rn-bff · 9 years
SO MANY!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3
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Hoes before bros. Uteruses before duderuses. Ovaries before brovaries.
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rn-bff · 9 years
"we your girls" <3
Destiny’s Child - Girl
"Girl, you don’t have to be hiding Don’t you be ashamed to say he hurt you I’m your girl, you’re my girl, we your girls Don’t you know that we love ya”
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rn-bff · 9 years
Abandon the cultural myth that all female friendships must be bitchy, toxic, or competitive. This myth is like heels and purses—pretty but designed to SLOW women down.
Roxane Gay, Bad Feminist (via lifeascaty)
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rn-bff · 9 years
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Samantha Harvey: “We don’t always have to write about women in the context of their relationships with men”
The “Dear Thief” author on why we’re only just starting to see great novels about female friendship
Michele Filgate: Why aren’t there more literary novels that deal with the complexities of female friendship? There are plenty of commercially-written books that talk about female friendship, but I feel like now we have Elena Ferrante’s books, which have been doing tremendously well, and really analyze female friendship in a way that I haven’t seen a lot of before. And now with your book too, it’s so refreshing to see this. But why do you think we don’t see more literary novels that deal with something that is incredibly complex, in some ways even more so than romantic relationships? 
Samantha Harvey: I don’t know the answer. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because it’s more complex. It’s quite difficult to write about female friendship without it seeming to be a very niche subject. It’s a difficult balance. I think writing about female concerns is even now, even in the 21st century, we’re still very much living in a male context. And in writing a book that’s about – between two women, it’s almost without context. Where’s the romance? Where’s the man? And with whom do these women stand in relation? I think it’s just not easy to do. It’s not very easy to write about … I found this as I was writing the book, to write about anger as a woman and appearing sort of hysterical or dealing with a sort of very niche female emotion that’s just a sort of female hysteria, a female neurosis, and to make that a universal human condition. Men can write about it – or a woman can write about a man’s anger much more reasonably, I think, and a man’s rage and jealously, but when it’s women it always seems much more exclusive to the experience of being a woman rather than the experience of being human. So you know, it’s perhaps because it’s without a male context and that makes writers steer away from it. I honestly don’t know why there are so few books about it. Maybe there will be more as well. Maybe it’s becoming a more valid subject somehow, that we don’t always have to write about women in the context of their relationships with men.”
Read the full interview here
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rn-bff · 9 years
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by Mollie Hawkins
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rn-bff · 9 years
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rn-bff · 9 years
I’ve met a lot of really great girls through Taylor. She’s incredible at connecting people who might not normally meet. We’re all in different jobs, but we’ve become strong friends who are there for each other—a sisterhood of girls, a support team. But we’re also just normal 20-something girls, and I think you have to have people that you can be that with. You know, real friends are hard to find—and Taylor’s a real friend. There’s nothing better.
Karlie Kloss on Vogue - March 2015  (via gettin-lost-upstate)
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rn-bff · 9 years
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rn-bff · 9 years
Female Friendship Meme
Tell us about your favorite female friendships! How did they become friends? What do they do to show their love for each other? How far are they willing to go to support their friend? What is is that makes them special?
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rn-bff · 9 years
So good
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Galentine’s Day card by Amanda Peterson. 
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rn-bff · 9 years
Shout out to all of us who signed in to Tumblr just for Galentine's Day, lol!
(for a while at least)
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rn-bff · 9 years
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We haven't been around much on this tumblr lately, but we signed in specially to wish everyone a HAPPY GALENTINE'S DAY!
Much love to gal friends today and everyday! <3 <3 <3
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rn-bff · 10 years
love this!
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Fuck Yeah! Friendship!
Because there’s never enough female friendships TT^TT! Sold the colored version as a print at Otakon this past weekend! Hoping to turn it into a tote bag at some point too!
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rn-bff · 10 years
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Female Friendship and the Secret Victorian Life of ‘Obvious Child’ | Pacific Standard
One of my favorite authors/Victorian personal heroes, Sharon Marcus, has written a piece on female friendship in Obvious Child, a film I’ve admittedly been meaning to see for ages. She also drops some great links and references, both to academic titles on the subject of female friendships and Victorian novels that best exemplify the ideal.
I’ve talked at length about it before and the article does a pretty good job of summing it up, but intense female friendships in these novels, friendships that rivaled heterosexual romances for intensity, were seen as great training for women, a necessary phase; in a time when women didn’t date, didn’t obviously flirt, didn’t have any sort of “trial phase” for having relationships with men before marriage, mimicking the actions in friendship did not set off the same homophobic alarms that they might today. Women exchanged passionate letters, locks of hair, and even rings, and they were not subversive or a fringe subculture. These practices were admired and encouraged by women and men as a vital step in emotional maturation. Now, female friendships in fiction tend to focus either on the competition or friction between women, or a wingman-style relationship in which the women share the objective of attaining a male anchor for the marriage plot. Between Obvious Child and shows like Broad City, storytelling media are starting to look at female friendships that don’t revolve around either competition or finding romance (though I’d say Broad City takes it a step further to excluding men in any sense other than the temporary; the friendship of the two female protagonists is the only clear constant). It’s certainly not a coincidence, either, that both Broad City and Obvious Child are written by women; here’s hoping the trend catches on.
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rn-bff · 10 years
Signal Boost!
i’ve decided to put together a zine on the topic of loving your friends and telling them that! i’d like submissions from all types of folks but in particular from and to women/people who were socialized as women, given that we’re taught to be threatened by each other instead of loving each other,...
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rn-bff · 10 years
YES Beyonce was my favorite part of the VMAs. Blue Ivy was a close 2nd. But my 3rd?- Lorde and Taylor’s BFF’dom on display. The only thing better than watching Beyoncé was watching Lorde & Taylor dancing together to Beyoncé.
The media seems to have a certain skepticism of...
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rn-bff · 10 years
2014 World's Best Friend Contest
Nominate your friend for the title of World's Best Friend in honor of International Women's Friendship Month.
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