armpit · 5 years
We are insignificant.
Yes, it is good to freak out about the environment. Melting polar caps, deforestation, non-biodegradable waste, etc.
But earth isn’t dying.
It’s just becoming less hospitable for the likes of us. Creatures with a need to consume and destroy.
Soon, we’ll die out when WE run out of resources.
While Mother Earth continues her revolutions around the sun, along with her other planetory siblings.
Mother Earth isn’t dying.
You are.
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armpit · 6 years
The Ideal Partner
“I’m such a selfish person. I’m fun and caring but I’m not very responsible. I’m not a proper, wholesome man.” 

I want someone to chose me because being with me is an adventure – because you want to be swallowed up by life. Ideally, you would like to not know where your life is going.  Hah. How appealing does that sound. 
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armpit · 6 years
Premature Ripening
We used to view life with so much optimism. All the possibilities, the realness, the belief, the anticipation, the opportunities, so on and so forth. And then one day, a great big hand slaps the innocence out of you - the breakup, the loss of a job, a failure in class, getting cheated on, death, etc. It's different for each of us in terms of scale and situation. But that is one slap you can never recover from. It changes you. It hardens you. And suddenly you see the world in a different light. The magic lost, and yourself, a wary person. Is this what it means to mature?
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armpit · 7 years
Shelving Memories
I try to read as much as I can. And I try my best to get physical books.  Dusty, waste of home space, must carry around in your bag, cannot get wet, more expensive, blah blah blah.  So why keep buying books when you could just get a Kindle (lightweight, stores many books at once), or download eBooks off the web (easily for free)? Because I can keep my memories in little volumes.  Maybe it’s weird, but I chronicle fragments of my memories in everyday life - through reading. I don’t know maybe it only works for me, but you can try it out yourself and tell me.  I try to always carry a book with me and read everywhere I go. And these books, like mementos, become the bookmarks of my life. When I look at each title, it brings me back to the place and time I was reading it. I can easily point to a book on my shelf and tell you where I was and what I was doing during the period of the book.  And the best part? It can record both chronologically and emotionally. For example: 1. Journeys - I have a book that captures an entire Bali trip with my friends, reading it triggers the memory of having beer by the pool with friends, reading on the beach, reading while travelling to Lembongan on boat, etc. 2. Life Milestones - I was reading a book during a breakup, and although the book was not emotional (non-fiction), i will always have that memory attached to it. 3. Childhood - I remember reading a lot of Roald Dahl and every time i see a Roald Dahl novel it takes me back to hiding, reading under the sheets when mama says it’s time to sleep.  4. The Everyday - Unfortunately, I associate some really great interesting books with the daily train commute to work. :( 5. Etc. (I’m sure you have a book that reminds you of an occasion that you were reading through) Memories aside, I still enjoy learning and reading stories and stuff. And also, I just kinda like staring at them all organised on the shelf.  How can I discuss this weird subject with anyone? Hence, anonymous blogging. 
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armpit · 7 years
Realise This
“The universe does not operate on logic. Logic is a human invention, a specific skill set that functions well in some contexts and utterly fails in others. On a grand scale, a black hole does not ask whether swallowing a star it is logical, it just happens. On a smaller scale, a cheetah does not ask the rabbit about logic.”
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armpit · 7 years
Weight of this world
That’s how I like my tunes.
Because it’s reflective of the world we live in.
The really sweet moments. There were definitely those peppered around. Just moments of pure bliss. When all other concerns melt away and the only the immediate now matters.
These experiences only happen fewer than we like each lifetime. And the moments get rarer and rarer.
We lose the rush of new experiences the more we see.
As we understand, the world loses its magic.
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armpit · 8 years
Life sucks. But not being alive sucks more. 
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armpit · 9 years
How to be happy
How to be happy: Step 1: Take a knife Step 2: Put your left thumb on the chopping board Step 3: Chop it off Step 4: Stare at your right thumb and marvel  - aren’t you glad you still have one functional thumb left?
We’re always searching for external sources of happiness and we take all the existing things for granted. Like being born with 4 limbs, a working mind, 5 senses, etc.
I woke up today not caring, not thinking about my sense of sight. But if I were to be blinded tomorrow, all I’d want is to get my vision back. We really don’t know how lucky we are. I should be happy now. You should be happy now. We all should be satisfied with what we have.
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armpit · 9 years
Sane Insane All The Same
Are you insane if you know that you are insane?
Or are you discovering your sanity?
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armpit · 9 years
Love is hell
Traditionally, the Chinese believe that you can burn hell notes as currency for the deceased.  Well, people burn hell notes if they remember and love you.  I guess love is the currency in hell.
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armpit · 9 years
I am not as think as you drunk I am
Who’s the better man: The guy who does good under the influence, or the guy who does nothing sober? Drugs and alcohol are said to have a negative impact on society. But isn’t what you do under the influence an even better measure of your character?
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armpit · 9 years
This moment is the youngest you'll ever be
I’m living, but not alive. Im dying, but not dead. Not here. Not there. 
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armpit · 9 years
You’re having a bad case of humans
We are the parasites of the earth. All we ever do is take, hoard and destroy. And soon, when we deplete and drain our resources dry, we’re going to hop onto our revolutionary rocket ships to infect other distant planets. I pray we never find any other hospitable planets out there. Ever. After all, we’re just like blood sucking fleas. But smarter, and way more vicious.
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armpit · 9 years
Are dragons real? What about fairies? Or the loch ness monster? You‘d probably say no. You’d probably tell me they are just creatures that we’ve created. You can’t touch them, hold them or smell them. They don’t exist in our world.  But then again, what about ethics, morals, the law, dignity, sanity, norms, etc.? Aren’t they just human constructs as well? Aren’t they as fictitious as our magical creatures?  I understand that these values are set up to establish order, to keep us productive and progressive. We all know what’s the “right” way to behave, but what if you don’t follow the prescribed way to live? Let’s say I go caveman tomorrow. I don’t hurt anyone, I live on the edge of a city near the forrest. I hunt rabbits and live in a cave to survive.  People would just look at me and go:  “Look at that crazy fool! He’s unshaven and living in a cave. He just killed a rabbit! Oh my look at how cruel he is! No, don’t let him into our society! He is not safe! Let’s put him in an asylum.” I don’t know. I don’t understand people. I’m just trying to fit in everyday. To conform. To follow our mythical, imaginary principles. That supposedly make me a better person. Or rather, a better fit in “our” society.  Believe in them, cause they are as real as bigfoot, werewolves and harry potter. 
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armpit · 9 years
Get tired or get fired
Sleep is for the week. No sleep is for the weekend.
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armpit · 9 years
"When i grow up, I wanna be a cloud"
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Look at this water. Just look at it. It’s different every second. It’s the same waterfall but the water you’ve been staring at a second ago is now at the end of the river flowing out and mixing itself into the sea.
When we die, don’t we just transit like the water? 
Let’s say I die next week, they bury me. Eventually I rot. My body decomposes and the atoms and molecules in my skin and blood blend into the soil. I become the nitrogen, the phosphorus, the calcium, the iron and everything that a little blade of grass needs. I enter the grass as nutrients and become part of the grass.
A cow eats me and now i’m part of the cow. He pees most of me out because i’m 80% water. I evaporate and become part of the sky. And then I fulfil my childhood dream of becoming a cloud. Yay.
We lose our consciousness when we die, but I guess we carry on in other ways? Haha I’m not even sure.  
But what I do know is that there’s probably a remnant of Michael Jackson, Hitler, the mighty T-rex and my great grandma somewhere out there, in the clouds or in a potato.
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armpit · 9 years
From what I can tell - heaven is hell
Have you ever wondered how people would look like in heaven? I mean what form are we supposed to take?
Does God reset everyone's age to when they looked the best? I assume most people would peak at around 18. Your grandma would look the same age as you. Would you be able to recognise your parents then? And would they gravitate towards you? I mean they had their own parents too right? After all they were once 10 years old too. Why should they be responsible for you? Would you want to take care of your son after you die? Especially if you're 18 years old again?
In movies and TV shows people look like how they were at the time of death. A bearded 40 year old man retains his bearded 40 year old appearance, just like how the 27 year old cobain keeps his beard in heaven.
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If that's the case would heaven be filled with headless people? War heroes with holes in their arms and legs? Or maybe it's like a gigantic old folks home since the majority of people die of old age. I wouldn't want to struggle for an eternity with my crutches and dentures.
That would be hell. In heaven.
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