Soft OG!Michael Myers HC’s
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not proof read.
(@spookyscaryslashy okay so I suck at the whole friend thing since I tend to disappear sometimes so I wrote this to make up for it. I hope you enjoy soft mikey. <3)
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there is but one rule!!!!! you are NOT voting for your faves, ok???? nor are you voting for the uwu softboy'd fanfic versions of these characters either!!!
you are voting for which character, acting IN character, would OBJECTIVELY be the best husband
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I do experience all the traits associated with PDA, I'm just... not smart. I called it a sub-type bc that's what wikipedia called it and I couldn't think of what else to call it...
Oh my assumption has nothing to do with you calling it a subtype, it was because you said "it could be fun to write a reader with PDA", which implied to me that it was a hypothetical. That's my bad! Anyway, a lot of the literature around PDA comes from the DSM-3 and -4 eras, so my guess is that it was being proposed as something to go alongside Asperger's, but since that's no longer a diagnosis, the idea of a sub-type doesn't really make sense anymore. It's generally a really complex topic and. Yeah. That said, more and more academic journals are free to access these days, so if you haven't already, I'd highly recommend reading some of the past and present studies on it!
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I'd like to request headcanons for whoever's you think would be the most interesting (+brahms) with a reader who has Pathological Demand Avoidance? It's a subtype of autism, I think it could be fun to write characters interacting with a reader like that. Suggesting brahms in particular bc he's a huge brat ❤
I'm actually going to be pedantic here, since Mun is both autistic and a neuroscience student, and based on the phrasing of this request, I'm guessing you don't experience PDA yourself lol. In the DSM-5, there are just three "types" of autism: level one, level two, and level three. PDA is a controversial topic for a variety of reasons, but the general consensus among professionals is that it's a behaviour pattern/profile, not a condition or sub-type. It does not appear in the DSM-5 at all. Not to mention the potential for pathologizing self-agency (see also: the controversy around ODD which I'm not touching with a ten foot pole). Anyway, here's an overview on the topic if you're interested. There's therefore uh. No way I can make everyone happy with this post. However, for these headcanons, I'm going to effectively treat it like a compulsion, so hopefully that's good enough.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Alright, here's my hot take: you guys have the backbone of a chocolate eclair when it comes to this boy.
Look, I get it: massive man who can and will kill you tells you to do something, survival instinct can kick in. But like... at the very end of the movie, when Greta puts her foot down and doesn't act afraid of him, he listens to her.
This obviously isn't to say that constantly telling him no is ideal, but it really isn't going to go as badly as some would have you believe, especially if you can explain it to him.
To be honest, the last thing he needs in a relationship is his parents 2.0, so being able to tell him no is a really important skill to have regardless. His parents were afraid of him, which is why they gave into what he wanted. Being able to refuse him shows that you aren't afraid of him.
Bubba Sawyer:
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Aaand now for the complete opposite. I don't think Bubba is capable of demanding anything if he tried. Like to a fault. So the only time I can foresee this even coming into play to begin with is with his brothers.
Honestly, though, you're probably still going to be fine. There will be some arguments, sure, but you're the one with the giant man with a chainsaw on your side.
Tbh Bubba is really your best bet here. Absolute sweetheart, has the patience of a saint, and can either support you or cheer you on, depending on what you need in that moment.
Like I'm not gonna romanticize compulsions or anything, but at the same time, if you're able to stand up to Drayton, even if you didn't want to, he'll still be watching with stars in his eyes. We all know this.
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In other news, I'm adding the "stone safe" tag to my list. Ofc being a stone top/stone butch is a very personal identity, so what exactly is within our boundaries will vary from person to person, but for the sake of this tag, the qualifier will be "smut post in which reader does not have any holes touched".
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Yeah fuck it I'll do it
Mm my brain is vibrating about Frankenstein (the book) lately and it seems... just on the fringe of being applicable to this blog? I mean tbf, as the blog title says, a lot of the movies I write for here aren't slashers at all but sorta get included in the fandom anyways. (House of Wax is not a slasher, fight me on this.)
Anyway, would you guys be interested if I added the Creature to my repertoire?
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Mm my brain is vibrating about Frankenstein (the book) lately and it seems... just on the fringe of being applicable to this blog? I mean tbf, as the blog title says, a lot of the movies I write for here aren't slashers at all but sorta get included in the fandom anyways. (House of Wax is not a slasher, fight me on this.)
Anyway, would you guys be interested if I added the Creature to my repertoire?
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What would it be like the first time the masked boys show their face to their s/o?
I assume you don't mean to include Billy and Stu since, while they wear masks, it's not a 24/7 thing like with the others. Anyway, I have very strong feelings about this topic so I'm very excited to dive in haha
OG!Michael Myers:
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If you see his bare face, it is never for extended periods of time. He will take off his mask when strictly necessary (which is usually just when eating, maybe a kiss if he's feeling charitable, and the once a blue moon you convince him to bathe), but it goes right back on as soon as he's done.
This is not a matter of not trusting you. If he allowed you to see his face at all, that's already about the biggest show of trust he can give. Nor is he particularly insecure about his appearance, so compliments will do little to sway him.
Rather, in his eyes, his mask is his real face. The face that's made of flesh is the face of a Michael that died a long time ago, and seeing it in the mirror feels unnatural.
As such, the first time he takes his mask off in front of you, it is unceremonious and with no warning. The best thing for you to do is not react at all. You may mean well by complimenting him or thanking him for letting you see his face, but the way he sees it, if you prefer his 'real' face, then you prefer a Michael that doesn't actually exist.
Choose your words and actions wisely. Despite his seeming nonchalance, this is the moment that could make or break any kind of future for the two of you.
RZ!Michael Myers:
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Okay, RZ!Michael is pretty distinctly different from his OG counterpart here. His relationship with his mask, while no less important, is significantly... easier to navigate.
He does not see any of his masks as a literal extension of himself, and his face doesn't seem foreign to him. In fact, the problem is kind of the opposite.
Masks provide a sense of comfort and, more importantly, privacy in ways he had never experienced prior. After years of being observed and having his every move scrutinized, covering his face is one of the few ways he could keep himself hidden even from himself.
Over the years, he has come to see it as just important a piece of clothing as any other. What this means for you, though, is that he would likely allow you to see his face way before OG Michael would (though it would still take time)
Much like his counterpart, the first time was likely borne from necessity, but unlike him, RZ!Michael definitely made sure you knew that this wasn't something to take lightly. He wouldn't break eye contact with you the entire time (not that he usually does). To the untrained eye, he may appear cold or even angry, but if you've reached this point, you'd be able to tell that he's on-edge, analyzing your every move and gauging every microexpression.
Luckily, if you know him fairly well, it's reasonably easy to pass this test. Compliments are acceptable this time, but don't overdo it. You don't want him to feel under even more of a spotlight than he already does.
He also would eventually be willing to keep it off for more than a minute or two at a time if he's in a good enough mood, though you'd have to ask him directly. He simply sees no reason to keep it off for his own purposes, but may indulge you on occasion.
Bubba Sawyer:
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Bubba isn't particularly afraid of you seeing his face, but he isn't thrilled with the idea either.
His masks, while not a literal identity like OG!Myers, is certainly a way for him to express his identity more freely. Not just when it comes to gender expression, but in general.
Besides, his is the only mask where his mouth is exposed, so there's no practical reason for him to take it off in front of you and he simply doesn't see the appeal.
You would definitely need to ask because he probably wouldn't take that initiative for a very long time, if ever. And even when you do ask, he would initially panic and slip away.
It takes a bit for him to come around to the idea and for you to assure him that you don't want him to give up his masks altogether, you just want to know what his face looks like.
When he finally does it, you're hidden away in a room alone together to ensure that you have privacy. He would stall for as long as possible, but when he can't wait any longer, he practically rips it off before he can have any second thoughts.
Please give him lots of kisses and affection. He's already clingy at the best of times, but like this, he thinks he might die if you let go of him.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Okay, deep breath, we've gotten through the really complicated ones and are moving on to the more basic "insecure about their appearance" boys.
Brahms is desperately starved for any kind of positive attention. (Or attention in general, which is exactly why he acts out. Any attention is better than no attention.)
The fact that you talk to him and care for him without even seeming to be terrified at every moment like his parents were is nothing short of a miracle in his eyes, and he would sooner die than put that in jeopardy, so any change is a threat.
This includes you wanting to see his face. While his scarring certainly isn't the reason his parents treated him the way they did (after all, their apprehension had started even before the fire), it is still a risk. He doesn't know how you'll react, and that's unacceptable.
It would take a lot of convincing. Even if you have prominent scars yourself, it wouldn't help much since he insists that it's "different" with you, whatever that means.
Patience is key here, as well as finding a balance between not pressuring him while also making it clear that you haven't changed your mind about wanting to see his face. Eventually, though, he gives in.
He's visibly shaking the first time he takes it off and you have to get him to set the mask down before he drops it. Even still, he's staring at the ground, and should you guide his face towards you, he still averts his eyes. He's immediately regretting doing this and certain that you must be looking at him in horror. He can't stand to see that.
Be gentle here. Again, this is about balance. Brahms desperately needs reassurance right now, but at the same time, don't invalidate his insecurities by telling him the scarring "isn't that bad" or that he shouldn't have been worried.
Honestly, a simple "I love you" will probably do you better than most comments about his appearance, at least for now. Unpacking his insecurities can come later, but right now, he just needs to know that you aren't leaving him.
Jason Voorhees:
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Okay so here's the thing people forget about Jason: he's the only one of these last three who had an adult in his life who treated him well as a child. Does he still have insecurities? Sure he does! Is he traumatized? Boy howdy is he ever! But he's generally coming from a place of at least being able to fathom being loved in a healthy way.
As such, I think he'd have revealed his face to you the soonest of these six. He doesn't see the mask as a fundamental piece of his identity (at least, no moreso than a uniform), and if you've reached a point where he'll stay with you for extended periods of time, he probably already trusts you a considerable amount. If he had any reason to believe you'd reject him for his appearance, he wouldn't have stayed around to find out.
I honestly think he's the only one of the six who would want you to be the one to take his mask off (with his permission, of course). This is both because he's a dork and wanted to make sure this was A Special Moment, and also simply wanting the reassurance that you can back out if you change your mind.
He's so fucking cute about it, too. Because you are almost definitely shorter than him (speaking as a tall person), he sits down so that you can reach his face more easily. He seems fairly collected at a glance, but you can see him wringing his hands. It's not that he thinks you'll react badly, but...
Pretty much any positive reaction will result in a very happy Jason on your hands. Compliments will earn you a very cute blush, but if you really want to make a mess of him, just kiss him before you say anything and he will damn near pass out on the spot.
Moving forward, as long as you're somewhere hidden away, he will be very happy to oblige you if you ask him to keep his mask off for a bit. Especially if you bribe him with kisses.
Vincent Sinclair:
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Okay, we all know Vincent has a really weird relationship with his face. (Thanks, Trudy.) He would definitely want you to see his face at some point, but if you don't show any indication of being interested yourself, I'm not sure he'd ever work up the nerve.
You can and should be a little more pushy with him than you'd be with the others. He isn't as delicate as he seems. (I mean he puts up with Bo ffs) Obviously don't be TOO mean about it, but firm nudges will go a long way.
There would be several times that he planned on taking his mask off but backed out at the last second, which honestly gets kind of infuriating. Eventually, he realizes he won't be able to do it while you're watching him (at least not yet) and decides to instead just take off his mask while alone in his studio and wait for you to come down.
You nearly have a heart attack when you go down and see his mask sitting on a table, Vincent himself standing rigidly and staring at the wall with his back turned to you.
You will have to approach him yourself to get him to turn around, and when he does, his eyes are locked on you in an instant, trying to gauge your reaction.
Strangely, it probably isn't a particularly emotional conversation. Between his stiffness and you having been taken entirely off-guard, nothing flows that naturally. Maybe a few comments from your end and a few laconic signs from him in response, and that's the end of it.
The emotional part comes later that evening, once you've both processed what happened. He apologizes for coming off as sharp, but you can't exactly blame him.
The mask comes off again, with more warning this time, and now there can be a proper back-and-forth.
Please touch his face, especially the scar tissue. It hasn't been touched in so long (even by himself), it has become incredibly sensitive, and he will melt immediately.
Feel free to use this knowledge in other contexts too ;)
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What would it be like the first time the masked boys show their face to their s/o?
I assume you don't mean to include Billy and Stu since, while they wear masks, it's not a 24/7 thing like with the others. Anyway, I have very strong feelings about this topic so I'm very excited to dive in haha
OG!Michael Myers:
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If you see his bare face, it is never for extended periods of time. He will take off his mask when strictly necessary (which is usually just when eating, maybe a kiss if he's feeling charitable, and the once a blue moon you convince him to bathe), but it goes right back on as soon as he's done.
This is not a matter of not trusting you. If he allowed you to see his face at all, that's already about the biggest show of trust he can give. Nor is he particularly insecure about his appearance, so compliments will do little to sway him.
Rather, in his eyes, his mask is his real face. The face that's made of flesh is the face of a Michael that died a long time ago, and seeing it in the mirror feels unnatural.
As such, the first time he takes his mask off in front of you, it is unceremonious and with no warning. The best thing for you to do is not react at all. You may mean well by complimenting him or thanking him for letting you see his face, but the way he sees it, if you prefer his 'real' face, then you prefer a Michael that doesn't actually exist.
Choose your words and actions wisely. Despite his seeming nonchalance, this is the moment that could make or break any kind of future for the two of you.
RZ!Michael Myers:
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Okay, RZ!Michael is pretty distinctly different from his OG counterpart here. His relationship with his mask, while no less important, is significantly... easier to navigate.
He does not see any of his masks as a literal extension of himself, and his face doesn't seem foreign to him. In fact, the problem is kind of the opposite.
Masks provide a sense of comfort and, more importantly, privacy in ways he had never experienced prior. After years of being observed and having his every move scrutinized, covering his face is one of the few ways he could keep himself hidden even from himself.
Over the years, he has come to see it as just important a piece of clothing as any other. What this means for you, though, is that he would likely allow you to see his face way before OG Michael would (though it would still take time)
Much like his counterpart, the first time was likely borne from necessity, but unlike him, RZ!Michael definitely made sure you knew that this wasn't something to take lightly. He wouldn't break eye contact with you the entire time (not that he usually does). To the untrained eye, he may appear cold or even angry, but if you've reached this point, you'd be able to tell that he's on-edge, analyzing your every move and gauging every microexpression.
Luckily, if you know him fairly well, it's reasonably easy to pass this test. Compliments are acceptable this time, but don't overdo it. You don't want him to feel under even more of a spotlight than he already does.
He also would eventually be willing to keep it off for more than a minute or two at a time if he's in a good enough mood, though you'd have to ask him directly. He simply sees no reason to keep it off for his own purposes, but may indulge you on occasion.
Bubba Sawyer:
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Bubba isn't particularly afraid of you seeing his face, but he isn't thrilled with the idea either.
His masks, while not a literal identity like OG!Myers, is certainly a way for him to express his identity more freely. Not just when it comes to gender expression, but in general.
Besides, his is the only mask where his mouth is exposed, so there's no practical reason for him to take it off in front of you and he simply doesn't see the appeal.
You would definitely need to ask because he probably wouldn't take that initiative for a very long time, if ever. And even when you do ask, he would initially panic and slip away.
It takes a bit for him to come around to the idea and for you to assure him that you don't want him to give up his masks altogether, you just want to know what his face looks like.
When he finally does it, you're hidden away in a room alone together to ensure that you have privacy. He would stall for as long as possible, but when he can't wait any longer, he practically rips it off before he can have any second thoughts.
Please give him lots of kisses and affection. He's already clingy at the best of times, but like this, he thinks he might die if you let go of him.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Okay, deep breath, we've gotten through the really complicated ones and are moving on to the more basic "insecure about their appearance" boys.
Brahms is desperately starved for any kind of positive attention. (Or attention in general, which is exactly why he acts out. Any attention is better than no attention.)
The fact that you talk to him and care for him without even seeming to be terrified at every moment like his parents were is nothing short of a miracle in his eyes, and he would sooner die than put that in jeopardy, so any change is a threat.
This includes you wanting to see his face. While his scarring certainly isn't the reason his parents treated him the way they did (after all, their apprehension had started even before the fire), it is still a risk. He doesn't know how you'll react, and that's unacceptable.
It would take a lot of convincing. Even if you have prominent scars yourself, it wouldn't help much since he insists that it's "different" with you, whatever that means.
Patience is key here, as well as finding a balance between not pressuring him while also making it clear that you haven't changed your mind about wanting to see his face. Eventually, though, he gives in.
He's visibly shaking the first time he takes it off and you have to get him to set the mask down before he drops it. Even still, he's staring at the ground, and should you guide his face towards you, he still averts his eyes. He's immediately regretting doing this and certain that you must be looking at him in horror. He can't stand to see that.
Be gentle here. Again, this is about balance. Brahms desperately needs reassurance right now, but at the same time, don't invalidate his insecurities by telling him the scarring "isn't that bad" or that he shouldn't have been worried.
Honestly, a simple "I love you" will probably do you better than most comments about his appearance, at least for now. Unpacking his insecurities can come later, but right now, he just needs to know that you aren't leaving him.
Jason Voorhees:
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Okay so here's the thing people forget about Jason: he's the only one of these last three who had an adult in his life who treated him well as a child. Does he still have insecurities? Sure he does! Is he traumatized? Boy howdy is he ever! But he's generally coming from a place of at least being able to fathom being loved in a healthy way.
As such, I think he'd have revealed his face to you the soonest of these six. He doesn't see the mask as a fundamental piece of his identity (at least, no moreso than a uniform), and if you've reached a point where he'll stay with you for extended periods of time, he probably already trusts you a considerable amount. If he had any reason to believe you'd reject him for his appearance, he wouldn't have stayed around to find out.
I honestly think he's the only one of the six who would want you to be the one to take his mask off (with his permission, of course). This is both because he's a dork and wanted to make sure this was A Special Moment, and also simply wanting the reassurance that you can back out if you change your mind.
He's so fucking cute about it, too. Because you are almost definitely shorter than him (speaking as a tall person), he sits down so that you can reach his face more easily. He seems fairly collected at a glance, but you can see him wringing his hands. It's not that he thinks you'll react badly, but...
Pretty much any positive reaction will result in a very happy Jason on your hands. Compliments will earn you a very cute blush, but if you really want to make a mess of him, just kiss him before you say anything and he will damn near pass out on the spot.
Moving forward, as long as you're somewhere hidden away, he will be very happy to oblige you if you ask him to keep his mask off for a bit. Especially if you bribe him with kisses.
Vincent Sinclair:
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Okay, we all know Vincent has a really weird relationship with his face. (Thanks, Trudy.) He would definitely want you to see his face at some point, but if you don't show any indication of being interested yourself, I'm not sure he'd ever work up the nerve.
You can and should be a little more pushy with him than you'd be with the others. He isn't as delicate as he seems. (I mean he puts up with Bo ffs) Obviously don't be TOO mean about it, but firm nudges will go a long way.
There would be several times that he planned on taking his mask off but backed out at the last second, which honestly gets kind of infuriating. Eventually, he realizes he won't be able to do it while you're watching him (at least not yet) and decides to instead just take off his mask while alone in his studio and wait for you to come down.
You nearly have a heart attack when you go down and see his mask sitting on a table, Vincent himself standing rigidly and staring at the wall with his back turned to you.
You will have to approach him yourself to get him to turn around, and when he does, his eyes are locked on you in an instant, trying to gauge your reaction.
Strangely, it probably isn't a particularly emotional conversation. Between his stiffness and you having been taken entirely off-guard, nothing flows that naturally. Maybe a few comments from your end and a few laconic signs from him in response, and that's the end of it.
The emotional part comes later that evening, once you've both processed what happened. He apologizes for coming off as sharp, but you can't exactly blame him.
The mask comes off again, with more warning this time, and now there can be a proper back-and-forth.
Please touch his face, especially the scar tissue. It hasn't been touched in so long (even by himself), it has become incredibly sensitive, and he will melt immediately.
Feel free to use this knowledge in other contexts too ;)
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Barbie draw your ship prompt with Billy and Stu
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Can I request OG Michael, Norman, Billy Lenz, and Vincent being edged? 😏
Unfortunately, some of these may be a little lackluster. Anyway, nsfw under the cut.
OG!Michael Myers:
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Good luck lmao
It's not really his thing, and he doesn't have a strong enough reaction for it to even be that fun if you tried.
The first time, you get a pointed look and a lil huff (which is admittedly pretty cute, but never tell him that)
He doesn't have any reaction beyond that, though. His body language is hard to read in general, and the bedroom is no exception.
Still, if you've reached the point in a relationship where he lets you anywhere near as vulnerable a part of his body as his dick, you've probably figured out how to read him, and he's more annoyed than aroused.
If you do it again, that irritation falls over a precipice and he bats your hand away to finish by himself. He doesn't have the patience to put up with this.
Altogether, not really his cup of tea. Overstimulation, on the other hand...
Norman Bates:
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Why would you do this? Do you want to make him cry?
Okay, the answer is probably yes. But I digress.
As soon as you take your hand away, he looks at you like a wounded animal. Pure betrayal in his eyes. It's really cute tbh
That said, he finds that he doesn't actually hate it. He trusts you, and he knows that you won't push him into something he doesn't want, so he resigns himself to flopping his head back with a broken sigh so you can continue.
And if you start praising him? Any apprehension he had about the whole thing goes up in smoke. The first sweet words leave your lips and any ability to think clearly is replaced with buzzing nothingness.
Tell him how good and patient he's being for you as you edge him to tears and he's making the prettiest little sounds in your ear in no time.
His stamina in the bedroom is absolutely abysmal, so this is probably a decent way to make sure he can actually go for longer than five minutes.
Just make sure you do let him cum by the end of it. He's not one for long-term denial. It may seem to him more like rejection than any kind of kink.
Billy Lenz:
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Another man who you would have to be truly sadistic to edge, though for very different reasons.
This man's sex drive is absolutely ungodly, which actually makes him pretty hard to edge since he hardly needs any stimulation to cum. Still, if you can manage it, the effort is well worth it.
When you first start, he's moaning and whining before you even wrap your hand around his cock, so I sincerely hope that you have thick walls.
That noise is nothing, however, compared to when you stop. The scream he lets out is the most pathetic, agonized sound you've ever heard from him, which is quite a feat in itself.
Despite his eagerly bucking hips, though, he's internally panicking. Why did you do that?! Were you mad at him? Did he do something bad? Did he finally say something that crossed a line?
Are you going to leave him?!
Please calm him down before he works himself into a frenzy. For all his filthy rambling, we all know that he's a deeply wounded man, and you need to be patient with him.
Give him lots of kisses and praise, maybe even tell him how pretty his cock looks when it's twitching with need, and he'll very quickly warm up to the idea.
That being said, have lots of water on standby any time you plan on edging him. Even a single edge can be enough to have him sobbing. (See the aforementioned sex drive.)
Just make sure to read his body language and you'll be fine. He can't handle as much edging as most, and letting you do it at all is a massive show of trust that can easily be shattered if you take it too far.
Vincent Sinclair:
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Easily the most straightforward of the four. Make no mistake, he'll whine and squirm, but he takes it relatively in stride.
If you're lucky enough to be doing this while his mask is off, his face is scrunched up as he tries to control his reactions.
Not because he doesn't want you to see them, necessarily. But contrary to popular belief, he does have some sense of dignity to uphold.
Even with his mask on, though, you'd be able to read him from his hands flexing and releasing repeatedly, the slight tremor in his hips that only grows stronger as you go, the muscles in his abdomen convulsing every time you pull away.
He can easily handle this for the longest, too. Vincent is a patient man, and it will take a lot of effort to get anywhere close to his limit. (That's not to say he won't be complaining about it before then, of course.)
If you really want to make him whine, don't focus too much on his cock. Leave lingering kisses on the rest of his body, gently bite his inner thighs, make sure his whole body is burning with need.
Making sure he's pent up and drawn taut from the beginning will only make his reaction when you deny him all the sweeter.
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Can I request OG Michael, Norman, Billy Lenz, and Vincent being edged? 😏
Unfortunately, some of these may be a little lackluster. Anyway, nsfw under the cut.
OG!Michael Myers:
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Good luck lmao
It's not really his thing, and he doesn't have a strong enough reaction for it to even be that fun if you tried.
The first time, you get a pointed look and a lil huff (which is admittedly pretty cute, but never tell him that)
He doesn't have any reaction beyond that, though. His body language is hard to read in general, and the bedroom is no exception.
Still, if you've reached the point in a relationship where he lets you anywhere near as vulnerable a part of his body as his dick, you've probably figured out how to read him, and he's more annoyed than aroused.
If you do it again, that irritation falls over a precipice and he bats your hand away to finish by himself. He doesn't have the patience to put up with this.
Altogether, not really his cup of tea. Overstimulation, on the other hand...
Norman Bates:
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Why would you do this? Do you want to make him cry?
Okay, the answer is probably yes. But I digress.
As soon as you take your hand away, he looks at you like a wounded animal. Pure betrayal in his eyes. It's really cute tbh
That said, he finds that he doesn't actually hate it. He trusts you, and he knows that you won't push him into something he doesn't want, so he resigns himself to flopping his head back with a broken sigh so you can continue.
And if you start praising him? Any apprehension he had about the whole thing goes up in smoke. The first sweet words leave your lips and any ability to think clearly is replaced with buzzing nothingness.
Tell him how good and patient he's being for you as you edge him to tears and he's making the prettiest little sounds in your ear in no time.
His stamina in the bedroom is absolutely abysmal, so this is probably a decent way to make sure he can actually go for longer than five minutes.
Just make sure you do let him cum by the end of it. He's not one for long-term denial. It may seem to him more like rejection than any kind of kink.
Billy Lenz:
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Another man who you would have to be truly sadistic to edge, though for very different reasons.
This man's sex drive is absolutely ungodly, which actually makes him pretty hard to edge since he hardly needs any stimulation to cum. Still, if you can manage it, the effort is well worth it.
When you first start, he's moaning and whining before you even wrap your hand around his cock, so I sincerely hope that you have thick walls.
That noise is nothing, however, compared to when you stop. The scream he lets out is the most pathetic, agonized sound you've ever heard from him, which is quite a feat in itself.
Despite his eagerly bucking hips, though, he's internally panicking. Why did you do that?! Were you mad at him? Did he do something bad? Did he finally say something that crossed a line?
Are you going to leave him?!
Please calm him down before he works himself into a frenzy. For all his filthy rambling, we all know that he's a deeply wounded man, and you need to be patient with him.
Give him lots of kisses and praise, maybe even tell him how pretty his cock looks when it's twitching with need, and he'll very quickly warm up to the idea.
That being said, have lots of water on standby any time you plan on edging him. Even a single edge can be enough to have him sobbing. (See the aforementioned sex drive.)
Just make sure to read his body language and you'll be fine. He can't handle as much edging as most, and letting you do it at all is a massive show of trust that can easily be shattered if you take it too far.
Vincent Sinclair:
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Easily the most straightforward of the four. Make no mistake, he'll whine and squirm, but he takes it relatively in stride.
If you're lucky enough to be doing this while his mask is off, his face is scrunched up as he tries to control his reactions.
Not because he doesn't want you to see them, necessarily. But contrary to popular belief, he does have some sense of dignity to uphold.
Even with his mask on, though, you'd be able to read him from his hands flexing and releasing repeatedly, the slight tremor in his hips that only grows stronger as you go, the muscles in his abdomen convulsing every time you pull away.
He can easily handle this for the longest, too. Vincent is a patient man, and it will take a lot of effort to get anywhere close to his limit. (That's not to say he won't be complaining about it before then, of course.)
If you really want to make him whine, don't focus too much on his cock. Leave lingering kisses on the rest of his body, gently bite his inner thighs, make sure his whole body is burning with need.
Making sure he's pent up and drawn taut from the beginning will only make his reaction when you deny him all the sweeter.
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My brain urgently needed Lester in a summer dress
Just look at this coquette
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Can’t help but imagine the company from Cabin in the Woods turns camp crystal lake into a…. Nature Preserve?? But for slashers to live on.
And poor Carrie is a little over whelmed by the testosterone
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Inside His Head (Martin Mathias x Reader)
A look inside Martin's daydreams.
Martin is on my mind and a lot of my favorite scenes are during his vision like daydreams <3
Warning: mentions of blood drinking
Martin loves thinking about you.
There's a lot of thoughts of exploring old castles, chasing you through elaborate mazes, and you calling his name softly while he walks his delivery route every day. Hell, he'd be so distracted he wouldn't notice the odd stares customers give him when they open the door.
Even when he's with you he can't stop him mind wondering whenever it gets quiet. It makes him yearn for moments where the silence is replaced by soft classical music playing instead, his hand being guided by yours in a dance. It makes him smile to himself whenever he imagines how nice you'd look within the soft glow of candlelight. You'd give him a light nudge and ask if you can give him a penny for his thoughts, but Martin just shakes his head, making sure to avoid eye contact so you can't see the dusting of pink adorning his cheeks.
Martin hates to admit it, but he loves how vivid his imagination is when he's hungry. There's no doubt he's thought about your blood before, but it's never with harmful intentions. He likes to think about you offering your blood up to him, giving him a chance of a kind of intimacy that no human can understand. Being able to be someone trustworthy enough to be that close to you, the thought of someone caring so much about him that they'd offer their life to him makes him weak in the knees.
It almost makes him jealous of those vampires from those flashy movies and books. Your his soulmate and to spend eternity with you starts feeling less like a want a more like a need. Martin would do anything if it meant that he could take that extra bite or get you to have a taste of him, but what brings him down to Earth is that vampirism is complicated.
It's not like the magic on the television.
Though for the first time, he really wish it wasn't.
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Just a hc
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i think they would have an insta that they share. a lot of the stuff they post is just them messing around in the woods with emocore/scenecore vibes and grungy filters.
click for better viewing!
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