sangocrayon · 5 months
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Trust Your Heart
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sangocrayon · 6 months
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I visit the regular memorial service at the community cemetery where Gonta is laid to rest once a year, but this year, I just couldn't make it. I painted this picture with a sense of sorry. I somehow remembered Gonta's reluctant face. When he was still in good health, he used to make this kind of face when I came home from outings. lots of regrets. 🥲 That is why I am thankful that he is with me now. .
先日、ゴンタが眠っている共同霊園の定期慰霊祭には いつも1年に一度は足を運んでいるのですが、今年、どうしても行けませんでした。ごめんなさいという気持ちで描きました。 なんとなくゴンタの渋い顔を思い出してました。。よくこんな顔してました^^: まだまだ元気だったころ、外出先から帰ってくるとこんな顔してましたっけ。 なんだかんだ言って私は、後悔だらけですね。。 だからこそ、今、傍に居てくれてありがとう、と思います。
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sangocrayon · 6 months
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I can see it, If only I believed... An event that would turn the ground upside down.. it's coming miracles time . See, it's coming . 僕は見える。信じてさえいれば.. 奇跡の時がやってくる 足元がひっくり返るような出来事.. . ほらくるよ。
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sangocrayon · 6 months
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Exciting and thrilling something is coming I reach for it . Don't miss it.., my turn Because I'm the only one who can reach it . Exciting and thrilling My Story . わくわくドキドキする 何かがやってくる 僕はそれに手を伸ばす . 見逃さないで..僕の出番 僕だけがそれに手が届くんだから . わくわくドキドキする ごめんね これは僕の物語
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sangocrayon · 7 months
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This is one of the assignments for the CholkArt professional course.
Since the beginning of this year I have been working hard on it. The next assignment is finally the final one.
It is fresh because I am painting a different theme from what I usually paint, but it is a different way of expression, and that is what makes it difficult. but, I want to keep in mind that each material is "alive" in the painting.
___ Sorry for not being on tumblr less than before due to communication issues.🙇‍♀️
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sangocrayon · 7 months
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I came all this way to be closer to the sky, I didn't realize that the higher up I got, the less I would see you. . It's like the Milky Way in the city The other side and this side . We don't know anything. But I want to show you. Even if I'm all alone There's no turning back Our only hope . And I'll see you there Again . 空に近づきたくて ここまで来たのに、 上に来れば来るほど 会えなくなるなんて思わなかったんだ . まるで天の川の向こうとこっち . 何も知らない僕たち でも、君に見せたいんだ たとえ一人になっても 後戻りのできない唯一の僕らの希望 . そしてそこでまた会おう
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sangocrayon · 7 months
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after the rain muddy walkway Sunshine Rainbow You and I . distant cloud, an endless sky . It's not an illusion . think of memories the end of summer .
雨上がり ぬかるんだ散歩道 日差し 虹 あなたと私 . 雲は高くそして、 どこまでも続く空 . 幻なんかじゃない . 思い出を想う 夏の終わり
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sangocrayon · 8 months
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The changing sky, Love above the clouds
ただいまグループ展に参加しています^ - ^
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sangocrayon · 8 months
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Welcome Board
I am currently studying for the chalkart pro course. I made a welcome board for practice.^^
現在Chalkart プロコースの勉強中の為、練習を兼ねてwelcome boardを作ってみました。^^
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sangocrayon · 9 months
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If we get on this boat our wishes become one and our boat will flow this river . So We know where we are going I'll go there please don't worry that's our wish . この船に乗れば 私達の願いは一つになり この河を流れて行く 僕らはどこに行くのか知ってる 行くよ、そこに あなたの元へ だから心配しないで それが僕らの願いなんだ
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sangocrayon · 9 months
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of the world that is turning white. Living in between The one with an inalienable heart . 白くなりつつある世界の 狭間で生きる 譲れない心をもつ者たち
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sangocrayon · 9 months
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floating Torasan ぷかぷか 寅さん . It’s been boiling hot in Japan.. Wishing you healthy summer. . 暑中お見舞い申し上げます。
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sangocrayon · 1 year
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Only I know. Maybe now you're in the fluff . If I read your name, If I approach you softly, I think you'll be gone soon . I won't say anything. coz Like magic it's touch my heart . Close my eyes, Just chant in my heart 'touch me one more time.'... . 私だけが知ってる たぶん、今君はふわふわの中 . もし名前を読んだら、、 そっと近づいたら、 すぐに消えてしまいそうだな . 何も言わない だって魔法のように 心に触れるよ . 眼を閉じて、ただ心の中で唱えるんだ もう一度 もう一度って
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sangocrayon · 1 year
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Recently Sora^^
my mom bought me an interesting toy! kick kick kick.. ママがけりぐるみを買ってきた〜!😻
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sangocrayon · 1 year
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I'm grateful for the ordinary days that feel when they are by my side. always.
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sangocrayon · 1 year
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I saw a shooting star It was like a bird . What would you wish for a shooting star? . Whose wish will the shooting star grant? . That's too fast, no time to wish . But I don't know why, I felt like I flew so close that I could reach it if I stretched out my hand.. . What would you wish for a shooting star? . I can't wish on a shooting star, but, . I felt like I got courage I'm sure that shooting stars is a blue bird flying into someone's heart . . 少し前に見た流れ星は 鳥のようだった . 私だったら どんな願いをしただろうか . 誰の願いをかなえるのだろう 早すぎて 願い事なんて言えないけど . なぜだろう 手を伸ばしたら届きそうなほど 近くを飛んだ気がした . 私だったら 流れ星に願うことは出来ないけど . 勇気を貰えた気がした きっと流れ星は 誰かの心に飛んでいく青い鳥
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sangocrayon · 1 year
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When I woke up, I felt like I was melting into the darkness Alone on the orbit crushed by anxiety The moment . I want to meet you in the Oort cloud Like a comet, I'll be there for sure . No matter how long it takes No matter how far away I'm sure it's really close by . Even if it's lonely now When I wake up I want you to be there . 目が覚めたら 暗闇の中に溶けていきそうだった 軌道の上で一人 不安に押し潰れそうな瞬間 . オールトの雲の中で逢いたい 帰る彗星のように 必ずそこに行くから . どんなに時間を掛けても どんなに離れていても 本当はすぐ近くにあると分かる . たとえ今が孤独でも 目が覚めた時そこにいて欲しい .
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