#with dawn saying that he wanted to call day his father
pinkiemachine · 1 day
What is your version of Zod like? Is he similar to Transformers Prime's Megatron and DCEU Zod?
So my version of Zod is more like “The Mad King.” Ever since Jor-El slipped through his fingers/ever since the last days of Krypton, he’s been going around in his massive flagship scooping up every single Kryptonian he can find and placing them into cryosleep. (Whether they want to come with him or not.) Now that he knows there’s a hidden colony, he wants only to find Jor-El, find the colony, and reinstate himself as king.
So, a couple years go by, Clark is all grown up now and in the premiere of Season 2 of Dawn of Superman (that’s what I’m calling my show) Zod shows up on Earth in his ship. (A probe found Clark on Earth in Season 1) So now he’s showing up and telling Clark everything he ever wanted to know—that he’s a Kryptonian, actually, and there was a global catastrophe, Clark’s real name, etc etc, but he also tells Clark that he is the king of Krypton, and kinda tries to manipulate him a bit. Finally, he shows Clark the cryo chamber. This room is massive. There’s hundreds of thousands of Kryptonians slumbering in cryosleep here, all awaiting their new home…. But they can’t find it until they find the “dangerous criminal” Jor-El. Superman wants to help them, but he has no idea where his father is, and then when Zod gets real pushy about Clark coming with them into space and never coming back, that’s when Zod’s true colours start to show. He tries to capture Clark and force him to go with them, revealing just how long he’s been floating around in space, just slowly going insane as he seethes in his spite and anger and will for control, and Clark comes to realisation that if this dude is the king, he’s not so sure that he wants to be one of his subjects.
Anyway, Superman manages to stop Zod from firing the ship’s canons at Earth, there’s a big battle, it’s really cool, and then Zod leaves in a huff and goes to find Jor-El. Superman, meanwhile, feels awful. His first contact with his people and it goes like that? He’s practically branded himself a criminal and banished himself. But… there’s one thing still nagging at him. It’s what Zod told him about his father. He just can’t wrap his head around the idea of him being a criminal. Besides, if that crazy king was supposed to be the “good guy” then maybe things aren’t what they seem. He needs to go out and look for him. As luck would have it, the US Government has finished reverse engineering their own spaceship from the pod that Clark landed in over twenty years ago. Clark convinces the government to let him use it (they can bring some other astronauts along to do the planned research and stuff) so everybody wins. Lois says she’s coming too. She’s not about to let Clark go alone, and plus, this is the story of a lifetime (yes, she knows his identity at this point). And Jimmy gets dragged along for the ride. Not everyone is thrilled about this, though. One of the military men who was present when Zod attacked, a general, is totally against these Kryptonians now. They attacked Earth, they have super weapons—they ARE super weapons! A giant gun that walks! He doesn’t want them to ever come back to Earth, and he doesn’t want his daughter Lois hanging around with one (Superman). Dun dun dun. But the dude is outvoted and Lois goes anyway.
So into space they go! The season is mostly episodic, exploring the galaxy, learning about Krypton from other planets, bumping to Kryptonite, learning what the Interplanetary Coalition is, (AND we just might bump into Green Lantern) but the most important thing we learn out here… is that Kara is alive. Yes! Clark manages to find his cousin Kara and her dog Krypto! She’s been having to survive on her own this whole time, but what’s more surprising than that is the fact that she’s twelve. Only two or so years older than she was in the holo-photo. Kara explains that—with a little help from some friends she met along the way—she’s been flying through space in her rinky-dink tiny ship trying to get to the colony site. Now, you see, any time you travel in hyperspace, it takes days at the very least, so to circumnavigate that, people just go into cryo. The bigger/better your ship, the faster the hyperspace jump. Kara’s ship is… well, not great, so it’s been slow going trying to fly across half the galaxy. Which means she’s been putting herself into cryosleep A LOT, which slows down the ageing process. Most of her time in space has been in cryo. But she can’t just keep going like that forever. There are dangers involved with staying in cryo too long. The recommended span of time is roughly six Earth months. Otherwise, your body starts to slowly break down, starting with your muscles. This gets Clark thinking about all those people Zod had in cryo…
Anyway, Clark is overjoyed to meet Kara, and with their new ship, they’re able to get to the colony site much faster. And here is one of the main twists of my story: Clark actually meets his father. After narrowly escaping Zod a second time, he finds his father, they go to the colony site, and Clark could not be happier. This is the greatest moment in his life! He actually did it! The dream he had dreamed his whole life finally came true! And then…
Well, first of all, Zod showed up, because of course he managed to track them, and the final battle takes place. And it’s an awesome space battle. 10/10. And it’s here that we realise what Zod’s really been doing to all those people in cryosleep. In all his insane wisdom, (and control freak tendencies) he refused to let those people out of cryo to heal and exercise and recoup over the last TWENTY YEARS. So, uh… yeah, all those people… the people he tried to save… the people who were meant for the new world… are all kinda dead… barely having their brains kept alive by the life support systems and nothing else. All the more reason to stop him.
Zod almost gets what he wants, but in the end, the heroes prevail. Zod gets banished to the Phantom Zone, his ship gets destroyed in a kamikaze attempt to take every down with him, the colony is saved, and everyone’s happy!
But the story’s not over. There’s still a few minutes left on the runtime. ??? Well, you see, one of the astronauts on Superman’s team… has secret orders from The General. Once he finds the colony, he’s meant to destroy it by whatever means necessary. And along the way, remember what substance they bumped into? Kryptonite. Dude jerry-rigs a Kryptonite bomb and uses it to blow the colony to kingdom come. Jor-El rushes in to try to help, ordering his son and niece to stay back, but he and all the others who get closely exposed to the substance die slow, painful deaths. All those last survivors of Krypton… gone. Clark tries to heal his father, but… he’s gone too. Now Clark, Kara, and Krypto are the last Kryptonians. They take Jor-El’s ship back to Earth and (after dropping off some of the crew) Clark parks the ship far up in the North Pole where no one can try to get their grubby hands on it. It’s been a hard few days.
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blastingzones · 1 day
❧ post-endwalker, pre-dawntrail
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Dear Diary...
The word I've been looking for is "yearning." I know not how much longer I can live my life like this. Mother says she wishes for me to take over the shop when she grows older, meanwhile father insists I find a fisherman to marry for that same purpose and I just...I don't know. I love them, but I can't lie to myself. I want more than this. The same rocky outcrops, the same white pathways, the same shop stalls, the same everything, every damned day...no more. I need adventure. I would go sign right up with the adventurer's guild but that isn't something I can do in secret. Everyone knows everyone in this strip. Mother and father would know of my plans before I'm so much as out the gates. Is it daft to wish for some dashing hero to come and simply spirit me away? To take me aboard his ship, sailing off to some faraway shores to adventure, to explore, to simply live a different life together? Mother would call me foolish for wishing for such things. Call me "irresponsible." Or even worse, "childish." But I'm allowed to yearn for more, aren't I?
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It had been many years since Ashen finally allowed himself to read through his parents' old tomes and journals. Many of them were rather uninteresting; local nautical maps, journals about when to plant and harvest certain vegetables, market schedules, the like. But right when he had nearly given up on finding anything intriguing, he stumbled upon what quickly revealed itself to be his mother's old diary.
He was hesitant to flip through the pages at first, unwilling to learn any embarrassing details of his mother's youth, but after a handful of page-turns, he came across a rather lengthy entry. Golden eyes flicked across the worn pages, before reality finally dawned on him.
"A pirate lord, yearning for a life of adventure...mother, did you-"
He continued to read, before closing the diary, setting it on the table. Resting his head on his hands, he could do naught but laugh.
"I'll be damned, mother- a pirate's lover? Really??"
He laughed, and he laughed, and a tear fell through the laughter.
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msrandonstuff · 8 months
there aren't enough fics on the father-son relationship (i've crafted in my head) between cleon xiii and cleon xiv
brother day used to take dawn to picnics when he was a baby and no one can take that from my mind
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flkwh0re · 6 months
Moms Friend
warnings: age gap (reader is 19 and Nat is 39), mommy kink (N), blow job, eating out, fingering, p in v, dirty talk, unprotected sex, breeding kink, cockwarming, a little bit of jealous Nat. That's all!!
Summary: You come home for a bit, and your moms best friend finally makes her move in you.
A/n: This is my first fic i’m posting here!! I apologize if it’s not great!
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You had just pulled into the driveway of your childhood home. A few weeks ago you had planned to surprise your mom and come home. Grabbing your bags from the trunk, you walk to the door knocking. You hear your mother shout something incoherent.
"Oh Детка you're home!" Pulling you into a big hug, you catch a glance of your young brothers inside. They see you too running to the door. "Y/n you're home!!" You smile as Billy and Tommy pull you into a big hug.
Vision, your father, steps out into the hall. His smile fades as he sees you. Your relationship with your father is not the greatest, but with your mother it's amazing. Wanda had treated you better than any other mom you could've asked for, her best friend Natasha as well.
It then dawned on you that you haven't seen Natasha in while, so you figured maybe invite her over or ask her if she'd like to plan something. You pulled out your phone, searching for her contact.
After texting her, it was only a matter of time before she answered. You both decided you'd come to her place for lunch while you're mother and father were at work and your brothers at school.
"Y/n honey, tell me how school has been." Wanda asked with a smile. "Just like always, I'm top of most of my classes." You look at her, a proud smile plastered on her face. "Well isn't that just amazing, Vision." She ask him. He returns nothing but a nod, causing a small frown to creep onto your face.
"Oh, mom I'll be having lunch over at Natasha's tomorrow!" You say excitedly. "That's great! She's been asking so much about you, and I just don't know the answer to everything. My girl is a busy girl." She smiled.
Your evening consisted of catching up with your mom, listening to your brothers and all the things you've missed, and your father ignoring that you were even there. You honestly don't know why your mom is still with him, but you know it's probably for the best.
The next day arrives soon, and you're on your way to Natasha's house. Your nerves creep. You love Natasha, but there's always been this feeling towards her. A yearning for her. You know you can't act on it, because it's nothing but a silly childhood crush thought something tells you it's more.
You pull into her driveway, the front of her house being decorated with cute fall decor.
Stepping out of your car, the cold air hits your face only making your shivering nervous body worse.
You knock on her door, waiting a few seconds to hear for footsteps. Then you hear them, and Natasha telling you to give her a second. "Y/n!! Gosh I've missed you." She pulls you into a hug, kissing your forehead softly.
She pulls you inside, and quickly helps you remove your coat. Her eagerness to see you makes you smile wide, and laugh. Oh how you've missed her. Nothing or anyone, even your own mother, compares to how Natasha makes you feel.
You catch up with her on everything, while eating the food she prepared. You were interrupted by your friend Kate blowing up your phone with text then a call. "Hold on Nat, let me get this."
"Y/n I am going to hurt you!" She shouts into the phone, "Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were in town!!" You giggle at her, "Hey don't you fucking laugh at me!" Only causing your laughter to worsen.
Natasha on the other hand was not laughing, more jealous that her time was ruined with you. She hated that she got this way, but she couldn't help it. She tried to stop, you're her best friends daughter. You're also 20 years younger than her. Her thoughts were interrupted by your words.
"Sorry Natty, that was Kate. She wants me to come over as soon as possible." Her face like stone as she replies with, "So you're leaving?" Your nerves taking over again, leaving you silent. You don't wanna leave Natasha, you'd stay there forever with her. "Well not now, but probably soon. I'll make it up though, we can have dinner sometime."
Soon, the two weeks of being home quickly passed. You still hadn't made it up to Natasha, so you decided you'd show up to her house.
She opens the door, shocked to your arrival. "Y/n what are you here for?" She asked confused. "Well I never made up time lost with you, so I brought a desert and figured I'd spend some time with you and watch a movie or something." She felt a smile creep onto her face.
You settled down quickly on her couch, her following behind. You had both decided on watching (insert wtv movie).
Time had passed fast, she knew if she didn't act then she'd probably loose her chance. "Y/n come here, sit in my lap." You quickly scurry onto her lap, only to be stopped in your tracks when you notice her hard-on. "You feel that baby? It's all for you." She attaches her lips to your neck, kissing softly.
"Nat, what are you doing? We can't do this." You say nervously. "Says who? You're an adult sweetheart."
Within minutes she has you on your knees, pulling down her boxers. Her dick springs out, your face pulling a shocked look at her size. She brings her hand to your face, guiding your mouth into her length. You bob your head up and down on her. Gagging noises and her moans fill the air.
You bring her to her orgasm, swallowing everything she gave you. "Such a good girl for mommy. Now get up on the couch." You follow her orders and she helps you remove your clothes. Her lips attach to your nipple, while her hand gropes at your other breast.
"How's that baby? Is mommy making you feel good?"She asked in a sultry tone. "So good." She smiles at your weaker state, as she kisses down your stomach. Her mouth reaching your core, and her noise brushes your clit causing your hips to jolt. She attached her mouth to your pussy, sucking and licking.
As she works her tongue, she adds her fingers to the mix stretching you out. Your orgasm crashing in, in full speed.
She stands up, then aligns her tip with your entrance pushing in slowly. Once you've adjusted to her size, she shows no mercy on your pussy. "That feel good baby? Mommy's gonna fill you up. My little bitch to breed." You can't even form a sentence in your fucked out state.
"Aww poor thing is too dumb, can't even form a sentence. Tell mommy you want her to fill you up with her babies." You tried to spit the words out, but it just came out as an incoherent mess and moans. "Cmon baby tell me or else I won't." You still didn't speak, not until she pulled out of you. You gasp and quickly spoke out. "Please mommy fill me up!"
She smirked, then thrusted herself back into you. In only a matter of seconds you could feel her cuming inside you. She continued her thrust, your orgasm quickly washing over.
She placed a soft kiss on your head, then pulled herself out of you. Laying down behind you, she slid her cock back into you. "No mommy! I can't-" she quickly shut down your please. "Don't worry baby, I have you. Mommy just wants to be in you." She kisses your shoulder as you drift off to sleep.
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lemonlover1110 · 7 months
Double Trouble
Dad Series
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Toji Fushiguro
Warnings: Pure Fluff
Discord 18+ - Twitter - Ko-Fi
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“I want a baby sister!” Koemi randomly spurts out one faithful morning. It makes Toji choke on his breakfast, hitting his chest a couple of times to cough up the bit of food that’s in his throat. There’s no way that Toji will agree to that, especially after he got them into a preschool and he has his life back.
Toji has never glared at Koemi before, but for the first time in his life he does. You agreed you don’t want more kids because twins are more than enough. Toji looks at you, and you’re taken back just as he is. You shake your head, and Toji says, “Never in a million years.”
“It’s not fair! Kisho has Megumi and I have no one.” Koemi yells, and Toji decides that he won’t start his day by arguing with someone that still has their baby teeth.
“You have your brothers, honey. You don’t need a baby sister.” You assure her, but that isn’t enough to convince her tiny brain. She’s stubborn, just like her father.
Koemi is smart, she knows how to convince you. She sneaks and takes the photo album that you have for the twins, leaving it on the coffee table. She runs to you when you notice it and pick it up, looking innocently as she asks, “What’s that, mommy?”
“Oh, nothing, baby. Just photos from when you and your brother were babies– When you couldn’t properly talk since you two are still babies in my eyes.” You tell her, and you decide to take a seat on the couch and look through the album, making Koemi join you.
You look at pictures of the twins from the first ultrasound to their first steps. Newborn babies aren’t all that cute but you had the cutest babies. They cried a lot, but you always managed to take pictures because they were too adorable. The biggest smile comes to your lips seeing a picture of Megumi with the twins, he holds Kisho while Koemi is on the couch, trying to reach her twin brother. Then a picture of Megumi who manages to hold both of the twins on the couch, who look to be around five months old.
You keep going back to this one picture that’s three pages in, it’s what gets you. Toji smiling at his newborn babies. Toji has many more pictures in the book, but that has to be the best one because you had never seen Toji so happy before. Sure, he was over the moon when he married you, but this was a level of happiness that only his kids could achieve.
“What are you–” Toji approaches you, and his eyes fall on the photo album. For the second time, he glares at Koemi. Given the tears that are welled up in your eyes, she’s convinced you. She’s a sly one. She’s his daughter after all. He has to think of some way to get her to back down. What’s something that’ll make her stop wanting a sibling? And then it dawns on him.
“Koemi, since you want a baby sister so bad, you’re going to learn how to share your toys. Mommy and I will call the stork if you’re willing to share all your toys.” He says, knowing that Koemi hates sharing. Toji makes sure to get two toys each for the twins since it’s a never ending fight with them, because of her. That’s something he doesn’t bother correcting because Toji also hates sharing. “Even with Kisho.”
She furrows her brows and ponders on it. She shakes her head, and Toji takes it as her backing down. She’s not willing to share her toys. “I don’t want a sister anymore.”
She ends up standing up and walking away, but that doesn’t fix the mess that she caused. Toji doesn’t have to think much about convincing you though, he only has to mention, “Morning sickness.”
“She’s right, she doesn’t need a sister.”
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shaisuki · 3 months
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content warnings ─── implied noncon, forced marriage, yandere themes babytrapping, reader wants to have more kids, stockholm syndrome, smut, breeding kink, dubcon, pregnancy, talks of childbirth.
ᝰ synopsis .ᐟ all changed in the blink of an eye and now you're the wife and mother of his children and despite all of what your ceo husband had done to you, you want more children.
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the first time you feel him moving inside you, you were absolutely disgusted. horrified for soon to becoming the mother of the baby inside you. created by reo's selfishness and greediness that destroyed your once mundane life.
then he was born. all your worries and fear disappeared with the appearance of your baby. cradled in your arms and his little hand grasping your pinky finger. there were tears of regret streaming down your face of how you could hate this innocent little child without knowing what his father had done to you. wiping down the tears you made a commitment to yourself.
you were going to love this one with all your heart.
the first year with reo being your husband it was hell. how you were only doing paperwork yesterday, now it was filled with days of being told how to act like a proper wife to your ceo husband and being a mother to his heir. maintaining appearances to fit with your status. you're not a commoner anymore, the governess would say to you while being taught of the proper etiquettes.
you didn't enjoy any of it. aside from being taught on how to care for an infant which you insisted despite reo telling you that the nanny can handle it but you refused. you weren't raising this child to be spoiled, stuck up person. you will raise your child like how the way you were raised and your child is the only one who can receive your whole unconditional love.
mikage reiji. your firstborn with your husband. the surname almost bring tears to your eyes. you have it, the surname. appealing it was and leave everyone to be in awe as being the wife and the mother of his child — it was the kind of branding that means he owned you.
reiji was the reason of it. after reo forced himself to you and find out you were carrying his future heir, a wedding soon followed. it was his right, your soon-to-be husband said to you and he won't let his child with you be born to be an illegitimate and your fate was sealed.
even reiji was the cause of it, you lived your days with your son and his presence brought you peace. the only thing reo had done good that you learned to accept.
you enjoyed being a mother to your child and reo was a doting father. praising you for being a good mother to his child and he'll reward you with a kiss that soon turned to be a night of worshipping you.
after that when reiji turned a year old, you were pregnant again. the thought of being with child again scared you but when you look at reiji, you knew it was going to be fine and despite how much you hated reo, a new realization dawned on you. this occured to you many times before when your time was all on taking care of your baby that you enjoyed being a mother and you wished for more.
then reiji was followed by his baby sister being born a year later. a new addition to your family and you were happy. what's dark and cold when you were with reo is now replaced with the neverending joy of being with your children. watch as they outgrow their clothes, learned to call you as their mama. their cute giggles melting the worries in your heart and when the siblings are old enough to sleep in their own rooms, you found the courage to tell reo of your wishes one night.
“reo?” the ceo hums in response when you called his name while he's behind you. his arm draped in your plush stomach, drawing soft circles on it.
“i wish to tell you something.” you shift in your position. turning your body to face him. “what is it, treasure?” his voice soft and mellow. it's the only way he addressed you. “i want to have more children with you.” meeting his gaze and observe how it changes into something of curiosity to one of darkening. smirk blooming in his face.
“that's it, my wife?” he asks. knowing damn sure of it. reo have all the riches in the world and the wealth to give you more what you want and needed. “you want to give reiji and reiko a another sibling, a good choice — treasure.” moving above you to trap you with his body. pinning your arms in both sides as he licks his lips.
some part of you hates him or you got used to it. of him exploiting you and in return you treat it as something normal. no matter how you threatened him or cry in front of him, it doesn't change anything. reo made sure a long time ago that he'll find you even in the deepest pits of hell just to have you again.
it's enough to keep you beside him with no qualms and only received his undying fondness to you. he's obsessed and you're feeding it to him.
“yeah.” you confirm to him and reo leans down. capturing your lips to his and pushing his tongue deep inside your mouth. lowering the straps of your nightgown and tugging it down to reveal the body of his wife that had given him children.
two pregnancies and you're still looking divine. stomach rounder and littered with stretch marks, he can't wait to get you pregnant again. his gorgeous wife that turns anyone green with envy.
“g—going to breed this pussy again.” he groans. his hips moving in a fast pace with the intent of knocking you up again. “you want that, treasure? he moans out, holding your hips tighter. going deeper as possible like the first time he had done it to you. “want me to cum in this pretty pussy of yours and make me a father again? you want that?”
“yes! yes — ahhh! please, reo!” you cry out. digging your nails in his arms and he can feel you tighten. sucking him deep into this warm cunt of yours. it spurs him more to please his wife and giving her what she wants. reo only wants that happiness of yours.
he kisses you once again, your legs locking around his hips to prevent him from pulling out and with a brutal slam of his hips, both of your orgasm came rolling. spurts and spurts of his cum filling your fertile womb and soon it will bless him with a another child and he will fill you up again like a good husband.
there's nothing quite like it when he's all yours and you, round with his baby again.
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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sayrìp [ˈsaj.ɾɪp̚] adj. handsome, good looking
Anonymous Request: How about Neteyam getting jealous of his best friend calling his dad hot/attractive? friends to lovers ofc.
You jokingly admit that you find Neteyam's father attractive, and he reacts with surprising jealousy.
1,101 words
Today feels like a really good day for a long ride. The sky is clear, it's warm but not too hot, and the wind is mild. Plus, you really don't have a lot going on today; you went hunting early that morning, and that was kind of your only to-do today.
So, a long ride it is.
On your way to the forest, you spot Neteyam Sully, walking by himself. What an unusual sight! Usually the son of Taruk Makto is surrounded by people; family, friends, admirers. Even though you are what you would consider a close friend to him, maybe even his best friend, you rarely get to spend time with just Neteyam.
"Neteyam!" you jog over to him, and he glances over your shoulder. "I'm going for a ride - do you want to join?"
He shrugs. "No, not really."
You stop in your tracks, but he continues walking without another glance back towards you.
His response was cold, almost harsh, and probably the least he's ever spoken to you in one encounter.
You try to think back to your last few interactions, but there's nothing you can pinpoint that might explain such a display towards you.
Neteyam is getting further and further away, and you must decide - follow and demand an explanation, or continue on with his day and hope his tantrum is finished when you return.
But, ah, the weather is so nice - so you decide to take your ride and hope that whatever has upset Neteyam, he's over it by the time your done.
Though you left near midday for your ride, the sun is almost set when you return. You feel refreshed, maybe a little wind-burnt, and you know your hair must be a mess, but it was so nice to spend the afternoon doing something you love.
Of course, at the back of your mind the entire time was your interaction with Neteyam earlier. You can't stop wondering, what could possibly be wrong with him?
After you eat with your family, you decide to seek him out and demand an explanation for his attitude.
He isn't hard to find. He's with his family at their home - his parents and youngest sister, Tuk. Lo'ak and Kiri are nowhere to be seen.
"Y/N," Neytiri greets you with a smile. "Have you been riding all day?" She reaches out, grabbing a strand of your hair.
"I have," you reply.
"Tomorrow, I braid this," she says, patting the side of your head. "Come early, it will take a long time. Tuk will help - right, Tuk?"
Eagerly, Tuk agrees, and you're grateful for their help. Neteyam sits by his father, tearing apart his dinner.
"Neteyam, come with me," you say, walking over and extending a hand to him.
He doesn't look up.
"Neteyam Sully! You are going to stand up right now and follow me out of here."
With a nudge from his father and a big huff, Neteyam stands up and walks by you, ignoring your outstretched hand.
Jake raises an eyebrow at you, and you shrug and turn to follow Neteyam. He's already halfway to the forest, and you catch up with him just beyond the tree line.
"Neteyam, stop!" you holler, feeling very frustrated and a little angry yourself, and finally, he listens to something You have to say. Standing in front of him, you throw your hands out to the side. "You are going to tell me why you are so angry with me, right now!"
Neteyam rolls his eyes, looking anywhere but at you.
"This is mean, Neteyam. I don't even know what I did, and you are hurting me."
This seems to finally catch his attention, and he looks down at you. "Maybe you could go and talk to my dad about it."
You furrow your brow and purse your lips in confusion. "Why... would I do that?"
Neteyam crosses his arms, and stares at you silently.
Realization dawns on you, and your cheeks heat up red.
"Did you hear me teasing Kiri about your father being attractive?" you ask. "Oh, no, Neteyam, that's why you're made at me? A joke I made to embarrass Kiri?"
"It didn't sound like a joke," he replies, his tone still cool.
"Of course it didn't, I was trying to embarrass Kiri! You know all the girls her age talk about how handsome and strong Taruk Makto is! I was just teasing her. Do you think I could actually be attracted to your dad?" You throw your arms out in exasperation, but Neteyam remains unmoved. "You are being an idiot! I have grown up near your family, your father is like family to me. You all are."
"So you don't find any of us attractive?" He uncrosses his arms, and takes a step towards you.
"That's not what I'm saying." You sigh in exasperation. "I have always found you beautiful, Neteyam, and I'm sure you know that."
Though... you're not sure why he would know that. Even though, when you were sure he wasn't paying attention, you would steal glances at Neteyam to admire just how beautiful he was, you'd given him no indication that you'd ever thought of him that way.
"Beautiful?" he asks, raising his brow. His face is softened now, no longer stern, and a hint of a smile plays at his lips.
"Yes, I... well, you are." You wave your hand in front of your face. "Just tell me you are no longer mad at me. And apologize for your behavior earlier."
You hardly have the sentence out of your mouth before Neteyam wraps one arm firmly around your neck, and pulls you to him, stopping when your lips are less than an inch from his.
"I am sorry," he whispers.
You can't help but notice how quickly your heart is beating, and how weak your knees feel - has your best friend always had the ability to make you feel this way?
"I forgive you," you whisper, and close the gap, pressing your lips softly to his in a tentative kiss.
He turns your tentative kiss into something ferocious, and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him as close to you as he can possibly get - and it still isn't close enough.
Neteyam leans back against the tree behind him, pulling you with him, deepening the kiss, sighing into your mouth.
He pulls away, just for a moment, to smile down at you. You see stars dancing before your eyes.
"You're very beautiful, too," he replies, half-teasing.
"Just kiss me," you reply in a breathy voice.
He happily obliges.
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leclerc-s · 9 days
prologue - is it a wonder i broke?
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liked by arthur_leclerc, fernandoalo_oficial, maxverstappen33 and others
ines_sainz i am what i am cause you trained me. the after and before.
view all comments
user01 girl a soft launch? while we're still processing you leaving racing?
user02 the before being spain and racing and the after being monaco and no racing makes me sad.
maxverstappen33 pick up the phone! i just want to talk!
ines_sainz you know where i live. just come over? maxverstappen33 that's too far! ines_sainz get the fuck up and walk?
fernandoalo_oficial todo bien?
ines_sainz eh más o menos fernandoalo_oficial ay nena que voy a hacer contigo? user03 their father daughter bond makes me coo. it's so special to me.
user04 is the caption shade?
user05 but to who? her family? user04 i will go to war if her family forced her out of racing. user06 same, we ride at fucking dawn bitches
charles_leclerc fancy a game of goat simulator?
alex_albon OH COUNT ME IN! georgerussell63 if it's as bad as last time, count me out. ines_sainz only if i can invite my super secret friends. charles_leclerc oscar and logan are not super secret. they were around last time. arthur_leclerc and why was i not invited? ines_sainz charles said you weren't cool enough.
user07 the way she looks so sad in the after. i wanna cry for her.
user08 no cause i remember her saying, 'without racing i don't know who i am' and now i'm crying. user07 WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT BRITNEY??
user09 now where the heck is carlos? he usually drags her by now.
user10 me thinks that rumor from a few months ago was about the sainz siblings and not the leclerc brothers like everyone thought. user11 makes sense carlos would be jealous of his little sister for being better than he is. imagine helmut marko publicly saying that 'she would've been miles better than her older brother.' user09 sometimes a man's hell is a teenage girl.
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*translation is included in the second set of texts
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@minmira95 @lesliiieeeee @vroomvroommuppett @prongsvault @justtprachisblog @scuderiadevils @cataf1 @chezmardybum @formulaal @lilsiz @norstappenvibes @ironspdy @nikfigueiredo @hinamesgigantica @niniluvsainz @matchaverse @fakeikeastore @theseus-jpg @six-call @81folklore
¡not taggable!
@ashlovestoread1411 @books-thingys-andstuff @nothanqks @yeanoskrrt @ale-522
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¡leclerc-s speaks!
for now, it's a pre-established relationship, but i'll write a part later explaining how they got together (the bonus tracks). i just find it easier to do it this way for myself. the point of this fic is mostly to have them torment carlos. sometimes i forget that i like carlos. this is like the fourth fic where i make him seem like a dick. i'm sure he's a nice person but for the sake of this fic he is not. there are time when i don't like (miami 2024) him, but my problem isn't with him, it's mostly with his fans. anyways, hope you enjoy this new fic. the first bonus part should be out like sometime tomorrow or in the next two days, i want to post it before the first part.
this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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skzdarlings · 6 months
final part: bodyguard!felix x reader
( READ ON AO3. )
Your father hires an inconspicuous bodyguard to accompany you at school and supervise you at home. What seems like an innocuous change in routine eventually spirals into a forbidden romance that grows more passionate over the years.
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pairing: lee felix/reader content info: smut. violence. parental abuse. situations of intense peril overall. forced proximity. enemies2lovers. angst with eventual happy ending. (chapter word count; 19k words)
warning for this chapter: the usual story dynamics plus explicit violence, intense peril, threat and injury to reader, graphic depictions of death, explicit sexual content.
Your father will be here soon.  He kept his distance during the rescue operation but will reconvene with his team before the journey home. 
You and Felix wake long before his anticipated arrival, when dawn is only just peeking into the hotel room. 
You lay in bed, your head on his bare chest and his arms around you.  You discuss the potential confrontation ahead.  Last time you were taken, your father was less than sympathetic to your plight.  Even though this was more his fault than yours, you are certain you will take the blame.   He cannot take responsibility for a misstep.  If he is fallible, he is weak, and that puts his whole existence in jeopardy.  It must always be someone else’s fault.    
Therefore it is likely he will punish you.  Therefore it is likely he will ask Felix to do it. 
“Felix,” you say when he does not look at you.   He is staring out the window with a look of pure frustration. 
“I know,” he says.  “You want me to do it.  Last time I…” 
There is no need to discuss last time.  You both know he fumbled that exchange.  Felix is meant to be the personification of resolute strength and obedience, the perfect soldier.  His moment of weakness snared your father’s attention, as weakness always does.  Your quick response remedied the situation well enough, but you will not be so lucky next time.   The only thing worse than a moment of weakness is the persistence of it.  He cannot hesitate again. 
“If,” you say slowly, “we want to find a way out… then now, more than ever, we cannot give him any reasons to be suspicious of us.” 
“I know,” he says, but his jaw is still clenched and his gaze is faraway.  
“Felix.”  You touch his jaw, minding the darkening bruise, and turn his face to yours.  His expression softens when he meets your gaze.  “Thank you,” you say.  “I love you.  I trust you.  It will be okay.” 
He cups your cheek and lifts your face.  His looks at you like he is studying every small detail.  Even though he must know your face perfectly – seeing it when he wakes, before he goes to sleep, every day for so much of his life –  he looks at you like he is seeing you for the first time all over again. 
You laugh when he flicks your bottom lip, the little pout he has long since called his weakness. 
“You could convince the sky it wasn’t blue,” he says, and kisses you tenderly.  “I love you too, sweetheart.” 
Maybe it is the novelty of hearing that out loud, or maybe you will just be crazy about him forever, but you feel flustered.  You laugh and squirm, your skin hot.  It makes him laugh, the menace kissing down your throat just to make you wriggle more. 
“Don’t let my daddy catch you then,” you tease, breathlessly.  “He wouldn’t like that very much.”    
The returned chuckle makes you shiver.  You run your fingers through his hair but he grabs your wrist and pins it down.  Your breath catches when he sucks a bruising kiss on your throat.  He is usually so careful about leaving marks, but today he dips his head to the soft skin of your breast and bites a mean little mark into the tender skin, making you gasp and buck beneath his hold. 
“No, he wouldn’t, would he?” Felix says, his deep voice dropping even lower.  “What would everyone say, hmm?  Your daddy, your guards… all those rich boys at those fancy parties who think they have a chance with you…” 
“Everyone thinks I’m a frigid bitch,” you reply, joining his game, smiling knowingly.  “And I am, aren’t I?  Nothing but trouble.”
“Nothing but trouble,” he says with a grin.  He flicks the covers off, then his hands are on your hips and he flips you as smoothly.  You yelp when he drags you halfway down the bed, arranging you as he kneels behind you.  “You can’t fool me, sweetheart,” he says.  One hand curls around your throat and the other snakes down your backside.  “Frigid?  Mm. I don’t think so.  I actually think you are very, very soft… and warm…” 
His fingers slip inside you easily, wet from your previous lovemaking and wetter still from his voice.  Every little breath and tortured groan has you twitching and gasping. 
“Felix,” you say.   
It is the right thing to say.  You are clawing at the bedsheets moments later, hiccupping on each watery breath as he holds your hips and fucks you right down into the mattress.  You press against it like you could disappear there, fucked into freedom, never to return to this dire world again. 
You sink into the bed and float in your mind, sighing when he wraps his arms around you and covers you with his body.  He is hot and whole and so alive, and everything seems possible while you are joined together.  You have each other, completely and irrevocably.  That is all you need to survive. 
You finish not a moment too soon.  You are nestled in his arms, kissing and kissing and kissing, flushed and satisfied and content, when reality comes knocking.  Felix throws on some pants while you scurry into the bathroom and close the door. 
Felix steps into the hall.  Between the bathroom door and the hotel room door, you only hear muffled voices.  Then a few clicks, then another knock, then you jump.   You are wearing a blanket and it slips with your surprise.  You adjust it frantically, but Felix says, “It’s just me.”  
You crack open the door to Felix in a t-shirt and his combat pants.  You recognize the tired lines on his face, cracks in the mask he is struggling to don.  His reassuring smile is not convincing. 
“Here,” he says, handing you some clothes.  “Your father is here.  He wants to see you at breakfast.” 
“Of course he does,” you say, just for something to say, letting your frustration seep into your tone. 
The bathroom tiles are cold under your feet.  A sharp snap of sensation and a reminder of reality.  Felix makes the world feel small in comparison to him, but the world is still there, ever turning with its usual machinations and politics and powers.  You are still suspended helplessly in the centre of it all.  Though you pushed the darkest truths to the corner for a few hours, making love and comforting each other, all those hurts and agonies are still there.  You see it in his eyes, his glance flickering from here to there as he roams with his thoughts.   
Neither of you have ever had a normal life and you do not know what to do with one.  He has been making difficult choices since he was a child.  Neither of you truly knows if you are making the right one now. 
You do the best you can with a strong hug.  It is a lingering, affectionate embrace, fitting your bodies together until you feel grounded. 
Felix looks over your shoulder, catching his own reflection.   You look back as well, his cheek against yours, your eyes meeting in the mirror. 
“I couldn’t stand the sight of my own face,” he says, his voice low even though you are alone, like the words are fighting his tongue.  It is hard to admit.  He swallows hard but continues, “I hated the stupid kid looking back at me… I wanted to be someone better, someone who could actually do something right…” 
You look at him rather than his reflection.  When you touch a strand of blonde hair, he closes his eyes, as if he can feel the pad of your finger on a lock of hair, smarting more than his bruises. 
“Is that why… the hair?” you ask clumsily.  You do not know how to wade through ten years of emotion.  Felix has coloured his hair regularly since the day you met him.  The blonde suits him but it is clearly unnatural.  It has not been soft in a very long time, coarse from repeated dye jobs. 
The colour is just one more layer of his meticulous mask, crumbling in front of you as he nods and sighs.  An admittance.  He could not stand to look in the mirror and see that other version of himself, the boy he was, the boy who made all those mistakes.   You see him, the years of questioning his choices, the impossible tether around his throat.  There has never been a day he has not questioned his choices.  Working for one bad man or another.  Rescuing his friend or his lover.   Letting violence happen or letting the violence use him.
You kiss his cheek, then below his jaw, threading your fingers through his hair.  You scratch at his scalp, just a feathery light touch, one that makes him melt in your arms.   
“I love you,” you say.  You find it is an addicting word yet it never loses its potency.  Your heart still races when he touches his forehead to yours, when he strokes your sides and hums a gentle sound of pleasure.  “Things have changed a lot over the years.  But we’re still here.”  Still living your lives, even in broken bits, those stolen pieces you mentioned so long ago.  “We’ve changed.  We’ll change again.  Things will happen and we’ll figure it out.  But please don’t hate that boy anymore.  I care about him a lot.  I want him to be happy too.” 
His face scrunches with the threat of tears, but he controls himself.  He pushes the emotion into a laugh, though it is humourless.  Then he closes the space between you and kisses you, cups the back of your head and holds you there until you are both satisfied. 
“All right,” he says in a rough voice.  “Get dressed.  It’s going to be a long day.” 
“You’ll be there, though,” you say. 
“Always,” he says, a hint of amusement touching the corner of his lips.  “I’m your bodyguard, hmm?”
You laugh and kiss him again. 
“Right,” you say.  “Always.” 
Your father sits at a dining table in the penthouse suite.  Behind him, a window wall flaunts the city skyline.  Daylight casts a glow around him like some deified king lording over his petty kingdom.  Guards loiter in the room and the corridor, keeping their eyes sharp as hotel staff prepare the table. 
You sit across from him with the sunlight in your eyes, the usual position of discomfort and inferiority.  He does not look at you, nor does he greet you, his eyes on his phone until the table is set.  A staff member goes to serve him but he dismisses them. 
“All of you, go,” he says, not just to the staff but his team as well.  They filter out of the room one by one.  
The penthouse is a ostentatious space, all white linen and gilded frames, tall ceilings and bay windows, but as the room empties, it becomes frighteningly big.  Or maybe you just feel frighteningly small, his tactics working as they often do.  Your father knows how to push your buttons because they are the same as his.   He is scared.  It makes him angry.  He makes you scared.  It makes you angry. 
“Felix,” he says.  “Stay.”
Felix is all that tempers you.   He stands against the wall but you do not look at him, staring at your father until he finally looks your way.  Despite the light, you hold his stare, feeling a modicum of triumph when he looks away first. 
“Did they damage you?” he asks.  His phrasing almost makes you laugh.  Damaged.  As if outside forces were needed for that. 
“I’m fine,” you say.  “My bodyguard rescued me.  Your team was damaged, though.”  You throw the word right back at him.  You cross your leg and sit back, like you are as unbothered as him.    
You know that underneath his cold exterior, he is anything but casual.  He is letting his rage simmer as he builds to some awful retaliation.  He was conducting a mission, sending his best asset on a job, and it was interrupted by your kidnapping.  A kidnapping that nearly lost him more than his heir, but that same irreplaceable asset.  An asset that previously made a mistake in front of his eyes.  This is no longer a game, a squabble between a parent and child, but a real world crisis with dangerous consequences.    
You should not provoke him, and that is why you do.  Because provoking him is something you have always done and you need him to see you as that hapless child if you are going to beat him.  You do not want to arouse further suspicion in him, that you are sitting here thinking about your own schemes, that you know more about his assets and operations than he could ever suspect.
So you toss your rejoinder and he catches it, as he always does, with a cruel smirk. 
“There are more where they came from,” he says.    
Returning like cockroaches and squashed just the same.  If only a multi-generational empire could be toppled as easily.  But your father is more than a man across a table; he is ten men in the corridor and more on the ground, he is paid staff and investors and a whole society.  
Though you feign nonchalance, inside adrenaline pounds.  Sweat gathers, your heart races.  He is good at making you feel small, but at least it is predictable.  The scene unfolds  in your mind before it happens, the script playing before a single action is commanded.   You will be scolded.  You will be reprimanded.  You will be punished. 
“Felix, come here,” your father says.
You predicted he would involve Felix after what happened last time.  The only question is what manner of punishment he will force from his hand.  All you can do is trust Felix to play his role so you can play yours.  You made it clear the physical pain was meaningless, that you could take whatever he inflicted.  Just another inside joke between you.  You will laugh about it one day. 
You do not look away from your father.  Your eyes are locked in a challenging stare, daring the other to break.  You are scared, but you feel so much more than fear and rage.  With your love for Felix, with the hope in your heart, you are an ocean of feeling and you are not ashamed of it anymore.  You stare your father down and mutely convey that you are not broken, that he did not win, that he never will win. 
His answer is the flick of a kitchen knife.  It slides across the table and nearly tumbles right over the lip.  It teeters within arm’s reach of you.  It is tempting to look and consider its purpose with the trepidation you feel, but you do not.  You tell yourself he will only hurt you so much, that putting you in true peril would surely be counterproductive to his overall efforts.  Whatever plan he has for that knife will be a momentary pain you can recover from.
Then he says, “Felix.” 
Felix steps into your periphery, the black of his fatigues a shadow at your side. 
“Pick up that knife,” your father says.  “Put it through your hand.  Right through to the table.”
It is not the demand you were expecting, not by a long shot.  As your father stares you down, steady where you start to waver, you realize this test is not for Felix.  It is for you.   
“I trust,” your father hisses the word, “you know the spot that will inflict the least permanent damage.”
The last time your father made this demand, you and Felix were kids at the start of your messy life together.  Instinct propelled you to stop him.  Over the years, you have mastered schooling your reactions.  The girl who tackled Felix, the girl who sobbed while he was beaten, that girl learned to save her tears for later.  Your father’s version of you is a cold, headstrong, hateful fool.  She might stop Felix to combat her father, or she might let him suffer out of pure hatred. 
Both options feel wrong.  Regardless of what you choose, you feel like you are giving something away.  You feel like your father will see right past it.  He stares at you like he will find your secrets written on your face.    
You have seconds to decide and that is not enough time.  The moment passes you by.  Felix plants his hand and takes the knife.  Your father does not count him down.  He watches you, willing you to make a mistake, to show your weakness.  To prove him right. 
You flinch when the knife thuds into the table, the soft reverberation of the wood accompanied with a gross little squelch that sounds too loud in this too big room.  Your reaction is strongly stamped on your face, disgusted and upset.  You look away to stop the tears that stab behind your eyes. 
Everything that has happened, everything you have done, and you are right back here.  After everything, he still ended up with that knife in his hand. 
Your father rips it out.  Felix catches his breath but does not cry out.  You catch a glimpse of the bloody knife before your father tosses it on the floor, as if he is discarding something insignificant. 
You slowly meet his gaze.  He is still assessing you.  You cannot tell if you passed or failed his test.  By the scrutiny of his regard, it seems he does not know either.  All you can do is look at each other while Felix bleeds beside you.
“You may go,” your father says, cold as the ice that locks your limbs.  It takes you a moment to stir life back into them. 
“Felix,” your father says.  “You stay.  We have business to discuss.” 
You do not look at Felix.  You cannot bear to look at him.   On the escorted march back to your room, you are quiet, biting the inside of your cheek to stop any more unwanted reactions.  Only when you are alone in the room do you let it out, an aggravated cry as you rip a pillow off the bed and whip it blindly across the room. 
This was never going to be easy, but now it feels like the ongoing struggle between you and your father has led to an insurmountable deadlock.  He has you enclosed in his fist and he is threatening to crush you in it. 
You do not think he knows about the true nature of your relationship with Felix.  He might suspect anything, an affair the last of it.  Even a menial friendship would be a detrimental betrayal to him.  All he sees is a smudge of a weakness in what should be the strongest cog in his machine. 
He is testing you and tormenting you.  He is perched on his pedestal, waiting for you to throw yourself at his feet in eventual penitence.   
You will not.  Not this time.  Your father is expecting retaliation in the form of equal dramatics and you will not satisfy him.  You will sit quietly.  You will do what you have been doing, stealing pieces of your life in the silence and shadows.  He controls a realm of power, affluence, and violence.  You control yourself.  Love has saved you all this time.  It will be your means of escape for good. 
You sit in quiet repose until Felix returns.  Although you promised to remain calm, you cannot help but fuss over his injured hand.  It has already been stitched and bandaged but you peek beneath the binding, almost gagging at the sight.
“All right, enough,” Felix says.  He lifts your head and guides it onto his shoulder instead.  You are sitting on the small loveseat under the window.  You throw your arms around him and hold tight. 
“I’m sorry,” you say, a tear sliding from your cheek to his shoulder.  You sniffle. 
“Don’t be,” he says.  “I can take the pain.  It means nothing.  Sweetheart, he means nothing.”
“I know,” you say, but you sniffle one more time anyway.  Gathering yourself, you lift your head to look at him.  “What did my father want after I left?” 
“I don’t fully know,” Felix says, the tenderness in his expression giving way to uncertainty.  “He said he wants to continue the job,” Felix says.  “He and Miroh, they’re both chasing these long-term investments in some government building contracts… Miroh has been getting in the way of your father’s deals, so he’s been mostly standing guard.  Then he got intel that a significant asset of Miroh’s would be involved in securing an upcoming bid…  And he thought… he thought with the right team he could… acquire whatever this asset was…” 
“Chris,” you say, a breathless note.  “That’s why he brought you on, isn’t it?  He told you the acquisition was Chris.”
“If Chris was alive, if he was working for Miroh even after everything…”  Felix swallows.  He looks pained, like all these words are hard to say.  His voice is rough and the words scratch like sandpaper as he forces them out.  “Between me, your father’s back-up team, and the element of surprise… We had a chance of stopping Miroh’s subterfuge and getting… rescuing… Chris.  Finally.” 
But Chris might be dead.  Your father might have killed him.  Miroh has a vast artillery and the asset in question could be anyone or anything.  It makes more sense your father was using Felix to eliminate this obstruction.  That is what he always does.  He uses someone like a thing, strengths and weaknesses calculated, and works them into his scheme. 
You look at the bloody bandage, wrapped tight around that wounded hand, and you cannot bring yourself to vocalize these awful, pessimistic thoughts.  You say instead, “But why would he want to continue the job now?  You no longer have the element of surprise.”   
“No,” Felix says.  “We don’t.  That’s because the job is over and your father is lying.” 
“Chris is dead.”  Felix says it for you, with a hard set to his jaw that you recognize as a shield against emotion.  He does not look at you because it exposes that vulnerable, human part of him, and right now he is fighting to maintain his composure.  Cool, collected, he plainly states, “There is no chance of this job succeeding anymore.  Miroh caught onto us.  He interrupted us.  Whatever we were after is not there anymore.  Your father is just pulling my leash to see if I fight back.”  He takes a deep breath before saying more.  “He wants an excuse to question my loyalty.” 
“He is provoking us,” you agree.  There is a second of silence, both of you in contemplation, then you say, “We can’t let him.” 
“If I refuse this job, he will just get worse,” Felix says.  “If we try to run right now, we won’t get far.  We need to do this right, we need to—”
“Take the job,” you say.  “You said yourself, the job is over.  My father is a bastard and an idiot but he would never risk sending his best team somewhere dangerous when he has nothing to gain from it.  Call his bluff.  Take the job.” 
“I can’t leave you again,” Felix says, eyes closing as he clenches his good fist.  “I won’t leave you alone with him again.  Not right now, not like this.  Sweetheart, if something happened—”
“I’ll be fine,” you say, wrapping your hand over his fist and gently uncurling his fingers.  You nudge your nose against his chin, coaxing him to turn his head.  He finally does, sighing as he looks down at you.  You smile.  “I’ll be safe in the house.”
“It’s more dangerous in there than out here,” he says. 
“You know he won’t do anything worse than he’s ever done before,” you say.  You look down when you touch the bandage on his hand.  “We can take the cuts and bruises a little longer.  Do the job, then come back to me.  And who knows…”  You kiss his cheek, a touch of comfort.  “Maybe you’ll find the truth about Chris.” 
“I know the truth,” he says, unmoved.  “He’s dead.” 
You do concede it is incredibly likely.  If anything stopped your father from killing Chris, it was not morality, rather the practicality of breaching Miroh’s defences.  But it sounds like Chris was trouble to Miroh, so it is possible there was no pushback.    
It still breaks your heart to see Felix like this.  The burden of this bargain has caused him strife for so long, but you can see how it motivated him too.  As the hope leaves him, a light dims, and even your affection cannot ignite it. 
“How do you know that?” you ask helplessly. 
“I just feel it,” Felix says.  “In my heart.  I guess.  I think, umm.  I think.  I think I’ve known for a long time.  Maybe from the last time I ever saw him.  But I needed to believe in it.  I think I needed to believe Chris could be saved because then maybe—”  He looks down at his injured hand.  His fingers twitch when he fails to close his fist.  “Then I would have done something good,” he says miserably.  “Maybe then I could be worth saving too.”    
“Felix. Baby.”  You touch his face, still minding the bruise that grows more vicious by the second.  It only adds to the ache in your chest as you look at him, beaten and battered for someone else’s sake.  He has been taking hits every day since he was fourteen years old.  Whether it was for you or his friend, he was willing to surrender his life if it meant even a possibility of saving someone else.  “Felix, you have more heart and humanity than anyone I have ever known,” you say.  “Everything you have ever done has been because of love, despite what they tried to make you otherwise.  How can you not see what I see?” 
He looks at you, really looks at you, the way he did this morning.  He traces the curve of your cheek and brushes the subtle pout of your lips. 
“You’ve always seen more than most people do,” he says.  “You give me something else to believe in, you know?”
“Stop flirting,” you tease gently.  “This is serious.”
He laughs, his smile soft but sincere.  You kiss him slowly, until you are breathing the same uneven breaths, your hearts no doubt beating in tandem.  
Then you pick yourselves up and prepare for what comes next.   
Your father claims they will be gone for a week but you know it is not true.  There is no real mission so they will return in a few days at the latest.  For your part, you can only wait.  
Even though you have a tenuous plan, it is still hard being separated from Felix.  You remind yourself that you could not protect him in the field anyway, but logic is meaningless to your heart.  You imagine a version of yourself that is possessed of so many skills, she could wipe out every obstacle without breaking a sweat. 
But you are you.  Your skills are more emotional than physical and right now that physicality is even worse than usual.  You are lethargic from a brutal couple days, weak from the drugging, sore all over, and you cannot sleep well in an empty bed. 
You wake repeatedly in the night, startled by a nightmare where you are being taken, where Felix is being beaten, where your father kills him and a dozen boys like him and all you can do is watch.  The nightmares drag you into consciousness where you are barely eased, the reality of the world not so different from your nighttime horrors. 
In the daylight, you maintain the healthiest disposition possible.  You keep your distance from the security team, sitting in your room or quietly on the couch.  You do not engage when they antagonize you.   They grow bored of your presence soon enough, especially when they cannot get a rise out of you, leaving them with nothing to report to your father.
You expect the hours to drone endlessly.
Then you have a visitor. 
You ignore the doorbell.  The security team does not seem surprised by the interruption so you disregard it.  Maybe it is just another member of the team. 
You ignore the bell and the bustle of guards.  You head to the kitchen to scrounge for some lunch instead.  You hum as you chop vegetables, not paying any mind to the footsteps behind you.  You expect it is a member of the security team, stalking you in the name of supervision.  You turn to address him, a saccharine sweet smile at your face and a drole quip on your tongue, but your heart stops at the figure standing across from you. 
You breathe more than whisper his name, like surprise has winded you. 
You stand there, knife in hand, jaw hanging open as you stare into the face of your old friend.  He is somehow even more handsome than you remember, long dark hair framing his face, eyes fierce and cheekbones sharp.  An expensive blazer hugs his trim form.  His boots resound with a softer thump than combat boots, so you should have realized it was someone else sooner.
You never would have guessed him.  You have not seen Hyunjin in years. 
“Hello, my girlfriend,” Hyunjin says with a smile, dazzling and beautiful and oh-so very fake. 
“What are you doing here?” you ask tentatively, so perplexed by his appearance in your house that you do not know where to begin.  You nearly pinch yourself to make sure you are not dreaming. 
“Your dad called my dad,” Hyunjin says, his voice very light and casual, like he is picking up a conversation you paused an hour ago and not years ago.  “He thought you needed company so you wouldn’t try running away off or something.  So here I am.  Ta-daaa.  Company.” 
Security shuffles past the kitchen.  Hyunjin pauses, listening to the scuttle of their booted feet.  When the din quiets, he smiles at you again.  It does not reach his eyes. 
“Hyunjin,” you whisper, laying the knife down.  “What on earth is happening?  Why are you here right now?”
Voices, laughter, the team in the other room.  You and Hyunjin look at the door.  His smile droops and he leans closer when he says, “Somewhere quieter please.” 
You are still in something of a daze when you lead Hyunjin downstairs to the gym.  A guard departs after giving the room a sweep, as if anyone or anything could have gotten down here with all the security.
Then it is just you and Hyunjin. 
Hyunjin crosses the room, taking in the space and equipment.  He whistles long and low while shaking his head.  It makes you laugh despite everything. 
“No, no, it’s nice,” Hyunjin teases.  “I never saw this room before.  But I always remembered your house was very small and understated.”
It’s a joke but you cannot force a laugh because his reminiscence sends you hurtling through your own memories.  He turns and you see a younger version of him, just for a moment, beaming and bright.  Hyunjin used to be the hopeful one, the person with a plan and ambition.  He believed there was more to life and he believed he could achieve it.  He was so certain that it sparked a flicker of hope in you.  Now your flame is an inferno but there is no light or fire behind his eyes.  He is so cold that it is hard to believe there was ever a flame. 
“Hyunjin,” you say, imploringly.  “What happened?” 
“A lot,” he says.  He puts his hands in his pockets like he feels at ease, but his eyes keep darting around the room, betraying his discomfort.   
Though your friendship was short, it was substantial.  You know him.  Right now he is labouring beneath the weight of his performance, his charming expressions crooked, like poorly fitted clothes.   He looks like an uncanny duplicate of the boy you once knew. 
You step closer to him.  He does not move, frozen in the middle of the room with his hands in his pockets.   When he eventually looks at you, it is with a slow lift of the head.  You swear you can see a curtain drawing across his face as it happens.  This close, you realize just how pale and wan he looks.  He is grey at the edges, like he is fading away before your very eyes. 
“Hyunjin,” you say, instinctively reaching out.  He flinches away from your touch, then tries to smile like it didn’t happen.  You do not hide your distress. 
He finally drops the pleasant façade.  His hands fall out of his pockets and swing at his sides.  His countenance is even colder, his striking features sharper than ever as he levels you with a venomous stare. 
“Don’t pity me,” he says.  “I can’t stand it.  I made my choices and I’m living with the consequences.” 
“Consequences?” you ask.  “Did they catch you trying to—”
 “I never left,” he says.  “I never even tried.  I was close.  I had a whole plan.  A way to start over.  But then...”  He turns without any warning and walks to the mirror wall where he looks at himself.  His hand hovers in the air, fingers curling.  “I met someone,” he says.  “And he wasn’t who I thought he was.” 
When he does not elaborate, you step closer.  You reach out to touch his shoulder, a consolation on the tip of your tongue.  Before your touch even lands, he spins around and looks right at you. 
“It turns out he was working for my father,” Hyunjin says.  He speaks in a plain tone, conveying facts without any unnecessary sentiment, but you can see the red in his eyes as he strains to hold back emotion.  “It was my fault for being so stupid.  With the way things were going, I should have seen it coming.  There is no such thing as selfless love.  Everyone serves themselves in the end and I was stupid to compromise my well-being for someone else.  I deserved the betrayal.” 
“That’s not true,” you say without hesitation.  He is talking about someone else but his words feel like a slap against your friendship too.   You grab his hand like you can squeeze sense back into him.  “I’m so sorry you were hurt,” you say.  “But you can’t honestly think—”
“Hurt.”  He chokes on the word and rips his hand back.  “It nearly killed me.  I wish it killed me.  I wish I was anywhere but here.  But I am stuck here because of my stupid feelings.  Everyone has a weakness waiting to be exploited and you can’t trust anyone not to take advantage of yours.”
It sounds so much like your father that you stumble back.  It resonates with a heavy slam against your ribs and the heart beating inside them.   That heart feels so wrung out these days, swollen with so much love one second then shrivelled with pain the next.  It throbs now.  You are hurt just witnessing his pain.  He has been betrayed and broken and he is unreachable in his grief.  You can only imagine what he has endured to end up back here, in this house, with you. 
You cannot blame him for guarding himself, but your combative side rears its stubborn head.
“There are good people,” you say.  “There are people that can be trusted.  You can trust me, after all.” 
“I don’t know that,” he says.  “We don’t know each other anymore.” 
“That is definitely not true,” you say.  You and Hyunjin clicked so well because your circumstances were so similar, your fears and pain the same.  “We know each other perfectly, Hyunjin,” you say. 
He looks away, blinking rapidly.  His shoulders hunch.  It looks so wrong for a man like him to curl in on himself in shame. 
“Fine,” he says.  “One person.  It doesn’t make a difference.”
“One person makes all the difference,” you say.  “Remember Minho?” 
That one really makes him flinch.  You are pretty sure a slap would hurt less. 
“And Felix,” he says, his voice softer now.  He scrunches his eyes shut like he can stop his pain with enough concentration.  He pushes through and says, “He works for your father, doesn’t he?  I remember him at that party.  He was with the security team.” 
“Yes,” you admit.  “He works for him.  In a way.” 
“And you still trust him?”  Hyunjin laughs.  He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.  “That’s just stupidity.”
“It is not.”
“He works for your father and takes his money and you still trust him not to betray you?  That’s stupid.” 
“It’s not.”  Frustration bubbles inside you.  You want to grab him and shake him around, like you can sift through and find the real Hyunjin underneath all this.  “I know I can trust him completely.”
“You can’t possibly know that for sure,” he says.  “He’ll betray you for the right price.  Everyone has a price.  You don’t think there’s something he’d trade you for?” 
That does sting, if only infinitesimally, as you recall Felix and his conflicting desires.  But you do not begrudge Felix for his life choices.  He was an impressionable boy, raised to follow orders with no thoughts of his own.  It made him wise in some ways and naïve in others.  He fell into a bad bargain with a scheming man and found himself trapped.  He was forced to make difficult decisions.  It was not about choosing you or Chris.  You would never make it about that.   
“Felix loves me,” you say.  “And I love him.   You’re right.  There are things he wants desperately.  But he doesn’t have to trade me for it.  He knows I would surrender myself willingly to see him happy.  Just like I know, no matter what else happens, he will always come back for me.  No matter where they hide me.  No matter where I hide myself.  No matter what men like my father do to him.  We choose each other.” 
“Everyone breaks,” Hyunjin says weakly.  “No one’s that strong.” 
“Not on their own, maybe,” you say.  “We’re not alone.” 
There was so much ice in his feigned arrogance that you are startled when Hyunjin starts crying.  He covers his face with his hands.  His shoulders shake and his breath hitches. 
“Hyunjin,” you say, your own voice breaking.  You rush up to him in a flustered hurry.  You touch his head and his shoulders, trying to peer at him through his fingers.  “Hyunjin, talk to me, please,” you beg.  “Something else is wrong, isn’t it?  Hyunjin, why are you here?  Where are your parents?  Why did my father call yours?”
“My parents are dead,” he barely manages to speak, gasping between his hiccupping cries.  “It’s just me.  They came for me and my father was difficult, he asked for too much, and they— and I—”
“They?” you say. 
It is then you see it.  You are clutching his shoulder and it tugs at his blazer.  A shirt button pops open and your eyes drop to the exposed bruises across his collarbone.  You blink in disbelief at the horrible mosaic beaten into his skin, angry welts of red and purple and yellow.  It seems to go all the way down his chest.  When you part the material of his shirt, something else catches your eye. 
You freeze.
“Oh,” you say.  “Hyunjin.” 
He is wired.  Someone is listening.  Your father is listening. 
You stop breathing for a moment.  The world gets quiet.  You look at Hyunjin.  An old friend showing up at your house out of nowhere, presented like an offering.  Jisung was not important enough for your father to remember, but Hyunjin is a different matter.  He is rich if not wealthy.  His parents were upwardly mobile, his father the kind of pathetic rich man who thought he was equal to a man like your father.  Willing to do awful things to his own son to keep him in his clutches, then selling him to the highest bidder if it meant advancement.  His only mistake was asking for too much when he was ultimately expendable.  There are always more where he came from. 
You want to be wrong.  Your father is a busy man.  He would not waste time finding Hyunjin and putting him through so much just for this, just to corner you into a confession.  But you know he did.  This is exactly what he would do.  He moves like a coward, killing civilians and poisoning innocent boys, then he makes a show of throwing it in your face. 
He always told you friendship was beneath you.  What a way to prove it. 
“I think you’ve fallen in with a bad crowd,” you say, forcing a laugh through the gathering tears. 
“I’m so sorry,” he says, a tearful whisper.  He touches your arms like he wants to hug you, but holds himself back. 
“Me too,” you say.  You warned him a long time ago that befriending you was dangerous.  You wish you had been wrong. 
You pull him into a hug and he immediately envelopes you, his arms around your shoulders and yours around his waist.   He chokes out a sob and squeezes you so tight that your breath catches.  Then he just holds you there. 
You do not know if it is his cologne or his shampoo, but it smells so familiar.  It takes you back to that treehouse, looking over a glittering neighbourhood as the sun set and he dreamed about the dawn. 
“I still remember that rhyme, you know,” you say.  The address of that cabin, written in a rhyming lilt that you never forgot.  “If you ever have a chance again… promise me you’ll try…” 
He chokes out another sob. 
“How can you still care about what happens to me?” he asks.  “What about you?” 
“I’ll be fine,” you say.  It is spoken calmly, for all that it is a lie.  “Promise me?”
He just nods, then pulls you closer again. 
You cling to him for as long as you can.  It gives you the strength to stay upright despite your shaking legs, even when you hear footsteps coming down the stairs.  You brace yourself for the worst, halfway expecting the whole house to erupt in a violent explosion. 
It is just a guard.  He says, “Time to go, Hwang. Visit’s over.” 
You want to keep hugging.  You feel like you will fall through the floor if he lets you go.  He is just as reluctant, but withdraws when the guard steps into the room.   He does not look at you as he leaves, head down as he trails towards the stairs. 
“Goodbye, Hyunjin,” you say. 
It stops him for a moment.  He nods then continues.  There is nowhere else to go but back up those stairs. 
You are left standing by yourself in the middle of the room.  The mirror wall makes the space feel never-ending.  You look at your reflection.  You look so rough already, scarred from your kidnapping, tear-streaked from crying.  Your hands tremble uncontrollably.  You remember a younger version of yourself sitting in front of this mirror with Felix, for a moment feeling like a normal girl with her boy.  His touch brought you to life.  He made you feels things you thought you would never feel. 
It will be your own voice your father plays back to you, your own confession betraying you. 
You will not be sorry for it.  
You look at yourself and wipe your face.  You take a breath.  You walk to the stairs, one step after another.  There are guards upstairs but they pay you no mind.  They have clearly received no orders, not yet.  You could try to make a run for it, but you would not get far on your own. 
Instead, you go upstairs to your room.  You look around like it is the last time you will ever see it.  You know that is not true, logically.  Your father will not kill you, but there are fates just as devastating. 
You walk through the room.  It is plainly decorated with a mix of things owned by you and Felix.  For all that this house is not a home, you carved a shared space in this room.   You sit on the bed and study everything from discarded clothes to books to computer parts. 
Something compels you to open the drawer on his side of the bed, that same single drawer you allotted when he first moved in.  A ragged old beanie sits at the bottom of it, the first thing he ever owned.  You fold it over in your hand and squeeze it like a talisman, like it will infuse you with some magic to endure whatever storm is blowing your way. 
You cross the room and touch a few more things.  You find some university textbooks and your heart aches with the desire to return to those times.  You lived a fleeting few years like you were completely free, in love and happy and home. 
You will probably never see Seungmin or Jeongin again, but it brings you some peace to know they will live good lives.  You will never forget their willingness to intervene on your behalf despite the odds being so stacked against them.  Maybe they were not very good at it, smacking chairs and throwing drinks, but you will remember them fondly.  You wish you could say goodbye. 
With that thought, you pause.  Your gaze drifts to your computer. 
You cannot say goodbye to Seungmin or Jeongin, but you can say goodbye to someone else. 
You never wanted to risk contacting Jisung from home, just in case your father was found out.  But everything is ending today, one way or another.  There is nothing more you can lose.   You will take some comfort in a final word to an old friend before you are sealed in this gilded mausoleum.
You sit at your computer.  You log into the blank profile you made some time ago.  It is hard to tell if you are nervous because your stomach is so twisted in knots already, but you think there might be some happy anticipation.  You try to manage your expectations because there is a chance Jisung did not read the messages, seeing as they came from a blank account. 
You should have known better than to doubt him.  You log in to several new messages, laughing from the first line.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! IT’S YOU????? MY GIRL!!!!!!!
Okay sorry about that I am totally so cool I promise.  I’m just in shock.
I know you told me not to, but just so you know, I spent a year trying to reach you... 
Well, actually, I spent like four months crying my eyes out and being miserable and pathetic first..  On god, I eyed a jar of peanut butter with some serious thought for a minute there!!!  But then no, no way.  I had to keep going. 
I tried to find you.  Your bitch ass dad is famous because he’s an ugly rich loser so his properties are listed all over a million websites.  I found the one in town where you must live and I rode my bike there a bunch of times but uhhhhh yeah much to my eternal disappointment I am not James Bond and that security system was insane.  Don’t even get me started on when all the dudes in the army gear kept showing up.
On an unrelated note it’s way harder to buy explosives than you’d think. 
Just want you to know I did try to get in there.  You were never alone even if you felt like it. 
But it sounds like you’re not alone anyway HELLLL YEAHHHHH she is getting SOOOME.  All jokes aside I am crazy happy for you.  You deserve it for real.  He better be treating you right though or I WILL find a way through that gate and I WILL kick his ass.  Just say the word and I will be there in a heartbeat. 
He goes on for a while, the whole length of his message making you smile.  When you did not respond, he sent a few more, spaced further and further apart from each other.   The last message he sent was just a few days ago.
Hey I don’t know if you’re getting these.  I like to think so.  You don’t have to answer if you are.  I know you are in a dangerous spot.  Or maybe you’re not anymore and you got out.  In that case, I hope you never read these.  I hope you’re out there living your best life.  Maybe we’ll cross paths again but if not, I count myself lucky for knowing you at all.  I think we’re both slightly insane and everyone else I meet is way too normal haha. 
What I’m trying to say is I miss you like crazy.  I hope we can laugh together again someday.  Even if we never do, let’s say we will.   Keep smiling till I’m there.  Catch ya later crazy girl.
You smile.   Then emotion takes over, tears returning as you lay your hands on the keyboard to type a response. 
You have just hit send when there is a knock at your door, then it is opened without your permission.  You turn and look at the stoic guard who beckons you forward. 
“Your father is home,” he says.  “He wants a word.” 
You nod.  You spare one last look at you screen before logging out and shutting down.  You are certain it is the last message you will get to send.   A warmth fills your chest regardless.  You know it will reach Jisung.  His laughter and energy fills you with the strength you need to walk steadily out that door and down the hall.
Hi Jisungie. 
Thank you for your messages. I just read them all now. It wasn’t easy for me to check them before, but I did it today because it might be the last time I have an opportunity to do so.  My father found out about my love affair and seeing as it was with the one person he could not afford to lose, I have no doubt that a reckoning is on its way.  I thought he was bad before, but he has only gotten worse over the years.  I am sure this betrayal will put him over the edge.
I do not know what is going to happen.  I was scared until I read your messages.  They truly made me smile.  You have always made me a little braver.  I think I got less rebellious over the years because I got scared, but now… The worst has happened and I’m still here. 
I will figure it out.  But in case I never get the chance to talk to you again, I just wanted to say thank you one more time.  I miss you too, Jisungie.  I think about you so much.  I wish I could laugh with you again, the kind of laughter where nothing is all that funny but we can’t stop anyway.  Thank you for the times we did. 
I am happy to have lived my life because I knew you. I appreciate all the good times so much more because of the hard times.  You were a one-of-a-kind friend.  I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.
Keep smiling for me.    
Your father is behind his desk. 
There is no one else in the room.  They close the door behind you.  You walk calmly up to the desk and take a seat in your usual spot.  You sit as straight as you can, perched on the edge of the seat.  You are still lower than him, but you feel bigger and stronger than you have ever felt in your life. 
Your father draws out the silence, perhaps waiting for you to break down.  You stare at each other.  When he opens his mouth to speak, you interrupt him.  You are uninterested in games and dramatic embellishments, which you know he will indulge.  You simply ask, “What did you do to Hyunjin?” 
“I would not worry about the Hwang boy if I was you,” your father says spitefully.  “You have bigger concerns—”
“And yet I am asking about him,” you snap.  “What are you doing with him?”
“What I do with everything when it is no longer useful to me,” he says.
It is the answer you were expecting but it still draws your rage like a magnet.  It punches out of you, your eyes wet with tears when you say, “You’re pathetic.”
“How many times must you suffer humiliation at my enemy’s hands before you understand that none of this is a game?”  His voice rises as he speaks.  “Do you want to be out on the streets?  Do you want to be brutalized?  Do you want—”
“I would rather die rotting in the sewers with Felix than spend even one more minute under your roof,” you say.
You wonder what surprises your father more: the vicious tone or your blatant confession.  It stuns him into silence.  You know you have disrupted his script.  There is little sense in taunting you with your words if you utter them plainly before he can try. 
“I see,” your father settles on saying.  He presses a button on his desk and the buzzer in the corridor resounds.  “Let’s put that to the test, shall we?”
The door opens and several guards usher inside.  You spare them a fleeting glance before your attention narrows to the figure between them. 
“Felix!”  You stand but cannot reach him.  He is surrounded by guards and they will not let you touch a hair on his head. 
He moves like he is completely boneless, evidently drugged with something to make him bleary and slow.  He thumps heavily onto his knees when they put him there.  His eyes are hazy as he looks around the office.   They pause on you, flicking up and down, then he smiles through the pain. 
The pain.  It is not just a drug.  He looks like he went a few rounds with a cement wall, his lip split and his jaw bruised.  His bandaged hand is soaked through with blood, the rest him as battered.  His injuries disappear beneath his shirt and pants but you know it is not a pretty sight.  You swallow down the bile in your throat before looking at your father. 
“He’s your best asset,” you say.  “You can’t lose him.” 
“Oh?  Can’t I?” your father asks.  “Can’t I?  Can’t I?  You think you know something?  You think you can tell me what to do?  You, when all you do is destroy what I make?  I give you everything and this—this is how you—”  His yelling sharpens to a shriek before he starts breaking things.  It pulls Felix further out of his haze, his eyes tracking the frantic movements as your father smashes a vase near your feet. 
You think about that tiny shard of glass from last time, the miniscule thing that started it all.   It makes you laugh even though nothing is funny.  Laughter is an emotional output just like crying, so it pours out of you with no regard for the actual gravity of the situation. 
It only worsens your father’s rage. 
“Does something here amuse you?” he asks, but you are laughing too hard to answer.  There is a vein throbbing in his forehead and you imagine it bursting.  You imagine all your problems solving themselves as he drops dead from his own rage.   The image is even funnier because you truly cannot imagine this man dying.  He is a monster.  If you stab him, you fear he will just mutate and come back worse. 
“You want to laugh?” he snaps.  He crosses the room to Felix.  “Laugh.” 
He holds out his hand and someone places a gun in his open palm.  This snaps you out of your delirious giggles, a winded whoosh spilling out of you.  
Your father does not execute action himself.  He always puts the gun in someone else’s hand.  The fact he is pointing it at Felix should tell you that his threat is not serious. 
But he has never been this furious, his anger a white hot cascade of fire.  Felix is just inches from the barrel of the gun.  Even an inexpert marksmen like your father could drive a bullet between his eyes. 
So the moment he grips the weapon, you shout, “Stop!” 
Your father looks at you with a cock of his head, satisfied with your reaction. 
Then he jumps back because Felix rushes to his feet, most of the fog dissipated.  Your father’s stupid men did not think for a moment that Felix would repeat a strategy.  Just days before he allowed himself to be captured so he could rescue you.  It seems he has done that again, feigning the depth of his condition.  He swings to his feet and kicks out. 
His injuries restrict his movement.  He is good at ignoring pain but his body overrides his consciousness.  He fights nonetheless, struggling with the guards while you watch. 
You look around for something that can help.  You snatch a paper weight off the desk  and prepare to throw. 
Your father is a step ahead of you.  Suddenly you are staring down the barrel of a gun, your father on the other end, fuming. 
“No—!”  Felix says before he is beaten down.  With his attention diverted, a guard kicks the back of his legs.  His knees buckle and he goes down with a groan. 
You look at him then flick your eyes back to your father.  You raise both hands and lift a challenging eyebrow. 
“You want to do this?” you ask.  “Really?  After everything?”
“After everything,” your father says.  “Exactly my words.  A house, an education, unending protection.  You want for nothing.  All I ask in return is obedience and you cannot even grant me that.  You have the audacity to betray me for this animal.”  He waves the gun around like the clumsy, ungainly thing he is.  It makes a few heads duck, including yourself.  You fear this man will kill someone without even trying.  It makes it hard to listen, which might be for the best, as he goes on a long tirade about privilege and position and loyalty. 
He starts merely angry but it turns downright diabolical. 
“And you.”  He turns to Felix.  “I dug you out of Miroh’s gutter!  I made you a bargain!  I gave your meaningless life purpose!  You are nothing without me.  How dare you think to take what is mine.  How dare you think you are anything more than a dog.  How long have you kept this secret?  How am I supposed to trust it is the last?  You are a liar.  For all I know you are lying about everything.  Is that it?  Are you a spy, feeding reports back to Miroh?  Is that why I can never succeed in my missions?  Have you been—” 
Felix bursts into laughter.  His face scrunches with delight, his cheeks dimpled. The low rumble of his laughing voice sounds real, honest amusement at the proclamation.  It fades to a sigh, then he looks up.
You have never seen such a dark glare shadow his features, made all the more horrifying thanks to his bloody injuries.  It makes your stomach drop even though it is not directed at you. 
“You fail at all your missions because you’re an incompetent idiot,” Felix says.  “You couldn’t even control two children. What makes you think you can control Miroh?”
“Have you forgotten our bargain?” your father yells, waving the gun towards Felix again.  “You lie and trick your way into my household and still expect—”
“Our bargain,” Felix spits the word and some blood sprays out.  He spits the rest on the floor and shakes his head.  “I know he’s dead.  You killed him a long time ago.”   
The room is quiet for a moment.  Your father is still holding the gun, though it dangles at his side.  He and Felix stare each other down.  Although Felix is kneeling, his sinister stare is far more terrifying than your father’s blank gaze.  But then that empty gaze turns cold and your father smiles, one of those sharp smiles that opens like a slash across his face. 
“Now how would you know that,” your father says, “if you are not a spy for Miroh?”
“One of Miroh’s men told us at the warehouse,” you interrupt.  It earns you nothing but a wrathful glare from your father.  He gestures to you and a guard puts a threatening hand on your shoulder. 
“You will speak when spoken to,” your father snaps.  He looks at Felix again.  “Oh.  Yes.  You.  Whoops.  I very nearly forgot, it was so long ago when I killed your friend.  Does that make you sad?  Poor little boy.  You should have remembered your place.  Your kind are born to die for men like me.”
“Men like you,” Felix says.  Mourning will have to wait so he laughs because he cannot cry.  “You’re pathetic.  Not a surprise, though, yeah?  Since your father took care of everything before I killed him—oh.  Whoops.”  He tilts his head and smiles, speaking with the same saccharine tone your father just used to mock him.  “It was so long ago.  I almost forgot I shot your daddy in the fucking head.  Does that make you sad?  Poor little boy.  You should have remembered your place and stayed behind your walls.  You’ll never be a man like him.” 
Your father has never looked so stricken.  You did not even know his face could contort such a way.   It makes him look very human for the few heartbeats that it lingers.  You can almost picture a younger version of your father, breaking under the fist of his father before him.  
Then he schools himself.  Once more, the untouchable monster stands before you.  The gun wobbles only a little when he raises it, taking aim at Felix. 
“Stop!” you shout.  You were just picturing the passing of generations, so maybe that explains why your panicked brain compels you to blurt, “You can’t kill him! I’m pregnant!” 
This time every head in the room swivels towards you.  Even the other guards do not hide their surprise.  Your father stares, jaw agape, and Felix looks just as bewildered.  You feel bad because you can see thought flickering behind his eyes, wondering if maybe you are telling the truth.  It makes his face change, pain flashing.  Panic seeps into his veins. 
“Excuse me?” your father says. 
You almost trip on the chair.  Your knees knock and your voice shakes when you say, “You heard me.” 
“I know what I heard.”  At least it succeeds in garnering your father’s attention.  He forgets about Felix entirely as he stalks towards you, gun clutched in his undoubtedly sweaty hand.  “My problem lies in understanding how this can be.”
“Well,” you say slowly.  “I can’t imagine you really want me to explain that—”
You father backhands you across the face.  You careen into his desk, barely catching yourself. 
“It could work in my favour yet,” your father says.  “Start fresh.  Fix where I went wrong with you.  Because you are an irredeemable and entirely lost cause.” 
This baby is not even real yet you panic at the thought.  It unspools an infinite and horrifying future, this house an eternal monstrosity birthing a new generation of tyrant and monster.  Hurting and contorting everyone in the family name for the sake of maintaining that vast estate.  
This has to stop. 
“Of course I am,” you say.  You take a long, steadying breath, then you push yourself upright.  You turn to your father and meet his gaze, aware of the gun but feigning complete nonchalance.  “I can’t believe it has taken you this long to realize it,” you say.  “You lost me a long, long time ago.  You want to control everything because you’re scared of losing anything.  But you’ve already lost what you were trying so hard to protect and you can never, ever get it back.  I will not continue what your father started.  I will not be what you have become.  I am not like you and I am proud of that.  I am proud that I love my friends, and Felix, despite how much you tried to stop me. But I am me and I am not scared.” 
You dive at him, a vicious tackle spurred by that hurricane of emotion inside you.  You tackle him so quickly that it takes the guards a second to react.  The gun clatters to the floor as it flies out of his hand.  He throws up his fists to protect his face when you swing down with all your might.  What you lack in physical strength you compensate with drive, slamming your fists down without care for where they land, again and again and again. 
Then someone grabs you by the collar and yanks.  It is one of the guards, pulling you to your feet.  Your father shrieks and hollers like a wounded dog, snarling and frothing like one too.  He gets to his feet and swings at you. 
Felix rises, struggling to reach you.   You stretch out your hand, your fingertips touching before you are yanked apart from each other.  You cry out, struggling in the guard’s death grip to no avail.  Felix is fighting the other guards but his injuries put him at a disadvantage. 
You are dragged away from the chaos.  Your father picks up the discarded gun on his way. 
“Take her outside!” he shouts at the guard, then turns to the mess in his office.  “Don’t waste your energy.  Shoot the boy.”
“No!” you scream, so guttural you hardly recognize the sound.  You cry as gunshots ring in the office, but you lose sight of the skirmish as you are dragged, kicking and screaming, down the stairs and out the front door. 
You curse at your father and the guard, bits of your shirt ripping when you fight to escape.  You are smacked and twisted, your shoulder popping so painfully that it makes you wail. 
“Stop it, stop it!”  You are fully sobbing, either from pain or panic.  It does no good as you are dragged into the night.  The grand driveway is lit like a stage awaiting players, lamps and towers beaming over the pavement.  The gate opens to the street beyond.  It is pitch black.  There are no other houses on this hillside, the estate sprawling across its expanse, so there are no streetlights.  A black car is parked on the curb.  It feels like a chariot to the underworld, black and swallowed by shadow.  You are as good as dead.  Felix might be truly dead. 
You struggle some more but you are in so much pain.  Your father is shouting directions at the guard and it splits his attention.  His grip loosens and you successfully break free. 
You do not hesitate.  You run into the street, straight through the pitch black.  If you run far enough, you will eventually reach a proper street leading into the city.  You do not even care which direction you go.  You just run, ignoring the screaming pain in your muscles as your feet hit the pavement.
A gunshot pierces the quiet night.  You stumble to a stop, throwing your hand up over your heart.  You touch your chest, expecting to find a bloody wound.  But there is nothing, not a single drop.   You were not shot. 
You spin around and watch the guard fall to the ground, a bullet in his head.  Your father turns too, holding his own gun at the approaching figure. 
Your knees almost buckle as relief washes over you, Felix storming down the driveway with a gun of his own raised at your father.  Felix is badly wounded, but even at his worst he is a far better shot than your father.  They both know it too, staring each other down as Felix gets closer and closer. 
“Stop where you are!” your father screams, his voice breaking. 
Felix ignores him, gun still raised.  Your father fires a shot that goes wide.  Felix does not even blink as it ricochets off a wall.  He walks calmly to the sidewalk where your father stands.  He does not smirk or gloat.  He just looks at the frightened man who terrorized the world to make himself feel better, and he lines up a shot. 
Felix pulls the trigger. 
Nothing happens. 
His brow furrows before his face twists with fury.  The gun has jammed or it’s out of bullets, but either way it is useless.  He lowers his arm, the gun dangling from his hand as he stares at your father.
Your father just laughs, a ridiculous and semi-hysterical laugh as he stumbles back but never lowers the gun.  Felix is much closer now.   Even your father could not miss this shot.   
Felix drops his gun and smiles weakly. 
“She’s funny, you know,” Felix says.  “And smarter than anyone I know.  She picks up on things everyone else misses.  It’s too bad you can’t see it.  But then, you’re not like her.” 
“Shut up,” your father snaps.  “You have exceeded your uses, boy.” 
You realize you are running.  Even before the conscious thought reaches your mind, your body spurs you into action.  Instinct commandeers control and you hand yourself over to it.   Felix looks up just as you emerge from the dark.  He sees your face for a split second, enough time for him to realize what you are doing and shout, “Stop!”
Your father’s finger is already on the trigger.  A shot rings out and this time it does hit you, sharp and searing as you dive in front of Felix. 
The gun hits the ground.  Your father looks at you with petrified eyes.  Felix catches you, supporting your weight as he sinks to his knees with you in his arms. 
“Sweetheart,” he says, touching your face, your neck, your chest.  “Sweetheart, look at me.  Stay with me.” 
The pain is excruciating, like nothing you have ever felt before.  You cannot even tell where it is coming from.  It feels like your neck and shoulder and heart all at once.  It radiates and burns.  The pain is so overwhelming that you do not notice the wet, tacky feeling of blood.  You see it before you feel it, all over Felix’s fingers as he finds the bullet wound in your shoulder. 
“It’s okay,” he says, barely more than a gasp.  His chest is rising and falling rapidly.  You scream in agony when he grabs your shoulder and squeezes it hard in his fist.  “I know, I know,” he says.  “It exited clean.  There’s nothing vital there.  You’ll be okay, sweetheart, I got you.  I just have to staunch the blood.  We just have to—”  His voice breaks on a sob and he looks up at your father, his hand covered in your blood and his rage as red on his face.  “We have to get her help.  Now.”  
Your father’s response is to pick up the gun.  He nearly drops it, his shaking hands clammy, but he gets an unsteady grip eventually.  He points it at Felix again.  
“Are you fucking serious?”  Felix shouts in aggravation.  “Your daughter is going to bleed to death if you don’t do something.  Put the fucking gun down!”
“Get away from her,” your father says.  “Get away from her and put your hands up.  I’ll get her help.” 
“No,” you say, shaking your head then crying when pain lances down your neck.  “No, Felix. Don’t.” 
Your father will not take another shot at Felix, not with you in his arms.  Your father might want to control you, but he does not want you dead.  You are the only thing that is protecting Felix now.  If he moves, he dies. 
“Don’t go,” you beg.  “Felix, please.”
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart,” Felix says.  He looks up at your father, venom in his voice as he asks, “Are you really going to stand there and let your daughter die?” 
“Are you going sit there and let her die?” your father retorts.  “Get away from her and I will save her.” 
You feel Felix twitch. He presses his fingers a little harder, stopping a rush of blood.  It makes you weep and you plead, “Felix no.  Please.  I can’t watch that.  I’d rather it end like this.”
“Don’t say that.”  Felix looks down at you.  His bloody hand is shaking, tears spilling down his cheeks as he looks at you.  “Nothing’s ending.  You’re gonna be fine.” 
“It never ends,” your father babbles.  He almost drops the gun when he trips over the lip of the sidewalk, stumbling backwards into the street as he stares at you.  You stare back, wondering if it is your blurry vision or if he is really crying.  All you can see is him wiping his face, the gun trembling in his hand.  “It just keeps going,” he says.  “Only I can end it.” 
He is taking aim again.  You cannot tell if he is aiming for you or Felix, maybe some half-baked delirious plan in his twisted mind to put you out of your misery and take Felix with you. 
Felix does not have time to attack.  He can only curl his body around yours to protect you from the shot. 
Then a beam of light shatters the dark.  It flies up the street, illuminating your father.  He looks in that direction.  Everyone is drowning in their sobs and it is all so loud that it takes a second to hear it: the heavy, growling drone of a speeding car, hurtling ever closer.  The white of a high-beam headlight blinds your father with lightning hot intensity. 
It is the last thing he ever sees. 
Felix is as startled as you.  You both cry out in horrified shock.  He blocks your body to shield you from the sudden and unexpected gore.  Noiseless convulsions tremble through your whole body as you stare up at Felix, not understanding what just happened. 
You both look over as the car rapidly reverses, disappearing just as quickly as it came.  In its wake is your father, or what remains of him.   
Just like that, the whole world tilts on its axis.
You cannot comprehend what you are seeing.  This man was a towering, nightmarish monstrosity, bigger than life and death, holding the world in his fist.  Even he desperately believed in his own mythology.  It seems impossible that he could be that nightmare but also be this, a broken and very human body, muscle and gristle and protruding bone, half flattened to the tarmac.  A sudden and entirely undignified death, comically animal, and as lowly as everything he ever disparaged.   
You and Felix stare at him, at the mess of his ruined dead body on the dark street.  It is so, so quiet.  The house is so still.  The street is empty.  You can hear the soft buzz of the floodlights. 
You make a hurt noise.  Felix looks down with a perplexed shake of his head.  But he only has a moment to mind you, his mouth open with some unspoken thought, when you hear the car again. 
You both look over, your heart racing and your blood spilling over his hand.  He is wearing his most determined face, braced to face an adversary. 
You do not know who to anticipate.  It makes no sense for Miroh to be here.  He would not have known anything unusual was transpiring at this house tonight.  How could he know to send someone?  Yet it is the only thing that makes sense.  The only person who could have taken down someone like your father would be someone just like him. 
You are braced for the worst when the car comes to a stop.  The dead body looks more grotesque as the headlights flash over it. 
The driver does not turn off the engine.  You hear the patter of frantic footsteps before the silhouette is illuminated by the car lights.  Wide eyes meet yours and your heart stutters.  Your tears are halted by the face staring back at you. 
“Oh my god,” Jisung says.  “That was the bad guy, right?” 
Felix reacts first, a bark of laughter made in disbelief as he stares at your startled best friend. 
Han Jisung is both the same and different, with a flop of dark hair and big brown eyes, but years have passed, leaving him bulkier and more mature.  He pushes a pair of glasses up his nose, the wide frames only exaggerating his eyes, making it very easy to hold his gaze when he looks at you. 
“Jisung,” you say, and start crying all over again.  “Jisung.”  You cannot seem to find another word.  You just gasp his name between sobs.
Jisung practically flies towards you, landing on his knees. 
“Hey, stranger,” he says, carefully touching your cheek.  “You’ve looked better, I’m not gonna lie.” 
You laugh even though it hurts, reaching for him with a shaking hand.  He takes it despite it being sticky with blood, cupping it safely in his own. 
“You’re here,” you say.  “How? Why?” 
“Of course I’m here,” he replies in a soft voice.  “I got in my car as soon as I saw that goodbye message.”  He gently squeezes your hand.  “You didn’t think I’d let you get away twice, did you?”        
Your laugh is more of a sob, in too much pain to truly smile.  Felix asks Jisung to help, showing him where to apply pressure.  Jisung complies, holding you while Felix tugs off his shirt.  It leaves him in a tank top, all his scars and bruises on display.  You want to fuss over him too but he gives you no opportunity to linger, using his shirt as a makeshift tourniquet for your wound. 
“So your boyfriend is Felix,” Jisung says while he works.  “That’s great. I was rooting for you two crazy kids.  Felix had a pretty obvious crush on you in high school.  I didn’t say anything because you kinda seemed to hate his guts but I guess that’s not true anymore.  You had some bigger bastards to hate.  Speaking of, that was your dad I got right?  I mean, I didn’t even think, I just saw him waving that gun around and I hit the pedal.  Next thing I knew—ohhh shit, Felix, you’re really strong, what the fuck, man.  Have you been working out—” 
Felix scoops you into his arms and stands.  His usual unwavering strength falters just a little, his injuries protesting his action.  You tell him to put you down because it will do no good for you both to collapse.  Jisung stands and helps steady you.  They both lay a hand on your back, taking some of your weight as your feet touch the ground and you wobble. 
“That’s my girl,” Jisung says.  “Oh man, that’s a lot of blood, ha ha ha – AHH.  No, it’s fine, we’re okay.  Careful—”
“Jisung,” Felix says, looking past you to meet his eye.  “Are you okay?”
A more than fair question considering how fast everything just happened.  Jisung stops rambling and takes a few deep breaths before he answers. 
“Okay, yeah,” he says.  “Totally fine.  For now.” 
“Okay,” Felix says.  “Because I need you to take her while I—”
Your ignore their conversation.  Your eyes are on your father.  You cannot even call it his body; it is a carcass.  His lower half is gored but his face is mostly whole.  You half-expect his mouth to open with a wailing shout.   You are so distracted with the thought, you misstep and your weak ankles give out.  You are spared a kiss with the pavement when Jisung catches you.  It is a haphazard embrace, throwing his arms around you to keep you upright. 
“Can you take care of her until I get back?”  Felix asks. 
“Uh-huh. Yes,” Jisung says.  He puts his growing bulk to use and lifts you into his arms, bridal style.  You cannot move your shoulder to lift your arms around him, but you rest your head in the curve of his neck as he carries you to his car. 
His car.  Hysterical giggles bubble inside you, quashed only by the physical ache of your body.  Han Jisung really raced back into your life and annihilated the worst of your demons by driving right at him.  
Years of nightmares and beatings and pain.  Years of your father lording his power over you and the world.  Years of believing he was terrifying and untouchable.  
Jisung always said it was that easy.  He was just a teenager, lookingat the impossible powers that surrounded his friend but believing whole-heartedly he could save her anyway.  You argued and pushed him away, but he knew better all along.  Jisung was not cowed by money and influence, not impressed or frightened by men like your father who ravaged the world and gloated about it.  Jisung had no power or influence of his own but that didn’t matter.  He saw his friend was in a bad situation and he wanted to save you.   So he did. 
He carefully rests you in the passenger seat.  In the time it takes him to circle to the driver’s side, you break down crying.  The pain exacerbates it, your body seeking release, but it is sentiment that pours out of your heart. 
Jisung gets in, looking very startled.  He adjusts his glasses. 
“Did it get worse?” he asks, reaching for you with a bloody hand.  You look at it, you look at him, very literally stained with blood on your behalf.  He is staying composed but you can see the jitters under his skin.  He just killed someone for you.  It might have been a panicked, spur of the moment decision, but the end result was the same.  Even though your father was not a good man, taking a life is a serious burden. 
And here he is, placing that weight aside so he can check on you. 
“Jisung,” you say.  You wish your hands were not so dirty because you want to touch his face or hold his hand.  You satisfy yourself with leaning towards him, touching your forehead to his cheek as you cry. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” Jisung says.  He shifts so your foreheads are touching, his clean hand cupping your cheek.  “I got you, okay?  It’s over now.  Felix is gonna take care of it and I’m gonna take care of you.  It’ll be okay.  Don’t be scared, all right?”
“I’m not,” you say.  “What did I do to deserve you?”
“You’re my friend,” Jisung says.  “You don’t have to do anything to deserve it, okay?  Look.  I know what will make you feel better.”  He reaches past you into the glove compartment.  You have no idea what he could possibly have in there that will make you feel better while bleeding out of a bullet wound in the passenger seat of his car, the same car he used to murder your abusive father. 
He fishes around then pulls out a bag of spicy peanuts, the same flavour you used to eat all the time in high school.  Even though he was allergic, he bought them whenever he found them, just because he knew you liked them. 
You take them slowly, staring at the familiar packaging.  You sniffle.    
“It was always going to be you, wasn’t it?” you say softly.  You could cry all over again.   “You really came back.”
Of course Jisung saved you.  You realize now your father could never be bested by Miroh or someone like him.  They would be locked in a perpetual stalemate, predicting each other’s every step, giving and taking and killing in a circle of violence with no end.  But Jisung is not like them. 
Whether the gesture was big or small, whether it was peanuts or a rescue, it was selfless, and someone like your father would never understand that.  He never saw it coming. 
“Well, yeah,” Jisung says.  “My promise was forever, remember?”
You can only nod, bumping your heads together.  Jisung wraps you in a hug then kisses your forehead before buckling in and taking the steering wheel. 
“All right,” he says.  “We can catch up after.  Let’s get away from this place.  It’s giving me the creeps.” 
It is strange looking at your house on a news report.  It makes you feel like you are watching someone else’s life. 
You are stitched and showered, sitting on the floor of a twin bed motel room.  You are still damp from the shower but each little trickle feels like blood, your jittery fingers constantly swiping at your skin. 
Jisung sits behind you on the bed, his legs bracketing you, double checking your stitches.  Felix said it was paramount to avoid a hospital or any other institution that would identify you.  He told Jisung to book a room at a motel on the highway and wait for him, that he would stitch you up himself when he arrived.  Jisung took the initiative, boasting some first aid training for his job at the grocery store. 
“Usually I’m putting bandages on a cut finger,” Jisung said, hands covered in blood as he fixed your wound, “but this is, uh, similar I guess.  Sort of.” 
Felix arrived while you were in the shower.  Now he is in there, cleaning himself and minding his own injuries while you and Jisung watch the evening news report.   The blinds are closed, rain pelting the canopy over the balcony, but you are tucked away from the storm, hidden from the world as it mourns you. 
“A devastating house fire is believed to have left no survivors on the premises,” the reporter says, backdropped with a video of an inferno ravaging your father’s house.  “Police are still investigating, but among the suspected dead is a prominent local businessman and his daughter.”  They show a portrait of your father and an old yearbook photo of you.   That girl looks nothing like the battered woman you are now.  You really do feel like you are watching someone’s else story end.
“Wow,” Jisung says, watching too.  “How does it feel to be dead?”
You rest your head against his knee, sighing as you stare at the television. 
“I’m not dead,” you say, staring at the photo of you.  That girl might be dead, but you are very alive. 
Felix accidentally swings the bathroom door too hard, the thud like a gunshot in your mind.  You jump a mile out of your skin, digging your nails into Jisung’s leg unthinkingly. 
“Ah ah ah ah—”  Jisung grabs your wrist to pry you off. 
“Sorry,” Felix says, truly apologetic.  He closes the door with a gentle click then approaches.  He sits beside Jisung on the bed, laying his hand on your head and looking you over.  “How are you?” Felix asks.   He pays no mind to the news report but that is likely because he is responsible for the story they are broadcasting.  You know Felix would tell you every detail if you asked, but you decide you do not want to know how he moved the bodies around.  It is enough to see the walls of that place burning. 
He packed a few things first.  A stuffed duffel bag sits on the other bed.  Perhaps it should feel daunting, that all you have left is a single bag of necessities, but it feels freeing.  You are not burdened by the weight of more.  Your hands might be shaking and you might be hurt in more ways than one, but you can exhale. 
You take Felix’s hands and kiss his scraped knuckles.
“I’m fine,” you say.  “What about you?”
“Nothing I can’t handle,” he says.  He looks more tired than you have ever seen him, but he manages a laugh when you pout at him.  “Don’t do that,” he says, flicking your bottom lip.  “Just some bad bruises, yeah?  I’ll be fine.” 
You know he is not fine but you respect his desire for peace.  You can check his injuries later when he has settled. 
“Well then, what about you, Jisungie?” you ask.  You turn around to face him.  “How are you?”
“Uh, honestly…”  Jisung rakes his fingers through his hair then exhales on a shaky laugh.  “I’ll let you know when I know.  It’s all a bit—uh—”  
“Yeah,” you say, taking his hand.  “I know.” 
You suspect there will be no proper words for a while.  You cannot even think of recovery while your wounds throb.  There are still gunshots firing in your mind.  When you close your eyes, you see a body on the pavement.  You expect a knock at the door and a gun in your face, even though there is no reason for that.  Miroh is probably sitting back and laughing at the detonation of your father’s house.  Your father’s people and investors will scramble over the company tomorrow.  That world will turn without you.  You will not miss it.    
You struggle to sleep that night.  You lay on your back to mind your shoulder but that is not your only grievance.  Felix lays beside you where he belongs and Jisung is in the other bed, so you are not alone anymore, but your adrenaline will not dwindle.  Now that you have a moment of peace, it feels more chaotic than ever. 
When you start breathing harder, Felix wraps an arm around you. 
“Sweetheart,” he whispers.  He does not ask what is wrong.  It is more than self-explanatory.  You do not need to speak. 
You want to roll over and bury your face in his neck, but you cannot move because of your shoulder.  You suffice to hold his arm tight, closing your eyes as his protective embrace surrounds you.  His heart beats against your body and you let it lull you into a gentle repose. 
You do not sleep for long.  There is morning light when you wake but it is a bleary, early grey light.  Everything smells a little damp from the rain.  This is a small motel, meant to serve as a momentary respite for passing travellers.  You cannot stay here. 
Felix wakes when you do.  After a few morning kisses, he rises to use the washroom.  Jisung is still fast asleep in his bed, his cheek squished and his hair a shaggy mess on the pillow.   You smile, looking at him.  There is a gap between the beds but he is close enough to touch if you stretch.  You content yourself with looking, thinking about how lucky you are to have him again.  It is a light and happy thought, but it darkens very swiftly when you recall what he did to save you.  It is going to weigh on him, whether all at once or in pieces. 
The weight of trauma will be a heavy burden, but you are alive to carry it.  There are others who are less lucky.  You think about Hyunjin and your heart strains, recalling his final miserable departure.  Your father implied he had Hyunjin killed.  If he was not bluffing to antagonize you, then Hyunjin did not stand a chance.    
You are sniffling with tears when Jisung blinks awake.  He mutters in groggy gibberish before reaching for his glasses.    His tired voice is tinged with concern when he asks, “What is it?  Do you need something?” 
“No,” you say, wiping your tears.  “I was just thinking I know where I want to go next.” 
It is hard to talk about Hyunjin so you opt for vagueness over specificity.  The boys do not question the subject of the cabin when you mention his name.  You do not tell them he might be dead.  You feel like if you speak it out loud, it will make it true. 
It will take a week to reach the cabin by car.  Jisung helps you loads the necessities into the back a truck that Felix procured, only questioning its seeming manifestation after the fact. 
“I stole it,” Felix answers. 
“You stole a car?” Jisung asks.  It is a good thing the motel parking lot is empty because he practically shouts it, like stealing a car is the most horrifying thing he has ever heard.  You remember how you had the same reaction the first time Felix stole a vehicle. 
It makes you laugh when Felix draws his lips into a thin line, shaking his head at Jisung.  He turns to you and says, “You two really are identical, you know?”  
“What does that mean?”  Jisung asks. 
“I said the same thing the last time he stole a car,” you say.
“Dude!”  Jisung whips around.  “You stole two cars?”
“You know I’ve killed people, right?” Felix says dryly. 
“Well yeah, I mean, who hasn’t,” Jisung says with a nervous giggle. 
You whack him on the arm and shake your head.   “That’s not funny,” you say. 
“It’s a little funny,” he whispers while you roll your eyes. 
Though you want to keep him at your side, it feels selfish to ask Jisung to come with you.  He has a life here and he has already done so much to help you.  But he surprises you by emphatically volunteering himself, saying he at least wants to help get you there. 
“I don’t think I could just walk back into my normal life tomorrow like nothing happened,” Jisung says, tucking you under one arm.  “I don’t know what’s gonna happen next.  Can’t control it.  But I know where I want to be right now.  I’ll figure out the rest after.” 
So you take to the road, your destination a small cabin far away from your old life.  You stop along the way, at first for food and other necessities, mostly stolen by Felix, but then for pleasure when you drive through towns with interesting landmarks.   On the clearer nights, you sleep in the bed of the truck. 
You still do not stop for a real discussion.  You indulge the mental break while you can, all three of you taking the time to literally stop and smell the flowers on the journey. 
Bandages still need changing.  Stitches need minding.  The night before your anticipated arrival, you are in another motel room.  You and Felix sit in the small kitchenette, playing cards at the tiny table, while Jisung showers and goes about his nightly routine. 
You throw down a couple cards.  You look at Felix while he studies his hand.  The swelling on his face has gone down which is good for numerous reasons.  He has been wearing a baseball cap everywhere, the brim pulled low, to stop people from staring. 
There is a hard set to his shoulders.  It has been like that for a few days.  Even in your father’s house, there were moments Felix would soften, namely when he was curled up in your shared bed and the world seemed far away.  Maybe he cannot relax because the world is so immediate now.  It is strange that potential happiness can cause as much anxiety as its opposite.  Perhaps it is because it is so unfamiliar.  Your body only knows how to brace itself. 
Felix was raised for that express purpose.  Road trips and gardens and motel rooms was not in his training.  High school corridors and uniforms once baffled him, the mundanity of everyday life more exhilarating and frightening than a battlefield. 
You want to smooth his brow and soften his shoulders.  He sits like he is holding a breath and you want to draw it out of him.  A part of your stirs with arousal at the consideration, thinking how you could do that.  You have always found your humanity in that intimate space.  But you are both much too injured to try anything heavier than a kiss right now. 
This time, you reach across the table and touch his cheek, with no intention but a soft caress.  He blinks up at you, the cards forgotten.  You do not know what to say.  You just touch him.
He cups his hand over yours, holding it to his cheek.  He looks at your shoulder and other bruises.  It will take you a long time to heal, but nothing is infected.  You do not know how his injuries are faring because he will not let anyone look at them.  He claims he is fine.  You know he is not. 
“I love you,” you say.  “I swear it gets stronger every day.  Is that crazy?  Not a day goes by where I am not grateful for you, just as you are.”
He closes his eyes and swallows.  He nods. 
“I love you too,” he says in a soft, low voice. 
When Jisung leaves to get some dinner, Felix proves you wrong about lovemaking.  You are too injured for anything vigorous, but he can still lay you down, can still stretch alongside you.  He slips his hand beneath your waistband and touches you with long, careful strokes.   You unravel in his arms, your sore spots aching but the pain worth the pleasure.  You wrap a hand around the back of his neck and tug him down for a kiss.  You kiss him until he sighs and rests his forehead to yours. 
“Can I please see?” you ask. 
He finally acquiesces.  His scars are not too bad, more plentiful than painful.  He hisses but exhales when you kiss your way across a couple worse marks. 
“We’ll find a way to feel better,” you say, grazing your fingertips along his skin.  You recall what Jisung said, about how you did not have to deserve love, you just had to accept it.  “You don’t need to prove yourself anymore, Felix,” you say.  You dance your fingers down his bare chest to his waistband, kissing his shoulder as he sucks in a breath.  “Just be with me.  Let me love you.” 
“Always,” he says, dropping his head back as you touch him.  He cups the nape of your neck, squeezing lightly as you flick your wrist and stroke. 
You reach the cabin the next day.  It is late afternoon when you find the right place, passing a few other cabins before you find a quaint but charming one in the midst of a meadow.   The cabin itself does not flaunt much excess, but the meadow is flooded with flowers, a carpet of colour in the late afternoon light that makes it look like a something out of a fairy tale. 
The only problem is the smoke in the chimney.  The cabin is clearly occupied. 
“Is this the right place?”  Felix asks.  He and Jisung were admiring the meadow while you stared at the cabin, heart palpitating when you realized it was not empty. 
“It is,” you say. 
“Maybe it’s Hyunjin,” Jisung says. 
“It’s not.”  You close your eyes.  Hyunjin did not say anything about selling the property when you brought it up.  But, then again, there was a lot happening in that final exchange.  You made him promise he would try to get away if he could, but it might have been an empty platitude.  He knew he was going to die.  He knew you would never find out anyway. 
The distractions of the past week flutter into nothingness as you reckon with the grim reality of the world your father left behind.  You hang your head, swallowing hard. 
Jisung and Felix stare at you, their faces falling when they realize what you mean. 
“How?” Jisung asks. 
“My father chased him down,” you say.  “He used him.  He discarded him.  It’s what he does.” 
“What he did,” Jisung reminds you.  “And maybe Hyunjin got away.  We did!  That stupid hot weasel was a bitch but he was resourceful as fuck.” 
“Jisuuung,” you say, smacking his arm.
“What? I’m not speaking ill of the dead because he’s not dead,” Jisung argues.  “And if he was, he wouldn’t want me to suddenly be all fake and nice to him.   I annoy him.  That’s how I show my love.”  He kisses two fingers and waves it at the sky, then flips his middle finger too.  You laugh in spite of yourself, shaking your head.
Felix steps behind you and takes your hand.  He kisses your cheek. A breeze blows through his hair, his hat in his other hand. The three of you stand in the meadow for a time, looking at the flowers as you contemplate what to do next. 
The front door of the cabin opens.  You all turn.   An apology sits on your tongue, sorry for trespassing on someone else’s property.  The sight of you is no doubt disconcerting. Despite showers and meticulous first aid, you all look very rough, three obviously tired and run down people, a little dusty from the road and streaked with dirt from your hike to the cabin. 
You look at the person as they stand on the front stoop.  Your brow furrows and the apology disintegrates on your tongue, a bemused question poised to take it’s place.
“Minho?” is all you manage. 
You have not seen your first teenage crush in many, many years.  He looks older but not too different overall.  He is still very striking, even in his homey flannel and jeans, standing on the cabin stoop and looking at you with equal confusion. 
“Do I know you?” he asks, which makes sense.  You might have had a crush on him, but so did half the school.  He was a popular guy.  He knew Hyunjin but he only met you briefly. 
You want to tell him that.  You want to say you are friends with Hyunjin but you find it hard to say his name, especially with Minho gazing at you so innocently.  Why is he at the cabin?  Was he still friends with Hyunjin?  He likely does not know he is dead. 
You are spared your turmoil when Felix tugs on your arm, a sharp bid for attention.  You look at him, bemused, and he nods his head forward.  You look past Minho to the open cabin door as another figure steps into view. 
All that twisted pain unspools in your chest.  You nearly start sobbing in relief.
“Hyunjin!”  You ignore the surprised look on Minho’s face and run right past him.
Hyunjin is standing in the doorway, looking wary until he recognizes you.  Then his face breaks into a smile and those long limbs jump the porch steps.  You trample a few flowers that have grown over the path, meeting in an embrace amidst sprigs of lavender and vibrant hyacinths.   It is a very messy embrace, you and Hyunjin both forgetting you are injured.  You crash together only to yelp, your shoulder smarting and his bruised chest just as tender.  You laugh at each other then hug gently.  When your cheek touches his chest, your eyes water. 
“Am I dead after all?” you ask thoughtlessly, the beauty of the terrain and the embrace of your friend momentarily making you think so.    
Hyunjin laughs and shakes his head.  “I thought you were,” he says.  “It was all over the news.  I thought for sure—”
“I thought for sure you—”  You overlap with him, both of you laughing again.  “How did you get away?” 
“Nothing special,” Hyunjin says.  “I was being watched but they were waiting for final orders from your father.  Then word got out that he was dead so they just left.  I don’t know if they went to investigate or just abandoned post.  I didn’t stick around to find out. I packed my things and disappeared the first chance I got.” 
“We made a few stops on the journey over,” you say.  “I’m not surprised you beat us.” 
“I really thought you were—”  Hyunjin shakes his head.  “And that it was my—”
“It wouldn’t have been your fault anyway,” you say. 
“That’s what I told him,” Minho interrupts, his tone quippy but his lips quirked up in a smile.  He wiggles his fingers in a wave when you look at him.  “So you’re the friend,” he says.  “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m the friend’s friend,” Jisung says, skipping into the scene and waving at Hyunjin.  “Hey, man.  Missed me?” 
He is being playful but Hyunjin pulls him into a hug, very obviously surprising Jisung who almost falls right over.  Poor Jisung’s face goes red as a rose.  You remember his video about having a crush on his high school rival and can’t help but giggle into your palms. 
Felix puts a hand on your shoulder, smiling cordially at Minho.  “Hi,” he says. 
“This is Felix, my—”  You look at each other.  You lips move as you look for the right word.  Bodyguard is not strictly true anymore.  Boyfriend and partner sound so very mundane, but you realize that is what you are now.  “Boyfriend,” you say, feeling hot with embarrassment for no good reason.  You suspect the little things will have you flustered for some time. 
“Boyfriend,” Felix repeats, looking quite delighted for a second.  You are certain only you see the flicker of sadness that follows.  He blinks, his gaze faraway, but he covers it with another smile quickly enough.  “Nice to meet you,” he says. 
“I guess I’ll have to make a bigger dinner,” Minho says, playfully dry like the idea is a hardship, but smiling a knowing smile at Hyunjin, clearly very happy for him.  “Come on then.  Get inside already.  You’re crushing the tulips.” 
The cabin is one floor with a loft.  The main bedroom, kitchen and facilities are downstairs, some extra makeshift bedding thrown together in the small sitting area by the fireplace.  The upstairs loft is a small second bedroom, sparsely furnished with a mattress and blankets and little else.  The ceilings are low but the space is blessedly private.  You think it is some of the finest accommodations you have ever stayed in.   
You throw yourself on the mattress, curling up with a pillow and blanket.  Felix smiles and leans down to kiss the top of your head.  When he pulls away, you take his hand, regarding him imploringly. 
“Just gonna take a shower,” he says.  “Wanna clean up, yeah.”
You nod.  Even though you can see he is struggling with something, you let him go.  If he is not in the mood to talk, you will wait.  A shower will help him feel better.
He takes his bag and climbs back down the ladder.  You mean to wait for his return, but you feel such calm at finally reaching your destination.  The laughing voices of your friends float up to the loft, putting you even more at ease.  You release a breath and lay your head on a pillow.  The next thing you know, you are blinking awake.  The sky is a purpling pink, the day drawing to a close.  You can smell something cooking downstairs.  Your friends are still yammering away.  Hyunjin’s relentless giggles at Jisung’s goofy jokes makes you smile. 
You climb down the ladder and wander into the main room.  Felix was not upstairs but he is not with the others either.  He must have finished his shower a long time ago now. 
“Where’s Felix?” you ask, an edge of panic in your voice. 
“He’s just outside,” Minho says from behind the kitchen counter.  “He said he just wanted some air.”
“Oh,” you say, feeling a little foolish for panicking without reason.  “Right. Thank you.”
“Don’t worry,” Minho says, winking to comfort you.  You smile but nonetheless wrap your cardigan tighter around you, feeling a little embarrassed. 
Felix has been glued to your side for ten years.  Your instinct now panics in his absence, but you realize his absence is a good thing.  He does not need to be beside you at all times.  He is free to wander if that is what he wants.  You are glad he stepped outside for some air, rather than sitting over you. 
You step onto the small porch and look across the meadow.  You can see a shape sitting among the flowers at the edge of the field, looking down the slope to the park valley below.  You cross the flowers, minding where you step.  The breeze parts your cardigan and you tug it closed.  It is a somewhat clumsy walk overall.  Your last few steps are a proper stumble over a rock.  You miss it completely, distracted with what you find. 
Felix sits with his back to you.  You thought he was wearing a hat, but now you can see it is his hair.  He dyed it a shock of pitch black and trimmed the edges.  It is a messy, jagged cut that you will certainly have to fix later.  You suspect he did not spend much time looking in the mirror. 
“What’s this?” you ask.  “Is this why you wanted to stop at that drug store?”
Felix looks up at you.  The dark hair somehow makes his freckles stand out more.  He looks different but still very handsome.  You think you might be falling in love all over again, a little flushed inside as you sit beside him on the grass. 
“Yeah,” he says.  He runs his fingers through his hair, glancing up at the dark locks from beneath his lashes.  He sighs.  “And I don’t know why.  I just…” 
You put your arm around him, drawing him close to rest his head on your good shoulder.  He falls against you, breathing out again.  His shoulders droop, losing some of the tension that has plagued him. 
“I don’t know what to do now,” he says.  “I know this is all good, but I feel like I’ve done something wrong.  Like I’m not supposed to be here.  And I keep thinking about Chris.  How I—”  He rubs his face, then chokes tears.  “What am I supposed to do with all this life, especially when I couldn’t give him back his?” 
He cries properly now and you let him.  There is no right thing to say, not that you can think of, so you just hold him until he has expended the worst of his pain through his tears.  He takes a few shaking breaths before he sits upright, wiping his face.  You rub a circle on his back. 
“And you,” he whispers.  “It’s like, I feel everything all at once.  You call me your boyfriend and I’m happy, then I see you hugging Hyunjin and I think—he knows how to be a person.  I don’t know how to be anything.”
“Felix, you know Hyunjin is gay, right?” you ask.  You guarded that secret before but seeing as Minho is here at the cabin, you suspect Hyunjin is not keeping it secret anymore. 
Felix stutters on a shaking breath, looking momentarily confused. 
“Huh?  He is?” he asks, then gets a little weepy again, saying, “That’s nice for him.”
“Oh, baby,” you say.  You kiss his cheek and snuggle close to him, resting your head on his shoulder.  “I don’t know what to say.  I’m a mess too.  I don’t know how to do any of this right.  But I’m pretty sure grieving your friend makes you more of a person, not less.”  You look at each other.  You touch his cheek and stroke a thumb over his freckles.  You think you have them mapped by memory, every last dot.  “You’re not alone,” you say.  “I want to be with you when things are bad, not just when they’re good.  And you and me, we’ve known a lot of bad.” 
He laughs, his breath dancing over your lips with your proximity.  You smile fondly. 
“I think it’s time we feel some good,” you say.  “We’ll figure out what that means eventually.  Together.” 
He draws you close and kisses you, a sweet kiss that deepens.  You cuddle when the breeze blows a little harder, the evening chill creeping into the sunset.  Still, you do not move, sharing heat between you and sitting among the flowers until the pink has left the sky and a blue evening blurs into the purple wash. 
Minho sticks his head out the door to call you in for dinner.  You stand first and offer your hand.  Felix takes it, then kisses you one more time.  You walk back to the cabin, hand in hand.
Warmth wraps around you like a fuzzy blanket when you step inside from the cold.  Hyunjin and Jisung are playfully arguing at the table, Minho standing over them and yammering some nonsense back.  You and Felix smile at each other before joining them all at the table.  After he has served the portions, Minho sits as well. 
There is a moment of silence, everyone looking around the table at everyone else.  They all looked flushed with warmth and life, Hyunjin smiling and Jisung beaming at you.  Felix puts his hand on your knee under the table, squeezing softly.  You look at him with another smile, then a laugh, a sound of disbelief that resonates with everyone.  You are here, impossibly but truly.  You have no idea what happens now.   
“I’ll break the ice,” Jisung says.  “Because I have a confession, while we’re all here, and Hyunjin has his hot boyfriend cooking us a meal.  Hyunjin, my man, I’m sorry for being the dick of all dicks when we were in high school.”  Jisung lays a hand on his heart and dramatically makes his confession.  Hyunjin’s eyebrows shoot up into his hairline as your goofy friend continues, “Turns out having an arch nemesis is super gay.  And I was a stupid repressed bisexual who thought furiously staring at you for seven hours a day was a totally normal thing to do.  Sorry, man.  Congrats on the hot boyfriend, though.” 
“I’m not his boyfriend,” Minho says.  His elbow is on the table, chin in his hand.  He is grinning at Jisung. 
“Come again?” Jisung says. 
“Not his boyfriend,” Minho says, laughing.  “I’m his friend.  He was in trouble and asked for my help.  I’m a good friend so here I am, helping him get settled.  I’m actually married.”  He holds up his hand, proudly displaying a wedding band.  He giggles some more.  “He’s single, though.”  He gestures to Hyunjin. 
Jisung looks at Hyunjin who has gone very pink in the face.  He glances at Jisung and laughs, covering his mouth to try and contain it. 
“Oh.  Oh.  Oh.  Yeah.  Cool.”  Jisung scratches the back of his neck, then his brow, then his chin.  He taps the table and nods his head rapidly.  “Awesome,” he says.  “Well, I’m really glad we clarified that before I made a really ridiculous confession in front of everyone.  That would have been super embarrassing for me.”
You all laugh, genuinely as Jisung soaks it in with a silly little grin.  The sound of your collective delight fills the cabin before chatter begins again and you start eating. 
You glance around the table while taking a bite.  Your shoulder aches, and Felix’s bruises are still healing, and you will not be surprised if a nightmare jolts one of you out of sleep tonight.  But you will wake beside Felix, you will comfort each other, and you will fall back asleep.  You will wake up tomorrow and try it all again. 
You know the times ahead will not always be easy.   You are ready to make mistakes and try.
It is not a perfect ending, but it is a perfect beginning.   
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ordowrites · 2 months
Of Archery and Apples
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cw: smut, slow burn, arranged marriage, afab reader, minors dni, mdni. reader is mentioned to have an abusive family, but nothing shown. fluff, gentle sex, not sfw. diluc frequently asking for consent. reader has a vision. please let me know if i'm missing a warning!
word count: 6,509
notes: this is a pretty long slow burn and build up, so be warned!! this is also unbeta'ed. this also gets pretty fluffy at the end.
diluc birthday month!!
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He's avoiding you, you can say this for certain - he was barely present at your wedding ceremony, only staying until it was socially acceptable to hurry off, politely engaging in conversation here and there, and his kiss was simply a quick peck on the lips. Of course, the vows were very basic and quick but you figured it's because he's not exactly the best at words.
The business man being terrible at social engagement is quite the entertaining thought, or well, you would normally think so if this wasn't you trying to navigate this new marriage. You'd known Diluc Ragnvindr in your childhood, the two of you had exchanged a whole handful of words but you remember very clearly how social he'd been back then. You remember him, very clearly, sneaking some living frogs into a maid's pockets at some social event with his adoptive brother glued to his side. And you also remember how much chaos it had caused - expensive red wine being spilled, some screams, and you - little old you - had managed to sneak a sip of wine amidst it all. His father, Crepus Ragnvindr, had to pull both his sons aside, while apologizing profusely and Diluc sobbing his eyes out over getting caught.
The other few times you remember of him was when he'd been in the Knights of Favonious - chivalrous, well loved, everyone talked about him with pride in their voices. "Mondstadt's Pride and Joy'', is what they'd call him - he was sure to take the Grandmaster's job once Varka grew too old for his position and nobody would fight nor question it.
You two had talked during that time, exchanging names and he'd given you some flowers because you'd looked lonely and "everyone deserves flowers!" You'd thanked him, albeit very shyly, avoiding eye contact because the heir of the biggest name in Mondstadt was paying attention to you. (And you barely remember what made you so sad, though you're sure it had to do with one of your fathers outbursts.) A small part of you wonders if he remembers that.
The reasoning for your arranged marriage with him is not lost on you - Ragnvindr is a household anyone would want to be part of, the Young Master was the most eligible and the promise was made between your father and Crepus a long time ago. The two, from what you understand, had been close friends in their youth and worked closely with one another, even if you - personally - never met his sons. Of course, once Crepus had passed - a few months before your own eighteenth birthday - you figured that the arrangement was done and over with, and your mother would cart you off with some older man in another country.
Except, that wasn't the case - three years later and you received an invitation from the Dawn Winery. Diluc was still keeping up his fathers promise, but the two of you hadn't even seen each other in adulthood. And your first meeting after that was uncomfortable and awkward - he'd done his engagement with you, but it was clear that he had no idea how to navigate any of this. (Not like you did, either).
The wedding still happened - you'd begged for it to be small, but your mother does not do things small. And Diluc merely wanted it to be done and over with, and you'd spent your entire wedding day apologizing profusely and him reassuring you that he doesn't really care, the mora doesn't matter.
And now, four months into the marriage, you're still trying to even get a glimpse of your elusive and quiet husband. The two of you don't even share a bedroom, and you often find yourself in a confused haze, wandering around the Winery and vineyard with very little to do. A good wife stays at home, cooks and cleans, but you can't do that because he has maids doing that and they shoo you off if you even try to help. Your embroidery skills have a lot left to be desired and whenever you offer assistance in the vineyard, you're told not to worry about it.
Boredom left you asking the head maid for something to do and Adelinde had given you a few tasks to do, you just had to organize things and that was about it. The manor is well staffed, there isn't much work for you to do, is what she'd told you. Perhaps Master Diluc would like your company.
Oh yes, your dear, beloved husband who seems to be avoiding you. Archons, you'd much rather be working for the Adventurer's Guild. You're proficient in archery because you had begged your mother into letting you learn, it was the only way she could get you to do anything else she'd wanted. Of course, being someone of nobility means that your only job is to be a dutiful spouse who bears children and stays at home, but you're going insane.
What most people don't know about the manor is that he does have a small weapons collection - some swords, a few bows and arrows, his great sword, and other things. You're not sure why he needs this armory, but you'd happened upon it one day in your usual afternoon hauntings of the hallway when staff locked you out of the busier places they'd be. (Of course, you'd be more than happy to receive guests but apparently, that's the Head Maid's job and you feel slightly insulted your husband can't even trust you with the business of the Winery)
With the bow and a few arrows in hand, you meander outside - unnoticed by the staff as they rush around for one reason or another (rumors have it that the Traveler is visiting today or someone equally important) - and find a secluded spot to start shooting.
Place the arrow, draw the string, shoot. Repeat.
You're, by no means, an expert but you like to think you're pretty good. You knock down quite a few apples, but you never aim for animals - you repeat this until your fingers are sore and hurting. Still, you load up the arrow again, point, and -
"What are you doing?"
The voice cuts your concentration and you let out a yelp of surprise, releasing the arrow in a loose and awkward manner.
"Archons! I could have shot you!" You shout as you turn to look at the person who broke your concentration. It takes you a few moments to realize who had approached you, arms crossed over his chest, and an unimpressed look on his face. "Oh, sorry, Master Diluc. I thought you were someone else."
"I didn't know you do archery." He says, hardly acknowledging your words as he steps closer. "You're pretty good."
"Of course I am," you boast. "Why wouldn't I be?"
He considers his words and you frown at him, as if daring him to say anything untoward and awful. "Not a lot of nobles take it upon themselves to become proficient in weaponry," he finally answers. You're pretty sure he's spoken to you more now than he ever has in the entire time you've known each other. "Anyways, Add- Adelinde was calling for you. It's time for dinner."
"Will you be joining?" You ask as you pick up what fallen arrows you could, frowning when you realized that there's no way you could re-use them. At least you have yourself a handful of apples. "Or will you be assisting the Traveler with some things?"
"Ah - well," Diluc seems to be stumbling over his words now. It's as if he's remembering he's married to you, and you're not some familiar stranger who has decided to hunker down in his home. "If I have your okay, I would certainly like to join you for dinner."
You're handing him the apples, and he's taking them into his arms without question. You wonder if you could get away with just...handing him things and if he'd noticed. Because his eyes are trained away from you, at the horizon. His face is a tiny bit red.
"Are you not the master of the house and my husband?" You prompt. "Why would you seek permission to have dinner in your own home, with your own spouse?"
He opens his mouth to say something and closes it again. He doesn't know how to talk to you, you realize.
"What are all these for?" Diluc asks, awkwardly changing the subject.
"You eat them." You answer, as if he doesn't comprehend what apples are for. "Obviously."
He makes a noise that sounds like an annoyed growl but seems to drop the subject as he is a good husband and carries the dozen apples back, just for you.
Dinner is quiet - he's been joining you for dinner nightly now, and every time, it's just quiet. The soft clinking of silverware, and he keeps his head down as if it's hard to look at you. Sometimes, Adelinde whispers something in his ear and he'd have to look up, but not at you.
You think this is worse than eating by yourself. And he's always quick to leave once he's finished, thanking Adelinde and uncomfortably wishing you a good night.
One thing you noticed now, is that you're not without apples since that day. And there's more arrows stocked in his armory.
"Master Diluc thinks they're your favorite fruit," Adelinde explains as you ask her one day. "He ordered quite a bit. I think it's a bit too much for one person to eat, and I can only use them for so many recipes."
"Rumors have it that the Anemo Archon loves apples," you tell her. "Leave 'em out as an offering."
The head maid laughs a bit. "Perhaps. I'm not sure why he won't ask you about the things you do like."
"He'd learn things about me - and I, about him - if he stayed longer than the thirty minutes it takes him to finish his dinner." You say as you inspect one of the red fruits. Bruiseless, perfect, round. And juicy, when you bite into it. (You're sick of snacking on them, but hey, he bought them so you might as well make sure they don't waste away) "I timed him one night." You clarify after a moment.
"Yes, well, the Master is a very busy man." Adelinde says, after a moment. You're unsure if she's displeased with your comments about him - the staff is very loyal to Diluc. Of course they would be, he’s their employer and he treats them way better than most people of his status. You’re pretty sure he pays them pretty well on top of that - considering the servant houses are well constructed and well kept. "It cannot be helped."
"Sure," you simply agree, not wanting to anger the one that is in charge of quite...literally everything in the household that Diluc doesn't oversee. "But perhaps he could make time in his busy schedule for me?"
"One could only hope." Adelinde says. "Perhaps you'd like to entertain yourself with other means?" It's a polite way of kicking you out of her kitchen.
You grab an extra apple and head out. Diluc is in his study - you're surprised that he's stationed himself there. You're even more surprised when he looks up at you.
"You missed breakfast and lunch." you say, after a long stretch of silence. A small part of you wonders if you'd be having children right now if you had a husband who actually wanted to be at your side, instead of carrying an apple in your hand. "Have you eaten?"
Diluc regards you for a moment, before glancing at the small plate with crumbs of some confectionery on it and an empty tea cup.
"...At some point." he says as he looks back down at his papers.
You set the uneaten apple down on his desk.
"We apparently have an overabundance of apples," you inform him with a small smile. "Do your part and eat some then."
Diluc stares at it as if he's never seen an apple before. "Right," he says, after a moment. "Right. Yes. Thank you." The way he says your name sounds lovely but strange, like he's sounding it out. "There's a target range outside."
You quirk a brow and head out.
The target range is simple - it resembles something the Hilichurls would use, but you can at least practice your aim.
Your evening goes quietly - Diluc joins you for dinner again. Tonight it's your favorite meal.
"How come you don't go to Mondstadt anymore?"
Huh? You look at him with surprise.
"Well, I guess...I don't know. Most of my friends are married and have kids or like, moved." Because if you saw your parents, you might cry is the real answer.
"The maids tell me you're bored." You're likely to become the tale of a poltergeist haunting the Ragvnidr mansion, a tale for the children to tell for ages to come. "You can get a job in the city if you'd like. Come work at the Angel's Share."
"With you?"
His face tinges red and he clears his throat. "Maybe."
"How 'bout the Cat's Tail?"
A silence. A grumble.
"If you must." Diluc sounds resigned at the thought - you, however, find yourself wanting to work with the cats at that cute tavern but you wouldn’t actually do that to Diluc, regardless of the current standing you’re both in. You’re not even sure what kind of work you want to do, but bar work doesn’t sound all that great for you (or a match). You decide to let him think you’re willing to work with the competition.
It's in the middle of the night when you're woken up to something - a sound. You've always been a light sleeper and the Manor is always so silent at this hour. There's some shifting, you let out a breath when you feel a familiar but comforting sense of energy around you.
When you fully wake up, you're met with your Vision at your bedside. It flows with familiarity, glowing when you touch it. The Electrical element gives you more energy than you thought you’d ever imagine-
You'd received it in your teens and your mother confiscated it from you. She claimed you had no need for it - someone like you does not deserve it. After all, Visions are only for people who are worthy and who are you to believe you're worthy of such a blessing?
You wonder if Adelinde had quietly dropped it off or if -
Would he? Diluc? The man who can barely stand being in the same room as you? Hardly. Maybe an Archon chose to give it back to you.
With energy that you haven't had in ages, you dress and head down for breakfast. Diluc is there.
"Good morning," he says, barely glancing at you. His face is tinged red again.
"What a lovely surprise," you say. "Truly blessed by the Archons today to see my husband."
He makes a soft 'hmph' sound. "Were you not complaining about never seeing me?"
"I'm glad you came."
Diluc gives no answer.
He heads to Mondstadt Proper, offering you a chance to come along - but you decline. You'd rather practice what you were blessed with. Also, you’re not really up for seeing anybody you know at the moment - you’d rather not field questions on what it’s like to be married to the Diluc Ragnvinidr. Sure, it’s bragging rights but neither of you even share a bed and barely speak to one another as is.
He is back by lunch.
And you are a bit singed - bruised but energetic from practicing with your Electro Vision. It glows at your side.
Diluc looks pleased.
"You seem happier these days." Adelinde says as you enter the kitchen for your daily snack of the never ending abundance of apples. They even taste sweeter. "Have you told the Master to stop ordering these apples for you?"
"I prefer that they become part of our nightmares," you answer her with a small shrug. Adelinde gives you an odd look. "'sides, they're an alright snack." 
You snag one extra one and bid her a quick goodbye as you head to Diluc's office. As before, you set the apple down for him to eat.
This time, you stay.
"Is there something you need?"
"Thank you."
"Whatever for?"
So, you gesture to the Vision that hangs at your side. “If you brought this to me, thank you.” Diluc peeks at it and says nothing. “The apples too, but the maids seem displeased with those.” He shifts uncomfortably. “Am I bothering you?”
“No.” he answers, tensely. “I’m just…don’t worry about it. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” Silence falls over you, and you look everywhere but at him as he pointedly stares at his desk. “Um-”
“So why are you ordering an over abundance of apples?”
“Do you not like them? I can order something else. Sunseittas, those fruits from Fontaine, anything-”
“N-no, they’re fine.” You force out, interrupting him before Diluc works himself into some sort of anxiety induced panic attack. “They’re perfect, thank you.” You need to learn to put your foot down, but you didn’t want to accidentally upset him and think you hated how kind he was, even if the apples were a bit much. Hopefully Adelinde will talk to him instead.
It's been a week since the two of you have last exchanged any sort of conversation or words - the schedule went back to relatively normal. He’s there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner now - sometimes, there’s an uncomfortable invitation for tea and no conversation to flow with it. You find yourself wondering if Diluc even knows what he wants at this point, even when you try to better engage with him, he seems to barely meet your eyes this days and barely responds so you tend to dominate the conversation.
“Is something wrong, Diluc?” you finally ask, during afternoon tea, one day. He’d barely touched his own tea and his eyes lowered with shame on his beautiful face. “Did something happen?”
“No,” he says, after a moment and clears his throat. “My apologies, I was daydreaming, that’s all.”
“About me?” You tease, unable to help the fact you noticed how he looked at you earlier - with this strange look of longing and hunger. But he always acts as if there is a barrier between the two of one, and if he broke that barrier…of what might happen afterwards. You have to swallow a giggle when his face goes redder and he looks away. “Wait - really?”
“M-my apologies. It seems I have some important matters to get to.”
Now it’s your turn to be red faced and shying away - watching as Diluc walks away before you can muster up the bravery to call out to him to come back.
What a great start to your marriage, you think sarcastically as you wander the halls again - confused as to what to do. It’s been what, two months? Since the two of you got married now. Something like that, and what looked like behavior starting to change for the better, was now becoming a problem again. You let out a heavy sigh and sit down on a bench in the garden, burying your face in your hands. Maybe this marriage really is a sham - maybe you could get a divorce, no harm, no foul. Nobody would blame you for that, right? Or him.
You do not go down for dinner that night - feeling way too humiliated over what had happened between the two of you. It takes a week to be brave enough to be in the same vicinity as him, or well, you would be but your husband isn’t anywhere to be seen. With a sigh, you decide to venture out on your own for a while, armed with the wooden bow that’s intended more for practice than actual self defense and some arrows. It isn’t like there are any hilichurls or treasure hoarders who linger nearby or even in the vicinity of the Dawn Winery. 
As you wander along the shore of the riverbank behind the Winery, you find yourself lost in your own thoughts - puzzling together the enigma that is your husband. He avoids you sometimes, and a lot of the time, doesn’t seem to know what to do with you, as if he’s surprised you’re there whenever he sees you. You know you can be pretty shy, but this man takes it to another level. You know Diluc had suffered a tragic loss or two, and you know he can be pretty closed off and rough around the edges, but this feels just ridiculous.
You pluck flowers as you go along - Calla Lily’s, Lamp Grass, really, whatever catches your eye. You figure you could spruce up your room some with decorations, now that it’s been bare for close to five months. It’s not as if you’re forbidden from decorating, it’s just that you haven’t felt like it just in case something happened within your marriage that would ruin that time and effort.
When dusk hits the horizon, you finally force yourself to trek back to the manor, flowers in one hand, your makeshift weapon in the other. As the manor appears in your sights, you decide you won’t go inside just yet - though you’re sure everyone is worried about your disappearance, you don’t particularly care right now.
Diluc is sitting on a stone bench in the garden, his eyes downcast and a small frown on his face and you stop dead in your tracks. You can’t help but think of how beautiful he looks with the sun setting behind him, casting soft hues on his face, his red hair down and waving with the soft winds. Beautiful but sad.
“Hey.” you greet, finally catching his attention.
“Where have you been?” he asks, quickly getting to his feet. “You left and you didn’t say anything to anyone, I thought you were hurt!”
“Sorry, Master Diluc,” you say, sheepishly. “I just went for a walk and lost track of time.” Diluc reaches out, as if he wants to touch you and hug you but withdraws just as quickly. He clears his throat. “I’m sorry, I should have said something.”
You hold the flowers you had plucked from your impromptu adventure.
“Some flowers because everyone deserves flowers.” You echo something from the past and his beautiful red eyes widen for a moment. “Remember? You said that to me once. So here, some flowers because I think you need some.”
Tentatively, he reaches out, accepting them from your outstretched hand. Your face, you realize, is red and not because it’s sunburned.
“Thank you.” he murmurs. You remember, once, that Adelinde had mentioned he likes Lamp Grass.
Diluc puts any flowers you give him in vases that sit in the best spots in the manor - you’d found that he really likes to receive them as gifts, so you go out of your way to find them out in the wild and present them to him like a dog presenting the fruits of its hunt. He always looks much happier when he receives these flowers, and the manor looks a bit better too - the artwork, you always thought was a bit bleak (but never said anything because apparently Master Crepus painted some of them) and the whole place just needs more color.
He stays around now, to talk to you or to be around you even if neither of you talk. It feels normal, like what a normal, married couple would do. But maybe the two of you just aren’t normal - he most certainly isn’t.
Sometimes, Diluc leaves for the city in the evenings and always says that it’s a night shift at the tavern so Charles can have a night off or two. You don’t think much of it, so long as you can actually see your husband more frequently, he still has his job to do.
It’s late, and you haven’t even considered going to bed yet - despite having taken a bath and switching into a nightgown because summer nights in Mondstadt are hot and you’re a bit too absorbed into the book you’d been reading since after dinner time. So, you’re slung on the couch, with a blanket on your lap and legs (sliding off, of course) as you get more and more engrossed in the mystery romance that you’d found in Diluc’s library. The downpour of the rain outside only adds to the ambience and it makes you quite sleepy.
Neither of you were sure when the Master of the house was going to be home, so when it came close to midnight, you insisted that Adelinde head to bed. You’re Diluc’s spouse, after all, you can greet him and take care of him when he gets home. There was a moment where the head maid looked like she was going to argue this with you, but she’d decided against it. It’s about two in the morning when you’re falling asleep, half slipping off the couch yourself when you hear the front door open a bit louder than usual. This startles you from your sleep, and you get up, making your way to see who has the audacity and the bravery to try to break into the manor.
“Diluc?!” you gasp as you rush forward, trying to quell the Electro energy that had been surging in you, ready to attack. He looks like a pathetic wet cat at this moment, hair sopping wet and sticking to his face, clothes just as drenched, his clothes askew and torn, he smells a bit burned. “Are you okay?” Your arm is already snaking around him, and he can’t even look at you. “Archons, you’re warm. C’mon, let’s get you upstairs and in bed.”
“I’m -” he stutters out. Clears his throat. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine.” You answer, a bit more snappishly than intended. He doesn’t fight you as you help him up the winding staircase and down the hall - into the master bedroom. “What happened?”
“I got caught in the downpour is all.” he says, still unable to meet your gaze. You’re already working to unbutton his shirt to make sure he isn’t injured anywhere that you can’t see. There’s a few bruises and welts forming on his body. “H-hey, I said I’m fine.”
“Why won’t you let me help you?” You ask, pulling away - feeling more hurt and exasperated than you think you should be. “Diluc, I’m your wife and you won’t even look at me.” Despite your words, he’s doing his best to look everywhere but at you. “Diluc, look at me.”
Carefully, he lifts his gaze to yours - his eyes are so enticing. His face is a little bit red, and you think you catch his eyes drifting downward for a moment before meeting your own eyes again.
“What happened?” You prompt.
“I got caught in the downpour.” Diluc answers, simply. “There was a - there was a treasure hoarder lurking outside of Mondstadt’s walls.”
“You got into a fight?”
“Yes, but I’m fine. They aren’t worth much energy or attention.” You sigh and rub your forehead. “It’s just a little bit of rain, I’m honestly more lucky you didn’t try to electrocute me.” It’s an attempt at a joke, one where he’s forcing a smile but you can’t bring yourself to return it. “I…I don’t know what you want me to say or do.”
“As long as you’re okay.” you tell him, finally resigned. “It’s late, we both should go to bed. Um…Adelinde will lose her mind tomorrow when she sees you tracked mud on her clean floors but I’ll take the blame for that.” You bid him a quick good night, turning to leave him to his own devices if he doesn’t actually need your help.
“Hey, wait.” His voice is slightly strained. Your hand is on the brass knob and you look over at him, watching as he gets up and takes a few strides towards you. Before you could ask what he needs, his lips brush up against yours for a brief moment. The kiss is soft and he breaks away after a moment, his thumb caressing your cheek. You tilt your head to the side, trying to comprehend what he just did. “I’m sorry.” He mumbles. “I should have asked.”
“So ask.” You whisper, feeling oddly cheeky.
He swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing as he does so. He clears his throat, a nervous habit of his. “Then, may I kiss you again?”
“Yes.” You murmur and he pulls you in for another kiss, this time more certain - needier. You find yourself melting into his touch, leaning against him as the two of you make it back to his bed. Clothes start to scatter around, his skin is weirdly dry to the touch (and you attribute it to his Pyro vision) but lovely anyways. There’s scars all over his body, your eyes rake over the muscle and old injuries, you start to ask him what happened but he stops you with another searing kiss. Tongue in mouth, teeth nipping at your lips. Soon, those lips, that hot mouth, find their way to your neck - biting and sucking.
But he always stops short of going down further, looking at you with hunger, looking unhinged with those red eyes and wild red hair and the soft glow of the candlelight. Your body aches with need.
“I wish to touch you.” he whispers.
“So touch me.” you breathe. That seems to be all he needs for him to remove those damn gloves, tossing them to the side. Teeth graze at a nipple, making you gasp and arch as his hand teases your other nipple. Lips move down further and further, searing kisses with soft bites that follow, and he tries to get every inch of your skin.
“So beautiful,” he breathes and gently bites your hip bone. Diluc kisses the area above your pubic bone, before moving to kiss along your thighs - teeth digging in deeper and he stops his ministrations right before hitting the spot you want him to focus on. Your eyes lock together. Your heart skips a beat when he bends down and presses his lips against your clit, tenderly kissing at your wet cunt and you gasp. His tongue pokes out, giving your slit a curious lick before diving right in.
His lips and tongue work at you as if he were a starving man - the noises that escape you are lewd and embarrassing as he licks and sucks, a finger slowly working at your entrance. You gasp when he presses a finger inside of you - it’s bigger and thicker than your own, and you can’t help but squirm at the intrusion. Much to your dismay, he pulls away from your soaking cunt to look up at you, his face a mess.
“Are you okay?” his voice is raspy and he’s definitely drunk on your pussy. His face is about as red as his hair at this point, he’s panting slightly and oh, he looks more like a demon of temptation than anything sweet or angelic. Want is etched on every bit of his features and your slick shines on his lips.
“Just - ah - unused to the feeling.”
“Mm,” he gives your clit a lick and you gasp, tightening around the appendage that gently presses in a bit further. “Tell me if I hurt you.” At your nod, he dives right back in - and he slowly adds in another finger and you whine, your fingers finding perch in his soft, but soaked hair. He pays that no mind as he starts to move his fingers in and out, slowly stretching you until he curves them upwards and - oh. You see stars.
“Diluc!” You moan out, grinding against him now. “Fuck.” You’re pretty sure he’s probably grinning to himself. He continues to eat you out and fuck you with his fingers until you’ve ridden out your orgasm, and are more of a mess of noises and moans, fingers pulling at his hair.
He pulls away soon enough, and you stare up at him with slight disappointment - your body trembling from your orgasm and the cold air that hits your heated skin. Diluc trails his fingers along your torso, playing with your breasts for a few moments.
“You’re perfect like this.” Diluc murmurs. Unable to properly formulate a reply, all you can do is reach to meet his hands for a brief moment until you find him gripping one of your legs and under your waist, pulling you flush close to him. “Remember to tell me if I hurt you too much.” You nod, watching him give his cock a few pumps, some pre-cum shining at the tip and you can’t help but feel a sense of nervousness. Sure, you’ve had sex with a partner or two before but that still doesn’t alleviate the anticipation or worry, considering his size. “We don’t have to do this.” He tells you, softly.
“I want to.” You murmur. He guides himself to your slick entrance, gently teasing your folds with the head of his cock for a moment, watching in delight as your eyes close and you push yourself closer, trying to encourage him. Once his head penetrates, you can’t help but reach to grip his arm. He shifts, gently pushing himself in, inch by inch, and your hands finally find each other. Soon enough, Diluc’s bottomed out - your legs on either side of his waist as his hands hold yours down on the bed. And oh, you feel so full - stretched out on his cock.
He stays still for a few minutes, peppering your face and neck with kisses as he whispers words of affirmation - before slowly pulling out and pushing back in. He keeps a slow pace at first, watching your face and kissing you whenever you look like you’re about to cry out.
“So wet for me,” he breathes against your ear. “So good for me.” And those words go straight to your cunt, clenching around him. “Look at you, so needy for me.” Archons, you wonder what else you can get him so say in that tone. Maybe even filthier things.
Your arms wrap around his shoulders and you cling as he continues to fuck you - your second orgasm hitting you as hard as your first, this time you let out a shrill sound and a sob, your nails digging into his back. You think you hear him let out a hiss at that, but you don’t care as you dig your teeth into his shoulder to try to muffle your cries. There’s a taste of copper in your mouth so you let go, giving the bite wound an apologetic kiss.
“Mine.” he groans out, pace quickening. “Ah - I’m gonna -” His thrusts become harder, deeper and your legs lock around his waist as he bites and sucks at your throat, leaving hickies in his wake. He groans as he cums, his pace slowing down to shallow thrusts - the wet noises filling the air. Your muscles feel weak as your legs slowly free him, his cock finally slipping out - followed by a mess of his cum. Your arms fall away as well and much like before, his hands find yours as he kisses you, deeply. He shifts a bit so he isn’t caging you.
The kiss breaks, a string of saliva hangs between both your lips and he looks at you with want - like he could easily go another round.
“We should get you cleaned up,” he murmurs, shifting to get up. “Do you need anything?” You reach out, catching his arm before he can actually get up and off the bed.
“Just…lay with me for a while.” Diluc looks at the mess you both made - or well, mostly him - with a sheepish and slightly ashamed look but he lays down next to you. “I just want to be next to you.”
“Okay,” he murmurs and nuzzles the crown of your head. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” He’s silent for a moment and you open your eyes. “Diluc, for what?”
“Avoiding you.” There’s some shame in his voice. “I-you don’t know how long I’ve been wanting you but couldn’t have you.”
“And why not?” you prompt as you sit up. “We’re married, aren’t we?”
“Well yes but -” he pauses for a moment, as if thinking. “I figured you hated me or resented me for our…arrangement. I didn’t want to impose.” You stare at Diluc, slightly stunned. “I know I sound ridiculous, but I would have thought you’d be against an arranged marriage. I remember when we were kids and you were telling everyone you’d never get married, that you were going to join the Adventurer’s Guild and become a famous adventurer.”
You snort. “You remember that?”
“Of course I do. You know, we were introduced when we were young, and when father said that the two of us were going to be married, you told him straight to his face that you’d never marry a boy.” Diluc lets out a soft sigh.
You snort back your laughter. “Did that upset you?”
“N-no.” He lets out a soft laugh. “I wish we’d been able to speak more while growing up but…I was busy. I think the last time we actually ever interacted was at some ball or party, you were crying over something and…”
“You gave me flowers.” you finish, quietly. “I remember that very distinctly. Honestly, you made my night way better for that. I’m surprised you remember that moment.”
Diluc frowns at you. “Of course I do. Father actually had a few choice words to your mother about making you cry like that.” He lets out a soft breath. “I actually went off out of the city to find the perfect flowers to give to you in hopes that it’d cheer you up. I…was lucky you hadn’t already left the city when I got back.”
“Thank you, Diluc,” you murmur. “Really.”
A comfortable quiet lapses between the two of you - his fingers stroking your hair. You could fall asleep like this. “If you still want to join the Adventurer’s Guild, I would not be opposed to it.” He finally says, quietly. “Or if you want to work in the city - it isn’t uncommon these days, and I fear your family was a bit too traditionalist in how they raised you.”
“Maybe.” you mumble. “I could work at the Cat’s Tail, give you a bit of trouble.”
He leans down and kisses you on the lips. “I’d much prefer you joining the Guild.” he murmurs against your lips. “I might even have bragging rights if you get better at not breaking my weapons that you get your hands on.”
“Hmm, I’ll consider it.” You curl up close to him, your eyes drooping shut. You feel him relax and rest next to you, his breath warm. “Diluc?”
“I love you.” You feel him kiss the juncture of your neck and shoulder, his hair tickling you as he does.
“I love you too, my flame.”
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angrygirlromero · 4 months
Summary: In which the son of the God of thieves, is head over heels in love with the daughter of the sea God.
Warnings: possible grammar mistakes, dark Luke.
Pairing: Luke x daughter of Poseidon x Little brother Percy.
Ella could remember quite clearly her life with her parents, her life before camp, her life before Luke, her life revolved around training with her father every morning before dawn, learning to use her powers and the other half of her time was spent with her mother Amphitrite learning how to rule and care for a kingdom, it was overwhelming for a little girl, but at such point in time Ella was more than content with making her beloved Godly parents proud.
Ella's mind raced as she made her way down the path towards the office, the sweet and awkward little boy she had met only a few days prior was her little brother, her father had fathered another bastard, a son.
Ella couldn't help but feel hurt by her father's infidelity once again towards her mother, but Percy was a nice boy him being her brother wasn't going to change the fact that he was also the victim of her father's actions or now their father's action.
She knew Amphitrite was not one bit bothered by her husband's company but to father two forbidden children was most certainly crossing Zeus line, Poseidon would not be forgiven, war will come, Percy was not prepared to wage war against the gods maybe Ella and her father were but the young boy wasn't.
Making her way up the stairs of the opened office Mr. D eye's met her's a stressed look fully displayed on his mature face, "Oh look who's here the woman of the hour" called out the God, Percy quickly wiped around to face his sister.
Percy Jackson was lost, a wave of different emotions had overwhelmed him since he had been claimed, but when he saw her his heart pained to know this entire time at camp he had felt alone and his sister had been right in from of him this entire time.
"Dionysus, Chiron, Grover" greeted the girl with respect, she could feel the tension rise in the room, Grover stoop silently in the corner after his outburst he wasn't sure he should intervene in such conversation any more.
Ella turned to finally face the boy who's eyes had been boring into her soul since the very moment she step foot in the room, "Percy" she breathed out, and for the first time in her life Ella was speechless.
Chiron and Mr. D shared a look before Chiron spoke to break the tension between the sibling. "Marella maybe you should show Percy to his new cabin..." he trailed off, "of course" replied the girl smiling softly at Percy, he wasn't to blame after all.
"I suppose the cabin was getting quite lonely after all" she added, to which Percy smiled, before he trailed behind her as they left. Making their way down toward the Hermes cabin Percy walked next to the girl, an awkward silence falling over the pair.
"Did you know?" asked Percy breaking the silence, "No, I didn't, I've always been aware of our father's affairs but I never knew he'd fathered another forbidden child" stated the girl, Percy came to a halt causing Ella to slowly stop in her tracks, "What's wrong?" she asked, "look I know this is gonna sound weird but since the very first moment I met you I've felt this connection, I don't really know how to explain it's like if you and I were connected, and I didn't understand the feeling until now, you've been nothing but nice to me since we've met and I don't want you to hate me" pleaded her brother.
Ella took a few steps closer coming face to face with the desperate boy, "Us being sibling does not change how I feel towards you or care for you Percy, that feeling you felt was mutual, it's like father always says, water holds memory, it was him trying to tell us from the very beginning" stated Ella lifting her hand to Percy's face, her delicate fingers brushing over his cheeks.
Percy's eyes bore into hers, "From now on we are one, you are my brother, my blood, whoever wishes to harm you shall have to go through me first little brother, even if that means waging war against Zeus to keep you alive" stated the girl.
Percy's eyes overflowed with tears, he had felt so very alone and abandoned since the moment he had arrived at camp he thought his father had turned his back on him, but instead Poseidon had gifted him a sister, a loving and beautiful sister to care and protect him.
Ella gave Percy a sad smile before she embraced him in a hug the boy ducked his head into his sister's neck sobbing his heart out to his now found sibling, for once in the longest time Percy Jackson felt safe.
From a distance Luke stood on the porch of the Hermes Cabin, watching them, pure jealousy raging in the Hermes boy's eyes, Percy was her sibling but yet Luke couldn't help but feel the overwhelming feeling of jealousy overtaking his body, he desired nothing more than to be Percy in that very moment, he wanted her to wipe his tears away, to hug him, and rub his back in comfort, he would keep her to himself matter what it took.
Walking back into the Hermes cabin was a different type of experience for Percy now, everyone looked at him differently, with respect maybe, or was it pity? or maybe even fear, Ella made her way into the cabin at her brother's side, her arm interloped with her brother's until they reached the spot where his stuff where.
Percy let go of his sister careful as if in any given second she would just disappear into thin air, picking up his things he tried avoiding the chattering from all kid's around him, "Hey princess" called out a familiar voice causing Percy to glance back at his sister.
He watched Luke approach her from behind wrapping his arm around the girl as if he owned her, their interactions had never bothered Percy before but yet now Percy couldn't help but feel bothered by Luke's proximity to his older sister.
"Hi love" she smiled up at him, leaning up to her tiptoes to press a soft kiss on to Luke's scar causing the Hermes boy to flush, "How've you guys been?" he asked with a small stutter because of his nerves, "We're doing just fine, I have a feeling we're gonna get along quite well" stated Ella with a pretty smile provoking butterflies to flutter in Luke's stomach.
Luke Castellan wasn't one to enjoy being powerless, but yet when he was with Ella he had never felt weaker, he loved the addicting feeling of her attention on him. "That's great princess, I'm happy you guys are getting along" said Luke, lying, at first he had found Percy's fondness for his girl amusing, but now Luke was much more bothered than ever.
Percy quickly threw his stuff into his bag finally zipping it up standing to his feet, facing the pair with an awkward smile, he watched his friend mutter something into his sister's ear causing her to smile and nod as if she was confirming something, "you done Pers?" asked Ella.
"Alright then, I'll see you later handsome" said Ella slowly releasing herself from Luke's arms causing the older boy to pount and Percy to cringe, Ella began walking away as Luke refused to let go of her, soon enough he did standing there like a lovestruck fool letting Percy walked past him.
"Hey Percy" called out Luke, causing Percy to stop and face him "Don't be a stranger, if you ever need help don't be afraid to ask" said Luke with a smile, to which Percy nodded, "Yeah thanks, I won't."
Walking into their cabin Percy stood amazed at the entrance watching the beautiful fountain in the middle and the carvings of Poseidon and other greek engravings that were displayed on the wall, his eyes scanned his sister's half of the cabin where their were hand painted paintings of the sea on some parts of the walls.
There was a huge double bed remaining beautifully adorned with white sheets, an elegant dark blue head-bed with gold embroideries and an unhealthy amount of sea animal plushies, and around the bed were white curtains that were neatly hung around the pretty bed display, it looked like something out of his mother's dreams.
His new cabin was most definitely better than the Hermes cabin, there was a small section with a desk and a book shelf in the farther corner of the room, and on the other side of the cabin were shelves of different weapons and vintage fishing gears on display.
"The other half of the cabin is all yours, I've asked Dionysus to order you a new bed, it'll be arriving sometime next week, so for now you can sleep on the bed with me if you like" offered Ella, "It's alright, I'm good with the taking the floor, I wouldn't want to cause you any discomfort" said Percy his eyes scanning over every souvenir on the shelves.
Ella chuckled at Percy's enchanted state, "You know when I first got here this place was a mess, no one had stayed in here for ages and all this stuff was just thrown around, but with time the Hermes and Hephaestus boys helped me fix up the place" explained Ella, "Oh well that's very nice of them" said Percy finally removing his bag to place it on the floor on his half of the room.
"You know you are more than welcomed to use my desk and books whenever you like little one, everything here is as much yours as they are mine"
"Thank you Ella, really I appreciate it all" said Percy with a grateful look, "I um have a question tho, its kind of off topic" continued Percy, "I'm listening" replied Ella taking a seat on her soft bed.
"You and Luke, are you guys like a thing, like officially?" asked the sea prince, "Luke and I are complicated, we both have feelings for each other but our pride won't allow either of us to confess, besides I've known Luke for years and he's always been there for me, him Chris and even Annabeth, he was there for me when I needed him the most and if we don't work out I don't think I could ever live with myself" Ella said mumbling out the last part under her breath.
"That makes sense, but if he tries something you don't like you tell me, because if he hurts my sister he'll have to deal with me" said Percy causing Ella to laugh, this was most definitely going to be interesting.
Tag list:
@mxtokko @poppyflower-22 @starryhiraeth @trashmouthsahra @purplerose291 @iloveneilperry @onlyreadz @mahidahi
A/N: I'm starting a tag list please do message me or comment if you wish to be added, sorry for any grammar mistakes, hope you enjoy even if this was just mostly about Percy. REQUEST ARE STILL OPENED FOR PJO, HOTD, GOT, HUNGER GAMES, OBX, ETC.
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itsmealaiah · 21 days
"anger management"
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TW: doggstyle fucking, public sex, nudity, profanity, p in v sex, slapping, unprotected sex, she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, head (tom rec), mentions of mafia connections and gangs
Request: Can you do a 2010 Tom Kaulitz smut where he is a mafia good and she is a Mafia god as well and they meet to discuss some things and it gets freaky...anf she maybe first blows him. Then gets bent over a desk or the table or something...sorry if it's bad.
Rating: mdni, mature, explicit themes ahead
WC: 1.3k
mother's day special since i usually don't post 2 days in a row 🤭
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You were so sick and tired of these goddamn meetings.
Every single week there was a new one, seemingly for no reason at all. You didn't even want to get into the mafia life, knowing it sucked. Your dad had forced you, promising loads of cash at your disposal, but there was none. He forced you to meet Tom Kaulitz, leader of one of the most dangerous gangs, and you pissed, to say the least.
You wanted to go home and sleep, you had gotten up at the ass crack of dawn to meet him in this stupid board room, and the bastard wasn't even here. He could've atleast given you the time of day, considering you were pretty important as well. Your father had a ton of control over this city, and you felt you deserved some respect.
You were fiddling with the pen on the desk, growing more angry by the second as tom still didn't show up. You huffed, and dialed your father, in the middle of texting him when the dickwad decided to show up.
"You're late" you said harshly, his face a frown as his eyes met yours. "sorry princess" he sneered, taking a seat across from you, eyes on his phone. There was an awkward silence as you both were on your phones, you trying to ask your dad why the hell he scheduled a meeting with this man.
"just try to get him on our side" he answered, and you groaned in annoyance. "something wrong?" tom's head perked up, seeing your eyes shut tightly. "my dad" you rumbled. "i know how that feels" he sympathized, and the air was tense again.
"so" you broke the silence, your hands now on the table as tom's gaze once more lifted from his phone. "i'm cutting straight to the chase, my dad wants your gang to be a part of our 'team' as he calls it. He promises you all a great amount of cash, in hand, if you agree"
You had said your part, and now you were waiting for tom to say his. "that's a very good proposition, but what about everything else?" he shot back, and you were at a loss for an answer. "all the bribes and stuff that people usually have for us, cars, guns, alcohol, all the regular shit they offer" his gaze was fiery, burning into yours.
You stuttered, not knowing if your dad would agree to his demands. "i-i'm sure I could discuss that with my father later" you hesitated. "One more thing, princess" He said softly, not breaking the eye contact you both had held for an uncomfortable amount of time. "if i'm agreeing to this so called 'deal', i need something to really convince me."
He crossed the room, his long strides making it quick as he stood by you within seconds. "All I ask for, is you for one small fuck. That's it." Your eyes widened in shock. "excuse me?" you were enraged by this request. "Then I'll agree" he spoke calmly, his fingers grasping your chin as he stared down at you, already envisioning all the dirty things he could do to you.
You were still sitting in the chair, debating on whether or not to let him fuck you for the sake of your dad's company. He was growing impatient, your hesitance annoying him as he waited for your answer. "You have one minute" he demanded, leaning onto the table as you thought it over.
"fine" you said quickly, agreeing. "splendid" he smiled wickedly, pushing you onto your knees without another word. "wh-what do you want me to do?" you asked innocently. "suck" you furrowed your eyebrows. "suck what? there's nothing here?" he laughed, and unzipped his pants, revealing his cock, a good eight inches. He pulled down his clothing, pushing your head forward so your lips met his cock, smiling as the leaking tip entered your mouth.
he faltered, his legs feeling weak as your tongue swirled around his cock, taking more into your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks, your hands grasping his shaft so you could still pleasure what you couldn't take in. "f-fuck. keep doing that g-good and you got yourself a deal princess" he moaned, hips bucking up against your face.
He pulled your hands away, wanting to feel your mouth enclosed around his entire cock. As it hit the back of your throat, you gagged, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you struggled to keep him all in. He held onto your hair to stabilize himself, groaning in pleasure as he tugged on your hair viciously.
You bobbed your head up and down, his tip hitting your throat each time as your tears began to run down your face, taking his cock whole. He looked down, and saw you struggling to keep his dick fully in, so he helped you, his hips now directly against your face, your nose bumping right above him cock.
"oh fuck!" he groaned, his orgasm fast approaching. Your tongue continously swirled around his cock, feeling every vein as he shot his load down your throat, his eyes closing and his head tilting back in bliss.
You lifted yourself off the ground, wiping your tears and the edges of your mouth. He was still recovering from his high, panting breathlessly. "Was that the fuck you were talking about or do i need to do more?-" "more, please" he said with little breath, and you nodded. anything for him to agree.
He pushed you onto the table, your ass facing him as he slapped it harshly, making you yelp. He tore your clothes down, seeing the red mark. He slowly slid into you, his hands on your hips as he pushed in, your walls molding to fit his shape.
His hand held your hair once more, pulling your head backwards as your ass was right in front of him, bouncing with each thrust as you moaned, lying your head down on the wood. He thrust harder, hitting your g-spot perfectly each time as you gargled, too full even to speak, tears once more cascading down your face.
You looked so hot like this, he might just need you for more than one fuck. He laid down on your back, the heat between the two of you scorching. You could barely even believe what was happening. The leader of the best ranked gang was fucking you over a board room desk, where probably anyone could see.
His tip kissed your cervix as you writhed beneath him, his hand coming to hold both of yours behind your back as he buried himself deep inside you, your walls tightly gripping his cock, making him never want to pull out. Your pussy was so warm and tight around him, your walls clenching around him, already seeming to milk his cock for his impending orgasm.
He looked backwards, his thick cock slamming in and out of your hole. He slowly turned his head back around, biting into your shoulder. "oh my fuck!" you moaned, feeling your legs begin tremble in pleasure, a sign you were coming. "that's it baby, you're doing so good" he kissed the back of your neck, pushing your hair out of the way.
You came on him, your legs giving out soon after as you fell flat against the desk, face smushing on the hardwood. He was still pounding in and out of you, soon reaching his own high and pulled out quickly, his cum squirting onto your leg.
"i think we have a deal" he panted, caressing your hip. "But just one more thing"
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Taglist 1: @madzandmore @20doozers @charliesgoodboy @tokio-motel
Taglist 2: @itsangelll @tomssexdoll @tomsonlyslut @kqulitzlvr
Taglist 3: @brooke-tomsschlampe @ballhair @estxkios
Comment on masterlist post to be tagged!
Requests are open! keep sending them in!
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luveline · 9 months
HIIIIII! I’m so obsessed with you and this series but If it fits into the storyline maybe could we get something where princess hasn’t been seen or heard from all day and the whole castle is gossiping that she ran away and Prince Steve hasn’t been able to pull away from his duties to find her but he eventually does. Kinda vague but I know if you do this you’ll write it better than I could ever explain it lol 💖💖
thank you so much! ♡ prince steve au fem, 1.3k
Steve is in his politics class when he hears the first whisper. There are many awful things that come with being the future inheritor of an entire kingdom, and the very worst in his opinion is having to know the politics of the surrounding kingdoms, cities, islands, island kingdoms and their cities. It's exhausting.  
And what cruel torture is this? His mother and father insist he needs to find his soulmate before he turns twenty four, but when he does find you he's not actually allowed to spend time with you. You're locked away like a sick fairytale and Steve spends hours at a time wondering what you're doing, what you're thinking, if you've been eating properly. He went from knowing nothing about you to not enough. 
Your name is like a lime spotlight. He hears it and he perks up, a trained dog, looking out of the corner of his eye at two service maids changing the eucalyptus sconces. 
"I heard she tried to leave a few days ago and got caught. If I were Y/N I'd never walk again, let alone run away. I'd have someone bring me a pot to piss in–" 
"Shush!" the second maid laughs. "What if someone heard us?" 
They're lucky the others in the room are distracted, less lucky that Steve is a moth to your flame. 
"Wherever she is, I hope she doesn't come back. Prince Steven doesn't flirt with us anymore, it's depressing. Do you think my tabard makes me look fat?" 
Wherever she is? Where are you? 
Steve starts to stand and gets forcibly sat back down by his tutor. "Don't make me hit you with the stick, Steven," he says, his teasing lost to a permanent monotone drawl. 
It continues more of the same but in different places. He hears possible locations at fencing practice, motives between sickening spoonfuls of pot pie and biscuits he can't stomach. Guardsmen talk of you in alcoves and the seamstresses whisper it between pins held in their lips, until finally Steve's had enough. 
"What use is fitting me for my suit if the bride's run away?" he asks, pulling pins from his thighs. "This is ridiculous. I'm done." 
He scrambles into his clothes and shoes. He's buttoning his shirt in the middle of a wide hallway when Robin appears. "Public indecency, nice." 
"This is my house." 
"No need to brag." She offers her hands to take his jacket so he can button faster. "You know your princess is missing, right?"
"Where have you been all day?" he asks. 
"Where do you think? I've been looking for her. Safe to say she's not in the Palace. Where did you say she lived before this?" 
"I… don't know." 
"Useless. We've no hopes of retrieving her then, unless you want to put out a mandate for her return." 
"Stop talking like that," Steve says, scrubbing his jaw tiredly. "I know where she is, I think. You can't come with me." 
"It's a secret." 
"You can't leave the Palace without me. Do you know how close I was to getting fired last week?" 
You and Steve snuck out before dawn to explore the city together, and to finally get to know one another for a chunk of time. It wasn't enough, but it was a good start. Steve told you a few secrets, and it's about to come in handy.
"Good thing it's not outside of the Palace, then," he says, grinning at Robin mischievously as he takes his jacket from her, turning to walk backwards and steadily away. "Stay here."
"I'll find your dumb hiding place!" she calls after him. 
Steve shrugs into his jacket and descends the stairs. It took him years of being constantly watched to evade the eye, and if you've successfully secluded yourself where he thinks, you're a natural royal. Steve slips down another set of marble stairs, through a hallway, into one of the many intricate drawing rooms, to finally slip unseen behind an ornate oil portrait of his great great great grandma. 
He finds you sleeping in his den. The walls are tacked with teenage dreams, the floor littered with books he had good intentions of reading. You're curled on your side on the cot, the rinds of blood oranges at your chest and your lips stained mildly red from eating them. There's barely any light in this secret room; Steve can't stay here long without getting claustrophobic, but he needs to come here sometimes or he ends up feeling a different kind of trapped. 
He turns the latch of the oil lamp and lights a match. When he touches the red head of it to the lamp's dish, blue, green, and hyacinth-purple light sprays the walls and your snoozing face. Cutout stars remain, the shade of your skin left alone. 
He resists the urge to wake you with the tip of his thumb pressed to one such star, instead kneeling by the cot to shake your arm. "Hey," he murmurs, "you okay?" 
You blink. Sleep crusts your left eye and your lips are chapped, the whites of your eyes a sore red as you meet his. It's funny, nobody looks pretty waking up, but Steve thinks you've just about managed it.
He gives into what he wants, his hand riding the gentle curve of your arm. 
"What's wrong?" he asks quietly. 
You stare at him like he's not what you were expecting. 
"You okay?" he asks again, rubbing the crook of your elbow in search of an answer.
"'M fine," you say, barely audible through hoarseness. 
You sit up and wipe your eyes. Steve reluctantly takes his hand back, not wanting to overdo anything. It's the strangest feeling in the world to know someone will love you one day but they don't know you yet. Stranger still to know you're all alone here, and if Steve doesn't advocate for you, there aren't many who will. 
He's happy to do it. 
"Did someone say something to you?" he asks gently. 
He wouldn't speak to you like this if you didn't respond, your posture slouching forward, relaxing from that tense rigidity you hold whenever you first see him. 
"No one said anything to me, Steve. Your– my lady's maids wouldn't leave me alone. I'm not used to, uh, having my entire day planned for me." You collect your orange rinds into your palm. "It feels childish now, but I needed to be by myself. Do you know what I mean?" 
"I've been doing what other people tell me for years." He takes the orange rinds from your hands. There's nowhere to put them, so he keeps them. He didn't want you to get your fingers sticky with pith. "And it drives me crazy. That's why I told you about this place." 
You make a face like your breath is caught. He sees it everyday. He's starting to worry you're too easily panicked. 
"Have you eaten anything else today? We should go."
"Will they make me do all the things I should've been doing?" you ask. 
"It's evening. We'll have dinner on the terrace, your lady's maids won't come up to you while we're together." He seals his promise with a quick kiss to your knuckles. Your soul mark glows palest pink. "You're sure it's nothing else?" 
You, hesitant as a dormouse, trail the side of your pinky finger against his wrist where it rests on the cot. Purple‐blue light like iris petals paint your skin. "This is all really crazy," you whisper. 
"I know," he says back, voice dropped to a murmur to match you. He can't offer you a better response —this will always be crazy. 
You nod slowly for a moment, visibly thinking. "What do you want for dinner tonight?" you ask. 
"I want what you want." 
"Maybe I want what you want, Steve." 
You make his name sound like an inside joke. He tucks the glow of his soul mark out of view as it burns a rosy hue. 
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ereardon · 3 months
Before I Knew [Jake Seresin x Reader] Chapter Six
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A Jake Seresin unexpected pregnancy fic
Overview: On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader; Bob Floyd x Sister!Reader 
Warnings: Pregnancy, cursing, eventual smut, angst
Chapter summary: Ducky goes to her first doctor's appointment; Bob and Jake fight it out; Jake makes a staggering proposal
WC: 2K
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
You caught the bus a few blocks from the library and rode it across town to the doctor’s office. Waited in the front area with all the other women in various stages of pregnancy. Your heart sank as you watched woman after woman file in with a partner at her side or a friend. 
You felt utterly alone as they called your name and you stood up alone. 
The sonographer pushed off of her stool and smiled. “The doctor will be in soon.” 
You nodded, laying back against the paper-coated exam table. When the doctor entered, she smiled softly. “Hi there, I’m Dr. Whitman.” She took a seat on the stool. “Let’s take a look here.” She pulled up the sonogram charts. “Everything looks good. You’re measuring at eight weeks and three days. How do you feel?” 
“Nauseous,” you replied. “Tired.” 
She smiled. “That’s par for the course, unfortunately. The second trimester gets better for most patients.” 
“Thank God.” 
The doctor clicked off the screen and folded her hands in her lap. “Y/N,” she said softly. “A core part of a pregnancy is a support system. Are you married?” 
You shook your head. “No.” 
“Do you have a boyfriend or family to lean on?” 
“It’s complicated,” you whispered. 
“I understand.” There was something so soothing about her. “But I also know that what many people don’t realize is that a core part of a healthy pregnancy is having people to lean on. Stress is not good for the baby.” 
“I barely know the father,” you replied. “And I’ve been staying with my brother. But he’s not happy about all of this.” 
The doctor nodded. “No pregnancy is easy to plan for,” she replied. “But keeping your stress levels low is critical, especially during this first trimester. Do you have any friends who can help support you?” 
You thought of Phoenix. So far she was the only one who seemed to want to help. You nodded. “Yeah, I think so.” 
“Good.” The doctor scribbled on a pad. “I’m going to write you a prescription for an anti-nausea medication. Take it once a day for at least a week to see if it helps.” She ripped it off and then handed you the sonogram. “And here’s a photo of your baby.” 
You held the black and white photo in both hands, choking on air. For perhaps the first time, it dawned on you. 
You were going to be a mother. 
“Fucking shit, Floyd, what the hell was that?” Jake whipped off his helmet the moment they stepped foot on the tarmac. 
Bob grunted and turned to storm away. Phoenix put one hand on his arm and he shrugged her off. She looked at Jake and raised her eyebrows. “Above my pay grade.” 
“He’s your back seater, Natasha,” Jake said and Phoenix’s lips pressed into a fine line. Jake only called her by her first name when things were serious. 
“He has his own mind,” she hissed back. “I can’t help it that you knocked up his sister.” 
Jake’s green eyes went wide with anger. Bradley stepped between them, trying to diffuse the attention. “Alright, hold on. Let’s just take a step back here before we say things we don’t mean.” 
“I meant it when I said you only think about yourself,” Phoenix said. Her words landed on Jake with a solid delivery. It had been three years, but their last fight still stung. 
Jake shook his head, heading toward the locker room where Bob had disappeared. Behind him, Bradley held both of Phoenix’s arms, keeping her back, his whispers blending into the whirring background noise of jets landing on the tarmac. “Floyd!” Jake’s voice rang out in the empty changing room. He was quiet for a moment before a clang caught his attention, the sound of a locker door slamming. He moved further down the halfway, rounding the corner where Bob stood wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans, a frown laced over his delicate face. “Floyd, listen–”
“I pretty much raised her,” Bob interrupted. Jake frowned, but stayed silent as Bob laced his shoes, refusing to make eye contact. “Our dad left. Our mom worked all the time to put food on the table. So that left taking care of Y/N to me. And I did it, because I loved her. I did it because I wanted what was best for her.” He looked up, blue eyes hollow against sullen skin. “And now you’ve shown up and ruined everything.” 
“I didn’t know she was your sister,” Jake said. “And we didn’t mean for her to get pregnant. It just happened.” 
“But it happened to her!” Bob shouted and Jake took a step back. There was something unhinged about angry Bob. So different from the wallflower that he had always been. You were the one thing that he cared enough about to pick fights over. “You happened to her. You ruined her fucking life, Hangman.” 
“But that’s just it, isn’t it?” Jake said. “It’s her life, Floyd. Not yours. It’s hers. You’re acting like I did this to you as a personal attack.” 
“She was just starting to get her footing,” Bob said quietly. “And you took that away from her. You took away her future. Everything she worked so hard for. Everything we both worked so hard for. To get out of Chattanooga. To not end up like the rest of them.” 
Jake sighed. “So that’s what this is about, isn’t it,” he said. “It’s not about me. And it’s not even really about Y/N. It’s about you.” 
Bob squinted. “What?” 
“You’re mad because you think this foils all of your plans, all of your work, everything you did to get the two of you out of that small town life.” 
“She deserves better.” 
“I agree.” Jake shook his head. “Listen, man, I’m not going anywhere. This might not have been what I expected. Hell, it might not even be what I want. But it’s where we are. I’m not going to leave her alone in all of this.” 
“She isn’t alone,” Bob said. “She has me.” 
“Does she?” 
A little girl set a pile of library books on the counter in front of you. She was barely tall enough to reach, her thin arms struggling beneath the weight of the books. “Hi,” she chirped.
You turned and smiled. She had big ears and a wide, uneven grin. “Hi there,” you said, scanning the first book. “Wow, you scored big.” 
“I like bugs,” she explained and you slowly noticed every single book was about snakes or bugs. You could feel bile creep up your throat as you nodded. 
“That’s nice.” 
“Do you like bugs?” 
“Not really.” 
She frowned. “That’s too bad. Do you like puppies?” 
“Yeah, puppies are better.” You finished scanning her books. “Do you need a bag?” 
She shook her head. “No, my mommy is over there.” She pointed at a pregnant woman standing next to the door looking at her phone. The little girl cocked her head to the side. “You look like her.” 
“Really?” You squinted. The woman by the door was taller, with different hair. “How so?” 
“You’re going to be a mommy,” the little girl said. “All mommys look like that.” And then she grabbed her books and jogged off toward the door. You had to practically pick your jaw up from the ground, hands dropping to your barely visible bump. How had she known? Then again, kids were like animals. Sometimes they knew things. You watched the little girl hand the books to her mom, who slid them into a tote bag before grabbing her hand tightly. 
Something stirred inside of you. It was too soon to be the baby, realistically you knew that. But somewhere, deep down, you knew it was the baby making their presence known. 
“Hi there,” you whispered, one hand over your belly button. 
It was late. You were asleep on the couch when the door opened. You opened your eyes wide, watching as Jake and Bradley dragged a barely coherent Bob through the door. You stood up, wiping at your eyes. “What the hell?” 
“He’s wasted,” Bradley said. “We tried but we couldn’t stop him.” 
You put your hands on your hips, turning to Jake. “Did you do this?” 
“I’m so tired of everyone blaming me,” he replied. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. 
Bradley cocked his head. “Here, let me take him.” Easily, he slung Bob over one of his shoulders, carrying him straight into the bedroom. You dragged your hand over your face, turning to Jake. 
“What’s going on with him?” 
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” Jake replied, looking at his feet. “He and I, we uh, we had a fight.” 
“About what?” 
He lifted his gaze to yours. “You know what.” 
“Oh. That.” 
Jake nodded as Bradley stepped back into the living room. He looked at you, and then Jake. “I'm going to head out.” 
“Thanks for bringing him back.” 
“Any time.” Bradley paused by the door. “Hey Y/N?” 
“Be patient with him. He’s still processing.” The door shut softly. 
“He heard me say that I hate him,” you whispered, moving back onto the couch, curling into a ball. Jake followed, sitting on the other end of the couch, a safe distance away. “Maybe he hates me, too.” 
“He doesn’t hate you,” Jake replied. “He wouldn’t act like this if he didn’t love you.” 
“Then why is he hurting me?” you whispered, a tear slipping down your cheek. 
“Because he’s hurt, too,” Jake said. “And it’s easier to be mad.” 
You tipped your head to one side. “That night we met. You had no idea I was Bob’s sister?” 
“Fuck no,” Jake replied and you smirked. He shook his head. “You’re gorgeous, but I never would have looked at you, let alone did what we did if I had known.” 
“So it wasn’t some ploy to get back at him for whatever the hell you two have beef about?” 
“This has become a lot bigger than I ever imagined.” 
You sighed. “I’m sorry I wasn’t a cool girl you met in a bar and had sex with and never saw again. I’m sorry I’m ruining your whole life.” 
“Maybe it’s not so bad,” Jake whispered and you looked up, surprised. “Maybe I needed something to change.” 
“So you’re not upset?” 
“I’m upset,” Jake clarified. “This isn’t at all what I expected. But it’s done, right?” he asked. “We just have to deal with the consequences.” 
“How romantic.” 
“Fuck.” He leaned back. “Shit, I, I didn’t mean it like that.” 
You shook your head. “It’s OK, it was a joke.” 
“But is that what you want?” he said quietly. “Something romantic?” 
“No. I don’t know.” You pulled your hair back into a loose bun, fighting for words. “I don’t know what I want. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I don’t know anything.” 
“Are you happy here?” 
You frowned. “What do you mean here?” 
“Staying with Bob.” 
“He’s my brother.” 
“I know, Y/N.” Jake rolled his eyes. “That’s why we’re in this lovely predicament. I’m asking if you feel safe here.” 
“Bob would never hurt me.” 
“I think he already has.” Jake’s words stung and you realized for the first time that hurt was much more than just physical. “I was thinking. There’s an apartment across the hall from mine. It’s two bedrooms.” 
“Are you asking me to move in with you?” You practically scoffed. 
Jake shrugged. “Why not? At least for now. Until he cools down.” 
“That’ll only make him angrier.” 
“I don’t give a shit about what makes Floyd happy,” Jake said. “I care about what’s best for you.” 
“Do you actually?” you pressed. “Or is that just what you think you’re supposed to say and feel and do? Take away all of the outside voices and opinions. What do you, Jake Seresin, want?” 
He was quiet for a moment. Then, in the smallest voice you had ever heard, he replied, “To be a good dad. To do the right thing.” 
You nodded. “OK. I’ll move in with you.” You looked up into his clear green eyes. For the first time in weeks, you felt hopeful.
Please follow my library page @ereardonlibrary as that will largely serve as my tag list. Anyone I previous promised to tag is here:
@bobfloydsbabe @blue-aconite @wkndwlff @mamachasesmayhem @mandylove1000 @djs8891 @clancycucumber230 @rosiahills22 @buckysteveloki-me  @kmc1989 @gigisimsonmars @eloquentdreamer @mjisbby @shanimallina87 @seresinslady @seresinhangmanjake @blackwidownat2814 @yanna-banana @bbyvanessaa  @mrsjobarnes @midnightmagpiemama @ingoaliesitrust @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @iangiemae @joaquinwhorres @boiolay @sometimesanalice @spinning-away @mycobrakai1972 @xomrsalliej4787xo @na-ta-sh-aa
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lumilovessmut · 4 months
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Trigger warnings: Monster-fucking, innocent shy reader, reader is kinda naïve and innocent, nicknames such as dear, sweetheart, love, breeding kink, slight yandere themes, olden Chinese time period, established relationship, dom-sub dynamics, penetration.
A/n: Hey loves!! It's Lumi here, as promised this week's post is here hope you all like it! I have exams but I still wanted to entertain you guys lmao :0
Sry guys I'm going on a hiatus till May
Credits: This painting belongs to a Vietnamese artist on Facebook named Kyomon.
Word Count: 2.17K
Upload date: 4th, February, 2024
To get married was the duty of all nobles, especially all princes and princesses of Liyue. Prince Baizhu was no exception in this matter, his good looks, his intellectuality, his manners and etiquettes and his looks were always envied by the young men of the nobles and was the pride of the Emperor of Liyue. Born to His Majesty the Emperor and Her Majesty the Empress, the Crown Prince of Liyue was to be wedded with the Princess of the neighbouring kingdom. Though Prince Baizhu had no interest in this marriage whatsoever, however due to his duty and responsibility he had reluctantly agreed to meet with you. This however was both his worst yet best decision. A young lady in her early twenties, whose hanfu was a pretty pale pink colour with embroidered cherry blossom, oh how did you know that it was his favourite flower, of course it became his favourite flower after he saw you, your cheeks dusted pink, your hair done in a cute bun with braids and a hairpin with the same cherry blossom pattern. Your lips looked like fresh apple found in the cold mountains, oh how badly he wanted to kiss them, wanted to taste them, wanted them to utter only his name, only you can do so not even his father calls his first name.
"Greetings your Highness the Crown Prince, its a pleasure to meet you", you say in your voice and the way Baizhu wanted to hear that voice screaming and moaning in pleasure, the way you would sound so angelic under him in his chambers, making sure that no one dares to even see you in your eyes. "Ah yes, the pleasure is mine too, please do have a seat" he gestured you to sit down, you thanked him and sat down. "My, would I have known that my bride-to-be would such a beauty I would have already gotten married to you by now, but I guess this is also for the better, you need to have a grand marriage", he said while eying you like a predator would eye it's prey. "Please your Highness you must have seen more beauties than me, I am not beautiful to the extent you seem to praise me", oh, Baizhu was melting as you spoke, is that a blush he notices? My you truly were a innocent naïve princess, HIS princess. He so badly wanted to corrupt you, would you know how to pleasure him? How would you react when you see he has not one but two cocks that are as big as your face, oh how surprised would you be? Would you be scared or shocked? My this was his worst but best decision in his life.....
After months of engagement and procession and procedure for getting married, Baizhu couldn't wait to have you because today was the only night were he would sleep all alone, cause from tomorrow he would sleep with his one and only wife, he took an oath that he would never take in another concubine or mistress no matter the circumstances, that's why his mother carefully choose the bride for her beloved son, the one and only Crown Prince of Liyue. At last, it was the auspicious day, his wedding day, he couldn't get a minute of sleep because all he wanted to do was to see you in your bridal clothes in the bridal chamber patiently waiting for him. You have been getting ready since dawn, the courtesans giving you expensive facials and a luxurious bath, and they took more than 4 hours to do your make-up. Of course everything had to be perfect, after all you are becoming the one and only Crown Princess of Liyue. Finally they brought you out in the sedan chair and took you to the palace. The Empress personally visited you, giving you a hairpin, which was a the heirloom of her family, it symbolised fertility and good fortune. The moment had finally arrived, when he saw you in the red bridal wear, all he ever wanted to do was eat you right there. Oh, my he could see your cheeks were dusted pink, was it because of him? Was it because you are going to become his wife? Was it because you are going to carry his babies? Be a good girl to him? A good mother to his babies? Fuck just imagining you round with his babies? Begging him that it's too much? Or will you ask for more, once he has got you addicted to his taste, his scent, his voice, his cum? Oh, what would you do if you found out what he truly was??
The wedding and reception went without a hitch and the whole time he was starting at you, what would your face look like when finally he could remove the red veil covering your beautiful face. The whole country was celebrating for you both, but all his thoughts were about all about you. It was time for him to enter the bridal chamber, when we entered, he just froze in his place, the way you were shyly sitting on the seat, waiting for him, once you noticed his presence you hurried and stood up, bowing your head slightly. "Did I make you wait, my dear?" Baizhu asked in his calm and warm tone, "N-no your Hi-Highness the Crown Prince", "Hmm seems like I scare my wife tut-tut, now we can't have that darling", he slowly approached you and lifted your veil, and the way his breath hitched, the way he wanted to breed you, the way he wanted to reveal his true secrets to you, cause he knew that you are truly innocent. "My dear, we should drink the wine, for a happy married life", he pours two cups of wine, the both of you link your hand and drink the fruit wine.
"Blehh, I hate wine!!!", you tried to hide your disgust but you couldn't handle it. Baizhu laughed at you. "Looks like my dear wife cannot handle a little bit of liquor", you blushed at his words. "Now my wife, shall we get to the main part of the wedding, my favourite part of it", Baizhu slowed walked towards you and you by instinct walked back. He looked like a predator coveting it's prey, under the warm light cast by the lanterns and the candles added an extra layer of mysteriousness to him. He looked like a flower a beautiful one at that, but he seemed dangerous to approach, like you could get poisoned or worse get addicted to it, to HIM. Your mother, always knew someone of high status was going to marry you, but you hoped and prayed everyday for a husband who is handsome but more importantly willing to take only you in. "Y/n, eyes & thoughts on only me from now on", Baizhu whispered in your ears suddenly, you flinched and turned up to meet his eyes, which were sparkling like jewels and the slit in them reminded you of snakes. "Your Highn-", "Y/n can I kiss you? please I have been wanting to do so since I met you", you were shocked to hear that, you both will have to fulfil your duties as husband and wife so you slowly nodded yes. Within a second Baizhu was on your lips like a starved man, your lips were his oasis which cured this thirst he has been having ever since he saw you, his tongue slowly entered your mouth, but it felt weird, that's when your eyes shot up to stare at Baizhu, he was-wasn't a human but rather a, "I guess my dear dear wifey found out about me, hmm do you want to know what your dear husband his love?" You nodded scared to know the royal secrets, will you die after this? was this is the end of the life which had not even begun? "Y/n do not worry, you won't die after you know this, cause it's only you and I who will know it. I'm not human, I'm a half snake hybrid, scared of me love?" He knew actually you would be scared....
"Baizhu, will this hurt me? Will you being a snake hybrid pose a threat to my life?" you asked looking at him with curious cat like eyes. "Hahahaha, no my sweetheart, I just felt the need to let my wife know everything about me." It melted your heart that the strong and mighty Crown Prince cared so much about you. Suddenly he grabbed your hand and he placed it on his groin ,"Y/n touch me here, can you feel it? It's all for you, only you can turn me on in such ways" Your hand was on his hard cock but it felt weird like they were- Oh! shit did Baizhu perhaps have not 1 but, "How did you like my gift? Y/n I need you so badly right now please, allow me to touch you and make your body mine." "Baizhu...........", " My love please, I want to touch you, make you mine, I want to teach you how to pleasure me, I want to pleasure you." He kisses you hard and fast, he snatches the breath away from you, your tongues collide, and your teeth clashes against his, his scent is driving you crazy and you don't know where to place your hands, he slowly guides his hand to yours and moves them around his neck as if sensing your dilemma. He slowly pushes you on the lofty king sized bed with plush pillows, "My dinner is served", he removes you bridal robe slowly and groans as he sees your unclaimed skin, the innocence of it is making Baizhu crazy, he starts slowly kissing your stomach and brings it slowly to your breasts, he takes one in his mouth and sucks on it, silently imagining about how milk will flow out of it. Your moans are picking up in pitch, you have never anything like this, is overwhelming to say in the least, all you want is him, YOUR husband, you don't know why but you just want him to touch your core, the most intimate part of you, "Baizhu, touch me down there, it feels weird, I feel tingly all over." Baizhu simply laughs, "Love you are getting aroused, nothing to worry I am there to take care of you, just keep moaning like that yea?"
Baizhu slowly starts to finger you, making you widen your eyes, it hurts a bit at first but then you get used to, "Baizhu it hurts," "Don't worry, it will be okay now, just relax." He slowly adds one more finger, loosening you up, the way your cunt was gripping his fingers got him more excited just thinking about your cunt gripping this hard on his cocks makes him want to cum right then there. "Are you gonna cum for me my dear? i can feel, let it go for me, I promise to catch you" You have never felt anything like this, your orgasm was approaching at an alarming rate, "Gonna CUM! FUCK CUMMING! CUMMING!!!" Your orgasm watch soul shattering, you liquids flowing down your cunt and his fingers onto the bed..."My love I don't think I can wait anymore, please", he slowly removes his clothes and rubs his dick on your cunt, his precum is mixing with your arousal, he slowly slides one of his cock in you, moaning in pleasure he slowly kissed you, "Love are you read to have my kids? Since I am a snake hybrid my cum is like tiny eggs, we will have twins or even triplets are you ready for me?" With that he starts thrusting slowly, making sure both of you savour the moment. "Ahhhn!! Baizhu, slower plea-please, hu-hurts.." "Aw baby it's fine don't worry, everything will get okay with time ju-just enjoy it with me, sa-savour it!! Fuck!! you are ss-so ngh! ti-tight, shit!" "B-Ba-Baizhu, slower p-pl-please....." "FUCK so-sorry baby, can't do can't do, fucck gonna cum g-gonna cum" His thrusts turn sloppy and there is no rhythm in it, you are also reaching your peak. "Love, my sweetheart look at me", he cups your face thrusting hard and fast, "Look at me, when I say look at me, I'm gonna cum, cum with me, I said fucking cum-Oh!! it's cumming! Mhmmmmmmm" He paints your inside white, his cum is like jelly, with tiny clear balls, you also cum with him because of how hot his cum in your womb is, he still keeps thrusting. "You thought we were done? No, no you aren't leaving this bed until you are pregnant, Get pregnant, please please please. One more round just FUCK one more, yeah? you are ready?" "This time take both of my cocks? yeah?" He slowly inserts both his cocks, you could easily see the dick print in your tummy, it was bulging with cocks and cum, you were definitely going to get pregnant.
This was going to be a long night.
Thank you guys for making it to the end of this long fanfic :)
I hope you all enjoyed it.
All likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated.
As always, until next time.
Luv ya guys <3
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adventuringblind · 10 months
Drive Forever With You
Chapter one: A new dad and an awkward Max
Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc x Lando Norris x Reader
Genre: this will be a series that includes everything, please read the warnings for details.
Summary: reader has been used by her father for many things, resulting in some interesting quirks. When her father ends up under house arrest, she finds herself tangled in a world of fast cars, love, and inhuman abilities.
Chapter summary: mainly some background and reader getting to meet Max.
Warnings: This chapter includes multiple forms of abuse, neglect, medical neglect, and mistreatment, the American government being not the brightest. Mentions of murder, description of injuries.
Notes: I’m super excited so share this with you all! It’s been a long process of fully forming this idea. I was also a bit nervous to pose something with Polyamory. I got kind of sad with the lack of it out there and wanted to incorporate something including it. It’s not something I get to explore very often. I’m in a closed relationship so things like this makes it a fun way to explore this side of myself and give you something to enjoy also.
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She didn’t know what to expect that day. Then again, she doesn’t know what expect ever. Her father the epitome of unpredictable. The days repeated like a record with a scratch in it. She knew what was coming and he simultaneously knew nothing at all.
Her room is cold this morning. The leaves are falling from the branches of trees around the secluded warehouse. Her father said it was to keep her safe. She just went with it, opting not to argue with him.
She turned fifteen a week ago. She’d asked if she could see some of the places she reads about online. She got a stern no and sharp warning befor being sent to her room.
Alone again.
Her father had been busy lately. Barely having time to help her when her body and mind were struggling to keep up with her abilities. It’s a mess of things she can do. Things that are inhuman. Why she’s cooped up and secluded.
She’d been quiet when sneaking out. Her birthday filling her with a confident spirit. She wanted out, so out she went. She just walked for some unknown amount of time.
It didn’t take her long before she found the road. She’d been here a few time, but never further.
Then she crossed. Trekking her way to the lights in the distance.
Then a car. A car with red and blue lights flashing. She had to cover her eyes from his bright they were.
A tall man. He was so nice. Not like how her father said everyone was.
She was sad when he brought her back to the start of the property.
“Do I have to go back?” She had asked, innocent and naïve.
The nice man had promised to come check in her soon, and now, a week later, she saw the flashing lights from the window of her room.
She didn’t understand what was happening. Why her father couldn’t leave the house anymore. Why she was being taken away.
She was thankful the nice man was back. He said that the warehouse wasn’t safe for her anymore. He said she was going to be safe now.
Again she was confused because wasn’t she already safe here?
The Haas F1 team had been using the research and innovative engineering from an American source. A source that has now been placed under house arrest and would not be allowed to distribute his work.
Guenther Steiner had always thought something weird was going on in that warehouse. The little girl who’d practically jumped at everything had found a soft spot in his heart.
When he heard about what happened, he knew he couldn’t just let her go to some group home. The kid is far to bright and sheltered for that.
He began calling around to see if anyone he worked with would consider taking her. He was beginning to run out of ideas as everyone involved with the sport was to busy.
Then it dawned on him: Sebastian.
Guenther had taken her in until Sebastian was able to fly to America and do paperwork. The German had nit hesitated to say yes when he heard what she’d most likely been through.
His wife had also agreed to the idea. Knowing her husband to be extremely gently and kind, she figured this girl might be in need of someone like that.
When he arrived at the Haas headquarters, he found Gene being told every part of the F1 car by a child. Sebastian laughed at his pained expression from listening to her then go onto data points about his car.
Guenther lifter his head at the sound and walked to greet the German. “Hello Sebastian, how are you?”
“Amazing actually, I just signed a contract with Ferrari.” They spent a moment catching up before Guenther called the girl over.
“This is y/n.”
She was relatively thin, like she hadn’t had proper nutrition. “Hello y/n, I’m Sebastian. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Sebastian smiled warmly
She nodded her head at him, her eyes down cast to the floor. She’d never been allowed to speak to strangers. She knew Guenther but her father had said he was fine. This man was unknown.
“Why don’t you go find Kevin and Romain. I believe they were doing some simulator work today.” Her eyes lit up at the suggestion. They let her try out the simulator and now she couldn’t get enough. Guenther looks back to the German. “They should be here soon with all the official paperwork. Then she’s all yours.”
They walked to one of the conference rooms. Guenther sits at the end of the long table while Sebastian takes the seat next to him.
“What her story? She looked terrified of me.” Sebastian questions. He sets his head into his palm.
“I don’t know much of it. She’s intelligent but hardly talks. She talks to me because I worked with her father for years.”
Sebastian hums in understanding. He lets his thoughts wander as they wait for the officials to show up.
It took longer then he thought. He’d forgotten it was more then just paperwork. His wife and newborn flew out to meet him for some court proceedings. Then they signed more papers.
It was a long week and he was so glad they had a break between races.
During this time, he tried to get to know y/n a bit better. He was cautious and gentle around her. He made sure she was comfortable in a space before he started talking to her.
She was getting comfortable with him.
They quickly became attached at the hip when they flew back to Germany. She was amazed at everything she saw. It was stranger to him and Hanna to see a fifteen-year-old getting excited over mundane things.
She was still struggling to talk, but he could tell she was trying. Her voice often came out raspy. Like she hadn’t used it very much.
She spent a month with Hanna while Sebastian was away racing and periodically coming home to check on them when he could. Hanna loved having an extra pair of hands around and getting to teach basic things like cooking and good eating habits.
A foreign concept to the girl.
She was completely obsessed with Sebastian’s work. Sitting herself down to watch him every time he got in the car. She could explain every piece of the engine and how it worked. She loved talking about the physics and balance behind it all. It made Sebastian so happy to hear her over the phone after a race congratulating him no matter the result.
They spent the off season at home. Taking their little family on adventures to places around Germany. Life was bliss for the teen.
Only- it was bliss when she was awake.
Dreams plagued her mind of the horrors that went on back at her fathers warehouse. The constant whirring of machines she was forced to endure. She didn’t even know what half of them did.
She remembered how ruthless he was. Often closing her eyes just to be met with the sight of him dragging a body to the hole he had her dig.
But her father kept her safe. This house seemed safe but she was still on guard. She refused to tell them about what she was capable of. What her father had spent so much time and effort making her for.
Sebastian and Hanna both knew something was wrong. She had barely moved all day. Her nose was constantly bleeding. It was scarring the two.
Sebastian taps her shoulder as she stares blank faced at the wall in the living room. “Can you help me with something?”
She nods her head. Scared to argue and more scared to say she was on the verge of losing her grip on her abilities.
Sebastian led them out to the garage. He’d let her tinker with different engine pieces of old cars he could get his hands in. It was someth the two did together in his spare time as well.
He started pulling out tools. Humming to create a peaceful atmosphere between them.
When he turned to look at the girl, she was gripping the workbench so hard her knuckles were turning white. Her breathing was far to heavy and her head was pounding. Crimson leaked from her nose and ears, painting the her face. Sebastian grabbed her and slowly lowered them down to the floor together.
Then all hell broke loose.
Everything she had been suppressing came rushing forward. Visions of things not yet happened, white hot energy that moved around them. Every ache and pain Sebastian might of had was now gone.
It hurt her. She wailed as her body became a vessel for whatever this power wanted.
Sebastian just held her. The contact making him feel like he was going to burn himself in her skin. But he didn’t care, she needed him right now.
When it died down, she collapsed into Sebastian’s hold. Sweat and tears soaking every inch of her. She was still sobbing. “I’m sorry” being chanted from her lips.
Sebastian just soothed her. Doing so the same way he’d learned to soothe her from nightmares.
Sebastian and Hanna got her cleaned up and into bed. Her energy was sapped from the event.
The two now sit at the table. They share confused and concerned glances.
“Was it a seizure?”
Sebastian would love to think that. “No, there was more going on around her for it to be a seizure.”
They tried to come up with every logical possibility, but nothing could make sense of the state of their garage. How Sebastian had felt the best he’d ever felt since his teenage years.
She started to open up more after that. Slowly started to let Sebastian in. Her weird inhuman quirks that she’d been give through the work of her father.
He’d wanted something specific but her body hadn’t managed to make it happen.
First came the technopathic abilities.
After that was the telekinesis.
Then the visions.
Then the healing.
They were close with the last one. But healing a dead person doesn’t ring them back to life. That was what her father wanted,
He blamed her for the death of her mother. Now it was her responsibility to bring her back.
She sobbed as she admitted that to Sebastian one night.
Sebastian became intrigued by her. He let her use her abilities on small things. Letting her get in some practice and release some of the stored energy. It helped her not feel like she was going to explode from the inside out. The two forming a close bond through it.
Hanna had been skeptical about letting her travel with Sebastian. She and the girl had also grown close. Possibly even letting her maternal instincts in screaming that she should be protected.
She relented, though. The teen had been cooped up for fifteen years. It would be good for her to experience some new things.
The Ferrari garage became accustomed to her quickly. She loved watching the screens. Loved pointing out things the engineers had missed.
Sebastian had her check on his car occasionally. Usually, it was just a once over, and she would find everything the mechanics missed.
They welcomed it, though. They weren't annoyed, and they weren't using her. It was a foreign concept.
Seb had noticed her want to be around the cars as much as possible. As such, he tried to go out to Karting tracks when they found the time.
Turns out she's a natural. Though she blames on the face, she's gotten control over her visions, which makes it so she can both adapt and predict on the fly.
The downside of it all is her lack of friends. She'd barely talked to anyone her age. Well- she barely talked at all, but that's not the point.
There was one person on the grid who was even remotely close to her age.
Max Verstappen.
He was in his rookie season. A measly seventeen years old. Constantly teased and misunderstood.
He couldn't go to parties yet because he isn't an adult. So he spent nights curled away in his hotel room, praying his dad would leave him alone.
Until he ran into her. Litterally ran into her.
He'd been jogging around the paddock. The cool morning air gave him the perfect morning warm-up. He'd been stupid, though, and not checked his shoes in a moment. They were untied.
One minute, he was running to the beat of his music, and the next, there was a body underneath him.
Another teenager walking around the paddock before the public arrived? This was new to him. Who was she?
He scrambled back onto his feet. His hand reached out to help her up. A she took gently. Letting him pull her back up to her feet.
She'd cut her elbow when she hit the ground. The sting was nothing to her, but Max was horrified. He was to awkward for this.
"I'm so sorry - I wasn't paying attention, and my shoes were just tied, I swear -" He stutters out. "Can I get you a bandage or something?" He tries to smile, but it just becomes an awkward smirk.
She wasn't saying anything. Maybe she didn't talk.
He heaved a sigh of relief when Seb came around the corner. "You run far too fast." He panting and feigning exhaustion. Then he spots Max and smiles warmly. "Ah, I see you two finally met! y/n this is Max, the youngest driver on the grid."
The girl nods up at Seb and sticks her hand out to shake Max's. Something he taught her to do before she started traveling with people.
Introduction = handshake.
Max noted the way she seemed a but awkward, which ironically made him feel less so. Her arm is stiff, and her motions feel almost robotic.
"I was going to take her to my garage to get her a band-aid."
"Great idea!" Seb places a hand on her shoulder and pulls a little notebook out of his pocket. "Her voice isn't working that well today, if need be she'll write answers down."
It clicked in place for Max now. His mouth going a tad wide as he finally understood.
Seb turns to her completely, hands her the notebook, and whispers in her ear.
She shakes her head at him, and he smiles reassuringly. Then the two are off.
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