ladyastrelle · 4 months
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ladyastrelle · 4 months
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ladyastrelle · 4 months
Colour Magick Correspondences & Ideas
*longer read*
Pretty easily applied for both beginner, closet and experienced practitioners alike! Can be used in most areas of mundane and magickal life (with some ideas listed below).
→ Cleansing, clarity, blessing, healing, innocence, truth, connection to spirits or the spiritual world, divine connection, consecration, dream work, psychic connection, purity, rest, moon magic, angelic work, devotion, harmony, prayer, peace, purification, universal truths. White can also be used as an all-purpose color for your intention when the color you want is not available.
→ Banishing, transformation, uncrossing, endings, domination, protection, reversing, repulsion, freedom from evil, cursing, cloaking, sophistication, security, emotional safety, closure, breaking patterns, grief, mourning, absorbing, removing, trapping, encasing, the unconscious, mystery, shielding from the evil eye, *similarly to white - as black is an absence of colour it can be used for any colour if you don’t have them available* - personal opinion
→ Passionate love, energy, action, attraction, sexuality, magnetism, will, force, anger, fire within, courage, warmth, lust, drive, pleasure, vitality, vigor, excitement, desire.
→ New opportunities, new ventures, new beginnings, change of plans, encouragement, opening the way, removing blocks, physical comfort, warmth, security, ambition, creativity, courage, optimism.
-> Optimism, prosperity, happiness, good luck, attraction, success, confidence, visibility, fame, self-esteem, communication, concentration, focus, inspiration, intellect, logic, memory, knowledge, learning.
→ Prosperity, abundance, wealth, generosity, money luck, career, growth, fertility, gambling luck, business, a good job, harmony, balance, healing, self-love, altruism, universal love, contact with fae and nature spirits.
→ Reconciliation, harmony, peace, kindness, healing, ideas, intelligence, wisdom, loyalty, sleep, meditation, communication, creativity, dream work, trust, blessings, calm, forgiveness, truth, bliss, inspiration, fidelity, honesty.
→ Healing, calming, tranquility, spirituality, meditation, pacification, cooperation, sensitivity, compassion, empathy, selflessness, empowerment, controlling, commanding, mastery, power, ambition, achievement, charisma, luxury, expansion, psychic ability, spirituality, authenticity, truth, transformation, insight, justice, wisdom, politics, divination, ESP, intuition, wishes, influence.
→ Romantic love, friendship, soul mates, sweet feelings, emotional healing, heart connection, affection, family love, admiration, physical tranquility, nurturing, warmth, youthfulness, healing grief, compassion, forgiveness, beauty, unconditional love.
→ Justice, balance, grounding, court cases, legal matters, being down-to-earth, practical matters, seriousness, reliability, support, stability, safety, earth, nature, animals, home, nostalgia, basic needs being met, balance.
→ Neutrality, neutralizing, invisibility, working in “gray areas,” anonymity, hiding from others, working in-between worlds, secrets, occult and arcane wisdom, reversing, uncovering mysteries and secrets, lifting curses, undoing prior spell work.
→ Dreams, intuition, psychic work, courtesy, honor, moon magic, rhythm, cycles, divination, illusions, glamour spells, wisdom.
→ Prosperity, fame, luxury, generosity, optimism, wisdom, enlightenment, victory, sun magic, confidence, life force, power, attraction, magnetism, vigor, charisma.
*highly recommend Madame Pamita’s Book of Candle Magic - covers colour magic especially in relation to spell work with candles.
→ candle magick
→ glamour magick - also wearing/makeup using a colour which corresponds to the property you desire (good for closet witches)
→ sigil magick
→ craft magick
→ kitchen witchery - eg. Putting a specific colour food dye in a cake or drink etc
(Essentially anything you want!)
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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ladyastrelle · 5 months
Low Energy/Effort Witchcraft
Are you perpetually busy? Never have any spoons? This might be the post for you. Note that not everything here may be considered low energy or low effort to everyone, and that's okay :)
Carry a crystal around based on what you need. I have a black tourmaline bracelet that absorbs negative vibes throughout the day. I stick it on a selenite slab when I get home to cleanse overnight, then rinse and repeat in the morning.
Put a bay leaf in your wallet to attract money. If you have time, draw a sigil or a $/£/€ on it.
Dedicate anything you drink to your deities if you have any. I dedicate water and black tea to everyone and my favourite raspberry tea to Hathor. Coffee is for Caim.
Enchant your pill case so you remember to take them on time. Enchant your pills to work efficiently. ("Anxiety begone. Ye be banished" on all of my anxiety pills ✌️)
Draw a sigil on your body wash bottle to remove bad vibes or carve a sigil in a bar of soap.
Enchant your moisturizer to repel the evil eye. I fucking love this one.
Incorporate colour magic into the socks you wear (Goths who wear hot pink socks, I'm looking at you).
Enchant your charger so it doesn't break and so you don't lose it. Enchant your phone too while you're at it.
Sorry, I love enchantments--
Match those big ol jar candles to different intentions. Burn a cedar candle to cleanse/banish. Burn a cinnamon candle to draw in prosperity. Burn a citrus candle to uplift mood. This one is fantastic for broom closet witches.
Got a humidifier? Fill it up with moon water. You're welcome ;D
Politely ask the spirits of your plants to ward your space. Feed two birds with one scone this way.
Witchy social media. Scrolling on Tumblr and learning something new about witchcraft counts as witchcraft imo. Saving tarot spreads from Instagram for later counts too. Making Pinterest boards for literally anything also counts.
Keep a digital grimoire if doing it on paper costs too many spoons. I have used Google docs & drive in the past but I currently use Notion (You can copy and paste this way!)
If you still want a physical grimoire, print your stuff out and stick it in a binder or glue it in your journal. Boom. Physical grimoire
Listen to witchcraft related videos in the background while you do other tasks or chores in your home
Preparing a meal? Toss in spices that correspond with good health and drawing in positivity, or any other intention you have
Enchant your glasses to help you focus and "read between the lines" or see what wants to remain hidden (this one is a lifesaver at my job)
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ladyastrelle · 6 months
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ladyastrelle · 6 months
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ladyastrelle · 6 months
Keep my name outta
yo f***ing mouth jar 👄🫙
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How to:
You need 1 small jar (like a baby food jar) or glass vial/container with cork or a top, and another larger jar you can seal it in, with room around it to add herbs.
In the small jar make a name paper with your name (full name) and any nicknames, business names etc. Then add a petition that says "For Every time you speak ill over me, my life becomes more beautiful and my wealth grows, while your life becomes more unbearable, and your wealth and health fade." Sign the petition with your full name.
Fill the small jar with those papers, lavender, basil, sage, cloves, rosemary and patchouli. Optionally, you can add small sized Quartz stones. Then seal that jar well. If the jar is corked, seal with wax.
Place it in the large jar and fill the rest of the large jar with any of the following: salt, peppercorns, chilis, chili powder, red peppers, nightshade, belladonna, pokeroot, garlic, hotfoot powder, tobacco, small rusted nails, small mirror shards, dead bugs, spider webs, cloves, poppy seeds, small sticker burrs, cat claws- once you've added what you like, top it with more salt, chili powder and your baneful herbs (you want most of the smaller vessel covered) then twist that jar top tight. Seal as you desire.
Lastly, place intent into the jar- you can do this by burning a tealight candle over it and focusing on your intended outcome, or similarly by burning a separate petition or sigil you create on top and scattering the ashes to the wind.
You may bury this jar or keep it hidden somewhere close to you as it does its task.
-Lady Astrelle xx
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ladyastrelle · 7 months
My favorite simple wards to guard the home
Hanging rosemary above the doorstep, and/or above doors of the house for protection.
Sprinkling a line of dried red pepper on a windowsill, to counter a curse.
Placing a mix of dried & ground eggshells and black pepper in every corner of a room to keep out unwanted spirits.
Placing a decoration representing a witch in the kitchen, to keep away illness and to favor health.
Crafting an effigie (no matter how crude!) and make it into the guardian of your home by charging it with your intent of protection and placing it near the front door.
Crafting small witch ladders to hang around the house.
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ladyastrelle · 9 months
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Welcome to manifestmoons
Magical water properties. A part of Grimoire Basics Volume 3
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ladyastrelle · 10 months
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ladyastrelle · 10 months
New Moon Dragon Hoard - Money Spell -
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I posted this spell years ago on my other blog but the post seems to have been lost.
This spell asks a little dragon friend to help you save money.
Now, if you're a spirit worker I'm sure you can ask a spirit to do this with you but I'm not so don't feel required to do it that way.
I feel it's important to make your dragon yourself. This is an origami one because I've practiced origami for a long time. But a drawing, sketch, sculpture, carving, etc. would work just as well.
This is designed on a lunar cycle and should be recharged every new moon. During the cycle, deposit any loose change in your dragon's hoard. When the hoard is full, roll the coins and put it in savings.
Essential Ingredients
Paper and ink
Dragon's Blood Incense
Ok so bear with me, I first did this two years ago and am doing my best to remember the order of things.
Light the candles and incense and set up your space. Cleanse your ingredients and all your typical shit. I recommend burning the incense in the bowl if you have a fire safe bowl.
Line up your coins or money on top, or in front, of the mirrors. The more mirrors you have the better. You want to focus on creating the illusion of multiplying the money. Show this to your dragon. Make it clear what you want.
On your paper, make two identical lists. This should represent your goals, your desires, your needs. I know this is a money spell, but I feel yelling GIVE ME MY FUCKING MONEY isn't quite as effective as speaking the reasons you want the money in the first place. Get to the root of WHY you want money. Stability? Cool gel pens? Be as specific as you want. And then yell GIVE ME MY FUCKING MONEY cause it really can't hurt.
Fold up one of the lists and SAFELY burn it. Then fold the other and save it to put in your wallet. Put the ashes of the paper and incense in the bowl.
Collect the coins from the mirrors and put them in the bowl. If you got fancy money I suggest using it and keeping it in the bowl through all cycles. Place your dragon on top and introduce him to his new home! I like to charge him overnight in the New Moon to get those waxing energies and then nothing is needed till the next new moon.
For the subsequent new moons, check in with your dragon, see how many coins he"s collected over the month and empty the bowl if needed. I recommend always keeping some coins in there. Roll excess coins and put them in savings or use them as needed. Burn some candles for your little buddy and maybe give him some fresh incense ash. Give him a smooch. Thank him for keeping such a nice hoard. Ya know, whatever the vibe is.
Make sure to have a respectful relationship with your dragon. Don't take from his hoard without permission. Remember to give him change or other pretty shiny trinkets. As his hoard grows, so should yours and vice versa.
And remember, you have that list in your wallet now to remind you of your priorities every time you spend money. Helps a lot if you suffer from impulse buying like me.
Alright, I probably forgot a ton but I think that covers the essential functions of the spell.
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ladyastrelle · 1 year
if i miss anything or get anything wrong, don't be afraid to correct me!
i live in the Northern Hemisphere, so some of these dates are based on that
sorry for the long post!!!
December 29, 2022 - January 18, 2023
April 21, 2023 - May 14, 2023
August 23, 2023 - September 15, 2023
December 13, 2023 - January 1, 2024
July 22, 2023 - September 3, 2023
October 30, 2022 - January 12, 2023
September 4, 2023 - December 30, 2023
June 17, 2023 - November 4, 2023
August 24, 2022 - January 22, 2023
August 28, 2023 - January 27, 2024
June 30, 2023 - December 6, 2023
May 1, 2023 - October 10, 2023
Friday, Jan 6
Sunday, Feb 5
Tuesday, Mar 7
Thursday, April 6
Friday, May 5
Sunday, Jun 4
Monday, Jul 3
Tuesday, Aug 1
Thursday, Aug 31
Friday, Sept 29
Saturday, Oct 28
Monday, Nov 27
Wednesday, Dec 27
Saturday, Jan 21
Monday, Feb 20
Tuesday, Mar 21
Thursday, Apr 20
Friday, May 19
Sunday, Jun 18
Monday, Jul 17
Wednesday, Aug 16
Friday, Sept 15
Saturday, Oct 14
Monday, Nov 13
Tuesday, December 12
Saturday, Jan 28
Monday, Feb 27
Wednesday, Mar 29
Thursday, Apr 27
Saturday, May 27
Monday, Jun 26
Tuesday, Jul 25
Thursday, Aug 24
Friday, Sep 22
Sunday, Oct 22
Monday, Nov 22
Tuesday, Dec 19
Sunday, Jan 15
Monday, Feb 13
Wednesday, Mar 15
Thursday, Apr 13
Friday, May 12
Saturday, Jun 10
Monday, Jul 10
Tuesday, Aug 8
Wednesday, Sep 6
Friday, Oct 8
Sunday, Nov 5
Tuesday, December 5
Samhain (All Hallow's Eve, Autumn-Winter Cross Quarter Days): Oct 31 - Nov 1
Yule (Winter Solstice): Dec 21 2023 - Jan 1 2024
Imbolc (Ground Hog's Day): Feb 1 - 2
Ostara (Spring Equinox): Mar 20
Beltane (Mayday): May 1
Litha (Summer Solstice): Jun 20
Lammas and Lughnasadh: Aug 1
Mabon (Autumnal Equinox): Sep 21 - Sep 29
*stupid little footnotes: i'm trying out some colors. idk. i think it's cool. more organized. lmk if you guys like or dislike it
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ladyastrelle · 1 year
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Beltane (May 1st) is almost here, we celebrate spring being at its peak and everything around us being in bloom. The sun is shining bright again, and the days are now longer.
Beltane correspondences: Symbols | bonfire, lots of candles, sun, flowers and flower crowns, maypoles, colored ribbons Colors | yellow, white, green, pink, reds Spells | fertility, love, cleansing, spellss for creativity and beauty Crystals | rose quartz, carnelian, jasper Herbs and flowers | tulips, violets, mint, rosemary Foods to make | salad, cake or pie, dishes with honey, breads, nuts How to celebrate | Light a bonfire, go out in nature, make love, dancing, make a maypole
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ladyastrelle · 2 years
Developed & Underdeveloped Signs
Aries:  Developed: Ambitious, Energetic, Protective, Confident, Brave, Motivated Underdeveloped: Aggressive, Selfish, Arrogant, Possessive, Jealous, Impulsive Taurus: Developed: Grounded, Reliable, Trustworthy, Comforting, Patient Underdeveloped: Stubborn, Grudge-Holding, Lazy, Vengeful, Envious Gemini:  Developed: Kind, Intelligent, Humorous, Enthusiastic, Fun-Loving Underdeveloped: Irritable, Restless, Unpredictable, Indecisive, Manipulative Cancer: Developed: Nurturing, Caring, Protective, Loyal, Compassionate Underdeveloped: Clingy, Passive Aggressive, Moody, Pessimistic Leo: Developed: Generous, Charismatic, Confident, Kind-Hearted, Creative Underdeveloped: Dramatic, Arrogant, Bossy, Boastful, Proud Virgo: Developed: Helpful, Sincere, Responsible, Hard-Working, Resourceful Underdeveloped: Cynical, Critical, Anxious, Petty, Resentful  Libra: Developed: Fair, Charming, Charitable, Balanced, Peaceful Underdeveloped: Indecisive, Dishonest, Codependent, Drama-Seeking Scorpio: Developed: Passionate, Trustworthy, Resilient, Honest, Caring Underdeveloped: Ruthless, Aggressive, Obsessive, Manipulative, Destructive Sagittarius: Developed: Generous, Optimistic, Understanding, Encouraging, Genuine Underdeveloped: Reckless, Careless, Irresponsible, Blunt, Rebellious Capricorn: Developed: Dependable, Ambitious, Focused, Organized, Caring Underdeveloped: Bossy, Dominating, Sullen, Lifeless, Withdrawn Aquarius: Developed: Friendly, Cooperative, Humane, Tolerant, Outgoing Underdeveloped: Distant, Cold-Hearted, Nervous, Superiority Complex Pisces: Developed: Sympathetic, Intuitive, Loving, Romantic, Charitable Underdeveloped: Self-Pitying, Vulnerable, Weak, Easily Depressed or Sick, Moody
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ladyastrelle · 2 years
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ladyastrelle · 2 years
💫⭐️Degrees in Astrology⭐️💫
Credit: The degree meanings are owed to the degree theory by Nikola Stojanovic. RIP Nikola. Also Happy New Year, everyone. Thank you all for following <3
Extra notes: I also believe you guys should check out Sabian symbols but they usually have malefic and harsh meanings so be careful.
Before I begin “Astra inclinant, non necessitant”. Meaning “the stars impel, they do not compel”. They urge us or drive us but they do not force us.
Each degree is linked to a zodiac sign and a planet as well. They hold influence on placements we have. I also believe they can show us the who. And can also influence behaviour as well. It’s never certain, but one thing for sure is that it’s important.
The degrees span from 0-29°. And 0° is always considered an embodiment of the sign it is in. 0° is the beginning. If you have a Mercury at let’s say 0° Aries. You embody the sign Aries when it concerns communication, thinking.
A placement is a sentence. We have the sign, planet, the house, aspect and the degree. The degree is just as important. Not only do degrees matter when we have a placement, it also matters between aspects.
Degrees create aspects and they also show how intense an aspect is in a person. 
For example, a person has Sun conjunction Mercury. Conjunction occurs when two planets are in the same sign. But what renders how strong the conjunction is, is the degree separating Sun and Mercury. If the difference of degrees is 2, that would be more powerful than a difference of 8.
Those little numbers at the top corner in the boxes are the degree differences in the aspect between 2 planets.
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Before I dive into degrees. Degrees also have malefic connotations to them so please know I will be talking of suicide, death etc. I will be talking about some very special ones brought to our attention by Nikola Stojanovic. 
2°- It is said to be a degree that gives supreme power, greatness or recognition.
5°- considered to be a degree of those considered as sex symbols. It is considered to be a degree of minor/brief fame (It’s a Leo degree).
11°- represents suicide.
15°- assassination degree.
18°- represents bad fortune and health issues.  
22°- to kill or be killed degree. I do not really feed into the whole doom and gloom of the degree. I believe it can mean where in one’s chart where they have to make very hard decisions. It can also mean witnessing death.
Mind you I did not put all the words related to the degrees.
Aries (1°,13°, 25°) - red, injuries/bleeding, to be the first, brave, hard work, spicy, blood, to make/produce , flame, sports, goat, sports, of Germanic origin, the head.
Taurus (2°,14°, 26°) - the bank, throat, to cook, opera, kitchen, money, fat, possession, growth, to sing, food, nature, the color green.
Gemini (3°,15°, 27°) - communication, newspaper, television, intellectuals, personal documents, neighbors, brother/ sister, elementary school, transportation.
Cancer (4°,16°,28°) - mother, maternal figure, human race, family, homeland, tears, water, nation, public opinion, twin, couple.
Leo (5°,17°,29°) -  public eye power, top-quality, of good value, the sun, one’s father, children, romance, vacations, gold, proud/one’s ego.
Virgo (6°, 18°) - everything work-related, health, routine, illness, aunts/uncles, stomach, chess, honey, adoptive parents.
Libra (7°,19°) - marriage, law, politics, justice, physical touch, a beauty, art, marriage, paintings, gifts, polite, nice, unable to make decisions.
Scorpio (8°, 20°) - sex, death, to kill or  be killed, surgery, curse words, someone else’s money (inheritance,loans,scholarships), transformation, to investigate.
Sagittarius (9°, 21°) - a foreign place, tennis, films, religion, travel, university, philosophy, women’s thighs, publishing of books, horses.
Capricorn (10°, 22°) - old, long lasting, dark colors, dirty, suffering, winter, hard, antiques/vintage, delay, winter.
Aquarius (11°, 23°) - astrologer, innovation, airports, technology, divorce, loud, electricity, high place, fast pace, future, artificial.
Pisces (12°, 24°) - drugs, vague, illusions, dreams, medications, disappear, hidden, fear, mental hospital, photography, sea, escape/run away, drowning, oil, fake.
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ladyastrelle · 2 years
Degrees Observations VI
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🟤Venus in the 08°, 12°, 20° or 24° means that the ex partners of the native cannot easily forget them. There is something in the way these natives love that is addictive, that makes you want more and more. They make their partners feel very desired and loved. Her beauty is bewitching. They are very attentive to the needs of their partners, they fill them with adrenaline and happiness like a drug. Their kisses are unforgettable and their expressions of affection remain engraved on the skin.
🟤Jupiter in the 03°, 15° or 27° are people who stand out for their cunning. Many times their good sense of humor and their carefree appearance can deceive you, but they are usually smarter than people think. They easily get away with it, plus they are very witty, creative, and mental people. They may have a tendency to overthink, but their minds are very good at imagining long-term scenarios. They can excel at many things at the same time and can be seen as multi-talented.
🟤Chiron in the 00°, 01°, 13° or 25° usually try to be there for people, give them a lot of moral support, make them feel good about themselves, but they feel that there is no one who will do the same for them. They hardly feel that they are heard or taken into account by others, which is why they have a hard time connecting with people or being very transparent with others. These natives are very self-critical and hard on themselves, so they must learn to treat themselves more delicately, take more breaks and be more sensitive to themselves.
🟤Lilith in 01°, 13° or 25° are usually very scary when they get angry and when their emotions reach a breaking point where they can no longer control themselves. Many people may find them attractive or sexy when they are upset. These natives are very direct with what they like and what they don't and they want you to respect them otherwise they won't respect you. They tend to be just as direct when they like something and have difficulty hiding what they feel for someone who really fascinates them. There is something in their way of acting, in that direct and powerful way in which they project themselves that draws the attention of people. They are endowed with power and sex appeal.
🟤Neptune in the 08° or 20° are natives who can fantasize about connecting in a unique way with their partners. For them, sex is something deeper than an act to de-stress, for them sex is something that is done to get to know their partner in depth, a way of being one, a way for the bond of their soul with that of your partner intensifies. They tend to make the moment something almost magical, something that although intense is at the same time considered and delicate. Their touch takes you to heaven and their words sweeten your ear in such a way that you do what they do, you put your soul in their hands and in their care. Although it is difficult for them to trust, once you get them to put their hearts in you, they will give you all of them.
🟤Mars in the 00° are people with a great desire to stay active, these people constantly seek to be on the go and feel bad when they feel that they are not being productive. Their temperament is strong and they can become somewhat impatient people. They like to work on their own and may have trouble working in a team, they like to get things done quickly and may have a tendency to leave things to last. They work well under pressure and if they have a lot of time until the deadline, they may prefer to do other things before. They are people with a lot of sex appeal, and they can be somewhat intimidating to others without even meaning to.
🟤Mars in the 02°, 14° or 26° [or even Venus but in a lesser extent] are people whose movements are graceful. They are people who without the need to speak are seen as attractive, interesting and very elegant. The way they gesture, the expressions on their faces and something that could be as trivial as the movement of their hands when speaking stand out for being full of grace and sensuality. If these people practice dance of any kind, they can stand out for being excellent and very expressive dancers.
🟤Those with the cusp of the 11th house in the 08°, 10°, 20° or 22° are very selective people with their groups of friends, it is very likely that they consider only a few friends because they do not give everyone that title. They are people with a distrustful and very observant nature, they are people who analyze people in detail before deciding if they want to continue interacting with them or not. They may have had bad experiences with friends in the past, they may have been betrayed or "friends" who envied them.
🟤Chiron in the 04°, 16° or 28° usually have problems with their family, they may have emotional wounds due to bad experiences in their childhood or with one of their parents. It is very likely that they made them feel bad for showing emotions, talking about them or just feeling sad. They are usually seen as emotionally balanced and even cold or inexpressive since as children they may have been related to people who told them that they should not be vulnerable. They are people who hardly forget or forgive since they stand out for their good memory. Ironically they make others feel comfortable to express their emotions and can help others to heal their emotional wounds.
🟤Part of Fortune (often showed like this ⊗ or this ⊕) in the 11° or 23° indicates that the native can unlock their luck once they learn to be independent and accept their true self without having the need to fit in, change for others or without feeling ashamed of who they are. They get lucky through showing the world their unique self, self-confidence and developing authenticity. They can attract reliable, stable friendships throughout their lives and that helps them a lot to develop the themes of the house in which the Part of Fortune is placed.
🟤Pluto in the 10° or 22° may have problems with authority figures or with the father figure. It is very likely that they will attract quite a bit of envy from people because of the way they perform, because of their achievements or ambitions. Since I mentioned the latter, they stand out for their great responsibility and for having aspirations to be someone in life, many times those desires to be someone useful or someone who really contributes something can make them become very demanding and hard on themselves. They naturally appear to be somewhat intimidating, as they project a lot of power, and a don't waste your time mentality.
🟤Lilith in the 12° or 24° are people who seem sweet or very calm, but deep down they are capable of driving you crazy in many ways. Their way of behaving, their subconscious behaviors are things that fascinate and catch the attention of anyone who meets them. They are addictive, they are almost magical. They take you to the highest peaks of heaven or the hottest depths of hell. They know their charm and can use it to their advantage quite a bit. They take care of your emotions and make you addicted to their displays of theirs. Their mysterious nature causes curiosity in anyone who crosses their path, and they are people that people are quick to put on a pedestal.
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🟤Having 3rd house in the 03°, 09°, 15°, 21° or 27° means that the natives are described as very rational, mental and analytical people. People usually give them the label of being very intelligent and outstanding people in the academic field. These natives are easily overwhelmed with school, preferring to study on their own. They are quick learners and have a unique ability to understand different concepts regardless of their complexity. They may have an aptitude for learning new languages. Their sense of humor is very unique and they stand out for being witty and spontaneous with jokes.
🟤Someone with Venus or Moon in the 05°, 17° or 29° can play hard to get and can be really difficult to conquer, since they have high standards, however, once you catch their attention and heart they will not be able to hide what they feel by you. They are very transparent when it comes to having a crush and absolutely everyone who knows them will have no doubt that they are in love.
🟤Do you want to know the opposite of this? A Venus or Moon in the 08°, 12°, 20° or 24°. These natives are very secretive when they like someone or when they are very much in love. They are very reserved with their feelings and do not tell anyone what is going through their hearts or who has them so in love. It is worth mentioning that when they fall in love, they do it in a very deep way, in such a way that all day they only have that person in mind.
🟤Sun in the 11° or 23° stand out for being very authentic, creative and independent people. They do not usually care much what people say and love to do things their way, they are often admired for these personality traits. They stand out for being unique, for being charismatic and for not being afraid of being seen as weird. Although they are friendly people, they need to be alone for a while or have their own space after any interaction with others, since they get overwhelmed easily.
🟤Those with Neptune in the 12° or 24° stand out for being very creative, imaginative and artistic. As if that were not enough, they also tend to have a strong intuition, if their intuition asks them to stay away from someone, they will do so. Their mind could seem like a utopia since it is a world in which they take refuge when the outside world becomes monotonous or very tense. They have a very vivid imagination and the way they bring their ideas to life is amazing.
🟤Lilith in the 07° or 19° are often seen as naturally very seductive but unattainable in some way. Too good to be true, too attractive to be yours. Getting their attention can be difficult, but they always get people's attention. Their love life can be somewhat intense, being able to attract very intense people, obsessed or fixated on them, they can also be involved in multiple love triangles. They are attracted to people in touch with their dark side, someone who is not afraid to see this side of them. They don't like playing games and prefer to be with someone who is visibly crazy about them, who seems to want more and more from the native. They can be jealous or attract very jealous people romantically speaking.
🟤Sagittarius in the 28° in any of the big 6 tells us about a person whose words or advice have a strong impact on other people. They are people whose words are not forgotten, people who say the right thing at the right time. Despite the positive or expansive nature of their speech, they have profound qualities. Here we meet a native who speaks from experience and seeks to advise others from the heart.
🟤Sun in the 05°, 17° or 29° have a very bright interior light, they are able to brighten anyone, any environment, however neutral it may be. They are people who have the ability to unify people, to please easily and to attract the attention of many. They are people with a great sense of humor, who stand out for their charm in social environments even if they do not consider themselves very extroverted. They have a lot of talent to lead and even to be noticed or listened to anywhere. They can attract envious people since their light is something that not everyone has. They often receive compliments on their smile and personality on many occasions and are people that many look up to.
🟤Those with Sun, Rising or MC in the 28° are very difficult people to forget. They are that strange attractiveness that stays nailed in your memory, that stranger that you remember with a smile all the time. They leave a deep mark regardless of whether you met them just once, you were friends with them, partners, whatever. There is something in them that is not easily forgotten.
🟤Planets or placements in Pisces in the 03°, 06°, 15°, 18°, 24° or 27° can show a person with great capacities for writing of all kinds, but particularly fantasy as they have a very vivid imagination. and a creative nature. These natives seem to be lost in their own world, in addition to being very easily distracted. [More noticeable if Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus or 3rd house have this degree].
🟤Lilith in 05°, 17° or 29° are usually too attractive in the eyes of others, they are the representation of gods on earth. Anyone who interacts with them will be fascinated by their captivating and seductive nature. Their charisma will leave them intrigued. They are people who seem to be very emotionally intense, passionate, without nuances, they are authentic and just as they are what leaves anyone fascinated. They can attract the attention of people who easily become obsessed with them, with that brightness and charm that camouflages a fiery and somewhat unpredictable nature. It never seems that you have them guaranteed, rather from the beginning you know that it is something you have to fight for, since driving them as crazy as they have you is something complicated.
🟤Part of Fortune in the 04°, 16° or 28° talks about a person who has a lot of potential to do memorable work and have long-term success that may even last after they die. These natives can unlock their luck if they learn to express their emotions in a healthy way, if they heal emotional wounds or wounds from their childhood. They have a very appealing way of showing their emotions but they must learn to do it in a more mature way in order to have access to their full potential. They could attract women or family members that support them to develop the matters related to the house in which the Part of Fortune is placed.
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