lythane · 2 years
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I never posted my finished piece for the Valenwind zine like a couple years ago!!! I loved working on this <3 
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lythane · 2 years
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Au where instead of being rejected by the crystal, Ardyn absorbs its power and becomes the crystal himself, like a funky little human battery. Still infected by the scourge and spreading it, he is both a necessity and a danger and is kept locked away in the Citadel instead of Angelgard so the Lucis Caelum line don’t lose their connection to the Gods and their magic.
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lythane · 2 years
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Punk band AU with my faves because I can.
Ardyn is the lead singer, very mysterious, always wearing lots of layers + his trademark coat. One time he threw his coat off during the encore and was wearing nothing but black leather lingere underneath. Went viral. 
Nyx on guitar, very charismatic, always takes off a lot of his clothes and chucks them into the crowd. Does backup vocals. Big fan of pyrotechnics, pretends to breathe fire by spitting alcohol and lighting it on fire.
Noct on bass, wears all black, broody and quiet, stands there looking pretty and barely talks in interviews but has swathes of loyal fans.  Occasionally does slow sexy backup vocals.
Prom on drums. 110% energy all the time, runs around and does flips on stage. Loses so many of his drumsticks by accidentally throwing them too high. Crop tops all the time.
Drautos is their manager and is exhasuted all the time. No idea what the band is called! was just a brain fart idea I couldn’t let go.
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lythane · 4 years
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The amazing @valenwindzine is now open for pre-orders until March 20th!
I had such a good time working on this project, so here’s a little sneak preview of my piece.  All proceeds from the zine are going to BlazeAid, a charity for the Australian bush fires. <3
You can pre-order the zine here: https://gumroad.com/l/gczine
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lythane · 4 years
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Just realised I totally forgot to post my piece from the amazing @kingsglaivezine that I had the pleasure of being a part of this year!  I loved working on this and i’m super pleased with how it turned out. 
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lythane · 5 years
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~* Artist Spotlight *~
Some more artwork!
KingofRedDragons, oceanwrath, Lythane, Mintfoxmimi, kingcael, KParrish, letealeaf, and Lt. Raziel!
Preorder your copy of FH&H over here!
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lythane · 5 years
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Little snippet of my piece for the amazing  @kingsglaivezine which I am soooo excited for you all to see soon!
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lythane · 5 years
Thanks for tagging me guys!!! rules: bold what you prefer and tag people you want to get to know better
coffee or tea / early bird or night owl / chocolate or vanilla
silver or gold / pop or alternative / freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks / ivory or scarlet / flute or lyre
butterflies or honeybees / macarons or eclairs / rooftop or balcony
typewritten or handwritten letters / spicy or mild / london or paris
secret garden or secret library / potions or spells  / ocean or desert
vincent van gogh or claude monet / denim or leather / mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party / sun or moon / herbs or flowers
pearls or diamonds  / watermelons or peaches  / tattoos or piercings
beauxbatons or durmstrang / candles or fairy lights / classic or modern art
paintings or sculptures / hot or iced / glitter or matte
scorpio or cancer  / silk or lace / new york or los angeles
mountains or fields / thunderstorm or lightning / egyptian mythology or greek mythology  
eyes or lips / witch or fairy / opera or ballet  / spring or fall
I don’t know who to tag so if you see this and want to do it say I tagged you!
tagged by @kanamesengoku. These are so fun :)
rules: bold what you prefer and tag people you want to get to know better
coffee or tea / early bird or night owl / chocolate or vanilla 
silver or gold / pop or alternative / freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks / ivory or scarlet / flute or lyre
butterflies or honeybees / macarons or eclairs / rooftop or balcony
typewritten or handwritten letters / spicy or mild / london or paris
secret garden or secret library / potions or spells  / ocean or desert
vincent van gogh or claude monet / denim or leather / mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party / sun or moon / herbs or flowers
pearls or diamonds / watermelons or peaches (can’t stand either) / tattoos or piercings
beauxbatons or durmstrang / candles or fairy lights / classic or modern art
paintings or sculptures / hot or iced / glitter or matte (This one really depends)
scorpio or cancer (who cares?) / silk or lace / new york or los angeles (Both actually)
mountains or fields / thunderstorm or lightning / egyptian mythology or greek mythology (yes)
eyes or lips / witch or fairy / opera or ballet / spring or fall
Tagging @miyakuli, @whovian-on-ice, @babyshouyou, @d-a-z-a-i, @sportsanimedaily, @wingroad, @ainiyuku
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lythane · 6 years
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lythane · 6 years
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lythane · 6 years
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lythane · 6 years
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Happy (Early) Birthday to @ofskinandbones 
Nyx gettin’ some love from his IBM ;)
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lythane · 6 years
I am in love with you. I saw the thiefshipping star fighter post! I totally fucking approve!!!!!
Thanks friend!!!
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lythane · 6 years
I’m screaming and crying thanku for this wonderful gift ur a babe x
How the Empire made a man in to a weapon.
Posted the first couple of chapters of the fic I have been writing for @lythane
It’s a sea of suffering. Quite miserable really.
Its also the first thing we’re including in the “Sink Your Teeth In” series, which is an A/B/O canon divergent “fix-it” we are co-writing that starts a couple of years before the fall of insomnia.  
This particular fic is a prequel exploring Drautos character and corruption. 
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lythane · 6 years
instructions: To celebrate a year of FFXV and the end of the first year of updates, let’s spread the FFXV love! If you see this and want to, copy/paste this list and share what your favorite things about FFXV are.
Favorite Chocobro: Noctis, boy is too relatable needing to take depression naps all the time.
Favorite Guest Party Member (including Ravus and Libertus from DLC): Aranea by far, I love that she kicks people back to life.
Favorite Minor Character(s): i’m deeply attached to Cindy.
Favorite Villain: Drautos
Favorite Kingsglaive Character: L U N A (also Crowe)
Favorite Astral/Divine Being: Ramuh.  Ramuh was the only astral to ever come to my aid in unscripted events - I didn’t even see Titan until most of the way through my third playthrough, Leviathan helped out once.  Ramuh was always there; i’d be slapping my way through some voretooths like 50 levels lower than me and there he’d be, peeking out from over the trees like ‘yall need a hand?’ What a guy.  In terms of aesthetic, I do enjoy Ifrit.
Favorite Character Overall: Nyx, but if that doesn’t count. Like, probably Gladio.  I got into this fandom and played this game because of Gladio so he’ll always have a special place in my heart.
Favorite Weapon: I enjoyed using polearms, or Nyx’s daggers. for the drama.
Favorite Location: The area surrounding the disc, where you can drive off those big rock formations and wipe out.
Favorite Quest/Questline/Hunt: Finding those frogs was the highlight of my year. Getting to pick them up? Priceless.
Favorite Boss: The dragon in the underwater dungeon place
Favorite Monster/Monster Family/etc: Anything remotely dragon-like
Favorite Song: Dewdrops at Dawn
Favorite Boss Theme: er, the music at the end when you fight Ardyn is good, I think it’s called Apocalypse Noctis
Favorite Non-Episode DLC/Update/Event: Being able to off-road was excellent, and though I haven’t tried it yet i’m excited to be able to swap characters in the main story.
Favorite Episode DLC: Prompto’s.  Everything about it was great, and even thought i was tepid at first since DoC was painful shooty hell and I figured it’d be similar, I didn’t mind the combat in this and Prom is just, so precious.  Deserves happiness.  
I really wanted to like Gladio’s DLC but let’s be honest it was pretty crap in comparison.  Combat is fun and everything but where’s my boy’s character development.  Haven’t played Ep Ignis yet because honestly the discourse has put me off.
Other Favorites of Note: I love the Titan + behemoth sequences with Gladio, I severely enjoyed fishing (didn’t think I would) and I really enjoyed the campfire cutscenes.
Tagging: @dread-behemoth @ofskinandbones @mirrorworldangel + any of my other followers who fancy it.
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lythane · 7 years
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Emerges from Hiatus to tell you I had a T e r r i b l e year for art lmao.  
This year was a fucking mess of mental health disasters, regular health disasters, money issues, the loss of a pet, threat of eviction, work in overdrive + the death of my grandpa. Honestly i’m surprised I got anything done at all.
Not featured: a tattoo design for my cousin, some work into my comic, a Ryou Bakura cosplay for MCM.  I also did a ton of art in Aug and October, which i’m pretty pleased with. Also started writing fic! So that’s a new exciting thing I hope to continue.
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lythane · 7 years
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Goretober Day 8 - Painful Transformation / Drautyx    Part 2/3
- Part 1 -  
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