astrologichole · 24 hours
What do you think about 12 house synastry? Me and my bf we have 12 h on sun and mercury on each other. I’ve read a lot of scary stuff about this but other than that and an opposition between Saturn and Pluto we have the best synastry. And also the best and most secure relationship for the past 2 years. I wonder if our individual charts could influence whether or not those “bad” aspects could play out.
so first of all i am so happy to hear u and u bf have such good synastry <3 I no doubt believe that that is because of u both having ur sun and merc in ur 12th house. u two obviously get each other on a deep level and sync really well. I definitely think ur individual charts influence aspects of ur sun and merc as well as ur saturn and pluto debacle. do u have any info on ur individual charts? i would love to take a deeper dive!
but from the info you've given me, one of the issues u can have with both ur sun and merc being in ur 12th house are secrets and i will say that secrets does not automatically mean untrustworthiness or anything crazy.
secrets can be secrets of the self, hiding deep insecurities or issues u or ur partners have within, that sort of thing. so dont think of the "negatives" that show up in ur research sway u too much, because those sort of negatives are super multifaceted.
in terms of saturn and pluto being in opposition, that might not be an issue that immediately plays out (and i say that because u guys have good synastry) but it can be something that shows up later as u guys start to go through changes within yourselves and together.
speaking from just a human perspective, my bf and i started with like impeccable synastry like we just clicked and understood each other it was perfect. seven years later, challenges came up, and it's natural because seven years is a long time for changes to happen. that being said, these challenges didn't break us. they're hard but they have only made us stronger.
so no matter what you think can happen or any anxiety ur feeling, just remember that astrology aside, change is normal and so are secrets! secrets that aren't necessarily to deceive but are sometimes kept for other reasons are natural and I encourage you and your bf to keep communication as open as possible <3
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astrologichole · 1 day
Welcome back to Tumbler! 🥰
Can you give insight/do Lilith opposite ascedent culture? :P
Hi thank you my love🥰💖
So from my interpretation, Lilith is obviously all encompassing of our unconventions, largely dealing in our independence, confidence, and what not. She’s the baddie in us all
Opposite general ascendent culture (which I think is what you’re asking pls correct me if I’m wrong) generally speaking Lilith and your ascendent sign can often have conflict as Lilith is how you feel instinctively and your ascendent is how you choose to present yourself.
It’s a classic human conflict of how we choose to portray or not portray our image to the world and sometimes our Lilith might be screaming to come out while our ascendant features are like nah we gotta perform bitch lol
I’m curious to know ur rising sign! Feel free to message again!
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astrologichole · 2 days
I miss posting on here. I’m gonna clear my inbox if anyone wants to ask any questions regarding compatibility/general zodiac questions or analyses. Not sure if anyone is even interested anymore but feel free to send asks if you are 💖
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astrologichole · 2 years
The signs when they’re angry
Aries: Aries will hold a grudge and make sure you know that you’ve upset them. When angry, they tend to make the source of anger seem unredeemable and they don’t forgive easily or even sometimes at all. Aries give the cold shoulder when they’re angry but if you engage with them, prepare for them to dig at your deepest insecurities when upset. They will hit right where they know it hurts.
Taurus: Taurus when angry can usually go two ways. On the one hand, Taurus tend to get hostile and will say anything that comes to mind without filter. Taurus are usually pretty calm creatures, so when they’re angry, they either go for the throat or will simply shut down and stop responding. Taurus don’t tend to rationalize when angry and they likely won’t want to talk about things afterwards either.
Gemini: Gemini are very argumentative when angry. Gemini need their point of view to be heard so when they’re angry they are escalated until they’ve said every last thing they could possibly think of saying. Gemini can also be pretty hostile, but they tend to be more loud in their words than hurtful, but don’t be mistaken, Gemini definitely can say some nasty things when angry if pushed to that point.
Cancer: Cancer’s are typically pretty unreasonable when angry. Cancer’s tend to blame everyone and everything else on their anger and are unrelenting when it comes to playing the victim when angry. Even if someone is in the wrong, Cancer’s are quick to blame anyone in their way even if they have no involvement. Even if the thing making them angry is small, they will make it seem like the biggest issue in the world. Cancer’s don’t do well with their anger because they’re already emotional as is, so anger just makes them overflow with emotion and they might lash out to anyone near, but not necessarily with hostility. They tend to be more passive aggressive when angry.
Leo: Leo’s don’t like BS, so when they’re angry, they’re basically eyeroll.jpg. Leo’s always seem to get into situations where their feelings are tested and pushed, so they’re pretty used to getting angry and have somehow managed to make it a coping mechanism. In fact, some Leo’s find comfort in their anger and tend to get a lot done when angry. But don’t think for a second a Leo won’t get violent and fight a bitch because they definitely will. Leo’s are not afraid of confrontation and will do what they need to do to release their anger so steer clear.
Virgo: When angry, Virgo’s can be really extreme. Virgo’s are good at holding themselves together, but cross a Virgo and prepare to either be told in extensive detail why they’re upset, pepare to hear…nothing at all, or prepare for a mixture of both as a Virgo will go from ranting to seething rapidly. Virgo’s can become harmful to themselves when angry as they tend to take a lot of blame on themselves even if the source of anger wasn’t their fault. Because of this, Virgo’s can become irate and uncontrollable if they are exceptionally escalated. Otherwise, Virgo’s at a normal level of anger will likely just need to be alone and will want to stay quiet or do something to get their mind off of things.
Libra: When angry, Libra’s immediate reaction is to figure out why they are angry. Because of this, it can be hard to tell if a Libra is even upset because they tend to hide their feelings really well. But don’t be fooled, their anger is festering inside and the wheels are turning in an angry Libra’s head. When angry, Libra’s may come off as passive aggressive or snarky using sarcasm and snide remarks to let some of their anger out. But in terms of confrontation when angry, Libra’s will usually keep their anger to themselves.
Scorpio: When angry, Scorpio’s tend to get a little (very) crazy. Scorpio’s tend to get evil when angry and they will plot and be petty to the core of you cross them. Scorpio’s are emotional so they won’t bite their tongue. They’ll be blunt, sarcastic, cold, and downright mean when angry. But they also will make your life hell in other ways if you’re the one making them angry. They’ll remind you of all your wrongdoings ever and will try to hold information over your head and against you when angry.
Sagittarius: Sag can get really cold when angry. They will usually grow distant and respond in short, blunt, often one word answers. Sagittarius will often want to be alone when angry but if someone is around when they’re mad, be prepared to be ignored. Sagittarius shut down when angry and really just need time to calm down and not think. Sagittarius worry so much about everything else that anger feels like a waste of time to them and they just want it to pass. Sag tend to be non-confrontational and don’t want to engage in arguing or unnecessary conversation when angry.
Capricorn: Capricorn are silent brooders when angry. They tend to get very quiet and reserved, but not without consequence. Trust me when I say Capricorn’s are not forgiving, so if you made them angry, prepare for it to stay that way. Capricorn’s take their anger personally and will stay angry as long as they feel they need to which can sometimes be ongoing and manifest into their work or hobbies so it can sometimes even be a blessing in disguise.
Aquarius: Aquarius are pretty good at avoiding getting angry, so when they do manage to get upset, they get very, very distant. Aquarius can smile right at you and be plotting your murder at the same time. The quiet anger of an Aquarius can be quite scary. When angry, Aquarius might rant briefly but will generally retreat quickly and quietly so as not to let anyone know what they’re really thinking. And what they’re really thinking when angry can be dark, so just be careful around an angry Aquarius. They need space and they need time to think otherwise their anger could manifest into being mean to others who don’t deserve it or doing brash things they don’t actually want to do.
Pisces: When angry, Pisces tend to come off as stoic at first but will likely collapse into their emotions quickly. Pisces get escalated quickly when angry, so you can expect tears and yelling and outbursts from an angry Pisces. However, Pisces can also get quiet when angry and can often retreat into their heads so they don’t have to deal with their rapidly processing emotions. Pisces might come off as sullen or sad when angry, especially because they don’t like being angry and it makes them sad to feel escalated feelings of rage.
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astrologichole · 2 years
The signs when they’re happiest
Aries: Aries are happiest when they feel listened to and trusted. Aries are natural caretakers and love helping those around them, so when they’re acknowledged for all the hard work they do, they’re happy campers. Aries also love to do and discover new things. They have adventurous spirits but beyond that they love to learn and listen to others. Aries also tend to have really weird and eccentric hyper fixations, so when they can fully indulge in their hobbies and interests they are definitely in their happy place.
Taurus: Taurus love the finer things in life, and depending on the type of person they are, the finer things could be as simple as pizza while watching a movie. Taurus love their relaxation time and love to cook, clean, and make their space their own. Taurus also love to create and tend to things whether it’s tye dye, growing a garden, creating mix tapes, etc. Taurus are happiest when they can feel relaxed and at ease in their own little bubble. More so, Taurus simply love existing and not having to answer to anyone - things like napping, watching YouTube all day, and just being a couch potato really appeal to Taurus placements.
Gemini: Gemini love their alone time and will spend lots of that time caring for themselves whether by working out, playing video games, or something generally mind engaging. Gemini’s love their alone time but love to still be engaged. They also love time with family, being with those they’re closest to, going to cookouts and gatherings and concerts and everything alike. Gemini really enjoy spending money on their interests too. Sometimes they’re frugal, but when it comes to their interests, they don’t mind dropping some cash. Gemini’s are just little weirdos enjoying life trying not to start a fight with themselves.
Cancer: Cancers love to be treated right. The sweet and sensitive Cancer can sometimes be a nightmare without their happy place - besides, that’s where they escape to often in their head! Cancers really do love the finer things in life such as sporting events, afternoon tea, walks at the botanical garden, and anything that can be considered lush or luxurious such as a spa trip, a cozy room with the finest linens accompanied with a juicy book and their favorite beverage (served to them of course), or even family time watching their favorite show. Of course not all Cancers are that demanding, but they are certainly happiest when they feel that they are being treated right.
Leo: There’s no question that Leo’s love to be the center of attention and the life of the party, but is that really the place where they are happiest? For some Leo’s, sure. However, sometimes the social demands for Leo’s can be difficult and a Leo might enjoy their alone time a lot more than people may realize. Leo’s are particular creatures and they tend to like things such as doing creative photo shoots with themselves, putting on their favorite album and dancing around in their underwear, living out their manic-pixie fantasy scenario or perhaps just making funny TikTok‘s. Leo’s are happiest when they can be spontaneous, but sometimes that spontaneity isn’t always with other people, rather, just with themselves.
Virgo: Virgo’s love their alone time and there is nothing that makes a Virgo happier than when everything that they need or want is aligned. Virgo’s are busy creatures, so sometimes they tend to let some of their other responsibilities slack such as cleaning, tending to their plants, or even just general self-care. A Virgo is happiest when they can get their life together, but not in the job oriented boring type way, rather, the type of way that makes them feel at home again and makes it feel like they have their life under control. Cleaning their room/apartment, making their favorite meal, and getting general errands done and feeling accomplished makes a Virgo happiest.
Libra: Libra’s love to put themselves into their art and lifestyles fully, so when a Libra is able to step outside of the every day boring mundane life routine and into a place where they can express themselves creatively, they are happiest. Libra’s are the type that love a good staycation, who wouldn’t mind going to a nice hotel in the middle of downtown and getting room service for the night. However, a Libra may just like spending all day reading a book or binging a television show or even just taking their dog for a walk or engaging in conversation with a friend they haven’t talk to for a couple of weeks. More than anything, Libra’s are happiest when they are engaged, so feeling like they aren’t just on autopilot makes a Libra happiest.
Scorpio: When it comes down to it, Scorpios are big babies. They may act rough and tough, but let me tell you, a Scorpio is happiest when they are treated like the babies that they are. Scorpio simply just want to be loved and they are happiest when they are acknowledged in the way that they express themselves. Scorpio’s love feeling listened to and they love whenever their partner or friends do things that they’ve expressed interest in before such as going skating, painting, watching weird horror films, and so on. Scorpios also love romantic dates and love when people put an effort with them and show them that they are interested in them. Simply put, a Scorpio is happiest whenever they feel that someone can truly see them and wants to do the things that they want to do and spend quality time with them and can see the cracks in their often hard demeanors.
Sagittarius: Sagittarius are happiest when they don’t feel confined to their every day life. Sagittarius loves to change things up in their life often and they love to travel and experience culture and life as it’s happening. Sagittarius don’t care about the mainstream and prefer to be in their world of niche interests. Not only that, but Sagittarius are happiest when surrounded by genuine people and people who don’t try to or think they have to prove themselves. Sagittarius thrive around people who are interested in living and not just existing. Sagittarius are happiest when they can just be and not feel judged or under society’s judgmental microscope.
Capricorn: Capricorn are happiest when they don’t have expectations put on them. Capricorns are happiest when they have control over their lives and don’t have to answer to anyone. If they had it their way, they would invent their entire life and make everyone around them participate as needed. That sounds almost problematic HA, but in a Capricorn’s mind, the world can be demanding and they would so much rather be the one demanding than be demanded. Capricorn’s are happiest when they know what’s going on around them and when they can feel at peace with their life and even, maybe just for a second, let their guard down and breathe a little bit.
Aquarius: Aquarius are happiest when people can just read their minds HA. No but seriously, Aquarius don’t often like to express their needs or wants, so when someone just vibes with them and gets them, they’re happiest. Aquarius love to feel appreciated and spoiled because they often don’t express their feelings and needs so when there’s an effortless understanding and someone simply reaches out to give them some love or offer to buy them food or play a game with them, Aquarius are happiest. Aquarius just want to be appreciated but never want to tell anyone that, so when they have a good circle of people that just get their vibe, they’re able to thrive.
Pisces: Pisces are happiest when things aren’t chaotic and the people around them are happy. Pisces empathize deeply with the people around them, so naturally, Pisces love to know when the people they love are okay and stable. Pisces are also happiest when they’re checked up on and someone shows they care. Pisces are emotional creatures who need validation so to get a little extra attention and emotional validation can really make a difference for Pisces. Pisces also love going off into their dream worlds. Pisces love to imagine an ideal world and are often happiest when they can dance through their fantasies.
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astrologichole · 2 years
serial killers do NOT interact! (unless…)
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astrologichole · 2 years
taurus sun&moon, scorpio rising in a relationship with a scorpio sun, leo moon&rising?
This would be a really good relationship in terms of you guys always meeting each other’s needs - there would be a natural knack for understanding what the other needs and how to do that and not to mention this relationship would probably be a longer lasting one and Taurus and Scorpio are very loyal signs but do be careful when it comes to the Leo/Scorpio rising dynamics and sometimes this dynamic can lead to brief issues in communication but nothing you guys can’t work through given the sun dynamic going on :,-)
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astrologichole · 2 years
How do you reckon a Taurus sun&venus, Gemini moon&mars Mars and a Leo sun, Sagittarius moon, Virgo Venus& Scorpio mars would be/act together in a relationship? Do u think it is more short term or long term in terms of compatibility? Love ur blog so glad you’re taking time for urself as well! 💫💛
Ahhh imma be honest probably more short term I feel like this pairing would have a really nice short term whirlwind romance like something out of a movie omg but long term I can see it being like too many heads butting, too many conflicts that don’t get resolved, too many questions of what priorities you both have or should have it just seems like unless you’re willing to really really work through some tough communication that it would be more short term than anything
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astrologichole · 2 years
hi, i've been reading a lot about my sun (aquarius) and moon (leo) because they are opposite signs, but i can't understand why that affects my life? :(( if you could explain it to me it will mean a lot
It’s funny because as an Aquarius one of your things is needing logical reasoning for things and with the Leo moon it’s like a conflict between sun and moon because Leo moons are more go with the flow but also like anxious at the same time and Aquarius are the same way so if anything it isn’t so much that these two things affect your life but you might find yourself having a lot of conflicting emotions and anxiety and uncertainty about what you want or need. Self care and self reflection will likely be very important for you so just try to really be with yourself and your thoughts when you can❤️
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astrologichole · 2 years
Hi! I just found your blog and I love it! I was wondering what your thoughts would be on a Libra sun/ Taurus moon female and a Libra sun/Taurus moon male? I can get our risings if you need them! We just started talking so I’m interested!
Omg sounds like a match made in heaven libras are especially attracted to one another cause you guys just get what you need and with the Taurus moons yeeeahhh you guys are gonna have lots of relaxing dates, spa time, exotic eating, I can see a relationship like that being good for travel and romance and elegance but I’d love to know your rising signs!!
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astrologichole · 2 years
Hello what is the different of sign moon, sun and rising? My sign is gemini. Thats the only thing that i know. Thank you. I'm kinda new with these knowledge
Essentially the sun sign is your identity, the moon is your emotions, and rising is your social identity
As a Gemini you’re likely the type who can get along with anyone but only really connect deeply with a select few, you might have an urge for creative endeavors but you also can thrive in more practical facets of life that call for your opinion or input which you love to give, you are likely pretty emotionally unstable LOL but that’s okay! Geminis tend to have trouble distinguishing their emotions sometimes and too often end up falling victim to themselves but you guys can eventually come around given some time :)
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astrologichole · 2 years
Heyy, how compatible is an Aries sun, Leo moon, libra rising with a Virgo sun, Sagittarius moon and Aries rising?🌸💕
Aries and Virgo suns alone have a very 🌶 spicy 🌶 dynamic and you guys might find yourself a lil heated with each other but that can also be a source of passion — however the Leo and sag moon dynamic would help a lot with resolving those issues although you’d still have a whirlwind of a time initially with communication but what ultimately will mitigate those issues is the libra rising aries rising dynamics as you two will not wanna drag any unnecessary issues out and can often get through things through some mild teasing and making up :)
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astrologichole · 2 years
Do you think it’s possible for a Sagi girl and Taurus guy to hit it off, in a romantic way? Hehe thanks
Definitely but only if y’all understand that you’re probably gonna have differences in your paces of life but I think both signs are capable of accepting the balance one another needs — if not romantically, a friendship can definitely blossom 🌸
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astrologichole · 2 years
the negative quality post... for libra... number one how dare you 😭
🙊 hehe
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astrologichole · 2 years
heyy can you do a compatibility from leo girl and a gemini boy?! i’m sorry if you did this before i actually just saw this account! ❤️ it’s amazing
Thank you for the sweet comment 😭 overall a really good pairing! Miss Leo definitely needs a Gemini to level her a little and Gemini boy can definitely help miss Leo to make better decisions for their life and Leo girl can definitely help Gemini not be so caught up in their head
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astrologichole · 2 years
hi! can you tell me about this girl that i like; pisces sun, cancer moon, leo rising, pisces venus. thank you!
awww she sounds like a big baby LOL I mean that in the best way - super super sensitive but really enjoys being a friend to everyone and making everyone feel super included - I’d be willing to bet she’s one of those people that can make friends with anyone - but be careful she might also be a slight martyr and if you ever decide to pursue her then you might find yourself confused with figuring out exactly what she’s feeling but just try to keep communication really open and transparent so she can feel vulnerable with you :)
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astrologichole · 2 years
I hear it’s not an ideal match but can you tell me more about a Leo girl/Taurus male compatibility? Friendship and relationship wise.
Do you have anymore info on moon/rising/etc? If we’re just talking sun signs these two usually aren’t super compatible however depending on the moon signs it depends if you’re asking more on an emotional level or more on a practical level? More info would definitely help
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