#yo commission my sibling
sleepymccoy · 6 months
What can I do to make myself do my chores?
I'm turning to an old trick; post it on Tumblr to hold myself accountable
Situation: unit is a mess, but it's not too bad. This has left me delaying the cleaning cos it'll only be a couple hours of tidying up and a run of the vacuum. However, it's my bday tomorrow and I'm having the fam over for dinner so I want it to look really quite nice and I need time to cook tomorrow
There are a few extra things I want to do, but they're not so time dependant as family is here for dinner tomorrow
Necessary chores:
Put all my clothes away (mostly done! I'm so good!)
Wipe down kitchen bench, stove top, microwave (because I cleaned earlier! Fuck yeah)
Tidy bathroom and wipe it all down (not a long job)
Clear surfaces in the living room (desk is the only real culprit) (will undoubtedly get distracted decorating surfaces for Christmas too)
Get the spare room to look more like a room and less like an empty box storage zone (I'm trying to empty it so someone can move in) (it's a mess rn) (this is optional, I can close the door on it)
Approach cleaning the hallway stand (it's quite a mess) (I often dont do this so it's like a year of weird accumulation)
Vacuum! Fucking hell it needs a vacuum! (Maybe even dusting, yo)
Optional extras
Buy a new bike (one hour activity)
Buy the last bit of wood I need to finish making the bathroom door (one hour to buy, unknown time to complete the door)
Apply for the job mum sent me (real job) (very scary) (could take weeks) (I want this job) (I'm qualified and it pays like 100k)
Repot some herbs and set the pretty kitchen herb thing up (very fun) (but the hot water is out rn so I can't easily shower afterwards to clean up) (still fun) (might save this to do with sibling tomorrow)
Get started on the very cool commission my bud has asked me to do (desk must be clean for this) (the desk is very distracting)
Wrap Christmas presents to get the fam excited when they come by (tis the fucking season bro!) (Tree is set up already so it'll look good and festive!)
It's currently 1:30, I've got all arvo. My sibling is coming over early tomorrow to hang out (lunch time), so I can get them to help me with some stuff as well. Mainly the cooking tho, I wanna make a cake and some garlic bread and that's more fun to share than vacuuming is
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prismportrait · 5 months
PLEASE help! A Go Fund Me campaign for an amazing nonbinary coworker & friend!
My nonbinary coworker named Femur is in a household where they are threatened physically, emotionally, and mentally by their parents near daily. It's not just them either, it is all of their siblings, some of whom I also personally know to be good, hard-working people. They are scraping every penny together to get a place so they can move their siblings, and their partner (who is in a different shitty situation) OUT and into a place they can thrive together.
Femur works multiple jobs, they're an amazing artist and roleplayer, but they are incapable to getting this message out for themselves because their abusive parents stalk all of their socials. They would be threatened to signal boost on social media and they would be caught if they softblocked their parents.
After the latest incident which left their youngest (13 yo) sibling running away from home for their safety, without a cell phone or a place to stay for safety, on top of usual January retail hours getting cut short, the siblings are getting even more desperate for their safe space. Saving them is achievable! There is an old 70s house on the market they just need a bit more to get the offer in on! They've finally made this Go Fund Me in a ditch effort hope that myself and a few of their trusted friends can get the word out that they can't push for themselves.
Their mother set their 12-year-old Christmas Tree on fire last month. Time is running out faster than they can save for. Anything you can donate is appreciated.
I also intend to open inexpensive sketch commissions soon in exchange for donations to this GoFundMe / their Ko-Fi account! Checked my pinned post here for current updates on that if you are interested.
Please reblog/ signal boost this!! Esp. if you cannot donate! 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you...!
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fatkish · 3 months
Week 2 of MHA villain polls
My last poll won with Bakugou having 40% as the highest. Now I need two more villains so I’m having another poll. This time the characters are a bit different but some of the old ones are still there.
Kyouka Jirou and Present Mic: they would fight a villain who uses sound meaning they would have to team up together and fight a battle of music. (I’m kinda biased because I love the dynamic between them and their love of music)
Shinso Hitoshi: he’d fight a villain who was discriminated on because of their quirk. They’d sneak around and hurt those who discriminated against them. ( I’m thinking of making them like that one urban legend, she has cuts going from the edge of her mouth to her cheeks and wears a face mask. She’ll go up to you and ask if you think she’s pretty, if you say no, she’ll kill you and if you say yes she’ll pull down her mask revealing the cuts and ask again. If you say yes, she’ll cut your face to match hers. If you say no, she’ll kill you. Or something like that)
Shoto, Dabi and Endeavor: they’d fight a pair of siblings similar to Daki and Gyutaro from Demon Slayer. They siblings would be a toxic, mirror opposite of the Todoroki family. Instead of being resentful and distant the siblings would be inseparable and toxically dependent on each other. This would force the Todoroki’s to put their family issues aside to stop this pair.
Best Jeanist and Edgeshot: they’d fight a villain who uses strings of their body to manipulate and control people. This person would be a heteromorph who was hurt by people who discriminated against them for their appearance.
Mirio Togata and Tamaki Amajiki: they’d have to fight a villain who suffers from severe Antrophobia (the fear of people and society) they would have a quirk similar to Blue Diamond from Steven Universe. Their quirk is an emotional output quirk that makes others feel the same as the person with the quirk. Basically they would use their quirk on others and they would fall to their knees allowing for the villain to get away.
Shindo Yo, Inasa Yayorashi and Hawks: the villain they’d fight would have a disaster quirk. They can make anything a 100 times worse, example: a small vibration in the ground into a 8.0 magnitude earthquake. This person would have been targeted by the HPSC due to how strong their quirk is, wanting their power under their control. This person would have had to go into hiding and been forced into exile from people just so that the commission couldn’t get them. They would want to destroy civilization and have a disillusioned view of society.
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seb-reads31 · 8 months
I'll give you one of mine :> I imagine he is a bit buffer and is a bit taller than the y/n [ I imagine hes like 5,8-5-9? ] but is still hella scared of them even though they should be more scared of him LOL
LOVE YOU BRO!!! -amer:]
Tw's -
Genre -
Type - head canons/drabble
Comments - I don't have many unless if I'm like, playing/doing something and I get the random thought "aster would like/love/hate this" so I need like, prompts to get the creative juices 😗
Random Thoughts
😰 This man is a little short in my head.
😰 Not like, SUPER short but a couple of inches below the average for guys
😰 I'm in LOVE with the idea that he's buff, I'm downbad for that thought 😍😍
😰 He's sort of like, petite before the incident, then after he decides to take some self defense classes and he does a bit of weight lifting 👀👀👀
😰 Not enough to like, have a bunch of muscle but enough to see it through his normal sweater, giving him the element of surprise✨
😰 He honestly... Probably hates soup after the incident. If you know you know 😭
😰 H E A R M E O U T A G A I N
😰 Aster opens a flower shop a little while after the incident 👀👀
😰 Listen to this
😰 Say the person is completely separate from (y/n) (which is your/name if you didn't already know) and Y/N meets Aster in his shop one day 👀
😰 Adorable friendship for a good while, right? Then (referencing my "aster finds love again" head canons) after a few solid years of being friends, maybe he hires you during that time to like, deliver people's commissioned bouquets, and he like, confesses his love to (y/n) using a bouquet of flowers he made with how he thinks of them cause you're bound to know SOMETHING about what the flowers mean for as long as you spend in his shop 🤧🤧
😰 you should totally like... Draw Aster with a flower crown....
😰 I'm in love with that idea now 😭😭
😰 That, or he becomes a teacher
😰 Don't ask how that idea popped into mind
😰 There may or may not be a few more of those
😰 S O, again, you are separate from the person from the incident, B U T, you have a small child from a previous relationship or it's a W A Y younger sibling. You pick but I'm just gonna call them "your child"
😰 And I'm thinking he's either a preschool teacher or an elementary teacher but we're gonna go with preschool for my sake 😭
😰 But one day you go to pick up your child during naptime for the bigger kids (cause I said so) and when you talk to the secretary person they just say to go ahead and find your child
😰 Don't @ me I don't know how this works 😭
😰 And when you go to find your child you can see Aster comforting them after they had a bad dream, he sings them a small little song to keep their mind off of the dream (something like Little Bird, Little Bird cause it's interactive or something else idk) and he offers to read a story to them so they can try and fall back asleep, maybe even offers a small snack or something beforehand
😰 Whatever they choose, in the middle of the snack/book/song they end up catching a glimpse of you as you hide in a hallway basically giving Aster the goo goo eyes 🥺🥺
😰 You jump as your child runs very quietly towards you, basically outing you for staring at their teacher (not that I can blame you, I'd stare too 🤧) and you flush a bright red in the dark room.
😰 Aster gets a little shy at the thought someone other than the children heard him sing so he also flushes and starts fidgeting with his hands, asking what you needed in a small voice.
😰 You explain to the best of your ability without stuttering or accidentally saying something embarrassing that you needed to take your child because you wouldn't be back the normal time to pick them up and didn't have anyone else to watch them.
😰 Aster calms himself down as you speak, and says that the child is fine and goes to grab their little bag they bring every day
😰 When Aster comes closer to you, you can't help but admire his face, it was slightly round, his eyes soft and gentle, his slightly chubby cheeks make you want to pinch them, and finally, his plush lips as he spoke, his words going through 1 ear and out the other....
😰 You flinch as you catch yourself thinking about.. KISSING the gorgeous man??! Ohhh boy, you were starting to fall for the man, and you just met him today!!
😰 You finally clue in to what Aster was saying just in time to get enough context clues to give him a small and quick reply before you quickly speed walk out of the preschool...
😰 The rest is for another time 🤭🤭
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lahotelbellamuerte · 2 years
𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗡𝗦 𝗜𝗡 𝟭𝟵𝟲𝟯 - issue #10. what are you
series masterlist ! current: what are you ! next: commercial break three
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pairing; five x eight warning; panic attack, slight ptsd, language, fighting, not proofread word count: 5.9k notes; its the end this book, the rest is just extra I wrote between the two years they made us wait for season three. thanks for reading.
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"Authorities are asking for help identifying several persons of interests at Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination. The FBI believes they may have been acting in concert with an alleged shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald. 
“Vanya Hargreeves wanted in connection with the deaths of several FBI agents inside the federal building in Dealey Plaza. A Cuban exile known only as Diego....who recently escaped from Holbrook Sanatorium. A bare-knuckle boxer with suspected mafia ties who fights under the alias "King Kong." Allison Chestnut A Negro radical responsible for instigating and organizing the recent riots at Stadtler's lunch counter. Klaus, the controversial cult leader, and known tax evader.
“Eleanor Fitzgerald is the daughter of a known shadow government member, Luke Fitzgerald, caution is dangerous. The FBI is asking the public to be on the lookout for this unidentified boy, who they believe is being held hostage by the suspected terrorist network along with Miss. Fitzgerald."
Eight scoffed, “Great so the rest of world now knows about the whole shadow government," she said as he had her arms crossed.
"God I hate that photo," Diego said as he mentioned his.
"They're saying I instigated the riot? That's unbelievable," Allison huffed.
"The good news is that we restored the timeline and we stopped doomsday," Luther thought positively.
"Look friendly green giant, positive thinking is a brick wall. We are now the most wanted people in the world," Eight laughed, "We have absolutely everyone after us." she clapped.
"Well, where are we supposed to go?" Vanya asked.
"I have this yurt just outside Reykjavik," Klaus offered as he went down the steps, "We could totally lay low there. Folks, there are a little weird but lovely."
"Klaus darling," she said, snapping her fingers catching his attention, "Hiding is not gonna make a difference here. The Commission will hunt us down wherever and whenever we go."
"She's right. They'll never stop," Diego said causing the blonde to turn to the man.
"I'm sorry since when are you an expert on the Commission?" Five asked, not believing his crap.
"Since I got back from there," He replied looking at Eight, “You’re idolized over there," he said rolling his eyes at the statement. 
"I know," she answered, "How were you there Diego?" she asked getting off the railing and stepping closer to him.
"For your information, I was headhunted, and offered a job," He explained standing tall to look at her.
"You?" She scoffed, "They might as well have called Klaus," she laughed and turned to Klaus, "No offense."
Klaus waved his hand smiling, "None taken." 
"Well I was, and I found out Vanya was doomsday from the Infinite Switchboard," He told her now their faces almost touching as they yelled at each other. 
"I call bullshit, you probably broke in, and someone helped you," Eight replied, poking his chest with her finger.
"Well I did—" before he could start, Eight put her hands on the sides of his head as they started glowing. He smacked her hands off him.
"Ha, I was right, Herb helped you," she snorted as he was able to read his thoughts before he smacked her hands off. 
"You freak witch get out of my head!" He yelled, moving his hands to choke her, but Eight beat him to it and punched his neck, leaving him gasping for air.
"Bitch!" he wheezed as he gave her the finger.
Eight mockingly blew him a kiss, "Suck my dick," she spat.
Allison groaned, "That's all you guys can do! It's always you all against Eleanor, trying to see who can outdo her!" she told her siblings as she sat on the stairs.
"We are better than her," Most of the men in the room argued.
The blonde scoffed and crossed her arms, “Oh please, you wish.”
”Can we please go for five minutes without dick-measuring?" Allison asked her siblings in disbelief.
The Seance then raised a hand pointing upstairs, “Actually I had a question, who broke all the shit up the stairs?” Klaus asked curiously.
"Well I'm not naming names but, Eight and Five, they do end up in a bedroom—"
"—Luther!" The couple exclaimed.
"Ah, so that's two of us now, who's next Luther?" Diego said, annoyed.
The blonde laughed, “You’re just jealous I actually have a sex life,” she mocked and again flipped him off.  
"Look we don't have time for this. The Feds could be here any minute," Luther said.
"That's what I've been saying," Allison added.
"I'm agreeing," Luther nodded.
"Okay, calm down, Hairy—" Five told the giant.
"Hey, It's King Kong. And I'm sick of your ass, okay?" Luther scolded his brother.
"Yeah okay you win," Diego now said to his giant brother.
"Guys, we need to move, okay?" Luther offered them, "That is more important here. That is our only option."
"No we need to box these windows," said Diego offering a different solution, "and stay here."
"I'm leaving," said Vanya, suddenly catching the attention of the siblings.
"What? To go where?" Allison asked her sister to get up from the stairs.
"Sissy's farm. Something's wrong with Harlan, and I need him," she told them antsy to leave.
"Vanya, we need to stick together, okay?" Luther said to the timid girl stepping closer to her, "Now more than ever."
"That's why I'm telling you this," Vanya said, "Whatever's going on with Harlan, I think I might've caused it."
"How?" asked Klaus sitting near her.
She sighed tears brimming her eyes, "He drowned, and uh somehow I was able to bring him back to life. And now it's like we're connected."
"What does that even mean?" Luther asked, much more confused.
"I don't know, I can't explain—" she started but was cut off.
"I might know how to explain it a little," Eight started, putting her hands in her pockets, "For some reason every time Vanya was in trouble I was able to feel it." she told them, "Like last time, I felt you use your powers to kill Leonard. And this time to kill all those FBI agents. It's a feeling we get when someone is in trouble."
"I know he needs my help, and I want my family by my side," Vanya replied nodding at Eight's explanation.
Diego stepped closer to her, completely ignoring everything she had just said, “Look I'm sorry. We have other priorities right now,”
"Diego's right," Five added, "For once, we need to make our stand here and now."
Vanya looked at Allison, who looked away rather than make eye contact. No one else spoke leaving her to realize no one was coming.
"I guess I'll see you when I see you," She finally said and left the place, sighing sadly. 
Eight turned to Five and gave him a look.
"What?" he whispered, lifting his hands.
She pulled him to a corner, "We have to help her, Five," she told him.
"But I would be putting you in danger and I don't want that," he told her seriously. 
"Harlan is an eight-year-old boy Five," she whispered towards him, her eyes pleading him to help. 
Five looked down to their feet and sighed, "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked her.
Eight nodded, "I do," she said smiling.
The teen leaned forward and grabbed her face and pulled her into a short kiss.
Eight pulled away and smiled pulling Five with her. She opened the front door to the car.
"Five, Eight you don't have to do this," she said but was nonetheless happy.
"We know, you owe us," Five said as he looked at Klaus, "children ride in the back."
And Klaus did what was asked and moved to the back, As Five got in and Eight went in and sat on his lap facing Vanya.
"Guys I don't know what to say," she said looking at each one of them with a smile.
"Don't have to say anything darlin'," said Eight as she wrapped her left arm around Five's neck, as he held her in place with his arm on her lower back.
The car's trunk finally lifted and the car squeaks and creaks under the weight of the giant.
Eight's mouth opened to say something but never got to, "Anyone makes a fat joke, and I'm outta here," Luther said with his eyes on the blonde in the front, so she closed her mouth and rather leaned her head on Five's shoulder for the car ride.
During the car ride, no one said anything, rather they enjoyed the peaceful silence that would last for so long. To the couple in the front enjoying each other's embrace to the siblings in the back seat.
As they neared their destination, from a distance a snowstorm could be seen in only one spot which was over the farm. It seemed that it had been snowing for a while as most of the ground was evenly coated.
As the car came to a stop the Hargreeves stepped out of the car, "You think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front?" Asked Diego as they looked up at the crackling.
"Well of course you idiot," said Eight as she breathed out looking at it.
That was a woman bust out the farm with a shotgun, "Get back!"
"Sissy!" Vanya yelled trying to get closer.
"All of you just get the hell back!" the woman called Sissy, yelled as her gun still pointed at them.
"Hey! Hey! What's wrong?" asked Vanya as she had her arm out.
"Carl," she said to her.
"What did he do to you?" Vanya asked calmly.
The woman started freaking out as she started breathing shakily, "He's....He's dead," Sissy told Vanya, "Harlan tossed me aside like a rag doll, the same way you sent those policemen flying. What did you do to him?" she asked Vanya, anger showing the most.
"—What the hell did you do to my son?" she asked Vanya.
Diego began walking forward, reaching to grab a knife by his thigh, "Don't have time for this,"
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" he said as she pointed her gun at the man now.
"To help your son," he said, also sticking out an arm.
"Look, Sissy, I found my family, these are my brothers and sisters," Vanya explained pointing at them.
Five and Eight just sent the woman half a smile, while the others smiled or if you're Luther, "M'am," and waved.
"Were you lyin' to me the whole time?" the woman asked sadly.
"Of course not," she said stepping a little bit closer, "Look I didn't know who I was. But I do now. And we are not monsters that they say we are. We did not kill the president. We are not terrorists. We're not here to hurt anyone," she explained to Sissy.
"Then....who are you?" Sissy asked.
"The only one who can help Harlan," she said truthfully.
The woman nodded and let them go in the barn and saw the mass of energy surrounding the small boy.
Eight grimaced looking, the sight looking all too familiar, she just hoped it didn't end the same. In a moment of nausea, she doubled over and threw up. Recalling the death of her own son.
Five gripped her, "Hey it's okay, it's not going to end the same," he said to her in an attempt to calm her down. As Vanya walked through the barrier.
"Uh, guys?" Klaus called out to the siblings as he saw something outside.
"What?" Diego said walking to Klaus along with the others behind.
"Ah, shit," Said Diego.
"What, who are they?" Asked Klaus confused as his siblings somehow knew everyone he didn't. 
"The girl is the one Diego should've slept with and the lady is basically the devil in Prada but not Mery Streep," She explained to Klaus as she felt better not looking at the boy.
Klaus hummed loving the explanation, "Yeah well both look pissed," he said.
"Diego was the last with them, so it's his fault," said Eight looking at Diego.
"I'm gonna go find out what they want. You stay behind with Vanya and the kid," said Five.
"I'm coming with you," Diego said.
"Me too," Said Eight but was stopped by the two.
"No," they both said.
Eight glowered at them, "Uh, why?"
Five gripped her shoulders, "Look, you are our secret weapon, they don't know your powers are back," he said.
"What he said, so get all fire-bally when you see us all dying," Diego motioned to all of them and walked out with Five.
Three of the siblings didn't listen and stepped out leaving a heaving Eight who couldn't stand the sight of the poor boy. One of her hands leaning on the hail bail, the other was on her stomach as she dry heaved. Doing her best to ignore the commotion behind her.
That was when bullets began to rain on the barn and she ducked behind the hay trying not to get shot at. She silently cried hoping the boy was okay, and her siblings, most importantly Five. All the bullets were giving her flashbacks to many times she's traveled through time in times of war. Now realizing what made her the best was not killing but surviving.
That's when she heard the familiar sound of Vanya's humming, she was saving them as she sent a flying blast towards all of them, the sound popping her ears. The blonde stayed on the ground not being able to have the energy to get up. She put her hands over her ears not wanting to hear anything as well.
Well great, Eight was having a panic attack in the middle of battle. Her hands gripped the hay as she tried to do what Five told her. Take a deep breath in... She tried but it seemed her breaths were shaky. All she could think was the memories of her dying child's crying. She could feel the anguish he went through. As it was going on, she felt it when she held him. Her tears spilled. Her ears then picked up a noise. She had to push through for James, for her family.
Deeply she let the air fill her lungs, and let out her mouth. Standing tall she craned her neck both ways and looked at her surroundings seeing Lila and Five.
"This isn't going to be quick," she said with an evil smile.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Eight finally spoke up walking out from the shadows.
Lila looked over and the now uniformed blonde, "Perfect, you'll both die, as you deserve, I'll enjoy you a little less, you know missing powers and all that." she taunted.
The blonde smirked, "Well let's fight it out let's see shall we?" she asked and strode over to her, throwing a fake punch that she ducked too, as Eight kneed her right in the face.
Lila got up quickly and looked at her, "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this," Lila said giggling.
"Let's dance darling," Eight said, gripping the girl and teleporting them to the middle of the field where the hundreds of Commission agents lay. 
"What? How?" she gasped looking at the woman, being told she wouldn’t be able to use her powers. 
"You didn't think I'd be a mindless monkey forever?" the blonde said as she swung at her but she disappeared using Five's ability. Huh, so that's how she did it.
Without missing a beat she conjured her lucky lasso and wrapped it around her ankle, and pulled her to the floor.
The girl tried doing the same but she couldn't and was confused, "What are you?"
In the distraction she jumped behind her wrapping around her lasso around her neck, "Your worst nightmare," she whispered into her ear.
Lila had been cocky at the start of this, thinking she wouldn't have to deal with the blonde too much. But here she was afraid, as somehow this girl was able to block her ability and she wasn't able to gain her ability.
Lila stomped on the girl's foot as she let go, the girl was coughing. So in anger, she used Luther's strength in a physical fight. Punching her in the face as she tumbled to the ground. 
Eight groaned and teleported to wrap her legs around Lila's neck, tumble her down using her own strength, and rolled out of the way. Lila was able to find a knife on the ground from many of the fallen men. And threw it at her.
Eight didn't blink as it disintegrated before it hit her, "What the fuck?" whispered Lila, having no idea what her powers were. Her mother mentioned maybe the moving things with her mind, but this. This was something else.
"Tired yet?" Eight taunted.
The birt was getting tired of this and used Vanya's powers in an attempt to take down the blonde. 
"You don't want to do that, Lila," Eight said as she watched her chest glow along with her eyes. If Vanya herself couldn't hold her down, how would Lila?
"Why, are you afraid?" Lila said hopefully now being a step ahead of her, floating in the air in front of her.
Eight sighed knowing she had no choice, "You will regret this," she said.
Lila's smirk disappeared when she saw Eight begin to glow a golden hue, and her hair starting to float. Angrily Lila releases the energy at the woman, but it never reaches her. Rather it gets absorbed by her colorful fire.
Eight's glowing eyes look at the shocked girl, "You shouldn't have messed with my family," she said as she lifted her closed fist and opened her palms facing up, dealing a powerful blast that sent the girl flying straight into the barn.
The blonde teleported into the barn as Five still stood by her. The blonde still glowed as she looked at the coughing brunette, who struggled to get up.
"1993 East London," she spoke getting up from the floor staring at the glowing girl, "You two hog-tied them and you shot them in the head," she explained to them.
Eight didn't have her eyes glowing anymore but everywhere else was, and she turned to meet the eyes of her husband. She remembered the task The Handler had given them.
"The flower merchants," they both spoke letting out puffs of cold air.
"They were your parents?" Five gasped in surprise now realizing why she wanted to kill them.
"And they never did anything to anyone," said Lila spitting at the foot of the glowing girl, "They didn't deserve to die like that."
"Lila it's true we killed them, but we have killed many people over the years," started Five his body still in the position to fight.
Eight swallowed hard and looked at her, "But it was just a job. That was never personal," she spoke to the girl less dangerous form now. 
"'Never personal,' my ass," she laughed sarcastically, "Yeah, I've killed. It's always, always personal."
This caused Eight to cock her head, "You really had me there in the first half, but that's why you aren't cut to be an assassin."
Lila reached for a knife in her boot and pointed it pathetically towards Eight, "Want to bet your life on it?"
The blonde wasn't scared, she was trained to be the best of the best, and an emotionally attached killer wouldn't do much, "Hey, now we may have killed them, but it was the Handler who faked the kill order," she said to her.
Stepping closer to her with the knife, "Bullshit, AJ Carmichael ordered it, and you both carried it out," she seethed at the woman.
"Do you think I'm willing to lie to you right now for the sake of it?" Eight exclaimed getting closer to her, grabbing her wrist and pulling the knife to her own heart, "The Handler gave us the kill order, she came along, bugged me the entire time, that day in London, she was there. Ask yourself why?"
The mimic swallowed as her knife was hovering over the blonde's heart, "Stop trying to get yourself out of this," she said shakily.
"If you want to kill me that's fine, but think about it, why was she there that day? She wasn't there for your parents, she was there for you." the blonde spoke softly.
Lila furrows her eyebrows at the information, "Why?" she said allowed.
"'Cause you're one of us," Diego's voice came in, "The Handler stole you, Lila. Just like our asshole father took all of us," he said stepping closer to the girls.
"No, it's not the same thing," she said, raising her voice looking at the blonde.
"You're right because he didn't have our parents murdered." Diego tried to say.
Her eyes still on Eight's blue, the woman spoke to her, "You were born October 1st, 1989, the same day as all of us," she spoke calmly.
Lila pressed the knife forward onto the blonde as she felt Diego step close, "Stay back all of you, or I will kill her!" she exclaimed.
The siblings all did the exact opposite rather they surrounded her, afraid of what could happen to the dimly glowing blonde.
"I trusted you, I got you a job, I even introduced you to my mother and then you took off on me," she hissed looking at Diego.
"Because I needed to save the world!" he yelled back hoping to get close enough to detach the two.
"She's using you, Lila. The Handler" said Eight as she felt the knife press closer to her, making her hiss making all the siblings a little antsy.
"You're wrong, she raised me. She loves me," she told the blonde believing it.
"Do you really believe that—" Eight began but was cut off as she felt the knife pierce her skin a little.
"Hey, get your hands off, or I'll kill you," Five seethed as he saw his wife's face contort in pain.
"Five, stop!" yelled the voices of the two siblings near Lila.
"Hey I know why you dragged me into the Commission, you were afraid of what she would do with all that power. She's dangerous," Diego said stepping closer.
"I know what it's like loving people who are dangerous, the only difference is..." he continued, his eyes darting to his siblings, "They love me back."
"Shut up," she hissed looking away from him and blinking her tears away.
"The only thing she loves is power. Now the minute she can't use you, she will turn on you, and deep down, I know you know that" he told her, his hand going forward to her hand on the knife.
Eight felt like a total third wheel at the moment, and the third tire that's about to pop, "Lila, she doesn't have to be your end, you have us, and we can help you," she spoke up not wanting to be left out.
The brunette's eyes darted to the blonde, then Diego, and the others around them, but before any more could be said gunfire rained on them, the sudden sound caused Lila's hand to slip and stab the blonde causing her to gasp.
The brunette moved out of the way as the bullets rained, none touching the blonde as they disintegrated, but she toppled down due to a different circumstance. The blade within her heart.
"Eleanor, Diego," she gasped, crawling towards the fallen siblings.
The young woman sniffed as she saw her fallen friends.
The Handler walked forward and looked down, a smile coming on her face as she saw the fallen Eight.
"Even in death she's gorgeous," she shook her head and cooed, looking at the knife in her heart.
"It's true what Eleanor and Five said, isn't it?" Lila questioned her mother.
"Darling I need to know we can get past this, be a happy family again? Hmm?" The Handler asked the kneeling girl.
Lila stood and looked around and saw all the dead bodies, "They're my real family," she said now walking up to the woman, "Do you even love me?" she asked sadly, she knew the answer but she wanted her to say it.
The woman didn't reply; rather she raised her gun and shot her. Letting her fall on the ground with the other siblings. Then walked around and heard Five gasp.
"Oh good, you're still alive. You got to see how this all played out. Your beautiful wife is stabbed in the heart, and like petals on a flower she perished," she smiled and lifted her gun at his head. Before any more could be done, bullets rained on the woman as she gasped and turned to see her culprit. The Swedes. And just like her analogy, the Handler fell, not like a graceful flower, but a tree blown off by a hurricane.
Five gasped as the man walked forward and was about to shoot him. But then past recollections of memories entered his mind.
We use my ability to time travel.
"You're the genius who said we should jump, Right? You're the one who got us stuck here." Luther's voice echoed.
"Maybe your appetite is disproportionate to the size of your abilities," Reginald's voice echoed, "Start small, seconds, not decades."
His puffs of breath could be seen in the air, but nonetheless, he began using his abilities to turn back time in seconds. Slowly he watched the Swede walk backward, unshoot the Handler. Getting up, his eyes darted as he watched Lila's body lift from the ground back to life and hovering over Eight and Diego's body.
His eyes darted to his wife who slowly got up, the knife no longer in her heart, and her dim glow surrounding her once more. Just as the rest of the siblings were back to where they first were.
Five popped out of the portal and looked down to see no bullet wounds in his body, he looked up seeing the same scene all over again.
"Lila, she doesn't have to be your end, you have us, and we can help you," she spoke up as Lila glanced at her.
This time before the Handler had a chance to shoot them, Five was one step ahead and grabbed the gun from the woman, pointing it at her.
Eight was able to back up before the knife could do any more damage. Looking around and the crazy woman who was about to shoot them all down.
"It's true what Eleanor and Five said, isn't it?" Lila questioned her mother, now holding the knife at her side, and looked at the woman with her hands raised.
The Handler said nothing and avoided eye contact.
"Answer me! Is it true?" Lila yelled as her eyes were teary.
"Well—" before any more could be said, she was shot and she toppled to the ground, again. Well for us and Five, for them (the people in the barn) not.
Everyone gasped at the sight of the dead woman. Lila took it as a chance to run towards the case.
"The case!" yelled Luther as he tried to step forward but Diego beat him down to it. Letting Lila disappear.
Five held his gun at the Swede, but dropped it, "Enough," Five said ultimately.
The Swede looked around the room and saw no one look hostile towards him, so he repeated his actions and dropped his gun, "Enough," he said in Swedish and walked out of the barn leaving the siblings alone.
Eight powered down, no longer glowing. She looked over at Five and the two hugged each other tightly, relieved that they were alive. Well...Eight....you died, but go off.
"You died," Five whispered into her ear as he gripped the back of her head onto him.
"What do you mean?" she whispered back, not knowing what he meant.
With one of his hands, he brought her hand to his head, as she used her powers to see what he saw. She saw herself get stabbed, and saw all of her siblings get shot.
She pulled away, and placed her hands on either side of his face, "But that didn't happen, you saved us," she reassured him. Placing a short kiss on his lips, "Thank you." 
"Vanya! Help" yelled the familiar voice of Sissy down below.
"Harlan!" Vanya gasped and ran down below.
Five and Eight looked at each other and followed her along with the other siblings.
"Sissy?" Vanya called out worriedly as she quickly ran down the steps, and tumbled into the power thing.
Eight saw the sight and immediately turned around. She may have gotten over the panic attack alone, but a sight like that would forever traumatize her.
"Whatever it is I gave you, I can take it back, okay? We just need to stop this," She heard Vanya's voice say to him.
Eight walked a little further from the group as she felt nausea coming up again, and leaned on a pillar. Then she felt the burst of energy in the room but was too afraid to look back. Five came up behind her and put his hand on her back as she was hunched over. She turned her head to look at him.
"The kid's fine," he responded.
Eight smiled in glee. Happy that someone was able to save the child, unlike her.
"Come on," he said to her offering his hand.
She took it and they began walking up when they heard a familiar zap. Someone from the Commission had come in. Five and Eight began walking out of the barn along with Diego who had heard it.
"Eight, are you sure your puking is due to your trauma?" Five asked suddenly.
Eight snapped her head towards him, eyes wide, "Of course it is why wouldn't it be?"
Diego coughed, "Well you know you slept with—"
Before he could finish his sentence, Eight stomped and sent the two flying towards the ground as she huffed walking off, "Unbelievable."
"Herb!" Eight squealed running over to the man and pulling him into a hug. The man put the case down and hugged her back.
"Guess we never got to talk after all," he said to her with a chuckle.
"Yeah, sorry," Eight sighed pulling away from the hug.
"Is she..." Herb started.
"Dead? For sure Herbie," she replied then felt the presence of the two next to her again.
"Five, Diego," Herb greeted with a smile.
"Who's running the Commission now?" Eight asked not letting the males get a second to talk.
Herb started fidgeting not knowing what to say.
Dot smiled and patted him, "Just tell them," she reassured.
"We need to elect a new board of directors. But until then, I've been voted in as acting chairperson," he said with a smile, not wanting to brag.
Eight smiled wide her dimples showing, "I knew you'd be there someday!" she said hugging the man and slightly lifting him.
"Congrats, Herbie, That's huge," Diego congratulated.
"I'm so goddamn nervous!" he confessed but still with a smile.
"You'll do fine," Five added.
"Oh thank you," he replied.
"Herb, we need a favor," Five finally asked.
"Oh, sure, anything," herb said with a smile.
"A briefcase, to get back home, where we belong," Eight spoke up her hands in her skirt pockets.
Herb pointed a finger at her and smiled then turned to the many men behind and women behind them.
"Take your pick," He said.
Eight smiled and looked over to two males, "Grab one I'll meet you at the house, I need to give Herb a word,"
The two brothers knew it was best to listen to her, as she was already pissed at them. The blonde turned to Herb and grabbed two envelopes with a note above from her coat pocket handing them both to him.
"If you would please deliver these, It'd mean the world for me," she said putting her hands back in her pockets, “Thanks for everything Herbbie.” 
The man looked at them and nodded, smiling, "Will do Mrs. Hargreeves," he said and paused putting them in coat, “And you are most welcome, you are a great friend.” 
"Bye Herbie," she said waving and turned around walking back to the house.
Her walk back was sort of melancholy, within her she knew something was going to happen. She didn't know when or what, but something was coming. Subconsciously she moved her hand to her stomach and sighed.
The life she ended up creating here was a short one. But the people she grew to know and love belonged here and they would stay that way. The Fitzgerald family had grown to love the blonde as one of theirs, and even though now she was gone, it would stay that way.
As she reached the home she paused standing outside getting a look at everything, one last time.
"Sorry about insinuating you know...." Five's said snapping her out of daydreaming.
"Well you better be," she huffed annoyedly.
"I'm just making sure," he chuckled, raising his hands defensively.
Eight rolled her eyes at the teen, “Be glad that the heat of moment let that happen.” 
“Trust me, those few hours will be on replay for the next few days,” he told her, he paused leaving them in silence for a while, "Wait when you were here did you ever date or go out with other boys?"
The blonde chuckled, "Of course I did," was all she said.
Her husband looked at her with wide eyes, "What—"
"Don't worry Eleanor was very safe," she let him know with a laugh patting his shoulder.
"Curse your good looks," Five huffed.
Soon enough night had reached the farm and it was time the siblings returned to their time. All of them surrounded Five who was getting the briefcase ready.
"Everyone ready?" aked Five to the surrounding family.
"Let's do it," Luther confirmed.
"Okay," he sighed as his wife held his shoulder with her left hand and held Allison's hand with her right.
"Wait!" Klaus exclaimed and ran back to the porch grabbing a hat and putting it on and running back to the circle.
The siblings held onto each other as he briefcase clicked on. One second they were at the barn the other inside the Academy with the familiar chandelier in the air.
As they appeared they looked around the familiar home. But Eight felt a different vibe this time, and she couldn't place it.
"It's April Second, 2019 the day after the apocalypse," Five said to the siblings.
Eight smiled and walked away from the group as they celebrated. She went into the living room and noticed the wall had a very different painting. It wasn't Eight or Five, but Ben...
"I knew you'd show up eventually," Reginald's voice rang as he got himself up from his chair. 
The blonde turned over to him just as the other siblings had arrived.
"Father...." she half chuckled seeing the man once more, "Good to be home."
The man raised an eyebrow, "Home? This isn't your home." Oh, that's not good.
"What are you talking about? This is the Umbrella Academy," Allison said she said.
"Wrong again," He spoke up, "This is the Sparrow Academy." He finished and looked up behind them as footsteps approached.
They all turned to see five shadowed figures from above, and the sixth, walking in through the door.
"Dad, who the hell are these assholes?" said the voice of Ben, or what seemed liked Ben, but a scar across his eyes.
They were in shock that's for sure. So the Umbrella Academy answered in the best way they could, "Shit."
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blissful-clown · 1 year
Bittersweet Lis: Bonnibelle!!!
Backstory ??? idk if there are plot holes uh 
Parents divorced when she was 4 because her mom fell out of love with her dad
They were living in France (I guess she was born there but uh both parents are Filipino though) But after the divorce, She and her dad moved to the PH
She mostly spent time with her Grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins
Her mom sometimes visits her from France and she usually just shows up when her dad’s like not around because the tension is weird with both of them in the room
Oh she has a friend in France named Bennet he was like their neighbour and they just communicate online lmao
Her dad is always at work and when he’s at home he avoids her and always sits under a mango tree outside their house just thinking and his eyes just full of sadness (bro is coping)
One time she tripped and her dad was right in front of her and she stood up and stared at him to see if he’d respond but he barely even spared her a glance even after burning a hole through his head. Her grandma just found her standing with the blood from her wound already reached the ground and rushed her inside.
It was like this for a while until she was 12 when her dad decided “bro get yo shit together u have a daughter” then boom he tried to approach her little by little by helping her with her math homework and yeah they’re good now 💥💥💥
When she was 14 she moved to America because her dad got a job opportunity there and boom 
Omg bennet in america too?! Meeting my bestie irl (REAL!!!)
Oh wait did I mention she ROLLER SKATES?! Yeah she does she’d brag about it to Bennet all the time
Their relationship is almost kinda like siblings
Dad found a bee eff?!?!!!? Bro has another dad now 🤯 AND a 5 yr old step brother 
She also has an art account and it grew following wow!!!
She met her girlfriend during prom when she was 15 wowowow!
She would give her gf those small music boxes every week with a cute note and doodle
They were all silly and happy until her gf’s dad found out about them and they were just walking around then boom her gf’s dad saw them and he punched bonnie right in the face and it was all blurry for her after that
They weren’t able to talk and then one day her gf just moved unannounced and she never saw her again they lasted for 2 years 😢
Bro was heartbroken as HELLL
Oh yeah and soon after all that her brother had a birthday party and did i mention her step-dad’s EX WIFE?! 🤯🤯🤯 yeah she showed and yeah she knows about her and she was like stopping her from coming in but she just got punched in the face AGAIN what a loser lmao
She moved right after college out of impulse (no deep backstory or anything one day she was just like ya what if I move then boom)
Oh ya remember that art account thing yeah she makes money by taking commissions 
She got into baking because that was how she would cope with stress now she also has that as a source of income woooo
Met alphonse?! I guess he found her walking around and she was thinking of her gf? She’s moved on but she thinks about her sometimes and yah all that other stuff that happened in the audio
Got interested in alphonse because he is literally PINK and she found the way he talked funny (in like a good way)
Seth appearance real!!! Im not gonna go into too much detail uhh she was just standing there and she was pretty understanding about the whole thing
She wasn’t sure if it was gonna be a good idea to approach seth but she did anyway!!! Bro was shitting herself that morning of the confrontation!!!! 
It was kinda awkward with seth at first but she was really nice to him and stuff and yeah real!!!!
All the other stuff that happened in audios wow!!; i dont feel like typing everything anymore uh
Other stuff that aren’t final:
The first friend she ever made in school when she moved to america was casper (yeas, charlie’s lis) casper would talk about charlie all the time. Bonnie thought charlie was fucking DEAD because of the way he talked about him LMAOO (wait hold on this doesnt make sense anymroe I'm gonna change this)
Majored in BA Fine arts and BS Psychology
thought of adding some filipino mythology to her but that might be too extra
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bipirate · 7 months
I hope your commute home went by quick and easy!
Hektor is a looker! 👀👀 also yo, listen great art. Wish i could draw a bit lol i usually use picrews to get an idea of what i have in my head and then make them as best i can on sims and either leave it there or get a commission made.
I miss the siblings so much! Like the whole idea as really wacky but in game they were very very intense
if i do decide to dm, it might not be for a dnd adventure/module but for either the power rangers rpg or avatar legends
sorry for responding late!! my commute went very well in the end, thanks :)
thank you sm!! i had soo much fun playing him again yesterday. We ended up not doing curse of strahd but a really short oneshot instead, and it was soo much fun. i was slightly underprepared but it was fine for a oneshot. my flurry of blows killed a couple tough enemies including the final boss so i'm happy with that. our dm let us describe how we wanted to kill the enemies which was a really fun and engaging way to play imo
honestly i feel like using picrews or sims or a different character creation program is really useful for this kind of thing!! however it can absolutely be sooo rewarding to commission an artist whose work you admire.
omg sometimes i forget that dnd is just one of thousands of ttrpgs... it might be fun to play a different one at some point
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watcher0033 · 2 years
Thoughts 💭 on The Umbrella Academy Season 3 so far:
Took a break in mid of ep3 to gather my thoughts.
Impression of this season is a bit of a mixed bag. I feel like they’re introducing too many material and having trouble keeping up with all of them while the old stuff that they had are barely or halfheartedly addressed.
My biggest hangups are Grace, Marcus, the Sloane x Luther thing,and just the wasted potential of the Sparrows in general and ofc Ben. Still I love how thematically consistent the show is with their themes.
(Now, like I said, I haven’t finished the series so I might change my mind on of these by the end. And my opinions are very subjective, aight👌)
Grace. Why did they do that to her? No clue. Is the weirdness on brand? Yes. Do I have to like it? No. Why?
Wasted potential. She could’ve been a source of tension between the two families. Addressing how the Sparrows treat her and why, and maybe having some existential discussions with each other and maybe a source of internal conflict regarding their concept of family and in the end, the umbrellas affirming that she may be a robot but she’s still their mother regardless of who their birth parents are (well I hope since I haven’t finished the season yet but my expectations are kinda low now).
Marcus. I think the creators deemed him too competent to stay in the long run tbh, which is hilarious but also annoying on how they don’t know how to address it. They better bring him back.
If he stayed, he would’ve made a good anti-villain/hero and might provide a good challenge for the umbrellas that aren’t the Commission OR some good internal conflict between the sparrows if he decided to side w the ☂ wc would then put them in the outsider’s perspective of how much fuckery the Hargreeves operate with (no matter how altered and played w totally new characters). An awareness and acknowledgment that this may have been them in another timeline, shinier and better fighters maybe, but still the issues they all have would still be there.
And maybe them realizing that they don’t want any other family besides each other cause they’re enough. “We’re gonna discover smth that would make us feel shittier than we already are but I would still want to discover that with you” kind of take (a sentiment learned from Everything Everywhere All at Once wc is climbing to be one of my most fave films ever).
The Sloane x Luther thing.
Ugh. Sighs. They have good chemistry- it’s ok- just sighs
Incestuous or not, it still feels forced and just another material added to the pile that won’t be resolve satisfactorily by the narrative. They have so much material they could focus on. In fact, I think they could take away all the romance parts and focus on just the family, their family hijinks, healing, maybe making long term friends along the way would honestly be more satisfying. Is it a Hollywood thing or Steve wanting to direct a romantic movie in the future idek
The Sparrows. They are Awesome, I Love Them, and I hope they were fleshed out more. Their Dickheadedness can remain as it is. I enjoy it. Look how they made a bitch out of Reginald! I can’t be more happier. Let them be the Academy of Mean Girls 💋
Still. I wanna see more of their inner-workings and see them act as foils/parallels to the Umbrellas istg that would be so much more fun. I’m looking forward to seeing more of them as the series goes on. I love Fei, she has this very steady and determined aura to her and you can see her ambition but you can also see that she and most of her siblings don’t think they have anything beyond the lives they were molded into which they reinforced all the way to adulthood. Sloane wants to get out of that mindset, Jayne and Alphonso are indifferent to it, and I think Christopher does it because he thinks it’s cool and his fam does it tbh
Ben. Yo, this man is such a hot mess and so mean I would occasionally clutch my hand to my heart as I feel it shatter because he is the biggest case of how the parenting affects these children. We got two Bens for comparison and suffice to say Reginald is terrible and both sets of children deserve better. I hope they focus on that.
I wish their grief was shown more. I feel like Klaus and Allison are the only ones heading to that Heavy Angsty territory this season (don’t get me wrong I love it).
Still, like I said thematically wise their incredibly consistent which I appreciate. Five and Klaus bonding was GOLDEN.
Honestly with the additions we have this season I really want to see more of Allison and Diego dynamic (what a wonderful knife-twisting that would make), more of Allison and Five (I love how softly he talks with her being very considerate w her grief but also YO THATS NOT ENOUGH he had more scenes w Lila rip), Viktor and Allison future conflict ayyy I can smell it happening
Klaus, Allison, and Viktor bonding over lost loves in the 60s, Klaus and the fam reminiscing about Ben. Them listening to Klaus’ stories of tHEIR Ben’s antics. Viktor and Klaus bonding bcoz UM HELLO?? Why are the queerest people of this family not bonding that’s a freakin crime in storytelling istg.
Well, I shall calm myself down.
Deep breaths for my fellows who feel the same. Remember canon is a sandbox Fanfiction can play in.
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roguefort · 3 months
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i literally only started my blog a couple weeks/almost a month ago LITERALLY WHERE DID YO U ALL COME FROM HELLO???? /vpos thank you all SO SO SO MUCH for the support, i honestlt never thought my silly little editing blog would ever get this far so quickly??? /pos
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀info ⠀⠀❜⠀⠀⠀𓈒⠀⠀⠀𝒢
this is a idol/anime rhythm game themed event, meaning you'll only have to edit characters from idol/anime rhythm, games (proseka, bandori, enstars, idolm@ster, lovelive, D4DJ... ect)
this event will start on March 19th and will last until March 26th, please use the #pwupsicle100event tag and tag me in your entries!
any type of editing is allowed! whenever it be graphics, layouts, icons, pixels, moodboards, stimboards, hell, even psds! it can be anything! as long as its related to the theme of the event and as long as it counts as editing.
first place: a layout of their choice, 4-5 graphics of their choice, 2 psds of their choice
second place: a layout of their choice, 2-3 graphics of their choice, a psd of their choice
third place: a layout of their choice and 1 graphic of their choice
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀prompts ⠀⠀❜⠀⠀⠀𓈒⠀⠀⠀𝒢
day one: your favorite character edited with your least favorite color
day two: your least favorite character edited with your favorite color ore your least favorite character edited with your favorite character
day three: an edit inspired by a commissioned song
day four: an edit inspired by a cover song
day five: your favorite card set/event
day six: your least favorite card set/event
day seven: a random duo you like! (whenever it be planotic or romantic) (also I CAN NOT believe that I have to state this here but DONT TAG SIBLING DUOS AS "ship" OR "romantic duo" I WILL FUCKING BITE YOU. /neg)
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hi rhythm gamers (aka taglist) (ask to be removed/feel free to ignore)
@kyuswi @lacetism @yaesweets @angeldolliess @battampria @cactiflowering @metalbody @magnoliawriter @strawberrymedicine @kiochisato @yourdarlingness @necroangelz @rwuffles @p1nk-sugar @landmineangel @smilingnap @cherryshh @deathe-ly/@impuric @otoripink @hetyuri
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minqci · 2 years
♡ genshin boys when they get jealous pt. 1
୨୧ ₊˚๑︶꒥︶꒷︶︶꒥꒷︶꒥︶︶꒷
hey everyone !! took a long break but i’m back and with the infamous arataki itto :) might continue this with more characters, (Including the genshin girls) but this is part one! this was really fun to write and i hope you all enjoy ^^
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: ̗̀➛ thoma:
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➸ thoma rarely gets jealous, he trusts you and knows you won't look anywhere else.
➸ keyword being: rarely.
➸ you and thoma were going to meet up this afternoon to have a little lunch date together at komore teahouse.
➸ the two of you haven't been spending that much time together lately, so you were very excited to catch up with your little housekeeper.
➸ although, you were waiting at the teahouse for over an hour and he still hasn't shown up.
➸ you were starting to get worried so you went out to find him, until you bumped into none other than kazuha.
➸ "oh, y/n. what brings you here this brisk afternoon?"
➸ kazuha's calming voice made you relax a bit, so you take a deep breath and carefully explain what you're doing.
➸ "thoma is a little late for our lunch date, so i went looking for him."
➸ kazuha just smiles and says, "he was training with the kamisato siblings today, he's probably done by now."
➸ you take a sigh of relief, thankful that nothing has happened to him.
➸ "hey, as a thank you why don't i buy you some lunch? unless you've eaten already?"
➸ "oh thank you y/n, i am hungry. but don't feel the need to thank me for answering your question."
➸ you and kazuha walk into komore teahouse and take seats across from one another.
➸ after maybe 30 minutes, you hear two knocks on the door.
➸ you stand up to get it and see thoma standing outside with a big smile, as he hugs and twirls you around.
➸ "hey, y/n! i missed you!"
➸ you give him a small kiss on the cheek, in courtesy of the fact that kazuha was still there and pda made you shy.
➸ after thoma finishes returning your kiss, he finally notices kazuha sitting over at the table.
➸ "oh...why is kazuha here?" thoma asks, tilting his head a bit.
➸ "he kept me company while you were out training! we just shared some tricolor dango, nothing too filling."
➸ before you invite thoma over to sit down, kazuha notices thoma's...upset expression.
➸ "i will be taking my leave now, y/n. thank you for the meal, it will be going on my tab, i insist." kazuha says, getting up from the little pillow he was sitting on.
➸ you nod and wave goodbye to the little poet as he takes his leave from the restaurant.
➸ you remember that you gave back the menu before thoma arrived, so you stand up to get it, but then an unexpected back hug stops you.
➸ you look to your right and see thoma resting his head on your shoulder, pouting a little bit.
➸ "what's wrong?" you ask, stroking his hair.
➸ "it's nothing you did...i'm just a little upset that you and kazuha were here together."
➸ you smile and cup his face in your hands, giving him many little kisses.
➸ "stop it...i don't deserve those kisses. jealousy is an ugly emotion i shouldn't even be feeling it!" thoma says, turning his head away.
➸ you gently face his head back to you and give him a soft kiss on the lips. when you try to pull away, he pulls you back in, both of you smiling into the kiss.
➸ when you finally pull away, you're a little out of breath but seeing thoma's smile just warmed your heart.
➸ "thank you, y/n. i love you." thoma says, stroking your cheek.
➸ you both smile at each other and finally get the menu so you can have the lunch date you planned.
: ̗̀➛ zhongli:
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➸ in your entire relationship, you have never seen zhongli jealous. you never knew how he reacted when he felt that way.
➸ you never made a big deal out of it, because you found it so endearing that he trusted you that much.
➸ and even though he trusted you with his life, today was...different.
➸ you were doing some commissions with zhongli today, since he was free from the parlor.
➸ you were just about to head off to your second commission when you heard a faint, "good morning, comrades!"
➸ the two of you turn around and see...childe?
➸ you weren't used to seeing childe outside of third-round knockout, so you were a little surprised to see him.
➸ "hey, childe!" you say, giving him a hug.
➸ "mind if i join you two on your little adventure? or am i intruding on a romantic getaway?" childe teases, poking fun at the two of you.
➸ "not at all. you're welcome to join us!" you said, gesturing for him to come walk with you.
➸ you all walk and chat until you arrive at your next destination, where you're supposed to defeat some hilichurls.
➸ "this is gonna be fun." childe says, seeing the many mitachurls roaming around the camp.
➸ the three of you all get ready before jumping out the bushes and defeating those monsters faster than lightning.
➸ although, suddenly an abyss mage appeared behind you, too fast for you to notice.
➸ "y/n!" zhongli yelled, wanting to run to you but can't because he was still fending off some mitachurls.
➸ before the abyss mage strikes you, childe leaps to your aid, pushing you aside and one-shotting the pathetic little mage.
➸ as you both tumble down, childe somehow ends up on top of you and you thank him multiple times for his rescue.
➸ "no problem! it's what i do." he said, a little bit cockily but he deserved that much after saving you.
➸ you all walk to your last commission where you were supposed to cook a meal with smiley yanxiao, way easier than the others you've done today.
➸ although during your walk to the destination, zhongli was silent. you wanted to ask him what was wrong but he avoided eye contact with you.
➸ you just brushed it off and decided to wait until childe was gone to ask him, so you wouldn't have to stir up some drama in front of other people.
➸ you arrived at the destination, which was wangshu inn. you met up with yanxiao and his request was pretty straight-forward.
➸ "10 golden shrimp balls and 1 big pot of bamboo shoot soup, finish it by an hour." he said, immediately going back to chopping up some vegetables.
➸ the three of you got to work, you let zhongli handle the bamboo shoot soup, because it was his favorite meal to make.
➸ "oh wow, that looks delicious!" you say to zhongli, hoping he at least mutters a "thank you."
➸ but he doesn't. he simply nods and continues to place more ingredients into the soup.
➸ childe talks to you a bit more while you make the shrimp balls, but all you can do is look over at zhongli.
➸ you're worried that you may have not helped him enough in the last commission? maybe you offended him but didn't mean to? the worst scenarios just came rushing into your head.
➸ as you finished, you all placed the food in front of yanxiao to taste.
➸ "delicious! you all know your stuff. thank you, good day now folks!" you all waved goodbye to yanxiao and left the inn.
➸ "thanks for bringing me along today, you two. enjoy the rest of your day!" childe said, waving goodbye and running off to...wherever he goes throughout the day.
➸ now that it was finally the two of you, you turn to zhongli, but...he isn't there?
➸ you look around and can't see him anywhere. you start to panic a little and walk around, trying to find him.
➸ still seeing no sight of him, you try to go back into the hotel when you feel someone grab you tightly into a secluded corner below the inn.
➸ before you almost punch him, zhongli grabs your arm and stares right into your eyes.
➸ "y/n. please tell me, are you tired of me?" hearing this just made your heart sink. tired of him? what could that even mean?
➸ "tired of you? god, zhongli i can't get enough of you." you say, putting your hands on his cheeks.
➸ zhongli places his hand on yours, and quietly says, "i'm...sorry i didn't rescue you. childe is probably the hero you want."
➸ you laugh a little, stunned by the fact that zhongli actually was jealous.
➸ "you are my hero. now and forever. you make me smile, you keep me safe and you give me life."
➸ zhongli smiles and gives you a kiss, a slow one. a passionate, loving one. those were rare, but you loved them so much.
➸ feeling his hands wrap around your waist, his fingers comb through your hair, you absolutely melted.
➸ when he pulled away, you hugged. you said nothing else, you just hugged for over 5 minutes, enjoying each other's warmth.
➸ "i...love you, y/n. more than you'll know." zhongli whispers.
➸ "right back at you, love."
: ̗̀➛ childe:
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➸ childe definitely got jealous a lot, not because he didn't trust you, he just never felt good enough for you. you were a perfect person in his eyes, and he never thought he was the same.
➸ you found it cute, but you never failed to remind him that he was so very important to you.
➸ today, you and childe took a little trip to inazuma. you both wanted to go back, since it was such a beautiful place.
➸ when you arrived, you were both greeted cheerfully by thoma. "ah, y/n! tartaglia! glad you made it safe."
➸ you both shook thoma's hands, and you all proceeded to walk around inazuma.
➸ childe told you beforehand that he was going to spoil you today, (which he always does anyway) but you didn't really want much. you just wanted his company.
➸ thoma lead all of you to a quaint little restaurant that served all kinds of inazuma snacks.
➸ you were clearly drooling just looking at the menu, and childe noticed that.
➸ before childe could call up a waiter, someone already came to your table holding an array of different treats on a tray.
➸ "i recall that you guys favored these snacks in your last visit, yes?" thoma said, giving each of you a treat.
➸ you thanked thoma for the gesture, but he wasn't finished with you yet.
➸ "i know you also liked these sakura mochi, but didn't buy enough because they were a tad bit pricy." thoma added, pushing a plate of beautiful sakura mochi towards you.
➸ "a tad?! these are like 1,000 mora a piece! i can't accept this, thoma." you said, clearly flustered from the offer.
➸ thoma shook his head and said, "i insist. come on, you're not even here that often, i missed you! this is my thank you for coming back."
➸ you just smiled at him and thanked him once again before digging into your delicious snacks.
➸ you all chatted throughout the afternoon, but childe seemed to ignore thoma's questions.
➸ "hey, tartaglia. do you like your onigiri?" childe didn't respond. he just continued to talk to you about his adventures in the fatui.
➸ after a few more repeats of this, you excused yourself from the table and yanked childe along with you.
➸ when you were out of earshot from thoma, you asked childe, "what is your problem with thoma?"
➸ he just avoided eye contact with you and stayed silent. this was starting to piss you off.
➸ "look at me." you said, your death glare getting more and more intimidating.
➸ he still kept his gaze away from you, so you grabbed his face and faced it towards yours.
➸ "answer the question. thoma is being super welcoming and you're not even batting an eye in his direction!"
➸ childe takes a deep breath and pulls you into a spot without anyone around.
➸ "only...i can spoil you like that." he finally mutters, hugging you a little too tightly once you two are alone.
➸ "the look in your eyes, the flustered look on your face...i don't want anyone else to give you that. just me, only me." he said, burying his face into the crook of your neck even further.
➸ you have never seen childe like this. whenever he did get jealous he never showed it in such a forward manner.
➸ you pulled his face out of your neck and gave him kisses in his favorite spots.
➸ starting with the forehead, the nose, and then the lips.
➸ you both start to melt into the kiss, falling deeper and deeper into a total lovesick state.
➸ before things escalate, childe pulls away and puts his head against yours.
➸ "you're gorgeous." childe whispers, making your face heat up from embarrassment and look away from him.
➸ when you look back, you stare into his beautiful blue eyes, and say with all integrity, "i love you."
➸ childe smiles and gives you one last kiss before saying, "let's head back to that thoma fellow. he's probably thinking we got kidnapped by now."
: ̗̀➛ kaeya:
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➸ kaeya is definitely the jealous type. no matter how cocky he may seem, he gets jealous at the many friends you make on your adventures, let alone how close you get to some of them.
➸ you don't know this though. as far as you know, you two are friends with benefits and nothing more. you did want more, but you never knew how kaeya would react.
➸ you and kaeya were training together one day, not official favonius training, just challenging each other to see who would buy drinks tonight again.
➸ while you were taking a break, a big group of people came rushing towards the two of you.
➸ they all showered you both with compliments, because you were both pretty popular throughout mondstadt. whenever you had combat training like this, you were always watched by a crowd.
➸ after almost all of the crowd left, one guy stayed and continued talking to you.
➸ "wow, you really are amazing! you can fight and you're gorgeous. what a perfect combo." hearing this made you feel warm inside, obviously you blushed a little bit and thanked him.
➸ he continued to compliment and flatter you, but when your conversation came to a close, he suggested, "hey, would you wanna go out with me sometime? maybe to good hunter?"
➸ this caught you off guard, since you had some sort of situationship with kaeya, but maybe this guy could help you get over him.
➸ before you could accept, kaeya steps in front of you and holds your hand tightly with his.
➸ "sorry. she's taken, fella. run along, now." the guy scoffed and turned away, clearly intimidated by kaeya's terrifying death glare.
➸ kaeya turned back to you, and held your face with his hands for a moment.
➸ "this has been on my mind for a while now, and that bastard flirting with you was the final boost of encouragement i needed..." kaeya took a deep breath and looked right into you eyes.
➸ "please be mine, for as long as you'll have me." you could see the a shade of red creeping up kaeya's face as he said this, but you were in too much shock to tease him at this point.
➸ after a little too much silence, kaeya quickly removes his hands off your face and says, "uh--! nevermind, ignore what i said bye bye!" before he can run off, you grab his arm.
➸ "i never even got to tell you my answer." you say, pulling him closer to you.
➸ he winces, shutting his eyes, probably waiting for a rejection. you chuckle a bit before leaning in to kiss him.
➸ kaeya's eyes widen, but he quickly melts into the kiss. pulling you in by the waist, combing his fingers through your hair and moving his hand all around your body.
➸ when you pull away, kaeya continues to comb through your hair, a big smile painted on his face.
➸ "i love you." you say, catching kaeya off guard a little.
➸ "i...love you." kaeya says. before you can kiss him again, he continues, "more than you'll ever know."
➸ you both smile and laugh a little in embarrassment, and walk home together, hand in hand.
: ̗̀➛ itto:
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➸ you didn't know whether or not itto was the jealous type, he was usually too dense to even notice other people flirting with you at times.
➸ you definitely got jealous more, with itto being the confident, suave type, everyone in inazuma had a thing for him. you never showed it though, just in case itto found jealousy to be...gross.
➸ you and itto were taking a stroll around inazuma, getting some snacks and chatting about literally everything.
➸ at one point you discussed if you could build a house purely out of cheese, which was basically a whole monologue by itto.
➸ while you were both chomping down on some tricolor dango, gorou walked up to you both.
➸ gorou was your best friend, and you actually haven't seen him in a while due to his own personal duties. you were glad to finally see him.
➸ "hey! y/n! itto!" gorou greeted, taking a seat across the table from the two of you.
➸ you both smiled and greeted him as well, both glad to see him this afternoon.
➸ "how've you both been?" gorou asks, curiously leaning towards you two.
➸ itto starts to talk about all the adventures you two have been on ever since dating, and his sudden compliments made you blush a little bit. (by a little i mean a lot)
➸ gorou inches closer to you while you both listen to itto talk about the time he got stuck inside a slime, and quickly bites off half of your tricolor dango.
➸ "hey! what the-" you put the snack in your other hand and put it as far from gorou's mouth as possible.
➸ gorou continues to lean into you, his hands gripping your thighs to stay steady.
➸ you try to lean back a bit, but it makes you fall over onto a grass patch nearby.
➸ gorou grabs the dango and continues to eat it whilst pinning you down to the ground.
➸ "fine. take it then, it's a reward for coming back here." you say, raising your arms in surrender.
➸ you both laugh and gorou stands up and puts out his hand to help you up from the ground.
➸ you decide to get yourself some sakura mochi as compensation for the stolen dango.
➸ when you get back, gorou and itto are nowhere in sight. but then you hear someone scream, "go itto!!" from behind you. what you see is a crowd of people surrounding something.
➸ when you make your way through the crowd, you see itto and gorou having what looks like a...standoff?
➸ gorou's face looks absolutely terrified, it's clear he was probably forced into this by itto. but itto never picks fights with gorou, they're really close.
➸ "you wanna have y/n? huh? come fight me!" excuse me...what?! you could not believe what you were seeing.
➸ "oh my archons, i have told you a billion times when you dragged me over here, i'm not into them!" gorou shouted, starting to get irritated.
➸ before things can escalate, you run to the center of the fight and call it off immediately. "okay folks, shows over."
➸ the crowd groans and walks away, and you call over gorou while pulling itto by the ear to a secluded area.
➸ "what the hell was that?!" you shout, causing itto to wince a little.
➸ "it's just that...i forgot how close you and gorou were. seeing you and him fight over that stupid dango a while ago made me feel...odd." taken aback, your eyes widen at itto's response.
➸ itto was...jealous? and he wanted to fight poor gorou for your honor? no matter how old schooled that sounded, it was still very sweet.
➸ you place your hands on itto's face and pull him down to yours. "you know that i love you, right?" itto nods. "so there's no need to be jealous. gosh, you are so amazing, if anything i'm the one who should be getting jealous of all your fans!"
➸ itto laughs a little bit, and kisses you. it was a short one, so you pull him back in for one more.
➸ his kisses were always so sweet. never too rough, it's just a genuinely loving kiss that you absolutely melted for.
➸ when he pulls away, you stare at each other until you here a sigh from behind the two of you.
➸ "i'm right here. get a room, will ya?" gorou was with you the whole time and you barely noticed.
➸ you apologize and gorou just scoffs as you all wave goodbye to each other.
➸ itto holds your hand tight and gives you a big, bright smile. you smile back and lean on his shoulder as you walk back home.
: ̗̀➛ albedo:
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➸ albedo rarely got jealous, let alone show any other form of anger towards you. you were the beacon of joy in his life, and absolutely nothing you did failed to give him a smile.
➸ you never got jealous either, you and albedo were together constantly and he didn't really like spending time with others besides you, aether and sucrose.
➸ one day you and albedo were painting together, like you did every week. you were painting a beautiful view of mondstadt. while albedo was painting well...you.
➸ you were just about done when you felt someone blow into your ear.
➸ "arh--! what was-" you look behind you and see kaeya. of course, he always did stuff like this to you. although as his best friend, you learned to let it go.
➸ "good afternoon y/n, albedo. pleasant day, isn't it?" kaeya says, looking out at the view you were painting.
➸ you all chat until nightfall and kaeya offers to buy all of you drinks at angel's share.
➸ you both agree and follow the young cavalry captain to the bar to have a drink together and chat.
➸ when you arrive, kaeya orders drinks for the table and you and albedo take a seat beside one another.
➸ kaeya places his hand on yours, which startles you a bit but you don't say anything.
➸ he keeps it there, which doesn't faze you since he's done things like this ever since you were kids but you catch a glance of albedo and he's looking right at your hands.
➸ you try to take your hand off when kaeya grabs it and says, "i'm a little bored. i suggest a staring contest." while holding your hands in his.
➸ before you can say no, albedo grabs kaeya's hands and glares right at him. "i'd like to play, kaeya."
➸ poor kaeya was forced to stare deep into albedo's piercing glare until he decided it was better to lose than to keep staring.
➸ "i-i'll get our drinks, be right back!" kaeya says, scuttering off to the bartender.
➸ you look back at albedo who is...grinning? in a mischievous way, may i add.
➸ "hey, what are you smiling about?" you ask him. he takes your hand in one of his and uses the other to comb through your hair.
➸ "i may have been, what you call, jealous." albedo mumbles, slowly getting redder and redder.
➸ you chuckle a bit, but quickly pull him into a hug and run your hands through his soft hair.
➸ "there's nothing to be jealous about, alright? there's a reason i'm with you and not that silly pirate boy." you whisper, continuing to slowly caress his head with your hands.
➸ "could we abandon him? i have a project i'd like to work on with you at home." albedo says.
➸ "oh? what project?" you ask, curious. he's never wanted your help with projects before.
➸ "i just need to study...the human body." he says, smirking a bit.
➸ it only took a few moments until you understood and your face turned bright red just imagining it.
➸ "what do you say, darling?"
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reticent-writer · 2 years
Kokomi x child reader
Guard dog series
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nickname: kokomi's guard dog
The soldiers had given you that name because for one you were a shiba hybrid being gorou's younger sibling and second you were hardly ever seen without kokomi.
Like today Kokomi had sen you off to deliver a letter to the Tenryou commission and by the archons you were going to deliver it no matter what was gonna get in the way.
First obstacle: Your brother
"here take this." Gorou made 4 rice balls for you and giving you rules since you where leaving for the day. You gladly took the rice balls and tried to tun off before he could give you a lecture but he grabbed you by the back of your shirt.
"Not so fast. Don't get sidetracked and don't get all of them in one go you'll get a tummy ache." he started " Don't wonder off so much after you deliver the letter. I'm giving 100 mora to buy a treat or you can keep it if you want and finally be back by nightfall." He finished the lecture by ruffling your hair and pushing out of his tent.
And now your journey begins.
you had gotten a boat to narukami island, waving off to the sailor and thanking him as you continued your way to the Tenryou commissions headquarters.
Second obstacle: distractions
Walking into Inuzuma the first thing you see is Yoimiya outside her fathers shop entertaining kids. You started to walk over but stopped before the first steps shaking your head. 'no i can't stop now i have to deliver the letter.' you thought as you started to walk again.
"Hey, Y/n I haven't seen you in a while. The resistance keeping you busy huh?." Yoimiya said walking up to you with kids your age following.
"Hello, yep very busy. I was told to not get distracted so im sorry but i have to go." You wanted to stay a bit longer but you were told this was very important and to deliver the letter as fast as you could.
"Aw thats a shame well at least take these, we can light them the next time you come by." She gave you sparklers and a firework. You gladly took them and gave her a rice ball. You waved her off as you started on your way again.
"Hey guard dog!" You heard turning your head to see Itto. You tried walking faster but he got to you quickly walking in front of you to pick you up by your arms.
"Hey, where are you off to little bud." He said holding you to his side as he started walking in the same direction that you were going.
"To the Tenryou commission I-"
"woah woah hold up why are you going there."
"To deliver something for lady kokomi." You squiggled in his arms to be put down which he did. "I would love to stay but I have to go for now." You saluted him off as he said you could visit the gang whenever you were free.
You would've wanted to stay longer. You liked itto and his gang's company but they were to much of a distraction from your job.
You had to stay on track.
Obstacles overtaken
Finally making it to the tenryo commission you successfully delivered the letter when you ran into Thoma. Literally.
"Oh sorry about that." He pulled you up and brushed you off. "Couldn't see ya there."
"Hello Mr. Thoma. It's alright I'm fine."
"Oh it's you, Y/n. It's funny running into you here all by yourself." He said rubbing your ears.
"Yep I was sent by lady Kokomi to deliver a letter. I'm on my way back."
"Oh well before you go would you like come with me to the tea house I have something for you." You thought for a little while before agreeing.
Making it to the tea house Thoma lifted you to one of the stols in front of the bar and told you to wait there while he got your gift.
While waiting you decided to take out the 3 remaining rice balls giving one to Taroumaru, you ate one and planned to give the last one to Thoma.
Thoma came out with his hands behind his back. Coming up to you with a big smile on his face.
"Tada!" Thoma pulled out a back pack that matched your outfit. "Everytime I see you, you have a tattered bag so I thought you could use a new one."
You grabbed it hugging it to your chest. "Thank you Mr. Thoma. Your sewing looks perfecional." You look at him with stars in your eyes.
"Don't mention it it's the least I could do for someone who so young yet works so hard." You hopped off the chair giving him a hug and a rice ball.
You see the sun through one of the windows starting to go down. You having off to him as you run to the shores to find a boat.
Luckily you found one and got back to go round and Kokomi in time.
"Did you deliver the letter." Asked Kokomi kneeling down to your height putting a hand on your head. You nodded.
Mission successful: A++
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outivv · 2 years
hello, good day to you. if its fine i got a req, you're really good at making comfort fics and i love that, you're that talented :))
can you do kaeya and zhongli reacting to reader who said "im so tired of being nice". they're genuinely nice, but the thing is people take advantage of it and no one would return the same kindness reader gave to them. its to the point when reader bite back when being mistreated, they ended up getting hit.
i hope this is fine. oh and i noticed that these days you've got lots of requests to do – either genshin or twst you really have a lot now. please take your time making this one, don't feel pressured,do take your time.
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Synopsis: s/o who’s tired of being nice, so they bite back when mistreated, and ends up getting hurt.
Warnings: kind of reader taken advantage of…? Also jokes of kaeya being drunk, and as always its not proofread :’)
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: kaeya, and zhongli
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello! You’re genuinely so nice ahhh. Thank you for all your warm words, I’m glad you enjoy my stuff! Genuinely it means a lot!! I really hope you enjoy, and take care of yourself! Drink plenty of water >:o
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— kaeya —
In the beginning kaeya is willing to help you, offering assistance in almost any way he can. He has some… associates who may be able to help you out :)
Now kaeya notices that people are taking a much… harsher tone with you, for whatever reason. And instantly if he sees that happening he’ll jump it, and either be like “yo back off” and… mildly curse them out, or will make them feel stupid, and embarrassed for getting mad at someone who didn’t even do anything wrong.
One day kaeya sees this, and is ready to step it, but before he can you suddenly start yelling at the person. As you should. Kaeya feels happy that you can stand up for yourself, but also… you shouldn’t have to you know?
But, when the person raises their hand, and slaps you. Kaeya immediately runs over. Tears welling in your eyes, and anger and fear on your face, kaeya will absolutely detain the other person, and have the other knights deal with them for assault <3
Kaeya will also immediately bring you home, and comfort you. Making sure they didn’t hit you too hard, and that if you overworked yourself in anyway that you get some much needed rest, and food. Either way kaeya will probably make sure to have you take a few days off. You shouldn’t jump head first into work again when something like that happens.
— zhongli —
Zhongli feels… guilty. He was one of the people who took advantage of you, or rather lied to you twice, and then said “nah I cant tell you anything about your sibling, you know… contract and stuff.” So he is unsure of what to say at first.
Eventually, he resorts to letting you rant all you want about people who give you commissions. He understands the need to just… talk things through, or get something off your chest, so he lets you rant as much as you like.
But, he starts noticing that your rants become… worse. Saying that someone yelled at you, to saying you got in an argument with someone. Zhongli notices this change (because he listens to every word you say <3), and will… take a mental note of it.
While strolling around liyue harbor (in typical old man fashion) he sees you… arguing with someone?! He walks over to resolve the conflict, but suddenly stops when you’re slapped. You… we’re slapped. Oh ok this person is either ignorant, or just flat out wants a death wish. Ok. Zhongli can work with that.
There are few times people will see the humble zhongli lose his temper, and raise his voice. But. When it comes to you, and ignorant people… zhongli doesn’t care. He will start yelling at the person and just absolutely tearing into them, so badly that two millelith arrive because of how loud he was. Zhongli apologizes, and you’re on your way.
Will make you tea, make sure you’re calm, and like kaeya make sure you take a few days off. He will spend the rest of the day with you, just making sure you’re ok, and well taken care of. (Also there may be one of zhongli’s pillars in the middle of that persons house… but we don’t talk about that.)
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lunaastoir · 3 years
fluff/relationships w the liyue crew
characters included: xiao, childe, beidou, and zhongli
ik i forgot ningguang i promise i’ll include her in part 2, i just didn’t have time :(
all x a gn! reader 
my liyue babies :,) ft. ningguang in spirit
an: i was listening to my soft playlist (more like listening to cupid’s chokehold on repeat, no i am not basic 🔪) and i thought some fluff headcanons would be cute w these sweet people
ok so no surprise that he hates liyue harbor
he hates anything w a lot of people in it so he prefers to stay at wangshu inn tyvm
but by contrast, you love liyue harbor sm (it’s gorgeous i mean c’mON)
you go there often to retrieve your commissions in order to stay closer to xiao (liyue harbor is closer than mondstadt he argues but you’re well aware that they’re both equally far away)
so if anyone asked, xiao would absolutely refuse to go to the harbor like i hate people??? why would you even ask???
but,,,he’s so sOFT for you
if you asked??? he would agree in a heartbeat
but since he’s >:( angsty boy, he makes you think that he won’t go even when he’s already decided that he’s coming w you
he puts up the “if you so require, then i guess i will assist you with your travels in liyue harbor” but in reality he would definitely have said yes even without the almond tofu
while he hates the harbor, he thinks that with you anything is bearable :,) simp
you take him to see xinyan to vibe w her music and you can tell he really enjoys it
even tho he’s like 🕴 the entire time, you see the softer look on his face and the very slight smile on his lips as he listens to the music and watches the crowd
so so so cute very soft for him
i do see him as a subtly touchy person in public like brushing the hair off your face, swiping his thumb across your cheek, or gently pulling your hair back when you have a plate of food in your hands 
the type to link your pinkies together - he claims it’s so you don’t get lost but yk better 
after the concert is done you take him to that one waypoint near mt. tianheng and the both of you just watch the city lights and the way they reflect beautifully on the water surrounding the harbor 
personal headcanon that xiao absolutely loves stargazing since he believes the stars are the one true constant in his life especially since he’s experienced so much loss (basically they’ll never leave him god i hate myself why do i make everything SAD)
mini headcanon off of that - he doesn’t stargaze with people,,, like ever 
it’s something he loves to do alone so the fact that he lets you stargaze w him and even allows you to shift your head onto his lap while you watch the sky is a huge deal 
he loves it when you softly whisper abt how your day was or something you saw that made you laugh 
he just loves hearing your voice, it automatically calms the voices in his head 
you absolutely ADORE when he has flowers in his hair especially cecilias (cecillias? ceccillias? idfk) and you make a point whenever you go to mondstadt to pick a fresh batch of cecilias just for xiao while enlisting the help of your favorite bard  
these soft moments on the mountain are usually when you’ll sweetly tuck in a flower or two in his hair while laughing 
he’ll blush fiercely while looking away but will tuck the cecilias in securely as you’re unable to do so due to the position you’re in on his lap
all in all - this was not meant to come out as a date idea but we’re going w it 
this is so cute xiao pls let me put flowers in your hair sweet boy <3
god, loml, my favorite war criminal after eren yeager 
there’s never a dull moment w this man - if you wanted peace and quiet, why the hell are you dating him bestie???
is the type of person to yell out “Y/N, i can’t believe i ran into you here!” if he sees you somewhere even tho you explicitly told him you were going to be here in the morning (ik you have a good memory ajax don’t lie to me 😐)
i don’t see him as being obnoxious w pda unlike someone else kaeya but he would definitely participate (think: handholding, cheek kisses, an arm around your shoulders)
loves it when he comes home and sees you in an apron cooking 
domesticity just makes his heart melt so you can be sure that your face will be peppered w a lot of kisses afterwards <3 
absolutely ADORES it when you trace his scars absentmindedly when you’re lying down or even when you’re having dinner in public  
he’s been far from his family for so long that small acts of mindless affection like this really make his heart happy 
you have him drunk on your love luv haha see what i did there 
he will let you put makeup on him. no i do not take criticism ⛄️
he already has on lowkey thick eyeliner,,, don’t be shy put some more bestie 
he will shamelessly go out in public w whatever you made him wear - doesn’t really give a shit even tho he has a reputation to maintain 
speaking of reputation,,, yk his mask? yeah that one - the red hair accessory that he has on his head
well on the mask, he attached a little charm the both of you got together on your first date during lantern rite 
it’s this adorable fox that we all shamelessly kill for meat and he placed it so it anchored to the side of his mask so when he fights it isn’t a nuisance or anything (does that make sense??? i hope it does) 
his subordinates notice and while they’re stoic around childe, behind closed doors they do whisper abt the mysterious person who’s captured his heart 
not so mysterious anymore when they literally see him cling onto you during his daily patrol around the harbor 💀
it’s ok tho he’s lucky he’s cute 
bestie,,, pls give him a neck massage 
i just KNOW he’s tense there idk something abt the way he carries himself just screams “my neck hurts so bad someone pls help me i would ask but my pride literally will not let me”
so give him a neck massage :) don’t worry tho he’ll definitely return the favor and then some
he’s obsessed w them,,, it’s just the faces you make??? he can’t get enough 
he loves seeing the pure joy and the brief fear (he’s kind of a sadist) in your eyes before he attacks you w those damned hands 
it reminds him a lot of simpler times w his siblings and he’s happy he brings you joy and makes you forget your worries - at least for a little while 
all in all, he’s a good boy and no i will not tolerate childe slander 🔪 kaeya slander tho 😏
you pulled beidou??? wow everyone’s jealous (pulled as in literally from the banner and in this context but no i do not have beidou and no i definitely do not want to talk abt it)
god made beidou and zhongli just so all of us could have a sexuality crisis 
anyways, being w her is hard i will not lie 
not bc she isn’t a capable lover - no, quite the contrary 
she’s an amazing partner but the problem here lies in the fact that she’s almost never on land 
it’s hard working a long distance relationship but y’all love each other so it works out :,) 
when she is physically present however, expect to never be bored 
she’ll quietly fix the wrinkles on your shirt or fiddle with your fingers in her hands while she recounts her adventures out on sea 
she sometimes gets worried she bores you, however the way your eyes light up every time she tells a tale always reassures her otherwise
definitely the type to let you use her claymore if you want to learn 
she’ll provide useful tips as she tucks her hands into your sides gently, positioning you correctly so you don’t hurt yourself 
miss girl is an AMAZING cook 
i just know she cooks the best meals - i mean she’s friends w xiangling after all 
whenever she comes home from a voyage she’ll always insist on making something for you even if she’s abt to pass out 
pls tuck her into bed and promise her that she can make you something in the morning <3 the poor woman needs rest 
brings you back trinkets but they’re actually very practical 
she knows you won’t have much use for a simple charm (not that there’s anything wrong w that) but she believes you’ll like something practical more so she might get you a new engraved knife from the most recent place she’s been to 
definitely the type to surprise you when she docks 
i can imagine her anchoring her ship out a little ways from liyue harbor and rowing to the dock in order to make sure you aren’t alerted of her presence (i’m sorry the mental picture this made in my mind is SENDING ME INTO ORBIT but she means well i love you)
will take you to remote spots she’s found in her travels through liyue 
for example - the little heart shaped island and the island quest (?) that you had to use kaeya the bridge maker for in order to get to im sorry i’ll stop w the kaeya slander
she’ll get you seashell bracelets or necklaces idk why but she gives me those vIBES 
they’re super nice ones too, only the highest quality for you 
yes she’s a bruh girl but i also see her as someone who would enjoy intimate moments like watching the sunset or something 
“yo wanna catch the sunset, i heard it looks sick from the jade chamber” said before ahem it yk fell from the sky
kasdjksfashfjsahf yes ofc i would love to catch the sunset w you pls come home luv
anyways, she is a woman i would give the world for 
ok gimme a sec i need to get my gentleman mode on 
this man,,, THIS MAN 
everything w him is so soft like your entire eXISTENCE w him could go in a museum it’s that beautiful 
in the morning when he visits you, he always brings you a cup of your favorite tea and a bouquet of glaze lilies he got from madame ping
holds the door for you, pushes the chair out for you, uses a napkin and brushes sauce off your lips when you’re eating - you name something sweet, he’s done it
secretly loves it when you fuss over him 
he doesn’t like to fight but say he encountered a group of hillichurls he couldn’t avoid and promptly defeated them but ended up tearing a part of his tux(?) (is it a tux? i could not tell you)
not that big of a deal, i mean it’s a scratch, he’s a 6,000 year old god, he’s dealt w much worse 
but seeing the worried crease in your brows as you usher him to sit at the table while quickly grabbing antiseptic to clean his wound
“it’s just a scratch, my dear. do not worry i’ve dealt with much worse.”
you quietly protest abt how “yes zhongli, i understand you’re an archon and have gotten worse injuries but i’m worried about infection just please let me take care of you ok? <3″ 
when you say that he feels weird emotions,,, wdym take care of him? 
he’s always taken care of himself or been expected to take care of others as the former ruling deity of liyue so having someone else genuinely worry abt his wellbeing creates a warm feeling in his chest 
he strikes me as the type to knit you something??? idk maybe it’s the grandpa vibes but i headcanon that he would knit you a scarf for the colder weather, it’s cute 
in the privacy of your home, he really likes picking you up
he loves it when you wrap your legs around his middle while he gets up to go do the dishes or smthg 
domesticity go brrrr
if you’re into making flower crowns, he would totally have you on his lap and wordlessly hand you a glaze lily whenever you expectantly hold your hand out while weaving the flowers together 
he expects you to make the crown for yourself but when you place the crown on his head and it fits perfectly while simultaneously tucking a glaze lily behind your ear, he looks at you dumbstruck 
his mouth parts open in awe and it’s quite literally the cutest thing
you’ve broken him 
thinks it’s the sweetest thing - will keep it on his head for the whole day 
he’ll even put it in water before he sleeps so it won’t wilt and he can wear it the next day <3 
scenic picnics!! scenic picnics!! 
the type to take you to the nicest spots in liyue to chat abt the history of the land w you over a cup of tea and your favorite food (whatever you like, he doesn’t mind)
recounts the people he’s met in his long life before finishing off by saying you’re by far the best person he’s met 
zhongli strangles lovingly come home soon 
thanks for reading! if you have any requests don’t hesitate to send them in <3 
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acosmicblizzard · 2 years
Older sibling hcs pt.3 (ikemen revolution)
Links to the other parts: pt.1, pt.2.
Warnings: Possible spoilers for all current released wonderland residents routes (currently only Loki's Oliver's and Harr's are released in english as of the time of writing this)
I have only done rays route so characters have a chance of being ooc! Some information regarding the characters may be wrong too so don't take everything said in these hcs as truth! Please don't repost my writings even with credit. reblogs are preferred!
Wonderland Residents
Blanc Lapin
Growing up with blanc means you're the only person in the entire world who truly knows him. All his weaknesses, all the things he loves, all of his insecurities and all of his dreams.
You're most likely ageless/immortal like blanc and also have been cradles record keeper alongside blanc or working somewhere in central quarter as a diplomat.
Growing up with blanc and continuing to stay in his life through out all the years makes it so your bond is practically unbreakable. Throughout everything, you were there for eachother and never once fell apart. You two have seen relationships break and fall as time goes on yet somehow it's like in the grand scheme of time your bond stays still, unmoving as everything moves on.
Carrots carrots and carrots. You two definitely bake carrot cake together and a ton of other carrot desserts and meals.
You two often have tea parties and just sit and talk about whatever is on your minds. Of course having carrot cake as a snack to eat.
Immortality can be a cruel cycle where everyone you love will die while you stay for eternity, however when with you blanc feels a lot less tense and pained. Knowing that one person would be there and share the eternity with him. Together, they can get through the pain of immortality.
Oliver Knight
If you think for a second just because you're his sibling that you're spared from his sass you are dead wrong
Less insults and sass compared to others but this man will still sass you all the time
Being olivers sibling most likely means you live with him and blanc and have a good bond with both blanc and fenrir who often comes by for weapon commissions.
You most likely know some form of mechanics or tailoring and often offer to help oliver out with his projects and things he's making. Which he usually declines. But when you do help out it's always fun despite all the sassing you get from your younger sibling.
For the longest time seeing him in his child form made you laugh. Seeing a full grown adult getting treated like a child at times was hilarious. But it also reminded you of the happy moments you shared between eachother when you were kids.
Falling into cradle together after meeting blanc in the land of reason was definitely unexpected but now you don't regret it. You've met many new friends and have fallen in love with this world, and you have your younger brother by your side.
Loki Genetta
For the longest time it was you and loki against the world after your parents gave you two over too the magic tower. Well that was until you two met harr and he took you two in.
As loki's older sibling he looks up too you a lot and cares for you a ton and he tries to show that in anyway possible. It's common for you both to become very lonely and needy so you're eachothers support and things are way less worse because of it.
Hugs galore. This man adores hugging you or at least having any sort of physical contact with you. Sometimes he just wants to pause time and hold you forever, not wanting to let go of you. Scared that one day you may just disappear.
Often times if you ever have to set foot in central quarter loki is right by your side and wanting to hold your hand all the way. You two often stop to visit the cats that are usually in the alleyways, ray is also usually there and you two end up forming a friendship.
Loneliness is a powerful feeling that can consume someone, but with loki the feeling can't consume you. You know you'll never leave eachother sides and do whatever you can too stay together no matter what the world throws at you two.
Harr Silver
Growing up you most likely taught harr magic and how to use it, and eventually you started working on projects and making magic crystals together when he became older. But you mostly tried to keep him out of your work and things involving the magic tower.
You and harr know how to read eachother perfectly and are extremely intune with eachothers emotions and feelings. A single glance at eachother and it's almost like you know what the other is thinking like the back of your own hands.
Though you're siblings you and harr don't talk as much as people think you would, you mostly communicate through gestures and body language which is beneficial for harr since he isn't the best at communicating and is shy.
Just because you don't speak as much as people would expect that doesn't mean you don't hang out and talk. You two usually work on projects together regarding magic crystals and experiments regarding magic and it's surprisingly good bonding time. Though it's silence most of the time you and harr do usually have talks about whatever was on one of your minds at the time.
Being close to harr also means you're somewhat close with loki, also being a parental figure towards him like harr is.
Depending on if you live in the forbidden forest with harr and loki or not harr will try to convince you to come live with them if you don't, but will never force you too.
Mousse Atlas
Being the eldest Atlas child you most likely were the ace of hearts both before mousse and zero. But now you're diplomat alongside mousse as now zero is the ace of hearts. You and zero have a slight friendship and you get along well with the ace.
You two can be seen doing everything together. Even going on diplomatic trips to different countries together and bringing a ton of stuff back with you too cradle.
Cuddles and naps? Cuddles and naps! It's not uncommon for you two to take naps together. It's actually a very common occurrence that happens at least 5 times a week just due to how tired mousse often is.
Back when both of you were children, you and mousse often ran off from your parents and explored places. Being curious about the world around you and learning all there is to learn about it. Walking through the forest holding mousses hand as you pointed out new things or animals or bugs that you had never seen before.
You two kept a journal that you two would pass back and fourth between eachother where you would write about the new things you explored and saw.
Though years have passed and many things have changed your bond with mousse is a thing that'll never pass.
Dean Tweedle and Dalim Tweedle
Oh to be the older sibling to the twins that think they aren't twins
On one hand you have dean wanting to spend time with you after finishing grading his students tests and on the other you have Dalim inviting you over to his bar offering free drinks due to you being his older sibling.
Both care for you and it's more of a tug of war between the twins on who gets to spend time with you and when
Your relationship with the twins has been distant, when you were kids you had a good bond with both of them but over time as you all moved on with your lives you drifted apart. However you decided you wanted to try and rebuild the bond so when you visited both of them individually both at the school and the bar they were very much shocked.
You spent hours chilling in the bar and drinking with Dalim, catching up on how much both of you missed in one anothers lives and how much had changed. Same could be said with Dean as when he was finished with his duties at the school.
One time both tried to ask you too hang out at the exact same time and ooo boy that was a chaotic day
Despite their mixed feelings for one another they could never try to separate each other from you. Especially with how happy you were now that you bonded with them once again.
Maybe, just maybe with the older sister back dean and dalim could rekindle their long lost bond.
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peachesandmilktea · 3 years
yo my name is chana i'm 18, i'm half israeli and part white with chinese (yeah weird mix ik). i have short curly blonde hair that is constantly in my face with freckles and moles all over my body. my skin tone is a lil dark brownish-yellow. i be around 5'2, but i am pretty buff, i got alotta loose skin from all the weight i've lost tho. don't even get me on all the stretch marks i have from going from fat to beefy. i got broad shoulders and big thighs cuz 💯m u s c l e 💯. ig i got a pretty big rack i think i'm an f cup last time i checked (i've been on estrogen for a while cuz of my PCOS, so they have grown a l o t.) i have green eyes but i'm legit fuckin blind in one 😂.
tbh i'm mostly deaf so i'm pretty fuckin loud without meaning to be, i can read lips tho so that helps me understand ppl. i have a rlly loud laugh and my bestie loves it, so i love it. (even tho i get weird looks from random ppl.) i'm mostly quiet cuz idk how to talk to ppl, ig it's cuz i'm autistic, i do get overstimulated a lot so my mechanism is ✨h i d i n g✨. i will legit hide under a fuckin table in any place if things get to overwhelming. physical touch like hugging or just petting my head will calm me down eventually tho. sometimes i have to be put in a special hold made to calm down ppl with autism.
yelling also triggers me for some reason which i will most likely yell back or rare times. w a l k t f a w a y. i may not stand up for myself but when it comes to my siblings you betcha ass i will die for them hoes. me and my youngest bro be rlly close. like he calls me lion mom. he be doin that shit since he could talk 😭. my ideal date is rlly quality time, i don't give a shit where the date is, as long as they're payin attention to me i'm on cloud nine. my fav song either has to be yellow by Coldplay or creep by Radiohead. i rlly don't have a preference for gender as long as they accept me for who i am, i will love them unconditionally 😤💯.
for the nsfw shit, i mean i never have control in my life so ig i'm a dom??? cuz i feel like i legit have control over some fucking thing. i low key have a breeding kink 😔. i mean i may be a dom but i'm rlly a soft dom i'm pretty vanilla like i love to praise, be praised, and take care of my S/O. yeah i'll let them top if they want to but i will still be in control idgaf.
I match you with...
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Some would say it's because opposites attract, others would say that Megumi is simply drawn to people who are loud. He doesn't think that's all there is to it, though. As much as he likes hearing you laugh, letting the loud sound of it echo through his ears like the sweetest song he's ever heard, that's but a small raindrop of a reason drowned in the storm of his feelings towards you. Because it does feel like a storm, like a hurricane, a natural disaster that he didn't see coming and that he can't stop now, especially because he doesn't even want to. You complete him in a way he would never have expected before meeting you, and how could he part from you now? The red threat of fate binds you to him, tightening around his heart like a leash, but he doesn't mind it, not when your presence is the only thing that truly makes him feel peaceful in this world. And he'll make sure he's your peace too, soothing you with calm, sweet words whenever you feel overwhelmed, passing his lean fingers through your hair and kissing your forehead until he feels your heartbeat steady under his touch.
Dates with him are simple, but mainly because he doesn't see the need in focusing on anything else but you. Soft, rare, lazy afternoons spent side by side, the taste of your favorite drink on your lips as he kisses you again and again, sweet evenings taking a stroll together as the sun comes down, your hand safely tucked in the warmth of his and his thumb softly stroking your palm, sleepless nights lying next to each other, whispering secrets in the moonlight pouring through an open window. He treasures each second spent by your side and treats you like you're the most precious thing he's ever laid eyes on. And, after all, the only place that feels like home to him is wherever he's with you.
He'll let you take any control you want in the bedroom; the only thing he wishes to do is kneel at your feet and worship the marvel that you are. No matter how strong of a sorcerer he normally is, a shy blush still dusts over his cheeks whenever you praise him, and he's quickly craving for it, yearning for any gentle word that softly falls from your lips. He's so grateful for each one of your touches that make him see a glimpse of heaven, and he'll thank you for them, thank you for your attention, thank you for making him feel so good, thank you for allowing him to breed you and fill you with his cum whenever you make him topple over the edge of yet another too intense orgasm. Thank you, he'll murmur in your ear whenever you're done, brushing a strand of her away from your face, thank you so much.
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Writing and draw requests are closed, I’m currently working on something for y’all
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
Hi! I’m Abby!
Some things about me
I am definitely a cat person, I have a cat myself and she is beautiful :)) her name is Riley, might send a update picture if you ask me ;D
I’m still a minor, so please don’t send me anything or submit anything NSFW because I will just ignore it and block you.
I love art, and would like to turn it into a career at some point in my life, as I have actually already been asked for one off discord once. I will not open commissions just yet, as my dad doesn’t know about my Tumblr yet, only my mother. But keep an eye out, because as soon as my dad has found out or knows, I might open them.
I am pretty certain I have anxiety and maybe also ADHD or just ADD, but I haven’t got a diagnosis for either yet. I also have slight trust issues, as I have noticed, and sometimes I find it hard to open up. I also am not great at holding in my emotions, and that has caused me a lot of stress that builds up stress already there from school or something else that happened. But I will still try and be active for you guys! I also sometimes have trouble getting to sleep (MORE TIME HERE THEN/hj)
I am genderfluid and abrosexual. Basically my gender and my sexuality change. Absolutely no homophobic or transphobic or any disrespect against LGBTQ+ community will be tolerated on this blog. If I see it, you’re blocked. Understand that we are all still human, we still belong here, and you should treat us that way. I really can’t stand all the shit that’s going on against LGBTQ+ and I really wish everyone could just live in peace for ONE HOUR GOD.
Please also keep in mind I am still human and I still have school, meaning assignments, tests, exams, and there may be some days where I don’t touch the iPad at all, and that’s when either I’m studying for an exam or working on an essay, and that’s fine! I will always come back, and then I will see to your requests :) I am also pretty active on the weekends (AEST time) and I do a lot of drawing then cuz the weekend is booorrrrriiiinnnnggg unless I’m doing something else. You can see up the top right on the little message icon whether I’m on or not. If the green dot on it is there, I‘m online! If it’s not there, I’m not on.
Please read this before asking anything!
Remember that I won’t get to your request straight away, as I might still be working on someone else’s request or something else, and also school will slow me down as well. But I promise I will get to yours as soon as I can! Also I can delete your ask if I don’t feel comfortable with it. I am also not the greatest at writing stories (I will be taking a writing course in year 9) but I always try my hardest to write these and get them to you, especially with school on now, so I really hope you like them anyways!
I will write for
FNAF (I would prefer Security Breach but any is fine too)
Poppy Playtime
Among Us
Dream SMP
What I will write
Angst (especially in art >:) let’s get some people in tears yo)
Character x Reader
Gore (don’t prefer it)
General Character Headcanons (just about anything SFW)
Yandere (sometimes)
What I won’t write
Anything NSFW
Illegal ships (minor x adult, sibling x sibling)
I really like writing FNAF Character x Reader with some sort of condition or introvert/extrovert and Depressed, Su!c!dal, Abused, or S//f H//ming Readers or stuff like that. I will definitely write this. I also will ABSOLUTELY write readers who are part of the LGBTQ community with the glamrocks because those are epic You are free to ask me any of the things I will write, but keep in mind, if you request anything I said I won’t write, I will ignore it and go on with my day :) Please respect my rules and enjoy yourself on my blog!
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