kenkfosterartist · 2 years
My first attempt at a drone boomerang. Today was our last day at Tres Mujeres. This morning before we left I came down to the platform and did some stretching and yoga and then flew my drone for like the third or fourth time. Slowly getting more comfortable with it. I watched a YouTube video by Johnny Harris where he gives a tutorial on this effect and thought I’d try it out. Edited in Rush on my IPad. Now at Manzanilla Bay and just finished sketching the view. It’s all very pretty here.
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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It’s hard to know whether to laugh or to cry at the human predicament. Here we are with so much wisdom and tenderness, and—without even knowing it—we cover it over to protect ourselves from insecurity. Although we have the potential to experience the freedom of a butterfly, we mysteriously prefer the small and fearful cocoon of ego. - Pema Chodron
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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A human being is a part of the whole called by us “the universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening the circle of understanding and compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. —ALBERT EINSTEIN
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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Got my Sketchbox today!!
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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‘Twas the night before Christmas…
#christmaseve https://www.instagram.com/p/CX41g19rmHU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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Have compassion for everyone you meet, even if they don’t want it. What seems conceit, bad manners, or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen.
You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone.
- Miller Williams
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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“I don’t see myself as a drawer that needs classifying. Things aren’t fixed and I’m not fixed… I can’t see myself as someone completely achieved, done, dead. I’m seeing myself as someone who’s still moving, alive, with his contradictions.” - Roland Topor #watercolor #pencil #ink #rolandtopor https://www.instagram.com/p/CXzrTCcL3Ob/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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Postcard 1 of 4. Familiar faces.
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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This is a small piece of a painting I’m working on as a Christmas gift. It’s been an absolute struggle. It’s a painting done in the style of Jill Hoy, an artist living in Maine and Boston. I thought when I started that it would be a fairly easy thing to do. I’ve channeled other artists before. The problem is… I don’t really like this style even though I do like Jill’s paintings. I’m not sure I’ll give this as a gift yet. I’m still trying to get to a place where I like it.
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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Miller Williams, poet
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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I threw a snowball across the backyard.
My dog ran after it to bring it back.
It broke as it fell, scattering snow over snow.
She stood confused, seeing and smelling nothing.
She searched in widening circles until I called her.
She looked at me and said as clearly in silence
as if she had spoken,
I know its here, I’ll find it,
went back to the center and started the circles again.
I called her two more times before she came
slowly , stopping once to look back.
That was this morning. I’m sure she’s forgotten.
I’ve had some trouble putting it out of my mind.
- Miller Williams
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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Being a human is messy. We try to tidy the whole thing up with nice clothes and pretty things and movies with happy endings. Books and stories that make sense and tie things up into neat packages for us. They make us feel better. It really does work for the most part. But we never really escape the mess.
Art is like that too. The making of art. It’s a mess - just look at my studio - or this portrait. Part of being an artist is controlling this mess - turning it into something with some kind of meaning or at least something recognizeable and relatable. A landscape or a portrait - how far can it go beyond the likeness of some place or someone? How deep into your heart can I reach?
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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“The reason I read that is because when I read the first description - those 3 paragraphs I was so astounded by the way the man wrote that I had to, being the aspiring writer myself, that I had to stop and write what he wrote just to see how it felt to write those words and - it’s amazing. The craft and the skill that is just sublime. And, this is important to me and its in my video, in my diary because books and writing and words are the artform for me that turn me on. And not necessarily in a sexual way although the two things are related. And I have to say that when I’m writing and I’m creating and when I’m reading my sexuality just comes up much more naturally - just comes out. And I think that art in general - any kind of creative pursuit - has that kind of an effect on people’s sexuality. I can only speak from a woman’s perspective but I think for women that is a general truism that I can say. For myself personally, in my twenties, I used creating arts to get myself out of a very bad suffering(?) or space, that included my sexuality and I often have dreams where the two things are mixed. Its not just a healing thing. Its actually the healing is just a step on the way. I think the two things are actually interlinked - the creative act. Sex is about procreation. yes we do it for pleasure, yes we just have pleasure for its own sake but its also about creativity, the deeper self, and I think that our urge to make things ties in somehow with that or to experience it coming in as well. For example, when I was 26, I went to the movies with a girlfriend of mine and I was kind of in the middle of feeling really fucked up about myself and my sexuality in general - not very good. She said, “What do you want to see?” I said, “I really want go and see Anna Karinina - That looks great.” I hadn’t read the book. I still haven’t read the book. But the film intrigued me. So I went and saw this beautiful and terrible film with my girlfriend and while I was watching the film, sitting there in the dark, and I can’t remember the scene of the movie because I was too busy being amazed at this spontaneous experience that I was having. I felt this flood of water - of wetness - in my own pants and this feeling that. I can only describe as a full body orgasm. It wasn’t like full pleasure like sexual orgasm but it was an orgasm. And it was a really huge thing for me. I hadn’t been touching myself. I had, in fact, at this stage in my life I was suffering from frigidity. And um, it was profound. Natalie Goldberg, who writes about writing - and also writes - said something about how when she’s writing there’s nothing happening on the outside she looks just… nothing really. But on the inside, she’s wild. And I think writing is like that definitely but I think also our sexuality is like that. There’s nothing going on on the outside but inside its wild. And having the opportunity to just be and read today I felt this feeling just welling up again inside of me. Just wild. Just yeah. So, I’m going to masturbate. And, I’m going to ignore the dog in the corner which has been sneaking in the videos and will probably get up at some point and go (makes whining noises) and she is on heat at the moment - she’s having her period for the first time. So, excuse the dog. Thats life and thats what this diary is about. Life and the way our wonderful sexuality fits into it.”
- KitKat
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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My palette as of late.
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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My hair is soaking wet and I think I can’t see you really because my eyes are so wet right now. It was definitely fun and it was the first time for me and I really liked that - basically that I could do it. Yeah, I have been wanting to try this because I’ve seen someone else doing it and it looked really impressive. And, yeah, it’s kind of a turn on actually. So, yeah, I can’t wait to see how it all works out on the tape. My face is so wet. And my hair also. Mmmm….And all of my body too. - Otilia
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kenkfosterartist · 2 years
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Life drawing on Wednesday evening. Alan was the model.
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