seikumo · 7 days
"I should post more often" I think to myself, and then do literally anything but.
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seikumo · 15 days
Just wanted to give a general update!
I am writing more chapters, and slowly working my way through old works and snippets to post. Unfortunately, it’s hard to do so quickly. I’m thinking of doing some imagines or head cannon posts that aren’t quite stories but are still entertaining to read to fill out the roster a bit.
Writing in general has been pushed to the side burner a bit while I work on studying Japanese, but I am getting a couple hundred words jotted down a day. Not all of these are on the same project though. My mind is bouncing around a bit.
I’ve been playing Cult of the Lamb and Baldur’s Gate 3 in my free time, listening to the Hazbin Hotel soundtrack on loop, and writing for Obey Me SWD a lot. So that’s probably the fandoms I’m going to be working on for a while.
Life is busy, because when isn’t it. Japanese is going rather well now that I’ve gotten through my first dozen or so conjugations. I should probably exercise and get outside more, but I’m on tumblr so that’s pretty much a given. Considering starting a flower garden. Taking a peek at a new laptop, and some more stationery.
Generally, things are going well, just in a very busy ‘slow and steady’ kind of way. I’ll try to be a bit more active, loop my side blogs in more, and write some unpolished stuff to throw up here every few days. Feel free to send in asks, although I probably won’t have time to answer everything.
Thanks for sticking around, I’ll have something new up soon.
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seikumo · 24 days
Hazbin snippets
two ideas, less than 500 words, general hazbin hotel stuff, Hazbin Hotel, Snippets, Self insert
 Hell, as it turned out, wasn't all that bad after you got used to it. Although, it probably helped that they'd chosen to fall, rather than being surprised by it after a rather sudden death.
Andania hadn't been a God for very long; they didn't consider themselves one either way, really, but that wasn't the point. They were trying to get their feet under them, with all the new powers and responsibility they'd had thrown on them without warning, and Hell seemed like the best place for that, somehow. The Overlord system sounded like it would make a decent training ground at least, and they could stand to learn to be a little less judging of the unfortunate, really. Power like the sort they'd stumbled onto didn't often end with charities and orphanages, and a little reminder of how much of life came down to luck wouldn't go amiss.
So they'd essentially thrown themselves in Hell, run around for a few weeks like a chicken with their head cut off until they'd managed to land both a job and a shitty apartment, and then they'd started to plan. They needed a goal, something they actually wanted to accomplish during their time in Hell, and that? That was something they rarely bothered with.
The moment they'd hit the ground, they'd known something was wrong. Incredibly wrong. It was the sort of instinct they'd never been able to understand, but they were hardly going to ignore it now, when the sky was red, when the people looked wrong, when they could still feel the hands wrapped around their neck. When their instinct screamed at them something was wrong, they listened to it. And when that instinct demanded they walk? Well, they were hardly going to question it.
In hindsight, running and hiding would have been the more reasonable reaction. Walking, of course, drew less attention, a tactic they'd been relying on for years, but it hardly seemed like a reasonable reaction when faced with Hell for the first time. At the time though, walking had felt like the only option.
They hadn't had a chance to take stock of anything before they were already weaving into the crowd, earning a handful of incredulous looks and snickers before everyone lost track of them altogether. That was fine though, they had more than enough time to take in their new life as they walked. Not that any of it made much sense.
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seikumo · 24 days
A Room Full of Stars
nonfandom, less than 1k, concept, gender stuff, referenced transphobia
The world lit up right in front of Andania’s eyes, tiny pinpricks of light forming all around their room. They weren’t particularly bright, not enough to make them squint anyway, but there were dozens of them. Enough to send dim shadows dancing up the wall when they reached out to touch one.
It didn’t burn, Andania noted as they reached out to grasp one, in fact the little orb was rather cood to the touch. It stuck to their skin slightly, the way that frost did, perfectly smooth and smaller than their fingernail.
It took a bit of effort to let the thing go, it clung rather insistently to their fingers like a rather stubborn piece of plastic wrap, but once they did manage it it simply hung in the air again. It made no move towards drifting back to it’s initial position.
It was unreal. Nothing about it made sense, nothing about it could be explained, and yet in an instant they had simply felt right. If they were feeling particularly poetic they might have said that they felt like hope, like awe, or maybe like the true spirit of adventure ready to whisk them off into another world. In that moment though, all Andania could think was that their room finally felt comfortable. Something about the lights just made something click together in their mind.
“That’s- This is real.” Andania stumbled slightly, eyes glancing wildly around the room as they attempted to take in everything at once. “You- I don’t know what you are. I don’t know if, if you’re actually a god, but,” Andania trailed off, hesitating for a moment. This was a stranger, who said they could trust them? “Whatever you are, you’re real.”
This being had power, that much was obvious. Something that wasn’t human, although there was no real guarantee it was as strong as it claimed to be. Still, if it wanted to take them to another universe, if it could, was that worth the risk to them?
Andania considered it. Their life was far from terrible, even if it was occasionally pretty boring. They had a stable job, a happy family, time to write, and a pretty good looking future ahead of them if they played their cards right. Really, what reason did they have to want to leave.
Little things. Jokes about their gender or lack thereof. Small arguments that got a little more intense than they were expecting. Moments they were ignored or tossed aside. Moments when people ignored their honestly in favor of a much more pleasant lie. Nothing that would have ever been worth leaving for, but had been just a bit too much to really forget.
It was petty, wanting to leave over those things, wasn't it? It wasn't like their family had hurt them or kicked them out after they'd come out as non-binary. They were just being people, and people made all sorts of mistakes like that. And yet part of them hesitated, stuck on thoughts of adventure, of other worlds and the fun to be had exploring them. Sure, they'd be abandoning this world, but that wasn't an exclusively bad thing either was it? They were just, moving. Sure it was a little farther than the other side of the world, but it wasn't too dissimilar was it?
"Is there anyway I can keep in contact?" Andania asked suddenly, breaking out of their thoughts. It made sense after all, if they could take a person, couldn't they take objects too? If they could at least send letters, at least explain.
"It's a bit complicated. Larger things are easier, but I can probably send a few at least. Just until you can manage to send them yourself I suppose." The stranger conceded.
Right, that made some sense at least.
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seikumo · 24 days
Rough Start
nonfandom, incomplete, under 1k, concept, rough family situations
Andania sighed softly from their hidden little corner of the attic. The rain wasn't quite pounding against the roof, but it was definitely not a nice little patter either, and it was sucking all the heat out of their makeshift room.
It was more of a crawl space than an attic if they were going to be perfectly honest, nearly as long as the entire house but only a few feet wide, and it wasn't exactly the most well insulated place in the building. There was a gap between the floor and the ceiling along one wall, leaving the space open to the air in a way that was supposed to keep moisture from being trapped. Andania could appreciate the lack of mold, but it also meant that when it rained the temperature in the room dropped too, and that was less than great. They'd managed to hoard plenty of blankets over the years at least, and under the collected heat of a dozen blankets they could usually drift off to sleep in relative comfort.
Tonight seemed to be different though, unfortunately. Tonight they were kept up with thoughts of better circumstances and wishful thinking. It's important to note that their life wasn't terrible, even if it was far from perfect. Their family left them alone and allowed them to keep staying in their house when college debt left them trapped in their small town, and while the attic wasn't exactly cozy, they hadn't been forced into it. Their parents hadn't been expecting to have a grandchild shuffled onto them so quickly, but their younger sister had made some poor decisions and suddenly they needed a nursery.
They could have gotten upset, but Andania knew from experience that any anger they could summon up would inevitably end in angry tears that no one would take too seriously. Their parents weren't terrible people, but they were never meant to be parents. They'd come to accept that over the years, recognizing that while they'd probably always care a little bit, their family would never truly be close. Part of that was their own fault, they didn't reach out to their younger sister or try and step up at all themselves, even when she obviously needed her older sibling in her life.
It was what it was though, and with Lea going through her angsty teenage years with the added bonus of a brand new baby boy, they weren't going to be drifting close anytime soon. Maybe in a few years when she had a bit more of her identity pieced together, but for now Andania was left to face the reality that they were pretty much alone. It wasn't anything new, but in the early hours of the morning their brain simply didn't care if they were supposed to be used to it by now.
"You're trapped," an unfamiliar voice spoke, breaking the silence with the force of a sledgehammer. Instantly Andaina was sitting bolt upright in their bed, trying to force their glasses on as they stared into the pitch darkness of their 'room.' Something swirled in the darkness, before pinpricks of light started coming into focus, highlighting the general shape of a person standing just a few feet away from the edge of the bed. Andania kept precious little in the attic along with them, always worried about the temperature or the occasional humidity ruining one of the few good things they had, but now that left them without a weapon. The heaviest thing they had within reach was their weighted blanket, and somehow they doubted they'd be able to throw the thing very far.
"I'm not here to hurt you," the figure said, despite the fact that he'd managed to get into an attic without opening the door. That just screamed 'secret serial killer' as far as they were concerned. He raised his hands in the universal sign of surrender. "I was just hoping you might be curious enough to take a few risks."
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seikumo · 25 days
Nonfandom, grief, under 1k, self insert, previous character death, vent piece
The moment Tix died, Andania stopped. Every scrap of color in his life was sapped away in an instant, and now there was no one capable of painting something new in its place. Tix had always been his hero, his guiding light, and his occasional partner in crime. Tix had given him his name, a new identity to create when he'd first started to realize who he was, and in turn he'd named Tix when she started out on her own journey.
The two had been inseparable since their first day of kindergarten, and Andania wasn't sure what he was meant to do now. They'd always assumed they'd go out in a blaze of glory together, or at least part ways when they were old enough to have a proper mid-to-late-life crisis over it all. Old enough to spend the rest of their life traveling and making and doing stupid shit until they finally met up again. But Tix was dead now, and Andania was barely in his early twenties. Twenty years was a reasonable amount of time to spend mourning your soulmate. Eighty years was not.
Tix would want him to figure out a way to manage, at least. Would want him to make friends and learn new skills, to find things to show off when they finally met up again. Would want him to look at it like a long separation rather than death. Today, though, Andania didn't think he could do that.
Tix would understand.
His family, however, was much less understanding.
They were trying, Andania knew, but none of them seemed to understand just how deeply he was hurting. To them Tix was 'just a friend' and 'you would have started growing apart soon anyway.' They'd never been romantic, and they certainly weren't married, and as far as his family was concerned, that meant he should be moving on already.
'We would have been,' Andania wanted to scream. They were never interested in romance, but they'd agreed they would spend the rest of their life together. And why not tie the knot at that point?
Amongst everything that had been left to him, the ring made him cry the hardest.
Tix was his soulmate, platonic or not, and even three months later he struggled to just live through his daily routine without her. He'd been trying, slowly but steadily, to force his previous interests, keeping notes and diaries to read to Tix when he saw her next, but it was agony. He was trying though. He was trying so fucking hard.
That was how he ended up uncomfortably hunched over in a chair at Ironwrought books for the third time that week. He couldn't focus at home, and he couldn't focus in the more comfortable chairs inside the building, (where they'd fought over their favorite recliner, where they curled up on the couch and told each other stories, where Tix had become *Tix*,) so here he was. Curled up in the most uncomfortable metal chair the ever exist, shivering in the slightly-too-cold wind and trying to focus on a book when he couldn't even remember what genre it was supposed to be.
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seikumo · 25 days
Nonfandom, self insert, letter format, under 500 words
Congratulations, your automatic application to The Five Point School for Potential Gods has been accepted!
Everyone who graduates from our school will obtain the power of at least a minor magical being, but the truly talented among our number can evolve into a true God among Gods. Never be trapped in an ordinary office job again when you can manipulate your boss with a beautiful siren's song, or simply throw them through a wall with your inhuman strength. Cops mean nothing when bullets simply bounce off you and no jail cell can contain you!
If you accept your enrollment, please use the provided return envelope to send your response, and begin packing. You will be automatically transported to the school on August twenty eighth to begin your classes.
Greetings Andania Quille,
We at Five Point Academy would like to invite you to our Traveler's Exam in three weeks time. The Traveler's Exam is a very exclusive test, and only a thousand people a year are given the invitation required to attempt it. Ever fewer opt to take the exam.
The exam itself is taken in three stages, in order to gauge your mental, physical, and practical fitness for the Traveler's course. Tests are judged not by right or wrong answers, but by thought process and general suitability for the course.
Those who pass the exam will secure a place in the course for themselves, regardless of number, and are all but guaranteed a job as a professional Traveler at the end of the course.
For those unfamiliar with the job, Traveler's are typically assigned an area to watch and maintain. Within this area, Traveler's will often help solve minor problems and aid communities, but may reach out for larger problems in order to keep their area relatively safe. Traveler's are free to solve problems by whatever means they deem necessary, and in the absence of any pressing problems, Traveler's are free to do as they wish. More details will be covered at the exam and within the course. Those who take the exam and find it not to their taste are free to refuse their acceptance into the course.
The test will take place on June 12th, if you're interested in attending, please...
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seikumo · 25 days
5 Letters
Nonfandom, under 500 words, Concept, Stranger Danger
 Leaving is something Andania does in stages.
It starts with the letters. There's at least one every day in the mailbox, sometimes two, that no one ever seems to notice. They're just carried inside and left on the kitchen table until she eventually stumbles across it. Usually at dinner. Each one is filled with a plea from someone Andania's never actually met, begging them to take on some kind of divine power and go traveling across all of reality like some kind of Doctor Who knock off.
None of them explain why they want her specifically, or why they want to be rid of this mysterious power in the first place. They barely even give a location if they did want to accept the power.
But the thing is, each letter is also curious. The strangers- and she's counted five of them total at this point, based on the handwriting since they don't introduce themselves- ask all kinds of questions about her life. They ask about what shows she's watching, or the books she's reading, or even ask for fanfiction recommendations. She can go on a babbling rant about a fanfic they read the night before in an unmarked letter, and they'll send back a response despite the lack of address.
Which is weird, and kind of making her paranoid- especially after they took one right off their desk, in their bedroom- but it's also the closest thing to genuine human interaction that they've had in quite a while.
She wants to call them her friends, but she still doesn't know their names. Is this how people end up in cults? It sounds like the kind of thing that drags people into cults.
If it is, then it's working. Staying at home all the time has done absolutely nothing for their mental health, and with four other people crammed into one house, things were getting tense. Andania couldn't help lighting up at the sight of a new letter every day. It was something lighthearted to look forward to.
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seikumo · 26 days
A Plan
Nonfandom, under 500, more an idea dump than actual writing.
A plan like this? It's difficult to know where to start. I think, in this case, it starts with a child.
The child and the gods that will eventually claim it aren't related. That family is found, rather than born. The child grows up in a perfectly ordinary home, with a loving family. That doesn't stop them from feeling alone, though.
It's a consequence of being human, in the end. People need other people who can understand and relate to them, and Andania has never felt much of that, for one reason or another. Their own neurodivergence drove others their age away, and made it difficult to connect with their siblings and parents. The large family made it difficult to find the time to snag any one on one interaction with them anyway, and in the end they withdrew. They satisfied themself with being alone, wrapping stories and imagination around themself like ribbons, pretending it made up for the lack of anything real.
Andania moved out later than most of their peers, seeing no reason to isolate themself more than necessary as an adult. They'd noticed how the siblings who had moved out rarely called or visited, and knew that they would bother even less with them. Eventually, though, the need for privacy won out.
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seikumo · 26 days
As Written
Nonfandom, Self Insert, under 500 words, unfinished.
 A series of little pops echoed through the room as Tix leaned back into their seat. They'd spent a long couple of hours hunched heavily over their laptop, typing up all sorts of notes and scattered tidbits they'd jotted into their notebook over the past week. Twisting them into something a bit more coherent then their enthusiastic ramblings.
They were rather proud of the results too, if they were honest. It wasn't quite a fully fleshed out story just yet, but they'd managed to piece together five god-like figures, their personalities, motivations, and the powers they ruled over, along with the basics of the realm they ruled over.
The five reigned over a whole multiverse of timelines and stories, laid out before them like a rich tapestry, one they hadn't started, but one they continued as replacements for the five original gods.
Still, despite all the world building they'd managed that night, despite how much of their history they'd written, or how long they spent developing their powers, it still felt like something was missing. An integral piece that stopped the world from turning into a story.
"That would be you I believe," A new voice popped in, one Tix could swear they'd never heard in their life. The deep, masculine voice echoed around the room slightly, but it didn't boom or shout. In fact, it was a little softer than the average speaking volume, quiet enough to not attract attention, while still loud enough that Tix didn't have to strain to hear it.
They flicked their laptop closed in an instant, an instinct gained from one too many nosy people trying to read over their shoulder in the coffee shop, before spinning their chair around to try and locate the source of the mysterious voice.
Nothing seemed different at first glance. Their clothes were still tossed haphazardly into the hamper without worrying about wrinkles, their bed was still unmade, and their cat was still contently curled up on their bed fast asleep.
It didn't seem like anyone had fiddled with their things to try and hide a speaker, (a prank that sounded exactly like something their brother would do, if he'd gotten a hold of the keys,) and it certainly didn't seem like anyone had actually opened the door and walked in. There wasn't enough space for someone to be hiding behind their bedroom door, although there was perhaps a case to be made for someone hiding in their closet. Still, it seemed rather unlikely, and Tix hadn't recognized the voice.
"Who are you," Tix demanded, shooting a stern glare over the entirety of the room. Hopefully if there was an actual intruder, Tix would be lucky enough to nail them with a proper glare, even if they wouldn't know it.
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seikumo · 26 days
Going to start adding older stuff to my queue, no matter how old or unfinished. Whether I make a masterpost and how often it would be updated is up in the air at the moment. Everything should be tagged though, if Tumblr's search decides to cooperate.
Anyways get ready for some fanfic!
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seikumo · 27 days
Doing a bit of reorganizing, and then maybe posting some snippets of stuff I've worked on in the past. Will keep you updated!
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seikumo · 2 months
I wish I could just, condense some of my Japanese lessons into little dumpling and devour them. I wish to know everything. I wish to understand. I wish I could remember what I read five minutes ago.
In other news, conjugation is going!
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seikumo · 2 months
Writing a novel when you imagine all you stories in film format is hard because there’s really no written equivalent of “lens flare” or “slow motion montage backed by Gregorian choir”
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seikumo · 3 months
lifehack: when you see a Take One candy bowl in a restaurant, wait until noones looking and shovel candy into your pockets. god may judge you but his sins outnumber your own
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seikumo · 3 months
The somewhat original, somewhat fanfic story I'm working on.
Why you should be interested
Magic introduced to the modern world
Magic is reactive- it acts differently depending on who or what it comes into contact with
One guy becomes eight people if varying genders.
Dungeon crawling! Loose sentient video game system, who doesn't know what they're doing!
Monsters! Treasure! Weird magic stuff!
Mirror stones that send some or all of the main cast into fandoms!
There will be more info later on, but I wanted to make a general rundown post to drum up interest.
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seikumo · 3 months
Things I should be doing
Writing my fic
Typing up and editing my fic
typing up a script for my youtube video
practicing japanese
Things I am doing
Playing games on my phone
Reading Fanfiction
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