mhareli · 10 years
Response in the Style of Jamaica Kincaid
A group that I am part of that is a minority is Judaism. There are many stereotypes about Jews that have made me feel like a minority.
Some of the stereotypes that I have heard about Jews is that they are cheap and good with money. I have heard these stereotypes coming from my friends and others who I interact with day to day, who are not Jewish. These stereotypes come from a range of groups, whether it be different religious or racial groups.
In response to the people who hold these stereotypes about Jews, I would tell them that they are wrong. Many view Jews as being rich and cheap with their money, but how many people of other religions or racial groups are also cheap and good with money? People fail to realize that this stereotype can be applied to people of many groups, and the fact that it is applied only to Jews is stigmatizing. It is unfair to generalize about Jews because most of the stereotypes are, in fact, false.
If you grow up in a culture where it is okay to make judgments about people based on a few facts you hear about them, then you think stereotyping is okay. Your typical day may include hanging out with your friends and, every once in a while, joking about someone else who is of a different race, religion, or ethnicity than your own. Your friends will laugh and the subject will shift to something else.
What you might not know is that your words can hurt. I have been a victim of the stereotypes you hold towards the Jewish community that I am a part of. I hear what you say about Jews on a regular basis, and I am offended not only that you would say such things, but that you actually believe what you say is true.
Do you really think you can generalize about a population of people with just a few facts you have heard about them? And if you only have a few facts about a group of people, do you think they are representative of the entire group? It is fascinating to hear what people say about a group they know so little about, because most of it is completely false.
Do you know what it's like to feel marginalized and to feel like you are part of a minority group? You probably have, at some point in your life. Why, then, do you feel the need to make fun of others who are part of other minority groups? Does it make you feel good about yourself? Because when others stereotype about you, it doesn't feel so good, does it...
Before you make generalizations about people, make sure to check your facts. What you hear about certain types of people is usually untrue, especially if you hear it from someone who is outside of the group of people which you are talking about.
I think that my piece of writing became more effective when I rewrote it in the style of Jamaica Kincaid. By directing it at the reader, it made it more personal and relatable.
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mhareli · 10 years
People usually think that AAT helps the patients only, but in actuality, it benefits the animals too!
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mhareli · 10 years
Different Perspective on Animal Therapy
A side of animal-assisted therapy that I have not yet touched upon is the negative effects of the practice. There are a few ethical concerns that need to be considered before using AAT to treat a patient. First, there is a question about the ethicality pertaining to the animal. Using an animal to treat a human forces the animal to live its life a certain way. This can cause the animal to become socially disconnected from it's own kind, since it is kept by the therapist and only interacts with other humans. An issue that could arise regarding the ethicality towards the patient is that the attachment between the animal and the patient could grow so strong that the patient has trouble detaching from the animal when the therapy is discontinued. The patient would then require more therapy to deal with the feelings of grief over the loss of animal in the patient's life.
These situations are uncommon, however, and usually aren't that big of an issue. They are obviously considered before a therapist decides to treat a patient using AAT, but the positive benefits of the practice almost always override the minor ethical issues.
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mhareli · 10 years
Paws Program
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The Paws Program came to UMass in March with 6 dogs and their owners. The dogs were brought for stress relief, as it was right before midterms week when students were stressed about their exams. Dogs like the ones that came to the event are trained to work with veterans, psychiatric patients, and people with learning disabilities and behavioral issues. The use of animals to treat patients, also known as Animal-Assisted Therapy, has been proven through research to positively impact physical and mental health. I attended the event and I can personally say that it definitely took my mind off of exams for a while, which reduced my stress. The Paws Program will host this kind of event again this year, so look out for it if you want something to take your mind off of things or if you just love petting dogs!
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mhareli · 10 years
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Another pun to cheer you up! Have a grrreat day!
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mhareli · 10 years
This post opened my eyes to the truth about mastitis. I did not know that some people choose to go vegan because of this infection that animals suffer through. It is sad to hear that so many animals suffer from this ailment, but it is also good to hear that there are many steps that can be taken to prevent it from affecting animals.
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A dairy cow with mastitis, a very painful infection of the mammary gland.  Some people argue that this suffering animals endure is a reason to go vegan, to choose options other than cow’s milk.  With proper sanitation, milking protocol, aggressive treatment, proper dry-off procedure and attentive milkers and managers, this disease can be adequately controlled and not have as large of an impact on dairy herds.
Also found on http://peta2.tumblr.com/
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mhareli · 10 years
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President Post
President Obama has a dog named Bo (as pictured above). The Obama family takes care of their dog and love him so much! Bo helps Obama cope with the stresses of being the president, which is probably one of the most stressful jobs out there! 
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mhareli · 10 years
I Don't Want To Write About Animal Cruelty so....
Dogs shows! Some may think that dog shows are a form of entertainment, but in reality, they are pretty disturbing and cruel. This is a form of animal cruelty because animals are forced into outfits and hairstyles that are unnatural and frankly, unappealing. The dog below is sporting some hairstyle that even the owner wouldn't want for themselves. It is hard to believe that anyone finds this attractive or cute. Instead of using animals to treat people (in animal therapy), they are being used for entertainment in a cruel way.
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mhareli · 10 years
I was inspired to write this random post about space by an Astronomy class I am taking this semester. This image depicts the Crab Nebula, which is the result of a supernova explosion. The edges of the nebula are dark red because the dust particles absorb the blue light, so all that is left in the spectrum is red. The edges of the nebula have less dust particles, so the red light is able to pass through and is therefore visible. Also, it is pretty to look at.
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mhareli · 10 years
Interesting Topic
I find the Tumblr page by http://aessa27.tumblr.com/ interesting because it promotes healthy eating and living. 3 facts I learned from their page are:
1. Trans fats are unhealthy, and people are usually unaware of the amount they consume daily.
2. Food companies disguise the amount of trans fat on the nutrition facts labels of food items.
3. Eating healthy can reduce stress and improve the quality of one's life.
College is a stressful time due to exams and homework, so eating healthy can improve stress and help students feel better about themselves. I always feel better about myself when I choose a salad over a grilled cheese sandwich. Eating healthy also helps me sleep better and gives me more energy during the day. Although I don't personally pay attention to the amounts of trans fat in food, it's important to stay informed about this issue.
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mhareli · 10 years
Remix of Generative Writing Assignment
In the first week of class, we wrote about our social context. Here is mine in the form of a poem:
Speaks fluent Hebrew Only speaks a little bit of Russian Cat lover Israeli citizen At the age of 3 months, moved to Massachusetts Loves to travel
Cat's name is Leena One of 3 daughters iNterested in therapy sTudies Psychology as a major Enjoys playing the piano eXcited to get a pet rabbit sTudies Linguistics as a minor
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mhareli · 10 years
This would be an incorrect way of using an animal in animal-assisted therapy. The owner put bread around the cat's face just for her enjoyment and amusement, which is considered unethical.
my cats hate me and this is probably one of the reasons why
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mhareli · 10 years
Animal-assisted therapy can help people with anxiety. The practice is very effective because the patient forms a relationships with the animal that encourages the patient to open up to the therapist. This allows the therapist to understand the true cause of the anxiety and to help the patient overcome the anxiety.
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mhareli · 10 years
This is a video describing the R.E.A.D. program, which involves using animals to help children improve their reading abilities. I am not sure if this specific video has been talked about on Tumblr before, but the R.E.A.D. program has been previously discussed.
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mhareli · 10 years
Therapy animals can motivate people to step outside of their comfort zone and do things they would not have thought of doing before. An example is this dog, who is motivating a person to become more flexible by putting his leg behind his head.
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mhareli · 10 years
This video shows that animals desire love and affection like humans do. The relationship in animal-assisted therapy is 2-way, with the therapy animal and the patient benefiting.
cat wants to be held tight
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mhareli · 10 years
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Just an animal pun to brighten your day!
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