slothbearsstuff · 2 months
social media detox
Contrary to my heading, I am really putting up this on a social media, but one in which I'm the least active.
So I deactivated Instagram few days back. You know I always wanted to do it because at one point I felt like it was eating up my brain; but for some reason I still continued to scroll all day everyday. My screentime was over 7 HOURS!! 7 hours out of 14 hours of my conscious time. That's about half the time and I spend larking and wasting the rest of the time in some way too with least productivity. I joined Instagram in 2018 and reels came into it in about 2019. You know what it did to our brains. From watching 30 min YouTube videos after 4 years I could barely concentrate on a 1 min reel. That was alarming too.
The primary thought that kept me from deactivating Instagram was the fear of missing out. The fear that I'll be left out when all others were in it. But one fine day I just did it and you know what happened, I didn't give a f*ck. I didn't even care about it as much as I thought it would. It wasn't hard. But when I was going for a rest the first thing I did was take up my phone which I still do now. But I downloaded YouTube instead. Thanks to the s*itty algorithm of YouTube they play the same video so many times that it'll force us to keep our phone away.
Everyday after my morning classes till 12, I rest for a while till 3. That's about 3 hours. I usually spend 2.5 hours out of this on my phone and took a nap for less than 30 minutes and wake up all grumpy and moody. I wasn't actually resting my body was not my mind. This afternoon I thought of a change. I took the book I was reading (Currently "Little Women") and read 2 chapters out of it and thought of taking a nap. Guess what it did to me. I woke up fresher than ever and was satisfied with my nap. I even felt like there was so much time left for me.
so yeah, I just wanted to pour it all out cuz this s*it have been killing our brains for a really long time now.
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slothbearsstuff · 11 months
you know the situation where you're unsure about everything in your life. like when you have o change schools or choose a subject or leave your friends for a better career option or when you have to leave the town for a better career path. well for me its none of them actually. it is the first time in my life that I've lived away from my home. a home, that I prefer to live away from. the closer I am to this home the harder everything gets to me.
But the thing is its true when people say, "There is no place like home" this is my comfort zone. but staying here comes at huge sacrifices. I might even have to enter a long distance relationship, have less to no social relationships except for the ones online.
but for one thing I'm sure I don't wanna go back to the place I was. should I stay in my comfort zone? I'll have to decide soon. Just felt like pouring out my mind.
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slothbearsstuff · 1 year
things like this excites me more these days! hmmph adulting it seems:)
Change your bedsheets to clean ones before you leave for vacation. When you come back your room will smell a little cleaner and you’ll be extra comfortable when you finally sleep in your own bed.
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slothbearsstuff · 1 year
okay how do we regain the trust someone broke. is it stupid to go back into relationship with the same guy who broke your heart? but this time he actually made amends. but your heart can't accept that and is still doubtful? going through some what that kinda phase now! uhh! hate this.
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slothbearsstuff · 1 year
okay so what are we supposed to do in our 20s? get a job? find love? ok then? what if the job we got in isn't the our ideal one? quit it. and then? how long will we have to quit to reach the ideal life we always dreamt of? and right now for me 10 years feel like 10 months. everything is passing on so fast. figuring out our lives within this short span is scary. and the scariest part is that most likely the decisions we make now might be how our life be later. 20s are supposed to be stupid and fun and confused. but the timeline is scaring me!
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slothbearsstuff · 1 year
haha lol! can't relate more
What’s something that gives your anxiety?
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slothbearsstuff · 1 year
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if you make $50,000/year, after tax will be $36,000 (estimate)
$36,000/12 months = $3,000 to spend and save monthly
being super conservative with the spending and calculation (state of GA):
$1,500 (rent/mortgage) + $300 (utilities/internet/phone bill) + $300 (grocery) + $150 (gas) + $450 (car + insurance payment) = $2,700 spent with $300 left
$300 left for:
medical bills (copay/coinsurance) that you might need to pay for
other monthly bills that i have not listed
car maintenance (oil change etc) or home repairs
buying presents for family or yourself
investing in something that hopefully will give you a good return
there is really nothing left
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slothbearsstuff · 2 years
how sad it is that you've finally gained the confidence to be in a relationship and trusted the person and they left you. Now I'll have to deal with trust issues.:(
going through a bad breakup. Thought of rekindling my old hobby. Suggest some books!
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slothbearsstuff · 2 years
in a situation wherein I like someone but don't wanna be in a relationship, wanna stay single but still like them so much but still wanna be single but can't let them go :(
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slothbearsstuff · 3 years
hmm, again the impact of staying at home is hitting me HARD. 
I have been in my home, in my room, in my bed for like 5 whole days! The only thing I do these days outside of the room are eating food and taking my dog for a walk. 
I’ve kinda lost contact with almost all of my friends. Its kinda sad. But can’t do anything about it. ‘Cuz I’ve never been this lazy and tired before. Every small task overwhelmes me. 
I wish things were easier. I wish life was easier.
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slothbearsstuff · 3 years
overthinking is HARDDDD!
Like it was all fine when it happened but now every single detail is SCARYYYY (╥﹏╥)
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slothbearsstuff · 3 years
Losing sleep.Losing friends.
But let's jam to Lorde! 💃
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slothbearsstuff · 3 years
I don't feel like texting people and am so so so TIRED of uni and everything!
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slothbearsstuff · 3 years
Fall in love, broken hearts, break the rules, drink too much.
We're all a mess, but I guess,
This is what it feels like to be young!
How underrated is Anne Marie :(
This song is soo soo beautiful!
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slothbearsstuff · 3 years
Found this chat for you on Tumblr
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slothbearsstuff · 3 years
omg this is sooo beautiful! 😍
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folklore in letters
{click on image for better quality}
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slothbearsstuff · 3 years
why is this the most relatable thing?
"I swear everything looks worse at night. I think I'm overthinking."
- "Monsters" sung by All Time Low (feat. blackbear)
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