#why am i easily amused by pausing lmao
rikhead · 2 years
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darkjimxn · 2 months
Chapter 4: The Evil Twin
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Summary: Elitist Academy is exactly what it sounds like: an academy that focuses on teaching students from elite classes of the magic community. When Y/N is thrown into the academy to learn alongside 8 men, she realises she’ll have to learn to work with them, whether she likes it or not.
Pairing: Reader x OT7 (Choose Your Own)
Genre: Magic School au, mystery, angst
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: domestic abuse, additional warnings might be added as story progresses
A/N: A bit of a longer chapter this time! Unfortunately I won't be able to post another chapter in a while because I have my exams currently, but I should be free by the end of the month! Until then I'll probably post more for The Crab Cult since I've already got a few chapters in the drafts lmao
Taglist: @florabloomgirly @shawtylilsalty
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“Guess again, princess.”
Guess again…? What was that supposed to mean?
The man standing before you was clearly Jimin. But how had he managed to dye his dirty blonde hair into a rich purple in a matter of minutes? How had he managed to change his bright blue eyes into a menacing dark red? Did he magic himself to change his appearance? But why would he even do that in the first place?
Questions upon questions started to pile into your mind, only adding to your confusion, until a single memory bulldozed the pile to the ground. 
‘Wait! You have to tell me,’ Jungkook had gasped, ‘is it true you have an evil twin? I’ve heard so many rumours about it. And I swear I saw this guy that looked just like you in class earlier!’
Jungkook’s words, which had been disregarded as silly rumours at the time, suddenly came to mind as the realisation dawned on you. 
Perhaps his words weren’t as silly as you thought. 
Your gaze raised to the man standing before you, studying him before you spoke slowly.
“You wouldn’t happen to be Jimin’s evil twin, would you?”
The man paused, his eyes just barely widening for a moment before he laughed. It was a chilling sound, scattering goosebumps all over your arms as it bounced against the walls of the dim, empty hall. While Taehyung’s gaze had felt icy and unwelcoming, this man’s laugh felt like a deadly warning. 
“Evil twin?” He repeated once the laugh had tapered off, tone now laced with apathetic amusement, “no one has ever said that to my face before.”
He studied your form for a moment, gaze travelling from your uniform to the wand in your hand to your features before finally raising to meet yours once again. 
“Judging from your lack of trembling, you’re either wildly ignorant…”
The evidently fake amusement suddenly vanished from his face as he took a step forward, leaving just a breath’s worth of space to lay between you both. You could feel the edge of your uniform brush against his own as you felt your chest rise in irritation. 
“Or you’re extremely dumb,” he finished, his voice low and simmering alongside his unwavering eyes. 
His desire to intimidate you was as clear as day. 
But you would not be so easily intimidated, so instead you met his gaze confidently as you forced your expression to remain unfazed. Who did he think he was to send you a hidden threat? Principal’s son be damned, he would learn what happens when you’re pushed to your limit. 
You brought your hand to his clothed chest before giving him a forceful shove, hoping to create some distance between the two of you. He didn’t move as much as you would have liked, barely half a step at the most. 
“I’m neither, so I suggest you stop throwing words like that around so carelessly. Do you even know who I am?”
You regretted the words the second they had left your lips, cringing as you realised how they might have sounded. They implied that you were like every other elitist here, hiding behind your parents’ money and power. But that had not been what you meant.
Unfortunately, Jimin’s brother didn’t seem to realise that. 
He gasped dramatically, bringing his hands to his mouth as his voice dripped in sarcastic fear, “oh my, you’re right! I should know my place shouldn’t I?”
That earned him a roll of your eyes.
“Tell me, which mommy and daddy will put me behind bars if I speak to their princess badly, hm?”
“I’m not talking about my parents,” you snapped, irritated by his condescending tone, “it’s me you should be worried about.”
A scoff sounded at the back of his throat, as if you had said something unbelievable. You hated how annoyed that made you, so much so that you were ready to end this conversation and head to your room.
“Whatever,” you said, gaze momentarily taking in the bright moon standing proudly outside the hall’s window, “what are you doing here in the dead of night?”
Jimin’s twin crossed his arms over his chest as he raised a challenging brow, “and how is that any of your business?”
“It’s my school,” you deadpanned, “if you’re about to blow it to bits, I’d like to at least be aware that a celebration is in order. Now care to explain?”
The ends of lips twitched, “you know I could ask you the same. What are you doing here all by yourself, at a time like this?”
“Do you always answer questions with another question?”
“Do you always ask so many questions?”
The both of you stared each other down, yours a seething glare while his was filled with cocky amusement. You seemed to have met your match when it came to stubbornness, and you had to admit you were far from amused. 
“Is this a twin thing?” You spoke sharply, “you’re a complete jerk while your brother is just slightly more tolerable?”
You noticed his amusement vanish at your words, leaving behind a hard expression that tore through your gaze. You got the feeling that he was thrown off by something you had said. 
“... slightly more tolerable?” He repeated slowly, eyes calculatingly sharp all of a sudden, “ that’s not usually how people describe my dear old brother.”
“I called you a jerk too, which last time I checked was much worse,” you remarked, not understanding his suddenly excessive interest. 
“Did you hurt Seokjin?” 
The randomness of the question had caught you so off guard that you couldn’t stop yourself from blurting out a stupid, “what?”
You didn’t understand the connection between calling him a jerk, calling Jimin tolerable, and hurting Seokjin. Whatever was going on in the mind of the man before you, you couldn’t possibly tell. 
“Jimin is only rude to people that hurt Seokjin,” Jimin’s brother explained, still harbouring a lethal gaze, “if you hurt Jin, and Jimin was rude to you, it would explain why you’re not a fan of him.”
“What does that ev-”
“I asked a question,” he said sharply while cutting you off, “one I’m expecting an answer to.”
Despite the fact that he had interrupted you and his tone had become threatening again, you couldn’t find it in yourself to be angry. All you could do was stare at him with a confused expression, wondering where this conversation had gone. 
“No,” you answered finally, “I didn’t hurt Seokjin. I hate your brother because he’s annoying. That’s all.”
“I see,” he said, lost in thought for a moment before the amusement sunk back into his features. This dude was going to give you whiplash at this point, “in that case, you seem to have caught my attention, princess.”
“Am I supposed to be honoured?” You scoffed, “I could care less what you think of me.”
“I’ve already wasted more than enough time with you here anyway. Blow up the school, don’t blow up the school, I don’t care. Just stay away from me.”
You turned around and started walking away, but not before adding for good measure, “or you’ll regret it.”
Jimin’s brother watched you walk away curiously, a thought lingering at the back of his mind. You had just pushed against one of the heavy doors when he turned and crouched in front of the Tree of Life. 
A soft bang, reverberated around the hall, causing you to pause in your escape and face him once again. You were met with the view of Jimin’s brother bent over the floor. 
Except, the floor was no longer the pristinely smooth marble tiles organised throughout the area. Instead, a large tile had been pushed upwards, almost like a trap door. You moved closer, peering deeper to find a set of stairs travelling downward, directly under the Tree of Life.
Your gaze flitted to Jimin’s brother, who was staring into the deep abyss thoughtfully.  
“They say this trap door leads to an ancient and long since abandoned lab that used to belong to Park Bogum, the creator of Elitist Academy,” he said, “you must know about the rumours surrounding him…”
“Regarding his affiliations with Counterbalance.”
You paused, cautiously taking in his words.
Most people lazily referred to Counterbalance as dark or black magic, but that was an overly simplified term to describe a thing that was much more complex. While Life magic was the magic that essentially sustained the world, Counterbalance was the magic that countered it to keep it in check. Sure, that inherently didn’t make Counterbalance evil in itself, but the magic had been associated with so many horrible things that have happened in the past that some have made the association anyway. 
“How do you know that? Why do you know that?” You asked.
“Why?” He countered, pushing himself off the ground to face you, “are you scared?”
“It’s dark magic. If you’re not scared, you’re just stupid.”
Jimin’s brother gave you a devilish grin, one that you found both irritating and unnerving at the same time, before he stepped towards you. The two of you were close once again.  
“Wanna come with me?” 
You gave him an incredulous look, “did you not hear what I just said? There’s a reason why attempting to manipulate Counterbalance is forbidden.”
“Yes, the reason being cowardice,” Jimin’s brother said with a scowl, “dark magic is simply a different type of magic we’re not yet familiar with. If we keep hiding from it, we’ll always cower in its shadow.”
“So tell me, are you coming or not?”
He was crazy. It was the only explanation you could come up with to explain why he seemed so interested in potentially entering a Counterbalance lab. And as much as you pitied the insane, you were not going to let them lead you by example.
“Forget it,” you said immediately, stepping away from him, “if we get caught, we could actually get expelled.”
And then I’ll have to go back there.
“Do whatever you want. I’m leaving.”
You turned around and stormed towards the door to the residences but, just like last time, you only managed to push the giant door open before you paused. 
Technically speaking, you’ve only ever read about Counterbalance magic very briefly in a few textbooks here and there, while your tutors would barely even mention the topic if at all. Yet, here Jimin’s brother was, giving you a first-hand opportunity to look at an entire dark magic lab?
This was a once in a lifetime experience.
You hated just how curious these things could make you sometimes, especially knowing the horrors that have been caused by misusing Counterbalance. The stuff shouldn’t be messed with, history had taught that lesson enough times. 
But… one little look couldn’t hurt, could it?
It’s not like you were actually going to try to manipulate dark magic, you knew that would be crossing an unspeakable limit. But what harm could just looking around to satisfy your curiosity do?
Very slowly, you detached yourself from the double-doors and walked back to the Tree of Life, trying your absolute best to ignore the smirk Jimin’s brother had on his face as he eyed you. 
“Changed your mind?” He asked innocently, failing miserably at hiding his smug expression.
“Shut up.”
He chuckled.
“Okay, okay,” he said, turning towards the trapdoor.
“Let’s get going.”
It was clear the walls making up the passageway were the roots of the Tree of Life. You could feel the familiar rough texture of its bark as you descended the spiralling staircase behind Jimin’s brother cautiously, ready to bolt if he tried anything. You obviously didn’t trust him fully, unsure of the exact reason why he had invited you along. But you didn’t bother asking knowing that he probably wouldn’t have given you an actual answer anyway. 
Instead you continued to feel your way down the pitch black space, focusing on not tripping, though the thought of Jimin’s brother falling because of you put a satisfied smile on your face. 
A few minutes later the passageway opened up into a large cavern, the walls still clearly made of bark. But the bark was different, with a dark brownish, blackish colour that made it seem like it was rotting. 
To your left, carved into the wall of bark, was an array of bookshelves holding a number of leatherbound and worn books, while to your right stood a long table full of various lab equipment and trinkets. You scanned a wooden test tube rack holding four vials filled halfway with a glowing turquoise substance and a tray filled with a number of oddly coloured and shaped stones. A large textbook was sprawled next to it, open to a page depicting a number of trees followed by blocks of text. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. 
Next to the table was a large cauldron, filled to the brim with the same glowing turquoise liquid in the vials, bubbling atop a flame. Brows furrowed, you brought your hand over the raging orange and maroon fire, confirming your suspicion: the flame had been magicked to only heat the cauldron. With everything being wood in the room, it was a wise choice. The sides of the cauldron were dusty as well. 
Your gaze shifted back to Jimin’s brother, who was scanning the room just as curiously as you had been. His eyes missed nothing as they jumped from one small detail to the next. 
“Well?” You said. 
“Well what?”
“What do you mean well what? Didn’t you come down here for a reason?”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “that’s none of your business.”
You watched him turn away to pick up one of the books on the long table. He was the one that had brought you down here for who knows what reason, what was the point of being so secretive? You were going to see whatever he was down here for anyway. 
Jimin’s brother set the book down, moving onto the vials in the test tube rack. He gently picked one up with his hand, and it was only then when you realised that they were gloved. Brown cloth gloves with golden rims encased both his hands while reaching a little above his wrists, a marked difference in uniform compared to the rest of the student body. Was he a germaphobe or something?
He turned to the rest of the things scattered around the table, shuffling through them. It didn’t take a detective to know that he was clearly looking for something. 
But then again, what did it matter to you? You weren’t here to help him, so you turned around and went back to inspecting the other side of the room. Whoever had been studying in this lab seemed to have a special affinity for plants. There were plant specimens everywhere. Samples of different types of tree bark were hung on the wall in a frame with writing giving the descriptions of the trees they had come from, while another table separated by a movable partition held a number of different plant roots that had been dissected like a cadaver. You’d never been very interested in botany, so the evident obsession with plants had kind of dampened your interest in the place. 
Once you had finished searching the area, finding nothing but more and more botanic experiments, you turned to Jimin’s brother in disappointment. 
“I’m not seeing anything dark magic related,” you said crossing your arms, wondering if he had just brought you down here as some kind of prank. It seemed unlikely, but you still couldn’t help but wonder. 
Jimin’s brother sighed frustratedly as he set a piece of black tree bark down, “I know.”
His tone told you that he probably had not been expecting this either. Clearly he hadn’t found what he was looking for. 
“You sound disappointed,” you noted. 
He didn’t answer as his gaze stayed fixed on the table, waves of frustration clearly radiating off of him. You weren’t particularly curious about what specifically it was that he had failed to find, but there was still one question that you were curious to have answered. 
“So, since whatever your plan was clearly just failed, mind sharing why exactly you asked me to come down here with you?”
Jimin’s brother just stared at you, lips forming an unamused line. 
“I’m not stupid,” you pressed further, “you wouldn’t have brought me here if not for a reason. So just let it out, what did you want from me?”
A slight smirk twitched against his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest, “and they say I have trust issues…”
“You’re seriously not going to tell me?” You said incredulously, finding his growing grin wildly irritating, “fine, I guess I’ll just start guessing then.”
You paused for a moment, pretending to think it through.
“Ah, I know. You’re going to use me to fulfil your plan of becoming the most powerful magic user in the world with the help of Counterbalance,” then you added, “oh right! And also to kill your twin because you’re the neglected brother that never got as much love and attention as him. How close am I?”
Jimin’s brother could only try to stifle his amusement. 
“You’ve watched one too many fantasy movies, princess.”
“And what would I accomplish by murdering my brother?” He said while tilting his head, then he added sarcastically, “although, I have heard arms and legs sell for very high these days. How much do you think-”
The quip died on his tongue as the sound of a door opening suddenly reverberated around the room, freezing the two of you in place. Your gaze snapped to where the sound had come from, but you were just met with the wall of the cavern. 
“Wha-” You were about to ask, but Jimin’s brother grabbed your arm with a gloved hand and quickly dragged you behind the partition you had noticed from earlier. The two of you leaned against it, the most hidden you could be in this room. 
You peeked over his shoulder, still confused as to why noises were arising in the room when there was no one there, until the wall shimmered and distorted slightly to reveal a person walking through it. 
Your eyes widened in recognition. 
Ms. Kari?!
Ms. Kari, with her dirty blonde hair and wired glasses walked through the almost rotting black bark walls of the cavern like it was nothing, chatting intently with someone on the phone as she failed to notice the two of you. 
But didn’t Jimin’s twin say this place was abandoned decades ago? What was Ms. Kari doing in a Counterbalance lab?
You glance at Jimin’s brother for a moment, and it was clear that he was thinking the same thing. 
“Yes, yes, I’ve planned out the tasks,” Ms. Kari spoke into the black cellphone, “do you really believe me to be an incompetent teacher?”
You watched her walk deeper into the room, but, the more she did, the more Jimin’s brother had to step backwards to avoid being seen. That forced you to take a step back with him. 
“I’ll have them complete by tonight,” she went on, continuing to walk deeper into the room, “don’t worry, they’ll cover everything we need.”
Jimin’s brother took another step backwards, but there was nowhere for you to accommodate him. He had backed you into a wall, causing you to feel rough, black bark against your back while his clothed back was pressing against your chest. You stood caged between him and the cavern wall, simmering in anger at the unexpected position. If you didn’t like having to listen to men, then being touched by one was something you loathed to your core. 
But by then, thankfully, Ms. Kari had stopped walking further into the room, instead pausing in front of the large bookshelf. 
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Goodbye sir,” she said, before evidently hanging up.
After putting the phone away, she turned to the bookshelf, studying it intently.
“Hmmm, now where did I put it…?” She muttered.
You squirmed as Ms. Kari began searching through the bookshelves, clearly uncomfortable in your current position.
“Is it this one…?” She continued to mutter, picking up an old, brown textbook, “no… I need the whole layout, not just a section.”
Jimin’s brother frowned as he felt you moving behind him, wondering why you couldn’t just stay in one place. The more you moved, the more dangerous it was going to be for you. He blew out a quiet breath, itching to tell you to stop but unable to as Ms. Kari took a step closer to the partition.
You, on the other hand, had to force yourself not to shove him off of you. He had taken another step backwards as Ms. Kari took another oblivious step towards the partition, despite there being no space to do so. That left you even more squished against him.
It was driving you insane. 
You refused to be in this position anymore. You had to get him off of you. 
Jimin’s brother turned his head slightly, wondering if he could quietly step to the side a bit so you’d stop touching him. 
But then he flinched as he felt your hands brush against his back. 
You scowled as you felt him move against you once again. 
Okay, that’s it, you both thought furiously. 
“Stop touching me!” The two of you blew up at each other.
You froze, panic seeping into your mind as you realised just how screwed the two of you were now. Jimin’s brother was no different. His jaw hung open in shock before his head snapped to where Ms. Kari was. 
“What on Earth-?” She muttered, turning around. 
But before her gaze could land on either of you, Jimin’s brother instantly turned towards the partition and gave it a strong shove. You watched in horror as the solid partition toppled over, falling midair for not more than a second before it collapsed…
on Ms. Kari.
“Did you just push a whole partition on top of a professor?!” You whisper-yelled incredulously, your mouth hanging wide open in shock. 
But Jimin’s brother simply turned to you after making sure Ms. Kari was down and hadn’t seen the two of you, “quite whining, we need to get out of here before she sees us.”
His gloved hand grabbed your wrist before dragging you alongside him as he ran up the stairs. 
The two of you didn’t stop running until you had entered the residences, panting like crazy when he finally let your arm go. You and Jimin’s brother’s breaths filled the hallway for what felt like forever as you both desperately attempted to catch your breaths.
But once Jimin’s twin seemed to have achieved as much, he whirled to you in anger. 
“What the hell was that?” He asked, rage laced in his tone and expression. 
“Me?!” You said, indignant, “what did I do?”
“What did you do?! Next time you want to run your hands all over me, maybe try therapy instead?!”
“Oh that’s rich coming from the guy that had his entire body pressed against mine. You couldn’t have moved a little?! Clearly personal space is a subject needed for your next therapy session!”
Jimin’s brother scoffed, “that’s what I was trying to do, but guess who’s hands made it impossible?”
“Maybe next time I will let you touch me,” he snapped, “then we’ll see just how much you enjoy what happened to you, princess.”
You immediately grimaced, his words feeling like a swarm of spiders crawling up and down your body. There it was. There was one of those disgusting sexual comments that men seemed to love to throw around carelessly.
“You’re disgusting,” you said, putting as much of your repulsion as you could in your words before scoffing, “and I’m leaving.”
You stormed into an elevator, immediately slamming your fingers against the button to your room's floor before repeatedly pressing against the button that would close the elevator doors. You wanted him nowhere near you. 
Jimin’s twin, on the other hand, stood for a moment, his expression a perfect picture of confusion as he stared at the now closed elevator doors. 
Disgusting…? He thought, wondering why you had seemed so repulsed by the comment. It took him a second more to come to the realisation, his lips pressing into a straight line as he did.
She must not know.
His gaze dropped to the floor, the dim hallway reflecting his mood suddenly. 
She must not know just how horrible my touch really is.
You flung the door of your dorm open, letting it slam shut behind you.
You couldn’t believe that bastard. Sure, this school was full of disgusting men like him that said stuff like that all the time, but still. How dare he talk to you that way?
You could feel the rage slither down your arms, making your hands shake. That kind of degradation always seemed to unlock a different kind of anger in you. One where you didn’t know whether you wanted to go back down there and make him beg for your forgiveness or go into a shower and aggressively scrub his words off your skin till it’s bright red and raw to the touch. 
You should’ve made him pay for a comment like that when you were down there. But you were also very much aware that you needed to leave in case Ms. Kari was searching the halls for the two of you. 
“Y/N!” A voice behind you suddenly called. You turned to find Jimin walking into the living room, a bright smile on his face.
“I’m so glad you’re okay! I came back and you weren’t here… I was about to call the principal.”
For a moment, all you could do was just stand and stare at his face. You knew they were twins, but… him and his brother looked exactly identical. If Jimin were to dye his hair and wear contacts, you wouldn’t doubt for a second that it was his brother standing before you. 
What an unnerving thought.
“Why does it matter?” You finally asked, tearing yourself away from searching for some kind of non eye- or hair-related feature that could distinguish them apart. You were mildly aware that your anger from earlier was unintentionally seeping into your tone, “I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. You don’t own me.”
But Jimin just smiled, “of course, we’re all adults here. I just meant that I was worried, that’s all.”
His smiles and concerns only seemed to add to the frustration that was building up in your chest. On one hand you had a twin telling you innuendos while on the other hand you had one giving you fake worry. You were tired of it. Tired of this entire day altogether. 
“I’m going to bed,” you announced, your tone suddenly soft from your exhaustion- both physically and mentally. 
You made your way to your bedroom door and paused for a moment, facing Jimin who was still standing in the living room, “and don’t bother getting worried every time I come back a little late. I can handle myself, as I’m sure Namjoon told you.”
Finally, you turned around and walked into your room, but not before Jimin called from behind you.
“You’re my roommate, of course I’m going to worry about you!”
“You can’t be serious!”
You stared at Principal Park with a scowl, wishing your glare could burn right through him, but he ignored it easily, choosing instead to sit composedly at his desk as he gave you a calm and collected expression. 
“I apologise Y/N, but even if I wished to I could not,” he explained slowly, as if you were some kind of wild animal that needed to be tamed. It made you want to wipe that calm expression off his meticulously kept face. 
“All I’m asking for is to be put into a different cohort, any other cohort. I can’t be in classes full of men, it’s… not… healthy for a young woman like me,” you said, words laced with a hint of desperation, “if anyone can do it, it’s you. That’s why I��m here.”
“Y/N,” he said, tilting his head in sympathy, “you of all people should know how important it is that you are educated suitably. Your classmates and yourself must learn differently compared to the rest of the students in this school. The success of our future depends on it.”
You stared at him helplessly, a mixture of rage and hopelessness churning uncomfortably in your stomach. 
“I understand that you wish to be in a cohort with individuals more similar to yourself, but in a way your current classmates are similar to you as well, don’t you think? You will be leading the future generations together after all. Perhaps this experience will prepare you for the relationships you will have with them once you take on your roles.”
“And besides,” he continued, as if you hadn’t already gotten the message loud and clear, “just because you are being placed into different cohorts, does not mean you are barred from befriending students in different cohorts. In fact, I encourage you to mingle with the other students of this academy.”
You watched Principal Park push himself into a standing position, giving you a bright smile that reminded you of Jimin’s, “now, I must attend a meeting at the moment. If you still wish to continue this conversation then we may schedule a meeting for another time, but I must reiterate that my answer will not change even then. Is that clear?”
Your jaw ticked as you chose to stay silent, knowing that saying what you really wanted to say to him would probably get you expelled. Instead, you levelled your tone before replying.
“Good,” he nodded, “I hope you settle well here, your father and I are good friends. I genuinely do wish the best for you, Y/N.”
“Yes sir,” you forced out through gritted teeth. 
Once you were dismissed, you turned around and left his office, immediately entering into the main hall with your arms crossed over your chest. You didn’t know if it was his head you wanted to bash into the wall or your own. That would still be less painful than the years of suffering you were about to spend in this academy. 
You uncrossed your arms with a defeated sigh, choosing instead to shift your focus on the empty hall in front of you. It was too early for students to be wandering the area at this hour. Most were still in the dining hall eating breakfast and conversing with friends. Your conversation with Principal Park had effectively wiped your appetite, and you didn’t have any friends that you could hang out with anyway, so you let yourself enjoy the view of the Tree of Life instead. 
There was something calming about looking at the Tree. You didn’t know whether it was an effect of the Life magic coursing through its branches or just the beauty of it in general. The sunlight flitted through the stained glass ceiling to fall on its soft petals, making them glow light colours of blues and pinks. Even its trunk was a proud chestnut, a stark contrast from all the dark mahogany scattered around the walls and ceiling of the hall. 
You gravitated towards the towering structure in awe, choosing to settle onto the stone barrier encompassing its base. They’d made the barrier just perfect for students to sit on and relax, and you couldn’t help but feel that this was a better spot for relaxation than any library or dining hall in the academy. 
But your reverie was interrupted when the double doors of the main hall suddenly burst open. Your gaze snapped to the doors to your left, watching them shake as the doors slammed against the wall behind them. From here you could see the dining hall containing a bunch of students all gasping and speaking frenziedly with each other in hushed tones. 
The reason the doors had opened seemed to be a male student, who was stumbling into the main hall after shoving through the double doors weakly. You scanned him in surprise as he continued to stumble further into the hall until he tripped on his own feet and collapsed to his knees. 
He looked like he had been beaten pretty badly as a bruise encompassed the right side of his jaw and a painful groan escaped his lips. You tried to figure out who he was, but you couldn’t seem to make out the entirety of his face.
You stood up abruptly, eyes widening at the scene before you in confusion.
What was going on?
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Next Chapter...
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38 notes · View notes
goldenkirstein · 3 years
She lives in daydreams with me
or alternatively, when jean and you visit Ikea
pairing: jean x fem! reader
wc: 1.5k+
tags: fluff, modern! au, female reader, language, mentions of food.
a/n: I was inspired by this post, also I just like Ikea, I think Jean would to tbh. am i living out my own daydreams with Jean by writing this? potentially. i love him lol. Feedback and any criticism encouraged lmao.
Your head tilted as you stared dead-on at the boy in front of you.
“Jean, what is that?”
“What are you talking about baby, this is a-” He squinted, looking at the tag, of what you assumed to be a night light?
“An-garna.” Jean looked back up at you, grinning widely.
You had come earlier to Ikea, needing to buy some storage baskets for your room, and yet here you were standing in a miniature model of a child’s room, staring at the six-foot three-man holding a children’s night light, that had...Was that panda face design on it?
“Jean, my love, my dear, we don’t have kids; why on Earth would I need a children’s night light?” The toothy grin quickly disappeared from his face, quickly replaced with a stern expression.
“Just because something is marketed towards children doesn’t mean adults can’t buy it, and anyways I was merely suggesting it, knowing how you can’t sleep after watching horror movies.” It’s more like when he can’t sleep after watching, but his ego would never let him admit that.
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend, “put it in the cart, Kirstein.” He flashed you a smile, coming over and placing a kiss on your cheek before mumbling a small thank you.
As much as you would act annoyed or unamused when it came to Jean’s antics, it was more or less a front. You loved it when he would let his guard down in public with you. He wasn’t always like this; the Jean you met years prior would be caught dead before expressing his affections in public. He would get easily flustered, blush to sport his face if anyone he knew saw him admiring and doting on his girlfriend. It wasn’t something that deeply upset you; in a way, you were able to keep a tiny part of Jean to yourself, the goofy, tender side of him that he only let out when he was with you. However, watching him become more confident in himself and expressing his love for you outranked any desires that you had to keep Jean bottled up for your gratification.
He walked in front, long legs carrying him practically miles in front of you until he turned a corner and found himself situated in a living-room model. You followed shortly after and saw that he was making himself comfortable on a charcoal-grey couch.
“Mm, come sit,” he patted gently on the cushion next to him, gesturing to you to join him on the sofa. You raised your eyebrows and let out a giggle, situating the cart near a side table before accompanying him.
“What do you wanna watch babe,” Jean tilted his head, signalling to the fake flat-screen in front of you. You thought about tormenting the boy; however, you opted to play along with him this time.
“Oooh, I don’t know, check if the new Grey’s episode is out.” He smiled at you, appreciating your willingness to get lost in this daydream with him. His smile quickly shifted into a mischievous grin as he poked your side.
“Heyyy, what the fuck was that for!” You recoiled, shrinking away from him, but before you could get far enough away from him, he pulled you back into his side. You tried squirming away from him, only for his grip on you to get stronger, and you were met with a chuckle—the noise reverberating around the tiny living room.
“Really? Greys? On a night like this?” You shifted your body, turning your head to look at the “window” covered with sheer beige curtains, overlaid with opaque maroon ones. Outside, or rather you should say the wall was painted white, so you began drumming up a scenario in your mind. That was tonight, a spring evening, stars visible in the night sky? Or a cold and snowy winter’s night? The purple tinge of the atmosphere apparent through the translucent curtains. Jean stared at you intently, wondering what you will come up with, his gaze shifting as the corners of your lips upturned; you had settled on an idea.
“Oooh yeah, it’s practically pitch black outside; I can only see the streetlights in the distance. We should really do something about that pesky tree, though. Its branches keep tapping on the window; it’s frankly quite annoying.” A rosy tinge was present on his cheeks, hazel eyes twinkling at you.
You placed a hand on his chest, your focus entirely on the love-struck boy in front of you, “You know what? We should totally watch a horror movie!” Just as you began to immerse yourself in the daydream, Jean shot up from the couch, leaving an indent where he was sitting behind.
“Alright, enough dilly-dallying, we should go home now.” He clapped his hands together, moving to grab the cart to leave the store display.
Dilly-dallying? Did he really just say dilly-dallying?
“What’s wrong, Jean-boy? This is our home! Oooh, don’t tell me you don’t wanna watch because you’re scared.” You fell back on the couch, beaming, elbows propping you up as you teased him.
“Am not. I just decided that I’m in the mood for cinnamon rolls and fro-yo.” He placed his elbow on the handles of the cart, head resting in the palm of his hand. He gave you an unimpressed look.
“Oh really? Who’s that night-light for again? I seem to have forgotten.” This time it was his turn to roll his eyes at you. Without saying anything, he placed his hands back on the cart’s handle and began to leave the “living room.”
You swung your legs over, a giggle leaving your mouth as you walked over to your boyfriend. You wrapped your arms around his middle, resting your cheek on him. “Babe, I was just joking; I didn’t mean to upset you,” you mumbled into him.
He let out a sigh and stopped in the middle of the aisle. You watched as he brought one of his hands down to grasp one of yours that had taken hold of his waist. Jean turned to face you, head tilting as a slight smirk overtook his face. “That’s what I was waiting to hear.” He placed a soft kiss on your forehead before turning around to continue rolling the cart forward to his destination.
His arm extended behind him, motioning to you to hold his hand. You obliged, your palm sliding in his, fingers curling around your knuckles as his. “Whatever,” you grumbled, choosing to turn your head to observe the variety of rugs that were hanging on display. He tugged at your hand, an amused expression painting his face.
“You want those cinnamon buns or not, pretty girl?” The pet name almost made you choke. He knew what it would do to you. He would use it sparsely, only to coax a reaction out of you, but you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of letting him know the hold he had over you.
You whipped your head back to face him, confident to quip back at him, but it all melted when you saw the way he was looking at you; a lop-sided smirk, his tongue peeked out to wet his bottom lip before capturing it between his teeth. He raised his eyebrows, waiting for what you had to say.
“Yeah, I do.” You managed to slip a few words out. He had won this one, using his charms to debilitate any assuredness you had. He brought your linked hands up to his lips, tenderly kissing the back of your hand, humming in delight.
“You know, we should come here more often, live out our domestic daydreams together.” The smells of cinnamon buns were getting stronger as you walked on.
“Sure, but you could also just move in with me.”
The tips of his ears went red, and you paused, realizing what you just said, the weight of what you just said. You had thought about asking him to move in with you, but you didn’t mean for it to slip out in the middle of a random conversation; in Ikea nonetheless. “I- You don’t have to. I was just joking. I don’t know why I said that.”
Your voice dwindled to merely a whisper as you completed your sentence. Jean stopped the cart once more. “Yes. Yes, I’ll move in with you.” His expression was earnest as he looked at you, eyes glittering with adoration as he waited for your response.
“Whoa, whoa, hold your horses cowboy. We can talk about this after you get me those cinnamon buns you promised.” you wiped any sense of embarrassment from your face as you tried to suppress your laughter, which was caused by the zealousness your boyfriend had just shown.
However, there was no doubt that your heart did grow in fondness for Jean, and you were relieved that he wasn’t off-put by your haphazard confession. He was absolutely whipped for you, and you couldn’t deny that you were head over heels in love with him either. You desired to continue to share your life with him, and moving in together would be the next step in your relationship.
“Yes, Ma’am” His voice broke you out of your thoughts as he placed his hand to his forehead to salute you. You giggled at his actions.
“Lead the way, Kirstein.”
a/n: lol, this was practically for my own self-indulgence. and i feel like this was a tad bit ooc idk. Anywayssss, I would like to mention that I'm working on a navigation page with taglists and such and thinking about requests. I wanna branch out write for more aot characters as well as jjk and hq. Again, I'm very new to this so it's gonna take some time. I would love to know ur thoughts on all of this lol.
As always, please leave a like/reblog (i love reading tags makes me happy heh) if you enjoyed this, I appreciate lots <33
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hangovercurse · 3 years
You’ve been dodging Colson’s advances for once, but when he shows up at 6 in the morning, you finally decide to give in.
Request: “I love your writing can you write a Colson x reader using the song jawbreaker with some fluff and smut, maybe on the beach?”
Colson X Reader
Warnings: smut, cursing
A/N: this is so much longer than I meant it to be (it was going to be longer but I cut it off bc I needed to post this) (Also, I’ve never had sex on the beach so… apologies for any inaccuracies but I tried my best lmao)
Word Count: 2861
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Who the hell was calling you at 5 in the morning?
The light from the phone screen burned your eyes slightly as Colson’s name came into view. You sighed out before answering, “why do you do this?”
The man on the other end of the phone snickered, “good, you’re awake. I’ll be at your house in 20.”
Your face scrunched up in confusion and discuss, “no the fuck you will not. I was asleep.”
He chuckled, “we’re going to the beach.”
“Colson, I have work to do.” This was not the first time he had pulled an extravagant stunt to try and get your attention, and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last.
“Y/N, how do you still have work to do, you work all the time.” He groaned in frustration, “you’re coming with me, I’m not taking no for an answer.”
You rolled your eyes, “well, that’s the answer I’m giving.” You hung up the phone, unable to see the disappointed expression on his face when you did.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like Colson, you did. You just didn’t swoon over him like every other woman in his life, which apparently only made him try to get your attention even more.
After you hung up you fell back asleep, not considering that he might actually show up at your door in 20 minutes. So, when he did, you wanted to kill him.
“Colson, I told you. I have work to do.”
Admittedly, the sight of him in a sheer tank top and low hanging swim shorts on your doorstep was one that would occupy your mind for a while. But you still refused to give him the attention he craved.
He smiled innocently, “you can take vacation days.” Your expression was unamused, prompting him to continue, “you work too hard, just take one day off with me.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “I work a normal amount and I take vacation days. Just not with you.”
Colson pouted, tilting his head to the side, “that hurt.”
A chuckle fell from your lips with a roll of your eyes, “if I go today will you stop calling me before 9 am?”
He shrugged, “probably not.”  
You groaned, moving to let him enter your house reluctantly. “Give me like 10 minutes,” you sighed, moving to your room to grab your sexiest bikini. Despite your reluctancy, you decided that if you were going to go, you might as well make it fun. You threw a long, slightly see-through shirt on top, the material not doing all that much to hide what was underneath.
After fixing up the rest of your appearance, you moved to find Colson, who you had left in the living room. He was lounging on the couch when you appeared, his jaw dropping dramatically.
You rolled your eyes with a giggle, moving to stand in front of him. “Are we leaving or are you just gonna sit there all day?”
He stuttered, his face blushing red, “uh- yeah, let’s- uh- let’s go.”  You grabbed onto his hand, pulling him off the couch gently and leading him to the door. You grabbed your sunglasses on the way out, catching the time; 5:32.
Colson opened the car door for you, helping you in. As soon as he got onto the main road, his right hand moved to rest on your thigh. Your first instinct was to say something snarky about it, or just remove it altogether, but you decided to let yourself relax for the day.
It was hard to say what you and Colson were. You weren’t dating per se, but you were certainly more than friendly. Colson had a habit of calling you at all hours of the night and early morning, asking you to hang out with him or full on (drunk) confessing his adoration for you. You always rejected his advances, knowing you had no time for a relationship and not wanting to give him the satisfaction of falling for him. But there was always a part of you that craved him, and his constant flirting and touching didn’t help anything.
The ride to the beach was relaxing; Colson had the windows rolled down to let the wind encase your body. The cold contrasted with the warmth that his hand sent running through you, his thumb rubbing small circles onto the bare skin. He blared music through the speakers, singing along despite the early hours. You giggled as he gave very dramatic performances, eventually singing along with him.
When you arrived, he reached in the trunk to get the large blanket he had placed there earlier. With his free hand he grasped your hand, intertwining your fingers. You sent him a questioning look but didn’t pull away.
The beach was empty except for a few people walking the shoreline. Colson spread out the blanket in a small area closer inland, fairly hidden from the view of the rest of the beach. He pulled off his shirt slowly, showing off his tattooed chest and muscular torso. You did everything you could to stop yourself from staring. He made no effort to keep his eyes off of you as you rid yourself of your shirt.
You grabbed his hand, pulling him over to the water, “take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
He smirked, “can I really?” You rolled your eyes, shoving him lightly. The water ran over your toes, the coldness surprising you. The man laughed as you squealed lightly, jumping back in shock.
“It’s cold,” you tried to defend yourself, but he kept laughing. “You’re a jerk,” you pouted, kicking water towards him. He narrowed his eyes playfully, waddling further into the water and returning the gesture. “Colson!”
Before you knew it, a splashing war had started between you two, which ended with Colson dragging you further into the water. You whined as it hit the top of your thighs, shivers running through your body. Colson chuckled teasingly, “are you cold?”
“Yes,” you moved closer to him, letting him wrap an arm around your shoulders, “you wouldn’t understand because the water is barely hitting above your knees.”
He looked down at you with a mischievous expression before leaning down and picking you up, bridal style. “Put me down!” You tried to sound serious, but your laughter exposed your amusement.
Colson shrugged, “if you say so.” Before you could protest, he lightly threw you into the water.
When you emerged, you had a pout on your face, “I hate you.”
He laughed, “I know you do.” He moved towards you, arms reaching out to grab your waist. He pulled you into his chest, the warmth of his skin seeping into your own. “Let’s go warm up,” he pulled away and laced your hands together again, leading you back to your spot on the beach.
You settled onto the blanket while Colson grabbed a towel from his car, wrapping it around you when he returned. He sat down beside you, his legs spread out in front of him. You climbed into his lap, leaning into his chest to find more warmth. When he chuckled at your actions, you hushed him, “you’re warm, shut up.”
He teased you, “I think you just want to be close to me.”
You scrunched your nose playfully, “who’d want to be close to you?” He shook his head playfully before leaning his chin on the top of your head.
It was quiet for a little while after that, both of you relaxing in each other’s arms. It was interrupted by Colson, “hey, look.”
You lifted your head to send a confused look to him, only to find his gaze on the sky. Moving your vision to where his was focused, you found the sky a beautiful array of pink and orange. A smile came to your face at the beauty of it all. “I haven’t watched the sun rise in so long,” you whispered, shifting so you were sitting with your back against his chest.
His hands placed themselves on your lower stomach gently as he leaned towards you and whispered, “that’s why I brought you out here this early.”
You looked up at him over your shoulder, “thank you.”
He shrugged, “told you, you need a break.” You rolled your eyes playfully before leaning up and pressing a small kiss to his jaw.
You began to move away before his lips caught yours, keeping you in place. The kiss was unexpected, but you found yourself easily falling into it. His lips were smooth against your own, the movements perfectly in sync.
You shifted so that you were on your knees facing him, arms finding their place around his neck. His hands gripped your sides as his tongue slid across your lips. Your lips parted to let him in, deepening the kiss. You let one of your hands travel up and down his torso, feeling the muscles underneath your fingers.
Colson’s hand moved down to your thigh, pausing at your ass momentarily to massage the skin. He moved one leg at a time so that you were straddling him from your knees, his bulge growing ever more apparent to you. You moaned quietly as you started grinding on him, only the very thin fabric of your bathing suits covering you.
His lips detached from yours, “we should stop before we- uh-“
You rolled your eyes, cutting him off, “what, scared of getting caught?”
He scoffed, “I was trying to be a gentleman and say we could go do this somewhere with less sand, but whatever you want, m’lady.”
A laugh rolled off your tongue before you pecked his lips lightly, “you’re cute.” You pecked his lips again, grinding onto him again, “but you started this here, so you’re gonna finish it here.”
Colson smirked, lips finding yours immediately. His hands moved to the towel that had fallen to your feet, using it to cover up your middle. “Turn around,” he whispered, and you did as he said. , sliding off his lap for a moment so that he could pull his member out of his pants, rolling on a condom that he’d had in his pocket.
You chuckled, “was this your plan all along?” You placed your knees on either side of him once again, making sure the towel was placed across your lap properly.
He reached for your waist, pulling you closer to him and undoing the ties on either side of your bikini bottoms, “I was being hopeful.”
His lips found your neck as you lifted your hips and slowly slid his length into you. You let out a hum, biting your lip to keep any actual moans from coming out. “Fuck, you’re so tight baby,” he muttered against your skin.
You whined quietly as his hands on your waist led you up and down him slowly. You placed your own hands against his thighs to keep yourself balanced. Your pace sped up, hips moving to collide with his needily.
He filled you up fully, hitting your walls and setting every nerve in your body on fire. It didn’t take very long for you to begin clenching around him. His pants and kisses against your neck made every feeling even more intense. “’m close, Kells,” you whined, grinding yourself into him even harder.
He growled against your skin, hands still controlling the majority of your movements, “I know, princess. Just hold on a little longer.” He began to thrust his hips up into you harshly, going deeper into your core than he had before.
You couldn’t hold in the moans anymore, the noises spilling from your mouth with every thrust. He smirked, “that’s it, baby. I wanna hear how good I make you feel.”
“Mm, please. I’m so close,” you whined, trying to hold off your release as long as possible. Colson didn’t say a word, he only continued to thrust up into you for a few more moments before twitching inside of you.
His thrusts got sloppy as he approached his climax, his voice sending you over the edge. “Cum around me, babe.”
Fireworks spread through your body as you came, your orgasm washing over you heavily. Colson’s seed spilled into the condom inside of you, his thrusts slowing before stopping completely.
You lifted yourself off of him, leaning against his chest. You moved with its rise and fall, his heavy breaths filling your ears. He pressed lazy kisses to your cheek and jaw as the two of you came down, whispering into your ear, “you’re so fuckin’ pretty.”
Smiling, you put your bikini bottoms on, still under the cover of the towel. Once you were both decent enough to make it to the water, you climbed out of his lap and stood up, pulling him with you. He followed you lazily to the water, hands once again finding your hips and pulling you towards him.
He pressed a kiss to your lips, eyes shining brightly, “glad you came?”
“A little,” you giggled, reconnecting your lips.
 A few hours later the two of you packed up and went back to your place, a sleepy haze finding its way to your mind. You had tried to stay awake as long as possible, but Colson could tell you were struggling to keep your eyes open. So, when he suggested a nap, you easily agreed. You curled up in his arms, sleep overtaking you almost instantly.
It was around 6 pm when you woke up to your phone vibrating. You groaned, untangling yourself from Colson and climbing off of the bed.
“Hello?” You answered the phone call.
Your manager’s voice rang through the phone, “Hey, Y/N! I thought you were going to get those sides to me today?”
You groaned, having completely forgotten about the work you’d needed to do today. “Yeah, I’ll get ‘em to you tonight, what time do you need them?”
“The director was hoping by 8 pm, think you can swing that?”
You sighed, thankful that you had at least recorded most of the material the day before, “I can try.” Your manager thanked you before hanging up, leaving you to let out an annoyed groan.
You felt a pair of hands around your waist, Colson’s familiar tattoos alerting you to their owner. “What was that about?” His voice was riddled with sleep, making you want to do nothing but lie in bed with him the rest of the day.
Instead, you turned to face him with a sigh, “I have to record some stuff for this audition before 8 tonight.” He pouted, leaning down to kiss you. You moved your head so that his lips met your cheek, making the man huff. “Colson, you should go home.”
He groaned, “it’s your day off, you shouldn’t have to do work.”
“You decided it was my day off, I told you I had work to do.” You giggled, pushing away from him, “I can’t record if you’re here.”
“I’ll be quiet,” he pleaded, his lips moving down to suck on your jaw.
You pushed him away gently, “that’s not what I mean. You’re a distraction, I won’t get anything done in time if you’re here.” You smiled fondly at his poutiness.
“You work too much.”  
Moving away from him, you chuckled, “I’m being serious, Kells.”
“Are you really kicking me out?” He huffed, tilting his head to the side. You simply nodded in response, to which he responded, “are we going to talk about today?”
You sighed, “not right now. I have to get this stuff done.”
He threw his hands up in surrender, moving towards your door, “okay, I’m gone.”
You watched the man walk out the door, conflicted between wanting to pull him back inside and never let him leave and wanting to lock the door and never let him back in.
 At 6am, you were awoken by a knock at your door. Why does this keep happening to you?
You weren’t going to answer it, hoping whoever it was would just go away, but once you heard the “Y/N? I know you’re home,” you knew they wouldn’t.
“Colson, it’s six in the morning, what are you doing?” You took in the man’s appearance, his bloodshot eyes, red cheeks, and stench alerting you to his far from sober state.
He slurred his words when he spoke, “I wanted to see you.”
You rolled your eyes, leaning against the doorframe, “did you drive here?” The man nodded, dangling his keys in your face. “How the hell are you not dead?” You muttered to yourself, grabbing the keys from his hand, “c’mon, I’m driving you home.”
He stumbled forward, trying to stop you from moving towards his car, “let’s just hang out here.”
“Colson, it is 6 in the morning and you’re crossed on my doorstep, I’m taking you home.” You tried to push past him, but even wasted he was stronger than you.
He whined, “I came to see you, don’t make me leave.”
At this point, you were too tired to fight with him, “fine, but I’m going back to sleep.”
He laughed mischievously, stepping closer to you, and wrapping an arm around your waist, “no you aren’t.”
Tag list:
@bakerkells ​ @elviablo​​ @iambashfulperson​ @sunflowerbebe107​ @crystalbaby12​ @stormrider505 @ticketstomydaydreams​ @mvrylee​ @daddyavesxx​​ @pettyvxbes​ @prettydreamboy ​
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12tardis · 4 years
Not That Dress (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Warnings: S M U T under the cut 
 Requested: yes @the-knights-of-saint-gay said ‘I want some dick (personally I think Newt is the pounding type and the reader is moan-in-his-mouth-while-doing-missionary type’  lmao this request still got me SENT- hope you like it love 💕 
 Summary: There’s a particular dress of yours that you know always drives your husband mad. You are having far too much fun teasing your husband but what will happen when you push him too far? Featuring shameless flirt!reader and very exasperated Newt on their honeymoon. 
 A/N: this is straight UP sin ppls I know I know I wrote a lot of fluff in the lead up to the thing - but is anyone surprised by this point? I tried really hard to not make Newt too OOC and I kinda vibe this for him ngl. I stand by my previous statements that Newt is a Hufflepuff through and through - even in the bedroom.  Seriously I feel like I need some holy water IM SORRY. 
 Words: 4611
 Taglist: @moonkissk7     @just-an-auror
 Newt knew he was in trouble the second you stepped out of the hotel room in that dress with a little sparkle in your eyes that told him you knew exactly what you were doing. 
 He should have known you were plotting something the moment you told him to wait out in the hall and that you would be ready in a moment. You’d never had an issue with getting dressed in front of him before though Newt would always face the other way to give you privacy like a true gentleman. 
 This was something you always teased him for, often draping yourself over his back and wrapping your arms around him from behind just to see him blush when he realised you were in nothing but your undergarments.
                                             -    -     -     -     -
 “Y/N, would you get dressed? We’re going to be late”, he croaked out in a strained voice, feeling the warm blush travelling down his cheeks as you skimmed your hands over his chest with a soft hum. 
 “Honey, we’re going to be wed in less than a month. I don’t think you have to look the other way when I’m getting changed anymore,” you chuckled as you pressed a soft kiss to his jaw, trailing your hand over his firm chest one last time before you stepped away from him. 
 “I know but I wasn’t raised to be a Peeping Tom, darling.”
 “Well you had no problems looking at me last night when w-“ 
 “Y/N!” Newt cried out loudly and you could see the blush now working its way up the back of his neck.
 “Oh please Newt how can you possibly be shy after all the things-“
 “I’m NOT LISTENING! You’re trying to get a rise out of me and I’m NOT listening!” Newt called, clapping his hands over his ears and making a scene of humming loudly over your teasing. 
 You smirked to yourself as you tugged on the one dress, the one article of clothing you knew he would protest you wearing, checking your reflection over with a proud smile before you twirled him around by his shoulders to face you. 
 Newt’s eyes widened comically as he took you in and you caught the way his eyes dropped briefly to the neckline of the dress before he looked back up at you with his jaw agape “no no no no no. Absolutely not, anything but that.” he rambled shaking his head quickly. 
 He paused when he saw you glaring at him with one hand cocked on your hip “excuse you Newton Scamander but since when did you start deciding what I can and can’t wear?” 
 Newt actually let out a quiet whine then, looking at you with a pleading expression as he took your hands “I don’t and I can’t- I would never ever I am just begging you- not that dress. Not when we’re going to visit my parents.” 
 You dropped your peeved facade immediately at his pleading, the smug smile returning to your lips “why not this dress? What’s so special about this dress?” You tried to play innocent and clueless but Newt was not having it as he gripped your hips in his hands with a little more vigor than he usually would.
 “You know exactly what you little minx,” he said lowly as he pulled you in against him without warning and began to pepper the column of your neck with kisses causing you to squeal.
 And you did know. You had knowingly Pavloved your sweet, oblivious boyfriend to react a certain way whenever he saw you in said dress. 
 It had been the dress you had been wearing the first time you went down on him and the dress you wore before you slept together for the first time. You’d worn it several times since, when you had initiated sexy time. 
 Newt had eventually come to recognise it as the dress that drives him mental. 
 You pushed him away, looking up at him with a shy smile then because you knew he was right and it really wouldn’t be appropriate to tease him in such a way for lunch with his parents. 
 “Okay okay” you said, holding your hands up in surrender as you reached back to unzip the dress, rolling your eyes when Newt turned away from you quickly. 
 Shaking your head with a fond smile you made quick work of getting changed before you stepped around to face him. You couldn’t help but giggle at the sigh of relief he let out when he saw you were decent because your fiancé may have very well been the most adorable and sweetest man on the planet. 
 You smiled as he took your hand in his own, fixing you with one last exasperated expression before he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand “one day, I might just snap. And then what will you do?”
 “Sit back and take it like a good girl.” you said casually with a sweet smile, giggling at the look of utter shock he now wore. He took a few minutes to gather himself and lift his jaw from the floor. 
                                             -       -     -     -     -
 And now a month later you were on your honeymoon with your husband and you were travelling around the world with him as he’d promised. Currently you were in New York because it was where you had promised to drop in first and catch up with Tina, Queenie and Jacob. 
 You’d immensely enjoyed catching up with the Goldstein’s and getting to see how Jacob’s bakery was thriving and now you were due at the younger sisters' flat for a small cocktail night that Queenie and Jacob were throwing.
 Now you were looking forward to the chance to dress up but Newt had needed some persuasion as usual from the moment that Queenie had mentioned the word ‘party.’ 
 He was sulking in the hotel corridor when you appeared in the dress and you didn’t miss the way his eyes lit up instantaneously before a dark expression quickly passed over his features. 
 “Y/N”, he murmured in a half scolding tone but you were quick to shrug your coat on and take his hand in your own, tugging him down the corridor after you. 
 “Not another complaint out of you, mister. We’re going to be late.” You tossed his own words in his face as you pulled him along. The coat covered you up for the most part and Newt was relieved but he knew that relief would be short lived. 
 When you arrived at Queenie and Jacob’s place Newt was completely distracted by greeting the Goldstein sisters and the sheer volume of people packed into the tiny flat that he missed you slipping off your coat behind him. 
 “Ah Mr. and Mrs. Scamander have arrived!” Jacob called loudly, clapping Newt on the shoulder and you couldn’t help the smile and small flutter in your chest at the use of your new title. 
 “Sorry we’re late, the Niffler was being a nuisance,” you lied so easily that Newt quickly looked back at you where you were greeting Tina and Queenie.
 The retort died on his lips and he gulped audibly as his gaze roved over your form. He broke out of his ogling when Queenie’s surprised giggle met his ears and he glanced at the woman to see her covering her mouth as she looked back at Newt in amusement. 
 Odd. He could have sworn she couldn’t easily read his thoughts. 
 “When you’re thinkin’ em that loud honey I’m pretty sure even Jacob knows” Queenie teased as she hugged him tightly in greeting, squeezing his shoulder to reassure him. 
 “Relax sweet cheeks, you’re recently married to the girl of your dreams and your thoughts are loud with happiness. Ain’t no one here gonna judge you,” Queenie murmured for only Newt to hear and Newt smiled thankfully back at her though he couldn’t suppress the blush that filled his cheeks. 
 “Well I don’t suppose Y/N’s inner monologue is embarrassing like mine,” Newt murmured and Queenie smiled widely at him before she peeked back over her shoulder to where you were talking animatedly with Tina. 
 “She’s just thinking about you. And calling herself Mrs Scamander over and over again.” Queenie laughed and Newt looked back at you in adoration, shaking his head to himself as he made his way over to you with drinks for both of you.
 Not long later you were sitting pressed into his side at a small table listening to Tina ramble on about her most recent case at MACUSA. Newt was finding it increasingly more difficult to focus on Tina’s words as you lay your hand on his knee and slowly began to trail your hand up his leg. 
 Newt jolted a little when your hand drifted a little too close to the growing tent in his trousers and he quickly gripped your hand in his own, glancing down at you.
 But of course you just smiled innocently back up at him, tracing your other hand along the neckline of your dress and Newt had to dig deep to find the willpower to look away from you and focus back on Tina who was still talking about the pile of paperwork she’d had to sign that week. 
 Newt frowned when you worked your hand free from his and wandered away from him, his eyes following you as you made your way to the makeshift bar.
 You were in the middle of fixing you both another round of drinks when a gentleman sauntered over to you, grinning down at you widely “and who is this little heartbreaker we have here? What are you doing fixing your own drinks, angel face?” 
 You couldn’t help but twitch at the pet name because it sounded utterly wrong coming from someone other than Newt. The man in question was now leering down at you with the most obnoxious smirk on his face and your eyes quickly flicked to your husband. 
 Newt had noticed the man immediately as he’d been watching you from across the room and he felt a heat flaring up his neck at the way the other man was looking like he wanted to devour you. 
  He was just about to push himself to his feet and go and intervene as you were preparing to put the man in his place. But Queenie beat you both to it as she slipped between the pair of you, gripping the young man by his shoulders.
 “Patrick, Y/N is a married woman! And I suggest you remove yourself before Mr.Scamander unleashes one of his creatures on you.” 
 The man, Patrick, blinked quickly and glanced over at Newt before he looked back at you and then at Queenie “Scamander? Oh Mrs. Scamander m-my apologies! I’ll be right outta your hair!” He scurried away and you returned back to the table where Newt was sat with Tina with Queenie in tow. 
 You slid back into your seat beside Newt as he curled his arm around your waist protectively, lifting your hand to his mouth and pressing his lips to your soft skin. 
 He took particular care to brush his lips over your ring finger as he held your gaze, twirling the wedding band on your finger while you smiled back at him as if to say ‘yes I know. I’m yours.’ 
 The rest of the room and the people in it faded into the background as you gazed back at your husband, lifting your other hand to play with the hair at the nape of his neck, noticing his little shiver in response. 
 His hand fell to your knee this time and he thumbed at the fabric of your dress as he became vaguely aware of Tina still rambling on at him. Newt looked back at her, nodding along and plastering on a look of interest as he slowly pushed the fabric of your dress up along your thigh.
 He bit his lip when you scraped your nails along the nape of his neck and laid your head on his shoulder, smiling back at Tina nonchalantly as you slowly let your legs fall open under the table. Newt wondered how easy it would be to just slide his hand up between your legs and into your panties an-
 You both startled and sat up straight when Queenie began to choke on her drink violently, a pink blush colouring her cheeks as she looked back at the pair of you while Tina fetched her some water. 
 Newt flushed scarlet then as he realised what had happened. It was a mixture of the possessiveness he’d experienced just a moment before, the embarrassment he now felt along with the arousal that had been coursing through him all night because of you in that damn dress that had him getting to his feet quickly. 
 “I’m terribly sorry Tina, I’m really not feeling well I’m afraid we must go. We will have to resume this conversation another time.” Newt said in a rush as he pulled you to your feet, barely bidding his farewells to Queenie and Jacob before he was strolling out of the flat with his arm around your waist. 
 Jacob followed after you to fetch you your coat but he turned back to look at Queenie who had since recovered from her shock when he saw the two of you had already apparated away. 
 “Boy, Newt must really be feeling ill”, Jacob called out with a frown and Queenie laughed then, unable to stop herself as she took Jacob’s hand in her own. 
 “He’s not sick, sweetheart. More...excited,” she said slowly, laughing again as she watched the realisation dawn on Jacob’s face. 
 “Oh...OH! They grow so fast. It seems like only yesterday he was too shy to even kiss her!“
                                                    -     -     -      -     -
 You raised your eyebrows in surprise when Newt managed to apparate you both back into your own hotel room and you recognised the look of complete focus in his eyes before he was pinning you back against the wall and kissing you hotly. 
 You kissed him back with just as much vigor, trying to lean into him more and letting out a gasp of surprise when he pushed you back against the wall firmly, looking at you with dark and lustful eyes. 
 “Merlin, Newt, what were you thinking about back there?” you breathed out, letting out another gasp as he nipped at the soft skin of your throat at the same time he pushed his thigh between your knees. 
 “I was thinking about fingering you right there under that bloody table,” he murmured lowly into your ear and you thought you might faint then. 
 What had happened to your sweet and gentle husband? 
 “What you have nothing to say now, huh?” Newt murmured as he lifted you up by the backs of your thighs, carrying you to the bed where he lay you down and wasted no time in slotting himself between your legs. 
 “You’ve been teasing me all night- fuck it, all week really ever since the wedding. In this sinful little dress of yours”, he brushed his lips over yours teasingly before he worked his hand up under your skirt “and now you have nothing to say to me?” 
 Your heart was beating wildly in your chest, your eyes widening because he very rarely cursed and at his words you felt the heat and a deep ache building between your legs. 
 You moved to wrap your arms around his neck as you usually would, making a noise of surprise when he let out a growl and pinned your hands above your head firmly “no touching.” 
 You couldn’t deny the way you clenched in response to his rough handling but you were still surprised as you tried to wrap your legs around his waist, gasping in shock when he used his body to pin you to the mattress. 
 “I said no touching” 
 “Well then what do you suppose I do then, Mr. Scamander?” you said in a much brattier tone than you had intended, smirking up at him.
 Which you really shouldn’t have done because that only urged him to fix you with a smirk of his own “I don’t know...I suppose you could just- what was it? Oh yes,sit back and take it like a good girl,” he purred your own words back at you and it was your turn to stare back at him in utter shock and undeniable arousal. 
 He crushed his lips against yours again before you could come up with any more sarcastic retorts, his hand slipping under your dress and into your panties where he pushed two long fingers inside you without warning. 
 You cried out into his mouth as you rocked your hips up against his hand, clenching down on his digits hard in your shock. 
 Newt began to work his fingers deep inside you as he pulled back from the kiss, instead pressing hot opened mouth kisses down over your neck and between your cleavage before working his way back to your neck. 
 “So gorgeous for me my angel,” Newt breathed into your ear as he crooked his fingers deep inside of you, his cock straining and hard in his slacks. 
 “Newt please”, you whined desperately, clutching at his shoulder as you bucked your hips wildly in pleasure. 
 “Please what my darling? Tell me what you need.” he purred, freezing his actions completely in favour of sitting back and looking down at you. You just looked so pretty sprawled out for him, looking at him with such wanton beauty. 
 You whined in frustration when he stopped his ministrations and pulled his fingers free, trying to shift your hips and whimpering when he simply used his forearm to hold you still with that stupid sexy smirk on his face. 
 “I want you!” you whined again and Newt almost felt guilty for the briefest moment until he remembered how you’d been incessantly teasing him, driving him wild. 
 “You have me, baby. I’m all yo-“, 
 You groaned loudly in frustration, tipping your head back at his cruel teasing “oh my stars Newt! I want you. Inside me. Not your fingers.” You were practically pleading now but you were far too gone to care. Especially when he was rubbing teasing circles on your hip with his thumb and you could feel your own wetness on his digits. 
 Newt felt his cock give an interested jolt in the tight confines of his pants at your words and he relented his firm hold of you to reach for his pants instead. He made quick work of undoing his pants and shoving them down but you also used the window of opportunity to rise up onto your knees, pushing him onto his back before he could realise what was happening. 
 You wasted no time in straddling him, tugging your dress off over your head before you crashed your lips to his and reached down to grip his hard cock in your hand. You pumped the hard length in your hand a few times before you settled in his lap, rocking against him with a soft moan. 
 Newt groaned when you began to grind against him, grazing his teeth against your skin as he tucked his face into the crook of your neck “Y/N”, he groaned again when you gripped his throbbing cock again and rubbed the head of it against your glistening slit. 
 You rose up on your knees a little bit, gripping Newts shoulder hard in one hand and his throbbing length in the other and Newt held his breath and closed his eyes in anticipation.
 But he blinked his eyes open again after a few moments passed and you hadn’t moved an inch. He let out a growl when he spotted the teasing little smile you had on your lips and he pushed you back onto the bed in one fluid motion, spreading your legs with his calloused hands and then settling over the top of you. 
 “You just love it don’t you?” He looked down into your eyes as he positioned his cock at your entrance “you love driving me wild...teasing me so I’ll snap”, he murmured as he nipped at your earlobe, running one hand up your body and tweaking one of your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. 
 He relished the small mewl you let out in response as you wrapped your legs around his waist, trying to thrust your hips up towards him and whimpering when he held you down with his other hand. 
 “That boy is just lucky he had half a brain not to lay a hand on you”, Newt breathed against the skin of your neck, marking your sensitive skin. 
 “W-why’s that?” You managed to stutter out, your lips parting a moment later when his thumb rubbed over your clit. 
 “Because only I get to see you like this.” He thrust his length into you in one fluid thrust, letting out a low groan of pleasure and tipping his head back as you cried out from the sudden intrusion. 
 You were gripping his shaft with your walls in the most delicious way as you clenched your muscles tightly around him. “Oh Newt,” you sighed out, your voice high and breathy as you keened at the way he was stretching your walls. 
 It was a welcome contrast to his usual slow method of opening you up bit by bit with his mouth and fingers. Just the dark look of lust in his eyes and the unreserved pleasure on his face was enough to make you a trembling mess beneath him. 
 Newt pulled his hips back slowly until just the tip of his cock was inside you, slamming his hips forward in one motion with a deep groan before he set up a pace of thrusting into you continuously. 
 You couldn’t help your cries of pleasure as he had his way with you, completely captivated watching how unreserved and dominant your husband now was. He was pounding into you with abandon and you could do nothing more than lay there and take it, rolling your own hips up to meet his. 
 “You’re so incredible,” Newt panted, the sweat forming on his brow as he moved above you and inside you. His hips stuttered to a complete halt though just a moment later and you whined in response, trying to understand why on earth he had stopped but then you saw him scrambling for his wand and muttering about a protection spell. 
 “Leave it,” you breathed out without a second thought, taking his hand in your own and Newt whipped his head back to look at you in shock. “We don’t...I’m not worried. We’ve spoken about this already and- well I’m ready if you are,” you murmured as you squeezed his hand in yours, looking back at him with wide eyes.
 Newt stared back at you blankly for a moment and you were worried you’d upset him but then he was pinning both of your hands back above your head and crashing his lips to yours in a deep kiss as he began to thrust into you again. 
 This time he was really pounding into you with a whole new sense of purpose and you moaned into his mouth as you squeezed your legs around him, spurring him on to fuck into you harder. 
 He was handling you far more roughly than he ever had before and you were a trembling mess below him, shrieking into his mouth when one of his hands found its way between your legs again and he thumbed over your sensitive nub again. 
 Newt pulled back at your shriek but when he saw the look of utter euphoria on your face he tucked his own face into your neck, sucking at the marks he’d made earlier while he jackhammered into you “come on darling, let go for me. Come for me angel”, he murmured directly into your ear like he knew you loved, flicking over your clit even faster.
 Your entire body shuddered as the coil in your stomach finally snapped and you came, wrapping your arms around him tightly and crying out into his shoulder as you clenched around him rhythmically. 
 “Ohhh Merlin, Y/N, Y/N I’m gonna,” he trailed off with a groan when he felt the way you were clenching around him, as if your pussy was trying to milk his cock. 
 You were still in the midst of your orgasm when you heard him and felt the way his cock swelled inside you just barely and you nodded quickly “yes come for me, baby. Fill me up,” you murmured before capturing his lips again. 
 Newt rutted into you just a few more times before he finally shattered at the thought of spilling his seed inside you unprotected and the sensation of you still gripping his length. He pumped into you slowly as the warm cum spurted from his cock, filling you to the brim.
 You whined softly as the sensation and stroked at his messy hair  while Newt collapsed against you, panting heavily against your shoulder.
 When his breathing calmed after a minute or so he carefully pulled out from you and you closed your eyes, already missing the feeling of him. He flopped onto the bed beside you and you both lay there, catching your breath, you with a small blissful smile on your face. 
 “Y/N”, he said it so quietly with the most timid tone that you quickly looked over at him in confusion and when you saw the distressed look on his face you grabbed his hand in your own. 
 He opened his mouth to talk but you lifted your other hand to press a finger to his mouth, effectively shushing him “Newton, I swear to everything-you-hold-sacred that if you apologise for the best sex we’ve had yet I will hex your mouth shut.” 
 You looked back at his stunned expression and you moved your finger from his mouth and gently stroked his cheek “unless...unless you regret not using the protection charm. In that case we can reverse it, there’s nothing to worry about.”
  You sat up, reaching for your wand but Newt took your hand, shaking his head before he dropped a delicate kiss to the back of your hand “no it’s not that I promise...I was just worried, I got- I got carried away. You promise I didn’t hurt you?”, he murmured, flicking his eyes up to look at you in concern.
 “Sweetheart I promise. You didn’t hurt me. I would have told you if I wasn’t enjoying it. You have to trust that,” you soothed, gently caressing his cheek and pressing a soft kiss to his lips a moment later. You were constantly surprised by how gentle and caring he was but you were certainly happy to have seen this new side of your husband.
 Newt smiled again and nodded before he gently pulled you into his lap, hugging you close and tucking his face into your shoulder “I love you Mrs. Scamander,” he murmured, smiling at the way you preened at the name. 
 He lifted you into his arms and headed towards the bathroom, and you wasted no time to smile flirtatiously up at him “ohhhh did I hear you say ‘round two in the shower?’ ” You teased winking up at him. 
 Newt rolled his eyes fondly at you, shaking his head “shut it you, that’s enough of your teasing for one week,” he said, dropping a gentle kiss to your forehead and you laughed softly in response.
 “I love you too, Mr. Scamander.” 
-Other Works Here!-
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captainrexisboo · 3 years
Shameless Flirt
Hey hoes! I’m (partially) back!!!
I had a sudden burst of writing inspo. I am very excited to finally give y’all my long awaited Hevy X Reader fic!! I loved writing this, Hevy was so fun to get into the head of. I was going to post this yesterday but then (of course, right as I wanted to start posting again lmao) Life Happened aHA-
Anyways! The Reader Is A Lady (although, it’s not really specified aside from she/her pronouns. still tagging it as female reader though)! No warnings apply, just a lot of flirty banter and a bit of smoochin! Reblogs, replies, and comments are highly encouraged. I love hearing from y’all! Enjoy!!!
Technically, it was your day off. However, being the workaholic you were, and bored just sitting in your quarters, you decided the best course of action was to pick up some things you had left at one of your workstations in the ARC training sector...like the stopping point of your last project. You waved and smiled past the guards and troopers patrolling the halls, the vode knew you so it’s not like they were surprised when you strolled through the stark fluorescent halls in your lounging civvies you brought from Corrie. It’s not like you didn’t do this every other off day. It’s not like they haven’t tried to stop you- but not even ARC Commander Blitz could give you orders to go relax as you hunch over another blaster, detonator, or even some type of launcher, without you grinning like a cheeky loth-cat, “I am relaxing, Commander.”
After the first few months of working alongside Blitz, he came to understand that nothing was going to come between you and your work. At least nothing short of the consequence of you kicking and screaming all the way back to your quarters. So he let you be. “Don’t mind her, boys, that’s just our weapons tech. She’s always at the armory, or here in the target range. Think of her as a part of the training- don’t you dare get distracted.” Every new batch of ARC-trainees got told the same thing, and everytime you’d smirk into your work with a casual but polite wave over your shoulder, not even bothering to look back-
“And what about after training, Commander, will she still be ‘distracting’ up here?”
-until today. His shameless intention laced his words, and you could feel his eyes run up and down the curve of your spine, following the shape of your legs. You stood straight from your bent position over the standing turret, turning around with an unimpressed brow as you cocked out a hip, “I sure will, but you’ve got curfew to make, trooper.”
It was easy to single out the flirt, even if they were all wearing helmets. There were five trainees this time, four of them had their shoulders shaking as they choked back giggles with varying snorts and fake coughs at their brother’s expense. The one second from the end to your right seemed taken aback by your retort, spine stiff, and visor still looking at you dead on. You slid your eyes over to where Blitz was sighing and shaking his head, taking as step forward as he ordered, “Fives, thump your brother’s helmet for me.”
“Aye, sir,” Fives managed to breathe out the two syllables without breaking, but needing to clear his throat before swatting the upside of the flirt’s head, effectively taking his gaze off of you and immediately to the floor. Blitz made his way across the room to stand in front of the trooper, and even though they were the same height, Blitz carried himself in a way that made him seem to loom over the younger soldier.
“CT-782, you said your name was Hevy, right?” 
“Yes sir,” Hevy confirmed, voice coming out low, in a natural huskiness some clones seemed to have, as he stood even straighter, trying to mimic the Commander’s practiced stance. Blitz nodded a couple times, humming sagely- you recognized this though. He wasn’t thinking at all, he was just adding tension, the dramatic bastard. You couldn’t help but scoff silently at his demeanor as he took an inhale before continuing.
“I’ve read up about you and your brothers, soldier. The outpost at Rishi, getting recruited into the 501st, your entire batch surviving every fray, hells I just saw all five of you in action during the Separatist invasion just a couple days ago,” Blitz took a moment to exhale, something that could have been mistaken for a sound of intrigue, “You no doubt deserve to be here. An entire batch making it to ARC training? This hasn’t been done since the last batch made specifically to be ARCs themselves. But son-” in the pause, now you could never be sure, but you were positive in that moment you heard the grating clicking of Hevy grinding his teeth at the term, “-I don’t recommend playing with fire. Lucky as you all have been, even in ARC armor, you’ll get burned.”
Hevy stole a glance back at you, to which you gave him a mock salute with your screwdriver and a delightfully crooked smirk before turning back to your work.
Instead of taking his Commander’s words to heart as a warning, he took them as a challenge. From that day on, whenever he found himself in the same room as you (provided Blitz wasn’t there to reprimand him) he would try his hand to win you over. Admittedly, it was very fun to trade bouts of wit with him. He was a cocky brute, but held a sharp tongue. His hot-headedness made it especially entertaining to get him all riled up, teasing him back, only to give him a flick on the nose or a poke on his chest plate. Hell, there was one time you went as far as squeezing his bicep. Specializing in weaponry, especially the heavy duty kind, his arms were definitely impressive. How could you not take that chance? 
On the slower days, when he was too tired to even run his eyes over you, he’d still find you hunched over your workspace in the armory to watch you perform your task of the day. An arms specialist finding interest in a weapons technician’s work? Shocker. Still, being surrounded by the blasters and countless ammo and bombs in the armory, listening to the gentle clicks of your tinkering and watching your fingers go through repeating nimble motions over metal plates and little rivets did seem to put him at ease after a rough day. It was something you could much too easily relate to. Over the course of Domino squad’s ARC training, those days where he gave you quiet, warm company were your favorite.
Today was not one of those days.
You had been given a new assignment, transferring from the training base...to travel with the Domino squad once they graduated in the next few days. And it seems like they just got the message too. You rolled your eyes as you heard his low whistle from across the room, but from the safety of being turned around you couldn’t help a sly grin take over your face. 
“And what, praytell,” Hevy’s gruff voice fills the armory as his boots echoed off the walls with their weighted falls, like you could hear the sway in his step to the beat of his walk, getting closer to you as you continued to lean over your work table, “Did the Domino ARCs do to get a pretty little thing like you to be our weapons technician?”
“Oi, leave her alone, Hevy,” ever the gentleman, Echo tried to ‘defend your honor’ from the shameless flirt as he walked in not a moment later, “Unless you want her to issue herself for a transfer to a different band of ARCs? Keep talking to her like she’s some meat pie, see where it gets you.”
“Awh, thank you, Echo,” you cooed over your shoulder before pushing up your goggles to give Hevy a sugar-coated pout, “Eat shit, Hevy.”
Hevy knew this game, taking his helmet off he shot you a charming wink, before turning to his brother, “What other ‘band of ARCs’? We’re the only notable ones, all the other ARCs are in CO positions, or are riding it solo and getting contracted to separate battalions for separate missions every day! We’re the only full squad of-“
“Half a squad,” Echo interrupted, taking off his helmet to shoot his brother a criticizing arch of his brow, “You realize a full squad is nine soldiers, right? This stuff has been drilled into us since decanting-”
“Then why do they call us the Domino squad?”
“Rolls off the tongue better than Domino batch,” you grumbled into your work, slipping your goggles back on and trying to focus amidst their conversation, “Look, are y’all actually here for something, or-?”
You trailed off, continuing your practiced movements as you waited for an answer. Hevy leaned next to you on the table, careful not to jostle it, or you, with his weight. He had learned that lesson the hard way...some nights his shin still throbbed with the memory.
“We’re gonna celebrate, not just the graduation, but now with you getting to tag along!” Hevy’s unusual cheeriness made you pause in your work. You turned to him, about to say something when he continued, “And we want you to join in the celebration too, mesh’la.”
You blinked at him, surprised by his offer. Sure, you were friendly to the troopers, and Hevy seems to have gotten especially comfortable around you, but you didn’t think they’d want to invite you to something as special as that. You pulled the goggles completely off your head, setting down your tools as you turned around to lean against your table, “I’ll bite. What’s the catch?”
Echo and Hevy looked between themselves, before glancing at you with mirroring expressions of confusion. 
“Why do you want me to join?” you elaborated, bringing up a hand to count on your fingers, “You wouldn’t want me there unless you had a reason for me to join, what is it? Contraband liquor? Snacks? Do you want me to secure the armory for the get together so you don’t have to have it in the barracks, or my quarters, or what?”
“The catch,” Hevy took a careful step into your space, mimicking your new pose, giving you an amused if not surprised smile, “is for you to have fun, not surrounded by guns and ammo.”
“And that’s coming from Hevy,” Echo scoffed, but agreeing with a wide shrug of his shoulders as he crossed his arms. You looked between the two of them as the moment stretched out for what felt like a lifetime… for Hevy at least. All the times he spent with you, all the terrible flirting and unashamed eyeing- he really wanted you to join. He could feel sweat begin to creep down his neck, the longer he waited for a response, swallowing down a gulp of dry air as his gaze flicked nervously over to Echo. Echo simply rolled his eyes- all of Domino Squad knew about Hevy’s true feelings for you. It was hard not to take notice when Hevy was just, well, like that. But they never seemed to learn about Hevy’s quiet times in here with you, how you two would partake in silent togetherness, finding peace in each other’s company. Not that Hevy was embarrassed, far from it, but he liked having that little piece to himself. Of course, he wanted more of you to himself, but for now those comforting silences while you built and rebuilt blasters were enough for him, because they were enough for you.
You kept your gaze neutral as you weighed the option of joining in your mind. It was far from a bad option, you liked this batch. They had been through a lot together, loved and protected each other like brothers should, and along with Hevy they accepted you as one of their own. What was one night?
“Yeah, alright,” you looked between the two ARCs, a grin forming as you stole a glance at Hevy, “I’ll join in. When is it?”
Hevy could jump for joy at your agreement, but he was still leaning on your workspace. Instead he smiled wide, tattooed cheeks crinkling parallel to the corners of his eyes, letting out a relieving breath, “Tomorrow night, the eve of our first deployment as ARCs. Be at our bunks at 1930…and if you do have any liquor-”
“Of course I have liquor,” you interrupt Echo’s chiding with a wink to the heavy gunner, bringing your forefinger up to trace Hevy’s jawline, gliding along the sharp edge, the pad of your fingertip calloused from years of work, and swelling with pride at how his dark eyes fluttered shut as he leaned into your teasing touch. Coming off with a playful tap to the tip of his chin, his eyes snapped open at your sultry chuckle, “See you tomorrow, soldier.”
You turned back to your work, slipping your goggles on a final time, but not before a quick and casual wave over your shoulder, “Later, Echo.”
Echo couldn’t figure out your mood toward Hevy worth a damn. He looked between your aloof manners and Hevy’s moony grin, deciding it just wasn’t worth trying to pick your brain at, partially because he was smart enough not to get involved, but also he wasn’t certain he’d be able to stomach the answer. Catching his brother's eyes, he made a discreet gagging motion to him before fitting his helmet back on and walking out the door, “See you, techie.”
Hevy stayed back a bit longer, continuing to watch you work. He was completely quiet, but his silence was deafening. You breathed out a huff of laughter, the tops of your ears beginning to heat up at his attention, wetting your lips, “Well?”
“Hm? Well what?” he shook himself out of his stupor, blinking back into time at your voice.
“Are you gonna leave now n’ let me work?” You cursed inwardly at your harsh words. You liked Hevy, deep down he was a real sweetheart, but you always found yourself being so coarse to him. Thankfully, he was as much of a hardhead as he was a hothead, and he met your indifferent glare with a devilish grin that made your heart jump doubletime.
“No, I think I’m gonna sit right here and watch your lovely hands make something amazing.”
“Amazing?” you scoff, shaking your head at his compliment, “I’m just fixing up another DC-15A that some cadet broke. You need to head to the med station if you think that’s amazing. We both know the Z-6 rotary is far superior-”
“When you’re done with it, it’ll be the best DC-15A in the GAR,” Hevy interrupted, eyes shifting between your face and your hands, “Everything you do is amazing.”
You stopped what you were doing at the genuinity that filled his praise. He always spoke to you with a hint of truth, a bit of heartfelt sincerity to make his easy way of speaking more personal to you, more interesting. But there was something in his expression, maybe the dreamlike haze filling the depths of his eyes, or the way that his accent rolled off his tongue that had you placing your palms flat on the table before speaking low to him, “Hevy, what are you doing?”
“I thought I was pretty clear,” he shrugged with a sideways grin, still careful of the lean on your table, “I’m watching you. You’ve let me before-”
“I mean with the…” you gestured to his full self, keeping your eyes on your now resting project, “The whole...flirting thing.”
You caught him off-guard. The two of you have been at it for months now, but neither of you had ever said or acknowledged anything about it. It was like a silent pact between the two of you, continue the performance, but don’t mention the game. To suddenly come out of the unsaid arrangement, Hevy felt himself draw back, slowly lifting his weight off the table, “Do you...not like it? I mean I figured that you...you know, you’ve always responded…”
You couldn’t believe it. After always having something to say, being able to trade quips, building a friendship over the shared banter and ripostes, the fearless ARC trooper you’ve seen grow so much these past few months was babbling out broken sentences at a single question.
“I can stop, if you’d like.”
It was that whispered phrase that brought you back into the moment, turning to him with burning cheeks, “I didn’t say that.”
“Well then what do you want?” He took a step into your space, brow set and a jaw flexing as he frustratingly tried to understand your sudden shift, “We’ve been...flirting-” the word left him like he was saying it for the first time, each syllable carefully leaving his lips- “since the day I met you. Mesh’la, if you don’t like it, say something! We’re about to go to work together, travelling the galaxy for a long time-”
“Exactly,” you countered, poking at his chest as you stood defiantly to him, tearing off your goggles and mussing your hair off to the side, “Whatever this is, are we gonna continue it? Continue dancing around each other like some kind of goddamned soap opera where everyone but us gets off on our own self-denial?”
“Self-denial?” Hevy repeats, an incredulous sound leaving his chest as you saw a fire spark behind his stare, “Sweetheart, I’m not denying anything, especially things I haven’t been asked!”
“Alright then, fine!” Somewhere down the conversation, your voices had raised to shouting in the small space, even as you two stood almost nose to nose, and your breath hot on his lips you asked, “Do you like me, trooper?”
“Like you? It was love at first sight when you first told me off,” Hevy couldn’t find it in himself to be embarrassed at his confession, just focusing on fueling the flames between you, “And what about you, techie? How do you feel about me?”
“I think you’re a smartmouthed asshole with a heart of gold and a pretty face- yeah, I like you a whole fucking lot!” 
This was ridiculous. You knew it was ridiculous. You could see it in his face too, the two of you breathing heavy, barely a hair’s width away from each other. You’re unsure who started it, later on you two would always claim the other giggled first, but eventually you found yourselves holding onto each other for support as you laughed out the rest of your pointless venom. His arms fit around you perfectly as your hands held strong to his wide shoulders, your laughter filling the room together, the sounds swirling in their melody as everything started to click perfectly into place. Once everything quieted down, your head resting against his chest as his hands ran up and down your back, you exhaled low and steady against him, slowly rocking in his hold, “Plastoid isn’t that comfortable to rest on, huh?”
“You should try wearing it,” Hevy snorted at your comment, leaning over to rest his cheek on the top of your head, “So...what now?”
You hummed, feigning thought before angling your face to brush your lips over the column of his throat, murmuring into his skin, “I wouldn’t be against a kiss.”
Something rich left his throat, the sound deep and thrumming through his chest before one of his hands found its way into your tresses on the back of your head, tugging gently at your hair to guide you to his lips. You couldn’t stop the brief hitch in your breath at the daring move, but you wouldn’t have expected anything less from the brash soldier. At your word he took the lead, slanting over your mouth in a soft motion, breathing you in as easy as air. You followed in confidence, welcoming the boldness with which he kissed you as the same boldness that had him playing the game you both set up. A small noise of satisfaction left you, not just from the perfect pressure from his lips moving so softly against yours, but also from the way his hand gripped so firmly at your waist through your canvas jumpsuit, his other hand still carding so thoughtfully through your hair; it was a sweet little gasp that Hevy swore he’d be replaying in his head for a week. Or at least until he was able to make another sound tumble out of you.
Your hands came up to cup his cheeks, thumbs tracing the edges of his tattoos, pulling him impossibly closer. The payoff of this single kiss was absolutely worth all those months of gentle torture, the teasing touches and glances, discreetly watching his lips when he’d talk and thinking about how he’d feel against your own. Or even how he’d taste. In a stroke of your own audacity, you ran a slow, languid lick of your tongue against his lips, and the growl that came from him made the most delightful of shivers shoot right down your spine.
He had a robust, spicy taste, earthy and rich with a bit of heat that came tickling at your tongue. It wasn’t too surprising- he smelled the same way, smoky and hearty with the biting musk all clones seemed to carry with them. What did surprise you was the honeyed velvet of his own tongue eagerly coming to meet yours as you repeated your action. You could feel his infuriating grin at the helpless whimper that dripped from you at the feeling, and you nipped brazenly at his bottom lip in retaliation.
Before he could respond to your playful attack, the two of you froze as a throat loudy cleared from the entryway of the armory. Hevy almost didn’t pull away from you, a near silent broken whine coming from him (for your ears only) as he came off of your lips with a wet smacking sound. After a quick flex of his fingers, he removed his hands from you just as slowly, your own hands sliding down from his face to clasping behind your back. You both turned to face the bucket of Commander Blitz, arms crossed and stance wide in the doorway. He nodded toward the hall, “You left the door open.”
You cleared your throat, pursing your lips to keep from saying something ridiculous. Hevy clenched his jaw, trying to accomplish the same thing. Blitz’s visor smoothly slid to gaze over you, and you straightened in the mimic of his cadets. “You finally relaxing, techie?”
A short chuckle escaped you, lips twitching up in a coy grin, “I am, Commander.”
He nodded, that same dramatic humming leaving him as he turned then to Hevy, who tensed at full attention to the ARC Commander. “What about you, son. How’s that burn feel?”
“To be perfectly candid, sir,” Hevy, always pushing the limits, turned to shoot you a look with a quick lick of his lips before responding, “Absolutely thrilling.”
Blitz nodded again, taking slow steps into the room, like how Hevy had earlier that day, letting each step echo off the walls until he was about two feet away, “I’m happy for you both, but please. Don’t be stupid. You’re lucky it was me walking by and not one of the longnecks, or the nat-born chief trainers. Close the doors. And do me a favor, wait till you’re both off Kamino for any of the heavier stuff, okay?”
You and Hevy both confirmed the Commander’s request with quick nods and mumbled “Yes sirs,” making him let go a long breath. Uncrossing his arms, he pointed to Hevy, “Trooper, hit the showers. Move it.”
Hevy shot you one last look, if you didn’t know any better you’d say he was bashful, before saluting Blitz, grabbing his helmet and marching out of the armory. You stood straight, still under Blitz’s cold stare from his visor, until he sighed, slapping a companionable hand on your shoulder, “If he steps out of line, I better be the first vod you call. I will kick his ass so hard, he’ll be knocked back to failing the Citadel the first time-”
“At ease, Commander,” you rolled your eyes, you hand coming up to hold onto his, brushing your thumb over his knuckles with a soft breath of laughter, “He didn’t lay a hand on me until I asked him to.”
Blitz squeezed your hand, taking off his own helmet to look at you. He looked a little older than Domino did, cheeks slightly hollowed and eyes a bit deeper set, a bittersweet shine coming over his amber stare, mouth twitching up into a lopsided smile, “I’m gonna miss you, after you go off with those fools.”
“You’ll make great friends with the next techie who comes along. Who knows, maybe they’ll actually listen to you,” you smile back at him, the two of you masking the tears threatening to fall from your lashes. He pulls you in, touching your foreheads together, before giving two more pats to your shoulder.
“And remember,” he pulls off of you, placing his helmet back on and causing his voice to come out in a soft static, “Please, for the love of Jango, don’t-”
“Don’t be stupid,” you salute to him, winking for extra effect, “Aye-aye, ori’vod.”
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moldisgoodforyou · 3 years
lost time ch. 5.5
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soooo it’s not the next part of study abroad fic like i promised but i wanted this one out of the drafts. pls enjoy 
wordcount: 3.6k
warnings: all smut - this is part of chapter five and then a what if they actually fucked lmao
They kept kissing for a while, Sophie lazily toying with the ends of his hair. After a couple minutes, he started kissing along her jaw, sucking just enough at a spot on her neck to elicit a soft moan from her. “I wish I came as your date.” He murmured against her skin as he traced his thumb back and forth over her hip. She froze at his confession, her head clouded without a clear thought. “You’re drunk.” She mumbled back, hand falling from his neck. “I’m not.” He argued, kissing her again. She could taste the rum on his lips, betraying his words.
“Well, I am.” She replied softly, hesitating again until he went in for another kiss. “And I’m still mad about your stupid death cup rule.” He scoffed, softly, but sounded more amused than anything. “You can’t call house rules when it’s not your house.” Sophie scowled and pressed her hand a little harder against his chest. “It’s more my house than yours. Can’t you just follow the rules?” He chuckled, trailing his hand higher and ran his index finger lightly along her spine. “Do you ever stop arguing, Soph?” She shivered at his touch, willing herself not to move closer. “Not with you.”
“Can we…?” He asked with a broad grin, tipping his head toward their houses, just a short walk away.
She paused, considering. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” He challenged, stepping closer and backing her up against the wall. She swallowed and felt her heart threatening to beat out of her chest, then willed herself not to think about it any longer - if she did, she’d back herself out of it. “I just. We’re - we’re not going to -” She stammered, and he raised his eyebrows. “Yes or no?”
“Yes.” She decided, pushing him a little so she could slip out from under him and walk off the back porch, then around the house. He snorted as he followed her. “Walking through the house isn’t an option for you?”
“Not really a fan of everyone thinking we hooked up.” She lied, striding down the sidewalk determinedly.
He furrowed his brow and jogged to catch up with her, confused. “I thought you said -”
“I did. We’re going to.”
“Then why -”
“It doesn’t matter, god, do you always ask so many questions?” She snapped frustratedly, hating herself as she did. She was better than this, wasn’t she? Being mean to Rafe had always been a coping mechanism to hide the inkling of a crush she’d had on him all those years.
He fell silent, frowning as he followed. Maybe this was a bad idea, right? Some small part of his brain reminded him of the one time he saw a therapist in training, as a favor to a friend also in the psychology major, and the therapist had told him he sounded like he was a little too comfortable allowing people in who repeatedly hurt him. All that after only thirty minutes of meeting the person and a few confessions. Probably bullshit, he always figured, it was just because he was in a vulnerable spot right after he was dumped by Brooklyn and shared a little too much.
They got to his house faster than he expected, and he offered his hand as they walked through the door. He was surprised when she accepted it, a little tentatively, and hoped she couldn’t feel his pulse through his palm. “My room’s just up here.”
“Okay. I like the house, it’s cool.” A lot of their flirty energy had died down and turned to nervous energy, and she wished she’d wiped her palm on her skirt before taking his hand.
“It was built in 1932 or something like that, it actually used to be the governor’s mansion -” He started, only to be interrupted by her. “I know. I had to do a research project on it once, I have the blueprints.”
“Oh.” He showed her into his room, thankful that he’d cleaned up earlier that day, and dropped her hand as he shut the door behind her. “So. Here it is.”
“Rafe?” She took a step closer, trapping him against the door like he’d had her earlier. Had he always had that little smattering of freckles across his nose? They were so faint by now she could hardly see it, but for a moment she wondered what they’d look like in summer, across his tanned skin.
“Yeah?” His hands found her waist easily and he dared to tease his thumb along the elastic of her skirt, nearly making her shudder.
“I didn’t really come here to talk.”
“Right.” He glanced between her eyes and her lips, tongue darting out briefly to wet his own.
She seemed amused, raising her eyebrows. “Am I always gonna have to make the first move?”
He shook his head quickly and leaned down, and she wasn’t sure who kissed who first. Their lips met hard in a heated kiss and it wasn’t long until he reached down and tapped one hand under her thigh. She took the hint and jumped to wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, rolling her hips a little into him.
He supported her with both hands under her thighs and groaned into her mouth as she rolled her hips. Her already-short skirt was halfway up her waist already so there was nearly nothing between them, especially considering his half-unbuttoned shirt and tight pants that left nothing to the imagination.
“Bed.” She breathed out, working at the rest of the buttons down his shirt. He nodded and gently dropped her down onto the bed, then looked up at her with a curious glance as he went to tug off her halter top. “Can I?”
“Yeah, here let me.” She nodded, sitting up just enough to wrestle off the top. He bit hard on his tongue as her breasts came loose, then reached out and cupped them, running his thumbs over her nipples and smirked. “You need to stop hiding these under those big hoodies you wear to class.”
“Oh, sorry, I’ll start just having my tits out in class.” She rolled her eyes, shoving his shirt off his shoulders. “Totally reasonable.”
He laughed and pushed her up the bed, pressing kisses down her throat and along her collarbone. “Sounds perfect to me.” She moaned when he hit the perfect spot at the base of her neck, leaving a red mark sure to bruise. “Rafe.”
He paused for a moment and had to will himself not to cum in his pants just at that sound alone. “Hm?”
“Do you really have to leave hickeys like we’re fifteen?” She threaded her fingers in his hair, wanting to touch nearly every inch of his skin. If she was going to do this once - and she swore she wouldn’t do it again - she was going to make it count.
“Do you not like them?” As if to prove a point, he sucked another one at the swell of her breast, then skated his teeth along her nipple as he moved further down. Her grip tightened in his hair and she let her head fall back, gasping. “Just - fuck - just not where anyone can see.”
“I can do that.” He affirmed, taking his time to leave little kisses and marks all over her chest. She grit her teeth when it went on a little too long, shifting around below him. “Cameron - you can -”
“Yeah?” He lifted his head and moved up to kiss her again but she whined in protest, pressing his head back down. “Come on.”
“Where do you want me?”
“I need words, Soph.”
She scowled, not wanting to admit it any way that she was enjoying herself. “You’re just trying to hold something over me.”
He smirked, thoroughly amused. “I’m trying to fuck you, actually, if you’ll let me.”
“Do you always take this long?” She reached for the zipper of his pants in between them and he laughed, pushing her hand away. “Are you this annoying with every man you sleep with?”
“It’s not like I’ll come that way anyways.” She mumbled under her breath and he paused, cocking his head a little. Sophie hated that she wanted to comb her fingers through his beautiful floppy hair.
“You’ve never come from someone touching you?” He asked, a little softer, gentler with his touch. She huffed and shook her head, not wanting to add that she’d hardly come from sex anyways. “No. Now can we just -”
“No, no, I’m going to take my time.” He declared, moving down her body and nipped along her hips, the waistband of her skirt, then slowly unbuttoned her skirt and looked up at her. “Okay?”
“Okay.” She breathed out, embarrassed at how much control he had over her.
He carefully slid her skirt down her legs and let it fall to the ground, then nudged her legs open, positioning himself in between them.
“What are you - oh, fuck.” She cursed as he placed an open-mouthed kiss directly on her clothed clit. He smirked against her and pushed her legs a little wider, then kissed along her inner thighs, peppering kisses along the hem of her panties.
“Can I?” He asked, hooking his fingers in the sides of her thong. She nodded quickly and he pulled it down - just a little bit - then took it in both hands, ripped it clean in half and stuffed it in his back pocket.
“Did you just -” She sat up a little, trying to close her legs, but he nudged them back open, giving her a wolfish grin. “Yeah, I wanted a souvenir.”
“Oh my fucking god.” Sophie laughed a little in disbelief, but it quickly turned into a moan as he licked a wide stripe up her center, wasting no time. He grinned and replaced his tongue with his fingers, first one then two, as he glanced up at her. “Soaked just for me?”
“In your dreams.” She bit back and he shook his head with a grin. Only she could keep up an argument during sex. “You’re in them more often than you’d think, sweetheart.”
As much as she wanted to hate sweetheart, it felt like a knot was forming in her stomach just from the nickname alone. All she could manage in response was just “oh?”
He smirked and continued his ministrations, slow pumps in and out combined with flicks of his tongue over her clit, slowly building up to it. She whined a little, biting her lip. “More.”
“Yeah? You like that, Soph?” Rafe glanced up to gauge her expression and nearly laughed when he saw her head dropped back against the pillows and her hands fisted in the sheets. He just picked up his pace instead, moving to suck on her clit. When he did that, and curled his fingers inside of her, she gasped sharply. “Do that again.”
He used his free hand to push her leg out again, as they were close to clamping around his head, and continued until she was gasping again, her legs starting to shake. “Oh my god - fucking hell, Rafe -”
Rafe took a mental picture and swore he’d never forget how goddamn pretty she looked as she came, calling out his name. It was quite literally a dream come true and he worked her through the orgasm, then climbed back up the bed to rest next to her and give her a moment to recover.
She tipped her head over, looking almost...surprised. “I didn’t think I could - I’ve never -”
He smirked. “Told you I’d take my time.”
“Arrogant asshole.” She bit back, but it didn’t really have the same effect when she was still a little out of breath and had a blissful expression. Sophie glanced down and saw him straining against his pants, and briefly reconsidered - if she just got up and left right then, would Rafe hate her for all of eternity for giving him blue balls?
Then he rolled on top of her, and she felt him against her core for a tiny moment, and decided she could at least go for a handjob if she couldn’t handle the whole thing. He deserved that at the very least, for the way he just made her feel. Also, why had no one in her social circles ever commented on the size of him before, even in high school? He had to be at least six, maybe seven -
“Soph.” Rafe placed a quick kiss on her lips, laughing when she was jerked out of her reverie and blinked up at him.
“Are you okay?”
She nodded quickly, giving him a small smile. “Are you?”
“I have condoms....” he trailed off, raising his eyebrows with the insinuation. She gave him a small nod and pushed him over onto his back, straddling him and started to work at his button fly.
He let out a choked breath of surprise, just staring at her for a moment.
She felt his gaze and glanced up at him as she undid the last button, placing her hand over his length. “What?”
He swallowed, hard. “I think you might have to yank my pants off. They’re a little tight around the ass.”
Sophie giggled and got off of him so he could swing his legs off to the side of the bed, trying to tug down what he could. She joined in after a moment when they got stuck around his thighs, yanking until she heard a solid rip and immediately put her hands up, eyes wide. “Shit, I didn’t mean to -”
“It’s fine, I’ll just buy another pair.” He excused right away and she bristled, hearing arrogance seep into his tone. That was the reminder she needed that he wasn’t just a hot random hookup, this was Rafe, and even if he could make her cum in five damn minutes from a flick of his tongue and twist of his fingers, he was still everything she hated about him too.
“Where are your condoms?” She reached for his bedside table and he grabbed her hand to stop her, not wanting her to see the drafted screenplay he’d been working on for a class. It featured two sworn enemies, who’d known each other for ages then ended up at the same college even though it was far away from their hometown - fine, there were too many similarities that she’d catch right away. He kicked off what was now three big scraps of his pants and reached in the very back of the drawer to pull out a condom, a sore reminder of how long it’d been.
She sat back on the bed and tried to look impassive at his size, reminding herself she really should have assumed, with the way he was built and all of 6’3”. He caught her staring and smirked, keeping his eyes locked with hers as he rolled the condom on. “You okay?”
She blushed, immediately flustered. “I’m fine.”
“When was the last time you...?”
She huffed, crossing her arms. “Is that really important?”
He shook his head quickly, genuine. “No! No, not at all, but we can just take things slower. If you want.”
She appreciated the gesture - he was probably right - but grabbed his hand anyways, pulling him down to the bed. “I’ll be fine.”
He leaned over her, giving her a long kiss and combed his fingers through her hair. Just that action alone had her wanting to melt into him and kiss him for ages, until their lips fell off - she had to remind herself that this wasn’t a romantic thing with how soft he was being. He nearly reached to hold her hand, then just ran it up her side instead, telling himself that she wouldn’t want that, anyways.
“Rafe.” She murmured against his lips, feeling overwhelmed from the way his hands were everywhere and how he was so damn close and god, were his eyes always that pretty?
He pulled back a little, concerned. “Did I do something wr -”
She didn’t give him the chance to finish. Sophie pushed him onto his back, straddling him and rocked her hips once against him. “You’re taking too long.”
He groaned, his hands immediately going to her waist to support her. “Didn’t realize we were on a time crunch.”
“I wouldn’t be doing this if I was sober.” She reminded him and he frowned, squeezing her hips gently. “You’re not drunk though. I didn’t think you were even tipsy by now.”
“I ...” She trailed off, feeling a little guilty at the way he froze. “I wouldn’t have agreed to this normally.” She wasn’t sure why, exactly, she was lying to him, just felt the need to put him in his place, remind him what they’d be going back to after this one-night stand.
His brow knitted with concern. “We can stop, Sophie, I’m not going to push you to do anything you don’t want to.”
“No, no, I didn’t mean it like that.” She amended quickly, feeling way too exposed for a moment to be having that conversation. “I just meant - I don’t know. This isn’t happening again, so. Enjoy it while you last.”
He relaxed a little, his frown turning to a smirk. “While I last? I think it only took me five minutes to watch you cum.”
She had no response to that, so she just huffed, standing up on her knees. “Are you good?”
He nodded, watching with bated breath as she took his cock and lined it up with her entrance, slowly sinking down onto him. He groaned, letting his head fall back for a moment, but kept his grip on her hips. “Fuck, Sophie.”
Just him saying her name - like that - sent a pulse straight to her core. She bit the inside of her cheek hard as she sunk down all the way on him, waiting just a moment for it to turn from a flash of pain to pleasure. “Just - just let me -”
He nodded, rubbing circles on her hips with his thumbs. “Take your time.”
She scowled, almost taking it as a challenge. “I’m fine.” She started bouncing her hips on him, leaning forward a little and bracing her hands on his abs. It took her a moment, but it started feeling better and better, and Rafe’s groans and gasps were enough to spur her on.
“Oh, c’mon...so good, Soph...” He encouraged, bringing his hips up to meet hers. For a few minutes the room was just filled with their breathy pants and the sound of skin on skin. When he felt himself getting closer, he reached in between them and started rubbing circles across her clit, loving the way she gasped at his touch.
She nearly flinched, the feeling of everything being so close to overwhelming. She was so close to reaching her high - again - and kept her eyes on his for a heated moment. 
Rafe kept up his motions until he could tell she was close, about to snap, and he was too. “There we go, Soph, that’s my good girl -” 
“Not yours.” She snapped hastily and he let his head flop back against the pillow, frustrated, and dropped his hand. “Didn’t mean it like that -” 
She shook her head. “Whatever. Doesn’t matter.” Sophie grabbed his hand and brought it back to her clit, hoping to spur him on again. “Please don’t stop - oh, yes, fuck, there -” 
He resumed his gentle rubbing, a little more frenzied now, and groaned as she moved her hips a little differently, rolling them and bouncing on him somehow all at the same time. It only took a minute longer for her to come and as she clenched around him, it spurred him on too, making him let out an embarrassingly loud groan. 
As they both caught their breath and she climbed off him, panting, he shot her a cocky grin. “Sure you don’t want to do that again?” 
She chose to ignore him and stood, hoping it didn’t show how she stumbled just a little from weak legs. She reached for her skirt then paused, standing up with crossed arms. “You took my underwear.” 
“I did.” He nodded, leaning back with his hands behind his head, on full display. 
Sophie let her gaze rake over him for a second, but he didn’t notice as he was doing the same. “And you ripped it.” 
He had the decency to look a little bashful at that. “Probably shouldn’t have.” 
“What the hell am I supposed to do?” 
Rafe gave her a wry smile. “You could stay the night and I’ll give you my boxers to sleep in.” 
She huffed and pulled her skirt on anyways, rolling her eyes. “Give it up, Cameron. Never gonna happen.” 
“I’m sorry, did you just disassociate from the last half hour?” He raised his eyebrows, smirking. 
Sophie wrestled on her halter top, thoroughly annoyed by now - god, only he could switch her mood so easily. “Worst sex of my life.” 
He let out a loud, barking laugh. “You know that’s not true.” 
“I - well - whatever. I’m leaving.” She started toward the door and he sprung out of bed, tugging on a pair of boxers. “No, hold on, I’m not letting you walk home alone.” 
She stopped in the doorframe, crossing her arms. “This is ridiculous, we’re not dating -” 
“It’s still three am and I’m not letting you walk.” He shoved his feet into boat shoes and grabbed his keys from his nightstand. “Come on.” 
“Just a drive home?” She asked, stepping aside so she could follow him down the hall. 
“Just a drive home.” He confirmed. “Jesus, Sophie, it’s just a kind gesture, not a committed relationship.” 
“I know, just. I don’t know.” 
He cast a glance back at her, frowning a little. “Your last boyfriend was that bad, huh?” 
She rolled her eyes, following him outside to the car and got in (after he insisted upon opening the door for her). “No comment.” 
taglist: @whoeveniskendall @kkmaybank @karsinner @outerbanksbro @outerbankspreferences @randomficsandshit @jailcalledlife @tovvaa @moniamaybank @illbesafeforyou @dontjinx-it @freddymaybank @jjmaybankzz @g4bster @oopsiedoopsie23 @babygal-babygal @thecuthoney
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astralsweetness · 3 years
So Kiss Me Goodbye (Hui/Reader) (m)
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➣ I wrote this in, like, fifteen minutes the day before his enlistment, so it’s not very good at all lmao
➣ Very very vaguely connected to this drabble, which is connected to this fic. Title from Pentagon’s “Beautiful Goodbye”, Hui’s line specifically: "So kiss me goodbye, if I have to leave I'd rather leave beautiful memories behind".
➣ Hui/Reader | Warnings include: Mentioned alcohol in the beginning, pegging (tho it’s not explicitly said, so it could be seen as a male!reader as well), implied choking, mentioned safewording, mentioned hair-pulling. Talks about his enlistment, sort of angsty but things are okay.
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Hui’s leaning on you just a bit too heavily, both of his hands wrapped around one of yours to amuse himself. You knew it would end up like this when the somaek was brought out – he might not have had the highest tolerance, but that didn’t mean he found it difficult to drink something lighter than soju.
“It was a lot of fun.” He’s speaking quietly to you, aware of the taxi driver even while drunk, some idol-life rules ingrained in his being without needing to be sober. That being said, the fact that he was half on top of you proved his memory was very selective. “It’s been a while since we could all get together.”
You’ve heard this before, mostly because he’d said some iteration of this to you about six other times tonight. You know how Hui is going to respond to your response, but you lead him down the same conversation as before anyway. “Didn’t you all get together to do the exact same thing the last time you were set to enlist, Hui?” You’re wary to call him anything else in the presence of a cab driver who may or may not be listening.
“Hyojongie didn’t bring Hyuna-noona last time.” He says it like it’s as simple as that, and you suppose it is. For someone who thrived off of being surrounded by his found family, having an extra person was probably nice. “Wish Jinho-hyung could have come though.”
“You know he doesn’t get many off days.” You’re not totally listening to the conversation considering it was one you’d already had with him more than once, but you can feel his glittering gaze on the side of your face, looking at you like you were everything he ever wanted. It was heavy with alcohol but no less sincere.
You keep your gaze turned away, out the window at the night scenery blurring by, his hands still holding yours as he tucks his face in against your neck, facemask rough against your skin.
By the time you get home he is half-asleep, the driver looking at you with pity as Hui leans on you when the two of you get out of the taxi. You’re not sure why that look bothers you, fingers holding Hui’s waist a bit tighter in reflex.
He is asleep the instant he touches your bed, curled up on his side of it with his face buried in your pillow, like even in his dreams he was trying to make up for the fact that you weren’t directly next to him. He’s still wearing the clothes he’d worn out to the get-together, but you don’t even entertain the thought of waking him up to deal with them – it was obvious how tired he was, even without the alcohol’s influence.
You leave a glass of water and an aspirin on the bedside table near him, sliding under your covers moments later – he turns towards you instantly, and you wrap your arms around him out of habit, one hand resting lightly on the back of his neck. That was a habit too.
Kissing him on the forehead wasn’t a habit, and he makes a soft sound at the feeling, nuzzling in against your collarbone.
You wake to kisses littering across your cheekbones – before you even open your eyes you can hear him laughing softly, knowing precisely when you awoke. He was just too perceptive when it came to those he loved.
“Sweetheart, I’m pretty sure this isn’t my dorm.”
“Shouldn’t you be hungover..” Your response is less than enthusiastic, even when he cuddles up to you and presses more kisses to your jaw. He wanted something, you just didn’t know what yet.
“I am – and I would be worse if my darling lover hadn’t left medicine by the bed.” He pauses only briefly, during which you crack your eyes open finally to look at him. He does look vaguely hungover, but he also looks beautiful, dark hair falling into his eyes and petal pink lips upturned into a slight grin, face the vaguest bit puffy from the alcohol and extended sleep. Then again, he always looked beautiful to you. “I love you.”
That was a new phrase that had entered your relationship only recently, and something Hui had seemed to cling to when it had been given to him. He said it all the time, as a greeting, as a promise, as a threat, as a goodbye.
But the words felt heavy on your tongue – what was that supposed to mean, when he led the life he did? With your relationship the way it currently was? He’s still waiting for a response with an expression you can only categorize as fond. He never rushed you when it came to this, just smiled and waited, unbothered, like he knew your response even if you didn’t say it.
He deserved the truth though, so you murmur a quiet “I love you too” that wreathes around the two of you like a heavy entity, suffocating but also warm and protective.
“This isn’t your dorm because I wanted to wake up next to you.” That, too, was the truth – the sunset hue of his eyes turns more dawn than dusk at the words, brows pulling together like hearing that was a sweet type of pain. He doesn’t say the I’m sorry I can’t more often that you know is crowding on his tongue. Instead he just presses a soft kiss to your lips before the mischievous look from before re-enters his eyes. He definitely wanted something.
“Since I’m here, what about morning sex?” He says it with no shame, forcing a startled laugh out of you – the room feels lighter somehow, and you reach out to affectionately cup his face, brushing your thumb across his cheek. You can feel the slight imperfections of his skin under your finger, the minute things makeup would always cover, his perfect flaws that you loved.
“Depends.” Your hand caresses his face and slides down until it’s wrapped snugly against the side of his throat, right in the spot it belongs. When he swallows you can feel it under your palm, warm and trusting. “What did you have in mind?”
“Want you to fuck me.” He’s grinning, like he enjoys getting to say something so blatantly naughty sounding after always policing what he says for the camera. “It’s been a really long time since I got fucked last.”
“Really?” You find that hard to believe, considering your Hui had always been sort of a slut (which you called him with all the affection in the world). He laughs in mock offense at your question, so utterly happy just from getting to spend the morning with you, despite his apparent hangover.
“Yes, really! I haven’t even gotten to use my own fingers in a while – do you have any idea how clingy those boys can get when they put their mind to it? Even Hyunggu will follow me around now that the enlistment date was confirmed.” Hui’s whining, trying to make a big deal out of something you know he in actuality loved.
“Then I guess I have some work to do, don’t I?” He scoots back a bit so you can stretch as you sit up, blankets pooling around your waist. It’s only now you notice that at some point in the morning he had shed his belt and pants from the night before. “Someone as pretty and cute as you shouldn’t have to touch themselves, isn’t that right?”
He throws you a smile in response – it’s one of his fragile ones, where he looks almost sad but is instead simply overcome with emotion. You can’t help laughing at him, sliding from under the covers and tossing the lube at him haphazardly. He stretches to catch it, just managing to keep it from falling off the bed. “That was supposed to be a good line, Hui, but you ruined it with your sappy affection.”
“Oh – wait, hang on, you can say it again and I’ll pretend I haven’t heard it.”
Sex with Hui ranged from anywhere between incredibly tense and passionate to carefree and casual, and this seemed to be one of the latter scenarios. There’s a persistent laugh lingering in his throat, infectious, and you can’t help but to laugh along whenever he does.
The atmosphere only slightly changes when you begin to open him up, a specific type of gracefulness seen in the line of his body when you crook your fingers and he arches his back off the bed. A sound that might have been a yelp or a moan accompanies it. Everything is still soft and hazy, warmth suffused through your bodies from where his fingers tangle with your own.
You’re content to let him take the lead, watching tenderly even while his fingers curl semi-painfully into your shoulders when he bottoms out, head thrown back, throat working as he swallows hard. You wonder if you could get away with marking him up before he has to go, but ultimately decide not to, knowing at least someone will be recording when he leaves.
Watching him move on top of you while you lie back and watch is a type of special pleasure - he is just so beautiful, brow furrowed and lips parted, gaze dark and intense but just a bit disconnected like he was focused only on how good he felt. It’s only when his movements become rough that you take all control back, a simple heavy hand on his hip making him still. Sweat glistens on his skin, cock red and glistening with pre-cum from a mixture between desperation and arousal.
“Slower – Hwitaek, baby, I’m not going anywhere.” You reach for his hand, finding it easily even if you curse yourself for your choice of words – it trembles in your grasp and you wonder, for the first time, if he hasn’t been totally honest about how he feels about the four weeks he’ll be gone for basic training. He’s gazing down at you with such a bittersweet expression that it makes your chest ache, and he’s completely stopped moving at this point, resting on your hips, taking all of you as deep as possible.
“I know.” His voice is a soft whisper – four weeks of no contact, of only one phonecall for a limited time every seven days. You weren’t sure he’d ever gone that long without contact from either you or one of his boys.
It’s not fear you’re seeing reflected back at you in his eyes, but loneliness. A lingering sadness because he doesn’t want to be apart from those he loves for even a moment.
“Do you need to safeword, baby?” It feels necessary to ask, to remind him of his safety net considering the way he had gone distant, body tense and fingers shaking around your own.
“No.” It’s still soft, but more firm than his voice had been earlier. Whatever had taken hold of his thoughts he’s managed to shake off – it hurts you, but you know it’s necessary. There wasn’t anything anyone could do to change what was going to happen. “Just want to be with you for a while.”
“You’ve got me, darling.” Your words are followed by the sweet press of his lips against your knuckles, fingers still curled protectively around your own like it was something sacred to him. “Here, let’s switch positions, let me take care of you.”
“You already are.” He sounds exasperated but amused, a little grunt being torn from his chest anyway when his back hits the bed, feeling the way you shift inside of him. When you lean down to kiss him he returns it eagerly, if not a bit languidly, a soft whimper of a moan being swallowed up by your mouth when you begin to thrust into him again.
He’s quieter than he usually is, more subdued, one hand clenched tight in the pillow above him and the other interlaced with your own. You’re fucking him deep, punching little gasps out of his lungs while he rocks his hips towards your own. As beautiful as he is you can’t stop your gaze from drifting to his neglected cock, red and slick with need and desperation.
“That looks painful, baby.” You’re speaking softly, bent over him, and he cracks his eyes open simply so he can crane his neck up and kiss you. You try not to laugh into the kiss and largely succeed. “You ready to cum, sweetheart?” At his nod you un-entangle your hand from his, ignoring the disappointed whine that lodges in his throat. It’s quick to transform into a breathless moan when you wrap your hand around him, the glide of skin on skin incredibly slick already from how much he’d been leaking.
Hui orgasms with a sharp gasp, so much quieter and less dramatic than he usually is, muscles in his abdomen tensed tightly and head thrown back, digging into the pillow. The cum glitters on his skin under the weak rays of sun filtering in through the drapes, and he’s breathing hard, chest heaving, and you’re not sure you’ve ever seen something or someone so primally beautiful before.
He lets you be away from him just long enough for you to clean his stomach off with tissues before he’s tugging you back down beside him. It’s a bit too warm, his skin sweaty and sticky, but you nestle down against him anyway and indulge in his presence, perhaps over indulging as the two of you share countless long, languorous kisses.
“Maybe I should be worrying about how I can go four weeks without this, instead of anything else.” His words are coated with amusement and you can’t help but to giggle with him, burying your nose into his neck. His fingers continue to play with yours, resting on his bare chest.
“You’ll manage.” You press a kiss to the corner of his lips when he turns to look down at you, an “I love you” lingering between you both, unspoken but known. “I know you’ll be okay.”
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little-kat07 · 3 years
Unrequited Roceit, endgame logince, and endgame dukeceit idea where Roman and Janus are a double dancing and singing act (think like the musical Chicago) and are in a relationship as well. Roman is just happy to have a career with the love of his life, while Janus is MUCH more interested in fame and money- with or without Roman.
Janus: The press LOVES us! My act is wonderful and the producers can’t ignore it for long.
Roman: You mean OUR act?
Janus: Right. OUR act.
Roman soon meets Logan, a Broadway director who offers them an audition for a play. Musicals and Theater isn’t usually what they do, but they need the money. During the audition-
Logan: *clapping* That was amazing!
Roman: *breathless* You really think so?
Logan: You are going to go far in the world with that kind of talent, Roman. We’ll see you at the first rehearsal.
Janus: Wait- what about me?
Logan: Janus... you were amazing. You have so much talent, and it really pains me to say it’s not what we’re looking for. I’m sure there are lots of other directors who-
Roman is PAINFULLY oblivious to the fact Janus doesn’t care about him, so he stands up for his ‘boyfriend’.
Roman: What? You can’t reject him! Logan, I’ve been by Janus’s side in our career for decades. Either you take both of us or neither.
Logan: I... I suppose we can find a role for Janus.
Roman and Janus travel from Atlanta to New York, where their career is supposed to start.
Logan can tell Janus doesn’t care about Roman, and is heartbroken that Roman would stand up for the snake so easily. But he’s not supposed to get involved with the personal affairs of actors, so he tries not to think about it too much. 
He has a hard time with that since during rehearsal, Roman won’t stop being so fucking adorable all the time.
Logan: Hold on, Roman, could you-
Roman: Okay okay so I know what you’re going to say but I DIDN’T MEAN TO RAISE THAT LAST NOTE, It just felt really right and I can totally stop, but I actually had a little riff on the end there I wanted to do if I could and I know it’s really confusing and I’m rambling but please?
Logan: ...I was going to say move a bit to the left, but go ahead.
Janus is VERY AWARE that Logan and Roman have chemistry, and normally he wouldn’t care since he doesn’t actually love Roman but this time, his ticket to fame and glory is riding on the fact that Roman stays with him, so he tries to intercept their relationship.
...at the very same time that Remus, (who is Logan’s brother in this AU and i’m so sorry to intrulogical shippers) wants Roman and Logan to get together. He has been waiting for Logan to find love for so long and he is NOT about to let some snake boi take away his brother’s happiness.
So, Janus and Remus have a huge, unspoken battle over getting Roman and Logan together OR keeping them apart. Remus sets them up to be alone together, Janus sabotages it or gets there at the exact time and drives Roman away. 
Janus: What is your PROBLEM?
Remus: What is MY deal? Uh, bitch, what is YOUR deal? 
Janus: My financial and social future depends on Roman and Logan staying apart. I need Roman to get me to fame. YOU need to stay out of it.
Remus: Logan is my brother who up until this point was lonely as fuck. I’m not letting you break his only chance at happiness. You don’t even LOVE Roman!
Janus: Can you not talk so loud? Someone is going to hear us.
Remus: Maybe I WANT THEM TO!
Janus: *puts a hand over Remus’s mouth* Keep quiet, rat.
Remus: *licks it*
Remus: *cackling*
Roman hears.
That’s really all you need to know- He was right outside when Remus and Janus had that conversation. He stormed back to his room of the hotel and waited for Janus to come back, where they broke up and Janus took his things and left.
This is where things get interesting...
Remus: *knocks on janus’s hotel room door* Uh... snake?
Janus: *muffled grumbling* *opens the door* Yes?
Remus: *trying to smother his worried feelings* Hey snake bitch! I noticed you haven’t tried to... sabatoge any of my plans lately.
Janus: Y e s.
Remus: ...and I was just wondering why? I-I mean I just feel like you’re planning something. What are you planning? 
Janus: ...your futile attempts at being aggressive amuse me. I’ll tell you.
Janus has been feeling strange lately. He tells Remus how he and Roman go together- They had been best friends in highschool, and Janus actually did like Roman once. They used to be an inseparable couple, it was only when Janus realized Roman had talent that could bring him glory, did he begin to stop caring. Now that they’ve broken up, it’s hard to say whether Janus MISSES Roman- because he doesn’t, not really, it’s not about Roman as a person. He missed the feeling of being cared for by someone, being held like fame and money didn’t matter, those little moments Janus missed so achingly much because he thought he would ALWAYS have them- and now he doesn’t, and he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
Remus: ...why did you tell me all that?
Janus: My life feels pretty shitty at the moment and I don’t see how spilling my guts to someone who’s already familiar with my less than pretty personality could bring me any lower.
Remus isn’t quite sure what to do with this information, he’s spent his entire time going up against Janus and hating him. Now he doesn’t see what he knew as Janus, he sees a confused and self-depreciating person- and he feels bad. But he knows he SHOULDN’T, he shouldn’t feel bad because Janus is the bad guy, Janus is the villain in the story-
But he isn’t anymore. This is what the villain looks like AFTER the fairytale, after the hero beats them- confused, lonely, and... crying?
oH my god, Janus is crying, do something, help him, holy fuck, nOoooOOO-
Meanwhile, Logan comforts Roman. 
Logan: ...I should have done something. I KNEW that snake was bad news. Now he-
Roman: I’m quitting.
Logan: I- what?
Roman: I’m quitting- Janus still has his role in the play, I don’t want to spend another second looking at him. He can have his fame and his money, I don’t care about revenge, I just wanna go home.
Logan: But- Roman, no- You have so much talent! You could show him up, get famous, spread your story in the papers and never have to deal with anything like that again-
Roman: I’m sorry, Logan- I’m not mad at him. I couldn’t care less about what happens to him- I’m going home.
Logan: Back to Atlanta??
Roman: Yeah... *sniffle* Atlanta. Or maybe Marietta, or somewhere in that area. Northern Georgia, basically- I don’t know how I can go back to Atlanta right now, not with all the memories and stuff.
Logan: But... Roman... what about me?
Roman: Huh?
Logan: I-I mean, what about everyone else? Virgil, Patton, and Remus- you’re just going to leave all of us behind? (he laughs, almost hysterically) how- how am I gonna find anyone on the face of the earth who can fit your role?
Roman: Oh, come on Lo. I’m sure anybody can fit my role in the play, it’s a simple character and-
Logan: N-Not that, Roman- Your role in our lives? How am I- How am I going to find anyone I love like I love you?
Cue crying confession, adorableness, all that Jazz. Logince pining FINALLY comes to a close- And the rest of the fic would focus more on the Dukeceit aspect.
Remus, at some point, comes to the glaring realization that he ENJOYED bickering and fighting with Janus. He almost stops BREATHING when he finds that, in fact, he likes JANUS. 
Like, Like-likes janus. (No, the L-word isn’t available yet sorry lmao)
Janus figures out pretty quickly that he likes Remus but he just came out of an awful relationship in which HE was the manipulative one, and he really isn’t in the mood to focus on romance right now. Partly for fear that he’ll hurt Remus like he hurt Roman, and partly because nOT EVERYTHING HAS TO REVOLVE AROUND ROMANCE, HE STILL HAS BILLS TO PAY AND JOBS TO WORK, YOU HEATHENS-
Anyway, we have a couple of chapters dedicates to healing the tear in Roman and Janus’s platonic relationship. Janus works hard to try and show Roman he can be trusted as just a friend. (When I say works hard I mean WORKS HARD. I mean, remember what he did? It’s gonna take some work to sift through this.) Eventually, Roman and Logan (newly dating) have a little talk about Janus’s attempts.
Logan: I just- I get that he’s trying to heal it, but... I don’t know. I think I’m just being protective because you two dated once and I thought, if you fell for him once... you might again. And then, he might hurt you again, or even WORSE, he won’t hurt you at all and I’ll have lost you to him permanently.
Roman: ...guess what?
Logan: What?
Roman: When I look at him, I feel nothing!!! :D
Logan: ...nothing?
Roman: *grinning* Nothing at all! Now that I look at him, he’s not even cute!
Logan and Roman continue to burst into laughter.
One day, this happens:
Roman and Remus: *being lovable chaotic idiots*
Logan: *sighs* Why do we love them?
Janus: No clue.
Logan: *eyebrow raise*
Janus: waIT WAIT Okay look I didn’t mean Roman, okay, I- I meant Remus, and- Wait no I- UGH! *slams head on table*
Logan: *smirks* You like my brother. I knew it.
Janus: I’m so sorry I keep falling for people you know.
A couple chapters dedicated to having funny group bonding time, until this happens-
Janus: *acting on stage* If only someone were to look at me with the eyes that Jeremiah does with Her, I might finally be complete and live on to learn to love. My heart-
Remus: *from the audience* I will!
Janus: *pauses and turns to look out* What?
Remus *waving frantically* I’ll look at you with eyes! I’m not sure how else I would look at you, so I’ll do the eyes!
Janus: ...What?
Remus: *groans* JUST DATE ME ALREADY!
Janus: *taken aback* Uh. Okay.
Remus: Wait, seriously?
Janus: Darling, just shut up, I’m doing a scene here...
Remus: :D
And they all lived. Happily ever after? Who knows. But they lived, and that was enough for them.
Do what you will with this idea! Tag me if you write or draw something though-
Reposts are appreciated!!!
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snapdragon-mina · 4 years
Sunflowers and Snakes
Pairing: Dabi x Reader x Hawks
A/n: Written for the Bnha spring time event. Hi @amaamajiki , I'm your anon! I really hope you like this lmao.
Word Count: 2.25k
Warnings: Sorta spoilers for bnha, swearing, blood mention, Suggestive themes(Very very minor)
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For the first time in about a month, You could go home on time. The restaurant you worked in constantly asked for you to work overtime. The only reason you continuously agreed was for that sweet sweet paycheck. Fortunately, everyone else was at work and did their jobs, so you were free to go home and cuddle the shit out of your dog. 
When you got home, all you could hear was the sound of paws on wood before your life flashed before your eyes. Seems your dog missed you a little too much because he pounced, knocking you off balance, and eagerly started licking your face. 
"Okay! Okay! Hey let's make a deal. If you get off of me, I'll give you a surprise?" You held your dog away from your face with one arm, while wiping off the sheer amount of dog slobber that was on your face with the other. The dog paused as if he were thinking before moving off of you and sitting down with a sharp bark. 
"That's a good boy." You smiled at him before turning on the TV for background noise. You walked into the kitchen to fix your dog's food. After pouring the food into the bowl, you stuck a lil treat in there. Boom! Recipe for a happy Schnauzer. The moment you sat the bowl down, he shot forwards and barely gave you back out of the way. 
Shaking your head, you walked back into your living room and sat on the couch. Moments of complete peace were hard to come by. After the fall of All Might, nobody was really safe. I mean, Endeavor doesn't give a shit about his fans, so why should you trust him to protect you? 
From what you gathered, the number two hero, Hawks has actually started searching for his soulmate. When asked to show off his tattoo, he refused. Something about "The thrill of the hunt". 
Tattoos are typically two of a kind. Only two people would have the same tattoo. Speaking of soulmate tattoos, Yours was a Snake winding around a single sunflower. It was actually huge, since it covered your entire left arm. It was a really cool design when you think about it.
A small whine managed to shake you out of your thoughts. You got up, grabbed the yellow leash, and hooked it to the matching yellow collar your dog wore. "Come on pretty pup, it's been awhile since I've had time to go on a walk, huh?"
He barked in response as his stubby little tail wagged rapidly. You opened the door and locked it behind you before letting yourself be led by your dog. Around five minutes into the walk, you felt your arm grow warm. Apparently your soulmate was close. It was like a game of hot and cold until you bumped into a guy with a black trenchcoat. Your arm felt extremely hot, so you looked at him. 
"You gonna apologize? You were the one that bumped into me." He had a relatively bored tone of voice. He was eerily calm for someone to be in this scenario. It felt like his eyes were staring deeply into your soul.
"Yeah uh, sorry… But-" You couldn't even finish your sentence, because he walked off with a dismissive wave. You wanted to follow after him, but your dear dog had decided he wanted to shit right then and there. You were forced to wait on him to finish. 
After cleaning up and disposing of the waste, you just decided to go back home to get some much deserved rest.
Two weeks later, you had a day off and it was really nice outside, so why not go for a walk through the forest? You went through your typical morning routine and got dressed. You fed your dog and took him out for a bit. "Alright pup, I'll be back soon, okay?" You blew a lil air kiss and left the house. 
After roughly 15 minutes, you reached a clearing in the forest. It was peaceful and nothing seemed to be out of place. There was a river a few steps away from you, and all sorts of flowers blooming. The trees actually provided very nice shade. You wouldn't mind living out here or at least somewhere just as peaceful as it was out here.
You took a deep breath and sat on a nearby stump, just taking in nature. You didn't get to enjoy the peace for long, due to the sudden burn on your left arm. Your soulmate was quickly approaching your location. You glanced around, but didn't see anyone. Yet your arm was getting warmer and warmer. 
Suddenly, a voice spoke out. "You're the person from that night, right?"
You recognized that voice. You focused on where the sound came from and fixated on where he was standing. He was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed. "Yeah, I am. Hey can I-"
"I'm not your soulmate." He interjected. You shot him a confused look. There was no way you were wrong about this. "Don't believe me? I don't even have a tattoo." He held up both of his scarred arms. 
This only served to confuse you more. "Yeah no, I'm right. There's no fucking way I'm wrong." You shot back. He raised an eyebrow at you. 
"Are you sure about that? People are born without soulmates, y'know." He said.
"Let's say you aren't my soulmate. Why the hell did you follow me here?" You sighed, already annoyed that he ruined your perfectly peaceful moment. 
"Because I know who is." 
"Why would you help me? You don't seem like the type to help someone just out of the kindness of your heart." You narrowed your eyes and he laughed. He laughed at you. 
"Oh trust me, I'll be getting a pretty little payment for this," His eyes shone with amusement. "Follow me."
He walked off. Bold of him to assume you were gonna follow him. You stayed put for a moment before ultimately realizing it was useless. You had to speed walk to catch up to him. He walked out of the forest and towards a building that was pretty much hidden from view. 
Your arm was still extremely warm, due to you being close to the strange man. Hold on. You don't even know his name and yet you followed him to some secluded building where he's probably gonna-
The statement broke you out of your train of thought. That was… weirdly coincidental. He suddenly announced his name just as your mind began to wander. "Yeah… I'm Y/l/n Y/n…" 
He just hummed in response, as he continued to lead you through the strange building. Eventually the two of you came to a stop. The both of you stood in front of a door that had been painted red. He didn't even bother knocking and simply opened the door, revealing none other than the number two hero. 
Hawks' head perked up at the sound of the door opening and grinned lazily. "Hey, thanks again for bringing her." He had a glint in his eyes. Like he knew something you didn't. 
"Mhm. I'm expecting my… you piece of shit." Dabi trailed off before there was suddenly emotion in his voice. It definitely wasn't a good one. Had something happened between the two of them? Should you leave? Yeah… you definitely should. Dabi seemed extremely hostile and you were getting bad vibes. You went to take a step back but paused when you felt a hand tightly grip your wrist. 
"You aren't going anywhere" His eyes were still focused on Hawks. Nobody moved for a moment before suddenly, the hostility drained from the air. Dabi let go of your wrist and walked out of the room. 
"Call me Keigo."
"Okay, Keigo… can you explain to me why I'm here?" The past like 5 minutes was a trip from start to finish and you really wanted answers. Keigo patted the spot next to him, so you took a seat and waited for him to start. 
"Your arm still feels really warm despite Dabi no longer being in the room, right?" His feathers ruffled slightly as a breeze drifted through the window. You nodded, unsure of what to think before it hit you. His grin got wider and he removed his jacket. "Well, Y/n, we're soulmates." He held out his left arm for you to see. Low and behold, The exact same tattoo was covering it. 
You felt extremely happy that you'd found your soulmate, but still extremely confused. How did your tattoo still burn in Dabi's presence if Hawks was your soulmate? It didn't make sense. 
"I should probably explain Dabi since he won't do it himself, and you're probably hella confused. Dabi is also our soulmate." 
That… that actually makes sense. You nod as Hawks explains everything and suddenly he gets to a topic that you'd been curious about for a while now.
"Because of his scarring, he no longer has the tattoo. But nature had him covered because he developed a telepathic connection to both of us. Aka, he can very easily read our minds."
That made even more sense. But that doesn't explain why he refused you as a soulmate. You shook off that thought and decided to get to know Hawks a little better. Eventually the two of you came to an agreement. Since you liked to cook, and he liked eating, sometime this month, you'd bake or fry chicken for him. 
It was starting to get dark and your dog probably missed you, so you decided to try to find Dabi. 
Dabi did not want to be found. It took you 30 minutes to finally get to him, and when you did he ignored any small talk you tried to initiate. Eventually he grew tired of your shit. "Look, I'm not your soulmate. Leave me alone."
"Yeah? Bullshit. Hawks explained everything to me. Why are you brushing me off?" 
"I don't fucking need a soulmate. Certainly not someone like you or Hawks." He snarled, turning on his heels to walk away. 
"I don't care about what you think you need. You need us, you can't deny that!" You argued back. You were really starting to get sick of this.
"I can and I will." 
And with that, he walked away. You balled your hands into fists tightly. You would've stayed, but your dog needed someone to take care of him.
Almost a month had gone by since that argument, between you and Dabi and you hadn't heard from him since. Hawks moved in and actively bothered the hell out of your dog. He would complain about him biting his feathers, but you would often catch him sleeping with y/d/n curled up at his side. 
You were in the middle of baking cookies when a crash could be heard from within the house. You grabbed a kitchen knife and went to investigate the sound. It couldn't have been the dog, he was asleep when the crash was heard. Silently walking into the room the sound was heard from, you were kinda shocked to see him. 
He had numerous cuts in various sizes on his body. All of them were bleeding. "I just need somewhere to lay low for a bit, I'll be gone by morning." 
"Dabi…" Your heart ached at the sight of him, but you refused to be someone he could walk all over. "Get out."
It seemed like he was too preoccupied to listen to your thoughts, because your words shocked him. "...Out? Y/n, it's me." 
"I know. But you said you didn't need us, yet here you are." You stood your ground and he stared up at you for a moment. He was analyzing you, seeming like he was studying you for a weakness he could exploit. 
He let out a sigh and spoke under his breath. You raised an eyebrow at this and he cleared his throat before speaking up. "...I'm sorry. I just… don't want the two of you dragged down with me."
"Elaborate." You demanded and he nodded. 
"I'm a villain, you're a civilian, and Hawks is the number two hero. Being associated with me is like killing your chances to actually do something with your life." He hissed out. Seemed like the pain from his wounds was getting to him. 
You helped him up and led him into the bathroom. There, you cleaned up and bandaged his wounds. He studied your face carefully and you worked. "No hard feelings?" 
"No hard feelings. But Keigo should be getting home soon, so you're gonna have to relay your little speech again." You snorted as you finished up. He stood up and walked out of the bathroom with you trailing behind him. 
The two of you walked into the kitchen. You pulled the cookies out of the oven and offered one up as a peace treaty. He rolled his eyes and pecked you on your lips as a peace treaty. 
A minute or so later, Hawks walked in. He noticed Dabi sitting on the counter with a chamomile flower crown on his head. How you managed to get him to wear that is unknown to humanity. 
"Yeah, I'm gonna live here from now on. And no, you won't be topping."
Hawks rolled his eyes as you laughed. "At least you're not being a pussy about soulmates anymore."
"Fuck you too."
303 notes · View notes
rikhead · 2 years
Pt. 2 😋
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100 notes · View notes
scriptaed · 4 years
his side, her side | 12:02 a.m.
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genre: angst/fluff/implied smut;
pairing: reader x jungkook;
length: 1.7k;
synopsis: a collective snapshots in time shared between two, whose fates were undeniably intertwined and futures would never come to be.
her side;
[12:02 A.M.] happy 420 birthday hahah
Casual yet thoughtful with a dash of humor—it’s the least embarrassing text you could muster. The clock had just struck twelve, marking the first hour of his birthday, and you had spent the past ten minutes crafting a text of four words that he would probably spend a mere three seconds skimming through. The thing is, if you were to be completely honest with yourself, two minutes is an underestimate of your total time wasted on this simple task; because truth is, you’ve been entranced by your daily reveries and nightly fantasies that were your dreams ever since your paths have intertwined for the first time on a project at work. 
Your history with him began much farther into the past than five months back, however. Aloof, cold, yet chic, Jungkook and his nicely kempt, side-swept hair had caught the eyes of every girl in your orientation group just two years prior. Perhaps it was your preference for exuberant boys or your avoidance of bad boy lookalikes, but Jungkook had left little to no impression on you during the first half of the year. Sometimes you wonder if he, too, had failed to notice you. 
Ironically, it was only when your second partner at work had pointed out the charming looks of the boy’s that you were reminded of his existence. 
“Hey, you know that guy from across our station?” she whispers under an impending fit of giggles. 
“Oh,” you pause for a moment to scavenge through a mental image of work, “you mean Jungkook?” 
“Yeah, you know him?” 
“Well, we’ve talked occasionally—” more interestingly, you’ve noticed his multiple failed attempts to befriend another man, Taehyung, who’s been pining for you in the past months… but you decide to keep that to yourself for the sake of Jungkook’s suave reputation “—but why?” 
 “Don’t you think he’s kind of cute?”
“Uh… I guess?” 
It wasn’t a lie. Really. Precisely half a year ago, the boy was just another one of your colleagues  with a slightly above average look. From meeting at orientation and occasionally bumping into each other in the coffee room, you had never paid much attention to him; but it’s almost as if your friend’s admiration had suddenly piqued a newfound interest in him… because the more you think about it, the more you’ve realized just how often you’ve crossed paths with this boy you’ve probably spoken to for less than a total of one minute. Now, you wonder: has he also come to recognize this oddity between you and him?
There was an undeniable connection, nonetheless. Between you and him, like two classmates sneaking peeks at the other, one knew of the other, despite the lack of effort to communicate. The opportunities to meet were endless, but neither made the leap to fully engage until the both of you recognized the other when you were partnered for a shared project just months prior—and ever since then, flutters of your heart has incorporated itself into your daily routine. His smirks at your dumb jokes, his primmed grin at your clumsiness, his divinely chiseled jawline, his subtle gestures of concern over your nightly walk home, and his hushed presentation of which his words were reserved for the occasional curt jokes and uncensored curses became his irressitable charm. 
Before you knew it, your friends would watch you awe over his looks of which you would claim to be his only redeeming quality. Before you knew it, your feelings grew by the second but your heart shunned the possibility out of a last resort to save an impending ache. 
He’s too good looking. Too many girls fawn over him. He has absolutely zero interest in you. He isn’t that great anyway. What does he have going for him other than that damn crooked grin of his? And his muscular build? And his overly explicit jokes that you never would have thought would come out of the mouth of a remote man like him? 
Why does fate seem to perpetually tie you down to a man like him, time after time? Perhaps it’s the hopeless romantic in you that’s speaking, but from orientation to bump-ins both inside and outside of work, you’ve started to succumb to the idea of a destiny in which fate would inevitably bring you two together. 
[3:04 a.m.] thank you! Lmao
You would soon awaken to the next morning after a night long of anxious anticipation. Your heart would panic in a frenzy at the mere heart he had sent you as a reaction to your message. 
3:04 A.M.
He must have been awake late into the night, probably playing his last round of Fortnite. You would probably tease him tomorrow over his obsession with computer games, as you always did, and he would probably laugh it off with a plea for you to stop your incessant teases.
...or, he was up with that one particular woman you had seen him chatting with at work. You were never the type to overly inspect punctuation use or time stamps—hell, you were never the one to chase in the first place—but why else would he be up so late on his birthday? The sighting of the two and their names that would pop up occasionally on your social media feed would always sting your chest—and ashamedly so. 
She’s beautiful. She’s popular. She probably got along well with Jungkook—something which you never seemed to be capable of, for your eyes would waver and your mind would blank whenever you were around him. Jungkook probably saw much more in her than you. Even though you two were the familiar ones. Even though you knew him first. Even though fate provided you endless opportunities to seize yet you would never come to do. 
This is why you deny this crush of yours with every ounce of your heart. This burning, unwarranted jealousy would be the bane of you. Your friends shall never hear of this pain nor of the butterflies in your stomach instigated by that boy’s simplest of gestures—he had replied to you with a heart, not to mention. 
It’s pathetic, but it’s enough for your foolish self; because even now, at this very moment as you lay in bed with your phone over your chest and your lips stuck in a wide grin, you relish in the ephemeral heights of cloud nine. 
Despite it all, you try to convince yourself: this would be nothing more than an infatuation, for something tells you your heart could not handle the truth of his whereabouts. 
his side;
[12:02 A.M.] happy 420 birthday hahah
He doesn’t realize it but an evident, crooked smile presses against his lips. She’s the first and only notification that lights up his phone screen. Aside from the distant lights of the cityscape dozens of floors below, her message illuminates his eyes amidst the darkness of the hotel room.
She’s the first to remember, he repeats to himself silently, the first to wish him well. 
“What are you looking at?”
With a simple click, he turns his phone off right as the bare chest of a woman spreads warmth against his back. She begins to press firm kisses down his neck and shoulders as her hands explored his hard abdomen along with the domains of what laid beneath the zippers to his pants. 
“Let me guess,” she muses at the lack of a response to her touches, a rare occasion for him, “is it Y/N?”
“Why do you care?” he says after a stagnant pause. 
“I don’t… unless you like her,” she watches him as he does her through the floor-length mirror. “What’s she doing texting you at midnight anyway? Something special today?” 
“Fuck if I know,” he mutters when she slips her hands underneath his waistbands.”
“Does she like you?”
The boy chuckles amusedly, “the hell? No. I’m nothing but deadweight to her for our project.”
“Did you meet her through this project?” 
“No. We’ve crossed paths multiple times before,” he recalls the shifty gaze of hers with a grin. “I don’t think she likes me.” 
“Oh? What’s there not to like?” she marvels at his muscular stature as her hands went to work. “What if she does like you, though?”
Jungkook nearly bursts into laughter—or at least the most of a laugh he could muster. The thought of Y/N’s admiration amuses him almost just as much as her peculiar actions, from her constantly flickering eyes that would avoid his gaze to the dozens of times he had easily spotted her in a crowd of many in locations that could never be by mere happenstance. 
“No,” he muses, “why would she?” 
With a meek smile and a cautious heart, she peers up to meet his eyes, “and do you… like her…?”
Like her? 
“No,” the grin from the joke before disappears from his lips, for his answer was uttered with sincerity. “Not that way. We’re barely friends…”
...at least to her.
The girl’s lips stretch from ear to ear in delight. Grabbing his phone and tossing it to the side with a newly found confidence, she turns him around to place a kiss to his lips. 
“Then why do you keep smiling at your phone like that?” 
“I am? Damn, the fuck’s wrong with me?” he quips with a lopsided grin. “Another round?” 
The girl squeals when he roughly pushes her toward the bed, the back of her knees hitting the edge as she topples onto the mattress in a fit of giggles. 
The boy doesn’t know it, but the girl takes notice of the knitted brows of his that told her his mind was elsewhere. He approaches her quicker than usual, his hands are rushed, and his lips are absentminded with the sole purpose of pursuing pleasure all in a fruitless attempt to bury his thoughts elsewhere. 
Why was he grinning? What did Y/N think of him? And what is it about her that amuses him so?
Through the remaining hours of dawn, from a room that towers over the city where he figures she must be indulging in her favorite mochi ice cream, he tries to convince himself: she would be nothing more than an infatuation, for something tells him his heart isn’t prepared for its own truth. 
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kinktae · 5 years
bitchin’ || pt. 2 (M)
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The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.
pairing: fratboy!jungkook x reader
word count: 4.4k
genre: 1980s au, eventual smut, e2l
warnings: multiple smut scenes, science talk, banter, jealousy, alcohol & LOTS of colorful 80s slang lmao
A/N: Bitchin’ is a multichapter fic, surprise!! This fic was inspired by To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. Thank you to @junqkook for letting me use her likeness and helping me with Yara’s character overall. Hope you appreciate the easter egg based on her!
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
The eyes belonging to the girl in question, flashed your way, widening in alarm.
"Oh, yikes." Was her automatic response, her bag of cool ranch Doritos falling onto her lap.
You were angry, that much was evident to her. Yara was sat in your shared dorm's living room, a thick blanket engulfing her small frame. You briefly glanced towards the TV, it was tuned into MTV, the familiar music video of Every Breath You Take by The Police playing, before directing your glare back onto the copper-haired girl.
"Before you say anything," Yara began, swallowing down whatever remaining food was in her mouth, "you should know they were having a rerun of the VMAs – which I missed last night – at the same time as the lab."
"You left me alone! You said you would go to the lab yesterday!" You griped, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Yes, yes that is true but I would also like to point out the fact that Madonna performed, so it wasn't like I even had a choice when you really think about it." She countered, tone pitching comically.
"You absolutely had a choice!" You laughed, shaking your head.
"Mm... I could argue that it is a subjective opinion."
You walked over to your best friend, sighing as you slumped down beside her, placing your backpack onto the floor.
You offered Yara a sideways glance.
"Did Duran Duran at least win something?" You asked begrudgingly.
"Nothing. They were robbed!" She squinted, shaking a fist in the air angrily.
A small chuckle escaped you despite yourself.
"You really should have gone to the lab, you know." You reasoned, reaching into the bag of chips.
"And smell like frog insides for the rest of the day? Grody to the max." She responded, before flashing you a look. "No offense."
"None taken." You grumbled, her observation fully noted though.
"Besides the makeup lab is next week. What could I have possibly missed this class?" Yara dismissed you absentmindedly, turning back towards the television as she reached for another chip.
"Well." You chuckled nervously. "For one, I have a boyfriend now."
At your words, Yara froze, a chip still in her hand as she paused mid-bite.
"You what?!" She all but shrieked, causing you to jump.
"Who? How? When? Tell me everything!" Her hands found your shoulders, shaking you slightly. You shoved her off with a laugh.
"Uh, well, his name is Jungkook–"
"The Jeon Jungkook?! From our lab?" Yara interrupted, eyes wide and shining with interest.
"Um... yes?" You responded cautiously.
Yara let out a scoff, leaning back further into the couch.
"Unbelievable. I leave you alone for one day and you get a boyfriend! And a fine one at that. This is so bogus."
"Mine and Jungkook's whole relationship is bogus, Yara." You rolled your eyes.
At your words, your best friend raised an eyebrow and you took that as an invitation to continue speaking.
"I'm only pretending to date him to make his ex-girlfriend jealous."
A sharp laugh from Yara caused you to pause, watching the way her amusement was short-lived, her smile fell as she took in your serious expression.
"Oh, you're serious." She deadpanned.
You nodded, "When you didn't show up Jungkook ended up being my partner and... well, I'm still not sure how it happened but he basically offered to fund my STEM event in exchange for helping him making his girlfriend jealous."
"They are the weirdest couple." You breathed out, shoving another chip in your mouth.
"Wait... he's gonna fund your event?! Y/N, you've been planning that thing since we got to university!"
A smile found your face, your excitement once again seeing you.
"I know! I wouldn't usually get involved in someone's love life like this but was too good of an opportunity to turn down."
"Man, I'm so happy for you! Still kind of disappointed but happy nonetheless." Yara smiled, causing you to frown.
"Disappointed? Why are you disappointed?" You pressed.
Yara clicked her tongue at you, looking at you as if the reason should be obvious.
"What do you mean why am I disappointed? Here I was ecstatic to hear that my best friend has gotten a boyfriend only to find that it's got a contract behind it!"
You giggled, nudging your knee into hers. "Think of this as a smart business venture I'm embarking on."
Yara stared at you for a moment, something clearly weighing on her mind as her lips fell into a subtle pout.
"What?" You mused.
She fluttered her eyelashes, "Does this mean you aren't going to fuck him?"
Your eyes widened in disbelief.
"Yara!" You gaped.
"Because, if you want to get technical, you kind of have to so I can live vicariously through you. It's girl code." She continued, reaching over and popping another chip into her mouth.
You frowned. "That is gross and also not a thing."
"I'm serious, I'm not accepting anything less than, like, third base." Yara pressed with a wag of a finger.
"Why don't you worry about your own sexual escapades instead of worrying about mine." You paused before continuing. "Which won't be happening, for your information."
The snacking girl let out a deep groan, throwing her blanket off of her as she stood up, taking the bag of chips with her much to your dismay.
"Well, it's not my fault I'm not getting any, okay! So do us both a favor and freak his shit." She called out, walking over to the kitchen.
"Can you stop emphasizing your lack of dick for one second?" You chuckled. "If you're that desperate for dick go back to Eunwoo."
Eunwoo was a boy Yara messed around with last semester. The relationship was short-lived, Yara quick to cut things off as soon as she realized Eunwoo was looking for something more than just a brief fling. Because ironically, despite how Yara crowed about being lonely, there was nothing that sent that girl running faster than actual feelings.
"Sweetie, I'm desperate for good dick." Yara scoffed, having had emerged back into the room, her auburn hair now let down, her trusty scrunchy back around her wrist.
"Was Eunwoo really that bad in bed?" You wondered, eyeing your best friend curiously as she moved to turn off the TV that had gone neglected the moment you stepped into the room.
Yara shrugged. "No, he was fine."
An enthusiastic pound against the poor television box rang out, the soft side of Yara's fist having had slammed down dramatically.
"I don't want just fine, Y/N! I want dick so totally tubular that I feel it in my guts." She declared.
A sputtering cough fell from your lips as you choked on your inhale of air.
Yara looked at you with mild concern, suppressing her laughter as she walked over and began to pat your back.
"I seriously question how you wiggled your way into being my best friend." You breathed through your coughs,.
"Eat my shorts, Y/N. You love me and you know it." She dismissed easily.
You merely grinned, unable to dispute your best friend's claim.
"Now go shower." Yara ordered, using one hand to point in the direction of the bathroom, and the other to pinch her nose shut dramatically.
Sighing, you heaved yourself off the couch. You doubted you smelled as bad as Yara made you out to, but you couldn't deny that a shower sounded terrific right now.
"Yes, sir." You sent her a salute cheekily before turning to head to the bathroom, shaking your head as she called out after you.
"And when you come out I need to know every single word you and Jungkook exchanged. If you're dating him then so am I, bitch!"
The weekend had breezed by quickly, homework and the newest Cyndi Lauper album occupying all your free time. You hardly had time to contemplate your new role as Jeon Jungkook's new girlfriend.
You and Yara had been in the midst of a conversation about what exactly she should get her little sister for her 13th birthday when you first spoke to Jungkook again.
"Cabbage patch kid?" Yara offered, causing your nose to scrunch up.
"How old do you think your sister is?"
"Hey, don't sass me. For your information, Lyanna still has all her Care Bear tapes. She threw a hissy fit when my mom tried to give them away last Christmas." Yara recalled.
"Still, she's becoming a teenager. I vote no on the cabbage patch kid."
"I'm with you, babe." Jungkook spoke up suddenly, lips pressed together as if in contemplative thought.
You hadn't even noticed him enter the classroom, much less approach and listen in onto your conversation.
"Jungkook!" You breathed out in surprise, stomach fluttering slightly as you realized what he had just called you.
"Why don't you get her a pair of roller skates?" He ignored you, placing a hand on the table and leaning onto it. You tried your hardest to ignore the way the muscles in his arm flexed with the movement.
You cleared your throat, "Roller skates?"
"Yeah. Every kid has to get a pair of roller skates. It's like a rite of passage."
"I never got roller skates…" You muttered.
"And you were robbed of a childhood." Jungkook informed you solemnly, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Sup." He said suddenly, eyes flickering to Yara as he offered her a casual nod.
You watched in amusement as a pink hue made its way onto your best friend's face, nodding back at him.
Seeing as Yara had remained silent this entire time, you realized it was probably best you introduce the two.
"Uh, Jungkook this is Yara, my best friend. Yara this is Jungkook, my... "
Business partner?
Temporary acquaintance?
"Her boyfriend." Jungkook finished for you cheekily, sending you a wink.
"Fake boyfriend." You reminded, causing Jungkook's eyes to widen.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He stated bluntly, eyes gesturing to Yara forcibly.
Oh. He thought you wouldn't tell your best friend about him? Hah.
"She already knows we're not actually dating–"
An angry shush came from the messy-haired boy, preventing you from talking further.
He hunched closer, eyes flickering across the classroom, "Keep it down, would ya? There are eyes everywhere."
"Sorry, jeez." You apologized dryly, raising a brow as you mimicked his motions.
"Bold of you to assume I won't be guiding Y/N throughout this entire arrangement." Yara spoke finally, her nose turned up slightly.
"Is that so?" Jungkook looked at her in surprise.
"Yep. In fact, I've self-appointed myself manager of your entire relationship." She replied smoothly.
Jungkook grinned, clearly finding humor in her words, "Well, then. With that kind of assertiveness, I'm sure we're in good hands. Nice to meet you, Yara."
You frowned as your best friend and Jungkook shook hands.
"Anyway, as your manager, my first bit of advice for really selling this whole fake relationship thing is for the two of you to sit together. So if you'll just excuse me..."
At the sight of Yara reaching for her notebook and pen, alarm ran through you.
"Wha– Excuse me, what are you doing?" You protested immediately.
Jungkook, on the other hand, simply grinned. "Great advice!"
"Why thank you, I accept payment in cash and Annie Lennox cassette tapes."
"Yara, where are you even going?" You whined, watching as your best friend chucked her things into her bag.
"To sit at another table. Who am I to keep people in love apart? Jungkook you can take my seat."
Your shoulders slumped miserably as you watched as the smirking boy replaced Yara's spot on the stool beside you.
"Have fun, kids." She teased, waving the two of you off with a hand as she walked over to another table.
"I like her." Jungkook smiled cheesily.
"She's not kidding, you know." You warned. "If she says she's our manager then you better believe it. Whether you like it or not, she's gonna accomplish what she's set out to do."
"Reminds me of you." He replied with a hum.
You blinked in surprise.
"Was that... a compliment?"
"Was it?" His eyes went wide, voice pitched in feigned surprise.
A small laugh escaped you and before you could retort with your own sarcastic comment, your professor began to speak.
"Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you all had a good weekend." Mr. Kim greeted, his usual coffee mug in hand. He looked somewhat worse for wear, you noted. "I did. And as I sat here and reflected the choices I made Sunday night, I came to the conclusion that I will be sparing you the boring lecture this class and putting on a movie.
Widespread chatter of relief fell over the class, everyone elated to hear that this specific class would require minimal effort.
Mr. Kim had just sunk into the chair by his desk when a hand of a student shot up.
"Yes?" He answered.
The owner of the hand spoke up, "Should we take notes?"
Mr. Kim stared at the student with subtle bewilderment.
"I mean if you want? Guys, I'm gonna be honest with you all, I'm hungover as all hell. As long as you watch quietly and keep the lights off, I don't care what you do."
And with that, all the students turned back to chat amongst themselves.
It was funny, Jungkook thought, how easy you were to read when you thought no one was looking. He had been watching you through the corner of his eye, watching the way you hung onto the professor's every word and how disappointment washed over you when you realized there was no learning to be done today.
"Cute." He muttered to himself.
"What was that?" You replied absentmindedly, reaching for a sheet of paper.
Jungkook straightened in his seat, unaware he had said that out loud.
You paid his reply no mind, however, pencil in hand as you began to write something onto a sheet of loose-leaf paper. Jungkook's head tilted in mild curiosity as he watched, wondering what it was you were doing.
To his surprise, the very paper of interest was then thrust his way, a soft sound ringing out as it rubbed against the cold surface of the lab table.
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"What am I looking at?" Jungkook deadpanned. You shifted in your seat before responding.
"I think it's about time we talked seriously about this... relationship of ours. We need to establish rules."
Jungkook glanced back down at the paper.
"I see."
Suddenly, Jungkook's hand reached out for the zipper of his bag. You watched in silence as he pulled out the first writing utensil he could find – a blue marker – and jotted something down quickly.
You frowned, scooting your stool cautiously closer to him to get a proper look at the paper he had just written on.
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"What is this?" You frowned.
"I believe it referred to legally as an amendment." He informed, eyes twinkling mischievously.
"Jungkook, I'm not going to kiss you."
Despite your seriousness, a smile nearly escape your lips at the sight of Jungkook's mouth falling into a pout.
"Why not?" He asked.
You raised a brow, "Um, we're not actually dating? Did you forget that?"
Jungkook let out a small noise of what you could only assume was indignation.
"Not to sound like a total douchebag but the fact that you don't want to kiss me is, like, totally insulting."
"I agreed to be your girlfriend, not some disposable pair of lips you're allowed to use whenever you need your ego stroked. Do I need to remind you that I hardly even know you?" You hissed lowly in case someone was listening in on your conversation.
For a moment it was just you and Jungkook glaring at each other. Neither of you was going to budge, he realized. He let out a sigh.
"Look, I see your point and what this is looking like but I promise you I'm not being creepy here. No one is gonna believe we're together if we don't kiss each other. To anyone that looks, you could just be my friend if we don't show some kind of affection towards each other."
Your arms crossed over your chest, your hard expression not letting up.
"One kiss. That's all I'm asking for. Just a peck, if that's all your comfortable with." He continued, causing you to hum.
He was certainly going to a lot of trouble just for one peck.
Maybe he did have a point. One kiss wouldn't kill you, would it?
"When?" Was your response, taking him by surprise.
"Uh... whenever? Preferably somewhere people will see. Maybe at the Halloween party this weekend?"
You frowned, a thought crossing your mind.
"You want me to kiss you at a party? In front of a bunch of people?"
"Well... not if you really don't want to..." Jungkook replied, suddenly feeling bad that you might really not be all that comfortable with this whole thing.
You shook your head, "No, it's not that."
Kissing Jungkook wasn't as daunting as the idea of doing it in front of a lot of people. It wasn't that you were socially awkward, per se, but the possibility of stage fright was undoubtedly a real one.
You let your thoughts run for a while before you finally came upon a slightly annoying solution. An audible sigh left you as you grabbed your pencil and reached for the paper.
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"I don't want to embarrass myself." You told Jungkook bluntly as he read the contract's newest addition, your eyes fixated on the sheet as you couldn't find the courage to meet his eyes.
"So I want our first kiss to be somewhere private where I can make sure I know what I'm doing. Familiarize with... how you kiss... and stuff..." You trailed off, the warmth in your face suddenly too distracting to let you think intelligent thoughts.
Jungkook's eyes were as wide as saucers, glued to the side of your face as if trying to decipher whether or not you were being serious. He assumed you must be as the tone in your voice wasn't mocking in the slightest.
"Oh. Yeah, sure." He nodded quickly, still noticing the way you couldn't look him in the face.
A shit-eating grin found his face, "Y/N, are you embarrassed right now?"
"No." You stressed quickly, looking over at him defensively. Your eyes fell onto his lips against your better judgment and once again you turned away from his stare, heat rocketing through you. "I just don't want you thinking anything weird like this is me wanting to kiss you."
The dark-haired boy pressed his lips together.
"Trust me, you've made your opposition against kissing me abundantly clear." He told you pointedly before reaching for the contract. You watched him gratefully, thankful for the shift in interest.
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"I'm serious about there being eyes everywhere. If Kiri finds out the truth, it's game over. I'd look like a total wastoid. Not to mention I'll never hear the end of it from my brothers." Jungkook told you, pushing the paper over for you to read. Tapping the end of your pencil against the table, you pondered something before scribbling else onto the rules.
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"Fair." Jungkook expressed. "As long as you can guarantee she won't tell anyone."
"Yara is lonelier than Henry David Thoreau, you have nothing to worry about." You shrugged easily.
"I... have no idea who that is."
"He's a transcendentalist writer who spent two years in isolation–"
"Oh, so you're not just a science freak. You're a well-rounded nerd." Jungkook teased, causing you to scowl.
You grabbed your pencil. You could feel Jungkook lean to peer over your shoulder, laughing lightly as he took in what you wrote. No sooner had you finished, the paper was yanked from underneath your palm, your pretend lover quick to scribble back a response.
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And that was how the two of you spent the next twenty minutes, discussing rules and filling the rest of the page, muffled exchanges of giggles catching the attention of students near you as they began to wonder could possibly be on that sheet of paper that had the two of you blushing and whispering like that.
"Can I put my hand in your pocket?"
The request came seemingly out of nowhere. The class had just finished and Yara had passed by your table briefly only to insist that Jungkook walked you to your dorm, promptly informing you that she and you would not be walking back together as usual, before she left the room altogether.
You sent Jungkook a pointed look as the two of you exited the classroom and walked out into the hallway.
"What like in Sixteen Candles?" You presumed, throwing your bag over your shoulder. "Nice try scumbag, I'm not letting you cop a feel of my ass."
"Why do you assume everything I say has some sort of hidden motive behind it?" Jungkook scoffed. "I was trying to be romantic."
"Oh, really?" You asked, sounding skeptical.
"I mean, sure, getting to touch your ass would've been a nice perk..."
A pleasant laugh escaped you and Jungkook felt something in his chest tightened, and before he could think to warn you, his hand found yours.
You glanced down at the gesture, a shy expression finding you suddenly as you look back up Jungkook, eyes wide and face warm as he offered you a small smile.
"It's no hand in your back pocket but... this should still get the message across to everyone." Jungkook's fingers laced between yours and you tried your hardest to appear nonchalant as if your heart wasn't in your throat right now.
You simply nodded, continuing to walk alongside him as the two of you began your journey towards your dorm building.
It wasn't entirely awful, you found.
Jungkook's hand felt nice in yours. It was warm and soft– your ex wasn't one for PDA so you had always wondered what it might be like to walk around with someone you liked like this.
Shame your first time had to be with your fake boyfriend.
You hadn't realized how social Jungkook was until just now, however. It hadn't been more than a seven-minute walk but more than a handful of people had called out to Jungkook, offering him a greeting and a wave as they went about their days.
You had brought up his apparent popularity to Jungkook but he merely laughed the statement off, saying that it just came with the territory of being in a fraternity.
"Yara's gonna be so proud when she finds out we thought to hold hands all on our own." You brought up on the elevator ride up to your dorm.
The romantic embrace had been severed the moment the metal doors had closed on you two, no longer having an audience to perform for.
"She's quite the character that Yara girl." He noted.
You shrugged, "She's not too bad once you get used to her."
Jungkook shook his head as if you had miss understood him.
"I didn't say it was a bad thing. You're a lot like her, you know."
"Am I?" You raised an eyebrow.
Jungkook nodded, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Headstrong... passionate... won't take no for an answer... seems like the only person you two would listen to is each other."
You were surprised. Once again, it was a seemingly genuine compliment that had come out of nowhere and you weren't entirely sure how to respond. You clasped your hands behind your back, a grin washing onto you.
"Pretty sure you've got bigger balls than I do." He finished his thought, causing you to snort.
"Sorry if we challenge your manhood." You joked, nudging your shoulder into his just as the elevator door open. You slipped out onto the floor, Jungkook following behind you.
"Oh don't worry about that, babe. You two can test my manhood whenever you want." He told you greasily, a suggestive smirk on his face.
"If I weren't contractually obligated to be nice to you, I would smack you."
You reached the door of your dorm a few moments later, turning to Jungkook awkwardly.
"Well, thanks for walking me." You said.
Jungkook tucked his hand into the pocket of his jacket, shrugging coolly.
"I'll see you in class on Wednesday then."
As if on cue, the door of your dorm unlocked, swinging open enthusiastically, revealing a smiling Yara.
"Wrong. You'll be seeing her tomorrow." She stated matter-of-factly.
"I will?"
"He will?"
You and Jungkook both expressed your confusion in unison. An amused expression fell over Yara.
"I did some thinking on the walk back from class and decided that Jungkook is taking you out on a date tomorrow." She explained before turning towards the man in question. "When do you finish class tomorrow?"
"Uh... three o'clock?" He answered slowly, eyes flickering to yours to see if you had any idea what your best friend was talking about. You didn't, of course.
Yara tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Perfect, Y/N's last class is at two. Come pick her up here around four."
"Oh, uh, sure." Jungkook nodded, looking somewhat scared of the small but authoritative girl standing before him.
As if snapping back into reality, you shook your head. "Hold on, I didn't agree to this. Don't I get a say in this?"
Yara's eyes flickered towards yours dully, "No."
She clapped her hands together suddenly, directing her attention back to your pretend lover.
"Thanks for walking her over. We'll see you tomorrow at four. Don't be late, bye!" Yara sang sweetly, hand reaching out to wrap around your forearm.
You let out a yelp as you were tugged into the dorm, door slamming shut as you left behind a perplexed looking Jungkook.
"What the hell was that?! Why am I going on a date with him?"
Jungkook could hear your voice through the closed door, pitched angrily and clearly directed at Yara.
"Third base, Y/N. Don't make me say it again."
"I literally can't stand you."
A small laugh fell from the boy as he stood in his place in the hallway, eyebrows furrowing in amused bewilderment as he wondered how he ended up with not just one but two stubborn fake girlfriends.
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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Ruin My Life - Part 10
RML masterlist
(fratboy!Jimin - lots and lots of FLUFF & smut - no more angst y’all whoop !!)
Summary - y/n and Jimin are super soft for each other and all of their friends are super soft and everything is just super super soft in this chapter
Word Count - 11.7k+
Rating - Mature (explicit sex scene)
Warnings - alcohol consumption, talk of drugs and violence, penetrative (soft) sex, a bit of dirty talk but mostly soft talk, protected sex (y/n and jimin finally learned their lesson lmao), oral sex (female receiving), fingering, jimin gives y/n A LOT of hickeys, I think that’s it but lmk if I missed something !!
a/n: hey y’all ! okay I know I said the previous part might be the penultimate part but I ended up writing a lot more, and I’ve still got a lot I want to write lmao so I think the part after this will be the penultimate part, or maybe this part will be the penultimate part and I’ll add an epilogue ! lmk what you think and hmu if you wanna be on the taglist even tho it’s nearly finished :( x
silverlightqueen masterlist
taglist💕: @keylowmonie @jennafromhome @btrombley13 @parkjammys @chubschimmine @flowingwiththewater​ @magicalpjm​ @sakurauchiha2018​ @kyrie1707​ @simonemothjensen​ @beach-bitch-bitch-beach​ @p-yoon @pjmcth​ @strawberrym0chii​ @bts223​ @lovethatforme97​ @songwingi​​
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‘Come in!’ I hear Jimin’s voice call from inside and push open the door of the dance studio, carefully balancing his breakfast in my arms. I expect it to just be Jimin in there, but the room is full of people dressed in sports gear, all stretching on the floor. ‘Oh. Sorry, I must be early,’ I say, checking my watch and seeing that it says 8.57. ‘It’s okay, just come sit by me,’ Jimin says from where he’s sat on the floor, legs spread and leaning back on his hands, the biggest smile on his face. I smile back, walking around the edge of the room to join him. I put the food and drinks down on the desk behind him before leaning down to give him a quick hug from behind, taking a seat on the desk. He carries on with the class, Jeongyeon at the back avoiding all eye contact with me. It’s Thursday today, five days since the drama at the bar on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Jimin and I had a lie-in on Sunday, and even when we woke up, we just lay there, cuddling, Jimin playing with my hair. We didn’t get up until 3, and Jimin left with the promise of doing this right, not just jumping back into bed with each other. He said he wanted to actually take me on dates and be like a normal couple, and he’s stuck to his word. On Monday, he was waiting outside of my lecture for me with flowers and he took me to lunch. On Tuesday, I invited him over to watch a movie together and order takeout, and we did just that, nothing more. Yesterday, he invited me and Mija over to the frat for Wings Wednesday (and Jackson and Chen were there too!) and then we went up to his room to watch Netflix before he dropped me back at home. We didn’t have anything planned for today, and I know we don’t need to see each other every day, but I wanted to surprise him. 
When it reaches 9, he dismisses the dance students for their half an hour break. As soon as the last person has left the room, he pulls me up from the desk and pulls me into a hug, coaxing laughter from me. ‘You didn’t tell me you were coming!’ he exclaims, and I grin. ‘I said I would, remember? All those weeks ago? Anyway, I brought you some breakfast,’ I say, holding up the bag, and he delves into it with a grin. He instantly starts on the bagel I brought him, sipping on the coffee, and I sip on my own drink; a green tea. It’s not very nice, but I’m going to the gym in half an hour so it’s better to drink something healthy and good for me. ‘How’s your class going?’ I ask, and he shrugs, sitting back on the floor. ‘It’s okay. They’re a nice group of people, but some of them are a bit… difficult to work with. Some people have a natural talent for dance, and some people…’ he trails off, obviously not wanting to be mean. ‘Do not,’ I finish off for him, joining him on the floor, and he nods. ‘It’s fine, though. A bit of extra income and extra credit, so I can’t complain,’ he says, smiling widely at me. ‘Stop smiling at me like that,’ I say shyly, feeling heat rush to my face. ‘You’re so cute, though, how can I not? And you look… nice,’ he says, a suggestive smile spreading across his face and I swat at him with false annoyance. ‘I’m kidding! Well, I’m not, because you do look nice, but I don’t… you know what I mean,’ he says, and I nod, laughing. ‘I’m in my gym stuff and I’m not wearing any makeup, so you’re a liar,’ I say, and he gives me a horrified look. ‘Excuse me, princess, I hope you’re not being serious. You look beautiful no matter what!’ he exclaims, and I cover my face with my hands. ‘Stop it,’ I say, my voice muffled, and he laughs. ‘You never used to get this embarrassed when I complimented you before,’ he says with a soft smile. ‘Yeah, but now it’s different. Before, we were just… sleeping together. Now we’re dating, so I know you mean it,’ I say shyly, and he lets out a little laugh. ‘I always meant it, princess,’ he says easily, and I feel warm inside.
‘Anyway, have you got your outfit sorted for next weekend?’ he asks, referring to the ASP rager. ‘Um, no, I was just gonna wear something I’ve already got. A little black dress or something,’ I say, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘Why do I feel like you didn’t get the memo?’ he says, my heart dropping. ‘What memo?’ I ask, and he sighs. ‘Okay, yeah, you definitely didn’t get the memo. It’s themed,’ he says, and my jaw drops. ‘Jimin, please tell me you’re joking because nine days is not long enough to find an outfit,’ I say, trying to stay calm, and he shakes his head. ‘It shouldn’t be too hard to find an outfit that fits the theme though, y/n. It’s neon-slash-glow-in-the-dark,’ he says, and I take a deep breath. ‘Neon? Glow-in-the-dark? How… the hell… am I supposed to find something neon… or glow-in-the-dark… that no one else will be wearing… when everyone in the whole university will be there?’ I say slowly, trying to contain my anger at not being told. ‘Baby, you’ll find something, don’t stress. And even if you don’t, it’s okay. You wear whatever you want, it’s not like anyone will say anything to you,’ he says, subtly flexing his frat boy status. ‘Okay, but like, I don’t wanna stick out,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘You never stick out, baby, you stand out,’ he flirts, and I roll my eyes. ‘Not the time, Jimin,’ I say, desperately trying to think if I have anything cute and neon or glow-in-the-dark in my wardrobe. ‘Well, at least it’s not a costume party or something. That’s harder to find something for,’ he says, and I shake my head. ‘That would’ve been perfect. I have a Sailor Mercury costume,’ I say distractedly, and Jimin looks at me confusedly. ‘Wait, why do you have a Sailor Mercury costume?’ he asks. ‘Long story. And a Red Riding Hood costume,’ I groan, annoyed that I wasn’t consulted before this ridiculous theme was chosen. ‘Are these sexy costumes? Because I would very much like to see these costumes. Preferably whilst you’re wearing them,’ he says, and I swat at him again.
‘How about I take you shopping this weekend and we find you something?’ he says as I pull out my phone. ‘I might be able to find something online, like on PLT or Missguided or something. If not, then we’ll go,’ I say, and he nods. ‘There’s that party this weekend too. You coming to that?’ he asks. ‘Whose party?’ I ask, momentarily distracted from frantically scrolling through the results for my ‘neon’ search on the PLT app. ‘Um, KPN,’ he says, and I choke. ‘KPN? Why the hell would you go to KPN’s party?’ I ask, and he shrugs. ‘They invited us,’ he says, and I choke again. ‘KPN invited you? Who in KPN?’ I ask. ‘Apparently, the brothers did a vote on whether or not to invite ASP and the majority said yes,’ he says, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘You have Chen and Jackson to thank for that,’ I say, and he nods in agreement. ‘So, will you come?’ he asks. ‘Umm, I don’t know if that’s the best idea. After everything that happened. Eunwoo will be there, and so will Jeongyeon, and probably Chungae too. I just can’t be bothered for drama at the moment,’ I say, and he sighs. ‘Please, y/n? At the first bit of drama, we’ll leave. Come on, it’ll be one of our last parties before we graduate,’ he says, almost convincing me. ‘No, Jimin, it’s not worth it. I don’t want to risk it. You go, though, have some drinks for me. No drugs, though,’ I say, and he nods. ‘Okay. I’ll miss you,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘You dealt without me for two years, you can cope for one party,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘I don’t know. I might forget how amazing you are and go home with someone else,’ he teases, and I shoot him a dirty look. ‘The only people you should go home with should be your frat brothers,’ I say, and he raises an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling with amusement from what’s about to come out of his mouth, and I know it’s going to be stupid. ‘Is this a kink of yours I’ve stumbled across?’ he asks, holding back laughter. ‘Maybe,’ I say, the smile falling from his face. ‘Okay, I know I said I love you,’ he says, lips twitching, ‘but I’m telling you now; I’m not getting with a guy because you’re into it.’
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‘Bitch, what the fuck are you doing?’ Mija asks, and I pause the TV, turning to face her. She’s dressed up in skin-tight jeans and a bodysuit of mine, sky-high heels on her feet. ‘Watching Dynasty,’ I reply, and she rolls her eyes. ‘I didn’t think you were being serious when you said you weren’t coming to KPN tonight,’ she says, coming to sit beside me on the sofa. ‘Mija, it’s not worth it. I don’t want to risk drama starting,’ I sigh, and she scoffs. ‘Bitch, who cares? We’re about to graduate and you’re gonna miss out on one of the last frat parties of our time here?’ she says, and I nod. ‘y/n, come on, this is crazy. We’re not young forever. You might as well make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. When we graduate, that’s it. There won’t be any more of this. This might be one of our last parties together. Don’t miss out because your stupid ex-friend and stupid ex will be there,’ she says, and I realise she’s right. How can I miss out on this? ‘Fine, but I’m gonna be a while getting ready,’ I say, and she grins. ‘It’s cool, Chen said their cut-off time is 5am,’ she says, and my eyes widen. ‘Damn, okay, we really going all out,’ I say, and she grins, her phone pinging a moment later. ‘Jackson’s outside. Shall I tell him to come up and we’ll wait for you?’ she asks, and I shake my head. ‘I’ll get an Uber or something, don’t wait. And don’t tell anyone I’m coming. I wanna surprise Jimin,’ I say, and she rolls her eyes amusedly. ‘You two are like a couple of high-schoolers,’ she teases. ‘And you and Jackson aren’t?’ I say, and she goes silent, surprising me.
‘Okay, what’s happened?’ I ask, and she sighs. ‘I… I don’t know. I like him, y/n, I really do. But I just don’t know if… I love him,’ she says, and I let out a soft laugh. ‘You don’t have to love him, Mija. Not yet, anyway,’ I say gently. ‘No, but, I look at you and Jimin, and-’ ‘Mija! Don’t be ridiculous! I would’ve thought you’d know not to compare yourself and your relationship to anyone else.’ ‘No, I know, but I just… I want something like what you guys have. Something that everyone can see coming, something that everyone envies, something that every knows is perfect. And I don’t expect that to happen yet, like I know it happens at different times for everyone. But I just don’t… I don’t see it happening with Jackson. It just feels like… flirting and sex with him. Nothing more, nothing… real. We’ve never had a deep conversation, nothing deeper than about our futures,’ she says, and I sigh. ‘Well, if you don’t think he’s the one for you, then that’s okay. You don’t have to persevere with it if you don’t see it working out. There’s no point wasting your time,’ I say, and she nods. ‘I also… I have a bit of a… crush on someone,’ she says, and I nearly scream. ‘Oh, my God! Why didn’t you tell me? Who is it?’ I exclaim excitedly, and she laughs. ‘Stop, it’s not that big of a deal. I… went shopping, last night, and I ran into Tae. He walked around the shop with me, and it was the most fun I’ve ever had shopping – not including when I’m with you, obviously. The conversation just flowed, and he made me laugh so much, and he’s so good-looking, and it just made me think back to that night in his room, after the KPN party,’ she says, and I squeal excitedly.
I remember her telling me about that night; they’d gone up to his room and instead of having sex, he asked her about her sexuality (because he’d just found out) and then they’d ended up having a really deep conversation about love and destiny and fate. She kept yawning and he asked her if she wanted to sleep, and so she fell asleep in his bed. When she woke up the next morning and he was asleep next to her, she was so scared, so scared about what had happened the previous night, that she left. Mija’s not the type of person for deep conversations and sleepovers. She’s more of a make-out-in-the-club followed by a one-night stand kinda girl. So it scared her that she’d connected with someone emotionally rather than physically, sexually. ‘Mija, this is amazing!’ I say, and she shakes her head. ‘Don’t get too excited. I doubt he’s still interested,’ she says, a hint of sadness in her voice. ‘No, Mija, I bet he is! He admitted to me, that night I went home with him – sorry about that, by the way – that he still had a crush on you. If you like him, Mija, go for it, please. Don’t squander this because you’re scared. You can’t just stick to what’s comfortable. Sometimes it’s scary to go into the unknown, but it pays off in the end,’ I say earnestly. ‘Don’t quote Frozen at me,’ she says, but I can tell she’s taken my words on board. ‘Frozen 2, actually,’ I say, just as there’s a knock at the door. ‘I’m gonna go get ready, but I’ll see you at the party,’ I say, both of us getting up. ‘I look forward to it. Wear something sexy,’ she says, and I grin. ‘Trust me,’ I say, ‘I have the perfect outfit in mind.’
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‘y/n! You came!’ I hear Sana shriek the second I walk in, the girl enveloping me in a hug. ‘Hey, Sana,’ I say into her ear, touched at the warm welcome. ‘Jimin said you weren’t coming,’ she says, and I shrug. ‘I wasn’t planning on it, but we’re about to graduate, so I should make the most of every opportunity,’ I say, and she nods in agreement. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Jeongyeon is on her best behaviour,’ she says with a wink, and I laugh. ‘Bless you, Sana, you’re the best. You look amazing, by the way,’ I say. She’s dressed in a pink satin one-arm mini dress and white heels, her dyed pink locks matching the dress perfectly. ‘Says you. Jimin will drop dead when he sees you in that,’ she says, and I hide my face in embarrassment, feeling the heat rushing to my cheeks. I’m dressed in my best black jeans and a long-sleeve black velvet crop top, both items of clothing practically skin-tight. Joon’s silver choker rests around my neck, and a matching silver belt cinches in my waist nicely, small silver hoops in my ears and Jimin’s silver ring on my finger. I opted for comfort over height, so I’m wearing my black fluffy sliders, my white painted toenails on display. ‘Stop it,’ I say shyly, and she rolls her eyes. ‘Shut up, you know you look good. Go see your man, he’s in the kitchen,’ she says, and I grin.
I leave with the promise that I’ll dance with her later, and push through the partygoers to get to the kitchen. For the first time ever, people move out of my way, and my peers almost part to let me through. Perks of dating one of the most popular boys in the university, I guess. When I walk into the kitchen, I spot Jimin sat on a stool at the island, chatting to Chen, a beer in his hand. A few seconds later, Hoseok shouts my name, drawing everybody’s attention on to me. The boys all greet me warmly, hugs and smiles, and when I reach Jimin, his cheeks are slightly flushed. He pulls me into a hug before holding me at arm’s length, looking me up and down. ‘You look… good, princess. Like… really good,’ he says, eyes fixed on the choker for a moment, and I grin at him. ‘Thanks. I thought you’d like it,’ I say coyly. ‘I love it.’ ‘I love you,’ I say, and he grins. ‘That’ll never get old,’ he says contentedly, and I smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. ‘You look really good, you know. I like you in white,’ I say, and he grins. He’s dressed in a white shirt, the top few buttons undone, and a pair of ripped black jeans, a black Chanel necklace around his neck, the pendant resting between his collarbones. ‘You seem to like me in everything, baby,’ he smirks, and I roll my eyes. ‘Maybe I do, is it a crime?’ I joke, and he laughs, pulling me down towards him for another kiss.
‘Shall I get you a drink?’ he asks, and I nod with a smile. He jumps up, heading over to the fridge, and holds up a bottle of pink gin with a questioning expression. I nod and he grabs a clean cup, pouring me some out before mixing it with lemonade. He brings it over to me and hands it to me, bumping the cup with his own beer bottle before we both take a sip. ‘Thank you, baby. Oh, can you believe this? When I was walking from the front door to here, people were moving out of my way. Like, how crazy is that? I can get used to dating the most desirable guy in the university,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘y/n, it’s not because you’re dating me. It’s because you’re hot,’ he says, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘People never used to,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘You’ve never worn an outfit so tight. To be fair, it’s probably partially because of everything that’s happened. Eunwoo’s face still looks busted, Jeongyeon’s been keeping a very low profile, Chungae got called out of her lecture by the police and she hasn’t been seen since, you and ‘Park Jimin’ are officially dating, and then you walk into a party looking like sin. Of course people moved out of your way,’ he says, and I give an acknowledging nod. ‘Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s just weird,’ I say. ‘You’ll get used to it,’ he says in a fake snooty voice, and I swat at him, laughing.
‘I thought you were adamant you weren’t coming,’ he says casually, but I know he’s confused. ‘I was, but Mija gave me this speech about not letting opportunities pass you by, and I realised I was stupid to miss out,’ I say, and he smiles. ‘Well, I promise, if anything… kicks off, I’ll sort it,’ he says, and I shake my head. ‘I don’t want you to sort it. I’ll just go to another room, or leave. I don’t need you to swoop in and save the day, Superman. Take a night off,’ I say gently, and he laughs. ‘Okay, baby, whatever you want,’ he replies softly, toying with his ring on my finger, and my heart jumps. ‘Can you keep hold of my phone for me?’ I ask as I jump up to sit on the island beside him, and he nods, taking it from me and tucking it into his pocket. ‘Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you,’ he says, resting a hand on my thigh, ‘are you gonna be my date to that thing we’re doing? I’m sure you’ve heard about it.’ I fail to stifle my laugh and he raises an eyebrow. ‘What?’ ‘You’re the seventh person to ask me, so you’re in a queue,’ I say seriously, and his mouth falls open slightly. ‘Wait, seriously? Who’s asked you?’ he asks, completely bewildered. ‘In order, Joon, JK, Tae, Yoongi, Jin and Hobi,’ I list off, his eyes widening with each name. ‘Oh, my God, they’re such snakes. As if they asked you whilst we weren’t talking,’ he says, and I make an indignant noise. ‘They’re my friends too.’ ‘I know, but like… they’re my best friends. It’s like if Mija had asked me,’ he says, and I nod, stifling my laughter. ‘Are you really gonna put me in the queue?’ he asks sadly, and I nod, holding back a giggle. ‘But we’re dating. Doesn’t that give me like… a fast pass or something?’ he pouts, and I laugh. ‘If we can find dates for all the others, then I’ll go with you,’ I say, knowing I’ll go with him anyway but wanting to find dates for my friends too.
‘Oh, well, Joon can take Sana,’ Jimin says, both of us looking at Joon. He’s stood with JK and Jin beside the sink, but his eyes are on Sana, chatting with Jackson beside the door. ‘We’ve gotta get him to ask her,’ I say, Jimin nodding, eyes already scanning the room. ‘We should get Mija to go with one of the boys and Jackson to go with one of the boys, so they can both come,’ he says, and I wince. ‘Well, um, I don’t think they’re going to be together much longer,’ I say quietly, Jimin’s mouth falling open. ‘What? Really?’ he asks, eyes wide. ‘Yeah, but don’t mention anything to anyone. I’ll explain it all afterwards,’ I say, and he nods, still looking stunned. ‘Well, we still want both of them to come, right? But we’ll come back to that. What about… JK? Who can he take?’ Jimin asks, and I think. ‘Um… I saw him and LSG Nayeon dancing together at the bar last week. Is anything going on with them?’ I ask, and Jimin looks thoughtful. ‘I’ve seen her a lot recently, come to think of it, and usually when I see a lot of a girl, it’s because she’s seeing one of my friends. We can do some… interrogating and find out what’s going on with them,’ he says, and I nod. ‘Okay, so Joon and Sana, and maybe JK and Nayeon. What about… Yoongi?’ I ask, before remembering him dancing with Dahyun. ‘Oh, Dahyun! They were dancing together at the bar too. I’ll ask her about him as well!’ I say, getting excited. ‘Okay, we’ll do some subtle interrogation throughout the night. What about Tae and Hoseok? And Jin hyung?’ he asks. ‘Well, Tae was dancing with Tzuyu, but I don’t know about Hoseok or Jin. Maybe they could bring Mija and Chen, or Jackson? And then we’ll sneak the other one in,’ I say, Jimin laughing. ‘We should probably check with everyone to see if they’re okay with our plans first,’ he says, and I nod. ‘I think we should do some investigating. I’ll go and dance with the girls and try and find something out,’ I say, Jimin nodding. I press a gentle kiss to his cheek before downing my pink gin (and wincing, much to Jimin’s amusement) and jumping down from the counter, heading over to Sana.
‘Hey, guys,’ I say, reaching into the fridge beside them to get another drink. I spot WKD and I can’t resist (listen, I know it’s practically juice, but I’m not looking to get drunk tonight. I need to have my wits about me if I want to successfully dig for info, and get my friends dates for this party). ‘Hey, y/n,’ Jackson and Sana reply. ‘You guys wanna dance?’ I ask, Sana nodding eagerly. God, she’s so cute. I’d so be crushing on her if I were into girls. ‘I’ll leave you guys to it. I’ll come and join in a bit when you’re all drunk and have lost your inhibitions,’ he jokes, both Sana and I groaning in disgust. ‘You pig,’ I say, hitting his shoulder as he walks away, laughing to himself. ‘Come on,’ she says, grabbing my hand and dragging me into the living room. It’s a little darker in here, and the room is packed full of people. There’s also a slight stench of body odour in the air, but I try to ignore it, knowing I have a far more important task at hand. I look around the room for Sana’s friends, and spot a bright flash of minty-bluey hair, knowing Dahyun is the only person in the university, maybe even the world, with that hair colour. ‘Ooh, your friends are over there, let’s dance with them!’ I suggest, and she agrees excitedly, leading us through the people to get to them.
‘Hey, y/n!’ Nayeon exclaims, throwing her arms around me. We used to be close, but as soon as Jeongyeon and I fell out, we didn’t see each other that often. I didn’t see many of the LSG girls at all, except for Sana, because we do the same course. I guess it’s never too late to reconnect. All of the girls hug me, Momo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Mina and Jihyo. Tzuyu either hasn’t come to the party or is somewhere else in the house, but I don’t worry too much. I have a feeling we won’t have to look for a date for Tae, considering Mija’s new feelings for him. A Rihanna song starts to blare out into the room, and we all shout (as people do when a good song comes on), beginning to dance with each other almost instantly.  The songs continue and the time flies by, Mija joining us after a little while. We dance and dance until we’re all sweating and tired, and after two hours, I suggest we go and sit in the garden for a while. We pass through the kitchen, getting drinks before heading out through the back door. Conveniently, the table and chairs on the porch are unoccupied, and we quickly rush over before anyone else can get there. I sit on a two-seater with Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Momo sharing the other two-seater, Mija, Mina, Jihyo, Sana and Nayeon sitting in deck chairs.
‘You and Jimin are so adorable, y/n,’ Nayeon says, and I mentally thank her for bringing up boys. ‘Aw, thank you. It’s been a… tough journey, but we’re happy now,’ I say, all of the girls letting out ‘aww’s at that. ‘And you and Jackson, Mija! It was so unexpected, but I like it,’ Jihyo says, and Mija winces. ‘Funny you say that. We ended things on the way here,’ she says, and I raise an eyebrow. I thought she would wait until after the party, but obviously, she just wanted to get it out of the way. ‘Oh, God. Why’s that?’ Jihyo asks, all of the girls looking surprised. ‘I think it was just… physical chemistry with Jackson and I. We both knew it. I do like him, and I think part of me will always have a little crush on him, but I don’t think we were right together,’ Mija says, the girls nodding with understanding. ‘What about you girls anyway? Any relationships?’ Mija asks, and I look at Sana, the girl noticing my stare and her cheeks turn slightly red. ‘Um… well, I guess me and Namjoon are kind of… talking?’ she says, almost as a question, and we all squeal. ‘I’ve been waiting for you to admit it!’ Dahyun shrieks. ‘And me!’ I exclaim, Sana’s eyes widening. ‘How did you know?’ she asks, and I grin. ‘Namjoon told Jimin, and Jimin told me. Don’t you remember, that night at the restaurant when he brought it up?’ I ask, and she nods, remembering. ‘Has he asked you to this thing? The party they’re having?’ I ask, and she shakes her head. ‘Didn’t he ask you?’ she asks, the girls all looking at me in confusion. ‘Well, yeah, but only because he didn’t think I’d come. This was when Jimin and I weren’t speaking. But I thought he’d have asked you by now. What an idiot,’ I say, knowing that the next time I see Joon, I am forcing him to ask her.
‘Are any of the rest of you coming?’ Mija asks, and the girls nod. ‘Daniel’s taking me,’ Jihyo says, and I smile. Jihyo and Daniel, one of the ASP frat boys, have been together for a while, nearly a year now, and they’re so lowkey. They just do their own thing, don’t display their relationship everywhere for people to see. ‘I’m going with Jungkook,’ Nayeon says, and my eyes widen, a blush painting her cheeks. ‘When did he ask you?’ I ask, and she thinks. ‘A couple nights ago. He said he’d asked you, but obviously you’re gonna go with Jimin now, so would I be interested in going with him,’ she says, and I faceplant. ‘Why would he ask you by saying that?’ I say, wondering where that boy’s braincells are. ‘Because he’s an idiot,’ Nayeon says affectionately, and we all grin. ‘What’s going on with you two?’ I ask, and she shrugs. ‘I don’t know. We’ve been talking a little over the past couple weeks, but he’s really… shy,’ she says, all of our mouths falling open. ‘Jeon Jungkook? Shy? He walked in on y/n and Jimin and joined in,’ Mija says, the shocked faces turning to me now, and I cover my face. ‘It wasn’t like that. Jimin… invited him,’ I say, gasps running around the group. ‘God, y/n, you are literally living the dream,’ Dahyun sighs, and we all laugh. ‘Okay, anyway. Who are the rest of you going with?’ I ask.
‘Heechul actually asked me out a few days ago. We’d been talking for a while, but now we’re… yeah, boyfriend and girlfriend. So yeah, he’ll be taking me,’ Momo says, Mija and I squealing in excitement, the other girls obviously already aware. ‘Congrats, Momo, that’s great,’ I say, and she smiles shyly. ‘Chae?’ I ask, and she grins. ‘I don’t have a man like you lot, but Bambam didn’t have anyone to take so he asked if I wanna go,’ she says, rolling her eyes, and we all laugh. Her and Bambam have been good friends for a long time so it’s no surprise she’s going with him. ‘What about you, Mina?’ I ask. ‘Youngjae asked me. As friends, obviously,’ she says, in a similar situation as Chaeyoung. I ask Dahyun next and she frowns. ‘I haven’t been asked by anyone. But I’ll just get JB to take me, I’m pretty certain he doesn’t have a date. Or Mark,’ Dahyun says. ‘Single gang,’ Chaeyoung says in a sing-song voice, throwing her arms around Dahyun and Mina, both looking less than impressed, making us all laugh. ‘What about Tzuyu? And is, um, Jeongyeon going?’ I ask, all of them nodding. ‘Tzuyu’s been asked by Yugyeom, and Jeongyeon’s going with Jinyoung,’ Mina says, surprising me. ‘Yeah, we were surprised too, but she broke things off with that Jongho. I think it was just to try and get Jimin’s interest, but as soon as you two got together, she stopped seeing him,’ Nayeon says, obviously noting the surprise on my face. I’m also relieved that Tae hasn’t asked Tzuyu, meaning that he can take Mija now.
Just as I’m about to ask about Tzuyu and Yugyeom, the boys come outside, noisy and drunk. ‘Baby!’ Jimin exclaims when he spots me, stumbling towards me. ‘Hey, babe. I thought you weren’t gonna get that drunk,’ I say as I get up, letting him have my seat, before perching gently on his lap. ‘I’m not that bad, really. Just excited to see you,’ he says before pressing a sloppy kiss to my cheek, making the girls smile indulgently at us. I spot Namjoon go over to Sana and she does what I did for Jimin. When she sits on his lap, he looks stunned at her bold move, his face reddening slightly, and I have to hold back laughter at how nervous and awkward they are. It’s adorable. Tae perches on the arm of Mija’s chair, the two of them already in deep conversation, and I grin to myself at the sight. ‘You guys have gone awfully quiet,’ Yoongi says with a raised eyebrow, all of us exchanging glances. ‘We were talking about your posh party thing, actually,’ I say, taking Jimin’s hand into mine. ‘Yeah, she’s coming with me, so you guys need to find dates,’ Jimin says, the boys laughing. ‘Well, I think a couple of them already have,’ I say pointedly, a light blush painting Jungkook’s cheeks as he looks down at his lap, Nayeon looking over at him with a smile from the other side of the circle we’re sat in.
‘But, anyway, Yoongi, who are you taking?’ I ask, and he shrugs. ‘Do you guys all have dates?’ he asks the girls who all nod, except for Dahyun, who shakes her head. ‘Would you like to accompany me then, Dahyun?’ Yoongi asks, sounding casual, but the very slight blush on his cheeks betrays him. ‘I’d love to, Yoongi,’ she says with a grin, and I can’t help but smile at the exchange. ‘Wait, so who actually has dates now? It’s just me and Yoongi, right?’ Jimin says, and I grin to myself, knowing JK will have to come clean now and Namjoon and Tae will have to ask Sana and Mija, if they want to (which they do, let’s be real). ‘Um, well, I, um, me and, uh, Nayeon noona are going together,’ Jungkook stammers out, and I melt at how nervous he seems. The boys all look at him in shock, us girls exchanging a glance. ‘Yeah, we’re matching my dress and his tie. We going high school prom,’ Nayeon says, obviously trying to take all of the attention off Jungkook, who looks extremely uncomfortable. ‘Oh, my God, Jimin, we should so do that,’ I say, turning to look at him, and he smiles at me, his eyes full of love. ‘That sounds great, princess,’ he says softly, and I smile, pressing my lips to his. I love him like this; so loving and sweet all the time. He’s an angel.
‘I actually wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me, Sana,’ Namjoon says, the girl blushing in response. ‘Yes, I’d love to go with you,’ Sana says, smiling from ear-to-ear, the smile reflecting on Namjoon’s face at her yes. ‘Four out of seven,’ Jimin says into my ear so only I can hear, and I grin. ‘Tae, do you have a date?’ Chaeyoung says shamelessly, Tae and Mija both looking slightly embarrassed. ‘Um, no, but I was planning on asking you, Mija,’ he says, looking at her, and she blushes instantly. ‘Yeah, I’ll come,’ she says as offhandedly as possible, but it’s obvious that they’re both pleased. I look at Jackson, worried he’ll be jealous, but he looks… wistful almost, a soft smile on his face. ‘Ahh, this is so exciting, like in the space of a minute, three new couples,’ Nayeon says, and both Yoongi and Dahyun look alarmed. ‘We’re not a couple,’ Dahyun says, Yoongi nodding in agreement, and Nayeon grins. ‘You know what I mean.’
‘Well, what about the rest of us? Hoseok, Jin, who are you two taking?’ Yoongi asks, changing the subject. ‘I don’t know. Jackson, are you coming?’ Hoseok asks. ‘Yeah, but not as a plus one,’ Jackson replies. ‘Just be my plus one then, bro,’ Hoseok says, holding out a hand, and Jackson shakes it with a grin and a ‘my guy.’ ‘You be my plus one too, Chen. Unless, you were planning on bringing a date yourself?’ Jin says, and Chen shakes his head. ‘I wasn’t planning on that, so yeah, I’ll be your plus one,’ Chen says, both of them grinning. ‘Well, that’s sorted then. Everyone has a date!’ Sana says excitedly, and Hoseok looks at Jackson. ‘Bro! We should match our ties!’ he says, Jackson whooping in agreement, and we all laugh at them. ‘We should all match our ties, boys!’ Jackson exclaims, before his eyes land on Nayeon and Jungkook, his shoulders slumping. ‘Never mind,’ he says dejectedly. ‘No, you guys all should match your ties. That’s super cute. Imagine the pictures,’ Nayeon says, and I nod in agreement. ‘You sure?’ Jungkook asks, Jimin looking at me with the same question in his eyes, and I nod at him. ‘Yeah, definitely. Us girls can all have something matching too. Something the same colour as your ties!’ Nayeon exclaims, all of us getting excited. ‘We could have, like, cute little corsages or something!’ Mina suggests, various noises of agreement running around the group. ‘God, we really are going high school prom, huh?’ Chen says, all of us laughing.
Various conversations break out around the group, one about us going in limos, another a debate about what colour ties and corsages we should get, and another about ‘what if the colour of the ties and corsages don’t match our suits and dresses?’ ‘I’m gonna just run and get a drink. Do you want anything?’ I ask Jimin, and he shakes his head. ‘Want me to come with?’ he asks. ‘It’s okay. I’ll take Jackson with me,’ I say quietly before getting up from his lap. As I walk past Jackson to go inside, I latch my arm through him and drag him towards the door with me. ‘Come get a drink with me?’ I say, and he laughs. ‘Didn’t give me much of a choice really,’ he jokes, as we step into the kitchen. The party seems to have started emptying out already, and I check Jackson’s watch, the time reading 3.04. I open the fridge, rooting around as Jackson leans against the kitchen counter, checking his phone. I find a bottle of that sparkly Unicorn gin that everyone’s been raving about, not even open yet, and I celebrate, knowing someone must have tried to hide it. I won’t have too much. ‘Do you want some?’ I ask, holding the bottle up to Jackson, who shakes his head. I pour some out into a cup, and then top up the rest with lemonade.
‘Mija told me she broke things off with you,’ I say as I put the bottle away, thinking there’s no point in beating around the bush, and he nods, putting his phone back in his pocket. ‘Yeah, she did, on the way here,’ he says, and I sigh. ‘You okay?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘Yeah, I’m okay. I think… part of me knew it was coming. She wants something like what you and Jimin have, and I can’t give that to her, you know? That’s just not me yet. I’m still young and I’m not ready to be as serious with someone as you two are. Maybe, one day in the future, me and Mija will have the same mindset and it works out, but I think her and Tae are good for each other,’ he says, and I nod. ‘I just wish he hadn’t asked her in front of you, that soon after she ended things with you,’ I say, and Jackson laughs. ‘It’s totally fine, y/n, don’t worry. She deserves to be happy, and he can give that to her,’ he says, and I smile. ‘That’s very mature of you,’ I say, and he grins. ‘I’m a very mature guy, thank you very much,’ he replies, and I raise an eyebrow.
‘I wonder how Tae found out you two were over. She must have told him,’ I think aloud. ‘I told him, and I told him to ask her, too. He said, no joke, ‘the body’s not even cold yet’ and I said, ‘the body was never that hot though’,’ Jackson says, and I burst out laughing. ‘You’re terrible! She ended things with you, and you went and told another boy to ask her out,’ I say, laughing uncontrollably. ‘I want her to be happy!’ he replies indignantly, struggling to hold back his own laughter, and then we both notice that Mija has just walked in. Both of us stop laughing straight away, probably looking like two kids caught with their hands in the biscuit tin. ‘Lol. Thank you. I want you to be happy too,’ she says deadpan, as she goes into the fridge, and Jackson and I look at each other before bursting into laughter again. ‘Grow up, idiots,’ Mija says affectionately, shutting the fridge and heading back outside with a bottle of WKD in her hand, Jackson and I unable to stop laughing.
We head back outside, still giggling, and I go sit back on Jimin’s lap, sipping on my drink. Whenever I meet Jackson’s eye, both of us start laughing again, everyone else (except for Mija) really confused. The sixth time it happens, Jin loses his patience. ‘You two! Stop laughing or tell us what’s funny!’ he shouts, the whole group bursting into laughter at that. ‘The body…’ Jackson gets out before his laughter renders him speechless, and I can’t contain myself, practically screaming with laughter, the others laughing at how hysterical we are. ‘Right, let’s talk about next weekend,’ Namjoon says, looking much more comfortable with Sana on his lap now, the girl sat with her legs slung over his, her arm around his shoulders and his around her waist. ‘Yeah, I’ve got a bone to pick about that. Why was I not told that it’s neon-slash-glow in the dark themed?’ I ask, instantly calming down and frowning. ‘Didn’t Jimin tell you?’ Jin asks. ‘Yeah, on Thursday. Why was I not told before that though?’ I say, all of the boys looking at each other. ‘I don’t know. I think we all thought you already knew,’ Yoongi says, the rest of them nodding in agreement. ‘Do you not have an outfit, noona?’ Jungkook asks me, and before I can answer, Namjoon says, ‘you don’t have to wear something neon or glow in the dark if you don’t want to. I get that it’s late notice, so you can just wear whatever you want.’ ‘Well, I have an outfit now, but that’s not the point,’ I say, having to raise my voice for the last part to be heard over the laughter. ‘You’re such a drama queen, y/n,’ Tae says, and I roll my eyes. ‘It’s the principle of the matter. I should have been told earlier than nine days beforehand,’ I say, and they all just shake their heads or roll their eyes at me.
‘What outfit have you got, y/n?’ Nayeon asks, and I sigh. ‘I ordered two things, but neither have come yet, so I don’t know which to wear. One of them is a black t-shirt dress with stuff written in neon green on the back and a little green logo on the front, above my boob, and then a neon green belt to go with it, so it’s like minimal neon. And then I ordered a pair of black cargo trousers with reflective lines down the sides and a bit down the fronts of my legs, I think, and then a reflective crop top,’ I say, the girls all listening with interest, the boys except for Hobi, Tae and Jackson seeming to zone out. ‘Ooh, that sounds boujee. Make sure you send us pictures of how both of them look when you try them on. Oh, my God, we should make a group chat!’ Dahyun says, all of us giving various agreements. ‘That’s gonna get muted,’ Yoongi says drily, and Dahyun raises an eyebrow at him. ‘I meant one for the girls, so relax,’ she says, equally as dry, and we all burst out laughing, Yoongi included. ‘We can make one with all of us too, so you can mute that one,’ she says afterwards, Yoongi nodding with a wide grin. We all continue to talk about outfits, the boys deciding to keep theirs a secret, and even Jackson and Chen are involved in their scheme. ‘But we told you all what we’re wearing,’ I say, pouting at Jimin who smiles at me. ‘It’s not that exciting, but we just don’t want anyone to find out, and you guys can’t keep your mouths shut,’ Jimin says, making me pout even more. ‘I can.’ ‘Yeah, about important things. A little thing like this, you would not keep it to yourself,’ he says, and I don’t know what to say, knowing that he’s absolutely right.
But before I even have to say anything, the back door swings open, Eunwoo stepping out onto the porch with a couple of his other frat brothers. Jimin was right; his face does still look busted, even more so in comparison to the very faint bruise Jimin sports on his eye. Jimin’s arms reflexively tighten around my waist, his body tensing slightly, and everyone falls silent, us looking at them and them looking at us. To my surprise, he nods at us, and we all nod or smile back, appreciating his civility. ‘Did you guys bring the five bottles of flavoured vodka?’ Eunwoo asks, the boys nodding. I’m surprised; people don’t really bring alcohol to parties and, if they do, it’s never that much. It’s obvious the boys are trying to create peace between ASP and KPN. ‘Thanks. The red berry one’s nice,’ Eunwoo says, holding up the cup in his hand. ‘You should try the peach. That one’s the best,’ Jimin says, Eunwoo nodding, and I’m proud of Jimin for being so mature. ‘Hey, Eunwoo, we’ve got our end of year rager thing next weekend. You guys should come,’ Namjoon says. ‘Thanks, Namjoon. We’ll be there,’ Eunwoo says, Namjoon smiling back at him. ‘It’s neon-slash-glow in the dark themed,’ I say, Eunwoo nodding. ‘We’ll come in neon wigs,’ Eunwoo says, all of us laughing.
Eunwoo and the other two come over, standing beside Jackson, and he takes a deep breath before speaking; ‘y/n, Jimin, I just, uh, wanted to say sorry to both of you for what happened last week. It was wrong of me to speak to you both like that and I think you should know that I’m seeing an anger management therapist now.’ ‘That’s great, Eunwoo, I hope that it works out for you. Keep me updated on how it goes,’ I say as kindly as possible, knowing it must have taken him a lot to apologise in front of everyone like this. ‘I will, thanks. And I also wanted to say that I’m happy for you both. It’s about time you stopped messing around and got together,’ he says, everyone laughing. ‘Honestly, bro, we’ve been saying that, like they might as well just get married,’ Tae says, prompting more laughter. ‘That would actually be the littest wedding ever,’ Eunwoo says, Jimin nodding in agreement. ‘It’ll be sick. We’ll have kegs and jelly shots and beer pong and-’ ‘Excuse me. This is our wedding we’re talking about, not a frat party,’ I say, scandalised at the thought of having these things at the wedding. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll do that stuff at the stag do,’ Hobi says, laughter rippling around the group.
‘Imagine the hen do,’ Mija says dreamily. ‘Oh, my God, we should go abroad! Ibiza! Or Vegas!’ Sana says. ‘Ooh, can I come on your hen do, noona?’ Jungkook asks with big eyes, and I nod. ‘No way! You can’t go to Vegas without me and take Jungkook,’ Jimin pouts. ‘We’ll all go together. Joint stag and hen!’ Nayeon exclaims excitedly. ‘Yeah!’ ‘No! The point of a stag do is to do the things you can’t do when you’re married. How can he do any of that stuff when his fiancée’s there?’ Yoongi says. ‘Well, it’s not like he'll be having any strippers or anything. Will you?’ I ask Jimin, a slight threatening tone to my voice, and he shakes his head hesitantly. ‘How about we do a gang holiday to Vegas, and then do stag and hen dos at home rather than abroad?’ Yoongi suggests, and all of nod in agreement. ‘That sounds like a plan,’ I grin. ‘What I want to know is how we’re gonna find the money to pay for a holiday to Vegas, a stag and hen do, and a wedding,’ Jimin says sceptically. ‘You guys can’t pay for your hen and stag dos! We’ll all chip in to pay for that,’ Mija says, all of the others nodding in agreement. ‘What I want to know is why we’re planning your wedding when you’ve been together a week,’ Jin says, bringing us all back to reality, and we all burst out laughing. ‘Let’s be real, everyone knows they’re gonna be together forever,’ Eunwoo says. ‘I’m not so sure,’ Jimin starts to say, and I slap his chest. ‘I’m kidding!’ he exclaims, everyone laughing. ‘Better be,’ I say as ominously as possible, unable to get the smile off my face, ‘you’re not getting rid of me any time soon.’ ‘Well,’ Jimin starts to say, looking at me with the biggest smile on his face, eyes shining with love, ‘good thing I don’t want to.’
We spend the next hour or so just chatting, and when the time reaches 4, I begin to yawn, tiredness catching up with me. ‘Tired?’ Jimin murmurs, arms wrapped around me and chin resting on my shoulder. I’m still perched on his lap, and I don’t know how he hasn’t complained about being uncomfortable yet. ‘A little,’ I reply, and he smiles indulgently as I snuggle further into him. ‘Shall we leave?’ he asks, and I nod, ready for my bed now. ‘Jungkook,’ Jimin calls to the younger boy, who looks over instantly. He and Nayeon are now sat together, his arm around the girl’s shoulder as she speaks animatedly to Taehyung, Mija and Chen about a cocktail she had three years ago in a bar in Malta and how hard she’s tried to recreate it. ‘Yeah, hyung?’ ‘You drove here right? And you haven’t had a drink, have you?’ Jimin asks. ‘Yeah, I drove, and, no, I haven’t had anything to drink.’ ‘Can we jump in with you?’ ‘Yeah. I’m dropping Nayeon and Dahyun off as well,’ Jungkook says. ‘Thank you, Kook,’ I say with a smile, feeling more and more sleepy, and he smiles at me. ‘It’s okay, noona. We’ll leave in a few minutes,’ he replies. ‘Mija, how are you getting back?’ I ask her, and she shrugs. ‘Who’s got space in their cars?’ Jimin asks, ensuing a long, confusing and logistical conversation about how people can get home without having to pay for taxis.
I zone out quickly, amusing myself with playing with the rings on Jimin’s hands, and it’s finally decided that Jungkook will drop Dahyun and Nayeon at LSG, drop me home and then head home with Jimin, Chen and Jackson will give all of the LSG girls a lift (and Jackson will drop Mija), and the ASP boys will all head home in Namjoon’s car. We all say our goodbyes, bidding goodbye to the KPN boys on our way out, and the drive back is a relaxed one, Nayeon and Jungkook chatting quietly upfront as I sit in the middle of the back, singing with Dahyun as Jimin watches amusedly. Jungkook pulls up to my accommodation first, and Jimin gets out of the car to let me out. I stumble as I get out, my feet aching and weak from hours of partying (the sliders might be more comfortable than heels, but their arch support is not it), and Jimin grabs me before I fall. ‘You okay?’ he asks concernedly, and I nod. ‘My feet are hurting a bit, but I’m fine.’ ‘Want me to walk you up?’ he offers, and I shake my head. ‘I don’t want to hold you guys up, just go,’ I say, Jungkook shaking his head through the open window. ‘You could stay here with her, hyung, until Jackson gets here. You can head back with him, and walk up from KPN,’ Jungkook suggests, Jimin nodding. ‘No, it’s fine,’ I say, but Jimin shakes his head before scooping me up into his arms, giggles falling from my lips. Jimin bids our friends goodbye, and I don’t even have the energy to fight him, saying goodbye too. He carries me the entire way up to the apartment and only puts me down once the door is open.
‘Do you wanna… come in, for a little while? While you wait for Jackson to get here?’ I ask, leaning against the frame of our apartment’s front door, and Jimin grins at me, sending a text to Jackson to let him know. ‘Are you trying to seduce me, y/n?’ he teases, and I give him a small smile. ‘You said it, not me. But I know you’ve said you wanted to take it slow, so you can just come in and watch something if you want?’ I offer, and he gives me a soft smile. ‘You’re cute,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘Shut up and come in,’ I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the apartment. I lock the door and turn the lights on, both of us slipping our shoes off, and we head into my bedroom. ‘I’ve got some of your clothes. A pair of sweatpants, and a t-shirt. Oh, and some boxers – they’re clean. D’you wanna get changed?’ I ask him as he takes a seat at the foot of my bed. ‘Yeah, I’ll get changed,’ he replies, and I rummage around in my wardrobe for his clothes. I hand them to him, and he gets up. ‘You don’t need to get changed in the bathroom… if you don’t want to?’ I say shyly, and he looks at me with soft eyes. ‘Are you sure, y/n? It’s only been a week, I don’t want you to rush into anything,’ he says, and I smile. ‘I love you, Jimin, and I don’t need to wait to know that, or to trust you,’ I say, and the most beautiful smile breaks across his face.
He throws the clothes onto the bed and holds out a hand to me. I take it, and he pulls me towards him, the suddenness of it making me lose my footing, and I fall against him, grabbing his shoulders to hold myself up. He steadies me (for the second time in the space of five minutes), his hands on my waist, and grins down at me. ‘Are you falling for me, y/n?’ he jokes, and I roll my eyes. ‘Shut up,’ I reply, closing my eyes and sliding a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him down towards me. His lips press against mine, our mouth moving together in a slow, passionate kiss, and then I break apart after a moment. ‘Do you maybe wanna text Jackson not to hang around outside for you? I mean, you could stay the night instead,’ I suggests, and he grins, pulling out his phone and texting Jackson again. ‘I’d much rather stay the night if that’s okay, princess,’ he says, and I smile softly. ‘Of course it’s okay. I love you,’ I reply gently, and he gives me one of his eye smiles, so full of love I nearly melt. ‘I love you more.’ ‘I love you most.’ ‘I love you more than that though.’ ‘You can’t love me more than I love you if I love you most.’ ‘Who says?’ ‘I… I don’t know. It’s just common knowledge. Like saying 9 is more than 10.’ ‘Who says it isn’t?’ ‘Because it just isn’t!’ ‘Who says?’ ‘Shut up and kiss me, moron.’
He leans towards me and kisses me, our lips melding together instantly, mouths moving in sync, and I sigh at the feeling, wishing to imprint onto the front of my brain. His tongue slides into my mouth within seconds, my body tingling with pleasure as his hands slide around to my lower back, pulling me closer to him. Our kiss quickly becomes heated, his hands desperately roaming over my body as I toy with the short hairs at the nape of his neck. After a few minutes of kissing him, I move my hands to the buttons of his shirt, and I undo them swiftly, pushing the thin material off his shoulders. Instantly, I begin to trail my hands over his torso, fingers roaming over the ridges of his muscles, heat radiating from him.
I break away after what could be minutes or hours – I lose track of time when he’s kissing me – and he instantly brings his hands to the hem of my top, helping me to pull it over my head, leaving me in my lacy black bralet. ‘Fuck,’ he curses under his breath, hands instantly cupping my breasts, and I laugh at the action, a small grin playing at his lips. His hands trail down my torso to undo my belt and the buttons of my jeans, and I push the tight material down my legs, stepping out of them when they pool at my feet as Jimin removes his own jeans. He lies down on the bed, looking at me in my black underwear set with a hungry smirk and loving eyes. How he manages both at the same time, I don’t know. I turn on the lamp, and turn off the big light, leaving us in a warm yellow glow. ‘Come here, princess,’ he says gently, and I smile at him, as I crawl up the bed to join him. He hooks his arms around my waist, pulling me onto him, and I giggle as I fall, my entire weight resting on him. ‘You’re so beautiful,’ he whispers, my heart jumping as our eyes lock together before he turns us over, his body hovering over mine.
He instantly attaches his lips to my neck, kissing and sucking and biting and licking the skin as I wrap my arms around him, fingers in his hair. My head falls back against the pillow as he marks me up, gentle whimpers falling from my lips every few seconds. Once he’s deemed all the marks littering my neck and collarbones sufficient, he begins to kiss a trail down to the hem of my underwear. He looks up at me, to see if I’m okay with him continuing, and I nod with a gentle smile. He hooks his fingers into my underwear and pulls them down my legs, throwing them over his shoulder. ‘So wet. Always so wet for me, princess,’ he murmurs, eyeing my glistening heat, his warm breath fanning across my stomach. ‘Can I?’ he asks, warm brown eyes meeting mine, and I nod with a smile. ‘Words, princess, I need you to say it,’ he says, and I let out a gentle laugh before replying, ‘yes, you can, Jimin.’
He doesn’t hesitate to lick a bold stripe across my folds, and I let out a shaky breath, hands instantly tangling themselves into his soft dirty blond hair. He licks my core gently, easing me into it, whispering, ‘you taste so sweet, princess, so good.’ After a few moments, he begins to slowly push his finger in between my folds, and I can’t help but clench. ‘Princess, please stop clenching before you break my finger?’ he says softly, and I laugh, trying my best to relax. Once he’s pushed in up to his knuckle, he begins gently rocking his hand back and forth, giving me just enough friction that I’m not overwhelmed. Quiet moans fall from my lips every few seconds, and he adds another finger around a minute later, moving his fingers slightly faster. ‘Does that feel good, princess?’ he asks, before curling his fingers inside me, a broken moan escaping my mouth. ‘Mmm, so good, baby,’ I whimper, and he grins before ducking his head to suck on my clit, his other hand trailing up my body to play with my nipples. My toes curl against the sheets, my back arching up, as he slightly increases his pace, his thick luscious lips wrapping around my bundle of nerves, waves of pleasure flowing through me. ‘So good, Jimin, feels so good. Love your fingers, and your mouth,’ I whine, knowing he thrives on praise, and I feel him grin against me.
After a few more minutes of bliss, I feel my high rapidly approaching, but I pull Jimin away from my core, fingers still tangled in his hair. He looks up at me with concern in his eyes, my arousal all over his swollen lips, and my heart jumps at the sight of him. ‘It feels so good, baby, but can you just fuck my now?’ I say gently before biting my lip, and I watch as his eyes darken, and a smirk stretches his lips up at the corner. ‘Princess wants my cock, huh?’ he asks, and I nod with a soft smile as he removes his fingers from me before licking them clean, his eyes locked with mine the whole time, my stomach turning. He gets up from between my legs and pulls his boxers down, his hard length slapping up against his stomach, and I can’t tear my eyes away as he pushes his boxers all the way down his legs, hand tugging at his length as precum leaks from the swollen, red tip. ‘Condom?’ he asks with a grin, the word laden with so much history that I can’t help but laugh as I reach over to the nightstand and pull out a condom. He stands beside the bed and I rip the condom open, rolling it down onto his length as he hisses gently, his eyes on me.
He climbs onto the bed, moving to hover over me, his Chanel chain dangling down, the cold pendant resting against my neck, and I instantly wrap my legs around his waist pulling him closer. He balances on one forearm, his other hand reaching down to wrap around his cock and run his tip along my entrance teasingly. ‘Can I?’ he asks, looking down at me with dark, dilated eyes. ‘Yes, please,’ I breathe out, before tipping my head up and pressing my lips to his. He kisses me back, tongue delving into my mouth within moments, and I’m completely distracted by the feeling of his lips on mine, the taste of my own arousal dancing across my tongue. And then he starts to push into me, and I moan into his mouth as he sinks all the way in. He breaks apart, checking my face for any sign of discomfort, and my heart warms at the caring action. He waits a moment to let me adjust, his breath catching in his throat as my walls flutter around him frantically.
‘Am I okay to move?’ he asks, voice strained, and I know he’s trying his hardest to stay still. ‘Yeah, move, please,’ I whisper, and he doesn’t even wait until the last word has left my mouth before he pulls all the way out of me. He slams back in and I let out a moan of his name as he grunts, his balls slapping against me. ‘Fuck, feels so good, princess. I missed this pussy so much. You have no idea how many nights I jacked off to the thought of this tight, wet little cunt, and the beautiful girl it’s a part of,’ he whispers into my ear, and I whimper in reply, his words sending a fresh wave of arousal gushing from me, and it coats his abdomen and thighs. ‘So wet, princess, you’re gushing. Did you miss this cock?’ he asks between thrusts as I dig my nails into his strong back. ‘Missed your cock so much, Jimin, so much,’ I moan, and he groans at my words, his thrusts even harder and deeper. ‘Did you miss me, baby?’ he asks, voice small, and I nod, eyes locking with his as they tear up the overwhelming emotion I feel. ‘So much, baby. Missed you every day,’ I whisper as his thrusts slow down, longer and more drawn out, his cock dragging against my walls. ‘I missed you too, baby. Missed you more than I can say,’ he replies gently before he leans down to press a kiss to my lips.
His touches across my body are soft and gentle, his thrusts slow and deep, and he breathes out loving compliments and heartfelt words against my lips. He’s not fucking me. He’s making love to me.
I feel myself reaching my climax quicker than ever before, my arms wrapped around his shoulders, hands in his hair as our lips move against each other, our tongues clashing every few seconds. He swallows my moans, and when they become more frequent, he breaks away from me, opening his eyes. ‘Close, baby?’ he asks, and I nod, fighting to keep my eyes open at the feeling of his slow and deep thrusts, his body rolling against mine. ‘So close, Jimin, feels so good, baby,’ I breathe out, and the hand he isn’t resting on, reaches down to rub at my clit as he continues thrusting into me, his tip dragging against the soft spongy part inside me. The feeling is euphoric, pleasure rendering my mind blank of everything but Jimin, and my back arches off the bed, our chests pressing together. ‘Come on, baby, cum for me. You’re so close, wanna feel you clenching around my cock. Cum for me, baby,’ he whispers into my ear, and his words push me over the edge as I let out a loud moan of his name, hitting my mind-numbing climax.
He draws out my orgasm, continuing to rub at my clit and thrusting into me, and once I feel myself coming down, I pull his hand away before interlocking my fingers with his. ‘I love you,’ I whisper softly, and his eyes lock with mine as a huge smile breaks across his face. ‘I love you too, baby,’ he says gently, my walls still clenching around him. ‘Shall I stop?’ he asks, knowing that I’m feeling overstimulated, but I shake my head. ‘No, want you to cum,’ I reply, and he curses at my words, slightly increasing the pace of his thrusting. I keep clenching around him due to the aftershocks of my orgasm, and I reach down with my free hand to play with his balls, the other hand still in Jimin’s tight grip. ‘Come on, babe, you’re so close. Cum for me,’ I whisper before pressing my lips to his brefly, digging my heels into his back to hold him in place, deep inside me. He buries his head into my neck and lets out a strangled moan of my name against my lips as he cums into the condom, his hips stuttering against me as he tries to prolong his orgasm, my hand still playing with his balls as his whole body tenses up.
Once he’s come down from his high, his body relaxes and I remove my hand from his balls, my other hand still clasped in his and his head still nestled in the crook of my neck. I gently play with his hair, my body still tensing with aftershocks. ‘That was the best sex we’ve ever had,’ he murmurs against my skin, and I hum in agreement as he begins kissing my neck, leaving more marks. His hands run up and down my body, caressing the skin covered in perspiration as my fingers continue playing with his soft, fluffy locks. Every movement, every action, every featherlight touch of his is so full of love that I can feel it, feel how overwhelming and strong his love for me is. And I feel it for him too, my love in every movement, every action, every featherlight touch of mine. ‘I love you. I love you so much,’ he murmurs against my skin again and again, and I whisper it back again and again, neither of us tiring of hearing or saying it.
After a very long time, I know I should be responsible and go for a wee and wash off my makeup. When he feels me fidgeting beneath him, he slowly moves off me, slipping out of me, and I shudder at the feeling of being empty. He heads into the bathroom, coming back with a towel, water and a loving smile on his beautiful face, and he gently cleans me up. Once he’s done, I down the water and then get out of bed, walking into the bathroom with shaky legs. I refill the glass and take it to him, and he takes it from me with a smile as I grab a pair of pants from my drawer, and go back into the bathroom. I do a quick wee, wash my makeup off and then head back into my bedroom to see Jimin lying in clean underwear on the bed, phone in hand, all of our clothes folded up in a pile beside the bed. ‘Topless?’ he asks with a grin, putting his phone beside mine on the bedside table, and I let out a gentle laugh as I nod. ‘I’m not complaining, but won’t you be cold?’ he asks again, and my heart warms at how caring he is as I climb into the bed beside him. ‘Not with you keeping me warm,’ I reply with a grin, and he clutches his heart with a smirk. ‘That was smooth.’ ‘I learn from the best,’ I say, both of us lying down. He pulls me into his arms, holding me in a tight and comforting grip beneath the blankets, and my face and boobs are completely smushed up against his chest, our legs tangled together. ‘I love you, baby,’ he whispers, and I can’t help the smile that breaks across my face. ‘I love you too, babe,’ I say softly, and I just know that he’s smiling as I finish, ‘always will.’
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rainbowserenity · 4 years
1. “Do you want me to leave?” - Hopurai
royal!AU tag
my intention with this AU was for it to be a bunch of oneshots that could be read separately….but this is the installment that makes me wish I’d had the foresight to just make it into a multichapter fic 8D;if you don’t want to go in blindly, I would HIGHLY recommend (re?)reading at least the previous installment before the this one. all the fics are in the above linked tag, or they’re in a collection on AO3 here
sorry for being so ridiculous lmao
Therewas such a strange disconnect from staring outside the windows of thepalace as opposed to when she’d had to stare out of a hole in theceiling back when she’d been living in the slums. Back then, she’d belooking up into the smog-covered sky, trying against all odds to seethe stars that the fal'cie would bring at night.
Now,sitting in her office, she could literally look down on so much ofEden since the palace towered over pretty much everything except thefal'cie Phoenix itself. It was weird, to say the least.
Well,she supposed it was no stranger than Lightning Farron, former soldierand resident of the slums, being discovered as Eden’s long-lostprincess.
Lightningfrowned slightly as she watched people go about their daily business.From up here, they looked like ants. It was hard to believe that somecould be struggling or confused or going through heartbreak…
Notthat she’d know anything about heartbreak. At all. Nope.
“Hey,you finished yet?”
Witha sigh, Lightning pulled her gaze away from the window and stared atSazh, who was officially her adviser, but really played the role of ababysitter. It was insulting if she thought about it too much. “Doesit look like I’ve finished?”
“True.”Sazh waltzed up to her desk and pointedly stared at the pile ofpapers. “'Cause if you had finishedthis incredibly easy task, I bet you would’ve found me already andclaimed that poor ol’ Sazh was overworked and needed a vacation - ”
“Itried to give you a vacation after the ball,” Lightning pointedout, raising an eyebrow. “You told me I’d probably set the palaceon fire if you left for a day.”
“AndI’m probably right!”
“Doubtful.”Lightning rolled her eyes and tapped her pen against the papers infront of her a few times. “I’m fairly sure that I, a grown adultwho’s been taking care of herself since she was a teenager, couldeasily manage without you for a few days.”
“Keeptellin’ yourself that.” Sazh picked up one of the papers. “Whichone are you working on?”
“Theletter to Vanille.” DiaVanille had been an important guest at Lightning’s introduction balla few days ago. It was a gathering that had officially presented heras Eden’s princess, which, in turn, would hopefully open up newrelations. Now she was supposed to be writing letters of intent toget people on her side with whatever she planned to do as regent.
Despitefinding the whole practice completely ridiculous, Lightning actuallyhad gotten along fairly well with the Duchess of Luxerion, Vanille.She had to wonder if this was partially because her bodyguard wasfriends with the Duchess and that made it easier to like her.
Or…formerbodyguard, she supposed.
“Keepit short and sweet,” Sazh advised. “Vanille’s not much for longletters.”
“Andyou think I am?���
“Justlet me dream a little, geez. Kids these days.”
Lightningrolled her eyes again, her mind wandering to the ball. Chatting withVanille and her girlfriend Fang, the Princess of Oerba…dancing in adress that glittered with an obnoxious amount of diamonds…steppingonto the balcony with -
Ugh,okay, definitely not goingthere.
Aftera pause where she wrote a few words, Lightning glanced up. Sazh wasscribbling something in a book – probably grading her on heretiquette, hmph. “Was there something else you needed?”
“Yes,as a matter of fact.” Sazh stopped writing and plopped into a chairwithout any grace. If she’d done the same, he would’ve recoiled inhorror. “We didn’t really get a chance to talk after the ball.Gotta say, I’m impressed with how you handled things.”
“Itwas a glorified dance. Not too difficult.”
Thatwas a lie and they both knew it. Lightning had grown up in a suburbof Eden and then spent her teenage years in the slums – she’d neverbeen to any sort of dance, never mind a ball of the caliber that’dbeen held in her honor. Beingparaded around like a doll had been one of the most difficult thingsshe’d ever done. Luckily, she’d met Vanille and Fang very early onduring the night and their new-foundfriendship had made goingthrough the motions much easier.
Therewas someone else who’d helped out, but she preferred not to think toohard about that.
“Yeah,yeah.” Sazh waved a hand. “Keep tellin’ yourself that. And tellme your thoughts –anybody there you think we could strengthen an alliance with? Or formone? Technically, Eden’s always been on good terms with the otherkingdoms since Phoenix is the most important fal'cie, but there’salways room for improvement. See any of that? Or…” He raised aneyebrow. “Any potential suitors?”
Lightningducked her head, hoping against everything that the heat she feltsimmering under her skin was from a…hot flash or something. Yeah,that totally made sense. She wasn’t about to blush atthe thought of a certain personal bodyguard taking her to see astar-filled sky and light-studded city. There was definitely nothought of his hands on her, his lips caressing hers…
“Nosuitors,” she finally said, clearing her throat and daring to lookup. At least her face felt normal. “Serah seemed to like the Patronof Yusnaan, though.” She frowned.
“What,you got a problem with him?” Sazh looked faintly amused. “I knowhe’s just a kid, but then again, so are you.”
“Hejust seemed…” Lightning shook her head. There were only a fewwords she could think of to describe Snow Villiers, and none of themwere all that flattering. “But we’ve been on particularly goodterms with Yusnaan, so it doesn’t really matter. Fang seemed to likeme, so maybe we can strengthen ties with Oerba.”
“Thatgirl’s an odd one.” Sazh leaned back in his chair, looking lost inthought. “I’m pretty sure all she really gives a damn about isVanille. For awhile, it was lookin’ like Oerba and Luxerion wouldofficially join forces, possibly to try and topple Eden and take overPhoenix.”
Lightningraised her eyebrows. “Could they do that?”
“Probably.Ain’t like the fal'cie care that much.”
Shehad no idea if that was true. Lightning had yet to see Phoenix inperson since being found as the princess of Eden. “Do you thinkFang was trying to get on my good side, then? And then betray me whenleast expected?”
“Nahhh.If Vanille liked you, then Fang’s sure as hell not gonna mess withyou or anybody in Eden. And trust me, Vanille is as genuine as theycome. Kinda hard to believe she’s royalty sometimes.” Sazh sighedin exasperation. “I’ve worked with so many of you kids over theyears that I wonder if you all share the same stick up your ass.”
Insteadof biting back with a retort, Sazh’s comment made Lightning asksomething she’d been wondering for awhile. “That’s right – bothFang and Vanille said that they knew you. You were an adviser forsome members of the old family, too.”
“Gladto see you pay attention when I talk.”
“Thatdoesn’t make much sense, though,” Lightning continued, ignoringSazh’s comment. “You’re not even twice my age. You said you’ve beenserving the old family for years, but if you served Fang and Vanilletoo…”
“Inever told you?” Now Sazh looked confused, but also a littleconcerned. It was very strange to see him with an expression towardsher that wasn’t exasperation. “Huh, guess I wouldn’t have at thebeginning. And things have been so crazy with the ball andeverything…”
“Toldme what?”
Sazhundid the top two buttons of his shirt and tugged it down a bit. Itwas still hidden under some fabric, but there were a bunch oftelltale lines and intersecting arrows that made Lightning sit ramrodstraight in her chair, eyes widening a bit. She knew what it meantbefore Sazh even said the words.
“I’ma l'cie.”
Thestories had spread among the slums – scary children’s tales thatwould send Serah crying into her arms in fear. L'cie were warriorschosen by fal'cie and sent to fight their battles, using magic farmore powerful and horrifying than the average person was capable of.They would live forever until the fal'cie grew tired of them andended their misery with agony, only to gather new warriors and repeatthe cycle anew.
Sincethere hadn’t been a real war in centuries, l'cie were just terriblestories. Even though Lightning knew they were likely just that –stories – nobody she knew had ever met or been one, so itwas hard to say what was the truth or not.
Itwas true, however – recorded in history books and all –that l'cie were branded when they were made. The lines intersectingon Sazh’s skin perfectly matched what Lightning knew.
“You’re– how - ”
“Ohc'mon, you know damn well I’m not some war machine. I hear thosestories. Most of ‘em are totally untrue. Probably made up by somefanatic or anti-war group back in the day.” Sazh shrugged andbuttoned his shirt, hiding the brand from sight.
“Thenwhat is true?”
“One,we don’t live forever. But it does stretch things out a bit.” Hechuckled. “You pretty much stop physically aging once you’rebranded. Good thing, or I’d have half a century’s worth of gray hairfrom all you kids stressin’ me out.”
Lightningdid not laugh. She still felt something akin to horror, though Sazh’snonchalant attitude and her own logic were calming her down a bit.“But why were you branded? I’ve always heard that l'cie werejust tools for war.”
“LikeI said, stories.” Sazh waved a hand. “Yeah, sure, some were madefor war, but most l'cie are branded to carry out a certain purpose,whether for war or whatever else.”
“Andlet me guess,” Lightning said, her head starting to clear, “yourpurpose is to annoy me?”
“Close.”He chuckled again. “Nah, the old queen’s mother put in a good wordfor me with Phoenix. I kinda fell into the adviser role and the royalfamily was damn impressed. They asked if I wanted to do it forlonger, and well…” He shrugged. “Here I am. ‘Course, I’d go outto ally kingdoms or whatnot. In Duchess Vanille’s case, her parentsdied when she was barely a kid, so I kept an eye on her. I only knowPrincess Fang through her, though.”
“Isee.” And she did, actually. The initial shock had finally wornoff. Honestly, she couldn’t see why someone would want to live foryears and years doing the sort of thing Sazh did, but now she knewhow he was so good at his job…literal years of practice. “And I’mguessing this is common knowledge among the other royals?”
“Well,yeah. I’m everywhere, you know.” He tapped the side of his head.“Can’t do much to hide that.”
“Isuppose not.” Of course she was the last to know…but then again,she always seemed to be the last to know things lately, sowhat did one more thing matter?
“Onthat note, I’ve got some other things I need to do.” The tone inSazh’s voice had gone so serious that it made Lightning glance upfrom her letter and frown in confusion.
“Geez,so nosy.” He shook his head. “Don’t you worry about it. Finishyour letters and I’ll have one of the assistants come in andproofread them.”
Sherolled her eyes. “Sure.”
Hewas already halfway out the door, but still called out as thought heactually had eyes in the back of his head. “I saw that!”
Lightningshook her head and stared back down at her letter to Vanille, tappingher pen against the paper a few times. Even though it’d been quitesome time since she’d been found as Eden’s princess, the formalityand unspoken rules still baffled her. Ever since meeting a bunch ofthem at her introduction ball, however, she’d seen that many of themfound some of the rules and etiquette archaic as well.
Sowhy did they have to do it?
Shesighed heavily and slumped in her chair – a posture that Sazh wouldfrown upon, but for once, she was blessedly alone. Not even a maidwas to be seen, although she could hear people puttering in thehallways outside her office. It was so rare these days she couldactually be by herself. Usually she at least had her personalbodyguard with her…
“No,”she muttered, chiding herself. She would not think about him.She would not wonder where he’d gone after running from her atthe ball, and she would certainly not replay the images oftheir kiss in her mind.
Nope.Not her.
Lightningheaved another sigh and shoved the papers aside, going back tostaring out the window. Concentration was clearly useless, at leastfor now. She may as well take advantage of Sazh not being around todemand her to do stuff.
Itwas only a few days later when she got the news.
Shewas in the sitting area of her suite, talking to Serah on the phone –an encrypted, ridiculously secure line, of course. Actually beingable to see her sister would’ve been better, but Serah wascompletely swamped with work at the university and couldn’t get away.
Therewas always, however, time for a phone call.
“Ijust don’t get what you see in him,” Lightning muttered, scribblingin the margins of her scrap paper. She was still working on thoseletters and had been trying to think of good things to say SnowVilliers, Patron of Yusnaan. It was exceedingly difficult.
Forher, anyway.
“He’sso sweet!” Serah basically swooned over the phone. “And don’t youthink he’s handsome? I wonder if he’ll wear the same outfit at myintroduction ball.”
Lightningfrowned. “He’s a big lug that kept stepping on my feet.”
“Notto mention that you can tell he really cares about his people.”Serah kept going on like her sister had said nothing. “Maybe it’sbecause he was elected? I mean, I know you care about everyone in thekingdom, but some of the other royals who have lived it since theywere born….it’s different for them. Don’t you think so?”
Unconsciously,Lightning’s grip on her phone tightened. He’d said that to her morethan once.
Youknow what it’s like on the other side. You’ll be able to bring realchange.
Herstomach fluttered and she willed the door to knock – something,anything to let her know that her personal bodyguard wascoming back.
Shestared at the door. Could it be…?
Hershoulders drooped so quickly that she nearly dropped the phone. Sherecognized the quiet voice of Yeul, one of her maids. With a heavysigh, she called out, “Just a moment!”
“Sis?Do you want me to leave?”
“Sorry,Serah.” Lightning heaved another sigh. “I have to go. I’ll callyou back tonight, okay?”
“Okay!I should probably get back to all this homework.” Her tone grewteasing. “You think they’d let a princess catch a break.”
“Ifyou’d wanted to catch any breaks, you wouldn’t have applied to themost prestigious university in the world,” Lightning teased back.“I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay.Love you!”
Anotherquiet knock sounded at the door. This time, Lightning stood, herposture automatically straight as she smoothed down her clothes. Asthere hadn’t been anything urgent on her schedule for the day, she’dopted for comfortable slacks and a thin cashmere sweater – clothingshe’d take over diamond-studded ball gowns any day.
Yeulentered the room, dropping into a curtsy. All of the servantscontinued to be ridiculously formal around her, despite herinsistence otherwise. It was sort of why she appreciated Sazh naggingher all the time, though hell would freeze over before she’d admitit.
Andspeak of the devil…
“Mr.Katzroy requests that you join him in the conference room, YourHighness.”
Lightningfrowned, the request immediately striking her as odd. Usually Sazhsought her out himself when he needed something, or at least wouldbring her to whatever room he needed. Especially since this palacewas ridiculously huge and she still didn’t always know her wayaround.
“Yes.”Yeul bowed her head. “Allow me to escort you.”
“Sure.”Lightning was all too happy to leave her papers and thoughts ofwriting to Snow behind…although surely whatever Sazh had plannedfor her would be just as annoying.
Itturned out she wasn’t too far off.
Yeulmurmured something into a speaker that was attached to the earpieceshe was wearing, presumably telling her coworkers where she was. Therest of the walk was fairly quiet, which was fine with her. Lightningwas more than okay with staring at the paintings and pricelessartifacts that adorned the walls. A lot of them were portraits of herextremely distant ancestors. Apparently she and Serah would have tosit for portraits at some point and then they’d be on the wallsforever. It was a very weird thought.
Whenthe finally reached the conference room, Yeul curtsied again beforeopening one of the wide doors. “Her Highness, Princess Lightning,has arrived,” she called, her soft voice echoing into the emptyroom.
“Thanks,”Lightning said, nodding at Yeul before she stepped inside. There wasa weird flash of gold that struck Yeul’s eyes, but it was probablyjust glare from all the artifacts around them. Weird.
Theconference room was huge, with tons of folded seats and what lookedlike a stage and podium. It reminded her a bit of a theater withoutthe screen. “Sazh?”
“Overhere.” He was off to the side, where there was a table and somechairs covered with papers. She hurried over to him. “Always makin’an old man wait, huh?”
“Yeah,yeah.” It felt weird to comment on that since now she had a roughidea of just how old Sazh really was. “How come you calledme here?”
“Nobodyever uses this room and I wanted to inform you of something inprivate.”
Instantly,Lightning’s heart began to pound. For whatever reason, her firstthought was of the night of the ball. Had someone seen them out onthe balcony? Was there some protocol about a princess and herbodyguard sharing a kiss?
“It’sabout your coronation.”
Shelet out a huge breath she hadn’t even known she’d been holding,slumping in her seat a bit. She ignored the evil eye Sazh gave her.“What about it?”
“Asyou know, the old family kept their power tightly reigned.” Themore he spoke, the more serious Sazh became. It was weirdlyoff-putting. “All of the descendants have been, more or less,direct from the first king. Kinda a cut and dry family tree, evenwith all the marriages and what have you.”
“Right.”Lightning vaguely recalled this when she’d been forced to study theold family. The crown almost always went to the firstborn son ordaughter, which wasn’t so unusual for royalty, she supposed, but thefamily tree was streamlined to the point where many of thefirstborn’s siblings rarely got married or had children of their own.It was why she and Serah being a part of all of this was basicallyunprecedented.
“LikeI told you, I’ve had some dealings with the old family. And I’m notthat old to remember the first king, but there’s a reason theykept the family as it was.”
“Sazh,please.” Lightning was rapidly running out of patience. She wasn’treally sure why, but something in her just wanted to hear thenews already. “Get to the point.”
“Soimpatient,” he muttered. “Okay, fine – long story short – thecoronation and ruling status are only valid with approval fromPhoenix.”
Itfelt like a block of ice had suddenly dropped in her stomach,although it took her a moment to rationalize why. “Approval?”“Yes.”The serious tone in Sazh’s voice grew. “You meet with the fal'ciein a special one-on-one ceremony. Phoenix will brand you as the nextruler of Eden. Not like a l'cie,” he added hastily, whenLightning’s gaze focused on the spot where his brand was hidden.“There’s no permanent mark, although it lasts 'til you’reofficially crowned. Then you’re free to rule as you please.”
Theice turned to lead in her gut. “Okay, so I meet with Phoenix andit…approves of me.” She frowned. “Why tell me this in secrecy?This is probably common knowledge among the royals, right?”
“Yeah.Some of the others brand their rulers like this too, but Phoenix isthe most important because, well…obvious reasons and all.”
“Isee.” The perfect placeholder reply, because this whole thing madeher feel…uneasy. Phoenix was arguably the most importantfal'cie in the world. Without the sun and life it provided, therewould be no world. The fal'cie from other kingdoms couldeasily be replaced with hard work and effort from humanity.
Butthe sun? There was no replacement for that.
Theenormity of her role in the world suddenly hit her like a train. Itdidn’t matter if her sister or the other royals or certain personalbodyguards believed in her. She’d never been very good at followingrules and had always thought of herself as very independent. The factthat she was to be in charge of everything under somethingelse’s power made her want to take a sword to Phoenix just to rid theworld of it, so humanity could try to thrive on its own.
Notthat she would – or could – ever admit this out loud.
“There’sone other thing,” Sazh added when she said nothing more.
Lightningrolled her eyes a little, mostly out of habit. “What?”
Hedidn’t comment on her rudeness. “I know for a fact thatyou’re part of the royal bloodline. Ol’ Sazh did his research. Youdon’t even want to know what dusty old books and old familyrecords I had to look up to find you and your sister.”
“You’vementioned this.” She raised an eyebrow. “Many times, in fact.”
“'Causeit’s true.” There was a pause before his voice went grave.“However, if Phoenix doesn’t approve of you for whatever reason ordecides you’re not worthy of the power to rule…”
Lightningwaited a moment for him to finish, but she knew what he meant when hetrailed off. This, maybe, was the source of her instant uneasinesswhen he’d started talking. It was everything she hadn’t known she wasdreading since coming into the conference room.
“…Phoenixwill kill me.” She met his eyes. “Won’t it?”
“There’snot much of a chance it’ll disapprove of you,” Sazh repliedquickly. She wondered who he was trying to convince. “Like I said,I did my research and you’re a part of the bloodline. I’ve heardthat’s all it really cares about. It’s not like the fal'cie reallygive a damn about human affairs, y'know?”
“Right.”She ignored the unsaid words – there was still that chance Phoenixwould cast her aside and everything would be for nothing.
Betterme than Serah.
Thatwas what it always came down to, the first thought her instinct wentto. Serah was the one who deserved a comfortable life withresponsibilities chosen by her and not some rule or bloodline. It wasbecause of her sister that Lightning had worked her ass off when theywere still in the slums, doing everything she could to give Serahever opportunity possible.
Shenever thought there was the possibility it could lead to her death.
Butwhat about her role now? Though she hadn’t asked for any of this, shewas slowly finding herself eager to make changes around the kingdomof Eden and make things better for people who weren’t long-lostmembers of the royal family.
“You’veseen both sides. I think that’ll eventually come to be your biggeststrength.”
Eventhough she kept trying not to think about a certain personalbodyguard, his words from the ball popped into her head. She’d alwaystaken his reassurance to heart, but now it had a thousand times moremeaning.
Thoughshe would never deny that Serah had also suffered in the past,Lightning had always watched out for her and sacrificed somuch to ensure that her needs were met. Their experiences weredifferent because of that.
Nobodyhad ever looked out for Lightning until now.
Andbecause of that, she was the only one who could truly changethings.
Shewas quiet for another moment as though contemplating, but short ofrunning away, there was really only one answer. There had only everbeen one answer.
Lightningsucked in a breath and met Sazh’s eyes, trying to steel herself withdetermination.
“Whatdo I need to do before meeting with Phoenix?”
Aswith practically everything related to this princess business, thepre-ceremony rituals were completely over the top and ridiculous.Someday she’d realize that nobody around here ever did things simply.
Overthe next couple of days, she rehearsed the ancient words that wouldsummon Phoenix to an audience with her. A handful of older maids –ones that had been tasked with all of the ritual business with theold family – helped her with cleansing baths and created theceremonial outfit. They were all sworn to secrecy.
Shefigured that made sense. If she was killed by Phoenix, it’d beeasier in the long run to play it off as some kind of accident ratherthan the most important fal'cie in the world rejecting her.
Butshe tried not to think about that. Besides the maids – and Sazh, ofcourse – the only other person who knew about the upcoming ceremonywas Serah, and that was simply because there was no way shewas keeping this a secret from her sister.
Lightningdidn’t mention the risks, though. Some things were better kept quiet.
“Snowtalks to Pandaemonium sometimes,” Serah mused over the phone. Itwas the night before Lightning’s meeting with Phoenix and she decidedshe’d needed the distraction. “Maybe he could give you advice!”
“Idon’t want any advice from that big lug.” She rolled her eyes, notwanting to admit she was curious, but… “…Talks to it how?”
Serah’svoice was a little knowing, but she didn’t tease. “He told me it’snot so much words. It’s not like conversing with a person – thefal'cie send images and they get clearer the more you have a mutualunderstanding.” She hummed a little. “Maybe it’s easy for himbecause he was elected the Patron.”
“Ormaybe his head’s so empty that the images come easier because there’snothing in the way.”
“Sis.”Serah huffed in exasperation. “Be nice.”
“I’dbe nicer if you were less interested in him.”
“Buthe’s so sweet!”
“Hmph.”This was what she wanted to worry about – who was goodenough for her sister and ridiculous things like that…not if thefal'cie who basically sustained the world was going to kill her.
Shecouldn’t let herself think about it.
Luckily,Serah was eager to keep chatting – mostly about Snow, toLightning’s disgust – and her nerves settled somewhat. Her sisterwas the one person who could distract her from this whole princessthing.
Well,her and another person, but she didn’t want to think about him,either.
Thenight passed quickly and soon Lightning was too tired to even hold upthe phone. She fell asleep quickly without having time to dwell onthe ceremony the next day. Just as planned.
Ironically,the sun woke her gently the following morning, which was a nicechange from her alarm going off or someone knocking on her door. Infact, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d woken up so calmly.
Ifonly it was enough to make up for what was about to happen.
Thecalm was unfortunately short-lived, because about thirty secondsafter she’d stood up and stretched, someone knocked at her door.
Lightningsighed heavily, immediately recognizing the voice of the oldest ofthese in-the-know maids. “Come in.”
Therewere three of them and they filed in slowly, their hands clasped infront as they walked. She realized this was an incredibly serious andformal situation, but the realness of it smacked her in the face atthe sight of the maids looking so grave. That lead block that’dformed in her gut when Sazh initially told her about all of hisreturned in full force.
“Thisway.” One of the maids gestured to her ensuite bathroom, whereanother maid was already running the water. Lightning could see heradding special oils and herbs to the tub, apparently part of thewhole cleansing ritual.
Shewas already long used to shedding her modesty in front of otherpeople since this whole princess thing had become a part of her life,but she’d never hated it more than she had at this second. Undressingand slipping into the tub in front of the others just made this wholething feel weird and awkward and way more serious than she wanted itto be. It didn’t help that she knew arguing was useless; the oldestmaid had a glare that could probably take down Sazh – a trait she’dlove to learn, to be honest. Maybe she’d ask for lessons later.
Providedshe survived Phoenix’s judgment, of course.
Withthat thrilling thought in mind, Lightning allowed herself to be driedafter the bath and wrapped in a robe. She had to admit that whateverhad been added to the bath made her skin feel like new. There’d neverbeen any time or money to bother with girly lotions and potionsbefore Sazh had found them, but maybe there was some merit in it.
Onceshe was sufficiently dry, she was led into her enormous walk-inwardrobe, where the ceremonial gown was waiting for her. It wasactually quite a beautiful dress – a flowing garment in shades ofgold, white, and blue. There was a cape with a long train attached tothe back, maybe just to add to the ridiculousness. Phoenix’s brandwas embroidered along the edges in gold.
Themaids helped her into the gown and simple gold shoes. One of themclasped a gold bracelet with multicolored stones around her wrist.
“What’sthis?” Lightning asked, lifting her arm to inspect the bracelet. Anumber of jewels were kept in her wardrobe and a lot were in storage,but she was fairly sure she’d never seen this one before. It wasweirdly flashy and simple at once.
“Agift from Phoenix, Your Highness,” the youngest of the maidsanswered (although 'young’ in this case was about eighty years old).“It’s said that that fal'cie itself put it on the wrist of thefirst king. Ever since then, it’s been a tradition to wear it to theMeeting.”
Lightningsuddenly lost all interest in the bracelet and dropped her arm. “Oh.”
Thefinal part of her outfit was a headpiece that fit snugly in her hair.Long lines of gold extended from the band in varying lengths, thelongest about a foot. It formed a semicircle around her head – madeto resemble rays of the sun, she realized as she looked in a mirror.
“Whenyou’re ready, we’ll escort you,” the oldest maid said after apause.
“…Right.”Lightning let out a breath. “Let’s get this over with.”
Ifany of them found her comment weird, they made no mention. Instead,they simply ushered her out of her suite. The hallway – whichusually had people milling about cleaning and whatnot – was emptyexcept for them. Two of the maids stood on either side and one was infront to lead the way.
Theywalked like that the whole time in silence, the only sound being thewhoosh of her cape flowing over the floor. Usually Lightning reveledin quiet, but this silence felt way too heavy. It carried foreboding.
Still,all she did was recite her summoning words in her mind, hoping shewouldn’t forget them. She’d never been one to crack under pressure,but this was a whole different level.
Itseemed like they’d walked for miles before they finally stopped infront of an enormous door. Lightning realized she’d actually passedthis area a handful of times, but the door was nondescript and tuckedaway, so she’d never given thought to what could be behind it.
Themaid in front slowly pulled the door open. Sunlight poured in and shetried not to squint at the glare.
“Wecan go no further,” the maid said. “Please head forward for yourceremony.”
Theyall curtsied in unison as she stepped into the light, not risinguntil the door slowly creaked shut behind her. Forget the lead in hergut; her stomach was doing cartwheels by now.
Lightningnever thought she’d be so damn grateful to hear Sazh’s voice. She letout a breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding and hurried over –as much as she could in this outfit, anyway – and even though hestill looked grave and serious, it was still a relief to be aroundsomeone normal.
Well,normal to her, anyway.
“Ididn’t think you’d be here,” she said, trying to sound composed. “Ithought it might be against the rules or whatever.”
Despitethe serious expression on his face, Sazh smirked a little. “Whathave I been tellin’ you? There’s no getting rid of me. Besides, youhave any idea what you’re doing right now?”
Lightninglooked around the room for the first time. It was weirdly bright andwhite, though she could vaguely make out ornate designs on the wallsin gold. Ahead of her was more brightness and – was that fog?
Yeah,she was totally lost.
“Thoughtso,” was all Sazh replied at the look on her face. “All right,lemme lead you through it. Ask your questions or forever hold yourpeace.”
“Justtell me how to get to Phoenix,” she replied. “I want to get thisover with.”
“Fairenough.” He shook his head in exasperation and then gestured to theweirdly bright, foggy area in front of them. “Head forward untilyou see a crystal. It’ll be floating in midair, so try not to freak.”
“I’veseen freakier things.”
“Yeah,yeah.” He rolled his eyes, which was oddly comforting. “Once youget to the crystal, hold cup your hands around it.” Sazh held uphis own hands to demonstrate. “Then recite the summons you’veundoubtedly memorized. That should take you right to Phoenix.”
Lightningheld up her hands in the same way Sazh had. “Crystal, hands,recite. I think I’ve got it.”
“Youdo.” He stared at her a moment and then sighed, bowing his head abit before nodding. “You really do. You’ve got this.”
Ifthat was his way of saying he was sure she’d survive…the confidenceactually worked somewhat. Much to her annoyance, Sazh really did knowa lot and she trusted him. It was not guarantee, but at leastit was something.
“Right,”she murmured, squaring her shoulders. “I’ll be back.”
“We’llbe waiting.”
Asshe headed into the fog, Lightning could’ve sworn she heard somefootsteps echoing behind her, but she did not dare to look over hershoulder. Eyes front. If she lost her nerve now, she’d never be ableto do this again.
Timelost all meaning as she walked through the light and fog. There wasno comfort in it, but oddly enough, she had no fear, either. MaybeSazh’s confidence in her had actually worked. Maybe it was becauseshe had to survive for Serah.
Maybeit was because, according to a certain personal bodyguard, she couldbring about real change.
Shehad no idea how long she’d walked before the crystal appeared infront of her. It was shaped a bit like a diamond and reflectedrainbows into the whiteness around her. Just as she was supposed to,she hovered her hands around it and closed her eyes, bowing her headas she spoke.
“OMighty fal'cie Phoenix, I seek you so that I may govern in yourblessed name. Guide me to your knowing light so that I may humblygaze upon you.”
Shefelt stupid chanting the words, especially since she wasn’t quitesure how much she believed in them. Apparently belief didn’t matter,though, because the crystal suddenly blinded her – even though hereyes were still closed – and she had the sensation of movement. Itfelt like falling, but she was still upright. Lightning didn’t dareopen her eyes in case it broke some kind of spell. Sazh hadn’tmentioned any of this! She was definitely going to rant at himwhen she got back.
Ifshe got back.
Whenthings finally stilled, Lightning took a moment to breathe, her eyesstill closed. It was extremely unusual for her to just stand aroundand put herself in any sort of vulnerable position, but what wasn’tunusual about all of this?Surely a breather wasn’t out of line.
Therewas about ten second of silence before an unfamiliar rumbling noiseand a flash of head made her finally open her eyes. She could notcontain the gasp that ripped through her at what was before her.
Thefal'cie was long and skinny on both ends, with smaller pieces of itsbody – was that a body? - extending from it. Whether theseparts were something otherworldly, nature, machine – she had noidea. In the middle it was round, filled with a light so bright thatshe couldn’t stare for long.
Itwas nothing like she had ever seen or imagined.
Ofcourse she had seen fal'cie before. Most everyone had. There weresmaller ones that worked in separate jurisdictions in Eden, doingvarious tasks like providing electricity or things for export. Notall of them in other kingdoms made themselves hidden, either. Theywere just a part of the landscape and a part of life thatnobody really took notice of them.
Nowshe understood why Phoenix was hidden away.
Itwas impossible not to take notice.
Lightningstepped forward unconsciously, not sure if she wanted to run towardsit or away. She felt dazed, which was not a sensation she wasa fan of, but what else could she do?
Therewas noise coming from the fal'cie, but she wasn’t sure if it wastrying to speak or if that was just how it sounded naturally. Surelysomething so massive and powerful couldn’t be completely silent.
Thesounds were like screams and whispers all at once, having thestrength to ruffle her gown and cape, but somehow not loud enough tohear. Something about it made her want to take a sword to the massivebeing in front of her, but who was she to deny the world of this?
Andthen it happened.
Phoenixcried out and a beam of light shot right towards her, too quickly toavoid. It scorched her chest, painful yet not. She could feel theswirls and intricacies of Phoenix’s brand, letting it become a partof her and she now was of it.
Blurry,hurried images flooded into her mind. Lightning vaguely recalledSerah mentioning Snow’s experience with his fal'cie, that the imagesbecame clearer with mutual understanding.
Butshe and Phoenix had no understanding. She still couldn’t tellwhether she hated it or wanted to give thanks. There was anunderlying buzz of Phoenix not knowing what to make of her, either –just that she was of the bloodline and she could ruleunscathed.
Theimages she saw were most of people she only vaguely recognized fromthe portraits in the palace – memories of her extremely distantancestors. Some were of the stars and moon, extensions of the fal'ciefrom even farther away than this. One image would come, only to beimmediately replaced by another, and she could make no real sense ofthem.
Untilthat moment.
Everythingwas still so fast, but now Lightning willed her mind to slow,anything so that she could sort out why Phoenix was showingher images of her personal bodyguard.
Shesaw Hope, handsome as ever, talking to a group of people in a glassbuilding that gleamed with perfection.
Anotherof him in a white and yellow outfit that seemed strangely familiar –but it wasn’t the garb he wore as her bodyguard.
Himtalking to a shorter woman who, again, seemed oddly familiar.
Hiseyes sliding to look at Phoenix.
Hishands working on something that could have been otherworldly, nature,or machine.
Hisgaze on her for a thousand different reasons, most worthy of asecret.
Hisshame as he ran off from her at ball.
Inthat instant, something clicked in Lightning’s mind, though her heartwas pounding and her breath was coming too fast to really sort itout. The images abruptly stopped and the brand on her chest cooled.
“Howdo you expect me to - ”
Shedidn’t get to finish her sentence before there was that sensation offalling again. Phoenix had dismissed her?! She’d survived itsjudgment, but for what?
Therewas no making sense of it. Time had no meaning.
Whenshe stopped falling, Lightning opened her eyes in a daze and emergedfrom the light, a bit surprised to see Sazh, but also -
“Hope,”she whispered, her heart pounding again. It was too much for her bodyand mind. Her knees shook and she pitched forward.
Butlike any good personal bodyguard, Hope raced to her, his eyes widewith panic as he caught her. She settled into his arms so easily –too easily.
“Light,”he said, her name hardly a gasp. His eyes darted to Phoenix’s brand,which was on the left side of her chest, impossible to miss againsther pale skin. “Light, why? Whydid you do it?”
She stared up at him, a thousandimages replaying in her mind in an instant. How could she possiblyput them together in a way that made sense?
But maybe shealready had.
Her hand reached up to shakily brushsome of his bangs from his worried face. Worried for who, shewondered?
“You’re not a bodyguard,” shemurmured.
Theneverything went black.
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empyreanwritings · 4 years
The Unhelpful Hand (5/10)
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x FBI!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: canon violence, mentions of blood and gore, minor character death, hearing loss related to injuries
Chapter Summary: You deal with the aftermath of the explosion, and even though all of the evidence gets destroyed, you’re one step closer to solving the case.
A/N: It has been just a few days less than a year since I last updated this story. Is anyone even around to read it anymore? LMAO dflkajds I am very happy that I managed to get this chapter out. It’s headed exactly where I wanted it to go before I lost all hope for it, so thank you to everyone who has recently reblogged and shown it a little love <3 
Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated (: x
Sam's ears were ringing, and his eyes stung due to the mixture of ash and heat. He could make out the sounds of people screaming all around him. He didn't want to look up; he knew the horror he was about to face, and he didn't want to see any of it. But he had no choice, and the only thing he could focus on was getting you out of the building before it collapsed on everyone.
"Y/n, hey," he shouted, trying to gently shake your shoulders to wake you up. You stirred slightly but not enough to show signs of consciousness yet.
A beam just inches from where the two of you were crashed to the ground, sending up tiny bits of amber into the air. Sam cursed and ducked his head before any of it got into his eyes. The screaming was starting to get the best of him, and he knew the way the structure groaned above him was not a good sign. He needed to get the two of you out of there. Fast. As much as he wanted to stay back and help everyone else, he didn't have the shield. There was nothing he could do to guarantee their safety if he did try to save them, and that was what killed him most.
He lifted you up slightly and draped your arm over his shoulder as he stood up and steadied himself. Everything was hazy, but he tried to focus on helping you to keep himself from fading. His grip on your side tightened, and he pushed through the rumble towards where the front door used to be. Ignoring the way the flames licked at his skin was harder than he expected - Steve made it look so easy - but he pushed through for you. And for himself.
The second he felt the cool air hit him, he felt relieved.
Not fully refreshed or better, but he was relieved.
Sirens blared in the distance. He could tell they were getting closer, but he wasn't sure if handing you off to the responders was a good idea. It was what you would have wanted because of your blind trust in the local authorities, but you would end up a sitting duck in the hospital. Whoever set off the blast knew you were there and purposefully targeted you. He needed to make sure you were safe - not set you up for someone to come in and take advantage of your drugged-up state in a hospital.
He dragged you towards an alleyway far enough away from the scene to keep the two of you safe and away from prying eyes. As he sat you down on the concrete, making sure to prop your back up against the brick wall, you started to come to. It wasn't much, but your eyes fluttered opened for a split second before they closed again.
It was enough to give him hope.
Calling Bucky was the only good plan he could think of. If Sam could get you back to their apartment, he knew he'd be able to keep you safe. Bucky wasn't a doctor, but he spent enough time patching himself up to know how to take care of others. He knew if Bucky felt like you should go to a hospital, he wouldn't hesitate to take you then, but he just needed to wait it out. It was too dangerous right now.
"Send me your location, I'll come grab you," Bucky replied. The sleepiness in his voice disappeared when he heard the urgency in Sam's. Had it been any other time, Sam would have cracked a joke about him being an old man and falling asleep early. He'd push it off for now, though.
Once he texted Bucky the location, he turned his attention back to you. Your head flopped to the side, and he gently cupped your cheek to help you lift your head back up. There was some blood dripping from your left ear, and he had a feeling that was going to affect your hearing later on, but he silently hoped it wouldn't. Your agency was looking for any excuse to call you incompetent and going deaf in one ear wasn't exactly something you would think would happen to a "good" agent. Sam didn't believe that, but he caught on quickly how your agency seemed to handle things.
"Come on, Y/n, I need you to open your eyes," he quietly begged. "Call me a dumb ass or something, I don't care. I just need you to wake up."
There was a moment where he noticed how soft you looked, and he hated he was noticing something like that now. It was entirely inappropriate, but he couldn't help himself. Despite the chaos going on around you - the screams and the sirens and the sounds of the building getting ready to collapse - you looked as if you were just peacefully sleeping.
It should have worried him more, maybe, but he had a gut feeling that you were okay. His gut never steered him wrong before.
He ran his hands over any part of your body already exposed. He checked for bruising that might indicate any internal bleeding or breaks, and everything seemed okay for now. Even though he wanted you to wake up, he hoped you would wait until after he checked you. The last thing he wanted was for you to think he was trying to cop a feel on you when you were incapacitated. You would never let him live something like that down.
You sucked in a breath and slowly opened your eyes. The sudden rush of air made your entire body ache, and you groaned. Sam gently pressed his hand against your chest to keep you from trying to get up. You wanted to laugh at the concerned look on his face but just the thought of laughing made everything in your body ache.
"Don't you dare ask me how many fingers you're holding up." You hated how hoarse your voice sounded, but Sam didn't seem to mind one bit. The fact that you were able to be sarcastic right now was enough to make him happy.
"Bucky is on the way," he told you. "I figured going to a hospital wasn't the best idea right now."
You weakly nodded. "You're right. This was all a set up. The killer knew were going to be here and waited until we least expected it to set the bomb off."
"He knows we're getting closer to him. He's scared."
"He should be. I'm not letting this go now," you paused, forcing yourself to get a cough stuck in your throat out, "There were innocent people in there. They didn't deserve it."
He sighed. "I know. We'll get him, I promise."
Footsteps approached the alleyway, and Sam pulled the gun out of your holster before you could even process his hand going up your dress. His paranoia ate him alive right now. And even though he doubted the killer would confront them out in the open like this, he couldn't be too safe. Especially since he knew you weren't in top form.
A metal hand shot out and yanked the pistol out of Sam's hands just as he pointed it the intruder. He felt the relief wash over him when he realized it was Bucky, and he was thankful the man seemed more amused than irritated over having a gun pointed at him.
"That's one way to say thank you, I guess," Bucky chuckled. He walked over to where you rested and murmured something quietly to you that Sam couldn't quite make out. You nodded, and Bucky gently scooped you into his arms.
Damn super soldier strength, Sam thought. Made him look bad for struggling to carry you out of the building.
"Let's get out of here before anyone sees us," Sam grumbled. He wasn't sure why, but he hated the pit in his stomach that formed when he saw how easily you accepted Bucky's help. Sure, you were injured and probably exhausted, but he silently wished you put up a bigger fight.
The heat of the shower did little to ease the tension in your muscles. Your entire body ached, and you had to keep a hand on the shower wall to keep yourself from falling over. Your balance was off thanks to the damage to your ear, and only time would be able to tell if the hearing would ever return. It wasn't as big of a deal as it should have been to you, but you figured you were just in shock. Nothing fully registered in your brain when you were still reeling from the incident that occurred less than two hours ago.
You ducked your head under the water. Dirt and ash turned the water a milky grey as it swirled down the drain, and you caught yourself just staring at it until it started to run clear again.
You wished life could be that simple - all it takes is some water to wash away all of the marks left inside of you - but it wasn't. No matter how hot the water turned, it wasn't enough to burn off the memories of the day.
"You know you don't have to babysit me," you said once you pulled your head out from under the stream. Sam, who was perched on the sink, chuckled. He couldn't see you through the shower curtain, not that he would try something like that anyways. He just wanted to make sure you didn't pass out without anyone around to help you. "I've been through worse."
"Humor me, will you?"
The vulnerability of the entire situation made your head spin, and it wasn't the damage eardrum affecting it either. You were completely naked, washing away the failures of the day, while Sam stood close enough to make sure nothing happened. The bathroom was tiny enough that if you even tried to squeeze out a quick cry, he would hear you. Which is why you were grateful that you weren't always the crying type, especially not when it involved situations out of your control.
It was one your strengths.
Maybe one of your weaknesses, too.
"Thank you, by the way," you murmured. You kept your focus on the scorching water hitting your skin, so you didn't feel the embarrassment creep up around you. "For pulling me out."
"It's what anyone would have done," Sam replied. "You don't have to thank me."
You shook your head despite him being unable to see you. "I didn't."
"I didn't pull him out." Silence filled the bathroom as the weight of your words hit Sam. He realized you were talking about your partner, something that you refused to talk with him about since you blamed the Avengers for his death. "I can still smell the smoke sometimes. There was so much blood, and I didn't even know if he was still alive. The report says I tried to stop the bleeding, but it was a lie…I ran out because I was so scared. I just assumed he was dead. I mean, no one can survive a large piece of glass flying into their jugular, right?"
You ran your hands over your face, trying to wash away the tears before they sprung out of your eyes. "I should have tried to pull him out, and I blame myself for him dying. It's just easier to hate you guys for causing the explosion than myself for not going back to get him."
Sam didn't say anything right away. What could he say to make this moment better? You weren't the type to open up, and he wasn't about to say anything that would make you regret it. He understood why you blamed yourself, but he didn't believe that your partner died because you ran away. But how could he say that without you dismissing him? There was no way to approach that.
"You probably think of me differently now, don't you?"
"I'm going to go make some coffee." Sam hopped off the sink and made his way towards the door. He stopped when he heard you try to shift and let out a sigh. "And for the record, no, I don't think differently of you. It wasn't your fault, Y/n. Nothing you say could convince me that it was."
You heard the door close behind him, and you closed your eyes, finally letting the tears fall freely after so many years of keeping it all inside.
Sam sighed as he took a sip of his coffee. He hated how sore he felt. He wondered if Steve ever had days where he felt worse for wear or if the serum helped him bounce back quicker than anyone else.
Sometimes he wanted to slap himself for constantly comparing himself to Steve, but could anyone blame him? The world loved Steve Rogers as Captain America, even when he was considered a felon. They supported him when he forced them to question everything they knew, and they trusted him to bring back the people they lost even when they started to lose hope. The world blindly loved him; it was something that Sam would have to accept would never happen with him.
Steve could destroy federal property, and the people would cry about how he was a saint, but if Sam tried something like that, he'd be painted as nothing more than a thug with too much responsibility. Everyone wanted to see him fail. Well…
He looked over at you, sitting at the counter with the mug of coffee squeezed between your hands. Maybe not everyone.
Your exasperated breath pulled him out of his thoughts, and he was by your side instantly to make sure it wasn't you trying to deal with the pain.
"I'm fine," you assured him. "Just frustrated. We lost all of that evidence, and I don't think we'll be able to find anything like that again."
"How did he know we would be there?" Sam questioned. He crossed his arms over his chest, brows pinched and frown set as he tried to mull over every possibility. "The gallery takes weeks to prepare, so he already had his art ready to go. He must have set the bomb up last minute when he found out we were attending, but I don't understand how."
"The only person that knew besides us was the one who needed to approve the operation."
He looked over at you as the pieces in your mind started to put themselves together in your mind. "The same person who would have a lot to gain from this case going south."
"If the bureau gets wind that we messed up the investigation somehow, they have to throw it out and start over." You set the mug down and looked over at Sam. Your eyes were wide, and he could tell you were being flooded with realization all at once. "It would get him everything he wanted. I'd be fired, the killer would basically be off the hook, and-"
Sam laughed humorlessly. "And they would take the shield back. You really think Kane is the killer, though?"
"No, but I have a feeling he knows who it is. Probably the exact same person he has in mind to take the Cap mantle."
It was going to be nearly impossible to prove. If Kane was orchestrating everything, it meant he was already two steps ahead of you the entire time. He knew what you were thinking before you thought of it and that made him dangerous. You needed to make sure he believed you were oblivious to everything going on, but you weren't even sure where to begin on how to do that.
Thankfully, you knew someone who was good at damage control.
The first thing you needed to do was make sure you weren't thrown off the case. Kane knew about the explosion, which meant he may have already started trying to push you out. You just needed to find a way to buy yourself more time and get all of the evidence you needed before he could do that.
You needed someone stealthy. Someone who could get in and get out of the building without drawing too much attention. You knew exactly what they needed to look for and where they could find it, you only needed to get them to agree to help you in the first place. It would be difficult because they were retired from the whole criminal-turned-superhero life, but you had a feeling they'd come if Sam was the one to ask.
"I have a plan to expose Kane and close the case," you replied with a smile. "But I'm going to need you to do a little convincing for me.
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