#yeah it’s also horrible for fake characters to have their masks ripped off
starbuck · 1 year
i love characters who are fake, but i also love characters who are really genuine, but not in a good way, because all that ends up meaning for them is that they’re really exposed and can’t hide themselves.
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carbonatedbloodsack · 29 days
Ranting About Twist Villains In Media
I just want to rant a little about something that drives me bonkers in writing, and that's the "twist" villain. Like I don't hate a well done twist villain, I love a well set up chekhov's gun firing as much as the next person. I hate when a character who has been nothing but good to the main character suddenly rips of the mask like a scooby doo antagonist and becomes a massive prick/evil person/bitch/etc. And it happens too often in media for my liking. I feel like it's a cop out to have an easy way to finish off the story instead of dealing with an actual moral dilemma for the main character. Like having to deal with the fact that someone who was considered a friend turning out to be a snake? Yeah that's hard to deal with but it's been done so often that it's no longer interesting. Now having to deal with the fact that someone who was considered a friend, wasn't faking that friendship, was genuinely good and cares as deeply about this relationship as possible, desperately trying to explain why they did what they did while every horrible action they did in the past comes out. And then you having to look into yourself and decide if you could forgive someone in this position? That's genuinely a good conflict and way to have a deep discussion about what makes a person irredeemable It's the difference between Hans from Frozen and Gigas from the Mother series, one is evil for the sake of having a villain even if it doesn't make sense and the other is evil but also can feel love and care about the ones close to them. Finding out that a character is more fleshed out then you originally thought and having to figure out how you would feel in this situation and if the crimes committed should be forgiven or if the character can even do better makes a story so much more memorable.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket,Se03, Ep 8 (part 1)
“ I hate myself, so much, so intensely, so completely, I wish I just go away, disappear for good, & yet in the end, I always protect myself, instead of taking responsibility, I run away every damn time, like now, I’m too scared to even look at your face”. The real kyo under the layers of trauma.
This quotation is why this ep is not abt romance. Instead it is abt: Extreme self-loath, faulty coping mechanism, self-awareness & inability to make correct decisions due to suicidal thoughts & non-existent self-worth.  
This is a guy who’s literally seen death TWICE at the age of 4 & 15 (his mom & kyoko), is trying to avoid the THIRD (tohru’s) & is questioning why the FOURTH isnt happening (his own death).
-The layers of a broken self: Excellent writing:
I applaud the writer for choosing fitting methods to portray her characters’ own trauma. Yuki “ prince” mask & tohru’s “i’m okay” mask were fitting to hide their trauma & uncover the real personalities. However, since kyo would be the character to hide secrets & carry guilt, the viewers need to feel he’s hiding sth w/o knowing what it is. It was done cleverly to (a) tie the plot together, (b) build kyo’s character, (c) fit the climax, (d) suit his trauma of severe guilt & self-loath. Some of the things he does can fit two genuine layers: Both layers are true:
His initial refusal to open up to tohru in early se01. (Surface layer): he doesn't know how to interact with ppl who accept him as he confessed to shigure, (Deeper layer): he avoided tohru cuz he knew her!
He initially refused to join leisure activities & trips: hot spring & kyoto trip (Surface layer): he didn’t want to go with yuki (Deeper layer) he didnt want to spend time with tohru as he was unconsciously feeling that he’s stealing from her.
It killed him to see her true lonely self behind her fake mask & approached her with advice. se1, ep5 (grandpa house), se1, ep23 (sick tohru), se2, ep 8 (hiro’s remarks) & other instances.  (Surface layer): he was noticing her issues, & genuinely wanted to help her cuz he’s kind (Deeper layer) he was falling in love w/her & unconsciously wanted her to be happy with HIM.
There were times when there was ONE layer, such as: kyoko’s 1st grave visit. He was so off, rigid, unresponsive, & completely shut down. Everybody read him. Yuki, tohru, Arisa & hana. they just don’t know why he behaving like that. his trauma manifested itself deeply that he apologized to tohru in her sleep cuz he was “ too scared to even look at your face”.
- Kyo’s trauma takes physical shape: (Clutching his heart: PAIN, clutching his stomach : DISGUST) :
While confessing to tohru, kyo’s features spoke volumes. You can see disrepair, guilt, broken soul, sadness & surrender. His body reflected his emotions:
wide eyes (disbelief), Cat eyes (utter fear)
trembling body (overwhelmed with toxic emotions)
clutching his fists (anger at self) , opening fists (surrender to darkness)
hand covering face (shame), Hand around neck as he finished confessing abt kyoko & yuki (desire for death: the final judgement)
The most focused physical appearance was his fist clutching his heart: he was in so much pain as he narrated how he loved kyoko & found a friend in her, desired to make her happy, to find tohru for her, how his his mom withered away out of fear of him & how pitiful & sad he felt towards tohru for loving someone like him. It broke his heart to see them all suffer after knowing him. All the love he felt for them squeezed his heart tight, he wanted to pull it & rip it away. Above all, he was sad to loose them all. Sad he can’t be wit them.
Then he clutched his stomach: representing the pure disgust he felt at himself. As he realized that there is no escape from being responsible for their death, as he admitted he illogically blamed yuki, his disgust with himself boiled in his stomach. What kind of disgusting horrible person does that? blame someone illogically? I’m horrible, hateful & utterly undeserving to be forgiven. Being disgusted with one’s own self! oof! it was so well-done with animation!
-Tying Mature Themes with Child Trauma:
Through kyo’s story, there were different mature themes that excellently dictate his behavior, mentality & emotional well-being: Excellent writing!
(1) The desperate need for self-worth: To be good for once!
by constantly destroying his self-worth thro contempt (the sohmas), rejection (his mom), hate (his father), pity (kazuma/ kagura, initially), kyo searched for an outlet to be a worthy human. Someone who deserves to be loved for who he is. He found that in kyoko. It is brilliant that kyo didn’t look for a mom in kyoko. He called her “ old hag”, she told him unflattering facts abt herself “ neglecting her daughter”. she was his first real friend. He found comfort being with her. He wanted to return the intimate feeling he felt deep down, kyo is so hung up on giving as much as taking as it contradicts the notion of pity. The opportunity came! Helping her find her daughter! being someone who does good! Return the daughter & feel worthy of being a true friend, a man (aka a person). “ i’ll help her, I’ll protect her for sure! it’s a man’s promise” The promise in its core is abt kyo wanting to be a person. Not a monster, or a cat. A true real boy. Away from all the toxic past emotions. Being a man: means being a big boy (person) with good achievements! All this shattered when a better boy beats him to it. The boy who was always praised, loved & respected! kyo’s self-worth diminished greatly & all the toxic emotions came back!
(2) The downfall of faulty coping mechanism: Creating a Bad Guy:
I stated before that one of my fave scenes of kyo was in se02, ep23 when kyo lashed out at yuki on the stairs upon seeing the hat & how yuki felt nothing but pity towards kyo as he was stuck in the past while yuki moved on. Brilliant scene that explains why one moved on & the other didn;t. Yuki’s faulty coping mechanism was being withdrawn & shutting himself. This coping mechanism didnt make him feel better at all!!! Also, he doesn’t have regrets nor sins, he dealt with his faulty coping mechanism with tohru’s help & the school council & healed gradually. Forever loving the writer for writing the distinction between kyo & yuki logically without painting any as monster in reality. Kyo couldn’t do as yuki for the following reasons: ( remember the old theme of everybody heals on their own pace? love it )
(a) He was addicted to shifting the blame as it made him feel better abt himself!! he shifted his thoughts from “ I wanna go away for good” “ mom, why didn’t you kill me instead” to “ it’s not my fault at all, it’s yuki” No match between the two feelings! one leads to suicide, the other leads to feeling like a mere victim. The two feelings are wrong tho & He knows that! he isn’t ready to stop the drug. He can’t face himself. “ the bad guy, if he isn’t as awful as you think, who you’re left to blame”.
(b) nothing around him can make him feel better. Tohru? but she’s kyoko’s daughter! she’s a lonely orphan, carrying her mommy’s pic taking to it! why? cuz you didn't save her! Loving tohru? is good & I wish we can run away far & be together always! wake up! why would she wanna be with a disgusting monster like you?!! You dont deserve her! you who caused his mom to die, caused her mom to die, blamed an innocent guy! Yuki? yeah, look at yuki, you can never be like him, watch as his true kindness gets noticed by tohru, the school & everybody!! he’s everything you cant be!! he should be with tohru! not you!! Master kazuma? poor guy! you brought him nothing but misery! you see his sad smile, don’t you? he’s disappoint in you. Kagura? she pities you!
(b) Kyo can’t fix his mistakes. kyo watched as yuki got back with his brother, befriended haru again, goes back to the sohma estate for the holidays. he feels he cant have similar reweds as he cant bring the things he needed. his mom, kyoko, his bio dad’s affection, kazuma’s pride in him, tohru’s love & his own satisfaction at himself. kyo just hates kyo “so much, so intensely, so completely”
(c) his fault coping mechanism mirrors his dad’s. Kids pick up toxic habits from parents all the time. Even his suicidal thoughts mirrors his mom’s! brilliant writing!
3- running away from responsibilities: perfectly constructed theme!
Who didn’t? I’m guilty! ugh! one of the best themes in furuba hands down! Any other writer would have made kyo do it once, or twice & have him face it in climax & then deal with it. but NOT takaya-san! She excellently took her time with kyo repeating this exact mistakes over & over to better portray the theme & take it out from the boundaries of story-telling to realistic depiction & logical gradual progression:
kyo ran away from being accused of killing his mom (he’s completely innocent & isn’t responsible for his birth’s deformity/curse nor his mom’s suicide)
kyo ran away from accepting kyoko’s words that yuki isnt bad & most importantly that kyo is good. He had found relief in blaming yuki, now you wanna tell me I should look into myself? I’m bad! i dont wanna look. your words are weird “ no bad or good”  Everybody says otherwise, the sohmas, dad & mom! kyo angrily ran away (completely guilty but excused as child would be).
kyo ran away from facing kyoko’s body & wanted to punish himself with death. Depression took over him as “ master tried to get me to keep living”. (completely guilty in his own eyes, if only he tried to safe her, even if he transformed, Even if she still died regardless!!! he hates himself for choosing the disgusting kyo over the kind kyoko)
kyo ran away from telling tohru the truth upon seeing her, pretended not to know her, slowly dying each time she smiles, slowly falling in love & wishing for a chance with her, a chance he believes doesn't deserve.
Kyo ran away in se01, ep14 when remembering the accident as shigure  triggered him. Tohru consoled him & he lost the chance to come clean.
kyo is running away now. Unable to face her “ too scared to even look at your face”. “ I cant forgive me! I dont want you to fogive me either”
So, after running away the first time, kyo should’ve learned better, right? now in the climax, he shouldn’t  have run away? Yes, he should. cuz simply, he isnt ready. We dont learn from our mistakes cuz someone told us. we learn when we fix the core issue. A guy who thinks he deserves a chance in life would stand tall, confess his sins, argues, talks, tells the story unbiased,  then waits for verdict. kyo thinks he doesn’t deserve to be alive, thus, tells the story with server bias towards judging himself as unworthy. HE decided the verdict & didnt wait for tohru: “ I cant forgive ME! I dont want you to forgive me either” That’s why toru’s words fall flat. “ why cant you see the truth: I love you” he can’t tohru!! cuz right now it is NOT abt love. It is abt trauma!
4- Sever guilt & desire for disappearance (death):
As adults our mistakes loom over us & we’re constantly reminded of the “ what if I had acted differently”. This ties with kyo witnessing his mom’s horrible death at 4 years old. Death in itself is scary. A loved ones death is devastating. Watching it unfold in shocking unprepared way is destructive. kyo was destroyed. Not enough: he gotta carry the guilt as his dad & the sohma hammer the accusations. He gets another chance & loves another person. Only to watch the blood splash reach his shoes. “Guilty” whispers the past. “Guilty” confirms the present. He stands in front of the most precious person to him. Now what? If tohru forgives you, the pain goes away???? You wouldn’t repeat the ultimate mistake of killing her, would you? you ominous creature. Her mom warned you. The nightmare stands hovering over kyo’s head, waiting to come true. IT WILL COME TRUE!!! OMG!!!
if Akito does it. It wouldn’t be kyo’s fault, right?  If the car hit kyoko, it’s not my fault, right? if my mom did it herself, it wouldn’t be my fault, right?
But if only kyo didnt ran away, tohru would be alive. If only I pulled kyoko, she wouldn’t have died. If only I wasn’t born, mom wouldn't have killed herself.
The “ if only “ that killed kyo’s mom as she lamented “ if only I gave birth to the rat” will eventually destroy kyo! ugh!!! AMAZING WRITING!!!
5- The Right Time to Heal (self-desire or outside help?):
When yuki was trapped in Akito’s room, haru visited to help. did yuki accept it? NO. yuki didnt even remember much of it. Why? cuz it wasn’t the right time & yuki was too deep into darkness to notice, to accept & to change. It wasnt until he was out, in co-ed school, rebelling against akito, when tohru came, he accepted her, then it lead him to accept School Council & haru. Tohru had Arisa & hana, but never went to them in her darkest moment, hiding she was living in a tent, they were hurt & confronted her, still she kept hiding her fears, sadness & darkest thoughts, interfering in Arisa’s life to provide help, but never allowing them to interfere, until kyo came & broke her mask, she started to complain, talk, show true emotions & want things! She opened up to Isuzu, too. Arisa & hana weren’t the right ppl at the right time for tohru to heal. Kyo had kazuma to teach him better, kyoko to make him notice his mistakes, tohru to love him unconditionally, the right ppl, but all that was in the wrong time cuz he’s in his darkest moment now like yuki was, unable to see or accept. Healing requires self-desire & outside help, but it gotta be in the right moment, when you can see beyond the abyss & into the faint light of dawn. That’s when words will reach the heart. Kyo need to fall so hard, in order to stand up again. Today, he unloaded his burden, threw up the disgust he felt towards himself, spewed all the hate against the real bad guy: himself! Kyo is kyo’s bad guy, has always been. He needs to let go of hating himself & accept the kind gentle kyo that kyoko & tohru saw ~
Side Notes:
This ep is why furuba wins & deserves 20 years of recognition among manga-readers! this story is real! it is NO sweet fairy tale of two lovers. It is abt one’s self & desire to live. All of them struggle with  this particular desire: kyo, tohru, yuki & the rest.
kid kyo was looking for young tohru all night! T_T
this ep of kyo confessing/ narrating his past , reminded me of yuki’s 3 eps of him confessing/ narrating his past!!! ugh! I wish tohru had that! ahhhh.
The 4 months in the mountains weren’t training!!!!! they were depression & suicidal thoughts! ouch!!
Perspectives are what dictate our feelings: Through yuki’s eyes, kyo was so happy with a loving father, friends around him & a house outside the sohmas. Thus, yuki envied him & wished to die not knowing kyo was living in trauma & feeling utter contempt & self-loath. Through kyo’s eyes, yuki was so happy with a living loving family, friends around him & a house with respect. Thus, kyo envied him & wished to die Not knowing that yuki was suffering abuse & neglect!
I love the pacing of this ep!!! It gives room to feel pain & understand the situation!!! I didn’t feel the headache of the bullet train!! THANK GOD!!! SO SATISFIED!!! I was invested all the time!
kyoko’s “ I’ll never forgive you” really destroyed kyo & went beyond it to destroy her own daughter! AAAAAAHHHH ~ T_T
I have some issues with the “ I forgot” part. It makes no sense that they make him forget the accident only to do the cheap cliff hanger in ep 6, then lazily weave it into his confession to tohru in ep. 8. He always remembered the accident. Apologized to tohru in her sleep in se01. ep14 for that exact accident, Then in se02, ep 9. It was ALWAYS in his mind! ALWAYS. Sorry Mr. Director. very lame try. lol.
The only thing I didn’t like is the music! very weird choices throughout the ep! especially at the end. Why a happy music over kyo’s “ I’m disappointed in you? lol!! its sad & tragic?! weird!!!!
I will talk abt Tohru will be in part 2. (her choice, kyo’s answer to her & the need to let go of her mom, the sohmas & of... kyo.
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Tropical Vacation pt. 4
Hey hi hello! I meant to post this earlier but my dumbass forgot to. There Is no tickling in this part but this Is the part where they meet!
Something important to note: I have not completed the second game, So this probably won't make sense because I've probably not seen some huge plot twist yet. I apologize. This Is happening In an alternate universe anyway so hopefully that doesn't take away from the story too much!
Characters In this part: All of class 78, Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Mahiru, Hiyoko, Ibuki, Nekomaru, Akane, Chiaki, Sonia, Nagito. (The rest of class 77 Is there but not mentioned by name.)
Word count: 2,247
Part 1: [Click or tap here!] Part 2: [Click or tap here!] Part 3: [Click or tap here!] Part 4: You are here.
Once they all assembled at the gym, Monokuma appeared on the stage.
“Thank you all for coming to my ted talk!” He greeted. “And for the splitting headache I now have thanks to you four over there.” He pointed to Mondo, Hiro, Taka and Sakura. Mondo and Hiro chuckled while Sakura blushed.
“I have gathered you all here for a very special surprise!”
“We know what you said in the announcement, can you just get on with it?” Leon rolled his eyes at the mismatched bear.
“Well, Someone’s pushy today. I guess my feng shui isn’t working as well as I’d hoped.” he sounded dejected. “Which Incidentally, Is the subject of today’s meeting!”
“Don’t tell me, You’re gonna throw more sand around?” Hina asked with a small giggle, nudging Sakura.
Sakura flinched hard from the contact, her nerves still on fire from earlier. “M-Monokuma… we are not interested In your decorating escapades.” she mumbled.
“I guess you’re right… It’s not nearly as interesting as watching you getting ti--”
“Sh-Shut up!” She stammered, blushing.
“What about your decorating, Monokuma?” Kyoko sighed, realizing this meeting may never end If she didn’t step In and get it back on track.
“Puhuhuhuhu…” Monokuma giggled. “See? Someone cares about--”
“Just get on with It.” Kyoko interrupted, quickly losing her patience.
“Fine, You’re all no fun…” The bear moped for a moment before clearing his throat. “I called you all here to tell you that I’ve redecorated again! Once you leave the Gym you should notice a whole new world out there…” He said ominously.
“This Is a waste of my time.” Byakuya huffed. “I’m going back to the library.”
“Oh but before you do that, I must warn you…” Monokuma sounded like he was grinning as he spoke. “There are other students out there, much different than the group you’re all used to.”
“D-Did you ge-get another p-p-pool floaty or some-something?” Toko rolled her eyes.
“Something like that.” He called vaguely after the students who were exiting the room.
But imagine their surprise when they opened the doors only to be met with bright sunlight, the sound of waves crashing, and seagulls cawing.
A/N I'm not sure how Monokuma Houdini'd this, he probably stole Usami's spare magic stick--
“W-What the!?” Byakuya jolted back with a surprised gasp.
“W-What happened to the school?!” Makoto stammered.
“Puhuhu… What do you think? After your lukewarm response before, I took your criticisms into account and redecorated! Pretty realistic huh?”
Hina, Kyoko and Makoto stepped out, looking around. “G-Guys? It’s actually real.” Hina stammered, shocked.
“No shit, How could Monokuma have faked it!?” Mondo retorted, walking out with them.
Hina scanned the area enthusiastically then squealed. “Sakura! Come out here! There’s a beach!” she announced as she bounced back in the doorway.
Sakura followed her best friend out again. “It’s… pretty.”
Leon, Hiro, Celeste, Sayaka, Taka and Chihiro all followed them out, looking around curiously.
Chihiro giggled happily. “It’s so nice here!” they beamed, twirling around once in the gentle breeze.
“Look at the water! It’s so blue!” Sayaka smiled.
Toko took one look at the water and began to back up nervously, she looked to Byakuya trying to gauge his reaction to all of this.
“This Is some kind of trick. I’m not falling for It.” Byakuya huffed irritably.
“I don’t know, It looks pretty real to me.” Hifumi commented as he stepped outside.
Hina looked to Toko and noticed how nervous she seemed. she smiled, reaching her hand out for the writer. “Come on Toko! Come with us. I won’t let anything happen to you!”
Toko blushed, stammering awkwardly. “I-I don’t ne-need your protection, M-Meathead!” She chided.
Most people would be offended by this, Hina knew by now that this was just how Toko was. She stepped back through the doors. “Come on Toko~ don’t you wanna just feel the fresh air for even a few seconds? It feels great out here!”
The writer did in fact, want to feel the fresh air. She looked to Byakuya silently for his opinion again.
“Do what you want, I certainly don’t want you In here.” He said coldly, crossing his arms.
She looked back at Hina and shakily took her hand, stepping outside with her.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna join them?” Monokuma asked the Progeny.
“This Is some kind of Motive, and I’m not dumb enough to fall for it like they are.”
“Yeah no.” Mondo grabbed a hold of Byakuya’s arm, dragging him outside. “You aren’t staying where we can’t keep an eye on ya, We all agreed to stick together.” He muttered.
Toko actually smiled as she stood In the sunlight with Hina. “I-It does fe-feel really g-good out here…” she admitted.
“See? It’s not so scary.” Hina beamed, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.
Sakura smiled at the two, glad they were getting along for the time being and she didn’t have to kick Toko’s ass for saying anything too off handed to the swimmer.
“L-Let go of me!” Byakuya growled, ripping away from the biker, as he turned around to go back inside the doors closed with Monokuma standing in front of them. “Open the doors. I’m going back inside.”
“No you aren’t.” Monokuma announced, All the students turned to him questioningly. “Consider this a school field trip! You’re going to be staying here for the next few days while I make actual changes to the school.”
“Stay where exactly? This Is just an island.” Makoto asked.
“I’m glad you asked, Unlucky one! Across this bridge Is a park, and through magical gate number one Is an island with a hotel. The hotel Is where you’re all set up to stay.” Monokuma explained. “But be caaaareful… There are other students on this island that aren’t as hospitable as you are. They’re cold blooded killers who’ve already had a few trials.”
Makoto felt his blood run cold as he looked to Kyoko for comfort, her face was it’s usual iron mask.
“I’d love to stay here and chat with you all, but your teacher should be here shortly to show you the way.” Monokuma sighed. “Enjoy yourselves! Try not to kill for at least a few hours, I have some surprises to prepare for when you get back!” with that he disappeared. Leaving behind the group of concerned students.
“H-He’s totally joking about the other students… right?” Hiro asked, nervously smiling.
“He has to be, There’s no way he can watch over us and a whole other class at the same time.” Makoto replied.
“I shouldn’t have listened to you!” Toko cried, pulling her hand away from Hina. “I-I should ha-have known y-you were m-m-making the wrong ch-choice!”
“Toko, Easy! It’s gonna be okay!” Hina tried to reassure the walking ball of anxiety. “I told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, And I mean It!”
They didn’t have any more time to panic when Usami appeared. “Hello students!” She greeted cheerfully, the group quieted down and looked at the pink and white bunny in total confusion.
“Oh god, There’s more of ‘em?!” Mondo asked.
“M-More of them? You aren’t comparing me to that awful Monokuma, Are you?” Usami sobbed. “I would never do anything as vile as him!”
“Who are you?” Kyoko asked.
“My name Is Usami, I am your soft and squeezable teacher! It’s nice to meet you all!” She beamed. “I am very happy to have you all here!”
“Monokuma said there were other students on the island… Is that true?” Makoto asked.
“Yes, Ah but don’t worry! They aren’t at all as he says!” Usami quickly corrected. “They are wonderful kids! They’ve taken a stand against Monokuma by not participating In his horrible games…”
Makoto let out a small breath of relief. “We’re the same, We haven’t killed anyone either.” He informed the plushie.
Usami giggled happily. “Love, Love! That’s wonderful to hear! Come with me, I’ll take you to the others to get you all acquainted!” She announced as she began to walk towards the bridge.
The students reluctantly followed, not seeing much of a choice. As they made the trek to the other island Usami asked for all of their names, giving them each a compliment on how nice their name was.
It was such a stark contrast to what they were used to with Monokuma, which only made them more suspicious and uneasy about this whole thing.
They arrived at the front of the beach house, and they could hear yelling and laughing, mixed in with some shrieks of surprise coming from whatever was behind the house.
“It sounds like they’re out on the beach!” Usami observed, leading them around to the beach and sure enough, they were. They were having a water gun and balloon fight.
Hajime shrieked as he got pelted by three different people, turning away to protect his face with a laugh. When he opened his eyes he was looking at the other class and Usami.
The students abruptly stopped their shenanigans and looked to the group.
“Everyone, This Is the class Monokuma mentioned before!” Usami announced. “Come introduce yourselves!”
Ibuki was the first to step forward, her eyes wide in shock. “Sayaka??? Is that you??” she gasped.
Sayaka’s eyes also widened as she too stepped forward. “Ibuki? Ibuki Mioda??”
There was a moment of silence as they stared at each other in disbelief, but then they squealed and ran to hug each other. “Ibuki, I’m so happy to see you!”
“Ibuki Is happy to see you too!”
“Ibuki? You know her?” Hajime asked curiously.
“Yes! We were In the same music group before Ibuki left to pursue a solo career.” Ibuki explained, pulling away from the singer.
Leon eyed Nekomaru, shocked. “C-Coach Nekomaru?” He stammered.
Nekomaru blinked, seemingly his face clicked In his head. “LEON KUWATA!” He shouted. “Oh man, It’s been a while! C’mere you!”
Leon smiled nervously as he approached Nekomaru, being pulled into a powerful hug.
Hajime seemed a bit more at ease about the situation as Sonia was the next to step up. “Hello! My name Is Sonia Nevermind! It is wonderful to meet you all!” She greeted cheerfully.
“Whoa,” Akane looked at Sakura with stars in her eyes. “You look super strong!”
“Th-Thank you.” Sakura smiled a bit. “My name Is Sakura Ogami, What Is your name?”
“Oh! Right! I’m Akane Owari, Ultimate Gymnast.” She introduced herself. “Hey, Wanna fight??”
Nekomaru approached them, gently pulling Akane back. “Easy tiger, go introduce yourself to the rest of the class.”
She pouted as she did as he asked.
“Sorry about her, She’s really Into sparring.” Nekomaru laughed. “I’m Nekomaru Nidai! Ultimate team manager! You’re the Ultimate Martial artist, Yeah?”
Sakura was a bit caught off guard. “Yes, How did you…?”
“I’ve watched you fight.” He admitted with a chuckle.
Makoto stared at Nagito. Why did he look so familiar to him?
“Hi, I’m Nagito Komaeda! I’m the Ultimate Lucky student. Nice to meet you!” He introduced himself. Man, he even sounds familiar.
Makoto jumped In surprise. There could be two of the same ultimate?! Though he supposed they DID do this lottery before… “U-Uh, Hi! I’m Makoto Naegi. Ultimate Lucky Student.” He smiled sheepishly at the surprised look on Nagito’s face.
“Really?? Another Ultimate Lucky student? WOW! So my theory was correct.” Nagito said thoughtfully. “I’m really not an Ultimate after all!”
“W-What?” Makoto stuttered, taken off guard by how cheerful he seemed about this. “N-No uh, I was picked at random for a lottery. You’re probably the real--”
Chiaki grabbed Nagito by the arm and yanked him away to give him a lecture while Hajime and Fuyu took his spot. “Sorry about him, He’s on a kick about being trash.” He explained with a sigh.
“Man, and I thought Makoto had low self esteem…” Hina mumbled, giggling at the side eye she received from him.
“I’m Hajime Hinata, I don’t know what my Ultimate Is.” He offered his hand to shake.
“I’m Makoto Naegi. Nice to meet you!” He beamed, his eyes flickered to Fuyuhiko, who still looked a bit uneasy about this situation.
Hajime looked at the blond and gently nudged him. “Go on, It’s okay.”
Fuyu stepped forward and looked up at Makoto-- It’s not every day that someone has to look up at him so he was slightly amused. “My name Is Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, I’m the Ultimate Yakuza.” He introduced, stepping back. Hajime put his arm around Hiko’s shoulders and pulled him into his side to comfort him, sensing he was uneasy.
Mahiru, who had been scared initially, seemed much more lax now as she and Hiyoko introduced themselves to the group.
Once the rest of the group had been introduced, Usami turned to the students. “I should show you to the hotel so you can settle in your rooms!”
“Ibuki can do It!” Ibuki bounced excitedly.
“I will go too!” Sonia volunteered.
Usami giggled. “Very well! I’ll let you two show them. Their rooms have their names on the doors. I must go prepare something, but I will be back to check In on you!” She reassured, disappearing just as Monokuma does.
“Follllooow Ibuki!”
After getting settled In, the Hope’s peak students found that some of their stuff was already in their rooms, also the rooms were much nicer than their school dorms. It was definitely gonna take some time to get used to being able to see sunlight, but It was certainly going to be a nice change for a while.
Tomorrow they would be getting more acquainted with the students that inhabit the island.
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justasimplesinner · 4 years
Roman Sionis x Reader
pt 2
Warnings: more swearing, more anger issues, smoking cigs, two dumb fucks trying to deal with feelings, me having no idea what’s going on at this point
Author’s note: guys this is it, i did it, and i’m not proud
also, i’ll be posting a character list and some requesting rules soon so yeah i got that going for me
@horror-flick-chick @rosionis   
          Sun was peaking out from behind the happy little clouds, birds were singing, streets bustling with life. Light filled the penthouse, and only glitter was missing for (Y/n) to feel like some fucking Disney princess. The whole situation did look like some Beauty and the Beast kind of bullshit anyways.
— God fucking dammit turn it off! — ah, so the Beauty has awakened!
— What? The sun? — she snorted, rolling her eyes and flicked the ash off her cigarette out of the window, the stink of the city flowing in along with the sunlight. She stole his sunglasses just to make him suffer and open the curtains.
She promised to make him pay for yesterday.
From the corner of her eye, she saw him perking up at her voice, surprised to see hear her of all people. And he scrunched up his face in this fucking way that made her want to rip it off and pickle it. It made her heart arythmia speak up or whatever the fuck it was that made her heart halt or speed up constantly around him.
— Rise and shine while it's still up. — she grumbled, tightening his robe around her form to shield her vampire-ish ass from the stinging, scorching rays of sunshine.
— And what do you want me to do, photosynthesis? — he hissed, falling back on the bed and covering his eyes with his forearm, armpit hair full on display. She could fucking braid it if she wanted to, honestly. Same with his chest. This gorilla of a man...
— Anything's better than flashing this morningwood to my sensitive eyes. — it's not her fault her eyes went there! It was very... prominent.
But Dear Lord, was this a blush she could see creeping up his neck? And was he squirming like a worm on the bed? This man was about to get fucking bullied.
— What in the-... — she observed his nose scrunching up violently as he tore himself away from the sheets and looked at her with that offended glare of his — For fuck's sake, stop smoking in my penthouse!
This man-child and his god damn tantrums...
— Shut the fuck up, it's probably healthier than all those fake motherfuckers sageing your house. — and she was probably right. She didn't believe for a second in this sage and essential oils bullshit, but Roman was all about clearing his soul and mind and had the cheek to invite her to some yoga or meditating or whatever the fuck that spiritual orgy was.
— It's also one way to kill yourself. — if she squinted really hard, he almost sounded like he cared. Ew.
— It's also one way to de-stress. — she hissed at him, her scowl practically permanent as she took another long drag, hating his surprised stare she felt burning into her back.
— You're stressed? — immediately, he dragged his ass out of bed and right up to the window, daring to steal his glasses from her face so he could actually see something.
— And you're not? — she countered sharply, feeling her heart hammer in her chest like it wanted to burst right out and hand itself to him on fine china. The idea of pushing him out of the open window seemed really tempting at the moment.
— Just give me the fucking cig.
The fucking hypocrite.
          It was his voice that interrupted their momentary silence. His voice that tore through her thoughts and woke her up from the daydream she fell into. His voice that destroyed the god damn peace she reached for once and her face immediately went back to it's usual scowl, muscles tightening again.
She could see he felt bad, to some extent at least. And fucking right he should feel bad.
— What are you doing here? — but he had to ask that question. He just had to. And had the gall to sound so fucking tired asking it. He really didn't remember shit, did he?
She regretted not skinning him in his sleep.
— You really got wasted yesterday, huh? — she snorted, sparing him a glance — I had to-...
He had the courage to interrupt her.
— I remember what happened. — that hiss made her whole head turn in his direction. Well, what the fuck did he want from her then? — Which is precisely why I'm asking what the fuck are you still doing here? — his fists and teeth clenched painfully, and he looked like a kicked puppy waiting for another blow. She'd gladly deliver...
If not for the god damn clenching in her chest. Just great, now she couldn't even breathe, let alone talk to him. Pathetic, that's all she was. Pathetic.
The second she turned her head away, she felt his vice-like grip on her shoulder, spinning her right back, trapping her there and it was hard to fight the urge to kick him in the nuts because she felt like a cornered animal. Why did she even fight? If there was one person who deserved to have his balls ripped off, it was him.
— The fuck you on about? — she finally hissed, a feeble attempt to save herself from this whole situation, defend her own pride and dignity from the horrible look he was sending her way. Why did he have to act so sincere all the time? Where was that fake-ass smile he flashed every night, that fake-ass laugh, that fake-ass mask? Why did she have to endure all this bullshit?
And then, he booped her. Booped. Her. On the nose. Sober.
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Yandere/Crazy! Kim Namjoon- Body Heat (Part 2)
Also hey! Do You guys want some music recommendations because I got a few, better yet I also know some bomb ass voice actor channels that would make you fucking CRY (in a good way of course).
Also I have been listening to you guys. Some of you guys actually enjoy a little bit of fright with your fan fic so HERE IS YOUR WARNING YANDERE CRAZY BOY AND BLOODY AND AAAAHH
Do not read if you do not want to read the dark side of yandere I’ll ever put a warning so you guys know where to skip. Also I do not encourage dating or fucking a yandere who legit hurts people for you, this is just a fantasy and should never translate into real life. Especially when you’re using celebrities’ likenesses. This is strictly for fun and please do not forget that. Yandere bf’s are cute in theory until they start all the stabby stabby
Read Part 1
Namjoon shot up in bed, a loud gasp ripping through his throat. An ungodly horrible pain went through his head as he ripped himself from his nightmarish sleep. He looked around frantically, staring at the glass of water on his bedside table. Without thinking, he snatched it off the table and downed the whole glass.
“Ugh...” he groaned, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He frantically searched the area for you. His thoughts were but to rest when he looked to his side and saw your soundly sleeping body. He stared at your face, the rise and fall of your chest and the slight mumbled that left your mouth with each breath you took.
Good, he hadn’t lost you. He couldn’t imagine losing you. Ever. Even his thoughts loved to play mind games with him, but he wouldn’t allow that to happen. He leaned down and pressed his lips against your cheek, shutting his eyes tightly. His damn nightmares were getting the best of him again.
You had spent the night at Namjoon’s house one night after a special night. Oh, the feeling your your hot body moving is sweet synchronization with his. It made him want to wake you up and take you again.
He was knocked out of his trance when he saw your phone vibrating on the other bedside table on the side of which you were sleeping. Curiously, he grabbed it. He put in the password you so cutely gave him.
“Hmm what do we have here.” he mused quietly.
It was a text from who he assumed to be Jay. (Even though his Caller I.D was labeled “My First Mistake”)
Listen Y/N! That guy you were with! I’m trying to tell you he’s insane! He threatened to kill and feed me to you.
A low, quiet growl left Namjoon throat. “Jay, Jay...Jay.” he clenched his fist. “You should have kept your mouth shut.”he shook his head.” I’ll be sure to take care of you later...”
You groaned, turning in your sleep.”Namjoon? You’re awake?” you yawned, sitting up. “What time is it?”
“Three in the morning.” he put on a fake smile, even though his rage was slowly building. “Your phone was going off and I didn’t want to wake you.” he showed your your phone screen. “Did I wake you?”
“Oh no, Namjoon you weren’t meant to see that. “you said sheepishly, looking down. “Are you mad at me?”
“Never.” he traced his fingers under your jawline. “I just wanna know why he’s saying this.”
“Well after than night.” you scratched the back of your neck. “He kept bad mouthing you to me, saying you were a psychopath and that you were gonna kill him.” you chuckled. “That if I wasn’t careful you could do something to me too.”
Namjoon nodded thoughtfully acting as if this was a surprise. Even though deep down he was dead serious. “I see...”
“I tried telling him to just leave me alone and that any chance he had of trying to scare me right back into his grip was impossible.” you rolled your eyes. “If you were a psychopath, I think I’d know by now.” you mumbled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey.” Namjoon put your phone down. “If Jay texts you again...tell me.”
“Wait what?” you raised an eyebrow. “May I ask why?”
“Knowing him, he’d probably take other measures.” he kissed your nose. “I don’t want that.”
“Okay.” you nodded.
“Yeah?” he made sure you were serious. “Promise?” he got closer to you until your noses were touching.
“Yes.” you nodded, making him smile a little. Namjoon kissed your lips slowly, reveling in the feel of your soft lips against his. You were already starting to turn into the perfect obedient princess he knew you were deep down. He wanted you to stay with him, for a long, long, time. But....he couldn’t do that when there were obstacles in his way. Jay, for example and any other old flame of your that decided to make an appearance.
“Good girl.” he mumbled. “Very good.” He gently held the back of your head, reveling in your taste, in your touch. Out of sheer want, he abruptly pulled you into his lap. He was just sleeping but his tiredness was replaced by his primal list for you, and he was about to feed that demon again.
He tiredly pinned you to the bed, dipping his head into the crook of your neck. His tongue lashed against your warm flesh, sucking on the sensitive skin. He would have sunk his teeth into your shoulder but he wanted to wait.
“Hey. We were just at this a while ago.” you jokingly whined, making him chuckle. “How much stamina do you have?”
“I could go on forever without sleep if it meant I could use you to...charge me.” he smirked as he felt those familiar, but beautiful goosebumps rise on your skin. This time, he crashed his mouth over yours, hooking his arms around your legs.
Your bare bodies were flush against each other, you could feel Namjoon’s warmth from within your core and your body ached for more of his touch even more. Namjoon kissed down your body, tracing his warm mouth over the slope of your chest. He left hot open mouthed kissed over your collarbones, making you gasp.
That gasp, it was enough to make a growl erupt from his throat.
His previous thoughts of that nightmare had vanished, now he wanted you.
You were sitting in a cafe alone, texting Namjoon. He had been texting you all day, without even hesitating to reply. Not those short, dodgy, one worded, simple minded responses. His replies to your messages made you feel special like he really did care how you day was instead of asking just to ask.
You had sent him a picture of you making a funny face with your usual beverage in hand and were waiting for him to reply. You were pretty much enjoying it when Jay burst in.
Y/N, I knew you’d be here.” he sat in front of you.
“What do you want?” you asked boredly. “I’m busy.”
“Did you get my text?” he asked.
“About Namjoon being crazy?...Yeah and I gotta admit your humor sucks.” you sighed. “I don’t get it. You want me to be miserable don’t you. I was miserable with you, then I was miserable without you, then i got over you and then you made me feel miserable for trying to move on and now you want me to break relations with the first guy I genuinely like so I can be miserable again?” you ranted, losing track of how many times the word ‘miserable’ came out of your mouth.
“Listen, I’m telling you the guy is nuts!” he sighed. “He said he was gonna kill me if he ever saw me again. He threatened to lock me in his basement!”
“Now you’re just being dumb.” you shook your head. “You make it sound like he’s a character from those animes you made fun of me for watching.”
“He might as well be! I had a few people follow him.”
“That’s against the law.” you crossed your arms. “He could sue you if he found out.”
“Listen! One of my buddies caught him ON FILM beating the absolute shit out of a guy three days ago.” Suddenly an Ipad was slid in front of you. You could very evidently see Namjoon’s face on the thumbnail or maybe not...he was wearing a mask but the hair was a complete match. “Give me five minutes.”
You promised Namjoon, but now you were curious...what exactly was on this video? You had to find out....what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. (Or you....you hoped.)
You put in the air pods that he had given you and pressed play.
(If you don’t want to read yandere crazy boy killing then please skip this part. I will alert you in bold print when you can continue to read.)
You saw Namjoon or whoever this doppleganger was throw the first punch, it was so aggressive that the male stumbled back and you soon saw the face of the other male. It was your perverted landlord. You had told Namjoon about him and his words were.
If I see him, I’ll have a little chat with him.
You didn’t realize it meant beating the living tar out of him.
“Oh my god.” your jaw dropped as Namjoon basically body slammed the much bigger and stronger opponent. You couldn’t hear or understand what he was saying. He was switching back and forth between English and Korean and was talking way too fast to comprehend either language.
“You worthless piece of.....” you watch the bottom of Namjoon’s show become acquainted with the guy’s knee. If he could still walk after that then he was lucky. He kicked the guy in the nose and to make matters worse, Namjoon grabbed the landlord by the back of his shirt collar and drug him across the concrete, slamming his head into the side of the dumpster.
Your heart dropped when you saw him whip out a knife and stalk towards the landlord. A terrifyingly delighted laughter ripped from Namjoon’s lungs as he raised the knife. All you could say was you had never seen so much blood in your life come out of a single wound.
“....Now...have I made myself clear or do you need me to explain further?”
(Okay, you can look up now, violent part is over.)
“Don’t make me watch anymore.” you pressed pause. You were scared of what was gonna happen. “H-how did you find him. W-where was this recorded?!?” you tried to keep your voice hushed. You ripped out each airpod and threw them at him, not caring if he had to fumble to catch both.
“We saw him at the night market...” Jay replied, looking down at his knuckled. “He’s bad news Y/N. I know you hate me...but if anything happens.” he slipped a piece of paper towards you. “This is my sister’s phone number, she’ll help you out.”
You wordlessly nodded your head, you gave him his Ipad back. That Namjoon, that man...was not the Kim Namjoon you had met and grown to know so well. Your phone vibrated.
How would you like to go out to eat tonight?
Your froze. Did you want to risk it?
Sorry, I can’t....My job has me working all night.
You didn’t know for sure if you could trust him just yet. You weren’t even sure if you could believe Jay! You just needed to think.
You walked down the hallway to get to your apartment. On the way you were surprised (you had no idea why) too see your landlord who had a suspicious looking gauze around his arm.
“Oh Good. Boy, am I glad to see you!” you sped walk up to him. For some reason he looked weary, as if he didn’t want to be caught talking to you.
“What? Why? What do you want?” he asked quickly. Strange, usually you wouldn’t even want to talk to him and he’d come up with some stupid pickup line that made your skin crawl.
Oh...he probably didn’t know what you- Well he wasn’t dead or brutally injured...but that suspicious wrap had you thinking that maybe ....
“I wanted to check if you got my rent check, I know you have a habit of losing them.” you sighed. Correction, did he throw away the check purposely just to give you an eviction notice and scare you half to fucking death which would cause you to have to write another one and plead to him to not kick you out.
“Oh Yeah I got it don’t worry. As a matter of fact I found the other one six I lost so you won’t have to worry about rent for 7 months!” he said quickly. “No money will be taken out of your account. Bye now!” he sped walked off, clutching his arm.
“I was gonna ask you about someone taking a look at my dishwasher!” you called after him but he had bolted.
You walked into your apartment, practically leaning against the door.
“Maybe a bath will calm me down.” you mumbled, throwing your stuff down.
Before you could walk into the other room, you heard a knock on the door.
Without thinking you walked back and yaned the door open. You just weren’t suspecting Namjoon standing there.
“Oh! You!” you squeaked.
“..Yeah, me.” he chuckled. “Thought you said you were working a late night.”
“I did! I was!...Change of plans!...Haha... Funny how things turn out!” you laughed nervously.
“Are you alright?” he walked in closing the door. “You seem jumpy.”
“.....Where were you three nights ago?” you just came right out and said it. You were dead scared but you’d rather hear his side first.
“....Why do you ask?”
You saw his adam’s apple move as he gulped down.
“I just want to know.” you replied as confidently as possible. “One of my friends say they saw you...at the night market downtown.” you shrugged. “I just wanted to know-”
“Well, I wasn’t. I was with you remember?” he chuckled. “We went out to dinner, I was with you the entire night.”
You suddenly felt stupid. He was right. He had been with you the entire night. The only time he ever left was to get up to go to the bathroom and he came back in less than ten minutes. What were you thinking?! Of course! You remembered because you wore shoes that matched his shirt and you both laughed about how you even matched when you were apart.
Jay had tricked you. He probably got one of his stupid friends to beat up your landlord. Not even beat up! Almost kill! Just to make Namjoon look like some psychopathic unstable maniac!
He was weird and pervy but this was too much. You would know better than to trust him again.
“...I’m sorry.” you laughed. “I can’t believe I-” you were about to say. “Guess you think I’m pretty dumb huh?”
“Never. You looked shaken up. Is something the matter?” he asked, putting his hands on both your shoulders.
“...Someone said they saw someone who looked a lot like you beating the shit out of my landlord.”
Namjoon froze. Shit! Had he been exposed? He didn’t think he was gone that long. Damnit, what would he tell you, how would he expla-
“But that’s impossible, you were with me the whole time...I really don’t understand why he was so weird to be in the hall though.” you crossed your arms, still trying to put the pieces together.
Namjoon relaxed and chuckled, kissing your head. “Who knows?”
He did, he made sure his threats and intents were as clear as a wine glass. If he made any passes at you, threatened to evict you, or did anything that made you go to him for ANY reason. His balls would be Namjoon’s dog’s new chew toy.
“Sorry I acted weird.” you looked down sheepishly.
“Hm, that’s what I love about you.” he chuckled. “Now let’s put that behind us.” he leaned down to kiss your lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your toes almost.
Namjoon’s body like usual was warm against yours. His hand held onto the back of your head, while his arm gripped onto your waist, keeping you against him. He tongue traced and teased your bottom lip. Absentmindedly, you hooked your leg around his hip. Your body was already submitting to him.
“You feel like getting takeout?” you suddenly asked, feeling your high come to a slow but eventual end.
“I’ll pay for it.” he agreed.
“TO THE INTERNET!” you pointed to the sky like a child. Namjoon smiled at you as you began skipping towards your  bedroom, but his smile was soon replaced by a frown.
He would have to be more careful, he just couldn’t go eliminated targets willy nilly, the cleaning would already be hard enough. He had to be careful or you would definitely suspect him. He had to get tracks off him.
Starting with the man who began this mess....
(Also how would you guys feel about a good end/ bad end of this story?)
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spencer-is-amazing · 5 years
Salvation (Michael Langdon x OC)
Pairing: Michael Langdon x Original Female Character
Word Length: 2k
Warnings: Very slight violent imagery
Chapter 1: The End
Chapter 2: The Beginning (x)
Summary: On one hand, she knew him as Michael- the kid with eyes that rivaled the sea and a heart that yearned to be loved.
On the other hand, he was Langdon- the man who would take all or none to the Sanctuary, and looked at her as if she was a fly on his wall that needed to be crushed.
And yet, she couldn't deny the feelings that bubbled in her soul when he looked at her with those deep sea eyes, and how she had become the one who craved his love. She only hoped it wasn't too late to save them both.
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“-And remember students, your papers on the human effect in marine life is due this Sunday at 11:59 sharp. No, I will not accept papers at midnight or anytime you deem fit; I’ve given you all an ample amount of time to complete this paper, so I’m expecting all A’s! Have a good weekend students and email me with any questions or concerns!”
The class of 39 environmental biology students all praised every deity for allowing Mr. Abernathy to shut his mouth and let them leave early, though he usually let them off with ten minutes to spare every Friday, so there was no true harm done.
“You got anything planned? Dylan’s parents are out of town and I’m gonna hit that up.” Julie March smiled at her friend Chloe’s lustrous look at Dylan Parker’s back; it was no shock that Chloe wanted to climb that boy like a tree and probably would this weekend.
“I mean, just look at him, you know I’m a sucker for a good back.” Julie chuckled as her friends eyes followed Dylan out of sight, sighing when he turned out of the class. “But yeah, free house, me and him, bone town.”
“Really, bone town? What’re you, Jack Skellington?” Chloe fake laughed at Julie’s stupid joke and both girls left the room, walking through the mostly empty hall.
“I don’t really think you have the authority to make any joke whatsoever at me, seeing as you’ve probably never seen a cock in the first place and I’ve seen like four.”
Of the two girls, Chloe was the one who had spent high school with skirts shorter than her buttcheeks and bubblegum popping between her teeth, while Julie had spent it in baggy hand me downs with her nose in a book. It was strange that they were even friends to begin with.
“How come every conversation with you ends with you calling me a dickless virgin? I have seen one before.”
Chloe simultaneously scoffed and rolled her big brown eyes caked in eyeliner, “I hope you don’t mean the mystery guy from high school that no one ever actually met and also disappeared after like a year because I’d hate to call you a liar this late in the day.”
Julie shot daggers as Chloe smirked, “He was real. And maybe Dylan would go down on you if you weren’t such a dick.”
“Oh, he’ll go down on me alright. I’ll make sure of it.” They were nearing the exit of the large community campus building. “But really, any plans this weekend? And no, going to that creepy Hotel does not count.”
Julie adjusted her backpack strap and bit her lip, “My mom already asked me and I mean, It’s not that creepy.”
Chloe’s arm shot out and stopped Julie in her tracks, “I’m sorry, are we talking about the same Hotel? The one where bunches of people always die and the last time I went with you I almost did? That one right?”
Julie pushed open the front door, ready to not exactly deny her friend that that was in fact true but merely defend her pride, but the chaos that both girls were met with put an end to that.
“What the fuck-?” Chloe was thrown to the ground with a grunt, Mr. Abernathy having thrown open the doors and running for his life. Julie helped her up and both girls flinched when a loud horn blared throughout the campus.
Was there a shooter? Had someone brought a bomb on campus? What the hell had happened?
A group of students came into view and were running past them when Chloe yelled at them, asking what was happening.
One of the guys in a Mario beanie turned to them with scared eyes and pointed his finger to the sky, “They’re coming! It’s the end of the fucking world man- there’s no where to go!”
He fled off after his group, leaving them there with confusion on their faces. The end of the world?
They had so many questions; How? Why? Now?
It took a second for the absolute horrifying dread to set in, for the fear of death to fill her veins and leave her frozen. She didn’t even know what was coming and if she’d make it home in time to kiss her mom goodbye and say all the things she’d never said.
“Julie, Julie- look at me please. We need to go. Now.” She’d barely realized that tears had started streaming down her face, her friend digging those pretty pink manicured nails in the flesh of her arm and dragging her across the campus to the pretty purple convertible that picked up Julie for school every morning, but there would be no tomorrow morning would there.
Julie’s trembling hand was reaching for the glossy silver handle of the pretty purple convertible when the door opened, slamming into her gut with a strength that shocked her.
Chloe was already inside and giving her a look that could kill a man twice, “Get in the car. Now.”
The streets were like if Crazy Taxi had jumped out of her Dreamcast and had plagued the streets; it was utter chaos.
Abandoned cars littered the road and Chloe maneuvered them with excellent skill, and managed to not hit a single person, though there had been many running through the streets screaming for help from god, but no god was coming.
Julie’s shaky hand reached for her phone and read the alert;
Urgent Alert
Ballistic Missile Threat Inbound To Los Angeles
Seek Immediate Shelter. This Is Not A Drill.
A hand ripped the phone from hers and threw it in the backseat, “Don’t look at your phone. No doubt its people you fucking hate saying sorry for being douche filled assholes to you now that they’re gonna fucking be blown to pieces.”
Chloe spoke with such rage spittle flew from her teeth. “We’re gonna get you home and…. and…”
Sobs wracked the pretty 20’s year olds chest and tears streamed down her make up caked face, teeth biting the red matte lipstick and tears smearing the pitch black mascara. Julie had never seen her cry, not even when James from 10th grade broke up with her and said her nose was too big.
“Chloe.” Her hand found the shaking shoulder and squeezed lightly, “It’s okay. Even if we don’t make it, I’m glad I was with you.”
“No, No, No.” Chloe took her hands off the wheel and turned to her best friend Julie. “We’re going to get you home, and you’re gonna say bye to your mom.”
“Chloe- the car!” But she didn’t listen and instead hugged her friend close and the car seemed to steer itself closer and closer to her home.
“Chloe what’s happening? Please Chloe, tell what you’re doing?!” The hysterics were starting to set in as they skidded across her front lawn, car seemingly shutting down on its own.
Both girls had tears streaming down their faces and both of their chests felt like their hearts were going to implode. Chloe turned and held her friends chubby cheeks in her shaking hands, leaning forward and pressing a solemn kiss to each blob.
“Never forget me Julie.” Chloe released the chubby cheeks and watched as shadows circled the car.
“And never forget him.”
And questions Julie had were ripped to shreds as black covered hands ripped open the car doors and dragged both girls out of their cars, Chloe seemingly giving in to the inevitable and Julie refusing to give up. She wasn’t going to die without a fight.
She was placed in front of two people, both something out of a distant future sci-fi movie.
“Are you Julie March?” Her attention wasn’t on the man who asked the question but instead on Chloe, who had been placed on her knees, a large gun pointed at her temple.
The pale man spoke up once more, “You, Julie March, have been selected by the Cooperative as one of the lucky few who will be taken to a safe location away from the blast.”
That caught her attention enough to stop her struggles, “Not without my mom and Chloe.”
He gave her a hard look. “Your genetic makeup makes you a prime candidate, and theirs do not.”
“I don’t understand, candidate for what? What the hell do you people think I’m gonna do?”
This was all some hellish nightmare; she must have fallen asleep in class and no one had woken her up yet. This couldn’t be real, it just couldn’t.
Julie sobbed out the same response, “Not without them. Please.” But they didn’t listen, dragging her away to a grey heavy-duty van and locking her inside, away from the rest of the world, away from her mother, away from Chloe.
She screamed with every chord in her throat as a gunshot rang through the air and the van started moving. There was no doubt that they were leaving behind her friend’s corpse on her mother’s lawn, a mother she would never see again and a friend who died too soon.
This still felt like a horrible nightmare that she couldn’t escape from, a demonic presence that had latched onto her soul and brought death and destruction in its wake, dragging her through pain and agony that seemed to have no end.
She wanted to die in that moment, wanted the blast to consume her whole and leave her with the people she loved. What was the point of survival if you had to do it alone?
2 Weeks Later
And as it turned out, this Survival wasn’t something she’d be doing alone. She’d met Emily and Timothy at the initial bomb shelter, the three of them crying as the tremors had ran through the concrete slabs they’d laid upon.
They’d mourned for their families and loved ones, and even the ones they hated. It was a dark time for them, and there was no light at the end of the tunnel for 13 days.
But on the 14th day, they were thrown clothes and masks, told that anything out of place would lead to their death. Any resistance would lead to death, and that it was in their best interest to cooperate.
And so they did, piling on the large suits and making sure every tube for the gas mask was in place and stepped outside of the bomb shelter, following the men in black.
The world had turned grey and cold, had become a wasteland of death and grim tidings for the ones lucky to survive. All of the green had turned to black, and the sun had turned grey and dim. This was not a world that Julie wanted to be apart of, but she had no choice.
A carriage was waiting for them- horse drawn to be exact- and Julie, Emily, Timothy and a masked stranger sat in the carriage, rocking back and forth for hours on end, their destination unknown.
It was a miracle that the carriage came to a stop after so long, that the doors opened up to reveal more grey fog as a hand helped them out, and lead them forward.
It was a building like no other, if you could even call it a building. A spiraling black beacon of death was a better way to describe it. The four of them walked forward, past two people dressed in grey on their knees- no masks on either of them- with guns pointed to their heads.
The ring of the gunshot made her trip and fall to her knees- Chloe’s tear stained face ran through her head like a hurricane- “C’mon, get up.”
Timothy held out a hand to her and she shakily took it, balancing on two legs and moving forward, not looking back at the bodies, even though she wanted to, to make sure they weren’t Chloe.
The decontamination process was threatening to say the least; the short stout woman who commanded their attention was someone who she would make sure to avoid. A few people dressed in outfits like the ones outside entered and were helping them get their suits off when a sound as steady as dropping water but heavy as iron entered the air.
The metal door opened to reveal a tall woman holding a candle.
“My name is Wilhemina Venable, and I’d like to welcome you to Outpost 3.”
Next Chapter Up Soon! Leave a Comment and Visit my Ao3 Account SpenceBox!
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onthepageoftears · 5 years
Unlikely Ally (Diego Hargreeves x fem!reader)//Umbrella Academy
A/N: Sorry for not writing as often, I’ve just been super busy and not too motivated :/ i have been working on some OCs though, which you can check out here, and I have a small update post here. Other than that, Umbrella Academy has pretty much taken over my brain, so thank you for this request as it has given me some more motivation! Not sure if I’ll be any good at writing these characters, but I’ll try my damned best!
Also I changed the request a bit and wrote this one in more of a third person POV rather than second person, so please let me know what you thought! <3
Request: Diego Hargreeves x fem reader. She works in coroner's office and attempts to steals the report from her. She catches him and let's him take it. He brings it back as an excuse to ask her out.
Summary: Y/N and Diego had a strange relationship. Well, it was more of an ‘allyship’: she let him look at her reports, and he went off to fight crime. But their relationship as allies was far from professional.
Warnings: language, mention of gore/death/dead bodies, lots of flirting oh boy
Words: 1,220
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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They were everywhere. On the streets, in the park, down the hallway, in the elevator next to you. But for Y/N, it wasn’t just the living and breathing that surrounded her: it was the lifeless, cold, usually sickening bodies that were placed on almost equally cold slabs of metal in the wall.
People always asked her how she did it. A coroner? Why would someone want to be around dead bodies so much?
And what would she tell them?
“I like people for what’s on the inside.”
To her dismay, they wouldn’t laugh.
But people’s disinterest (and disgust) in her career didn’t phase her; it actually made her appreciate her job a little more. If no one else wanted to do it, it was probably a good thing that she did, right?
It was a late night, and Y/N was finishing a report for the most recent bodies she examined that day. A double homicide: not totally uncommon, but enough to make her wonder how horrible people could be. But, that wasn’t really her job. Examine the bodies and send in the report. That’s it.
Before she could think anymore on the impending issues of crime in her city, there was someone else there to do it.
The sound of boots landing on the office floor didn’t startle her anymore, like it used to. But the fact that she was used to it didn’t mean it didn’t piss her off.
“The door was unlocked, you know.”
She heard the light snort as an echo in the room, and only lifted her head slightly. “Yeah, well, that’s probably a safety hazard.” Diego sauntered out of the shadows of the darkened room, and Y/N nearly rolled her eyes at his undoubtable effort to look cool. “Some creepy people could stroll right in.”
Her pointed glare was enough of a response, but she rolled her eyes anyway with a slight smile. “Yeah, tons of creeps around here. I think I’ve seen a weird guy in a tight suit and oh-so mysterious mask lingering about.”
Considering her words, Diego nodded his head lightly. He lifted the mask from his eyes and pointed a finger in her direction.“Touché.”
After a second of smirking at each other, Y/N had to break the usual sexual tension in the air. She went back to her report, adding in the necessary details of the two bodies she had received earlier. Diego’s boots echoed lightly in the room as he approached her desk; he didn’t hesitate to place his arm across her chair and lean over to watch her work.
“Anything interesting?” The voice was right over her shoulder, but she wouldn’t dare tell him to move. He didn’t scare her; In fact, he did quite the opposite.
“Oh, the usual.” She added her signature at the bottom and turned her head to look at the man beside her. “Double homicide, unknown killer.”
She watched him smirk, ignoring the way her stomach fluttered. “We’ll see about that.” Diego reached forward and lifted the report before she could stop him. He chuckled at the way she groaned in response.
This was usually how things went between them: flirty banter, sexual tension, reluctant submittal of the body reports, and a quick split on Diego’s behalf. And it wasn’t getting old.
At first, it pissed Y/N off: this wannabe Batman thought he could get anything he wanted, when he wanted. Hell, when she first met him, he was trying to break into her office; he tried to play it off with a wink and a charming smile, but that didn’t phase her. No, it only made her angrier. But soon she learned that he was actually helping people, doing things that the police wouldn’t - and couldn’t - do. So she let him sneak into her office, borrow her reports, flirt with her senselessly, and kick crime in the ass. It was the least she could do, as a good samaritan: be an unlikely ally to a vigilante. Besides, she figured out his identity pretty quickly, and used it to her advantage. Now, they were pretty much even.
With a small sigh, Y/N leaned back in her chair. She watched Diego scrunch his nose up as he flipped through the pages. “They had their intestines ripped out?”
All Y/N could do was shrug. This was her job, and even though it got fucked up at times, she loved it. “For a guy who fights crime in his spare time, I’d think you’ve seen weirder things.”
“You’d be surprised.” He flicked his eyes from the report to her expectant glare. As he cleared his throat, he held out the report to her. “Let me know if anything similar to this comes up. I might be able to get some information from a detective I know, but this looks like a serial case.”
“So we’re not exclusive?” She faked an offended tone as she snatched the report from him, flattening the edges where he subconsciously folded the paper.
“We’re whatever you want us to be.” The serious tone caught Y/N off guard. She swallowed the lump in her throat and pretended to check that she filled the whole report out. It didn’t help that he watched her the whole time.
But after a minute or two, he cleared his throat. “I want to ask you something.”
“No, I don’t believe in ghosts.”
“What?” Diego frowned, but shook his head lightly. His lips pursed and slowly turned into a smirk. “I know someone who would think differently.”
Y/N quirked an eyebrow, but decided not to interrupt him. She could see the conflict in his eyes, even in the darkness of her office. Whatever he was going to ask, he had probably been thinking about it for a long time.
“You could’ve stopped helping me a while ago.” He stated simply, watching her soften her expression. With a lick of his lips, Y/N noticed the serious expression fall from his face as a new smirk replaced it. “A guy’s gotta wonder why a beautiful woman would let him borrow her coroner reports.”
She rolled her eyes, and leaned back in her chair; the smile on her face widened at the way he leaned casually next to the open window. “Maybe it’s because she’s a foolish, ignorant side character in a heroes journey.”
“I wouldn’t bet on it.” He winked and turned back towards the window, leaving Y/N to blink at his words. After he successfully climbed through the window, he leaned his head back inside with a new, somehow cheekier smile sporting his face.
“You and me, maybe we could meet up somewhere. Talk about something other than dead bodies.”
Y/N stared dumbly at him, trying to decipher through the darkness if he was kidding. After a moment of no response, she smiled. “Is this you asking me on a date?”
Instead of answering, Diego smiled wider and winked again, disappearing into the darkness of the night before Y/N could respond. She frowned at the empty window, but soon, a flush formed on her cheeks. She placed her head in her hands, trying to ignore the way her smile nearly echoed into the dark room around her.
So much for being just allies.
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the-skooma-den · 5 years
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Aight! part 2 to my whole shebang on my eso main syke! Part 1 is here and it covers the basics of who/what she is. This one is how she goes through the main plot, all thats under cut
And here is a directory to both posts about her, as well as the ones about her siblings
Were gonna do this bullet point style .also just assume the main plot quests are going on at the same time, the “main” quest remains relatively unchanged aside from her relationship with Abnur Tharn, who is her grandfather, which although it sounds important really isnt because she hates him. 
Pre main plot: Mostly covered in the previous posts
 Her time before the main plot, as a member of the brotherhood.  At the time of her kidnapping she was mentally a wreck and moments away from a mental break. She was on a lot of drugs and was drunk pretty often, it was a very bad scene. On top of that morally speaking was pretty ambiguous if not downright evil.She was actually infamous in the brotherhood for her ruthlessness. (It’s actually a common story to tell the new recruits about the time she slit a babies throat in front of its mother because the mother got in her way). Overall unsympathetic and completely apathetic to worries of the world around her. 
It’s worth noting that deep down she was already ashamed of herself, which fueled a lot of her unhealthy behavior. She doesnt see much wrong with how the brotherhood operates in general (she was literally raised in their cult so not much surprise there) But her earned reputation as being brutal was not one she was proud of 
Eventually she was drunk one night and was captured and sacrificed by the worm cult, thus starting the main plot
Cold Harbor: She was in cold harbor for a long long while ,she’s not actually sure how long she was there. It felt like years, but when she got back to nirn she had only been missing for about 6 months, and some of the injuries she couldve sworn were there for a months looked only hours old when she escaped. Her experience there haunts her for a long time,pretty much the rest of her life, but she does her best to deal with it. Her time here cause her first real shift, because now she cares about something. Even if it’s just caused he pissed her off. She’ll stop at nothing to stop Molag Bal even at the cost of her life. Which might not really be an issue in the first place, as thanks to her lack of a soul she is essentially immortal. Whenever she “dies” her body falls to the ground and her concienness is left to wander nearby while it magically heals (unless the body is completely destroyed, then she ends up at a wayshrine a while later)
Cold harbor is where she got her most prominent scars. The shackles around her neck (mostly on the back of her neck) and wrists and lashes on her back. All of her piercing were ripped out as well. Her hair is extremely matted and overall shes just gross and uncomfortable She also has 2 neat and precise stab wounds above her heart from manimarco.
Khenarthi’s roost/ Auridon: After Razum-dar drags her out of the ocean looking like hell, She’s so dazed from ya know,dying and coming back to life that she doesnt bother coming up with any kind of character or disguise, she barely even has the mind to come up with her fake name,Syke.
When he dredged her up he immediately brought her to healers and though they had to work pretty quickly they fixed her up well. They cut off all the matted bits of her hair (which she later fixed into her little Mohawk thing), they healed up all her tears from the piercings being ripped out. They also healed up the wound from the shackles and whips the best they could ,they couldn’t do it all the way through but they made sure it wouldn’t get infected at least, but there was no way to stop it from scarring.
She actually does know who Raz is even though they’ve never met, she’s just heard of him. She figures “Hey getting the support of the Queen and her spy force would be useful” so she goes along with it and helps him. She manages to conceal the fact she knows who he is pretty well, but he is still suspicious. (which to be fair a women who was recently pretty clearly a prisoner falling out fo the sky and clearly being a experience fighter and mage isn’t exactly normal). She proves herself dangerously competent, extremely useful (and also kinda hot) so Raz asks for her help on Auridon as well. 
Only a few notable divergent from the main plot of things happen while on  Auridon. The first is that after she is appointed as an Eye of the queen she asks the queen to speak privately for a moment and while no one knows 100% of what they spoke about, the main thing is that this is when Syke explains the whole “I have no soul and am planning on killing Molag Bal to get it back” thing. As his invasion is starting to really mount up by this point the queen promises to support the endeavor whenever it happens so on so forth.
The second is an extra moment between Raz and Syke after the quest at Mathiisen. Basically She looks at Raz and realizes since she’s met him like 4 of his friends have died. She’s not very good with people or emotion but, well they may not really trust each other but they still like each other…and she’s at least pretty sure they're friends,all his other friends are kinda dead, she figures she might as well TRY to comfort him. This ends up with them getting absolutely smashed in the local inn and is basically an excuse for exposition because Raz knows almost nothing about her at this point. He does end up learning quite a bit about her, including that she’s from a little town north of silvinar (which honestly, kinda obvious. She has a pretty strong east bosmeri accent even after living away from there for years and years), and that she’s at least somewhat noble with little to no interest in claiming her titles. She greatly downplays HOW noble she is. He returns the favor and tell her he’s from a little farming village and She immediately guesses what part of Elsweyr hes from, shes spent a lot of time there in her youth, and she could identify that southern Anequina accent anywhere. After this she takes to jokingly calling him Farm Boy…if only in private. They also learn more about each others families, though it mostly amounts to funny stories about their younger siblings.
They wake up horribly hungover (and naked) the next day and go on their separate ways for a bit. (aka, he goes to meet up with the Queen on their way to the festival in skywatch, Syke goes and does some sidequests and then they meet up during the festival. The plot continues)
Last little side note here is her addiction to skooma and other drugs. Dying, spending a long time in spooky terrible ghost hell prison, and then kinda but not really coming back to life has some pretty funny affects on a person. She didn’t get any kind of magical cure for her addiction, she was basically just forced to go cold turkey for god knows how long. She’s in an ok enough mental space to at least refuse skooma, but she still hits the alcohol pretty frequently.
Valenwood:  Valenwood is where things get a little conflicted with her personal life, Namely because of her sister, Nia. (more on her in part 1 but quick summary, she ran away almost 10 years ago and faked her death,and then showed up with the bosmeri noble members of their family completely denouncing her, their mother and the rest of their family)
So while Syke is off doing the main quest in Valenwood, Raz puts together that one of the Dominions biggest supporters among the Bosmeri Nobles matches Sykes description of her sister. Raz decides to tell said Noble about the whole thing and she confirms that, that sounds a LOT like what happened between her and her sister. Raz learns a bit more about the whole family drama he has somehow stumbled into, including the whole “Nia ran away Thing, but doesn’t learn much about Syke specifically. Just that her and Nia are actually cousins, they have different last names and that she’s pretty much always gone by fake names or nicknames (and that Nia is working of the correct assumption that Syke wouldnt appreciate her real name being revealed) 
Nia at this point, does not regret leaving and knows it was what was best for her, but defiantly regrets how she did it. Raz informs her that hes actually going to see Syke at Marbruk and invites her along to try and apologize to Syke.
Raz is expecting some heart felt reunions and tearful apologies and is of course surprised when Syke didn’t even let Nia say two words. She saw Nia, was stunned enough that Nia took off her mask without struggle but before she could get even 2 words out Syke decked her. Hard
So Raz talks to Nia (once she wakes up) and learns some alarming things from her. Mostly why Nia ran away in the first place (she didnt want to be a member of the dark brotherhood and being a impulsive teenager who figured that faking her death was the best option) and that yeah, Syke is not just a member of the brotherhood, but a really notable one,and also a lot about her …disturbing reputation in it. Not to mention the fact she’s a bit higher up on the nobility scale then she originally implied…by like a lot. She is pretty close to inheriting several thrones and important titles, and is by the way, Abnur tharns granddaughter.
Raz, of course, runs to the Queen to deliver the information that yeah, their extremely efficient new recruit is a member of the brotherhood, and is the granddaughter of the man who tortured her. The Queen already knows. Syke isnt dumb, she figured this might come up eventually and told the Queen first chance she got (remember that conversation in Auridon?). Ayrenn agreed to continue letting her be an Eye,with the understanding that if Syke ever moved against the Dominion she’d be killed on the spot. As for the Abnur Tharn thing, well Syke never really knew him. At the time of the Auridon conversation she had never met him, and you can’t really hold a person accountable for the actions of a relative she never knew… Course Syke had at this point met Abnur tharn multiple times but even someone with zero social grace like her understood that this was not the time to mention it.
Raz is pissed at Ayrenn and Syke for not telling him any of this, Syke is pissed at Nia for…everything she’s done for almost 10 years, and Ayrenn and Nia are getting along surprisingly well (and lowkey are kinda dating). Nia follows Syke around for the rest of the main Dominion plot, Syke is not happy about it but damn Nia’s hard to shake. Nia is as stubborn as her sister and If Syke won’t forgive her then she can at least try and help get her sisters soul back.
The Raz and Syke thing gets resolved before the end of Valenwood after another brief conversation where it really hits Raz with the pure amount of shit Syke’s been through and is still going through.
Yeah hes still mad, but shes desperately trying to apologize to him and honestly sometimes you have to cut a person some slack. Whatever her reasons for joining in the first place she is genuinely loyal to the Dominion (if she wasn’t those giant golden wing tattoos on her back were a real stupid move). There’s no way around the fact he’s a little intimidated by her now, for several reasons really. And it sucks and it hurts her but you can’t really blame him.
The main plot counties as it does, though I like to think they get a slight break at the end to actually enjoy the celebration appointing the new Silvinar and Green Lady for a couple days before things go to shit and she has to run out to reapers march.
Appearance wise, shes starting to replace her Piercings and she’s getting tattoos to cover her scars. Golden Laurels around the shackle marks and Golden eagle winds to cover the whip marks on her back. She really believes in the Queen at this point and thinks Ayrenn is the best bet Cyrodill has, to the point she’s decided to represent it on her body.
Reapers March: (technically part of Valenwood I think but i figure it deserved its own part)  Even more shit hits the fan now, cause being declared an important figure in a completely different religion isn’t something that’s gonna help a crisis of faith. So a few things happen here.
A third member joins the party, Syke’s little adoptive brother Jo’Thera, a Khajiiti Necromancer and fellow member of the brotherhood shows up. He was besides being her little brother, easily Syke’s best friend. He knows She’s been unhappy for a long time now and when she disappeared he was the only one who didn’t just assume she killed herself. The moment he heard a rumor that a woman who sounded a lot like Syke was running around the Dominion territory he took off after her. (side note, the reunion between him and Nia isn’t as violent as her and Syke’s, its just bitter and cold and sad). He was never really all that loyal to the brotherhood, he was mostly in it for his family so when Syke explains the situation he’s just fucking ready man, ride or die. Fuck it lets go off the grid, tearing credit cards and shit if she’s out then he is. (She’s not actually out yet, leaving was never in the question for her. She desperately wants to get back to her famly she just wants her soul back first. He’s just supportive)  and Syke is considerably happier to have him along then she was Nia (who while ostracized by her siblings, is still following along). He kinda creeps everyone out, cause on one hand he’s a perfectly cheerful friendly man. On the other hand he’s a necromancer assassin. It’s just an unsettling combination...It doesnt help that he aware hes creepy and finds unsettling people extremely fun. 
So of course Senalana happens. She lets Raz live, so he is of course extremely mad. and thats a whole damn thing. It’s not to different from what happens in game, just imagine afterwards it’s more of a real argument rather then Raz just yelling at her, also its longer. And also imagine some more romantic tension between the player and Raz .LIke they aren’t really dating yet, but they've defiantly banged multiple times and theyre both lying about not having feelings for each other
She does have a good reason for letting him live outside of their growing romantic relationship. She doesn’t really believe in the dominion so much as she believes in Ayrenn and Razum-dar. She’s seen to much of the Dominion from the inside and out to really think well of it, but she knows Ayrenn. And she knows Raz. If someone has to be emperor/empress of her home she’d prefer it to be Ayrenn. However she is also convinced the Ayrenn won’t be able to do that without Raz specifically, Syke has seen them work together and at least from Sykes point of view if one loses the other then any hope the Dominion has of winning this war is fucked.
Anyway that whole argument ends up in a shouting match at the end of which Syke takes the circlet,disappears for a few weeks, hides it her own damn self and then continues on the main quest.
This is the main reason why it really took Raz and Syke so long to get together, if it weren’t for this they would have been together before Syke went back to coldharbor easy. This complicated things a bit, made them both think
Syke chooses Shazah as the Mane and was really torn up by Khali’s death. This only real difference between this and the canon quest is that she actually threatens Shazah towards the end of it, like full on knife to throat, right after watching Raz and Ayrenn die. Basically saying that if any of this comes to pass, Syke will hunt down the traitors first, then Shazah. And if it comes to it she’ll take the Ruby throne for herself (one of those moments that everyone remembers that she is a noble woman, even if she doesnt use the title. and also that no one but her really knows just how high up she is). Shazah asks her if she loves him. (him being Raz, she did just watch Syke sob over his body, then only tear up a little at Ayrenns corpse). Syke doesn’t Deny it, she doesn’t say anything. They just keep moving.
(Also Raz and the rest were being kept updated on what was happening during the whole ceremony and up until this point it was basically a mix of dark humor about their own deaths and sympathy for the girls having to go through it. At this point it goes dead quiet, eyes turn to Raz, and im not gonna extend this further by adding a pic of the surprised pikachu meme but in spirit its here and representing Raz’s face)
The main plot keeps on rolling till it’s time to storm cold harbor. She does go in alone though, despite her siblings insistence, she refuses to put them in danger of losing their souls to.
She has one final conversation with Raz before she goes, they admit nothing cause theyre stubborn bastards but they do apologize to each other 
Cold Harbor: There’s really not much different here about how syke goes through it. The only things of note are that she’s terrified for the whole thing and also makes friends with a few of the other reoccurring characters, namely Darien, who i think shows up earlier then he actually does in game because he basically ends up her sidekick through the whole thing (though he might say otherwise). She is suitably distraught when he disappears. She helps out in the search for him whenever she can spare the time after that.
The Dlc start to happen about a year after the main quest (that year is when all the things like that mages and fighter guild happen). At this point her hair does keep going grey but once the stress of “I have no soul and i’m going to fight a god” goes away it slows down a lot. The worst of her scars are already covered by tattoos and her favorite piercings have already been replaced, so this point any additional piercings and tattoos are just for fun because she likes them.
as for the last 2 drawings,One is just her in game look,I thought it be fun to put in here. the other is just a reminder that she almost always wears a mask and that variations of this mask are the only thing most characters will ever see of her.
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Welcome back to BOOK CLUB, our four-part book club about the movie Book Club (2018). Catch up on last week’s installment here: I’d Do Anything for Love (Especially if I Were in Love with Mary Steenburgen). We’re back this week to talk about Diane Keaton’s least favourite friend.  
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R2: She only dresses well after her friends buy her new clothes, though. They buy her clothes and that’s why Jane Fonda has an ugly wig, like it’s punishment for helping Judge Sharon. R1: It just happens magically, like when she pays for the clothes the wig appears on her head and she can’t take it off. R2: And Diane appears in a puff of extravagant black ponchos and goes, You know what you did, Jane, you know. R1: She doesn’t get anything! R2: Let Judge Sharon have fun! She doesn’t even have a house. Does she have a bed? She has to fuck people in her car. R1: Yeah! What was that! R2: Yeah! Mary and Mr. Incredible get to get on a motorcycle and drive home to their house to have nice elderly sex on their comfortable bed. What does Judge Sharon have? Hook-ups in her car! R1: And anytime there’s a scene where she’s at work it’s interrupted by her getting Bumble notifications.
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R2: Which really only adds to the tragedy of this character, because everyone else is adept at technology either because they’re Jane Fonda and they’re, like, savvy, or because they have children who can teach them how to use technology. R1: Meanwhile, Judge Sharon is on her own, pressing buttons wildly, trying to figure it out, taking accidental selfies. R1: I did really love the picture of her with her glasses backwards, though. That was good. R2: I was thinking, would I swipe yes on a lady who had that going for her? And I think yes.  R1: Oh, absolutely.  R2: It shows that she’s funny, has a great sense of humour. I also initially thought it was just a gag, like ‘Oh haha she’s old and can’t take a photo’ and the next time we see her she has a date, so I assumed she finally figured out how to get her nice, federal headshot in but no! R1: No! It was just that photo, because on the date, he’s like, ‘You look great without your mask.’ R2: So she’s just kept her face mask photo. Anyway, I thought her plotline would give her, like, string of great car sex - R1: But it’s one guy! And then on the next Bumble date she runs into her ex-husband and his new, much younger fiancee while she’s on a date with someone uncool and her age. And it gets worse! Because then Judge Sharon gets invited to her son and ex-husband’s joint engagement party, which is a horrifying concept.  R2: Diane Keaton is merciless. R2: So she’s not going to get the fun, modern woman with a penchant for car sex plotline. Fine. Then I thought maybe she’d get a younger but more age-appropriate, handsome man. Or she’d show up with him to the party and be like ‘haha screw you family,’ but no, when the day of the party arrives, she just corrects them on their Shakespeare. And we see her son -- R1: Who looks like a terrible person, by the way.  R2: He looks like a baby who goes to the gym. A really burly baby with horrible, horrible flaxen hair R1: His hair colour looks fake. It doesn’t look like a real colour. R2: It looks like Judge Sharon’s hair colour, but hers is faded and maybe dyed a bit? There’s no reason he should be sporting that light Betty White as Rose Nylund Blonde. I’d cut him out of my life too.  R1: She doesn’t get to show up her gross ex-husband or bland son. Instead, her happily ever after is supposed to be that first guy from Bumble. Who, don’t forget, is an accountant, which is another layer to the tragedy, because we’ve already established that accountants are evil in their universe. Diane Keaton’s lacklustre late husband was also an accountant. It’s a bad thing to be. 
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R2: Her happy ending is that, after this horrible joint engagement party, she rematches with him on Bumble! Can you imagine that as your happily ever after? R1: I feel ripped off on her behalf. R2: And then she’s like, ‘Oh, I’m going to need a bigger backseat.’ What?? Get a bed! R1: Why doesn’t she have a bed?? Go anywhere else! R2: Diane Keaton has locked up her bed! She’s stolen the bed, taken it to Arizona, and locked it up in her basement dungeon. R1: Or, like, Judge Sharon, last time she did something egregious, like skipping a friend date with Diane Keaton to, god forbid, do her job -- she’s the only one of the four who behaves this unreasonably -- last time she did this, her bed just disappeared in a cloud of smoke and was never seen again. So now she has to sleep in the back of her car. R2: I believe that Diane Keaton is a real-life wizard. She dresses the part. Or she goes home and she’s typing in her Word doc in size 20 font and starts typing the next chapter of her fanfiction, “And then Candice no longer had a bed. She will never sleep again. That jerk.” R1: I guess that leaves us with the question of why Judge Sharon/Candice is the most hated friend who gets NOTHING in Diane’s fanfic. R2: Did Candice Bergen ever rob Diane Keaton of a coveted role? Did Sharon poison Diane’s husband? What did she do? I have to know. Someone get on this.
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Please join us for next week’s book club (about Book Club). We will be discussing Jane Fonda and lesbian vampires.  
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thekrazykeke · 6 years
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Title: Mad, Mad World
Fandom(s): Black Panther, MCU
Relationship(s): Sam Wilson & reader. T’Challa x reader.
Summary: Sometimes when you’re in a dark place, you think you’ve been buried, but truthfully, you’ve only been planted.
Warning(s): Captain America Civil War spoilers, angst
Now that I’ve gotten a taste of soulmate au’s, I’m hooked tbh. This story was inspired by what my Dimples, @lovelylittlekittn, told me about her day and also, this post. The Ryan Destiny gifs come from @kbunburyhelps like usual, seriously, check out her blog.
Naturally, if you like what you’ve read, give it a like or reblog. 
Without further ado, let’s goooo!
You desperately wanted to ignore your cellphone, which had not stopped it’s incessant buzzing but as a light sleeper and someone who’d been suffering from insomnia for the past few days, that’s impossible. Grumbling heatedly underneath your breath, blindly reaching out for the device with your left hand, eyes still partially closed as you’re so tired... 
The cellphone is knocked off the bedside dresser and lands on the plush carpet. 
Letting out a frustrated huff, you lean over the side of the comfortable bed to snag the device, which much to your irritation, still hadn’t stopped buzzing. Ripping off the eye mask, you quickly entered the numerical code to the phone and answered the call. 
You listened to the person on the other end, tone shifting from aggressive and angry to something more...polite. “Sir, it’s...No, I haven’t watched the news recently.” Rolling your eyes, you paused, listening to what’s said next, lips pursed. “...I see. No. It’s not an inconvenience at all, sir. I’ll be there. See you soon, sir.” Pressing the ‘End Call’ button, you lean back against the pillows, touching the silk black bonnet on your head, thankfully it hadn’t come off while you were dozing. “I better see a nice, fat bonus on that next check or a raise or somethin’. Tryna work a bitch like a modern day slave and shit...” Throwing the covers and sheets off of your body, you swung your legs over the side. “Got me fucked up. Just fucked up! He knows good and damned well it’s my day off.” Still complaining bitterly, you toss the eye mask onto the bedside dresser before sluggishly half walking, half stumbling, towards the bathroom. 
Once inside, you shiver as the chill that permeates the room washes over you. Goosebumps pepper your beautiful, brown skin as you quickly strip out of your night clothes and turn the knobs for the hot and cold water for a shower, then step inside. For a few seconds, you let the warm, borderline scalding, water, sluice over you, then began to quickly go about completing your daily hygienic routine. 
After showering, brushing your teeth, and toweling dry, you re-enter the bedroom, towel wrapped around your waist as you opened the closet door. You’re on a timed schedule, so you shove aside the pre-planned weekend outfits for the more conventional and convenient work uniform; a pretty white blouse, black dress pants and comfortable dress shoes. Sighing near silently, you mentally wave farewell to those grand plans of yours. Placing the uniform over the back of a chair, you sit down on the bed again after grabbing some necessary items to complete the morning routine. Then when you’ve moisturized, put on some deodorant and slipped into the uniform, you run a hand down the front of your outfit, smoothing away any imaginary wrinkles.
‘Yaaas, I look amazing, as always.’ From the tips of your hair to the soles of your feet, you were that boss bitch and endeavored to show it off everyday of your life. Cellphone buzzing again, you rolled your eyes as you snagged your purse and car keys, closing the bedroom door on the way out. 
Tapping the code to unlock the device, you absently admitted that while you loved your job, you weren’t going to hop, skip, and jump. The link that’d been sent to your phone gave details about the Winter Soldier having blown up a building in Vienna, several people had been injured, even more dead, among them being the late King of Wakanda, T’Chaka. 
You picked up the pace.
“This is Y/N Wilson’s desk. Excellent at her job, she demands that same thoroughness of her subordinates. We probably wouldn’t have even caught actual footage of the Soldier without one of her people being on the late shift.” Ross stated, leaning against the mahogany desk.
“You’ve been singing her praises since we got here.” Sam pointed out, ignoring how Steve told him to relax wordlessly. “I’m just saying, the curiosity is killing me.” 
“It’s the same for me, actually.” he paused. “Is Wilson here or not, Agent Ross?” Steve asked, trying to keep the accusing note out of his voice. The agent opened his mouth, about to bluster some more, when the door opened. 
“Present and accounted for.” 
Sam maintained his professional countenance but only just barely. 
Steve wasn’t faring any better. 
You ignored them both, merely swept your gaze to your boss, “Some files needed my signature, a few boxes with paper files needed updating to digital form as well. Apologies for my tardiness.” That had always been your go-to excuse and Ross rolled with it, nodding along, though you were sure you’d be reamed out later. Snapping your fingers together, you pointed at Steve, “Gotta admit, I love the way you work, big fella.”
A little crease formed as his brows furrowed. “Excuse me?”
“The way you and Barnes were just throwing the German Special Forces around like ragdolls. Whew! Jee-sus. Talk about strong. My favorite part is when Barnes picked up a cement block and threw it into the agent’s chest. I hear that poor shmuck’s still in surgery.”
Realization dawned on Sam’s face and he sighed, “Body cams.”
“Bucky was anxious. He didn’t mean...I didn’t mean...”
“To hurt anyone?” Brows raising, you smiled blandly. “Yes, I can understand that. You probably didn’t even think twice except for eliminating the threat to your other half.” 
In every textbook, in all the tragic romances of all time, the love between Captain America and Sgt. Barnes continued to sell the most, besides Romeo and Juliet. Teachers loved to use their SoulBond as an example of what true love should look like. Personally you thought it was bullshit, but hey, what did you know?
“However, it’s a flimsy defense that will get torn to shreds in court, so I’d suggest getting a damn good lawyer and not doing anything else to escalate this shitty situation. Your reputation as the revered all American national hero grants you some leeway, Barnes doesn’t have that luxury. So just sit back and let us do our job. Do you understand?” Steve didn’t reply and you frown. “I said, do you understand?”
Sam spoke up. “Hey. Ease up, alright?”
You gave him the evil eye. “Don’t worry. You and I, we’ve got a lot to discuss too.” He grimaced and you glanced back at the silent super soldier. “I just want to ensure that we’re all on the same page.”
Steve nodded, fist propped underneath his chin. “We’re on the same page.”
Nodding sharply to Ross and Rogers, you crook your fingers, beckoning Sam to follow as you turn, opening the door to leave, “Let’s talk in private.”
Private turned out to be a small, empty conference room that doubled as storage space. You’d barely closed and locked the door before Sam was blowing up at you. “What the hell was up with that interrogation in there? The way you talked to Cap, like you didn’t even know him? Like I haven’t invited him to Ma’s for dinner with the rest of the family?”
“Let me see if I have this straight. You’re chastising me for doing my job?” You raised your eyebrows, mouth pulled into an unamused smile. “Boy, check yaself. Don’t make me get out of character up in here, Sammy.”
His shoulders raised defensively. “Don’t call me that stupid nickname!”
“I’m not going to cut corners for Steve because you’re friends with him. Hell, I refuse to cut corners with you and you’re,” Voice lowering, even though the door is closed and locked, “My brother.” Tone raising back to a normal level, you continue on to say, “As it is, the Avengers have fallen out of public favor ever since the Ultron debacle and what happened in Sokovia. Then what happened in Lagos?” You snorted derisively. “Let’s just say that y’all skatin’ on some very thin ice. Keep following after Steve and someone is gonna end up clipping your wings.”
Sam crossed his arms over his chest, his disapproving frown would have stung any other time, but you couldn’t, wouldn’t, be swayed. “So, from your tone, I can assume that you’re pro-Accords.”
“The Accords, yeah. The politics, not exactly. I also think that things should be made harder for villains, and...” Sam had turned away from you and was about to walk out the door. “Is you forreal right now? You ‘bout to walk out and we ain’t done talking?”
He glanced back at you briefly. “It’s better I walk away now before I say something hurtful.”
“Sammy...” he shook his head, half out the door. “Sam.” You made an aborted move to follow but the way he gently closed the door was telling. Sam wasn’t one for dramatic or explosive fits of anger. 
He was a pro at silently expressed disappointment. 
Sucking in a fortifying breath, you fanned your face, blinking back sudden tears. ‘This is your workplace, damn it. Get it together.’ Counting to thirty, you manage to mentally get yourself in check, or at least enough to fake it to your colleagues if necessary. Straightening your spine, you exit the conference room, taking a turn to the left, only to bump into someone. When you glance up, it’s...
“I am so sorry! Oh, your coffee. Sorry again.” You’d accidentally knocked his coffee out of his hand. “Let me get you another.”
He held his hands up in a ‘calm down’ gesture. “That is unnecessary. It is fine.” The son of the late Wakandan king, T’Challa, shrugged. “In truth, it was horrible and I was looking for the excuse to throw it away.” 
You did a double take. “Wait, what?” He adopted a neutral expression. “What?” Feeling onto a hunch, you cautiously stated, “The coffee’s great here.”
“I imagine that sewer water would be far more appetizing.”
That startled a laugh out of you, even as realization slowly dawned. Pulse spiking with sudden anxiety, it’s hard to maintain eye contact now. Fingers brushed underneath your chin, encouraging you to look up and reluctantly, you obeyed. 
“Please. Don’t look away from me.”
Everything is suddenly too much, too quickly, too intense. “I...I can’t do this.” You feel on the verge of a panic attack as you stumble away from the royal. Shaking your head, mumbling under your breath, you do the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life.
You walk away from your soulmate. (He’s royalty! He’s minemineminemine. Oh God, this is so fucked up. Soulmates can’t lie to each other, which means--)
And he lets you.
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This is only here because fucking microsoft is being stupid
What It Feels Like to Be Lonely
Hoseok likes being alone, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t get lonely.
Or: (Yoongi is Hoseok’s only friend, and tries to set him up with some of Yoongi’s friends.) – College/University AU, YoonSeok
 Jung Hoseok hated people. He hated how he had to act all happy around them. He hated all their judging stares and piercing gazes among the crowds. Because the blatant truth right here is that Hoseok was never a people person, and he never would be, despite having so many ‘friends’ around him. But that was the problem. People were naturally drawn to him, be it his genuine-like smile, or the little white lies he speaks when he talks about himself.
He would say things like,”I love parties”, or “let’s hang out more, I love you guys so much!”, though it wasn’t a complete lie, for the former. He did like parties, but he was only there for the drinks and the food. Definitely the food. Always the food. But for the latter and some other words along the lines of those, he absolutely despised the human race and its existence. Okay, maybe most of them weren’t little white lies, more like…uh…very realistic acting but very deceiving words, well at least that’s what he thought. Yeah, he hated people, and nothing would change about that, but he had a reputation to keep.
“Why did humans have to be alive after the dinosaurs died out?”, he always thought to himself. Hoseok didn’t know, but he wished that they were around when dinosaurs were, so that there would be a chance in lower survivability of the human race that what they see as today.
Honestly, Hoseok couldn’t comprehend the ways that the human mind worked, seeing as pretty much 60% of people that he had ever met were either complete douches or brainless to the point where they couldn’t understand how to leave someone alone when they seemed worn out. Again, no matter how many times he says it, he cannot express the absolute spite that he holds for humans, and no matter how cynical Hoseok might be, no one can deny the amount stupidity that people have in them, despite the ‘geniuses’ among all of them; he found that most of them were downright arrogant.
Hoseok liked being alone, and it wasn’t just because he hated people, but it was so that he could finally drop the act, take off his mask and breathe for a second. Just a second. But despite all his efforts to have time to himself and stop being the cheerful, bubbly and downright fake Hoseok, someone always found a way to disturb his ‘peaceful’ moment. Not that it wasn’t peaceful, it was just more of Hoseok talking to himself and being cynical. That and he liked being alone. Hoseok honestly didn’t even know why he still bothered with his reputation. It wasn’t even him. But no one said that it had to be.
Hoseok knows that he really shouldn’t be doing it, but it’s a horrible habit, and if anyone ever catches him talk to himself about how shit the world is, he’s probably need more than just a simple explanation to convince them that he doesn’t hate everything about his life. Maybe excluding dancing and reading. But then again, those don’t count, they’re two of the three things that Hoseok doesn’t hate about life, the third being Min Yoongi, also known as “Mr. Idgaf-about-your-cynicism-we’ve-known-each-other-for-pretty-much-our-whole-lives.”
His one and only friend, as well as his only ever actual real friend, was yep, the seemingly cold-hearted Min Yoongi. Despite the two having grown up together, it was no surprise that Hoseok was that cynical, as Yoongi was too. But the thing is, Yoongi is the kind of person that Hoseok thinks is similar to him, but there are drastic differences in the way they operate and function.
See, Yoongi didn’t hate the world or fear it as much as Hoseok did, that’s why he wouldn’t put up a fake mask and persona, he liked it when people didn’t approach him. He was completely different to Hoseok, and this was probably because of him already being quiet, having people assume that he was a nerd, or something among the likes of one.
A…very spiteful and irritable ‘nerd’, one might say, because if you weren’t Hoseok, maybe a cat and his dog, Min Holly, no matter whoever a stranger was, if they tried to approach him, he would glare daggers at them, and most of the time, they would start to feel like they were criminals or something along the lines of that. The saying goes that
Yoongi didn’t have many friends other than Hoseok, but he had friends nonetheless. Some of them were childhood friends from middle school, or primary school, and some he had bonded with over the love of his Holly, and other animals. It was rare that they met anymore, with all his friends going off into different universities and leaving some of them in Daegu.
Speaking of Daegu, Hoseok was from Gwangju, but had moved to Daegu when he was around four, his family making trips back to Gwangju whenever they could, where they usually stayed for about a few weeks during summer break for primary school and middle school. After high school, he spent less and less time with his family, and rarely ever went on trips with his family anymore.
Hoseok’s sister, Jung Dawon, always knew that Hoseok was a cynic, well at least when he showed signs of not actually liking people, objects and circumstances, an example being the time where Hoseok grimaced when Dawon wanted to go shopping with him, and don’t get him wrong, he loved his sister, but there were just better things to do rather than shopping and getting lost in the crowds at the shopping malls.
Dawon did try to get Hoseok to come out of his shell, and hoped that he would finally gain some friends, or maybe even a lover, but regardless of her fruitless efforts, Hoseok would always find a way out of it. Sometimes he would just disappear into thin air, then reappear at his house or Yoongi’s place.
Ugh, crowds, who even likes them? Hoseok never understood why people liked other people, especially if what all they did for was attention. He hated attention, and never wanted anyone to pay any attention, at all, and if anything, the only time that he ever like it was when he had something important to say, and people actually decided to listen to him.
Cynical!Hoseok ×
Best Friends ×
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope & Min Yoongi | Suga Are Best Friends ×
Friends to Lovers ×
Childhood Friends ×
Alternate Universe - College/University ×
Slow Burn ×
Slow Build ×
like super slow burn ×
I haven't planned this rip ×
My First Fanfic ×
POV Third Person ×
Past Tense ×
yoongi tries to set hoseok up ×
legit hobi has no friends ×
facade ×
hoseok has a figurative mask ×
I Will Go Down With This Ship ×
ok but ×
how do people do so many tags ×
I cri idk how this works ×
Help ×
what am i doing ×
normal yoongs ×
Dawon is in this ×
Dawon is hobi's sister if u didn't know ×
vminkook are middle school kids ×
Sexuality Crisis ×
Hoseok hates everything ×
i know this seems out of character but its sorta not/is ×
idk ×
frick I didnt save my work ×
gotta redo it ×
:( ×
Oblivious Min Yoongi | Suga ×
Oblivious Jung Hoseok | J-Hope ×
theyre both oblivious ok ×]
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