jackofalltrades17 · 19 hours
Seriously, you guys what the fuck was I on about
"I'll walk through the fiery gates of hell before I stop making fun of the French you Cocksucking Baguette MotherFucker."
-The Horrid Depths Of My Mind
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jackofalltrades17 · 11 months
My parents: But you used to love [insert food]!
Me who was too scared to tell them that I didn't like that food: Yeah I guess people just change sometimes.
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
Just realized I don't even know one person named Amanda.
reblog if your name isn't Amanda.
2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!
We’ll find you Amanda.
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
On today's episode of Shit Reddit Says:
"If you die to early you can't have more cocaine."
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
I have one playlist that's like 55h long and it's called Shuffa MothaFucka and it includes all genres and types but I made it because my liked songs was infested with funny or dumb songs that I didn't actually like, I just liked because I wanted to bookmark that song. It's called Shuffa MothaFucka because I can just hit shuffle and know I'm gonna get a decent song.
"what music do u listen to" i don't know playlists?
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
Can I just point something weird out. Photo quality. Photos that are fucking years old like photos from many many decades ago have a wonderful aesthetic. It's grainy and old and cool. Because as all old people and kettle kids will tell you, old things are cool. And then there's the brand new photos. The photos that have so much quality that you can count the fucking pores on the subject's face or the number of cells on a leaf. And that's a amazing, it's so cool to look at. And then you have the photos in between. Those photos that don't have that cool aesthetic and aren't amazing to look at. It's this weird era. Idk it's just something I thought about.
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
Hey parents, "It's probably because you're always laying around, if you'd get up and do something once in a while you wouldn't feel that way," is not the solution to every fucking problem.
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
What the fuck
"I'll walk through the fiery gates of hell before I stop making fun of the French you Cocksucking Baguette MotherFucker."
-The Horrid Depths Of My Mind
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
High school is fucking wack.
I just heard the sentence "You ever shove your sucker down her throat... metaphorically?" And I don't know what to do about this.
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
Y'all motherfuckers remember when a group of 4th graders laughed at the Grinch and then he climbed a mountain and lived the next 30 years in isolation on top of said mountain amongst heaps of trash, eating glass bottles, loathing strangers entirely, and yet he still has an alarm clock.
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
Teal Swan. The documentary on Hulu (The Deep End) is amazing. I have never felt this much hate for one individual. I hate everything about her. If she by some miracle of chance she sees this I want her to know that I despise her. Teal, you are a sociopathic horrible beast from hell. I'd love to go on a 10 page rant about how fucking trash she is but I'm tired and you could just watch the doc. I intended these posts to just be lists of people I want to say fuck you to but I hate Teal so much I felt compelled to write this much.
List of people I would like to personally say "fuck you" to in no particular order:
Elon Musk
Mike Pence
Donald Trump
Vladimir Putin
Amy Coney Barret
Brett Kavanaugh
Clarence Thomas
Majorie Taylor Greene
Kanye West
King Charles III
The Falwells of Liberty University
Ronald Reagan or Ronald Reagan's corpse
I'll probably update this at some point but for now this is good.
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
Growing up is finally being able to take up the whole couch.
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
List of people I would like to personally say "fuck you" to in no particular order:
Elon Musk
Mike Pence
Donald Trump
Vladimir Putin
Amy Coney Barret
Brett Kavanaugh
Clarence Thomas
Majorie Taylor Greene
Kanye West
King Charles III
The Falwells of Liberty University
Ronald Reagan or Ronald Reagan's corpse
I'll probably update this at some point but for now this is good.
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
"I'll walk through the fiery gates of hell before I stop making fun of the French you Cocksucking Baguette MotherFucker."
-The Horrid Depths Of My Mind
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
I heard my economics teacher yesterday was talking about cryptocurrency to the class and admitted he owns some Dogecoin. I don't know what this means but it's hilarious.
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
Why the fuck did we all decided that owls were the "smart animals" or the symbol for wisdom. Fucking BirdFact.com said "Owls are generally not 'smart'". It should be either Dolphins or some fucking monkey. But if you really want to stick with birds go with the fucking crow. Crows are fucking great. They look metal as fuck and they're more loyal to their kind than some humans. Crows fucking rock. Yeah, fuck owls. Not sexually though just metaphorically. Fuck owls metaphorically. And fuck Mike Pence too. Metaphorically. Crows gonna remember your face if you do mean shot to them and fuck you up next time they see you. The fuck is an owl gonna do with it's fucking flat face, the dumb fucks. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk about Crows, Owls, and Mike Pence just slipped in there.
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jackofalltrades17 · 1 year
Does anyone else do that thing where you find a new favorite song but you listen to it like 60 times within a week and you don't get tired of it, it just becomes less special so you move on to the next song and it repeats. It's a vicious cycle.
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