sprinkleofquirk · 8 hours
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Autistic? Me?
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sprinkleofquirk · 16 hours
If you don’t want to be educated about sensory processing disorders, then don’t approach strangers about why they are wearing sunglasses in the grocery store 😐
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sprinkleofquirk · 1 day
It’s funny what parents remember versus what kids remember because I’m sitting there and my mom is talking about how I “didn’t used to stim so much when I was little” and I’m thinking about how I used to rock back and forth when I was upset and my mom would hold me still so I learned that was Bad and We Don’t Do That and so I eventually just stopped doing it
> and a quick side note here, my mom is wonderful and supportive and has always known that something about me was different- she has countless times been turned away by doctors discounting me as “shy” and I know that she just saw her little girl distressed and wanted that to stop- but it’s still funny
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sprinkleofquirk · 1 day
“Do you stim?”
“Not even by yourself?”
~~~2 years later ~~~
*literally tripping over myself*
i feel like we should talk about autistic people who mask around themselves (as in they are by themself and still masking) more
i masked around myself for so long and it is so exhausting and i definitely think contributed to the fact that it took me forever to even recognize the possibility i could be autistic
i hid my autistic traits even from myself because i knew they weren’t “socially acceptable”
idk i feel like we should talk ab this more!! unless this is just me and im just silly!!!
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sprinkleofquirk · 1 day
My first attempt at a movable “tracker” visual aid/prompting type bracelet
This one is for morning/evening routine and includes getting dressed, brushing teeth, brushing/combing hair, and eating breakfast/dinner
Let me know what you think and where I can improve!
(And apologies for the shaking- I tried my best but I have a slight tremor 🫠)
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sprinkleofquirk · 1 day
Fascinating proposition
(for the purposes of this poll, there is no monkey's paw situation: the chore you pick stays the same level of difficulty/grossness/etc. as it normally is for you, and you only have to do it as often as you want to. the chores you don't pick are magically done for you exactly the way you'd want them to be, just with zero effort on your part.)
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sprinkleofquirk · 2 days
Oml you mean when I’m pinching my thigh under the table so I don’t miss anything in class and then realize I’m bleeding cuz I did it too hard on accident 😅😭
All of you complain about overstimulation and sensory overload
We need to talk about under stimulation. I’m not saying I want to be overloaded with information. No I mean when I get panic attacks because there is not enough self stimulation in a situation. I have to walk out of meetings to pace around and think to calm myself down because my fight or flight response has activated from being not being able to stim.
I get so anxious when I cannot listen to music or have something playing in the background because I need stimulation that I choose to have and which I have control over
It physically hurts my brain.
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sprinkleofquirk · 2 days
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sprinkleofquirk · 2 days
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sprinkleofquirk · 3 days
“What’s wrong?”
“What? Nothing! I’m having fun.”
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I need people to understand that sometimes autism is just this
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sprinkleofquirk · 3 days
🥺 thanks random tumblr stranger’s dad
I think my favorite moment ever was when my 40+ year old autistic dad went on a rant about how being anti self-diagnosis is "immature," "a really bad take," and "classist." He listed like eight different reasons someone wouldn't be able to get a formal diagnosis, and then proceeded to comment on how anti self-diagnosers are trying to turn neurodiversity into an exclusive club that lots of neurodivergent people can't access. And his whole rant was prompted by me mentioning that one reason I want to get a formal diagnosis someday is so I can stop feeling like I've been secretly faking my autism for attention my whole life.
He figured out he's autistic after one of my siblings got diagnosed. He hasn't pursued a formal diagnosis for a lot of reasons and he's taking nobody's shit over it. Basically like the exact opposite of those clowns who think neurodivergent people are faking everything for attention.
So, uh. If you're reasonably sure you're neurodivergent but can't or won't get a formal diagnosis for whatever reason, know that some random Tumblr stranger's dad basically says you're valid.
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sprinkleofquirk · 3 days
We’ve already stayed ten minutes later, what more do you want from me 😭
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Bchan is a 15 year old girl who just found out she's autistic. Keep up with her highs and lows in a world where "normal" is not the norm!
Since I'm still working on the 'Autistic? Me?' reboot, for this autism acceptance day I've put up all the original 19 episodes for free on Gumroad and Itchio!!
You can donate if you'd like, but I thought it'd be nice to make them available before I edit out the site. :)
Happy autism acceptance day, everyone!
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sprinkleofquirk · 3 days
I hate how many people relate to this 😭
I’m going to write a book for 9 & 10-year-olds:
“Things No One Says But Apparently Everyone Means/Knows”
I was talking with my therapist about how I hadn’t realized as a kid that other kids would hang out outside of school for no reason. I thought birthday parties and school projects were the only reason to ever see anyone outside of school. Like you go to each other’s houses? Just because? To “hang out”???
I thought that was just something that teen movies made up
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sprinkleofquirk · 3 days
Goddamnit 🤦‍♀️
When I was younger and researching the autism diagnosis criteria and symptoms, I thought “oh I couldn’t POSSIBLY be autistic.” Because when I read “takes everything literally” I thought it literally meant EVERYTHING and I was like “I don’t take EVERYTHING literally, just most things!” And I just realized the other day that it didn’t actually mean EVERYTHING and that was an overstatement.
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sprinkleofquirk · 3 days
15 year old google psychologist on tiktok: you HAVE to be PROFESSIONALLY DIAGNOSED WITH AUTISM or else youre a FAKER whos STEALING RESOURCES from ACTUAL PEOPLE WITH AUTISM
psychiatrist: you dont act autistic. ok well i guess you acted autistic as a kid but not now so clearly something changed. whats masking?
psychiatrist: you experience a lot of traits of autism but you made eye contact with me for a bit so you cant be autistic
psychiatrist: you cant be autistic because youre too smart
psychiatrist: well you experience profound symptoms of autism but your brothers already diagnosed with autism and thats not possible for you both to be
psychiatrist: ok you seem autistic however youre a teenage girl. have you considered you might have borderline personality disorder/bipolar disorder instead?
*also when you get diagnosed*
psychiatrist: i cant advocate for your disabling ptsd to the government, i can only do autism. yes i know your autism isnt the actual problem here but have you considered that youre just being autistic about it?
psychiatrist: i cant write a letter of recommendation for gender affirming care because youre autistic. yes i know you work a full time job and live independently but youre not capable of making these decisions
psychiatrist: *doesnt try to treat/talk about anything but the autism*
the 15 year old again: i know you SAID youre diagnosed with autism but i dont believe you because anyone can say that, so im going to continue to harrass you about it anyway
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sprinkleofquirk · 4 days
Okay, I’m coming to the internet so that people can tell me things I don’t know because I am SO FED UP trying to figure this out by myself
This all started because I was having a lot of trouble with sensory processing and executive functioning and while I was having progress with my therapist, I was also having trouble letting myself use the tools and strategies that worked best for me because I felt that I didn’t really “need” them- so she suggested I pursue an official ASD diagnosis
Here’s what I’ve got, after two years
✅ I have a neuro developmental disorder
✅ It is characterized by the pink text:
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I WAS tested for ASD, but the assessor said that I didn’t fit enough criteria in order to be classified definitively as an autism spectrum disorder and thus would remain “unspecified”
Below is the official document- I retracted my name and the highlights just mark things that I disagree with:
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Here is my main question: how can it remain unspecified, when that is the only possible answer left???
I know we don’t have all the answers for the human brain yet, I know there are still probably even more categories and things to be created and rearranged and stuff, but *I feel* like I fit into the ASD category 100%. The more I’ve learned about it, the more I see myself.
I have always seen my anxiety as secondary- caused by something else. Now that I’m older, I’m able to distinguish main triggers- social events, change, and sensory overload. The C-PTSD was caused mostly by my situational mutism and sensory sensitivity during a stressful situation. Both of those things would be explained by an Autism Spectrum Disorder…
I just feel like everything I learn about myself screams “AUTSIM” and this lady was just like “no” because I made eye contact and had good grades in school 🫤
Like I’m seriously asking- because I DO NOT want to take up space that isn’t meant for me but I seriously don’t know if I’m going to be able to accept myself and the things that I need to do for me without someone “officially” telling me it’s okay (and trust me- I KNOW that’s a whole other thing I need to work on and I’m trying but one thing at a time!)
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sprinkleofquirk · 4 days
Yay 🤗
I saved up enough money for a tablet recently, and it's the greatest purchase I've ever made!
It came with a stylus and I like to write my journal entries in my notes app! Because it's a Tablet, I can add a pass code to it and add different profiles! (Someone needs to borrow my tablet? Sure! I just switch it to my "work" profile. They won't even see the main profile on my tablet.)
It's so cool!! It also helps me communicate when it's hard to actually talk. And I can draw and watch movies!
I'm so attached to my tablet that I even gave it a name! He's called Albert (or Al for short!)
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