aesthetic-writing · 2 years
there is a proper time for everything to take place. you neither have to be lazy nor have to be in rush. be still and find what makes you happy and once you find, always do it consistently. never be judgemental about what you are doing, if you are genuinely doing it and enjoying it, you should never judge your work.
don't be money-oriented but be pleasure-oriented then only you can produce something and when you produce something, they call it by names like 'CREATIVITY' and you by names like 'GOD-GIFTED', and then fortune follows you automatically.
lots of people get it but very few apply it in their lives while rest just brush it off calling it merely another philosophical thought.
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aesthetic-writing · 2 years
feelings don't matter
when you are alive
so start writing
let it speak for you
when you are dead
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aesthetic-writing · 2 years
being a human is so much of pain, you know, you can have greater incentives but when you don't have any desire to attain anything, it makes you feel trapped in your own life. you become so unattached and dispassionate, you loose the momentum of your life and you can't wait to escape from the reality wherein you are living like a prisoner.
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aesthetic-writing · 2 years
powerlessness! damnn why does it prevail in all of us most of the times?!!!!!
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aesthetic-writing · 2 years
Two traps you need to avoid:
1. Caring what they think
2. Thinking what they care
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aesthetic-writing · 3 years
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