#tips for people who want to enter animation industry
collophora · 28 days
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Found a cool color palette. Might finish it later. (Probably not.)
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art · 7 months
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Creator Spotlight: @66sharkteeth
66 is a comic artist and the creator of City of Blank, a WEBTOON original series. They worked in the game industry at companies such as 2K Games before entering the field of comics. They began their career in comics at Tapas, where they worked as an editor and lead typesetter, before being signed to create their own original series on WEBTOON.
Check out our interview with 66 below!
Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
The short answer is yeah, I’ve definitely had one. Overall, I feel like doing a lot of style studies during that time and trying to use new brushes helps a lot. In addition, because I’m a comic artist, I feel like writer’s block is in the same field, and with that, I’m really fortunate that I have an editor that I can work with, who helps me a lot there. Whenever I am stuck at a plot point in my comic, I can always go to my editor, who helps me hammer things out.
What medium have you always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
Animation. Of course, everyone loves animation. I went to school for game art and design and even did some animation courses, and I am just not cut out for it. I don’t enjoy the process, and I am not good at it. Animation is beautiful, and I admire people who can do it. I’d love for my work to be animated some day, I’m just not capable of being the one to do it haha.
Warm tones or cool tones?
It really depends on the scene! Especially in my comic, I really go with both of them, just depending on the moment in the comic. There was a major character death, and that scene was almost black and white. But normally, the comic is very vibrant, and people really like it, so when I switch it to a more cold tone, it makes the scene that much more impactful.
What is a recent creative project that you are proud of?
Honestly, my current comic, City of Blank, takes up 100% of my time. But recently, I did a plushie campaign where I worked with Makeship through Webtoon to design the plushies and do a little bit of marketing for them. So that’s fun and different from what I normally do!
When planning a comic or a story, what do you do first, character design or character outline?
Normally, I have a design, and I fall in love with the character design, and then I find a role for them. That’s how a lot of my characters have started. Also, that’s how I’ve been tackling new projects that I want to work on after City of Blank. I just came up with a character, and I’m trying to make a story around them.
What is a convention experience that has stuck with you?
Meeting readers and realizing how much my work means to some of them. Some of them have started their own comics, having been inspired by mine. Learning that I’m part of the reason they started their own comic journey, the same way I looked to other inspiring comic artists to start mine—it means the world that I’m in that position now.
Top tips on setting up an Artist Alley booth?
Let’s see…bright, sparkly colors! I think just trying to make sure that the booth is eye-catching. I ended up making a big shiny banner for New York Comic Con, and I know many people stopped by because it caught their eye and they’re curious about what it is. I know a lot of people are selling merchandise of popular media. Even just a banner of your brand to get them curious about who you are and maybe interested in seeing what you make and taking a business card so they can look you up later. It’s better than someone just buying a pin and forgetting you exist. Lastly, put out a tip jar. You never know just how generous your fans are feeling.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
I’m mostly involved in the webtoon sphere! I am definitely inspired by my fellow Webtoon creators, @lark-wren, who created the series Woven. I love their work and seeing them interact with their readers on Tumblr. Same with fellow Webtoon creators, @miranda-mundt-art and @astrobleme-enterprises, who created Lovebot.
Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing, 66! Be sure to check out their Tumblr blog over at @66sharkteeth and follow their webcomic, City of Blank, over at WEBTOON.
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hwangism143 · 19 days
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limbo (part 4)
synopsis: a reunion and an awkward first interaction. but what if the past repeats itself?
pairing: non-idol!minho x non-idol!fem reader
genre: angst, exes to lovers, heart break
warning: swearing, air-frying as a joke (minho. duh.), flipping off, abandonment
word count: 1.4k words
a/n: I physically cannot write long chapters. send. help.
part 3 | masterlist | part 5
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One friendship you were desperate to hold on too was that of your friendship with Sora. The bond you shared with your roommate was forged through the unbreakable mix of late night ice cream and broken nail polish bottles.
When you told her about your plans to move, she cried out, "Unnie! How's going to give you much needed advice on you fashion and love lives now?"
And, for a while, you maintained steady contact with her. Sora was like the younger sister you did have but was closer in age to you. You both would regularly gossip, her about university and you about your new job.
That was, however, until she fell off the face of the earth three years ago.
She had completely, out of the blue cut off contact with you two years into you leaving. After confirming with others mutual friends, people who knew her and her family, you found out that she had deleted all traces of her existence. Her parents later got a message from her stating that she was fine and just wanted to be left alone.
You couldn't help but wonder: was it you? Had you done something? Could you have prevented it?
These same questions along with a longing for Sora made way to your mind as you got ready for the get together later at Chan and Eun-bi's place. If Sora was still here, you would have called her, patiently taking all the well meant hits she aimed at your outfit.
If Sora was here, she would ease your anxiety about meeting Minho again.
Instead, you just sighed in contempt and walked out the door, deciding to be somewhat satisfied with whatever you wore.
You entered the penthouse with an animated gasp.
It was a penthouse. Of course it would be grand. Still, the absolute magnitude of how brilliant it was blew you away. It made sense of course, Chan along with Changbin and Jisung, completed the production trio 3Racha. Their music was literally everywhere.
Eun-bi, on the other hand, had made a name for herself as a soloist in the Korean music industry. Together, the two of them had built up Bahng Entertainment from the ground up and were now, very obviously, reaping it's benefits.
"I'm so cool," you whispered to yourself, "I managed to make famous friends."
Giving yourself a complimentary pat on the back, you rang to doorbell. The door opened and you fell right into Eun-bi's already open arms.
"I have missed you so much," she squealed, squeezing the air out of your lungs.
When she finally let you go, you went around the room making rounds. Unease bubbled in your stomach as one name clouded your thoughts. Minho, Minho, Minho. It was a fervent prayer, once always at the tip of your tongue.
Felix and Hyunjin, despite just seeing you a few days before, loudly proclaimed there problems with your absence. Changbin gave you a small pat on the back with a defeated mutter of 'still tall'. Jeongin practically flew at you, his hug competing with Eun-bi's for 'most oxygen depriving'.
Seungmin sent you a devious smirk while Jisung screamed as loud as he could "Jeogiyo noona, hokshi namchajingu isseoyo?" The entire group, bar a certain Lee Minho, broke out into laughter.
At last, Chan came up to you, palms open and facing up. "Hand it over," he said playfully. You let out a dramatized sigh and handed him thirty bucks, making a mental note to never bet on cricket again.
Then, you finally saw him.
He looked good. Uncomfortable at you being there, yes, but good nonetheless. He wore a white t-shirt with three cartoon cats and the words 'SoDoNg' on top. His black jeans were snug and a gray hoodie hung off his shoulder. He regarded you with alert eyes and a small smile.
"Hello," Minho finally said after a long pause, "You look good."
"Thank you," you responded awkwardly, "So do you."
six and a half years ago.
Minho walked in front of Jeongin, chastising him at his lack of energy.
"Come on, stop being lazy! I want to get there before Hyunjin and Felix leave to go anywhere else," Minho told him off.
"Ugh," Jeongin groaned, "We all know you just want to see Y/N. Why'd you have to drag me along as well?"
Minho glared at him to avoid the fact that he was right. Minho did want to see you. He had never offered to pick up Hyunjin and Felix up from their Physics class, considering how it was on the other side of campus and often clashed with his schedule.
When offered to accompany Jeongin today though, his eyes instantly lit up with suspicion. He began teasing Minho on the walk to the Science department until Minho threatened to air fry him. When that failed, Jeongin resorted to whining about the walk.
"So! Tired!" he huffed.
Minho ignored him and continued walking, oddly excited at the prospect of seeing you. You had an effect on him that nobody else seemed to have. Sure, he had a few flings here and there and a few girls head over heels for him, but for once, he thought that he could possible be head over heels for someone himself.
Someone like you.
You were funny, pretty and your nose scrunched up whenever you were judging someone. You were expressive, understanding and sent a smile to everyone that even so much as looked at you.
It astounded him how much he liked about you after only one meeting.
Jeongin chatted off Minho's ear about some breakup or the other, but Minho wasn't listening. He leaned against the wall in attempt to come off as casual and nonchalant, but assumed that he was sweating profusely.
When you, Hyunjin and Felix finally came out of the building, Minho let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know how much longer he could keep up the act. Hyunjin raised an eyebrow upon seeing him while Felix's mouth was slightly hung open in shock.
Hyunjin gave Minho an exaggerated wave right in front of his face and went off to terrorize and already shrieking Jeongin. ("I spent five hours fixing my hair, you will not mess it up again," he yelped in agitation). Felix, seemingly catching wind of what was happening, shot Minho a wink. Minho promptly responded by subtly flipping him off so that the motion would escape your notice.
"Hi," Minho greeted you kindly.
You blinked in rapid succession, slightly shocked at the fact that the man you were daydreaming about when you were supposed to be noting down orbital diagrams, was standing right in front of you.
"Oh, hey Minho! I have never seen you here," you told him with a surprising amount of enthusiasm for someone who had just sat through an hour long lecture on the 'principles of celestial bodies and irregular orbits'.
"Oh, uh," he chuckled nervously, a hand making way to his neck, "I usually have my culinary class right after, but the professor delayed it and I figured I would pick Felix up."
"Oh yeah, yeah," you snapped your fingers in remembrance, "You're studying cooking, right."
"You should cook for me sometime," you added in what you hoped was a smooth tone that would soften the nervous shakes in your voice and aggressive thumping in your chest.
You didn't know the effect that sentence had on Minho. Minho didn't know the effect his presence had on you.
"Well, we should grab a bite to eat sometime," Minho chuckled nervously, "I know this really nice cat café and you mentioned that you always wanted to go."
For someone really smart, you sure were extremely dumb. "'Kay, I'll ask the boys," you blurted out, with even giving what he said a second thought.
Your nose scrunched in mortification. "Well, I was hoping more just me and you..." Minho's voice trailed off.
You regained your footing in the conversation and replied in what you supposed was a flirtatious tone. "Lee Minho. Are you asking me out on a date right now?" you prodded his arm with your finger.
"I don't even have you phone number," he exclaimed defensively, throwing his hands up, "That would be unethical."
You promptly recited a set of number in response as Minho looked at you in surprise.
"So, um, I assume that was your phone number?"
"Yep! But I wonder what happened to mysteriously and charismatic Lee Minho I talked to that night. Since when did he become such an anxious mess?" you teased him playfully.
"Maybe you'll see that side of me on our date," Minho winked at you with a smirk. You bit back a playful retort, wanting to see and embrace every side of him that you possibly could.
"So it's a date then?" you asked, a blush pattering over your nose and cheeks.
"It's a date."
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theoddest1 · 12 days
Hello I am starry anon! I am just here to ask out of curiosity, after listening the tiring amount of Viv's drama and I had open my eyes now acknowledging how much of a immature and awful person she is. (Well actually I have been a long time after seeing alerting signs of her behavior and her writing on her show... Which it makes me uncomfortable.)
Sorry for the rambling, back to the question. Is there any tips or guides to not be like Vivziepop? Her shows isn't inspiring, especially the overall characters design and writing but I think sge inspires people to be caution to do and not to do in the indie animation industry (I also don't know many about indie animation industry, you may correct me.), or how they should and shouldn't behave around the internet. It doesn't have to be a whole guide, just tips or list only.
Thats all I hope you have a good day!
When it comes to tips on being NOT like Viv, it boils down to just being a good, hard-working person. When you're in an industry like this mainstream or not, you HAVE to be able to have a strong sense of self cause this sorta job will challenge your work and ideas. So criticism and growth are a must. Not everyone will grow at the same pace or handle the many eyes the same way, but being professional and mentally strong tends to be a useful trait to have when your delve into being a content creator period.
No matter how good a work is or how bad a work is, there will always come criticism. Critical views bring about building blocks or destroy em. How you take them matters. Viv, even when the critical comments are solid, tosses them to the side and refuses to grow. DON'T do that. Don't toss the solid and useful stuff for the sake of one's ego. It does more harm than good. It is almost as harmful as allowing the hateful words made to destroy rather than aid enter the mind as if it were food. It isn't. You have to know when something is good for you and when something is not. Never completely ignore everything and never accept everything. Have a balance.
Vivziepop wishes to only hear what she [wants] to hear. Not what she [needs]. She is like a child who was given everything and was never taught the concept of self-reflection. Never be that. Period. Be down to earth, but never buried. Be confident, but not too hot to handle. Be balanced and aware. Be fair to everyone. Imo, regardless of what occupation you have, being a balanced, adaptable person is a very solid way of living. If anyone has anything they'd like to add to helo the homie Starry out, that'd be epic af though
[I do hope I helped in any capacity. I didn't expect people asking for advice from me on here tbh, I felt like I'd be the last person to ask, but I am honored!]
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arashtadstudio · 1 year
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cochrane21joyner · 2 years
Basic Concepts For Aiding You To Understand Cats
There's absolutely nothing like having an animal. There are lots of sort of pets, yet there's an unique one that has warmed up the hearts of many animal proprietors. Cats are fantastic friends for your home. If you desire to look after one, read this article for tips related to taking care of felines. Before obtaining a pet cat, make certain that you have the wherewithal to take care of all needed vet treatment. Cats recreate at an alarming rate, and spaying or neutering is important to keeping feline population controlled. Inspect spay, neuter and vaccination prices and also plans with regional veterinarians and facilities and make certain you can afford to provide your cat correct treatment. Choose a top quality food. The secret to a healthy and balanced pet cat begins with nourishment. Take a look at the active ingredients tag. If you look at a lot of "prominent" industrial cat foods, you may be amazed to see the leading ingredient provided is corn. Cats are carnivores, so try to find a food with an actual meat as the leading active ingredient. You might pay even more in advance, however these foods are typically extra nutritionally dense, meaning your pet cat eats less as well as the bag lasts longer. Get a pet dog water fountain. Pet cats can be susceptible to dehydration, and also running water entices them to consume alcohol. It is an evolutionary habit that developed because in the wild, running water is less likely to be polluted than a stationary swimming pool. Your animal will certainly enjoy the water more, and also will consume alcohol more often. Have your cat see a vet often to maintain health. A routine check-up must take place annually, as well as much more commonly if necessary shots are due. If there are apparent concerns with your cat, it requires to see the veterinarian right away. Don't wait! A tablecloth for the feeding area can be rather beneficial. Sometimes felines like to take food out of the dish as well as eat it sideways of the bowl. This makes quite a mess. Something as straightforward as a location mat can assist make cleanup simpler. That says only dogs can do tricks? Cats are very intelligent as well as have the capacity to discover also, specifically as young kittycats. Some individuals train their cats to play fetch just like dogs do. There are also individuals who have actually effectively trained their cat to make use of a regular commode, as opposed to a can. If you cat is extremely singing, attempt to figure out precisely why he or she is making so much noise. In time, you will certainly notice the reasons your feline is making this gesture. Your feline might be hungry or thirsty, or it might desire to leave your house. Make certain you are focusing in order to much better recognize your feline. Talk to others regarding your feline issues. Guidance from other people can be really beneficial for you. There are many online forums that review pet cats. A lot of veterinarians will certainly likewise enjoy to help you with some guidance. If your pet cat bothers your Christmas tree or various other plants, try beating him at his own video game. Make his favorite chewing and climbing locations unappealing to him by placing the peelings of oranges, lemons or grapefruit around the locations you want for him to prevent. Cats hate citrus, and also this is a natural means to maintain them from entering problem. If you are including a kitty to a household that currently contains a pet dog, it is necessary to socialize the kitty to the pet at a very early age. Initially, constant supervision is crucial. Allow the kittycat and also pet dog hang around with each other while you hold the kitten, letting them check out as well as get used per other's smells. When socialized early, pet cats and pets can live happily and also quietly with each other. Do not leave wet pet cat food in the bowl for longer than twenty mins after your cat is done eating it. After you see your kitty is done for the moment being, throw out the rest of the food and also see to it to clean their dish thoroughly with light soap as well as water. Ensure to offer your cats with playthings. Lots of people take into consideration playthings a need for dogs, but they do not feel the very same regarding pet cats. Cats require stimulation throughout the day to continue to be healthy both psychologically and literally. Toys can provide this. Maintain your felines from monotony by remembering this idea. If your pet cat seems exceedingly dehydrated, take him to the veterinarian to get him examined out. Extreme thirst is an usual symptom of diabetes mellitus in cats, and this commonly missed diagnosis can create significant issues if left unattended. Always keep a close eye on your fuzzy buddy's water intake, as well as if you are concerned obtain him to the doctor to look. Feed your kitty a selection of feline foods to stay clear of a particular pet cat later on. Choose various appearances and also different brands regularly and also your kittycat will certainly learn to take pleasure in new tastes. This can also avoid feeding troubles if your usual brand name is no more offered in your location. If you are searching for a new home for your cat, think about registering with an on-line family pet adoption firm. A few of these firms screen applicants, so you will make sure that your pet is going into a great home. This is better than marketing him to a creep that hides around Craigslist all the time. As specified previously, many pet dogs exist, however few are as special as the feline. They are best for any person trying to find a brand-new friend to occupy their home. There is some work connected with looking after felines, yet it's no trouble for you. If you use this article, pet cat care can be a breeze. adopt a cat
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fredfilmsblog · 3 years
Best of Original Cartoons: Adventure Time [2010-2018+]
I’ve been public that I turned down Adventure Time when creator Pendleton Ward first pitched it. Luckily, Eric Homan and Kevin Kolde pretty much locked me in my office (not quite) until I finally said yes. Actually, they were pretty disappointed in me (can’t blame them) but one meeting with Pen and I turned around on a dime. Lucky thing. And yes, I know how stupid I was.
I’ll cut to the chase and then fill in the backstory. Here’s an excerpt of the most penetrating, on the nose review that I’ve read about the series, from The New Yorker’s Emily Nussbaum:
The animated series “Adventure Time,” now entering its sixth season on Cartoon Network, is the kind of cult phenomenon that’s hard to describe without sounding slightly nuts. It’s a post-apocalyptic allegory full of helpful dating tips for teen-agers, or like World of Warcraft as recapped by Carl Jung. It can be enjoyed, at varying levels, by third graders, art historians, and cosplay fans. It’s also the type of show that’s easy to write off as “stoner humor,” which may be why it took me a while to drop the snotty attitude, to open up and admit the truth: “Adventure Time” is one of the most philosophically risky and, often, emotionally affecting shows on TV. It’s beautiful and funny and stupid and smart, in about equal parts, as well as willing to explore uneasy existential questions, like what it means to go on when the story you’re in has ended.  
My version? Pen Ward has created the most emotionally complex shows of the “peak TV” but accomplished something no one else has even attempted. A show with a likeable hero instead of the now typical anti-heroes as exemplified by Walter White and Tony Soprano.
No easy feat. But Pen is not a typical creator. (If you’re an Adventure Time fan you know I’m right. If you’re not, what are you doing reading this anyhow?!)
Long story short, Eric saw one of Pen’s films at the annual end of year CalArts showcase, then again the next year, and invited Pen to pitch us for my upcoming shortsfest Random! Cartoons. I quickly got over my hesitance and we greenlit the short for Nickelodeon. He came in with his school pal Adam Muto (who would go on to create his own cool short for Random! and eventually become creative director and then, when Pen left, the showrunner of Adventure Time). Another pal, Pat McHale, was hovering in the background (for what reasons I never found out) and would go on to a critical role in the series and his own stardom.
The short was done with only a few hiccups (as hands on animators, the team was a little gun shy about doing the animation in Korea; we prevailed since it would be great practice for how the TV industry worked) and Pen had accomplished the (almost) impossible. A cartoon that seemed to be influenced more by early 20th century animations (those spaghetti arms and shape shifting bodies) than Looney Tunes, a film whose surrealism was tempered by an incredibly sly, at the same time, in your face humor. Wow! When Pen’s short was done everyone knew it was something special. 
Except, it seemed, the powers that be at Nickelodeon.
I knew it was going to be a problem. Here was a film that was like nothing else, drawn with a clear, simple and wholly original design. It was funny beyond the beyond, but was that character in pre-school? (”I’m 12 years old!” How much clearer did it need to be?) Was the humor for adults or kids? The executives were completely confused. I anticipated their focus groups by pointing out the four reasons they’d come back with a ‘no.’ They returned with the four, plus one more! Rejected!
What was wrong with these people?! Nickelodeon had an exclusive option to make a series on Adventure Time. So I went back and back and back and back. Five times altogether. To different executives in different divisions. “It’s not a ‘Nickelodeon’ show.” What the hell does that mean?
What it meant, bottom line, is that 1) that particular executive team was brain dead, and 2) they didn’t really want to produce a show with me. There was a feeling I’d been in business with them for too long and had gotten too much from them and that I was the former management team’s talent. Nickelodeon was moving on.
At that point I’d had an exclusive producing deal with Nickelodeon for several years because I was also a programming consultant to the network; there was a feeling that I knew their secrets and they didn’t want them shared with the competition. This situation usually meant that a rejection of one of our show pitches had no other life. But, this time, I kept going back for more pain. Five times Nick said no to Adventure Time. Finally, I’d had enough and told the president to please, rip up my exclusive. It had been a good decade in their clutches but I was done. Any place that couldn’t see that AT was a winner wasn’t the place to be locked down. Nickelodeon saved a lot of money, and honestly, that management team couldn’t care less about me, Pen Ward, or Adventure Time.
The rest of the saga is, as they say, history. I brought the show over to Cartoon Network. Former programming head, Michael Ouweleen (now the president at Adult Swim). He convinced CEO Stuart Snyder, and with a bit of a push, the new Chief Content officer, and we were off to the races. (Here’s the short oral history the LA Times’ Robert Lloyd ran after the series ended).
It was that rare moment when everything changed. Cartoons were never the same after Adventure Time.
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nightfurmoon · 4 years
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Link of the interview below!!
This was a long interview, almost 2 hours, but I tried to summarize everything relevant about Villainous and also other important stuff that he said.
- They’re planning on releasing a Villainous artbook! And if we want merchandise like plushies, shirts and such, we’re going to have to ask CN since they’re in charge of that. - The show takes cliches about villains and heroes and gives them a twist. Nothing is black and white. Villains aren’t all bad, it’s just a label. Except for Black Hat, of course. The show wants to focus on that concept.  - For those of you that want to enter the animation industry, the most important thing when being a producer/director is to be humble. Accept critique, don’t have a big ego, and let others enrich your product. Nobody's perfect, you will make mistakes, and you will learn. Shows take a lot of time and a lot of people, so patience. Villainous got accepted by CN in 2014, and the shorts came out in 2017. - They use Toon Boom Harmony and sometimes Photoshop to animate the show. The scene with Black Hat inside the painting is a Photoshop example. - The Villainous characters changed A LOT since the show got pitched by CN. The one with the least changes is Black Hat. - When sending your portfolio to studios and such, your studies don’t matter. You can be a programmer or whatever other profession or not even finish college and still get hired. What matters is your passion for art and your determination to learn. - Other tips for content creators: copyright your stuff. Very important. - All of the Villainous characters have a part of Alan in them, as most of y’alls OCs. The one that’s more alike to Alan is Flug. - Every character has a theme and the soundtrack is a mix of them, depending who’s onscreen.  - COVID-19 slowed things down. But they’re currently doing home office and still in production. - Alan does want to return to youtube and do more streams but he’s too busy right now producing the first season of Villainous.
There were more things they talked about (almost 2 hours) but those are the things I wrote down. The link of the interview is in the source of the post, or if you don’t see it, it’s in the MUMA - Mujeres en el Mundo de la Animación facebook account. It’s in spanish obv.
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travelhap · 3 years
Want to be a Responsible Traveler? Here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
Want to be a Responsible Traveler? Here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
As perhaps the biggest business on the planet, the travel industry is just becoming greater and will keep on blasting as we enter the new decade. Many continuous voyagers rush to share the advantages travel has on the whole self, however through all the expanding of perspectives; encountering new societies; and energy, restoration, or unwinding we acquire from voyaging, do we stop to consider moral the travel industry, supportability, and the impacts travel has on the very planet that is favoring us with all its excellence and openings for investigation?
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The most effective methods to TRAVEL ON A BUDGET IN 2021
Many neglects to understand that whether via vehicle, boat, train or plane particularly, voyaging is adversely affecting our planet as probably the greatest generator of fossil fuel byproducts. Yet, the harm doesn't end there–being a capable explorer isn't just about ecological awareness. Nearby people group are additionally feeling the impacts of the over-the travel industry which is prompting the obliteration and relocation of native individuals and creatures.
So how can we as voyagers deal with both diminish our ecological impression while emphatically affecting neighborhood culture? These 20 hints will assist you with being a more cognizant, mindful, and practical explorer in the year 2020. Simply recollect: it's not tied in with being great, however about settling on better decisions, being socially touchy, and putting forth a valiant effort to limit the negative monetary, natural, and social effects travel has on the earth and nearby networks.
Now, here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
1. Pick eco-accommodating and socially dependable visit organizations.
Our seas are the absolute most common habitat that is enduring the hardest shot from the assimilation of warmth made via fossil fuel byproducts and human disregard. Ocean levels are rising, ice sheets are liquefying, ocean animals are being slaughtered by little plastic particles, and strict rubbish islands are accumulating out in the water. Tragically, our wonderful coral reefs are additionally enduring the most.
Carbon retention has expanded the sharpness of our seas hindering coral's capacity to flourish and endure. In addition to the fact that this is unpropitious for the eventual fate of marine variety (that we will appreciate using swimming and jumping) yet without sound reefs to go about as a cushion among shorelines and tempests, as the environment emergency proceeds, the coral can presently don't shield waterfront networks from continuous and all the more remarkable tempests.
The most ideal approach to appreciate the delightful submerged biological system while voyaging is by ensuring the swimming, plunging, or boat visits you take to have great marine protection rehearses, particularly around coral reef conservation. On a sea visit of any sort, be careful not to contact or take care of anything, and don't remove anything regular from the water like coral, shells, or starfish for a photograph, keepsake, or something else.
Be particularly mindful of visit organizations that feed mate to sharks on swimming with shark visits, or visits where you can "pet" stingrays. For a visit including the sea or not–read surveys and do your own exploration on visit organizations to guarantee the one you are reserving with is mindful.
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2. Make the "green decision" at Hotels.
Numerous inns offer green decision programs where guests can quit having their sheets and towels supplanted every day. Supplanting towels and bedding just when important is an extraordinary method to assist lodgings with their protection endeavors. Alternate approaches to settle on green decisions at lodgings incorporate killing the lights and unplugging hardware when not being used, not leaving the water running, cleaning up, and closing the a/c off when you leave your room.
Want to be a Responsible Traveler? Here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
3. Stay in eco-accommodating facilities.
If you need to make it one stride further, consider remaining at confirmed eco-accommodating lodgings resorts, and eco-lodges that are green-affirmed by associations like Green Seal, Green Globe, Green Key, Earth Check, LEEDS, and STEP.
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Top 3 Best Countries for Foodies
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Expedia.com's "Green Hotel Program" offers a great many green properties all throughout the planet, making it simple to look for eco-accommodating facilities in any objective. As one of the biggest travel brands on the planet, Expedia makes it so natural to track down the top-of-the-line green lodgings in any objective.
The main 3 most eco-accommodating travel objections as far as I can tell have been Bali, Costa Rica, and Tulum, Mexico. There are no deficiencies of eco-accommodating inns in these spots going from truly reasonable to super sumptuous.
Want to be a Responsible Traveler? Here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
4. Shop Locally.
Skirt the shopping centers and megastores and shop locally from towns, road markets, and ranchers' business sectors to more readily uphold the nearby economy. Rather than buying mass-delivered trinkets, for example, magnets and shot glasses that were not made in the country that is selling them, purchase hand-made artworks, garments, and gems to bring home as endowments and gifts all things considered.
5. Scale back movement size plastic holders.
Carry your own refillable toiletry items to limit the utilization of the little one-time-use washroom items given by inns. You can even think about going with your own strong cleanser, conditioner, and cream bars to kill the utilization of plastic toiletries altogether.
To additional your endeavors, you can likewise gather any unused small cleanser and cleanser jugs to carry back home with you and give them to neighborhood covers who are consistently needing cleanliness item gifts.
6. Give to neighborhood networks out of luck.
Partake in projects like Pack With a Purpose, a non-benefit that accomplices with lodgings and visit organizations to assist voyagers with giving school and clinical supplies carried with them on trips. Use unused bag space to pack things like pencils, collapsed soccer balls, bandaids, and pet supplies which would then be able to be dropped off at a collaborating in or visit organization.
Another approach to offer back is by pressing and wearing garments that you will give to networks and individuals who need them toward the finish of your outing. Not exclusively will your pack be lighter, however you'll have more space to purchase new garments and trinkets from local people to bring home with you, as well.
7. Add to carbon counterbalance programs.
Each time you fly, consider making a gift to a carbon balance program, for example, one that plants trees, sets up wind turbines, or makes cleaner cooking ovens in nations that need them. Numerous associations are focused on carbon counterbalance, and tracking down the one that impacts you more than anything is pretty much as basic as a Google search.
Expedia.com's carbon balance program in organization with TerraPass offers groups dependent on distance traveled to give to clean energy and carbon counterbalance programs. You can add TerraPass to your trip by utilizing the "Travel Accessories" segment on the outing customization page.
8. Try not to draw in with dishonest creatures in the travel industry.
Riding an elephant or snapping a picture with a Tiger in Thailand may appear to be a smart thought on account of how regular these attractions are, be that as it may, the misuse of creatures for the travel industry is fiercely untrustworthy. Elephants, who have fragile spines are beaten into accommodation to be trained enough for individuals to ride them; and tigers are medicated and quieted for travelers to have the option to pet and play with them.
On the off chance that you'd truly prefer to invest energy with creatures on your outing, track down a real creature safe-haven or recovery focus. Simply try to do a lot of examination on the association as numerous focuses will act like moral recoveries just to tie up and abuse the creatures in private. In Thailand particularly, if the elephant asylum permits riding, even without a seat, it is dishonest.
Other basic dishonest creatures the travel industry traps to know about are zoos, swimming with dolphins, and creature exhibitions to give some examples. Keep in mind: wild creatures have a place in nature.
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Got Sick on Vacation in Other Country? What to do Now?
Top 3 Best Countries for Foodies
The most effective methods to TRAVEL ON A BUDGET IN 2021
9. Engage in "voluntourism."
There are a lot of freedoms to chip in while heading out whether you need to put in two or three hours, a day, or even go on an all-out volunteer excursion. There are trips committed to serving neighborhood networks, building schools or houses, or chipping in with creatures, for example, at Elephant Nature Park in Thailand. Simply make a point to investigate before settling on an association you wish to chip in with to ensure it is moral. (Indeed, even "non-benefits" can be very untrustworthy.)
Voluntourism ought not to be about white heroes coming in and "fixing" a spot, but instead, the best chipping in associations are ones that enable nearby networks to develop and flourish from the inside and keep up their respect while using volunteer ranges of abilities to help accomplish their objective. Having the correct aims and offering in return while voyaging regardless of how much or how little won't just assistance the spots you visit, yet will give a more noteworthy reason to your movements.
Want to be a Responsible Traveler? Here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
10. Walk, bicycle, and take public transportation.
Wandering by foot is the most ideal approach to investigate another spot and the additional advantage of activity will add to your general wellbeing and prosperity on the outing. Strolling or trekking at whatever point you can while voyaging will help lessen fossil fuel byproducts from vehicles. Numerous lodgings offer bicycle rentals and more urban areas are carrying out bicycle share programs in the city.
When strolling or trekking isn't a choice, utilizing public transportation will help lessen the number of vehicles out and about in this way diminishing fossil fuel byproduct, and will likewise help you set aside cash. On the off chance that you would like to lease a vehicle, consider an electric vehicle at whatever point accessible. Numerous lodgings all throughout the planet presently offer electric vehicle charging.
11. Try not to offer cash to bums, kids, or creature controllers.
It might feel like you are helping somebody in need when giving off cash to a transient and his pet monkey/elephant in Thailand; the snake charmer in Morocco; a little youngster, lady, or any other person requesting cash in the city, however, you should recall the component of abuse that is frequently associated with putting kids, creatures, and ladies in the city to ask. Giving cash thusly urges guardians to keep their youngsters out of school, sustains misuse and disregard of creatures, and supports a greater amount of this conduct.
On the off chance that you'd prefer to be beneficent toward the country you are visiting, the most supportive thing to do is look for a respectable nearby association on the web or visit a neighborhood school, strict webpage, or not-for-profit to make your commitment.
12. Use harmless to the ecosystem sunscreen and big splash.
Sunscreen and bug showers are the two items that vacationers use that cause the best harm to our environments. Reef-safe sunscreen while swimming in the sea is an unquestionable requirement to shield the common habitat from ceasing to exist. Certain sunscreens contain unsafe synthetic substances like oxybenzone and octinoxate which cause harm to coral reefs. Peruse the name to ensure your sunscreen doesn't contain those two destructive fixings.
In hot and muggy places particularly, mosquitos which frequently convey illnesses are a major issue. When visiting ensured wildernesses and timberlands, for example, on account of Manuel Antonio National Park in Costa Rica, utilizing a non-poisonous bug shower is basic to the prosperity of the creatures.
Also Read,
Got Sick on Vacation in Other Country? What to do Now?
Top 3 Best Countries for Foodies
The most effective methods to TRAVEL ON A BUDGET IN 2021
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bigtiddycommity · 4 years
Clé: Miroh (4)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Bang Chan x reader ft. Stray kids & Got7
Warnings: Slight profanity
Summary: An up and coming singer is introduced to the rough and unfair world of the music industry when she is tricked into a fake relationship with a popular idol. Her entire world has been turned upside down and now not only is she hated by millions of fans around the world but she is now despised by her...boyfriend?
Word count: 3k
“Gogi.” Jisung said slowly as he sat criss crossed on the fuzzy black carpet in Auriellas bedroom.
“Meat..?” She said in return, hesitantly.
“Great job, noona!” Jisung high fived the girl.
Over the past few weeks, the boys have made an effort to get to know Auriella and so far, things were going relatively well considering the circumstances. They had been helping her learn Korean and she was doing great. She still struggled with writing but she was a fast learner and can mostly understand basic conversation now.
Though Chan and Auriella barely spoke, the living arrangements weren't all that bad. Everyone had their own room and space to do as they pleased away from the public eye. The boys also had freedom in their new home without JYP staff breathing down their throats. Since Auriella owned the home, JYP and its staff had no authority on her property, which meant the boys had full privacy and freedom when they weren't at work.
While living with the boys, Auriella had gotten used to each boy's habits, likes and dislikes. Since she was such a small girl, she was often overlooked and that fact gave her more time to observe her surroundings. She now knew each boy inside and out. Their different styles, tics and habits. The boys of Stray Kids were growing on Auriella and she had to admit, she liked it.
“Noona,” Jisung laughed, poking the tummy of the stuffed panda on the girls floor. “What's with you and pandas?” Auriella’s room had a multitude of small to medium sized stuffed animals but majority were pandas or stuffed peach shaped characters.
“Hey, those are my babies.” She pouted, teasing. She loved pandas, they were her favorite animals. She found them cute and fluffy.
A dramatic gasp sounded from Auriella’s bedroom door. The two people in the room turned to the sound to find Jeongin standing there, his mouth agape and one hand on his chest, over his heart.
“Noona, how could you? I thought I was your baby.” He dramatized.
“Face it, kid, you've been replaced.” Jisung added with a smirk.
“Oh, you break my heart. Here I was, coming to share my food with you and this is how I'm treated? Rude.” He sassed, wiping a foux tear from his cheek.
“You are my baby! Come here, honey.” She held her arms out, remaining seated on the carpeted floor.
The younger boy beamed and tackled her in a hug with an adorable yell of happiness. Jisung took their affection as an opportunity to grab for the bag of food the younger boy had brought in.
“Oh, ramen!” He exclaimed.
Jeongin flushed, getting off of Auriella after she kissed his forehead in thanks.
“I got you that shrimp tempura you liked, too, Noona.” The maknae said, pulling out the dishes in the bag before handing her the wrapped container.
The girl squealed in happiness. “Yum!”
Across the hall, the leader of Stary Kids sat in his room, in the same position he had been in for hours prior, working on music. It wasn't odd for Chan to lock himself away while producing. He would get into a sort of trance once inspiration hit and after a while, his members knew to leave him alone when he did get into that sort of funk. He would refuse food and all forms of communication all in the name of music. It was unhealthy, but the members stopped trying to pry him away from his computer years ago. It was no use.
Usually, nothing and no one could pull Bang Chan from his work but the boy couldn't help but pause when he heard an odd noise through his headphones, causing him to remove them from his ears. It was then that he heard a loud choking wheeze coming from down the hall. He took a moment to listen, in case it was one of the members messing around with each other but then he heard the panicked cries of his younger members yelling Auriella’s name.
In a split second, he jumped up from his chair and found himself bounding down the hall and into the girls room. Once he arrived, he was met with a panicked Jeongin and Jisung hovering over Auriella as she lay on her back, struggling to breathe. Noodles were scattered all over the floor around the three.
“What?! What happened?!” He questioned.
“I-i don't know, Hyung. One second she was eating and the next she said she couldn't breathe!” Jeongin responded, panicked. Was this his fault? He should have checked the food better.
“Call an ambulance.” Chan instructed. The younger boy didn't move. “Now!” Chan raised his voice, startling Jeongin from his shocked trance.
While the maknae ran off to do as he was instructed, Chan moved down onto the floor next to Aurella’s slowly stilling body.
“Auriella? Can you hear me?” He asked, getting closer to her face, trying to make eye contact. “Are you allergic to anything?” He asked once he met her orbes.
“I-i don't know..” She croaked, reaching for his arm.
Chan was beginning to respond when her eyes rolled back into her head and she began shaking violently. Moving all of the objects away from her body, Chan asked Jisung to grab a pillow for her head.
“Move her on her side, now!” He said. “Was anything in her mouth, do you know?” Chan wanted to make sure she didn't choke.
“I don't remember, hyung. Let me check-” He reached his hand towards Auriellas foaming mouth, only to be pushed away by his leader.
“No, don’t! She could hurt you.” Chan looked down at his watch to time her seizure.
After a few moments, she stopped shaking and Chan moved from her side to behind her, where he propped her up against his chest.
Stroking her head gently, he instructed Jisung. “Go in my room, in the top drawer of my desk you'll see a big needle. Bring it to me, quick.” Chan instructed, his eyes never leaving Auriellas face.
“Okay.” He ran out of the room and returned a moment later with the object he was sent for.
“Okay, give it to me and hold her thigh steady.”
“What are you gonna do, hyung?” The younger boy asked, confused and worried once he saw how big the tip of the needle was.
One look at his leader and he knew he wasn't going to get an answer so he followed instructions and held Auriella’s leg still. Chan steadied his hand and plunged the epipen into the girls’ thigh.
Auriella’s chest raised slightly as she took an unconscious breath of air. Her breathing still sounded labored but at least she was breathing, which is more than she was doing a moment prior.
Soon, Jeongin came into the room, two medics in his tow carrying a stretcher. She was carried off into the ambulance and taken to the nearest hospital as the members of Stray Kids prepared to follow the ambulance.
All nine members sat in the private waiting room of the hospital, anxious to hear an update on Auriella’s condition. Jeongin sat with his hands clenched, tears of guilt and worry running down the young boys face. Jeongin couldn't help but blame himself. In all the time he and Auriella spent together, the boy felt he should have known. He should have asked what she was allergic to and now she was in a hospital bed, barely breathing on her own, and it was his fault.
The boy let out a sob as he recalled the events hours prior. The heartbreaking sound caught the attention of Hyunjin, who sat next to him.
“Hey,” His voice was soft, yet firm. “This is not your fault. You had no way of knowing she would have a reaction like that.”
“B-but she stopped breathing, hyung. She'll never forgive me. I can't blame her, either.” He said, turning to look back at white tile beneath his sneakers.
“Yah, you know Auriella. She would never-” His sentence was cut off by a new, older voice
“Family of Auriella Duran?” A man with a clipboard in hand asked as his eyes moved around the room.
In perfect unison, all members of Stray Kids all stood up and looked at the mean expectedly.
“Oh, um,”He was flustered due to all of the eyes on him all at once. “Are you all here for her?” Only two visitors are allowed at a time for ICU patients. The doctor took one look at the tearful, worried eyes of a group of young men and sighed.
“Shes awake, so you can go in, but you'll need to be very quiet and careful. She's a bit weak.”
The group thanked the man and bowed in respect before following him down the hall and to Auriella’s room. Once inside the white room, the boys were able to see Auriellas small, pale body lying on a hospital bed, an oxygen mask sitting on her face, aiding her.
As soon as Jeongin’s eyes saw Auriella’s state, a loud, uncontrollable sob left the young boys throat. At the sound, Auriella turned her head from the window in the room, to her visitors. An automatic smile began to grow onto her face but it soon diminished as soon as she caught sight of the tears running down Jeongin’s face.
“Oh, baby.” She cooed, removing the mask from her face. “Come here,” She opens her arms weakly, wanting, needing to comfort her friend.
The maknae followed instructions, pushing his member out of the way as he tumbled the distance towards Auriella. The boy fell onto her small body, hugging her as quiet sobs left his shaking body.
Auriella ran her hand through his hair soothingly, attempting to calm him down. Looking up at the other people in the room, the girl smiled and ticked her head to the side, indicating that they could fully enter the room.
“I’m okay.” Her soft voice sounded.
“Noona, I-” He choked out a sob.
“Shh.” She shushed. The last she wanted was Jeongin blaming himself over an innocent mistake.
“How do you feel?” Jisung asked, walking closer to her hospital bed.
“I feel better. They gave me some medication for my throat, it's a little swollen.” She said, hoping to bring some peace to his worry as well as the worry of the boy in her lap. Jeongin had stopped crying now, simply finding comfort in Auriella’s arms.
“That was scary.” Felix said from across the room.
“Yeah..I’m sorry for worrying you. I know it must have been a bit of a surprise.” She said smiling down at Jeongin who had momentarily met her eyes.
“We are just glad you're okay.”Changbin spoke up unexpectedly.
Since Auriella had arrived, the boy seemed to avoid her at all costs. He wasn't rude or mean to her by any means but he definitely didn't go out of his way to have any extra contact with her either. He was always in the background, silently watching but never approaching. He would joke around and be his normal self when he was with his members but anytime Auriella would walk into the room, he went radio silent.
“Oh, um thank you, Changbin, for caring.” She meant it. Auriella was beginning to think he didn't like her.
“How did this even happen? What caused this?” Minho was the one to ask the question everyone was wondering. His face was monotone but his voice was curious.
“They said it was an allergic reaction to the batter used for the tampura.” She told the group.
“You should tell us these things, noona, so we can watch out for them.” Jisung said, nudging her gently.
“I didn't even know I was allergic to anything. It's a surprise to me, too.” She said, disbelief sounding her tone.
“Do you know when you'll be out of here?” Seugmin asked quietly.
“The doctor said he wants me to stay a couple days for observation, but if everything is okay, I can be discharged by the end of the week.”
“We’re lucky it wasn't more serious. If Chan- hyung hadn't-” Hyunjin’s words were cut off when the girl spoke.
“Chan?” He hasn't uttered a word since he walked into the room. He stood in the far corner of the room, his arms crossed across his chest, head down. Auriella turned to him. “You saved me?” She asked, confusion in her voice.
“I, uh, have a little allergic to certain chemicals so I had an epipen and.. Yeah.” He said, avoiding eye contact with the girl.
Bang Chan was the last person Auriella expected. It's not that she thought he was an evil person who would enjoy her suffering, but she hadn't been all that kind to him since the day they met. She was tolerant but she didn't go out of her way to speak with him. She was still upset over how he treated her and how he taunted her without giving her a chance.
“Thank you.” Her voice was tender, she was serious. He had saved her life and Auriella was more than grateful.
At her words, Bang Chan finally met her eyes, something he hadn't been able to do in weeks without feeling shame overtake him. Just by looking into her eyes, he could see how thankful she was. The two stared into each other's eyes for a few moments before Chan cleared his throat and raised a hand to rub his neck.
“You're uh, you're welcome, Auriella.” He said shifting in his spot.
Bang Chan wasn’t selfish or cruel. Auriella was wrong about him but now she knew. There was an entire other part to him that hid beneath the surface. A good side, a caring and dependable side.
Maybe things could be different now.
Weeks had passed since Auriella’s accident. Since then, she and chan had been better with their “friendship”. Still slightly stiff and awkward but better than it had been when they first met. After Auriella’s little scare, the members had tried harder to get to know her better.
“Woah Auriella, is that you?” Hyunjin asked, shocked as he watched an old music video of her old group Lunar.
The concept was dark and sexy, which was an image the members had not expected from tiny, bubbly Auriella.
The girl giggled, amused by his reaction. “Yeah, I actually choreographed that song.”
“Really? Noona, we should dance together!” Felix was excited. He already had a few ideas bouncing around his head.
“Yeah! It would be so fun.” Hyunjin encouraged
“What would?” A new voice made the three people in the room turn to see Minho coming in from the front door, taking off his shoes.
Auriella looked back down at the laptop screen, avoiding his eyes. Changbin had been polite yet distant to her but Lee know had just been distant. He hadn’t made any effort to get to know her at all. In fact, it was as if she didn’t exist at all. He looked and walked right past her.
“Hyung, we were thinking of doing some choreography with noona, have you seen her dance?!” Felix exclaimed to a stone-faced Lee know.
“Why?” His tone was harsh, blunt. As if Felix had just said the most idiotic thing he had ever heard.
Auriella wanted the floor to swallow her whole. She hated the sudden change in atmosphere at his question. Minho had an intimidating edge and she wasn't sure what his issue was with her.
“I just-.” Felix stammered, not expecting such a sharp reply from the elder boy.
“She's here to sit pretty and get paid. That's it. She's not here to be your little friend, felix. This is all fake, a plan JYP set up, so don't get attached. She won't be here long.” With that, he threw his keys into the bowl by the front door and walked off towards his room.
The room stunned into silence was broken by Hyunjin. “Is that true? Is Jyp paying you to be here? To date hyung?”
“No. I'm not getting payed. Just like I told you, I was tricked into signing that contract and forced to uproot my life here in Korea. As much as I like you guys, i’m not exactly here by my own free will. I’m bound by JYP.”
“What about your career, noona? Are they making you stop?” Felixs’ voice was soft, childlike.
“According to the contract, I can still sing but i’ve been officially removed from my group, so if I really wanted, I would have to be solo.” She shook her head at her words. “But, I-i don’t know.”
“I’m sure it might be scary to do it alone after being in a group but you can’t let your talent go to waste.” Hyunjin replied. He couldn’t help but feel guilty. All this was happening to her because of himself and his group.
“I have a few demos I recorded that I saved for my group but they are still a little messy.” She shook her head, fiddling with her fingers nervously. “I was gonna ask JYP if I could have one of his producers help me with them, but I don’t know.”
“Changbin-hyung could help! He taught Han how to produce, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind helping you too.” Felix said, jumping slightly as the idea came to him.
“Changbin? I don’t know..he doesn’t seem..” Auriella trailed off, unsure.
“Hyung is just a little shy, but I promise you’ll like him once you get to know him.” Hyunjin encouraged. He really wanted to do this for her.
Auriella took a deep breath as she thought about it. Music was everything to her and she couldn’t see herself living happily without it. She wanted to make the best of the situation she had been thrown into. She had never been the type to give up and she didn’t want to start now.
“Okay, let’s do it.” The two boys turned to each other beaming.
This was going to be great.
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arashtadstudio · 1 year
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gingerwritess · 5 years
How did Loki meet their S/O?
warning: some violence and descriptive injuries
finally wrote how you n Loki met woop HOPE ITS EVERYTHING YOU IMAGINED
friendly reminder that criticism is NOT welcome here if it’s mean and just because you want to be right and you just like telling other people they’re wrong!!! :)))
i know the ending is a bit sudden but don’t WORRY we’re entering slowburn territory folks enjoy
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The feeling of coming-to is a strange one.
Normally it goes with eyes opening to darkness, then you blink a couple times and start to remember where you are.
This time is no different. The blinks come painfully, powdered cement probably catching behind your eyelids, but you pry watering eyes open to glance around.
Your office, destroyed. Only one desk still stands, unfortunately not yours, computer parts litter the floor, half the ceiling appears to have collapsed—a pair of heeled feet bend at an odd angle from under the rubble.
You scramble away, dust settling in your throat with each heavy gasp before you manage to pull yourself to your feet. Something warm trickles down your cheek but you can’t feel it, staring in horror at your humble little office: the new intern, Mark, lies over in the corner, clearly dead.
A pencil sticks halfway out of his neck.
One of the janitors who’s name you hadn’t gotten to know yet is writhing at the top of the stairwell as you stumble past, moaning in agony and clutching her face, something red dripping from behind her hands.
The first step down the stairs sends you retching and you vomit over the handrail.
Fresh air, fresh air—
It’s not much fresher, but you fall to your skinned knees and take in lungfuls of dusty, smokey air.
More bodies. This time both human and alien. Ugly purplish and scaly and distorted, like every alien you’d ever imagined would drop from a portal in the sky.
The scent of charred flesh hits your nose and you double over once again, heaving the bile from your empty stomach onto the stained streets.
“That was dramatic.”
You nearly fall over with a start, heart leaping from your chest—oh god, to hear someone else actually speak, be alive—
One of the alien’s staffs is sticking into a corpse just a few feet away; you take a quick step and pry it from the body, trying not to retch.
He cocks his head.
“Are you going to kill me?”
You take a shaky breath and point the spear at his chest. “I-I’m considering it.”
The god lifts his head, turning his face to the sky and closing his eyes. The throat now bared so plainly to your pointed end of the spear is bruised, you notice, yellowing purple spots starting to appear on the once perfect skin.
“Kill away.”
Awkward and heavy in your grip, the spear shakes with the trembles of your hands as you stare. No, don’t kill him yet—you’re still not sure what you’re looking at.
That face has been plastered across news channels for hours; you’d seen a warning this morning and thought to yourself how freakishly blue his eyes were, not paying much mind to the “dangerous persons” warning that came after the photo.
It’s never a worry, you always think you’ll be fine, but then it happens.
Now this “dangerous person” is sitting on a curb, flakes of rubble and dust on his caped shoulders and in his dark hair, leaning against a stop sign with a hammer of some sort on his knees.
“Why are you just…” you move the end of the spear down and back up. “Sitting here?”
“Would you rather I do something else?”
The pointed tip of the staff meets the hard armour on his chest. “Don’t,” you hiss, fingers tightening around the cold metal. You should just do it, end him now, it’s the least he deserves—
“Please,” you add after a moment, voice coming out much more cracked and desperate than you intended. “No more, please don’t.”
“Then kill me, mortal, we don’t have much time.” He lifts his chin again, this time not closing his eyes, just staring at you down the bridge of his nose.
You can’t move forward, can’t push the spear through the hollow of his throat; your feet won’t move.
“Do you have any idea,” you choke out, pushing the staff against him a little harder, “how many people you killed?”
“Enlighten me.”
It all happened so quickly that looking back, it’s a blur.
You know you cut him, somewhere either along his jaw or his neck—mostly out of self defence, you’ll tell yourself later. It was almost as if he’d known you would strike him when he said that; he bared his teeth and snarled, lunging at you just as you brought the spear down near his neck with a shriek and a set of handcuffs yanked him back into the stop sign with a crash.
So he is a prisoner.
You point the spear right back in his face, trying to slow your pounding heart—good.
“Stay back,” you order, but it comes out in a pathetic whisper.
“Or what?” The god’s lips curl at the corners. “You’ll…kill me?”
Why does he sound hopeful?
A door to the left of you slams open and before you have a moment to even blink, Iron Man is pointing a glowing palm at you, a bag of takeout in the other hand. The other god you’d seen on the news, the good one, Thor, steps in front of your more evil god, blocking that haunting smirk from view.
And Captain America’s hand is on the spear, a burger in his other hand, lowering the weapon from pointing at the two gods and slowly taking it from your trembling hands.
“No one else needs to die today,” he murmurs, tossing the spear to the ground and giving you a small smile.
Your eyes meet for half a second before you crumple to the floor, shaking and curling in on yourself.
You almost killed him.
* * * * * * * *
Stark Industries hired nearly every displaced employee after the attack, adding wings to the tower and new job descriptions to fit everyone he could help.
You’re grateful for the job; it’s not like you had much elsewhere to go. Dumping all your savings into a little apartment put a new roof over your head, but sure as hell drained your wallet for the next few months.
And so begins the rebuilding process.
The god, Loki, you’ve learned is his name, is being held in the tower, too, for who knows how long. No one will say. You don’t see much of the Avengers, besides getting out of their way in hallways and rec rooms and giving an awkward half-wave whenever the Captain looks your way.
It’s not like he stopped you from nearly skewering a man.
You see Loki, every once in a while, just in passing. First time, he was being escorted to a holding cell by a few armoured shield agents, and you had been heading up to your office.
Those freakishly blue eyes caught yours.
He smiled.
If you could even call it that. The concept of an “evil grin” was something you’d figured out only happened in movies, no actual person could have an evil grin—until that.
That…was an evil grin. Full on Disney villain smirk, you half expected him to offer you a poison apple.
A shudder ran through your whole body and he disappeared around the corner, handcuffs clanking with each step.
Rumors about him start circulating within days, whispers heard of a second attack, a plot to tear apart the Avengers, assassination attempts on Thor…even mind control. But he has fans, you discover after agreeing to an after-work outing, a lot of your coworkers actually find him attractive—
No more truth or dare four drinks into the night.
“You know that wasn’t really him,” one girl had snorted, swaying in her seat. “He was being brain-played! No, no, m-m…memory…mind controlled!”
She’d snapped her fingers in your face with a laugh and you’d rolled your eyes. “I doubt it, some people are just…” you had paused, trying to capture everything wrong in the world in one word. “I don’t know…hateful.”
“But he’s hot.”
You left early that night.
And a couple days later, you see him again. This time he doesn’t look like himself.
He’s stumbling down the hallway, past the break room with one hand clutching the side of his head, the other leaning his weight against the wall for support. His eyes screwed shut, a look of pure pain twists his face.
Good, he deserves it.
You cringe to yourself as you watch him struggle—that was a pretty malicious thought—and he punches a fist into the wall, leaving broken drywall clouding the air as he shakes his hand out and punches the wall again, clawing at his head with the other hand.
What’s this act for, this time?
Thor comes running, catches Loki’s fist that was about to shatter a window, and slams him into the wall with a shout.
You peek your head out the door and for the first time hear Loki whimper, a pathetic, refreshingly weak noise in the back of his throat. He’s hurting.
“Need me to call for backup?”
The blond slings Loki’s arm over his shoulders and lugs him up against his side. “I have this under control,” he smiles, hoisting Loki’s limp body higher. “We got through him this time. Once more and he might be back to normal.”
“Is normal…” you gesture to the lanky god. “Is normal any better?”
“A bit,” Thor grunts, lifting one of Loki’s eyelids and studying his rolling eye. “He’s a bit less…genocidal.”
“Oh, goody.”
His eyes fly open and he jerks towards you, snarling like a rabid animal.
Barely stopping a scream from ripping from your throat, you shrink back against the wall and shut your eyes, hands covering your face and yelling until Thor takes him by the throat and slams his head into the wall again.
“You should’ve—” Loki’s voice dies in his throat and he slumps, head lolling.
“What the HELL—”
“Cognitive recalibration,” Thor sighs, dragging Loki upright. “He’s…unstable. Teleported himself right out of the lab before we could stop him. My apologies.”
Chest heaving, you nod and try to catch your breath. “Don’t worry about it. Just, uh, please don’t let him kill me.”
“To be fair,” Thor chuckles, “you did nearly murder him.”
“He literally blew up half of New York.”
* * * * * * * *
There’s a guard now, a shield agent with a clunky gun and who probably sleeps in a bulletproof vest, following a few steps behind you everywhere you go.
Apparently Loki had asked for you a couple days ago while he was still being held in the lab. Well, maybe not so much asked rather than demanded Mr. Stark bring you to him.
Mr. Stark said no.
Thank god.
They asked him why and he wouldn’t give any answer more than “even prisoners are allowed their toys,” which upon hearing, you’d tried to quit your job.
The captain, Steve, and the others told you you’d honestly be safer here, where they can keep the recently brainwashed god on a tight leash and keep a protective eye on you—hence the guard.
You’re scared out of your mind, naturally.
He’s sweet though, the guard.
He holds doors open for you, asks you how your days are going, compliments your outfits in a way that’s actually not creepy for a change, and only once brought up the fact that you managed to get yourself on a god’s hitlist—you know, the usual small talk.
But there’s been no talk of Loki the past few days, though, it’s been kind of nice. Nothing to worry about.
Your “special agent” seems to think so, too; he’s getting comfortable.
After another day standing by your office door with a gun in his hands, he yawns and stretches, arms over his head. “I’m gonna get a coffee,” he announces. “Ain’t nobody makes it like I do, sweetheart, want one?”
You laugh and politely decline, going back to your work as the door swings shut.
Sweetheart. That’s new.
Someone clears their throat.
Loki’s leaning against the door, arms crossed and staring at you, hair a wild mess and leather shirt in shreds.
You scream for your guard and nearly fall out of your chair, scrambling to find the gun set under your desk.
“He won’t hear you,” he drones, rolling his eyes and raising a hand.
“No, no, don’t—”
“Relax, sweetheart, I only want an answer.” He takes a couple steps towards you, eyes dark. Cold. Immensely threatening…you have to find this gun.
“Stay away from me.” Finally feeling the cold metal under your fingers, you shoot to your feet and point the gun at him, ignoring the shaking of your hands. “I will shoot you in your fucking face, if you take another step—”
“It’s like you read my mind.” He taps a finger to his temple and stalks towards you, staring down the barrel of your gun.
“Wh-what is that supposed to mean??” You take a couple stumbling steps backwards, keep the gun trembling in his face.
The god pauses in front of you, staring at your gun. Or maybe more so your hands; they’re shaking beyond control now. He raises a finger and pushes the end of the gun, watching it weakly wobble in your grip.
“Finish the job.”
It’s barely a snarl and he makes a sharp, sudden movement towards you; you shriek, squeeze your eyes shut, and pull the trigger.
Gunshots are louder than you imagined.
Once the ringing in your ears has stopped, you don’t want to open your eyes. You’ve seen enough blood, dead bodies, and bullets through the head to last a lifetime—thanks to this guy, though.
The thought slightly comforts you and you crack one eye open.
“So you would have done it?”
His breath is cold on your neck and you whirl around with a shout, pulling the trigger again and again with no direction, no sight, no idea where he is, just needing him gone. No more haunting you, or rather…no more hunting you.
He’s in front of you when you open your eyes again, twisting his head around and rubbing his neck with a quiet groan, the bullet holes in his pale skin sewing themselves shut.
The smoking gun falls to the floor with a clatter.
“Damn,” he grunts, bending to pick up the gun. “You like to see me hurt, hm?”
He moves towards you, one hand behind his back as the other twirls your gun around on a long finger, and you can’t seem to break eye contact until the backs of your thighs hit your desk and you fall to your ass with a dull thud.
A smirk turns at his lips and you swallow hard.
“Next time,” he murmurs, handing you back the gun, “take the coffee.”
“No—w-where are you going??”
He pauses with a hand on the door and turns back to your raised gun. “I got my answer. Worth a try.”
The door swings open before you can ask what that is and your guard walks in with another yawn, two cups of coffee in his hands and a donut balanced on each one.
Needless to say, he was a bit surprised—and confused—to find you a babbling, trembling mess, sitting on your desk in an empty room, pointing an empty gun in his face.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hope you enjoyed, feel free to send me ideas!
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes
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maswartz · 4 years
After Salem AU
All concepts are free for use with credit given.
In the final battle with Salem the heroes combine the power Ruby’s silver eyes with that of all four maidens to purge her of the Grimm essence and manage to get her to admit that she’s moved on from her daughters deaths resulting in her losing her immortality. Aging thousands of years in seconds she was soon dust. However before her defeat Salem managed to unite the four relics. The Brothers had returned. Displeased by the conflict still existing they were about to judge humanity as irredeemable when the heroes convinced them that humanity was not that far gone. Listening to their argument the Brothers agreed that humanity was neither worthy of them returning nor did they deserve extermination. Thus they returned to the stars. Before leaving however the God of Darkness left a gift. One in every five hundred babies born after this day would have the gift of magic. In time the four maidens would create the Seasons Academy to teach these new magic users how to use their gifts. Magic users have weaker semblances so the scales are not too unbalanced. Magic users are given the title of Wizard or Witch and act like Huntsmen, protecting the people of Remnant from the always present danger of the Grimm. The Huntsmen Academies lowered the age requirements after Salem’s final plan involved destroying many of the minor academies. In the following years much has changed. One such change is that Menagerie is now an official kingdom. Technology has advanced at a rapid pace, trains using anti gravity technology connect most cities. As a result trips that would have taken days now take a matter of hours. Due to this more and more cities rise outside the kingdom borders. The heroes of team RWBY and JNOR and their allies have all begun new lives after the fall of Salem.
Ruby and Oscar are married with four children. Ruby now runs Petal Storm, a weapon repair and modification store with Nora while Oscar writes books about the past Ozes.
Maria Pine-18 Lyme Pine-16 Sunny (M) and Luna (F) Pine-12 year old twins. They don’t possess magic or have silver eyes but their parents have made it very clear they love them all the same. Especially after they learned about Maria’s insecurities. Sunny and Luna have reached the phase where they want to be individuals instead of just one half of twins. Recently they unlocked their semblances. Sunny can sense aura and Luna can read body language. Based on Apollo and Artemis.
Blake and Yang are married with two adopted children. Blake works to help Faunus equality across Remnant while Yang helps design and test new vehicles for the SDC. Tawny Belladonna-Xiao Long-18 Vivi Belladonna-Xiao Long-17
Weiss and Jaune are married with three children. Weiss took over SDC and is working to undo the damage done by her father while Jaune teaches combat at a local academy.
Nichole Schnee-19 Maple Schnee- 13- Named in honor of Pyrrha. She inherited her mother’s singing voice and has a huge love of music. In fact she wants to enter the music industry rather than become a Huntress. To her relief her parents told her they’d support whatever decision she made. William Schnee- 10- A curious young boy with an interest in science. He loves touring the various SDC research labs with his mother. He discovers his semblance allows him to summon defeated Grimm and possess them. This does leave his body vulnerable.
Ren and Nora are married with three children. Ren is the mayor of a rebuilt Kuroyuri while Nora runs Petal Storm, a weapon repair and modification store with Ruby.
Lie Balder-17 Lie Nezha-16 Lie Sif-15
The headmasters remain a part of Oscar’s inner circle however with the fall of Salem their mission is now to continue to guide all of Remnant into everlasting peace and preventing future disasters.
Headmistress- Glynda Goodwitch- The first headmistress of Beacon. Once Beacon was rebuilt the decision to name her headmistress was unanimous. 
History- Dr Bartholomew Oobleck- Still his energetic self always eager to share knowledge with anyone willing to learn.
Grimm Studies- Peter Port- Still bombastic and passing on his wisdom and experience. Head of Security- Gordon Ryder- Gordon’s semblance allows him to create orbs of aura that act as his eyes and ears. He is capable of creating multiple orbs and has them placed around the boundaries of the campus. However while keeping track of them he often loses track of what’s happening around his own body.
Origin- The Headless Horseman
Combat Instructor- Paulina “Babe” Bunyan- A bull faunus, her semblance allows her to spot the weak point in things or people which allowed her to help her lumberjack father when she was a child.
Origin- Paul Bunyan
Airship Piloting- Skye Gale- When he was younger his hubris caused an airship crash that nearly killed him. After recovering he set forward to teach others to learn from his mistake.
Origin- Icarus.
Wilderness Survival - Forest Mann- The son of explorers who perished during a jungle expedition his semblance and basic wilderness training allowed him to survive. His semblance allows him to copy the traits of nearby animals. After making it back to civilization years later he began teaching others how to survive the wilderness.
Origin- Mowgli/Tarzan
Beacon Teams Fourth Year
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Maria Pine- Growing up Maria couldn’t help but feel like she was in the shadow of heroes and legends and as a result she grew insecure. Her desire to prove herself “worthy” eventually results in her being injured on a training mission. After that she admits her insecurity to her parents and her team who help her grow past it and see her own self worth. Like her father Maria can use magic. Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 8in- Brown hair to shoulders Hazel eyes Outfit: Light red top with maroon corset. maroon shorts. Light red tights with green vine design, roses on knees. Maroon fingerless gloves up to elbows. Green vine design on gloves. Maroon boots. Half length version of Ruby’s cloak in maroon. Emblem: Three roses on a single stem, one white, one red and one maroon Emblem Location: Back of cloak Aura Color: Maroon Semblance: Stat Boost- Allows Maria to boost a single stat (speed, strength, stamina, etc) Weapon: Rose’s Thorn- Kusarigama with extending chain. Gun built into the end.  Partner: Nautica Waves Origin: Rose Red Nautica Waves- The daughter of fishermen she grew up on the water most of her life. Resourceful and daring, she won’t give up until all options have been exhausted. Appearance: 19 years old. 5ft 6in. Short dark blue hair. Blue eyes. Shark Faunus- Shark gills allowing her to breathe under water. Outfit: Teal wetsuit with wave pattern, armor plating on shoulders, elbows, knees, torso. Optional flippers. Emblem: A series of waves descending in size Emblem Location: Shoulder armor Aura Color: Teal Semblance: Hydrokinesis- Can control water as long as it’s in liquid form. Can even shape weapons out of it. The more water she controls the more aura it takes. Weapon: Ebb and Flow- Twin pistols modified to shoot water. Using her semblance she can boost the power of the water to the point it can cut through metal. Carries a dagger called Shark’s tooth as a back up. After a few missions begins using a harpoon as her main weapon to conserve on water. Partner: Maria Pine Origin: The Little Mermaid Theo Schwartz- Due to a less than stellar home situation he attempts to defuse tense situations with humor. He believes in being prepared and carries many tools and items in his hat including a set of throwing knives, tents, medical kits, food and water. Not to mention his team’s ammo. Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 9in. Short black hair. Green eyes. Cat Faunus- Cat whiskers. Outfit: Black pants. White shirt with black dress coat. Red bow tie. Tall hat with red and white stripes. Emblem: A hand reaching into a hat Emblem Location: Back of coat Aura Color: Ebony Semblance: Hat Trick- A pocket dimension inside his hat where he can store and retrieve any inorganic item he wants. Weapon: Cat’s Cane-  A hook style cane with a built in grappling hook and gun. Partner: York Letterson Origin: The Cat in the Hat York Letterson- A firm believer in the phrase “Knowledge is power” York is almost always reading. He is eager to learn and teach as much as he can and often volunteers to tutor other students. When he has free time he can often be found in the library. Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 5in. Long green hair reaching down his back. Often in twin ponytails. Green eyes. Outfit: Dark green pants. Light green button up top with a pocket on the upper left breast. Dark green armor over the shirt with light green pads on arms and legs. Pair of reading glasses. Emblem: A head of lettuce Emblem Location: Shirt pocket Aura Color: Green Semblance: Prehensile Hair- Can control and use his hair as weapons or extra arms. In a pinch can even shoot strands like darts. If the hair is cut it will regrow to normal length within days due to all the aura inside it. Weapon: Close Shave- A pair of blades with gun barrels in the tips. Blades can be combined into a scissors form. In scissors mode it can be thrown like a boomerang. Partner: Theo Schwartz Origin: Rapunzel
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Nichole Schnee- From a young age her parents made sure she knew that her name made her no more important and no better than anyone else. She is kind and generous and always looking for ways to help others with the Schnee fortune. She’s very aware there’s still plenty of damage to undo from her grandfather. In battle she will often target powerful or unique Grimm to add to her semblance. Appearance: 19 years old. 5ft 10in. Long light blue hair in double ponytails. Light blue eyes. Outfit: Light blue dress with white fur pattern trim. Dress ends little above knees. Blue and white stripped stockings. Light blue boots. White gloves. Armored breastplate, armor on lower arms and shins. All armor is ice themed. Emblem: Schnee snowflake with a sword resembling the sword part of Crocea Mors Emblem Location: Knee and elbow armor Aura Color: Light blue Semblance: Grimm Aspects- She summons pieces of Grimm to use herself. She can call on the wings of a Teryx or a Nevermore, the claws of a Sabyr, the armor of an Arms Gigas, punching power of a Beringel. Like normal summons if they receive enough damage they’ll dissipate. Weapon: Cyros- Icicle themed javelin that doubles as a rifle. The shield part of Crocea Mors. Partner: Guile Widows Origin: Christmas Elf Guile Widows- A cunning strategist who excels at using his enemies own actions against them. He prefers to lure targets into his webs and let them tire themselves out trying to escape. Appearance: 19 years old. 6ft. Black hair with eight dreadlocks, four on each side. Brown eyes. Outfit: Black cargo pants with a mild webbing pattern. Gray shirt with black straps from backpack forming an “X”. Fingerless gloves. Emblem: Eight eyes, top pair are farthest apart and bottom pair are closest together. Emblem Location: Bandana Aura Color: Black Semblance: Aura Webs- Webs that can catch, contain, or even act as nets. Weapon: Spider’s Bite- Twin curved swords with guns in the hilts. Partner: Nichole Schnee Origin: Anansi Hunter Python- Strict and serious he considers being a huntsman too serious to joke about. To his dismay his partner Tawny has made it his mission to get him to laugh at least once a day. Hunter is very reluctant to use his semblance due to its nature. However if lives are at stake he will do so with frightening effect. Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 11in. Brown hair. Snake Faunus- Snake eyes, yellow with green pupils. Outfit: Green boots with a snake skin pattern. Yellow-green cargo pants. Yellow shirt under a green hoodie. Yellow-Green armor with scale pattern over hoodie. Emblem: Stylized snake head Emblem Location: Pockets of pants Aura Color: Yellow-Green Semblance: Hypnoeyes- Can command people to do things. Stronger commands require more aura and concentration and a command too far removed from what the subject would normally do will not be followed. When activated his eyes glow green. Requires full eye contact Weapon: Serpent Staff- Staff that can separate into chain linked segments. Can also shoot from the mouth of the serpent. Partner: Tawny Belladonna-Xiao Long Origin: Kaa Tawny Belladonna-Xiao Long- Adopted when he was 6 years old. Hyperactive, full of energy, eager to make new friends. Inherited Yang’s love of puns. Appearance: 18 years old. 6ft 2in Scruffy orange hair, brown eyes. Tiger Faunus- Tiger tail. Outfit: Orange sweatpants and orange top with baggy sleeves. Black patches stripe all along outfit. Armor on knees and elbows. Emblem: A tiger pouncing Emblem Location: Back of shirt Aura Color: Orange Semblance: Rebounce- Allows him to jump, leap, and bounce incredible heights and land from any height without injury. Weapon: Tora Tearors- Clawed gloves with guns built into the hand guards. Partner: Hunter Python Origin: Tigger
Third Year
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Vivi Belladonna Xiao-Long- Adopted when she was 5 years old. Very self conscious about her appearance after bullies at the orphanage convinced her that her birth parents abandoned her because she was ugly. Her mothers and brother spent years trying to get her to understand that she is beautiful on the inside and the outside. After being named a team leader she gradually gains self confidence. Appearance: 17 years old. 5ft 11in. Long dark black hair. Purple eyes. Outfit: Long purple robe with a hood she uses to cover herself up. After she gains self confidence she switches to a more streamlined version without a hood. Emblem: A pair of wings overlapping each other. Emblem Location: Back of robe Aura Color: Purple Semblance: Energy Ripple- Sends a burst of energy in a direction. Weapon: Tempura- Staff with fire dust on one end and ice dust on the other. When used with her semblance she can create waves of flame or frost. Partner: Terry Braun Origin: The ugly duckling Lie Balder- Though serious around most people when he’s with family and friends he opens up and loosens up. As a child his parents would call him their little Sunshine. Appearance: 17 years old. 5ft 9in Dark orange hair with a pink ribbon tied in it. Blue eyes. Outfit: Sleeveless green robe with golden sash. Magenta pants. Both have a sun pattern. Emblem: A stylized sun Emblem Location: Back of robe Aura Color: Golden Semblance: Light Burst- Absorbs natural light and discharges it. Depending on the amount of light stored it can stun or temporarily blind. Weaker grimm may even be destroyed by a strong enough burst. As he evolves his semblance he can direct the burst instead of releasing it in all directions. Even storing it in the form of light armor. Weapon: Stormbringer and Stormbreaker- Twin hook swords with guns built in. Partner: Alison Eirian Origin: Balder Alison Eirian- An optimist often lost in a daydream, her mind wanders easily. She enjoys seeing the bright side of even the darkest situation. However she does take her duties as a Huntress seriously. Tries to get Terry to smile more. Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 10in Blonde hair in a ponytail, blue eyes. Outfit: Long cobalt dress with silver armor plating on the front. White stockings with blue shoes. Silver gloves. Emblem: A mirror Emblem Location: Back of gloves Aura Color: Cobalt Semblance: Reflection- Allows her to enter any reflective surface. Inside the reflection is totally silent. She can travel to other reflections as long as there’s no obstacles in the way. Weapon: Full Deck- sword that appears to be made of a deck of cards, shifts into gun mode. Also carries reflective cards to use as emergency reflections. Partner: Lie Balder Origin: Alice in Wonderland Terry Braun- Growing up on the streets led him to adopt a tough cynical persona. His new friends convince him that there’s more than one kind of strength. Very protective of those younger than him. Tries to get Alison to be more realistic. Appearance: 17 years old. 5ft 11 in.Scruffy brown hair. Brown eyes. Outfit: Brown boots, brown shorts. Brown t-shirt with torn vest. Emblem: A howling wolf Emblem Location: Back of vest Aura Color: Brown Semblance: Howling Wind- Can create powerful wind with his breath. Weapon: Howling Hatchets- Twin axes with guns built into the handles. Can combine to form a shotgun. Partner: Vivi Belladonna-Xiao Long Origin: The Big Bad Wolf
Second Year
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Jim Peaches- Analytical and strategic he is highly skilled at coming up with plans that utilize the strengths of his teams. He has a fondness for insects and is known to talk to them when he thinks he’s alone. Appearance: 16 years old 5ft 5in. Short brown hair, pink eyes. Outfit: Tan pants with peach shirt. Tan shoes. Peach longcoat. Pink tie with insect designs (grasshopper, centipede, ladybug, spider, earthworm, glowworm) Emblem: A peach with a bite taken out of it Emblem Location: Belt buckle Aura Color: Peach Semblance: Peach Protection- Creates forcefields over himself. Can extend to include other people. With practice he learns to create smaller ones to throw as projectiles. Weapon: Peach Pit- Mace with detachable head. Gravity dust built in allows him to launch and recall the head. Partner: Lie Nezha Origin: James and the Giant Peach Lie Nezha- Eager and impatient he’s often the first to race into a battle. He enjoys moving fast and hitting hard. As a child his parents would call him their Moonbeam. Appearance: 16 years old. 5ft 6in. Short black hair. Pink eyes. Outfit: Amber sleeveless vest and dark orange cargo shorts. Armor plated elbow and knee pads. Orange goggles Emblem: A burning wheel Emblem Location: Knee pads Aura Color: Amber Semblance: Speed Rails- He creates rails of aura in the air to run on boosting his speed as he pleases. Only Nezha can interact with the rails, all others will simply pass through them. Weapon: Stormlillies- Twin chakram that turn into shurikens. Partner: Jim Peaches Origin: Nezha J.J Grayson- He is used to people mocking or underestimating him due to his weight and bulk. However he isn’t bothered by it because he knows it’s mostly muscle instead of fat. His teammates all find him awesome. He’s the powerhouse of his team and will put himself between them and danger if it keeps them safe. Likes to call Lyme “Sprout” Appearance: 16 years old. 6ft. Bulky build. Mostly muscle instead of fat. Short gray hair. Elephant Faunus- Elephant Ears. Outfit: Necklace with a black feather on it. Gray boots. Gray baggy shorts. Gray sweatshirt. Emblem: Elephant head Emblem Location: Front of sweatshirt Aura Color: Gray Semblance: Flight- Can fly as high or as fast as he wishes. Weapon: Stampede- Spear that turns into rifle, spear tip splits to reveal barrel. Partner: Lyme Pine Origin: Dumbo Lyme Pine- Calm and caring he enjoys nature in all its forms. A love of plants lead him to study botany, he can even use plants and herbs to create medicine in a pinch. He acts as his team’s medic. Likes to call J.J “Big Guy” Appearance: 16 years old - 5ft 3in. Short blackish hair, silver eyes. Slight tan from extended time outdoors. Outfit: Green overalls over a light green top. Brown gloves with floral pattern. Dark green boots. Emblem: A pinecone wrapped in vines Emblem Location: Front of overalls Aura Color: Lime Green Semblance: Aura Vines- Can create vines made out of his aura. These can be used for extending his reach or in combat. As his semblance grows he can add thorns to the vines. Weapon: Harvester- Pitchfork with guns built into the points. After running out of ammo during a training mission he has Harvester upgraded to a rail gun with two settings, small beam (the two middle prongs charge it) and large beam (all four prongs charge it) Partner: J.J Grayson Origin: Jack and the beanstalk
First Year
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Shiro Shishi- When Shiro was a child his uncle a crime boss named Kuro Shishi decided to cut loose ends. After personally stabbing Shiro’s father Kin Shishi in the back he sent a trio of assassins after Shiro, leaving the boy for dead. Fortunately a pair of drifters rescued the boy and helped him recover. The pair were retired huntsmen and they trained him until he was accepted to Beacon. Patterning himself after ancient warriors he read about as a boy Shiro is honorable, courageous, and a great leader in battle. He does however have a bad habit of starting inspirational speeches when they aren’t required. Appearance: 15 years old. 5ft 2in. White hair and golden eyes. Lion Faunus. Lion’s mane. Outfit: White samurai armor with golden accents. Armor has a lion theme. Emblem: A roaring lion head Emblem Location: Center of chest armor Aura Color: White Semblance: Power Roar- Creates an omnidirectional shockwave. Weapon: Lion’s Pride- A katana with a lion’s head on the hilt. Can shoot from the lion’s head. Partner: Lie Sif Origin: Kimba The White Lion/The Lion King Noah Rhythm- Growing up in a family of traveling musicians taught him two things, one was the importance of music, the second was how to ward off the creatures of Grimm. After arriving in a village for a show only to discover the villagers slaughtered by the Grimm he swore on the spot to become a huntsman. Appearance: 15 years old. 5ft 3in. Light purple hair and eyes. Outfit: Dark purple shoes. Light purple tunic. Purple cape. Light purple alpine hat with dark purple feather. Emblem: Flute surrounded by music notes Emblem Location: Back of cape. Aura Color: Light purple Semblance: Animal Melody- Can use music to communicate and command animals. No effect on faunus. His flute isn’t required to use his semblance but it amplifies it. Uses it to ask animals for intel when arriving in new places or to get a bird or squirrel to give Tomi a ride. Weapon: Pay the Piper- His flute shoots blasts of sound like Flynt’s trumpet Partner: Tomi Tumbleweed Origin: The Pied Piper Lie Sif- Curious and always eager to learn new things once she gains an interest in a subject she won’t stop until she knows everything about it. As a child her parents would call her their Shining Star. Appearance: 15 years old 5ft. Long light orange hair in ponytail to her left side. Blue eyes. Outfit: Dark pink dress with dark green accents. Armor on legs and along left arm and shoulder. Green quiver on back. Emblem: A green lily within a pink circle Emblem Location: Shoulder armor Aura Color: Magenta Semblance: Alliance- the more friends and allies fighting by her side the stronger her aura. She channels the extra aura into her arrows Weapon: Stormpiercer- A bow and arrow. The bow splits into twin daggers based on her grandfathers and her arrowheads are infused with dust. Partner: Shiro Shishi Origin: Sif Tomi Tumbleweed- The child of tailors they grew up helping their parents with the sewing. They love to keep up with latest fashions even if they know they could never afford any of them. Despite some initial confusion their team fully accepted the fact they’re non-binary. Appearance: 15 years old. 4ft 11in. Short blonde hair. Yellow eyes. Outfit: Tan shoes with yellow socks. Yellow shorts. Tan shirt with yellow suspenders. Emblem: A needle and thread Emblem Location: Buttons of suspenders Aura Color: Tan Semblance: Shrinking- They can shrink to a minimum of one inch high. Their strength remains the same as when they are full sized. Weapon: Needle point. A rapier that can shoot from the point. Partner: Noah Rhythm Origin: Tom Thumb/Thumbelina
Other Beacon teams: LAVA, TIDE, CLWD
Headmaster- Ghira Belladonna, took over informally after the battle of Haven and made official around a year later.
Combat instructor- Lewis Clementine- Lewis’s semblance, Be like you, allows him to copy another semblance for a maximum of one hour. He was one of the first students of Haven after the battle of Haven, as an Orangutan faunus he has Orangutan arms. His weapon, Jungle Justice is a shotgun with a bayonet blade between the barrels.
Origin- King Louie
Nature Studies- Buck Woods
Origin- Bambi
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Team DMND (diamond)
Dawn Diamond- Believing that sugar coating things doesn’t actually help Dawn tends to be blunt and cutting though she sincerely means well. She refuses to give her team a command she wouldn’t follow herself. Appearance: 19 years old. 5ft 6in. Medium length aqua colored hair. Dark blue eyes Outfit: Dark blue boots, light blue pants. Light blue see through top with dark blue tank top underneath. Dark blue gloves Emblem: A diamond Emblem Location: Pants pockets Aura Color: Diamond Semblance: Lullaby- When active creates a field around her that makes people drowsy. Direct contact induces sleep instantly. Weapon: Beauty Sleep- Chain with a dart on the end shaped like a diamond- Can be charged by dust, fire engulfs it in flame etc Partner: Dinah Crystal Origin: Sleeping Beauty Zoe Midas- A party girl who enjoys a good time. Knowing that her teammates despise being in the spotlight she delights in drawing all the attention to herself. Appearance:  19 years old. 5ft 8in. Blonde hair to shoulders. Yellow eyes Outfit: Gold knee high boots, gold shorts. Gold sleeveless top, gold elbow length gloves Emblem: A golden hand Emblem Location: Back of gloves Aura Color: Gold Semblance: Midas Touch- Turns her body into gold. Maintains strength, speed, agility. Weapon: Golden Tonfa- Twin Tonfa with a blade in one end and a gun in the other. Partner: Natalie Jade Origin: King Midas’s daughter Natalie Jade- One of, if not the smartest student at Haven she comes up with many of her team’s strategies. After meeting Team MNTY on a mission she grows close with York. Appearance:  18 years old. 5ft 5in. Short dark green hair. Green eyes with jade colored glasses. Outfit: Jade boots, jade colored sundress with light green leggings. Emblem: A group of peas Emblem Location: Boots Aura Color: Jade Semblance: Tracking- Small pea sized aura spheres she can place on a person or object and track them. Weapon: Peashooters- Twin pistols- Default, rapid fire, charge, bouncing shots Partner: Zoe Midas Origin: Princess and the Pea Dinah Crystal- Shy but skilled she prefers to let others hog the spotlight. She works best when she feels like nobody is watching or judging her. Her teammates try to help her overcome this. Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 6in. Long cyan hair light blue eyes. Swan Faunus- Swan wings, allow short distance flight. Outfit: Crystal colored ice skates (blades retracts) with light blue leggings. Crystal minidress with matching gloves Emblem: A stylized swan Emblem Location: Front of minidress Aura Color: Crystal Semblance: Ice Rink- Creates a coating of “ice” for her to skate on. Weapon: Swan’s Grace- A naginata with a gun built in along the back of the blade. Partner: Dawn Diamond Origin: Swan Lake
Other Haven teams: SLME, FLRE, CAVE Atlas
Headmistress- Robyn Hill, after the fall of Ironwood Robyn was placed in charge of Atlas Academy allowing her to lead a new generation away from the military and teach them how to act like proper Huntsmen.
Combat instructor- Shelly Verde- Back in her academy days Shelly was partners with Harriet Bree and watched in horror as her friend became the terrorist known as the Snow Hare. Her semblance allows her to create a field that slows down those within it. She uses twin hard light shields as weapons.
Origin- The Tortoise
Aquatic combat- Myrtle Hopper
Origin- The Frog Prince
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Team MRBL (marble)
Megara Bronzen- Highly competitive and eager to prove her strength, her teammates will often have to intervene on her behalf. She believes that the strong have a moral duty to protect the weak. Appearance:  19 years old. 6ft. Short brown hair and brown eyes. Outfit: Bronze sandals with bronze shin armor. Bronze chest armor with bronze armor plates on forearms. Golden lion paw design on shoulder armor. Helmet resembles a roaring gold lion with her face in the mouth. Gold colored cape with fur texture. Emblem: Two fists punching each other Emblem Location: Inside of cape Aura Color: Bronze Semblance: Titanic Strength- Super Strength Weapon: Titanic Gloves- Twin gloves, when activated they project hard light images of larger fists. Blasters built into the palms Partner: Bea Steel Origin: Heracles Richmond Clay- He has a strategic mind and tends to observe his enemies before engaging them. He plans every move in a battle and is often frustrated by his teammates more headstrong approach. Appearance:  19 years old. 5ft 10in. Brownish red hair and brown eyes. Outfit: Clay colored tunic with brown boots and gloves. Armor on forearms and legs. Brown shawl over left shoulder. Emblem: A shield Emblem Location: Shawl Aura Color: Clay Semblance: Master of all- Masters any combat style he witnesses. Weapon: Ancient Shield- Arm mounted shield with gun built in. Shield has a hidden dagger for close range combat. Partner: Elric Limestone Origin: Gilgamesh Bea Steel- Always eager for a fight she’s often the first one into the fray. She is skeptical of the motivation of others after being used by a bandit she thought was a friend. Appearance: 19 years old. 5ft 9in. Short black hair with hazel eyes. Scar along right cheek. Outfit: Gray boots with silver shorts. Silver top with chest armor. Chainmail armor on legs and arms Emblem: Her swords crossing blades Emblem Location: Middle of chest armor Aura Color: Steel Semblance: Aura Sword- Charges her swords with aura launching it as beams or as slashing waves Weapon: Monster’s Bane- Retractable swords on the back of her arms with guns in the tips Partner: Megara Bronzen Origin: Beowulf Elric Limestone- As a result of his semblance he tends to push himself beyond his limits. His teammates scold him for putting himself in such danger as well as for taking unnecessary risks. Appearance: 19 years old. 6ft 2in. Light blonde hair with red eyes. Outfit: White boots, red chain design wraps around white pants. White shirt with red crack pattern. Arm guards. Emblem: His sword surrounded by flame Emblem Location: Arm guards Aura Color: Limestone Semblance: Reforged- When his aura shatters it returns stronger for a few minutes before breaking again. Can be reforged multiple times in a row but this taxes his body greatly. Weapon: Fafnir’s Fang- Longsword with fire dust built in. Partner: Richmond Clay Origin: Sigurd/Siegfried
Other Atlas teams: GEAR, LAZR, BOLT
Shade Headmaster- Otto Dune, A dog faunus, friend and ally of Professor Theodore, he took over after Theodore retired.
Combat instructor- Henry Ferro- He believes that many are too reliant on their semblances and instructs his students to treat their semblance as a last resort instead of a crutch. His own semblance allows him to turn off other semblances temporarily. He is armed with a mighty steam powered hammer.
Origin- John Henry
Animal studies- Rosemary Shepard
Origin- Mary had a little lamp
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Team OSIS (oasis)
Oliver Richards- An introvert who believes in preparing for the worst case scenario. At first he would allow his fears to get the better of him but with the help of his team he’s more calm and collected. Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 7in. Olive green hair with green eyes. Rooster Faunus- Rooster crest, when his semblance detects danger the crest stands up. Outfit: Olive green boots and shorts. Open green vest with feather like tassels hanging from the back Emblem: A rooster head Emblem Location: Back of vest Aura Color: Green Semblance: Danger Sense- Always active, sometimes overreacts to mild danger. Weapon: Daybreak and Dawn- Twin war fans. When folded act as guns. Partner: Selena Grey Origin: Chicken Little Selena Grey- An extrovert always open to trying new things and exploring new places. She tends to make a new friend everywhere she goes. Anyone who wrongs one of her friends has wronged her. Appearance: 18 years old 5ft 11in. Brown hair with hazel eyes. Cow Faunus- Cow horns Outfit: Brown leather boots, cow skin pattern pants. Brown leather jacket over a cow skin pattern shirt. Emblem: A cow bell Emblem Location: Badge on jacket Aura Color: Gray Semblance: Gravitas- Controls gravity. Can increase or decrease gravity in a localized area. Weapon: Steer Striker- Two pronged pitchfork with gun in the head between the prongs Partner: Oliver Richards Origin: The Cow Jumped over the Moon Izumi Tentomushi- A technical expert she’s always tinkering and inventing new gadgets. To her dismay she often doesn’t have access to the best tools. She created her weapon, the B.U.G as a child. Appearance: 18 years old 5ft 4in. Dark red hair to shoulders, maroon eyes. Ladybug Faunus- Ladybug antenna Outfit: Black crop top with red dots. Unbuttoned red vest over it. Black shorts with red dots. Red goggles with bug eye design. Backpack containing B.U.G Emblem: A stylized ladybug Emblem Location: Back of vest Aura Color: Dark red Semblance: Bug Burn- Creates ladybugs out of her aura, upon contact they burst into flame. Weapon: B.U.G- Battle Utility Gear. Ladybug styled drone with camera and laser. Goggle interface. Partner: Trey Silva Origin: Ladybug Ladybug Fly Away Home Trey Silva- Despite being born blind they would receive optical implants that would allow him to see. The implants enhance his vision beyond what his natural vision would have been. Though he will sometimes turn them off to prevent overstimulation. Appearance: 18 years old 5ft 8in. Short white hair with white eyes. Optical implants are size of reading glasses, when turned on the lens is white. Mouse Faunus- Mouse tail Outfit: White boots. white shorts with white shirt. White poncho covering his head. Emblem: A mouse with a double shadow making three Emblem Location: Shirt Aura Color: White Semblance: Triple Trouble- Creates two copies of himself capable of acting independently of himself Weapon: Triple Threat- Sword that splits into three segments. First third turns into a dagger, second remains a sword, third turns into a gun. Partner: Izumi Tentomushi Origin: Three Blind Mice
Other Shade teams: BRIK ,STRM, PTAL Seasons
The current Maidens
Spring- Raven Branwen- After the battle of Haven Raven lost everything, her tribe lost all respect for her, Taiyang rejected her, she had nowhere to go. Eventually she decided she needed to redeem herself and began spying on Salem’s forces delivering vital intel to the heroes.
Summer- July Storms- When the heroes arrived in Vacuo they befriended sisters June and July Storms. They soon discovered that June was the Summer Maiden. During a battle with Cinder June stayed behind to buy the others time to escape. Once they were safe she called down a bolt of lightning to kill her before the powers could be stolen. Her sister was the last one in her thoughts so July gained the powers and has been the Summer Maiden ever since.
Autumn- Emerald Sustrai- In a fit of rage Cinder revealed that she never truly cared for Emerald as anything more than a pawn. Broken Emerald fled Salem’s fortress with Mercury. They joined the heroes to save their own lives from Salem and Cinder’s wrath. During a battle Emerald used her semblance to distract Cinder long enough for Ruby and Jaune to kill her. Her last thoughts were of Emerald so the power of Autumn went to her.
Winter- Penny Polendina- After the fall of Ironwood many Atlesian soldiers who were loyal to him and the ideal that “Atlas Will Prevail” deserted and formed an underground cell known as the Frozen Soldiers. Lead by Harriet now known as Snow Hare (the only Ace-Op who refused to surrender) they will stop at nothing to bring down the other Kingdoms. Penny has devoted much time and effort into stopping their plans.
Mortimer Mono- Mortimer was the first child publicly known to have magic after the God of Darkness returned it to the world. As such he became a celebrity and the first student of the Maidens. He’s since become a student teacher and often joins teams in the field. Appearance:  21 years old 6ft 2in. Short black hair, blue eyes. Outfit: Yellow boots, long red pants. White shirt with black jacket over it. White gloves. Emblem: Three interlocked circles in an upside down triangle Emblem Location: Back of gloves Aura Color: Monochrome Semblance: Imaginary Arsenal- Can call forth a copy of any weapon that has ever existed on Remnant, however he does not gain knowledge of how to use the weapon. As a result he tends to only call forth simple straight forward weapons. The copies are monochrome in color Weapon: No personal weapon. Origin: Mickey Mouse
Support spells- Belle Leaf
Origin- Tinkerbell
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Team ECPS (eclipse)
Ember Drake- A pragmatic battler, prone to bending the rules to the breaking point. As far as she’s concerned when it comes to battle anything that keeps you alive is allowed. Appearance:  18 years old 5ft 10in. Bright red hair with orange spikes in a flame pattern. Bright red eyes. Outfit: Dark red boots, light red leggings with flame pattern, dark red shorts. Light red mesh top with flame pattern over a dark red tube top. Split cape along back, dark red on outside, light red on inside with flame pattern. Emblem: A dragon shooting flame Emblem Location: Back of cape Aura Color: Red Semblance: Breath of the dragon- Fire breath Weapon: Dragon’s Staff- A bo staff with dragons carved on it with fire dust. Each end can shoot flame. Splits into twin clubs. When the clubs are focused on a single point they charge a fire ball Partner: Mike Canary Origin: Dragons Mike Canary- Though he lacks in physical strength he is a skilled archer and has incredible accuracy. He prefers to fight foes from a distance rather than up close. Appearance: 18 years old 5ft 9in. Blonde hair and yellow eyes. Outfit: Yellow sandals, yellow toga. Yellow handband Emblem: A stylized canary Emblem Location: Button on toga Aura Color: Yellow Semblance: Siren’s Song- Different volume has different effects. A quieter song will boost the aura of those who can hear it. A louder song results in a sonic scream. Weapon: Final Reprise- A lyre that turns into a bow and arrow Partner: Ember Drake Origin: Siren Pearl Unos- Kind and caring she loathes hurting other people though she will make an exception if others are in danger. She will sometimes over extend her semblance trying to help as many people as she can. Appearance:  19 years old 5ft 7in. Pink hair in ponytail, pink eyes. Outfit: Pink boots, white skirt down to knees with pink leggings. Pink top with white sleeves. Emblem: A unicorn Emblem Location: Skirt Aura Color: White Semblance: Purification- Purifies and heals others Weapon: Horn of light- A dagger that extends into a spear with a hard light tip. The tip can be shot off and either reattached or replaced. Partner: Sora Tori Origin: Unicorn Sora Tori- Proud, boastful and arrogant he tends to rub people the wrong way when they meet him. However to those he considers his friends he is loyal to the bitter end. Appearance:  18 years old 5ft 5in (5ft 10 in with the shoes) short blue hair with blue eyes. Outfit: Brown platform shoes, blue kimono with armor plating on legs and chest. Arm guards. Bird mask. Emblem: A whirlwind Emblem Location: Arm guards and leg armor Aura Color: Blue Semblance: Whirlwind Slash- Covers his sword in a whirlwind Weapon: Kaze Katana Partner: Pearl Unos Origin: Tengu
Other Seasons teams: GLTR, EBNY, STAR
Other Teams
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Team ARMR is among the best Huntsmen teams in all of Remnant. Lead by Adrian Cotta-Arc their biggest claim to fame was protecting a village from a stampede of Goliaths. Team ARMR is a team many students at the academies wish to be like one day. Off the battle field the team enjoys a mutual romantic relationship with each other. Adrian Cotta-Arc- The leader of Team ARMR Adrian gained the nickname “The Golden Knight” from his semblance’s appearance. He forged his twin swords himself seeking to follow his uncle’s example. Appearance: 23 years old, 6ft 2in. Short black hair, brown eyes. Outfit: Tan cargo pants with silver shirt. Gold and silver armor along legs, chest and arms. Emblem: Two swords crossed over a shield Emblem Location: Center of armor Aura Color: Gold Semblance: Aura Armor- Turns his aura into solid golden armor Weapon: Wave Cutter and Stone Splitter- Twin blades with a gun in the tip. The blades can combine to form the King’s Blade. King’s Blade can be a great sword or a double bladed sword. Partner: Gwendy Roots Origin:  King Arthur Gwendy Roots- A free spirited squirrel faunus who is at home in the treetops. Gwendy loves nature and is often bothered by how much progress tends to invade it. Appearance:  24 years old, 6ft. Long brown hair in braids. Hazel eyes. Squirrel tail. Outfit: Brown cargo shorts with brown crop top and green vest. Emblem: Acorn Emblem Location: Back of vest Aura Color: Brown Semblance: Green Thumb- Controls plants and can use her aura to boost their growth. Weapon: Ivy’s Vine- Whip sword Partner: Adrian Cotta-Arc Origin: Queen Guinevere/Hazel the squirrel Meryl Sparx- Eccentric and friendly, Meryl is one of the rare few who were already born when the God Of Darkness returned magic to Remnant gaining the power in the process. Appearance:  23 years old. 5ft 8in. Purple hair in a pixie cut, yellow eyes. Outfit: Purple sleeveless sundress with striped purple stockings. Long purple gloves with star pattern. Emblem: Shooting star Emblem Location: Stockings Aura Color: Purple Semblance: Astral projection- She can project her spirit outside of her body, however it is immaterial and cannot cross a certain distance from her body. Weapon: Shooting Star- A scepter she uses to focus her magic Partner: Lance Riverson Origin: Merlin Lance Riverson- Lance was jealous of Adrian at first due to him being named leader and receiving the credit for victories. In time however he grew to respect Adrian for his strategy and strength. Eventually he confessed how he felt and the team entered their mutual relationship. Appearance:  24 years old. 6ft 5in. Long blue hair to shoulders. Blue eyes. Outfit: Cobalt pants with chainmail sections over it. Cobalt short sleeve shirt with chainmail over it and chainmail sleeves. Cobalt gloves Emblem: A flowing river Emblem Location: Back of gloves Aura Color: Cobalt Semblance: Aura Charge- Channels his aura into any object he is in physical contact with boosting its power. Weapon: Lanceshot- A lance with a shotgun barrel within the tip. Partner: Meryl Sparx Origin: Lancelot
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Team MNMT A team of Huntsmen permanently stationed in Mountain Glenn to defend those excavating/rebuilding it. Montgomery Sarsen- An older huntsman from Atlas who picked this job as a sort of working retirement. To his dismay it’s more work than retirement. Appearance: 40 years old 6ft 2in. Short gray hair. Brown eyes Outfit: Light gray vest with dark gray top underneath. Gray cargo shorts with brown boots. Emblem: Stacked stones Emblem Location: Back of vest Aura Color: Gray Semblance: Stone Avatar- Channels power through stone to create hands and arms, at strongest can create stone avatars to fight alongside him. Weapon: Drill Dagger- Drill like sword that rotates. Two dust cartridges can be inserted at once for a spiral effect. Origin: Stonehenge
Nubia Sandstone- A young huntress from Vacuo who grew up exploring ruins and imagining what the people who lived there were like. She enjoys helping the excavating process.
Appearance: 24 years old 5ft 6in. Brown hair in braids. Brown eyes. Outfit: Yellow Crop Top with Yellow shorts. White body wraps cover most of her torso and parts of her arms and legs. Emblem: A symbol resembling the Eye of Horus Emblem Location: Both legs of her shorts Aura Color: Sandy Yellow Semblance: Sandstorm- Allows her to control sand, she cannot create sand so she carries jars of it. Weapon: Shifting Sands- A staff that doubles as whip. Has a gun built into the tip. Origin: Pyramids
Frida Mint- A huntress from Vale with a background in engineering. She volunteered for this assignment to help rebuild the city better and safer than before.
Appearance: 27 years old 5ft 4in. Light green hair in ponytail, dark green eyes. Outfit: Spiked tiara. Green sandals, light green dress with dark green cloak over it. Emblem: A burning torch Emblem Location: Back of cloak Aura Color: Mint green Semblance: Pyro- Can control and manipulate flames but cannot produce them Weapon: Scorch Torch- A torch infused with fire dust that converts into a gun that shoots fire dust bullets. Origin: Statue of Liberty Ta-Kai Zongse- A huntsman from Mistral who is the descendant of some of the lucky few who managed to escape from the doomed city in its final days. He volunteered for the assignment in hopes of finding closure for the family left behind. Appearance: 19 years old 5ft 5in. Light brown short hair, brown eyes Outfit: Brown boots with dark brown shorts. Button up light brown top. Emblem: Wall Emblem Location: Back of shirt Aura Color: Light brown Semblance: Barrier Wall- Creates walls of aura. Weapon: Modular Staff- one end gun other end can form hard light weapons, blade, ax, claw, etc Origin: Great Wall of China
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xtruss · 3 years
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A frozen tuna enters a cleaning machine at the Grupo Pinsa processing plant in Mazatlán, Mexico. Tuna from Mexico is restricted from being sold in the U.S. with a dolphin safe label because some fisheries in the region continue to chase and net dolphins when catching the fish. PHOTOGRAPH BY SUSANA GONZALEZ/BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES
— By Rene Ebersole | March 10, 2021 | National Geographic
Jennie Dusheck makes a habit of preparing for the worst. When the California writer realized a few years ago that wildfires and smoke-filled air were becoming an annual inevitability, she bought Israeli gas masks in case it became difficult to breathe. In December 2019, when many West Coasters were looking forward to heavy snow forecasts for skiing, she fretted about the threat of mudslides and wrote an article about how to survive one. With the news of a mysterious disease in China the following February and concerns about food shortages if it spread to the U.S., Dusheck hurried to the grocery store to stock up on staples—pasta, peanut butter, nuts, sardines, tuna.
She felt a little guilty about the tuna, “because there aren’t a lot of fish left in the sea,” she says. “But it was an indulgence that would keep—and I wanted something besides walnuts.”
Of course, Dusheck wasn’t the only pandemic prepper stockpiling tuna. Early on, canned tuna sales doubled. In July 2020, the Wall Street Journal reported that the increased demand for tuna, compounded by pandemic-related port closures and worker quarantines, was challenging some tuna companies to keep up.
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The majority of tuna arrives at processing facilities frozen. After thawing, the fish is steam-baked to allow for easy removal of the skin and bones. Workers seen at the Grupo Pinsa processing plant in Mazatlán, Mexico, are cleaning the meat, which will be cooked a second time before it’s machine-packed in cans. PHOTOGRAPH BY SUSANA GONZALEZ/BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES
While the pandemic has been a boon to business, tuna companies have for years struggled with declining sales and perceptions about their product being tainted with toxic mercury, harmful to the environment, and passé with millennials. The newfound popularity of tuna hasn’t freed the longtime staple from controversy, however. The three largest U.S. tuna brands—StarKist, Bumble Bee, and Chicken of the Sea, which collectively account for up to 80 percent of the national market—are facing class action lawsuits claiming that they’re defrauding shoppers with marketing campaigns touting dolphin safety and a commitment to sustainability.
The suits come on the heels of a price fixing scandal involving the big three working together to sell their products at inflated costs. StarKist, acquired by Dongwon Industries in South Korea, pleaded guilty and was fined $100 million. Bumble Bee, recently purchased by the Taiwan seafood conglomerate FCF Co, Ltd., also pleaded guilty and was fined $25 million. The company’s former chief, Christopher Lischewski, who maintained his innocence, is now serving 40 months in a federal prison in Tucson, Arizona. Chicken of the Sea, owned by Bangkok seafood seller Thai Union, was granted amnesty for blowing the whistle on the others.
The dolphin-safe court battle could drag on for years, but it raises important questions for consumers aiming to buy products that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible. (Here’s what the different labels on tuna cans mean.)
“People often see a label on a can and think things are taken care of,” says Ryan Bigelow, senior manager of the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program, which makes science-based, sustainable seafood recommendations to grocery shoppers. “The reality is there’s often still a lot more work to be done.”
Gone Fishing
Scientists say there’s one inescapable certainty in any type of commercial fishing: incidental bycatch, the lackluster term for marine life—from whales and dolphins to sharks, seabirds, and endangered sea turtles—unintentionally hooked or ensnared in nets. Fishing methods associated with dolphin bycatch include gillnets, purse seine nets, fish aggregating devices, and longlines.
Each name fittingly describes how the technique works. Gillnets are made of mesh that snags fish by their gills as they swim through it. Purse seine nets encircle schooling fish, which become trapped when the net is cinched, or “pursed,” by a metal cable from the bottom. Often used in combination with purse seines, fish aggregating devices (FADs) are floating rafts attached to a sonar-equipped satellite buoy; they take advantage of the natural tendency for fish to congregate beneath such things as logs drifting in the ocean. Longlines trail up to 50 miles of fishing rope baited with thousands of hooks.
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Turkish fishing boats deploy a purse seine net to surround a school of bluefin tuna in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Bluefin tuna, highly prized for sashimi, are in steep decline from overfishing. Globally, there are 15 species of tuna; albacore, yellowfin, and skipjack are favored for canning. PHOTOGRAPH BY GAVIN NEWMAN, ALAMY STOCK PHOTO
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A purse seine net traps a school of skipjack near North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Globally, many tuna fisheries use purse seines, fish aggregating devices (FADs), and longlines—methods that indiscriminately kill dolphins and other marine life as bycatch. When buying canned tuna, choose pole-caught or troll-caught varieties. PHOTOGRAPH BY SHANE GROSS / NPL VIA MINDEN PICTURES
The volume of dolphins and other marine life caught as bycatch from these fishing methods is “staggering,” says Zak Smith, an attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council who contributed to a 2014 report titled Net Loss: The Killing of Marine Mammals in Foreign Fisheries. The report cites data estimating that 650,000 marine mammals including dolphins, whales, and seals are caught or seriously injured in fisheries every year. “Three hundred thousand of those animals are cetaceans [whales, dolphins, and porpoises],” Smith says, “and the vast majority of them are dolphins because there are a lot more dolphins than anything else.”
The Indian Ocean and the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean—770,000 square miles of blue water and archipelagos off the coast of Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, and Columbia— are infamous for dolphin bycatch. In the Indian Ocean, scientists estimate that four million dolphins have died in the region’s poorly regulated gillnet fisheries since the 1950s. The researchers report that roughly 80,000 dolphins are now killed as bycatch annually.
In the tropics of the eastern Pacific Ocean, fishermen have long used dolphin schools as living fish finders, signaling a tuna payload in the deep. This is the only region in the world where a commercial fishery overlaps with the unique, and poorly understood phenomenon of spotted, spinner, and other species of dolphins routinely swimming with schools of yellowfin tuna.
In the old days, seamen chummed the dolphin-rich waters with baitfish, drawing tuna to the surface, where they could hook them with poles. By the late 1950s, however, bait fishermen had widely switched to purse seining, and they commonly targeted and chased the dolphins to corral their tuna catch in the center of nets that could be up to a mile long and 80 feet deep. Scientists estimate that more than six million dolphins were killed by eastern tropical Pacific tuna purse seiners in the three decades before the mid 1990s.
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The tipping point came in 1987, when a 31-year-old biologist named Samuel LaBudde (pronounced “LaBuddy”) went undercover as a cook on a Panamanian tuna vessel. On a four-month voyage, he filmed hundreds of dolphins dying as they were hefted from the ocean.
"Drowned or snagged in the net, the dolphins fight a losing battle for life," LaBudde said, narrating the graphic video, broadcast on television and presented before the U.S. Congress. "Some will fall back into the sea as flippers and beaks are broken or ripped out of their bodies, only to become ensnared moments later and be pulled out once again."
Public outrage led to an amendment of the U.S.’s Marine Mammal Protection Act to better protect dolphins and one of the most successful consumer boycotts in national history. “It infected people with a sense of injustice and anger,” LaBudde says. “Thousands of school children refused to eat canned tuna.” In response to the uproar, the big three U.S. tuna companies proclaimed in 1990 that they would not purchase any tuna captured in nets along with dolphins.
Furthermore, the newly signed Dolphin Safe Consumer Information Act of 1990 made it illegal for any tuna product exported from or sold in the U.S. to claim that it’s “dolphin safe” unless it’s in compliance with a bevy of complex U.S. laws and regulations designed to protect dolphins. Demand for dolphin-safe tuna in the U.S. drove many fisheries to adopt the standards, but tuna caught in association with dolphins continues to be sold in Latin America, Asia, and some European countries.
“The U.S. dolphin safe program has been very effective,” says Sara McDonald, a senior fisheries scientist at Monterey Bay Aquarium. “Dolphin mortality in the 1980s was 130,000. In 2018, there were 819 documented deaths. If your product has a dolphin safe label, you are legally obligated not to sell tuna where dolphins were injured, killed, or set upon. It doesn’t mean dolphins aren’t interacting with the tuna fisheries; it means that tuna can’t be sold in this country.”
Accusations of Fraud
The Natural Resources Defense Council’s Smith says he believes that most tuna sold in the U.S. with a dolphin-safe tuna seal is legitimate, but because tuna is a global commodity with very long supply chains, there are opportunities for fraud and deception. “The U.S. laws are good if everyone is being honest,” he says. “But that doesn’t mean nothing ever gets in. There is an incredible amount of illegal wildlife moving into the country. [Law enforcement] can’t catch it all.”
The dolphin-safe tuna class action suits charge that the tuna companies are not being honest about the integrity of their supply chains. More broadly, they allege that the companies have run pervasive advertising campaigns that lead consumers to trust that the companies “never” kill dolphins. For example, the group of people suing Starkist allege that parent company Dongwon’s distant water boats often entrap dolphins, because many are purse-seine fishing vessels that use fish aggregating devices to capture tuna. (Neither purse seine nets nor FADS are banned under U.S. dolphin-safe fishing standards.)
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A crew member on the Steve Irwin, the flagship vessel of the conservation nonprofit Sea Shepherd, cradles a common dolphin killed by an illegal drift net in the South Indian Ocean during the group's Operation Driftnet campaign. The UN banned drift nets in 1992 because they kill non-target fish and other wildlife such as sea turtles. PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF ELIZA MUIRHEAD / SEA SHEPHERD GLOBAL
“Either the companies should stop accepting tuna from these fishing practices or be up front with consumers that they’re not dolphin safe, even though they may be in compliance with the law,” says Stuart Davidson, one of the lead plaintiff attorneys in the lawsuits. “We want restitution for everyone in the country who paid more than they should have because the tuna was caught with these methods.”
StarKist officials, according to court documents, say it’s unrealistic for consumers to expect that the label means zero harm or injury to dolphins and other wildlife because bycatch is an inescapable reality of any fishery, no matter whether tuna is caught with purse seines or more dolphin-friendly poles—a reality that’s accepted and acknowledged under the Dolphin Protection Consumer Information Act.
Bumble Bee and Chicken of the Sea did not respond to interview requests. A StarKist spokesperson would not comment on the litigation but provided a statement about the company’s commitment to protecting dolphins. “StarKist does not purchase any tuna caught in association with dolphins,” the spokesperson said, and “condemns the use of indiscriminate fishing methods that trap dolphins, whales, and other marine life along with the intended catch of fish.”
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Peeling Back the Labels
As a federal court in California weighs the dolphin-safe lawsuits, sustainable seafood experts offer guidance on how to buy canned tuna that is not only dolphin safe but also environmentally friendly and socially responsible.
“The misconception is if it’s not hurting dolphins, then it must be okay,” says oceans expert and renowned environmental author Carl Safina, who spearheaded a sustainable seafood guide when he was working for the National Audubon Society in the 1990s. “But the reality is it’s likely to be hurting some other non-target species in a big way, or simply depleting the species. The overwhelming majority of tuna populations are overfished.”
Buying sustainable seafood pushes retailers to source environmentally responsible products, which can drive improvements throughout the industry, say Monterey Bay scientists involved with the aquarium’s Seafood Watch consumer guide.
In the case of canned tuna, McDonald says it’s best to read labels for descriptions such as “pole-caught” (fishing one tuna at a time) and “troll-caught” (fished by a slow-moving boat dragging lure lines). “Anything else is less sustainable,” she says. “These fisheries have better control of what they’re catching. There’s also a higher survival rate for the bycatch that they throw back.”
The nonprofit activist group Greenpeace has worked for many years to bring to light the environmental and human rights issues associated with tuna fisheries, including dolphin mortalities, endangered sea turtle and shark bycatch, debt bondage, human trafficking, and forced labor. Taking these factors into account, Greenpeace evaluated the sourcing policies and practices of 20 canned tuna brands and published them in a Tuna Shopping Guide.
StarKist, Chicken of the Sea, and Bumble Bee were among the lowest ranked brands featured in the guide. The four top-rated tuna companies were Wild Planet and American Tuna, which tied for first place, followed by Whole Foods and Ocean Naturals. Selling only pole-caught fish, American Tuna supports local and small-scale fishing and production in the U.S. Wild Planet procures pole- and troll-caught tuna from sustainable fisheries in the U.S., Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Portugal, and the archipelago of Cape Verde off Africa’s northwestern coast.
Shoppers pay a premium—up to six dollars a can—for eco-friendly tuna brands. Wild Planet founder Bill Carvalho says the higher cost is unavoidable because there’s more labor involved with sustainable fishing. “You can’t do this for 59 cents a can,” he says. “Cheap tuna comes at an astronomically high environmental price. They’re dumping endangered species overboard.”
Safina says he tends to avoid eating tuna—with two exceptions. The first is if he catches it himself. “These fish are the most superb animals. When you kill one and turn it into food, it’s precious,” he says. “If you handle it well and use it as sashimi or put it on the grill and cook it just right, it’s just phenomenal.” Second, if it’s pole-caught. “I have a philosophy that it’s good to support the good actors,” he says. “Even if the good actors are within a bad fishery.”
Many consumers are now left with the question of what to do with all the tuna that they stockpiled—Google searches for canned tuna recipes have soared by 300 percent. Writer Jennie Dusheck has no plans to cook tuna lasagna, fish cakes, or noodle casserole. She’s enjoying her “indulgence” with lettuce, red pepper, celery, and lime juice on some good sourdough bread.
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daretosnoop · 4 years
Lessons I learned from the Games
Most of this is just silly, some are actual lessons.
If you’re going to get murdered, get revenge by leaving clues to the blackmail you have on potential suspects and hope to god someone figures it out
If you’re investigating a crime, being a random transfer student at the end of the year is probably not the way to go, but no one cares because they’re too busy with college applications.
If your niece is coming to your place to investigate a murder and you’re not there, the least you can do is set up a cage to trap any possible break-ins.
Nothing beats being able to hold a gun to the murderer #whySCKremastered???
Teens dealing with pressures to meet college and parental demands
Teens resorting to drugs
Teens dealing with sexism that’s found in abundance in college and work environments
Teachers not giving a shit about what students are going through.
If you’re getting death threats, play it cool. Keeps the perps unhinged
Toxicity of fan culture
Throw all CEOs into the closet
Nothing beats Jazz
If you’re going to commit crime in an actor’s community, you must do it with flare
If you’re going to buy a Victorian mansion, the least you can do is check for ghosts. And also hire a carpenter beforehand
Never invest your life’s savings into anything
Treat those who help you with basic decency (my god Rose!)
If you’re snooping on someone, don’t give them any indication that you’re onto them
If someone slips a threatening message under your door, open the door.
Victorian houses have all sorts of booby traps, FIND THEM.
Don’t trust anyone who’s eager to be your friend
Trust the weirdos and grumpy people
Learn French
Don’t leave incriminating evidence that reveals your lies
There is no such thing as too much food
Women in history have been badly treated by (male) historians.
It’s called the past for a reason
Turn a bad situation into an opportunity to learn
If you’re going to do crime, at least ensure you have an escape route that’s not blocked by the snow
Don’t date people who pressure you to marry them/ask you to prove your love for them
As a woman, if you want anyone to take you seriously and help, you have to be adamant, sassy, and everything men don’t like to see in women.
If you’re a POC, the chances of the police helping you decreases
Capitalism sucks
Police suck
Misogyny in capitalism
Old theaters are amazing
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!!!!!!
Don’t talk to suspects about your case
Have confidence in yourself
Colonialism still exists in the form of capitalism
The art industry is completely profit driven
Mexico and America tensions
The Mayans
They never talked about what happened to the Mayans…..
Don’t deal with shady salesmen
Sometimes saving money contributes to a bad system
If you accepted a position, take your work seriously
Don’t trust the guy trying to be your friend!!!!
Master the art of amnesia should you ever need to use it
Even if you disband a group of art thieves, it’s best to be humble
No one in life is going to help you, even if you get pushed into a monolith
This game is why it’s important to put your dog(s) on a leash! (insert that dog vine: “it don’t bite. Yes it do!”)
If we didn’t have uptight rangers, the parks would be burnt to smithereens
Misogyny exists in the woods
People who are just trying to do their job always get a bad rap even though it’s because of them the park still exists!
Gangsters are bad, but also low-key cool
Get back at your enemies by making a fake grave of them
Old people have interesting stories
Gold can release arsenic into water
Always check well water before using
Wood mice are bad for health
If you’re going to get tied up and tossed into your tool shed, keep a scythe on hand
Go birdwatching at night
Torque is a fancy word for screw driver
If you’re a POC, people are most likely to suspect you.
There is no job security if you end up in hospital
Sometimes you really need a 2000 calorie sundae
If you went to jail, people are most likely to suspect you first
Don’t spy on your co-workers
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!
Don’t procrastinate on a job
If you’re miserable in life, maybe it’s time to sign up for some therapy
If you have a sad backstory, you’re automatically entitled to everyone’s sad backstory
Mental illness: depression
Health awareness: niacin, don’t eat junk food like a 2000 calorie sundae
Don’t dump someone just because they’re not able to give you a lavish lifestyle
If you’re going to trash someone’s boat, don’t leave your business card behind
If you’re tired of small mindedness, it’s best to just leave
It’s always handy in life to know boating skills
If you’re trying to report suspicious activity, communicating by bottles is not the way to go
Don’t feed wild animals!
Capitalism sucks
Look carefully at your environment, you never know what clues are left behind
Always make a plan B in case plan A doesn’t work
Don’t be afraid to explore
Never trust the guy who’s trying to be your friend!!!
Always trust the grumpy guy
Horses die easily
There is no such thing as over ripe vegetables
Sunflowers should be planted near gardens so that bees come
Respect chickens
Falling in love with a criminal is difficult when your dad’s a cop
It’s handy to know how to ride a horse
Ghost towns are terrifying
Farmers work hard and should be respected
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t be a negligent parent
Before getting married, make sure your partner has a good relationship with your child
Don’t trust creepy people
America and British will always oppose each other
Talking parrots are always handy
British aristocracy was supported through colonialism #got Loulou on his Travels, uh huh
If you’re a spinster, you’re going to be the mom of something
If you’re afraid of becoming a monster, best be dramatic about it
It’s really important to have good communication between partners
Don’t stick your new wife in a room that still has pictures of your old wife and where all the furniture has covers on them
If you have a manor, you better explore it before some 12-year-old gets hurt exploring it
don’t go to great lengths to protect a rock
calling something that skips every generation a “family tradition” is just rude and exclusive
don’t leave your child alone for so long. Don’t keep them away from people their age
don’t write memories, no one wants to hear your life story
if you’re going to presume someone’s identity, you better nail the part down hard
don’t blow up the kitchen when there’s only three people in the house and you were the closest and last one in the kitchen
emotional manipulation
gas lighting
if someone mentions stolen jewellery, putting back what you stole just incriminates you
even if you have psychic abilities, don’t be an ass bout it
no one ever tips because no one like the system. Pay your employees what they deserve!
Even though the depression’s going on, people are still dumping money in psychic lessons and dress making
No one ever gives anything away for free
Even if you’re promised money, don’t put too much trust in the promises of others
Don’t be rude to the person who’s trying to help you
If your partner is demanding to be spoiled during an economic depression, find a better partner
People aren’t as smart as you, tell them straight where you left your will.
The dumb blonde joke is not funny
Cops are useless and unhelpful
People are more willing to listen to adults then teens/young adults
Celebrities are much different in real life then in their celebrity world.
Don’t steal someone else’s ideaà artist theft
Old trains are super cool
People aren’t as smart as you, tell them straight where you hid your treasure
Don’t dump someone just because people think they’re dumb
Capitalism sucks
The fashion industry is brutal
normal size representation
Boss’s can be crappy people
Don’t blackmail people
If you promised to do work, you better dedicate yourself to it
Having a healthy fear of giving away personal information is not a bad thing
Don’t aid stalkers
Covid-precaution: cover face with mask. Act erratic to keep people away from you
Concept of older men dating younger women is actually frowned upon
Love is mysterious
Flashlight on the many women who helped decode during WW2 but largely remain unrecognized by countries today
Forgery is okay sometimes
Indigenous cultures continue to be badly and negatively portrayed in media
Capitalism sucks
Academia is not as research oriented as one wishes it was
Native Hawaiians forced to “work with” big corps in order to survive.
Tourism industry and its affects on the environment and native population
Sometimes an upgrade is not a good thing
Animal conservatism
Capitalism sucks
International competitions suck
Running away from humans to hide in a cabin and bonding with a wolf is not a bad thing
Never enter a sauna alone
It’s bad business to kick customers out
If your customers are falling asleep everyday in a common room, it’s probably not a good sign of booming business
Don’t be chill over bombs exploding near your hotel
Always handy to know how to drive a snow mobile
Don’t volunteer to be a maid, ever
Cops are useless
Don’t dump your job on your girlfriend
There’s nothing wrong with being emo
Men being emotional and desiring love and affection
Men being abused in relationships
Even if your relative leaves you a ton of money, it’s no excuse for not being a good guardian/parent
Don’t trust strangers. Don’t eat food from random people
Customer service is awful. Even when the customer is trying to instigate a horrible reaction in you, you got to put on a smile
Always trust the eccentric lady
Nancy’s sad backstory allows her to hear everyone else’s sad backstory, unless you’re a guy, I guess.
A date in the cemetery is not a bad idea
If your partner demands you to spoil them, get a new partner
People aren’t as smart as you, tell them where you hid your treasure
Anyone can help out on an international mafia case
The mafia is very creative and artistic
Capitalism sucks
Assert your independence as a young woman by dancing in a cat suit on stage? I guess?
Money can be found anywhere
Eat the rich
Don’t trust the person trying to be friends with you
Possessive relationships are red flags
Don’t steal a cheap neckless if you’re a notorious thief
Cops kind of useful for once.
Don’t pull a prank on your partner before your wedding
Don’t invite someone who used to date your partner and still has feelings for them
If your partner is missing, actually look for them instead of sitting around
Crows are amazing
Fiona might have lost her parents at a young age and her life as a hermit definitely had its side affects, but she also saved herself from the misogyny women endured
If your friend gets kidnapped, please, at least fake some concern
Don’t waste time with monkeys
The only other person on the island is probably the culprit
Girl bullying can be worse than boy bullying
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!!!!!!
Nancy’s sad backstory allows her to hear everyone else’s sad backstory, unless you’re a guy, I guess.
Academic institutions are struggling to fund research
Capitalism sucks
Even if you hate your lead, don’t sabotage the team
Communication is important
Even if you hate your job, don’t sabotage your team
People who resist to change just become boulders in the way of progress
Boomer mentality is soul destroying
Emotional manipulation
Gas lighting
Sometimes you have to cut away from those you love in order to maintain your sanity
Nancy’s sad backstory allows her to hear everyone else’s sad backstory.
If you have to give your partner a gift every time you fight, you might have relationship problems
Don’t be in a relationship just because you’re used to it
Don’t force someone to adhere to your expectations in life
If you’re unable to talk to your partner and so resort to haunting her inn, you probably have relationship issues
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tangerinegod · 4 years
Hello! I am sorry to bother you but I am a senior getting ready for college this year. I am in the US and I wanted to major in the same thing you did, do you have any possible tips for me? I still haven't even looked for colleges that would be best for animation majors so I figured if you were up to giving out any tips/saying any basic ideas if you wanted to/if you had the time to then maybe I'll have a better idea! I apologise for if I sound weird! I'm tried to word it correctly but I can't 😿
hi!! i’m totally down to share my experiences! someone else also had some questions so i’m going to put them all together in this post haha, hopefully this helps! it’ll get pretty long so apologies ahead of time but art school is a lot to think about so i wanna be as helpful as i can around it, its a lot of time and money. I’m gonna put it all under a read more cus it is really really long!
i wanna start off with the fact that I had the privilege of attending school in a financially stable environment, my parents were/are really supportive so w merit scholarship i only came out with around 20-30k in debt and i also had housing support my entire time in school. they were ok with me focusing on academics so i didn’t hold a retail job unless i was out of school like summer/winter break. Ofc though i regularly take commissions/do merch/cons to try and pay for all bills that arent rent cus i did want to be financially independent where it was possible. I also did try and work during the semester but everytime i did my body would deff start to breakdown from the fact that i didnt wanna compromise schoolwork with jobs.. so just read ahead know this experience is from a student who was able to attend focusing only on school work for most of the time!
the biggest thing is knowing art school is not required to become a professional in either freelancing or industry! there are a huuuge amount of online tools and classes these days that provide the exact same education and for cheaper too. i think it depends on what experience you prefer/can handle/want but it’s definitely possible to make art/animation art your living without higher education. the thing that college will for sure give you though is the ability to meet deadlines, work even when you dont want to, and connections with peers+teachers. i think the connections part is invaluable because you’re basically coming out with a network of people you already know and who know you! 
also its good to know if you want to attend/can handle art school! it’s a lot of time and energy and students get burned out really fast. the best piece of advice i got before going was ‘if you draw every single day, even if its for only like 5-10 minutes or a doodle for a whole year you should be fine’ consistency is super key because you’re attending school to draw, and you’ll have to create work for stuff you aren’t excited for at some point or another. burnout is extremely real and the only reason i didn’t experience it was probably because i got super into drawing naruto fanart again inbetween sophomore and junior year! it helped give me something to draw seperated from school which is the only thing i was drawing for since i had entered rip. a heads up id also consider myself a workaholic so i fit in ok with the ‘art school’ environment but it is suuper unhealthy. if you are fantastic at managing your schedule then it’s definitely possible to take care of yourself! freshman year i got 8 hours a sleep a night and only pulled all nighters for some second semester finals at the end. sophomore year + up though i ended up prioritizing hw over sleep and like for sure, definitely shortened my life span. there’s another q down below where i’ll go more into detail but ya, be careful w ur work balance!
another tip especially for animation is knowing for a fact what type of animation you’re looking to go into, and what the school is offering. I didn’t think i’d get into art school at the time so i only applied to two places + decided if i didnt get into either id attend community to get credits out of the way while building portfolio. honestly? i did not do a lot of research LOL but like i did end up having the chance to tour and stuff! just know that each school will have a very different curriculum. The main differences are schools that prioritize 3D (cg animation, cg modeling, ect) and 2D/traditional (hand drawn, ‘oldschool’, digital or traditional based) this is a huge difference so make sure you do research for it! in most cases a 2D/traditional program will also offer 3D since it’s at the forefront of the industry animation wise rn. My school taught 2D but like hand drawn on physical paper 2D, frame by frame. while it was a good experience it’s super outdated because digital tools make it way faster + easier! i’d recommend looking for a program that is digital 2D over traditional 2D. 
if after your senior year covid is still affecting campuses in the US to keep them shut down i’d recommend attending a community college to get credits and then transferring into school. one of the negatives is paying money for gened classes when ur not there for them; if you can get them out of the way sooner and cheaper there is absolutely no negative + you could graduate earlier or use the extra time for better work or to work a job! 
these are all the general tips i think i’d give on like a broad basis of attending or not to think about? let me know if u have more q’s! someone asked q’s im answering below that go more into personal experiences + work culture so heres those:
- how many hours a week do u spend studying, in class, otherwise making art? like how much of ur life does it consume?
I was basically working on art.... 24/7! since i wasnt working a job at the same time i crammed as many credits as possible into my schedule so on avg i did 18 credit semesters (around 6 classes) art classes go for 6 hours and non art go for 3, so i’d spent around 30-35 hours in class a week! hw wise it varied on the class but combined it would be around 35-50 hours a week... im guessing? on average studio classes would have 8-10 hours of hw, maybe 5 for a light week, and gened classes 5 hours w them all combined. or this was probably how things were before junior year? junior+senior year i had thesis + everything else ontop.. i’d spend around 30-40 hours on thesis a week with other classes ontop of that bc my film was super long cus im a dummy! 
- is it hard going to art school n realising that altho u were probably quite talented… so is everyone else? Like. all of a sudden. ur not special and everyone seems as good as u, you know? More generally, how do u deal with comparison?
kinda?? i think instead of the idea of like you vs others it feels more of like a competition at first to be the best. this varies hugely on school culture though; my animation year was really friendly with each other and get along extremely well, so my answer to this is v different than some others who attended different schools. i think that the idea of ‘comparison’ only lasts a portion of the first year because at some point you realize that it’s not a who’s better as much as its a ‘these are my coworkers’ type thing? like healthy competition 100% because we’re all working to improve but i think most of us learned pretty early on that viewing each other as peers going into the same workforce helped a lot. also at some point everyone develops their own style/starts to develop their artistic preferences so there isn’t a way to compare whos 'better’ anymore? i dont think there ever is tbh because style is appealing based off of an individuals preferences. If anything realizing everyone else is also amazing makes you wanna work harder ig? or thats how i felt! it’s inspiring to be surrounded by so many people who create such amazing work. 
- is there a lot of workaholic culture? all nighter culture?
100000% there can be a workaholic and all nighter culture. i know people who avoided it and thats honestly fantastic because i fall super easily into that pit. sometimes i’ll pull all nighters on a personal project just because i really want to finish it... i am definitely considered a workaholic all the way through and its not healthy rip... i’d estimate at the worst i was pulling 2-3 all nighters a week and only 4-5 hours of sleep on the nights i didn’t? that was only for one year tho, after that i was like yeah ok this is really bad for my health in the long run LOL so i tried to cut it down to one all nighter a week and around 5-6 hours of sleep the rest of the week! by senior year my decision to cram in full semesters paid off and i was able to consistently get around 7 hours of sleep a night + no all nighters minus finals since my schedule was lighter despite thesis 😭 while there is that culture i don’t think people view it as like a badge of honor or something to be proud of anymore which is good, we mostly view it as a flaw of the art school system and something that needs to be fixed!!
- are you glad u did it? how did u know it was what u wanted?
i am glad i did it! i’m definitely in a limbo right now of if it was worth both my time, money, and my parents money rip but i think with what i got out of it i definitely wouldn’t be as far skill wise or knowledge wise when it comes to the art industry. i would say it was only worth it for be because i had so much support going in though so i was able to focus so much on improving. if i had only been able to put in part of the effort and not make full use of the resources provided i would honestly have a different answer.. 
i knew it was what i wanted when i realized i really couldn’t see myself pursuing a different profession happily! despite all the bumps and stuff im fully in love with drawing still and feel honored that it’s a field that can provide a living. my second profession choice was to go into culinary school? and third option i think going was into music cus i was also a band kid hehe.  
- how do u cope with ur hobby becoming ur job? how do u deal with art going from something u do for fun to something u do on command constantly?
i think seperating work art from personal art is important! in my case im doubling naruto into being personal work so i have something to fall back onto that isn’t work related. its been a hyperfixation for 12+ years? so drawing it at this point is just like personal art imo. some people have hobbies outside of art and only draw for their job! i think after attending classes for so long the idea of hobby turning into job feels extremely natural? also i enjoy doing it so thats a huge plus! 
sorry this is SO long but i hope i answered your guys’ questions! if you have more just lmk!
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