undi3sss · 4 years
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So I made a thing....
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undi3sss · 4 years
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loving the new trailer for the upcomming broom broom movie...
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undi3sss · 4 years
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Hey look I made an unoriginal meme... Jokes aside though, i’d be down for Lyn and Tiki....
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undi3sss · 4 years
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Star Wars wasn't the only thing to have changes on Disney +. 
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undi3sss · 4 years
Episode 7 spoilers without context.
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undi3sss · 4 years
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undi3sss · 5 years
My Photoshop is shit, but I made a thing.
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undi3sss · 5 years
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I saw Mr Squiggle trending, coz it's been like 60 years or something and there were photos of some of the art he drew over the years..... So I made this meme i'm not sure why haha
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undi3sss · 5 years
They're not the best, but I tried to make my boys in The Sims 4
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undi3sss · 5 years
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The new Avengers Endgame posters are looking pretty good....
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undi3sss · 5 years
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Legit me every time I scare myself seeing Mr X in resident Evil 2.
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undi3sss · 5 years
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So the new Dororo anime remake is fucking amazing. For those who don’t know it’s about a guy who has to hunt down and kill demons to get his stolen body parts back. This is my favourite scene that hasn’t happened in the show yet, and luckily for Hyakkimaru he hasn’t gotten his eyes back to know he’s got a micro....
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undi3sss · 6 years
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I’m so upset they canceled Daredevil,  but at least the ending of season 3 was perfect.
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undi3sss · 6 years
Undies’ Reviews: My Game of the Year 2018.
Oh boi! it’s that time of year again. It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!! it’s Christmas!!! ... Wait sorry I meant, 2018 Game of the Year discussion time!!! woop woop!.
That’s right bois, Merry fucking Game of the Year. It’s time for that super original content where everyone talks about their favourite video games for 2018. The time where everyone gets their flaming pitch forks out and rages at people for having different opinions! it’s triggering time.
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Ah 2018 what a year it’s been for video games. From hundreds of amazing battle royale clones, to games rich in story and content like Fallout 76. We saw Kratos become a daddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , horse testicles that shrink in the cold, climbable Zeus penis statues, and Spider-Man doing everything a spider can like spectrograph puzzles!. 
So what is my Game of the Year you ask?. 
Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Baby!. I mean how can any game with ‘ass’ in the title be bad? yet alone twice. Assassin's Creed is a series that certainly isn’t milked dry yet. Every new game in the series is a refreshing and new experience, full of juicy new microtransactions to buy and fun new game breaking glitches. 
On a serious note however I do genuinely think Assassin’s Creed Odyssey deserves much more praise than it’s being given. 
After finishing Red Dead Redemption 2 this week I suddenly realised just how good Assassin’s Creed Odyssey really is. Everything I disliked about Red Dead Redemption 2 wasn’t a problem for me in Assassin’s Creed. Assassin's Creed just knew how to be fun, see Red Dead Redemption 2 focused too much on realism. That’s not to say I don’t appreciate the amazing amount of detail in the game, but to me overly realistic features just aren’t that fun. Seriously what sick pervert even looks at their horse’s testicles to see if they shrink in the cold?. ‘’Boo this game isn’t realistic enough the testicles don’t shirk in the cold 0/10!!!’’ *throws controller at TV*.
One example of a problem I have in Red Dead Redemption 2 is that your horse doesn’t instantly teleport to you when you whistle, which means you end up walking for a very long time just to get to your horse. I realise that I could just steal someone else’s horse, but my horse has my weapons. You can’t always find a horse to steal, and if i’m being honourable I have to go out of my way to return it later or Arthur is going to be called a naughty little boi and get a smack smack on his bot bot.
Not only does your horse not come instantly when you whistle, but most of the time your horse probably can’t even hear your whistle because he’s too far away. Actually you probably can’t even whistle for your horse because you don’t exercise enough and got puffed walking for 20 minutes trying to get to your horse.  
People always hate on the Ubisoft staple fast travel  towers, but damn is it convenient compared to Red Dead Redemption’s fast travel. In Red Dead Redemption 2 you first need to buy a fast travel upgrade at camp, then you can fast travel to towns from your main camp site, but if you’re in the middle of nowhere you’ll still need to walk for ages defeating the point of fast travel. 
After you go hunting in Red Dead Redemption 2 you have to watch a long animation of Arthur skinning the animal, then you have to pick up the skin and walk it to your horse. This is pretty cool at first, but after awhile you just want to skip the animation and have everything auto pick up like in Assassin’s Creed.
I’m not going to keep shitting on Red Dead Redemption 2, I do love the game despite many the annoying mechanics, but at the end of the day it just showed me how good Assassin’s Creed was. It was just a more enjoyable experience for me.
But what about God of War and Spider-Man? they’re the other really big Game of the Year contenders. Why do I like Assassin’s Creed more than them?. Truth is I really can’t pick between these three games, they all have the own strengths and weaknesses, but I feel like everyone is saying Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best of the bunch, so I pretty much just wanted to talk about how I was disappointed by Cowboy Simulator 2018 for not being Grand Theft Auto with horses like the first Red Dead Redemption game XD.
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undi3sss · 6 years
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Guys, I just found out Brendan Fraser has a sister called Brenda......
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undi3sss · 6 years
Conspiracy Theories: Brendan Fraser is Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.
Guys! what i’m about to tell you is truly shocking. You may wish to call me a crazy liar, you may try to lock me up in a lunatic asylum, but I assure you the following is 100% legit truth. *Alexa play The X-Files Theme*
Do you remember that actor named Brendan Fraser who stared in pretty much all of the 90s and early 2000s popcorn comedy action films?. Classics movies like The Mummy, Encino Man, and George of the Jungle. The very same actor who just mysteriously vanished from Hollywood only to recently tell us the depressing reason why he left. Well what if he never left at all? I believe that Brendan Fraser is actually Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson in disguise.
Have you noticed how The Rock is in pretty much every popcorn comedy action film nowadays. He’s even been in many sequels to movies staring Brendan such as, Journey to the Centre of The Earth and GI Joe.  In fact The Rock’s ‘first’ acting role was as The Scorpion King in the Mummy Returns a movie staring himself Brendan Fraser. It’s no coincidence that The Rock’s acting career began just as Brendan started the end of his.
Just like Brendan, all of The Rock’s movies and characters are pretty much the same, none of his movies are masterpieces but they’re always a good time, because the actor is just a likeable guy who makes any role fun.  
I’m not that great when it comes to photoshop, but I’ve gone ahead and replaced The Rock with Brendan Fraser just to show how identical they truly are. I bet you can’t even see the difference. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, more like Welcome to the George of the Jungle am I right!?.
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You may be thinking to yourself, how and why does he do it?. Well it’s simple really, there’s many secrets and scandals in Hollywood that the public rarely hear about  *cough like Kevin Spacey*. Actors and Directors would have been paid lots of money to cover this secret up, they clearly needed a new face for the millennials to grown up with and well lets face it Brendan was starting to age which probably meant less job offers and less sex appeal to the teenage girls. A new face and new abs meant he could stay relevant as someone else. At first they copied Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible and used latex masks, but now CGI has come such along way so it’s all computers doing the work. Remember when Henry Cavill had his moustache digitally removed from the Superman film? that’s nothing compared to our boi Brendan. 
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undi3sss · 6 years
Undies' Reviews: Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
Oh boy it's that time of year again, it's time for the annual Assassin's Creed game. Except it's not annual, because they skipped a year that one time.
This year in Assassin's Creed: (Insert random fancy word here) "Odyssey" we're taken back to the Peloponnesian War.
This is the first game in the series were we get to chose between two playable characters, Kassandra and the other one. Lets face it does anyone pick the guy?. Though unlike in Syndicate with the Frye siblings, you're stuck with one character all game, so definitely don't pick the not Kassandra one.
Once you start the game up you're greeted by a giant statue of Zeus' penis. You know you're going to climb it, have a giggle, and then tell all your friends. Except you don’t have friends.
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So the story is pretty straightforward at first, it revolves around Kassandra trying to find her lost family. If only they had social media to stay in touch back then.
Later on in the game you get to meet the usual token historical real life figures, this time around we get to meet that old guy from Bill and Ted, So Crates.
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If you've played AC Origins then you pretty much know what to expect gameplay wise. The changes are really pretty minor, for example instead of the Phylakes walking around trying to kill you, you have mercenaries walking around trying to kill you.
I hear a lot of people saying this game is grindy and that you'll need to do lots of side missions to be able to be a high enough level for the main story. I honestly didn't see this as a problem, I mean who buys a huge open world game just to experience a small fraction of it anyway?.
You'll kinda be like a Crow who sees something shiny and needs to touch it, because in Odyssey the map is full of things to do, so getting XP is pretty easy.
One of the new features in Odyssey is the conquest system. Which lets you have little battles between Sparta and Athens. At first it was pretty fun pretending to be Gerard Butler and screaming "This is Sparta" as you killed off all of the Athens bois, but that soon wears off.
It's been awhile since I've played Origins, but I don't quite remember it being as easy to get legendary gear. They've added some optional cult leader targets to hunt down and kill and every single one gives you legendary gear. Though legendary gear doesn't seem that great, because you get more stat boosts with epic gear. Did they not play Fortnite? everyone knows legendary should be better than epic.
Assassin's Creed games are like my biggest guilty pleasure, they aren't masterpieces, the story never really grabs me that much, and they are usually pretty buggy. Though they always manage to draw me in with their historical settings and gameplay. You always kinda know what to expect when you load the games up and I'm certainly looking forward to more Assassin's Creed games in the future. I imagine Ubisoft are already working on Assassin's Creed: Sunshine, Galaxy, and Bowser's Inside Story.
I rate this game 7 out of 10. Not enough Zeus Penis
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