curioledge · 2 months
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curioledge · 5 months
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curioledge · 5 months
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curioledge · 5 months
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curioledge · 8 months
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curioledge · 1 year
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curioledge · 1 year
Hello World!
This is my journey with Poems and Stories. You all are welcome to relive through this. Ps: All images used do not belong to me. All the credits go to the owners in Pinterest.
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curioledge · 1 year
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curioledge · 1 year
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curioledge · 2 years
Chapter 3
As the clamorous train comes to an halt once again, it gives rise to the new dawn and desires.
“Neal, relax we are here and we are going to have our drunken fest so cheer up” said Aisha.
“I know,I know madam”smiled Neal, “ but it’s making me weirdly anxious, I don’t know why”, he said in a worried tone.
“It’s okay trust me,you’ll be okay, let’s go now,I have booked a cab, it’s going to arrive any minute now.”she said, as scrolled through her phone to check the cab’s location.
As she looked up, she saw Neal’s tensed face, so she sighed and asked him, “I know we haven’t met for a long time and we barely know each other but we connect so much, so you trust me don’t you”?
“Of course” he said with a slight annoyance and he himself didn’t know where that irritation came from.
“Then trust me okay, this once, we’ll make sure you are alright and happy, this will change everything, believe me”
Aisha said with the most somber tone.
“Okay baba, I believe you okay, we’ll be enjoying this” said Neal just as his phone pings.
Interrupting Aisha’s next words, a honk sounds marking the arrival of their cab, they both get in the back seat and get comfortable.As they look at the driver, they give out a secret smile as they glance at the driver’s serious face.
“Bhaiyya, can you play Tinka by Bharath Chauhan”? asked Aisha.
The cab driver doesn’t seem to hear that as he continues driving , focusing on the road, hence Neal reiterates.
“Hanji, zaroor(yes, sure)said the cab driver.
With, “Tu dariyan, main tinka, behta, behta”, playing in the background, both their emotions and mind drift along with the breeze flowing through their hairs.
Breathing up the clean air of Goa, Neal said, “I wasn’t aware that the roads of Goa would be so clean.”
“Yes, It definitely is”said Aisha with a lucid and calm smile.
Their itinerary was set, it was just go to the club or pub, guzzle down some drinks and black out. As soon as they reach the corner of the road leading to the beach,the beautiful and the vivacious place calls out to them.
They soon reach a pub called as Gastronomy with a sign in a neon font. It is completely jam packed but they make their way through the bar counter as Neal holds Aisha’s hand without letting it go.
“This is where you wanted to bring me to relax” asked Neal, raising his eyebrow.
“Well, this wasn’t what I expected” she said with a sheepish tone. As if remembering something, she takes his hand and drags him away from there.
“Where are we going Aisha, where are you taking me”, asked Neal.
“Shhh, I just remembered an amazing place, come with me” she said with an excited expression.
As they walk further they reach a secluded place in the beach, it had rows of boat covered in string lights,it looked like a amorous place,something that is straight out of movies.
The boats had cushions on both the sides, cold breeze, deafening waves and the picturesque view of the never ending sea.They were some distance apart and you could distinguish the boats for dating and others, as the one for dating were covered with the red string lights marking that as the main difference. There was a bell on the boat to call the waiter designated to it, it was low key but a luxurious set up.
As the two got comfortable on their seats, they saw that the boat diagonal to them was decorated even more compared to the other, and out of curiosity when they inquired, they got to know that, someone was going to propose there. Both felt happy for the couple and couldn’t wait to see the event unfolding in front of them.
As Aisha turned around to say “Neal, isn’t that beauti-”, she was shocked as Neal’s face was so close to her, she could even count his pretty eyelashes.
“Yeah,beautiful” Neal said briefly looking at Aisha for a moment and then turned to look at the couple’s endeavors.
Just as Aisha was basking in the moment, Neal’s face turned blue and hideous as if something hidden was about to come out.Aisha glanced at him worriedly and asked
“What’s the matter, what happened” as she held his hands.
“Shruthi” Neal spit out a one word answer.
“Aisha, how could she do this to me, cheating I mean having sex isn’t enough but she’s here to have a romantic getaway”
“Do I mean nothing ?, those six years worth feelings are zilch to her”?
“Answer me Aisha” Neal roared holding her shoulders and then tightly embraced her.
“Neal, it’s okay,it’s okay sweetheart,it’s okay, you are going to be alright”, she said as she patted his back.
“I fucking don’t know, why just why”Neal broke down embracing her with all the strength he could muster.
“It’s okay, trust me, you will be okay, your six and a half years must mean something to her” she said while comforting her with all her being.
Just then Shruthi came towards the boat, wearing a red halter neck body suit with the red lips and looking gorgeous as ever.She looks super nervous holding a boquet and what seems to be a ring case in her hand.
This surprised Neal, as she was never the one to take initiative especially in relationship, It was so clear that Shruthi was the one proposing.
Just as Neal wanted to go forward and confront her, he saw another person walking towards Shruthi and this time it was Aisha’s turn to get bloodless.
As Neal looks through the bloodshot eyes, he exclaims “Hey who is that?”
“My girlfriend” comes out Aisha’s answer, barely a whisper..
As you can see, Aisha turned out to be a lesbian, a new flame and the old one died at the same time for Neal, What is Aisha going to do now, how will she react to her girlfriend’s betrayal?
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curioledge · 2 years
“Run, we are going miss the train if we go in this pace, come on hurry up”exclaimed Aisha as they began to run and catch the train.
“Finally, I thought we missed it you tortoise”
“No way, you just worry too much” said, Neal, brushing Aisha’s remarks off.
They enter the train and manage to hold the seat but only for one,
“You sit Aisha, I’m fine by standing” he said.
“It’s fine, you can sit, I’m happy knowing that chivalry isn’t dead” said Aisha.
“I insist Aisha, just sit”, he said and held her by the shoulders and pushed her to sit down.
As she sits down, they resume their previous talks, “So have you ever been in love”? he asked curiously.
At this time a smile blooms on her face as she gives him the most peaceful and relief filled smile.
“Yes, and I know, it’s the best feeling ever”
Neal doesn’t know why but he feels a little sour looking at her smile.So he quickly changes the topic,
“So, any secrets you want to share with me”
“No, nothing like that”said Aisha even though it was clear by her dark face that she was hesitating and lost deep in thoughts.
As they continue to chit chat, the train approaches the next station and new people enter the train. Already filled train feels even more cramped.As Neal and Aisha try to speak through the crowd, Neal notices that a guy has been staring at Aisha,
He tries to cover her by standing in front of her and blocking that pervert’s line of sight but that doesn’t stop the sleazy stare of the guy.
And he has the audacity to come in between them, ultimately deciding to confront,Neal turns around
“Hey what do you think you are doing” he questions him angrily.
Seeing that he provoked someone he shouldn’t provoke the sleazy guy backed off.
“I hate men like these, so sleazy,did you see that, he wanted to touch you I’m pretty sure, beast” Neal said fuming with madness.
“It’s okay, Neal, calm down, it’s fine, aren’t I fine now, he didn’t do anything” she said trying to pacify, Neal’s anger.
“How can I not be mad Aisha, Did you not see his fucking gaze and how dare he”, he said while turning around and searching for the sleazeball.
Aisha holds his hand and rubs the back of it, and tells him to calm down and in an attempt to distract him she tells,
“Why are you so angry,it’s okay leave him be”
“ Well you wanted to know my secret right, I’ll tell you that”
She said with a complete no nonsense tone and it was not just because she wanted to change the subject but because she had a strange sense of belonging towards him and a confidence that she can confide anything and she will never be judged.
“Well, I was almost raped once,by who I thought was my good friend but he attacked me and tried to rape me”
She said in a calm almost eerie tone but she couldn’t stop her tears from gushing out.
Neal was dumbfounded, he didn’t know how to react, the Aisha he knew, the bubbly, the jovial, the sweet girl had gone through such a traumatic experience. He felt a gush of air rush into his head and he stood still taking it all in.
“No, Aisha , Oh god how could this happen to you?”he exclaimed.
Aisha just kept her head down , she was scared to see Neal’s expression, what if he was disgusted by her,what if he only pitied her but what she was not expecting too see was the swirling emotions in his eyes, the rage and the agony, it made her heart tremble.
“Aisha, listen to me, no matter what I say it isn’t going to change the past but I’ll be there for you” he said looking at her with most tender gaze he could muster.
She broke down crying and embraced him, she felt like she had what she longed for, a person who doesn’t see her as a loathsome worm or as a person only worth pitying or as the victim who is shamed for the actions she was never responsible for. Aisha sighed in relief and gave a smile that was so tranquil and beautiful that Neal couldn’t help but hug her again.
Broken secrets, healing words,warmth of an embrace and a happy solace, jaunt that is filled with the ups and downs , a long arduous journey was coming to an end.
Author’s note: Will a drinking fest turn out something else, will their love bloom or will it shatter as a bud?
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curioledge · 2 years
The blaring sound of the train’s horn sounds along with the porter’s ravenous gazes, the hurried footsteps of racing passengers as they scramble to get into the train,the slowpoke grandma, the twittering children, everything around shows how spirited the atmosphere was and in between those,are people who might have lost something, like their house, money or love.
A good looking, slightly mature guy walks up to a lady who is sitting next to the window seat,
“Excuse me, you are in my seat”, he said to the lady who had her head bent down and nose deep into the book.
“Umm no, you must be wrong, I’m clearly in my seat” said the lady without even bothering to lift her head.
The guy, just to be sure checks his ticket and tells the lady that she’s clearly in his seat.
This annoys the lady and she looks up at him and says,
“This is my seat see, its seat no 29”.
The girl didn’t have a stunning beauty that could enchant people but she definitely had her own charm, her one gaze stunned the guy for a while but he soon recollected himself.
“Look, 29 is the upper berth and 30 is the lower” as he showed her the ticket.
Knowing that she was in the wrong, the girl apologized profusely “I’m so sorry, I thought it was my seat, I’ll move immediately” and starts collecting her things hastily to shift.
“Hey hey, no worries, you can switch later, anyways we are not going to sleep now, you can sit here”, said the guy as he took a seat next to her.
The girl gave him a smile and shifted a little to make him some space.
“I’m Neal by the way, nice to meet you Miss Territorial”, he said with a witty grin.
“I’m Aisha, nice to meet you too”, she said as she smiled at him.
“So where to, I mean ,your next destination Miss T” he asked her.
“Well I’m going to Bangalore, what about you” she sat cross legged as she asked him.
He turns to her and tells, “Copycat, I’m going there too”
To which she laughs, “What!you have already planned and bought the ticket and you say I am a copycat, he-he”
“Well you just are, okay”said Neal.
A long journey, empty tea cups, shared snacks, heartfelt talks and that person, who instantly connects like a friend from ages.
Midway through the conversation, suddenly a phone rings, it was Neal’s, it showed Shruthi(love) with the girl’s picture, Aisha glances and stops talking mid way.
The jovial and blooming face of Neal’s pales, he lets the phone ring till the caller stops. Aisha notices something wrong, but she is in a dilemma,
She knows that a person cannot be too nosy but the way Neal is now, it feels like he needs to vent.
“Umm, who, she? Before she could continue asking questions, Neal chokes and breaks down.
She pats him on the back and consoles him, “There, there”
After sometime Neal, takes a deep breath and calms himself down.
He starts telling Aisha his love story with Shruthi.
At first he sounds happy and shares all the good memories but then he starts to choke again,
“Well, her name is Shruthi as you know, we have been in a relationship for 6 years, but lately I felt that we are drifting apart a little, hence that’s why, I came to Mumbai, to surprise her, but I saw that she’s not alone, she had company.”
Aisha consoled him, tried to cheer him up too, Neal then began to show Aisha the photos of Shruthi, and one such photo stuns Aisha,there was a picture of Shruthi with a guy and girl and she knew one of them very well.
But Aisha didn’t want to put salt on the wounds so she kept quiet.
To cheer Neal up, Aisha suggested him to drop everything and have a getaway with her in Goa.
“Lets go, you need this, I know no amount of consolation will help you but I do know a healthy drink fest will”
Reluctantly Neal agreed and they both got down to catch a train to Goa.
Author’s note:
What did Aisha see, will love bloom when two drunken strangers get together?
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curioledge · 2 years
“What” is that one word in English that almost helps in defining everything.What is this, what is that, blah blah blah. But this “What” can be very worrisome .There are some series of questions like what about the future, what about the career, what about the marriage, what about the children, what about retirement, what about death, oof sums up almost every facet of man or a woman’s life.(Few are the exceptions of course) .
Here I am stuck in this perplexing situation, What am I(an existential crisis so lets ignore that for now), what do I do(hmm a genuine question regarding my present I think), what am I doing( questioning every vista of stuff that I have done so far).Then comes questions which seem nonsensical but still make sense in a way.
What if I’m mentally ill, what if my problems aren’t real, what if this is an exaggeration.The two main” what if “that you find are in relationships and future. Ughh I’m stuck basically, Am I wasting my time or am I going to do something,am I capable, I bet this isn’t only me, I believe everyone goes through this.
Next “what if” query is about kindness and selfless attitude.Helping or sharing with people who reciprocate is always satisfactory right? What about unconditional help but people in essence call me a fool. What about not doing any of this for the people who don’t even acknowledge us,but then what is this dull aching pain as a twinge of guilt eats me up. Why is life confusing as hell(pardon my lack of proper words but I believe that explains the tumultuous emotions I’m feeling).
Up next we have ponder worthy “what” like,Do I listen to people who are more experienced or more mature than me or Do I follow my passion, I know lot of movies focuses on that like follow your heart, do what you want but reality always checks in you know, A poor economic condition, ailing mother or responsibilities which are uncountable. Already confused enough then comes another “what” as you remember life’s only a few decades, god has given this life so why not enjoy it(atheist; potato potahto), it’s so exhilarating to live. See I told you, I confuse people too. Phew, I cant anymore but I hope you get the gist. “What” is very troublesome but still gratifying.
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curioledge · 3 years
My first official blog is about death, I am not a gothic person per se, not that there's anything bad. Death, some consider it as a liberation from their never-ending, monotonous, mundane life; some see it as a greedy wormhole which sucks not just the soul but the whole life you managed to build; and there are some who see it as something,that is inevitable, something that cannot be stopped;
There may be lot of varying opinions on death but there is one common emotion, and that's FEAR.
Why do we fear death? Is it because death's cruel or because it takes us away from our loved ones or is it that, we are reluctant to leave the life we have built painstakingly behind or is it just to exist.
There are beliefs of heaven, hell, rebirth , reincarnation and the list goes on. But why not ask yourself, what is hell? What is heaven? Who decided that heaven can be a haven and hell a cruel pit.
Well there would be plethora of answers and explanations and debates over these seemingly simple questions, and once you start seeking, that's when one gets to ponder, a question arises, where should a person with a masochistic tendency but categorically considered as good should go? Heaven or hell? What should he choose?
Why do people seek heaven or hell? Is it because people need a sense of existence even after death, a sense of belonging of a living. They say death of a body liberates your soul, then death of the soul, makes us cease into nothingness?
At the end of the day, what is that man seeks, riches ,power , karma or existence?
#death , # reincarnation # existence # monologue
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curioledge · 3 years
This is my first blog and i have started this blog based on my course on edx
#writing skills, #edx
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