#zayn malik x y/n
wolfmoonmusic · 1 year
Ok ok ok idea.... One direction x drummer!reader which follows them thru their first album and till now
i was thinking the reader is like zayn's frnd from before and when they need a drummer cuz their drummer got sick for the tour (just an idea) he remembers that she can play it rlly well
so she goes on tour....and becomes their bestie....sees the inside struggles...and shit
steal my girl is written for her...
and like...she's heart broken when zayn leaves (possibly because of harbored feelings???)
and she and zayn stop talking.... She sticks w Harry and becomes his back-up drummer and starts making music of her own otherwise
All the boys (except zayn) support her and shit....
reader had family problems and insecurities and stuff....so matilda by harry is written for her and its like a surprise
and like.....she's rlly upset cuz they were her found family and now they're broke apart
UNTIL The whole Gigi and Yolanda thing happened....and zayn goes thru some shit and he goes to the only person he knows as refugee which isssssss reader (ta daaa)
and then she manages to get them all together
Maybe I'd make like a whole universe type thing?? Ideas and questions welcome...send 'em in my ask box
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imagines-1directioner · 7 months
Same Mistake - with Zayn Malik
Situação: marido!Zayn Malik x Leitora
Contagem de palavras: 980
Sinopse: Zayn e S/N cometem o mesmo erro e passam por um momento turbulento em relação ao futuro do relacionamento do casal.
N/A: Mais uma vez renascendo das cinzas com uma imagine meses depois hahahaha. Espero que gostem e me digam o que acharam.
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
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Já se passava das três da manhã quando encarei o horário no relógio digital pela quarta vez naquela noite infinita. Além da insônia, o calor que senti devido a mudança de estações era insuportável, não me deixando dormir nem que fosse por poucas horas. Claro que a angústia dentro de mim era uma das principais razões para minha inquietação, mas eu simplesmente ignorei esse detalhe em meu subconsciente e quis culpar a temperatura como meu pico de estresse.
“Será que eu ligo?” pensei alto, imaginando que ele também poderia estar na mesma situação que eu, ou até mesmo pior. “Está tarde, talvez ele já esteja dormindo.” minha mente fulminante não parava um segundo sequer, e meu coração gritava por respostas até eu ceder e clicar no contato dele em meu celular.
Ligação On*
- Oi.. - me senti mais aliviada ao perceber que sua voz não parecia sonolenta.
- Oi.. desculpa o horário. - comentei preocupada.
- Tudo bem, não estava dormindo.
- Também não consigo dormir.
- Bem vinda ao clube. - soltei uma leve risada para quebrar o gelo. Fazia uma semana desde de nosso último contato. - Tá tudo bem? - optei por permanecer em silêncio, afinal ele sabia a resposta.
- Você sabe que não. - pude ouvir a respiração profunda do outro lado da linha. Aquilo me machucou.
- Eu preciso de mais tempo.
- E eu entendo. - era tudo que eu podia dizer. - O que está me matando não é apenas o fato de não te ter por perto, e sim não saber como isso vai terminar. - novamente escuto-o suspirar pesado.
- Não é uma situação que se resolve do dia pra noite, S/N. - ouví-lo me chamar somente pelo nome era doloroso, e meus olhos se fecharam demonstrando o quanto doía.
- Eu sei.. sei muito bem o que está sentindo. - dei ênfase na confirmação.
- Então você compreende que preciso de mais tempo para absorver tudo o que aconteceu.
- Sim.. - completei entristecida. - Me desculpa.. de novo. - Zayn não respondeu. Claro, ele estava magoado, e com razão. - Nós havíamos nos reerguido e eu estraguei tudo.
- Não quero que pareça que só você foi a culpada.
- Mas eu fui.
- E eu também. - admitiu rapidamente. - Afinal, quem traiu primeiro fui eu. - desta vez eu suspirei fundo, relembrando a dor que senti oito meses atrás, quando soube que ele havia ficado com a ex namorada enquanto eu estava fora da cidade, visitando a minha familia.
Flashback On*
- Você não vai nem se defender? - esbravejei nervosa enquanto ele me encarava com a famosa carinha do gato de botas.
- Eu errei. - Zayn me encarou com os olhos marejados e logo limpou uma lágrima recém caída do olho esquerdo, engolindo o choro. - Errei feio e eu sei disso. Não vou esconder meu erro na bebida.
- Por que fez isso comigo? - murmurei com os lábios trêmulos e voz totalmente embargada. Meu coração estava dilacerado que sequer conseguia olhar para o meu marido.
- Porque eu sou um idiota, um fraco.
- Eu não te dei amor o suficiente?
- Claro que não, meu bem! - vi ele vir até mim e segurar minhas mãos delicadamente. - Não pegue essa culpa para você, por favor. Isso não é tem nada a ver contigo, com algo que você fez ou deixou de fazer. Fui eu que te magoei. Eu sou o filho da puta que estragou nosso casamento.
- Você ainda me ama? - perguntei aos prantos, tendo a maquiagem borrada e olhos cheios d’água, os quais olhavam fixamente para o moreno triste a minha frente.
- Eu sempre vou te amar, meu amor. Foi isso que eu disse em frente ao altar quando nos casamos, com toda a sinceridade do mundo.
Flashback Off*
- Sabe.. não sei se podemos comparar a dor, porque ela se expressa de maneiras diferentes nas pessoas. Mas como você se sentiu?
- Vazia. - respondi sem nem pensar muito. - Me senti desvalorizada, inutilizada, mas ao mesmo tempo sentia raiva e muito medo do que estava por vir.
- Eu estou com medo.
- Que tipo de medo?
- Medo de não sermos felizes como éramos no início do casamento.. de ter perdido o que era nosso, a nossa essência como casal apaixonado.. estou com medo de ter parado de te amar. - digeri em seco aquelas palavras que havia acabado de escutar. Elas caíram como um pedaço de chumbo no meu estômago e a vontade de chorar estava entalada na garganta.
- Se você acha que não está pronto para me perdoar, eu vou compreender. - provavelmente Zayn percebeu a alteração no tom da minha voz.
- Mas você me perdoou. Não quero ser injusto.
- Uma traição não anula a outra, Zayn. Não podemos tratar isso como se estivéssemos quites porque nós dois cometemos o mesmo erro.
- Você.. você quer se separar de vez? - senti que a pergunta veio de um modo apreensivo e eu não queria responder, então decidi me calar. - Isso foi um não?
- Na verdade não quero influenciar na sua decisão.
- Então você não quer se separar?
- Eu te amo, Z. - disse verdadeiramente. - Apesar de tudo vivemos dez anos juntos. Construímos uma vida. É claro que não te quero longe mim.
- Não me afastaria de você caso nos divorciássemos. - ele tentou minimizar o “problema” com uma solução teórica.
- Você diz isso agora, na prática tudo se torna mais difícil.. - conclui e ele se calou. - Eu.. eu sinto sua falta. - admiti em momento de fraqueza e carência. - E o Mike também. - pude ouvir sua risada baixa, trazendo um pouco de felicidade ao mencionar nosso cachorro.
- Sinto falta dele também.. e sua mais ainda. - fiquei feliz em saber que ele sentia minha falta, mesmo depois de tê-lo traído com um de seus amigos de infância após uma briga intensa que tivemos.
- Posso fazer uma última pergunta antes de desligar?
- Uhum.
- Você ainda me ama?
- Eu fui sincero ao dizer que sempre te amaria quando nos casamos.
- Mas e agora, nesse exato momento, você sente amor por mim?
- Sim.. afinal só dói porque eu ainda te amo.
Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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violetsandfluff · 2 years
You were falling. You didn’t know how, where, or why, but you were falling. You sat straight up in bed, sweating and heart racing.
Zayn rolled over to look at you and make sure you were okay. His shaggy, messy from sleep hair covered his eyes and he wrinkled his nose adorably.
“You okay, Baby?” He opened his arms under the covers for you to crawl into.
Crawling into them, you explained the dream as he rubbed your cheeks gently.
“You’re okay now, baby doll,” Zayn whispered. “I’m here. Your safe.”
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theodorelore · 11 months
𝐳𝐚𝐲𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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daisyblog · 24 days
Zane Lowe
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN is mentioned in Harry’s interview with Zane Lowe.
Based on this request.
“Nice nails” Zane compliments Harry who’s sitting in the seat opposite.
“Thanks” Harry politely replies as he glances down at his turquoise nails sitting on his lap. “Thanks for having me”.
After discussing Pleasing and he loved the idea of It, Zane asked “What made you want to do that?”.
“I think for me like…a big part of it is…like I really like making stuff and I really like..kind of coming up with ideas and collaborating with other…especially YN who again is very creative…I feel like I’m really lucky with people around me both personally and professionally that I get to work with are really fun to work with and…you know working’s like my favourite thing to do so..based on the fact that I think obviously it begins as a hobby so then like getting to make stuff for work I feel like is a real gift. I think if I didn’t think about it too much I would be making music and putting out music constantly…but I’m also aware that I’m a total control freak and I want everything to be perfect..so the idea of like oh I made these four songs I’m just going to put out an EP…It’s just not how I think of it”.
“You're faced with a time when you can’t do that…and the great leveller of like it doesn’t matter how much money you have, doesn’t matter where you live, doesn’t matter this doesn’t matter that…you can’t travel you can’t do this, you can’t go outside your house..It’s like suddenly you’re forced to not be this musician guy, you’re forced to be like a boyfriend, brother and a son…and all of those things..and actually I feel like I..you know kind of had a little bit of a chance to focus on that at least for a moment..umm and just stop and kind of take in a lot of stuff and…remember things, you’re kind of gifted this stolen time” Harry explained his view on the world pandemic.
“You mentioned being all these roles…you mentioned being a boyfriend, what was it like during these times?” Zane quizzed. “Because I imagine you got a taste of what it’s like being a “normal” couple”.
Twisting and playing with his rings on his fingers, Harry explains “Umm…YN has always been my comfort you know and I’d like to think I’m hers too…she’s been a big part of my life and…we’ve been through so much tougher…that it was kind of nice to just stop and take that in.” Zane nodded, an indication for Harry to continue “So when the pandemic hit..we isolated in LA for a while..I saw it as a time for us to be just us…but YN did find it hard because she has such a big family…and umm she just wanted to be closer to them…especially her grandparents and siblings”.
“Yeah I can imagine that being hard..being so far away” Zane sympathised “I don’t mean to pry into your personal life but what do you mean by time for just you two?”
“Like..we’ve never known anything other than travelling..or just being surrounded by other people and just having to plan everything in so much detail..to like not be seen you know…so we kind of got to see what a normal like would be like, whatever a normal life is..if that makes sense?”. 
“Yeah it makes total sense”. Zane agreed and could see that Harry craved a little normality in his personal life. 
“I suppose..I’m just like really lucky..because YN just gets it. She got put into the limelight the same as us..you know..so yeah she just gets it and I’m just so lucky” Harry continued with a slight giggle as he repeated how lucky he was. “I think what I’m trying to say is…I hit gold when it came to YN…she really is my best friend too and yeah…it was nice to be just a couple without the added pressures.”. 
“We have to acknowledge this because..you know we at one point we were going to this in the United Kingdom”. Harry nodded in agreement “But there’s something wonderful about being in this afterglow of Palm Springs..which is I'm sure is how you feel a little bit after these two amazing headline shows…you seem so chilled you know” Zane laughed but continue “There must have been a relief that you did it?”.
“I just..you know I knew I was going to put something out…whether it’s a show or an album or a song I want it to be perfect..and umm…I think like that’s why I take so much stress on I think around something like Coachella..cause I feel like I want it to be good..like if it’s not going to be good I’d rather not do it..so you know in that kind of setting, no matter what it is kind of…you know the dust or the wind or however many things, it's like so many things can go wrong in that situation..and it's not your show and it's my first festival so…you know I’m kind of going out to the crowd and I like knowing what I’m stepping out to” Harry rambled with a nervous chuckle at the end.
Harry continued “and that was really terrifying”.
“What was your instinct when they asked you to do it?” Zane interrupted.
“That’s too scary and I’m gonna say no” Harry laughed “But..uh YN was like you need to say yes and was just so encouraging and supportive..you know…plus she’s like my biggest fan so of course she wanted me to do it!”. 
“So..would you say YN helps with the nerves?” Zane asked curiously.
“I was so nervous..like so nervous..and I remember YN being on facetime to Louis before the show..and them both saying just to be myself and to enjoy…and when I was out there I just focused on being me and nothing else”. Harry spoke freely. “Their advice definitely helped…’cause I had the best time!”. 
“Late Night Talking?” Zane stated.
Harry let out a shy chuckle “Uhh…yeah” Harry leans his head on his hand to try and hide is cheeky smile “It’s about YN…well I don’t think it’s a shock to anyone”.
“So…would you say the whole album is about YN?” Zane asked confidently.
“Uhh..most of it..yeah pretty much” Harry smiled “She’s just been a constant in my life..since like we were what..sixteen or seventeen..you know..she’s my life..and I don’t have to pretend to be anyone other than myself around her you know…it’s just easy and I love that about our relationship.” Harry explained.
“Matilda really shows emotional intelligence and how you were thinking about someone at that time.”. Zane begins to talk about the middle song on Harry’s album. 
“Uh…yeah…I actually didn’t write Matilda”. Harry revealed, causing Zane to looked shocked. “YN had this conversation with someone…and she was getting to know them…and they opened up to her and she was like that’s not normal…so she was almost like writing down what she wanted to say to them…and I was like how many people could relate to this you know…and we agreed that it would make a beautiful song for those who needed to hear it”.
“Waw! It holds a real powerful message and I think even if people don’t feel those things…I think it definitely makes them feel something.”. Zane spoke with passion in his voice. 
“It definitely does….and it was just about saying I was listening….that was YN’s purpose to it”. 
“Boyfriends” Zane began “It is a great song..It’s from a male perspective, it’s a very knowing song..and It’s a very self-aware song..you have to have some self-awareness to write from that perspective surely”.
Harry answered immediately “Yeah for sure…Boyfriends was written right at the end of Fine Line” Harry explained “Boyfriends is about like…we’re all flawed you know..and I think pretending like we’re not, I just don’t get it..It’s acknowledging my own behaviour, it’s looking at the behaviour I’ve witnessed..I grew up with a sister so it’s like watching her date people and watching friends…but at the same time admitting I’ve not been a perfect boyfriend either”.
“Love of My Life..I’d always wanted to write a song about like home and loving England…and all of that kind of stuff..and it’s kind of hard to do that you know”
“So Love of Love My Life is about home and England?” Zane asked with a slight smirk on his face.
“As I started making them album…I realised it wasn’t about the kind of geographical location…it was more of an internal thing” Harry tried to hide his bashful smile by rubbing his finger under his nose.
“Do I see Harry Styles blushing?” Zane began to tease Harry.
Harry lets out a loud chuckle and tries to hide his face in his hands “You know..I’ll admit that I blush sometimes…especially when it comes to YN!”. 
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour @bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl @buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream @treehouse-mouse
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themultifandomgal · 5 months
Harry Styles- From 2010 Series Master List
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2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
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loviingpedri · 8 months
Come back home
prompt: ex bf!joao felix x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, grammar issues, depressing thoughts
credits to owners for all images.
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i recommend listening to this song while reading due to connections to the lyrics. enjoy this story!!
joao’s point of view
it’s been a week since y/n and i broke up. i sat everyday for hours hoping for a call or text back. i haven’t been in my mindset at all. coaches have come up to me to ask what’s wrong with me. the last game was shit. deep down, i want her to come back to me. i don’t remember the last time i slept for more than hour. nor do i remember any time when i’m not sitting on my bed staring at my phone hoping for her name to pop up. it was a mutual breakup, but baby i feel crazy. what is happening to me?
i don’t know how to live without her. i’ll be living in vain. i’ve called every other day. i sent texts, i’m calling her name until she comes back home.
y/n’s point of view
it’s only joao stuck in my mind. i sat there in panic watching his name flash on my phone over and over again.
did i dodge a bullet or lose the love of my life?
baby, i feel crazy.
i haven’t talked to anyone or gone outside in forever. i don’t see myself talking to anyone but him. i don’t know what to say to him, but his name runs through my head like i want him to come back home.
every little thing reminds me of him. we gave everything to each other, but why was nothing returned? i wouldn’t be with anyone else, and i just wanna go back home to him.
i don’t wanna live forever. i’ll just be living in vain. he keeps calling my name, but i don’t wanna fit wherever.
maybe i should just go back home.
i tried going out with my friends, but i’ve been looking sad in all the nicest places. i feel like i see him in these empty faces everywhere. everything reminds me of him.
now i’m in a cab, i tell em’ where your place is.
joao’s point of view
i feel sick. she pops up in my dreams. i think i’m living in vain.
i’m still calling her name. in my sleep, in my head. i talk to myself about her. until, i heard a knock. i opened the door, and immediately stopped calling for her.
because she came back home.
i’ve been holding this story off for so long, but i just realized how short and simple this was. thank you for all the support, and i’ll be working on stories just on a slower pace. thank you!!!
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jazzmynerule · 9 months
fbh and y/n’s instagram posts
y/n’s instagram posts
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your_instagram couldn’t ask for a better way to spend valentines, thank you peanut<3
niallhoran omg why do y’all keep making me feel so single
> your_instagram whoopsie
yourshipname omg y’all are so cute
harry4ever got me over here kicking and giggling my feet for you y/n
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your_instagram late night drives with pookie bear🧸
harrystyles literally made me pick her up for a 10 piece feed from KFC
> your_instagram i wanted some finger licking good chicken okay? is that a crime?
> harrystyles yes y/n it is a crime.. it was 2 in the fucking morning.
niallhoran without me? ;-;
> your_instagram i’m sorry my love ;-; harry was being a grumpy pants
> harrystyles IT WAS 2AM!
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your_instagram got me feeling some type of way
harrystyles i’m sexy ik
> louistomlinson don’t flatter yourself mate
> your_instagram i was just gonna say that😭
> louistomlinson good minds think alike🤩
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your_instagram harry made me post💄
zaynmalik looking🤩
> your_instagram only to impress the Bradford bad boy
niallhoran does that ass come with a side of guac dip?
> your_instagram BAHAHAH NIALL
harrystyles my girl😻
> your_instagram all yours💗
harry’s instagram
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harrystyles i love you
your_instagram forever🫶🏻
harry4ever she’s living my dream fr
styles (taylor’s version) such a hot couple omg
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harrystyles best night🌃
your_instagram he doesn’t even look at me like that
your_instagram acting fruity love
your_instagram damn in my feelings now
your_instagram hey siri play we are never getting back together
> harrystyles baby STFU
yourshipname y/n in these comments are killing me😭
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harrystyles finally did it
your_instagram can’t believe i freaked out over that omg
> louistomlinson you baby
liampayne aww looks amazing your two i’m so happy
> harrystyles thanks my brother
> your_instagram i’ll kiss your forehead liam you cutie
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idrkwhatthisisimsorry · 9 months
Flying to Italy pt.1
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Description: Y/N finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her with her best friend, and decides to take the trip she had planned with him to Italy anyways, but alone. But she meets Harry along the way, and so it goes... Does she decide to stay with Harry, or is it too soon and too fast? Or will she forgive her boyfriend? Only time will tell.
Warnings: angst, cheating
Word count: 1K
A/N: hey! I haven't written in a while, and I have never posted Harry on here, but I'm on a serious kick with him rn and I've been thinking of this idea for a few days and I really wanted to write it, so here y'all go! I hope you enjoy, it's gonna be really good. This takes place in about early 2019 btw! Not everything is gonna be totally correct timeline wise, so just pretend it is lol
"Hey, me and Lily are going to go out tonight, I don't think Colin can come, are you up for it?" Jackson, my boyfriend said. I've been dating Jackson for almost ten years. We've known each other since we were fifteen, and we've been dating since we were sixteen. He's my rock and my best friend. But not as much as Lily. She's been my number 1 since we were about five years old. She's been dating her boyfriend, Collin for about four years now, and little does she know, he's about to propose when we go on our Italy trip in a few days together. I'm a little jealous because Jackson hasn't gotten the balls to propose to me, but I couldn't be happier for my best friend.
"Uhhhh, I might come later, but don't count on me, I have a lot of catching up to do on work if I don't want to work while we're in Italy. You guys gonna be in the same place all night?" I tell him. Any normal girlfriend would be skeptical of their best friend and boyfriend hanging out without either of their partners, but I've known both of them for so long to know that they're just good friends. We were just a trio throughout high school and college until Lily finally met Collin, and if I had any skepticism, that was all thrown out the window after seeing the way her and Collin were together. I would go as far to say they're even cuter together than me and Jackson.
"Yeah, we're going to R bar. If you don't come, it's fine, babe, I'll just see you when I get home. Love you." He said, as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door. "Love you." I said back, as he walked out.
I finished up enough of my work, and decided to go meet up with him at the bar. I quickly changed and did light makeup and got an uber.
I got to the bar and didn't see him or Lily with our group of friends. I walked over to one of them, "Hey have you guys seen Jackson? He said he and Lily were gonna be here with you guys tonight." I asked, still looking around the bar. "Uh, last I saw them was about ten minutes ago when he said they were gonna go get a drink from the bar, but I think I saw them walk off somewhere." Alex said, giving me a nervous face, which made me really nervous. I've never had reason to not trust him before, so I didn't expect what I was about to see and hear as I walked towards the bathrooms. I went into the women's restroom and didn't see Lily, and obviously I couldn't go into the mens, so I walked over to the single unisex bathroom door, and put my ear up to it. Someone was obviously having sex in there, very loud sex for that matter. I knocked, just in case my worst nightmare was coming true. "Busy!" A voice, very similar sounding to my best friend of twenty years, called out. I tested the door handle, and in their drunk idiocy they forgot to lock it, and I barged right in on my boyfriend fucking my best friend. Her small black dress, that she actually borrowed from me, hiked all the way up to her stomach, and his pants pulled down just low enough for him to be sticking his dick somewhere he shouldn't have.
The second he saw me, his eyes went wide and he immediately went wide and he pulled out of her and started to pull up his pants as quickly as possible. "Y/N-" "I don't want to hear it, Jack. The two people I thought would never hurt me. How long have you two been fucking behind my back?" I yelled angrily. "No no no no no, Y/N, this is the first time this has ever happened it was such a mistake, I'm so sorry, please, you're my best friend, I am so so sorry." Lily said, apologizing over and over again, as if those words could ever reverse her actions. I just stared at them in horror, tears threatening to spill over, my heart breaking as I knew I was losing the two people I cared about most in my life all in just five minutes. "Your sorry means nothing to me. I trusted both of you. I loved both of you, and you stabbed me in the back. I never want to see you again. Either of you. Might as well cancel your tickets to Italy once you're done fucking each other." I say, as I slam the door shut and leave the restaurant as fast as I possibly can and order an uber to the nearest hotel.
I sat in my expensive ass hotel room contemplating almost every single life decision I'd ever made. How long had this really been going on? Was it really the first time? How stupid have I been? And what was I going to do about Italy? Where was I going to live? My brain was going a hundred miles a minute, while I just sat there crying in my short little dress I wore to the bar. For him. Because I knew how much he loved that dress. Loved. He didn't have the right to love anything about me anymore.
I was so excited for everything in the future. We were supposed to spend a whole month in Italy together, the four of us. I was so so excited. I never got to travel ever, my family never had enough money, and then I went to college, and then I had to work my way up in my career to have money and actually get time off. Jackson and Lily have both been to Italy before, so it's not like this is some huge new experience that they're going to miss out on.
I laid on that bed for hours just crying, and thinking about what to do. I was going to go to Italy and forget all about people that never deserved me.
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queenkokoo · 1 year
Could you do Niall Horan X reader
Face claim: blonde Ariana Grande
Niall Horan (not part of any series)
Just pretend she has blonde hair on the poster
(I tried to find some Manips but I couldn’t find any good ones. Ariana and Harry are much more popular than Niall and Ariana.)
I hope you like it.
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liked by NiallHoran,Y/nfan4 and 15,937,937 others
Y/n L/n ❤️
Y/nfan2 I’m literally screaming
niallfan19 he’s so cute
y/nfan3 does anyone know what he’s watching?
Niallfan3 He’s at Y/n’s parents house so he’s probably watching golf with her dad!
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liked by y/nfan3,niallfan4 and 12,937 others
Y/nDaily Y/n in song association for Elle Magazine!
Niallfan2 she’s so pretty
y/nfan9 I’m in love
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liked by Y/nL/n,Niallfan4, and 5,927,937 others
NiallHoran ❤️
y/nfan3 I screamed
Niallfan04 what is going on
niallfan12 New fans won’t understand why him posting her is a big deal
niallfan93 why?
y/nfan he’s never posted any of his past girlfriends as much as he posts Y/n
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liked by NiallHoran,y/nfan3 and 19,836,936 others
Y/nL/n February 14th 💕
Y/nfan8 screaming
Sza 💗
niallfan so excited
y/manager ❤️❤️❤️
JadeThirwall 💞
niallfan2 ahhh
y/nfan9 finally we get to hear POV after she admitted it was about Niall! 🤭
Niallfan8 when did she say that?
1Dfan13 during her interview with Vogue back in October!
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daaydreamy · 2 years
Can you write a sub y/n subrry and Dom Zayn one shot please let them do something really filthy :)
show me how
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summary: zayn teaches an inexperienced harry how to pleasure both him and y/n.
warnings: coarse language, smut, f/m/m threesome, oral (m & f receiving), protected sex, praise kink
pairings: harry styles x fem!reader x zayn malik
“I don’t know how.”
“I’ll teach you.”
Harry glanced at Zayn as he stood on his knees in front of Y/N. His knees were starting to hurt a little because he was kneeling on the floor, but he ignored it and chose to stay quiet. He was a bit nervous and was a bit afraid he was going to embarrass himself because this is the first time he’s ever going to pleasure a woman and this is also the first time he was having a threesome. It made his heart race from anticipation just from thinking about it.
“What do I do?” Harry asked softly, eyeing Y/N’s most intimate parts.
Y/N was leaning back against her hands, looking down at the blushing boy with a small smile playing on her lips. She was excited. She and Zayn had been friends with benefits for a little while now and she knew Harry was one of his friends. She was even a bit surprised when Zayn had told her that Harry asked him to join in because he had always been a shy and reserved person whenever she met up with him, but was still excited anyway. She has a pretty little dress on and lace panties she specifically wore tonight, her dress hiked up her thighs to show her covered cunt.
“Take her panties off.”
Harry glanced at Zayn once more before bringing his hands up, taking the waistband of Y/N’s lace panties before slowly pulling them down her legs. As he took them off, Y/N moved to lay on her back, shutting her eyes when Harry took them off and placed them beside her.
“Taste her.”
Zayn was sitting on a chair beside the bed, his elbow resting on the armrest. He was toying with his lower lip, enjoying the sight in front of his eyes. It was arousing, truly. He had to adjust himself a little because his cock was already growing hard in his pants, biting the inside of his cheek softly when Harry leaned in and stuck his tongue out, running it up Y/N’s slit. As much as he wanted to do that to Y/N as well, he really did want to help Harry and to show him how to do this.
Harry had to hold back a moan when he tasted Y/N on his tongue, wrapping his arms around her waist and gently pulling her closer to his mouth. He closed his eyes and started to lick up her arousal, the soft moans she was letting out going straight to his ears. He sucked her clit into her mouth, running his tongue over it and sucking softly. His nails were digging into her thighs softly, leaving crescent moon-shaped marks on her skin. He licked up everything she was giving him, humming and moaning against her from satisfaction.
“Yeah, just like that.” Y/N breathed, reaching out to tangle her fingers in Harry’s soft curls. She gripped them softly, letting moans and whimpers and gasps leave her pretty little mouth. The feeling of Harry’s warm tongue against her was truly pleasurable and she was enjoying every single bit of it. She tightened her thighs around his head ever so often, which he didn’t seem to mind all that much, but she reminded herself to keep her legs open.
“Fuck.” Y/N whispered softly and Zayn’s eyes flickered to her face, eyeing her mouth that had sinful noises spilling out of it. He admired her features and how pretty she was, smiling a little as he watched her.
Zayn got up from the chair he was sitting in, walking over to Harry.
“I didn’t know you were so greedy, Harry.” Zayn grasped Harry’s hair and pulled him off of Y/N, making both of them whimper from the loss. Harry looked up at Zayn, his lips and chin wet with spit and Y/N’s arousal from how messy he had gotten. Zayn smiled down at him and ran his thumb over Harry’s lower lip, pushing his thumb into his mouth after. Harry suckled on it softly and closed his eyes, Zayn’s head lifting up when he heard Y/N speak.
“Please, Zayn.” She pleaded and Zayn pulled his thumb out of Harry’s mouth, pushing his head back towards Y/N’s center. Harry immediately stuck his tongue out again and continued what he was doing earlier, except Zayn was holding him against Y/N this time. His hand was gripping his hair tightly and he was watching quietly as he stood beside him.
“Make her come, yeah? You’re not pulling off until I let you.”
Harry could only nod against Y/N as a reply. His nose bumped Y/N’s clit softly when he moved down to tease her weepy hole with his tongue, whimpering softly when Zayn gripped his hair a bit tighter. Harry’s nails were digging into his own thighs, wanting Y/N to come on his tongue so badly. He was losing his breath though, which Zayn noticed, and he pulled his head back. Harry let out soft pants, admiring Y/N’s went cunt that was slick with his spit and her arousal.
“It doesn’t even seem like it’s your first time doing this, look at what you’re doing to her.” Zayn chuckled softly and Harry’s cheeks grew warm.
“Make her come.” Zayn patted Harry’s cheek and walked away from him, smiling as he leaned down to kiss Y/N. He swallowed the moans and whines she was letting out and he could tell that she was getting close from how squirmy and loud she had gotten ever since they started. Her hand cradled his jaw softly, licking into his mouth. Zayn did the same to her, her taste lingering on his tongue when he eventually pulled away.
“I’m close.” She gasped out and Zayn’s lips curved up into a smile again. He stood up straight and watched Harry again, seeing that his eyes were closed and that he was eagerly licking into Y/N’s pretty little pussy. Y/N’s thighs tightened around Harry’s head but Zayn placed his hand on her knee, pulling them apart again.
“Fuck!” Y/N whined when she finally reached her peak, her back arching up a little. A string of loud moans and profanities and Harry’s name left Y/N’s lips, letting the pleasure wash over her and drown her. Therefore she was left panting when Harry pulled off, sighing dreamily as she tried to come back down from her orgasm. Her chest rose and fell with every heavy breath she took, her body relaxing further into the mattress beneath her. She let go of the sheets since she was gripping them pretty tightly, closing her legs as well.
“That was good, Harry. You did good.”
“You’re gonna fuck her now.” Zayn said to Harry. It was like an order, and Harry immediately obeyed for some reason. It showed how submissive he really was, how easily he complied with the things Zayn would say. The fact that he wanted Zayn to teach him as well only added to it. Y/N was quite submissive as well, which he took advantage of whenever they had their nights together. 
Harry gulped quietly as he looked down at Y/N. He had put a condom on and got onto the bed with Y/N while Zayn sat back down on the chair beside the bed. Y/N had taken her dress off as well and it was lying around somewhere in the room. One of Harry’s hands was on Y/N’s knees, his other hand wrapped around the base of his cock. He ran his tip along Y/N’s soaking slit, a shiver running up his spine from the feeling. He eventually started pushing his cock into her weepy hole, letting out a shaky moan as she squeezed around him. He closed his eyes and exhaled heavily through his nose, going slowly until his cock was filling her up fully.
“Fuck her, Harry. She likes it rough.” 
Harry opened his eyes and glanced at Zayn before looking down at where he and Y/N connected. He thrusted in and out of her a little bit, both of them letting out a soft moan. He did that a couple more times and eventually made his thrusts a bit faster and deeper, moaning and whimpering shamelessly. He leaned his torso over hers, burying his face in her neck as he fucked into her cunt. He panted against her skin, feeling her legs wrap around his waist.
“Fuck, Harry. You’re f-fucking me so good.” Y/N breathed out, tangling one of her hands in his sweaty curls. The feeling of his cock filling her up to the brim made her head spin and all she could do was moan and whimper. Their warm bodies were pressing up against each other’s, droplets of sweat rolling down their skin. The air around them had gotten warmer and thicker and smelled like sex and sweat the longer they fucked. 
“Fuck her harder.” Zayn said, rubbing himself over his pants softly. He couldn’t resist the urge to not touch himself because the sight in front of him was to die for. His hard cock was straining against his pants but he didn’t want to come yet, he wanted to come through a different way. He only palmed himself, watching Harry lean back up onto his knees while proceeding to fuck into Y/N even harder than before. He let out a soft moan as he rubbed himself, letting his eyes fall shut while he just listened to their obscene noises. He let his head tip back, their filthy moans and whines and whimpers going straight to his ears and his cock.
“I’m gonna come, Harry, fuck.” Y/N gasped out and Zayn opened his eyes again, wanting to watch her come again.
“P-please come, I want you to come.” Harry whimpered softly and Zayn groaned softly, shifting in his seat.
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Y/N said quickly, gripping the sheets as orgasmic pleasure washed over her once more. Her head was spinning, her heart was racing, her stomach was going in spirals, it was like her body had been consumed by the pleasure Harry was giving her. It felt like she was on cloud nine, moaning and whining shamelessly as she came around Harry’s cock, milking him for all he was worth.
“Fuck, you feel so good, oh god.” Harry choked out as he started to come as well, closing his eyes tightly as he emptied himself in the condom. Y/N was squeezing around him so tightly it felt like he could explode, moaning and whimpering shakily.
Eventually, Harry pulled out of Y/N, still blissed out from his orgasm.
“You’re not done yet, Harry.”
“You’re gonna suck me off now, yeah? Get on your knees.” Zayn said and Harry stood there for a couple seconds even after hearing him, blinking with his lips parted.
“Did you hear me?”
“I- yeah, sorry.” Harry gulped and got down on his knees, looking up at him. Y/N was still on the bed, watching quietly with the sheets pulled over her body since it was kind of cold in the room. She was leaning back against the headboard of the bed, her legs kind of feeling like jelly from the two orgasms she just had.
“I’m kind of nervous.” Harry admitted quietly and Zayn laughed a little, tilting his head up.
“Don’t be, I’ll go slow. Uh, hit me if you ever want to stop, okay?” He said and Harry nodded.
Zayn hastily pulled his pants and his boxers down his legs, the fabric bunching up at his knees. He stroked himself a couple times, moaning softly from the feeling. He looked down at Harry and moved a little bit closer, until his tip prodded at his lips. He placed his hand on the back of Harry’s head when he slowly took him into his mouth, hissing softly from the feeling. His hair fell over his face a little bit as he watched, letting Harry go at his own pace.
“Yeah, that’s it.” He murmured under his breath, letting his eyes fall shut as he took more of him into his mouth. He tipped his head back, his fingers tightening in Harry’s hair. He sucked his lower lip into his mouth, moaning softly.
“Teeth,” Zayn said shakily. “Careful with your teeth.” He chuckled breathily.
Harry’s knees were starting to ache a little but he chose to ignore it, tears gathering in his eyes when he choked around his cock softly. He pulled off and coughed a little, apologizing softly until Zayn told him that it was okay and to go slow. He looked up at him before wrapping a hand around his cock, leaning in to take him into his mouth again. He used his tongue this time instead of trying to take him as deep as he could, feeling proud of himself when he heard Zayn groan from above him.
“Good boy.” Zayn breathed, not being able to resist the urge to thrust into Harry’s mouth a little bit. And eventually, Harry let him. He was thrusting into his mouth slowly, moaning and gasping whenever he did. Harry’s mouth was so wet and warm and it was heavenly. Harry was moaning around him, whimpering softly whenever he gripped and tugged at his hair.
“I’m close.” Zayn grunted out, opening his eyes and forcing himself to look down at Harry because he wanted to watch. Harry was now bobbing his head up and down his cock, a few tears falling down his soft cheeks. His own cock was now hard again just from sucking cock, aching with a bit of precum beading at his tip. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, yeah.” Zayn gasped out, holding Harry’s head still against him as he came in his mouth. He closed his eyes tightly, moaning loudly as he reached his peak. He was gripping Harry’s hair tightly, making Harry’s scalp hurt a little bit, but he didn’t really mind anyway. Zayn’s knees were threatening to give out a little bit, his entire body leaning into the pleasure. 
He pulled out of Harry’s mouth when he was starting to get sensitive, panting softly as he looked down at him.
Harry smiled, dimples popping in his cheeks.
“Did I do good?”
“Yeah, really good.” Zayn chuckled breathily.
a/n: i chose this concept since this one anon kept asking for it so here you go bae 😭😭 and also thank you for 500 followers!! i love every single one of you so so much 🫶🫂
🏷: @pay-mind-to-the-crows, @alag-aasmaan, @planetflos, @harrycanyonmoonn, @bxtchboy69
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wolfmoonmusic · 1 year
Sneaking a Chance
Planet!drummer reader
Part 1 - Summary: An old friend calls you again. You're not sure what to make of it
A/N- Part one 'cuz I couldn't help myself. I do not own any of the characters except reader and her parents. These are fake scenarios and certain things will be tweaked a little to fit the story line.
Waking up in the middle of the night was common for you.
However, waking up in the middle of the night because your ex - best friend - who was also your next door neighbor and soon to be celebrity - was calling you after almost a year of barely even texting, was not common.
You sat up straight in bed, answering the phone immediately so as to not wake up your parents. 
“Were you asleep?” he asked, the smirk evident in his voice.
“It’s 1 am Zayn! What do you think, genius?” you hissed, confused and angry that he was calling you now.
“You answered though!” 
“Fine then,” you replied, getting angrier by the second, about to disconnect when you heard him apologize repeatedly.
You sighed, putting the phone back to your ear, “What do you want Zayn?”
“Look, our drummer is terribly sick.”
“So?” you asked, furrowing your eyebrows. Why did that matter?
“And you can play the drums really well.”
You froze.
He was not-
“We have a week left for our first show. You think you could come over to go through it with us once?”
“Zayn, you’ve officially lost your mind!”
“If anyone can do it, it’s you! Look, just try out and if it doesn’t work you go straight back and none of this ever happened. We’ve worked really hard and we don’t want to postpone this. It’s just until our drummer’s back. I promise.”
You sighed again weighing your options. What was the worst that could happen? You could try out right? It wasn’t like you’d be accepted. And even if you were, you’d come back soon. There was only one problem.
“But my parents-”
“You have 10 minutes to get ready, we’re outside your house in a van right now. Sneak out the window like you used to. We’ll drop you back before 7.”
You cursed under your breath, a smirk making its way to your face.
Zayn had always been the one to help you escape your house when you needed to, and plans like these made it feel like old times.
“Alright. I’m in.”
You hung up, quickly jumping out of bed to change into jeans and a top. 
As you got ready you couldn’t help the giddy feeling of seeing Zayn again that rose in your chest. You’d barely spoken to him or texted him since he’d joined the band. You knew that he was going places in life that you could never follow, but it still hurt because you two had been inseparable before.
You tied your hair up in a pony, when a sudden thought hit you.
You weren’t just gonna meet Zayn.
You were gonna meet Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry too.
You froze, staring at yourself in the mirror. 
“Holy shit,” you muttered, grabbing a few essentials and putting on your drumming gloves.
You opened the blinds to find Zayn standing a bit away from your window, grinning when your face appeared behind it.
You smirked, heart leaping with joy as you slid the window open, crawling out and shutting it again.
Zayn closed the gap between you both, engulfing you in a big hug, your hands around his neck as you laughed.
“I missed you,” he said, pulling away.
“Awww the Bradford bad boy has feelings!” you gasped, causing him to punch your arm playfully.
“Oh shut up!” he laughed.
You wanted to ask why he stopped replying to your texts. If he’d really missed you, why did he ignore them all?
But you shoved the thought away trying to focus on the fact that he hadn’t forgotten you atleast. 
He grabbed your arm as you both ran to the van, him shoving you inside causing you to collide with someone as jumped in after you.
“Shit sorry!” you hissed, as someone turned on a flashlight, revealing a curly haired boy next to you.
“ ‘s fine love. We should be the ones apologizing for waking you up like this,” he grinned, adjusting himself so that you could sit properly.
You shook your head laughing, hoping the darkness would hide your pink cheeks, no one had ever called you that before, “Trust me, when you’ve been best friends with Malik for 6 years, you get used to things like this.”
The three boys in front of you grinned. “Getting up in the middle of the night to go play some songs for a band that’s just about to go on their first tour is common for you?” the boy you knew as Louis chided. “Damn mate, how many bands have you been in?” he asked, turning to Zayn with a big smirk on his face. 
You found yourself laughing with the other boys as Zayn wrapped his hand around your shoulders. You found yourself leaning in to him, the familiarness of being so close to him making the terrible last few months seem a little better.
Though you couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if you got selected. Or what if you didn’t? Would you lose Zayn again? 
“Awww look at you both!” Louis laughed again, causing you to bury your face in his shoulder, trying to hide the shy grin on your face.
“Shut up Louis!” Zayn laughed.
You only snuggled closer hoping you would drown everything else out and it would be just you and him, driving out to an all night cafe. Just the two of you.
But when the boys continued laughing and joking you were brought back to reality. 
It was never gonna be just the two of you again. Because he was a singer now. And you were just someone from his past. That was never gonna change.
Tags: @jadonswhore @dollbabydeliicacies @st-ev-ie 
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imagines-1directioner · 6 months
Same Mistake - with Zayn Malik - Parte III
Contagem de palavras: 1169
N/A: como toda história é composta por um começo, meio e fim, trago pra vocês a parte final de mais uma trilogia do blog. espero que gostem e obrigada por acompanharem e curtirem a história 🤍 conto com o feedback de vocês!
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
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Três semanas depois..
Em todos esses anos de vida nunca imaginei que uma criaturinha tão pequena poderia me causar tanto, mais tanto enjoo. A sensação de mal estar se dava em setenta por cento do meu dia, enquanto os outros vinte por cento passava de joelhos no chão, com a cabeça enfiada na privada vomitando tudo que eu comia. E fazia apenas dois meses de gestação.
- Ai meu bebê, deixa a mamãe respirar só um pouquinho. - disse passando água pelo meu rosto pela oitava vez na última hora. No momento que molho a face novamente escuto a campainha tocar. - Ótimo.. - resmungo ao fechar a torneira e pegar a toalhinha que carrego comigo pela casa. Ultimamente meu humor não estava dos melhores por conta das quedas e picos hormonais. No entanto, quando abri a porta e me deparei com ele em casa um sorriso se abriu em meu rosto. - Você!
- Oie! - respondeu sorridente e impossibilitado para ser abraçado, já que carregava inúmeras sacolas e um pacote grande em seu colo. - Atrapalho?
- Não, imagina. Pode entrar!
- Com licença. - seu modo tímido e educado nunca mudava.
- Deixa eu te ajudar com isso. - falei enquanto pegava o pacote grande que ele tentava segurar e então fechei a porta.
- Desculpa vir sem avisar.. mas eu estava de passagem pelo bairro e resolvi passar aqui para ver como você está, e como nosso nenenzinho está. - Malik soltou um sorriso ao sentar no sofá e observar minha barriga ainda pequena.
- Estamos bem! - respondi enquanto me sentava ao lado dele no sofá. - Apesar dos enjoos e vômitos recorrentes estamos bem.
- O remédio não está funcionando?
- Mais ou menos. - fiz uma careta. - Tem dias que funciona, outros nem tanto.
- Que droga.. podemos tentar outra coisa, talvez um chá. - sugeriu preocupado. - Estive lendo e alguns alimentos são bons pra esse tipo de mal estar. - um sorrisinho involuntário surgiu em meus lábios. Eu estava amando ter a preocupação dele voltada a mim de novo.
- Podemos tentar sim.
- Bem, aproveitando que estava aqui perto eu fiz algumas comprinhas. - nós rimos.
- A criança ainda nem nasceu e já tem um monte de coisa.
- Eu não me contenho quando vejo qualquer coisa que remete a bebê. - ri enquanto ele abre a primeira sacola revelando um mini vans preto, a coisinha mais fofa do mundo.
- Anw, meu Deus!!
- Me diz se não é uma gracinha!
- Demais!
- Não vejo a hora de vestir nela… ou nele.
- Você tem tanta certeza que vai ser uma menina? - questionei rindo depois que admirei o mini tênis, devolvendo-o para caixa.
- Eu já sonhei tantas vezes com uma menina que tô achando que é real.
- Tenho consulta na próxima quinta-feira, onze da manhã. Se estiver livre.
- Vou sim, com toda certeza. - sorrio entusiasmada. Nos minutos seguintes nós continuamos abrindo os presente que o papai babão comprou e cada sacola revelada mais apaixonada e ansiosa eu ficava pela vinda da criança mais amada do planeta.
- Acho que essa sacolinha é a última. - comentei enquanto pegava a embalagem de uma loja de jóias.
- Então, essa daí é pra você. - ergui as sobrancelhas em sinal de supresa e sorri. Quando abri me deparei com uma caixinha quadrada e preta.
- Um anel? - embora o anel com uma pedrinha vermelha brilhante fosse lindíssimo, questionei entre risadas, sem entender muita coisa.
- Tem uma surpresinha dentro da pedra. - Zayn apontou para o acessório. - Fecha um dos olhos e veja o que tem dentro. - franzi a testa, curiosa e receosa ao mesmo tempo mas fiz o que ele mandou. Ao aproximar o brilho avermelhado do meu olho direito pude ver uma foto, e quando totalmente perto do meu foco visual consegui reconhecer a fotografia dentro daquela pedrinha. Era a foto do dia mais feliz da minha vida, quando nós dissemos sim um para o outro. E como duas crianças entusiasmadas posamos para a melhor foto daquele dia em meio a tantas tiradas no casamento: ambos rindo para os ares e mostrando que realmente casamos quando apontamos para a aliança no dedo anelar, com a frente da mão virada para a câmera. Um turbilhão de sentimentos invadiu-me naquele segundo, e eu nem pude segurar a vontade de chorar já que a emoção foi mais forte de qualquer outro sentimento. Eu parecia reviver aquele momento de euforia e espontaneidade. A mais pura alegria fazia parte do meu ser naquele dia, e aquela foto em especial conseguiu capturar exatamente o que eu sentia.
- Que coisa mais linda.. - falei com a voz chorosa. - Eu amo essa foto. - ri observando novamente aquela obra de arte.
- Eu também. - pude vê-lo sorrir. - A felicidade que senti nesse momento foi a mais genuína possível. - assenti, fazendo das palavras dele as minhas. - Essa foto é a minha tela de bloqueio do notebook. - meus olhos marejados foram ao encontro de Zayn. - Fazia alguns meses que eu não abri meu notebook e na semana passada eu precisei ligá-lo. Quando acendeu a tela, eu vi essa foto. - apontou para o anel. - Fiquei observando a imagem por uns quinze minutos e um filme passou pela minha cabeça. Eu me teletransportei para o exato momento em que tiramos a foto. Consegui até escutar você dizendo ‘Vamos tirar aquela foto brega apontando para as alianças e rindo à toa?’ - soltei uma risada ao relembrar minha fala. - E nós nem precisamos rir à toa porque o momento era tão alegre que nem fizemos esforços para fingir. - concordei limpando as lágrimas que caiam com mais rapidez agora. - Foi naquele momento, encarando essa foto que descobri que o amor que sinto por você é leve, é alegre, é feliz. - fez uma pausa e buscou minhas mãos, acariciando-as. - Foi observando o nosso sorriso que percebi que o medo de te ter longe é muito menor do que o amor que sinto por você, S/N. Eu sou e sempre serei apaixonado por cada pedacinho seu. E quando eu digo cada pedacinho, incluo também o fruto do nosso amor dentro de você. A vinda dessa criança me fez refletir que a minha vida perderá um pouco de cor se eu não puder ver vocês rindo juntos, porque a sua risada me contagia, e misturada com a desse bebê eu tenho certeza que vai colorir o meu dia. Então, S/A, eu estou te dando este anel como se estivéssemos nos casando de novo, recuperando a nossa felicidade genuína como a desta foto, te pedindo para me aceitar novamente como seu esposo, pois eu prometo que eu vou te amar, te respeitar, na alegria e na tristeza, na saúde e na doença, até que a morte nos separe. - a essa altura meu choro controlado já havia se descontrolado por completo. Meu coração parecia sair pela boca. A emoção me trazia um milhão de sentimentos bons, levando-me a abraçar fortemente o meu amor depois de semanas longe.
- Isso não se faz com uma grávida. - ele riu enquanto limpava minhas lágrimas com os dedões.
- E então? Você aceita se casar comigo de novo?
- Aceito, meu amor! Um milhão de vezes, eu aceito!
Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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Okay but why is this ⬇️
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the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this ⬇️
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daisyblog · 1 year
Our Story
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Summary: YN and Harry have known each other since 2010 when YN's brother, Louis, is put in a band with Harry and three other boys when they auditioned for The X Factor. From the very beginning, YN and Harry were always close, and as time went on feelings grew deeper. This is YN and Harry's story. Faceclaim: Maia Mitchell
YN Tomlinson An insight into YN's life.
Tattoos YN's tattoos.
Songs Songs (or parts of songs) Harry's written about YN.
Lockscreen Harry and YN's lockscreen photos over the years.
Name a Girl
Couples Quiz
Belong Together
Will You Go On A Date With Me? YN and Harry spend time together and their feelings start to grow. First Date YN and Harry go on their first date. Caught YN and Harry’s relationship is exposed after a photo of them kissing is leaked. Written in Louis' POV.
Caught: Pt2 How Niall, Zayn and Liam found out about Harry and YN's relationship.
Trust YN and Harry take the next step in their relationship.
Worried YN is worried after her and Harry take the next step in their relationship, and ends up talking to Anne about it.
Kiss and Make Up Harry and YN have their first argument.
Happy Birthday YN It's YN's Birthday.
YN in This Is Us YN appears in clips in One Direction: This Is Us. Story Of My Life YN appears in the Story Of My Life music video.
Team Niall YN at The Niall Horan Charity Football Match.
Where We Are YN appears in clips in Where We Are San Siro.
Late YN realises her period is late.
Mother's Love Anne and Jay can see the love Harry and YN have for each other.
Night Changes YN in Harry's part of the Night Changes music video.
Never Have I Ever Harry gets embarrassed playing a game of Never Have I Ever on The Jonathan Ross Show.
Just Hold On Harry takes care of YN.
Teddy Harry surprises YN with a new little addition to their family.
Little Break People find out that Harry and YN have broken up.
Cherry How Cherry was made.
To Be So Lonely How To Be So Lonely was made.
Adore You How Adore You was made.
Burnout Harry and Louis help YN.
Zach Sang Show Louis discusses a small part of YN and Harry's relationship on a talk show.
Spill Your Guts: Harry Styles & YN Tomlinson Harry challenges YN to a game of Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts. Friendship Test Niall Horan and YN Tomlinson Take a Friendship Test.
I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here YN is on I'm A Celeb.
Unexpected Visitor YN has an unexpected visitor.
Zane Lowe YN is mentioned in Harry’s interview with Zane Lowe.
Uncle Popstar Freddie goes to one of Harry's shows.
Capital FM Interview Harry talks about his new music, My Policeman and Don’t Worry Darling…and of course YN.
Venice Film Festival YN and Louis attend the Venice Film Festival with Harry.
Proud Sister YN is by Louis side at his London Premiere for All of Those Voices.
YN and Harry Love On Tour YN and Harry's Outfits and Instagrams during Love On Tour.
Love At Wembley Harry asks YN to marry him at Wembley.
"I'm here for your girlfriend" Harry announces he's engaged during a Wembley Show.
“Oh Harry” Anne’s reaction to ‘Keep Driving’ lyrics.
Thank You Harry and YN's Love On Tour thank you posts on their Instagram stories.
Faith In The Future Tour Snippets of YN and Harry supporting Louis on his tour.
Niece YN's reaction to having her first Niece.
Mrs Burton YN's reaction to Lottie getting engaged.
Hair YN's reaction to Harry's new hairstyle.
Pregnancy Follow YN and Harry's journey through pregnancy.
Uncle Harry Harry and YN meet Gemma’s baby.
Love Day Harry and YN celebrate their first Valentine’s Day as a married couple.
Hormones YN gets emotional listening to Louis’ interview.
Birthday Twin YN and Harry welcome their baby girl into the world.
Uncle Louis Louis meets Grace for the first time.
Dad Mode Harry is overprotective of Grace and worries about everything.
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muserryy · 7 months
HI!!! I'm nan, 18 and i write mostly about harry styles.
link to my other social media : wattpad, pinterest, instagram (I also write fake texts there sometimes)
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Back home to you - harry returns home after finishing his tour and surprise y/n.
What did you get me? (part 2 of back home to you)
Larry's little kitten - harry, louis with his broken wrist and their little kitten, blue.
There's no place like home - harry plans a secret harryween just for him and his love.
Stargazing - the title says it all.
His necklace - harry gives you his necklace as a keepsake.
People blues - harry supports and helps you overcome your antisocial tendencies.
Late night calls - you can't sleep so you call harry in the middle of the night.
Tie the bow - you make harry do the coquette bow trend.
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Dear Baby Harry (hs)
Favorite pair of eyes (hs)
Your handwriting (hs)
to-do list
harry is such a babygirl.
i wanna be bestfriends with harry
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