#y'all are like aliens to me I swear
spite-and-waffles · 2 years
Trying hard to enjoy a well-written fic, but the Tim woobification is borderline painful. Author is so mad at every single character who ever gave Tim a boo-boo in canon they had to transplant him into an entirely new universe.
I adore my boy as much as anybody, but this level of projecting only on one single character just to nurse a giant victim complex is why Tim stans give me a fucking migraine.
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xx-j4nu5-c4t5-xx · 3 months
tw: mild description of blood (it's not that bad I swear)
Large info dump about Sims aliens and their biology and stuff (it's well past midnight and I got bored)
So I have my own ocs that I've been working on for a while but I've moved them into the brain basement for a while to fixate on these stupid little pixel guys from 2004. Anyway one of them has blue blood because I thought it would be funny, and now I'm a firm believer that the Sims 2 aliens have blue blood.
My only reasoning for this is that having red blood in a green character feels... weird? Like, your skin is not one solid thing. It's like a million translucent layers stacked on top of each other with stuff between them. Like a lasagna. That's why, when you put your hand over a flashlight, it glows red; the light is passing through your skin and all the stuff in it (notably, blood vessels).
Human skin, by default, is a yellow-ish white, like dandruff. It gets color from the blood vessels and pigmentations in the layers of the skin. This is why tattoos work, why melanin alters your skin color, and why your face can blush red, among other things. If alien skin is the same white, you'd need a shit ton of green pigment to balance the red from the blood, which would make them look kinda weird and muddy color-wise. If the blood is blue, though, everything runs smoothly. Yellow/white-ish skin + blue blood = mint green.
Though it only exists in weird animals like horseshoe crabs and some spiders (I think), there is a kind of blood that naturally comes in a sky blue color. This is because it contains hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin, using copper instead of iron. Hemoglobin uses iron to bond with oxygen and move it somewhere, and turns red in the process (like rust). When copper is oxidized, though, it turns that bright, Statue of Liberty ass turquoise color. This makes the hemocyanin blood into this blue raspberry looking concoction.
(Hemocyanin also completely messes with the biology of a creature; it is not interchangeable with hemoglobin but let's suspend disbelief for a second. For the vine.)
Anyway, enough rambling. I think the aliens are blue blooded. This makes them look more natural when I draw them, and it makes the hybrid Sim-aliens more unique and less "normal guy but green". This also affects everything that your normal blood would affect though, so I have to keep in mind that their everything is blue. Veins in the eyes, eye bags, injuries and scars, body tissues (like the mouth), blushes, sunburns, bruises, basically anything that would normally be purple/red/pink in a normal human is teal/blue.
Hope y'all enjoyed the autism thought slop I just dumped on you. Most of this info is stuff I read on Wikipedia or just a surface level understanding of human anatomy. Don't quote me on it + feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Also, all of this is headcanon nonsense, there's no objectively right or wrong answer. I'm just a nerd and love having really excessive lore explanations for the creative liberties I take. If you like your aliens red-blooded, I dig it. I just find it personally less of a headache on my end to go this route.
I really need to go to bed have a great night folks
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I really like South Park fractured but whole, so maybe you could do Team Stan + Butters reacting to their s/o wanting to be their hero sidekick?
Ughhhhh that’s such a good request. I was like, about to say that my requests are closed but lately I’ve been in a funk and really obsessed with tfbw so NVM I’M WRITING THIS! It might get me out of that funk I was talking about, I need to write anyways. Btw this is all like, aged up to highschool at the very least. You can't tell me they wouldn't still roleplay during highschool because I know damn well they would
You can kinda tell which ones I didn't put too much effort in sorryyyy I just didn't know what to write also also also ignore any mistakes
Cartman, The Raccoon
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• Cartman literally gets so excited it's funny, but if you say anything about him being excited he flips you off and tells you that you can't be his sidekick (he's lying)
• He kinda thinks of everyone on the team as his sidekicks but you're like, his special sidekick and he'll never admit it
• He loves having you as his sidekick, NOW IT'S LIKE ALL OF YOUR MISSIONS ARE DATES!
• Cartman literally throws a fit anytime he has a mission you can't go on, he wants you there SO FUCKING BAD but he'll never tell you that
• He's weirdly protective of you but it's really nice (this totally isn't based off me talking to the Cartman character ai)
• You definitely bring snacks for you guys during patrol and I swear to god his pupils are hearts I'm not even kidding
• In my opinion, patrols and stakeouts with Cartman would be the best
• Out of all of them, he's the one you do the most with. Every other night there's some sort of crazy bullshit y'all deal with
• Most of the crazy bullshit being because Cartman caused it but shhhhh we don't talk about it
• Being his sidekick is a soild 7/10, he can get a lil selfish but he's really fun
Kyle, Human Kite
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• Kyle's excited but more nervous than anything, he doesn't have anything to worry about tho!
• Y'all are a pretty good duo, even though you don't normally go on missions where y'all have to fight
• You guys work more with damage control, I mean kites are pretty fragile and mans is a human kite alien so like
• Not to say he's weak, he's far from it actually! He just has pretty low health and stuff ya know?
• HOWEVER! You're a pretty good healer so it just makes sense that y'all are always near each other on the battlefield, plus sidekick so yeah
• Not only do y'all usually do damage control but also a pretty good amount of recon
• Half of the time you guys end up getting caught and have to run away so you get to be on Kyle's back as y'all are gliding the hell out of there
• Its like, surprisingly fun to be gliding. The wind in your hair and the excitement is the best
• Anyways, because y'all don't see combat too often the patrols are really calm. Sometimes even a little boring but you don't mind, neither of you are getting hurt and that's all that matters
• 9/10, it's kinda boring sometimes but it's pretty nice to be with your bf. At least y'all don't get hurt and can goof off during patrol
Stan, Toolshed
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• Stan's kinda indifferent about it, he's like "cool you're joining me... why?"
• Don't get me wrong, he thinks it's cool you wanna join him! He just doesn't get it too much, isn't it gonna be boring for you?
• Well, ya know what? Now he has someone to spend sleepless nights with when he's on patrol!
• Ngl he underestimated how much he would enjoy having you by his side, he's not lonely anymore AND SOMEHOW HE DIDN'T NOTICE HOW LONELY HE WAS TILL YOU JOINED HIM
• Ahhh, imagine if you had tool themed super powers too?? Y'all share some of his dads power tools and have to awkwardly try fixing them when they somehow break during battle
• You can't tell me Stan hasn't broken them before! He literally throws screwdrivers at people and shoves power tools into the ground, they have to break at some point
• Good thing you guys somewhat know how to fix things, y'all both probably would've been dead multiple times if you didn't know how to repair the shit y'all break
• Y'all have definitely had to clean blood off the tools at the end of patrols/nights. Literally almost every time, he really has to stop throwing screwdrivers at people
• Anyways, Stan thinks you're the best sidekick ever and he loves having you around. Having you as his sidekick is really fun overall, he wouldn't trade you for literally any other
• Being his sidekick is a good 8/10, it's not the best thing to clean blood off tools at 2 am but you don't mind too much
Kenny, Mysterion
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• Part of Kenny is over the moon! The other part, not so much
• He doesn't want you to get hurt while you're his sidekick so he's probably a lot more careful on his missions than he usually is
• There's definitely a lot of flirting between y'all tho, he gets SO cocky when he's Mysterion. Its one of his favorite things to get you flustered and flirt with you like, mid battle
• He doesn't die as much as he used to now that you're there so that's nice! He can't bare having you see him die tbh
• Y'all often patrol more dangerous parts of town so you guys see combat REALLY often
• I mean it's not Kenny's fault that homeless methheads and rednecks keep trying to kill you guys. It's whatever, he's good at fighting and so are you!
• You are by no means delicate, no matter how much he tries to protect you from all the battle you still end up seeing it anyways
• He kinda thinks it's hot that you're so good at fighting, he's literally like "damn bbg, you can beat my ass any day"
• Kenny never gets used to you flirting back with him, he practically short circuits. You think it's cute how he can flirt so easily but get so flustered when it's reciprocated
• In my opinion, being his sidekick is 8.5/10 because of all the fighting and flirting
Butters, Professor Chaos
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• Omg Butters is ecstatic! He didn't know how you knew he was Professor Chaos but he doesn't dwell on it too much
• Now you guys can bring all the chaos your little heart desires to South Park and he's so happy about it
• First South Park, then WORLD DOMINATION!
• You're not exactly one of his henchmen and he doesn't have the heart to call you his sidekick, you're something higher than henchman?
• Does it really matter? He's gonna bring chaos to the world with you by his side and that's all that really matters in his opinion
• Every time Cartman and his hero team beat him up after foiling his plans you always end up having to patch him up which is kinda annoying but it's fun to scheme with Butters during that time
• You definitely end up being the one who reminds him of his common sense, you're kinda like his rock in a way?
• He's so glad to have you by his side, plus now that you're here his plans actually succeed sometimes!
• The younger henchman all ship you guys considering most of them don't know y'all are actually dating, it's pretty endearing
• Solid 8/10, you rarely get hurt and it's kinda painful to see Butters hurt but y'all have a good time in general
No hear me out, like I wanna pick them all up and hug them like teddy bears. They're all so cute as kids even tho Cartman would probably and most likely has committed war crimes they're my lil cutie patooties. They're literally all really close to my height but I don't care I wanna hug them like teddy bears
If anyone has any recs for places to buy like, nice plushies of them I would appreciate it <3333
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d4rkdi0rrr · 30 days
First off I just want to say I LOVED you’re other Leo x reader writing 😭
Could you write a sort of enemies (they just argue a lot lol) to friends to lovers with Leo on the Argo. Like maybe he’s blasting country music like 24/7 while he works and the reader hates it (sorry to any country music lovers lmao). Or like the reader is one room down from him and she just hears the power tools going all night. And maybe the reader ticks him off too because she like keeps breaking her weapons, or starts playing loud music to retaliate idk. But then one day they are paired together for night patrol or cleaning duty. Leo’s like “dude why do you hate me so much??” and the readers like “who said I hate you??
(Sorry if this is long I’m horrible at explaining things lol 😭)
he hates me, he hates me not
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(im glad you liked the leo x reader fic and thank u sm for this request! it was a little rushed so i apologise in advance but it was rlly fun to write <3)
leo valdez x fem!reader
cw: arguing, enemies to lovers, swearing, reader cabin not specified, not proof read
Leo Valdez was infuriating to say the least.
You had agreed to join the quest, thinking that you and Leo could become good friends. What was there to dislike? He could be funny (at times), cared about his friends and had a nice face (something you would never admit out loud). But boy were you wrong. He held some sort of personal vendetta against you, ticking you off on purpose, making your life a literal living hell. You had no idea why he hated you so much.
"Maybe he likes you," Piper giggled, fanning her freshly painted nails. You two, along with Hazel and Annabeth were in Piper's room, having a girl's night.
"Me and Percy were like that before we got together too, y'know," Annabeth agreed, grabbing a cookie from the box that was sat beside your position on the bed.
"Oh please," you scoffed. "You guys know how much he pisses me off. It's too bad he has such a pretty face - oh shit." Realising what you'd said out loud, you immediately covered your face with your hands. "Please forget what I just said."
"Aww, someone's got a crush!" Squealed Hazel, throwing a pillow at you, "we are never letting you live this down."
You rolled your eyes at her. Just as you were about to grab the last cookie, the door flew open, along with the sweaty grime-covered bane of your existence.
"Pipes, have you seen Buford? He ran off with my tool belt. Are those cookies?" He reached an arm out towards the cookie box faster than the speed lightning, and before you could stop him, he'd taken the last cookie. Darn it. He looked around the room before his gaze fell upon you, to which he wrinkled up his face. "I wasn't aware that we let aliens in on this ship."
"Fuck off, Valdez," you grumbled. You weren't in the mood to argue with him right now. He'd taken the last damn cookie and now your evening was ruined. "Says the abominable fuck face. Buford isn't here. Go away before I punch your face in."
"Alright, alright, good night to y'all." Leo winked before saying, "except for you, Y/N, of course." You threw a pillow at the closing door.
It was currently 1 am on the Argo, and Leo had been tinkering away in his room beside you. To be honest, the occasional sounds of the metal clinking and clattering was quite relaxing. It was the loud country music blasting, making you want to crawl under your bed and stuff cotton in your ears that was truly insufferable.
You weren't about to let go of the absolutely appetizing thought of sleep escape you, so naturally, you got up and knocked loudly on Leo's door.
"Come in!" you heard over the loud music. You entered his room and looked around, disgusted. The ground was absolutely trashed and looked like the equivalent of a war zone. "Oh, it's you."
"Can you please turn this horrible music down?" you tried to yell over the obnoxious music. "I'm trying to sleep."
"No can do!" he yelled back. "It helps me concentrate. Get out of my room!"
You huffed (which Leo thought was absolutely adorable) and slammed the door closed.
Back in your own cabin, you accepted the fact that you were going to wake up looking like a sleep deprived rat. However, maybe you were hallucinating or delusional but you swear you heard the volume lower before drifting off to sleep.
"Not you again," you groaned as you saw the first locks of Leo's curly hair from the top of the ladder. "I thought I was on duty with Frank."
"We're stuck with each other I guess," Leo shrugged cheerfully, plopping down next to you. The night breeze was cooling on your face and you felt like the main character in a movie as the wind gently kissed your hair. For once, you actually didn't mind his presence. Then: "Dude, why do you hate me so much?"
"Hmm?" you hummed, unsure of where he was going with this. "What do you mean? I don't hate you."
"We can't stand each other!" Leo protested. "I'm always insulting you, and you're always insulting me back. This is probably the most civil conversation we've ever had!"
You were starting to feel defensive. Wasn't he the one that'd always started tormenting you? You'd only wanted to get back at him for everything he'd done to you. "You start all of it though! I wanted to be friends with you but you just wouldn't let me! I tried, Leo, I did but you were just so infuriating with your jabs and pretty face and pretty everything and- "
"Wait, you think I'm pretty?" Leo looked starstruck by your words. He was gazing at you with the softest look on his face. "Can I tell you something?" You nodded. "I acted like I hated you because you were too beautiful, definitely way out of my league. I'm so sorry."
You grew flustered at the sudden proximity between the two of you.
"Can I kiss you?" He breathed softly.
He leaned forwards and placed a hand around the back of your head, the other finding yours and intertwining your fingers together. His lips were slightly chapped against yours but you felt like you were in heaven.
Breaking apart with a small giggle, you mustered up your courage and asked, "Can we do that again?"
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harringtonstilinski · 2 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Three: E Pluribrus Unum (Bonus Scene)
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 3,169 Warnings: angst, mentions of blood, steve getting his ass kicked, steve and robin being drugged, italics is steve hearing liv's commentary, tiniest bit of foreshadowing 👀 ?, non-canon hallucinations (not mentioned in story after this), Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! Y'all voted for a bonus scene, and I'm here to deliver! Main focus is Steve and Robin's scenes. If you like this bonus scene, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Steve’s Pov
As soon as Liv, Dustin and Erica were out of sight, Robin and I were flung through the air to the wall next to us at the door being shoved open. Once we got our bearings, we raised our hands, Russian guards standing in front of us with their guns drawn. Ahh, crap.
They hauled us to our feet, essentially dragging us to separate rooms. My only thought as they kept asking me questions and punching me when I gave them my answers was that I was super glad Liv wasn’t here to hear or witness this. She’d be losing her shit.
As they punched me in the face, yet again, I groaned in pain, again thankful that Liv wasn’t here to try and kick the shit out of these Russian assholes. After we confessed our love to each other, my need to protect her increased tenfold. I’m sure her need increased, as well.
Feeling blood dripping from my mouth, I groaned, “That one stung,” before gasping for air.
What I’m guessing is the main head honcho for these buttwipes asked, “Who do you work for?”
“For the millionth time, I work at Scoops Ahoy!” Bringing my head up, I breathed out, “Scoops Ahoy,” doing my best to gear up for the next hit to the face… that didn’t happen. That hit went to my stomach, a pained groan coming from my throat before I yelled out, “What the hell?! ”
Bending over, I said, “Look at my outfit! Look at my outfit! My girlfriend might think it’s hot, but look at it! You think I just wear this?! Think I’m a spy in a sailor’s uniform?” Another punch to the stomach.
I can hear Olivia now saying, “You assholes! I’m gonna kill you!” or “I’ll take his place!” while struggling against another guard.
With a stone face, the head honcho asked with an uninterested tone, “How did you get in?”
Gasping for breath, I was bent over as I grunted, “I already told you,” before sitting up to say, “I told you before.” I gasped for air again, hearing Liv’s voice in my head saying, “Lie again,” before repeating my words from earlier. “My delivery didn’t come, and my friends and I, we thought that it was left at the loading dock, so we went into the room, and it tuuurrrrned into an elevator, and then…”
“You have to be a better liar, Steven,” her voice said.
“And then we dropped and then next thing we know, I open my eyes and we’re in this… wonderful facility.”
“Oh my god. Shut up, Steve.”
“But I swear to God, nobody knows about us, nobody saw us. You could just let us go, alright? And I’m not gonna tell anybody about this, okay? Shit happens, life goes on. And uhh… ice-ice cream. Ice cream, okay? You guys know what ice cream is.”
“They’re Russians, not aliens from space, Steven!”
“Everybody loves ice cream. I don’t know if you have Russian ice cream or if that’s considered gelato-”
“That’s Italians, Steve!”
“I don’t know what’s what, but whatever you guys want, seriously. USS Butterscotch, I mean, you gotta try it. It’s out of this world, I’m telling ya!”
Head honcho and the guy that was repeatedly hitting me just started… laughing? So, I joined in, as well. More nervously, of course.
“I like this guy!” Head honcho said. “USS… Butterscotch.” He laughed again, it turning into a chuckle as he bent down a little, resting his hands on his knees.
All I could do was look at him nervously, scared for what was to come next as the room fell quiet.
“Who do you work for?” he enunciated.
Well, shit. “Oh, come on,” I all but whined, eyeing the other guard. “No, no!  No, seriously!”
Black was the very next thing that I saw as that douchebag hit me in the face… yet again.
I don’t remember much else after literally being knocked out, but what I do remember next was waking up to Robin’s voice calling out for help. 
“Hey,” I said, groggily. “Would you stop yelling?”
I could feel her relief from just hearing my voice as she said, “Steve! Oh, my god!” before panting out my name. She was leaning back as I was leaning forward as she asked, “Are-are you okay?”
“My ears are ringing, I can barely breathe, my eye feels like it’s about to pop out of my skull, and Liv’s voice is running through my head, but ya’know, apart from that, I’m doing pretty good.”
“Well, the good news is that they’re calling you a doctor,” Robin said.
“Jesus, you two are idiots.”
I looked around the room, which looked liked a… ya’know, a doctors room. “Is this his place of work? I love the vibe.” Robin chuckled as I added, “Charming.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. So, okay,” she said. “Do you see that table over there to your right?”
I turned my head to the left. Don’t ask why. 
“Babe. Your other left.”
“No, your other right,” Robin said.
Turning my head to my correct right, she added, “Yeah, okay. Do you see those scissors?”
“Uh-huh,” I confirmed.
“Yeah, well, I think that if we move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them into your lap.”
Picking up what she was putting down, I said, “And I could cut the binds.”
“Yeah, and we could get out of here.”
“Gotcha. Okay, yeah, we can do that.”
“Those morons. They left scissors in here?” I asked, turning my head side to side.
“Yeah, morons,” Robin added.
“Total morons,” I added to my own statement, adding with determination, “Okay.”
“Okay, so, on the count of three, we’re gonna hop.”
“O-okay, good, hop on three. I gotcha.”
“Alright. One.. two.. three.”
We both hopped towards the table, a little happy that this plan was actually working. Robin and I counted to three again, our excitement building at the fact that we were almost to the table… and I was almost to the point where I could hug and kiss my girl again.
Counting to three again, we hopped for a third time… only for our fucking luck to bite us in the ass because we ended up falling, our heads towards the table, our feet towards the door.
Robin and I both groaned at our heads and arms hitting the ground before I heard her crying.
“A bunch of fucking geniuses.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t cry. Robin.” Instead of hearing her cry, I heard her… laughing? “Are you laughing?”
She laughed harder before saying, “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry. It’s just… I can’t believe I’m gonna die in a secret Russian base with Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington. It’s just too trippy, man.”
“We’re not gonna die,” I reassured. “We’re gonna get out of here, okay? Liv wouldn’t let us die anyway. She’d kill every single Russian down here before they could kill us. Just– you gotta let me just think for a second.”
It was quiet for a moment, my thoughts running through my brain before Robin asked, “Do you remember, uhm, Mrs. Click’s sophomore History class?”
I lifted my head, shaking it a little before asking with an annoyingly curious tone, “What?”
“Mrs. Clickity-Clackity,” she said. “That’s what us band dweebs called her.”
Sighing, I pressed my forehead into the floor, remembering when I was an asshole to everyone, the guilt eating at me in this moment.
“It was first period, Tuesdays and Thursdays, so you were always late.”
Even though we weren’t as close during that time, Liv had ended up scolding me more than a few times for always being late. “Goodness, Harrington. Don’t you own a fucking watch?”
“And you always had the same breakfast. Bacon, egg and cheese on a sesame bagel.”
“I know we’re not close anymore, but you could still bring me a freaking sausage McMuffin!” Since Liv scolded me the last time, every Tuesday and Thursday she’d find a Sausage McMuffin in her locker. 
“I sat behind you, two days a week for a year,” Robin said. “Mister Funny. Mister Cool. The King of Hawkins High himself. Liv being your Queen.”
“Ugh! Don’t bring that up!”
“Do you even remember me from that class?”
I didn’t know what to say because… well, I didn’t remember her. I didn’t care about anyone else or anything during high school. Other than the girls I’d bang, being in basketball and on the swim team, or being with Nancy… or being friends with Liv again.
Robin’s chuckle brought me out of my thoughts before she said, “Of course you don’t. You were a real asshole, ya’know that?”
Feeling incredibly bad, I said sadly, “Yeah, I know.”
“The biggest asshole, babe.”
“But it didn’t even matter,” Robin continued. “It didn’t even matter that you were an ass. I was still… obsessed with you.”
I could hear Liv’s scoff as she said, “Everyone was.”
“Even though all of us losers pretend to be above it all, we still just wanna be popular… accepted, normal.”
“If it makes you feel any better, having those things isn’t all that great,” I said, sniffling. “Seriously. Liv can tell you that… even though she… didn’t grow up the same as me.” Taking a deep breath, I sighed it back out as I said, “It just baffles me. Everything that people tell you is important, everything that people say you should care about, it’s all just…” I lightly chuckled before adding, “...bullshit. But I guess you gotta mess up to figure things out, right?”
“I hope so. I feel like my whole life has been… one big error.”
We both chuckled, a smile crossing my face for the first time since yesterday. 
“Yep,” I agreed, a small smile on my face. 
“At least it can’t get any more messed up than this,” Robin said.
“Ya’know, I wish I’d known you in Click’s class,” I said. 
“Really. I do.”
“Olivia humbled you,” Robin whispered.
“Yeah. She did.” I smiled a little, thinking of my girlfriend and how grateful I am of her. How happy I am that she gave me a thump on my head when I needed it most. “Maybe you both could’ve helped me pass the class. Maybe instead of being here, Liv and I’d be on our way to college right now.”
“And I would have no idea that there were evil Russians beneath our feet, and I would happily be slinging ice cream with some other schmuck.”
We chuckled, I guess because we’ve accepted our fate.
“Gotta say, though,” I said. “I liked being your schmuck.”
“Uhm, hello?!”
I chuckled lightly at hearing Liv’s commentary in my head. “So did Liv. It was fun while it lasted.”
“It was.”
Our come to Jesus meeting was over at the sound of the buzzer and door opening. We looked up, seeing the Head Honcho walk in with three other people… and then he chuckled.
“Where were you two going?” he asked, brows raised and arms out to his side for a moment.
“Ugh! Just go somewhere, asswipe. You’re kind of annoying.”
He clicked his tongue before the two guards lifted us up, setting the chairs back on their feet. I could see it now; Head Honcho holding Liv back, struggling to get out of his arms. “Don’t you fucking touch them, Russian bastard!”
Head Honcho bent in front of me again as I felt Robin’s head leaning on my neck as he asked, “Try telling the truth this time, yes?”
“He is, you ignorant freak!”
“It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful,” he continued, stroking the side of my face.
Again, I could see Olivia struggling in my mind, yelling at the doctor. “Don’t fucking touch him, you sick bastard! I’ll fucking kill you!”
Touching a sore on my chin, I winced, once again, seeing Liv in my mind struggling against the guard, her hair all around her face as she cried in sadness and anger. Head Honcho chuckled again before nodding once to the doctor.
I turned my head to watch him walk around me, a big ass needle in his hand, with blue liquid inside of a small vile. Fear started showing through as I looked at it, saying, “Wait a sec, wait. Hold on. Okay! Wait, wait, wait! What is that thing?”
The ‘doctor’ was standing next to me with the needle gun thing as he said, “It will help you talk.” He grabbed my hair and tilted my head to the side.
“Did you even clean that thing?!” I yelled, before screaming at the needle being punctured into my neck, the liquid seeping into my veins.
After they had done the same thing to Robin, Head Honcho and his pack of bastards left the room, leaving Robin and I by ourselves for a moment. What was weird was that I couldn’t still see Liv, but not hear her in my mind anymore, my brain feeling more fuzzy than ever, almost like I’d smoked a joint.
Robin moved her head against mine a few times, as I just stared at a spot on the wall, seeing Liv every now and again as she paced in front of me. “I’m gonna kill them. I’m gonna fucking kill them.”
“Honestly, I don’t really feel anything,” I said. “Do you?”
“Really, Steven?”
“I mean, I… I feel fine,” Robin replied. “I feel normal.”
“Yeah, I feel-I feel fine,” I agreed, before slurring, “I kinda feel good,” before we both chuckled.
I wish I could say I actually  felt Liv’s hands on my cheeks, but in my mind… I did. “Steve. You’re high as a fucking kite. Keep your mouth closed. Don’t say anything.”
“Wanna know a secret?” Robin asked.
“What?” I asked.
“I like it, too! And I’ve been seeing and hearing Liv!”
“Me, too!” I said, laughing.
“I feel good.”
“Morons! They messed up the drug.”
“Oh… my god.”
“They messed it up!”
As Robin leaned her head back, I tilted mine forward. “Morons,” she said.
Robin and I looked at the door as I loudly said, “Morons!”
“Hey, morons!”
“Moron! Mor–” she said at the same time I said, “Hey!”
“Whoa-oh!” I was still smiling and laughing, closing my eyes for a moment. 
“Oh, no. There’s definitely something wrong with us.”
Amused, I said, “Somethin’s wrong.”
“Ya’think! Fucking idiots.”
That damn door buzzer sounded again, but I kind of didn’t care because of how good I felt as the Head Honcho and the Doc walked into the room. What did grab my attention was watching Head Honcho walking around Robin and I on her side just for him to stop and stand in front of me.
I turned my head after looking at him for a moment, watching the Doc mess with his bag at the table. Whatever he sets down makes Robin chuckle a little as he grabs a freaking medical bone saw from his bag.
“Would now be a good time to tell you that I don’t like doctors?” Robin asked.
The image of Olivia hastily walking around to Robin flashed in my mind, her hushed voice saying, “Robin, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I’ll send you to the Upside Down for a full-ass week!”
“Let’s try this again, yes?” Head Honcho said.
I licked the inside of my tongue, feeling to see if it was still there as I nodded and murmured out something while nodding my head. 
Without missing a beat, he asked, “Who do you work for?”
“Scoops,” I said, looking at a random spot as Robin chuckled, my own joining. “Scoops Ahoy.”
Robin’s giggles were quiet as he asked, “How did you find us?”
I looked up at him, saying without missing a beat, “Totally by accident,” before lightly laughing… again.
He said something in Russian as I looked down for a moment, picking my head back up at the sound of something being open and closed, the Doc making his way back to us. “What is that shiny little toy?”
“Where are you going with that, Doc?” Robin asked.
Even in my high as a kite state, fear jumped through my body as he brought the clipper looking things to my fingers, grabbing onto my fingernail. “Whoa, whoa, hey, hey. Wait! No! Wait! Wait!”
“There was a code! There was a code! We heard a code!” Robin shouted as I jumped and tried to get away from the Doc.
“Code,” Honcho said, walking around to Robin. “What code?”
“The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. Blah, blah, blah. You broadcast that stupid spy shit all over town, and we picked it up on our Cerebro, and we cracked it in a day. A day! You think you’re so smart, but a couple of kids who scoop ice cream for a living cracked your code in a day, and now, people know you’re here.”
“Who knows we’re here, suchka?”
“Uh, well Dustin and Olivia know,” I said, looking off into space.
“Shut. The fuck. Up.”
“Hey, Steve?” Robin said.
“Yeah, Dustin and Olivia, the Henderson’s, they know.”
“Dustin and Olivia Henderson,” Honcho said, walking around to stand in front of me. “Is this your small, curly-haired friend? As well as your short, curly-haired girlfriend?”
“Oh, curly-haired. Great hair. Small. Kinda like a ‘fro, yeah,” I said. “Where are they?”
“Oh, they’re long gone, you big asshole.” Little did I know. “And they’re probably calling Hopper, and Hopper’s calling the US Calvary. They’re gonna come in here, commando-style, guns a-blazin’, and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. You’re gonna be two pieces of toast.” With the drugs in my system, I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah,” I said, matter-of-factly, before Robin and I laughed, Honcho joining in.
It all stopped at the sound of an alarm going off, all of our heads turning to the door. At the sound of Russian’s yelling, I turned back to Honcho and shrugged my shoulders, as if I were telling him told ya so.
Honcho left the room, telling the Doc to stay put… I guess. I don’t know. I don’t speak Russian. A couple of minutes went by before the door slammed opened, Dustin charging through with a zapping device, putting it against the Doc’s chest.
Olivia and Erica walked in after him, my eyes following all of them before landing on Liv’s, seeing her stand between Dustin and Erica, her eyes on the doc that fell to the ground. She turned to face me, seeing my eye bruised and swollen.
“Hey! Henderson!” I said, excitedly. “That’s… crazy, I was just talking about you.”
Sighing, Liv undid the bonds that were around my arms, hands and legs before putting her hand on my cheek. “What happened to you?”
“Oh, my god,” Robin said.
“Get ready to run!”
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note: not doing normal tags at the bottom since this is just a bonus scene.
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Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on April 4, 2024
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astrxsee · 2 months
FALSE GOD chap. 3
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(chap 1) (chap 2) (chap 3)
percy jackson x child of demeter!oc
𝑰𝑵 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑪𝑯 Rose St. Claire sets off on a quest to save the goddess in chains.
𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑪𝒀 𝑱𝑨𝑪𝑲𝑺𝑶𝑵 learns to see what is right in front of him.
!CONTENT WARNING! gore, romance, swearing, blood, heavy themes
OMG ITS HAPPENING STAY CALM!! LITERALLY SO EXITED FOR THIS. i love you all and i really really really hope you like this
Whoever's idea it was to send us here, should rot in hell. I plop down onto my designated cot, the poles poking at me through the bottom. My eyes scan around the dull room, the darkness of the interior instantly ruining my mood. Dark green cots were lined up in rows along the edge of the room, with the students things stashed neatly below their respective bed. With nothing on the walls and only one tiny window, it was a dreary place.
I sigh, my head tilted to the side as I glance over at Bianca. Her dark curly hair fell off the back of the lame excuse for a bed. Dark brown eyes scanned the pages of some fantasy novel she held in front of her face. Her dark Westover Hall uniform thrown haphazardly on, with wrinkles lining the button down shirt.
"You know, if you keep your nose in a book all day, you'll fall behind in your classes." I jokingly poke at her, a slight laugh following my words. Her eyes begrudgingly move away from her book to look at me.
"Rose, you have absolutely no room to talk," She snarks back, "You've already fallen behind and we've only been here for three weeks!"
I roll my eyes at her, as I dramatically fall back into my cot. I huff and throw my hands in the air, "I mean, can you blame me?"
She seems to consider my words, "No, not really." Setting the book down on the ground next to her and rolls over to face me, her eyebrows furrowing in concern.
"Like, we were literally living in a casino where times was fucked up and now we're living in the future?" I say incredulously as my sentences quickly turn into ranting. "It's 2007 for crying out loud! The last year I remember being in was fucking 1976, and don't even get me started on y'all! Bianca, there has to be something wrong with us to be stuck in this shit show."
She lets out a small giggle, my ranting not even phasing her. After three weeks of hearing it, I doubt she even pays attention anymore.
"I know this is all so confusing and weird, but there will be an answer. But for now, let it be." Bianca giggles. I groan, catching onto her reference. I crack a smile, her corny play on the Beatles' classic easing my anger.
"Bi, I love showing you my music, but never say that again."
She laughs again and gives a mocking sort of salute before turning back to her book. I stand up from my makeshift bed, smoothing the wrinkles out of my own uniform. I lazily make my way over to the bathroom, wanting to freshen up before Bianca and I went to grab lunch.
The other girls in the dorm were all out making last minute plans for tonight, the annual school dance. As the only little sliver of fun they allow us, the dance is a big deal. All I heard about for the last couple of days was who asked who and who dumped who, blah blah blah. Dances back in the 70s were my favorite thing. I always met up with some of my friends and spent the whole night dancing to our favorite bands. But, to be honest, I'm not really looking forward to tonight's dance.
The last three weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions. Confusion and unanswered questions clouded my mind every waking second. Weird things that I can't begin to explain happen almost every day. Like the horse with wings I saw on the quad a couple days ago. It seems like I was put on an alien planet.
I feel lost. Memories of my home and my past come back to me like puzzle pieces. Bits and pieces of the same memory keep coming back, screaming at me to put them together. I've seen flashes of a large creature; a larger than life lion with wings and a scorpion tail. A monster you can only find in fantasy books, like the ones Bianca reads. Other flashes of a man, tall and burly with a gruff beard, haunt my dreams. His screams echo around in my head every moment of the day.
The one vision I can see most clearly is vines quickly crawling up the legs and arms of the unknown creature. Vines quickly take over the creatures body as I hear it begin to bellow out, and that's when it suddenly stops. Every night since I left that godforsaken casino, Ive had this eerie dream. I have no idea what it could mean or if it's even real, but I couldn't stop the constant nervousness I felt. My anxiety was at an all time high with the feeling of somebody watching me nagging me every second of the day.
I take a deep breath as I look into the mirror, my mind racing. I lean on the counter to take in my appearance, God was I a wreck. My blonde hair looked greasy and unkempt, the stress of the past couple weeks taking a toll on my body. My green eyes had deep bags underneath them, the usual luster gone. Now they just looked empty and sad. I sigh as I look away, not able to take in the sight of me right now. It's nothing that a shower won't fix, I decide.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
I could feel the excitement in the air as everyone made their way to the dance. Giddy laughter rose up from the girls who finally got to put on their nice dresses. Dark blue streamers lined the entrance to the gym as throngs of students made their way into the gym. On the inside of the dance, there were lights and lasers pointing every which way.
I smooth out the wrinkles in my flowy dress. It was orange and pink and ended right above my knees, it is some of the only clothes I still have with me from home. I didn't miss the mean remarks made from students about how I looked straight out of Dazed and Confused.
Our new friend, Grover, came with us to the dance as well. He asked if he could tag along with us as he doesn't have many other friends. Grover joined Westover Hall only a week after Bianca, Nico, and I joined. With us being all new, it was only right for us to become friends.
"Woah! Isn't this cool! I've never been to a dance before." Grover exclaims wistfully as we walk into the gym. I giggle as he looks around like a kid in a candy store.
"You've never been to a dance before?" I ask, a teasing lilt to my voice. My eyes scan the room, trying to ease into the overwhelming atmosphere that comes with dances.
"Nope, I've only ever gone to boring schools." I scoff and give him a look.
"Grover, this is the definition of a boring school."
"I don't know. I'd say this is pretty fun." He exclaims as everyone begins to dance along to the music. I roll my eyes at his antics, starting to make my way over to the bleachers. I quickly feel Grover wrap his hands around my wrist and pull me out onto the dance floor.
"Grover!" I exclaim, my eyes wide. "What are you doing? I don't want to dance."
"Come on! Have fun!" He smiles, letting go of my wrist gently. I stand awkwardly in front of him, not knowing what to do. My eyes dart around the gym hoping nobody was looking, until I realized everyone was in their own world enjoying this small night of freedom.
The next thing I know Grover has Bianca and I dancing to songs I've never even heard of. We were talking and dancing as if we were in some movie. Grover excuses himself to go get a drink, leaving Bianca and I alone on the dance floor. We giggle as we spot Nico alone on the bleachers.
"Nico! What are you doing? Shouldn't you be dancing?" I tease him, as we walk up to his spot on the lower level.
"No!" He quickly exclaims, "I hate dancing. I don't even like this mu-"
"Children, would you please come with me. There is something we need to discuss." A gruff voice cuts Nico off, instantly filling my body with chills. Dr Thorn. What could he even want? Isn't this supposed to be our night of fun?
I roll my eyes before reluctantly nodding, he is the vice principal after all. I notice a nervous aura around the man, his eyes glancing around the gym and suddenly stopping to stare at a boy dancing. I look back to Dr. Thorn as he became more noticeably angry. My eyebrows furrow in confusion as he quickly orders us to follow him.
My eyes land on the boy on the dance floor. He seemed to be having fun, I don't know why Dr Thorn seemed to be wary of him. The raven haired boy peered over at me, our eyes quickly meeting. I slow down as his blue eyes seem to put me in a daze, he sends me a sheepish smile before looking away. His eyes seemed to be looking around in panic. Bianca quickly grabs my hand and tows me along behind her and Dr Thorn.
"Rose, come on." Bianca's chides.
We quickly follow Dr Thorn outside, the cold breeze biting at my nose. I wrap my arms around myself as I subconsciously take a step closer to Bianca. The pit of my stomach begins to turn, like something bad was about to happen.
As we make it about a football field away from the edge of the cliff Westover Hall was perched on, my gaze falls onto my shoes. I begin touching the tips of my fingers together, something I do when I'm nervous. Bianca's shriek of horror quickly draws me out of my anxious state.
My eyes go wide as Dr Thorn begins growing bigger and his hands grow into giant paws with claws like knives. His off putting face morphs into a giant lion's head and from his back grows two giant gargoyle-like wings. I let out a guttural scream as I quickly try to get away from the creature, scurrying back in the wet snow.
He lets out a deep, evil laugh. His wings spreading out to his full span, casting a darkness over my friends and I. My breathing becomes quick and shallow as I desperately try to get away from Dr. Thorn. Was he even Dr. Thorn anymore?
I scramble backwards, as my eyes dart around the vast field next to the school. The raven haired boy from the dance comes running around the corner, out into the freezing wind. My eyes grow wide as he uncaps a regular pen and it instantly turns into a long, bronze sword. What the actual fuck was happening?
Why was the monster in my dreams right in front of me? Was it even a dream? I fall to my knees as I turn back around to face the monster. He laughs, an evil grin spreading across his face. His giant maw opens to speak.
“Rose St. Claire, so nice to see you again.”
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
taglist: @cxcilla
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missvelvetsstuff · 11 months
Thank you so much for taking my request.
So Steve and the reader met while he was on the run and he fell in love with her and Thanos blipped the people but she was there for him no matter what
He proposed to her before they got married Scott lang showed up and etc
Steve saw Peggy and started acting weird with the reader and after returning the stones he came back old asf😭
But the reader had a surprise for him (a pregnancy) what he wanted all those 5 years he spent with her and she got mad and he argued back saying he deserved after everything he did for the people😭 so she didn’t tell him about the baby and left
After a few months she was at the grocery store and ran into Bucky and his eyes were on her swollen belly and she saw the look on his face and said “yes it’s his baby” on the way to his apartment the thousands questions on his mind “did Steve knew his girl was pregnant? Why would he leave her? If i was him I would’ve never left her. Okay stop she is /was your best friend’s girl but he left her someone he once kissed.
There was a lot going on Bucky’s mind, so decided to locate her and find where she lives so he did find her and she was shocked to see it was bucky on the door
So he demand to help her and they became closer and more comfortable around each other and ofc Bucky told Sam about the situation and Sam told the old Steve 😤 and Steve tried contacting her but couldn’t but Sam told him where she lives and he saw his Best Friend and best girl kissing while she was carrying his baby he got mad and possessive/obsessive so he went back and came back younger you know take what was his before he got selfish and left🙄
You can add more angst I wanna cry😭
I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your request. It took me a minute to flesh it all out and it'll be 5-6 chapters. Hope you like it.
This story was getting too long for me to manage so I've broken it up into chapters and will be posting each when I finish editing. I'm almost done writing so it should be posted by the end of the week. It's been a minute since I saw Civil War so please forgive me if I mess up any details.
Apparently I'm unable to write short blurbs or drabbles, sorry.
As always reader is female and above average height.
Hope y'all enjoy.
The Wrong One
Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
1. Meeting
Warnings: swearing, angst
Y/N had watched the news about the Avengers fight in Germany. All the anchors calling it a 'civil war' but she was in NYC in 2012 and saw the aliens trying to invade. She knew that the world was less safe with the Avengers fighting amongst themselves.
After losing her brother in the Battle of New York she felt her mortality acutely so quit her office job, packed up her apartment and put everything in storage and left to see the world. She had no other family or close friends to keep her in the states and yearned for something different. At this point she had seen most of Europe but lingered in Ireland, entranced by its beauty and the wonderful people.
The bar in Dublin where she was working was quiet with only a couple of customers, typical for suppertime in the middle of the week, so she worked on inventory and organizing the storage room to make room for tomorrows delivery.
The bell rang and she went up to the front to see who was there. It was a couple, the man was taller than her and took off his cap as he walked in. He had broad shoulders and a tight t-shirt, sunglasses covered his eyes and he walked to the furthest corner booth, facing the door.
The woman, pretty with blonde hair, came up to the bar "4 shots of whiskey and 2 pints of Guinness." and handed her a bill "keep the change"
Y/N nodded "Thank you. I'm Y/N if you need anything else."
Y/N knew who they were even with their attempted disguises but she certainly wasn't going to help any crooked government catch some of the Avengers so kept her mouth shut.
The next night the captain returned with another man who was black and had an easy smile, obviously the Falcon. He came up to the bar to order their drinks and flirted a little with her.
This kept up for a few weeks. Always the Captain but he had a few companions that seemed to be on a rotation, Falcon, the Scarlet Witch and a tall slender blonde man that Y/N couldn't place. Black Widow hadn't returned since the first night.
One night the Captain finally took off his sunglasses and smiled at her which made her knees weak and stomach flip, he was beautiful. Every night after that he graced her with that smile. She wanted so badly to talk to him, outside of drink orders and thanks, but didn't want to intrude.
Then she saw something on the news about them being sighted outside of Dublin and they stopped coming in. She hoped they could avoid the authorities. When the pub was slow she daydreamed about the Captain coming back to sweep her off her feet in some grand romantic gesture and she would go on the run with him.
She laughed at herself for her childish fantasies but figured they weren't hurting anyone. It wasn't like she had men, or women, knocking down the door to her apartment above the pub.
A couple of months passed uneventfully and life stayed predictable. Until the Captain came back in by himself. She felt her heart speed up, butterflies swarming her stomach and a tingle in her core.
She smiled at him "Evening. Would you like your usual or are you feeling adventurous?"
He looked at her, right into her soul and smiled, making her feel faint. "I'll take a pint and..." He paused awkwardly and she waited patiently "and, your, uh your number?"
Y/N laughed and the Captain felt his heart clench, he hadn't seen anyone like her since...
"Are you sure? You don't seem like-"
He interrupted her, almost shouting "NO!" Realizing how loud he was he spoke softly, giving her a chill, when he said "I mean yes, definitely yes" and looked at her hopefully.
"How could any girl refuse a request like that?" and took his offered phone to put her number in, naming herself 'Barmaid'.
His grin grew until he realized something "You don't have an Irish accent. Where are you from?"
She laughed lightly "It's called an Irish brogue and I keep hoping it'll rub off on me but no such luck. It's been almost 2 years and some of my regulars tease that even an Irish brogue can't overpower a New Yawk accent."
"New York? Whereabouts? Brooklyn here."
She smiled knowingly at him "I already knew that, learned about you in school. I wrote a term paper about your friend Bucky Barnes."
Steve blushed and chuckled "When did you realize who I was?"
"The first time you came in with Natasha Romanoff, you were pretty easy to recognize. Don't worry, I won't sell you out. I've always been on your side."
Steve looked at her seriously "Not always on my side if you wrote a report about Bucky." He teased.
"I seem to recall you always being on the same side. I noticed you never bring him in, is he ok?"
Steve nodded, touched by her warmth and concern "Yeah, he's uh somewhere safe, getting help to get rid of the Hydra programming."
She smiled "I'm glad he's being cared for. What about you? Are you taking care of yourself?"
He sighed "Not many opportunities for that on the road. I'm more concerned about my friends, if we were caught....."
He left off and looked at his hands, not wanting to contemplate that possibility.
Y/N reached out to touch his cheek gently, smiling when he leaned into her hand, and pulled his face up to look at her. "You'll be in just as much trouble as they will." She cupped his other cheek "You need to take care of yourself too."
Steve closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying her soft touch. Feeling sparks where her skin touched his, a stirring in his groin making a small moan slip out. When he realized it, his eyes snapped open and looked into hers.
His eyes darted around the room, confirming that no one else was in the bar before he leaned forward until his lips brushed hers, his eyes fluttering closed.
Y/N could feel her heart racing, was Captain America really kissing her in a pub in Ireland? She moved her hand from his face to the back of his neck, pulling him closer.
He smiled into the kiss and teased her lips with his tongue which she accepted and the kiss intensified until they were both out of breath.
Steve pulled back, smiling "I've been wanting to do that since the first night I came in."
She tskd him "And we've been wasting all this time? For shame Captain."
He leaned in to kiss her again before she put a finger on his lips. "I'm actually still on the clock but closing in an hour. If you want to hang out until I'm done, we can get some food and eat at my place." She asked holding her breath. She hadn't taken many men home since she stopped here but how could she not.
His grin grew and he blushed bright red as he nodded "Yes, absolutely."
They spent that night talking, getting to know each other in between making out and discovering each other's bodies.
The next few weeks they spent as much time together as possible, both dreading the time when he would have to move on.
One night a month after they first kissed, Steve came later than usual and she could tell he had something on his mind.
After she gave him his drink he grabbed her hand and looked at her sadly. She knew before he said anything. "You have to go, don't you?"
He tried to keep the tears in his eyes from falling and couldn't find the words so just nodded. After a few minutes he composed himself and spoke softly "I'm so sorry. I never meant. I can't find the words."
She nodded sympathetically and held his hand "I know Steve it's alright."
"No" he shook his head "It's not alright. None of this situation is alright but my time with you has been the only real peace I've had in, well ever really."
He pulled his hand away and stood suddenly "I'm sorry but I have to go. I'll try to come back soon."
She stood up and went up the stairs. When she came back she was on her phone. She finished her call and looked at Steve with a smile on her face, then grabbed his hand, a backpack in the other hand "So let's go."
Chapter 2
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clockworkspider · 1 year
Okay so I've been reading Some Desperate Glory and like...
Here's the thing. Most readers and writers will swear up and down that protagonists NEEDS to be flawed to be interesting. But most of us are also fucking cowards who only wants to see/dares to write harmless (he's stubborn but it just means he never gives up), relatable (cowardice, cynicism) or sexy flaws (she's an asshole but only because she's jaded but has a kind heart underneath, he tortures people but all his victims are certified assholes).
When you get actually have protagonist with ugly human flaws you always get a good portion of the readers being like "the protagonist is unlikable" and "I can't relate to them". (Y'all weak!)
Some character flaws are harder for readers to swallow. Like bigotry. Nobody writes queer protagonist that are fucking racist/sexist/homophobic nowadays. And if they hold prejudice they're gonna realize the errors of their ways the moment they meet an alien who's nice to them and be like "oh my gosh those who are different from me are people too I've been wrong all my life".
Not Val Kyr. Val Kyr is a real bigot. She grew up sipping the Terran patriotism and eugenics juice. She's cruel but is self-righteous about it. In chapter 1 she bullies some children for having fun. She meets a meek pathetic little alien and immediately kicks them. She is loyal to a fault and cares deeply for the people around her but has such underdeveloped empathy due to both her upbringing and who she is as a person that nobody likes her. She's fucking miserable but doesn't know it. She's a good example of someone who's radicalized by her upbringing...
Because you see... it's established from the start that aliens destroyed earth, all 14 billion people on it. The rest of humanity, living on colony planets, who have decided to co-operate with the aliens, now live in blessed harmony. Only a small terrorist cell continues to fight, isolated on their little space station, breeding super soldiers via eugenics.
So Val Kyr doesn't weep from the error of her ways the moment she realize aliens are also people. They killed her planet.
And that's just a taste of the complexity this book deals with.
And like... admittedly, through the first half of the book, I gritted my teeth and thought "this better be so goddamn satisfying once she gets some character development" because I have finally met a (non-villain) problematic protagonist who challenged the limits of my empathy but I ain't no coward. (Plus I think it's really brave of the author to write a bigot protagonist in a queer novel and I respect that.) And like... I knew from the start that this is gonna be a de-radicalization story. I am at 61% and I really like the direction this is going.
The story doesn't just dress down the errors of her ways in a moralistic way. It takes in the complexity of the situation and turns around and gives the "wrong" version of her dignity. She was the product of a toxic environment. She was cruel and vile. But her experiences were real. Her anger was real. She was a person who made decisions and that person mattered no matter how "bad" she was.
And like... I think this complexity says so much when you consider the premise. That victims of war, of genocide, are not all gonna be pleasant sympathetic people.
So... the beginning of this book is a bit of a drag but I really like where this is going. If you plan to read it, please get pass 57%, that's when things get real interesting. (I still haven't finished. I'll decide whether this is actually the worst book ever once I'm done but... so far I'm REALLY impressed by everything its done.)
Anyway I think you should join me in reading this novel if you're also not a fucking coward.
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teenandbeyond · 2 years
Think that I could request Gohan relationship headcanons with someone who’s super shy and docile? Thanks in advance!
Gohan x Shy. Reader Headcanons
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I was surprised by the request, since usually saiyan-blooded beings go for fiery beings, but I like this twist. Edit: Lol, made the reader shy with random spurts of fieriness, couldn't help it oops Edit 2: Btw y'all know I separate SFW from NSFW for people who might only want innocent stuff or don't like sexual stuff, right? If not, now you know.
Want more from me? Masterlist 2
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
👓Studious👓 (DBZ or Dragonball Z)
Warning(s): SFW and NSFW
Let's just say it's...interesting to have a boyfriend who's half alien.
Gohan loves how shy you are
It's so cute
You've mostly gotten used to little pecks on the cheek or temple
But anything in public and your body gets all hot
Sometimes he'll feed you, just to get the reaction you always give
Slight embarrassment
But he never fully embarrassed you from anything...only a smidge
You often think he hides sadism under that smile of his
During study sessions more often than not, he'll pull you into his lap while he works
Then came time to meet the family, you were nervous and he was dreading it.
Chichi was nice...intimidating at first...mom jitters, ya know?
But she found you pretty adorable and just interrogated you about your academic abilities, overall nice
Goten broke through your shell of shyness, he was too adorable to not indulge him, besides he was a kid, so he wasn't as intimidating.
Then Goku came home
Well...crashing through a window...but he was home.
No one but you seemed surprised, Chichi was just annoyed.
Your head snapped to Gohan, "This is...normal?"
Goku intimidated you by the middle of dinner when you witnessed how much food he could eat. He kind of teased your quietness, too.
You thought his kindness must have been an act, he must be an evil human black hole or something. No human eats food like that.
Turns out Gohan eats like that too, you supposed he hadn't eaten around you before.
Oh...He's not human? Neither is Gohan completely?
Cue Gohan apologizing for not saying anything sooner or not really planning to until the window thing that couldn't be easily explained.
And you being interested if he had any powers, him saying he wasn't really into fighting as much...only for him to cave and fly with you when he saw your disappointed face.
He might have to take you flying again, your eyes were filled with so much wonder and he got a joyful laugh out of you.
Because you were shy, you hadn't kissed yet.
Seeing Gohan with a girl might have made you a little jealous though...and you might've impulsively kissed him.
Only to hide away in his chest after.
Wait...he wanted to do it again?
At least on dates, he was mutually shy, so you felt a little better
He took great care of you.
Taking care of you when sick or hurt.
Helping you out with your own studies.
Making things together.
Dancing, sometimes in the rain.
And giving you all the affection in the world.
Even though half of it flustered you.
You were absolutely burning when you cuddled.
Or when a kiss got heated for the first time.
And he swears when you stood up for him in front of his family and friends and that unknown fiery part of you came out full force for the first time...
He'd already wanted to marry you, but sheesh, have kids with him, too
He could only smile when you stopped and the fire sizzled out, hiding in his chest away from the wide eyes.
Your occasional spurts of fire really excite the Saiyan part of him.
And oh, did he find you adorable in his clothes
Was it mentioned how much he loved your shyness?
It's even cuter behind closed doors in his room
When you look away from his bare chest.
All the little sounds you make and when you try to hide your face.
He likes the power that you let him have.
Sometimes the change in personality overwhelms you in the best of ways.
The first time you decided to go all the way was risky, he was in the process of getting his own place but still lived at home. Chichi was away for errands but got back sooner than he planned. Didn't stop him though, he just told you to keep quiet while he answered her questions from the other side of the locked door to make her go away.
He liked kissing your neck, leaving marks of claim behind.
More often than not he wasn't traditional with the position.
Anything that let him see your face and how expressive it was fine, though.
He preferred to sit with you on his lap.
Surprisingly Gohan can get primal if in a certain mood.
Without those glasses in the way, his bare face seems much more carnal.
But putting aside shyness you find it much more attractive when he has them on, you can't explain it.
He also likes when you dress up in cute outfits.
He can also be evil and make you memorize test questions this way. But hey, you remember the answers!... And the...memorization methods...
Okay...maybe he's a little sadist-y
But he's still very caring and prioritizes your needs first.
But due to your submissive nature, you prefer him to take control
To embarrass you, occasionally he'll surprise you and put you in the position of control. He does his best not to coo when you stutter out demands, but you never last long before relinquishing control to him.
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takerfoxx · 2 months
Okay, about halfway through my Evangelion rewatch, and I swear to God this show has taken over my life. Like, even though I've seen it before and recently watched the Rebuild films, it's just clicked with me in a way that hasn't happened in a very long time, and I am loving it.
One thing that I noticed is that while the show gets off on a very depressing note that shines a spotlight on Shinji's problems, from the agony he experiences while piloting the Eva to his crippling depression and everything, once he makes the decision to stay, the tone shifts. Like, all those issues don't really go away fully, but for a little bit, the show gets a lot more lighthearted, becoming almost a traditional giant robots fighting aliens-type show. Shinji's mental health improves exponentially, he forms several healthy relationships, he actually does rather well as a pilot, and things seem to be on the upswing for him.
And then Asuka shows up and...actually, things sort of get better?
Okay, let me explain. The first time I watched this show like fifteen years ago, I couldn't stand Asuka. I thought that she was an entitled, insecure brat, and her treatment of Shinji and Rei was totally uncalled for. However, now that I've experienced this story in both of its entireties, processed all the characters and the complexities of their portrayals, and experienced various interpretations of them through various fanfics, doujins, spin-offs, etc., revisiting the original Asuka that spawned all of these reactions is...honestly, it's not nearly as bad as I remember. Yeah, she's still an insecure brat, but I get it now. And her beef with Shinji and Rei comes from her literally being groomed to be the best Eva pilot imaginable while being traumatized by her mother's suicide, leading her to see the other two pilots as both a threat to her position as well as disappointments for not living up to her standards, hence her hostile treatment of them. Even still, we see that facade crack and she does display moments of genuine kindness and comradery with them.
Also, later events have caused people to view Shinji as something of the most extreme of doormats, but for now, he actually isn't? Like, okay, he's still kind of a pushover, but he does get frustrated, he does push back against Asuka, he does snap and start arguing. At the same time, you can also seem them trying to connect in their highly damaged, kind of awkward ways. It's not working, but you see the attempt, and overall, their dynamic does get played more for laughs and slapstick, at least in the early stages.
Of course, all of that goes out the window later on when everyone gets SOOOO much worse, but for now, it's nice to see these kids' relationship in it's healthiest stage. That scene where they all sit on the hill watching the stars together was honestly adorable, as well as Asuka deliberately eschewing a fancy steak dinner in favor of a trip to a ramen shack so Rei could participate.
As for me being ride or die for a poly ending for this trio, was it at all changed by revisiting the source material? Haha, NOPE! If anything, it was strengthened, given that all three have their unique dynamics with each other instead of the tired cliche of two people fighting over a third and it's all like, "Oh, who will they choose?" Y'ALL HAVE TWO HANDS APIECE!
Though on a more deeply personal side, I think that's why I've had Evangelion infest my mind like it has as of late. I just sort of relate to Shinji, Rei, and Asuka a whole bunch and see aspects of myself in all three, and I just kind of want them to be happy together, but, in this timeline at least, I know that that's not meant to be.
Speaking of complicated characters, Touji and Kensuke certainly are that, because on the one hand, they are kind of best boys in how ride or die they are for Shinji, basically becoming the close friends that he definitely needed and going out of their way to check in on him and support him and stick up for him.
On the other hand, they are also selling creep shots of Asuka and their other female classmates. Like, okay, 90's Japan culture and how that gets played for laughs back then, I get it. Still, not cool, guys. But I guess it just goes with the theme of how these are all messy individuals kind of stumbling their way through their messy lives, and everyone has their good and bad qualities.
Another observations. The virus takeover episode was one of the series' finest, as the whole bottle episode thing where the adults have to solve a unique problem while the pilots were otherwise out of the picture made for a great change of pace and was tense as hell. The dancing episode is a fan favorite for a reason and must've made the AsuShin ship explode early on.
Also, I know that we're supposed to hate the JSSDF because their rep was kind of a jerk to Misato and put down NERV and all (plus the later massacre in the movie), but to be honest, now knowing what we know about NERV and the Evangelions, he was kind of right in everything he was criticizing them about? And the fact that Jet Alone was deliberately sabotaged by NERV in a sort of petty dick-waving contest only puts them in a worse light. Honestly, if the two organizations had actually behaved like adults and cooperated, things might've gone so much better.
But then again, Gendo's got to Gendo, what with SEELE and their whole agenda and everything.
And on a more critical side!
Okay, I've said my piece about all of the weird creep shots in the Rebuild movies and how distracting and, well, uncomfortable they were. Like, okay, I know this whole series is low-key horny, and using Misato for some cheesecake shots, that's fine. But, like I said about Toji and Kensuke's creepy photo business...yeah. It's not as bad as it was in the Rebuild movies, which really took things way over the top, but it's still there.
And honestly, some of it you can get away with. Like, I don't have an issue with the scene between Shinji and Rei in the apartment, or Shinji ogling the girls in their swimsuits, or overhearing Asuka and Misato in the hotspring and having a reaction, because he's a repressed kid full of hormones in a very stressful situation. It makes sense that he would be like that. Same with Asuka's flirty side and how she hangs off of Kaji in a very inappropriate manner. Or Rei's lack of inhibitions. All of these make sense for their characters. I don't even have a problem with how Misato teases Shinji, because she's portrayed as somewhat of an emotionally stunted womanchild.
But when it's not from his or anyone else's point of view and you're just showing fanservice shots of your explicitly underaged characters, it gets kind of, well...
Okay, the point I'm making is...was there like a specific reason for the nude sync test? At all? Did it serve the plot in any way? Yeah, you need them in the plugs to get them out of the way so that the grown-ups could have an episode, but c'mon. Was it really necessary other than to get shots of them naked in their cockpits? Even from a character standpoint, I think Asuka at the very least would have protested more!
I dunno, I know it's a rampant problem in anime and always has been and you kind of need some level of tolerance, but that scene in particular did stand out as a great big, "Why is this happening?" Maybe if it had actually led to something it'd be better, but it didn't.
But Evangelion has always been messy and complicated, and that little bug aside, it's easy to see why it captured so many people's attention when it first came out and still does to this day. Hell, it's definitely consumed my every waking moment as of late.
However, Rei's little existential crisis is any indication, I'm approaching the part where things get really weird, so, that'll be...interesting.
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twothpaste · 1 month
I saw this post you made https://www.tumblr.com/twothpaste/748684553658515456?source=share and it reminded me of your Intermission AU fic, Hatchback, where the Chosen 4 are basically on a road trip! IIRC there's a flash forward to the future where Paula is a teacher, and she's called "Mrs. Jones" that would imply she's married. Who's she married to? And what happened with her family after she pursued education, especially considering how her mother was heavily against it? And how are the rest of the Intermission AU cast doing in the future?
Aw jeez, that's a lot of big questions! How 'bout I be a little silly and answer them in reverse order 🤸‍♂️
Future Lucas & Claus do wildlife rehab work together. If I think too hard about them tending gently to sick baby deer & mending birds with busted wings, I get teary-eyed sappy and have to sit down. Kuma refuses to settle into any particular career, genuinely happier hopping between employment and doing odd jobs she calls "freelance work". She marries a lady named Ash - based on a kinda communal headcanon about Kuma dating one of the Tittiboo waitresses - I swear I'll draw her someday. Duster becomes increasingly eccentric over time, a gracelessly aging Z-list rockstar.
Future Ness is a civil engineer, doing his small part to try and make suburbia a less hellish place to live, for his boring little family & everyone else besides. Paula starts her teaching career as a college adjunct, intending to work her way toward tenure, but derails into teaching high school for a while due to some circumstance or other. Though teaching niche college courses was always her dream, she unexpectedly realizes there's a lot of good she can do for high school kids, so she sticks with it much longer than she'd planned. By the time she does eventually get back around to becoming a college professor, she's probably in her 40's or 50's. Jeff designs rockets & satellites for the European Space Agency, while Tony jogs their jack russell terrier 5 miles a day and engages in cartoonishly daring news reporting work. Poo goes on wild anthropological surveys all around the world, and never gets into politics (much to his family's immense displeasure, but they can deal).
Future Porky probably never gets better ❤️. Picky comes out as a trans woman in her mid 20s. Tracy supports her all the way. Flint and Lighter are off having an Old Men With Pickup Trucks Slow Burn Friends To Lovers Redneck Romance in their 60s, but I'll never write it, so you'll have to fill in the blanks yourself.
I have not resolved the Paula's Mom Plotline in my head yet. As much as I'd like for her mom to chill the fuck out and let Paula be Paula, I think the hard lesson of coming to terms with a parent's faults is probably more the direction it's headed in. There's also the mess of like? Her dad supports his daughter despite everything, but he's too spineless to challenge his wife over it, and he's also dealing with some kinda debilitating illness?? The conflict might come to a head during her senior year. I've got a Paula fic idea floating around on my backburner, so I'll probably sort it out sooner than later. Regardless, our gal's gonna set firm boundaries and live her life.
As for "who is Paula married to," there is actually a possible or probable answer. The catch is: absolutely none of y'all are gonna like it ☺️. As some of you may have gathered, my funny Mother College AU is very and truly crossed over with [ my Dana's ] funny Yugioh College AU. The amount of interconnected nonsense going on offscreen would make your head spin, and this happens to be one of our silliest interconnected nonsenses.
There's this kid from Zexal named Dumon, he's canonically a tragic historical figure and a horse enthusiast and also an alien for a while, don't worry about it. Dana's college Dumon is a nerdy little butch lesbian (I mean, [ look at him ]), who - like Paula - also spends about 90% of his time at the campus library. It started as a joke <- fatal last words. They share a love of pretentious literary analysis and medieval history and quiet noontime study sessions spent over expensive lattes. Dumon's still a bit shy of her noisy bunch o' D&D friends, but maybe they'll break the ice one of these days. Paula's mom keeps forgetting his name. Paula keeps having to firmly remind her he's from Utah, not Arkansas. And that yes lesbians can use he/him pronouns, they've been doing it for decades, gosh Mom can you get with the program already.
Anyways, if things keep going the direction they're headed, my Paula might very well be marrying a Yugioh character. Thanks for asking, anon! ^_^
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ziteyra · 9 months
A good soldier
Chapter 4
Chapter 1 and Chapter 3
🐟 Synopsis: Lyle gets you to leave the facility with him and you find out a bit more about him and the others.
🐟 characters: Quaritch Recom, Waynfleet Recom (🥳)
🐟themes: same as the last chapter. A bit of cursing, roughing around but nothing serious.
🐠Note: i dont even know what happened hsgaddajh sorry i was gone so long! I swear ive got multiple chapters finished im just gonna post them one by one. Ahhh my Avatar addicition finally got the best of me. Love y'all 💙
Tagging: @babyduk213 💙and @skellie88-blog 💙
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Still in a kind of shocked state, you finally manage to free yourself from Lyle's grip while he carries you on his sacred mission to the outside gates. 
“I haven't even put on my mask.” you mumble while fiddling with the equipment, and your fully charged oxygen mask “What has gotten into you, Lyle?!” 
“Nothing little scientist, I just realized what a treat of a human we happen to have here with you. So much so that even the captain takes a liking to you. And even if I suddenly was possessed by evil spirits of bad intentions, admit it you like the idea of getting taken out of this hell hole by a strong soldier like me y/n?”
You need a second to answer, not only because you hate to admit that he is kind of right about your happiness regarding your escape from the facility but also because you clearly heard him say that even the captain would like you. And that was definitely something to stomach especially so early in the day. “ You dont mean our captain” you scoff at Lyles remarks as you finally manage to pull your Oxygen Mask in the right position and properly adjust it “ Id honestly expected him to rather go back to the jungle alone than admit something like that.” 
“Aww little scientist, don't think so bad of yourself. You didn't realize he liked you? Well, i admit it's kind of difficult to tell but in practice, it's nothing you should waste your energy on. And even so, you know he´d love going through the jungle all by himself and murdering every single living alien he finds. Especially in his new body.” 
You admit that Lyle’s knowledge of Quaritch's character might by far exceed yours but still seems not convincing in the slightest. Nonetheless, you don't even get time to focus on that thought anymore as you start to pass the final gates and checks of the facility and you realize that quite a few more people than usual have laid eyes upon you. Particularly at the final airgates, you can see quite a few of your colleagues eyeing you and your big blue escort as you prepare to enter the Pandorian wilderness. 
“Well, your little buddies definitely seem jealous of us y/n. As they should be huh ?” Lyles not so quietly exclaimed while you more and more wished a banshee would just kidnap you and take you as far away as possible. He gives you a little nudge and you can see how happy all the attention seems to make him. It was almost surreal seeing him like this since you couldn't really think of a moment outside of a battle where he seemed to be enjoying himself that much. But then again you knew so much and so little about this crew of recom soldiers who had thousands of research papers and articles written about them but still surprised you every new day you managed to work with them. That was probably the truest not for Lyle but for his captain Quaritchs. 
His stone-cold gaze still could not leave your mind even as you entered through the last metal door into the scorching sun of Pandora with Lyle by your side.
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boyakishantrinity · 3 months
Humans are space orcs. Gotham.
Hands raising I've her head, guns cocked and aimed at her. Frozen in place, human standing at their mercy as the aliens seemed to fumble with the translator.
“... Is it fine if we just use mine? I don't know about y'all, but I kinda don't wanna stand here all day.”
Freezing, bug faces shifting to glance at one another, quietly looking between each other. Whisper like conversation shared between each other, before silence. Awkwardness. As I took another breath.
“Y'all stay quiet if that's ok.”
Another moment. Quiet whisperings, before staying silent. Dropping my fingers in signifying, slowly counting to ten as I returned my hands.
“... Ok, so none of y'all shoot me please…”
The human slowly lowered one hand, reaching into her jacket before slowly pulling out a brick like device. With one hand, she started it up. Childish animation playing over the screen, before she pulled a few switches, speaking into the translator.
“... Chima, huh?”
Pressing the muzzle against her head, hissing as the tri face snapped at her.
Robotic voice calling through, human pulling a few more buttons, fingers splayed out as she let out an award laugh.
“So… y'all military I presume?”
Weapons shifting, various half shouts for my head, as the leader quietly barked out.
“... And I assume running some kind of black ops in an attempt to influence human politics.”
More shuffling, bickering sounds, several aliens telling their comrades to be quiet lest they get caught.
This continued for about, five minutes? Human at this point dropping her hands, pulling out a stool and taking a seat. Offering the circles to her kidnappers after the following chain.
“Mate. Shut up, we both know this'll take a while. Either take a seat or kill me.”
“... Is this…”
“Normal? Frankly speaking? Yes. Fourth time this month people threaten me and whatnot.”
“... But, your planet is unified.”
Freezing, human tilting her head as she looks ready to look back.
“No…? Not really? We're all under agreement to work together, but there's still groups who throw all kinds of hissy fits or whatever.”
Gothanite shrugging off the next questions, slowly drifting attention back as she called back.
“But anyways, like. Is there anything else I need to do, or can I piss off or…?”
Standing up, pulling the stools into her bag, the woman swinging it into her back as she reached behind her head. Twin sheathes hidden under her jacket. Clothing dropping from her body as he backpack released foam from the back of her back.
“Good- GAH!!”
“... Seriously???”
Hands on her hips. Water absorbent liquid quickly hardened into solid mass as she looked at her threateners. Insect like, secular bodies bound by the foam as the civilian closed the chute shut.
Looking into the air, head of security looking down at the black ops unit beneath him. Cigar in hand, their target looking down, bowl of dates shared between his body guards as the senator stared at the force.
“... Hello Mr Potter!”
Waving up at her representative in government. The man smiling, waving back as he held up a date.
“Want one?”
“... Uhh, sure?”
Tossing it down to her, Gothanites scratching their heads as the aliens let out shouts of confusion.
Barking through the translator, police officer standing behind them, takeout in hand as he stepped into their eye vision.
“Y'know, in my twenty years of being an officer. I've seen a lot of things. Attended a lot of Mardi gras, separated bickering couples. Hell, I even punched that jackass up there for a bet once.”
The small group of humans revealed themselves to the alien force, alien representative pulled forward in cuffs. Adjusting his uniform, the man handing it to his partner as he stood eye to eye to the man. Putting on a glove as he finished.
“But I swear to God, you alien folk are worse than even the worst humans. And that's saying something.”
Booping the alien's nostrils, the man taking a plastic bag as the aliens looked dumbfounded around them. Chimera, the insect horde. Outwitted by a bunch of humans.
“Right, I'm heading to the bodega, ciao!”
Turning heel, woman walking off. Senator watching from above, guards taking photos as the humans began their work. Gotham was a weird place. Where the darkest, depraved and moronic people live in a city built off a prison mentality.
But even they had something the alien didn't.
Common sense. Whether it was bickering about who gets credit for a vaccine. The right of land ownership. Or even who goes first in line for anything.
End of the day, there was work to be done. People shouldn't have to pay millions to decrease mortality. It ultimately didn't matter who had the right if there's nothing but dust.
Poking the representative of the Chimera as she summarised.
“Basically. Y'all really need to learn how to just, fucking silence people or something because it's more ridiculous your secret task force spent four hours bickering with a single civilian.”
Shaking her fist up at the senator, Gothanites shaking their fists. Cursing the woman as she pushed him into the commissioner’s arms. Smiling, the bat slamming the door of the representative in. Damien looking over his city, Casandra smiling at him, before signing to the camera.
The. End.
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midnightmayhem13 · 11 months
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You belong with me
it's me, hi (hi) i've been dying to write darcy so i came up with this fic🩶 if y'all have any requests don't b shy i'm bored as hell
darcy lewis x asguardian!reader; pretty fluffy no warnings enjoy🩶, in my head R is some sort of goddess w powers but it isn't specifically stated so yea👍
since you were one of thors closest friends you always got wrapped up in his shenanigans. you were also pretty close to the odinson family because you knew them since you thor and loki were little.
mr and mrs odinson never admitted it but they kinda hoped you'd end up with one of their boys.
though, you didn't float that way. and thor and loki saw you as family.
when thor got sent to earth, odin asked if you would keep an 'eye' on him. you cared about thor and honestly were scared to say no to odin so you obliged.
when you got to earth you definitely got a better landing than your dear friend. seeing as he was laying on the floor and unconscious.
there was mortals surrounding him though, with some sort of vehicle. you studied them. no danger, easy targets. you weren't gonna attack them. if they provoked you, you wouldn't let them slide.
there was a man, well in his age. a women, possibly the 'leader' of the group. but the last girl, she was absolutely beautiful. easily the most gorgeous women in all the ten realms.
"big guy brought his friend" the man stated alarmed
"i'm so sorry maam i don't know where you two came from and i swear i didnt mean to hit him with my car and she didn't mean to tase him im sure." the women, who you later found out was jane, rambled.
you only smirked. guess the angel of a women took down the god of thunder.
"don't worry miss, we don't mean harm" you said, voice thick with your asguardian accent.
"that's probably the hottest alien i've ever seen."
you turned to face the source of the angelic sound. you couldn't help but step closer to her.
"may i get a name, darling?" you asked looking down at her. noticing she had raised her weapon. cheeks still a rosy color.
"darcy, darcy lewis. it's an honor to meet you space person" she said charismatically.
"it's an honor to met you darcy. i'm y/n y/l/n." you grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. having learned from thor on how to make women swoon.
darcy's jaw dropped. this hot ass alien just fell from the sky and is now centimeters away from her lips.
"can you help us carry your friend into the van?" the man stated, ruining your moment
"don't worry sir i got it from here." you said shooting darcy a flirtatious glance and walking towards your dear friend.
darcy looked at jane who looked at her simultaneously, shooting her two thumbs up.
you picked up your friend as if he weighed nothing, propping him over your shoulder. your biceps flexed deliciously against your traditional asguardian clothing. darcy nearly drooled at the sight.
you laid him in the vehicle and you all got in. you made sure to sit next to darcy.
you told everyone what was going on, jane nearly crashing when she found out there was two gods in her car that had fallen from another realm.
the next day thor had woken up and you explained everything. you made sure he wouldn't be reckless and hurt somebody, especially her.
during breakfast you scolded thor like a child and asked him to behave. having to slowly explain he wasn't a prince here.
during your stay with darcy you watched her like a hawk. she was so gorgeous. she was intelligent, humorous, did you already mention gorgeous?
you told her many times about it too.
"you have to be the most beautiful women in all the ten realms my dear" or " are you sure you were born here? and not heven?"
she was equally as flirty. well she tried, she was constantly flustered by your gaze or remarks.
you two fell in love. from the very start there was just some sort of connection between you two. but this wouldn't be any ordinary long distance relationship.
you wanted to love darcy. you dreamed of falling in love since you were a little girl. but, she was a mortal. you were the goddess of (your choice).
you didn't let it distract you tho. thor fell in love with jane so you'd follow in his footsteps.
your glad thor didn't like darcy like that. you were sure she wouldn't like you if he was the other option. but darcy wished the same. she was glad that you liked her and not jane. she'd want her friend to be happy of course. but with you? she'd be a little jealous.
you accompanied thor with his hammer troubles because well it was your job. but darcy saw your capabilities while you fought alongside thor during the battle where all of your friends came down to help.
"well that was certainly something" darcy said as you and her walked away after thor and jane went to go do their, thing.
you looked at darcy, slight battered up. nothing your godly healy couldn't handle.
"you think?"
you let out a breathy laugh. you stared at darcy's beauty once again.
"you're gonna have to ask me out on a date if you keep staring at me like that ms y/n." you laughed once again swooning over darcy's humor.
"i'd love to take you out, my love. i'm just not aware of thors plans. i hope i can see you again.
darcy sighs realizing you actually were from another realm.
it broke your heart. you met the girl who you were sure was the love of your life, but she had to be from another realm.
"don't go falling for any other gods up there alright?" she giggles trying to make the best of the situation.
"after meeting you my love, i never want to look at anyone else." you said planting a kiss on her forehead. giving her a big hug.
saying goodbye was the hardest thing. but you left her with a promise to come back. and there was no way you were ever gonna break it.
a/n hi
idk if u guys would want a part two lmao also i got distracted and wrote my whole fantasy w my whole oc in mind but hoped you enjoyed. it's lowkey highkey bad but oh well. i love darcy nd i'm tryna fill up her tag.🩶 send requests PLEASE
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blueberrybanee · 6 months
CHRISTMAS!!!!!! 🎄🎁🎉
Hi y'all I know I'm late as hell (I was trying to make a Christmas drawing to go with the theme of this post but it was taking too long to finish and I'm really tired) but I still wanted to get a Christmas post in to celebrate!!! I hope everyone had a good day, even if you don't celebrate Christmas <33
Now... I don't have a drawing ready like I wanted, but I do have a decent haul, so I'm here to show the world my favorites of the things I got ‼️🗣
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I got all of these from my buddy @linminty !!! We exchanged gifts for the first time and it was so !!! much fun !!! I absolutely love the entire package (Yes, Ethan, I know it's been hours since I opened that box up and I'm STILL hyped over all the stuff you sent me) and I'm very happy you like my gift, too 😁🫶💙 (I can't even pick a favorite out of all of these because they're all so cute I WILL CRY!!!) {Also somebody please help, I need to pick a name for the cute lil alien 🥺}
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Lastly, I got these from my mum!!! I love them all, but omg, the K-2SO one almost made me cry when I opened the gift I swear (I love him so much he is very dear to me ESPECIALLY AFTER I LOST MY BLACK SERIES K-2SO ☹️☹️☹️ IDK WHERE HE WENT!!!) {Also the Mando & Grogu set is so cute LOOK AT THEMMM}
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To end things off, as a treat, here's my dog Zuka wearing her new Christmas tie :))) {I had to make her look up for the picture so she wouldn't eat the tie cuz she really wanted to LMFAO}
Alright, that's it for now! I'm really tired, but I might post a late Christmas drawing for tomorrow as a follow-up! Happy Holidays everyone, I hope the rest of the month goes well for all of you!!! <33
{ Tagging the homies 💪💙 @linminty @ghastly-poltergeist @twixedworlds @white-knight7255 @virtualexpertanchor }
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smolvenger · 1 year
(Not) Alone On Christmas (Bucky x Trans! Masc! Reader Oneshot)
Summary: Buckys about to spend a holiday by himself. You run to him with a proposition: you need a fake boyfriend for Christmas Day. But don't worry, it's all gonna be fake hahaha...unless?...
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Word Count: 4K
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of drinking and of children, Reader's family not using the right pronouns but Bucky corrects them. Fake Dating.
A/N: Hi there, @riley-writes!!! Tis I!!! Your secret Satna for @startrekkingaroundasgard's Holiday Fic Exchange! Just want to say, thanks to @riley-writes for helping me out bc I am not a trans person and for the HUGE help in getting the details right! Also thanks to @jamesbuckybarns for all the ideas about this fic, many of which made it to this final draft! I hope y'all like it! Here is a link to the song featured in the fic
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My Etsy Shop for Comfort Character Letters and Playlists
My Ao3
“No, you earned the chance to have Christmas in Paris!” Bucky insisted.
Sam laughed at the other end of the line.
“It’s been Sarah’s dream to see Paris since she was a kid and why shouldn’t the boys go too? They were hopping up and down when they got the news. So…are you sure you won’t mind me traveling?”
Bucky shook his head, the phone hot against his ear.
“You should go, Sam…when was the last time you had a genuine break? You’ve been saving all our asses for months!” he replied.
“Guess you’re right. The shield’s heavy in more ways than one…” Sam admitted.
Bucky began to pace around his apartment. He then glanced out at the window. It was freezing cold and grey, but no snow. And Christmas was in about a week!
“Go spend Christmas in Paris with your family Sam, you earned it.”
“And you’ll be okay? No more of that Hydra or Winter Soldier crap, alright? Nothing, I repeat, nothing that will make me fly back there?!? This is my vacation we’re talking about!” Sam asked.
“It will all be fine!”
“Please, I don’t want to babysit any more Super Soldiers!”
“But I’m your best one!”
“You have a point. And for once the wizards and aliens have stopped and…I wouldn’t mind having an actual French croissant…”
“Go spend Christmas in France and don’t feel the need to babysit us…” Bucky insisted.
“Thanks Buck.”
“Thanks Sam.”
“I’ll get you a souvenir…”
“Get me French Wine and we’ll call it a deal.”
“Alright, man. Deal- I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Okay, bye.”
He hung up the phone. He was glad Sam could go but it meant…the holidays alone. Truly, truly alone. Not that Bucky minded solitude or didn’t find worthwhile moments when he was by himself.
It just hit different on a holiday like Christmas.
He gave out a sigh. He should mention this to his therapist.
He remembered the old Christmases in Brooklyn. Steve’s mom would bake him a small version of his favorite pie. You could hear people’s Christmas records sometimes as you walked by apartments. He and Steve would pelt each other with snowballs. They’d walk around New York admiring beautiful decorations and hot chocolate was worth an extra penny to spend on for the warmth around your hands.
He looked down on his own…Well…both of his hands at the time.
As he slid down to the couch to turn on the tv, he heard a desperate knock at the door. Fear hit his stomach and he slowly walked, metal arm ready, to see who it was. He opened the door and poked his head through, just to check. Then his muscles relaxed and he swung it wide open.
It wasn’t an enemy. Not at all. It was Y/N.
But he was not looking chipper as usual, but desperate.
Reader’s POV
“You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend!?” Bucky cried, hands on his hips
“Yes! Please!” you begged, sitting on the couch.
 The Hallmark Christmas movie that was turned out was drowned away to the more interesting, real drama between you both. You even folded your arms and looked up at him, like a puppy.
“All because your relatives are trying to set you up with some other guy?” Bucky tried to recall.
“Yes! Bobby! He’s the actual worst! So damn annoying. I hear his voice and lose brain cells, and not in a good way. He won’t even say my pronouns. Refer to the dead ones. Like he’s in love with the dead me and not the me me!  And he’s going to be there all day at Christmas at my family’s house! I just know he’s going to ask me out in front of everyone!  Please, Bucky- I’ll pay you if you need!” you said, reaching in your pocket to get your wallet.
“No, it’s just…it’ll feel a bit weird…”
“Not as weird as shoving this guy who’s going to be there and force me to date him?!? No sir- I’d rather it be you there! Besides, if you were there-Bobby would stay away. He’ll respect you. He and everyone else will think I am taken! It’s just for Christmas, I swear!” you insisted, shaking your head.
You saw him smile. You didn’t want to admit it, but Bucky had the most handsome smile you had ever seen. You clasped your hands together on your lap and bounced your leg as he paced, awaiting his response.
“Alright. I’ll do it. Sam’s gone- might as well spend the holiday with you.”
You let out a sigh of relief and a hundred thank you Bucky and you’re the best friend ever, Bucky.
In a flurry of baking and shopping and movie re-watching and carol blasting, Christmas Day and the big Family gathering arrived.
He initially didn’t know if he wanted to accept.
But which was better: another holiday watching the newer movies and ones he had seen tons of times before and hearing the same songs about togetherness while alone…or having company? And above all, in Y/N’s presence…
Bucky was a lonely man. That was, until he met you. But you had a whole family, and he did not. Maybe he could turn away but seeing as how you were about to wrap your knuckles on the door on a bitter cold Christmas afternoon, it was too late.
Here he was, awkwardly standing at the door holding macaroni and cheese- the warmth still radiating to where he felt it in one hand and under his chin. How would they react? As you were hugging your cousins and parents and aunts and uncles, he was still eyeing everything carefully as if it was a battlefield of it’s own.
As he gingerly stepped in, he found himself ducking and looking around, maybe to make himself smaller, less of a target. Eyes immediately turned to him.
“Guys, this is my boyfriend- James Barnes! But you can call him Bucky!” you introduced with a grand sweep of your arms and a cheesy, circus-performer sized smile.
“Oh, Y/N! You finally have a boyfriend! Wonderful!” your mom cheered.
Bucky nodded his head with a shy smile as “hellos” were exchanged. Once he put the macaroni on the kitchen counter- already the building was warm from all the cooking- and shook every hand he could, he went to the corner coat rack.
He took off his coat and then carefully put his gloves in his pocket. Once his gloves were off, the little children of the family looked at the undeniably metal arm. They gathered in wide eyed curiosity at it.
“What’s that? Why is it metal?” one little boy asked.
You had just gotten a drink to await the lunch and were sipping at it while watching.
“I, uh, had an accident and I lost it. So, I got it replaced,” he answered.
It was technically the truth after all. They didn’t need to know the details about Hydra.
“Can I touch it?” one little girl asked, her brown eyes getting bigger.
She poked it, feeling how cold and solid it felt to her fingers.
“Can I touch it? Can I??” they all asked like meercats sticking their noses up in the air.
They followed him as he went to the kitchen to get his plate of appetizers and then plopped onto the couch. Out of the corner of his eyes were more of the younger kids. Their parents brought them their activity books, knowing that there would be a lot of “grown up” talking when it wasn’t present time. One bold little girl crawled up to him.
“What’s your name?” she asked.
“You can call me Bucky…” he said gently.
Her eye went to the inevitable- his arm.
“Bucky- your arm is so cool!? Can I put stickers on it!” she asked.
You nearly snorted out your drink, putting a hand to your mouth to keep from laughing. She ran over, picked up her activity books, and returned.
“Uh…yeah, sure.” He replied.
Other kids ran up with their activity books and sticker pages insisting the same. Before long, his whole arm was surrounded by strawberries, cats, big eyed Disney cartoons, dinosaurs, and glittery planets (one of the kids was going through a space phase). One boy laughed a little, but they all admired him.
The first little girl said, “it makes your arm even prettier!”
Pretty? Huh…he never thought of it that way…
“Thank you- what do you think, Y/N?” Bucky asked, turning to you.
You smiled at it.
“It does make your arm look pretty, Bucky!” you confirmed with a nod of your head.
Oh gah, there was something different about the way he was looking at you- what were you to do? Why did it make you feel those things? No- nonononono. You had to focus. You had to survive this day. Your stomach was grumbling and the cheese and crackers you stuffed in your mouth were digested already. How long until the meal and presents so you could make the quickest exit out?
The doorbell rang and you felt your cup shake in your hands.
“Come in, Bobby!” your mom greeted cheerfully.
Dang it, why can’t it just be family and not his stupid face? You cursed silently.
There was a sudden swing of the door and Bobby was there, the guy your parents wanted you to be with. Ugh, Bobby may be an engineer with money and an apparent obsession with a version of you, but he looked and acted the exact opposite of your type. And the fact your parents wouldn’t stop singing his praises even though Bobby quietly engaged your fight or flight response immediately.
“Hey there! What’s up! Merry…” Bobby’s stupid, obnoxious voice was cut off at the sight of a certain handsome, well-built man with short dark hair and a metal arm.
“And who exactly are you?” Bobby asked with fake politeness.
You stood up, downing the rest of your drink, and smiling wickedly.
“Oh, you haven’t met my boyfriend yet!” you exclaimed, putting an emphasis on the last word.
Bobby’s lips tightened. You walked forward to Bucky.
“Here is the best boyfriend in the world- Bucky Barnes!”
You threw your arms around him and gave him a peck on the cheek and Bucky smiled. Just enough for Bobby to nod in frustrated respect and defeated acknowledgement.
“I brought green bean casserole…” he said, lifting the red dish with tinfoil over the cover.
“Oh, good! Take it to the kitchen!” Bucky insisted, gesturing there.
Bobby stomped away. He only stayed twenty minutes to drink a soda, drop off two lumpy Christmas presents, and chat around. He then said he had a bad stomachache and left.  Bucky looked at you and you gave him a small wink. From behind, you gave him a small high five.
Since that asshole had left, you were practically glowing. You were smiling- huh, what a smile. Bucky thought. It made his stomach flutter when you smiled. And you were laughing too among your cousins. Not that fake laugh to flatter someone’s bland joke. No, this was real, happy, belly laughter. Your laughter, your voice. It had been in his head. Bucky spent Christmas Eve secretly counting down the hours until this. Yes, it was a test and charade. But it meant…he could spend more time with you.
What was this? Obsession? Lonleiness? Or maybe…maybe it was…
“Hey Bucky!” your dad called out.
Then your dad approached Bucky as he shook away the thoughts from his head, back to Planet Earth. The dad placed a hand on his shoulder and began to speak.
“You know…when the time comes for Y/N’s birthday or if you stick around for next Christmas…could you help me find a right Christmas gift for her?”
“Him” Bucky corrected.
He sighed and shook his head but then took in another inhale.
“I mean, a gift for him.”
Bucky shrugged. “Of course!”
Suddenly, there was aloud, shrill beep from the kitchen timer. He heard your mothers voice ring out just like the Church bells would in Brooklyn on that snowy, holiday morning.
“Dinner’s ready! Wash your hands and get plates, everyone!”
There was a lack of ham on your plate. Ham was your favorite thing to eat on Christmas and apparently it was everyone else’s. When you finally reached it, there wasn’t that many left. But your parents knew there would be a multitude and so a second ham was placed in the oven to bake. After eating your pitiful slice and enjoying some side dishes, you could get some more.
“Is there anything I could do for you?” your aunt Lydia asked.
She was standing up and eyeing everyone else’s plates.
“Oh yeah- I got my fill of Mac and Cheese, but I’d like some of the ham, please,” you asked.
There was the sound of the mixer like a power drill and then it paused.
“What?” You heard your mom from the kitchen. Her apron was splattered with the cookie batter she was mixing.
Aunt Lydia went over to the corner, the threshold of dining room and kitchen, cupping her mouth.
“Hey! Y/N just said she wants some ham!!”
Your lips went tight, and you placed both hands on your green plastic cup, face lowering down. Your shoulders bunched up to your ears. You wished you were a tortoise and had a shell to vanish inside.
Bucky stood up and walked to the aunt, hands in his pocket.
You perked your head out of your cup. Bucky gave a quiet, angry look. Maybe the Winter Soldier was never truly gone after all, you thought.
“He wants some ham,” he corrected her.
“HE wants some ham,” your aunt repeated with a little sigh.
“Thank you, there you go!” Bucky said, even giving a little bow.
He walked over to you.
“Thank you, you see, it’s so awkward and I hate it…” you whispered.
“She always makes me feel like less of a man…” you confessed into his ear.
He took your hand with his own flesh one and squeezed it.
“Listen, you are a man. No one can take that, okay? I don’t see some faker in front of me- I see a real, genuine man. So why can’t you see that in yourself too?” he whispered.
“Okay…” you whispered back.
When you realized eyes were on you both again, but blinking in ignorance of what was said, you gave Bucky another peck on the cheek and returned to your seats.
You finally got your ham helping. All was going smoothly even when it was time for dessert.
“Dear, would you like some cheesecake?” Bucky asked loud enough for any relative to hear.
“Sure thing, love!” you answered with a practiced smile.
Once he gathered a plate with cheesecake on it, as well as a plate for you, everyone’s head at the table was turned towards the two of you. The other twenty side conversations were dropped.
“Oh, so you’re the Prince Charming, eh?” an uncle asked.
In the back, one could hear your mom turning on the Christmas Playlist but adjusting the volume so it wouldn’t overpower any conversations.
“Yes, I am!” he said plainly.
“How did you two meet?” your father asked.
“Uh…it was…” Bucky began, he squinted his eyes and scratched the back of his head.
“We met at a bar. Bucky’s good friend is Captain America right now and there was a segment on him on the tv. So, I bought him a drink and asked him more and then next thing I knew, we were dating!” you piped in quickly.
That was all true. It was nerve wracking how Bucky would take your new gender and new identity. Especially concerning the truth of what time period he actually came from. But you had struck gold. He managed to let you talk and explain it, and always referred to you as who you were.
Maybe he would really be like that if we were really dat-
The thought made you pause before you could swallow your bite.
No, no, noononononono! You thought. Get that thought out of your head now Y/N! You got to focus! You got to make it through to the end!
“So you really know Captain America!?” an aunt asked excitedly.
“Both of them. Don’t want to talk about the middle one. Long story short, John Walker wasn’t a good guy.” Bucky explained.
“But that’s so cool! Both Steve Rogers and now Sam! What are they like?” a cousin asked.
You scooped up some of the caramel drizzle on your plate with the edge of your fork.
“They’re both the bravest men I know,” Bucky answered.
“And how did you meet Steve?”
He froze a little, his forkful of cheesecake still down on his plate, yet to be eaten. Bucky’s face became paler, and his jaw hung in mid-air.
“Brooklyn, wasn’t it?! You were in Brooklyn when you met him!” you said quickly.
Again, not a lie. Just certain details had to be censored.
“Yes, I was in Brooklyn when I met Steve!” Bucky agreed, playing along.
“You’re so lucky, always wanted to see New York City! Just must pick the right time when it isn’t being attacked by something…” another cousin sighed.
Then the Playlist switched to some instrumental. It began dreamily with some bells playing a twinkly tune. And then a jazzy melody was picked up by some horns and a female singer. Bucky perked up.
“Hey! That’s ‘Santa, Bring My Mommy Back To Me!’” he commented excitedly.
“Really, you know that one?” your mom asked.
“Yeah, I remember I heard it when it first came-“
Your eyes went big, and you whipped your head, dipping into a fake cough to interrupt it. Then you turned to him with a stiff, forced smile as a warning. Bucky stopped himself from blowing his cover.
“You heard the record, right?” you corrected.
“Uh yeah, my mom bought a record and would play it at Christmas,” he confirmed.
If there was a dime for every half-lie you told at desert, you were on your way to becoming rich.
“My Bucky here loves all the oldies. Just like his parents did. It’s so relaxing to listen to!” you boasted, patting his back.
“Well, I like some oldies too! They bring such a nice, classy feeling to every event!” your mom agreed.
You let out a steady exhale through your nose. Bucky bit into his cheesecake.
“Can we pleeeeease open our presents now!!!!” one kid begged, hopping up and down in his chair.
“Oh, alright! C’mon everyone- let’s open some presents!” your dad invited, throwing his arms up.
The kids cheered and ran over there. Adults cleared their plates and followed them right after. There was much violent delight in kids squealing and ripping open papers. Even that innocent greed flashed in the eyes of all the adults. Present by present under the tree was passed around and opened. Some to enthusiasm, some with just a polite smile. You and Bucky sat on the couch, holding hands when you weren’t opening a gift.
Your parents then reached and got a red and white box with a bow under the tree.
“Here Bucky…we don’t know you well yet, so it was hard to pick a gift but…we hope you like it!” your dad wished.
Bucky blinked and then opened the gift. How long had it been since he had an actual gift given to him? As he opened the little green bag and looked inside, he saw it was a bunch of new socks his size, a wad of cash, and a little bag full of homemade cookies.
“We know it’s not much, but-“
He waved his hand, shaking his head.
“No, it’s not! It’s perfect! Thank you!”
Your parents both smiled warmly at him.
It struck him. This was just as comfortable as he could be with Sam and his family. He felt safe. Very safe. Too safe in fact.
Once you let go to hand out your gifts to your family, you realized Bucky felt incredibly warm he felt, head to toe. You were a foot away, but he already missed you.
Goodbyes were said, empty dishes and presents collected and stuffed into the car, and as you turned the key, you drove back to your place. Once you both walked inside and set all the stuff down, you let out a big sigh and laugh.
“Holy shit, that was something! But I could use some hot chocolate after that- want some, Bucky?” you offered.
“Of course,” he replied.
 You poured milk into a stove and turned it on to medium.
“They’re nice, but your Aunt Lydia is…something else” he commented.
“You can say she’s a bitch, Buck.” You confessed.
“Alright- she’s a bitch!” he said with a shrug.
That did make you laugh. Despite his sad past, so much about him made you…just smile and laugh. Naturally.
You returned with two steaming mugs and turned on a Holiday movie you liked and could watch while it was still the season (only six more hours to go!).
“Well, thought I would need this earlier- let’s not waste it,” Bucky said,
He reached into the pocket of his pants and got out a mini size bottle of vodka, dumping it into his mug. Apparently, you could take the Super Soldier from Russia, but you couldn’t take Russia from the Super Soldier.
Both of you clinked your mugs and took the first drink.
“Wait a minute…Bucky! Your arm!” you pointed and let out a laugh.
As Bucky looked down, he realized that he had forgotten that the stickers were still on there. As the movie played on and your laughter cooled down, you peeled it off of him, one by one, and tossed them aside.
“By the way…Y/N, are you doing anything on New Year’s?” he asked.
“Eve or day?” you asked.
“Doesn’t matter,” he replied.
You put a hand around the handle and another on the mug to feel the warmth.
“New Year’s Eve, my family usually throws a party…” you answered.
“Then let’s go! We can fake this again- it’s not too bad! It’s kind of fun, this danger of being caught. We’ll survive it!” he suggested.
You shook your head.
“No, no not really!”
“Why?” Bucky asked.
“It’s not that you’re a good fake date- it’s that…I…I’m busy…” you told him.
He took a larger drink of it. His face was turning a bit pink from the warmth. The movie blared on as a familiar carol was being played in its score.
“Oh…what do you have?” he asked.
You set your mug down and rubbed your hands together slowly.
“It’s…it’s uh…I’ve been planning this for months and I finally got the money to…I’m getting top surgery New Year’s Day,” you confessed.
“WHAT? Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“I wasn’t sure it goes through! And a million things can go wrong in the surgery and I didn’t want to make anyone too unrealistically hopeful- least of all myself! And I have a right not to tell you every last bit about my life!” you protested.
It’s not like we’re dating or anything…yet why did that thought make you sad?
“So yeah- super occupied! And I gotta get ready for life after, it’s gonna be tough…
“Oh, I just thought…
‘Thought what?”
“Thought you’d need a fake date again,”
You shook your head.
“No, not really…not any other upcoming things I can think of. But I’ll let you know..”
“Alright by me” he said, taking a bug gulp of his spiked hot chocolate.
Something was boiling, bursting inside him. He set the hot chocolate down.
“I need to go outside…”
“You can, Buck,” you replied.
Buck, Buck- Buck. Buck! His name getting shorter, smaller...cuter. As if James was too much and now Bucky was too much. Making it smaller, smaller-smaller to where he could only be held and embraced not as a lion but as a kitten. It was too much for him to bear. He stormed outside.
You sat there. Your stomach churning. He wasn’t a smoker. And your apartment didn’t feel stuffy at all. No, something was up- you put on your coat and followed him out.
Right as you opened the door, you noticed that it was dark now. Outside, there was a steadfast snow. No gusts were blasting it into your face, it was gentle. A lot, but gentle. You saw that Bucky had walked outside enough to where you could see his footsteps and saw the top of his head was covered in snowflakes.
“Bucky…Bucky, please!” you called out.
He turned to you, his face was red but his eyes were soft.
“What…what is it…”
You wanted to hear him say it.
“I…I feel…”
“What do you feel?”
“Why mad, what have I done?”
“Nothing! No! I guess-just…I’m frustrated, that’s all.”
“Why…what’s making your frustrated?”
You felt as if the floor would give out from beneath you. He walked closer to you, blinking a little. He brushed the snowflakes from your hair.
No, it couldn’t be…were you being too hopeful…
“Do you know what about your surgery makes me frustrated? The fact that you hid it from me? IT’s not that you hid it at all…it’s just it means so much to you. That I’m not…not special enough that…you can’t even trust me with it…”
He paused, swallowing.
“I don’t want to sit on the sides as you go  through this- I want to be there with you!”
Your breath was knocked out of you. You felt the snow fall on your head, the arms of your coat, your eyelashes, like small, gentle kisses from the sky. Yet you didn’t dare let your eyes leave his.
“Why? Is it because…because…” your voice trailed off, getting quieter and quieter.
“It’s because…I want to be a part of your life, Y/N. I want to be there for you, for all the moments…that’s why…that’s why I asked about your family…that’s why I agreed to pretend to be with you, why I wanted to do it again…”
“Because you really do want to be my boyfriend?” you asked.
He was still, his eyes still blinking.
“I…uh…uhm…yes. Yes, I do.”
You opened your hand, offering it. With both- flesh and metal- he took yours.
“Then…let’s be boyfriends. For real.”
“But one thing you gotta do- my arms are gonna hurt like a bitch after this top surgery. You’ll have to take me to the hospital and help me out once I get out. It’s four weeks of recovery and it’s intense. Do you promise?”
“Absolutely, babe.”
“I like hearing you call me that.”
“I like saying it.”
You leaned in to kiss each other right as another draft of snow fell on your heads.
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