1 year
August (Namor x fem!Reader)
Songfic - August by Taylor Swift
A/N: hi friends! I hit 500 followers today and have over 1,000 notes on one of my fics. I can’t express how much I appreciate your support and love for my writing :’). You are all so kind! This fic took me a few days longer than usual because I was experiencing some pretty intense writer’s block. Hopefully, that’s in the past! Anyways, a nonnie requested this! Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!
Request: hi i have read the artist and the sea and it was so well-written and wonderful 🥹🫶🏼 this is why i'm requesting a namor x fem reader that is kind of inspired with august by taylor swift? like it's a summer love typa beat but the reader will realize that they don't have a future together since he's a god and she's just a mortal so it's like the lyric "so much for summer love and saying 'us' cause you weren't mine to lose" ??? you can put a happy ending or not honestly it's fine either way! and sorry if this is too specific and if you don't want to write this, it's okay &lt;333 
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Summary: You and Namor must face the music when the real world begins to catch up with your summer love affair.
(Warnings: smutty language, allusions of smut, no hardcore smut (nonnie didn’t specify and I didn’t want to include it just in case), watch me make shit up about being able to visit Talokan as a human (without the suit lol), fluffy Namor, Namor would hang the moon for reader, a little bit of angst, happy ending bc im incapable of writing sad endings) 
in yakunaj – my love 
princesa – princess 
Salt air, and the rust on your door  I never needed anything more 
The summer heat was stifling, but you were determined to meet Namor on the beach when he finally made it back from Talokan, and the sun had almost set, so the heat wouldn’t be an issue for much longer. He’d been gone for three long days, and you were beginning to grow a little anxious. Since you’d met him, the time between seeing him was never longer than a day or two. When he hadn’t returned last night, you’d opened your bedroom window and listened to the sound of the sea for hours until finally drifting off into a restless sleep. When you awoke, and he still hadn’t come back, the worry began gnawing at your gut. 
You weren’t entirely sure why Namor continued to come back to you, time and time again. It was a thought that was easily forgotten when Namor was around, but during the short stretches of his absence, you couldn’t stop yourself from mulling it over. Namor was a god, a warrior that was centuries older than you, and yet, he seemed completely enamored with you. 
His “little love”, he called you, a nickname that never failed to make you blush. When you really thought about it, the pace at which you’d fallen for each other was incredibly fast. It was a lightning storm out at sea, a muscle car going 90 down the pacific coast highway, the tumble of the waves meeting the sand on a stormy night. It was a warmth that many people didn’t know existed. You’d never cared about anyone as deeply as you care for Namor, and you tried not to think about that, because it was a terrifying thought. 
You never let yourself consider what would happen when you continued to age while Namor didn’t. Namor never brought it up either, and for that you were grateful. The thought left a melancholy note in your body, and you wanted to enjoy the time you were getting to spend with Namor now, even if later wasn’t guaranteed. 
The sun hung low in the sky, on the cusp of fading into the night, and you were worried you might be gnawing a hole in your cheek when you finally spotted Namor in the water. You breathed a sigh of relief, but the nervous ache in your chest didn’t disappear. What if he was only coming to say goodbye to you? 
“I am sorry it took me so long, in yakunaj. I got here as fast as I could.” He buried you in a hug, pressing a kiss on the crown of your head. “I missed you, little love.” 
“I missed you too.” You nuzzled into his chest. “Do you want to come inside?”  
You tilted your head up at him, blinking in awe at his beauty. You would never get tired of seeing him like this. You were almost completely sure no one in the world got to experience the warm, cuddly side of Namor besides you. The way he described his people gave you the sense that “warm and cuddly” wasn’t really what they were going for as warriors, but you didn’t care. Namor never brought violence home to you, and in turn, you always appreciated his kindness a little extra. 
“Lead the way, in yakunaj.”  
Whispers of "Are you sure?"  "Never have I ever before" 
As soon as Namor shut the door, he was on you. His lips captured yours in a heated kiss, pulling your body against his in one swift movement. One hand traveled along the curve of your waist while the other had a firm grip on your jaw, and the sparks traveling through your veins reminded you of the first time Namor had ever kissed you like this. 
Crisp memories flashed through your mind. Namor’s gentle caress along your spine. His fingers lightly treading the waistband of your shorts. The way he’d carefully laid you down, kissing every inch of you with soft lips. In the centuries since he’d been born, the act of sex had become a detatched act of primal urge. He never cared about the people he was burying himself inside of, not really. But then he met you, and suddenly the world had shifted.  
“You make me feel alive, for the first time in 500 years.”  
He had whispered this into your skin, resting his head on your chest as the weight of his words sank in. You had gently cradled his head in your hands, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before slowly pulling your shirt over your head.  
Your first time with Namor was nothing short of magical. You should’ve probably expected it, considering how much more time he’d had to perfect his craft than other men, but you suspected that the love exchanged between you also had an impact. The morning after, Namor had revealed to you that he’d never experienced love, but that he was pretty sure it’s what he felt for you. You’d melted into his hold, and he made love to you again, whispering confessions of love into your skin. 
Namor lifted you in the air and wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling you back into the present. His desire was achingly hard against your clothed core, and you couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips as you shifted against him. He walked the two of you into your bedroom, and softly closed the door behind him. This was the usual routine after he returned from Talokan, and the love between the two of you seemed to grow every time you reunited. 
Your back beneath the sun  Wishin' I could write my name on it  Will you call when you're back at school?  I remember thinkin' I had you 
Later, after you had spent hours kissing gentle reminders of how much you missed one another into each other’s skin, you were cuddled into Namor’s side, resting your head on his chest in a sleepy haze.  
“Why did it take you so long to come back?” You prodded, out of curiosity, but also out of nervousness.  
Namor sighed, pulling you tighter against his side. “My people have noticed that I spend more time here than at home. Namora is concerned.”  
You stiffened against him. You knew Namor hadn’t revealed to anyone in Talokan exactly what he’d been doing on the surface, but he had never spoken so openly about the toll it was taking on him.  
“Do not worry, in yakunaj. It is a peaceful time for my people.” 
“What if it wasn’t peaceful?” You asked, tilting your head up to look at him. 
“Then I would be with my people, fighting alongside them. I have a duty to protect them, in yakunaj. But I would think of you every second, until we met again.” 
You sighed, but you understood. He was theirs long before he was yours, and you couldn’t expect him to give up 500 years of history for you.  
“I wish I could see it. Talokan sounds lovely.” You mumbled into his chest, kissing one of the faint scars that hid along the line of his collarbone. He tightened his hold on you – a small token of appreciation in response to your love for his home.  
“I know, princesa. There is nothing I want more than that.” 
You wanted to ask him how long he was planning on keeping this hidden love affair going, how long he planned on lying to his closest friends and family about his feelings for a surface dweller, but you stayed quiet. That was not something you wanted to know the answer to. At least not now. The thought of your late nights together on the beach and the hours spent wrapped in bed sheets by each other’s side coming to an end was too painful to think about.  
For now, you were fine with living in blissful ignorance. Eventually, you knew it would have to come to an end, but what you couldn’t bear to think about was how agonizingly lonely you would be without Namor in your life.  
Instead of saying any of this, you lightly kissed his cheek, and drifted off to sleep against his chest, blissfully unaware of the war waging inside of Namor’s head at the exact same moment. 
But I can see us lost in the memory  August slipped away into a moment in time  'Cause it was never mine  So much for summer love and saying "us"  'Cause you weren't mine to lose  You weren't mine to lose, no 
The summer months passed by in an idyllic haze. It was easy to lose yourself in Namor when he was around. Hours would pass like minutes, shaded in the warm glow of summer.  
Namor’s visits were less frequent, excused with the wave of his hand, as if to say, “I had to take care of something, but don’t worry about it.” You tried not to mind the absences, though. When Namor was with you, his attention was always fully on you. The nights he spent with you were always as passionate as the first night, and he’d hold you until he absolutely had to return to Talokan.  
You didn’t question him, though you were curious about what he was so busy doing when he was at home. He was a King, you supposed. He probably had a lot of things going on. All of this justification didn’t help soothe the sting when his absences began to stretch into 3-4 days at a time. Perhaps he was finally realizing what you’d known all along. He was a God, and you were a human, and it wouldn’t work for much longer. 
You mulled this over as you tried to read on the beach one evening. The sun was going to set soon, and it had officially been five days since Namor had visited you. You read the same paragraph three times before finally throwing the book down beside you. Distracting yourself with a book wasn’t working. Your thoughts always trailed back to Namor, and they probably always would. 
You watched the sun set, waiting and waiting for the familiar tremor in the water that indicated Namor’s arrival. The tremor never came, and after two hours of sitting in miserable silence, you trudged back towards your house. He wasn’t coming, and even though you should probably have expected this eventually, you couldn’t stop the tears from welling up.  
Two more days passed before you saw Namor again, and the weary look on his face when you met him in knee-deep water sent a wave of turmoil into your gut. This was it, the moment you’d been dreading since you realized how incredibly hard you’d fallen for him, and you weren’t prepared in the slightest for the wave of emotion that followed this realization. 
Familiar tears stained your cheeks, and the overwhelming sense that you couldn’t breathe overtook your ability to look at him. Namor cupped your cheeks, forcing you to look into his eyes.  
“In yakunaj, what is it? Why are you crying?”  
You latched onto his wrists, failing to stop the tears from flowing down your face. “Please just say it, Namor. I can’t take the distance you’re forcing between us anymore. I can handle it.”  
“Princesa, what are you talking about? Say what?” Namor’s face morphed into concern as he looked over your features. Your eyes were puffy, stained red from crying, and you looked exhausted.  
“That you can’t love me anymore. That you have to go back to Talokan, and that I can’t come, and that I have to move on from you.”  
Namor studied your face for a moment. Understanding dawned on his face as he realized how affected you were by his unexplained absences. He wiped the tears from under your eyes and shook his head. 
“Is that what you think? That I don’t love you anymore?”  
You tried to look away from him, but his firm grip wouldn’t allow it. You closed your eyes instead, trying to calm the heartbreak crashing through you.  
“Why else have you been pulling away from me?” 
“My sweet little love,” Namor cooed, kissing the tip of your nose, “I will always love you. I am sorry for being so distant lately, but I was trying to surprise you.”  
You opened your eyes, confusion evident on your face.  
“Surprise me with what?” You asked. 
Namor smiled, glancing over his shoulder towards the water.  
“We have found a way to bring you to Talokan.” 
You inhaled sharply, following his gaze towards what you could only assume was the route to Talokan.  
“What do you mean?” Your voice was a breathy whisper.  
“I mean, there is a way for me to bring you home with me.”  
Excitement bubbled in your chest, but it was quickly extinguished when you remembered that even if you could get to Talokan, time would remain an enemy. Namor was still a God, and you were still a mortal, after all. 
“Namor,” you shook your head, “It won’t work. I will still die of old age, and then you will be alone again.” 
Namor began shaking his head in response before you could finish your sentence.  
“You misunderstand me, princesa. We have found a way for you to stay in Talokan. You would be one of us. That’s what I’ve been working on while I’ve been gone. We could be together forever, if that’s what you want.” He paused, looking over your shoulder at your house. “You will have to say goodbye to the surface, though. It will be visitable, of course, but your home would be in Talokan, with our people.”  
“Our people?” You felt like a mimicking parrot, but his proposal had overwhelmed you, and that was the only thing you could muster in response.  
Namor chuckled, kissing both of your cheeks, one after the other. “They are very excited to meet their soon-to-be Queen, in yakunaj.”  
“You told them about me?” You murmured, in awe of his ability to render you almost speechless again.  
“I did. They are glad to see me happy.” 
You glanced between your home and the water, mulling over everything he’d told you.  
“I know I am asking a lot of you. You do not have to give me an answer now, in yakunaj. You can think abo-” 
You cut him off with a searing kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and pushing your body against his.  
“Take me home, Namor.” You murmured against his lips. 
The smile on his face shined so bright that you couldn’t imagine ever saying no to him, if that’s what his response was when he was happy. 
For the hope of it all  (For the hope of it all) 
You looked back towards your house for the final time. Leaving it behind was something you’d never thought you’d do, but you didn’t think you’d miss it – not when an entire city awaited your arrival.  
Namor had explained the transition process to you as best he could. A lot of it sounded like scientific gibberish, but the parts that you picked up included drinking a blue nectar that had been mixed with his blood, which would ensure that you could breathe both under water and above it. It would also extend your lifetime by centuries, if not longer. According to Namor, people all over Talokan were celebrating your arrival already.  
Namor wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.  
“Are you sure you want to say goodbye to this life, little love?”  
You smiled and leaned backwards against his chest.  
“Let’s start our life together, in yakunaj.” His language felt foreign on your tongue, but you had heard him call you by that name so many times that you were sure you had pronounced it correctly. 
Namor let out a loud laugh, kissing your shoulder and squeezing you tighter against him in response.  
“I think I could get used to hearing you speak my language, princesa.”  
“We’ll have a hundred lifetimes together. Will you teach me more?”  
“I will do anything you ask of me, princesa.” 
“Forever?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.  
He grinned, nodding. “Forever.”  
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forlorn-crows · 6 months
Pull Me In Your Waters
aka, @iamthecomet's birthday fic! i asked her what she wanted me to write for her birthday and she said "mist/dew . . . i'd love to see them together. [i dont know how, but] you know i gotta ask for that little fucker". enjoy 🖤
Pairing: Dewdrop/Mist
Rating: E for Explicit. W for Wet
Tags: first times, outdoor sex, inexperienced (but eager) dewdrop, hand jobs, frotting, topping from the bottom, anal fingering, anal sex, dick riding, water ghouls are wet, dirty talk. dont have sex on the beach kids, you will get sand in all your holes.
intersex!Mist, w/cock, cunt, folds, dick to refer to her anatomy
Words: 4,879
Summary: He’s such an innocent, carefree creature—one that has Mist’s fingers itching to touch, to ruin, to defile. Like he’s a mere mortal waiting to be drawn in by her hellish siren’s call. But there’s a budding affection underneath that, too. Call it kin, call it an elemental draw to each other, call it even a mentor-like protection over the fledgling ghoul. Beyond the lust there’s respect, admiration. An urge to simply get to know and raise the ghoul who’s set to take her place. She can’t deny there’s some weird, mothering nature buried deep within the confines of her stoney nature. But it is deep, and right now it’s very much shrouded behind a curtain of curiosity, of hunger.
Read on AO3 or below the cut 🖤
You’re a pretty fishy, aren’t you? Mist coos at Dew. Their native Infernal feels comfortable on her tongue, if not a little rusty from disuse. But the new water ghoul provides a perfect time for her to use the language as he adjusts to topside life. 
Dew chirps from across the lake, offering her a toothy smile. He preens under her gaze and puffs up his gill fins, which are a curly and opaque milky-white. The water ghoul dives back under the surface. His equally fluffy-finned tail curves over the water, flinging droplets of water into Mist’s direction.
It’s a boyish display he does each time they swim. It’s partially why she named him Dewdrop—well, droplet for his nickname. 
In a handful of seconds he surfaces next to Mist on the sandy embankment, squirting water at her through his front teeth.
Don’t go asking for trouble, little one, she chides playfully, shaking the water off her arm.
‘Little one,’ he snorts. As if you’re so much bigger than me.
Why don’t you come here and find out, droplet, she goads. She stretches out her lithe body in the sand, bearing her naked chest to the sun high in the sky above them. 
Dew chirps again and pulls himself out of the lake. Water flies off him in a whirlwind as he shakes out his fins. Mist watches him fondly out of the corner of her eye, snickering when he hiccups as the last of the water bubbles out of his gills. 
He’s such an innocent, carefree creature—one that has Mist’s fingers itching to touch, to ruin, to defile. Like he’s a mere mortal waiting to be drawn in by her hellish siren’s call. 
But there’s a budding affection underneath that, too. Call it kin, call it an elemental draw to each other, call it even a mentor-like protection over the fledgling ghoul. Beyond the lust there’s respect, admiration. An urge to simply get to know and raise the ghoul who’s set to take her place. 
She can’t deny there’s some weird, mothering nature buried deep within the confines of her stoney nature. But it is deep, and right now it’s very much shrouded behind a curtain of curiosity, of hunger. 
He flings himself onto the towel spread out beside her with a contented sigh. Lake water still clings to his skin, accenting it with freckles of refracted light. He pushes wet hair off his forehead and leaves a streak of muck straight across it. Some remnant of something he found in a crevice somewhere, no doubt. 
He’s bare like her, preferring to connect with their element without any barrier. The weather’s good for it too, toasty and warm right down to the bone. But where she’s donned a pair of faded swim trunks with the waistband rolled over, content simply to sunbathe and share his company, he’s naked—and notably half-hard. 
Mist’s eyes linger on his crotch where his cock rests underneath his taut belly, the little head tinged a dusty lilac. A droplet of water clings to the ridge of it, dangling. Mist watches it give way when Dew shifts, rolling down, down, down . . .
Dew mrrp’s at her, questioning. The sound is yet another damned cute thing Mist can’t get enough of. She meets his blue eyes with an easy smile. 
What’s that, droplet? she asks, tipping her head towards his lower half. There’s truly no teasing to it, just a lazy question to see what kind of answer it will earn her. 
Huh? Dew glances down at himself, eyes growing round at the sight of his chubby dick. Truly oblivious to the state of it. I . . . um . . .
You know it’s nothing to be ashamed of, Mist reminds him. But it’s intriguing of you not to notice.
Guess I was . .  distracted, he says at length. He doesn’t elaborate what he was distracted by. Mist gets a feeling it’s a double entendre, that he’s hiding behind the relatively simple explanation. 
She hums noncommittally, and his cock perks up fully, springing up to lie between the v of his hips. His mouth falls open, eyebrows twitching upward as the blood rushing south starts to make him throb. 
Excited, guppy? Mist teases, licking over a sharp fang.
Dew gasps. A pearl of pre leakes out into his sparse happy trail. A little, he admits, looking back to her with big, round eyes. 
Mist tilts her head at him then, icy-white braids falling off her shoulder. He seems so small. Fragile. Innocent. 
But she hears him pulling at himself late at night through the thin walls, hears his halted moans and stifled whines into his pillow when he thinks the others are asleep. Dew is anything but pure, and he’s certainly not naive. 
How she’s wanted to slip into his room unannounced, catch him with a blush on his cheeks and a hand on his wet dick. How she’d take that hand and wrap it around herself and capture his lips in a bruising kiss that makes his eyes roll. The raw sound he’d make as she slips inside his tight body would be worth it. He’d let her do it, let her in—she knows he would.
But it’s a stunt better suited to someone like Ifrit or Aether, big ghouls with unabashed, impulsive decisions regarding their desires. Strong personalities that rival Mist’s own. Cliche would say that their statures mirror their confidence. That Dew’s small, agile body lends something to his more reserved nature. 
To Mist, he just hasn’t seemed interested in propositioning anyone. Lucifer, how she’s thought about it, though.
Could help you with that, if you’d like, she suggests, eyes darting down to watch his dick twitch in response. She meets his eyes again just as quickly, narrowing them coyly. 
With you? he asks softly. 
Mists snorts. Yes, me, you silly ghoul, she laughs, rolling her eyes. Why not? You’re already quite smitten with me, aren’t you?
Dew bites the inside of his cheek to hide a smile. Maybe. His fingers twitch against his sides, stopping short of actually reaching for her. 
You are. But luckily, I am quite fond of you, droplet. Mist rolls onto her side, shimmying her way onto the edge of the towel. They’re only a few inches apart now, separated only by humid summer air and the almost palpable sexual tension. She places her hand on his sternum, spreading her fingers. No pressure, just resting it there.
Do you want me? she asks simply. 
Dew looks down at her hand and bites his lip. He nods fervently. Yeah.
Her hand drifts down an inch or two. Have you been with anyone yet?
N . . . no, he whispers. Shakes his head a little. He looks at her with pleading eyes, and she just about jumps him right then and there. But she resists the urge. It’s not her current intentions.
Her current intentions are to get her hand wrapped around his little cock and drink down every last moan he gives her like ceremonial wine. 
Then perhaps we should change that, she says huskily. She quirks an eyebrow at him in a silent question, giving him every opportunity to say no, to back out. To—Satan forbid—save himself for someone else. 
Dew groans, cock kicking against his stomach again. Please, he agrees. Want to. With you. 
Mist smiles wide, genuine but absolutely predatory. She drags her hand down his chest, stopping just above the tiny puddle of precum already pooled on his belly. It jumps under her fingers, and another breathy sound bubbles out of Dew’s throat. 
The ghoulette closes the distance between them, pressing her lips to his jaw. Mouth just above the highest slit of the gills on his neck, so close that she can feel the fins fluff up and tickle her chin. 
Mist, he groans, head falling back to expose his throat further, Adam’s apple jumping as he swallows. 
Yes, Dew.
His hands ball up at his sides. Fingers no doubt digging into his own palms. He leans his cheek into the touch of her lips, silently asking for more. Touch me? It comes out like a question when his breath hitches at the end of it. 
With pleasure, she purrs. Mist trails her hand the rest of the way down, lithe fingers grazing over the sticky head of his cock and wrapping around the shaft. 
The combined noise they make when Mist squeezes is far too indecent to have been made out in the open. 
Oh, Dew groans, squeezing his eyes shut. His thighs jump like they might do the same, especially when Mist kisses lower down his neck, over the delicate fins of his gills. 
So hard, guppy, Mist coos. Does that feel good?
Uh huh, he whines. 
Different from your hand, I bet. How do you do it? Fast and hard? Or do you like to make yourself writhe with how slow you take it? 
Dew’s cock kicks hard in her hand at that. Fuck, he huffs. F-fast. Feels too good. 
Well then, she lilts, squeezing firmly from base to tip, milking out another blurt of precum. She smears it around with her thumb, biting back a noise as her own cock starts to fill out in her shorts. Why don’t we draw it out a little?
Mist lets him go and sits up, motioning for him to do the same. Come here, she encourages, scooting onto the towel and spreading out her legs a bit. Sit on my lap. 
Dew does as he’s told, swinging his skinny thighs over hers and huffing a moan when his balls squish against her. He grips her bare shoulders and puts all of his weight on her, whining when the head of his cock brushes against the smattering of hair on her stomach. 
Now I can see that pretty face better when I touch you, Mist says. She smooths her hands along his sides, admiring the fins that start at the top of his hips and go all the way down. 
He truly is pretty like this; stunning, really. Has been since Mist helped drag him out of the summoning pool. Perched above her, his head eclipses the sun, casting him in a bright halo of light. His silvery hair is plastered to his head, curling slightly in the middle of the strands as it dries. The skin on his narrow chest is almost translucent, dark purple and cerulean veins shining through, offsetting the bright milky-white of his fins. 
And, of course, his cock, standing hard and flushed and wet. A nice little sensitive handful. 
Mist, he whispers. Will you—hah—will you kiss me? He looks almost bashful asking. The innocence of it all makes Mist throb. 
She pulls her hands back up to cup his angular cheeks. His eyes are as big and round as the lake, flitting everywhere over her face as she pulls him closer. Mist smiles when he swallows hard.
Pucker up, pretty fishy, she mumbles, pressing their lips together. He opens up for her instantly, letting her agile tongue dip inside and lick along his teeth. Dew whines into her mouth, wrapping his arms around her neck and rutting against her lap. 
Eager, aren’t you? Mist teases. She gives him a playful nip when she pulls away, wrapping her hand around his cock once more. She starts to feel the slick spread across her folds, the tip of her dick equally as wet. Dew tosses his head back with a moan, and she tucks her face back into his neck. 
Mist strokes him loosley with the tips of her fingers, his little cock spitting pre over her chipped baby blue nail polish. Dew looks down at her hand with lidded eyes and a slack mouth. Letting soft noises fall from his lips unbidden as she touches him sweetly.
There you go, she lilts. Excited little thing, aren’t you? Just can’t help it.
Feels s’ good, he groans. Fuck, that feels really good. 
Sensitive, she breathes. Not gonna blow on me already, are you? She grinds her hips up experimentally, breath fanning over Dew’s gills in a huff. 
Dew bites back a yelp. If you do that, I might. 
Tempting, she teases, doing it again. But I’d quite like to do something else, if you’re keen.
The ghoul chirps in interest—though he seems quite keen to continue bucking up into MIst’s hand until he spills all over her knuckles and stomach. But Mist puts her hand on his back, smoothing along the ruffly fin that runs down his spine. All the way down to the small of his back, pulling him even closer. The angle makes his back curve just so, just enough to lift his ass off her thighs. 
Mist dips her hand lower, putting it squarely on his tiny ass and grabbing a handful of it. Her pointer finger creeps close to his hole. Dew nearly yelps when she presses the pad of her finger to it, the wet rim fluttering as he bucks against her. 
Ever touch yourself here? She asks, as nonchalantly as asking for the time. In private, does it make you wet to think about being filled?
Sometimes, he whispers, nodding with quick little movements of his head. Hard to . . . hard to reach, though. 
Mist hums, pressing her finger in a little. Dew clenches around her, head dropping down to her shoulder. Even with those long fingers, droplet?
Ah fuck, he groans. He rocks back and forth between the hand on his cock and the finger up his ass, so wet at both ends. Can’t—can’t get ‘em the way I want.
I’ll get mine just the way you want, if you’re up for it, Mist purrs. She matches his thrusts with rolls of her hips, getting more breathless the longer they go at it. At least let me feel you against me, she mutters against the shell of his ear. Feel your cock against mine. Get each other nice and wet.
Oh, Lucifer, Mist, Dew gasps. Please let me feel you. Want that so bad. 
Yeah? Gonna pull me out, droplet? Mist removes her hands from his body, bracing them on the ground so she can lift her hips. Go on. 
Dew does so clumsily, head still lolled onto her shoulder. Reluctant to actually move his dick—or any part of his body—away from her. He fumbles for a moment despite the simple elastic and tie. Panting against her skin and grunting under his breath. 
Mist is about to tease him when he laughs, breaking the heated moment. It’s one of the most beautiful, breathy laughs Mist thinks she’s ever heard, every time she hears it. And giggling about not being able to get her pants off is perhaps almost too endearing for her to handle. 
Dew shakes his head against her shoulder, little chest jumping with that continued laughter. Mist, gotta help me here, he smiles, totally helpless. Think my hands forgot how to fucking work. 
Mist huffs a laugh of her own, sliding her hands down next to his and easing them off her hips. There you go, droplet. 
Her cock finally bounces free and reveals how wet she’s gotten, the entirety of her groin wet with pre, folds shiny with slick. Dew settles back into her lap and groans at the sight. 
That’s better, isn’t it? Mist says, guiding him to sit nice and close. Their cocks press flush together with Dew’s balls nestling between her folds. He throbs against her, and she can’t help but groan. 
Fuck, Dew swears. He all but melts into her, silently inviting that hand to drift back around to his hole. Lucifer, you feel so good. He ruts their dicks together, the both of them completely slicked from tip to base. 
Mist hums, nosing along Dew’s jaw and placing her mouth next to his. She wraps both arms around him, settling one just at the base of his tail and the other between his cheeks. He whines, pressing an open-mouthed and sloppy kiss to the corner of her lips. 
Thought about having you for so long, guppy, she breathes. Will you make all those pretty sounds you make in your bedroom for me, too? Mist nips at his bottom lip and presses against his hole at the same time, and she swears Dew drools a little when he whines against her cheek. 
Yeah, he groans. 
Good. That’s very good. Mist rolls her hips against his, setting a lazy rhythm while she presses that first finger past his slick rim. The other hand grips the base of his tail and pulls upward, just enough to expose him to the balmy air.
Fuck, unholy shiiiit, Dew whines. It sounds just like it does in the middle of the night, albeit less muffled. Those same noises come pouring out of him the more she wriggles her finger. Rubbing against soft walls and making him clench and gasp. 
Little different than your own, isn’t it? Mist mutters. She dips her head to lick along his gills, tonguing against his soft fins. Slow, purposefully wet. When she pumps her finger in and out, just a small thrust, Dew jerks his head back with a feminine moan. 
Better, he chokes out. Different. Just—fuck, just keep doing it.
Think you can take another?
Dew’s eyes roll back into his head as he nods. Yeah. Yeah, another.
So Mist obliges, pulling the one digit out so she can snuggle a second alongside it. She presses the tip of it against his fluttering rim, teasing a stretch. What’s the magick word? 
Dew’s chest rumbles with laughter once more. He puts his back into an exaggerated arch, flicking his tail. He whimpers when her fingers push against him. Please? he breathes, half teasing, half actually desperate. 
What a good little water ghoul you are, Mist purrs, letting him have the two. He takes her so easily, sucking her in like she was meant to be there all along. Like being pet here, don’t you?
So much. Wanna—oh, Dew bites back the rest of his sentence.
Mist pulls him close, pressing her lips to his ear. What do you want?
The timbre of her voice makes him shiver. You. Want—fuck, Mist, want you inside me. 
That was the plan, droplet, she sing-songs, crooking her fingers. Press the head of my cock right here, ruin you for everyone else. 
Dew keens, and Mist can feel the thick glob of precum dribble from his slit down both of their lengths. And once it starts, it doesn’t stop, pre bubbling out like a leaky tap as Mist rubs that one spot over and over. He’s soft and slick there, pleasantly warm despite being a water ghoul. Tight, too, and if Mist thinks about it too much she might just flip him over, press his chest in the sand, and claim him for herself. 
Mist, he whines. Dunno if I’m gonna last—gonna—oh fuck, you gotta—
She shoves another finger in before he can say anything else, hissing along with him when his nails dig into her back. Just a little more, guppy. You can do it for me, can’t you?
Dew swallows. Pants slack-jawed into the shaved side of her hair. Then he nods, body tensing as he staves off his impending release. It’s tempting to let him just come apart. Let him suck her fingers in, clench around them. To groan as his balls draw up against her cunt and he paints her belly white. 
But she’s been waiting patiently to get her hands on him, and by some unholy miracle she gets to be the first one to have him. Mist wants to savor, at least for a moment, the feeling of being sheathed inside him, caressed by his quivering body until the tension takes them both over. 
Think you’re ready to try? she asks, splaying out her fingers to spread him wide. He stretches so easily, so willingly for her. 
Lucifer, please, he groans. 
A line of slick connects her fingers to his body as she pulls out, more of the wetness seeping out when the digits are removed. Mist wipes the excess on her thigh, shelving the urge to work those same fingers past Dew’s lips to make him taste himself. 
Lift your hips, droplet. She lies flat underneath him, scooting down a bit lower. There you go, spread those thighs. Mist rubs her hands up and down his hips, attempting to soothe but wanting so badly to grip him tight and sink in. His cock jumps between his legs, wagging in front of him and leaking drops of pre onto Mist’s stomach. 
Fuck, she grunts, pulling at herself a few times until she’s nice and hard. 
Dew reaches back to spread his own cheeks, blushing a little as he lowers down. He gasps when the tip of her cock kisses his hole. Digs his own nails into his skin. 
Let me in, she coos. Don’t clench. Just like that. The tip slips in, his rim gripping her nice and tight. Fuck yes, like that.
Yeah, he breathes, sinking lower. He bites his lip and fights his eyes from rolling. Unholy shit, Mist. 
He sucks her in, centimeter by aching centimeter, until his balls rest on her pubic mound and his taint sits flush to the place where her sex splits. He lets out a soft oh, sagging fully onto her with trembling thighs. Everything between them is wet—from the water still dripping from his hair to the slick coating insides of Mist’s thighs. 
Dew gives an experimental roll of his hips, keening when the head of her cock drags against the deepest parts of him. He looks down at her with blown pupils and clenches. Hard. 
Shit. Mist’s head thuds against the towel-covered sand. She grinds up against him, making him gasp again. Keep squeezing it like that. 
Dew balls his hands into fists at his sides, opening and closing again like he doesn’t know where to put them. Like he wants to touch himself but he’s visibly resisting—poorly resisting at that, considering how his left hand twitches towards his dick. 
Held out for me so well, guppy, Mist breathes, a little strained. Her cock kicks, dragging a groan from both of them. Let go for me. Let me feel you come apart.
It’s like a dam breaks inside him somewhere, that last little resolve cracking as he whisper-cries out thank you. His hand wraps around his dick, a tight vice that flies over his length and squelches with every stroke. Mist watches him fold in on himself, like he must when he’s alone, grinding his hips in tight circles. 
The ghoulette grips his knees, planting her feet so she can get a better angle to match his movements. The shift causes him to tip forward, free hand coming to grab at her side. 
Little uh uh uh’s tumble from Dew’s lips. He’s already racing towards the edge, if the upturned eyebrows, slack mouth, and splatters of precum flying from his dick are anything to go by. Mist doesn’t dare look away, no matter how little he’s actually moving on her. The visual—and the way his ass clamps over her dick every other breath—is more than enough to get her breathing ragged. 
Satanas, Mist, I—hah, oh oh fuuuck. He whines a slew of other syllables that don’t make sense, legs shaking against her hips as he tries in vain to keep some semblance of rhythm. He alternates between aborted thrusts of his hips and quick jerks of his dick. Like he can’t possibly do both simultaneously anymore. 
Fuck, you’re cute when you’re about to bust, Mist groans. Gonna give it to me? She bites her lip, tiny fangs poking out. Her hands migrate up to his hips, thumbs pressing above the jutting bones and just under the line of curly fins. Holding with an unyielding grip. 
Dew tosses his head back, the look on his face pure ecstasy. Mist watches his brow furrow even more, his eyes roll behind closed eyelids, and his neck crane to an almost unnatural angle. His tail goes rigid behind him, curling up at the end. His mouth falls open with a low groan, one that keeps going until his voice cracks, hand jerking fast over the flushed tip. 
Fuck. Gonna. He moans, high-pitched and thoroughly wrecked, balls going taught against his body.  ‘S gonna come out. Mist, I—
That’s it, cum on me, Cum on my cock, Mist growls, hips already poised to snap up against him. 
Dew whines when he cums, shooting ropes over her stomach and ribs, even reaching as far as her tits. He pulses around her cock, clenching and unclenching so rapidly her knuckles almost blanch where she’s digging her fingers into his hips. 
It’s only a few more spasms before Mist can’t take it anymore, forcing Dew to flop against her, chest to chest. He goes down without a fight, and before he can so much as huff another groan, Mist is wrapping her arms around him like a snake sizing up its prey, pistoning her hips up and into him as fast as she can manage. 
O-o-oh, Mi-i-ist, he groans, voice jumping with each thrust. 
Yeah, gonna cum in this pretty little ass, Dewdrop, she hisses. So good for me, taking me so fucking well.
His legs twitch against the towel, overwhelmed. A fantasy flashes through her mind of working him into overstimulation, tears running down those sharp cheekbones, little dick still leaking into the crease of his hip as she folds his legs up to his ears. How he’d whine and writhe. 
Just as he does now, really, panting into her neck, still fluttering around her as she fucks into him. 
Please, Dew begs, want you to cum in me. His lips graze against her own gills. The soft and delicate way in which he avoids smothering them affects her more than it ought to, and her belly curls with such an intense spike of arousal that she tumbles over the edge right then and there.
Oh, Lucifer, she moans, shoving her dick in as far as it’ll go, spilling deep inside. Legs shaking as she hovers off the ground, and no doubt leaving nail marks in her own forearms. Her cunt, too, spills in its own way. Slick seeping out, trailing down the cleft of her ass and dripping onto the towel. 
Dew makes some unintelligible gurgling noise, going completely lax against her as his body milks her for all she’s worth. It only takes a few more haphazard twitches before Mist sprawls out too, limbs heavy and starfishing out beneath him. 
Mist sighs heavily, content. The sand is warm on her arms, pleasantly so. Dew’s weight too, like a sleepy kitten—well, closer to a sopping wet, but still amicable, kitten. 
Hmm, Mist, Dew mutters sweetly. 
Mist gives him a scritch behind his horns. Yes, droplet?
That was really hot.
Mist barks a laugh. Dew giggles in return, inadvertently clenching around her and turning her laugh into a groan. 
Guppy, you’re going to have to let go of my cock if you’re going to be silly, she chides, pinching the tip of his ear. 
Dew picks his head up, wearing the poutiest look on his pretty face. The pout, though, is vastly diminished by the residual blush across most of his face, pleasure betraying his token protest—not to mention the smirk also tugging at the corner of his mouth, that signature mischief poking through. 
Cute, Mist teases. Come on, up.
Dew wriggles, Mist’s cock slipping from his body as he shimmies upward and rolls off of her. Grains of sand stick to the residual water and sweat on his skin immediately and coat the back of his body in sediment. She sits up and looks at him, flushed body and sticky cock, and just has to smirk at the state of him. 
You certainly looked like you enjoyed yourself. 
Dew closes his eyes to the sun, grinning wide and goofy. Absolutely. 
It’s quiet between them for a moment, only the lapping of the lake waves and the squawking of nearby grackles breaking the silence. Then: You wanna go again? 
Mist snorts, pinching the bridge of her nose between two fingers. I’ve awoken an insatiable monster, haven’t I? 
He chirps happily, smugly, before springing off the sand with a gleeful smile. The boyish charm is back when he asks Mist: If I beat you to the other side of the lake, we get to go again. He points at the far side of the lake, just visible if they squint. 
Mist looks down at herself, covered in slick and Dew’s drying spend. She wrinkles her nose. Suppose I could go for a swim. She stands up, tossing her braids behind her shoulders, off her face. She glances at Dew, who may as well be a cat ready to pounce after the tastiest mouse it’s ever seen. 
Mist smiles, all teeth. 
Before he can even blink, she takes off, fast as anything. Dew can only scramble after her, laugh ringing across the water before he dives in after her. 
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kentparsnipparson · 7 months
oh man, it's been so long since I've written check please fic that these one shots for Deck the Haus 2023 are going slowwwwwww. I forgot so many small details that made writing fic for it easier.
So much fact checking like wait what years were everyone in??? when did Lardo move into the haus????? Why can't I remember anything any more, /sigh
Still gonna write em tho....it's just....not what I'm used to, to have to take writing fic slow.
Anyway, shameless plug for my old Check Please fics in case you're jonesin. (and to maybe help give me some more motivation uwu)
Hello, Internetland - 32K, 16 Chapters, TW for mild homophobia Eric is an up and coming Youtuber. He's steadily gaining followers for his baking tutorials and vlogging about his life. But his mom and Coach find the vlog and give him an ultimatum: "Be straight" or leave. Thankfully, fellow Youtuber, Shitty, reaches out a helping hand.
Nobody But You - 1700, one shot, fluffy Cait/Chowder meet cute Cait got a job at the nearby children's ice skating rink and got to watch Samwell's Hockey team teach kids. Though one of the members stood out way more than the rest.
Holy Jeewilikers Batman - 1200, One shot Jack lets Bitty pick their matching Halloween costumes. Set during Bitty's junior year before they reveal their relationship.
Let Me Break On You Like a Wave - 1600, one shot, Zimbits meet cute AU Bitty gets roped into a beach volleyball tournament. At least there's a cute boy on one of the other teams to keep him occupied between games.
Pickin' locks and Hearts - 2900, one shot, zimbits meet cute AU Jack is a little confused by his (maybe) neighbor trying to pick the lock of the apartment next to him. But he looks a little too helpless to ignore.
Go for Broke - 2200, one shot, Ransom/Tater The next time Tater visits the Haus, Ransom finally gets his life together and talks to him.
Okay, shameless plug done. I just know these are older so they don't get seen as much on AO3.
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thatbanditqueen · 9 months
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An Elvis Presley fan fic one-shot
Summary: Eadie is walking up the canyon to her uncle's house when a beautiful stranger almost runs her over, out on a car ride to clear his mind. Inspired by a memo from the amazing Hal Wallis before Easy Come, Easy Go, complaining that fans and movie theater owners think Elvis looks bad, his hair is too fluffy and black, and he "doesn't look like a Navy frogman...."
A response to the writing prompt to write a scenario involving Elvis and a car/
WC: 2.7 K
Warnings: None, a non-deadly car crash, and probably typos. I tend to leave these writing prompts to work on during the day Sunday, and I am not sure this one turned out very well... but oh well I said I was posting it.
Tagging my compatriots @vintageshanny @be-my-ally @arrolyn1114 @from-memphis-with-love @missmaywemeetagain @whositmcwhatsit @ellie-24 @shakerattlescroll @peskybedtime
Friday, September 9, 1966
Countyline Beach, the very edge of Malibu
It was getting harder to read in the evening light, and Eadie decided to give up, placing Valley of the Dolls down on her blanket. Setting back, she lingered on the beach, watching the orange and pink hues follow the sun and dance across the water in a rainbow of reflections just for her. It was lonely back at the empty house, but also a welcome reprieve from the hustle and bustle of Jakarta, which had been home for the last three years. Los Angeles was its own foreign terrain, a fact she had discovered after stepping off the plane last week, and she had yet to learn the rhythms and practices of its natives.
Looking out at the water, she stood, and wiped the sand off the bottom of her thighs, readying herself to walk back across the highway to canyon where her uncle lived. Eadie covered her eyes and looked over at Neptune’s Net, the run down, biker bar on the other side of the highway, and considered going for a beer and maybe some human contact. But she still didn’t yet feel confident using US money, and the line of Harley Davidsons out front gave her pause.
So, instead, Eadie slipped her sandals back on, threw everything in her bag, and walked leisurely across the empty two lane highway that stretched between the burnt, brown  foothill of the Santa Monica mountains to the beach. Looking over her shoulder as she started up the hill, she mused at how lucky she was to be here in the first place, housesitting on the beach in America, and made a mental note to ask how she could help out more when Uncle Ian returned from New York.  She wanted to be the kind of useful, grateful, houseguest he would invite to stay as long as she liked.
The sun was almost completely gone as she trekked up the hill, and Eadie startled when, lost in her own thoughts, she saw a large, chocolate poodle running down along the other side of the road. She walked to the middle of the lane, slapping her thighs and whistling, then slowly taking another step. Her stomach was a ball of nerves thinking of the highway 30 yards down the canyon, and what could happen to the dog if she didn’t catch it.
“Come here, boy, come here.” Eadie whispered in a slow, friendly voice.
The dog paused and quirked its ears up at her, and the recognition in its big brown eyes made her smile.
“That’s a goooood boy.”
Confident she was gaining its trust, Eadie slowly stepped towards the animal, and was just about to take another when the sudden loud roar of a car engine bounding down the canyon startled the dog into the brush. Eadie jumped back and fell down in the wake of the black convertible that swerved into the big rock on the other side of the road.
Eadie opened her eyes. The sounds of metal crashing and tires squeaking, followed by a stream of steady expletives, filled her ears. The swearing got closer as she heard a rush of footsteps that brought a tall, dark-haired man into view above her. She rubbed her eyes again, trying to focus. His blue eyes were terrified, and his face was pale, drained of blood, as he leaned down to prop her up from the dirt.
“Hey, hey hey hey hey, now, baby. You’re ok, you’re ok.”
Eadie put her arms around him, instinctively, before looking over at the crunched, smoking engine. Still in shock, she slapped his chest several times before realizing her palm was skinned and she was smudging blood all over his blue shirt.
“What the devil! Do you have any idea how reckless you are? You bloody fool, you could have died, or killed someone, driving down the canyon like that.”
The man shook his head, wiping her hair out of her face.
“And I s’pose where you come from, standing in the middle of the street is considered safe, huh?"
Then she remembered why she had been in the middle of the road.
“Wait, wait, I was in the- it - was - there was - oh no, there was a dog, there was a dog, put me down, we have to go save it.”
Eadie tried to stand, but stumbled, leaning on the man as she tried to walk another step, turning and looking around for the poodle. She almost went down completely on her next step, and so she didn’t protest when he scooped her up into his arms, but she continued to look around anxiously. Her stomach was tight again as she imagined the dog running out into one of the roads nearby.
“He was just here, please, I cannot bear to think of him running around loose, he’ll get run over, please. go see if you can catch him.”
The man shifted, his arms fixed around Eadie as he swung around in a circle, unable to ignore the intense urgency in her voice.
“Honey, there ain’t no dog here, wouldn't know which way to go.”
“Please, you’ve got to go look for him, I’ll never forgive myself, just set me down on your boot. There. He went off that way.”
The man looked deep into her eyes as he set her down on the trunk of his car, and walked over to grab her missing sandal and her other things laying in the middle of the road. He knelt down, wiped off her foot and slid her shoe on, in an almost maternal manner, then rubbed her calf before he standing all the way back up. He stared at her expectantly, as if he was waiting for her to say something. So she did, gesturing toward the brush
“Listen, I can’t go chasing after some dog, lil girl, but I bet you dollars to donuts he's gone on home. Dogs are smarter than we give 'em credit. But I can't go a wild goose chase, baby, I gotta  figure out what I’m gonna do about this goddamn mess.” He kicked the front wheel of his car.
Eadie frowned, a wave of guilt washed over her. The dog, his car, the evening had turned into a fiasco in the blink of an eye. She bobbed her head in agreement, the guy was right, and she felt even worse noticing the smoke that was still coming out of his smashed hood.
“Oh, and your car. Think it will run?
“Oh sure, it'll run, alright. Run right into the junk yard. Ya not a mechanic, are you? The engine's gone, but also once a car gets all smashed up, it ain't never drive right again. Needs to be put out to pasture. Gonesville."
She watched as he looked past her, out the ocean, and his eyes got a sort of far away look, as if he were no longer talking about the car, but something deeper. His voice was so melancholy, Eadie's face crumpled in sympathy and a whimper escaped her throat. She wiped her eyes.
"Ugh, I think I'm in shock, still. But I'm sorry about your car, I really am. I feel so horrible."
The guy forced a half smile. "Aw, don't cry ,baby, I hardly had a chance to get attached.”
As if on cue, one of the gaskets popped and another furl of smoke went up from the engine.
“Oh it was new, that's even worse. And such a lovely car, though the steering wheel still seems like it’s on the wrong side, to me.”
“Mhmmm, I’m Ian’s niece, I just got into town. You one of his neighbors?”
The man put his hands at his waist, or rather right below, and tapped his fingers over the top of his thighs as he leaned forward. He paused, lip hanging open, as he looked up from under his eyebrows at the road he had just come down and the handful of houses jutting out from the hills.
“Am I one of Ian’s neighbors?” He repeated back, the hint of an indignant smile curled at the side of his mouth. As if she had asked the set up to a joke.
“I haven’t met all of you, just Sarah and Mack, across from him. I’m Ian’s, niece, Eadie.”
She stuck out her hand, waiting as he hesitated, shifting and clicking his tongue before he shook it.
“Huh. Yeah, I think you might still be in shock honey, maybe you hit your head. How many fingers am I holding up?”
He passed his forefinger in front of her eyes, watching as she tracked it.
“Two. Look, I , I  - I think I’m ok to walk back to the house. How far up are you?”
The man shifted, mumbling something to himself under his breath that she couldn't make out. “Well, that sonofabitch mus really be right, people ain’t even recognizing me.”
He met her questioning eyes, and spoke up.
“Ugh, nah, I don’t live up there, jus took a turn off Mulholland to go for a drive along the coast, blow off some steam. It’s been a rough week, boy, been a rough week.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, what line of work are you in?”
Eadie pushed off the car as she spoke, testing her balance and pulling her sun dress down over her scraped knees. She was just beginning to really feel the sore twinge running through her back from the fall. Looking over at him, it struck her that the stranger was standing in a way that almost suggested he was posing for her, and it made her giggle inwardly. He coughed again, running his hand through the tuft of black hair hanging over his forehead.
“I - I’m an actor.”
Eadie patted his shoulder, apologetically.
“Ah, right, well, that it explains your rough week, doesn’t it. I imagine it can be very hard going out here for you.” She looked up the hill, then back at his car. “Listen I’m not really in the habit of inviting strange men over. But, I, well, I feel somewhat responsible for your car. Is there someone you can call for help? Maybe a garage you can hire to come tow your car?”
“Huh, yeah, I reckon I know a guy or two I can get to come help me.”
“Promise you’re not an insane killer. Or rapist. Or burglar?”
The man grinned, looking down. “Whoo boy, no, no, no ma’am. You know women have asked me a lot of weird questions over my lifetime, but that one takes the cake. How do I know you ain’t the one trying to get me alone, so you can pounce on me, huh?” He winked at Eadie, grabbing his black satin sports coat from the back seat before setting out to follow her cautious gait.
“Is that something American women do? Go about attacking men?”
“Uh, well, lil girl, you’d be surprised. ”
Eadie had her misgivings as she led him into her uncle’s house, but there was something about his eyes, and the quiet way he mumbled inaudibly into his shoes that made her trust him. She changed into a nice pair of grey linen capri pans and a silk blouse, fixed her blonde hair neatly back with a headband, then looked around her uncle’s closet for some clean clothes for her guest.
Coming back downstairs, she stood for a moment at the landing, watching his tall, lanky silhouette shift back and forth in front of the large, open windows overlooking the Pacific Ocean. He held the phone cord in his hand, twisting it, before he turned, at the sound of her footsteps, and grinned, still speaking into the mouth piece.
“Yeah, I know it’s a new one. Nothing doin’.  Better get someone to come tow it, and then you come and pick me up too, huh? I’m on - where are we, honey?”
Eadie put the clothes down on the bar in front of him.
“Decker Canyon, just above the Pacific Coast Highway.”
“Got that Joe? We’re 'bout a mile off the PCH, street is Decker Canyon, right below Mulholland Drive. S' a ways out - anything round here?”
She gave him the only landmarks she new, the bar and a gas station a few miles before it, then bounced over to  see what she had in the fridge.  At the click of the phone, she turned back to her guest.
“Hungry? I can make us some omelets? Or bacon and egg sandwiches?”
“Sho, whatever’s clever, baby.”
Her eyes shifted over his body, noting the dirt all over the knees of his tight, white pants, and motioned to the clothes.
“I think you might be more trim than my uncle, and more stylish. But I brought you some clean clothes, if you want them. Your belt will probably do the trick.”
“Trim, huh?”
Eadie paused as she cracked some eggs, frowning at the wounded look on his face.
“Look, you don’t need me to tell you you’re handsome, I’m sure you know it or you wouldn’t be out here in Hollywood, trying to break in to your field. Right?”
He shook his head, and laughed as he strode over to her. Suddenly Eadie’s knees felt weak and it wasn’t from the crash. She dropped the egg shells she was holding.
“So you think I’m handsome, huh?”
“Well, from an objective view point.”
“Don’t think I look too fat?”
She shook her head, unable to speak, because she was too overwhelmed by the proximity of his body, his smell, the mix of sweat and spice and burnt rubber from the car crash.
“Or that my hair is too fluffy?”
Eadie forget all of the etiquette she had learned from the foreign finishing schools she had been to in India, Ceylon, Indonesia. She confidently ran her fingers through his hair, as if they were old friends or lovers, and not strangers who had just met.
“Whoever told you that is crackers. It’s just perfect.”
He grinned, and stepped back, walking off to change.
“You’re sweet, baby, know that?”
He hardly spoke when he came back in Ian’s clothes, mainly asking her about herself and what it was like to grow up as the child of an ambassador. Eadie answered his questions as they ate simple cheese omelets and drank the very sweet screwdrivers he had mixed for them.
“Ever get to the movies?”
There was a sly edge to the way he looked at her as they spoke, and she kept getting this eerie feeling of deja vu. As though they had met, perhaps he had been sitting in front of her on the plane and in the midst of jet lag, she had completely forgot about some small conversation they had. Something about his blue eyes poked at the back her mind. But she shook it off, and tried to summon all the charm she could muster.
“Sometimes they bring things in English for the Embassy, but it’s often drek. Or out cheap, British stuff. Everything from here, it takes a year of more to make its way around the world, and the dub it into Mandarin, Hindu, French, Jawa. I just saw West Side Story for the first time last month! Boy, that was a good one, dontcha think."
He pursed his lips, nodding as he ate.
"Everything in Tanzania was in French, but I that was always my worst class at school. They haven’t even got television in most of Africa yet. They set up the first station in Jakarta.”
He slid his hand over hers, and she stilled, feeling a swarm of butterflies take flight in her tummy as his thumb rubbed over her knuckles.
“American's liable to bore you, after all that.”
“Oh no, everything in America is so beautiful.” Eadie blurted out, then blushed at the smirk that grew on his face. “I - I mean the ocean, the landscape. It’s all so.” She inhaled, trying to give herself time to think of something more clever than just the same word over and over again. But she couldn’t. “Beautiful.”
His knee had just grazed hers, causing a whole other swarm of butterflies to flitter across her chest, when the doorbell rang, and Eadie jumped up to find a short, balding stout man with a wide grin, a big fancy car behind him in the drive. And before she had the chance to say beautiful ten more times, the stranger was kissing her on her cheek, his fingers linger on her neck for a beat, before bidding her farewell.
Eadie did the dishes, and wandered through the house, watching the lights of what must have been the tow truck take the black convertible away.  As she made her way upstairs to bed, Eadie noticed that he’d left his dirty, tight white trousers in the downstairs bathroom. Unsure what to do, she picked them up, and realized his wallet was in the back pocket. You could hear her shriek echo through the canyon when she looked at the driver’s license. His name was as well known in Asia as it was back in England.
“Elvis bloody Presley. I asked Elvis blinking bloody Presley if he was a rapist.” She let her head crash against the glass shower door. “Ughhh, Edith Elizabeth Isaacs, you are the idiot to end all idiots.”
She went to bed wondering if she should try to return his wallet for a chance to see him again. Or keep it as a memento to remember how Elvis Presley almost ran her over one time.
thanks for reading,
tagging as always @literally-just-elvis-fics
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Momma’s Special Surprise For Arlie (Little Duck au🐣)
pairing: Momma Evans (Female Reader) x Arlie Mae x Chris Evans
summary: Momma has a very special present for Arlie, and she got some help from some very special friends
warnings: none just fluffy goodness
a/n: i’m really excited about this little fic, i’ve been wanting to write it for a while so here it is🫶🏻
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You had been planning this surprise for a few months now, Arlie was absolutely gutted when you couldn’t go see Harry Styles in concert when he was in the United States. Despite her best smiles, you knew it gutted her not being able to see her favourite singer, but thankfully you’d been talking to Chris for a while trying to plan something. Harry would start his last leg of Love on Tour in May, and you reached out to him right away asking if there was any chance he could find you tickets to watch his shows in London at Wembley Stadium.
“I really want to do this for her Chris, I know London is far, and it’ll be expensive…I think it would make her really happy”
Chris nodded, his arms around you as you sat out on the back patio
“Why don’t we make a family trip out of it?”
You were elated, eyes wide as you looked at him, a chuckle escaping his lips
“Yeah why not, we haven’t gone anywhere in a while, Arlie’s well behaved, Wes is still small enough to keep close to us, you and duck can go to the shows and Wes and I can get up to some boy stuff”
Laughing you pressed a kiss to his lips, clapping in excitement because let’s be honest, you were just as excited to be going to see Harry Styles live on tour
“I love you, thank you baby”
“Anything for my girls”
That brought you to today, setting up the living room with snacks for an afternoon tea party at Arlie’s request, Canyon Moon playing softly throughout your home, Wesley down for a nap.
“Arlie my girl, everything’s all set up, and Momma’s got a surprise for you”
She came in the room helping Chris carry over the tea which was really organic apple juice
“S’upise for me momma?!”
“Yeah for you baby”
Arlie smiled and Chris set the drinks down on the table before she sat cross legged beside you, her eyes bright and full of excitement
“So momma and daddy have been planning something for us as a family, we were thinking of going away on a trip”
“Wike we did the beach?”
You nodded
“Exactly baby, but we aren’t going to the beach this time”
“Where we go momma?”
Chris had pulled out his phone to start filming secretly
“Well we are going to a city called London baby, it’s in a country called the United Kingdom”
Arlie blinked raising her eyebrows
“That the one with the big clock momma?”
“Yep, Big Ben baby, you remembered”
Arlie smiled, they’d been learning about landmarks at school, and she’d made a mental note about Big Ben, asking Chris to go through photos of it every afternoon after school
“Momma has a surprise for you though and why we are going”
“What momma!”
You swiped a loose strand of hair behind her ear leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead
“Well, who’s your favourite singer?”
“Harry Styles!”
She’d finally managed to get the R’s in Harry down after a long time of talking about him
“Mhm, well Harry and Momma have been talking, and we’re going to go see him in concert”
You laughed as she squealed jumping up and starting to clap
“Yes my love! He wants to have you out, and he wants to say hello to you too!”
“We gonna see Harry daddy!!”
She ran over jumping in his lap to hug him, his arms holding her to his chest
“Yes we are duck! You excited? Was this a good surprise?”
“So good! I’m so happy daddy!!”
He pressed a few kisses to her cheeks before she bounded over to you and jumped into your arms
“Fank you momma”
“You’re so welcome my baby”
She remained in your arms beginning to talk about all the idea she had and everything she wanted to see, what she wanted to say to Harry. This was priceless to see, her pure excitement and happiness at the fact that she would be seeing Harry after thinking she’d need to wait for a while. You’d do anything for your Arlie girl, and felt more than grateful to be able to experience these beautiful moments with your family.
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Can you please write a fluffy Viv fiction?thanks.
Hi! Again, I’m so sorry for making you wait so long! Here’s the Fluffy Viv fic ❤️❤️❤️
Beach Day (request by @leppardcampbelllove)
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The sun was shining as Viv and I made our way onto the beach. I joined Def Leppard on tour and today was their break day, everyone was off exploring or resting, or something else. I was gonna spend time with Viv on the beach near Hollywood, Florida. The tour so far was a lot of fun, it’s amazing watching shows from backstage, especially Def Leppard shows. 
Vivian was carrying pretty much everything onto the beach and I had offered to help him, but he refused. 
“Viv, you look like you need help.”
“I’m alright, babe.” He said in between breaths. I raised an eyebrow and sighed, “Okay, if ya say so.” 
When we made it to a spot that seemed free, Vivian put the stuff on the sand and began setting up the chairs and the towels. The spot was half sunny and half shady. 
Viv took out a few games we brought to pass the time. He brought a soccer ball, “Wanna play, babe?”
He loved soccer, in fact all of the boys did and I did too, “Of course!” I  took the ball from him and ran away, I smirked and giggled, “Try and catch me!” He ran after me, from the shore back to our spot for about ten minutes. I honestly do not think he was trying to catch me. Suddenly, he disappeared. 
“Viv? Where’d ya go?” Then I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist.
“Hi,” He said in a playful voice.
“You scared me, oh my gosh,” I turned to him and giggled. 
“Sorry, love. Do you want to do something else now?” He let go of my waist and walked toward our spot. 
“Do you wanna go in the water?” 
“Oh sure!” I nodded at his response and took my shirt and shorts. He stared at me while he was taking off his shirt.
I noticed him looking, “Like what you see?” 
“Very much.” He winked. I walked closer to him.
“Turn around!” He turned his back to me and I climbed onto his back for a piggy-back ride. 
He took me to the water and set me down. “I needed this, it’s hot out and the water is cold. It’s like a heavy weight being lifted off my shoulders.”
“It does feel nice!” I walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms went around my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder. We stayed like this for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. 
“Erin, would you like to go get something to eat for lunch?” 
“It’s only lunch time?” Viv nodded.
“Well, in that case, yes!” We walked hand in hand out of the water and went to our spot. We did bring a couple of sandwiches for lunch. I sat on one of the chairs with my towel wrapped around my waist as Viv handed me a sandwich. He sat on the chair next to me as he ate his own sandwich.
“These sandwiches are good!” I smiled.
“Thank you! I made them myself.” When we finished eating our sandwiches, I decided to go tan, “I'll just be lying here and sunbathing.” I grinned and sat down on one of the towels in the sun. I threw my head back and sighed, I generally loved laying in the sun, it always made me happy. 
After a little while, Viv sat on the towel next to me, “mind if I join ya?”
“Go ahead,” I turned towards him and smiled. And we stayed like that until the sun set, which was our cue to get back to the hotel to rest up for tomorrow’s Leppard show. 
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