#you are gonna HATE these scientists guys
strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
im the sleepiest guy in the world rn gn yangang I will talk to you tomorrow <3
#mine#i rarely ever do nightly or morningly posts bc i feel like theyre redundant for me but this is an excuse to talk in tags lol#WELL um i have a lot to do tomorrow and thats gonna be annoying bc as you can see it is the time it is rn.#ive been up doing my thing. feeling a lil funky and invested in my superiority complex yet again#would u guys still like me if i devoted time everyday to scaring people i hate :( well you guys probably just like to watch me be insane so#i totally wanna post all the gory details about my evil excursions but im so paranoid. hot boy shit#well the most i can say is ive been getting a kick out of horrendous deeds lately. which is weird bc mentally ive been BETTER#like im morally responsible and everything but i still harass people i despise for personsl fulfillment. whats up with that.#i never forget what they did to me ^_^ and the good part is im playing nice with them so they think its over. and im not a suspect#but theres just such a surplus of people who want to harass them that im ruled out entirely its so fucking funny#also thank you people who want them dead too and sometimes harass them instead of me i love uu<3 my besties fr#🪳#i commit truly horrible acts to satiate the bottomless pit inside of me <3 but only to people who deserve it#im coherent im not doing this out of raw emotion. im devoted to it. im determined to step on her and watch her die#to any frightened readers .#im normal about like everyone else i promise its just a handful of people i would slaughter on sight#well anyways i think my malice is satisfied for tonight gn<3<3<3#also im dreaming of the day where i find a nice malicious husbsnd and we can terrorize people together. romance at its finest#i take pride in the fact i actually do the shit everyone thinks of doing. i want to know what would happen. like a scientist#im craving this awesome breakfast place by my house anon im taking u there sometime to treat you. wait this isnt the ask post. hell
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evilminji · 26 days
You knooooowwww... >.>
The only difference, technically, between a school in the Zone? And on Earth? Is the American government won't recognize your Zone diploma...
Not accredited. But like..... I'm JUST SAYING? If you didn't try to pass your school off as some Big Ivy League type? Pulled the "oh yeah, you'd never have heard of it, it's local." And the COMPUTERS say it's legit?
How many people will dig deeper?
If you legitimately have the knowledge, you legitimately have the knowledge. Not YOUR fault you left out the whole "extra-dimensional" part. It makes folk nervous! And nervous folks get stabby.
So like? If you were ALREADY planning to "Move" as you euphemistically put it? Talked it over with your VERY concerned folks and friends? Who do NOT like the look of the steady but concerning rise of Anti-Ghost Powers That Be? Who finally put their foot down and reminded you that you are a TEENAGER and it's NOT your responsibility to fix the world?
Fuck those guys, I guess. You'll miss the old house, but Team "Taking our ball and going literally anywhere else" makes some good points. Why ARE you putting up with this?
And honestly, you've never SEEN your dad have so much fun. Him and the Reality Realtor just sorta... Vibe. Himbo to Himbo communications. Smatters of advanced physics. Fudge. It's great.
They move the portal. Collapse the old one in a way that makes it impossible to recover or recreate. You... kinda don't want to ask. They had that "mad scientist glint" in their eyes.
And while everyone's checking out brochures to different realities? You? Head off to the nearest College. It's the Zone, so technically you could go to any of endless billions. But you'd like your education some time this century.
Cue! Danny Fenton! Entering?
Academia's wet dream. A sprawling CITY of a college. Where the classes are on EVERYTHING and the price is FREE. People have Obsessions okay?? They NEED to teach. Debate and discuss! Study! Right papers and read them! It's been going on a while! And what happens when you find a subject that's NOT covered?
It's like if New York was a College. Good fucking luck find the dorms. Sleep on the floor like the rest of us, you casual.
Danny was Not Prepared ™.
He loves it though.
Classes on aeronautics next making the perfect sandwich, shoved next to historical basketry, stacked above alien slam poetry. But only on Tuesdays! Ever shifting. Breaking his Fenton Born Adhd in to a fine PASTE to be smeared upon bread. Happy mental stimulation chemicals go Brrrrrrrr
If it wasn't wildly inappropriate, he would LICK IT to claim it as his then wrap around it and gaurd like a territorial cat. He thought he HATED school! Turns out he just hated high-school. College though? College, or at least ZONE College, is fuckin AWESOME.
He's sit in SO MANY random classes just cause.
Picked up and dropped them at a whim. When they no longer sparked joy. He's been a flighty bitch and for once? No one CARES. No one says "you HAVE to commit and stick with this FOREVER once you choose this" and? It just? It's so FREEING! He's learned so MUCH!
He's probably gonna come back!
Which? Is how a deeply, DEEPLY weird aerospace engineer from supposedly bumfuck NOWHERE, end up working at Wayne Industries. He's.... a lil crazy behind the eyes. Ha ha... CONCERNING ™!
Dude sleeps on the lab floor. Has weirdly spotty knowledge. Can be an unprecedented genius one second and not know who the current president is the next. Doesn't know what DAY it is. Forgets to eat. Tried to make a fusion reactor out of the break room toaster before Sandra from accounting distracted him with pictures of her cat.
It's like he wanders through life blissfully unaware that he is both terrifying and about three seconds from killing them all. Then FUCKING TRIPS because he forgot to tie his shoelaces again.
Who hired this man?
I mean, we KNOW why. Probably to put him on a watch list. But? He's like a terrifying murder puppy! Built like a tank! That's stoned out of its mind half the time. And have you HEARD his college stories? That CAN'T be legal. Was this guy raised in a cult!? Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!????
@hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @babbling-babull @dcxdpdabbles @hypewinter
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octuscle · 25 days
My professor gave me a zero on my essay for no reason! I did the work! When I asked him why he said that it was because I was a jock and jocks always fail his class. It’s time for payback!
Seriously, what do you expect from a professor of German studies named Dr. Kurt-Heinrich Schulte Obermeier? He's a Westphalian lateral thinker with Prussian discipline oozing from his every pore. Immaculate hairstyle, perfectly fitting suits, first-class pressed shirts. Handkerchief and tie always coordinated with great taste. A luminary in matters of German post-war literature. And an asshole as a professor.
I am a natural scientist. Sort of. According to my self-image as a support staff member. I'm of the opinion that the world isn't a worse place with one less Germanist in it. If he spends his time on meaningful things instead of Günther Grass.
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When he wakes up the next morning, he feels fresh and rested. Dr. Kurt Obermeier is one of the youngest research assistants to have ever worked at your university. He is cool. He knows he's clever. But he's a good tutor and even if he's always dressed a bit stuffy, you can have fun with him. Rather atypical for a German studies student, you can even meet him in the sports bar in the evening. When the German soccer league is on.
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Curt Meier is a WASP like no other. Although half of him is not Anglo-Saxon but German. That's why he decided to study business administration and German studies. Out of pure interest. He doesn't need to earn any money anyway, he lives off his parents' money. And he lives off the occasional modeling job. Curt is New England incarnate. Cultured, educated. And in his beauty, he is unfortunately also a little boring. But what do you expect from someone who plays cricket?
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Yo, dude! Check it out, this Curtis Meyers guy, man, he's like, totally not fitting in at the uni, you know? Button-down shirts? Rugby shirts? That ain't his vibe at all. He's all about football jerseys, bro. But honestly, he only throws those on when he has to. In German studies? Forget about it. The professor thinks he's gotta dress fancy? Ridiculous, man! If they kicked him out for that, he'd be damn happy. He only picked this damn major 'cause he thought it was gonna be all about Thor and Wotan and all those badass demigods, you feel me? They're awesome. But Rilke and Heine? Hell no. And their language, man! Who the hell came up with that? Must've had a sunstroke that day, dude. Oh, and what's up with the sun? Time to link up with the boys and toss some balls on the field...
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Mike Curtis hated university, man. Those snobby dudes there were just dumbasses and annoying as hell. Too dumb to take out the trash properly. Too lazy to clean up their own mess. Keeping the campus clean was a crappy job. He especially hated that German Studies building. Full of stuck-up know-it-alls. All a bunch of weaklings. Supposedly Mike had some German great-grandfather or something. What a load of crap! What kind of dumbass has two last names? Anyway, Mike supposedly got his German looks from him. Also bullshit! That was all sweat and hard work in the gym. Mike didn't inherit nothing. He earned everything he got. And he was damn proud of it!
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Mike is not a jock in the strict sense of the word. But certainly more than Professor Dr. Schulte Obermeier. I don't think you have anything more to fear from him, Bro. As long as you separate the garbage properly.
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veryace-ficrecs · 5 days
can I request some more zosan recs?
Absolutely you can!!
More Zosan Fic Recs
For my other Zosan lists, look here!
Zosan Fic Recs, Zosan Modern Au Fic Recs, Zosan Outsider POV Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
the blood of the covenant by glassedplanets - Rated E
In the North Blue, there is a roaming kingdom of no land, just a fleet of ships ruled by a king. The kingdom is nothing more than a mercenary force cloned and bred to be expendable and the king is a madman of a scientist. He had a daughter and he turned her into a monster. He had four more sons and three of them ended up becoming machines worse than the monster. And the last didn’t become anything at all until a pirate in a straw hat nearly ruined a restaurant.
A Study in Movement by camembri - Rated T
"Nami’s gaze pins him to the wall. Her brown eyes are narrowed, calculating. “What? You chicken or something? When Mihawk cuts you down – for real this time – are you gonna accept that it’s because you were too shy to ask for help? I refuse to believe that your dream is that superficial.” She’s baiting him, not even bothering to hide it. Still, Zoro’s hackles are raised. “I’m not shy.” “Then prove it. Go watch Sanji cook breakfast or something.”" Or: In the aftermath of Alabasta, Zoro finds himself to be the only person reasonably suspicious of the Strawhats' newest crew member. Should it all go to hell - as it is wont to do, with this particular crew - Zoro needs to train harder, get stronger. The problem lies in the fact that, despite his best efforts, he cannot replicate his ability to cut steel. Willing to go to extreme lengths to reach his goals, Zoro undertakes a new sort of training - the art of observation. Much to his despair, however, the cook seems to be the best candidate available. Zoro's never been one to back down from a challenge, but he wasn't expecting it to turn out like this.
To Brighter Futures by Cherry_Sundae - Rated T
“Well, it’s not Nami, obviously,” Sanji reasons out loud. “You two are like siblings. And as lovely as Robin-chan is, she cannot possibly be your type.” Zoro had phrased it in a way hinting at unrequited love, which means Hiyori’s out too – that woman was practically throwing herself at him every time they were in the same room. “Oh, what was that pink-haired darling’s name? Perona, no? She–” “Cook,” Zoro deadpans, eye narrowed. “If you want to guess sometime this century, you need to stop listing women.” ——— In which Sanji gets captured by pirate hunters, Zoro is in the right place at the right time, and one thing leads to another. You know how it is.
Craving For Your Fragrance To Cover Me by abydos - Rated G
Zoro notices Sanjis new perfume and fights with a realisation.
Desperados by bosephboestar - Rated T
Cowboy au. Need I say more?
Wreck my plans by goldenkiwee - Rated G
He noticed how Luffy immediately tensed up as well, as they watched a blonde, long-haired Marine cruelly step on fallen rice balls. Anger flaring, Sanji was ready to march over to the table. If there was one thing Sanji hated, it was wasting food. However, he watched instead with bated breath as the green-haired bounty hunter scooped the smashed rice ball up with his fingers and ate it. An alternate look at how different things would have been, if Sanji had met Luffy first.
The Printer Guy by LuckyNo3 - Rated G
Zoro knows how to do one thing and only one thing in the office, working the printer.
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nonymous-nb · 1 month
Medkit & Subspace x Reader
"Medkit and Subspace won't stop PHIGHTING."
PHIGHTING! | One-shot | "Fluff" | Romantic..?
Warning/s: [Subspace.]
Extra: [we love Medkit and Subspace daily phighting. + not proofread as always + He/They Reader]
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ah, yes.. what a normal day, the soft breeze of the wind, the noises that the civilians make every now and then. You sighed to yourself, quite content at the peaceful atmosphere as you try and munch on your beloved [favorite dessert] and your [favorite drink]. Oh, what could go wrong on this fine day?
"Hm? Oh! [Name]!!" A loud giddy voice called out to you as you flinched not expecting anyone to call you. Looking at the source of voice there you saw him; waving his hand in a fast pace. "Oh, Subspace! I didn't think you're the type of person to come to cafes." You said as you watch him fast-walk towards you, while some civilians avoided him like a plague not wanting to irritate the psychotic scientist. Now that he was near you, he sat down on a vacant seat, his smile getting wider behind his gas mask. "You are absolutely correct, I don't go to cafes!! I just thought having a nice alone chatting time with my beloved.. friend. would be delightful!!" You sense that he didn't didn't really like the word friend, whenever you guys are together. You just shrugged it off not minding it. "Hm, is that so.. then I don't mind...?" Now, you don't hate Subspace, but you have this gut feeling that something bad gonna happen sooner or later. "Now, do tell how you are doing?" He hummed a bit as he asked, propping his head onto his hand as he waits for you to talk. And so you did.
Subspace just continued to stare at you listening to your words attentively, his attention solely on you. Subspace couldn't help his feelings, just being with you just makes him feel something.. warm? And he likes it for some reason. The way you move, smile, talk, laugh— oh, how Subspace just adores you so much! He's just so lovestruck, how can you not see?! The occasional lovestruck glance he gives you, the way he's more touchy with you than usual, the way he let you hold him like he was made for you.. Hell, even Hyperlaser and his Biografts noticed this behavior! Then why can't you?! Subspace couldn't help but think of opening your head that's hiding your brain just to see how you can't see his visible feelings, for you to witness and see how much he loves and wants you! No matter.. you will be his in no time, his plan will work.. it always will. He chuckled darkly to himself as he now put his focus back onto you. The person who made him feel such unspecified feelings. If this was a game, there would be hearts surrounding Subspace right about now.
if only he knew.. that this shlt is an actual game.
"Hope I'm not bothering you, [Name]." Subspace little obsessive daydream came to a halt, as he gave the most irritated and sinister smile to the person that interrupted his little date with you. "Medkit! it's nice to see you again." You exclaimed a bit as you see the very well known wanted healer. "It is a pleasure to see you too, [Name.]" Medkit smiled softly as he looks at you, a smile that has pure adoration and love, but that smile then slightly faltered as he sees a certain scientist. "And I see you're here as well.." He huffed at the scientist. "And I see you like butting in to my conversation as always, Meddy!!" The scientist exclaimed back, his hand on the table turning into a tight fist, trying to stop himself from punching the living crap out of his enemy. He would do that right now.. But not in front of his beloved specimen. "And I see you like disturbing [Name] again as well." The healer glared, his hand twitching to get his gun that's idly sitting on his holster. "The only one who's disturbing [Name] is you. Why don't you go somewhere else and leave us alone." Subspace hissed as Medkit came closer to you, the hand that's trying not so hard to punch Medkit now gripped the poor table. You could hear the small cracking sound it's producing.
Watching the two duo silently and quietly made you sweat, you see the civilians in the corner of your eye looking at the scene while walking away quickly not wanting to be caught up in that mess, some of them gave you sympathetic looks as they left as well. Damn, you're stuck here with no help. How nice is that?
You figeted with your fingers and try to think of possible ways to defuse the two large ticking bombs in front of you. "Uh, would.. would you guys like to.. well— go somewhere to calm down or..?" Yeah, you're bad at this crap. You began to sweat more as the duo looked at you and stared. You couldn't really decipher what they're thinking, it looks like it'll take a while longer to make them calm. "I think I'd like that!!" Subspace suddenly stood up from his seat taking your arm, as he pulled you onto him, his grip tight, but not tight enough to hurt you, no. Subspace will think of branding you in another way possible. Just to show this teal phuck who you already belong to.
Not expecting him to yank you over to stand up; your beloved drink then spilled over, due to the slight bump you had on with the table. "My beloved drink.." You thought to yourself, quite sorrowful. But that thought stopped as you felt someone else tugged you away from Subspace grip. "Sorry, I think you already have a.. fair share amount of time with [Name], it's best if you leave them in my care." Medkit held you as if he's protecting you from the danger, that danger being Subspace. The scientist couldn't help but widen his eye. Medkit? The traitor.. the motherphucking bitch who had the audacity who left Blackrock just for his own selfishness, is here to take you away, especially from him? Oh, he can't have that. "Hands off them, Medkit." Subspace horns lit up hot magenta, once he gets you away, he'll make sure to shove a tripmine down Medkit's throat, as he gripped your free arm. Medkit just gave him a glare, almost daring him to make a move, he knew that once Subspace starts acting up. You wouldn't trust him ever again.. Not like you should of.
You never wanted anything than to leave in peace right now.
Dear Illumina, what did you do to get this unlucky. What are you gonna do now? These two are about to rip your arms off. But it looks like some deity felt pity for you as the well known warden is here. "You two." He started off as he stood above your little group. "Are making so much scene in this area." He halfly growled at the two demons, his face then faced towards you before looking back at the two demons. "And you two had the audacity to cost trouble for this civilian." He couldn't help but sighed as he took you out of the two demons' grasp. Neither of them liked that. "Oh, isn't it the infamous warden!! Would you mind and take this abomination outta here? he's ruining [Name]'s and I's moment!!" He exclaimed as he pointed an accusing finger at the healer. "Am I really the problem, or are your psychological tendencies is just that bad." The two then started to bicker with each other, spilling threats by threats while you just went away and talk with the warden.
"That's all that happened, sorry that they caused too much trouble." You apologized at the warden, vouching for those two. "hm, don't worry 'bout it, I shall escort them away, do be mindful with those two.. they're a big headache." He told you as he went to where the duo were to take them away. "What— Why are you taking me away!? I'll have you remember that I, Subspace T. Mine, does NOT accept this!!" Subspace began thrashing around like a rapid animal, hissing as BanHammer held onto him, hard, to restrain his movements. "You're lucky that someone higher than me is on your side, if not, then you would be in Banland not too long ago." BanHammer snapped at Subspace, as he was about to do the same to Medkit, just to see that he's gone. BanHammer couldn't help but release a small irritated sigh. As he took the thrashing Subspace away.
Subspace looked back at you and gave you a sad glance, your heart slightly ached at the look of his face, wanting to help him but they're no longer in your sight.
"I guessed that's slightly fixed." You flinched a bit as you didn't expect Medkit to pop out of nowhere. "What the fu—" You were about to finish your sentence until he hugged you. "Sorry that you had to deal with that guy.." Medkit kept you in his arms, holding you like you were hurt, letting you go for a moment as he looks at you, smiling. He was about to say something until he heard a familiar voice called for his name, his remaining eye twitched at the timing of a certain dealer. He then looked back at you and smiled once more. "Let's go and hang out again sometime again." He bid his farewell as he took your hand to softly plant a kiss onto it, walking away to the shadowed corridor to leave.
You just stood there trying to figure out what even is happening in your life, you just wanted some drink and desserts.
"Wait, are they gay for me—"
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[Woah, another update— what am I on rn..💀 you can also tell that I have no idea what to do at the end :sob:]
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kurain-genealogy · 9 months
i said i was gonna post about it and i am. i don't think william afton hates his kids. i don't think william afton is a mad scientist that kidnapped and put children in hallucinogenic gas chambers. whatever the fuck dittophobia said about afton doing all that, plus not stopping/furthering the bullying between michael and cc, is just dumb & wrong. william wanting his kids to fight, even die, is comically evil in the "bad writing" way. him being characterized as someone who experiments on children (including his own with no regard for their lives) in order to achieve immortality or whatever his supposed motivation is, is just really... nothing? as a character there is nothing to make him feel real. in an attempt to flesh out this character, they made him into a cartoon villain with "evil" being his only defining trait. whatever, i could talk for so long about how dumb i think all the dittophobia stuff is but i think most ppl on tumblr are on the same page regarding that.
to me, william afton is best characterized as someone who, at the Very Least, Doesn't Want His Own Children To Die. he can be a shitty father all around, or he can be a genuine loving father who is also a serial killer, as long as he Cares if they Die? most of what makes william afton an interesting villain, and where a lot of people interpret his motivation comes from, is how despite all his best efforts, he cannot prevent the death or downfall of his own family. he is in a tragedy of his own making, a self-imposed hell crafted by his hubris and violence. if you take this away, why should i care what happens to him? william afton was scariest when he was just purple guy and we knew nothing. william afton is most interesting when we have all these relationships and dynamics where we can seriously study and speculate the circumstances behind/around his actions, when he has something to lose (and will lose). william afton is most stale when more things are added to his story without purpose, filling in gaps that were better unfilled or we didn't even know were there – anything after UCN, basically. bro isn't scary anymore because he's either peepaw afton who's brought back despite his story being over, or he's cartoon network's newest over-the-top villian that you can't take seriously.
okay anyway. ANYWAY. william doesn't hate his kids. even if he's a shitty father, i think he still loves his kids. why else would he try and scare his kids away from the robots if he didn't want them to die? why would he design circus baby after his daughter if he didn't care for her, adore her, even? if you believe the theory that he talked to cc through the fredbear plush (idr if that's actually canon), why would he be trying to protect/comfort him?
i don't think he's a perfect, or even a good father, by any means. if you interpret him to be on the better side, that's great and fine. i'd love to hear how other people interpret/characterize afton if you wanna share! continuing on for this post, i'm going to lay out how i personally see william afton.
to me, he is someone who is very concerned and preoccupied with his image and how others view him & his family. even if he's super shitty and awful towards his kids, he at least cares that they all look good as a family unit, that they're well behaved, that he can send family portrait holiday cards to all his business partners and investors.
he strikes me very much as the typical authoritarian parent of the 80s. harsher on his sons because "men don't cry," wants his kids to say "yes, sir," and "no, sir," believes in "tough love," often says "my house, my rules," he has the final say in everything, maybe thinks hitting them from time to time is a normal, necessary punishment. not all entirely malicious, but thinks he's doing what's best, what's right, acting like a parent and father Should act, perhaps how he himself was raised. unfortunately, a very common parental mindset (even outside of serial killers). maybe he was a little scarier sometimes though, a little more unhinged or violently angry. who's to say.
but he's still just a guy who could exist in real life. he still eats dinner with his family every night, hangs his kids' drawings on the fridge, had to turn the car around because they wouldn't stop fighting in the backseat, attended awkward parent-teacher conferences, everything. he was once a new father who happily came home with his first newborn, lost countless nights of sleep over the course of two more, loves them because they're his.
meticulously and senselessly killed children, then came home and tucked his own into bed and kissed them goodnight.
he can be abusive and still love his kids. he can be a murderer and still care for his own kids' lives. maybe the loss of his own kids is what triggered his actions, or maybe it was something else. i'm fine with not knowing because we don't need to know everything, and it's more interesting when we don't.
Something Is Seriously Wrong With This Guy And We Don't Know What or Why. when acquaintances find out he's a suspected murderer, it should be shocking and upsetting. he's such a great man and father, he wouldn't murder those kids! when michael discovers his father's crimes, he should be in denial. sure, he could be scary sometimes, but he wouldn't kill anyone... right? there's a great cognitive dissonance between who he appears to be and who he actually is.
whether william descended into grief-induced madness and obsession, or was just always some kind of freak, or both, i don't think he saw his own family as disposable. even if he didn't truly love them, he at least needed to keep up his own facade as a friendly family man. personally i like to see him as someone who was a shitty father but still loved his kids, because people like that exist, and it makes him a much more interesting, realistic, and nuanced character than if he just didn't care about them At All.
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iamleesi · 1 month
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x OC! Avenger Reader
Summary: You were rescued from Hydra and then joined the Avengers. Bucky seems to hate you and you’re sent on a mission together for indefinite time.
Warnings: Mention of experiments, torture and d3ad bodies and things like that. Don’t read if you’re not comfortable with that. Bucky being a bit of an asshole towards you. Also the reader has a name and a last name if that counts as a warning?
Other: This will be some sort of MCU x Supernatural fic. English isn’t my fist language so I apologize in advance for any mistake I made. -> 18+ !!
-> Masterlist
-> Part two
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-> Hydra is home (01)
You were born in hell. That’s what Hydra was for you and for everyone who had witnessed the horrors of what happened inside the walls of that place - and there was more than one facility. The worst part is that you didn’t even know, you thought it was normality.
You thought it was normal being used and trained to be a lethal assassin at a young age; you were the youngest and they made you feel special for that. Hydra’s perfect child, that’s how they called you. The only toy you’ve ever had was a knife, and you never questioned it or thought it was horrifying up until you were an adult.
From the earliest age, you were taught that your suffering served a greater purpose, that your pain was going to save that fucked up world you lived in. Not that you had any idea of which color the sky was up until you were six, let alone knowing the rest of the world and it’s shit. You knew no other life besides the walk between your room and the laboratory - the place where you were tied up to those cold metal tables under the gaze of Hydra’s scientists.
But to you, that was normality. That was home, the place you were the safest in - they said. Hydra fed you lies all your life, making you think their atrocities were for the greater good and that you were needed. What they were doing was needed.
Worst thing? You never complained. Always complied.
You learned later on in years that you were being used to recreate a better Super Soldier serum, like the one they used on Captain America and The Winter Soldier. A better, more effective serum that was gonna give them their disciplined weapon, with a few more characteristics. It was a mystery how you survived, to you and to everyone who took a look in your DNA.
They made you a freak.
When you were fifteen, things changed and your whole world turned upside down. It was in the middle of the night that you heard the facility’s alarm, the loud and scary sound meant one thing: bad people had broke in. So you did as you practiced: you moved the rug on floor and used that safety trapdoor to hide, hoping that they wouldn’t find you.
Meanwhile, SHIELD agents were storming in every room of the base, looking for either survivors or Hydra members.
Your heart stopped when the little door above you swung open and you saw a masked man pointing a rifle at you. Hydra was right, you decided then, those were bad people. You don’t exactly remember what happened after, you don’t remember if you tried to fight them or if you passed out. Everything is a blur memory.
What you do remember next, though, is being taken to yet another facility. In the beginning all you could see were monsters who wanted to feed you lies; they said Hydra was bad, that they were a terroristic organization who aimed to rule the world. Crazy, wasn’t it?
Hydra was home.
You didn’t collaborate with them for years, not even when Maria Hill offered you visive proof of how fucked up Hydra was. It was impossible that all you knew, all that you’ve been taught was a lie.
But there was another part: the pain stopped. No more experiments or missions to catch the bad guys with the little help all those samples gave you. No more blood or guns or atrocities - nothing.
Many people amongst SHIELD agents only saw you as just another freak, but weaker than Captain America and with a twisted brain. They saw you as no more than just another Hydra experiment, one that could not be good. You had no name, no family, no friends - you were just existing… and for what? You yourself didn’t know.
Nick Fury was the one who was interested in you. You had heard his name being mentioned a few times before actually meeting him. Perhaps it was just because you had some sort of Super Soldier serum in you and he was only caring for that, but he stepped in and helped you whether you wanted or not.
And he succeeded.
He saw beyond those scars, visible and invisible, recognizing the potential you could have as an actual human being. Fury insisted in your rehabilitation, and with time he saw the first results.
It took you a lot of time and effort to feel like a human being for the first time in 23 years, it wasn’t an easy process by any means and you still weren’t a hundred percent okay with everything. Being told that for fifteen years of you life you were nothing more than a sack of meat with a functioning brain for people to use to their advance wasn’t exactly ideal, especially after learning that it wasn’t normal as you thought.
At first you didn’t even realize how fucked up it was, perhaps you didn’t want to.
But under SHIELD’s care, you started to heal both physically and mentally as best as you could. You were given a name as soon as you were rescued, but you didn’t accept it up until you were 20.
Emma Dayne, that was your new legal name as a free woman. One that had a say in her own life.
That was the name Fury used when you were brought into the Avengers Compound as the newest addition to the team. You, a superhero? Sometimes you felt like you didn’t deserve it. Those people fought against the very same people you called family, those same people who raised you. Thankfully, they never held you accountable for that.
Except him.
James Buchanan Barnes. When he looked at you, all he saw was the enemy: someone who, unlike him, had willingly served Hydra for more than half of her life. He made it clear from the start that he didn’t trust you, he was always cold (which wasn’t rare, but even colder with you) and guarded whenever you were around.
Whenever his eyes found your figure, he couldn’t shake off the memories of his past as the Winter Soldier. The feeling of loss for the years that were stolen from him and that life he could never go back to came back as soon as he saw you, and he started to loathe the sight of you - he felt even worse when he saw how much the other teammates liked you.
But you could not blame him. Not even a bit. You took his silence as a reminder of what you had done - maybe if you had opened your eyes sooner you could have done something, anything, to help him.
After all, you two weren’t completely strangers. You both had worked for the same organization, and you saw him from time to time - you felt guilty. As soon as you saw the hatred in his eyes, when you joined the team, you were consumed by guilt.
But then again, the last time you saw him you were eleven. Super Soldier or not, you were a kid. Your therapist - saint woman - was helping you with that, at least. You knew that earning his trust was gonna take time, and maybe a lifetime wasn’t enough - you knew that in his position you would have been the same. Perhaps his trust wasn’t even your goal, you didn’t know what you wanted from him. You just knew that every time his eyes fell on you, you felt small. Smaller than a bug, and you wanted to change that.
You wanted him to know that you weren’t the enemy he thought you were.
It was a Saturday afternoon when Tony Stark��s voice broke you out of your thoughts, contemporarily snapping his fingers to get your attention. “Dayne, stop thinking about princesses and unicorns. I need your attention, sweetie.”
“Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts.” You replied, crossing your legs under the big, round wooden table. You were in the meeting room with the other Avengers - most of them, anyways, and their eyes were all on you. Not judging, some had smiles on their faces.
Except one who wasn’t even looking at you.
“Happens to the best of us too.” He shrugged it off, pointing at himself with a grin. Usual. “But seriously, now I need everyone’s attention or I fear Fury might kill me.” He continued.
“What’s the situation, Tony?” Steve Rogers inquired, his usual serious expression on.
Tony leaned forward on the table, after he sat down as well, clasping his hands together. “We’ve been getting reports of Hydra activity in various parts of the States.” He explained. “Specifically, they’ve been targeting civilians. They’re kidnapping them for, what we suspect, making experiments. They’re targeting people with no family, no friends or someone who wouldn’t look for them. They found the first body near the Donner Lake, in California. The first we were able to identify, at least.”
A picture of a woman appeared on a screen behind Tony, and he continued. “Taylor Harris. She was their first slip- up, as the woman had an ex husband and a kid. He divorced her because apparently she had an addiction to drugs and was physically abusive towards the kid. Ever since then, he got a restraining order against her and the full custody of the kid. Should have gone to jail but she went missing. She actually got missing three weeks ago, and she’s been presumably dead for at least a week.”
“What makes us think this is Hydra?” Clint said, his voice stern. The man had tried to retire about six times and yet there he was. “America is full of psychopaths.”
“True.” Tony nodded. “But they made some tests and traces of the Super Soldier serum was found. If it’s not Hydra, then I don’t know what we’re dealing with.”
“I thought they had the Super Soldier serum already.” Thor frowned, his mighty Mjolnir always by his side. “Why are they kidnapping people?”
“They had something else. They weren’t able to recreate it after they used it on Bucky.” You said, looking at the God. “They tried everything to come close to it, but pretty much all the subjects they experimented on died. Some turned into… things. And eventually got killed when they didn’t comply. I was the only result they had.”
“So… they want another you.” Thor looked at you.
You shrugged. “They want a lot of things. Probably they’re looking forward to make something that can’t break out of their control.”
“If you were ever out of their control.” You heard him mumble those words under his breath, but no one else seemed to hear. You were used to it by now, so you stayed silent as the conversation between the Avengers went on.
“So what do we do?” Natasha sighed, crossing her arms under her chest. Both her feet on the table as it was a habit of her it seemed.
“We send undercover agents.” Tony answered. “The agents being you.” He gestured to the whole room. “Or half of you, the ones suited for the job.” He added.
“Great.” Clint grunted.
“Natasha and Clint, you’re assigned to Las Vegas, Nevada - don’t look at me like that. Fury’s orders.” Tony pointed at the annoyed may sat next to Natasha. All he wanted was some time to play golf, and he was always called in for a new mission. He couldn’t even hear properly anymore.
“Steve and Sharon, you lovebirds are going to Denver, Colorado.” He went on, reading the pair of agents from his phone. “Yelena and Kate, have fun in Lawrence, Kansas.“
“And then… oh. Emma and James, you’re going to Lincoln, Nebraska.” Tony put his phone down. “Sam is momentarily busy in California where they found the body, so for now this is everything. You guys will find other agents there, you’ll meet them once you arrive.”
“Why these cities?” Bucky asked, clenching his jaw. This was the first mission where he was paired up with you, and he didn’t like it one bit. But knowing Fury, there was nothing he could do to change it.
“Because that’s where SHIELD suspects Hydra’s activity. There are some bodies that have been found specifically in these places, they’re unrecognizable and have been there for longer than poor Taylor. They believe they have undercover agents there, so that’s who you have to find.” Tony answered, chewing some cashews he kept in his pockets. For some reason.
“When do we have to leave?” Yelena asked, snatching some cashews from Tony’s hands.
He glared at her before answering. “You’re needed there Monday morning already, I fear. You have today and tomorrow to pack your things and get out of my sight.” He got up from his chair. “Have fun, fellas.”
“Wait a second, what about me?” Wanda asked as Tony was about to leave the room.
“You’re the backup plan, Granger.” Tony chuckled at his own nickname for Wanda. “So are we. They find them, we step in to take them down. Plus I need someone to punch Loki in the face in case he tries something, you’re the only one strong enough to do it.”
“Hey!” Thor sounded offended. “Not the only one!”
“This place is awful.” Loki mumbled.
“Then leave.” Clint scoffed.
“You’re dismissed, children.” Tony walked out. “Try not to stab each other.”
“And boring too.” Loki added.
* * * *
“You’re supposed to fold your clothes before putting them into the bag.” Bucky’s voice remarked dryly, taking your attention away from your bag.
He was leaning against the doorframe of your room, looking at you sternly. As always.
“Thanks for the tip, Barnes.” You retorted, messily throwing a pair of pants inside the bag. You weren’t really having it, ever since you learned that Hydra was kidnapping people to do to them what they did to you. Except that those people had a life before. “What do you want?”
He walked into your room without even asking for permission and tossed a stack of paper on your bed. “The details of this mission and our fake identities, wifey.” He sounded quite calm but you could see he was pissed about it, he always was when it came to you. “Thought you may want to take a look.”
“Uh?” You frowned at the unusual nickname, picking up the papers and reading as fast as you could, until your eyes landed on the role you had to play.
His wife.
What a joke.
“Thanks.” You mumbled, as you felt his burning eyes on you. It’s nothing you haven’t done before with Sam or even Pietro, but pretending to love him and be all affectionate with him in public when this was the longest conversation you’ve ever had? That was gonna be interesting, to say the least.
He nodded and turn around to walk out, but before he actually left he couldn’t bite his tongue any longer. “One wrong move is all I need, Dayne.” He said, and that sounded like a threat.
Your eyes narrowed, a mixture of frustration and anger bubbling within you. “If I wanted to screw you guys over I would have done it already. It’s been a year, Sergeant, I believe you could trust me by now. Or at least start to.”
“Trust is earned, not given.” He replied, his tone leaving no room for arguments. “And you haven’t earned mine.”
“I’ll fucking live with it.”
“Have a good night.” He said without meaning it in the slightest, before leaving you to yourself once again.
“Go fuck yourself.”
Bucky Barnes was your personal headache.
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backmuscles21 · 3 months
Recoms x Reader
Summary: Being reborn in a Na'vi body allows you to be with your lovers again, but then you have to watch them leave you all over again.
Warnings: Smut, explicit language, angst, hurt/comfort, semi-public sex, size kink, canon violence, canon death, com/sub undertones, mentioned suicide
You were the last to wake up and when you did you were surrounded by people in full medical get up, the dust suits and the oxygen masks and everything. You looked around at them, your body not quite catching up with what was going on. You tried to look down but you couldn’t your head was being pinned back. Your whimpers alerted those in the room that you were awake and suddenly you saw multiple blue faces. It just made you more afraid, you couldn’t move and there were hostiles right above you.
Tears started to come out of your eyes, you couldn’t move, why couldn’t you move? Why were there humans and Na’vi in the same area, it didn’t add up.
You faintly heard a voice saying “go, go.” You couldn’t see but it was Prager shooing away the scientists. If there was an emergency Ja was here, he could help you.
“Baby, baby, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
“Yeah, baby it’s me.”
“What’s going on? Why are you all blue?”
“It’s Project Phoenix. Do you remember signing up for it? We’re in Na��vi bodies to beat the enemy.”
“Why can’t I move?”
“When they were taking us out of the tanks they grew the bodies in, you had some complications. They are trying to help you.”
“What is wrong with me.”
“Uh, I-“ he stopped for a moment, “Ja,” Prager called over one of your fellow teammates. “Can you tell her what the scientists said, I have no idea what they said. Too much medical mumbo jumbo.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ja nodded as he walked up to the side of your bed.
“They said that you aren’t developing as fast as the rest of us, your body is behind in development. Well the rest of us, our bodies are about 20 years old, yours is only about 17, 18 give or take. It’s a complicated thing but they are running some tests.”
“What will happen to me?”
“Nothing princess, absolutely nothing. They will take your body out of the restraints and you’ll be free to go.”
“Will I still be an active marine though?”
“Always thinking about the mission, princess. You’ll be okay, don’t worry,” Ja kissed your forehead.
“Colonel ‘s coming,” Prager said.
“Your favourite is coming.”
“I never picked favourites. I love you all the same.”
“Look who’s remembering now,” Prager smirked.
Miles, Lyle and Z dog walked in and saw you with Prager and Ja by your side.
“She up?” it was Miles’ voice, you recognized it.
Prager and Ja nodded.
Miles, Z, and Lyle came up to you, you felt the back of Lyle’s finger stroke your cheek.
“Buttercup why are you crying?” Lyle asked as he wiped away a tear on your cheek.
“I woke up and I didn’t know what was happening and I couldn’t move. I was scared, I was so scared. I couldn’t move and I thought they were Na’vi. I thought I was going to die.”
“Buttercup we did. That’s why we're reincarnated in these bodies to get the Na’vi. To get Jake Sully.”
You didn’t necessarily hate Jake, you liked him, and you were good friends, but you loved these guys and you couldn’t leave them. You could only assume that you went through with your plans, you weren’t going to fight for either side. You must’ve done what you planned to do, you hoped that it wasn’t one of them who found you when you killed yourself, if that’s what you did.
“Ja, when does she get out of this,” Miles asked.
“Soon, they want to run a few more tests then she’s free to go. She’s going to be shorter than us and not as built.”
“That’s okay, she’ll be just as badass.”
You giggled at Miles’ comment, he looked over at you with a smile.
“You were always smaller than us and you managed just fine, I have faith in you.”
“Z you stay with her, the doctors will finish. We’re gonna go tell everyone else.”
“On it.”
“Baby girl, you’re gonna be okay,” she kissed your cheek.
It was just before the scientists walked back in; your cover remained unblown. Z dog only moved when the scientists swarmed around you, she wanted nothing more than to hold your hand as they prodded at you with sharp objects.
It was around an hour later that you were finally let out and were able to sit up, the scientists started to run motor function tests on your body then a few mental tests to ensure you were brought up to speed. It was determined that your body was just slow to maturing so you were a few years behind the other guys in terms of your body. You were still quite tall just not for a Na’vi, you were more like 7’6 compared to everyone else being at least 8 feet or higher.
You stood up slowly and walked with Zdog out of the room until you were alone down a corridor and she picked you up like you were nothing. You felt like a small child, hugging her neck and wrapping your legs around her waist as she carried you to where the rest of the recoms were hanging out. She opened the door to the recom-only room which just happened to be where all your beds were, your lounge area, and the bathroom. It’s like you all shared a space together which just brought more domestic thoughts into your head.
“And look who it is, our corazón,” Lopez walked up to Zdog, “how are you dear?”
You snuggled into Zdog’s neck and she chuckled.
“Tired?” Lopez grinned as he stroked your hair and kissed your head.
“You’re so small babydoll, how are you ever going to take us?” Walker said as she stood next to Z taking one of your hands in hers.
“I’m just as badass as before, Miles said so.”
Everyone giggled at that.
“Is it just me or is her being smaller than us making her more subby?”
“I definitely am getting so much sub energy from her, it’s dripping off her,” Lyle spoke up.
Mansk stood up and took you from Zdog and sat down with you in his lap, he had you facing everyone with his arm around your waist. He was always one for cuddles and he was also known to be the strong but silent type. Liked your company and would cuddle you as such but wasn’t great with his words and he knew that.
“We should get you all cleaned up,” Miles said as he realized you were still in your hospital gown.
You nodded and stood from Mansk’s hold and as Miles stood you caught up with him and he opened the door to the gym and through there into the large bathroom. Miles picked you up and placed you on the counter and untied the bows at the back of the gown and removed it off you. He removed his clothes and picked you up by your underarms and brought you into the shower with him. You only came up to his pecs, your arms wrapped around his torso and your head rested against his chest.
You liked the warm water while being with your previous lovers again, you were glad to have them all back. After your body was thoroughly rinsed, Miles started to wash your body with some soap, you leaned onto him for support a few times. Miles was getting hard as he ran his hands over your butt cheeks and ran his hands up your stomach to your tits. You really did have such a nice body, even for a Na’vi.
You nodded with your eyebrows furrowed.
Miles’ hand slid down your side sides, one rested on your ribcage and the other stopped at your hip before he lifted it up and placed two fingers in your folds. He moved up slightly and caught your clit, as he saw you bite your lip he knew, he started to move his fingers in tight circles. Your head hit the shower wall as you gripped his forearms. They all love how responsive you got at any of their touches, he liked to see you moan for him.
He liked the feeling of your hand gripping his wrist as he fingered you, he liked watching your back arch and your body squirm. With his hand on your rib cage, he could feel your fast breathing and every small move your body made. He loved it even more that when you arched your back, he could very easily push you back. He pulled his fingers out and sucked his fingers before lifting you up by your hips and pinned you to the wall with his hips. Your eyebrows furrowed and you whimpered at him.
“Don’t worry Cupcake. I’ll take good care of you.”
Miles kissed you and slowly slid his hard cock into you, your nails scratched at the back of his biceps as your head tilted back and your toes curled. Your first moan was so loud, you knew the recoms outside could hear everything, not that they didn’t know this was going to happen. Miles couldn’t help himself; he just drilled your sweet pussy, it had been some time since he had gotten any, at least that’s what his memories could tell.
You were squeezing Miles, your body too small for their giant bodies, he knew you weren’t going to go forever and neither was he. The idea of being in the shower was to get you clean but Miles always had ulterior motives. He held onto your hips as he kept fucking up into you, he was going to cum he knew it was going to happen soon. His one hand left your hip and started to rub tight circles on your clit, he wanted you to cum first, he wanted to feel you cum around him.
He could feel you gripping him harder, he knew you were getting close, and he knew you were going to cum. He was grunting lowly in your ear trying to hold back his own orgasm until you came, your moans were getting louder, he knew it was any moment now.
You came, right as you did Miles let go as well, it was an overwhelming feeling. Miles pulled out and put you back onto your feet, he held onto your shoulders to keep you steady for a moment. Then he started to finish washing your body and hair, he then rinsed you both off and turned off the water. He dried you off and then himself and handed you some clothes and you both got dressed.
You both walked out to the other recoms smiling at you both, you knew they knew what went down. Walker came by and picked you up to sit on her lap on the couch, she moved your head to rest on her shoulder.
“Did you have fun, babydoll?” Walker asked while other recoms in the room snickered and laughed.
You felt her hand grip your hip and saw Lopez move to sit next to Walker and he took your legs and placed them in his lap. You only now realized how much you missed being with all of them, getting to be like you were before you all died.
Going out on your first mission together was kind of nerve-wracking, you wanted everyone to be safe, and you knew something could go wrong.
And something went wrong.
Holding those kids didn’t feel right but you did it anyway, you had no choice and on top of that your lovers wouldn’t have let you chicken out. You knew their parents would come at some point; it was stupid not to think that way. So, when the first arrow hit, your brain shut down, you were scared for the first time in your life, you were scared to lose one of your fellow soldiers.
Multiple people from your crew were dead, the only one you cared about.
She was dead.
You just woke up with her that morning.
You sobbed as you all ran off for cover from Jake and Neytiri, really everyone in your crew that was left was with you and Walker. The nine of you were together, and now there were eight. You knew this could happen and now that you’ve experienced it, you never wanted to ever again. You lost others in the recom crew but they weren’t a part of your little arrangement. As Mansk held you for a while as your body hurt from sadness, you all came across the boy from earlier, Spider.
You were back at base and you couldn’t stop thinking about Walker, how you had to just run off. You couldn’t ever look at her face again, you couldn’t hold her body one last time before you said goodbye. You had to just run off, you didn’t want to die or anyone else to but you missed her. Everyone could tell how much it affected you; you sat on the couch in the common room and just looked disconnected. Normally you were so cute and cuddly and loving to soak up how they treated you like a child but you were broken now.
All the recoms could see it, you were so disconnected from what was happening, they knew that they had to stay alive for you. They didn’t want you like this, they loved to see you happy and smiling and moaning their names. Lyle’s great idea at cheering you up was trying to fuck you but giving you every ounce of pleasure but you didn’t look like you’d ever move. You were in the RDA sweatpants and sweatshirt; you were just trying to hide. You didn’t want to eat or sleep or talk, you just wanted her back.
It made Quaritch think about calling off the arrangement but that will probably make things worse. You needed them at this point but the wound was so fresh, but you needed them to heal. They were all sad about Walker dying, she was a part of their crew, she was their friend, and she was also in on their smutty circle. They were upset, but no one was as bad as you.
Ja went over to you and sat next to you, he grabbed the hand you were currently scratching at and held it in his hand.
“Are you okay princess?”
You took a moment to respond before moving your eyes to look at him and you climbed into his lap, your arms tried to wrap around him and you placed your head on his shoulder.
“I don’t know.”
“I know this is a hard time. It’s hard for all of us, but princess you gotta eat.”
You shook your head.
Prager came up to you and squatted down in front of you, “please baby? Let’s get you something to eat then it’s nap time.”
“Can I nap with Mansk?” You liked to nap with him the most, he was warm and liked to have you on top of him and you always enjoyed that.
“Of course, baby, but you gotta eat first.”
“Can I eat in here?”
“Yeah, we can get you somethin’ what do you want?”
“I don’t know and honestly, I don’t care.”
“I know you do, luckily, I know what you like. I’ll be right back.”
Prager kissed your head before walking away and you relaxed back into Ja’s arms. The other recoms were in their rooms watching you and Ja, they were scared to take things too far and hurt you in such a fragile state. They hadn’t seen you this submissive since they had you hit subspace when they all fucked you at once. You just did whatever they wanted without the bratty attitude, which they loved to see but the circumstances made it upsetting.
Prager came back with food and after you ate, Mansk took you to lie down with him and you fell asleep pretty quick. Turns out that crying for hours will do that to your body, your body is exhausted. Mansk was a great cuddler, he kept his arms secure around your waist and held you close and he liked you laying on him. On top of that, he knew how to keep his hands to himself, sleeping with Lyle or Lopez usually meant they were groping you in some way. Not that it bothered you, it made you laugh really but right now you didn’t Lyle’s hand on a titty or Lopez’s hand squeezing your butt.
Every now and again one of the recoms would come in to check on you and Mansk, he stayed awake usually stroking your back or moving some hair from your face. Miles, Lyle, Ja, Lopez, Prager, or Zdog would come and just make sure you were still doing okay, the last thing they wanted was for you to wake up from a nightmare.
When you did eventually wake up about two hours later, Mansk was stroking your back soothingly.
“Hi honey, how was your nap,�� Mansk said as he realized you were up and looking around.
“It was good, I was tired more than I realized I think.”
“I’m glad you’re awake,” Mansk kissed your hairline.
“Where is everyone else?”
“They are all at the gym.”
“You didn’t go with them?”
“Nah I figured being with you was better. Plus, someone's gotta keep you warm.”
You giggled at his comment.
“Do you want to go join everyone?”
You stayed quiet, Mansk stared at you for a moment till her felt your hand on his lower stomach. You reached beneath his pants to his already aching cock.
“When did this happen?”
“You were cute while you slept and your little noises. I got carried away.”
You smiled up at him before you started to slowly stroke his cock.
“Honey, you sure you want to get into this?”
“Why not? We’re the only ones here. Let’s take advantage of that.”
Mansk’s hand on your waist gripped harder as you sped up and gripped his dick harder, he hissed lowly and you smiled up at him.
“Honey, let me fuck you.”
You removed your hand and sat up, you took off your sweatshirt and your sweatpants. He looked at you with a smile before he did the same, you threw your leg over his torso and leaned down to kiss him. He grabbed your hips and held you onto his cock, you started to move not long after getting onto him. Your head tilted back as you started to pick up speed, your hips kept moving, and your hands gripped onto the sheets right beside Mansk’s torso.
“Keep going, keep going please.”
Mansk gripped your hips and started rutting up into you, he was making you move faster and hitting you deeper. Your cries were getting louder and as you came, Mansk hit you deep a few more times before he came too.
“Look who’s up and already at ‘em.”
You turned your head around to see Lyle and Lopez smirking at you.
“You have a good time corazón?”
You smiled at them and nodded.
They were glad that you had cheered up, that you seemed to forget about losing someone you loved. You didn’t forget, but you needed to move on, you wanted to be there for those you loved. You didn’t want to be lost, you didn’t want to never move on, you missed her but you needed them.
“Glad to see you’re awake,” Miles said as he walked up between Lopez and Lyle.
“Mansk is finally getting some,” Lopez laughs as he walks off to shower.
“Oh, shut up,” Mansk said as he threw a pillow in his direction hitting Lyle.
The next few days weren’t horrible, but you missed Walker, they could still see it. You were still trying to find Jake Sully, getting intel was hard, he was hidden and no technology liked to work out in the wild. Every time you went out, you felt anxiety crawling its way up your throat, you didn’t want it to be like last time. This time you got word on where Sully was, he was with some ocean clans.
Hijacking this dude's ship was always fun, watching Miles be bossy and in charge did something to you. you watched the boys turn to look at you and smirk at you, you knew they could smell how wet you were becoming. One by one their heads would turn to you and smirk before looking back at the man telling off Quaritch.
Trying to act tough and badass when you are a foot shorter than everyone else is weird, you felt so shy, you wanted to cuddle into the side of the closest recom. Luckily, Ja seemed to notice that and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side. He smiled down at you and you looked up at him and smiled, he always knew what you needed.
All the people on the boat could see something was going on with you and the other military people. They also thought it was weird that you were so much smaller than the other Na’vi soldiers, you also knew they hated the team being there. They liked to look at you and whoever you were around, it had to be because you were so soft around each other.
The stares got worse when one of your lovers held you on their hip like a child and walked around. You were all still wearing tact vests and armed to the teeth, yet you were cuddling into them like a tired toddler. Zdog loved to stare them down when they would look at you in any wrong way.
She also loved the idea of having you alone in an empty hallway as she held you up against the wall. She held you up against the window of the left wing, and your butt rested on the railing attached to the windows. She ruthlessly ate you out, your head kept hitting the glass as she knelt on the ground. Her tongue was doing wonders to you, you missed her so much and her tongue was probably the best ever, better than any guy at least.
“You two really are fucking crazy.”
You opened your eyes and took your hand off your mouth, your eyes slowly blinked to focus on who stood there.
Lopez, that smug mother fucker.
“You’re ruining girl time,” Zdog pulled her face off enough to speak before digging right back in.
“I think I’d like to join in on girl time,” Lopez walked closer.
“You prepared for getting caught? After she cums she’s all yours.”
“What about you?” You said to Zdog between moans.
“I’ll be fine baby girl. It’s always about you.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you whined lightly.
Her tongue went back into you, she instantly put more speed and pressure into her actions this time, she was eager to make you cum. You had a couple of close calls with people walking by or hearing people, but never enough to make her stop or make them check out what was happening. Once she made you cum, she moved away, showing Lopez your wet pussy.
“She’s all yours. Don’t say I never did nothing for ya. I did all the hard work.”
He winked at her, “I’ll return the favour later, Z.”
He grabbed your legs and unbuckled his pants.
“Just you wait, you’re in for a good time.”
Lopez took Zdog’s spot and held you up against the window, he stroked his dick a few times before pushing inside. You bit your lip and pressed your hand to your mouth to try to keep quiet, Lopez smirked down at you. You felt a tear roll down your cheek from overstimulation and just forcing yourself to stay as quiet as possible. You looked over Lopez’s shoulder to see Zdog standing there, leaning up against the wall with her arms crossed under her boobs smiling at you.
She pushed off the wall and stood next to you and kissed you, she was swallowing your moans. You took one hand off Lopez’s shoulder and wrapped it around her neck and pushed her further into you. Lopez kept a firm grip on your hips, he was pushing in so deep, he was making you cry out, luckily Zdog was there to keep you quiet.
“Please, please Lopez. I have to cum.”
“Come on, corazón. Give it to me.”
His last few thrusts were getting sloppy but still hard and deep, you clawed at Lopez’s shoulder and Zdog’s next as you were cumming.
“Fuck, that’s good baby. Squeezing me tighter than before.”
“Lopez, fuck.”
His hips stuttered as he came Zdog smirked at you and turned her head to snicker at Lopez. He pulled out and dressed himself again, he let you down to stand on your own. Zdog and Lopez helped you get dressed and you walked three started to walk back to the main hub. On your way, you joined up with Ja and Prager who stood in another hallway talking. Prager noticed you guys, his head turned and he smiled, Ja did the same thing.
“What are you guys up to?”
“Heading back,” Lopez said.
“You guys reek of each other,” Ja laughed.
“I blame Z, she started it,” you said pointing to her.
“I’m sure it was all Z,” Prager said sarcastically.
“Where did you guys even go?” Ja asked.
“Left-wing,” Zdog smirked.
“Just out in the open?” Prager said shocked.
“Yeah, I happened upon those two. Zdog’s got her pushed up against the glass, tongue fucking her, and I couldn’t just sit by and watch or leave knowing what’s going on,” Lopez said.
“Don’t blame ya, I’d be in the same boat,” Prager winked at you.
“Are you guys heading back to the colonel?”
“Yeah, things weren’t great in there earlier but you know Quaritch and Wainfleet, they love conflict,” Ja said starting to walk with the group. As you walked all headed into the main room, you smiled at Miles and Lyle once you made eye contact. You walked up to them and hugged Lyle first as he was the closest and then went to Miles, as you hugged him, he smirked.
“You smell like Lopez. What were you guys doing?”
“We were in the left wing. Zdog was eating me out then Lopez joined.”
He laughed at that, “good that you guys are here, we have a hit on Sully’s kids.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah, there on that tulkan over there.”
“They fell right into our hands. Who could’ve guessed.”
Hours later you sat on some island of rocks, you had been cut and scraped a few times. Blood was bleeding down the side of your face, having been cut on your forehead. Your body was exhausted, not only did you fight hard, then it was almost drowning and swimming. You laid back to try and let your body relax, let your muscles have a moment to regenerate.
You knew deep down you lost everyone; you no longer had a single one of your lovers. You watched them get stabbed or knocked out or squished but debris or drown, you couldn’t take it. This was like losing Walker all over again, but this time there were no support systems.
This is where you were going to die.
All alone.
Then you watched that human boy, Spider, drag a body up with him, you sat up and went to your knees. It was Quaritch, you saw the tattoo on his arm, it was him, he was alive, he was awake.
Suddenly, you weren’t alone.
You watched the human boy run off and then you crawled over to Miles’ side.
“Miles? Miles you’re okay.”
He looked at you, he looked just as tired as you did.
“I thought you died. I thought you went out with Lopez.”
“No, I left his side just before he, um,” your eyes pricked with tears
“I know, cupcake.”
“They’re all gone, Miles. All of them.”
“It’s okay. I’m still here. I’m here. We will be together.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” you rested your forehead on his and just laid down next to him.
He placed his hand on your cheek and turned your head to look at him again, he brought you up to kiss him.
“I’m glad that you’re okay. I should’ve kept a closer eye on you.”
“You did great. You’re still an amazing colonel. We all had a lot to worry about.”
“We’re together now. Now we just gotta figure out what to do next.”
“Take a nap.”
He laughed for a moment before he coughed.
“I think we should check out your forehead,” he placed a finger by the cut on your forehead dripping blood.
“I’ll be fine, I’ll live. I just wanna be with you.”
“You’re with me now.”
Miles tore the bottom of his shirt and tied it around your head, the knot sitting on your cut.
“There now you’re somewhat dealt with.”
“Where do we go from here? Back to the RDA headquarters?”
“No, going back, they may kill us again. We’re on our own cupcake. They will think we died in this. better to keep it that way.”
“So, where should we go?”
“Fly around on our Ikrans for a while and find out.”
“Can we nap first?”
“Of course, Cupcake.”
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shelbgrey · 10 months
Jack Hodgins Having a little sister:
Paring: Jack Hodgins x Little Sister!Reader
Summary: having Jack Hodgins as an over protective big brother and being 'queen of the lab'
A/n: this is short and kinda sucks. Request are open for bones.
💚MasterList 💚mood bord
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Jack practically raised you, your parents did love you very much but they were always working and that's just how it was.
Intentionally or not your parents missed the little things, like school concerts or marching season when you were in the band, Jack didn't miss one and always there chearing you on.
Your just as, if not smarter than Jack, and like your big brother you showed interest in becoming a Forensic Entomologist like him. You always looked up to him and wanted to be like him.
The only difference is your more interested in the animal/reptile aspect than the bugs like he is.
Your office/lab is full of lizards and turantulas, and you've named all of them.
Your terrified song snakes though, you hate them with a passion and jack of course knows it and tries to keep the ones he has in the Lab away from you. It doesn't work sometimes.
“Jack there's a snake in my office!” you shouted standing on your wheely chair. Jack came running in to get ride of it. “it's just a black snake, he's more scared of you than you are of him”
He didn't say that to tease you, he just genuinely trying to reassure you so you won't panic all the time. “I beg to differ”
Your the youngest on the team putting you about 20 years old when you and team first started to work together.
With that, Jack is very protective of you and makes sure your shown the same respect he and the team are.
People and other people of science might underestimate you, your young and have tattoos and have a more goofy personality. Jack and the jeffersonian team will always have your back if it comes to people disrespecting you and your always proving the snobby scientists wrong.
You always feel safe with your brother, even in the most dangerous situation. When you and him were buried in the car by the Gravedigger you had absolute faith you'd get out of there, no matter how scared you were.
“We're gonna be okay...i promised mom I'd always protect you” he said.
You both got out with your friends family's help. Angela and Lance were waiting for you both and relieved to have you safe.
Speaking of Angela, she just like a big sister to you. You are both close and you feel you can always go to her for help.
Angela's dad, Billy is also loves you and is like a father to you. While he was putting the fear of god and tattooing Jack, he was showing you how to play guitar.
Even if you and Angela are close, Seeley is your best friend. While he teases Jack and calls him 'bug boy' he genuinely love you like a sister and doesn't mess with you.
Jack wanted to give an over protective big brother talk to Lance when you started dating, but he couldn't. He liked Lance to much and trusted him.
“just don't hurt her”
He walked you down the aisle at yours and Lance's wedding.
Your always involved with his experiments and it drives Cam crazy. She loves you usually let's you get away with it.
Since Jack is 'king of the lab' your the 'Queen of the lab'.
He's literally the coolest uncle ever and your like a second mother to Michael-Vincent.
You've always got each other's backs, you were there when he got put in his wheelchair and helped him learn how to deal with it.
Sometimes people don't understand how you two can be so close and not find each other annoying.
Jack could never get mad at you and if he does it doesn't last long.
Sometimes his over protectiveness gets annoying, but you know he means well.
“Hodgins have each other's backs no matter what” You guys always say.
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mcflymemes · 7 months
PROMPTS FROM CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION *  assorted dialogue from season 1 of the show, adjust as necessary
you want to be different? pin me up against a wall; lay one on me like you mean it.
it could be four minutes. could be four days.
if you stay, with my right hand to god, you will never regret it.
i need you to roll up your sleeve and give me a pint of your blood.
how do you know all this crap?
it's our job to know stuff.
there are other ways to tell, you know.
i'm a scientist. i like to see it.
you're standing in my crime scene.
people leave us clues. they speak to us in thousands of different ways. it's our job to make sure we've tried to hear every single thing they've said.
stop flirting with me.
i can't believe i used to live in a place like this.
and here i had all this respect for you.
i come here for calamari.
well... that's good news.
no way. use your own hand.
you just compromised our investigation.
i guess you just have to be on the wrong end of an affair to understand.
look... could we have a truce?
blood's like my grandfather. never lies.
are you hitting on me, david?
you may not like where it takes you.
i think our killer was counting on that.
maybe i saw you perform.
what do you got for me? i could use a rush.
you don't owe me anything.
wow. you look so... normal.
when are we going to talk about what happened?
you'll have to excuse me.
somebody left a message. i need to see the rest of it.
you guys will never get it, will you?
you know, you can joke all you want. it's your ass on the line.
life's like holding a dove. you hold it too hard, you kill it. hold it too soft, and it'll fly away.
you look a little tired.
something very wrong happened in this plane.
now you want to go down that route?
please tell me you have something.
it took five people to kill him. it would have only taken one person to save his life.
you have empathy for her. you want someone to pay for what was done to her. that's normal.
you want to sleep with me?
how do you know about that already?
whoa. somebody likes their job.
hey! this has nothing to do with you!
why is it every time we meet you're wanting me to take my clothes off?
you weren't in your office.
you don't have a worry that technology is gonna make us obsolete?
next time, why don't you try talking to me instead of going around behind my back?
what the hell are you doing?
i don't know whether i'll help you or not.
i don't mean to stare.
am i disturbing you?
what are you so afraid of?
you could be a little more supportive.
you just love that, don't you?
i would never doubt your word.
how a person does one thing is how a person does everything.
so are you thinking what i'm thinking?
someone's bitter.
you're awake. i hate you.
i slept like a baby yesterday.
do you need a hand with that?
are you looking for work?
you can't read anymore?
i can't drink any more coffee. my body clock is so screwed up.
what do you drive?
how much do you make so you can take care of me?
caught in the act.
every day we meet people on the worst day of their lives.
i wish i were like you. i wish i didn't feel anything.
what do you do for fun?
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valeffelees · 2 months
Oh do tell about that snowbaz au of yours 👀
I WOULD FUCKING LOVE TO, thank you so much tumblr user pidgelikethebird (and also my most beloved and loyal companion @drowninginships) for providing me the enrichment i need to survive the winter.
ok gimme a min here to turn my thoughts into comprehensible words. i'm gonna say right now: this post is gonna be a LONG one, but 10 out of 10 scientists agree you should read to the end.
so, if you didn't know, The Beauty Inside is a Korean romcom from 2015, based off an American short film of the same name; the orig short film i linked is an extremely quick watch (only 6 episodes, each one 4-10 minutes long) and i would absolutely recommend it, but the very basics of the premise is that: a man wakes up in his bed on his 18th birthday to find he's in a completely different body than his own, and every day since then, he wakes up as somebody new.
AND OBVS I JUST HAD TO FUCKING SNOWBAZ THAT, which is how my AU, titled In the Many Ways of Loving You, was born:
Simon Snow wakes up every day as somebody new; the only person who knows the truth is Penny, his best friend and roommate, since she's been by his side since it all began ten years ago.
he works on commission as a custom bookbinder—like, he has an Etsy or some shit, i dunno, some kinda online shop where people can commission him in a variety of ways to rebind their favourite books, either by paying extra for Simon to buy the book himself and rebind it from new and send it to them, or sometimes collectors will send their personal copies to him to have him rebind them, and he's very good at it, and N E WAY the point of this is that he has a small bookshop he's been going to regularly for the last eight or so years, because it's close to his and Penny's flat, and where the story begins: Baz is a new employee that just started working there about two weeks ago and Simon has a massive crush on him.
ok, now. day one: when we meet Simon for the first time, he wakes up and he's lovely and blonde and brown-eyed and ok, yeah, i've just made him look like Agatha bc i thought it'd be kinda funny, esp since Agatha's not actually in the fic otherwise.
and Simon has to pick up a copy of some random book from the bookshop today bc someone bought a custom binding of it, so he goes down and, as usual, since it's his job, Baz has to come over to talk to him and is like, "hey, can I help you with anything?" and Simon doesn't need any help bc he's been coming to this shop for years, but every time Baz asks he says yes bc he wants the excuse to talk to him, and on this day Simon is like, wait. i'm so hot rn. so he asks Baz out—
and Baz is like [finger guns] absolutely not.
and Simon is like 👁️👄👁️ welp i'm in fucking agony.
but whatever, fine. a guy like Baz is prolly already in a proper relationship, and it's always a bad idea for Simon to get involved with someone he has to see on the reg. he had to start going to a different coffee shop that's twenty minutes out of his way bc he went out on a great date with one of the baristas at his old spot and then obvs couldn't go out again after just that one time, and it made him super emo, so really, Baz saying no was prolly for the best.
TIMESKIP, it's been a few days and Simon has to go down to the bookshop again. but this time he's a bloke. and so Baz comes up to ask if Simon needs help and he says yeah, as usual, and the two of them end up having a bantery convo about the book Simon's looking for bc they've both read it and Baz hated it, but Simon loved it, and it's just very cute and casual, and then Baz is like. so, my shift ends in liiike... four hours. are you doing anything?
and Simon is like. OH. OH!!!
that whole "it's prolly for the best" thing? yeah, fuck that, that was Simon of the past, he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about bc cute bookshop guy wants to hang out and so they go out and have the most fucking insane romcom date ever.
'cause you gotta remember, Simon only gets one real day with people, so he doesn't do like casual coffee dates or movies or whatever. they go out and like fucking B&E a museum after hours bc Simon knows someone like the janitor or something (i dunno) leaves one of the back doors unlocked so he can step out for a cig every few hours, so they sneak in and have the time of their life running around looking at art while trying not to get caught, and we're going to use the suspended disbelief bestowed upon us by the power of romcoms to pretend security cameras aren't a thing, and it is BRILLIANT. like, Simon and Baz have so much chemistry, and when the night ends Baz is just like all smiles and creased eyes and messy black hair and, breathlessly: "I want to see you again."
and Simon's heart drops. because he wants to see Baz again, too, but he can't. no matter how much he wants to, he can't. when he wakes up tomorrow he's going to be someone new, so he can't, he can't, he can't, he—
"Yeah," he says. "Tomorrow?"
"It's a date."
ok, so now we have a problem. Simon can't just stand him up, i mean he could but he doesn't want to, and he really does want to see him again, so he does the only thing he can think of: he stays awake. all fucking night.
Baz, the next day: "You look exhausted."
Simon, wired asf on caffeine and trying to be smooth: "Had someone on my mind all night."
and then they go have another wicked date, but i have nothing in my notes about what it is. oh, i have them living in Canada in this fic btw bc as a rule, if a fic doesn't have to be set in England, i move them to Canada for comfort. so i might have them go cliff jumping or something? who knows. we'll go with that for now.
cue the romcom montage.
ok. post-date. Simon is so dumb and infatuated with Baz and does something only a boy who is dumb and infatuated and sleep-deprived would do in his situation, and he goes back to Baz's flat with him to "watch a movie", or in other words: the movie starts and then they prolly have sex, but in my notes this is written as "??? smash ???" so i guess it's kinda up in the air.
either way, Simon passes the fuck out at Baz's place bc he was properly exhausted by that point, and he wakes up to Baz screaming at him bc obvs he looks like a different person now.
and Baz is like: WHAT THE FUCK
and Simon is like: I CAN EXPLAIN
and Baz is like: HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE
and Simon is like: I CAN EXPLAIN!!!
so, here's a detail from the orig film that comes into play here: in the orig movie, the MC keeps a video diary, logging every day what his face looks like, and in this, Simon does this on his phone and backs them up to his computer every hundred days, so he gives Baz his phone and tells him the whole story while Baz scrolls through these short like minute long videos of Simon on various days going, "Hey, this is me today. I have [this and such] thing to do, blah blah blah."
and the thing is, Baz recognises him in some of them. bc Simon is always coming into the bookshop. he stops watching when he gets to the day Simon looked like Agatha, and Simon has been quiet for a while at this point, just letting Baz process.
Baz: "I want you to leave."
Simon takes his phone without a word and goes. Penny picks him up on the corner a block over and drives him back to their flat. she doesn't ask what happened. she already has a pretty good idea.
when Simon's next commission comes in, he thinks about going to another bookshop, he really does. but this one is so convenient, esp since Simon can't drive bc he can't risk getting pulled over carrying a licence that doesn't have his face on it, and he's been going there for eight years and it's not like Baz will recognise him anyway.
so, to the bookshop he goes, but this time when Baz comes up to ask if he needs help, Simon is like, "haha, no that's okay," and goes back to looking for things on his own, and Baz kinda lingers awkwardly for a moment before going on his way, but then when Simon comes up to the till to pay for the book, Baz just stands there staring at him. and Simon is so uncomfortable, like, he just wants to leave—
"What?" Simon gapes at him. "How did— how did you? But I'm—"
"Can we talk?" Baz asks.
"How did you know it was—"
Baz shouts over to the other employee on the floor that he's taking his lunch break, and Simon just slowly follows him out of the shop with the book forgotten, unpaid for, at the check-out.
and here's the deal, Baz liked Simon a stupid amount considering they'd only gone on two dates, but they were good dates, and Baz doesn't date much, so he's a bit hung up on just how much he liked Simon and the weird way shit ended, so he's basically like. i want to see it again. and Simon is like, see what? and Baz is like, you. the... whatever that you do, i want to see you change.
and that's how Simon ends up bringing Baz back to his flat, and btw: Simon has a rule about never bringing people back to his flat bc it's weird as fuck. his room is really tiny, and it's cluttered as fuck in a Howl's bedroom type way. he keeps to the same cheap, casual style for all his clothes, but he needs things in a bunch of sizes. shoes are a nightmare. he has to take care of his hair in a million different fucking ways. so he has the lives of a dozen people shoved into a room the size of a shoebox, and his mattress has no frame. that shit is just on the floor, so it takes up less space. and there's this mirror, a wide full bodied mirror, propped up against the wall facing the bed, so that the first thing Simon can do each day is roll over and look at himself.
Simon and Baz have supper together, they talk, they pretend this isn't weird as fuck and, even though it is weird as fuck, they still have so much chemistry, and this is a fanfic, so they just end up having sex again but it's supposed to be kinda emo and tender and look, it's what my heart wants, ok?
morning comes. Simon wakes to Baz's hands on his face. which is already and improvement compared to last time. Baz is looking at him very seriously, but also very like. softly. he's touching Simon's features, tracing them, and Simon is quiet for a very long time, watching him do this, until he's just like. what are you doing.
Baz: "Getting to know you." A pause. "Why does it happen?"
Simon: "I don't know."
Baz: "Are there other people like you?"
Simon: "I don't know."
Baz, sighing: "Well, what do you know?"
Simon: "That I'm still me. Inside, I mean. Like... if you had a book, and every day you gave it a new cover, the story wouldn't change."
Baz: "You must get lost on a lot of shelves."
Simon: "Yeah."
and from there, Baz is just a part of Simon's life the same way Penny is, he knows the truth, and he deals with it. for the first time in Simon's adult life, he gets to really date. he and Baz do a bunch of domestic shit together, for months, and it's so good. all of it is so good, all the time, and they fall so fucked up deep in love with each other.
(detail from this point that is relevant later: Baz and Simon make a game out of Baz recognising Simon at work on days when he hasn't seen yet what he looks like. Simon will come in and try to act like a stranger, but Baz can Where's Waldo him every time.)
but then Christmas comes. and Baz has to go home to see his family. and i don't have an exact idea of how this convo goes, only that it is not a fight of any kind, like, it is a normal convo about the holidays but Baz apologises to Simon during it for not telling his family about him, he says they'd want Baz to bring Simon home if he did (bc i just don't wanna fuck with homophobia in this so we've shot Malcolm with the ally beam) and he wouldn't know how to explain Simon's whole... thing to them, and Simon kinda realises that like. he can't ever be the type of boyfriend Baz can bring home to his family. he can't ever be the type of boyfriend Baz gets to have a normal life with.
like, Baz comes back from his family's place, annoyed that Simon hasn't returned any of his texts or calls, only to find that Simon and Penny have literally fucking moved flats in the two weeks he's been gone. and obvs he's fucking devastated and confused by this and desperately trying to get Simon to respond to him, but he won't.
Simon goes out of his way to find a new bookshop to go to, and that's the end of things for about a week or so, and i haven't actually decided what happens here exactly, but the general idea i wanna go with is that Simon goes to the bookshop Baz works at just for the sake of seeing him, checking up on him, bc he misses him.
but remember that game they played? so yeah, Baz walks up to say his usual like, "hey, can I help you find anything?" but he fucking clocks Simon after like ten seconds.
scene change: they're in Simon's new flat, like maybe Baz demanded that if Simon is going to break up with him he owes it to him to do it goddamn properly, but i dunno. details, details. but they end up getting in a huge fucking fight and Simon reveals the reason he ghosted Baz was bc he realised Baz can't have a real life with him and Baz is like:
"You don't get to decide that for me! You're still you, you're still lovely—"
"You don't even know what I look like!"
"I don't care what you look like, you fucking moron, I care that you're Simon Snow! There's a person inside you that exists every day, even when everything else changes, and he's lovely. I love him. The rest doesn't matter, how can you not see that? Stop telling me I'm not allowed to love you however you are, I'll love you a hundred different ways, Simon. Any size, any shape. I'll love you over, and over, and over. That's a life for me. A real life for me. You!"
and then Simon throws his arms around Baz's neck and hugs him like he needs him to breathe and Baz clings to his shirt and they're both prolly crying all loud and gross, but it's fine. they're gonna be fine.
the next day: Simon wakes up to Baz's mouth on the back of his neck. "Like this one, then?" he says.
"Loveliest yet." Baz brushes his knuckles over the slope of Simon's shoulder. "Freckles, curls, broad shoulders... Mmm, maybe we should stay in bed today."
Simon laughs and rolls over to pin Baz to the mattress, grinning at him. he goes to say something, prolly rib at him the way they do, but as he does he catches his reflection in that mirror he keeps by his bed and he freezes.
"Holy shit!" he shouts, and shoves himself up onto his knees. "That's me!"
Baz rolls his eyes. "Yes, yes, I told you—"
Simon shakes his head furiously. "No, it's. Baz. I'm. Jesus fucking Christ, that's me. Baz, that's me."
Baz sits up slowly. "Do you mean—"
"Fuck, holy shit!" Simon grabs his curls with both hands. he hasn't touched these curls in ten fucking years. he looks older than he remembers himself, which is a given, but it's definitely him. his father's eyes, his mother's chin. the moles on his cheek, above his eyebrow, below his ear.
Simon freaks out in a way that kinda toes the line between being happy and being a breakdown, he throws himself at Baz, and they both fall back onto the bed and Simon is laughing and he's shaking and he doesn't understand, he doesn't get it, but holy fuck, he has his own face, he has his own body, he has his own hands. Baz pushes them apart so he can get a look at him, and Simon is actually kinda self-conscious when he does, which is a new feeling. he never has to feel self-conscious about anything, usually, since he knows every flaw or insecurity isn't really his, and will be gone the next day, but this is just... him.
Baz takes Simon's face in his hands and then, breathlessly, "Hello, Simon Snow."
AND THEN THEY KISS bc what else would they do here.
and uhh, yeah. so. Simon goes out to the kitchen where Penny is making breakfast and she loses her shit when she sees him. big hugs all around. Baz really does take the day off work to spend it with Simon, even though that just means lying around on the sofa watching movies while Simon works on his current rebinding commission. when Penny gets home that evening, they order takeaway and sit around the lounge room playing boardgames together until late, late, late into the night. Penny falls asleep in the armchair, and now it's 3-am.
Simon is tired. he's looking at the clock, sitting with his knees up and his arms around them, with Baz beside him. Baz has his forehead on his shoulder, an arm around his waist. he doesn't want to go to bed, because what if... what if it was only for today. how long will it be until the next time? what if there is no next time, what if, what if—
"We'll still be here," Baz whispers, exhausted. "And you'll still be you. No matter what, Simon."
and so they go to bed.
Simon wakes up to Baz's mouth on the back of his neck.
"Good morning, Simon Snow."
AND YEAH, that is the entire plot of my The Beauty Inside AU.
i told you this was gonna be a long one, but if you've made it all the way to the end of this mess, thank you kindly again for indulging me!
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spicyrottingbrains · 1 month
If I see one more person asking for tommy as a main cast and tommy begins ep when we have whole ass sidelined characters like our gorgeous rocket scientist karen wilson(i wanna know eveything about her. I love her so much) and beautiful Ravi panikkar (his story is so interesting and I need more of him) exist I will lose my mind. Also he's been on screen for what??15 min in the past 7 eps combined??you're choosing a white boy who's barely done anything over ppl like karen and ravi???love him with your whole being guys, I don't care, you do you but don't you dare forget about characters who've been here for so long over him. And don't even get me started on the eddie hate this dude has brought into the fandom. I was very indifferent towards him initially but Sidelining amazing characters for him is making me like him even less. (I am talking about a very niche group of ppl here. And for some reason tumblr decided that those are the posts I'm gonna like???after the influx of not interested and blocking and filtering??)
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limetameta · 8 months
I don't know why more fic writers don't utilise the Wayne Gardens Halfway House for criminals and then the consequent Wayne Enterprises employment like Bruce Wayne is out here doing his darndest do give the Rogues a safer and easier transition into the real world post Arkham and yet I don't think I've ever come across a Halfway house fic once. (This is me begging for fic recs about this BTW feel free to gimme)
Like this concept is from the btas episode Double Talk where Arnold (Scarface's ventriloquist) is well enough to leave Arkham and he gets to the House, and he has a job in the Wayne Enterprises mail room. It's a very sad episode for other reasons but it's still so touching how much Bruce tried to make this difficult period of house finding and job searching all but done for them already.
So what I'm getting at here is what if more of the Rogues got to this point.
Ideas under the cut
Harley decorating her room however she wants and putting Ivy's plants in there because she doesn't have to worry about if doctors or guards will make a fuss about it. This is her space. She has a job now, too. A paper pushing job, but she's in a programme to get her licence back and everything is looking up for her! Thanks Bruce!
Edward making a dnd campaign group with his fellow Halfway House rogues because Harley commented that once curfew sets in she doesn't know what to do with herself. He shows up at work at Wayne Enterprises on the dot every morning, having set like 7 alarms so he doesn't sleep through because he isn't going to waste his one chance. He's the game developer in their suspiciously newly minted game department.
Plus, he has Temple Fugate to wake him up, who lives right next door and is up before everyone else. Man knows how to bake. He bakes and says that it's a calming activity with a set schedule that if he deviates from it will be catastrophic. Besides, it's nice to have hobbies.
At this point, Jonathan Crane, also in a programme to get his licence back, comments about how he'll probably be back in Arkham sooner than later. Harley laughs. "You can't SERIOUSLY be thinking of applying as a doctor there AGAIN?" And Jonathan, with the biggest shite-eating grin, just says: "Oh who's to say. Maybe just to see the reactions."
Gimme a fic where they break away from the cyclical status quo. Where you can feel the hope . Where they all treat this as seriously as they can because Bruce Wayne truly believes in them. And that's so rare. After everything that's happened.
Pamela who works in a botanical garden funded by Wayne Corp. Mr Fries who is allowed to research with scientists employed by Wayne Enterprises on how to cure his predicament. His wife Nora (Post movie) supporting him every step of the way (maybe she and Grace (Harvey's fiancee) are friends and helping each other as well as the men they love)
Harvey getting the operation finally and having a chance to recuperate. Though him, I think they might pull him quickly out of the Halfway House because he's a high profile man and some might think that being in a Halfway House would be beneath him. Maybe this works for him. He works as a lawyer in Wayne Enterprises and all he can say to Bruce, when he sees him is this: "Thank you for never giving up on me, old friend."
Though Harvey does get hooked on dnd and he does come by to play once a week. Edward is looking forward to a promotion to head of department.
They all know that sooner or later they'll need to leave the Halfway House and find different accommodation but they all tentatively agree that they won't push themselves before being fully, truly ready for it.
Harley points at Edward and tells him: "I'm gonna miss you guys so much! Why don't we all live together or get apartments in the same building like in a sitcom?"
And Jonathan is the only one who says he hates this idea, though it's very half-hearted and they know he isn't fighting the idea of that.
Waylon gets a job as a fisherman. Man is living out those A perfect Storm dreams of his. He gets paid the most from all of the Rogues because he's always been very materialistic and money means very little to Bruce Wayne.
Mary Dahl and Matt Hagen respectively get jobs working in a theatre group in Gotham. It isn't that visited, but they aren't ridiculed for being who they are. Romance because I ship them and I think this makes more sense than Waylon/Mary lmao. They're in counseling anyway so it's not like they can be that toxic to each other.
Speaking of romance~
The only one who's never gotten as far as the Wayne Gardens Halfway House is the Joker. But you see, that man can do whatever he puts his mind to. He's bored so he might as well speed run his way out of Arkham.
And everyone is worried about this. Because if there's one person who can undo all of their careful progress just by being his loathsome clown self, it's the Joker.
But he, just like all of them, winds up his alarm to get to his Wayne Enterprises job. He is nail bitingly saccharine to them. One time, he even washed the dishes that weren't his in the communal kitchen space. Something's off.
Once confronted, the Joker just smiles and says airily: "Oh pish-posh! I'm just in a good mood is all. I can finally see my boyfriend on a regular basis. Mon amour, Mon petit chou-fleur. Mon âme!"
Something is definitely off because Edward says that the Joker got a nicer job than all of them. He works CLOSELY to Bruce Wayne as his assistant. And that doesn't make sense. Why would Bruce Wayne let that happen? Surely he'd want to avoid someone like the Joker.
And it's Jonathan that sighs: "Do you think that his boyfriend IS Bruce Wayne?"
"No??? Why?? God??? God no???"
"Think about it. Bruce Wayne is the 1%, they're all very weird people with kinks that us in the psychology department would relish in untangling. What's some clown fuckery on the side? If anything, that's a lot tamer than what most of his contemporaries are doing behind closed doors."
Immediate horror from everyone. Harley is the first one to shout: "If that good for nothing clown fucks up this good gig we got by breaking Bruce's heart I'm going to kill him!!"
So they confront the Joker by knocking on his room in the middle of the night. And maybe they shouldn't have done that because he's supposed to be out cold, having been prescribed sleeping pills and all that. But they knock again, nonetheless.
They hear a bang. And a crash from the inside. And half of the Rogues just kind of take a step back. Harley and Pamela are the ones who stay closest to the door. Pamela shouts: "Open up, clown!"
Jonathan narrows his eyes as he cranes his way towards the door, trying to make out the sounds on the other end. He coughs to swallow down a laugh: "There's a lot of moaning in there."
"Hey, hey, you're going to get us all in trouble if you've brought folks over! It's past curfew!" Harley yells.
And it's at this moment that the moaning kind of stops. There aren't any crashes. Someone grips the door handle from the inside and turns it open.
The Rogues all take yet another step back, this time all of them.
It's Batman. The portion of his face visible from the cowl is covered in red lipstick. He sighs, and his voice doesn't quite manage to lose that post make out tinge: "Nobody's going to get in trouble. I'll talk to Bruce Wayne and clear anything up. Go ahead and play your dnd. Thank you, goodbye." And just as he closes the door, the Joker erupts in a fit of laughter on the other end.
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seireitonin · 7 months
Some Jane hcs?
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🖤Yes :3 luv her 🖤 (will be going off Jane R, the canon one not Jane A. I love the lesbian representation Jane R is! :) Also some of these are gonna be canon)
Jane was a woman with a normal life
The two suburban parents, normal school life, normal love life
Just normal and happy
Her and Mary met in high school
Mary was a cheerleader and Jane being her best friend at the time watched and supported her
Jane didn’t realize she was a lesbian till she saw Mary with a boyfriend in high school and got extremely jealous and didn’t understand why
And Jane never liked a boy before but she knew she felt something for Mary
When Mary and her boyfriend broke up Jane and her cuddled as Jane comforted her and they shared their first kiss
They stayed together ever since then
Even though it was the 90s/ 2000s when they started dating most people accepted them
Jane’s parents included
They got married as soon as they were able to
Jane’s normal life continued with Mary until her parents were killed by an at the time 19 year old Jeff
Jane was absolutely devastated and wracked with grief
She stayed in bed not moving for months
Some days she just cried and screamed and nothing else
She also got paranoid
What if he tried to hurt Mary next?
How could Jane let that happen?
She couldn’t
So she did research on Jeff like crazy
It was really unhealthy
Also took self defense classes and made Mary take some too
But with all Jane read about this guy, she knew that still wouldn’t be enough
She wanted to avenge her parents, the police were useless in helping
She wanted to protect Mary, Jane can’t bare to loose the love of her life
So what’s the answer to those problems?
Take a risky government observed and produced experimental drug called Liquid Hate of course!
She went into the facility blank faced, telling them they could experiment on her
Inject her with as much as they needed
Make her stronger and she would do anything for them
She was willing to throw away her old life completely for revenge
Jane didn’t care. In her mind any chance she had at a “normal life” died with her parents
She would be too afraid, too full of grief and pain and paranoia to live a normal life and move on
So she would become a weapon to protect the one person that matters to her. Mary.
It’s all she could do
And that’s exactly what happened
Her transformation was slow and painful
Pre transition she had dark hazel eyes and really dark brown hair
Now she has all black eyes and lips, pale skin and black hair
When she was injected with it it’s like all her anger came out full force for 2 minutes and she lost all control of herself
She destroyed everything in the room, lashed out at the scientists, injuring a lot of them
They had to sedate her and strap her down
When she came to, she apologized and is more or less acts like her normal self
She looked in the mirror
Her old life was truly gone
They told Jane all about her new powers which include
Enhanced strength and speed, vocal mimicking, shape shifting, healing, regeneration and regeneration of limbs, drug and alcohol tolerance and almost infinite stamina (this is canon btw)
Jane was now an assassin for the CIA and FBIs Justice Department (also canon)
And she didn’t even tell Mary
Jane went home and Mary screamed until Jane calmed her down
“Mary, it’s me! I-“
“What the fuck did you do?!”
“What I had to do to keep you safe.”
“And that is?!”
Jane explained everything
“I know it’s jarring okay? But it’s still…me. I understand if you can’t love me because I look like this. I understand if you want to go. But just know I truly did do this for you and for myself. I have to protect you and avenge my parents.”
“You are so impulsive and stupid! But you’re still as beautiful as ever. You know I’m never going anywhere.”
They shared a kiss in the kitchen
Jane was so lucky to have Mary
Jane takes out any criminal asked of her and ones not asked of her too
Rapists, serial killers, p3d0s, abusers
Anyone that society doesn’t need
But her ultimate goal is to kill the man that killed her parents
Jeff the killer
She won’t stop until that happens
Jane doesn’t kill or hurt innocent people
She wouldn’t dream of it
Why be like the man she hates?
Jane’s actually really nice despite everything
She can be very sarcastic and snarky too though but can you blame her?
She’s still violent towards criminals though
Like extremely violent
They remind her of Jeff and she calls it “practice” for when she finally gets her hands on him
His death will be slow and painful
Jane has a sister and other surviving family members that she hasn’t seen in a while (how could she even begin to explain her life now)
Jane is 38 years old
Born September 1st 1985
Jane is Wasian (white and Asian, Japanese specifically) but looks more Japanese
She kinda looks like a type of vengeful Japanese spirit called the Onryō and has come to like it
people think she is one sometimes
Especially when she makes weird ass noises to freak out her victims/ mess with them
Jane really relates to Onryō due to the stuff that happened in her life
Her mother would often tell her stories about the Onryō especially around Halloween
Jane finds it ironic that she kinda looks like one with her pale skin, tall stature and long black hair
Especially when she wears white since Onryō are often depicted in white burial kimonos
She especially feels like one when she comes out of the darkness, quietly and slowly as if she’s floating her black eyes looking at her victim through the dark
She specifically relates to some parts of the story of Lady Owia. A man ruining Jane’s life, “killing” her old self and the life she knew, making her a vengeful person and leaving her “disfigured” and looking like an Onryō
Sometimes she still gets upset and will scream and cry at night in the middle of nowhere, making her look and sound like a spirit in pain
Despite the fact she’s still alive she sometimes feels like she died with her parents
Maybe she is just an Onryō in a humans body
She can speak fluent Japanese thanks to her mom
Jane understands Kagekao fully
Both of them being gay Japanese people who have pale skin and are good fighters is really coincidental
Kagekao thought Jane was a spirit or something supernatural due to the grief and vengeance coming off her
But to his disappointment she’s just a cool looking human
Jane really doesn’t like him
He’s a serial killer who kills people for shits and giggles like Jeff and she can’t stand that
Jane knows he’s a demon because he told her and Kagekao thought Jane wouldn’t understand him
They both also have voice mimicking powers and they use it against each other all the time
Jane is jealous of his parkour skills though, she wants to get better at it
When Jane is in a violent mood or in a fight black veins will appear all over her body, but it’s most noticeable oh her face and especially on her temples and forehead leading into her eyes as the veins pump and bulge with blood. Very unsettling to look at.
Jane is usually 5’10 but if she wants to look more intimidating in a fight she will make herself taller like 6’3-6’5
Jane is romantic/ trad goth and listens to the music since she was born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s it’s nostalgic for her
Jane wears black everyday because she thinks all other colors look bad on her
She wears white to sleep though
Jane’s eyes are pitch black so you have no idea where she’s looking or what she’s looking at
It’s kinda scary when she looks at you especially if it’s dark
But she’s pretty so it’s okay
Loves Japanese comfort foods and will cook them a lot like really good ramen, mochi ice cream, udon, kastu curry, tempura and hot pot
It reminds her of her mom
Jane’s kinda happy that she has long shiny black hair like her mom now
If you were ever gonna run into a Creepypasta and live, Jane’s definitely your best bet
Likes to shapeshift to look normal to take Mary on dates
Wears black dresses when she’s not fighting but when she is, jeans and a sweater all black of course
Sounds like Amy Lee from Evanescence when she sings
A smooth soothing voice when she talks
Lived with Mary in their home till she got roped in with all the other pastas (but that’s a completely different hc list completely)
Since Jane works for the government she’s rich. Like really rich
So she’s always clean and put together
Can walk in heels like a pro
Jane’s a queen and I love her
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This isn’t proofread I made this at 3 am sorry lol
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birdiesaves · 2 months
THE MARTIAN ( novel by andy weir ) change as necessary !
mankind reaching out to send people to another planet for the very first time and expand the horizons of humanity blah, blah, blah. 
i’m pretty much fucked. 
they got the parades and fame and love of the world, i got a firm handshake and a hot cup of coffee when i got home.
i would only be “in command” of the mission if i were the only remaining person.
what do you know? i’m in command.
it wasn’t your fault. you did what you had to do. 
in your position i would have done the same thing. 
it was a ridiculous sequence of events that led to me almost dying.
everyone thinks i’m dead. 
ok, i’ve had a good night’s sleep, and things don’t seem as hopeless as they did yesterday.
i won’t be able to whip something up with tinfoil and gum.
fear my botany powers!
but hey, time is the one thing i’ve got.
i wonder if they'll ever find out what really happened.
i’ll spare you the math. the answer is _________
bleh. i’m going to bed
my life depends on you
i played a lot of dungeons and dragons.
i have an idiotically dangerous plan 
i suppose i’ll think of something. or die.
the answer is: i don’t know.
all i accomplished today was thinking up a plan that’ll kill me
also, i have duct tape. 
after a search of everyone’s personal items i found my answer.
that was sarcasm, by the way.
this all sounds like a great idea with no chance of catastrophic failure.
do you have any idea the magnitude of shitstorm this is gonna be?
how come aquaman can control whales? they’re mammals! 
i expected it to be cold, but jesus christ!
now, on to my next task: sitting around with nothing to do for 12 hours.
i ask for a picture and i get the fonz?
the whole world’s been rooting for you. 
really looking forward to not dying. 
please watch your language.
sorry we left you behind, but we don't like you.
you're sort of a smart-ass.
your request for “anything, oh god anything but disco” is denied.
no. you’ll fuck it up and die.
i took it apart, found the problem, and fixed it.
i don’t see anything... i can hear it, but... it’s down here somewhere, but i don’t know where.
the subtle and refined “hurl my body at the wall” technique had some flaws. 
named after the greek goddess who traveled the heavens with the speed of wind. she's also the goddess of rainbows.
i'm not giving up. just planning for every outcome. it's what i do.
your poster outsold the rest of ours combined.
why are you such a nerd?
you should try to be more cool. wear dark glasses and a leather jacket. carry a switchblade.
you started my training by buying me a beer.
so now i have to do boring-ass experiments with test tubes and zzzzzzzzzz....
frankly, i suspect you're a super villain.
just once i'd like something to go to plan, ya know?
no? ok... what was that!? oh, nothing? ok...
for now i just want to go home.
there's always hope
are we just watching a tragedy play out?
you’ll survive this. i don't know how, but you will. 
i've defiled enough historical sites for now.
tomorrow night, i'll sink to an all new low!
tomorrow night, i'll be at rock bottom!
be a smart-ass to a guy seven levels above you. see how that works out.
i remember when you were shy
the attitude comes with the job
and by “enjoying” i mean “hating so much i want to kill people.”
there aren't many people who can say they've vandalized a three billion dollar spacecraft. but i'm one of them.
what's our role in all this? if something goes wrong, what can we do?
how do you come up with this shit?
i admit it's fatally dangerous, but consider this: i'd get to fly around like iron man.
i need you to come back in and make a bomb.
i knew that guy was a mad scientist!
i think we should just go with my iron man idea.
well if you won't let us then- wait... wait a minute... i'm looking at my shoulder patch and it turns out i'm the commander. 
give me a minute. you're the first person i've seen in ______.
i think about the sheer number of people who pulled together just to save my sorry ass, and i can barely comprehend it.
i represent progress, science, and the interplanetary future we’ve dreamed of for centuries. 
they did it because every human being has a basic instinct to help each other out. it might not seem that way sometimes, but it’s true.
yes, there are assholes who just don’t care, but they’re massively outnumbered by the people who do. 
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
Y'know, Barry was a pretty trusting guy. Like, he didn't think he was too weird or suspicious about many things. Well, he was always suspicious given the nature of anxiety. And probably also weird, now that he thought about it. Actually, he was pretty weird and suspicious about a lot of things, but that's not the point. The point is is that he was trusting, maybe to a fault. And if there was anyone Barry trusted the most, it was himself.
Or rather, the talking coin with his voice. Same difference.
The coin had never led him astray before. Not that he could remember at least, 'cus the coin also said he couldn't remember much. But Barry trusted his past self to do what was right and tell him where to go. He was a smart guy. Dependable. Loyal. Honest.
But man, did he wish the coin would choose less stressful things to have him do.
Usually, he'd be breaking into a dungeon or maybe like, a big cave. This time, he was creeping through the halls of what just seemed to be someone's honest-to-gods home. It wasn't his smartest plan, according to the coin. Barry wouldn't know, considering the coin broke into static when it tried to explain the reasoning. The fact that this house had an intense amount of wards made him feel a little better about breaking and entering. Not a lot better, but enough to convince him that it was okay.
It was nighttime, but moonlight managed to get passed the barely open curtains in the hall. Barry crept further in, trying to keep his footsteps light. He had the coin clutched so tightly in his hand that he was sure there'd be an imprint later. He was- like, he had rogue levels, but he really hated using them. But it was better than attempting magic or trying to haul a heavy-ass sword at an enemy. Plus, this mission needed stealth. He was so stealthy. He was so good at this.
The door down the hall opened. Barry froze.
He didn't know who he was expecting to see, but it certainly wasn't his… target? Target didn't sound like the right word. He wasn't gonna kill this guy. Probably. His… soon-to-be-captive? No, he didn't wanna think of it as kidnapping. That felt weird. His… guy. Whom he was going to take back to his cave. Like a hangout sesh. A good ol' sleepover pal.
"Davenport?" sleepover pal- Davenport, Barry reminded himself- said, tilting his head at Barry.
"Hey," Barry whispered, trying to keep his voice down. If the coin was correct, there was one other person in the building and he was not looking to run into her. He took a careful, silent step forward. Davenport shrunk back a little into his room. "I'm uh- Barry Bluejeans. Nice to meet 'cha. Again. Kinda."
"Davenport," Davenport said.
There was a feeling of… something in his chest. This didn't feel right. Part of him had expected Davenport to be like, a big strong gnome. A brilliant scientist and adventurer, as the coin had said. But looking at him here, all Barry felt was… loss. Grief. He looked like an overgrown kid, wearing a large pajama shirt that hung past his knees. This wasn't- this wasn't right. Davenport was- he was supposed to be different.
"I mean no harm," Barry said. He tucked the coin into his pocket and then held up his hands. "Really. Just wanted to, uhm. Talk to ya for a bit."
"Davenport," Davenport said doubtfully.
"Right," Barry said. "Just talking! No- no funny business, no games-"
Man. He couldn't kidnap this guy. That would feel so wrong. He checked over his shoulder at the other door down the hall, but it stayed firmly shut. Barry swallowed. He reached into his pocket and Davenport took another step back. Barry hurriedly drew a pack of cards out.
Davenport looked like he didn't know what to make of him. Understandable. Barry didn't know what to make of himself either. But if he couldn't bring himself to kidnap this guy- and oh, he could already hear the coin complaining and breaking off into a staticky rant- he might as well have an honest-to-gods conversation with the man.
"My, uhm, sources tell me you like cards," Barry said, holding the deck out like an olive branch. "Wanna play some go fish?"
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