iverna · 2 days
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I do not want to bitch on OP's post but dear lord this is vile 😭😭😭 I have stats hidden on AO3 and I simply read summaries, check tags and decide if the fic sounds interesting or not??? Like a fic might have very little kudos but it might still be something I happen to enjoy waahhh do these people not go to library and just browse books bc the name sounds interesting to them???? Do you need other people to decide what to enjoy???
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iverna · 3 days
Submitted by an anon.
reblogs for bigger sample size appreciated
polls can be submitted to this blog via asks or submssions
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iverna · 4 days
my cat: "I spend half the day cleaning my fur and I always go to the designated poo spot to do my business and bury it when I'm done, don't want any nasty smells, gotta be clean, clean clean clean"
also my cat: "let me just throw up right in my bed and then complain that it's dirty now"
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iverna · 5 days
About the AO3 "No Guest Comments for a while" warning
If you're not following any of AO3's social media accounts you might be in the dark as to what kind of "spam comments" have engendered this banner at the top of the site:
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These spam comments have been posted about a great deal on the AO3 subreddit for the past couple of days. Initially they comprised a bunch of guest (logged out users) bot comments that insulted authors by suggesting they were using AI and not writing their own fics. Some examples, from the subreddit:
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But it then escalated to outright graphic porn images and gifs being posted in comments, again by logged out 'Guest' accounts. Obviously, I'm not going to give examples of those, but between these two bot infestations, AO3 has clearly decided to act and has temporarily closed the ability to post comments for users who are not logged in with an AO3 account.
Unfortunately, this means that genuine readers who don't have an AO3 account won't be able to leave comments on fics that they enjoy.
If you are a genuine reader who doesn't yet have an AO3 account, I strongly suggest getting yourself on the waiting list for one. More and more AO3 authors are now locking their fics down to registered users only - either due to these bot comments or concerns about AI scraping their work - which means you're probably missing out on a lot of great stuff.
Hopefully guest commenting will be enabled again at some point soon, but I suggest not waiting until then. Get yourself on that list.
Wait times are going to be longer than usual at the moment, due to the current Wattpad purge [info on Fanlore | Wattpad subreddit thread], but if you're in line, then your invite will come through eventually.
Update: There's now a Megathread about this on the AO3 subreddit.
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iverna · 5 days
the only crimes they committed were being too sexy. and murder
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iverna · 7 days
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365 days of captain swan :: day 346
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iverna · 7 days
Endlessly diabolical how you can't say words like rape and suicide uncensored without either being criticised by idiots or punished by conglomerates.
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iverna · 10 days
Does Luke know how to swim?
definitely not, the rebellion has to teach him
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(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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iverna · 10 days
Dreamed last night that I was hanging out with Ryan Gosling, and he kept talking about the Barbie movie and how proud he was of it, and eventually I had to confess that I hadn't seen it. And he was all "... but you want to see it, right? You'll come watch it, right?" and I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I said sure, absolutely, let's watch Barbie.
So we went to the cinema--me, Ryan, and some people I was friends with or possibly mutual friends, I don't know, I have no idea how dream!me even knew Ryan Gosling. Anyway, the movie played, and Ryan was pointing out the bits he liked best, but the other people kept talking to me, and somehow I missed most of the movie which I wasn't all that upset about. Thankfully Ryan didn't notice, he was very earnest and seemed to just assume that everyone loved the movie as much as he did.
Anyway I woke up feeling vaguely guilty for not appreciating Ryan Gosling's greatest work, I'm sorry Ryan.
Also I'm once again blaming Tumblr for making me dream about an actor, the only thing I've ever seen Ryan Gosling in is Crazy Stupid Love and that was years ago, but he's been all over my dash lately so I'm blaming you, all of you who put him there, you know who you are.
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iverna · 17 days
I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook
I don’t even care if it’s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDN’T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldn’t fix them food or they couldn’t go out to eat. 
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iverna · 17 days
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ONCE UPON A TIME APPRECIATION WEEK Day 5 - Favorite Parallel(s) - Regina Mills
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iverna · 19 days
Holy shit… please…take this quiz…
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iverna · 21 days
Ich stimme dir in gewissen Punkten zu, möchte aber anmerken dass einige Pro-Israel Leute wirklich behaupten, dass Palästinenser für Nazi Ideologie verantwortlich wären. Die Idee, dass Araber Hitler 'inspiriert' hätten findet man sogar teilweise hier auf tumblr. Außerdem hat der Song selbst weitere Fehlinformationen (Osama Bin Laden hat nur sehr begrenzt TikTok Aufmerksamkeit bekommen, war keineswegs ein Superstar). Ich kann bei Mitgliedern der Antideutschbewegung wie der Antilopen Gang leider selten von guten Intentionen ausgehen, also während du mit der ideologischen Nachkommen Theorie warscheinlich Recht hast ist den Textern absolut bewusst, was für Implikationen besonders mit der (Menschen)-Schild Metapher hervorgerufen werden. Ich finde es daher verständlich, dass es sich wie eine offensichtliche Leugnung deutscher Schuld liest und das ist eindeutig Fehler der Band und deren Politik.
Ja, wie gesagt, ich finde auch, dass es viele Punkte gibt, in denen man das Lied kritisieren kann. Fan bin ich ganz bestimmt nicht.
Ich hatte noch gedacht, dass ich vielleicht lieber nicht "nobody" sagen sollte... Alter. Ich hab echt noch nicht gesehen, dass irgendwer sowas Bescheuertes gesagt hat, hab's mir auch nicht vorstellen können, aber... es ist das Internet, ich hätte es wissen müssen. Irgendwelche Idioten gibt's immer, ich glaub's dir. Ich war da wohl man wieder ein bisschen naiv. Wobei es meiner Meinung nach auch völlig egal ist, wo die Inspiration oder die Ideologie herkommt. Die Tat ist strafbar. Derjenige, der's gemacht hat, ist verantwortlich. Wo man die Idee her hatte, ist egal, das hab ich schon also Kind gelernt.
Ich kenne die Band ehrlich gesagt überhaupt nicht, hatte da also keinerlei Vorurteile. Ich fand aber auch, dass da mindestens eine Implikation ist, dass jeder, der Palästina understützt, zu den "Nachkommen" gehört. Find ich auch ziemlich... naja, undurchdacht ist das Netteste, was ich den Textern da unterstellen kann, aber es würde mich nicht überraschen, wenn es durchdacht war. Sie haben die ganze Kritik auf jeden Fall verdient. Selbst wenn's nicht so gemeint war, tja, dann ist es wohl Zeit zu lernen, sich besser auszudrücken.
Mir ging eigentlich vor allem quer, dass es sich so lies, als würden "die Deutschen" sowas glauben. "Why do Germans believe this" als ob wir das alle denken, also diese ganze Generalisierung. Und in den Notes dann auch die entsprechenden Kommentare über Deutschland und die Deutschen. Deswegen wollte ich es ein bisschen klarstellen. Für mich gibt's auch einen Unterschied zwischen "man kann es so lesen" und "man muss es so lesen und so ist es auch gemeint", und wenn man nur die eine Übersetzung (und damit Interpretation) sieht, dann kann man sich kein eigenes Bild machen. Das hilft meiner Meinung nach auch nicht.
Ob Leute das Lied oder die Band kritisieren, ist mir egal. Gerne zu. Ich wollte nur nicht, dass jetzt alle denken, dass wir alle das glauben, was in dem Lied steht (oder angedeutet wird).
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iverna · 21 days
German here, and no, afaik nobody has done that analysis, because we don't maintain that belief, on any level. I'm not a descendant of murderers, and obviously I can't speak for all Germans, but I feel pretty confident saying that nobody believes that Palestinians were responsible for the Holocaust. Members of my family were taken to the camps, and I've always blamed the Nazis for that, just like I assume you and everyone else would. Germany knows who did it, trust me.
I'm not excusing or defending the song or the band, just to be very clear. There's plenty in there to criticise. But a lot can get lost in translation, especially with lyrics/poetry, leading to "wtf" moments like this because you're right, that would be a completely unhinged thing to say or believe. The song isn't calling Palestinians "Jew gassers". There are 2 interpretations of that line - referring to Hamas as the ideological descendants of Nazis, and more literally, referring to Germans currently using the Gaza conflict as an excuse to be antisemitic (which is a thing that's happening, in Germany and elsewhere).
Again, not defending anything here, if you still condemn the lyrics as they are that's totally valid and fine by me. I've got plenty of issues with them myself. I just wanted to try and explain, because I've seen some of the notes on this post and I don't like the idea of people thinking that we all believe that. Maybe it'll help, maybe it'll just validate people's hatred or make things worse, I don't know at this point, but fwiw.
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the actual descendants of murderers calling completely historically uninvolved stateless refugees jew gassers… genuinely has anyone ever done an analysis of how germans maintain this belief on a psychological level? its just incomprehensible to me 🤦🏻
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iverna · 23 days
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Then the place in Jaina’s heart that belongs to her brother Jacen begins to warm, and she knows he is standing outside her cabin. She doesn’t wait for him to knock. She simply opens the door and crawls back into her bunk and says nothing. Jacen comes and sits on the edge of her bed. He doesn’t need to ask what’s wrong, because he knows– because he is her twin and he feels it, too. So Jacen just strokes her hair until she starts to hurt a little less and finally falls asleep. He stays with her through the night because he knows that if he leaves, she’ll wake and won’t be able to sleep again. And Jaina hears him whispering to her in her dreams, telling her that no one you love really has to die– not if you don’t want them to… All you have to do is hold a place for them in your heart.
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iverna · 23 days
You’re married to your phone background/lockscreen how fucked are you
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iverna · 24 days
Reblog for a larger sample size!
No "show results", if you're not a fanfic writer just be patient.
I saw a post about an anon saying it was embarrasing to have an ao3 account in your 30s (it's absolutely not), so I want to do a poll and see what the age range actually is.
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