#would probably help if I forced myself to do studies ya know
collophora · 1 month
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Found a cool color palette. Might finish it later. (Probably not.)
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just-miru · 2 years
kinda funny how thanks to this hellsite (affectionate) i am finally starting to make some changes in my life
#i have always had the mentally of 'you can push through this and u can rest after' and it fucked me up so much u sillies have no idea#it's come to a point when even if i wanna study i just can't bring myself to#i am way too exhausted all the time and even when i relax /do things i enjoy i am eaten by guilt#'why are you doing that instead of studying?'#and that doesn't make things any better ya know? i just end up more exhausted#if it weren't for this silly site and all the posts i have seen and stuff#i would have probably kept on trying to push myself despite not being able to do so#like-#most advice i see on other sites is to 'push through it' or 'to force myself to study regardless' - and that's just not it#i can't do that. i just can't#tumblr helped me see there's another way - taking things slow it's ok#thanks to this hellsite i made some good decisions actually!#i decided not to apply to university this year since right now i am not in the best mental state to focus on so many exams#(the ones at the end of my final year of high school as well as the university admission exams (? - i think that's how they're called))#decision my parents see as 'giving up' for some reason but i can't give a single fuck about what they think right now#my biology teacher was way more supportive of my decision actually! she understood me and my reasoning and i just-#i can't thank her enough for all the support she has offered me :D#not only that but i will make sure i start therapy this year as well#no matter what#i really really need it#it's gonna be with the school therapist since it's the only available option i have#because my parents have a 'normal and healthy child' if ya know what i mean :/#but it sure is better than nothing!#idk sillies#i am just really happy and i hope things will work out for me in the end
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This is an Original Character fanfiction. All Stranger Things characters and content are owned by Netflix and The Duffer Brothers.
a/n: Love this subtle encounter. Slow burns FTW. I struggled with communicating my feelings in high school just like Diana does. I also really love how attentive Barb is to Diana.
Word Count: 2265
My body feels like it’s vibrating. I can’t describe how I’m feeling. Angry? Embarrassed? Sad? Shocked? Overwhelmed? The truth is, I don’t know why I left. I finished my history paper last week. I don’t need to go to the library. Between Tommy H and Carol making fun of me with the jock table to Steve and now Nancy, I couldn’t stay in the cafeteria any longer. Steve helping Nancy study? I don’t think I’ve seen him with a book in hand. His intentions were clear as day and Nancy was falling in his trap. 
No. It’s unfair to Nancy to say that. Nancy is smart and autonomous. She knows what she’s doing…right? Nancy is the first between Barb and I to be in a romantic relationship with a boy. She is figuring it out as she goes along and we are following behind her. But Steve. He has a track record and their names are Laurie, Amy and Becky. He knows exactly what he’s doing and I am unsure of his intentions. That is what makes me suspicious. Did he really like Nancy or was she the latest conquest? What if—I collide with a body hard enough to drop my cardigan and book bag on the floor. My books, lunch and stationary fly across the hallway in different directions. 
“Hey, watch where you’re going, will ya?” 
“I’m so sorry!” 
My cheeks burn as I drop to my knees picking up my things. I don’t dare look up and reach for the crumpled paper bag carrying my lunch, shoving it in my book bag. The person is on the floor too, collecting my pencils, pens and erasers that scattered across the floor. My heart is beating so fast. I feel pairs of eyes watching me in the hallway and force myself to keep my head down and avoid eye contact. I want to get out of here as fast as I can. 
I stack my notebooks on top one another before shoving them in my bag. A large hand holding my stationary is in my line of vision and my breath hitches in my throat. I peer up beneath my bangs to see who it is and I see a pair of beautiful dark brown eyes looking at me. My jaw falls slack. I’ve seen him before in the parking lot with a girl who looks like his sister or cousin. They’re seniors at Hawkins High. The boy arches his brow and I blink realizing he’s waiting for me. I bite my lower lip taking the items from his hand. 
“T-Thank you,” I say softly. 
“No problem.” He says and my eyes drift to his lips. They are so full and pink. “Are you okay?” 
The corner of his mouth twitches and I swallow. 
“Yes! I’m fine.” I say quickly, shoving my stationary in my bag. I pick up my chemistry textbook while I stand to my feet. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention and—I’m really sorry.” I cringe at how frantic I sound. He probably thinks I’m about to have a panic attack. 
The boy lifts his hands with caution and part of me thinks he’s going to run away or tell me to calm down. “I believe you, don’t worry.” 
“Miss Sinclair, are you okay?” 
I turn to Principal Higgins and wonder if he was here the whole time watching us. But he isn’t looking at me even though he asked me the question. Instead, Principal Higgins is glaring at the tall boy beside me. The corners of his lips pull up to a smile and my heart stutters in my chest at the dimples on his left and right cheek. I blink and nod my head, peeling my gaze off him. 
“Y-yes, Principal Higgins.” 
Principal Higgins finally looks at me, his glare is less intense but still holds its edge. 
“Are you sure?” he asks. 
I frown at the question. Why would I lie? 
“Yes. I fell and my things went flying everywhere and...” I explain, turning to the boy. I want to say his name and realize I never asked. 
“Eddie.” He says, standing tall and proud.  
“Eddie was the only one nice enough to help me pick them up.” 
Eddie grins now at Principal Higgins and I stare at his dimples again. They sunk deeper in his cheeks and he appears more boyish. He’s very attractive. Beautiful even. In a dishevelled kind of way. His pale skin is blemish free and his hair is curly and a little frizzy. I wonder what conditioner he uses or if he used conditioner. I press my chemistry textbook against my chest.
“I’m glad to hear that.” Principal Higgins says. Though he sounds anything but. “Have a good rest of your day Miss Sinclair.” 
He walks away without another word and I frown at how weird the interaction was. 
“Enjoy your day Principal Higgins!” Eddie says and Principal Higgins turns his head. The annoyance in his features is laid on thick.
I flinch, astonished by Principal Higgins visceral reaction to Eddie. Eddie waves at him, clearly for his own amusement and when Principal Higgins turns down the hall, he looks at me, smile fading a little. I open my mouth but quickly close it. What do I say now? 
“Thank you.” I say for the second time. 
There’s a glint of amusement in Eddie’s eyes and it both confuses me and pulls me in. “No problem.” 
Neither of us walk away and I am all too aware the stares of people in the hallway. We were just standing in the middle looking at each other. I feel Eddie’s gaze linger on my face and feel my heart beat fast. 
“Bye.” I say, quickly turning around and walk away from him before I implode. 
I can feel his stare at the back of my head and don’t dare turn around. 
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The sun shines in the sky but it is still cold. I shiver as a gust of wind blows pass me. I realize after the fact, I left my cardigan somewhere in the hallway. I don’t bother to turn back to retrieve it because what if Eddie is still there? I already embarrassed myself enough in front of him. There are very few people outside and I sit on a concrete ledge near the hedges, dropping my bag and textbook on the ground. Opening my book bag, I find my lunch at the bottom and pull it out. A groan leaves my lips at the state of it. It looks like an old crumpled up newspaper and some edges are ripped from shoving my books on top of it. 
I know my lunch is ruined before I open the bag. My sandwich is unrecognizable with cucumber and cream cheese oozing out from the saran wrap. My bag of pretzels is salvageable though most of the pieces are broken. It is still better than nothing. I chew on a couple of pretzels, revelling in the bursts of salt. I’m starving but won’t risk getting sick eating the cafeteria food. Today is not a good day. 
I think about Mr. Kaminsky’s chemistry test tomorrow. Chemistry is not my strongest subject and I was really looking forward to studying after school with Nancy and Barb. I stopped asking Mr. Kaminsky for help last month because he intimidates me and I left our session feeling more confused than before. I wasn’t failing. I had a B+, but I want to get an A on this test. 
Someone clears their throat beside me and I flinch, crushing a pretzel in my hand. I glance up and see Eddie looking down at me with a white cardigan in his hand. My cardigan. 
“This is yours, right?” 
I nod in response, dusting the pretzel and salt from my hands and stand up to take my cardigan from him. I immediately put it on, basking in its warmth. 
“Thank you…again.” I chuckle dryly. 
Eddie stands tall, towering over me by a foot at least, and slim with a long torso. I look at his clothes. It’s definitely different from what boys in town wear. A black leather jacket and a plain white t-shirt tucked into his pants with a black belt. A silver chain hangs from his belt, glinting under the sunlight. I notice how small his waist is and my cheeks are hot at the random observation. His denim jeans are tight fitting around his thighs and flare out from the knee to the worn, heavily scuffed black Chelsea boots. Eddie holds a black metal lunchbox in his hand that looks like it has been thrown against a wall one too many times. 
“You’re welcome…” he lingers, staring at me. 
“Diana.” I respond, breathless. 
“You’re welcome, Diana.”  
Eddie nods his head and walks away this time. I watch his frizzy curls blow in the wind. I wonder where he’s going as we still had fourth period and I glance over his shoulder. The girl I always see Eddie with is waiting for him. I notice she is taller than Eddie, but not by much. She says something to him with a smile, playfully poking Eddie in the side. Eddie easily averts her touch and this makes her smile widen to a grin. Her gaze shifts to me for a moment and I fear she’ll yell or frown at me for being nosy, but she does neither. Instead, she waves at me. I wave back shyly and she turns around catching up with Eddie, both of them walking to the parking lot. 
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When I entered Mr. Kaminsky’s class, Barb is in her usual seat by herself. Nancy is nowhere to be seen. She’s probably with Steve again. I walk to my seat beside Barb and sit down, setting my chemistry textbook on my desk. 
“You’re pouting,” Barb tell me, resting her head in her hand. 
“I’m not pouting.” I say, pulling out my notebook and pencil. Eddie’s dark brown eyes flash in my mind and I shake my head. 
Barb sighs to herself, perking up in her chair. From the corner of my eye, Nancy walks into the classroom and sits in her seat behind me. I don’t move, opening my notebook to a fresh page. 
“Diana?” Nancy says. 
“Good afternoon, class,” Mr. Kaminsky begins. 
I pull my lower lip with my teeth silently thanking Kaminsky for interrupting Nancy. I’m not mad at her. My feelings towards Nancy has nothing to do with her and had everything to do with Steve Harrington and my insecurity. 
“As you all know, we have a test tomorrow which means today will be a test review. By now, I am sure you have all been told about the level of difficulty my tests are and I just want to let you know that if you pay attention in today’s class and ask questions, you will not fail. Now, let’s start from chapter one.” 
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“How long are you going to not talk to me?” Nancy says. 
I look at Nancy, not understanding what she meant. Mr. Kaminsky’s class ended five minutes ago and my mind feels like it’s going to melt. The last thing on my mind is what happened in the cafeteria. Barb is unusually quiet beside me and I wonder if she feels the same way I feel after chemistry. Mentally exhausted. 
“Nance—” I sigh. 
“Let me explain,” Nancy urges, blue eyes wide and hopeful. Barb and I stop in the hallway waiting to hear what she has to say. 
“Steve and I were in the bathroom and he was trying to get me to let him help me study. I just got so caught up in the moment, I spoke without thinking.” Nancy looks between Barb and I. “I know I was the one who planned this study date with you two and I hate that you two feel like I’m ditching you. I promise, I’m not and I’m sorry for all of this.��   
Barb is the first to speak. “It’s okay, Nance. I understand. You like Steve and this is all new and exciting and I’m happy you’re happy.” 
Nancy nods her head and looks at me. I shift my weight from side to side. 
“I’m not mad at you, Nancy.” I say and Nancy’s eyebrows shoot up. “I was just…shocked and I didn’t know what to say or do so I just left and I shouldn’t have done that. Like Barb said, I’m happy you’re happy about Steve. This is new and exciting and I guess I’m still trying to process it all while also being in the moment with you.” 
I look at Barb who nods her head in encouragement. I take a deep breath, feeling her warm hand in mine. 
“I know you like Steve,” I continue. “Barb and I can see it, but we fear that the more you hang out with Steve and Tommy H and Carol…the more you’ll forget about us or not want us around as much.” 
“When you get popular,” Barb finishes. I squeeze her hand in appreciation. 
“I will never, ever forget about you guys or leave you guys for Steve Harrington. You two are my best friends. I could never ditch you for Tommy H and Carol Perkins.” she grimaces. Barb and I laugh. “I love you both too much to ever let that happen.” 
“Aw!” Barb squeals, pulling Nancy and I in for a hug. “We love you too Nancy.” 
My eyes burn with emotion and I close my eyes holding onto Nancy and Barb. 
“Always.” I add. 
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a-musing-mixologist · 3 months
as dark as the recent time seems to have been, pirates know to celebrate whenever their adventures are a success and celebration is eventually taken from sharing it with everyone on deck underneath it, candles in odd shapes still lightening the captain's bed chambers. the air is filled by the scent of boze and herbs, the sound of glass clicking gently as golden liquid are poured again. it all feel so light that law decides tonight might be a good time for a somewhat agreed on gift. thsi time, without any mock or tease.
as he watches the other two men being focused on their conversation, he moves to pull out the corset he made with so much focus and passion for a particular redhead some time ago, by now having added a few smaller details just to add to the pirate's style further. he wrapped it in a black satin fabric, walking overcasually to take place to kid's right again, leading to the youngest being centered between the two man. inked fingers bend dark spikes back before adjusting the collar of his tanktop, casually dropping it on kid's chest.
"a gift, i've made it myself but consider it from the both of us. we think you would look quite good in it. no tease this time, maybe just a somewhat selfish desire of ours to encourage you to try out something different when it comes to your wardrobe here and then." his voice is smooth like honey, drink brought back to his lips as he gives killer a short knowing gaze before relaxing back into soft pillows of the seats.
Taking another swig of ale, he laughs easily. They'd taken down a rather powerful group of Marines and sent their vessel to the bottom of the sea. It had actually been quite some time since they'd had a real naval battle, and the Victoria proved she was still a force to be reckoned with as they sailed further and further into the New World. "Huh?" He sets his mug down, quirking a brow at his boyfriend as Law plops something down on him.
It has a bit of weight to it, much heavier than Law's last... present. "Selfish desires, hmm?" Gold hues fix on the surgeon before flicking to his partner, who only grins. Both of them, is it? He's probably in trouble, as if the sticky-sweet tone of Law's voice wasn't proof enough. Pale fingers toy with the soft material, and he can feel two sets of eyes on him. Bastards. Licking his lips he unwraps the parcel, finding a well-crafted leather corset in his trademark colors, complete with curling flame motifs.
Killer leans against him, beard tickling against his neck. "We thought it'd look good on ya," he purrs, muscled arms slipping around him. "Law put quite a bit o' effort into it, as ya can see." Sapphire gaze meets gold as Killer smirks at the surgeon around his redhead. "I can help ya get into it, if ya want."
He doesn't actually need very much convincing for this particular accessory, in fact he fancies it, and it's only the way the two are staring at him that causes a faint heat to color his cheeks. He rises to his feet with a growl, extracting himself from Killer's arms. "Fine! I've been meaning to change things up a bit." He sheds the feathered coat, black vest, and waist wrap, allowing the blond to assist him with the new piece. It fits perfectly around his muscular torso, tight-fitting without restraining his movement while very much accenting his chest. Not something he has a problem with.
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"Fits amazing. Thanks for your 'selfishness', dear heart." His gaze fixes on Law. Of course he'd have gotten his measurements somehow, he knows how much the surgeon enjoys studying him. "So what do you think?" He smirks, striking a pose. "This what you imagined?"
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harufluff · 1 year
Hi! I’d like to request a matchup
Personality/ Appearance:
I’m 170 cm. I have shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. My mbti is ENFJ. My sun and moon sign is libra. I’m a pisces rising. Some words to describe me are playful, loud, bold, and talkative. I can easily to walk up to strangers and start a conversation (yes I’m that person that just randomly starts talking to people while waiting in line). I enjoy going out and hanging with friends. I also love to make people laugh (I feel so proud of myself when someone gets my joke). In group projects I naturally take the leadership role, and always make sure to ask for other people’s input. I’m very competitive and goal oriented. I also study a lot. I can be very indecisive and I’m very hard on myself. My love language is gift giving and acts of service. When it comes to receiving love I love all of them, but my favorite is acts of services. Although I love a bustling and lively environment, I have recently been preferring quiet and calm settings.
Hobbies: I like helping others and volunteering. I like cold weather. My hobbies are swimming, hiking, reading, baking, playing guitar, and dancing hula. I love spontaneous late night adventures and drives.
Ideal type: My ideal date first date would probably be something fun like an escape room or an obstacle course. My ideal date (in general) would be a nice walk where my s/o and I just talk. My ideal type is someone who is funny and playful (a type of humor and vibe is the same ya know), but also can be serious, sweet and loving.
Anyway, thank you so much for doing this! - ♥️💜
thank you for your submission anon! i’ve written a few short responses because you didn’t specify what group you would like me to focus on.
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choi yeonjun Tomorrow x Together
i really think yeonjun would want someone creative to be in a relationship in. hes such a extrovert, i can totally picture him being the type of person to drag you out the door to go do shit. would make fun of your height. it's an unstoppable force. yeonjun doesnt seem like it all the time, but he really tries to do things for people he cares about.
sim jake Enhypen
oh god can't you see it?? running around doing absolutely nothing productive?? jake has many moods to himself. he really enjoys fun environments where he can be himself. although he's in introvert, he's also super social and enjoys spending time and helping out his friends and family.
han jisung Stray Kids
this guy is chaos. if your chaos?? even better. even though jisung is chaos, he is SUCH a romantic. actually he would love taking you out on cute dates to fancy restaurants. jisung shows people love by affection and to be honest, for you anon the balance between your qualities i think he would really appreciate.
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© Harufluff 2022 | Do not copy, repost or claim any of my works.
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lit-works · 2 years
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As I pat my team captain on the back, I notice his expression suddenly turns grim. "What is wrong, Logan?" I ask as the two of us move away from our teammates.
"I smell a fire, Kurt," Wolverine whispers. "A big one "
"The wind is coming in from the west." I note. "There's a U.S. Forest preserve over that way. Do you think it could be a forest fire?"
My friend shakes his head. "No, I smell traces of gasoline fumes, burning rubber, insulation, phosphorous…"
"Phosphorous? You mean like a bomb?"
I look towards the X-Men leader, but Storm is speaking intently with Magneto as he herds the youngsters back inside to attend their studies. I signal Rogue to come over to Wolverine and I.
"What can ah do for you gentlemen?" The young woman asks in her melifluous southern drawl.
"Rogue, I want you to fly over the lake and see if you can spot smoke," Wolverine says.
"All right." She replies, looking at me, puzzled.
I hold her back for a moment, "Just look, Lieb-chen," I say, "Don't get close. The fumes could be dangerous."
"Ah'll be real careful, Shugah." Rogue replies teasingly. She runs a gloved finger up the blue fur along my arm and flashes me one of her dazzling smiles before she starts upwards.
A touch of sadness creeps over me as I watch her fade Into a speck in the sky. Rogue can be a charming flirt, and is quite attractive, but I know it is only her defense against the loneliness that her mutant powers forces upon her. I can't imagine what it would be like to be cursed with her power, to have to avoid touching all human flesh. If she does touch someone, she steals that person's spirit for a time and causes them to lose consciousness. Rogue originally came to the X-Men for help with this precise problem, but so far, no one has been able to discover a way to permanently control the automatic transfer.
"I used to feel sorry for myself," I tell Wolverine. "Because I look so different. But I can not think of any problem worse than Rogue's. At a time in her life when she should be exploring intimacy, she dares not to."
Wolverine shrugs. "She's probably better off than the rest of us."
I eye Wolverine critically. I've seen him heartbroken on many occasions, and yet he hasn't given up on love. I know that beneath his gruff exterior is a man whose soul aches for the true union of body and spirit with another.
"Surely you do not mean that." I whisper quietly.
"Maybe not," He says, watching Rogue land lightly on the balls of her feet like an acrobat, her face flushed with the exhilaration of flying. She is not jaded by this power, even though she uses it constantly.
"The fire's on Obar Island," She announces. "Billowin' clouds o' black stuff. Y'all don't think the sparks could spread the fire over all that water,do ya?"
"Probably not." Wolverine replies.
"Obar Island," I muse. "Isn't there some sort of military base there?"
"Last time I flew over there, about a month ago," Rogue reports. "They were jus' puttin' up some buildin's and postin' it with some real unfriendly signs–all about prosecutin' trespassers and stuff like that."
"Sounds like the army, alright," Wolverine mutters.
Just to be sure, the three of us troop into the school kitchen to use the telephone. I listen as Wolverine reports the fire to the local authorities. He speaks to someone on the other end of the line for a moment, then says, "I see. Okay."
"What did they say?" I ask.
"The situation is under control." Wolverine answers.
"Not really," he replies. "'cause they're lyin'."
"How do you know?" Rogue asks.
"I just do."
I've had enough experience with Wolverine's intuition before. He's not often wrong. I'd be willing to bet he is right now, too. "But why would they lie?" I ask.
"Maybe there's some sort of poisonous gas out there, an' they don't want t' panic the populace." Rogue guesses.
"You've got a vivid imagination, Kid." Wolverine states. "But I don't smell any poison. More likely, the army just doesn't wanna breach security on the island. They'd rather let it burn into the water than bring in outsiders."
I shake my head. Wolverine once worked for the military, and he accepts such things matter-of-factly, but I am still appalled by such a destructive, secretive mentality. "Well?" I ask. "Should we consult with our fearless leader on this one?"
"Ah'll go find her," Rogue offers, and she hurries off to fetch Storm.
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
May I request a john smut in which, despite being the cocky beast that he usually is, he manages to get all gentle and intense when, after years of mutual pining, he finally makes love to ada's best friend who's younger and totally inexperienced. Idk I just need this to be fucking intense, like John suffocating his desire for ages and now finally indulging in his worst temptation and showing her what lust is... please i'll burn in hellll
a/n: first of all let me say: this killed me. like, it’s literally all i can think about. god help me. but thank you so fucking much for requesting this bc i liked it sooo much that i decided to make a mini series out of it with the help of my babe @stxdyblr-2k who was sweet enough to offer to ghostwrite on the series 🥰 and to all my other angels who requested fics, don’t worry i will get them done! just wanna give you guys the best quality work i can. my 1st priority are some tommy requests i got, as well as some michael ones after :)
love, abi xxx
whiskey business - john shelby x reader (1 of ?)
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warnings: nsfw! eventual smut, slow burn, john being sexy as all hell but also soft
John couldn’t tear his eyes off of you. From the moment you walked into the Garrison, arm loosely linked with Ada’s, clad in a black lace dress that hugged you just right, he couldn’t stop staring. Even Tommy and Arthur had noticed, cracking some joke about him being pussy whipped. The words floated right over his head, his mind on one thing only. The last time he had seen you, you were barely eighteen, cheeks pink as you waved goodbye out the train window to Ada as she sobbed. Ada had always had a flair for the dramatic, but the two of you had practically been attached at the hip your entire lives. So, he consoled her, reminding her that university wasn’t forever, that you would be back soon enough. And back, you were, red-stained lips sipping at a glass of something that Ada had practically shoved in your face. You weren’t a girl anymore, black heels crossed at the ankle as you sat across the room in a booth, laughing as Ada waved her arms, telling some sort of story.
“Just fuckin’ talk to ‘er, John-boy,” Arthur’s voice cut through John’s train of thought like a sharp knife, and he focused his eyes on his two brothers sitting at the booth across from him, clouds of smoke from Tommy’s incessant smoking heavy in the air around them.
“Fuck off,” John returned as he stood, earning a chuckle from Tommy.
“That’s right,” Arthur shouted as John made his way towards the bar, rolling his eyes at his older brothers. “Make sure you show her a real good time, eh?” Arthur’s voice was soon drowned out by the crowd around John, as they parted to let him walk through. He didn’t even see them, his eyes trained on your smile. Fuck, you were pretty.
“So, then I fucking kicked him in the balls.” Ada’s eyes sparkled triumphantly as she recalled the time she’d incited a riot, managing to cause great injury to a certain part of a policeman’s body. She did so casually, like it was no big deal. You couldn’t control your laughter as Ada grinned, pleased that she’d been able to make you laugh. “Fuckin’ missed you, Y/N,” she professed, shooting the rest of her gin and gesturing at the bartender to “leave the fuckin’ bottle, already.”
“Missed you too,” you smiled back at her, happy to be back in Birmingham in the company of an old friend. London was beautiful, but lonely. There was something inside you that missed the dirty streets, the crowded pubs bursting with familiar faces.
“Had to come over here myself to make sure it was you,” A deep voice interrupted your reverie and you looked up to see none other than Ada’s older brother John, looking even handsomer than the last time you’d seen him, in a grey-three piece suit, a cigar hanging from his lips. You’d had the hugest crush on him growing up, and the butterflies swimming around in your stomach seemed to confirm that you still found the tallest Shelby brother irresistible.
“Hi, John,” You offered him a shy smile and scooched over as he slid into the booth next to you, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your cheek. You couldn’t help but drink in the smell of his cologne, the various drinks that Ada had encouraged you to down making you press yourself closer to him.
“M’kay, if you’re going to fuck, at least wait until I’m gone.” Ada’s voice snapped you out of it and you looked away, a pink blush staining your cheeks.
“Says the one who managed to fuck three of my best mates before you left school,” John retorted, causing Ada to roll her eyes, shooting her whiskey and pouring the three of you another glass each.
“I feel like getting drunk, and I’m not doing it alone,” Ada announced, causing both you and John to crack a smile at her forcefulness.
“Good thing we took a cab here,” you returned, before shooting your whiskey. If you were going to have to stare at John all night, you thought, you might as well be drunk doing it. Wasn’t like he was going to be staring back.
Ada was shitfaced, dancing in the middle of the pub. Luckily, Isaiah had stepped in as her partner, making sure her stumbling didn’t cause her to trip and fall. Unluckily for you, this left a tipsy you and John alone tucked into a booth in the corner of the room, out of view. The conversation was friendly, and you were trying your best to keep your mind off the way you could see John’s forearms practically bulging out of his suit. It wasn’t fair, you thought to yourself, for him to walk around looking like that. Especially when you knew that he was probably fucking the latest movie star, or something. It was almost impossible for you to keep your head straight, yet you managed to keep it civil. However, you couldn’t help your gaze from drifting to his lips. God, they were so pink and looked so soft, it was unfair. You couldn’t stop yourself from imagining how they’d feel on your mouth, let alone other parts of your body. Jesus, you were fucked.
A third of a bottle of whiskey later, you couldn’t help but let yourself slide closer to him, heart beating fast in your chest as you sat tucked into his side, his arm around you as you laughed at a joke he’d made, something about the stick up Tommy’s ass. Your eyes shone as they met his blue ones, his arm sliding down until his fingers were brushing against your waist, radiating heat into your skin.
“Y’know, I’d tell you how fuckin’ pretty you look tonight, but I think you already know that,” John rumbled into your ear, lips just barely brushing against your neck. Your breath hitched, and he noticed, a small grin spreading across his lips.
“You’re something else, you know that?” You shot back, a small smile threatening to take over your lips.
“M’not just sayin’ that. Couldn’t take my eyes off ‘ya, since you walked in.” John wasn’t kidding. For a second you didn’t know how to reply, staring up at him with a slight look of disbelief. The whiskey, however, had other plans, and had decided to respond for you.
“Can't keep your hands off me now." You smirked, waiting for him to escalate the moment, anticipation and liquor silencing the blaring alarm in your mind. God, you shouldn't want him as badly as you do.
"Can you blame me?" He muttered, dragging his fingers across the lace of your dress, tracing the pattern's loops absentmindedly, watching your jaw tense and lips part to take a gasping breath, your jacket having long vanished into the chaos of the pub. Your arms wound themselves around his neck, fingers twisting into his short hair. "Fucking come 'ere lass."
His strong arms lifted you onto his knee, gripping a thigh to help you balance, the friction of his rough hand against the stiff fabric pushing your dress up slightly. The need for more and the desire to know him completely intoxicated you far more than anything from a bottle; you'd never felt as though you were on fire from your drunk hookups. His fingers found the zip of your dress, tugging it down desperately, gripping the flesh of your exposed shoulder blades. A small groan erupted from your lips as you felt him chuckle below you, pressing a thumb to your lips to quieten you.
"John," you whined, pouting playfully against his thumb.
"I'll sort you out, I swear," He muttered, slipping his thumb between your lips. Instinctively, you sucked, locking eyes with him, his hand straying from your back to roughly grab your jaw, holding your gaze. "But if you're going to scream your 'ead off, we'll get caught."
"You wish you could make me scream, John-lad."
"Come off it, I could ruin you, Y/N." He stated, lifting your jaw, as though memorising the construction of your face, tone brimming with a cocky confidence only John could make attractive. "You want that?"
"More than anything." The words tumbled out of your mouth thoughtlessly, watching how his jaw tightened in response as you attempted to read his expression. He studied you for what must've only been a few seconds, but the moment passed so slowly, you could barely remember what it felt like to not be examined by his dominating blue eyed stare.
His grip guided your face to his, fingers tilting your chin so John's lips could brush against yours, before pulling you into a heated almost aggressive kiss, the straps of your dress barely grazing your shoulders, the hem of your dress bunching around your waist as he reached down your back to grab your bum in a firm squeeze. Your mouth gaped open in a gasp of pleasure, John taking the moment to run his tongue against your lips, gaining access and deepening the kiss. You were so caught up in the thrill of John's seduction that you hadn't noticed his hand suddenly pull away after moving your skimpy underwear to one side. You had instinctively ground your hips against him, he'd broken the kiss to let out a string of curses, complimenting you through his quickening breaths (“Fuckin’ wet for me already, aye?”), gripping your thigh. But as soon as he had pulled the thin silk from your thighs, the atmosphere shifted, his lip curling in frustration as his hands left your skin as though your flesh was suddenly scalding.
"John?" You prompted, resting a hand on his shoulder, noticing the dark shadows under his eyes for the first time.
"It's getting late."
"What?" Your voice sounded high and whiny, you mentally scolded yourself for sounding so needy. It was embarrassing to be rejected by the man you've admired for many years, but even worse to be openly vulnerable and so pathetic in front of your best friend's brother.
Oh fuck.
Realisation hit you, it was either that or the unholy quantity of alcohol you'd downed which turned your stomach. You had gone too far this time. It was one thing to flirt with John and desire him from a distance, it was an absolute betrayal to have sex with him, knowing Ada's insecurity about being used to get close to her gangster brothers- sex, power and politics. You had sworn during those tearful walks around the canal that you'd never hurt her. You couldn't do that to her.
Your sudden panic must've been obvious, you tried to stand up from John's lap, stumbling slightly, only regaining balance due to a sudden arm across your back, anchoring you upright.
"No one has to know. It's our secret yeah?" He muttered into your ear, his words comforting.
You nodded silently, the reality of the situation settling in. Your hands are shaking by your sides, John catches them, locking his fingers with yours.
"It's fine, now. Nothing happened yeah?" He stood up in front of you, his muscular physique looming before you, the creases across his torso reminding you that just a few minutes ago his body was under yours, he was breathless, needing your skin against his, desperate and vulnerable. "I'll zip you up. Turn around."
His hands dropped from yours to fumble clumsily with your zip, struggling in the gloom and fog of intoxication, he eventually succeeded, the lace clinging to the curve of your hips, waist, back and chest again. You wished it was him instead that was skimming your figure but you pushed the thought away with a simple, "Thanks."
"I'll walk you home yeah?" He offered, as he straightens your skirt and his tie, allowing you to fix his crumpled shirt collar and the row of shining buttons below his throat which you'd ripped open as he whispered dirty nonsense in your ear, smirking at how you arched your back and swore back at him through your moans.
"Isaiah already said he would, it'd be better for us both that way. You know how people around here talk." You replied, glancing at the mirror on the wall of the booth to quickly smooth your tousled hair. Despite only recently returning to Small Heath, you'd already encountered the rife gossiping and quickly realised your neighbour was incapable of minding his own business. "Nobody has to know, right?"
John nodded, disappointed but appreciating your rationale and quick thinking despite your state, "Right."
"Good night, John," You said politely, ignoring the tension in his tone and the sudden soft sadness of his eyes, turning your back and walking to the door. Back to the sticky dance floor, back to Ada, Isaiah, Finn, Tokyo, back to spilling drinks, ashing cigarettes, back to noise, safety and far from the man who made your morals vanish with the same lines he uses on probably every single one of his conquests. Fuck it. You were going to enjoy it, you sped up your pace in your heels, trying to ignore your shaking legs. You tried to ignore the guilty twang in your gut when Ada screamed your name across the pub and stumbled over, dragging some lad on her arm, pressing drunken kisses to your forehead and cheeks.
You couldn't help but look back to see his shadow sloping away into the darkness of the booths closer to the dance floor, being bullied mercilessly by his brothers you assumed. You watched him fake a smirk, take the knuckles to his brow from Arthur, snap an insult back to Thomas and settle into his rightful seat. You only shifted your gaze to Ada for a moment but when you looked back up, he was staring at you, jaw tense, icy stare burning into yours, arms folded on the table, the gold chains of his sleeve garters barely glinting in the dim light. He looked away but you could see his cheeks were flushed with blood even in the glow of the oil lamps.
Pretending nothing happened was going to be impossible.
to be continued!
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allthatyoulove · 3 years
Butterflies and Flowers
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Fred Weasley / Reader
Summary: You help a very drunk Fred Weasley to bed.
Includes: underage drinking/smoking, fluff,  suggestive/sexual situations (nothing explicit)
Words: 2.1k
A/N: This was a one shot I wrote that was requested by one of my friends :) Will probably do another one like this in the future, I really enjoyed writing it! Hope you enjoy the story! Feel free to leave any feedback and please let me know of any warnings or errors I missed! Thanks for stopping by :)
(Also: In my version of this story, the boys and girls dorms are still separated, but each person has their own room)
It was 3 am.
On a school night.
Everyone else had left the gryffindor common room, with our group being left with all of the confetti, plastic cups, and streamers on the floor.
The music continued to play in the back with the group around the room. Hermione and Ginny were dancing in the middle of the room, with Ron sitting on the couch and dancing along with them from there, struggling to keep his eyes open. Harry was filling up his drink again before I spotted him and stole it from him, telling him he was cut off. He drunkenly smiled at me, before he stumbled over to Ginny and started to dance with her. He always complains the next day about a hangover, so I figured I’d help him out. Especially considering it’s a Thursday.
Fred and George were in the corner, smoking. Fred was already drunk out of his mind, so I giggled upon seeing him staring at a spot on the floor. George was moving his head to the music and singing along. The party had died down a couple hours ago, but our group always liked to stay a couple more hours by ourselves.
I had a few drinks earlier with everyone, but I stopped after my 5th shot. Fred… kept going. I decided I’d save the blackouts for the weekend.
I started to walk over to Fred, him raising his head to look up at me as I was halfway. He smiled at me, opening his arms as wide as they could go. I smiled back at him, laughing at how adorable he looked.
“Having a good time, Freddie?” I said, plopping myself on the couch between him and George and setting the cup on the table. I rested my hand on his knee as he wrapped his arms around me in a side hug, pulling me into him. I brought my other hand to rest on his arm that was around me, smiling to myself.
“The best.” He whispered in my ear, putting his head against mine. Butterflies stirred in my stomach, my body heating up.
Hermione came up to us with Ron behind her, both of them red in the face.
“W’re g’nna head off. See you guys t’morrow!” She said, waving to everyone before going up the stairs to the rooms. Everyone giggled to themselves before Harry came up to us as well.
“Right, well, Ginny and I are going also. See ya” He said, taking her hand and heading up after Hermione and Ron. Ginny giggled the entire way up, trying to push Harry up the stairs.
George was the first to speak up. “Do you think they know where the girls' dormitories are?”
Fred and I laughed, choosing to not reply and let him come to a conclusion himself. A couple seconds passed before he spoke again.
“Ohhh…… ew” he faked a full body shiver before he stood up, brushing himself off and looking around to make sure he didn’t forget anything.
“I’m going to see if Angelina needs to be tucked in, you kids be safe”
I blushed and laughed, slapping his arm as he walked by. He winked at me and left, leaving Fred and I alone.
He was still resting his head on mine, with his arms around mine. The music had been turned down, which I just came to realize.
I tapped his arm that was wrapped around me, moving to get up as he let out a groan next to me and mumbled something incoherent.
“C’mon Freddie, let’s get you to bed”
He smiled up at me as I stood, his hands holding onto mine as his smile turned into a smirk.
“Try’na get me to bed, are ya?”
I laughed and blushed, pulling his arms to help him get up.
“Yes Fred, I’ve just been dying to get you to bed. Now let’s go” I said in a monotone voice.
He gave a short laugh, standing up and wrapping his arms around my neck, looking down at me. We were standing between the table and the couch, extremely close.
“Hi” he whispered to me, touching my cheek with his knuckle lightly.
“Hi” I whispered back, giving him a short smile before clearing my throat and looking down. “Can you walk?” I asked him, trying to ignore the tension between us.
I didn’t want our first kiss to be while he’s plastered, I wanted it to be something he’d be able to remember. And something he’d be aware he’s doing.
“Can walk just fine.”
I could feel him staring down at me, so I chose to instead focus on wrapping my arms around his hips and helping him anyway because I knew he was lying about being able to walk.
He let out a low chuckle and kept his arm around my shoulder as I picked up the drink I set down earlier and chugged the rest of it, throwing it near a pile of other cups.
“Woah... maybe I should be the one walking you to your room, love” He said, placing a kiss on the crown of my head. He waited a beat before talking again, “Actually, that sounds like a great idea. Can we go over to your dorm instead?”
The butterflies in my stomach came back full force, warming my face and filling my brain with the thought of Fred in my dorm room.
“What’s wrong with your dorm? Wouldn’t want to miss George sneaking in at 5 am, would you?”
“Ther’s  like.... 4 horny teenagers over there. I don’t feel like trying to sleep in the room next to them”
I laughed lightly, tightening my hold on his waist and beginning to walk towards the stairs.
To the girls dormitories.
“Yay” He said, wiggling his hips a little bit and smiling. I laughed at him, guiding him up to the first step of the spiral staircase. He held onto the railing and stumbled a bit, but had surprisingly good balance for the amount that he drank.
He reached the top of the staircase and walked down the hallway to my exact room, throwing me off a bit. He turned to wait for me to open the door with a neutral expression on his face while I looked at him confused.
“How do you know this is my dorm?”
His eyes were closed, but his eyebrows raised and he pursed his lips as he thought of an excuse.
“Umm…. I…. I jus- I guessed.”
He opened one eye to look at me as I brought my eyebrows down in thought, pursing my lips as well.
“Right.” He smiled a this-is-my-best-excuse smile at me as we stared at each other in silence for a moment.
“Fred if you don’t tell me how you know this is my dorm y’aren’t going inside, bud”
He shot his hand up to his chest, pretending to be wounded at the use of “bud”, knowing I only use that when I want him to tell me the truth about something.
He laughed to himself about the gesture as I smiled, waiting for him. He waited a second before seeing I was serious and sighing.
“Okay, fine. Y’know those… flowers? That you got the other day?”
“...The ones with the secret admirer note?”
He winced and closed his eyes in embarrassment, leaning on the threshold of my door.
“Those would be it.”
My mouth fell open as I gave a short laugh in shock, staring at him.
He opened his eyes and laughed with me, taking my hand in his in a loose, but soft hold. I used my other hand to unlock and open the door between us.
“Go on in”
He smiled at me and kissed my forehead before he stumbled into the room, looking around at the posters on the walls as I closed and locked the door behind us. I turned around and watched him gawk at the posters, occasionally pointing at one and whispering “wicked” under his breath. I smiled at him and put my hands behind my back, just admiring him.
He eventually made his way around the room, walking back towards me in the middle. He stood right in front of me, as close as we were downstairs. He looked down at me with a soft smile. He brought his hands back up to my face, holding it softly as if he were to hold any tighter I’d break.
He slowly started to lean in, looking into my eyes as my own started to flutter close, waiting for him to kiss me. I felt his lips barely touching mine before he whispered.
“Did you like the flowers?”
I opened my eyes, staring at him to see him smirking down at me. I shoved him away playfully.
“Oh piss off Weasley”
“What? I want to know!”
I tossed my keys on my nightstand, sitting on my bed and taking off my shoes.
“They’re beautiful. They’re in the bathroom, so I can look at them as I’m getting ready” I said, motioning to the door that led to the restroom. He smiled at me, walking towards me again. He didn’t speak until he stood in front of me again, making me crane my neck to be able to look at him towering over me. He started to move forward, making me instinctively move back with him. He set his hands on the bed, on either side of me, and looked at me directly as he spoke softly, his gaze darting to my lips.
“I’m glad.”
I swallowed, not closing my eyes even as he moved closer. I thought he would do the same thing again, so I followed his lips until he gently kissed me. It was so quick, I thought I had imagined it for a second.
He pulled away and studied my reaction, searching my face. I looked at his eyes before looking back at his lips and going back in, my hands going to the back of his neck.
One of his hands went to rest on my hip, the other still on the bed behind me. He leaned into the kiss, making me lean back farther as he guided me farther onto the bed. He put his legs between mine as I scooted back, slowly climbing over me and onto the bed.
I used one hand to hold me up, the other staying at the nape of his neck, the tops of my fingers in his hair.
He was a really good kisser.
He leaned further, pushing me all the way onto my back as he never broke the kiss. He was leaning on his knees, his hands holding my face. He slowly broke away as my eyes fluttered open.
“I really really like you” He whispered, stroking my cheek with his thumb softly.
I smiled at him and put my hands on top of his that were on my face.
“I like you, too” I whispered back, looking between his eyes and his lips. He suddenly huffed out in irritation, and fell on top of me with an oof.
“I’m sorry, I’d like to go further, not saying you have to- it’s up to you, of course, but I’m so drunk, and I’d like to- I’m enjoying myself, of course, but-”
I laughed at his rambling before raising his face to meet mine, moving some hair out of his face and cutting him off.
He stopped talking and grinned, “Yeah sorry I’m quite nervous”
I put my hands on his face, looking him in his eyes and trying to look serious.
“We’re not in any rush. I don’t want you to feel pressured. I really like you and I like kissing you, but we can kiss all day tomorrow. When you’re sober”
His grin grew as I talked, looking at me with admiration.
“Just kiss tomorrow, eh?”
I laughed at him, pushing his face away from me playfully as I moved to sit up.
“All right, you git- how about you focus on getting into bed without passing out first”
He pretended to think before he nodded against my hands and puckered his lips as a silent asking for a kiss. I kissed him and went to pull away, but he pulled me in again and stayed there for a while longer before pulling away. He kissed my forehead and patted my thigh a couple times.
“Scoot over”
I got underneath the blankets, moving to the other side of the bed and opening the blankets for him. He rolled underneath them, groaning the entire way through. I chuckled to myself as I turned around to click the lamp off, scooting so my back was to him. He wrapped his arm around me, taking my hands into his, laying them against my chest. I gave a soft kiss to his knuckles and wiggled a little more to get comfortable, suddenly feeling something against my back.
“Just ignore it. And don’t move.”
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shingia · 3 years
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here’s how the introverted/quiet haikyuu boys would try to flirt with you (most of them being encouraged/forced by someone else)
-> sakusa, kenma, yamaguchi, ushijima, akaashi, suna, kita
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sakusa had never felt the need to initiate any kind of contact with anyone ; sure, you looked breathtaking under the bar lights, but never in a million years would he risk getting out of his comfort zone. at least not without a little (big) push from komori. when he finally agreed to go sit next to you at the counter, it actually took you a few minutes to notice him, when he half-heartedly asked about your drink.
« how is it ? »
« pretty good » you smiled, a bit taken aback by this unannounced stranger. « um... do you want a taste ? »
he looked down at the glass you were handing him before letting out a disgusted “fuck no”. but after seeing komori desperately wave his arms from the other side of the counter, sakusa thought he could try to make an effort and proposed to pay for your next drink, still looking as uncomfortable as ever but also lowkey proud of himself.
kuroo was a pain in the ass, and kenma knew he wouldn’t know peace unless he gathered the courage to finally make a move after months spent daydreaming about you. and so he did, but definitely not as kuroo expected.
« hi, um... my friend over there is harassing me to come and talk to you so can you please pretend i just said something funny ? »
he looked very fidgety and you noticed he was nervously chewing the inside of his cheeks.
« sure, i got you » you smiled before tipping your head back and letting out the most realistic laugh you could fake. but it turned out that your laugh was actually very communicative, and next thing you knew, you two were actually laughing together at the stupidity of this situation, while kuroo was proudly watching from afar.
to say that yamaguchi had rehearsed would be an understatement. he had his script memorised and really hoped that your answers would be the ones expected. the last period of the morning had barely ended that he was already heading to his locker with a determined yet terrified look on his face. he knew your locker was right next to his, and that he needed to seize upon the little timespan he had before you left.
« hi... yourhairlooksnicetoday » he blurted out without any emotion in his voice but pure panic.
you looked at him with your eyebrows lifted, taking a few seconds to process his words before flashing him a bright smile. « oh thank you ! i really like your hair too ! »
oh. that wasn’t planned. yamaguchi’s thoughts started to race, yet his body remained frozen. and after a few seconds spent awkwardly looking at each other, you finally revived the conversation. « we should eat together someday ! see you later ! ».
poor yamaguchi’s heart was definitely pounding in his throat when you waved at him before walking away.
sure, ushijima wouldn’t have minded getting closer to you, but flirting was something he definitely wasn’t comfortable with. however, he thought he could give it a try and began dropping subtle hints. but so subtle that they were absolutely unnoticeable. for example, he considered complimenting your new school uniform the utmost form of flirting.
and when you finally realized what he was trying to do after several months, you decided to make his job easier by creating perfect opportunities for him to make a move.
« i don’t have anything planned this weekend, i’m probably going to bore myself to death... »
« don’t you have a test to study for next week ? »
well, he was certainly more oblivious than expected. but that doesn’t mean he didn’t accept your proposition to study together during the weekend. gladly accepted actually.
it drove bokuto crazy to know that akaashi had a crush on you but had never ever tried anything. so he considered it his responsibility to prep his friend for the moment he’d finally make a move.
fukurōdani had just won their first match of the season and akaashi was waiting for you outside the locker room, already a bundle of nerves. after congratulating him, you handed him his jacket that you had kept with you in the stands. « it kept me warm while i was freezing up there, so thank you », you smiled.
ok, now seemed like the perfect opportunity to put bokuto’s tips in practice. even though he knew they were terrible, they seemed like his only option. as calmly as he could, the setter took a deep breath before letting out something he never thought he’d ever say : « maybe because it’s made of boyfriend material »
as much as you didn’t want to shake his confidence, you couldn’t help but facepalm at this awful pickup line. and akaashi didn’t need your reaction to realize how terrible it was.
« i... apologize for that. let me do this my way : would you like to go out with me someday ? »
bonus : years later in your relationship, neither of you ever had the courage to tell bokuto that it wasn’t thanks to his pickup line
« wow, i didn’t think ya’d be such a wimp... it’s been two hours, just do something already ! »
« i’ll do it when i’ll feel like it », suna shrugged atsumu’s teasing off. it was true that he’d had his eyes on you ever since the team entered the restaurant to celebrate their victory in today’s match. but suna did not want to bother with the whole “flirting thing” that atsumu tried to talk him into. however, he stayed true to his words and, indeed, came to talk to you when he finally felt like it.
near the counter, you were waiting for your friends to get out of the bathroom when your eyes laid on the intriguing boy that was walking towards you. behind him, his entire table was staring with impatient faces. but like i said, suna didn’t want to bother with flirting and cut to the chase. very nonchalantly, he grabbed a pen from the pencil pot next to the cash register and started scribbling something on your receipt.
he handed it back to you a few seconds later, faintly shrugging « here. i usually reply fast ». your eyes lowered on the receipt, where you could read the eleven digits of his phone number. and just like that, he went back to his table.
no one in their right mind would ever have dared to tease Kita about how long it was taking him to make a move on you ; simply because everyone knew he had already rigorously thought about how and when he’d do it. and they were right, he wanted to be prepared. but talking to you face to face was much different than training in front of his mirror.
he had thought about complimenting your appearance, but it was the last thing he cared about. kita was a man of few words, and he wanted you to know exactly why he liked you in the least complicated way possible. and it took him a lot of courage to do so, even with so much preparation.
«  i don’t know if someone ever told ya that but... » he started, fiddling with the straps of his bag. there was no going back now, you were all ears.
« ...i really enjoy talking to you. with some people it can feel like a waste of time but... you’re always relevant and uh... well, i wouldn’t mind going out with you someday. if you’re ok with it of course »
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mothergayselle · 3 years
I Said... Hold Still // Obey Me // MC x Lucifer
rating: t words: 3.5k summary: takes place during the furry event, MC does the boys’ makeup for the video but takes *special care* with lucifer’s
“Stop squirming, Levi. You’re going to smear everything and then I’m going to get mad.”
Leviathan blushed, visibly racked with the desire to fidget in the chair. “I can’t help it,” he said, crossing and uncrossing his ankles, which clunked into hers. “You’re so close to my face.”
A scoff audibly sounded off in the background, and the unmistakable tenor of Mammon’s voice filled the dining room. 
“Yeah. A little too close, eh? Back off, Levi!”
Freya sighed. As long as Levi’s face was scrunched with annoyance, it’d be impossible to apply any more makeup to it. She paused, her hand a patient dove hovering in the air, coasting, while Levi replied.
“I’m not doing anything! You back off, stupid scumbag!”
“Hey! Ya gotta stop callin’ me that! Or else!”
“Or else, what? What are you going to do to me?”
The demon-princes were scattered throughout the entirety of the ornate, elaborate dining room, yet the collective sigh uttered by every mouth was a palpable hurricane churning in the air above them. A violent, fiery blush creeped into Levi’s neck, and Freya stilled her hand once more as he ducked his head in embarrassment.
She had to force herself not to sigh herself. “Relax, Levi. I’m not going to attack you.”
“Yes, hun, but that he wishes you would is the point,” said a voice from the opposite corner. A slash of daylight pierced through the window in front of him, illuminating the slender curve of his body. Even in that ridiculous costume. Asmodeus.
“If you know what I mean,” he finished. Freya didn’t have to look to know he was probably winking at them. The sunlight did nothing to illuminate the dripping sin of his voice.
Freya ignored the fresh wave of blood washing over Levi’s face, deepening the red even further. All that was needed was a quick blending of the brow-powder, and he’d be done, though if these idiots kept on rambling she wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to get him to hold still.
Even now, he seemed to vibrate in place, although he managed to keep himself in place enough to refrain from fidgeting. Freya worked as fast as possible, working as casually as she could without smudging the lines. If they could keep their mouths shut for once in their goddamn life--
“If what you mean is kissing, then yes. We do get what you mean. Levi, at least attempt to not think about it.”
read on AO3
SATAN, you motherFU--
“No one is kissin’ ANYONE, do ya hear me!?”
“Oo-oh, how scandalous!! I want to see someone kiss!”
“Okay, tell me I didn’t wake up from a nap just to hear about Freya kissing someone!”
“Relax, Belphie. No one is kissing.”
“Ya damn straight, no one is kissing. Not ever! If Freya is kissin’ anyone it’s gonna be m--”
“Me! It’d be me! After all, who wouldn’t want to kiss me?”
As Lucifer silenced the room, Freya shot Satan a glare, who returned the gesture with a grin so warm you’d never know how on purpose that truly was. What an arsonist. Truly. It was practically art.
The dining room was momentarily cast in shadow -- Freya looked beyond a mortified Levi to see a thick wall of cloud oozing across the sky. A frown tugged the corners of her lips down.
“All right, you lot,” said Lucifer. His voice crawled into the spaces around them like congealed molasses. “Clear out. Diavolo wants to start shooting as soon as possible.”
The most awkward of silences left the dining room charged and heavy, and all but Levi and Lucifer started towards the main hall.
Meanwhile, Freya wanted to be conscientious of his personal boundaries -- as he so often said he didn’t like to be touched -- but Freya wasn’t just about to let Levi leave after that. 
“Hey, look up for me one more time before you go.”
She and Lucifer made zero comments about how dark his skin had become in embarrassment -- magenta would be too fitting for comfort. Freya, in her peripherals, saw how Lucifer pretended to preen himself in a corner away from them, adjusting and then readjusting his feline costume so it couldn’t possibly fall any straighter or more crisp on the lines of his body.
Levi complied, absolutely rock-frozen as he titled his eyes to the ceiling. Even the inner workings of his jaw were inert with strain. 
“Did you know,” Freya began, dabbing ice-silver highlighter to his waterline, “That giraffes throw up on a regular basis?”
She was momentarily met with silence as Levi made himself unclench his teeth. “Giraffes?”
“Mhm. An animal in the human realm. Really long neck. Think of a horse with a snake-neck.”
“Whoa. That sounds like a final boss or something. If their neck is so long, how do they not suffocate then?” 
It was working -- his skin was clearing of blush, returning to a lovely cream-shade which she always thought brought out the gold in his eyes so well. Freya, in an effort to dispel some of his shame, didn’t meet his eyes when they gazed at her out of curiosity. She prodded the outside corner of his eye with the same highlighter, tapping the glimmer into place.
“Well… that’s what I wanted to know, so I researched it for awhile. They have a bunch of spaces in their stomach so as they digest food, they puke it up into their mouth and then eat it all over again. Bizarre, right?”
Levi’s subsequent grin made itself onto her face as well, though she was careful to still avoid his direct gaze. And, was that Lucifer’s cheeks lifted in the over corner over there, or was that her own imagination?
“That sounds like Beel,” he said, beaming at her.
“They were my favorite animal for awhile after that, just because I would always laugh when I thought of it. In an environmental class back home we studied this, and as soon as it was brought up, I just couldn’t stop laughing. I got kicked out of class.”
“OMG,” Levi said. “That is hilarious! LOLOL, like, I totally would’ve lost it too.”
“It’s ridiculous. But it does make me smile, even to this day. Maybe it’ll help you too now.”
Levi’s answer was something soft in his eyes, like a window being opened.
Freya snapped the ridiculously expensive highlighter palette closed, absentmindedly making a note to somehow manipulate Asmo into getting her one just like it. 
She tried to refrain from kissing anyone in the academy but that palette… perhaps kissing was not beneath her after all...
“‘Kay. You’re good to go!”
The clogged energy tangibly evaporated as they both righted themselves in the chairs, widening the amount of space between them. Levi didn’t look fully recovered -- his movements were a little too fast, a bit too premature. 
However, as he stood up to join the others, the dread from earlier wasn’t etched onto the crevices of his face, and he smiled before heading out the door.
“Thanks, Freya! Seriously.” He dashed through the entryway, the joyful spring under his feet practically palpable.
The next breath was drawn in through the nose. Freya turned to the impromptu makeup station Asmodeus had set up for her earlier in the morning once more.
“Okay, lurker,” she called out. “Sit your butt down before I decide I don’t want to do this anymore and set fire to the building so Diavolo will send me away.”
The waxed, polished, impeccable hardwood floors clapped his shoes in greeting with every intentional footfall. Even from the side while she retrieved more eyeshadow, she could see the grimace on his mouth. He was staring straight through her.
“Not funny.”
Freya couldn’t help but grin as she swiveled the chair to face him.
“It was funny, but we both know you wouldn’t admit it even if you agreed so let’s get to business, shall we?” Freya held up a pen of liquid eyeliner for him to see.
Lucifer made no further comment, but she could’ve sworn his jaw looked like it wanted to come undone in a smile, just for a second. He nodded, burgundy eyes locked onto her face.
“Scoot closer. This always sucks the most.”
When he complied, their legs were utterly entangled, each thigh resting lightly against the other’s. Freya didn’t stop or make a comment -- she knew the rules of the game with him and wasn’t going to lose because of that.
If anything, the contact excited her. She’d be close enough to catch any reaction he made, scrutinize every inch of his visage for a sign of victory. When one edge of his mouth lazily pulled to the side in the faintest smirk she’d ever seen, an impish gesture, she knew he was on the same wavelength.
Freya leaned in, closing the distance between their faces until the warm billows of his breath collided gently over her cheeks.
“Don’t mind me,” she said, bringing a hand to cup the cheek opposite the eye she was going to start on. “I have to steady myself because I had a lot of coffee this morning and I can feel myself about to have a seizure.”
Lucifer did smile at that, and she mirrored him as her fingers slipped through the hair at the back of his head. Silk. Fresh rain. A bubble of clouds. There didn’t seem to be a description accurate enough to articulate the softness of each strand. Her palm came to rest on his jaw.
The dick part of her wanted to ask what kind of conditioner he used, to purposely destroy the playful tension, if only to mitigate the effect the intimacy had on her. It was certainly a go-to, and she had half a mind to blurt it out when his expression suddenly changed.
“That was kind of you,” Lucifer murmured, and she could practically feel the heat of his red gaze wash through her, “What you did for Levi. Comforting him so as to not embarrass him further.”
An unwanted softness expanded in the pit of her belly and her hand momentarily haltered all movement. She drew back to look at him, and felt her waggish expression melt into something more like his own.
Freya’s gaze tugged down at their legs, spidered out in a flamboyant web of limbs. “I’m all for a good roast, but they should be more mindful with how often they pick on him. He already has super bad self-esteem.”
Lucifer grimaced as pain, sympathetic, cracked across her face. “That he does.”
“Makes me want to punch him,” she mumbled, almost inaudibly. Exhaling, Freya lifted the eyeliner pen to Lucifer once more, tracing a thin cat-eye along the edge of his lashes. 
“If he says that he’s too gross to love one more time, I will use our pact to make him do daily affirmations until he stops. I’m not above that.”
It was a while before Lucifer reacted to that, and a few moments of silence soothed the spaces around them. When he seemed to smile, Freya kept wordless and leaned in further, cleaning up the sharp edge of the wing at his eye. If she leaned in any further, her lips would brush across his cheek. Adrenaline flooded her belly.
“Not the worst way to exploit your authority, I suppose.”
“Hell yeah. Call me the demon-whisperer, improving internal dialogue one Avatar at a time.”
She withdrew her hand just in time -- Lucifer’s cheeks avalanched in the expansion of a smile, twisting his mouth until the ivory-white of his teeth was exposed. Another grin, another victory.
“Sounds like quite the endeavor.”
“Quite right, Watson. Okay, done with that,” Freya said, ignoring his momentary confusion and scooting herself back to the pile of makeup. She exchanged the eyeliner for a pastel palette before picking up a small, fluffy brush.
“All Diavolo wanted was a mutuality between species, and here you are trying to rehabilitate the princes of Hell into developing a more healthy sense of self,” he mused. 
Lucifer’s warm eyes lowered and tracked Freya’s movements as she closed in and began dabbing at his eyelids with a pale lavender color, which accentuated the darkness of his burgundy irises so nicely it was obscene.
Did she look as beautiful to him as he did to her?
“Oh, dear,” he chuckled. “Where did you go?”
It was just then that Freya realized she hadn’t been applying the makeup on him so much as she was staring at it.
“What’s wrong? Did the artistry of your own handiwork distract you?” His full lips twisted into a more mocking version of his earlier grin.
“Or is it simply my natural beauty you find so interesting?”
A low, humming laugh churned in the bottom of his throat as Freya’s nose wrinkled itself at him.
“Actually, I was just thinking that if this film wins first place, the entire Devildom will be witness to you and all of your furry glory.”
All of the mirth fled from Lucifer’s face as she spoke. Dark strands of aura collected around the crown of his head before winking out of existence. 
“It’s an exciting thought, right?”
When his eyelids lowered, Freya leaned back in, blending in a blue pastel with the first. The air around him sizzled with tension that dripped off of his body. “As the film stands, there is almost a statistical impossibility that it will win the competition,” he drawled. So confident. 
“So, basically, it’s a non-issue.”
“You really believe Diavolo -- or Barbatos for that matter -- who are obsessed with this project, couldn’t or wouldn’t pull strings in our favor?” The hand on his jaw exploded with invisible flame as she shifted it for no other reason than she wanted to--
Lucifer froze. Freya pretended to be absorbed in her work and readjusted her fingers -- a mere twitch of the extremity -- slipping several of them in the hollow under his ear while anchoring her thumb so that the pad of the fingertip framed the corner of his mouth.
A triumphant fanfare burst in her head. She got him, caught him off-guard. Enchanted him. The world was correct once more.
“Diavolo is a noble man,” she started, sweeping away the fallout with her knuckles. She caressed the soft skin under his eyes gently, with care. “But men like him -- the ones who proclaim to uphold truth and transparency…”
Lucifer did not move, even as she playfully tapped the tip of his nose with the makeup brush.
“Those are the ones you can’t trust.”
A few short moments passed before Lucifer spoke again.
“I don’t know what demons you’ve been hanging around,” he began, leaning forward an inch. “But some of us are perfect gentlemen.” 
He was playing with her. 
Do not look at his lips, do not look at his lips.
The brush in her hand lowered as Freya also leaned in, matching Lucifer’s bluff, and the crimson glow of his eyes was soon all she could see, rather than the eyes themselves.
“I’ve only met one perfect gentleman in my entire life. He was a golden retriever.”
She saw the curve of his eyes when he smirked.
“You clearly need better friends.”
“How fortunate I was kidnapped and brought here, then.”
“How fortunate, indeed.”
“Hey, are you guys going to kiss?”
The shock of the intrusion jolted both Lucifer and Freya, nearly pressing them together, so… maybe?
Lucifer recovered first, smoothly straightening in his chair like a candle wick burning true.
“What do you want, Asmo?”
Of course it was Asmo.
When Freya settled, returning the makeup brush to the tray, she saw Asmodeus hovering in the dining room’s entrance, the gold of his hair casting ethereal arcs of color across the archway.
His eyes were wide with curiosity. “Well, first, I want to see you kiss, but I also came to tell you Diavolo wants to start filming now.” Asmo’s gaze flickered back and forth between them.
“Tell Diavolo we’re on our way,” Lucifer said, saying nothing of the lewd request. After a tense moment and a hard glare, Asmo drifted off, the whites of his eyes revealed in an impressive arc.
“He realizes he can just kiss people, right?”
She couldn’t help but grin at the blank expression coating over Lucifer’s visage.
“He realizes,” Lucifer said. “It seems as if voyeurism is a big interest of his, however.”
Freya accidentally snorted. “I don’t know what isn’t.”
“Manners, perhaps.”
Someone sighed. Freya wasn’t sure if it was her or Lucifer. Eventually, the two shared a glance and his eyebrows rose in question.
“Is my makeup adequate enough for filming?” The brows remained high on his forehead, now teasing more than anything else.
Freya instinctively raked his features, looking for any asymmetrical flaws or lopsided shadow. There was nothing but a fleeting suspicion that it was only Lucifer’s immaculate complexion which completed the makeup, rather than the other way around. He wore the makeup, rather than the makeup highlighting the beauty already there. How ridiculous.
“One more thing, actually.”
The lazy affect warped into confusion, narrowing his features, and then awe, expanding them back again. Freya had darted in the space between their bodies, one finger somehow already dipped into a cherry-colored lip stain, and she began tapping the pigment onto Lucifer’s bottom lip, ignoring the way his mouth parted with shock.
“To match your eyes.”
He remained silent while he composed himself, drawing back his eyebrows and lips to a close. Freya forced her face to remain stoic -- the relish of eliciting these kinds of reactions was a special sort of drug, but to keep him playing along, she had to forfeit a few her victories to soften the blow to his ego. Demon of Pride and all. She was more than happy to keep up with him. Her giant ego demanded it.
As if he could hear her thoughts, Lucifer probed her gaze with his own, scrutinizing the miniscule movements her every facial feature made, but she gave away nothing. He was content to hold still until she was finished with him, smiling politely, the warmth not touching his eyes.
“And none for yourself?” he chirped.
Freya’s gaze darted to the makeup tray at her side, but a warm hand had gripped her chin and forced her head back to Lucifer. A swarm of butterflies awoke in her diaphragm.
“You dote on all of us so much,” he pronounced slowly, casually, bringing his thumb to his mouth. “But it seems as if you are often left wanting, isn’t that right?”
Heat so hot it was ice overturned her nervous system, bringing it to a halt. “It isn’t that bad. Beel buys me food. Asmo gives me clothes. Luke and Barbatos bake me whatever I want.”
Freya frantically attempted to memorize the feeling of his thumb brushing over her lips. Did he feel this tense when she’d done this, like a worn outlet ready to spark? She waited until he was satisfied to speak.
“I’d say I have it pretty good.”
Lucifer smirked, clearly unconvinced. He reached over her, grabbing a wipe from the table and cleaning his hand. Their faces were momentarily close once again, and the cologne from his neck wafted over her skin. So rich, like sandalwood, but faint at the same time. Noncommittal. It was a perfect scent for him.
When his gaze lowered to her mouth and back up again, she thought her form would explode.
“Hm. I’m not sure all of that’s an equal exchange, though.” He stared at her in bewilderment.
“... What?” Suddenly, she was too conscious of herself. Why did he look at her like that? Was he unsatisfied with the color or something?
She heard the roll of his stool before registering he’d placed his palms on her shoulders. They felt like boulders and feathers and as if they should be there all the time, keeping her from floating away in her wild fantasies of abandoning the human world so she could stay there forever. It was just like giraffes. Ridiculous… right?
“Your hair.”
Lucifer’s eyes were sure and steady as they raked over her again and again.
“It should be down for the fight scene. When you faint, it should cover your face, create some symbolism there.”
… Interesting. She didn’t know he thought about details like that. Wasn’t this more of Asmo’s territory? Still, Lucifer had a point. She’d only braided that morning because it was convenient, getting too long and too curly for comfort.
“How dramatic,” she replied, chuckling at his sincerity. “You’re right, though. Obscuring the face makes a much bigger statement to the audience. Creates lots of tension.”
Lucifer’s knees knocked against hers, two entities floating alone in the ocean, and he moved his hands to the hair-ties at the end of her french braids. 
They were dexterous, slipping off the rubber and untangling the curls without tugging on a single one. Goosebumps seeped through her skin, giving her a full-body euphoria. 
If she was being honest, even this simple gesture had her feeling pampered, taken care of. It resembled nothing of the food or retail items she was frequently gifted with, although those were of course, appreciated.
No, this was like... communion. A merging of two. Freya found that she couldn’t muster a smirk or a smart-ass retort as Lucifer slipped his fingers through her hair, arranging it in perfect pieces that cascaded over her jaw. She felt she wanted to sleep instead. Take a nap. Fall asleep to the sensation of him there, soothing her into unconsciousness. 
Ah. Any feeling of victory disappeared in an instant. This was too close to real intimacy to be a game.
Lucifer adjusted the curls one final time before gently extracting himself from her space. There wasn’t any trace of mischief on his face either, or deception, or avarice. 
She caught herself absently grooming herself of invisible lint or stray hair in the moments after. It seems as if their communion was finished, and they were to get on with their mission for the day.
“Well,” Freya said, steadily rising to her feet. She extended a hand in his direction. “Ready to go to war over me?”
Lucifer’s subsequent smile radiated mirth. “Of course.” He curled his fingers around her palm and rose to face her.
“I always defend what is mine. To the death.”
An unexpected giggle erupted from him at the shock rapidly freezing her expression.
“I’m joking, Freya. I’m ready. Let’s do it.”
Lucifer jesting? How novel.
With her hand in his, they began making their way out of the dining room. The sun was out -- its light had finally defeated the storm clouds before it.
“Call me Helen, I guess.”
Their voices ricocheted off the elaborate carvings etched into the doorway.
“... You know the story of Troy, ri--”
“--Yes, Freya, I get the referen--”
“--Okay, cool. That would’ve been weird. I hate explaining jokes.”
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Hi! I wanted to make a request from the “Everything is terrible, so why not have some fics?” post. You said you didn’t have any and I loved the Tech - First Kiss fic you wrote. I wanted to request 15F with fem!reader. I’m thinking more fluff but reader needs to let out some emotions that have been bottled up for a while through some tears. (I hope I’m not asking too much)
Wrecker is my favorite and I moved halfway across the country from home to figure out life for myself and I’m kinda homesick myself.
Hey, @gjrain20-starwars! Thank you so much for the request! I’m realizing that this is probably toeing the line between fluff and hurt/comfort, and I apologize! Enjoy!
Wrecker + Homesick Fem!Reader
You crept quietly through the halls of Spearpoint Outpost. There was a strict, recently established curfew on base. Ever since Anaxes had become the focus of a Separatist campaign, security on Spearpoint had stepped up from ‘routine’ to ‘unpleasant’. 
The only reason you were out and about so late at night was to try to make a rare call home. The middle of the night was the only time there was a chance of catching a spare bit of signal to make a personal call. GAR-standard comms were strong enough to hog all available frequencies when they were being used, so nighttime was the only option. Besides, the time difference meant that your calls would come through in the morning back home on Bespin.
At least, they would if you could ever get through. After a full hour of trying without success, desperate for a scrap of a familiar voice, you had bitten back tears of lonely frustration and started the return journey to your bunk.
You probably should have been more worried about being caught out of barracks after curfew. If a superior officer found you, it would mean a solid dressing-down at best, and likely some disciplinary action. At absolute worst, they could discharge you from the GAR altogether considering the state of things on Anaxes. That didn’t sound like as much of a punishment as it should have in your current emotional state.
Still, you walked quickly and quietly through the winding tunnels that made up Spearpoint Outpost. There weren’t many people around so late, and you were wearing your full uniform. No one would notice that you were out of place unless they were looking.
“Hey!” a voice bellowed from beside you, so abruptly that you fumbled and dropped the comlink you had been cradling absently.
“What the-?” you glanced around rapidly, zeroing in on the source of the noise after only a moment. The greeting had come from Wrecker, the largest, loudest member of the Bad Batch, who had recently been based on Anaxes. It was only a temporary assignment while the GAR had them run a series of missions around the area to ward off the Separatists, but they had been at Spearpoint for a few weeks and would likely be here at least a few more. 
A solid chunk of your coworkers weren’t a fan of the Bad Batch. Hunter was nice enough, you guessed, but quiet. He kept to himself as a rule. Tech was whip-smart but not great with social situations. He had alienated some of Spearpoint’s officers by pointing out ways they were minorly breaking regs. Crosshair seemed to be purposefully unpleasant, so most people avoided him on principle. Wrecker, though, had gone out of his way to make friends on Spearpoint. 
Somehow, you in particular had attracted his attention. If the Bad Batch were on-planet, you saw Wrecker at least once every day. 
“Wrecker!” you hissed, clutching at your chest. Unnecessarily, you told him, “You scared me!”
You stooped to pick up the comlink, but Wrecker got to it first. It was unfair for someone that big to be so fast, you mused. You tried to grab the comlink from him, but he had a good grip on it. There was no way you were getting it back through force. The idea was laughable.
“Why are you awake so late?” Wrecker asked, ignoring your efforts to get the comlink back.
“Late shift,” you lied. “Just got done.”
He watched you skeptically, the eyebrow over his good eye lifting. “You’ve been off-duty since nineteen-hundred hours, liar.”
You stared at him, aghast. “How do you know that?”
“You’re always done at nineteen-hundred,” he answered simply, studying the comlink. 
“Then you know why I need to get back to my barracks before anyone sees me,” you told him, deciding to trust the Bad Batcher. “I’m breaking curfew by about four hours, here.”
“Curfew?” he asked, belting out a laugh that made you nervously glance around at the empty hallway. “No one obeys curfew.”
“I do,” you argued, nettled. “We’re in a war zone.”
“Barely,” Wrecker snorted. “Do you think you’ll bring the Seppies here by being out of bed too late?”
“No, but I’d rather not be demoted,” you said icily. “Now, give me my comlink. I need to get back before anyone catches me or turns me in.”
“Okay,” he agreed easily, handing the comlink over. “I’ll walk you back.”
You glanced at him over your shoulder. Wrecker seemed nice enough, but he was big and loud. Your chances of getting caught with him were much higher than if you were alone. “No, thank you. I’m all right.”
He tsked at you. “Don’t you know we’re in a war zone? I’m coming along.”
You rolled your eyes and walked a little faster in hope of losing him. Of course, he was faster than you ever gave him credit for, so he kept up with ease.
“So, who was important enough that you’re willing to risk a demotion to talk to them?” Wrecker asked, gesturing to the comlink in your hand. “Boyfriend?”
“No,” you denied instantly. “My family. I haven’t… haven’t seen them since I joined the GAR. I’ve only gotten to speak to them a few times.”
Wrecker was silent at that, but a glance up at him revealed that he seemed deep in thought. “You miss them.”
“I do,” you admitted, wrapping your arms around yourself, “but it’s more than that. I miss everything about my home. I miss the food in Cloud City. I miss the birds and the sunsets. I miss being home, you know?”
You vaguely recognized that you were rambling, but the words wouldn’t stop. “I don’t know what I’m even doing here. Everything is different and I’m scared all of the time. Sometimes, I think all of this was a mistake.”
You finally stopped talking and pretended to study the hallway wall, doing your best to sniffle in a way that he wouldn’t hear. Of course, it would have been hard to miss the horrible, thick sound of tears in your voice. You subtly wiped your face and cleared your throat. 
What were you doing? Wrecker was an elite soldier, even more so than the other troopers that constantly surrounded you. He had literally been bred for strength and durability. You couldn’t afford to look weak in front of any of them, but especially not in front of Wrecker. He was the strongest man you had ever known. He must think you were so silly, crying over a home and family when they were safe. You were just away from them right now. There was no need for tears. You were just having trouble convincing your heart about that.
A large hand settled on your shoulder, the immense weight of it grounding you. 
“I understand,” Wrecker said softly - well, as softly as you had ever heard him speak. “I don’t have a home, but I have a family. I don’t know what I would do without them. I’d hate to be away from ‘em.”
“Even… Even Crosshair?” you joked weakly, interrupted by a slight cracking in your voice.
Wrecker chuckled, the sound lower and more personal than you were used to hearing from him. “Even Crosshair. Don’t tell him I said that, though. Family is family, even if we drive each other crazy sometimes. And it wasn’t a mistake, coming here. I might be biased, ‘cause this is the only way I met you, but different isn’t bad, ya know? You’re doing your best and it’s helping you grow. It’s uncomfortable now, but uncomfortable and scared are the first steps to some great stuff.”
“I guess-” you hiccuped softly and laughed a little at the ridiculousness of having a post-midnight philosophical therapy session with the massive Bad Batch member. “I guess you do understand.” 
Wrecker hummed an agreement at that. “Besides, home and family aren’t just the stuff you left behind, ya know? You’ve got friends here.” He beamed, squeezing your shoulder with what must have been a tiny fraction of his immense strength. “And, hey, you’ve got me!”
“Do I?” you asked, enjoying the first effortless smile you had worn in a while.
“Of course! I want to be part of your new family.” He paused, rubbing at the back of his neck. “If that’s okay with you, I mean.”
“I…” you paused to swipe under your eyes once more. “I would like that, I think.”
“Good!” Wrecker smiled, stooping toward you. You were wrapped up in the best hug of your life before you knew what was happening. 
Wrecker was even more giant this close, and you were surrounded on all sides by warmth and solid muscle. He squeezed and lifted you just a bit, letting your feet dangle a short distance above the ground. You couldn’t reach all the way around his broad back, but you had your arms wrapped around him anyway, holding onto him just as tightly as he was to you.
When you finally patted his back, Wrecker gently deposited you onto your feet once more and stepped back. His eyes were bright and warm, which perfectly matched how you felt. Hugging Wrecker had felt like taking a deep breath, like a sip of water after a hard workout, like stretching after a long transport ride. 
“Thank you, Wrecker,” you said. It felt like too simple a phrase to sum up everything you were feeling, but it was everything you had.
“Anytime,” he replied easily. “I mean it. If you need anything, whether it’s a hug or to hit someone, come find me.”
You nodded, and he pulled a faux serious face. “Now, off to bed before someone finds out you’re breaking curfew.”
“We are in a war zone,” you agreed with a grin. 
The rest of the short walk to your bunk took place in a companionable silence. As you reached to type the code into the pad next to the door, Wrecker tapped your wrist to stop you. 
“Hey, you should come by the Havoc Marauder tomorrow,” he suggested quietly.
You frowned. “Why? Didn’t you guys crash-land like, two days ago?”
“Yeah, why?” Wrecker asked, looking confused. His face cleared a moment later. “Oh, no, we aren’t going anywhere. But I’ll get Tech to kick up the power on your comlink. You should be able to talk to your family without GAR comms interfering. Your long-distance family, I mean.”
You felt the smile spread over your face, but Wrecker interrupted as you started to thank him. “And, that way, you’ll be able to contact us when we’re off-planet. Ya know, in case you want to talk to your new family, too.”
“That sounds perfect,” you accepted gratefully, not typing in the code to your barracks even after he gestured you toward the keypad. You really shouldn’t risk making him uncomfortable… but you were too selfish not to take advantage of the opportunity. You held your arms out a bit. “One more hug?”
From the chuckle that rumbled through his chest as you were squeezed against it, Wrecker was only too happy to oblige.
A/N - if this was a little too hurt/comfort and not enough fluff, let me know! I’d be happy to write another chapter with more fluff. Thank you so much (again) for making this request! (As a side note, I also moved far away from home and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. It’s hard, but the experience will make you a stronger, more independent person. You’re doing amazing!)
If anyone wants to make a request, I dearly love writing them! I might come up with another prompt list eventually, but here is the original prompt list in case you need some ideas. Read other one-shots from the same prompt list on my masterlist.
Thanks for reading!
(Update 7/02/21: this now has a sequel chapter here!)
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scxrlettwxtches · 4 years
urgent romance intervention | kim seungmin
Tumblr media
genre: slight angst, fluff, humor
warnings: none!
prompt: everyone thinks we’re already dating, but we’re just best friends--oh wait--
word count: ~3.2k
a/n: first of all, im so sorry for literally dropping off the face of the earth after opening requests. i’ve been in a deep writing slump and i just managed to somewhat pull myself out of it with this fic. >.< to the lovely anon who sent this, im so so sorry if this isnt as good as you wanted it! i’ve just been having a very hard time writing. i hope this isn’t too far off from what you expected! as always, im so so grateful to everyone who has supported this blog, it means so much to me! love you all! <3
“We are not dating!”
This was absolutely ridiculous. Of all the crazy things you had imagined yourself doing once you got to college, you never thought you'd be having to deny dating allegations (from some pretty close friends, no less). What made this situation even more bizarre, was the fact that the topic of these allegations, your supposed “boyfriend,” was none other than your best friend, Kim Seungmin.
“There's no need to be so private, Y/N. We aren't prudes here,” Jisung looked far too smug sitting across from you as you worked on your project together at a random campus cafe with your other group member, Minho.
You couldn't help but scoff at his words, writing in your notebook with a little more ferocity than usual. A little was an understatement, actually; your pencil was practically cutting into three pages at this point, “I'm not being private, I'm being honest. I'm not dating Seungmin.”
“Are you sure?” Jisung continued to press for details, leaning forward with wide eyes. 
“I think I'd be aware if I was dating my best friend,” you rolled your eyes, taking another big bite of your croissant, holding it with your left hand as you continued to take notes with your right. 
Minho coughed and muttered the words similar to, “You'd be surprised,” under his breath, but you were too sick of this conversation to care.
You had a total of five minutes of pleasant peace and quiet when Jisung spoke up once more, “I think you two are cute, for what it’s worth,” he said, nibbling at his cheesecake.
“I very much appreciate it, but I’d appreciate it much more if you actually worked on our project,” you smiled pleasantly, gripping your mechanical pencil so hard you were sure it would snap. Jisung huffed, blowing the hair out of his face when your phone buzzed on the table.
“Oh, it’s your boyfriend,” Minho interjected with a smug smile. 
You scowled. You definitely didn’t get enough sleep to be in the mood to deal with this, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you rolled your eyes, grabbing your phone.
“Are you sure? I bet you it’s him.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous. He’s in class right now, and you know Seungmin hates to text--” your voice died right in your throat as you stared at the notification. What the hell was going on? Since when did Seungmin ever text anyone during his classes? But phones don’t lie, and the alert was definitely about the two unread messages from your best friend.
wanna get dinner tonight?
i got a reservation at the hotel restaurant you like 
how in the world did you get that?! i try to get it for special occasions and i always have to book like three months in advance
just some connections
wanna go?
hell yeah. see ya soon :)
“So, who’s the lucky texter?” Jisung put his elbows on the table, smiling at you with a devious smirk.
You gave both him and Minho a wary glare as you slipped your phone back into your bag, flipping around your textbook again and continuing to work on the project as you muttered, “Seungmin.”
“Ah, see? I knew he cared about you more than school,” Minho sighed dreamily, which honestly made you want to hurl, “That’s true love, isn’t it, Sungie?”
Jisung nodded fervently and you finally snapped, throwing your pen down, “Why the fuck does everyone think we’re dating?! We’re not!”
“Oh yeah? So what did he text you about?” Jisung asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
You pursed your lips, snapping once more, “Just about--” you faltered slightly, processing Seungmin’s messages as your expression morphed from indignant to almost confused.
“About what, Y/N?” Jisung tried again, a smile already quirking his lips upward as he studied your expression. Damn him. Damn Minho. Damn this whole fucking thing.
“About going out for dinner,” you answered under your breath, resting your chin on your arms as you muttered defensively, “It’s not even that big of a deal. We eat dinner together all the time.” 
Minho snorted, “Of course. I bet he even said he made reservations at some fancy ass restaurant,” When the only answer to his accusation was silence, he couldn’t help but scoff, “For someone as bright as you, you’re pretty oblivious about flirting, aren’t you?”
“Watch it,” There was an undertone of a growl as you bared your teeth at him, “I’m the only reason you’re all getting A’s on this project. Don’t test me.”
Jisung shrugged, “If it means finally getting you laid, I’m willing to take an L,” he said simply, twirling his pen as your cheeks grew flush, and with an angry huff, taking your notebook and smacking his arm with it. 
“My sexual life is none of your business,” you snapped, steam practically shooting out of your head as you glared at the two boys. How you three ended up being friends was always going to be something you’d never understand.
“It was none of our business because there was nothing to talk about. Things are different now, sweetie,” Minho snickered, giggling with Jisung like a pair of gossipy school girls as he whispered to you , “Trust me, I got this information first hand. Did you know Seungmin actually has a monster--”
“That’s it. You’re doing this project on your own.”
“Of course you can skip overtime today! It’s not like you’re ever obligated to stay,” your boss at the local bookstore said happily as you hesitantly asked her if it would be alright if you didn’t close up for the day.
Still, despite her reassurances, you bit your lip, “A-are you sure? I could tell my friend to just go with someone else,” you trailed off just as the woman took your hands in hers, shaking her head fervently.
“No, no, no, don’t do that. Of course, you can leave at six. Hell, I wouldn’t even mind if you left at five since you already do so much for me,” she chuckled, smiling at you, “Where are you going? Party? Club?”
“No,” you said with a sheepish smile to compliment her wolfish grin. You both knew that alcohol was definitely not your thing “Just a fancy dinner at a fancy place, apparently.” 
"Oh! With a boyfriend?" She asked as the two of you walk around sorting the newly arrived books into different categories. 
Your face burned with embarrassment, "No, it's just Seungmin," you muttered in response, carrying a stack of books over to a large pile of nonfiction novels. 
"So, a boyfriend," she said simply, not even bothering to look at you. 
Unlike with Minho and Jisung, you couldn't blow up at her or snap. Not just because she was your boss, but because Mrs. Kim was probably the sweetest woman alive, and you could never bear saying anything remotely rude towards her. 
"Seungmin isn't my boyfriend, Mrs. Kim," you replied politely as you checked a book for rips or printing errors before putting it into the newly growing pile. 
"He's not? But he's always looking after you, dear!" Mrs. Kim looked almost offended by your denial, which was exactly what you were trying to avoid. 
You shuffled uncomfortably,  "Well, we've been best friends for years, and his mom would kill him if he didn't take care of me,” you quickly fumbled for an excuse and smiled like you were being forced to take a yearbook photo or pose with the sun hitting your eyes. 
"I've never seen a best friend spend his whole paycheck getting their friend a limited edition of a book series they were dying to get," Mrs. Kim pointed out rather dryly. Where was this sass coming from? Was this really the same woman that fed you homemade pastries on your first day of work? It certainly didn't feel like it. 
"He only bought it because I was practically nagging him for months,” your excuses became more relaxed as you let them spill off your lips more. After all, they've lived in your head for the last seven years. It was just like dusting off an old notebook. 
"Oh, this is ridiculous," Mrs. Kim threw her hands up in utter exasperation as she barked, "Hyunjin!" 
The poor boy almost dropped the pile of books he was carrying as his head whipped up to look at Mrs. Kim with a panicked expression. He never really got over the trauma of spilling tea all over Mrs. Kim's favorite book even though she forgave him after a day of sulking. 
"Yes?" he squeaked, his eyes wide as he was probably preparing himself to die at the hands of your boss. It would be almost funny how afraid Hyunjin was of a sixty year old woman if you weren't just as terrified of her when she barked your name. 
"Who's Y/N dating?" she asked. 
Hyunjin's panicked expression all but vanished as he realized that he wasn't the one in trouble, and he answered matter-of-factly as he glanced over at you, "Seungmin. Why?" 
You sputtered in indignation. First Jisung, then Minho, and now Hyunjin, too? 
"We're not dating!" You exclaimed for what was probably the twentieth time in the last two hours alone. 
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, "Please, you're not fooling anybody here." 
You gawked at Hyunjin, unsure whether you wanted to sock him in the face or rat him out to Changbin for replacing the rapper's shampoo with pink dye, "What in the world gave you the idea that we're together?" 
"Y/N, you two literally hold hands unironically," Hyunjin pointed out. 
"Friends do that all the time!" 
"He ditches us in an instant whenever you call him to hang out." 
"That's because you guys see each other every day, and I only get to see him on the weekends." 
"He was literally draped around you during movie night last weekend." 
"Maybe he's just touchy." 
Hyunjin glanced at you with a skeptical eyebrow, immediately calling out your bullshit, "You didn't seriously call Kim Seungmin a touchy person, did you?" 
You looked away scowling, because Hyunjin always had an uncanny knack for seeing through people's masks. Especially with you;  you knew he always suspected your hidden feelings for your best friend, even when the rest of his friends were happily oblivious. 
Mrs. Kim raised a disbelieving eyebrow, "Are you so against the idea of dating him? Because let me tell you, as a girl that hooked up with boys left and right during my prime time-" 
"Oh my god, Mrs. Kim, I really didn't need to hear that," you groaned in mortification, covering your flushed face with a book. 
"He's one of the good ones," Mrs. Kim finished before glancing at you with a bemused smile, "If it's not because you don't want him, then what's the problem, dear?" 
You felt cornered. It wasn't fair. Hyunjin and Mrs. Kim were looking at you like they knew everything when they didn't. They didn’t know how much you’ve pined over this man, how much carefully crafted effort and time you’ve spent trying desperately to get over him. 
"I don't want to think that I'm special and then have to wake up to the cruel realization that I'm not," you said flatly,  although from the shift in Hyunjin's expression, he could hear the pained inflection hidden in your voice. 
He opened his mouth to say something probably reassuring when Mrs. Kim interrupted, “So it's fear. What are you afraid is going to happen?”
This was definitely the wrong time to be having a conversation like this, during working hours when you were supposed to probably be helping customers. But there was no one in the store and no one outside about to come in either, so you couldn't help but be a little revealing.
“We don't go to the same school anymore,” you explained uncomfortably, “If he hasn't already, he'll probably meet someone kinder, gentler, softer than I could ever be. I don't even have the advantage of time on my side now.” 
“Okay, first off,” Hyunjin interrupted, glancing at Mrs. Kim and then back at you, “Seungmin has never looked at anyone the way he looks at you. He's totally hung up on you, just like he was back in high school." 
"You don't know that," you muttered, fumbling with your fingers. 
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me what I know and don't know. I literally see him checking his messages for your replies at least twice every ten minutes." 
“Stop it,” you snapped, looking at him, eyes blazing, “Stop making this sound obvious. You don’t have any right to act like a fucking love expert when all everyone does is fawn over you--”
“Okay, both of you need to cool off. We’re still in a bookstore here,” Mrs. Kim glared at Hyunjin who immediately lost his high horse attitude and ducked away to keep working.
"Darling," Mrs. Kim took your hands in hers, the anger on her face softening into an expression akin to sympathy, "I don't know what you've gone through to think that you're not worthy, but take it from the words of an old woman. If a boy is waiting for you to get off of work with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, chances are that he thinks of you as more than a friend." 
You blinked at her in confusion before following her line of sight, and your heart did a weird backflip as you saw none other than Kim Seungmin, standing outside of the bookstore with a sheepish smile and bouquet of roses in his hands. 
This was definitely the strangest day of your life, you thought as you sat directly across from Seungmin, absently admiring the rose petals. It was one thing for Seungmin to take you out for dinner (he always liked spending his big fat paycheck from interning at that fancy tech company), but the flowers threw you off. 
Weren’t roses meant for dates? Was this a date? You looked around at the lavish restaurant, the candlelit atmosphere and the plethora of couples eating around you.
No, definitely not a date.
"Are you alright?" Seungmin asked with the gentle smile he only showed you. Funny, was it Hyunjin corrupting your mind, or did Seungmin's eyes sparkle when you looked at him? 
You nodded, carefully putting down the flowers on the ground underneath your chair to make sure no one accidentally steps on them, "Yeah, I just had a weird day." 
"Weird how?" Seungmin reached for your hand that was resting on the table, causing your stomach to do a somersault. Damn those stupid boys who just don't know when to keep their mouths shut! You just can't stop overthinking things anymore! 
Wait. Now that you think about it, no thanks to those little shits, Seungmin has been abnormally affectionate the last few times you've hung out, holding your hand, letting you rest your head on his shoulder when you got tired, even full on cuddling with you when Jisung hosted a group movie night at his apartment. You'd reasoned it all in your head that he was probably just going through his more clingy phases, but now thinking back, Seungmin never liked to cuddle, even in his most clingy moments. And yet, he'd wordlessly pulled you to his chest that movie night as if he'd wanted you to cuddle with him all his life, even when his friends were around.
“Y/N?” He prompted gently, his eyes now filled with a hint of concern as he rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb.
The rational part of you wanted to just forget this whole thing. The boys say dumb shit all the time; how can this be any different? It would be so simple, so easy for you to just do as you’ve always done when it came to your feelings and run away. 
But your heart, your lonely heart that has known nothing but secret glances and unrequited love was aching to take a chance. Minho, Jisung, and Hyunjin were idiots, but they weren’t cruel. They wouldn’t give you this false hope for nothing.
And for the first time, your heart won over, and you decided to be honest.
“Well, the boys keep saying that we’re dating,” you chuckled sheepishly, trying not to focus on Seungmin’s hand wrapped around yours.
To your surprise, Seungmin’s eyes grow wide as saucers as he all but squeaked, “They what now?” 
You blinked, trying to be too taken aback by his reactions, “Minho and Jisung just yabbering on about us, and Hyunjin didn’t bat an eye when my boss asked him who I was dating,” you glanced at him, throwing caution to the wind as you asked hesitantly, “You don’t happen to know about this, right?”
Seungmin might as well have held up a giant flashing sign that said he absolutely knew about it. His ears grew bright red, redder than you’ve ever seen them turn, and he stammered for a moment, trying to find his words, “I-I--um--I told them not to use that plan.”
The carefully crafted excuse to get both of you out of this awkward situation that you held on the tip of your tongue immediately disintegrated, “W-what plan?” you stuttered out in disbelief. 
Seungmin looked almost crushed as he pulled his hand out of yours, putting his head in his hands as he rested his arms on the table, “This stupid plan they made for me to ask you out,” he muttered, and if your hearing was ever so slightly worse, you would’ve missed those words completely.
“Why would you need a plan to ask me out?” you asked, and your heart could almost leap out of your chest at this point. It felt horrid waiting, waiting for the confession or the rejection. You’d almost regretted opening this can of worms when Seungmin suddenly looked up at you, his expression distraught.
“Why?” he repeated, smiling bitterly, “Was I really so out of your league that you didn’t notice how in love with you I’ve been this entire time?”
Your mind went blank and it felt as if someone had yanked the ground out from under you. This whole image of unrequited affection, this whole idea that you were never good enough for Seungmin to even look your way, it was all a farce, a con that was now being torn apart by his simple question.
“S-seungminnie,” your voice refused to work the way you wanted it to, and you stumbled over your words, “I didn’t know--I’m so sorry--I had no idea…”
“Hey, it’s alright,” Seungmin immediately sounded concerned as he watched you fall apart in front of him, “You didn’t do anything wrong, you have nothing to be sorry for--”
“I thought I wasn’t good enough for you!” You blurted out, looking into his warm, brown eyes as the shame bubbled out of your chest and you lowered your head, “I thought...I thought you would find someone better than me at your new university, at your new job.”
Seungmin sighed, and he reached over, resting to fingers under your chin and tilting your head up to look at him as he smiled, “There’s no one else I want except you,” he whispered, and you could’ve sworn your heart combusted right there.
And when Seungmin took you to the Christmas lights after dinner, the bouquet of roses still in your arms as he pressed his soft lips against yours, you couldn’t wait to go up to your friends the next day and proudly declare that yes, you were absolutely dating Kim Seungmin.
(and maybe give them a Starburst for making it happen.)
a/n: im sorry im rereading this and it’s trash plsdontkillme
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flying-nightwing · 3 years
Throne of Blood (2/3)
It’s ya local simp back again with the praise/devotion kink sweating out of this series in waterfalls. I set this on three parts, and potentially a bonus chapter *wink wink*. 
This is still marked NSFW for the same reasons as part 1, so minors still DNI
Part 1 in masterlist (Bio + pinned)
Pairing: Jason Todd x fem!reader x Roy Harper
Word count: 4919
Warnings: Same as part 1 babes
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“I still don’t believe it”
The sky was clear and the sun was high, reflecting on the crystal white of the snow covering the land. A cold wind blew over the western watchtower, reddening Roy’s cheeks in a similar tint to his coat. He looked down to you and grinned. 
“Say what you may,” He replied, pulling slightly the string of his bow twice. “I’m hitting that target, darling”
“So smug” You sighed, twirling the arrow in your fingers before handing it to him. “Let’s see, my dear. One chance, gotta hit the mark”
He only winked and armed his bow, carefully drawing his bowstring. He paused there and closed his eyes, feeling the force of the wind and calculating his aiming angles. You could see in the distance the Wayne Kingdom’s guarding post and a small dot pacing around. Roy reopened his eyes and angled his bow to the right, then up. As he breathed out, he let the string go. 
First thing you knew, the little dot fell over the ledge of the tower.
“I…” You mumbled, your jaw going just a bit slack. You couldn’t stop staring at the guard post. 
“That’s right!” He laughed, pumping his fist in the air. “I told ya I was gonna make it”
“Well, I know to admit when I’m beaten” You sighed again, looking back at him. His eyes were shining with pride and mischief. “How many golds did I owe you again? 4?”
“Mhh, forget the gold” His cold hand trailed up your neck to rest behind your ear, tangled in your hair. “That baffled expression on your face is more than enough to satisfy my ego” 
“Are you sure?” You teased further, letting him invade your personal space. “Your ego is pret-ty big sometimes”
“You’re right” He breathed out, rubbing your temple he was so close to you, his lips were almost on yours. “Maybe there is something you could do for me after all”
“Name it” You said, smiling. “I owe you one, after all”
He didn't answer, only closed the short distance between you two. His cold, chapped lips met yours in a soft kiss as his other hand snaked around your waist. You could feel his bow digging into your back, but you didn’t care. Your hands went around his neck to pull him even closer to you, letting him shield you from the harsh wind. He was so warm, you wanted to stay against him for hours more. 
“Did we ever do it on the western tower?” He asked as he pulled back to breathe. 
“On the south tower, we did” You nodded, panting. “There was also this one time with Jason on the north balc-- Fuck”
Your eyes shut as he bit the skin of your neck, then sucked on it. “So we never did it on this watchtower” He hummed against you. “Right, because that guard definitely had a field glass. But now he can’t spy on us” 
“My Lord, my Lady”
You shut your eyes, trying so hard not to snap at the boy. You could never have a moment of intimacy in this castle, it seemed. Roy recomposed himself first, straightening his back and facing him. He didn’t even look shameful or bashful at all, instead, he was pretty relaxed. 
“His Majesty requires your presence in the throne room” He said, his cheeks slightly pink in embarrassment. “It seemed pretty urgent”
You both shared a concerned glance. Without another word, you swerved passed the boy and walked straight to the throne room. You were a bit far, but you believed you set your record on how fast you could cross the entire castle. Your strides were long and purposeful, and your hands were not far from your weapons.
You ended up in the large room sooner than later, your eyes scanning for any imminent danger. Instead, you found a small crowd of seven people in front of the throne’s pedestal. One of the men caught your attention--and everyone else’s probably--by his looks alone. Tall, dark hair, wide blue eyes and one stunning armor. The blue bird on his chest contrasted the black of the armor, sticking out from the silver gray of his guards. His posture was tensed, but not as much as Jason’s on the throne. You and Roy slowly took your place on his side, finally making you be seen by the handsome man. His eyes found Roy first, and they exchanged a long glance. Then, it was your turn. He studied you for a moment before he turned to Jason again. 
“Listen, I don’t want any trouble” He said, holding his hands up. “I’m only here to warn you”
“You could have sent another message if it was that important” Jason sneered. So this was his brother.
“Jason, I’m serious” He rubbed his nose. “Father is done and through with this will he won’t he. He is determined to stop you”
“Let him come” He snorted. “I know his every move, Dick. He can’t touch me”
“He knows that,” He argued, frustrated. “That’s why he issued capture warrants for both of them, effective as we speak”
Jason froze as his brother pointed at you and Roy. His face betrayed no emotion, but you knew a sensitive chord had been hit. You didn’t like how his own father tried to hurt him that way, and it made you angry. How dare he try and hurt your Jason. 
“He’s not gonna kill us” Roy spoke, but even he had a subtle uncertainty in his voice. The mighty King Wayne didn’t kill, but this moral guideline might have wavered if Jason had pushed him far enough. 
“He won’t” Dick replied. “But it doesn’t mean pain won’t be involved”
“If he even tries, I’ll kill him myself” Jason grumbled. “He’s not ready for--”
It happened fast. Your attention was divided in between the two brothers, so much that you failed to do a visual sweep of the room. You missed the two shadows on the higher balcony, or the draw of a bow that was aimed in your direction. It was the quiet sound of the arrow flying through the air that tipped you off, making you turn on the side by instinct to protect yourself. You felt the sharp steel of the tip pierce your shoulder--instead of your heart--and you fell on your knee. Before you could touch the ground, Roy fired and dropped the two shadows from the balcony before they could shoot anyone else. In a blink, Jason was over you and Dick was barking orders to his men to stand down. 
Then came your scream of pain.
“Hey, hey, look at me” Jason called, bringing your attention to him. Your breathing was shallow and you wanted to pass out from the pain. You could feel the arrow tear and burn your flesh at every muscle contraction, and the hot blood slowly and steadily flow down your back. “You’ll be okay. Don’t pass out just yet, stay with me” 
“I’m sorry” You rasped out in between two shallow breaths. You were pretty sure the arrow had been barbed by the pain that was pulsing through your entire upper body. "I didn't see him sooner. That was a rookie mistake"
“No, this is on me, not you” Jason’s beautiful face was twisted with guilt. “I-- I didn’t see him, I should have known-- Fuck”
His hands started trembling around the arrow he was holding steady. His hands were red already and you were getting drowsy; you had no more feeling in your right hand already, your entire arm hanging limp from your body. Black dots veiled your vision that was becoming blurry by the second, only dissipated for an instant when Roy appeared in front of you. 
“Dick and Commander Garret got it” He told Jason before holding your head in his hands, forcing you to focus your attention on him. “You’ll be fine, but we need to move you. It’s gonna hurt. A lot”
“Can’t be worse” You joked, your voice slightly slurred and your smile resembling a grimace more than anything else. His expression turned sorry while he offered you back a pity smile. Oh, it would be a lot worse. 
And he was right. They lifted you easily, both their strength more than enough to support you, and carefully made their way to the side room. You bit your cheek hard enough to draw blood so you wouldn't scream again with every step they took. There, with one swipe of his arm, Jason threw everything off the stone table in the middle of the room, sending flying some probably priceless items on the floor. He didn’t care. They laid you face down, then rushed to stop the blood flow.
“The doctor is on her way” You heard Roy say as you felt fabric pressed around the shaft of the arrow. You tuned in and out of the conversation, unable to keep focus on their voices for more than a few seconds at the time. A nap seemed so good right now.
“How did we not see them--”
“Don’t start blaming yourself again--”
“Well, it’s pretty much my fault if--”
“Jay, we are your guards, we knew--”
“Still! I’m the one who’s supposed to--”
“If you want me to take out this arrow, you’ll need to stop arguing and start helping me--”
“Yes ma’am”
“Sorry ma’am”
Some doctor she was. If only you could see their faces. You felt them working around you, something cold on your skin, followed by the arrow being pulled out of your shoulder. At this point, everything felt the same. Your pain was just everywhere, but now you knew at least the arrow was out. You heard the doctor shoo out Jason and Roy, then you passed out.
The tremble in Jason’s hands went away when Roy closed the door of the room behind them. His eyes turned as hard as steel as he faced the throne room, and without looking back, went straight for it. All heads in the room turned at the sound of him coming in again, and he had an idea why they kept staring. Your blood was still on his arms, reddening his skin up to the elbow. His hair was a mess and his eyes read violence. He stopped in front of the still moving body of one of the assassins. Roy’s arrow went through his cheek, but he was still alive. He glanced briefly at the other body, still with two arrows in the throat, then back to the one at his feet. Nobody else dared to move, not Roy, not his brother, not the guards around him watching the scene unfold in front of them. 
Roy had a similar posture. Despite shooting in a reflex, his rage had left him guide his aim in the fire of the action. He had known in that split second that the man who fired the arrow didn’t deserve a quick death, that an arrow to the chest like his friend would be a mercy. Instead, he had gone for the painful shot that would leave him alive for the wolf the devour. Besides, it wouldn’t have been fair for Roy to have them both to himself.
Jason bent down and grabbed the man by the back of the neck, dragging him along with him. The man couldn’t talk, only moan in pain as he was forced to follow Jason’s angry pace. Roy wasn’t far behind, eager to see what would happen next. Jason wasn’t a predictable man, especially not when angry. And now, it would be an understatement to say he was furious. 
Jason dragged the man through the room, then out of the castle and across the stone bridge. He stopped only when he was out of the fortified gates, where the towns citizens passing by eyed the scene with horror. A crowd gathered around, and Jason waited until there were enough people around to speak. He must have looked insane like this, bloody and disheveled, unhinged and on the edge. He usually wouldn’t have gone in public like this, but he needed to pass a message. 
“This man has committed a crime against the crown” He began, and silence fell over the crowd. The man writhed in his hand, but he was too weak to escape the iron grip on his neck. “He snuck into the castle and attempted to kill my personal guard and advisor under a mandate issued by a neighboring Kingdom. If anyone has any idea to follow in his footsteps, this is what will happen. No one trying to claim the bounty will end up any better than him. Somebody fetch me a rope. A sturdy one”
It didn’t take time for one of the guards to come back with a thick rope and give it to him. He kicked the man down and held him there with his foot, ignoring his moans of pain as he worked on a noose. He looped it around the man’s neck and pulled him back on his feet. The sound of his sword sliding out of its sheath was deafening, and even more so the footsteps he took to stand in front of the man. 
“Death is too kind for your crime” He muttered. “But it’s what you’ll get today, because I don’t want to see your face ever again. Tell the devil I said hi when he pulls out your guts”
With a quick movement of his sword, he sliced his stomach deep enough for his insides to spill on the pavement. Jason stood there, watching him for a minute before he walked away. He only paused when he was shoulder to shoulder with his guard.
“Hoist him up the gate” He instructed, but there was no place for arguments and the boy knew it. “So he can serve as an example for the rest of them”
Then he kept walking. 
“Your progress is impressive”
You looked up from the gourd you were drinking from, your chest still rising quickly after the effort you just made. You had stopped outside a little road town and set camp in the woods. Like always, you’d take an hour or two to train with Jason. You had a lot to learn to even get close to an acceptable gap between your skills and theirs, but they were patient with you. 
“Thanks” You nodded as you closed the gourd again. Night was setting in soon, announcing the end of today’s training session. 
“I think you are ready to choose a weapon of your own” He said as he put back his sword in its sheath. “One’s choice of weapon is personal, and it can be quite telling about its wielder”
“Choose a bow and arrows” Roy called as he came back from the woods, dinner in hand. He had caught four rabbits and a bird. “There’s nothing quite like it”
“See, Roy chose a bow,” Jason explained further. “This tells us that he’s an idiot”
You laughed as Roy rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. “Ha ha” He laughed dryly. “You’d look like a clown if I wasn’t your long shot”
“I’m not gonna choose a bow” You shook your head, chuckling. “I’ll leave the exclusivity to you”
You turned around as they kept bickering, looking over to the small bunch of weapons your party carried. Swords, curved blades, barbed sticks and one sharp looking spear were staring back at you, but nothing caught your eyes. That was until you spotted the two bodies laying a few paces away from your camp, reminding you of the two mercenaries who tried to ambush you earlier to catch the reward for your heads. Tried being the keyword, because the two amateurs had no idea who they went up against. Despite their sharp battle axes, they were taken down in a blink. You wandered toward them and picked up the two weapons beside them, then came back.
“I want these ones”
They both turned to you, surprised by your choice. Jason stepped closer to you, gently pushing up your arm so he could have a good look at one of the axes. The double edge was kept sharp, and it seemed balanced. He looked back at you.
“Those are quite heavy weapons. Warrior type, devastating things” He hummed. “You need quite some strength to wield them precisely and inflict damage. Are you sure?”
“You think I can’t do it?” You raised your eyebrow in challenge. He smiled.
“Oh no, I know you can do it. I even think the axes will suit your style” He chuckled, holding your stare. “All I’m saying is you’ll need to put the work into it”
“I’m ready” You lifted your chin up. “I don’t want to feel powerless ever again”
“With these, you won’t” Roy said as he passed behind you. You could just hear the grin in his voice. “Whoever will stand in your way will have no idea what came for them”
Jason already hated meetings, but this one had been particularly long. Not only because he was worried for you, but because he was alone. Roy was with you, making sure nobody got to you while you recovered, which left Jason off to bear the entire meeting without at least his favourite people by his side. But it was crucial for him to be there, because it was when he decided the counter offensive to adopt. His troops had been sent across the border, blocking all the roads to his territory. No army could march in without being met with resistance. He was well aware he was escalating the tensions tenfold by doing that, but his father deserved everything that would come his way. 
The sky was cloudy, but the weather was nice for winter. He stepped outside, spotting the man in black and blue observing the frozen garden with little interest. At the sound of Jason approaching, Dick faced him. 
“Well, you got a grip of yourself quicker than I expected” He hummed, noticing the lack of blood on his hands and his combed hair. He had changed to his black and red armor, leaving behind more formal wear for the time being. “I’m surprised”
“Don’t be” Jason snorted as the two men began slowly walking side by side. “I am aware I have a duty that I must do, no matter what happens”
Dick eyed him without commenting on that matter. “I suppose I am not allowed to leave just yet”
Jason smiled without humor. “That’s right”
“You know I could easily escape on my own”
“And you know if you did I would drag you back here by the neck”
“Obviously” Dick rolled his eyes. “What about my men?”
“Escorted out of my territory with the soldiers who are heading east” He replied.
“Why are you doing this?”
Jason raised an eyebrow. “Why, to make our dear father sweat a little” He shrugged. “His golden son close enough for me to strike down quickly if he even thinks of pulling that shit again”
Dick remained quiet for a moment, his head down. He was aware his brother was watching him, looking for any sign of guilt or responsibility in that matter. “You know I would have never let those men tag along with me, right?”
“Do I, now?” Jason hummed. “They used your presence here to sneak in. I’m sure you know how this looks like”
“Jason” Dick sighed. “I don’t want to see you fall. I might not agree with some things you do, but there is a reason I came here to warn you”
He didn’t answer.
“Besides, I would have never tried to hurt the woman you love. I wouldn’t have done that to you” He added. “To you and to Roy”
Jason’s head snapped up, his wide eyes setting on Dick. How did he know?
“It’s quite obvious. Both your reactions were one of love, and there is clearly no competition between you two. It wasn’t very subtle” Dick explained. “And no, you did not say that out loud, but your face did. You forget sometimes I know you both better than you want to admit it”
Jason sighed. Of course, Dick would see it instantly. It’s not like he was ashamed of his relationship, on the contrary, his staff already knew it all about it judging by the number of times they barged on them in compromising situations and he did not worry about them knowing. But he knew decorum frowned upon it and a lot of people who already had something against him would only use it to further their case. He wanted to protect his family more than anything. 
“You’re lucky to have them, and they’re lucky to have you” Dick spoke again after a moment. “I hope she’ll be okay”
“I hope she’ll be too, for your sake” Jason turned serious again.
“What does that mean?” He grew wary, straightening his back. Keeping him here was one thing, and he’d quietly stay if it could appease his brother to have him somehow prisoner, but he wasn’t sure he’d accept being threatened. 
“Whether or not it was voluntary, you brought those opportunists here” Jason didn’t back down. “If she doesn’t make it, I will rain hellfire on everything Bruce loves, starting by his most prodigal son”
The two men stared at each other in confrontation, shoulders squared and the tension so tight it could be cut with a knife. And that knife was apparently named Roy.
“I think it won’t be necessary,” Roy said carefully, breaking the heavy silence. “She has been awake for a few hours, the doctor is changing her bandages. You should go see her”
Jason looked in between both men, then nodded at Roy. “I guess you two have things to talk about. I’ll leave you to it”
He walked away without looking back, and instead focused his thoughts on you. His feet guided him to the infirmary while his mind was far away from this reality, spiraling down what ifs and worst case scenarios. He paused in front of the door, then knocked and pushed the door open. 
“Ah, King Jason” The doctor greeted as she washed her hands. “Just on time. I’ll leave you two in a second”
“Is she okay?” He asked.
“Ask her yourself” She smiled before wiping her hand on a rag and leaving.
You blinked slowly as the voices registered around you. You were feeling tired, but you wanted to stay awake a bit longer to speak to him as well. Roy had spent the majority of the day with you, well past sundown. You turned your head and smiled at him, easing just a bit of concern off his handsome features. 
“Hey” Your voice was weaker than usual, and you had no doubt you looked paler too. According to the doctor, it was possible to make a full recovery if nothing got infected before the wound healed at least a little bit. She’d have to check in inflammation as well, but it looked not so bad so far. 
Jason couldn’t help but smile back as he reached you and sat on the chair left beside the bed. He brushed hair away from your forehead with the back of his hand, relieved he couldn’t feel the heat of a fever coming out of you. “How are you feeling?”
“Just peachy” You chuckled, then flinched at the pain in your shoulder. “Ow”
“Take it easy” He soothed, caressing your uninjured shoulder. His touch was so comforting, you wished he’d never take his hand away. “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner”
"S'okay" You replied. “I know you must have had a lot to do after this shit show” 
“Still” He sighed. “I should have just--”
“Don’t start blaming yourself” You frowned. “None of this was your fault. I don’t want to see this expression on your face anymore, now”
He snorted. “Roy said the same thing, you know?”
“Well, he was right” You smirked. “You should listen to him sometimes” 
He rolled his eyes playfully. “Of course you choose this time to gang up on me”
“I dreamed about you” You changed the subject before he could find a new way to blame himself. “Well, I don’t know if it was a dream or a vivid display of a memory. Everything was too hazy to make the distinction”
“What was it about?” He asked, rubbing his thumb in circles on your shoulder. 
“When I chose my axes” You answered. “It’s a good memory. It did make me feel better”
“If I recall correctly, it was also the first night I kissed you” His tone turned teasing. “First night Roy kissed you as well. Beside the fire as the summer began, right after wiping out the guild members on the edge of the Kingdom of Blüdhaven”
“Hmm, I recall we did more than just kiss”
The soft glow of the fire, three naked bodies intertwined as they moved in sync, breathless moans and wandering hands. Jason had to chase that perfect picture away from his mind before it could lead him somewhere inappropriate for the situation, no matter how he wanted to close his eyes again and let the memory play out in full. You did it on purpose, he knew that much, probably to cheer him up or pull his mind further away from the less than pleasant reality. 
“You’re going to kill me one day” He grunted, and you let out a little laugh, careful not to pull your stitches. Your hand found his and you squeezed it lightly, making him look down briefly at your locked fingers. He took a deep breath and sighed longly. 
“What’s on your mind?”
“Doesn’t matter” He shook his head, but you didn’t back down your stare. Finally, he caved. “The assassins. They’re dead, and the one that did this to you is… Well”
You could only imagine his death was nothing short of horrible and painful. You didn’t know if finding satisfaction in this made you a terrible person, but you took comfort in the fact that he suffered more than you did. You only wished you had been there to see it.
“But my father, I…” He gulped. “He’ll know what happened here. If he strikes, which will be most likely the case, I’ll need to be ready. He won’t take you, not on my watch”
“I won’t let him take me, or Roy for that matter, away from you” You reassured him. “I’ll be out of this bed in no time and back at your side, just watch”
A small smile stretched his lips. “Always the warrior spirit” He leaned down and kissed your head. His lips lingered on your skin and your eyes fluttered close to prolonged contact. “But you’ll need to take it slow to recover. You need not to rush for me”
“I’ll always rush for you, my King” 
You noticed the hitch in his breath and the adoration in his eyes. The crystal shine of tears gave them an innocent glow, one you rarely observed on his face but appreciated every single time you had the chance to. It was easy to forget how young he actually was under all the weight that has been put onto him, he always seemed so much older and stern. You reached your hand for his face despite every single of your muscle screaming against it, and he leaned into your touch, softly closing his eyes. He allowed himself to relax just then, finally convincing himself that you would be okay. You had this gift with him, how you always managed to sneak into his heart and mind and bring him peace. He had been bewitched from the moment he met you, he had known right then and there he was already yours. And the fact that this connection transferred so easily to Roy, that you could make equal space in your heart for both of them only amplified his affection for you. You were their missing piece, and he would do anything--anything for you. 
“How did I get so lucky?” He whispered, gently taking your hand on his cheek and kissing it. 
“It’s not luck” You smiled. “You took care of me when I needed you the most, I’m only returning the favor however I can”
“She’s quite a woman, isn’t she?” 
You and Jason looked up at the new voice joined in, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at Roy’s wide grin. He walked closer and gave Jason’s shoulder a little squeeze, sitting on the arm of his chair. Your shoulder hurt but now that you had them by your side, everything seemed better. 
“So, what are we going to do now?” He asked, eying you both. Jason took a deep breath, repeating Roy’s question in his head a few times. He didn’t have much time to think about something concrete, but it wasn't the ideas that were missing.
“Well, this seems to me as a pretty clear declaration of war” He said, slowly trailing his eyes from yours to Roy’s. “We should react accordingly, don’t you think?”
“Hit ‘em hard and fast at the source, won’t matter if they see it coming or not” Roy nodded in approbation. “This is what you were thinking, right?”
A sinister smirk appeared on Jason's lips. It was thrilling and frightening all the same, promising a terrible retribution. “My loves, we’re going to war”
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Hi!!! Love your writing style you're so cool! I was wondering if you'd be able to write a sickfic focusing on atsumu and osamu-specifically atsumu taking care of his little brother! And maaaybe if you wanted to add some angst before it got better 👀 anyways hope you have a wonderful dayyyyy 😊
Anonymous said:
Can I get an unexpected sick atsumu that is at home from school with his brother after sleeping in. Their mother had the day off and didn’t feel like going anywhere so she allowed them to stay home. Maybe in the middle of the afternoon Atsumu starts to feel strangely sick but he hoped it would pass if he took a nap. He slept on the top bunk while Osamu plays video games on the bottom when he sudden wakes up without warning and starts to projectile spew. Caretaker Mom (cause I need some sweet momma content) and Osamu being supportive and understanding.
The Biggest Idiot of All Idiots: a Miya twins sick fic
Characters: sick Atsumu, caretakers Osamu & Mama Miya (lol)
Word Count: 3,426 (!!!)
Warnings: swearing, heat exhaustion passing out, and Miya-family shenanigans
Part 2
Thank you for the requests and kind words!! I combined it with one from @super-secret-sick-fics
I changed a couple details, but tried to stay mostly true to what was asked for! I hope that’s okay :)
This is gonna be a two-parter bc it got to be way too long. I’m not sure when Part 2 will be up yet.
I didn’t edit this at all (I never do, honestly) and I know I’ll hate myself for that later. But alas, I have zero patience so here it is!
Enjoy :)
Atsumu was rudely awakened by something annoying and probably stupid pushing up on his back.
“Tsumu, get outta bed ya lazy asshole.”
Ah yes, the annoying and definitely stupid thing was his equally annoying and stupid brother shoving the bottom of his mattress up from the bottom bunk.
“Why?” he grumbled and flipped over onto his stomach. He buried his head into his pillow and sighed. There was a subtle ache nagging at him on the left side of his head and he wanted it to go away.
“Cause Ma took the day off to do yard work and chores with us. It’s ‘sposed to be hot today so we said we’d do the yard work first thing. Remember? Or are you really that stupid?”
Osamu’s face popped up over the railing of Atsumu’s bed. His brother’s normal deadpan stare was accented by a single eyebrow raise of expectation.
Atsumu narrowed his eyes at him for a brief moment before groaning. He sat up and the pain in his head spread to encompass the rest of his head. Immediately, he was cranky.
“Fine. Just get outta my face,” Atsumu all but spit. Osamu’s face scrunched up, but he jumped down to the floor.
“What’s crawled up yer ass so early?” He mumbled, pulling on some athletic shorts. Atsumu wanted to respond with something snarky, but the pain in his head muddled his thoughts and he couldn’t think of anything clever enough.
“Screw you,” he settled on and crawled to the ladder to get out of bed. The headache would most likely go away after he ate something, so there was no need to say anything about it and risk getting teased.
Osamu eyed him, a frown on his face for a second. Then he scoffed.
“Alright assface. I’ll be downstairs. Ma made breakfast.” With that, he left the room.
Atsumu took his time getting dressed and ready for the day. He was moving slower thanks to the ache in his skull. The dumb headache also made his body feel tired and achy so he didn’t really feel the need to push things and make it worse.
“Good mornin’, Sweetheart!” His mother greeted when he finally made it to the kitchen. She was at the stove, flipping some pancakes, her salt and pepper hair pulled back in a loose braid. She was already in work clothes. Atsumu had to admit that it was going to be nice to spend some time with his mom. Their father ran a small convenience store, so she had to work full time to help supplement that income. He was excited to spend time with either of his parents when he could, even if it was doing chores.
The twins had, of course, offered to get part time jobs. However, both of their parents shut down the idea quickly, telling them to focus on volleyball and “enjoying their youth.”
“Mornin’” he yawned and sat down across from Osamu at the table. He was already half way done eating and scrolled mindlessly through his phone. Atsumu tried to do the same, but the tiny words and the blue light from his phone only exacerbated his headache, so he sighed and gave up. Instead, he put his head down on his arms and waited for his mom to tell him to come get his food. After a minute, Osamu kicked his shin under the table.
“Oi, what’re ya doin’?” he asked roughly. Atsumu rolled his eyes and exhaled, annoyed.
“‘M tired. That alright with ya?” He glared at his brother. Osamu kept steady eye contact, rising to Atsumu’s challenge. The lights burned though, and Atsumu had to blink. He clicked his tongue and turned his head away.
“Yer bein’ weirder than normal,” Osamu said with his mouth full of pancake. Atsumu’s lip curled in disgust.
“Yer disgustin’.”
“Says the pig.”
“Tsumu! Come get yer breakfast!” Miya-san interrupted. Osamu smirked at him, smug about getting the last word.
Atsumu sat down at the table with a single pancake, half a spoonful of scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice. His mother gave him an earful about not eating enough and he was sure that Samu would do the same.
Osamu eyed his plate and then eyed Atsumu and then his breakfast again. His twin pursed his lips, but didn’t say anything, shoving more food in his mouth.
While Atsumu was grateful that his brother didn’t comment on his smaller-than-usual meal, he was incredibly suspicious of the lack of insults.
The truth was, Atsumu’s stomach felt...wrong. He wasn’t sure what it was because he didn’t feel sick persay, but he didn’t feel good either. Starting off with a smaller meal and going back for seconds was more appealing to him than having a plate full of food that his brother and mom would force him to eat.
Atsumu ate his meal in silence and hoped that it would help his headache and the strange feeling in his stomach before he had to spend all afternoon doing yard work in the blazing summer heat.
Osamu watched his brother weeding the flower bed with a careful eye. Something was wrong. He knew it from the moment Atsumu woke up. His stupid brother wouldn’t tell him anything (if he even registered it himself, the idiot) so the only thing he could do was keep an eye on him and make sure he didn’t start crying or dying.
They’d been outside for about an hour and a half now, weeding, mowing the lawn, planting new flowers, and whatever else their mom wanted and it was only getting hotter. The sun wasn’t even directly above them yet, but the heat surrounded them like a thick blanket. It felt like Osamu was moving through a pool of jell-o while he pushed the lawn mower forward.
Osamu was sweating and panting ever so slightly, but Atsumu looked like he just returned from a grueling volleyball game. He was dripping sweat and his shoulders moved visibly up and down with each breath he took. Osamu figured that his brother was probably dehydrated and too stupid to admit it or too stupid to realize it.
“Tsumu,” Osamu called. Atsumu pulled his head up from the weeds and squinted at his brother across the lawn. He was pale, and all of Osamu’s twinstincts told him Atsumu needed to go inside quickly.
“Wanna go get lunch?” He tried, because Atsumu was dumb and wouldn’t admit that something was wrong, so Osamu needed to find some excuse for them to go inside. There, his mother would realize that something was up and force his brother to rest and hydrate.
“We just ate not that long ago. You that hungry, ya pig?” Came the snappy comeback. It had less bite to it than usual. The lack of venom from this and the weak comebacks from this morning only solidified for Osamu that his brother was not alright. That, coupled with the sheer amount of sweat and his continued heavy breaths made it seem like the idiot was dying or something.
“Screw you,” Osamu sneered (because even if something was wrong with his stupid brother he was still an unbearable asshole). “It’s hot and I’m working up more of a sweat. So yeah, ‘m hungry.” Atsumu waved him off lethargically.
“Then you go in. I’m almost done here,” Atsumu all but wheezed and turned back to the flower bed. Osamu took a deep breath and tried to remember that he was attempting to be a good brother and good brothers don’t punch their dying brothers in the face.
“Just come in and get some water then,” Osamu offered, walking to stand behind his brother. Atsumu looked over his shoulder, his ugly face contorted into confusion.
“Why’re you being so nice?”
Osamu squeezed his fist by his side.
“If you get dehydrated, I’ll have to play setter tomorrow at mornin’ practice and I don’t wanna.”
Hopefully the threat of being replaced, even if temporarily, would get Atsumu to see some sense. The longer Osamu studied him the more (begrudging) concern he felt. Now that he was closer, he noticed a glaze over Atsumu’s eyes and a flush to his cheeks.
Osamu surmised from this that his stupid idiot brother caught a summer cold like a stupid idiot.
Atsumu hesitated, but eventually, nodded. He put his hands on his knees to push himself up. Osamu let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. One battle down. Next he’d have to convince him to rest up some.
His relief was short-lived. As soon as Atsumu stood up, his knees buckled underneath him and he fell back onto Osamu heavily. Startled, Osamu just barely managed to keep his balance and catch him, holding Atsumu under his arms.
“What the fu--” he started, ready to lay into Atsumu, only to be stopped by the vacant look in his brother’s eyes. It was different from the haze he noticed just a second ago. It was like Atsumu wasn’t seeing anything. His eyes stared off blankly at nothing, half-lidded and foggy. He was still panting, but it was shallower, if possible.
The next thing Osamu noticed was how cool Atsumu’s skin felt, despite the intense heat and the flush of his cheeks. Atsumu, the dumbass, was indeed not okay.
“Tsumu? Hey, can you hear me?” Osamu asked. Atsumu’s eyes slowly found Osamu’s, but it still didn’t look like he registered anything. The only response he got was a whine.
“Shit. Yer so freakin’ stupid, you dumbass,” Osamu muttered. Atsumu groaned. There was no way he could get Atsumu into the house without help. Thankfully, the flower bed was near the front door, so he wouldn’t have to take him far, but the door was shut in an attempt to keep the hot air outside, so he needed help.
“Ma!” Osamu yelled, “Ma! C’mere, quick! Tsumu’s sick!” Atsumu winced at his brother’s volume.
“Sorry, ‘Tsumu, I’m sorry. Fuck. I can’t believe you--” Osamu said frantically, despite himself. He really didn’t like his brother, but he still loved him and this was still very scary.
Their mom was at the door a second later, concern already painted on her face. Upon noticing her one son all but unconsciousness, leaning on her other son, the concern grew to panic and she was outside and beside them in no time flat.
“What in the hell happened?” she asked, brushing Atsumu’s hair back. Her eyes widened when she no doubt picked up on the abnormal cool temperature of his brother’s skin.
“He’s been actin’ weird all mornin’. Then he came out here in this heat and I just convinced him to go inside for some water when he passed out. He’s so freakin’ stupid.” Osamu explained.
“Of course, the stubborn idiot. Let’s get him inside and cool him off,” his mother said, still holding Tsumu’s face.
“Yeah. I can do it, I just need yer help with the door and getting him on my back,” Osamu replied. The longer they were in this heat the more dangerous it became so they needed to move as quickly as they could without making things worse.
Together, they managed to get Atsumu on Osamu’s back.
“Hold on, idiot,” Osamu commanded. Atsumu buried his face into his brother’s shoulders. He weakly grabbed onto his wrist to keep his arms wrapped around Osamu’s shoulder. Relief trickled in to meet Osamu’s panic when he realized that meant that Atsumu may be coming to just a little. Yeah
As soon as they were inside, their mom went to the kitchen to get some water and wet rags while Osamu took his imbecile brother to the couch. He laid him down, putting his feet up on the arm rest (all the boys on the volleyball team knew how to deal with heat exhaustion) and brought the fan closer. He sat on the floor beside Atsumu’s feet and waited for him to come back.
Miya-san came back a second later with a sports drink and several wash cloths. She placed one on Atsumu’s forehead and he sighed (Osamu was once again relieved that his brother seemed to be registering at least a little of his surroundings). The others she used to pat down his arms and legs.
The next few minutes were tense and silent as they waited for the idiot of the bunch to cool down and return to the land of the fully conscious.
“Sa-Samu?” Atsumu breathed. Osamu’s head whipped towards his brother. Atsumu was squeezing his eyes shut, a deep frown settled on his face.
“Tsumu, thank god,” Osamu exhaled heavily.
“Atsumu, baby, can you hear me? How’re ya feelin’?” Their mother asked gently, sweeping his hair back and sitting on the floor beside his head.
Atsumu’s eyes trailed lazily to meet their mother’s and he took a second longer than Osamu would have liked to respond.
“Head...head hurts,” he whined and closed his eyes again, his eyebrows furrowing together.
“Mhm, that’s to be expected when yer a dummy that got heat exhaustion. When yer ready, I need ya to sit up and drink something, okay?” She said, cupping his cheek. Her words, though seemingly harsh, were always soft. They never failed to comfort the twins whenever they were upset about something.
Atsumu visibly leaned into her touch.
“H-hot,” he murmured.
“No, shit, idiot,” Osamu responded. His mother shot him a glare. He rolled his eyes at her hypocrisy.
Another few minutes later, and they eased Atsumu into a sitting position and handed him the green sports drink (which Osamu found gross, but was his brother’s favorite). He took small sips and deep breaths.
“I’m goin’ to go get ya a little something to munch on, alright baby? Call me if ya need something,” Miya-san said. She kissed the top of his head and left the room.
Osamu watched his brother with a careful eye. He took in the flush of his cheeks, the paleness of the rest of his face, his shaking hand that rested subtly on his stomach. Sure, he just passed out and these things should be no surprise, but something deep in Osamu’s bones told him that Atsumu was hiding something; that something more was wrong.
“‘M gonna go help, Ma. Don’t do anything stupid.” Osamu stood and Atsumu nodded. The lack of a return insult, the lack of any verbal response at all from his obnoxious twin set all of Osamu’s nerves on edge.
“Ma,” he said as he entered the kitchen, “I think Tsumu is really sick.” He leaned against the counter where she was getting some crackers to put on a plate.
“He just passed out from heat exhaustion, Samu of course he’s sick.” She smiled at him softly.
“No, no. I mean… he’s been weird all mornin’ and I think somethins’ wrong,” Osamu pushed. He couldn’t pinpoint it, but his whole body told him that Atsumu was being a bigger idiot than either of them realized.
Miya-san glanced over at her son. Osamu tried to convey on his face how strongly he felt about this, how she needed to believe him. She studied him for a second before nodding and turning back to the plate.
“Okay. We’ll keep an eye on him, alright?” Osamu’s shoulders relaxed minutely.
In the living room, Atsumu was lying down again, his head pillowed against the arm rest and his legs curled into his stomach. He was still frowning.
“Tsumu, you should eat something,” Osamu tried. The frown on Atsumu’s face morphed into a grimace.
“Don’t wanna…” he replied, petulantly.
“Just a few crackers, please?” Miya-san asked, sitting by Atsumu’s feet. He looked between the two of them and sighed.
“Fine,” he relented. Too easily, for Osamu’s liking. On Osamu’s list of Things To Hate About Atsumu, stubbornness was easily in the top three.
Atsumu nibbled on a few crackers until their mother seemed satisfied and left the room. As soon as she did, Atsumu collapsed heavily back onto the couch.
Osamu paused for a second before he gave in to his baser instincts as a brother and twin and sat beside Atsumu on the couch. Almost immediately, Atsumu repositioned himself to lean on Osamu’s shoulder.
Osamu felt the tension ease out of his shoulders when his brother exhaled slowly and shakily, closing his eyes.
“Are you gonna tell me what’s really goin’ on? Or are you gonna continue to be stupid?” Osamu asked after a moment.
His ill twin tenses again and Osamu almost feels bad. Key word: almost.
(If Atsumu was going to continue being an asshole, he would not feel bad if this came and bit him in the ass.)
“...I don’t know. Just been feelin’ odd all day,” Atsumu relented and Osamu’s eyes disappeared behind his hairline.
“Must be feelin’ pretty bad if yer admittin’ it so easily,” Osamu teased. The guilt pooling in his stomach was not something he’d share with his brother easily. His pride wouldn’t let him.
That didn’t take away from the fact that it was there though. Of course it was. Osamu could tell something was off the second he looked at Atsumu’s face this morning, yet he let him go on and work in the scorching sun all morning.
“Mmm,” Atsumu hummed, easing further into his brother’s side.
“Can ya tell me what’s wrong?” Osamu rested his head on Atsumu’s.
“Head hurts. Stomach’s been feelin’ weird,” Atsumu yawned. Osamu nodded.
“Wanna go take a shower and lay in bed?”
“Can’t move even if I wanted to.”
“I’ll help ya, stupid,” Osamu scoffed.
“Why’re you bein’ so nice?” Atsumu asked again. Osamu wouldn’t acknowledge the twinge in his chest that came when Atsumu didn’t believe that Osamu could be nice to him when he needed to be.
“No one else is gonna be,” he said instead.
“Ma’s here,” came the rebuttal.
“Let’s just go upstairs. You should get some rest so I don’t have to sub for ya at practice tomorrow.”
“Hate to admit it, Samu, but I don’t think I’ll make practice tomorrow,” Atsumu grumbled.
And well. Fuck. If Atsumu was already thinking that way, if he wasn’t fighting him about practice, wasn’t convinced he’d go tomorrow, then he must be really sick. The rock in Osamu’s stomach got a little heavier.
“Let’s go,” Osamu said. Atsumu nodded.
“Ma! I’m taking Tsumu upstairs to shower and get in bed!” Osamu called to their mom.
With that, Osamu eased his brother to stand, trying to ignore the way his face paled when he was upright, and slowly they made their way upstairs.
Osamu made Atsumu take a cold shower before he allowed him to settle into bed.
(Atsumu protested and whined the whole time. Osamu kept to himself that the argument that ensued made him feel a little better about Atsumu’s overall condition.)
Atsumu fell asleep almost instantly, curled into a ball around his pillow. Osamu gave him a sweatshirt and some athletic shorts to wear because he kept complaining about being cold. Convincing him that it was just because of the shower and that he’d warm up proved completely fruitless, so in the end Osamu relented.
Looking at his brother now, Osamu could tell that the worst was yet to come. Again, it was just a gut feeling. It set him on edge and kept his shoulders tight by his ears.
When Miya-san came to check on them, Osamu apologized, and though it meant showing his concern for his idiotic brother, asked her if he could skip their chores for the rest of the day and hang out in their room to keep an eye on Atsumu.
(Their mother was the one person they couldn’t lie to; she’d see past their proud facades and break them down with her eyes until they relented and told her what was really happening. Eventually, they stopped trying to lie to her.)
She agreed easily and told him she would run out to the store to prepare for the worst case scenario (see: Atsumu being a whiny little pissant). Osamu shouldn’t have been surprised that she believed him about his weird gut feeling. Thinking back on it, the two twins always knew when something was wrong with the other.
Miya-san left and Osamu took one last look at his brother sleeping on the top bunk before settling on the floor in front of his own bed. He grabbed an X-Box remote and turned on some game he’s played a thousand times, the volume low, and waited for the other shoe to drop.
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Part of the Stray Wolves Series
F/M Pairing: Y/N x Lee Felix (SKZ)
Genre: Vampire AU; Werewolf AU; Forbidden Love AU; Prequel
Warnings: Graphic Smut; Explicit Language; Blood Drinking
Word Count: 8K
Summary: Y/N is tired of her werewolf pack dictating her choices, especially when they force her into an arranged marriage with a younger friend. In retaliation, Y/N sneaks out one night in direct defiance of her alpha’s orders, and she meets a mysterious vampire who allows her the first tempting taste of freedom...and she might just fall in love with him in the process.
A/N: This was supposed to be for Felix’s birthday, but I’ve got something else that I could release for him, so here ya’ go!!
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Blueprint: “a detailed outline or plan of action: a blueprint for success.”
My life had always been dictated by the choices of others instead of my own. For example, when I turned 16 and endured my first painful heat, our pack alpha declared that I was finally ready to mate. It was a scary thought for me to process, and I begged my father not to force me into an arranged marriage. 
However, he was stern in his handling of the situation, refusing to disobey his alpha, but more than willing to pair me with a much younger werewolf named Mark who wasn’t quite ready for the mating ceremony because he still hadn’t gone through his first rut. In hindsight, I knew that it was a logical compromise, but I was still upset because I didn’t want to mate with another wolf and have pups. Plus, Mark was one of my friends, and I was troubled by the thought of presenting myself to him.
It ignited a fierce passion deep inside of me, and I rebelled against my pack for the first time that night by escaping into the darkness of the forest when the moon was at its highest point. You see, our alpha had mandated a curfew for the pack omegas, but I defied his orders and considered the possibility of running beyond our defined borders and into the surrounding mountains. But as I paced alongside the river separating our territory from a rival pack, contemplating several life-changing choices, I suddenly realized that I wasn’t alone.
But it was when I first turned around to confront the stranger watching me from the trees that I experienced my first taste of regret for leaving the pack without informing another member. Because upon closer inspection, I realized that he was startling beautiful - peering at me with vibrant blue-colored eyes that were hidden beneath white, cascading hair. My wolf growled because I understood well enough that he was a vampire, and that made him a natural enemy of my people. Yet, the boy didn’t attack me like I feared; instead, he studied me carefully as if I was something particularly interesting.
“This is not your land, vampire,” I said, attempting to sound a lot more confident than I felt. 
He smirked at my feeble attempt to stand up to him. “I have no land.”
I shivered at his tone. “What does that mean?”
“I’ve been banished from my coven,” he continued. “They gave me rogue status when I left.”
“Still, that doesn’t give you the right to be here!”
“I should think that you don’t really belong out here either,” he continued. “This forest holds many dangers.”
“You don’t know me,” I snarled.
“It’s a strange place for an unmated omega,” he continued while looking at my chest. “And you’re ready to carry pups.”
I gasped at his audacity, and I quickly covered myself with my hands. “Mind your own business!”
The vampire chuckled. “Relax, I have no plans to hurt you.” He swaggered forward with an unrivaled arrogance, leaning in to inhale against the side of my neck. “You do smell like something that I would enjoy playing with.”
I took a step back to create some distance between us. “I’m patrolling the border.”
“Alone?” he questioned. “I know your alpha, and he’s quite strict when it comes to his pack’s females. Actually, I’m surprised that you’re not already mated.”
“Who says that I want a mate?” I returned, sending him a challenging stare. “I’m not some pliant bitch who plans to open her legs for anyone!”
“Clearly,” he said, running his tongue across sharp fangs. “But you’ll learn to obey your pack leader, just like the other mindless pups who fall in line with the status quo.”
“Well, I’m not like those other wolves,” I insisted. “I can think for myself!”
“Really?” he asked, eyebrows shooting up into his bangs. “Prove it to me.”
“What?” I asked, hesitating because I wasn’t sure how to handle his request.
“Show me that you won’t give in,” he said. “Do something that would demonstrate this defiance you have against your alpha.”
I growled because I despised the arrogance in his tone, reaching out for the collar of his shirt to pull him closer. It pleased me to see the vampire caught off-guard, and I quickly pressed my lips against his just to shock him even more. Still, I couldn’t help but grimace when the taste of him reminded me of copper, and I closed my eyes while shivering because of his cold skin. But I eventually pulled away after a moment, studying his expression with a smile. “See?” I said. “I’m not like the other wolves.”
The vampire took his time opening his own eyes, looking at me with a gaze that reminded me of the ocean. Then, he grabbed me by the shoulders before leaning down to kiss me again. However, this time it was my turn to be shocked, and I pulled away to gape at him. “That’s cute, little pup,” the vampire said. “Do you know what else would really make your alpha seethe?” I froze in place when his hand reached down to cup the heat between my legs. “Your alpha wants a good virgin wolf,” he continued. “Maybe you should be the one to decide who gets the honor of fucking this pussy for the first time.”
His words were crude, but they were nothing short of arousing, and I launched myself at the vampire and molded my lips to his, kissing him feverishly as my hips started to grind against the telling erection in his leather pants. But it was like an electric shock had amplified my senses, and despite the taboo nature of coupling myself with a vampire, I couldn’t deny that every part of me was begging for him. I didn’t even know his name, but he had managed to awaken a part of me that was determined to start making choices for myself.
Subsequently, I lost my virginity to that alluring vampire in the middle of the forest alcove, naked against the silencing watch of the moon as I took his cock and experienced my first taste of a pleasure that I had chosen for myself. Thereafter, I continued to meet him often, returning to that alcove and waiting for him to arrive with his ocean eyes and snowy-white hair. For the most part, we fucked in our little private shelter with the sound of the river in the background. However, there were also nights when we simply enjoyed one another’s company, talking about our vastly different worlds and the places where we had come from.
He told me that his name was Felix, and I whispered my name in return. Paradoxically, such a simple act opened a deep intimacy between us, and it made everything better because we had both decided to cherish our brief moments together away from the regular monotony of our lives. And he always listened to me with admirable patience, offering me advice with a wisdom that defied the age he appeared on the outside. 
“My alpha did promise me to someone,” I told him one night. “We’re supposed to mate after his first rut.”
“Someone younger?” he questioned, turning over onto his side. “That little mutt won’t know how to please a woman.”
“He’s actually my friend,” I said softly. “I don’t think either of us want to go through with it.”
“Then don’t,” he suggested as if we were talking about something as simple as the weather. 
“That’s not how things work in the pack,” I said.
“I thought you weren’t going to let them tell you what to do,” he said, looking at me with those irresistible eyes.
They filled me with courage, and I nodded my head determinedly. “I’ll run away if I have to.”
He laughed. “You don’t have to go that far, pup. The rogue life isn’t exactly glamorous.”
“You’ve survived,” I pointed out. “Maybe we could just go somewhere together.”
He grinned. “I guess we could.”
Meanwhile, I moved myself closer to him, cherishing our close connection. “Let’s start something on our own, like a combination of a pack and a coven.”
“Oh?” he asked, wordlessly moving himself on top of me. “Would you like that, pup?”
I nodded frantically. “We could lead it together.”
“It sounds so sweet coming from your lips,” he said, spreading my legs to make more room for himself. “Hmmm...I can smell your arousal.”
I blushed at the comment. “Maybe I missed you.”
“Is that right?” he questioned. “Let’s see how much you missed me, pup. Take off these clothes for me.”
I happily complied, eagerly tossing my shirt over my head before reaching down for the button on my jeans. Perhaps in another life, I might consider taking my time and putting on a show for him, but I was probably one of the clumsiest wolves in the pack, and it was better for me to remove them without incident. “Good?” I asked, shyly, whimpering when he pulled my panties down my legs.
“Let’s spread these some more,” he said, pushing my thighs apart and releasing a guttural moan. “I want to see your pretty cunt.” 
I threw my head back at his words, feeling exposed under the weight of his gaze, especially when he started tracing my swollen labia, parting the delicate folds and rumbling low inside his chest. “Please,” I whispered.
“You’re begging already, pup?” he asked, grabbing my knees and keeping them spread wide. “Look how wet you are. Did you get like this talking about that future mate of yours?”
I shook my head. “It’s always you, Felix.”
“Oh? Well, it’s a good thing that this pussy belongs to me, then.” he said, and I tried not to moan when I felt his hot breath contradict with the cold sensation of his hands. It sent tremors down my spine, and I watched as his tongue collected the arousal that had started to form courtesy of his irresistible presence. And I knew exactly what he was going to do, but it still felt indescribably good to feel him trace my slit, mouthing at my clit and sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth. 
He started a steady rhythm, eyes watching me the entire time as his tongue explored my wet heat - sharp teeth bright under the moonlight. The sounds of his tongue lapping at my arousal were loud, and I fisted my hands at my sides as I started to grind against his face. My pleasure was steadily mounting, and it was comparable to nothing else in this world - exquisite luxury of which I had started to form an inescapable addiction. But Felix had a wicked tongue, and he sometimes spent most of our nights together eating me out while whispering dirty things that left me trembling for more. 
In the meantime, I could feel some of my slick leaking down my ass, and it felt like he was doing his best to taste as much as he could. “Feels good,” I slurred, and he chuckled at my comment.
“I bet it does,” he said, slipping two fingers into my tight heat and forcing me to arch my back at the rough penetration. “Relax.”
“I can’t,” I whined, and I was blissed out as he thrusted his fingers in and out of my soaking wet pussy while his tongue lapped at my clitoris. He curled them deep inside, brushing against my g-spot, and I moaned at the wildly intoxicating sensation. 
“Can you come for me with just my fingers?” he asked, adding a third as he continued to pump them inside of me, creating filthy squelching noises that disturbed the quiet of the forest. 
“Yes,” I panted because I always wanted to please him, and Felix’s deep groan was nothing short of sinful when I started pulsating around his fingers. It was like something inside of me had snapped, and his fingers were still curling against my overstimulated walls as my hips steadily rode the waves of my orgasm until it was verging on the edge of too much.
“Felix,” I cried, wrapping my fingers around his wrist while he pulled his fingers from my heat, licking them with a concentrated expression - like it was blood instead of my arousal. “So good, pup,” he praised, and I beamed at him while enjoying the post-orgasmic glow surrounding me. However, Felix was clearly not finished yet, and I whined when he circled his fingers around my swollen clitoris. “Can you take my cock?” he asked and I shakily agreed.
Felix stood long enough to remove his jeans, tugging at his erection as he surveyed my pliant form. He had such a nice dick because it wasn’t as mind-numbingly large like my older sisters always complained of their alphas, but it was big enough to leave me feeling satisfied. “It might be interesting,” he said. “To see you take a knot, but I’d be too jealous to let that happen.”
He took his place between my thighs, pulling me even closer as his fingers traced my gaping opening. “Could this pussy even handle a knot?”
“Let me have it,” I whimpered, rubbing myself shamelessly against his cock and shivering when it traced against my folds.
“I’ll give you everything, pup,” he promised, and then his cock was splitting my tight heat, stretching me open as I clawed at the grass on either side of my head. “Such a tight pussy,” he commented, and I could tell that he was holding himself back from hurting me.
Naturally, Vampires were born with uncanny speed, and that applied to more than just running through the forest. For example, Felix sometimes liked to show off just how fast he could move his hips while fucking me with his cock, but we always gradually worked up to that, allowing me to adjust around him first. Otherwise, I would be left an incoherent mess incapable of uttering a single syllable while he had his way with me.
Yet, at the same time, I could also feel his sharpened incisors edging along the prominent vein pulsing with blood. I titled my neck to the side to give him better access because I never minded it when he took some blood while we had sex. However, he simply chuckled at my submissive behavior, wrapping his fingers around my throat as he started to quicken the pace of his thrusts. Consequently, my little whines increased in volume, knowing that he could literally drill his cock inside if he really wanted. “Oh, fuck,” he cursed. “You look so good on my cock, love.”
I closed my eyes, fingers brushing the soft grass around me to provide a steady anchor. Especially when he reached for one of my legs, hoisting it around his waist for a better angle at my stretched opening. Felix pulled all the way out, looking down at where his tip teased the entrance of my gaping hole. But there was no oxygen left inside my lungs when he filled me up again with his impressive length, allowing a faster rhythm while he studied me with hooded eyes. The new position was making it very difficult to breathe, but I wanted to be so good for Felix, and I tried to focus on the remarkable way that his cock managed to hit so deep as it ruined the soft walls of my pussy. “Felix,” I whispered. “Drink from me.”
His eyes grew wider, but he nodded and leaned down, positioning my neck to his liking. I grimaced when his canines bit down for the first time, but it rapidly turned more enjoyable when he released the familiar endorphins that always made me feel like I was high. He started drinking in long and languid pulls, and I swore I could feel his cock grow even larger inside of me as he swallowed down my blood. 
He finally pulled away gasping, eyes flashing red as he grabbed my legs and started to literally force me down onto his cock, moving so fast that I could barely find the time to scream at the overwhelming pleasure. “Stay still for me, love,” he requested while his hand gripped my chin. “I want to see that pretty face when you cum on my cock.”
It didn’t take me long after that, contracting around his length as I came for the second time that night. Felix grunted when he felt me squeeze around his erection, and his cum was surprisingly warm when it started to leak out of the place where we were still connected. But my lungs were also on fire, chest falling up and down as I slowly came back from the precipice of my all-consuming orgasm. 
And Felix bent down and inhaled against my neck, tongue sweeping out to lap at the place where he had bitten me. “I want to see you again on Friday,” he said, voice gruff as he kissed me, and I could taste the remnants of my blood on his tongue.
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By the time I arrived back at our camp, it was still too early for the sun to be visible over the horizon. Likewise, most of my pack mates were still asleep which made it easier to sneak back to the Omega cabin. Of course, I inwardly cursed when I remembered that one of my friends was often waiting for my arrival. But Hwang Hyunjin was the pack’s night guard, and he always kept watch at the main entrance of our camp.
“You were out late last night,” Hyunjin commented, and he looked like he was expecting me to break down and tell him the truth.
“I needed a walk,” I told him smartly. “But you already knew that.”
“Yeah, but you need to be careful, Y/N,” Hyunjin said. “I’m covering your ass, but the others might notice that you smell like cum.”
I froze at his declaration, and it took everything that I had not to smell my clothes, wondering if Felix had touched something on me. However, I also knew that Hyunjin had one of the best noses in the pack, and he sometimes noticed different scents even after I spent hours washing myself in the river. But if he could smell something that risqué on me, then it meant that someone else might also detect the same scent. And I was suddenly very self-conscious, looking around at my other pack members as they passed by the two of us. “Is it bad?” I asked him.
Hyunjin nodded slowly. “When are you going to tell me who you’re meeting? Is it someone from another pack?”
“I can’t tell you,” I said. “It’s better that you don’t know.”
“Well, I hope that Mark doesn’t say anything on your mating night,” Hyunjin said. “I think he’ll probably notice that you aren’t a virgin anymore.”
There was a warning in his tone that I chose to ignore. Because I couldn’t think about those repercussions. Thankfully, Hyunjin was a very close friend, and he would never reveal my secrets to our alpha who might feel so inclined to dismiss me from the pack if he discovered my impurity. Of course, thinking about my mating night with Mark always managed to ruin my good mood, and I sighed as I leaned back against the wall of the Omega cabin. “I hate that my father chose him.”
Hyunjin shrugged. “He tried to put it off, but I think it’s nice that you and Mark are friends.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, glancing over Hyunjin’s shoulder to locate the younger as he laughed with some of our pack elders. 
“To be honest,” Hyunjin said. “He smells a lot like rut these days.”
I shivered. “How long?”
“Maybe another week or so,” Hyunjin informed me. “You know that our alpha will want to move forward with the ceremony as soon as Mark finishes his first rut.”
I shook my head at the situation. “It’s not fair to either of us.”
“Why?” Hyunjin asked. “You were fine with it when your father made the arrangement.”
“Feelings change,” I said. 
“Or, it’s because you like this mysterious wolf that you’re meeting in the middle of the night,” Hyunjin said. “Maybe next time I should stop you.”
“Please don’t do that,” I said. “I want to enjoy my time with him while I can.”
“Well, I hope you're being serious,” Hyunjin said. “Once you’re officially mated to Mark, you can’t sneak out of camp anymore.”
“I got it,” I snapped at him, even if I knew that it wasn’t his fault. After all, he was only telling me the truth that I needed to hear, but it still didn't make it any easier to accept.
“Well,” Hyunjin huffed. “Since you’re in such a jovial mood, I’ll tell you about the guests that we’re expecting today.”
“Guests? Inside the camp?”
“Vampires,” Hyunjin said with a grin. “The Coven from the mountains.”
“I thought our alpha hated them.”
“It was Chan’s idea to meet,” Hyunjin said, referring to our alpha’s son and the next alpha-in-command. “He wants to establish some diplomatic ties with their young prince.”
“Really? That’s unexpected.”
“I think so too,” Hyunjin said. “And the idea of having so many bloodsuckers in the camp sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.”
“Both sides are probably uncomfortable,” I said, defending the vampires when my younger self would’ve never hesitated to curse their existence.
But feelings change.
“When did you get so wise, Y/N?” Hyunjin asked with a playful smile. “I’d say it’s because you make smart decisions, but you wouldn’t be sneaking out of the camp every other night.”
“Ha-Ha,” I replied, but a better rebuttal would have to wait because I noticed that Adam, one of Chan’s youngest friends, was walking in our direction. “Don’t you two have other responsibilities besides gossiping?” Adam grumbled.
“I haven’t received my assignment yet,” I said. 
“Jisung’s leading a border patrol this afternoon,” Adam informed me with a sarcastic huff. “Knock yourself out.”
“Gee, thanks,” I retorted with a roll of my eyes. Adam had always acted dismissive towards me, ever since he asked for my father’s permission to mate with me and I sternly turned him down. It didn’t help that he confronted me later on about it, informing me bluntly that I was missing out because he had a gigantic knot and would fill me up so well with his pups.
And Hyunjin smirked at the tension between us. “I’ll join that patrol,” he said, tossing an arm around my shoulders before leading me away. “You’d think that Adam would move on already,” he said. “I guess you bruised his ego when you chose an inexperienced pup over him.”
“I didn’t choose anyone,” I grumbled. 
Except for Felix.
But neither Adam nor Hyunjin needed to know about him. In fact, I had every intention of keeping my first lover a complete secret, and I planned to carry it with me for the rest of my life.
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Later on, I found Jisung waiting at the main camp entrance, attempting to count the gathered heads of his pack mates. Despite his position, Jisung was actually rather inept when it came to leading patrols, and usually someone else had to take over for him. However, it was still endearing to see him try so hard for the rest of us, so I never complained. Plus, Jisung was lenient when everyone started to complain that the western border line was too long to navigate, which meant that we often ignored the swampland and the sticky mud that coated my fur.
“Let’s go,” Jisung said, taking command as he shifted into his wolf form, waiting for the rest of us to do the same thing before we took off for the woods. I nipped playfully at Hyunjin’s shoulder while we remained at the back of the patrol, enjoying the feeling of the sunlight warming my pelt. There was always an undeniable sense of belonging whenever I found myself on four legs instead of two - moving through the thick underbrush of the forest with eyes wide open. 
Eventually, our patrol tapered off to a brisk walk, and Hyunjin leaned in closer, using the pack’s established mind-link to speak to me. “You seriously aren't gonna spill about your mystery man?”
I turned to glare at him as best I could while functioning as a wolf. “It’s none of your business.”
“I’m the one who protects you,” Hyunjin returned, baring his teeth in an intimidating manner. “I thought we were friends.”
“Trust me,” I said, lowering my head somewhat submissively to appease him. “You don’t want to know.”
Hyunjin considered me for a moment, and the brown eyes of his wolf matched the same color of the man who shared the same consciousness. However, before he could say anything else, Jisung approached us both with a sharp growl. “Stop messing around,” he said. “You should be checking the caves.”
Hyunjin nudged me with his head, encouraging me to start in that direction. “Don’t think that this conversation is over,” he said, rumbling low in his chest. “We’ve never hidden secrets from each other, Y/N. It makes me think that you’re hiding something bad.”
I bristled at his claim, following him on unsteady paws as we navigated to the caverns overlooking the ocean. They marked the edge of our western border, and usually posed no threat to surrounding packs. In fact, most wolves disregarded the uncomfortable caverns, which made our job easier after a thorough inspection with no sign or smell of foreign intrusion.
It was also starting to grow late in the afternoon, and we had ventured far from our campsite. Jisung released a summoning howl to bring our patrol back together, and he ensured that everyone had detailed their report before announcing our abrupt return. “Don’t forget that we’re expecting visitors tonight,” Jisung said. “It’s a peaceful meeting, so let’s not make trouble.”
“I don’t get why we’re trying to play nice with the vampires,” Hyunjin said with a resentful tone, and I knew that I had made the right decision by keeping my encounters with Felix a secret from him.
Of course, upon our return to the camp, I could tell that the vampire representatives had already arrived because there was a noticeable amount of wolves patrolling the entrance with evident tension reflecting in their gazes. Jisung bowed politely in their direction as we re-entered the camp, and I quickly discovered that my pack mates were lingering outside of Chan’s cabin where he always conducted his diplomatic affairs.
Most of us had already shifted back, and as if on cue, the door opened and Chan stepped outside with a strikingly familiar face that had me pausing in my steps. “Hey!” Hyunjin protested when he ran into my back. “Don’t just stop like that.”
But I made no attempt to move from my position, and his words had barely registered over the panic seeping into every inch of my body. Because the vampire standing next to Chan was none other than Felix - the very same man who frequently met me in our private alcove at the river. However, it was surreal to see him here in camp as my worlds literally collided together, but it wasn’t nearly as startling as the realization that the vampire who I had trusted was certainly no rogue. “That’s Prince Felix,” Jisung informed me.
“Prince?” I repeated, feeling a cold dread holding me hostage.
Felix's eyes met mine at the same time when I realized that the mysterious stranger who I met at late hours of the night was the vampire prince of the coven that my pack loathed. Felix noticed me immediately, but his composure never faltered with the exception of one brow raising suggestively. He wasn’t listening to Chan, looking at me with the same eyes that I often saw from the space between my thighs.
I shook my head when I couldn’t stand it anymore, and I quietly dismissed myself from my patrol who were all quietly observing the vampire prince. “Nice going, Y/N,” I muttered to myself as I retreated into the Omega cabin. “Shit, this is bad.”
On the one hand, I felt anxious about the knowledge that the vampire I had been meeting in secrecy was running around my camp. But, on the other hand, I also felt sick to my stomach because Felix had lied to me about his rogue status. It was even worse since he was the prince of the vampire coven that my pack alpha despised - the same one that Chan was trying to improve our relations. Everything could be easily undone if the pack knew that I was literally screwing around with Felix. Not only would it ruin our attempts to communicate peacefully, but my alpha would order my banishment from the pack if he discovered that I broke my chastity vow and gave myself to someone other than my predetermined mate.
I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of Hyunjin’s voice. “What are you doing?” I gasped. “This is the Omega cabin.”
“I was worried,” Hyunjin said. “You looked like you were afraid of something.”
I found it difficult to meet his gaze, but I still forced myself to look in his direction. Because it was time to tell him the truth and alleviate the burden that continued to weigh heavily on my subconscious. “The vampire prince,” I whispered, watching Hyunjin lean in closer to hear me speak. “I’ve been seeing him.”
I sighed at his evident confusion. “My mystery man is the vampire prince!”
My tone was sharp, but I was incredibly agitated, especially as I anxiously awaited Hyunjin’s reaction. I knew that he would be surprised by the revelation, and I could sense the combination of his shock and annoyance reflected in his sharp inhale - eyes glowing with pure anger. “You can’t be serious, Y/N.”
I nodded, wrapping my arms securely around my middle. “I didn’t know who he was,” I said. “I mean, I knew that he was a vampire, but he told me that he was a rogue.”
“Oh, shit, this is bad,” Hyunjin said, and he immediately started pacing across the ground. “I can’t believe that you’ve been fucking a vampire! And Prince Felix? What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Your support is greatly appreciated,” I snapped at him. “Look, when I met him for the first time, I had just been told that my father hitched me to one of my friends. I was angry, okay? I needed to clear my head, and I met him at the river and he just...he made me feel like I could be free while I was with him. Not tied down to a responsibility that I never wanted!”
Hyunjin narrowed his eyes. “You talk about Mark like it’s so horrible that you’d spend the rest of your life as partners.”
“But it wasn’t my choice!” I shouted, no longer concerned with whoever might overhear our conversation. “I didn’t ask for a mate, and you know that I never wanted one.”
“Fine, you’re fucking selfish, but that doesn’t explain why you’re still meeting with this...vampire! If you don’t want to be tied down or whatever, then why is he an exception?”
“Because he made me change my mind,” I said. “He showed me something that I was never allowed to have in the pack. Felix made me want him, and he taught me what life could be like when I made decisions for myself.”
“Fucking hell, Y/N,” Hyunjin growled, turning his back to me with an exaggerated sigh. “What do you want me to say?”
“You’re my best friend, Hyunjin,” I reminded him fiercely. “My entire life is hanging by a thread, and I need you to help me figure out what I’m supposed to do.”
Hyunjin’s shoulders rose and fell as he literally shook with his frustration. “I don’t know what to tell you, Y/N. I feel betrayed, and I need some time alone.”
“Hyunjin...” I tried again, reaching out for his shoulder, but he wordlessly shook me off before storming away across the camp.
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Later that evening, one of my roommates approached me about a special bonfire that our pack was organizing in celebration of the vampires. I snorted at the idea because I knew that there was a risk of seeing Felix involved, but a frustrating part of myself was also desperate to see him again. Even after the revelation of his true identity. After all, I knew that it was important for us to talk about everything, especially with the potential for close relations between my pack and his coven.
Thus, I joined some of my roommates as we left the safety of the Omega cabin for the impressive bonfire at the center of our camp. It was crowded with wolves and vampires, and there was a neutral atmosphere that certainly demonstrated the potential for peace. Which made me realize that it was essential that I talk to Felix, and I continued searching the bonfire for any sign of him. I walked around the edge of the gathered assembly, and I was so intensely focused that I nearly jumped out of my skin when a cold hand reached for mine. I turned around to confront the source, but his free hand quickly closed over my mouth. “Follow me,” Felix said in the same deep voice that always managed to leave me feeling flushed from head to toe.
I whined in protest, but he gave me no other option when he practically drug me into the trees. “You’re an asshole,” I told him as a greeting. I pulled myself away from him, crossing my arms impatiently as I narrowed my eyes. “Do you think you even have a right to speak to me? After lying about who you are!”
“I’m sorry,” Felix said, but I scoffed at the feeble apology. “I’m serious, Y/N, this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“Of course not,” I snarled. “You wanted to keep me in the dark! But how long did you plan to string me along, huh? Until I stopped showing up?”
“You told me you were a rogue,” I interrupted, slapping away his hand when he attempted to touch me. “You disregarded my feelings, and you played me for a fool! I guess you also lied when you said that you cared about me!”
“Don’t say that!” Felix hissed, and I startled at the strength of his conviction. “I know why you’re upset, and I deserve every bit of your anger. But I hope you don’t actually believe that I was just using you!.”
“What else am I supposed to believe?” I asked. “You had every opportunity to come clean!”
“If I told you the truth, then you would’ve never agreed to keep meeting me,” Felix shouted, and I tensed as I searched our surroundings. “Y/N, if you knew that I was a vampire prince, then I might've never had the chance to speak to you again, and I couldn’t stand the thought of that!”
“Yeah? Well, it doesn’t matter anymore,” I said. “You’ll never see me again after tonight.”
“Y/N! I hope you're not being serious,” Felix said, and there was a slight hint of desperation to his tone. “I was wrong, okay? But I never meant for you to find out like this!”
“I’m promised to someone in my pack,” I said, and my words sounded empty even to me. “There’s no reason to keep going.”
“You told me that you would never agree to the ceremony,” Felix said. “And I plan to make it up to you. Somehow, I’m going to earn your forgiveness.”
“Good luck with that,” I snorted, and I left him standing in the shelter of the trees before I rejoined my pack mates.
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It had been several days since I confronted Felix, and I restrained myself from returning to the little alcove in the forest where we usually met for our scandalous rendezvous. I mean, life was supposed to move on, and time could heal all wounds, but maybe all of those old sayings were just bullshit! Because I missed Felix despite our last argument, and I hadn’t seen Hyunjin since he left me standing next to the Omega cabin.
I tried to confront him one morning, but he barely offered me a response before he was talking about some sort of assignment that he had to take care of before the end of the day. Of course, I knew that it was just an excuse to ignore me, but it still stung to face his rejection. I was beyond stressed, and perhaps my breakdown was inevitable when one of our pack members informed me that Mark had finally entered his first rut. “Congratulations, Y/N,” they told me, but I only felt like someone had stolen every ounce of my happiness.
I couldn’t control my actions after the announcement, and my wolf howled from somewhere deep inside of me, and I started running on four legs once I had escaped the camp borders. Consequently, I ran through the trees, dodging the overhanging branches and skillfully avoiding collisions with the surrounding foliage. Eventually, my wolf stopped at the entrance to the familiar alcove, hesitating when I realized that someone else was already sitting among the vines.
“Y/N,” his familiar voice said, beckoning me closer despite my appearance.
My wolf whined, and I quietly shifted to stand on two legs once again. “You’re here,” I said, jerking my head to the side so that he couldn’t see my tears.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he whispered to me. “I should’ve never lied to you, but I was afraid that I would lose the beautiful she-wolf who I met that night in the forest.”
“We can’t keep doing this anymore, Felix,” I said, trying to ignore the way that he was looking at me. “I feel like I’m betraying my pack.”
“By doing something that you want?” Felix asked, daring a step closer. “They should value your happiness, Y/N. If you hate the idea of mating with someone else, then they shouldn’t force you. Who’s really betraying who in this situation?”
I closed my eyes to hold back fresh tears. “My pack hates your coven.”
“My father hates your alpha,” Felix said, crowding me against one of the trees. “They have a silly blood feud that has nothing to do with the rest of us.”
“What can you do?” I asked him. “I can’t keep living like this.”
“Then I’ll make it easier on you, Y/N,” Felix said with a fierce determination.
“Felix, what are you-”
“Let me handle it,” he interrupted, quietly pulling me in for a soft kiss that I had desperately missed. “I know a way to fix everything, and you can stay with your pack.”
“How?” I asked him, gripping tight to his shirt sleeves.
“I’ve been planning this for a while,” Felix said with a playful wink. “I know it’s too much to ask, but can you trust me this one time?”
I rested my head against his solid chest, sighing at the sensation of his cold skin competing with my enhanced body heat. There were a million reasons to walk away from Felix, especially since I was feeling so confused. My entire life was something of a train wreck, and everything was changing too fast around me in such a short amount of time. However, in spite of everything, I trusted Felix with my entire heart and soul.
“Okay,” I whispered, and I allowed him to brush another reassuring kiss across my lips.
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Felix told me to wait for him, but it was nearing the end of the week when my pack received an unexpected visit from the notorious Vampire King and his young son. Since our pack alpha was gone, Chan stood in his place, welcoming the vampire royals with a forced smile. “Greetings,” Chan said, glaring at a group of wolves who were whispering together in low tones.
“During our last meeting, you mentioned something quite interesting,” the Vampire King said. “I believe you called it the potential for a union between our people.”
“Yes,” Chan agreed. “I’m still searching for ideas-”
“Well, I have a suggestion,” The Vampire King interrupted. “If you’re interested in listening...”
“Of course,” Chan said, and I could tell that his tone was strained.
“In a show of allegiance,” the Vampire King growled. “My son has agreed to marry one of your...dogs.”
“Father,” Felix said, giving the elder a meaningful look.
The King sighed. “He has chosen a member of your pack.” I swallowed hard when his gaze landed on me. “Y/N.”
I froze at the utterance of my name, feeling the attention of everyone in the surrounding crowd aimed in my direction. “Y/N!” Chan repeated. “She’s promised to someone else!”
“My son has made his choice,” the Vampire King declared. “This will be the union of our people.”
The declaration was met with hostile glares and quiet murmurings throughout ,y pack members. Thankfully, Felix could detect their unease, and he quickly sought to alleviate their concerns. “While we’re married, Y/N can return to the pack as much as she wants,” Felix said, sending a soft smile in my direction. “Our marriage can act as another show of respect between our people.”
“But why is she your choice?” Chan asked, taking another step in Felix’s direction. “We have many unmated females!”
“I like her the best,” Felix said, and perhaps it might seem outrageous to these wolves and vampires who viewed us as complete strangers, but it filled my heart with an unmeasurable glee. “We spent a lot of time together during our last visit to your camp,” Felix continued. “Y/N was always very welcoming.”
“This is also nonnegotiable,” the Vampire King said, giving Chan a meaningful look.
Chan hesitated in return, turning around to look at me with sadness in his gaze. “I’ll talk to Y/N first.”
I nodded slowly, aware that I couldn’t just agree since it wasn’t a reaction that the others would anticipate. “Okay,” I said, and I followed Chan to the cabin that he shared with his roommates until he officially took over as our pack alpha. 
It was quiet between us at first, and I could tell that Chan was searching for the right words. “Y/N,” Chan finally said, closing the door behind us. “You can sit down.”
I obeyed him at once, finding a chair near the fireplace and resting comfortably. “This isn’t something that I hate, you know,” I told him as a way to resolve the unusual tension. “I want to do this for our people.”
I took a deep breath as I allowed the unspoken ‘and for myself’ to remain a secret. Meanwhile, Chan shook his head as if trying to wrap his mind around the fact that I wasn’t protesting this unexpected decision. “You can be honest,” he said. “I want you to feel like you can trust me, especially when I take over the pack one day.”
“You’ll make a good leader,” I assured him. “But I’m not lying to you, Chan. This is something that I’ve already accepted.”
“What about Mark?” Chan asked. “Is that not something you want?”
I lowered my gaze to the floor. “I know what you must be thinking to yourself, but I don’t want you to feel like I’m doing this because I feel pressured. It’s quite the opposite actually.”
“But do you really like him?” Chan asked. “I mean, from the way he spoke, it sounded like the two of you had known each other for a lot longer than a few days.”
I sighed at the accurate statement, and I forced myself to meet his gaze from across the room. “What if I told you that it wasn’t? Would you tell our alpha?”
Chan paused in the middle of his pacing, searching my eyes as I returned the gesture, and he eventually allowed himself to sit down on the edge of his bed. “I won’t do that to you, Y/N,” Chan finally spoke. “I’m not an expert on love or feelings by any means, but I can tell that you like him, and that’s good enough for me.”
I felt my shoulders drop at his acceptance like the burden of his response was finally alleviated. “Thank you, Chan,” I said. “I hope that you can also see this as an opportunity for the future between us and the Vampires.”
“He seems like a good leader,” Chan acknowledged. “For that reason, we’ll commence with the ceremony.”
“You have no idea how much this means to me,” I whispered, and Chan managed a smile in my direction that told me he understood more than I realized.
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On the day of my mating ceremony, I decided to walk along the shoreline of the river where I had spent so much time meeting Felix in secret. It was a beautiful day, and I felt like a real princess in my flowing white gown decorated with delicate lace and flower patterns. Although I had never once imagined myself in this place, I also couldn’t deny that everything felt like I was walking through some kind of dream with a happy ending waiting for me on the other side.
It was easy to get lost in the natural splendor surrounding me, but I still noticed the sound of the underbrush rustling from behind. I quietly turned around, smiling when I noticed Hyunjin standing there looking at me. “Hey,” I told him, holding out my hand for him.
I was relieved when Hyunjin eliminated the distance between us, taking my hand while the two of us looked out across the water. “I can’t stay mad at you, Y/N.”
I grinned at his words. “Does that mean I shouldn’t bother apologizing.”
“Now, I wouldn’t go that far...”
I finally laughed, leaning my head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry about everything, Hyunjin. I should’ve told you, but every night with Felix felt like a dream that I had to keep for myself. It’s like, if I told anyone else, then I would have to wake-up and marry Mark and pretend like I wouldn’t be miserable.”
Hyunjin nodded, processing my words with a sigh. “There’s no use staying mad over something that ended up like this. Your friendship means more than some secret affair.”
“I’m marrying the vampire prince,” I said, and it was still difficult to hear those words spoken aloud. “It’s strange how things work out sometimes.”
“Well, everyone keeps saying that this will resolve centuries of tensions with the vampires,” Hyunjin said. “I think that’s a little bold, but this isn’t a bad start. Especially if it makes you happy.”
“You’re right.” I nodded. “He does make me happy. He taught me a lot about myself, and it finally feels like I have control over my own destiny.”
“It’s almost cliche,” Hyunjin said. “How you got your happy ever after.”
I squeezed his hand. “You’ll be there too, right?”
Hyunjin chuckled, tugging me closer. “Yeah. I’ll be there for you.”
I was elated to know that we had finally reconciled, but there was still one more thing that I needed to ask him...”Do you like him?”
Hyunjin was quiet for a while, but he didn’t keep me waiting for long. “I think anyone who can make you smile like that is okay in my books.”
“Well then,” I giggled, holding tight to his hand when we started walking back to the camp. “Shall we?”
Hyunjin rolled his eyes at my theatrics, but his smile was fond as we made our way back to our camp to rejoin the gathered congregation of our pack mates and the visiting vampires. Despite the jovial occasion, there was still a hint of hostility in the air that I knew wouldn’t simply go away because of this one act of unity. Instead, it would take patience and time to resolve the conflict between our people, but I could only hope for the best.
Especially when my eyes met Felix’s as he waited for me. As usual, he was undeniably handsome - extravagant in every sense of the word. Plus, he was all mine for the rest of our lives, and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my time than in the company of the person who I loved most in this confusing world.
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cyarikashakira · 3 years
A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic. I am super nervous but I have an overabundance of love for Joaquin Torres so I had to put it somewhere. I'm doing @caplanbuckybarnes's summer writing challenge.
Summary: Falling in love at the supermarket wasn’t on your to-do list today, yet here you were snatching looks at a cute stranger.
Warnings: (I don't know if these count as warnings) GN!Reader, No Y/N, Joaquin Torres is an absolute cutie pie!
‘They were gone. All of them.’ I thought as I rummaged through the wrongfully stocked freezer. A sniffle escaped, then two, which was followed by a full on wail.
“Who the hell put the Steak and Cheese chimichangas where the Chicken and Cheese chimichangas goes!?”
I slammed the freezer door and rested my head on it and placed my hand on the cold glass.
Casual shoppers and workers tiptoed around me while I grumbled to myself in annoyance. I just wanted my comfort food.
A full on breakdown in the middle of a grocery store and I gave no fucks. A tap on my shoulder and I whirled around ready to light up the poor soul who decided to bother me.
“What do you want?” I wiped the tears from my face with a growl. Giant innocent eyes looked at me in shock as I grimaced at him.
“Hi - um, can I help you?” He bravely pointed at his name tag which said ‘Joaquin’ with the Walmart name above
“Sure~ can you just point me towards the person who decided to sleep on the job and stock the wrong chimichangas in the wrong spot? I just wanna have a little chat.” I said with a fake smile on my face.
“Th-that would be me.” He gulped and pointed over his shoulder towards the stocking material behind him.
You peeked around him and just glared.
“So it was you. You have been declared as my arch nemesis. Where are the chicken and cheese chimichangas?”
“They are out of stock. But we can call you when they are back in stock.”
The air suddenly became tense.
“...Believe it or not, they already have my number because I buy them so often. It is Tuesday and it’s 8:30. They are always stocked at 8pm on Tuesday.” I looked down at my watch to double check the time. I crossed my arms ready to take my frustrations out on the worker.
“We are going to have to call some people.” He said plainly.
“What?” My head tilted to the side in confusion.
“For this chimichanga shortage. We need to call some people.” His smile got bigger as he continued talking.
“Chimi..changa shortage? If they are going to fix my day then you better call them.”
“I’m kidding..”
“Oh.” I let out a nervous laugh and made a face.
He ran a hand through his fluffy black curls and huffed. I took a look at his face, he was nervous.
“...Are you new?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“To the stock things department, yes. This grocery store, no. I’m so sorry that I stocked it wrong but thank you for pointing it out for me.”
I immediately felt bad because I realized that I was being a dick over some food.
“I’m so sorry. I’m just having a bad day. It was just a complete shit show. My cat got sick, my car is on it’s last leg and my boss is on my ass and I ran out of chimichangas and forgot to restock my fridge so here I am today - “
I rambled on and on.
“Hey, it’s okay. We all have bad days. I thought this was about to be a bad day for me also because you were upset at me.”
“I’m sorry again. I’ll live without them. I should go home before I embarrass myself even more.”
I lowered my head now feeling shy and more aware of my surroundings.
“Before you go, I think I have something that will make your day a little better. Follow me.” He turned swiftly and started walking away.
“Uh, no. I’ve burdened you enough today, sir.”
He stopped and turned to face me again. A smile formed on his face. Were those dimples always there?
“Come on. I’m just taking you to a person who can solve your problems.”
“Oh o-okay.”
I followed behind Joaquin towards the front of the grocery store. He stopped in front of the deli section and tapped a hand on the counter to alert the workers.
“Hey~ is Margie in today?” He said sweetly to the teenage girl who could barely see over the huge counter.
“Yeah Curly, she’s in the back. Let me go get her.” She ran to the back and pushed the double doors with force.
I looked at Joaquin with furrowed brows and pursed lips.
“Why do they call you Curly?” A small smirk appeared on my face. He blushed and his hand went to his hair once again.
“My hair. It is how everyone finds me and the fact that I’m tall. Everyone has a nickname here. We are as much a family as capitalism will allow us to be. Margie is just...wait until you see her.”
The shock of blue hair caught my peripheral and I expected to see a teenager. No. A tall lady who was on enough to be my mama strolled up to the counter with a huge smile on her face.
“What can I do for ya, Curly Quin?” Her accent drawled as she leaned against the display case.
“We have a situation. Apparently, I suck at my job and a certain someone had an entire meltdown in the middle of the freezer aisle because they are having a bad day like it was my fault. I’m pretty sure they want to get me fired but I’m too cute for that, right? So we need a solution to their chimichanga problem.” He sarcastically and over exaggeratedly explained the situation to Margie and his smile got wider as he went on.
“So Grilled Cheese over here wants a chimichanga? How is that my problem?” Margie planted her eyes on me and I felt like I swallowed my heart.
For an old lady, her look was intense.
“I need the goods. The family secret, the whole enchilada, you get where I’m going with this. I’ll finally bring you back your book that you let me borrow when I first started working here.” Joaquin slapped on the puppy dog eyes and Margie rolled hers.
“I’ll believe it when I see it. That was a year ago. I’m never getting that book back and you know it. I’ll be back for you and Meltdown over here, assuming that is you.” She gave a small smile and moved to go towards the back doors. “Give me a sec.”
As soon as she disappeared, I face palmed and groaned.
“You guys are going to make fun of me forever, aren’t you?” I looked at him in despair.
“Oh yeah, you know it. Welcome to making history.” He smiled towards me, flashing a dimple.
“Is there a way that I can make everyone forget about this? I will pay you guys off. I promise. Just forget everything that happened here today.” I waved my hands in circular motions like I was casting a spell, earning odd looks from everyone around.
He laughed for the first time that night.
“It’s not every day a grown up has a total fit like a toddler. This has made my day and probably my whole week.”
I groaned again and stomped my foot in annoyance, ready to snap at him.
The back doors flew open and a brown paper bag was thrown in my direction. Joaquin and I fumbled to catch it at the same time and we butted heads.
“Good thing you knocked some sense into each other so I didn’t have to. Get out of here kids, your chimichanga problem is solved.” Margie smiled.
I opened the steaming paper bag and started crying.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” I started bouncing up and down with joy. I wrapped my arms around Joaquin and pulled him into a tight hug, crying on his shirt.
“No problem, I can’t breathe, please..let..go..” He said dramatically.
I immediately let go and cleaned my face putting on a huge smile. He took a deep breath and put his hand on his chest.
“You guys are the best and I am so sorry for taking my frustrations out on you. I really hope you can forgive me at some point.”
“Already forgiven. I just always want to do something positive with my day and make others smile. It’s all in a day’s work.”
“I don’t know how to thank you guys enough for the chimichangas.” I held the bag close to my heart, grinning widely.
“Go home and eat them. That’s thanks enough.” Margie deadpanned.
Oh. She was still there.
“Yes ma’am. Have a good night. Thank you for everything!” I waved goodbye to her.
“Don’t mention it kid.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow Margie!” He said to her.
She waved us off and we were on our way to the front doors of the store. We stopped just before the entrance, triggering the doors to automatically open. We were blocking the exit and people started going around us.
“I guess this is goodbye? Until I come in to restock my freezer again.” I said glumly, holding out my hand towards him to shake his hand.
“I guess so.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, placing it in my hand.
Question marks filled my brain as I looked down at his phone in my hand. He shyly placed his hand on the back of his neck.
“I told you whenever we restocked, I would give you a call so.. I would need your number for that.”
“Oh. But they already have my numb- Oh. Okay. Oh. Oh um, of course uh..”
I stuck my tongue out in concentration as I typed my name and number into his phone and handed it back to him.
“There you go. I uh, look forward to your call for whenever the chimichangas are back in stock.”
“Of course. I’m just doing my job. If they aren’t in stock and I’m off of work, can I still call you?”
My brain short circuited and I blinked rapidly at him. He was smooth. Toooo smooth. I studied his face for a joke.
“You aren’t joking with me, are you?” I put my hands on my hips.
“Nope, not one bit. Are you okay?” He questioned. I was sure smoke was coming out of my ears at this point.
“Uh, yeah. I’m fine. Just tired, it’s been a long day. I should get going.” I looked off towards the cars in the parking lot.
“It was nice to meet you. I’m sorry about your chimichangas and for my poor stocking skills.” He apologized sincerely.
“It was nice to meet you too, Joaquin. Thank you for everything. Am I allowed to hug you again?”
His brown eyes lit up and he furiously nodded. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same to me. We let go as quickly as we started.
“I’ll see you around, Grilled Cheese.” He gave a two finger wave towards me and started walking backwards.
“Likewise, Joaquin Phoenix.” I started walking in the other direction.
“Haha. So original! It’s actually Falcon!” He shouted.
“What?” I stopped and turned back towards him but he was already gone.
I shrugged and walked towards my car. I opened the door and climbed inside, tossed the bag of chimichangas in the passenger seat and rested my head on the steering wheel. I released a huge sigh while lifting my head, started my car and began driving home. The street lights blurred past me on my drive home. My body was on autopilot as I opened the door, kicked my shoes off and sat on the couch next to my roommate with my bag of chimichangas.
I took a bite and immediately frowned.
‘Damn it. Steak and Cheese strikes again.’ I started laughing and shaking my head, dropping the chimichanga back in the bag.
“What is your problem?” My roommate said staring at the tv, not concerned to turn their head towards my hysterics.
“Nothing. I just had a meltdown in a freezer aisle and I think I fell in love with a stocker who is bad at his job.” I leaned back against the cushion of the couch and sighed dreamily.
“....no offense but you aren’t allowed to go to the store unsupervised ever again. You got issues...”
My phone began to ring and I just stared at the unknown number before answering.
“H-hello?” I stuttered.
“You will never guess what we just got in stock.” A light voice filled with laughter said over the phone. A huge smile formed on my face and I was booking it out of the door and yelled a quick bye to my roommate.
“I’m on my way.”
I hope you guys enjoyed this. I tried my best :)
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