edge-poetry · 4 months
poem: how i want to be remembered
if one person remembers me,
let them remember me
by how my heart
for those are the very moments
i most resemble you,
my true Love—
if not one thing i achieved
or one word i said
is recounted,
but the way in which i loved
is still yet felt,
that is indeed a life
i am proud to have lived—
if my name and my face
are long forgotten
though in a person's soul i once knew
love remains planted,
i will be content in knowing
i adequately shared
the love only you taught me.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 7 months
poem: a year ago today
i have not stayed
the person i was
a year ago today—
though i remember
all i wanted then
was for everything to
just stay the same—
i saw the life that i had made,
and i confused complacency
with a warped sort of peace
in which i did not want to leave—
but now,
i see the new life you have given me,
and i stand in spectacular awe
of the changes i once believed so terrifying—
look at the immeasurable beauty,
the blessings that have come from trusting,
that goodbye was more a door opening
rather than closing—
there is so much more in store
than all i left behind;
i am not forgotten,
this you remind me so.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 8 months
poem: not my plan
i know i am impatient,
and i get frustrated too quickly;
things did not happen
the way i thought they should have,
and i am the first complaining—
saying words without thinking,
ranting without reason,
talking without listening
stemming out of a mentality saying
i should just be able to take care of everything,
and after i could not find anything else to say,
i sat in the silence left hanging—
from which your reply came softly,
suddenly muting every anxiety,
with understanding, peace,
and reminders of what good
the future will bring—
i do not need to have
each moment planned to a T;
i do not need to know
exactly what all the days hold,
for this is not a life i am blindly living alone.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 9 months
poem: learning to listen to your voice
i have not been writing much lately,
for i feel i do not possess the “right” words to say,
and i have been tossing more poems
than i have been finishing—
i am learning that
sometimes not saying anything
is better than saying something
so i have spent nights sitting,
paying attention to the silence
despite the hundreds of distractions
begging to break the stillness
on account of their desire to be
constantly moving—
yet, i do not want to be the one always speaking,
acting as if i deserve that kind of authority,
just because i want so desperately to avoid
doing nothing—
i have not been writing much lately,
but i am not doing nothing;
in fact,
i am finally learning to listen.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 10 months
poem: your present love
i will recognize you in every
clear blue sky,
crack of thunder or sound of rain,
sunrise that peaks out of the clouds,
and sunset consisting of purple hues—
i will find you sitting under the trees as
leaves gracefully fall down on to the books i read
due to a gentle breeze
that moves the surrounding nature so elegantly—
i will encounter your presence in the
places i go,
friends i find unexpectedly,
and breakthroughs i do not always see happening—
i will keep an open heart,
welcoming all the everyday reminders of
your love working ever so presently.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 11 months
poem: all the same
even when
i cannot see you in this situation,
i know that you are here
all the same—
even when
i do not feel you,
i call out, for
i know you are still listening
all the same—
even when
i am tired,
and have no words left to pray,
i know your arms hold me
all the same—
even when
i struggle to keep going,
you pick me up
all the same—
even when
my view is clouded by this storm,
with the wind stinging my skin,
you are there to calm the waters
all the same—
even when
i feel lost,
you find me
all the same.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 11 months
poem: simply complex
i believe love is best
when it is simply complex,
not ordinary or uninvolved,
but pure and consistent—
love is how even your little gestures feel
as warm as all the grand ones
and sitting in silence speaks volumes—
love is talking to you
when i am stressed
or when i am happy
and knowing you will hear me all the same—
love is listening to you
and following you
when i am at a loss for what to do—
love is being able to find you
in every circumstance,
being able to go to you for help
when i need it most—
your love is simple in how
it is unconditionally steadfast
and complex with
all that it encompasses—
in your love there is stability,
and in you i find a home of peace.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 11 months
poem: the arms of your love
you never asked me for perfect,
you only asked me for honesty,
and through the tear stains and heartache,
you held me close to your chest—
you knew my innermost being
before our first conversation,
yet, i still sit explaining the depths of my heart,
and you still always listen—
in my impatience,
you do not arrive late;
in the midst of my insecurities,
you believe in me more
than i believe in myself—
even when i have no words,
i sit with you in the silence;
even when i cannot see past this moment,
i remember your promises—
living in the arms of your love,
i know peace.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 1 year
poem: graduation day
all is said and done,
and i am moving from the place where
everyone knew my name—
i believe everything moved far too quickly;
i listened to repeated cliches,
i walked across the stage,
i left—
i am finally finished with the
applications and deadlines
with my schedule being rather blank;
these moments are all too surreal—
though i wish i could stay within
the home i have found,
i recognize my legacy will remain—
i will sit in patient waiting for
the next season,
for i have faith my life is only just beginning.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 1 year
poem: The Prayer Villanelle
You are my Love
who found me during the darkest of night
from the heavens above.
I cried out for help, whereof,
as though You had always been waiting, You made clear through Your light
You are my Love.
Like a dove
I am given the freedom to take flight
from the heavens above.
You bring forth a peace I have been unaware of,
and I know that even in the valleys of plight,
You are my Love.
When I feel Your calling is one I fall short of,
I turn to You, and I am reminded I am a child for whom You will fight,
from the heavens above.
Your path is better than any I could could dream of,
with You I walk by faith and not by sight;
You are my Love
from the heavens above.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 1 year
poem: Holy, Holy, Holy
though i did, indeed, walk this trail by myself,
i did not walk alone,
for you were always here,
even if unrevealed—
as i sat overlooking the water,
listening to far-off voices,
i put aside all my doubts and previous notions,
and i began to speak—
and for the first time,
i talked to you,
not with an agenda, not for other people,
just about me and you—
after i could not find anymore words,
your reply came with simplicity and peace,
every anxiety became mute
as i sat in these woods
under a perfect canopy of leaves—
finally, i knew
though i did walk this trail by myself,
i did, indeed, not walk alone.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 1 year
poem: You make everything beautiful
in knowing you,
i have come to notice that in each passing day,
through good or bad,
there is unique beauty,
for you make everything beautiful in its time,
even the worst moments are as gorgeous
as the obviously wonderful moments—
and as my eyes stay fixed on you,
i will see that all things work out
for the better,
accompanied by joy that is incomparable—
there is hope in the waiting
and peace in the pain;
there is a time for everything,
and with you all of the seasons are worth it.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 1 year
poem: my talks with you
i woke up at 1:49am,
and though i wanted to return to sleep,
i started talking to you
about what was on my mind—
you sat up with me
while i rambled half-asleep
coming out of a nightmare
that now i cannot even remember—
but after all was said and done,
being jarred awake and feeling scattered,
i knew i was ultimately safe,
for i was with you—
despite the fact that
i may be weary and burdened,
when i come to you,
i find rest—
thank you for always listening,
even in the early mornings when
i wake up at 1:49am.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 1 year
poem: my promise
when i met you,
i realized just how much weight
i had been carrying—
the fear,
the doubt,
the heartache
i was holding onto—
i gave you all my reasons as to
why you could not love me
because i felt like i was
broken into irreparable pieces—
yet even after everything i said,
you held me,
you wanted me,
you loved me in the moments i could not see you—
like a light,
you penetrated the darkness
that had been suffocating me,
helped me find my way when i was lost—
you presented me with life,
and i promise
i will live each day of it
for you.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 1 year
poem: heavenly beauty
like a butterfly
landing on my shoulder,
you entered my life
delicately and intentionally—
you taught me
change is not something to fear
but rather something to welcome,
for i obtained nothing
when seeking security inside the darkness
i surrounded myself with,
yet when breaking through to you,
i found joy that knew no bounds—
you have greeted me with
newfound determination,
freedom to move forward,
and hope for the future—
like a butterfly
landing on my shoulder,
you show me heavenly beauty
in the moments i least expect.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 1 year
poem: an artist’s prayer
may my mind always remember you
and my poems sing your praise;
let my verses be dedicated to you
until the day i cannot write any longer—
you know the meaning of every comma
and the metaphors i apply;
you heal the pain in between stanzas
and the tears between lines—
with every early morning before sunrise
through every late night after sunset,
your light weaves into every dark corner—
i find you in any room,
during any moment,
for my heart is made complete by your love
and seeks you out wherever i go—
i will forever find safety
in your open arms
as i sit drenched in lamplight
committing each page of my journal to you.
-j.g. edge
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edge-poetry · 1 year
poem: Your Path
trust never has been
my strong suit—
i mistook the walls
i established around my heart
as a “home”—
these barriers that lack foundation were
my method of staying distant,
and i became acquaintances with my anxiety,
friends with my fears—
yet, i have come to realize i am no architect,
even though i have desired to believe i am
while relying on my own understanding,
but, truthfully, i cannot build my life alone—
after all this time, i see you have constructed a door,
one of which has always been opened for me,
and i notice a pathway i had not before regarded;
i hear you calling after me,
so i follow you
with each step being walked with confidence—
my Love,
you provide me freedom,
you teach me hope,
in you, i have faith.
-j.g. edge
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