astrodoll2 · 4 months
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Hey guys I’m back, ima start posting again soon but If you guys are open to exchange readings dm me!
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astrodoll2 · 1 year
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬
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Collaborative PAC between @astrodoll2 , @neptunianrose, @m00nt4r0t , & @daarlingdatura
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PILE ONE @astrodoll2
For this pile I’m seeing your strongest psychic abilities is your ability to manifest into the physical whatever it is you desire, you’d also be really good at witchcraft for this reason especially working with herbs and earthly things, a practical routine could suit you very well especially if you’re more of a logical person the more steps there is to something the more you may believe it’ll actually work since your putting effort into something you also without realizing it are putting intentions into it and greater energy which allows the power to manifest. You can manifest very quickly and easily especially with finances and material luxuries. You bring a lot of stability financially to yourself but you attract it most when you yourself are feeling stable and calm within, for as how they manifest whenever you’re generous with your resources and what you have to offer you receive it back 10 fold, you can be very fortunate and attract a lot of good luck but you could lose it just as quickly if you start doubting yourself, becoming worried or rushing/forcing things by being impulsive due to fear, since your mindset has alot to do with what you’re attracting over thinking negatively will do you any favors on the contrary the more you let go the more you bring in, don’t be impulsive but don’t be afraid to be bold and take risks, along with manifesting you can make actual wishes just by summoning your spirit guides and they will abide. How to strengthen this ability, well like I was saying before your mind needs to be at a relaxed state, meditation is recommended for you, don’t hold onto pains or past failures, you really need to let go of a lot of negative self talk or doubts within that create these limiting beliefs and cause resistance to your manifestions, speaking out loud in your room alone what it is you want like making a request to the universe or your guides, subliminals could help, don’t volunteer in gossip since it only attracts that back. Being optimistic and stable in the knowing that it will manifest is how you will bring it to you and once you start manifesting little things and keep seeing it come to fruition it will build your confidence and help you manifest a lot smoother because I see you will be a master at this once you’ve improved on your self worth especially, working on self concept is great but also because I feel like you may subconsciously feel like you aren’t deserving of all these luxuries you could get or feeling like you should work harder because you’ve heard others say things don’t come easy or money doesn’t grow on trees but honestly that is just a mindset which is why alot of people will stay at that point for basically their whole lives, so don’t let it be you, because I see that you’re meant to have all your desires as well all are but for you it will initially come easier maybe because you’ve had past lives where you were extremely good at manipulating energy so it’ll be natural once you get the hang of it. Let go and let flow. PILE TWO @neptunianrose
Beautiful are the gifts that have been bestowed upon you but the best of them all is your healing ability! Your words are melting walls away, caressing wounds, making worries disappear. Specifically, anything that is related to one's childhood and most innocent years can be so easily healed and through your help! You can identify hidden traumas and cuts. There are times when you think you've said the wrong things and get the truth is that you just hit clode to home, even without intending to. I like your energy if I am being honest. Your gift can be used as a weapon as well but that won't ever be the case cause you don't want to create pain. I am reminded of Katara from Avatar and her amazing skills. If you do intent to expand these parts of yourself you could become quite well known for it. There are many energy healing methods, reiki being the first to pop up in my head, which I recommend you to look into. Whichever stands out to you the best can be the gateway to a whole new path that will bring light into your life. Spiritualism seems important for you and your purpose! I usually dislike talking about things as if they are set in stone but you are clearly meant to use your inclination towards the mystical for helping people. Healing can be in itself a way for you to tend to your own wounds and help you process your grief better. I got the six of cups which makes me think that you can specifically access someone's inner child and fantasies. They feel safe enough around you to allow this aspect come to light and be shown to you (and that only tells us what a beautiful soul you have!). I want to say that, as rare as they might be, occasions in which your gift is turned against others are not impossible. Us humans can be defensive when pushed to, even the kindest of all. So don't underestimate your desire to hurt when you yourself are experiencing a big amount of anger. This is just an advice coming from the source to prevent you from causing too much damage (don't forget you are a human though and mistakes can be made).
What I am about to say in this part is very similar to the paragraph above but, with enough patience, you could easily channel any secret or hidden information. You have a psychic ability which you're unaware of that helps you remove the shadows and see what usually lurks inside of them. You have definitely used it unintentionally at times and most likely thought it was just intrusive thoughts but oh my, that is so far from the truth! I do feel like there is more to your gifts that have been revealed today but you must work on these for now before diving deeper.
PILE THREE @m00nt4r0t
okayy so as soon as i lit my incense, the flame was big and continued to grow in size. it was a bit hard for me to blow it out at first, but don't worry, i did lol. to me, this indicates very fiery and passionate energy, and that it must be contained before it gets out of control and engulfs everything in it's path.
what are your unique psychic abilities? i feel like a major psychic ability you possess is the power to avert danger away from you and others. there's this very protective, nurturing essence that surrounds you and basically scares away danger itself. i feel like the reason you have this is because of your emotional, loving and creative nature. you could've gone through some dark, traumatic experiences that have caused you to have this "man-eater" vibe (although the phrase specifies men, i mean it for any gender.) you have a very deep, emotional side to you that is very nurturing and caring, and you protect it with a harsh demeanor. you are a very passionate person and i wouldn't be surprised if you triggered heavy amounts of passion in others by simply just existing and doing your thing. you could be reposting whatever resonates with your energy and this inspires others to step more into the energy that you naturally possess. you are someone who is very influencing, whether you try to be or not. if you have any siblings, whether they're older or younger than you, i feel like they definitely look up to you and admire your style and your way of being. if they're older, then you influence them to indulge in more "youthful" trends and whatnot. okay, i'm also getting that part of your psychic abilities could be making others sick?? like, if they do wrong by you or have ill intentions with you, they become sick or their skin starts to break out, or maybe even someone they love gets sick. you also cause others to fear changes with you? like, whether the change is good or bad, people you connect with tend to be a bit intimidated by you and aren't very good at reading your emotions nor your energy, so they may think that certain things they say and do will cause a transformation in the connection.  also, you have the ability to take on a lot at once. even if you don't think so, you are very good at multi-tasking. i also think that you're most spiritually powerful whenever you're sitting down (or during moments of personal peace and stillness.) you have a lot of passed on loved ones by your side whom are also pretty powerful and they are part of the reason that others get sick whenever they cross you. also, i feel like your power heavily includes your knowledge and your wittiness. you're someone who knows a lot more than they say and this makes you so so so powerful. i feel like people know you know a lot, but they don't know what you know so this can be a bit intimidating to a lot of people. you may also know a lot of secrets which could include other people's secrets and secrets of the universe. i feel like you're more than capable of communicating with those on the other side and you could've been doing so since you were very young. i also feel like your family may be very similar to you in this way, even if they don't believe it. if you have an altar then this is increasing your psychic abilities more than you may have expected it to. lastly… your seductive energy is immaculate and every time you step into this type of energy, it grows stronger and stronger. i'm seeing an aura just expanding and engulfing more and more people within it. i don't want to get to explicit so i'll just say this: if you haven't studied sex magic, you probably should. also, adding your sexual energy into whatever you create will be extremely magnetising, so keep that in mind.
how do your psychic abilities manifest? your psychic abilities manifest in a way that makes others want to cling onto your energy for dear life. people refuse to let go of you. even if they don't speak to you, they will still think of you, check up on you online, ask people about you, be inspired by you, etc.  i feel like there's a lot of people from your past who are "stuck" on you, even those who claim not to like you (they're literally in love with you.) and although i said you avert danger, i feel like danger still lingers. to give you a visual, i imagine danger as some person looking at you through the window of your house; they can't get in, but they are watching. this could be in terms of evil eye and baneful magick towards you. i'm also getting that your abilities manifest in the way that others speak to you and about you. for example, people tend to feel very seduced by you so they flirt with you. another example, people don't want the connection with you to change so they over-explain and basically kiss your ass to stay on great terms with you. this feels kind of obvious but your abilities manifest in forms of creativity and random moments of intense inspiration that you get. if you randomly get the urge to write a song, write a book, draw something or make a piece of clothing, it's because your abilities are looking for an energetic outlet. you may tend to keep your abilities to yourself but they are begging to be released and seen/heard by others (3:33 on my clock) because whenever you do something creating, it is being driven by the powers you have within you and you're pretty much doing magick by creating, even if it is just a piece of clothing or writing on a paper. your abilities manifest in the littlest things you do, whether it be taking a bath, smoking a cigarette, laughing at something funny, dressing up to go out. all of it is, of course, inspired by your psychic abilities because they're so magnetizing that even you tend to get hypnotized by them. however, i do feel like whenever you're feeling extremely angry/sad/bitter, then it can manifest some chaos into your life if you don't release these emotions as calmly and quickly as possible. bottling up your emotions is not at all good for you and those around you because of how powerful you naturally are. i feel like you don't have to worry too much because of the fact that you're very protected, but it's still important to keep that in mind. your abilities also manifest in the way that you love and care for others, so i can definitely see a protective shield around those you love simply just because you love them. your abilities may also manifest in those you love and they become more enlightened in their own ways.
how to strengthen your gifts: as i shuffled an image of someone smoking (specifically a blunt, but could be anything) came into my head, so i think that smoking certain herbs (please study which herbs are safe to smoke) can strengthen your abilities! i feel like even smoking marijuana could be beneficial (when monetized) because it can help you analyze more and open up your mind. but, of course, marijuana does not impact everyone the same, so only take that if it resonates. also, meditate!!! meditation really helps to clear the mind of any excess "junk" floating around in there and helps for clearer intuition. if you already meditate, then maybe meditating for a few more minutes or lighting an incense while you meditate could enhance the effects. deep breaths will help you clear your mind as well. this is a pretty obvious one but the more shadow work you do, the stronger your abilities become. i feel like your abilities get "watered down" after long moments of not doing shadow work; this could be for many different reasons but a specific reason i'm getting is because when you don't do shadow work, you tend to be a bit more impulsive/chaotic therefore your abilities weaken for your own good. your abilities strengthen whenever you challenge yourself and allow some healthy competition into your energy. also, sleep!! when you get the amount of sleep that you need, it's easier to control and hone in on your abilities. whenever you take time to be alone and self-reflect, realign yourself and do shadow work, your abilities strengthen immensely. another way that you can strengthen your gifts is simply by not giving up; this shows that you're more than capable of what you got and that you're ready for more. 
PILE FOUR @daarlingdatura This is an interesting pile, I see that you may be someone who is able to predict loss, disaster, and other "negative" events. You are someone who's abilities are deeply rooted in their emotions & the impressions of energy around them. You're reflective, "like a pond" I heard. It's important that you take ample rest from social situations as necessary. I definitely see here that you may be someone who also knows how to like... take on the minds of other people? You can think through their heads if that makes sense. I also sense that you may be able to channel energy or intentions through your hands to bless, heal, hex, curse, or effect things in some way. It's interesting because I definitely feel like your nightmares could end up often being signs. You may also unintentionally dream walk, I see that you may also be prone to anxiety that isn't yours. It's important you cleanse regularly to avoid any entities taking advantage of you.
I see that you may have many more psychic abilities that you don't fully understand or that are still currently dormant. I definitely see that you are being prepped to develop extremely intense abilities. It reminds me of how in Wednesday her mom is a dove & she's considered a raven. You would be a raven, the way that you tend to pick up on danger & hidden information. You usually see through people very clearly, though at times the images can become distorted if you become close enough to the person. When you become incredibly close with someone there can be a sort of energetic merging. Where you're both in limbo drowning in each other's energy. I heard pathological, your abilities deeply deal with the mind & I feel called to say death as well.
I wouldn't be surprised if you have predicted deaths or if you have dreams where the dead appear to you with messages. I feel this has past life roots, it may be possible that you have a divine connection with death and the dead. You may find as you grow closer to people they are forced to shed old skins and rebirth themselves anew. In some ways you are a catalyst, but in a less explosive way. Your energy reminds me of a snake- which I think is beautiful. In ancient times, especially near the middle east female deities were often depicted as snakes or dragons. So this is definitely giving ancient energy. As your gifts develop you may begin to see/hear dead people, you could also develop insanely vivid visions. Some of the people in this pile have already begun developing this gift. I do have a slight warning here, make sure you regularly cleanse and ground. You are extremely connected & it's imperative that you prioritize your health. Your service or abilities either could already be highly sought after or will become highly sought after.
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astrodoll2 · 1 year
𝘗𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘢 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘥 - 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵 𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘴
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Collaborative reading between @daarlingdatura, @neptunianspell, @astrodoll2, & our newest member @m00nt4r0t !!
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PILE ONE @daarlingdatura
So while I was shuffling I heard the number 8. So I do believe that a majority of the people in this pile likely have 8 spirit guides.
So first of all, your twin flame is actually one of your spirit guides. What I’ll do here is break down the 3 most prominent spirit guides and talk about who they are, what their energy is & why they chose you. GUIDE #1 Your Twin Flame their energy? We have: the comic, aletheia, the healer, and the temple. The moon rx, the 10 of cups, temperance rx, and the 6 of cups.
So as we see with the comic and the 6 of cups, they are a very jokey type of person. I get the idea they could purposefully prank you sometimes by making cards fly out of your deck- or maybe even blowing on the back of your neck. I’m really getting peter pan energy here lowkey. I feel that your twin flame gatekeeps a lot of information & energy for you. They lowkey do a lot of transmutation for you as well, they upkeep a lot in the physical and spiritual realms for you. Whenever you feel alone, just know that your other half is right there with you. I do see herer that this is also a very nurturing and healing energy, your twin flame is likely very sweet. They could bring sweets into your life. I keep seeing red roses and red indian paintbrushes (flower). I also believe that your twin flame brings a lot of hard truths to you. Unfortunately, they are very jokey.. and like to do it in ways that piss you off. I feel that they want you to learn to loosen up and laugh sometimes. You can get so caught up in your stress, anxiety, day to day mundane life that you forget to smile.
I don’t think I really need to elaborate on why your twin flame chose you, like… they are you.. So I will move on to the next guide now.
Guide #2
This guide doesn’t seem fully ready to reveal to you who they are yet. Although I did just hear the name “nathan” so idk if that will resonate with anyone.. But- anyways.
Let’s get into this guide’s energy,
The Storm, The Poet, The Heart, The Thread Creation, The Secret, Truth rx The Hierophant rx, The Lovers, The Chariot, Justice rx, Judgement
So, this is a very groundshaking and uncomfortable yet comforting and genuine energy. You are karmically connected in some way to this spirit guide, as the thread card literally has a red string in it. (The red string of fate.) Perhaps you were lovers in a past life? (im seeing a theme here lmao), anyways…. I feel that this guide brings uncomfortable and life altering truths and situations to the forefront in order for you to find completion. They may be rather harsh, and when you act out of line they may be a fan of “poetic justice” lol. I definitely see that they are hard on you and want to see you doing right by yourself and others. I Feel really as if they are a life line in many ways. In some of your lowest times they can bring in energy, resources, and other needed things in order to help you stay afloat. It seems like even if they don’t act like it they do genuinely have a soft spot for you. They could rally like the color blue, I keep seeing blue bonnet flowers. I also heard bluebells? I feel like they want you to make better decisions and be more clear with your intentions as well? They feel like you slack at times in friendships or important connections or overlook details that you deem minor but actually mean a lot in the long run. I also see that this is a very non-traditional type of spirit guide in terms of how they teach or guide you with the way the hierophant is in reverse here.
I asked why did they choose you?
I have here the lovers, the queen of cups, and the 10 of swords. It’s possible that in a past life you died before him, or perhaps he mistreated you? He wanted to make things right. They really care for you and want to help you heal a karmic cycle they created.
Guide #3
This honestly made me really emotional. Your third spirit guide is some kind of mother figure. This feels extremely sacred to me.
The Eternal Child, The Heart, The Orphan. The Moon, Ascension, Entanglement, The Path. The Queen of cups, the ace of wands rx, the 9 of swords rx, strength, the high priestess
This energy is beautiful and nurturing, this feels very ephemeral. It’s interesting because it really to me feels like this is a divine mother energy. It’s possible you have been neglected in many lifetimes as a child- including this one. You may not have had much and she has always done her best to provide for you ever since you were young. I’m not sure if you were neglected physically as a child- or like ever dealt with malnourishment or hunger- but I do see that she did what she could. I saw when I closed my eyes before I began shuffling a woman with flowing black hair. A blue dress, and very beautiful pale skin. It was interesting, because that’s how the high priestess looks in my tarot deck. She is an energy that might feel confusing at times, not purposefully- but because it is extremely lunar. This is someone you have known over and over. I would not be surprised if this was not a human. I honestly keep thinking of Hekate. I don’t want to jump to conclusions though. As I am not well acquainted enough with Hekate to speak on this. Anyways. She is here to bring you wholeness. She helps you work through your anger and anxiety, she may be a very comforting presence for you. Someone you can lean on & talk to about absolutely anything. Light a black or blue candle and maybe leave some cornflower as well around the candles. She seems to like hard candies as well? Peppermints, swedish fish, banana laffy taffy?
She chose you because you are her child, and she wishes to protect you.  -------
PILE TWO @m00nt4r0t
intuitive messages from your guides!
you have a specific flow to you that your guides do not want you to move against or change for any reason. if your flow changes, then you are being asked to flow with it instead of against it. you are also being asked to start of slow/gentle with something, and then pick up the pace naturally over time, sort of like a race but this doesn't have to be in terms of competition. something about your dreams is significant. you could be getting important messages from your dreams, although they may be very confusing and difficult to decipher. for some reason i am not under the impression that it's important for you to decipher them right after you wake up, but more-so over time. somethings may not make a whole lot of sense to you right now, but it will eventually. also, if you have not been meditating, you're being asked to incorporate meditation into your daily routine because it cleanses and purifies your energy and thoughts. my heart felt activated and then i heard a mini explosion from outside so i think there's going to be something that happens to you very soon that makes you very very happy, and you'll feel very loved; you'll also have a lot of love to give back as well.
who are your spirit guides?
[the hanged man + two of pentacles + six of wands] before i pulled any cards, i kept being called by the ocean but i wanted to make sure that was accurate so then i pulled the hanged man which is correlated to pisces energy. so your spirit guides could be from the ocean or it is literally the energy of the ocean that is guiding you. there is so much unknown information about the ocean and what it holds within it, which is making me think that there are aspects to your spirit guides that they wish to keep hidden. that, or their energy just goes so deep that it's inaccessible to very many people who are scared to go that deep. your guides may also be a bit playful but also very serious; i'm getting laborinth energy. they may make things purposefully confusing in order to test your imagination and expand your mind. your guides are spirits who are very adament about their time and energy and they're also very well known to the public, so a lot of people may know about this spirit/deity/god/goddess. the most obvious one that came to mind is aphrodite because we all know she was born from the sea and quite literally everyone knows of her. however, she's not the only guide i'm picking up on. there's someone else who is helping you financially, but they aren't the type to give you everything you ask for right away. they'll have you put in effort and revaluate why you feel you need this and make you question what you're truly working for and if it's even worth it. also, your guides seem to be the type to sort of toss you into new waters to test your adaptability. i can see them being like "oh, you've never wrote a song before? okay well here's a music offer that you can't deny and you're going to write a song by this date at this specific time and you're going to do it whether you think it's good or not." they may not be that harsh, but i do see that they want to test your abilities and have you expand your horizons. this is because they see all of your potential and they want you max it out! they're going to bring you success and even public recognition in some way or another.
the energy of your spirit guides!
[strength + three of wands reversed + eight of pentacles reversed] i think your spirit guides like to downplay their energy? they kind of give me trickster energy but not in a malicious way. like i said i do think they're playful with you lol. but i'm also getting that they like attention and they may require a bit more effort from you than other spirits would require. they don't want to be forgotten about. however they do have a disciplined energy to them and they don't want anything to be too in excess. they care very much about self-improvement and they do want to see you put in work for what you want and work into your relationship with them. your spirit guides have the energy of growth and expansion and this is what they're here to help you to do, as well. i feel like they may not give you things as easily as you may wish they would; they want you to meet them halfway or 3/4ths of the way, to be honest. they definitely do like to test your strength and see how hard you're willing to work and how far you're willing to go. you may get frustrated with them sometimes, but i think that they feel proud of you whenever you do?? they like whenever you stand up for yourself, as well as when you set boundaries and put your foot down; this is also what they're teaching you to do. they see a lot of potential in you and they want you to fulfill it, and you can't fulfill it if you're getting everything you want by the snap of your finger. you can't challenge yourself and expand when you're sitting in your comfort zone; this is the logic they go by. although your spirit guides can be a bit playful with you at times, they feel very stern and they do have high expectations of you. they have this idealized "perfect" version of you and they are pushing you to reach that. i do feel like there's a mixed energy and your other spirit guides (who are more playful) tell the other ones to chill out and cut you some slack. i can sense a bit of conflict among your guides, but i do feel like they balance each other out!
why your guides chose to guide you!
[three of pentacles reversed + death + king of swords] your guides chose to guide you because there's this "loner" energy to you. even if you're working with a lot of people, you sort of go off on your own and do your own thing. you prefer to work by yourself and your guides know this and like this about you because you're less likely to become distracted and influenced by others. you're also someone who has gone through many different changes and transitions, which proves that you're fit for the growth and expansion that your guides expect from you. since the king of swords is sitting by death, i do think that you speak clearly with them and those who are on the spirit realm. you're able to understand signs and synchronicties which is obviously extremely useful to them. they don't have to send you a million different versions of the same message in order for you to get it, you're quick at understanding their language. also, since you usually prefer to be/work alone, you don't have others in your ear telling you that you're "crazy" for believing in the divine or trying to convince you to do something else aka straying you away from your purpose. your guides chose you because you tend to view everyone as equal, even if they are extremely rich, very beautiful, very talented, etc. you don't like to put people on high pedestals in life. this doesn't mean you don't recognize that some people just simply do certain things better than others, but you don't treat people differently according to these types of things which your guides really like about you. your guides chose you because you're prepared for battle, although you do not instigate it, and you come hard with the facts and truth rather than trying to hurt people's feelings. you do not need a whole friend group behind you in order to feel powerful and stand your ground. overall, your spirit guides chose to guide you because you are a very easy channel and you're able to decipher messages clearly, you're very powerful and able to get things done on your own, and you're very fair when it comes to how you treat people.
--------- PILE THREE @astrodoll2
I specifically got that you have 4 spirit guides💐
Spirit guide #1
This is someone who you had a very close friendship with that later on formed into a relationship in a past life, this is someone who you experienced a lot of love and fulfillment with, you guys always had a good time together and many fun memories, this is someone who cares about you deeply, this is a soulmate, they choose you to guide you to the right directions, you can call on them whenever you need strength to keep pushing forward and whenever you need clarity on a confusing situation they will bring you the answers. Whenever you go through heartbreak especially romantically you can call on them to bring you love or make you feel loved in that moment, the message I got from them is “I’ve never met anyone like you” I see that they were very in love with you when you were together. They want to remind you that the people you meet are not coincidences and they are bringing you closer to your life purpose. Also know that you’re never alone because they’re always with you. Their energy is very warm and inviting.
Spirit guide #2
So sadly enough I actually have 2 of your parents here as guides whether it may be you lost someone in this life or these are past life parents you once had so this one is your mother
She choose to be your guide to help you heal, she’s coming up as the warrior, she is someone who is very strong, considering I have both your parents here and I can see the difference in their energies I feel like your mother was the one who was a little more stern or strict than the father, but it was because she was very protective over you, she always the best for you, she’s here to help you form boundaries, forgive others who hurt you so you can have peace of mind but know when it’s time to walk away. She will remove others from your life when they no longer serve you and I promise you she is very picky with who she allows in your life, she wants you to learn your own lessons of course but she still has this very protective motherly energy over you who worries a lot. With the message of “we just can’t be together right now” I feel like she misses you alot, you can call on her when you need help with spirituality, your psychic powers, when you’re giving birth or creating new things/ artistic abilities, also to help heal your inner child. I don’t know if the name Marina is significant to you but I heard that.
Spirit guide #3
Your father from a past life or current if you lost them in this one, it’s interesting because even if they’re not here physically they still have that fatherly provider energy, if you ever need help with finances call on them and they will help bring the right opportunities to you, they may attract alot of fortune to you if you ask for it, they love watching over you which is why they chose you they’re just as protective as your mom but have more of a playful energy they may have been those type of adults that refused to grow up or lose their childish side, and because of that they like bringing light hearted events into your life, and making you laugh. They miss you greatly and this is someone that for some reason you guys may have not had closure maybe in a past life it didn’t end on the best terms and they deeply regret that, maybe they weren’t as present enough or feel like they didn’t give you enough which is probably why they also chose to be your guide, to give to you the things they couldn’t on earth. They want to remind you to get out of your head and this imprisonment you may put yourself in at times, you’re free to do whatever you want don’t let anxiety hold you back, but on the other hand if there are doors closed on your face know that it’s for a reason or simply not the right time.
Spirit guide #4
(I say she here but remember to switch the pronouns to whatever suits you)
This is your higher self, they seem very mature ofc because they’re experienced but they seem to purposely hand you challenges to see if you’ve learned your lesson or not, like if you’ve been put in many similar situations with people or circumstances and you know what the outcome will be are you going to choose a different path or are you going to have to make yourself repeat the same lesson?, they are that inner voice that guides you, if you want to connect with your higher self more mediation and being in a quiet place Is recommend. They get frustrated with you when you don’t make long term plans, miss opportunities because you think the results will be too slow, they also want you to make better financial judgments and decisions. Your higher self is funny she is someone very direct so if you ever need an answer to something she won’t sugar coat and will make sure the answer is right in your face so you have no excuses but to take it for face value. Her message is “you’ll hear from me soon” so watch out for any downloads you may receive soon or any synchronicities/signs know that they’re from her trying to tell you something. She loves when you introspect because that’s when you’ll hear from her most since this is a very mental energy. All the answers are within.
------------ PILE FOUR @neptunianspell
who are your spirit guides?
your spirit guides consist mostly of ancestors and one deity whose name or role i cannot identify at the moment but i hear that they appear often in your dreams. you come from a long line of hard working, strong people that had to sacrifice so much in order to make a living. it might not resonate for immediate family but rather generations that had walked the earth long before you were born. they seem a bit possessive over you? in the way that they are so attached i could feel them right from the moment i started pulling cards. i know that guides (based on my knowledge) have left their ego behind but yours are making me feel some type of rage. they could be angry at those who have caused harm to you and whenever something similar happens, they take immediate action. i wonder if the deity i was speaking could be one that harbours a lot of force like ares or athena, because now I am starting to feel very driven. i don't get much information if i am being honest, as if your guides would prefer more privacy (and something is telling me they want you to keep certain details to yourself as well). it's a weird thing for me to say but they are honestly cool??? like the type of guides anyone would want to have because they are so inspirational and badass yet humble? they have a very grounded energy which isn't overwhelming yet it creates an impression. this reading is all over the place and disorganized and so is my way of expressing the channeled message but i always take it as a sign that there is something that needs to be discovered by the person who is receiving the reading. now, when i think about that specific deity my mind goes to a hawk and i am sensing that they are the one you should go to for advice and direction in life. they follow you every step of the way, trying to pull you towards the right side and sending a specific angel number you frequently see. they might even visit your dreams as a hidden figure who is half present, half distant and you can't make out who they are. as for your ancestors, most of them could be women and their role is to help you grow specifically? one of them is tougher than the rest in particular and any time you make a wrong choice, that is either morally incorrect or immature, they give you somewhat of a spiritual slap. it comes as the air being knocked out of you or tripping over nothing. another one comes to you when the night approaches and watches you in your sleep, most of the messages received then being sent by them!
what are their messages?
lovely, you are doing a great job with your healing! i know thongs haven't been going exactly the way you've expected or you believe your progress is slower than you would have wanted but that couldn't be further from the truth. all that tough energy from before has now turned into an ocean of love and warmth, your guides wishing you could feel how proud they are of you! you need to take more breaks, especially after you work or you put your energy into something draining and allow yourself to enjoy just the present. they also want you to continue shadow work and introspection and make it a main focus in the few months to come. i got the ten of cups and in my deck, the image represents a parental figure embracing her children in a happy, content way. this shows me that you should pay attention to your own inner child's needs and wants. play with it more! try to think about the positive moments from your past and really embody that innocent energy, no matter what your age is. i am just feeling as if you should not pay that much attention to the future but more the present moment and past moments that have a special place in your heart. there is always calm before the storm and by this, your guides are telling you there are great things to come, it's just that you need to be still for now. there is a male in your life represented by the emperor that has to go is what they show me. whether it's a friend, coworker or a lover, someone with a masculine energy has been causing you to feel tired, as if they suck you dry of energy. it doesn't have to be a male, it can be a woman too whose personality is very similar to this card's.
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astrodoll2 · 1 year
𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖘 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖘
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Collaborative reading between @astrodoll2 @neptunianspell and @daarlingdatura We are currently looking for a 4th collaborator, so reach out if you're interested.
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PILE ONE @daarlingdatura What made your Future Spouse/Partner realize they were attracted to you? It’s really clear to me with the way the 6 of pentacles popped up 2 times that the way you would make them want to be generous with you would be part of the reason they realize they’re attracted to you. 3 6 cards popped up in total actually, and the number 6 is ruled by venus. You could be someone who is very giving and sweet. I’m getting like disney princess energy- but not really?? Idk why I thought of the movie suckerpunch lol. Like, disney but make it edgy. There is a theme of not exactly purity, but a desire for purity in this pile. Purity & Balance. I feel that you would make this person feel very relaxed & calm & this would really bring a strong sense of peace to them. You would make them feel like all of their “childlike” expressions, passions, dreams, and desires are safe with you. Like someone who will hold them and love them and nurture them. This could be a person who has mommy issues to be honest. I also feel like your loving & nurturing energy would highlight their emotional shortcomings- but they would be receptive to changing? Like they would realize they’ve never wanted to change for someone before. They would also realize they are willing to fight for you and the connection between you two. I see that this person would see you as a prize or someone they want to care for. I do kind of sense there could be some level of imbalance when it comes to nurturing/caring here. So it’s important for you to have boundaries and not give more than you receive. This applies to other relationships as well. Respect your energy!
What drew them to you to begin with? This might sound weird but they could feel unsettled by your presence. LOL, like… the 7 of swords rx & the knight of swords with the 4 of swords rx popped out. It seems like they wouldn’t be able to read you very well and it could cause them to fixate on you somewhat. They could feel like you have some kind of secret & they could be extremely curious about it. I feel like they would desire to know more about your personal- and possibly family life? I heard something about dispelling rumors, like perhaps they would hear some kind of rumor about you or your family & they would be interested in discovering whether or not it’s accurate. I do sense that this person might see you as naive-  but a lot of the assumptions they may have about you are actually more true about them? They will feel drawn to you because you are witty & intelligent. You’re not easy to bribe or to get talking, and you know how to be cold especially when it comes to romantic encounters. Or alternatively you can accidentally be very cold towards others & it will make them see you as mysterious rather than awkward/anxious. I keep thinking of Black Magic Woman by Santana. That song could describe how you make them feel. I’m honestly feeling very emotional writing this reading out like tears are coming to my eyes. This person could feel very entranced by you- I don’t think all of the people who pick this pile are prone to playing games… however, some of you may be prone to mind-games and this would really turn this person on or make them feel near-obsessive about you.
Nonetheless, even if it’s not intentional you will come off as very mysterious and alluring to this person and I think you as an individual will be like a complete and total mindfuck to them.
PILE TWO @neptunianspell
What made your Future Spouse/Partner realize they were attracted to you?
what made your person realize they are in love with you is how well you get each other. it is deeper than mere shared interests or opinions, it's a soul connection that is rarely seen in relationships. when you are in a group with other people, you already know what the other is going to say before they even get a chance to open up their mouth. you could disagree on certain things and yet, it is not hard to see the world through the other's perspective. i think it's a precious aspect for them. throughout their life, feeling misunserstood was a reoccuring thing that left them with a desire to find that one soul that gets theirs. when you met them and, in spite of the interactions being small, you kept remembering all the important parts they'd talk about. it really made joy bloom in their hearts.
we live in a world where betrayal is nothing more than just a moment we all go through and get over it as if it's irrelevant. for them, connections are a sacred element of life that shouldn't be taken for granted and every person in one's circle should be treated with respect. they can't comprehend the lightweightness with which they flow through relationships. but you? you are different. you share the same loyalty that makes you so special and kind hearted and while some had taken it for granted, you learned to cherish it together. they fell in love when they realize you are what they've been looking for in terms of love. it's not something superficial or "i am choosing you because you are the closest thing to my type". it's as if the universe stole their desires and out of it, grew their soulmate, a person to spend their life with.
around the time their feelings came to the surface, many aspects of their life were turning negative and disappointment became a friend. friends turned their backs to them, showed their true faces. coworkers relied on them too much. darkness was all around and you became the sunshine that cracked the clouds.
What drew them to you to begin with?
there isn't a specific thing about you that caught their eye but every part that comes together to form you. at first, it was your physical appearance. i got the queen of wands in my spread and couldn't help but think your radiance of your smile bewitched them. your eyes in particular seem to be beautiful too. do not worry as they aren't neither a creep or a superficial person but damn, they love how you look. when you first met, you made them into a teenager whose mind is flooded with attraction and can't control themselves. also, how you smell? you could have a perfume that fits your body chemistry and whenever you pass someone, you leave a trail behind that they can hardly forget. after speaking with you more, they realized your personality is more beautiful than your physical appearance.
another thing that stood out was your humour. you might not consider yourself particularly funny but to them, your jokes can light up a room. they view you as this charismatic individual with so much love to give and oh my, did they want to be on the receiving end! they appear to be quite mature so before they fully register how they feel about someone, they need to take into account all aspects. seeing you so full of qualities and enchanting traits made their heart skip a beat. even if your mere presence was enough to get them nervous, getting lost in your spell felt sweet, as if falling asleep on a pile of clouds.
What made them attracted to you
First thing I heard was your generosity even when you don’t have much to give, it’s interesting I pulled out an oracle for what made them attracted and “complicated” came out, I feel like there were a lot of losses in the past, ups and downs, I think it took a lot of to get to where you guys are now, I feel like this is an attraction that built over time, ofc they found you physically attractive but the attraction comes mostly from the hurt, everything you guys may have been through together or separately is what they think has made you closer, but I still see a lack of stability physically or financially, this relationship may be impulsive and not thoroughly thought through, there’s a need to walk away the impulsive actions you make when you’re bored or in the need of change, there’s a lot of emotional attachment to one another, this is definitely someone from your past or a person you have history with, maybe you can’t stay away for long or when you do reconnect it’s like all the sparks come back, this person is attracted to your willingness to overcome any obstacles in the relationship. I think there may be a warning to be careful of someone taking advantage of this generosity or your constant forgiveness. I do see they knew or know they want to marry you, because I do seem them viewing your as a wife and with a family, they may view you as very nurturing which is also very attractive to them, you’re the light that guides them out of difficult times, I feel like when they’re depressed you help them find new routes and directions to take or you’re the direction want to lead towards after any loss, “all routes lead back to you” is what I heard there’s alot of passion but I need to implement more stability and focus on the long term goals. They feel very content with you and they may love the way you communicate. It feels like a destined connection.
What drew them to you
They knew from the jump they wanted you, I think when they saw you for the first time they instantly knew they wanted to ask you out, though they were afraid of being rejected by you because you seemed like you had a lot of options in love, Im getting the feeling again that this is a past connection and even if it’s not one you know now it may be someone you meet in the future who you’ll be on and off with or there will be a separation at one point before it leads to this deep commitment and marriage. After you separate they will want to jump right back in because they will be hit with what it feels like to lose you and they can’t bear it, there might’ve been sketchy things that happened in the past but they’ll want to change for you and you’ll know this is the person if they actually do change it’s not gonna be someone who just gives you hope that they will, they will stalk you alot on social media to see how you’re doing and if youre missing them too, they feel guided by their intuition to have a new beginning with you and will want closure/forgiveness for the past, there may have been a big tower moment and conflict that leaves you confused and want to hold your cards close to your chest because you’re not sure if you can trust this person again but they will show you they are trustworthy with their ACTIONS. But what draws them to you if your optimist attitude, you’re contentment with whatever you’re handed in life, your healing nature, and the way you don’t lose your childlike energy even when burdened with responsibilities. Also for the oracle of what drew them to you was movement in rv which makes sense with what I was saying above of them wanting to come in after this separation and the stagnation or no contact is what made them realize how much they want to be with you ofc it’s up to you to take this person back. And idk why there is a message from your guides about a new beginning in career or needing to focus more on your path and individuality alongside this relationship, don’t lose yourself, tap in a receive the messages they’re trying to send you.
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astrodoll2 · 1 year
dark feminine energy is calling you out
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You tend to hide behind a mask, like a chamaeleon you change yourself based off your surroundings and who you’re with, it’s time to let this fear of rejection go stop being afraid of who will leave once you place boundaries or show them who you really are, I promise the real you is lovable and enough, you have to let go of these old beliefs about yourself like as if there was something wrong with you. I know you wish to be liked by everyone but it’s more important to be liked by yourself, you will only lose yourself in these false identities and forget who you really are, work on self concept I recommend getting into the law of assumption to help with the way you view yourself and the way you negatively assume others view you too. Change the narrative in your head I promise it’s all a perspective. Cultivate your true authenticity and watch how you’ll bring the power back to yourself.
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Similar to pile 1. Why do you keep letting people walk all over you, stop people pleasing! You don’t need everyone to like you or understand you, out of all the piles I think this might be the one that’s least embraced their dark femininity out of fear I am hearing, maybe you’re afraid of actually telling people your real opinion on things, afraid of being confrontational and defending yourself, also embarrassed to be more open sexually. I see a blocked sacral chakra listen to some healing frequencies for this specific chakra, say affirmations in the mirror to build on your confidence and start doing more self care, the more confident you feel and the more you start to love yourself the easier it will be to express these neglected sides of yourself.
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Now whereas my other piles seem to be more shy and timid you’ve already mastered the intimidating part, you’re bold and aggressive, you don’t back down from a fight or what you’re passionate about, you don’t let people use you, you’re very calculated with whom you give access to. You can be very confrontational and expressive the only downside to all this is that you’re actually not in your “villain era” or dark femininity like you think you may be … your in your wounded masculine energy you’re overly aggressive to prove a point or because you feel triggered by someone hitting another one of your unhealed wounds, a need to be heard and understood. You feel like if you’re scary others will leave you alone and the deeper meaning is you don’t trust yourself leaving them if they cross a boundary after you’ve formed a meaningful connection to someone, it’s rare for people to get through your walls now and days but when they do you have difficulty letting go which is why you put them through so many tests. The cure for all this is building a genuine connection with yourself, gaining more self awareness and a deeper understanding of why you do the things you do either by introspecting alone or therapy. Remember that you’re of high value, there is always going to be an abundance of people who will respect you and your self respect must always be higher than any feelings you may have towards someone. Never tolerate disrespect I promise they are not the last person you will meet that you will genuinely like, you can’t be afraid to lose people who don’t deserve you. Learn to not get so defensive just let go and let others believe whatever they want. The more you put yourself first and respect yourself the more you will trust and value yourself.
Love you all stay safe🫶🏻
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 - 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮
welcome to plutonic pleasures' last collaboration between @d4rkpluto @astrodoll2 @neptunianspell and @daarlingdatura
this pac is about how the months september, october, november and december is going to go!
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The rest of 2022 for you🫧
There may be someone you’re clinging onto and are having a hard time letting go, you blind yourself from the truth and ignore the red flags even though you know you must let them go at least for now until you both heal. you may be currently feeling stagnant or overwhelmed because of this connection… it’s time to set boundaries and learn to say no more. Yes this falling out may make you feel heartbroken in the beginning but I see you healing and learning to rest and relax. You’re gonna be surrendering and embarking on a new pathway, starting new things and gaining passion back into your life. You’re learning to nurture yourself and build back your confidence, and you’re picking the path with least resistance. It may be one or two masculine energies in your life that are karmics and may have treated you poorly but know they will be receiving their karma for any injustice so there’s no need to get back at them just watch things unfold from a distance. Once you walk away from this toxic relationship you’re seeing how many more options you actually have, you will be receiving so many messages from people who would love to date or go out with you, so many more compliments, even from people of the past. You must learn to let go of those limiting beliefs, anxieties and live in a more abundant mindset. Find a new direction and stand on it don’t let yourself get swayed by others opinions of how your life should be and simply do what you want and what’s best for you and your moral compass. By the end of this year you may even be rethinking your thoughts about love or finding someone new, but I do see a lot of happiness and contentment towards the end of the year since this old cycle is closing out. You will be a lot more balanced which I see you may have been lacking before and you will feel so much more free and uplifted.
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cards : the star, the moon, four of pentacles, temperance, knight of cups
i believe the rest of your year will depend a lot on the choices you make as it's not set in stone. that's the case most of the times in tarot yet your guides want to put emphasis on choice. i think you shouldn't focus too much on the future but rather what you can do to build it in a better way. the moon always makes me think of shadow work, dealing with the darkest parts of yourself. you must enter the new year with an easy heart and leave some burdens behind if you want great opportunities to come. there are energies taking up space and it's not letting good things take their place so...get your ass to do some introspection! you will see a huge change in your perspective and you will end up surprised to have a mindset you would have laughed at before. if you do decide to take time and work on these emotional matters, you will experience a growth in your maturity. you will also begin your quest in leaving the survival mode behind. a small step from many but still a significant one.
someone is going to fall for youuu. this person has a very lovely energy but it's honestly up to you if you want to give them a chance or not. it is not a must to date them but the universe is telling you to pay attention cause it could lead to something beautiful. other than that, your view over love will shift a bit since the star card, specifically in tradition tarot, can indicate rose colored glasses and a wishful thinking. you might have one expectation that you don't realize is actually unrealistic and it's the obstacle between you and love. once you get that out of the way, you can prepare yourself for a new lover to appear. your financial situation will improve a bit and you will learn some hacks to help you get all the material possessions you desire.
lastly, some bad news i want to bring is that you might lose some people. i usually find it positive because they were obviously not meant for you yet i think in your case, it will be some toxic tendecies that will drive them away. you will learn how to grow from this but ngl, it will hurt a bit.
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September: Okay, so I feel like you’re going to really be in girl boss energy for the rest of September. There’s a sense of seeking knowledge and true self understanding. I also see that you are beginning to get to the core of certain issues such as victim complex related things & a sense of hopelessness and worthlessness. I feel like there’s this HUGE theme of coming to terms with male related trauma. It hasn’t quite been transmuted or healed yet, but there’s certain realizations that are being come to & I feel like it will help you really heal from the karmic that you cut off recently. I do see that there was an unstable or maybe- I don’t wanna say completely absent but pretty useless father figure involved in your childhood? Perhaps he tried to reconnect recently, or you’ve just been thinking about him. I do see that in some way your karmic kind of reflected him and his nature. I also see that you are kind of balancing and harmonizing a lot of grief and suffering that’s been happening over the past I wanna say 5-3 years. I’m also seeing a lot of releasing is going to happen, I kind of felt my chest begin to unclench and imagined someone just screaming at the top of their lungs until all the emotions just come pouring out and they start crying. I am seeing someone clawing at or scratching at their arms, so if you have been doing that recently try to stop!! I know it can be hard when there’s a lot of emotional stress, but you’ve got this all under control for real! I feel like you are preparing to come face to face with your shadow traits. I also see that you might be getting more public recognition & success in your endeavors. For some reason I thought of modeling. For some reason Eyes on Fire feels like a song that should be in your shuffle for right now. I don’t know if you’re planning something or trying to rise above someone. It’s coming, you will prove everyone wrong. They will regret misjudging you and not seeing you for who you are in your completeness. I do see that there’s been a lot of conflict & just overall trying to organize the chaos going on in your life. I also see that you are still putting energy into your dreams and aspirations which is great, but don’t push yourself too hard. I also recommend drinking more water :( I can see that anxiety has been taking a toll on you and making your stomach feel not too great. Overall, I feel that you’ve been picking up the pieces and trying your best to just find balance. I also do see that you’re spending a lot more time alone and finding grounding. Which congratulations fr, bc I know there’s been difficulty with grounding in the past. I also am seeing that you may be facing your anxiety more head on lately. Like directly challenging those thoughts and being like okay and? I deserve good things etc. I feel like if there is a nitpicky parent too that you could be standing up to them and putting your foot down. There is this huge energy of saying fuck you to the people that hurt you or take advantage of you and deciding that you deserve the best things in life. Decode by Paramore just came on, and I feel like this is a message from your inner child to be honest. “How did we get here?” Advice for September: Stay in touch with your emotions but learn to blend them with logic, hold space for what you feel without allowing it to charge up what you’re thinking. I also feel like you should allow any intense emotional moments to just happen, don’t try to control them. Just allow them the space to exist and play out in a safe manner. It’s possible a severe mental breakdown could be coming before the end of the month. So just be weary of that! Refill your cup, don’t waste your energy on others.
October: Well! This is looking like a pretty interesting month, firstly you could get 2 romance offers from a firey man and an earthy man. I feel like you’re going to be fighting with yourself to make this decision and it’s going to be very difficult. The King of Wands will be very entertaining, very outgoing, outspoken, maybe even an intellectual & just overall someone who seems to make you laugh a lot. They could also tend to make you question your reality, so look out for that because he seems like a gaslighter- even if he is fun. I feel that our King of Pentacles here is a very charismatic person. It’s important not to jump into anything though, for some reason I’m having a more difficult time picking up on his energy/intentions. He might be more calculated & harder to read. I think that you will intuitively pick up on his intentions & the situation when you run into him though. There’s a very obvious struggle to have balance in the decision-making process here, and I feel like you could even feel bogged down or overwhelmed by the concept of romance. You could also be preoccupied with personal things and the overarching lesson here seems to be trusting yourself and not rushing any processes. There’s this need to learn patience, and to allow situations to unfold without rushing to instantly decipher & get to the end of them. Learn to live in the moment, in the physical. I feel like you can get so into your head & emotions & begin to pick at yourself and pick situations apart. Let the scabs heal & give yourself the opportunity to rest. Any losses that come from this month will turn into abundance and generosity from others. I feel like ultimately you will have all the answers, it's just important for you to keep an open mind. I keep thinking of Jupiter. Just keep an open mind and allow things to take on their true form. All in all, make sure you focus on the future you’re building, don’t let go of it and don’t get wrapped up into romantic drama. The underlying energy seems to really reflect what’s already been touched on. It’s possible there could be some struggles with depression throughout the month. Perhaps a traumaversary is popping up. I see that there’s also going to be some difficulty in feeling very isolated and just unheard & uncared for. It’s important for you to keep pushing for your ultimate goals of stability and I also heard fame? I have in the middle of the reading here the 4 of cups clarified by the 9 of wands and then the 9 of wands clarified by the 10 of pentacles. Whatever you’ve been building is coming to fruition. There needs to be more balance within yourself, there’s this major energy that wants to direct you inwards rather than outward. It’s almost like the men are a test of your wit & willpower. I also see that you will come to these conclusions on your own at a great speed. Overall, expect to feel very energetic & possibly even bordering on angry? It seems like there will definitely be some mood swings. Just stay balanced and trust yourself. Not going to add an advice segment for this one since it was essentially included in the read.
November: It’s extremely important for you to remain grounded and within YOURSELF throughout November. Of course, slip up’s happen, but try your best. I see that there could be the temptation to just fall emotionally into imbalance and obsess over possible lovers. Or alternatively, you could become angry that it seems like things are just being dangled in front of your face like a treat with a dog. I really do feel like you need to be focused on future oriented actions & deciding what you will and won’t be taking with you into your dream reality. I really do see all the time, energy, blood, sweat, tears, and work you’ve put into manifesting your desired reality. There are some cycles that are going to need to come abruptly to an end and- for a lot of them it’s going to kind of feel like it’s all at once. I feel like in this lifetime you need to prioritize yourself above all else. You have spent far too many periods of your existence focused on another person- or love or just not actualizing yourself the way you deserve. So it’s really about picking up the trash in your life basically and throwing out the people situations and dynamics or traits in your own personality that you don’t want to participate in or that you feel don’t serve your highest good. I do see there could be an issue with whichever boy you really have your sights set on. He seems like he’s a bit promiscuous, I am seeing tht there are other people he talks to. Just stay in ur lane for the month of November tbh. He doesn’t deserve ur time or energy tbh! As for the underlying energy, we’ll really just be getting slightly more detailed as to WHAT the purpose of these experiences & emotions really are. It’s all about balance and moderation, deciding what most of your energy should be going into & possibly even developing a schedule + routine of some sort? I also feel like there’s a challenge to function in spite of depression and energy that would seek to drag you down. Retain balance and remember why you believe in your dreams and keep putting in the hard work. I know you won’t really feel like it, and you will honestly feel overwhelmed but just keep putting it in. it’s also possible that situations from the past where friends or lovers abandoned or betrayed you could come back up towards the end of the month. In a satisfying way though, you might hear about how those people are suffering while you are doing better and balancing your life out. Advice for November: Let shit happen, let it end, let things die, it’s okay to let things die. Don’t hold onto a rotting corpse of a situation. You deserve better. I’m so serious. Allow yourself to unfold the mystery through taking daily action, know that things will be revealed to you as necessary. Keep divination to a minimum, connect with your spirit guides via meditation. Don’t become cold hearted and selfish. Remember to connect with people you love, be open to new friendships. December: I really feel like there's a sense of overcoming relationship & intimacy trauma throughout the month of december for you. It's like a melting period, everything becoming extremely intense so that it can heat up and eventually reach a head. Remember, what you're seeking in life is going to require some intense transformation so even if things aren't going your way right now that's okay. It will all end up being for the better in the end.
I can see that there will be an internalized feeling of weakness but that you will be able to rely on friends for help and generosity. Possibly even money? I also am seeing that things may fall apart with the King of Pentacles fellow and you may see him for his true nature.
It's really important that you not go to the King of Wands individual a.) and b.) that you not allow people to fool and try to play games with you. I feel that you will be functioning from an extremely emotional place and it's going to be VERY IMPORTANT that you really really really pay attention to logic. Maybe even reaching out to friends who are a bit more logically minded & grounded than you are. It's really important you spend time with your support system for real. You may begin to realize that the only relationship you truly need is the one you have with your inner peace. You will absolutely move on from this situation and rediscover your power, I also think you will start to process any paternal traumas. Perhaps realizing the affect ur father or some kind of male figure in your life had on your development. There could be some hidden trauma that gets uncovered, like repressed memories of some kind. Keep pushing forward, and know that you will work through these burdens. I also see that at the end of this month a new journey will begin. Advice for December: Do right by yourself, don't allow injustices to be done to you and then just forgive and forget. Some things are supposed to die, some things shouldn't be fixed or balanced. Some things just need to be left alone. Let bygones be bygones. January: Okay, you will finally see the 2 for who they are, but it's also just- I'm going to be really frank. You need to learn when to let go of people in the month of January. I'm seeing that you may be prone to clinging or just really struggling to let go of people. It's weird because I hadn't even noticed the 6 of cups fell out. Prioritize your inner child in January. I feel like you should revisit movies that really shaped your childhood. I ddo feel like you could fixate on a possible future with the Page of Pentacles here. Like thinking of his potential, possibly even obsessively reading on and divining on the situation. I ask you to stay grounded in the moment, think rationally about where he is right now. Does he seem to be putting in any real work? Do his actions line up with his words? Do his words line up with his actions? Part of me wants to tell you to give yourself the ick. LMFAO, but anyway. I think a major turning point will arise when you finally decide to fight for your own peace of mind and just walk the fuck away from it all. It looks to me like romance in general brings a lot of triggers and anxiety to you. I have the page of cups clarified by the 8 of swords. It's like these romantic offers only serve to bring confusion and pain. I see there will be some balance that comes in, perhaps your manifestations will begin to show little signs of appearing as well. Just remember, the more balanced you keep it, the more you advocate for yourself, the more you choose yourself- the quicker it comes. I think the advice here is pretty self explanatory!
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[keep in mind; my reading is a reading for all the months but not in order because time can change, what you think might happen in november could happen in december, what you thought would happen in december could happen in september!]
♇ throughout the rest of the year, you will become more inspired to do things that you wished of doing in the past; perhaps previously you might've been skeptical about doing certain jobs, or taking opportunities or just doing whatever you want; if you're someone who is very intuitive/psychic, you'll feel your skill to grow even more; on the other hand, something could influence you to take your own power and develop a foundation for yourself for your future.
♇ however, it seems like the rest of the year will not be easy for you, there'll be much break-throughs, reality hitting you; with these cards it insinuates this'll be happening because you guys could be quite stubborn? the type to ignore what is right in front of you and overlook issues and solutions with delusions, so, throughout one of these months, something will cause havoc and chaos.
♇ but during this chaos and havoc, you'll definitely be ready to go against it, you might even feel more angrier than usual or just way more annoyed with people doing stuff and getting away with it. aside from trouble, you might even travel? or you might move away from something or someone that has been causing you issues. people who've picked this pile are likely to move residences as well.
♇ the rest of the months could be considered sad for you, or you'll be feeling more sad than usual, there'll definitely be some losses after this chaos, it could be romance, friendship bonds, money, place to live, anything. you might even be feeling abandoned and envy people around you, it might not even be intentional, it could surely be because of how life is easier for other people compared to you, due to how you might get consistently knocked down.
♇ be ready for conflict, overcoming challenges and knowing when to walk away from situations you know you might not be able to win, or situations that are not good for you; especially with the three of swords and five of swords being next to each other, there is likely going to be a verbal conflict happening between you and someone, but don't forget to stand up for yourself and not just 100% immediately walk away from it. this person you might lose could be a friend, an online friend, perhaps.
♇ this conflict is likely to happen because of secrets or misconception, but with how the reading is going, it is most likely going to be between deception and insecurity, can be because of you secretly envying someone or for someone secretly envying you. consider these other moments being moments when you'll just find out much information people have kept away from you.
♇ this may be a lot, but this is definitely for what is coming next year for you; during these final months you'll need to let go of things and people to build your dynasty. you need to remember that life spares no one, it doesnt matter how "well" other people might seem to have it, you'll need to understand that there's likely difficult things they're going through. while you're losing these things, you'll feel like it'll be the end for you, but keep in that every ending has a new beginning!
♇ but this era will bloom into something new, you'll find yourself being more comfortable and confident in your surroundings, along with being confident about the people you have around you; your ambition will strengthen and you'll find new friends, a new woman could enter your life, someone who is strong, funny and independent, they might be a trouble-maker or a dare devil but you'll likely be comfortable and feel protected in their presence.
♇ there'll be a moment to rest, and this'll likely be around december and when the year is ending, you'll find yourself in a comfortable financial place, and you'll be practicing your craft and healing yourself and others. if you're depending on other people right now, during these next months you'll be financially independent; i'm hearing "self-respect" so, you'll definitely be on a no-nonsense place and level too.
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
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Idk what’s been going on and why all of us have collectively felt so drained, like I have no had motivation to post any observations in a minute but I’m back ig🫠
Lilith square jupiter: a lot of tension with beliefs and morals against explosive temper, also believing in things outside of the box to be different, known for having abrupt breakdowns and going off on people when angry. Literally the type to see red when angry and doesn’t think about the consequences. May have trouble with self control.
Lilith conjunction Mercury: may feel as if no one really understands you or your way of being which is why you have a hard time taking accountability for your actions or how you may affect others, your mind likes roam all over the place, very creative, good memory and attentive to detail, gets bored easily especially in conversations that don’t catch your Interest, self taught in things you enjoy. But also your words may get you in trouble a lot or be held against you. Very good at spotting lies as well.
Lilith square neptune: you really have to think what it is you want from relationships and how deep you’re willing to get because you may fear commitment due to it threatening your freedom, you also may have a hard time viewing things truthfully and just take the parts you like and believe in those rather than the full picture leading you to accidentally deceive yourself. If you believe in spirituality you may only like taking the parts you like and leaving the rest behind especially the ones that make you feel restricted or have too many rules you don’t want to follow.
Lilith sextile moon: persuasive, charming, mesmerizing and able to manipulate other easily if you wanted to, you may be a bit emo, you could either be attracted to the bad boy/bad girl or that is you. You’re not afraid to explore your shadow side. And apparently you could be good at witchcraft.
Lilith opposite Juno: this doesn’t have to just apply to marriage but in general long term relationships may be scary because you don’t know how long they’ll last and how long you want to be tied down to something, you hate feeling stuck and for this reason you have a “my way or the highway” attitude and be overly picky of suitors as a form of rejecting others and hiding this noncommittal energy as simply high standards because you’re afraid. You may want to get married when you’re older like in your 40+ so you can experience life to the fullest without restrictions.
Lilith conjunction venus: very attracted to unconventional out of the box people, you’re highly seductive and sensual. People often see you as a siren or femme fatale. You may have a high sex drive and have a lot of sex appeal. Probably into sex magic or rituals for manifesting, you may be a diva and like things your way but when it doesn’t you may become vengeful. Very attractive people and for that reason are easily able to charm people into getting what they want. Very good sense of style and can be very creative/artistic individuals.
Lilith sextile Uranus; you may enjoy stirring the pot or shocking people by saying controversial things, you like being different and don’t care to be accepted, people appreciate your independent nature. You don’t care for others opinions and people can’t put you in a box or tell you what to do because you want to be your own person with your own individual views.
Lilith square mars: you may be very intense and it can be hard to control your anger or making impulsive decisions that aren’t good, you may also feel the need to overpreform or do too much in order to get others approval or attention. You may also struggle expressing yourself and can be sensitive when people question your direction in life so it’s important to just assert your ego and stop caring what others think. You hate people overpowering you or trying to interfere or judge your ambitions, passions, or sexual interests and may have explosive anger.
Lilith trine Chiron: aren’t afraid to explore your shadow side and past traumas in order to heal them, embracing your dark femininity may be very empowering for you as well. Once you heal you may be seen as an inspiration to others.
Lilith sextile ascendant: overtime you will develop your Lilith qualities and start showing them to the outside world, your expressive with your taboo side, very sensual and magnetic, very open about your sexuality and uniqueness, you don’t like to stay in the box and you appear very confident in your individuality.
Uranus Trine Ascendant: unconventionally attractive, but people are easily intrigued by you because “you’re different”, very independent and creative, doesn’t like to take orders from others, a bit stubborn but it’s just because you can’t learn from other peoples experiences you have to go through it yourself to learn, eccentric, probably felt like an outcast or odd ball out growing up but then you’ll learn to embrace it and may even go out of your way to continuously try to separate yourself from the crowd and be seen as original.
Chiron Opposition Ascendant: you may do a lot of projecting onto others when you’re unhealed, you must learn self love and acceptance of self so you can take off the fake facade of confidence which is only ego, but once you do you have the ability to be a healer to others and teach them from your own experiences how you outgrew these insecurities and inferiority complex and turned it into genuine confidence and a positive outlook on self.
Moon trine ascendant: you may wear your heart on your sleeve and people can see your true self very early on in the relationship, very expressive face. Honest and caring and you like making others feel understood since that’s what you want in return. You exude a very warm energy that automatically makes people feel safe, secure, and welcomed around you.
Venus Sextile Ascendant: very social, charming and attractive so you may be popular because of this. You’re graceful and have a very aesthetically pleasing sense of style, you may dress very well and love accessorizing with pretty jewelry, even if you aren’t conventionally attractive you have this inner acceptance and good sense of worth and that others feel and are attracted to. Very easy going personality.
Venus Square Ascendant: you may be very hyper focused on your appearance trying to always fix something about yourself and not being satisfied, you may struggle with low self worth because you don’t feel beautiful but eventually when you work on your inner self esteem and forget about standards you set for yourself and just accept and love yourself as you’re, you start to see yourself as beautiful and that’s what will make you very magnetic.
Mercury Sextile Ascendant: energetic and youthful, you may be seen as mischievous even when older you don’t lose that childlike spark in you. You may be very tall, long or thin? Nice hands as well, very social and easy to get along with, people enjoy your presence. And if you’re really extraverted you may be seen as the life of the party or the really fun friend. Witty and funny.
Eros in 1st house/leo/conjunct the ascendent love being complimented and also shown off, they love when people express how attractive they are to them and they may sometimes be the definition of “I love you because you love me” since they enjoy feeling adored and admired they may end up only liking a person because they like them
Saturn in the 1st house; is usually restricted in some type of way in their childhood, this is seen in the charts of those with overly strict parents sometimes.
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 - 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
a collab between @d4rkpluto @vasnecia @daarlingdatura @astrodoll2 and @neptunianspell about what is coming next in love for you guys!
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Hello lovely pile 1's
The person that’s next in your love life seems to be a passionate but logical one. They seem to make love a priority. They also have a habit of doting on the person they’re in love with and they’re very intelligent from their looks or like their demeanor you might not be able to understand their ways but they do put thought in what they do and how they do it. They’re also very hardworking they put in a lot of effort in in their career and they're somebody that really cares about their future also I feel like they will put in effort in your relationship as well. There’s a certain decision that you’re going to have to make around the time this person arrives in your life. I feel like you’re going to have options, I mean choosing between and another person and I feel like the other person has kept you stuck for a very long time and it’s time you move on from them and that is the reason this person arrived in your life in the first place. They’re also very gentle, they’re very caring and they might not express this very often but you make them soft in the heart compared to other people in their life.
Also this person seems to be financially stable they're at a place in their life where they feel secure and I feel like this person would want the same for you and also this person has a habit of buying you things, like they could buy you food, they could make sure you have enough. They will also try to be emotionally generous and they would share. They would want to share their resources with you, this is not a stingy person but I feel like they’re going to be disappointed when you reject their efforts and I feel like you as a person tend to forget the other person also has put a lot of thought in the actions that they're making towards you, you disregard that and you end up hurting people so I feel like this time you really need to make sure and understand that you don’t do that to this person you should really consider their feelings because this person would wanna stay a long time with you but if you keep up your behavior they’re going to have no choice but to leave. they’re also going to be hurt when you don’t believe them when they're saying that they care about you, you're like “no you don't care” “ you don’t really understand me” but actually they’re trying their best to understand you if you only made things comprehensible for them and explained more on how what they’re doing is making things inconvenient for you.
I feel like there’s a lack of communication, a communication gap that you need to be aware of if you do not wanna make this connection go sour. There’s a huge possibility that they might actually end up getting disappointed and they leave the connection so my advice to you would be to hold on to this connection when they do arrive and just give them a chance, give them honest genuine chance as you gave to the other person but you were holding on to that person and they’re not worth it. Open up more I feel like that’s the general advice for you in this pile you need to open up more and take into account other possibilities other consequences other solutions to the same situation that you’re dealing with and have a positive attitude towards life and to not chase people in general, hope it helps.
- With love, Vas
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Interestingly enough I feel like you could be healing from some kind of loss? I feel this is a relationship trauma that isn’t inherently even related to romance as much as trusting the people you love in general. I feel like someone could enter your life romantically that maybe changes your perspective and softens you up (SLIGHTLY) it could also turn out to be a more personal experience that happens. It’s very dependent on the other party's actions.
It’s really clear that paranoia and miscalculated fears have ended friendships and relationships before. I feel like you are going to transform this part of you and begin to trust yourself more. It’s likely going to be with the help of friends or through some form of teamwork. Not sure why I just thought of a mother, so maybe even your mom could help support you through this process. I feel like this transformation will make it easier for you to express the more vulnerable parts of your personality with the people you love a lot easier.
It’s possible that some kind of loss or bad luck in a love situation could cause this healing as well. Like something might click for you and you will feel much better, I feel like your mind is very powerful and it has a strong influence on your reality and even on other’s reality as well.
Now for ROMANCE, It seems to me like this person is coming in very slowly. I heard something about delays, I feel like the person themselves is delaying the relationship. Like they keep making stupid decisions, they lack courage and the ability to just say what they think and what they mean.
It seems like this person is really scared of rejection, I keep thinking of that jack stauber ong baby hotline. The bit that’s been popular on tiktok “I insist somebody will die and I hate hoping Wishing that the pills let you cry and I hate coping Someday I will go back outside and see her okay”
It’s really clear this person has low self esteem and I honestly wonder if they could have some kind of severe social anxiety?? Or even agoraphobia?? It’s really clear this person has a lot to work through, and this is partially why it’s being delayed. HOWEVER, there are also things (the first paragraph) you’re meant to work through in the meantime it looks like. To continue on though, I do feel like you will have a sense of contentment, adventure, and stability (financially especially) in this relationship. This could be someone who will splurge large amounts of money on you, maybe even pay your rent.
Yeah, it really looks like you need to keep manifesting the proper outcome. I feel like you could be averse to manifesting the situation, because you don’t want to be weird and also because this person is also being super ridiculous and it’s stupid you should even have to manifest them to begin with when the attraction is CLEARLY mutual.
However, I would put in some energy, I don’t think it’s weird of you especially when there’s such mutual attraction at play. I feel like they will also appreciate you putting in active energy to bring them towards you. Even if it’s passive spiritual energy sent their way or manifesting the proper circumstances into place for the situation to ride out. I do want to reiterate though that it’s going to be necessary that you really overcome your fear of loss. You might need to walk away from this mindset you have of “I don’t care, I’ll just disconnect, I’m going to be as distant as I can to assert that I’m still in control of the situation” I feel like obviously it’s not COMPLETELY severe.
However, I think this is also affecting and delaying the situation, your spirits are asking you to change your perspective and recalibrate your mindset when it comes to this style of thinking. You’re meant to overcome this relationship and connection trauma. Even outside of romance you have had, and are having more trustworthy and lifelong friends and connections entering your life.
You’re getting a lot of blessings because you’ve put in a lot of effort towards healing and change over the last few years and you’ve passed a few particularly tough tests the past few weeks from what I’m hearing. I heard “congratulations.” Anyways, It’s really interesting because it’s almost like moving backwards (by rehashing your past and integrating certain trauma) will bring you closer to your ultimate desires. I really do feel like this knight of pentacles can be sped up into a knight of wands or swords type energy. Heal the past with your eyes on the future and your mind in the present.
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♇ i think your up-coming love life is going to be starting off...not the best. there might be some argument, but there'll definitely be heart-break happening within you. you'll be finding it hard to date soon or it is already difficult for you to date right now; though, to people who have picked this pile, be wary of a third-party causing difficulty.
♇ i feel like you would be taking a break, or this next relationship coming your way, you wouldnt want to rush it. you'll be slightly forced to pursue a new perspective in love, perhaps you're too negative about it with the three of swords being in this spread. you might be someone who finds it difficult to commit, it could be because of your insecurities. before you get into this relationship these insecurities will have to wash away.
♇ with these cards, i get that you might enter a relationship for the wrong reasons, becoming more shallow and selfish. insecurities is a huge theme in this pile, this could also be about the person you get into a relationship with; them becoming someone who is possessive and overly protective, along with being jealous, this person will most likely see you as some trophy.
♇ with your love life you'll definitely need to hold on tight, you might become doubtful about your romantic love life, you'll feel like your going into a very low place. lacking confidence and becoming so vulnerable. this reading is wanting you to remember that your needs will have to be taken care of, you'll need to force yourself to trust in others again; if you're in a relationship, you might have a partner that is too demanding.
♇ however, things will start to get much better for you. you'll obviously learn that you deserve so much better than what you're going through. and find a better love interest, one that is diplomatic, friendly and caring; they might be older than you. however, during this period, you'll find yourself to be learning what you truly want and desire in life.
♇ the lovers being here signifies that you would find value within yourself before you get into a relationship. you'll comprehend that you shouldnt depend on others to make you valued. this better relationship will get in might involve a soul mate, or someone who is destined to be in your life and aid you to improve yourself as you'll also aid them to improve themselves. you'll feel like a team with them.
♇ i think what the cards are trying to insinuate that you might not be able to avoid the worse. due to the fact that you'll have to go through selfish people to learn about your values so you can get what is best for you. advice like that is annoying, trust me, but intuitively i also got that it had to happen this way because you havent been listening, so you're learning the hard way. though the better love you'll get will be light and fun. you'll be experiencing new things you might be scared of experiencing, though, cards are saying to allow yourself to explore!
♇ with the nine of cups, you might've manifested this love life for you, or it is the type of love life that you wished yourself to have. what will be coming in for love for you is a love life that'll be pampering, entertaining, satisfying and even physically intimate. you might find this new person as a place, could be a party or a normal social gathering.
♇ lastly, this proves my point of you learning your values and learning what you want with the king of wands being here. you will get out of your hermit mode and become a social butterfly, putting yourself out there and being confident. your ride is quite emotional and i'm already proud for pile three; as you will learn to put yourself first and not allowing people to continuously walk all over you!
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A transformation and an end of a cycle is coming next in love you are walking away from toxic unhealthy attachments and will soon be celebrating that you’re finally free from it, you will learn how to nurture yourself and be more caring and compassionate with yourself before this person comes in you will already be feeling internally complete and content, You might’ve been in love triangles before whether it was you who had many options or someone else who was juggling you and someone else but all that is changing, you will be taking things slow yet being persistent you will have an awakening of some sort and come to some realization that you have some limiting beliefs due to past relationship traumas you may have been deceived because of your naivety and in the past people may have led you on or fed you with lies and gave you breadcrumbs which gave you a lot of anxiety, there may have been conflict because things weren’t moving as quickly as you wanted, but this toxic cycle is ending because someone stable and reliable is soon coming to make an offer to you they’re someone who is persistent, stubborn, but always goes after what they want and knows exactly what they want and that is you. they may be charming and confident as well as a leader they’ll be very traditional and like to take the masculine role you will realize why you went through what you did in the past and how much stronger it made you now, this relationship will lead to a long-term commitment and it will bring you a lot of confidence and stability for the future , There will be a lot of passion and fulfillment you will feel praised and adored and although you may feel heartbroken for a little while because you have to leave the past behind in order to get this you will be so happy in the long run that you let go of the codependency and unhealthy attachments from the past your spirit guides want you to have higher standards and only accept people who are worthy of your time and willing to put in the work for you they also want you to let go of any limiting beliefs that you may have from the past that may be stuck in your subconscious so that way things can turn out differently I also see that affirmations would benefit you a lot for manifesting a better relationship in the near future. There also may be someone from the past resurfacing because I am getting a message that someone from your past is not over you and they’ve even cried over you they have not moved on even if they chose someone else over you they regret it yet they are not ready to express their emotions to you someone here is thinking about having a family with you or if you’re not at that point yet then obviously they’re just thinking about a long-term future with you they might’ve felt like you didn’t care which is why they act it out of ego but regardless your new person will be more stable and consistent with their love so I recommend leaving the past behind.
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♡ ° 。 ⋆ cards : four of cups, judgement three of wands, strength, ten of swords
an unexpected love is coming. before this person is entering your life, you will go through a pretty heavy period that will change your perspective in regards to love. you crave love, don't you? i'd go as far as saying that you love the idea of love and can't wait for your own little fairytale. i myself am a hopeless romantic and had to deal with the unrealistic expectations of who i was going to be with and all that. this is the pile for the people who deny any negative message whenever they read a pick a card. you get sad once a reading uncovers some facts you don't particularly want to hear. good for you for having high standards but sometimes it's better to lower them a little. the tower moment i was speaking about earlier is related to how you view love in general. you might not realize it but you could be the type to rely on romantic partners for validation and you believe a new boyfriend/girlfriend is going to help you boost your self esteem. as humans, we do need some external help (but only a little). i want to make a clarification though. this doesn't mean that love isn't going to be beautiful or coming your way, it's actually the opposite. it will take a while, yes, and that's how it needs to be in order for you to experience some mental growth.
the person entering your life isn't your type. not someone you'd usually go for or even take into consideration for a potential lover. that doesn't make them less worthy of you, i am sure of that. in fact, they have a lovely energy and remind me a lot of the person in the second pile of my latest pac "glimpses of your future lover". their energy is warm and comfortable but there is some bittersweetness when it comes to your meeting. i don't want to make you feel pointed at but it's because you will take them for granted at first. usually when people are told in tarot that the next person they will date won't be what they'd go for most of the times, they tend to think that person is unattractive and they are settling for less. again, not the case. i can't see the reason why you would overlook someone whose presence is this beautiful yet there are some good news and that's that you will eventually fall for them...and you will fall hard. besides this, not much else is shown as now it's the perfect time to focus on your progression and working on your mindset.
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
Read second update❗️
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I’ll be closing exchanges you can thank those who took advantage
People act as if their time is more important than yours and that level of entitlement is astonishing to me
You’re energy is not more important than mine, your time is not more valuable than mine, don’t agree to exchanges if you cannot hold your own. Always remember what goes around comes around.
(Update: cancer fairy responded with an apology and gave me the reading + an extra one for free she is not a scammer!)
Update pt 2. @99laami is not a scammer either she also ended up reaching out with an apology and gave me the reading!
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 - 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬/𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮
a collab between @d4rkpluto @astrodoll2 @vasnecia and @neptunianspell and our newest member @daarlingdatura !
this collab, clearly, includes about how you should achieve fame and how will influencers/celebrities will perceive you.
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☆ How to achieve fame ☆ Channeled words: Prophet, catastrophic, psychic power. I Envisioned someone using their power to cause great destruction, the color of their energy was a very light blue. This destruction was done with intention of good will.
Hope 𓇼 Wonder 𓇼 Dreams 𓇼 Silence 𓇼 Hawthorne Wand You are very deeply connected to the ethereal realm; You hold knowledge locked in past lives & have deeply rooted psychic powers you don't fully understand yet. Retain hope in your dreams, continue living life with a sense of curiosity and wonder. Don't be afraid of silence, I feel your guides communicate with you best through silence. I was envisioning someone in a beautiful pink and white Lolita style dress sitting thoughtfully on a mossy rock. You have this unbridled power & potential that as you continue to tap into it you will be able to use it to ground and rally dig into your creative potential through various forms of authentic self expression. It's important you don't push yourself too hard and stay grounded. You don't want to throw yourself off the deep end unintentionally. You have very sensitive reception to energy and stress. So, keep that in mind, don't get mad at yourself. You are deeply powerful, and it takes time to cultivate that type of raw power to it's true potential. There is nothing wrong with needing more privacy & alone time than the average person. Believe 𓇼 Winter 𓇼 Wisdom 𓇼 Truth 𓇼 The Magician 𓇼 Seduction Don't ever give up on your passions and dreams, but also keep them private. Do not let random people in, I think you are someone with great power and knowledge who will be revered for their ability to tap into sources that most are not even aware exist. As I was pulling cards I did hear the word prophet. I feel though this is not a word to be thrown around. Perhaps you could be an activist or public speaker, someone with a powerfully moving story that quite literally shifts the public opinion. Always use your truth, and don't be afraid to use spell-work to get shit done. You may have higher ups or socially powerful people in your corner who can help you leverage yourself. You are likely very attractive; People could perceive you as sweet or innocent, but there is a deep and dark nature to you that people seem to only perceive on a subconscious level. It draws people in like a magnet, you can use this seductive energy to make people do your bidding. Death 𓇼 The Hierophant 𓇼 Page of Wands 𓇼 Ace of Wands There is a spiritual death you must experience before you begin your rise to fame. I also feel that you could be correspondent with death or destruction energies. Especially because even the Hierophant in this deck is a mummy rising from his coffin. The death card is your proverbial death, while the hierophant is you rising from the ashes with new knowledge and great insight. It's possible that you could need to ask for divine guidance & confirmations as to how you can take the path towards this spiritual death and rebirth. I do believe you will go through a phoenix like transformation, I heard "being rebirthed through the flame". You may face some of the more odious and ill intentioned parts of yourself. You will need to begin expressing rather than repressing. There could be a piece of information that comes out about you. Or alternatively, if it does not come out you will face it on your own during a hermit mode? I'm just channeling here. Anyways, I see that after this experience your zest for life will return. Perhaps you won't even recognize yourself because you vision will be distorted. Part of your path to fame is detangling and understanding the intricacies of your mind. I heard put it on display, I'm not sure what it means but if it resonates it resonates. The fool rx 𓇼 The Knight of Swords 𓇼 The Knight of Cups 𓇼 Wheel of fortune 𓇼 6 of wands 𓇼 2 of swords
You may be tempted to run away from a version of you that other people knew, I feel that instead of running away from it you should own it. Don’t just own it though, show people how far ahead of this version of you you’ve moved or grown from. Let them choke on their words. Your words hold immense power, and someone may take notice of this. He could be well off in some way, or perhaps he is known! I feel that you should also work towards creating more footing for a platform for yourself after this death and rebirth. I keep thinking of YouTube, and I have on and off thought of music throughout this post. Perhaps you have interest in music? If you, do I think you should consider expressing that more. You could have an intense and emotionally stressful relationship perhaps? This relationship might bring you to a new level of awareness and self-esteem. Like, something could just click into place for you, and you will walk into another direction with freedom channeled song: sprung T-PAIN
Knight of Swords 𓇼 Ace of Swords 𓇼 Knight of Wands 𓇼 King of Swords 𓇼 3 of Wands I personally do feel like a lot is being omitted from this reading because there is much for you to achieve and overcome. So I am only currently seeing chunks and pieces. HOWEVER, You will learn to communicate your intense thoughts, opinions, and feelings to the public. Earlier I kept feeling this idea that you might have a level of disdain for the public & humanity in general. Not like you’re a bad person, but you see what humans do to each other and in this world and it causes you great pain. I envisioned a white rabbit. You might benefit from past life regressions & readings. Anyways, you will learn to say what you think and what you feel with no regrets or fear of backlash. You will shift the lives of many and cause great disruption. It will however be for the better, you are ahead of your time. You are far, far, far, ahead of your time.  10 of Pentacles 𓇼 Ace of Cups 𓇼 The Magician 𓇼 The Queen of Pentacles 𓇼 The Tower Talking about these topics, fighting against the public, and speaking your mind will garner you a large following. You could even be seen as someone to fear, due to your psychic prowess and great power. You may need to relocate as you find yourself growing in power and recognition. Or at the very least keep your life very private, do not trust random people. Keep your friend group incredibly small. You may need to put in a lot of work for psychic, spiritual, and physical protection. As you reach your peak you will knock down many people. Your voice is ridiculously powerful. Your approach to knock down that which no longer serves society empowers many. 
How will other celebrities and influencers view you? Ten of wands 𓇼 Six of Wands 𓇼 2 of Swords 𓇼 Queen of Pentacles 𓇼 Death You may be outcasted by some but greatly celebrated and revered by others. The public perception about you is going to be very split up. I see that regardless of that you will be seen as stable, and reliable by others. You could also be seen as the death of an era. You may cause a lot of people to feel as if you stand for all the wrong things and are taking away their freedom of expression.  The High Priestess 𓇼 7 of swords rx 𓇼 Page of Cups 𓇼 The Fool rx 𓇼 6 of Cups People who hate you the most will likely fear you, they may feel you are of the Devil. I really keep feeling like you could piss off a lot of traditionally religious people. They could consider you an abomination, someone who should not have seen the light of day. That you are going against the morals and values of society. A lot of younger people could look up to you though, you inspire them to be themselves. To love themselves and fight for what they believe in. I also think some people could try to pin you as emotionally immature. 
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♇ okay pile two, i see with the knight of cups and the rest of the spread, shows that you need to be true to yourself! be honest to yourself! be appreciative of what you can do along with your arts, because it can blossom into greatness. make sure to be patient with what you do and not rush things, move gracefully for good outcomes. with your fame, it'll be a thing where you'll need to follow your heart! especially with the heavy cups theme for this spread.
♇ with the eight of pentacles, this evidently tells me that you have to put in your hard work! intuitively, im getting that people from this pile might slack sometimes or not focus on the projects that are actually useful for them. eight of pentacles is the card of repetitive tasks, so there will be certain themes or skills in your life you're going to have to improve by doing them over and over again. you might get sick and tired of it, but it is for the greater good. this is another card that is telling you to be confident in yourself.
♇ onto the chariot, this is another indicator to put hard work the cards are screaming at you guys to stop SLACKING! and build confidence, it'll be no use for someone to want to achieve fame and not attempt to learn how to be confident. and the chariot is also advising you to not feel let down when something does not go your way, have the strength of will and never give up. your perseverance will be a huge theme and lesson for your rise in fame! you will have to learn how to overcome challenges and having to learn to be focused.
♇ on one hand, the hermit shows that you do need to do some soul-searching. people who picked this pile might be confused on what to do next, or you guys dont understand yourself as much as you should, dont understand your purpose. you might not even know what you would want to be known for if you become famous; you will also need to understand, people of this pile, that certain things will be revealed to you in time and not all at once. maybe it is because you are not ready to learn about specific things, and it could make you insecure about your path and cause you to stop.
♇ on the other hand, the king of cups being in reverse, beacons that if you become famous, you will be in a spot where your creativity will be counted on. and that there'll be people who would want to walk all over you and be selfish. the king of cups being in reverse implies that you will also need to be selfish and take things for yourself. it also encourages you to have someone who will guide you, at least and elder who knows about the industry. people would see your vulnerability and would like to take advantage of you. and remember, that not everyone is your friend, be careful of who you allow to be around you, because there'll be people who see your potential and would want you to fall.
♇ finally, with the nine of cups, in the end its telling you to do opposite with what you're doing right now. have some confidence! manifest! speak things into existence. step out of your comfort zone and do things you haven't done before, perhaps you'll find something you would want to do. and do the things your core wants to do, do the things that are on your list but you're afraid to do it! this card definitely implies about you finding your purpose, because when you finally do your soul-searching, you will have your eureka moment!
♇ starting with the seven of swords, they would think you are someone who gets away with things a lot. or they would perceive you to be someone who is deceiving, witty and risky to hang around with. they would think of you to be someone who is somewhat fake, like you hang around people to gain information, [but you might do this to protect yourself? like to understand how people are] so you know how to defend yourself.
♇ the knight of pentacles implies that they will be aware that you are hard worker. [evidently, this is future wise] but i feel like people wont look over your work. though they will see of you as someone who is protective and defensive. however, they will perceive you to be someone who will work with what they have, so even though, they might perceive you as a snake. these people will admire how much creativity you have and how you can make nothing into anything.
♇ on the queen of pentacles in reverse, they will definitely be able to see your insecurity. you could be someone who is deemed as self-absorbed and greedy. you might be someone who is expressive about how you feel, and what you want to do, and i think that you are someone who isnt as cunning and scheming as you think you are. they would be able to tell that you're someone who would want to climb the social ladder.
♇ they would think of you to be someone who is a lot, with the way these cards are. the five of cups shows that they will perceive you to be someone who fixates on their losses, and someone who's just overly emotional. if you did become famous, i do feel like you would become very meme-ish. due to the fact that the cards imply you're most likely going to have public or online meltdowns, and the celebrities/influencers will notice your behaviour causes brands to steer away from you.
♇ lastly, with the five of pentacles, they will see you as an outsider. there could be moments when your finances go down and this could also link to what i said in the previous paragraph. they will definitely see you as someone who is self-destructive but they will be able to tell that you're someone who holds onto faith and hope especially when you're stuck on how to change a bad situation.
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You’re confidence is the way to get you to your highest peak in fame, as well as showing the world something you’re passionate about, people love seeing you have fun and enjoying yourself, your psychic abilities may even be something people are drawn to about you as well as the fact that you bring this feeling in others that makes them want to serve or please you, people will easily offer you opportunities because of this feeling you ignite in them, you’re seen as someone with high energy who gets bored easily so you’d benefit more from mediating in order to be more grounded and not get burnt out so quickly, you may have the right people around you to network with and it’d be important for you to keep them around so you could benefit from them, you may even be good at manipulating people if you really wanted to for personal gain which could help bring fame, you being a survivor of something would bring more attention towards you because you would gain the respect of others from how far you’ve come as well as not getting anything handed to you, people would only want to see you happy knowing what you’ve been through in the past so they’d be rooting for you, you’re creativity and something you’re knowledgeable attracts others to want to listen to what you have to teach, flaunting your sex appeal and bad habits would make alot of the masculine energy people to want to come rescue you, interesting message but I feel like men in particular like seeing you as a victim in a way so they can come rescue you and it brings out their masculine urge to want to protect you, and it also turns them on to be able to be your savior or knight and shining armor. You may be someone more independent who doesn’t ask for help so you pushing them away makes them want to chase you even more, they want to feel needed by you because that would validate them. You’re love life could be something that would spark attention towards you, you guys would probably be a very known idealized couple that people would want to be updated on checking your pf or being happy when you guys appear on their feed because to them you guys are couple goals but then a break up or heartbreak would occur that would cause others to be shocked and sad about it. You may become wealthy off promoting your appearance, self care or fun lifestyle you could even vlog on yt and people would be interested or curious on what you have going on, after getting more known you could be celebrating with friends and traveling, people would follow you because they like your aesthetic, sense of style and the way you carry yourself, people would love seeing your more carefree risky nature, they love seeing you be spontaneous and adventurous. People want to hear the advice you have to offer they feel like they can learn alot from you even if you don’t express it, It’s your actions that inspire them and want to be more like you, you’re a good motivator and would be good at teaching others how to move away from a victim mindset and into a more empowered one.
They view you as some intellectual and intelligent, someone optimistic about their future as all as someone who stands out, in their eyes you may be wise, balanced, calm, traditional, hardworker, caring to others and treats everyone equally, although they would see you at a crossroad in your relationship they may think you’re indecisive or unwilling to let someone go- a toxic relationship specifically, you may be afraid of change or even finding a new lover to make you happy because you’re karmically involved with someone else who you should walk away from, even though you can intuitively feel that and are self aware you would still be patient with letting go and want to rip the band-Aid off slowly. They acknowledge your strength and fiery attitude/confidence, someone honest and direct, they see you as someone stable especially financially, other influencers would want to party with you or invite you out because you seem like fun, they see you as someone going with the flow and moving at your own pace, they recognize your worth and achievements as well and they know it didn’t come easy so they respect you for that, they view you as someone who has their emotions balanced and comes off more logical, they view you as someone who would be a reliable friend as well, someone unbiased and may forgive easily but will not forget, they see you as a good hearted person you may even give back to charities when you have more money, but you’re someone willing to lend a helping hand but still has boundaries once again just a very balanced person overall. They also view you as someone attractive with many options in love
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- how to achieve fame?
a very unexpected answer i must say. in this lifetime, you are supposed to be connecting with others and have relationships in which both parties can teach something. a way in which you can have your rise to stardom is by connecting with your soulmates and only allowing high vibrational people into your life. not only when it comes to fame but other areas of your life too, your energy has to remain away from the negative ones in order to perservere. you might be the type that attracts many energy vampires. you don't realize it but you give too much of yourself to those that aren't worthy so you must learn to preserve your time. you see yourself as someone who is moderately kind yet you end up as somewhat of a saviour. another thing you should do is spend more time analyzing your own behaviour. i am not saying you aren't self aware but there are small things you do unconsciously that are causing harm to yourself. you blame lack of energy or negativity on other factors while you are doing it with your own hand. self sabotage and sacrifice should and must be eliminated in order to achieve the success you crave.
not gonna lie, you will have to work for fame. but you must remember that your path should be built on love and passion, not burden and despair. don't go for projects or jobs that you dislike. anything related to your career field should be something you like, such as the people you want to work with, even the places you go to/events you attend. life will make you do things unwillingly at times and that's unavoidable but if you have a choice, choose what you truly want. work hard, but don't work compelled. it's important to learn what is actually good for you and be aware of your true desires. don't get distracted by meaningless opinions or words from others, especially family. i sense some people in your close proximity don't like the direction you are choosing? or will once you start going further on your path.
lastly, use your intuition and spiritual gifts, it will do wonders. you might not know this yet but you have some incredible hidden manifestation kills. if you've ever thought of getting into the law of attraction, then this is your sign to start!
- how would other celebrities view you?
unfortunately, both celebrities and fans might sexualize you a lot and be interested in your romantic life. you would be the type to get asked out a lot, especially by the famous people you work with and even be the ideal type for others. they would say you have a specific charm to yourself and particularly liked by members of the lgbt community. while you will be seen as attractive by them, many, especially those of the same gender, would be prone to making unnecessary comments about your appearance or body. you'd bring out the jealousy in maby celebrities. since you are spiritual and high vibrational, you'd make them stand out with their negative energy compared to you. some might even try to get into fights with you or put words in your mouth. since many famous people are secretly vile and disgusting, you'd only highlight that with your mere good presence. you would have a few by your side that would stand up for you whenever you get "dragged".
those who do like you admire your work ethic a lot. you'd be a good source of inspiration and show them that a public life doesn't always require changing who you are. i heard "i wanna be just like them" so this is what most of them think. you might even inspire many to get into spiritual practices and reach their highest potential.
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
Astrology Reading
DISCLAIMER: this is just a lil bit of fun so please don’t take it seriously ok? tbh you already know that 😭
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So, I think you could pass at an old age but you may suffer with arthritis due to 6th house in capricorn (still learning on the 6TH house) When you pass you could be asleep or falling asleep, you could be abroad/ in a transport vehicle (like an ambulance) or with family at home or just in somewhere that you feel at home in with someone around maybe (😵‍💫many situations) . I think when you pass it will be very quick and painless possibly a shock to the family too. When you pass i think that some individuals will think it is a mystery of your passing. I do want to say that i have seen a slight repetition of libra and consumption, so possibly you could have diabetes since libra represents the kidneys and that area so stomach pancreas ect. With pisces being in your 8H could it be from drinking sugary drinks or something? (idk about the drinks tbh)
You have pisces 8H (like me) known to pass in sleep, something water related, or sacrifice (i think sacrifice is a bit of a stretch tbh considering you can’t fully predict how it can happen but your reason of passing)
Moon in 8H> The moon is ruled by cancer which tends to represent the motherly figure ,home, family, consumption.
8° > = Scorpio degree. Your death could be a mystery or through some things that are considered as taboo. (due to still getting to know you i won’t comment on the topics incase of a trigger warning ect, sorry)
Uranus 8th> Uranus is an unruly planet and has a tendency to bring surprises, which clearly your death could very much be. Your death could be a sudden painless death, you could possibly shock family members due to this.
2° = Taurus degree. Taurus is known for the throat, consumption, that kinda thing.
Your Pluto is in the 5th house Sag which is normally ruled by leo.
Sagittarius is known as a ruler of jupiter many astrologers define it as expansion so this could mean, travelling So you could be abroad at your passing, food or In a car or some transport.
Degree: 19° libra. “rules kidneys, as well as the acid/alkaline balance in the body.” evidence, unclear “This death is often related to diabetes or sweets. For these people, death will most likely be very peaceful, beautiful, and even artistic. It might also happen in sleep, at the same time as your spouse, or in another easy, loving way. This is a smooth death which will come at a time when you are totally at peace.”
IC Libra, 23° = Uranus/ Aquarius degree.
Thank you :) bye bye
Thank you so much for this reading, it was really interesting!🫶🏻
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
FREE READINGS 1000+ followers giveaway 🐬
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I reached 1000 awhile ago but I didn’t do anything because I’ve been drained which is also why I barely been posting but I’m coming back soon they’re all in my drafts:)
To win a free tarot reading with any question of your choice you must follow these rules
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Must Like and reblog this post
Good luck and thank you for all your support🫶🏻
Winners got sent a dm respond within 24hrs pls and ty🥹
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
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I’ll be closing exchanges you can thank those who took advantage
People act as if their time is more important than yours and that level of entitlement is astonishing to me
You’re energy is not more important than mine, your time is not more valuable than mine, don’t agree to exchanges if you cannot hold your own. Always remember what goes around comes around.
(Update: cancer fairy responded with an apology and gave me the reading + an extra one for free she is not a scammer!)
Update pt 2. @99laami is not a scammer either she also ended up reaching out with an apology and gave me the reading!
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 - 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲/𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐥
a collab between @d4rkpluto @mystiicwinter@vasnecia and our newest member [again] @astrodoll2 !
this collab includes, evidently, your life as a celebrity/idol, your love life as a celebrity, how the industry will treat you along with how your fans will be!
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You’d be very well known for your seductive appearance, may be seen as a sex symbol, even if you don’t see yourself this way that is the way others would receive your energy/ appearance, because of this it would bring lots of job opportunities, maybe modeling, acting or even preforming but something where you’d make money off your appearance, you’re very mysterious as well, you seem withdrawn and you don’t put all your cards out on the table, you know when to talk and how much to say, which makes people very curious about you sometimes to the point of obsession or a cult following. People may envy you because they see how quickly you’re getting results and are blowing up on social media yet they don’t see all the hard work you did behind the scenes, people love the way you communicate and the way your mind works, you’re seen as someone blunt with boundaries yet caring and nurturing, it’s like when you watch shows or movies and you find that comfort character you just relate to, you’re that to many people. You’re adored and others see you as very confident/ passionate about your pursuits. Your energy has the power to be very transformative to others negatively or positively either Your confidence and strength inspires people or it triggers them because they feel you don’t deserve to have all that you do. You travel a lot for ex; if you’re a musician I see you going on tour a lot, preforming in different cities/countries, because of this constant travel though you may get homesick a lot or be bored of always being on the go. At times you may become really insecure or anxious knowing there’s many eyes on you and you let fear get in the way.
༺♡༻ LOVE LIFE ༺♡༻
When it comes to love you have many options which will have you confused and torn between which person to choose from, it makes you overwhelmed emotionally because you don’t want to make the wrong choice so it also may be very hard to get you to commit, you could fear being abandoned or left so you leave before you see the relationship progress (avoidant or disorganized attachment style),either you’re seen as a heartbreaker because of this or you may go through a public breakup which turns your world upside down, you may get lost in your fantasies about a person causing you to idealize them and lose sight of who they REALLY are rather than who you wish them to be. On the bright side you will have fans supporting you and sending lots of love while you’re going through it and I see you channeling this pain into inspiration making creative projects off it ex; again if you’re a musician making songs about it,or if you’re an artist making art to express the emotions you’re feeling, regardless I see you finding a way to benefit from it which also attracts more attention to you.
They respect you a lot, they see a potential in you to become very well known since you’re very charismatic and charming, a lot of fire sign energy, you’re fearless, bold, energetic and very attractive not just physically but your aura as well, you are very successful as a celebrity and loved by the masses, you also are very financially abundant off your talents and the commitment you put into your work, you’re very generous and share your wealth with the ones you love which attracts more to you. You’re someone who can manifest whatever they want into their physical easily. So many people, influencers, authority figures want to promote you or work with you because they know what your capable of and they know you will be very fortunate, it’d be important for you to choose wisely because some may even try to triumph off your fame, clout chasers/use you for followers or attention. Many try to collab with you.
Honestly if you’re not famous yet and you wanted to put yourself out there I say 100% go for it, you’d be very successful, your fans love you so much, you inspire them and they learn so much from you whether it be the things you say or just how you lead by example, you’re a leader and a visionary, you may even be the type of person to give advice from experience which is very helpful to others, people love the work you put out and your fans are very loyal to you they’d defend you no matter what, something about you makes others feel nostalgic or home like so they attach themselves emotionally to you, you make them so happy and especially if you do some form of art or a creator of some sort it helps people out through their own dark times, you’re a STAR and the love your fans have for you exceed over any hate, but you know all that hate is jealousy anyways because they wish they were you and in your position so you wouldn’t let it get to you.
♡☆♤Pile Two♤☆♡
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You as a celebrity and how the industry treats you.
Cards: knight of swords, knight of wands, the star, 3 of pentacles.
I feel like you would be the type of celebrity that people would die to collaborate with. people would think that you are a very good teammate or somebody that’s known to bring about results and also profits, someone valuable to have on their side. People would not want to get on your bad side and in general you’re somebody that's of logical and does not make any impulsive moves and people would just try to not to rock the boat.
You in general are not the type person that thinks bad of somebody and you get really upset when somebody does think bad of you or like wishes bad for you and that is something that's very off putting to you because you don't really have bad intentions, you're a very neutral person and it's really hard to get on your bad side or just to even make you angry so people would really like to be around you or like to be in your sphere.
People think that you’re helpful and a very Good vibe. So you’d definitely be the type of celebrity that takes care of their staff. Somebody that’s very thoughtful and very very grateful in general for anybody that made possible whatever you wanted and you're the person that would show your staff members a lot of care and thought, also you understand that without their help without their generosity without their without their thought process without their help you would not make it and that makes you extremely humble to them. You also would be the type that takes into account everyone's ideas,everyone stances.
You might not put everything into the final draft but you definitely consider everything that everyone is saying and their point of view, because you respect their wisdom, backgrounds,experience levels and expertise.
I also feel like this is advice for you to do that because that is the only way that would take you up and that is the only way that you would see you Safely to the ocean so if you do that you realize that you have the skills, abilities and resources you need to complete your goals.
You'd also competent at what you do and you'll understand that you’re making progress. I feel like you’d be treated as much of a star as you are and there might be a few controversies that could sparked on your way to fame but it will be solved on the way and people might look up to you a lot
You’d be the person that influences a change, you would be a positive influence and overall you’ll be very loved you might also have a lot of guardians spirits or angels that might help you on the way.
There could be a water sign That could also help you, also a fire sign but keep in mind that this fire sign maybe stimulus for a change in yourself and your outlook on the world might be affected by that fire sign.
Your love life
Cards: 4 of pentacles, 3 of swords, 7 of wands,9 of wands and the high priestess.
Your love life might be a bit complicated because you might get Into relationships with people with that could be controlling Possessive and jealous,you could possibly attract people like that and as a relationship goes on it might not be as enjoyable as It was in the first phases as the person probably squeezes the life out of you and basically displays very negative traits that you did not expect them to have. Possibly holds onto past wrongdoings and you will have to make decisions whether you wanna them Forgive them or Leave the relationship for good.
Also this could be an indication that you might hold yourself back after this after this situation gets handled might feel heartbroken you might need to work a lot on your self worth and self esteem again.
You might run into a lot of challenges just when you do find the person you like you’re going to have to put in efforts into the relationship. Third parties could be involved.
You will need to maintain control, hold your own and be determined.
There may be serious competition for this person’s affection and if you allow yourself to sink into the background, you may get overlooked.
Just make sure the next person you allow into your life is worthy of your love and guard your heart until they’ve earned your trust.
Remember one thing though
Honesty is essential in making your relationship as strong as it can be. There should be Vulnerability and you’ll need to be very genuine in the relationship to make it work but you’ll be very desired by people so be careful who you let in and show vulnerability to.
Your fans (how they see you and treat you)
Your fans would be very fiery. They would love the fact that you worked really hard for whatever you have and you weren't handed this on the silver platter. They would love to message that you give out of being an independent self-made woman or man or just a self-made person. They would learn a lot from you. You’d basically be a very impressive person to them. They would probably be very devoted and loyal to you. Also a defensive lot. They’d back you up when someone criticizes you. And try to be supportive as they can.
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「 pile three 」
╰─➤ you as a celebrity
╰─➤ cards : king of wands, page of wands, six of cups, five of pentacles
as a celebrity, you would have a lot of impact and be one of those people that remain "known" even after departing their specific industry. your presence itself is enough to attract the stares and attention of other people rather quickly. it doesn't take long for the media to realize you are in fact very charismatic and a natural in the spotlight. while you are very serious about your work, you take your time with everything and find fun in being a celebrity. you would try your best to avoid "leeches" and not let meaningless opinions bring down your self esteem. i can feel that you are sensitive yet your career, specifically as a public figure, can make your confidence skyrocket. i also want to mention that your humour heavily stands out.
╰─➤ your love life as a celebrity
╰─➤ cards : page of wands, queen of wands, king of cups, ten of wands
damn, this part is spicy. many things to say but i'd like to start by saying that there will be a lot of expectations about your love life. people will constantly try to ship you with other figures and spreas rumours about who your current bae might be. i even heard that some papers or shady gossip pages would call you "playboy/girl" and try to make you seem like a player. you will be wanted by many and go through a lot of situationships, but only a few would get to call you their partner. as i've mentioned, everyone would be interested in this aspect of your life and almost every interview would contain questions about it. once you start dating someone, the crowd goes crazy. some individuals might try to get between you and your lover or be jealous of what you have. i think you would try your best to keep your private stuff lowkey, but when things get exposed...they will be exposed.
╰─➤ how would the industry treat you
╰─➤ cards : the empress, temperance, two of wands
you seem to be well liked and once you establish a name within the industry, you won't be dragged so easily. i can see that, especially at first, your strong personality and attitude + your originality when it comes to your field might not be so welcomed by everybody. this generation praises itself as one belonging to the "different ones" but once someone stands out they get so much hate. you won't be an exception. the best example i can think of right now is beyonce. look how so many people praise her for her work and talent and the amount of negativity she receives isn't enough to top the admiration of her fans. or people like megan fox or nicki minaj who are still "iconic" despite getting themselves into unfavourable situations.
╰─➤ your fans
╰─➤ cards : ten of swords, three of cups, six of swords
your fans are BRUTAL. bringing nicki into this again but her fans are something else and so are yours. while they can be funny and give great comebacks, i also think about kpop stans that go past any existent limits when it comes to arguments. the six of swords makes me think you will have more international fans than the area you currently live in. you would have to travel a lot in order to meet them and i can see you having a tour of meet&greets. you know how some fandoms are known for being friends with others? another celebrity, probably a friend of yours, will have fans that are ready to backup yours anytime some shit goes down. your admirers might also be the type to defend your problematic behaviour and overlook your mistakes.
@mystiicwinter 🦇
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♇ okay so this is an interesting start, pile 4, so you will most likely be an anti-social celebrity, and you might be perceived to be a celebrity who is for the people? you would be a celebrity who keeps to themselves and will probably know the negative side of fame and will be paranoid about the ty[e of people who enter your life, or try to. you could also be the type of celebrity who will be hard to contact.
♇ besides your anti-social persona, you will be a celebrity who will be known for your intelligence, you'll be protective, guarded and news about you will not come out easily or early. for example, if you ever got married, people will find out like two years into your marriage. howbeit, you'll be the type of celebrity who'll be known because of how you are against injustice.
♇ on one hand, i dont think the public will be unaware of your spiritual side, this might not relate to the majority, but you could also be known for a pregnancy? a child? or there could be rumours about you having a secret child [thus your secretive nature], on the other hand, you'll definitely be a celebrity/idol others in your industry will go for advice. even though you will be perceived as anti-social, people will recognise that you do like to let go and have fun.
♇ interesting, it could be considered your love life as a celebrity will be quite sad, you'll be someone who won't be able to let go of lovers, im hearing because of the memories. there'll be a lot of forgiving going on within your relationships, or a lot of grudges. however, this pile seems really mature, so in the end you'll be wanting to heal from your relationships and move on anyways.
♇ as an idol/celebrity, you might manifest for the right one to come to you, due to the fact im hearing that there'll be people who would want to use your for your status and finance. though, when you do get those reliable partners, your love life will be steady and helpful, the both of you will be generous and not overwhelming to each other, boundaries will be clear between you and your lovers.
♇ nevertheless, with the page of cups tells me that you could date within your work place or with people who are in the same industry as you. your love life as a celebrity will bring out a childish and vulnerable side to you. it might be very physically intimate due to the fact that pregnancy does come up once again, this could indicate that someone might want to trap you with a child. which does make sense to why you'll be paranoid about who you'll let into your social/romantic circle.
♇ with the cards i got, is that you will be treated by authority. you'll be depended on a lot which will clearly bring you stress. though, there will be people in the industry that will be protective over you. even though they will be protective over you, they will still want you to be logical and practical with how you do things. there could also be a certain masculine figure in the industry that'll be around. there will be tough love though, if you want to get to a certain stage you will have to work for it.
♇ people in the industry will be idealistic about you, there'll be some difficult expectations for you to achieve, but, that always happens to people in the industry. people will treat you as admiration as they will see you trying to achieve the goals people set out for you. though as you will be deemed as a celebrity who fights against injustice, you'll most likely speak on how you're getting over-worked if so. thus the admiration you will get by your co-workers and staff.
♇ with the three of wands, you'll be treated with commitment, and there'll be people who are observant and watching you a lot. though, this card did come out side-ways, so there will be moments when people are unsure about your progress and would question you a lot, which will annoy you if they're persistent about their uncertainty. on the brighter side, many people will be behind you in many choices you make.
♇ this is a very strong response, but evidently, your fans will most likely be kept to themselves, i feel like in a way they will reflect you when it comes to spirituality. in the beginning you might not have much fans? or your fans will literally just stay in their lane, but they'll be very strong when it comes to defending. this will be a very respectful fandom.
♇ due to how in their lane they could be, others will respect them for that. or their silence or the way they handle stuff will make them be deemed as people who have silent authority. other people who belong to other fandoms will see your fandom as "above all" and "all high and mighty" which could make them feel a sort of way and not want to argue with your fandom.
♇ as i've mentioned that your fandom will be a reflection of you, they will be influenced by the type of justice you want and will want to achieve the things you'll achieve in the industry. people might joke about them being "social justice warriors" but they'll definitely be feminists. and quite judgemental, but it makes sense. they'll be honest and truthful and they'll take accountability for their actions and would want others to do the same, could link to why people would not want to argue with them.
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
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PSA my readings are essay long if you write short paragraph readings pls do not ask for an exchange. All my readings are detailed and long so only ask if you can match that energy!
I am making this post simply because I put the upmost effort into all my readings and it’s tiring to not receive the same so if you do not offer that kind of service and would like an accurate detailed reading my menu is right here = Paid readings menu
if we’ve done an exchange and you’ve written less it’s okay I still appreciate the reading and I’m sure it was still accurate this is just to let future offers know:)
long readings only
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❗️Also only dm me when you’re ready to exchange that same day, I like to get my readings done quick and on the same day unless for whatever reason I happen to not be available that day (but I usually always make time).❗️
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
how to stay grounded with so many aquarius and gemini placements ?
How to stay grounded with multiple air placements 💨
Multiple air placements would signify being in your head/thoughts a lot. Overthinking, anxiety, depression, probably rationalizing your emotions too much, using logic over emotions or intuition.
To ground yourself I would suggest stepping into nature talking out loud your issues to someone or even yourself, allowing yourself to FEEL your emotions rather than think them, don’t attach to the past, be in the ocean, begin a new passion or hobby, commit to something maybe a new schedule change or a change in your everyday routine. Do self care or watch movies/listen to music to try and get out of your head.
Learn to be more vulnerable, learn how to healthily express your emotions. Try meditating and be in the present moment more when you catch yourself slipping into your thoughts direct your focus onto something else.
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
What is on the other side of the unknown🏞🪔🍃🎍
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Pick whichever you’re most drawn to🐿
Pile 1
The emperor, knight of cups,wheel of fortune, the lovers back of the deck high priestess, the sun and the chariot.
Oracle: the pathway and I saw 222 while doing this so it may be a sign you’re on the right path
I see you’re at a stand still not wanting move or feeling stuck in this need to be in control, even if your heart years to move towards a goal or a calling you stay put, it could even possibly be in a love situation where you don’t even give it a chance simply because you’re afraid of the outcome , will it last?, will I be happy in the long run? Well how will you ever know if never take a chance and would rather assume the worst so you don’t have to. I see that if you were to follow your heart, a new cycle would begin one where you receive good karma for your bravery, if this is about a romantic relationship I see you both being happy and in love, there is no need to fear because I do see this relationship having a purpose, possibly a soulmate connection, but you must not attach yourself to the label and regardless of whether or not it lasts super long term it still made you happy in the moment and is worth experiencing. If you overcome the obstacle that you’ve created in your mind you will face success.
Pile 2
You might’ve been drawn to pile number one because you guys have some of the same cards although the messages are different
The emperor, 6 of swords, 8 of cups, page of cups, ace of wands, wheel of fortune Back: death, the lovers, page of swords
Oracle; kindred spirits
Same as pile 1 I see part of you resisting a change, you’re scared of a transition possibly even an awakening because you’re afraid of losing control, I see you’re afraid of accepting love because you fear it’ll leave so you choose to withdraw yourself especially emotionally to avoid this new beginning whether it’s romantically or something you’re passionate about, it seems as if you don’t want to get your hopes up it’s like you abandon it before it abandons you, you may have a history of self sabotaging because of this. If you were to give your passions a chance you could be happy but you have a habit of getting something then getting bored of it you need to learn gratitude or else you’ll never feel fulfilled with what you have. Although I see you making the effort to heal and move on from the past so you don’t continue this cycle, you’re learning to open your heart, it’s okay to be curious and naive sometimes it’s how you learn. With the oracle I know you may feel alone sometimes even with crowds of people but your spirit guides want you to find comfort in being able to be alone and communicate with them, you’re never alone they’re always listening and they love you, if you ever need comfort from them sit in a quiet space and just rant to them about your life and watch them find ways to send you messages or downloads.
Pile 3
I feel bad for my other piles but you guys got the most cards there’s definitely a message that wants to come through heavily this may even be a specific person this reading is for. I literally was only pulling one message oracle for them but for some reason I felt drawn to do multiple oracles
The star, 3 of wands, 2 of swords and pentacles, 9 of swords, ace of cups, 6 of cups, knight of pentacles Back: queen of swords, 8 of pentacles, the fool
Oracles; homeward traveler, resurrection, returning home, the healing temple, Orion activation, the warrior
I see you guys have had a very difficult time possibly even moments where you’ve felt you hit rock bottom and in times like that it may be difficult to hear this all happening for a reason, but with all my oracles even from different decks being all about a come back or a return I see this meaning you’re coming back stronger than ever, your guides are wanting you to have hope, look at things from a different perspective and see what you learned from it, you’re progressing and growing, yet you’re indecisive about something maybe you feel this all in your head or that you’ll never find happiness but I can assure you that is not the case, the worst has already passed, a new beginning with love will start, this card could viewed as a romantic start but in this case I am seeing this more as a new start in your life where you feel more emotionally open, or where you may actually pour love into yourself and life, it takes patience and I do see in the past you may have been afraid to set boundaries or speak up for yourself, forgive yourself for the past and move forward in this new beginning you will be a new you, there is no need to fear this new start and in fact it is necessary for you to take this leap of faith in order to have this restoration. You will commit to yourself and your passions or talents and you will learn to give and receive in a more balanced matter where you don’t end up feeling drained or left with nothing in return. Okay so for some of you this is a return of lover but only if this is a healthy relationship please do be hoping your toxic ex is coming back because that is not what I see here, I am seeing a new beginning but it’s gonna be completely different which is why you have to let go of the past, they’re coming back healed and ready actually give you the love you deserve if they come back and they have not changed positively then stand your ground and don’t take them back until they’ve done so if they’re even worth it by then. There is a reunion and reconciliation because they missed you a lot and needed that time apart to realize things but please use your discernment. If this is not about love for you then just know all blocks are being removed now:)
~ Come book a private reading with me! ~
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