intjxenfp-shitpost · 1 year
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 3 years
My ENFP irl best friend dreamt something about is doing a team project led by me and we asked some of the people (her friends and mine) for help but I said, "Yeah we're just using you to get work done then we won't need you." And they all left and she was crying...
Why am I such a real person in my friends' dreams? 🤣 I would definitely say that if not for my ass being taught to be civil. :3
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 3 years
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 3 years
ENFP: I don't understand how I have any followers on #PopularPlatform.
INTJ: ENFP. You're an Extravert. What do you mean? You network for FUN.
ENFP: I don't even really network with an end goal. You call it networking, I call it trying to make friends, you INTJ.
INTJ: "Networking for fun" is INTJ for "making friends". You clearly understood me.
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 3 years
INTJ: The ASMR is undeniable
Cement by brick2brick
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 3 years
to shitpost or not to shitpost, that is the question
whether it tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the slings and arrows of outrageous sarcasm,
or to take arms against a sea of idiocy
and by opposing end them. To shitpost - to lurk,
no more; and by post to say we end
the boredom and the thousand natural shocks
that social media is heir to: 'tis a consummation
devoutly to be wish'd. To shitpost, to lurk;
To lurk, perchance to lol - ay, there's the rub:
For in that shitpost of satire what nose-snorts may come,
when we have shuffled off this haitus coil,
must give us pause
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 3 years
Hello!!! Uh, sorry to intrude, but it seems your discord link is invalid!!! :(
Our discord, and this blog, isn’t super active right now, but I’d be super happy to get this community up and running again. It’s been a tough few years (still ongoing) but maybe that’s more of a reason to get this started up again?
Echoing Callida on this one, life has been weird the last several years but our love for MBTI and recognition of how we fit a lot of the “tropes” of INTJ and ENFP friendships hasn’t really waned. 
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 4 years
The way my keyboard is set up (I use a Brazilian portuguese one), sometimes when I write “Snape” I accidentaly hit a key that makes it “Snapé”
It looks a lot like it´s the bougie version of Snape…as in Snape walking around in whatever the wizard equivalent of Armani is, with a peacock by a leash like this:
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Like…”It´s not Snape…it´s Snapé”
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 5 years
So we made a Discord Server. Why? For fun and to make it even easier to connect with you guys. 
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Come on in! It’s a work in progress since Contra and I are only vaguely familiar with some of the more complex aspects of discord, but it should be fun. :)
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 5 years
Ambition Blues — A New Age of Burnout
Ambition Blues — A New Age of Burnout
Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? You can’t have genuine ambition without motivation…right?
Actually, you can. And boy is it an infuriating, depressing headspace to be in.
Growing Up In A World That Never Slowed Down
It’s something few of those from prior generations can even wrap their heads around. Their experiences in life were too different. The world they grew up in and the world they…
View On WordPress
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 5 years
So we made a Discord Server. Why? For fun and to make it even easier to connect with you guys. 
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Come on in! It’s a work in progress since Contra and I are only vaguely familiar with some of the more complex aspects of discord, but it should be fun. :)
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 5 years
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The time has come...
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 5 years
“Real Blog” is Go!
Alright guys. I’m about to post the link for the first blog post, but I wanted to announce that Contra and I have started thinking about Giveaway ideas as well. There’s another post with more details linked in our first blog post - so make sure you check it out. 
We really want to build our community and engage with you guys more than we have been, so this seemed like a good way to start. ;)
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 5 years
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today’s tea
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 5 years
ENFP’s observation on INTJ
INTJ is the kind of person that does extensive research on something. And when they are focused, they go on full focus mode. This allows them to absorb all the information. This also results in INTJ being very logical. INTJ prefers logic reasoning to a situation rather than being cared for their emotions. In fact, the reasoning is what actually helps them to feel cared about. 2 birds with one stone. Though some people might think it’s challenging to reason with an INTJ, it is not impossible. It’s important to do your research regarding the matter and help INTJ reach from the purpose until the conclusion. Once an INTJ gets closure, then they will be satisfied and of course, love you more.
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 5 years
We’re starting a “REAL” Blog
Hey guys!
I know Contra and I have been slacking on the memes lately. Sadly, we’ve both been super busy, and 2018 was kind of a rough year for both of us. BUT - in an effort to start changing the course for 2019, I’m happy to announce that one of our big ideas for this blog is coming true this year!
What the hell are you talking about Callida?
Excellent question, loyal follower! A long time ago, Contra and I decided we wanted to start a REAL blog. Like with actual posts and stuff, not just this meme-pit that you guys love more than we ever expected you to. But something we could call our own.
Did you know we’re both writers? We are! Mostly for fun in our limited free time, but I’m working on making writing a full-time career that I don’t hate as much as I hate small talk! And to do that, I’m here to basically give you guys first dibs on how we kick off our Real™ Blog.
Please, please, please, fill out this super short survey. It’s only 4 questions and takes less than 3 minutes to fill out (unless you have a lot to say in the comment boxes or something). 
I hate when people ask me to fill shit out too, but again - you guys have gotten us this far, so it’s only fair in my eyes to give you a chance to be heard anonymously as I go full steam ahead with both this blog and the “Real” one.
I’m trying to keep this post short, since no one likes a stupidly long post. But, if you guys would like to know more about the blog idea and what my plans are for it, drop us an ask! We’re not abandoning this blog or our sweet, sweet psychology memes, but it would be awesome to turn this into something Contra and I can call our own. And I’m looking forward to writing about everything from Psychology stuff to Writing stuff - or whatever you guys are interested in!
Callida’s Super Short 4-Question Survey
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intjxenfp-shitpost · 5 years
2019 is the year we stop being content to enable our own unhealthy bullshit. We’re strong arming out way to the healthy we wanna be so we can party in 2020 and put the 1920s to shame.
All who Stan this mood declare thy selves.
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