#//happy’s Mother’s Day to those who’re celebrating!
You don’t gotta type in caps, y’know, bzzt…
Sorry Roto! But it was so COOL! I did get my prescription glasses thanks to my friend Nemona! The nonsense they told me about why couldn’t take Flying Taxis to places we haven’t been was someone along the lines of ‘We don’t have our own navigation system, and if some kid doesn’t know how to get to their city; we don’t want to be held responsible’. When questioned on why they can’t just use the kid’s Rotom Phone, they got mysteriously silent.
(Gotta love the government, bzzt.)
Anyways!! Finally saw one of those Cyclizar things out in the wild and!!!
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They unironically look sooo cool! I wonder what the seats people use to ride on them look? Not to mention how straight up convenient this is. No wonder you barely see cars here!
Cyclizar typically need a 2-hours rest after traveling long distances, though that information could be inaccurate! If it is, please let us know!
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Also went to the Kofu Lounge! Nemo wanted me to meet the Gym Leader who runs the restaurant as his main hustle, but he was busy at the auction house? I think? Kinda reminds me of Gym Leader Nessa and her modeling career!
(Not shown is your insistence on wanting it to be a suprise to see him…)
(I’m taking on the Gym Challenge! What if I get an edge by knowing the guy?!)
What else…! Oh! We had just enough time to squeeze a visit to the Bagins in Levenica before Nemona had to head back! I didn’t find the bags everyone else did unfortunately, but I did pick up this olive bag I think is pretty neat!
While this was a fun excursion, we do plan on eventually doing a full analysis behind Cascarrafa in the future! It’s not on the top of our list but it is there!
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phant0mprince · 4 years
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒏 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒄
Morning at the Jackson's. Percy waking up on 24th December, his hair a mess and thought tangled. The Blowfis-Jackson house is a mess yet perfectly set for Christmas. Sally is cooking in the kitchen, baking cookies and cake for the night, estelle sleeping on the sofa. Percy walks up to his mother, kissing her cheek and burying his head into her shoulder muttering a muffled good morning. Sally ruffling her 6 feet baby boy's hair.
Inviting Annabeth over. Estelle letting out a happy shriek distracting Percy. "Go play with your sister honey" Percy just nodding and grabbing a cookie before Sally could tell him off. "Mom, I'm gonna call Annabeth" "Oh yes, i was worried when She wasn't here. I knew you won't forget." "Nope, he wanted to spend some time with her dad but she said she didn't, you know" Sally smiling quietly at her son. Her heart melting for Annabeth. She was like a daughter to her at this point.
Annabeth arriving. The doorbell rings and Estelle giggles loudly in Percy's arm. Percy rolls his eyes loving at her, before getting the door. Standing in front of him, Annabeth smiles at him, giving him a small kiss before taking off her court and rubbing her hands together, shivering a little. Percy pulls on a blue sweater near by, passing his scarf to Annabeth which he glady accepts. Annabeth snuggles close to him, while Paul goes into the kitchen to help Sally but not before patting their head affectionately.
What about the others? "What's Thalia up to?" Percy asks, remembering that Jason was going to spend the holidays with Leo and Piper at the Mclean's. "Why do you ask?" Annabeth asks, her eyebrows raised at her boyfriend. Percy's eyes lighting up and a grin making it's way on his face. "She owes me a pizza treat." Annabeth just bursting out laughing, she very well knew what thus treat was about. "Mom can we invite a few friends over?" "Oh dear, i was about to ask you that. You should invite your friends, those poor babies who're still at camp, we could celebrate Christmas together! They're also your family after all." Percy smiling softly at his mother, she was right, they were his family after all. He IMing Thalia first accepting excited yelling only to be greeted by silence. "Pinecone face? You there? I was asking if you wanted to celebrate Christmas with us, Mom is quite fond of you all." "That's why?" "And isn't Christmas for family?" Thalia's voice almost cracking when she says okay and hangs up hurriedly. Percy IMing the camp to invite the Stolls, Malcolm and Clarisse. All of them accepting the offer immediately, Clarisse glaring at Percy before shrugging and cutting the connection. "Well, I'll take that as a yes?"
Will dragging Nico to the Jackson's flat. Percy being shocked when Nico actually comes. Will greets him telling him how they were planning on spending the Christmas together but he had to go back to his parents house. Percy and Annabeth understand the silent message and smile. Annabeth wrapping her hand around Nico's shoulder. "Well, Nico is family too, right Nico?" Percy nodding his head vigorously. Will just smiling at them from the sidelines as Nico slowly nods, making Percy's voice audibly crack for the slightest second. Annabeth squeezing his shoulder, her eyes shining with understanding. Nico inching close to the taller girl, a very small smile in his face. Maybe he won't be alone for Christmas after all. And he doesn't feel all that lonely as Will kisses his cheek as a goodbye and walks out of the flat.
A messy arrival. Stolls almost crashing into Will just as they walk in and he walks out. "Will, Nico looks sick, did he have breakfast today?" Panic filling his mind, Will turns around about to start rambling when it clicks. "STOLLS I SWEAR TO OLYMPUS I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL WITH A EEFING SCALPEL!" Stolls just yelling "Happy Christmas eve to you too Willy!" And running into the flat, greeting Sally loudly. Percy just shrugs at Will, while a loud giggle from Estelle makes them peep in to see Travis and Connor playing with her. Clarisse muttering something about "there's my favourite Jackson kid!" While Katie yells at the Stolls to be careful. "Shh Kat-kit, We're Estelle's favourite! Right baby?" "I'M HER FAVOURITE YOU IDIOTS!" Percy yelling from outside, earning a facepalm from Nico and Annabeth. Will shuddering by just imaging the havoc about to be caused. Thalia arriving just in time to yell "Shut it you losers! I'm her favourite." While grover frowns telling her that she was wrong. "I'm her favourite, excuse you!" "Dream on Goat boy!" "Please seaweed brain." "I bring Estelle chocolates, I'm her favorite." "NICO!" Sally just shaking her head, leaning into Paul, a small smile on her face happy to know her son was at home.
"Cookies are ready!" "No kelp head, you don't all of them!" Thalia and Percy fighting over who'll go to the kitchen to pick the cookies. Nico groaning at his cousin and jumping over Percy's head, making his way to the kitchen, only be tackled by Percy to the ground. "Percy, what in the name of—" but Nico was never able to continue his string of curses as Thalia jumped on the duo lying on the ground. "Pinecone face what do you eat, holy poseidon-" "Percy you're not the one to talk" "Get off me you two!" Annabeth and Katie shaking their head at the three who lay tangled on the ground. Grover just shaking her and walking over them to take the cookies while they fought. "That's not fair!"
Movies. All of them snuggled together on the floor watching some movie Annabeth picked. Percy just leaning into Annabeth's shoulder, Nico half asleep next to him. Travis snuggled into Katie while Connor slept in a tangled mess of blankets, occasionally earning a smack from Clarisse when he got too close to her. Chris just shaking his head at his girlfriend. Grover snoring loudly on the sofa, bitting it off in his sleep.
Merry Christmas. Percy being the first one to wake up after mid night, kissing Annabeth softly, whispering a Merry Christmas. "Merry Christmas to you too, Seaweed brain." He walks around, placing the presents he brough for everyone under the tree. As he settles down between Nico and Annabeth once again, he couldn't help but smile at the tangled mess of Teenagers around him.
Opening Presents. Percy grinning as everyone opens their presents. Thalia squealing loudly at the sight of a leather jacket. "Yours was getting old" Percy shrugged, only to be tackled down by the smaller girl. Annabeth called Piper, wishing them Merry Christmas on behalf of the others and Percy. Her present safe on her finger, a promise ring that read "one day" Nico smiling to himself at the jumper Sally and Percy gave him. Stolls grinning at Katie as she opened her presents. "Holy demeter, you all got me this?" Clarisse getting teary eyed for the slightest second when Percy passed her a jar of cookies. "Mom says it makes you less grumpy." "Don't make me crash it in your head, prissy." Grover letting out a loud squeal looking at the photo album of him, Percy and Annabeth. Percy hugging Annabeth, smiling at friends, no family.
A Merry Christmas indeed.
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that-kids-storybook · 4 years
There goes my first ever post! :) Hope you like it!
It was the cold breeze of November the second that made my hair flutter as I rollarskated my way down the fully decorated hallway, my eyes analysing the beautiful golden chairs perfectly aligned together majestically around the large red angelic serving table in the middle that was set up with those admirable empty culinary.
I circled my way round this beautiful aspect and immediately met with the familiar auroma of my favourite cake that was currently being prepared in the kitchen by my mother.
I licked my lips at the remembrance of the little personal fact: after my first birthday, it became a tradition for her to prepare my cake. I chuckled at the thought of her quoting; "Made with love," to my friends.
Speaking of friends, I had made sure to invite everyone I loved, which apparently meant that this was going to be an amazing day filled with laughter and happiness.
"I can't wait!" I exclaimed with my eyes closed and arms sticking out.
"This is going to b-"
My glorious train of thoughts and ranting was rudely disturbed by the solid concrete wall that divided the kitchen from the hall.
The momentum made me stumble backwards, and I crashed into the floor.
Letting out a moan and rubbing my sore temple, I stood up and pounted straight at the wall, glaring at it as if it were an offender who had managed to arrogantly disrespect me, just by existing.
"You'll never change will ya?"
Came an oddly familiar voice, I did not even need to look back as I already knew who it belonged to.
"I'm the 'Birthday Girl', I've an absolute right to act egotistical," I muttered enough for her to hear but not enough for my precious mother to hear either. I was not going to risk my chances of getting lectured. No, not at all.
"Yeah, yeah, understandable, anyway what's up?" Noor casually mimicked taking a seat on one of the golden chairs.
"Hey! Don't you dare sit on my legendary Iron-man chair, you punk!" I bellowed beckoning my best friend to sit on the couch instead.
"Dude, c'mon what made you choose a pathetic Iron-man theme?" She indirectly obliged to move an inch.
"Welp, Tony Stark's death ain't goin' good on me ya know... Poor Mr. Stark," I said mocking her tone.
"Hahaha, so funny,"
"Shut up, sour patch!"
"Why should I? Alpaca,"
"At least alpacas are cute," I acknowledged as-a-matter-of-factly, smirking.
"Mr. Stark I don't feel so good, please I don't wanna g-," She was disrupted by me throwing a cushion directly at her face.
'No one, I mean no one, makes a joke about Peter Parker's despair in this household,' I thought to myself.
"You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?!" I cursed, as a cushion hit me in my perfect tooth.
In no time, we found ourselves having a 'cushion war', as if that was even a thing.
"You won," I cried out in defeat, gesturing for her to give me her hand to stand up.
"C'here," she signed giving me her hand and making me stand on my own two feet.
"Lessgo," I said lazyly putting the rollerskates back on, ironically I wondered when I even took them off.
Slamming myself on the bed, with a slight thud, I sighed deeply. The clock on my bedside table notificed me that it was 4 O'clock which if we put in perspective, clearly meant that the celebration of me inhaling my first atoms of oxygen, would start in roughly an hour.
"You wanna kill some time while we wait for the party to start? I got the new Spider-man movie here!" Noor squeaked, beaming at the movie's compact disk in her right hand. How could I refuse such great things in life? "Yep, let's make this go down!" I sassed taking the disk from her hand and putting it into the drive reader of my laptop.
[Time Skip]
Noor and I were perfectly done with our routine of wasting time, the humongous clock on the ceiling of the hall boomed throughout the house. Indicating the time as 5 o'clock.
'The guests should be arriving by now,' My brain broadcasted to me.
We looked at each other, grins reaching our eyes. Nodding, we took a jog down the entrance gate of the house.
"Now, we wait," I said, proudly puffing my chest high. Noor just giggled at my childish behaviour.
Just as the door bell rang, I enthusiastically swung the door open without even bothering to confirm if it was a phedophile or not. Luckily, it was not.
"Konichiwa," the three of my friends chirped like sparrows. Making Noor and me snicker in the process.
It was just like I imagined a perfect birthday to be. After the arrival of my good friends, gradually as the clock ticked, the hall started to fill with my classmates and relatives. It was strange as well, because I did not remember requesting my mom to invite this much people, but perhaps the phrase; "The more = the better," was quite correct.
"It's 7 o'clock already, Areeba, when're ya goin' to cut the goddamn cake?" Screamed - I do not know - Mishal? Yeah it was her.
Taking Mishal's request as a treat, I proceeded to make my way toward my obviously expected Iron-man cake, which portrayed Tony Stark vibing with his capri-sun. To make it more divine, the candle holder was just above the nano infinity gauntlet, I was about to lit up the candle as Rozhna was informing the guests about the main ceremony taking place.
"Stop!" Shahar's voice echoed through the fusion of chatter, which made me stutter, fortunately, Noor caught me from the back before I could fall face-to-face into the cake. Not to mention but I reluctantly knocked a couple cupcakes in the chaos.
"What?" I whimpered practically shooting daggers at her through my eyeballs. How can someone not expect me to get furious after they make me subconsciously murder two delicious cupcakes?
"Areeba, we gotta talk this through," my dad joined in. The confused look on my face probably took Noor off-guard but I did not care, this was honestly pretty bizzare.
"On everyone's 13th birthday after they blow the candles, one word appears on their skin, depicting their career or purpose in life. We want you to know that after you blow this candle, your purpose, your destiny, will become apparent, it'll be engraved on your body, and you won't be able to get away with it, because that's what your chosen for," mom's little speech was appreciated by the crowd, as they were applauding and cheering, some were even whistling. Which only made me confuser.
"But how come I didn't know about this?" I whispered, hoping for some sort of savior to take my confusion away.
"It's because we're forbidden to let this bit of information wander through the ears of those who're younger than thirteen," Shahar, or in other words, my 'saviour' described causally. I looked through the crowd and realized that there were no children under the 'appropriate' age present. The little bulb inside my head lit up and I started laughing.
"Really? You sure this isn't a prank or somethin'?" I asked eyeing everyone in the room.
"Nope," Noor said softly, showing me her ankle, the word 'doctor,' inscribed there with a golden splint.
The scene was overwhelming, literally everyone was curiously gathered around the table, pure astonishment in their eyes as I blew the candles. They were applauding which for some odd reason, made me feel sick to my stomach.
Just as the little fire left the candle top, everything went into slow motion, the party poppers that were shooted directly at me became numb, the second hand of the clock that hung high to the ceiling started to move moderately, the screams of joy disappeared, my heart was unusually beating faster, I could feel the aderline pumping through my veins as tears threatened to escape my eyes.
Pride, it was all I could feel.
After about what felt like an eternity, everything came back to as it always was.
Perhaps it was just me who felt that sensation?
"What is it?" A voice quizzed.
"Go to the bathroom and see!" Another voice ordered.
I have no idea what happened after that but when I did come to my senses, I found myself in the bathroom trying to find the word. Or if we put it bluntly, My Destiny.
I looked and looked but could not find it.
A thought made my heart swell.
What if all this was just a prank?
Before I could contemplate any further I started to sob hysterically while sitting crossed leg on the cold bathroom floor.
As my head jerked to the side, a glimpse of something red caught my attention.
I shakily closed my eyes and directed my head towards the back of my left foot.
Deep down, I wanted this 'prank' to not just be a prank. Pulling myself together, I opened my eyelids to find my destiny there, written in a colour as red as blood.
"Wow! That was lit!" Jax gasped, as he professionally shot the target in the most vulnerable spot, which instantly resulted in her dying.
"Yeah, mine is sort of the same!" Alexa declared, the smile visible even through the black cloth that she infamously described as her 'mask,'
I chuckled, "this is one of the best memories of my childhood," I mumbled dragging the body of our target toward the dumpster.
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rachelkaser · 4 years
Stay Golden Sunday: On Golden Girls
Blanche’s rebellious grandson visits, and the Girls help straighten him out. Also, we get more information about St. Olaf.
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Picture it...
Blanche is upset and a wreck -- and not, as Dorothy initially assumes, because she has cellulite. Her daughter Janet is attempting to fix her ailing marriage with a second honeymoon to Hawaii, and Blanche will have to look after 14-year-old grandson, David, for two weeks. Dorothy initially grouses about having a teenager in the house while she’s studying for a French exam, but they all agree to help Blanche look after David, including taking him to see Rambo.
SOPHIA: I sat through it twice, you’ll love it. He sweats like a pig and doesn’t put his shirt on.
The next day, the girls prepare for David’s arrival, while Sophia complains about having to put up with Dorothy snoring. Blanche comes home in a panic, saying David never got off the plane. A police officer arrives with David moments later and says he stowed away on the plane while it went onto the Bahamas. David talks to the girls for a grand total of two minutes before skipping out to go hang out a burger joint, despite Blanche’s pleas for him to stay. Sophia says Blanche should have smacked him for his disrespect, but Dorothy thinks the St. Olaf story Rose was about to tell would be punishment enough.
At night, Dorothy is trying to study while Sophia goes about her very noisy toilette (which for some reason involves patting Nivea onto the backs of her hands and immediately scrubbing it off with tissues). Dorothy can’t study with the noise, so both of them turn in for the night. They argue over the amount of topical ointments Sophia’s wearing, and the hacking sounds she makes as she’s sleeping. Dorothy reminisces about how she would crawl into bed with Sophia when she was a kid and had a nightmare. They bid a fond goodnight and finally settle down.
Suddenly, loud music booms through the house, waking everyone up. They run to the living room, where David and a few other teenagers are listening to rock music on a stereo. Dorothy sends the strangers on their way and tells David to clean up. David starts to throw what can best be described as a hissy fit over not being able to have his new friends over, and starts to mouth off to all of the girls. As soon as he gets into Sophia’s face, she lands his with a resounding slap. This quickly shuts him up and sends him running from the room.
Blanche goes to check on David, who’s still reeling from Sophia’s smack. He says he wants to go home, and when Blanche tells them he can’t because his parents aren’t there, David says it’s no different from when his parents are there. He breaks down and tells Blanche how his parents neglect him because they’re always fighting, and angrily rebuffs Blanche’s attempts to comfort him.
The next day, the girls give Blanche a collected list of chores David can start doing. Blanche isn’t sure how it’ll help, but Rose and Dorothy talk about how the chores they did growing up gave them a sense of responsibility. Blanche realizes the way she raised Janet -- not having to do anything, just as she was raised -- may have contributed to David’s current behavior, and decides she’s going to make up for these mistakes by doing what’s best for him.
ROSE: Did they have chores in Sicily? SOPHIA: Are you kidding? They invented chores in Sicily. Crossing the street without getting pregnant was a chore in Sicily. DOROTHY: Rose, never mention Sicily.
One night, Dorothy catches David trying to sneak out and asks him where he intends to go and what he’s going to do. David doesn’t have an answer, but protests all the work he has to do. Dorothy accuses him of wimping out and says life is going to get a lot tougher than some chores at his grandmother’s house. David finally opens up and talks about how upset he is. Dorothy reminds him that he’s surrounded by people who care about him and he’ll always be welcome, good-naturedly negotiating a chore exchange and cheering him up.
Some time later, the girls are having dinner with David, celebrating Dorothy passing her French exam. They also toast David’s improved attitude. He says that it “hasn’t been half-bad” and earnestly asks the girls to let him live with them permanently. Sophia hustles him out for ice cream and tells Blanche to call his mother. Blanche gets Janet on the phone and says David’s so happy at her home that she’s going to keep him. While we can’t hear Janet, she naturally protests. Blanche acknowledges she can’t keep him against his parents’ will, but gives Janet a stern warning about the consequences of neglecting him further.
BLANCHE: If you and Michael don’t straighten up and given that boy the love and attention he deserves, I will kick your uppity butt ‘til Hell won’t have it again!
The girls say goodbye to David, who’s going to join his parents in Hawaii. Blanche tells him to give his parents a chance, and Dorothy reassures him that he’ll always have a place with them. After he’s gone, the girls hope he’ll be okay. Sophia, meanwhile, will be happy not having to live with Dorothy’s infamous snores anymore.
“What are you trying to do, pickle yourself so you’ll live to be 100?”
I’m swiftly going to run out of ways to say “this is the first time the girls do X” but it’s the first season, so there are a lot of first times. While this isn’t the first time we’ve seen the girls with one of their offspring, this is the first time we’ve seen them do some parenting and discuss parenting.
ROSE: I just fixed a special treat for David. It’s the same little afterschool snack I used to make for my own son: A triple-decker BLT, a hearty helping of homemade potato salad, and a great, big slice of double chocolate fudge cake. DOROTHY: Oh, where was he going after school? The electric chair?
It’s actually kind of heartbreaking that it’s in a case of child abuse that we get to see them show off their parenting skills -- but I do appreciate that they cut David some slack and get to the root of his issues. I think a lesser show would just have the rebellious teenager “learn something” from his grandma and her friends and shape up, but Blanche instead gets him to open up about the real problem, which is that his parents are too wrapped up in their own problems to take care of him -- not to mention, as Blanche keeps mentioning, his father’s a Yankee.
I mean, this poor kid is so emotionally starved he thinks his parents would be thrilled to get rid of him -- and that’s unambiguously shown to be their fault, not his. Dorothy’s little speech challenging him not to give up on the people who’re actually making an effort to help him is a believable exchange between a teenager and a teacher. Fun fact: Billy Jacoby, the actor who plays David, was 16 when this episode aired.)
While I know it couldn’t happen within the confines of the show, part of me wishes he really could live with Blanche and the girls. I’m not sure if it was not as common for kids to be raised by their grandparents in the late 80s, but it certainly wouldn’t be unusual today. Still, if anything, this is the first time we get an idea of how hands-off a parent Blanche was, and how much she’d like to make up for that -- that’s definitely something that’ll come up again later in the show. 
For what it’s worth, she strikes me as one of those people who’s a better grandparent than parent, but she does do some parenting in this episode: namely, her harsh correction of Janet, who’s too wrapped up in her own problems to take care of David. Blanche may not approve of Sophia’s more brutal forms of correction, but her going off on her daughter was no less impressive than that slap.
Now I’m gonna go on record to say I disapprove of hitting children. While I don’t have any of my own yet, I don’t believe children should be hit on the face or anywhere else as a punishment or preventative measure -- nor should anyone, if I’m being honest. However, I will say that I don’t think that’s what Sophia was doing. Her smack was more akin to when you slap someone who’s hysterical -- David was clearly whipping himself into a froth and any attempts to talk him down or intimidate him weren’t working, so Sophia administered a little… percussive intervention to bring him back down to earth.
Like Dorothy says later, it comes from a place of caring, and I think Sophia of all characters knows when something like that will help rather than hurt... melon baller notwithstanding. I do appreciate that Dorothy and Sophia’s interactions, both when they’re arguing and when they’re sharing fond memories, shows a healthy dynamic between parent and child to contrast what poor David is going through. There’s not much of a B-plot to this episode aside from Dorothy’s French exam, and much of it centers around the single scene of the two arguing in bed, but it’s by far the funniest scene in the whole episode.
Having watched all of the episodes up to this point -- and spending roughly a week over-analyzing each episode -- I think this is the first time we’ve ever gotten some true St. Olaf stories. Given that Blanche, Dorothy, and Sophia have their assigned “tasks” in the episode, the writers decided to give Rose the job of adding a little color and humor to the episode.
They do this by having Rose describe some stories from her home life on the farm, including Alice, the cow you had to milk while sitting on a stool -- as in, she sits on the stool. It’s our first indication that something isn’t quite right about the place where Rose comes from, though we only have her responsibilities as a child to go by. It’s not going to be the last time we hear about it, by a longshot, but it’s a great teaser of the sort of bizarro logic that St. Olaf runs on. And I really want to hear now what the heck happened to Alice that she had to sit on a stool.
By the way, the title is a reference to On Golden Pond, a film which also features a teenage boy bonding with grandparents -- and part of me wonders if this whole plot happened because they just couldn’t resist the reference to another well-known “Golden” thing.
Episode rating: 🍰🍰🍰 (three cheesecake slices out of five)
Best part of the episode:
BLANCHE: Is that all you Italians know how to do -- scream and hit? SOPHIA: No, we also know how to make love and sing opera.
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genesisofsadness · 4 years
Farmyard, norwich: ‘for the maximum element, it works’ – restaurant overview
They do drop some catches here, but the commendable ambition makes all of it worthwhile
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bistronomy in st benedicts avenue: chef andrew jones (left) at farmyard, norwich. Bistronomy in st benedicts road: chef andrew jones (left) at farmyard, norwich. Photo: chris ridley/the observer farmyard, 23 st benedicts street, norwich nr2 4pf (01603 733 188). Snacks £3. 50, starters £7-£nine, mains £thirteen-£26, cakes £7, wines from £19. 50
farmyard in norwich is the form of restaurant that brings out the maternal in me. Reading the menu makes me feel like one of those dad and mom status in the wings all through the auditions for britain’s got skills, watching my children, ant and dec’s palms lightly on my shoulders for moral guide. I am determined for the kitchen to prevail. I want to hug them all to my bosom and inform them the whole thing could be ok. I’m additionally terrified they’ll drop the capture. It's far for eating place goers who are glad to provide the kitchen permission to try only a little harder that is a grossly patronising issue to say to a team of skilled cooks. However the menu is so ambitiously everywhere in the area, is any such random, swooping series of dishes, i'm able to’t pretty help myself. It’s no longer a lot stressed as at the run. Say hello to cooking which attracts its thought from mexico or japan, north africa or spain, and a gaggle of locations in-among. It demands so many competencies, so much know-how of the way various techniques, spices and dishes sit inside a way of life, that misfires seem almost guaranteed. A number of it is actually down to the language used. On the menu they describe what they do as “bistronomy”, a venerable word first coined in paris inside the early 90s with the aid of professional chefs bored with the puckered and stiff atmosphere within the city’s grandest garlanded gastro palaces. They desired to retain being creative, adventurous cooks, however inside the body of a comfy bistro, with the encouraging pricing that suggests. This brilliant and secure area with its business ducted ceiling, strand board floors, and partly open white tiled kitchen, in reality can't be accused of pretension. For the proctologically challenged, be aware: there are padded banquettes.
‘the chips preserve plenty of their bite’: ham, egg and chips. Facebooktwitterpinterest ‘the chips keep lots in their chunk’: ham, egg and chips. Image: chris ridley/the observer the menu language is a little greater trying. A wonton as served here is really just a dumpling or folded piece of pasta by means of every other misused call? A beetroot “wine gum” is honestly a piece of partially dehydrated beetroot. You may determine to be profoundly irritated through this mangling of the lexicon, or you may decide the meals at the plate. I’m going with the latter due to the fact, for the most element, it works. There are misfires. The batter of salt and pepper squid, from the part of the menu headed “snacks”, doesn’t appear particularly interested by staying attached to its host. However it handiest costs £3. 50 so it’s hard to roll your eyes for lengthy. Those beetroot “wine gums”, candy and chewy, are served with a dollop of horseradish cream to drag them through. They depart strawberry-colored ribbons via the dulux whiteness, and are lots better. A few dish names are a gentle funny story constructed round understatement. Ham, egg and chips are lumps of smoky, salty, collapsing ham hock, with a cured egg yolk and a massive knot of deep-fried, spiralised potato. The latter seems at the beginning a touch difficult and underneath cooked, but there is a limpid hammy broth at the lowest of the bowl. The “chips” maintain a great deal in their bite as they shatter into it with a whack of the fork.
“highly spiced carrot wonton” are, as i recommended, simply any other word for folded-over ravioli, and not specifically highly spiced. However there's a thick celeriac purée here, and some roasted carrots to preserve the interest. It may not quite match as much as its billing, however it’s a solid and dependable little bit of cooking. As is a £sixteen important route of a roasted hen leg, with a boneless, breaded and deep-fried wing, on a thick truffle purée and fowl jus. 1/2 a roasted leek, singed in various places, slumps across it, languorously. It’s a roast fowl dinner that has polished its shoes and combed its hair. To head along we have a bowl of shredded brassicas, thru which both toasted almonds and a pokey salsa verde have been spooned. It’s a cheery act of interest to detail. A potato “terrine” is some other model of spuds sliced and pressed and cooked, then cut into rectangles and deep fried, which, at bubala some months back, were described erroneously as latkes. Regardless of the call, they may be usually welcome.
‘no longer particularly spicy’: spicy carrot wonton. A vegetable ramen is a dish i discover myself nodding at admiringly, in preference to adoring. There's a effective intensity to the broth, and the dozens of toasted barley buried in its steaming depths along a load of different veg, make certain no person will pass hungry. But the noodles are replaced through spiralised carrot. It’s an unusual call. That is partially due to the fact the usage of noodles could not have impacted the meat-unfastened nature of the dish. They could have introduced a little extra starch to the broth and might additionally have justified calling it a ramen. But more often than not it’s an bizarre name because it makes it appear as if proudly owning a spiralizer is an entirely affordable existence preference, when of path they're implements that deserve to be pointed and laughed at with such malice that they subsequently throw themselves into the bin out of embarrassment. Even bearing in mind the unevenness of that dish i ought to consider myself back here trying their version of a multi-layered mole poblano with bbq lamb and blue corn tacos, simply to look whether or not they may without a doubt pull it off, or the roast hake with paprika chickpea stew. This farmyard is decided to fatten up its residents. Cakes turn among the outrageous and the outrageously comforting. The former is defined as a “white chocolate bar”. It’s a sizable block of smooth, sticky white chocolate ganache. It would be teeth-achingly sweet were it no longer for the bold saltiness of the miso caramel slathered across the pinnacle, the scattering of peanuts and the intense dark chocolate sorbet. It’s a re-engineered snickers bar, possibly with the aid of a person who lately kicked a first-rate crystal meth addiction and is now searching out a socially suited manner by way of which to get off their face. With the aid of contrast a steamed ginger pudding, perched on earrings of gently spiced pineapple with a coconut sorbet is a gentle all-in-one hug and back rub.
‘re-engineered snickers’: white chocolate-miso bar. Facebooktwitterpinterest ‘re-engineered snickers’: white chocolate-miso bar. Photo: chris ridley/the observer right here at farmyard they may now not usually gain every one among their goals. Some of those catches really are dropped. However on foot lower back along the norwich lane it calls domestic, exceeded unremarkable pizzerias and dependable looking bistros and cocktail bars designed for a friday night time, the area of interest it fills became apparent. It's miles for restaurant goers who're happy to offer the kitchen permission to try just a little harder and strive only a little extra. And honestly, couldn’t we all do with a eating place like that? Information bites
proper now you may now not be thinking about travelling restaurants, but you may accomplish that once more. In the spirit of assist for the eating place quarter, this column will retain making tips. Simply over at the norfolk coast from farmyard isn't any 1 cromer, which belongs to chef galton blackiston of morston hall. Downstairs it’s a first-rate carpenter and ice cream bar. Upstairs, there’s a globe-trotting bistro which takes in the whole thing from fish tacos to hoisin duck pancakes, tandoori fowl naan and a massaman vegan curry. It’s bold but, usually it works (no1cromer. Com). Till the cease of april heston blumenthal’s three michelin celebrity fats duck in bray is reducing the price of its menu by using £seventy five. It’s nevertheless a stonking £250 with the cut price. At time of writing there are some lunchtime tables to be had within the moderately spaced eating room. This will be the instant to strive it (thefatduck. Co. Uk). Oisin rogers, who's the nearest factor london has to a celeb publican, is to take a second boozer underneath his wing, alongside the guinea grill in mayfair, famed for its beefy menu of steaks and claret. He’s revamping the close by windmill, and bringing in dishes together with pork cheek and oyster pie, and excellent fish and chips. Our journalism is open for all… … and could continue to be so. Now extra than ever, the father or mother is dedicated to delivering first-rate, responsible journalism each and every day. In those terrific instances, when anxiety and uncertainty abound, the guardian’s measured, authoritative reporting has never been so important. We will stay with you, turning in exceptional journalism so we can all make critical choices approximately our lives, health and protection – based on fact, no longer fiction. We believe every one folks deserves equal access to accurate news and calm clarification. So, not like many others, we made a specific choice: to keep father or mother journalism open for all, regardless of wherein they stay or what they can find the money for to pay. This would now not be viable with out the generosity of readers, who now assist our work from one hundred eighty nations around the sector. We have upheld our editorial independence inside the face of the disintegration of traditional media – with social systems giving rise to incorrect information, the seemingly unstoppable upward thrust of massive tech and independent voices being squashed by commercial possession. The mother or father’s independence method we are able to set our personal agenda and voice our personal evaluations. Our journalism is free from industrial and political bias – in no way inspired by using billionaire owners or shareholders. This makes us exceptional. It manner we will task the effective with out worry and provide a voice to the ones less heard. Your financial support has intended we can preserve investigating, disentangling and interrogating. It has covered our independence, which has by no means been so crucial. We're so grateful.
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coteofdoves-blog · 6 years
13th May
this year i will not weep
over lost memories and words
i should have said
or feel a sting in my heart every time
a post on social media appears
instead, i choose to remember
the strength and beauty of the woman who brought me into this world
how she handled whatever life threw at her with such elegance and grace
with love so unconditional
a silent force to be reckoned with
the very night she held me in her arms
humming her favourite church song
while my six year old body shook
in between sobs and bruised ribs
was the moment i knew she would never leave my side
even when the angels
came to carry her home
in her own way, she taught me
how beautiful life could be
once i knew how to make of it
how change was to be embraced
and that love was to be handled gently with a brave heart
so this year, and every year on,
i’ll celebrate life, love, and lessons
that have been instilled and rebelled against
since young
until much later on ; the present.
For those who’re missing their mothers, this one’s for you too. Happy Mother’s Day.
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pparkchimin · 6 years
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ 👀
wow get ready for 28!!!!!!1111!! look @ wut u made me d o
1. Super Bass by Nicki MInaj
Excuse me, you’re a hell of a guy you know I really got a thing for American guysI mean, sigh, sickenin’ eyesI can tell that you’re in touch with your feminine side 
2. How to Be a Heartbreaker by Marina and The Diamonds
Girls, we do, whatever it will takeCause girls don’t wantWe don’t want our hearts to break, in twoSo it’s better to be fakeCan’t risk losing in love again, babe
3. Miss Murder by AFI
Simply a look can break your heartThe stars that pierce the skyHe left them all behindWe’re left to wonder whyHe left us all behind 
4. Do Ya Think I’m Sexy? (Cover) by Glee Cast
If you want my body and you think I’m sexyCome on, sugar, tell me soIf you really need me, just reach out and touch meCome on, honey, tell me so
5. Close ft. Tove Lo by Nick Jonas
I am not really known for ever being speechlessBut now, but now somehowMy words roll off my tongue right onto your lips, ohI’m keeping cool while you keep smilingSaying all the things I’m thinking
6. Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings
Don’t sell your heartDon’t say we’re not meant to beRun, baby, runForever we’ll beYou and me
7. We Built This City by Starship
Knee deep in the hoopla sinking in your fightToo many runaways eating up the nightMarconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio, don’t you rememberWe built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
8. Primadonna by Marina and The Diamonds
Would you get down on your knees for me?Pop the pretty question right now, babyBeauty queen on a silver screenLiving life like I’m in a dreamI know I’ve got a big egoI really don’t know why it’s such a big deal, though
9.Heaven by DJ Sammy
Baby, you’re all that I wantWhen you’re lyin’ here in my armsI’m findin’ it hard to believeWe’re in heaven
10. Oh by Ciara
Trunk-rattlin’ what’s happenin’, huh?I don’t even think I need to speedBass-travelin’, face-crackilin’ huh?Turn it up and make the speakers bleed
11. Get Higher by Paper Tongues
I don’t wanna wake up from thisI cannot afford to forgetThe feeling of your arms, they hold meThe power of your skin, it’s lovelyYou provoke a man to bow downAnd I get on my knees and cry outEverything I have is yours now
12. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by John Mayer
I was the one you always dreamed ofYou were the one I tried to drawHow dare you say it’s nothing to meBaby, you’re the only light I ever saw
13. Paint It, Black by Rolling Stones
I look inside myself and see my heart is blackI see my red door, I must have it painted blackMaybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the factsIt’s not easy facing up when your whole world is black
 14. The River Has Run Wild by Mads Langer
The river has run wild tonightIt hurts to see you burning, burning oh so brightSee throughMy looking glassI sell the pastIt’s still oh so quiet
15. Papa Don’t Preach by Madonna
You always taught me right from wrong I need your help, daddy please be strong I may be young at heart But I know what I’m saying
16. Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
Sometimes I get the feeling she’s watching over meAnd other times I feel like I should goAnd through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streetsAnd when you’re gone, we want you all to knowWe’ll carry on
17. Stacy’s Mom by Fountains Of Wayne
She’s all I want and I’ve waited for so longStacy, can’t you see? You’re just not the girl for meI know it might be wrong, but I’m in love with Stacy’s mom
18. Same Love by Macklemore
“Man, that’s gay” gets dropped on the dailyWe’ve become so numb to what we’re sayingOur culture founded from oppressionYet we don’t have acceptance for ‘em
19. Dog Days Are Over by Florence and The Machine
Run fast for your mother, run fast for your fatherRun for your children, for your sisters and brothersLeave all your love and your longing behindYou can’t carry it with you if you want to survive
20. Rush Rush by Paula Abdul
I’m gonna run, I’m gonna tryI’m gonna take this love right to yaAll my heart, all the joyOh, baby, baby, please
21. How Far We’ve Come by Matchbox Twenty
I’m waking up at the start of the end of the world,But its feeling just like every other morning before,Now I wonder what my life is going to mean if it’s gone,The cars are moving like a half a mile an hourAnd I started staring at the passengers who’re waving goodbyeCan you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time?
22. Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
Use the sleeves of my sweaterLet’s have an adventureHead in the clouds but my gravity’s centeredTouch my neck and I’ll touch yours
23. Holiday by Madonna
You can turn this world aroundAnd bring back all of those happy daysPut your troubles downIt’s time to celebrateLet love shine
24. Havana by Camila Cabello
Havana, ooh na-na Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-naHe took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-naAll of my heart is in Havana My heart is in Havana 
25. Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
So many times it happens too fastYou trade your passion for gloryDon’t lose your grip on the dreams of the pastYou must fight just to keep them alive
26. Popular by The Original Wicked Cast
Don’t be offended by my frank analysisThink of it as personality dialysisNow that I’ve chosen to become a pal, a sis-Ter and adviserThere’s nobody wiser
27. So Sick by Ne-yo
I’m so fed up with my thoughts of youAnd your memoryAnd how every song reminds meOf what used to be
28. Love Addict by Family Force 5
Doctor, doctor, I’ve got an emergencyIt seems I’m head over heels, a case of L-O-V-EIt’s like I’m glowing insideYeah, a light I can’t hideAnd if this feeling is bad then I don’t wanna be rightWhat I’ve got in my soul gives me the highest delightOh yeah it’s better than drugsIn fact it’s sent from above
29. Fuckin’ Perfect by P!nk
You’re so mean, when you talk, about yourself you were wrongChange the voices in your head, make them like you insteadSo complicated, look how big, you’ll make itFilled with so much hatred, such a tired game
30. 心臓を捧げよ by Linked Horizon
Offer up your hearts!All your sacrifices were for this moment!
捧げよ 捧げよ 心臓を捧げよ全ての犠牲は今この瞬間のために捧げよ 捧げよ 心臓を捧げよ進むべき未来をその手で切り拓け
31. Young And Beautiful by Lana Del Ray
Dear lord, when I get to heavenPlease let me bring my manWhen he comes tell me that you’ll let him inFather tell me if you canAll that grace, all that bodyAll that face, makes me wanna partyHe’s my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds
32. Faithfully by Journey
Restless heartsSleep alone tonightSending all my love along the wire
33. I Want You Back by Jackson 5
Trying to live without your love is one long sleepless nightLet me show you, girl, that I know wrong from rightEvery street you walk on, I leave tear stains on the groundFollowing the girl I didn’t even want around
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yuriio · 7 years
I know I’m not gonna get any asks for this and I’m bored, so I’m gonna fill this out for my OC Bennett bc I do what I want
Originally from this post.
1. What do they smell like? I imagine him having a woodsy sort of smell, like pine and fresh rain and wildflowers. A very fresh scent.
2. What is their voice like? Smooth and sweet; it’s on the higher side for someone his age, but not outrageously high either.
3. What is their biggest motivator? Does his stubbornness count as a motivator? He likes to prove people wrong, so if they say he can’t do something, you bet your ass he’s going to do it.
4. What is their most embarrassing memory? When he was young, he fell asleep in class and woke up to several insults written on his arms and face in marker. He tried to play it off, but by the time he made it home, he was in tears because he’d been so embarrassed.
5. How do they deal with/react to pain? He has a very low pain tolerance, and usually doesn’t deal very well. 
6. What do they like to wear? Simple, comfortable clothes. Usually jeans and a t-shirt or sweatshirt, or a tank top if the weather’s warm enough. Wardrobe consists of blacks and pastel colors.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively? Definitely his relationship with Seth ( @xblackblossomsx )
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten? Eel. It’s ruined any other seafood for him.
9. Describe the way that they sleep. Restlessly, constantly tossing and turning when alone due to childhood trauma. More often than not, he hardly sleeps. However, he sleeps much better when with someone/being held. It’s comforting.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food? He loves sweets.
11. What do they feel most insecure about? Mostly his personality, as well as his ‘cute’ appearance. He thinks it makes him look weak.
12. How do they like to dress? Very casual; hardly ever dresses up.
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt? He often pushes those who’re close to him away and tries to isolate himself when he feels guilty; that’s when he needs his loved ones most. If not to talk sense into him, then to comfort him.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal? He doesn’t take kindly to it. At first, if he’s close with the person, he’ll be in shock, and be a little hurt that they played him so easily. Then the need for revenge kicks in, and he stops at nothing to get it.
15. What is their greatest achievement? Probably surviving for as long as he has on his own.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep? Very grumpy and moody. Easy to snap, emotional.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk? Depending on how much he’s had to drink, he can either be highly flirtatious, or rambunctious and ready to take on the really buff guy who could more than likely snap him like a twig.
18. What kind of music do they enjoy? Upbeat and fast-paced, mostly, although he does enjoy acoustic. Style doesn’t matter to him all that much.
19. Are they right or left handed? Right handed.
20. Fears? Losing those who are close to him, abandonment, complete isolation.
21. Favorite kind of weather? Sunny and warm, though not too warm; the type of day where you could wear a jacket and not get too hot or take it off and not be too cold. Not humid nor dry, the ‘perfect weather’.
22. Favorite color? Varies between greens and reds.
23. Do they collect anything? He used to collect little paper stars when he was little; his mother would make them for him.
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more? If it came to outrageously hot or cold, definitely cold. 
25. What is their eye color? Green, like the green of leaves right before they start to turn. Not neon, but not dull either.
26. What is their race/ethnicity? Caucasian 
27. Hair color? Red
28. Are they happy where they are currently? Sure.
29. Are they a morning person? Not really; he’d much prefer to sleep in.
30. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset, definitely.
31. Are they more messy or more organized? He tries to stay organized, but more often than not his attempts fail.
32. Pet peeves? He absolutely hates being underestimated and written off as weak. 
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance? Not really. He isn’t materialistic and doesn’t get attached.
34. Least favorite food? Fish or seafood.
35. Least favorite color? Bright orange.
36. Least favorite smell? The smell of decay/death.
37. When was the last time they cried? The last time he slept alone; woke up from a nightmare.
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried? No.
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured? Shortly after his parents died and his brother disappeared, he was trying to make food and accidentally burnt his hand. 
40. Do they have any scars? Quite a few, but none that are significant.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues? Depression and anxiety.
42. Do they have any bad habits? When he gets nervous he has a tendency to scratch at his arms (or legs if he’s sitting.) He also picks at scabs a lot.
43. Why might someone dislike them? For something he said, or they’re simply jealous of him more than likely; he tries his best to be a good person, which means he’s hard on himself and doesn’t want to mess up.
44. Why might someone love them? He’s affectionate, he puts those he cares about before him and is almost always there for them.
45. Do they believe in ghosts? Of course he does.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives? Two people.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone? Pffft ya.
48. Are they dating/married to anyone? Dating, yes.
49. Do they like surprises? Depends on the surprise, but usually yes.
50. When is their birthday? July 14th
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday? He doesn’t, he grew up on his own so he didn’t really have any way to celebrate.
52. Do they have any family? His mother and father were murdered, his brother is alive but in conspiracy with the enemy, which he has no clue about.
53. Are they close to their family? He was very close with his mother.
54. What is their MBTI type? ENFP
55. What is their zodiac sign? Cancer
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in? Either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor more than likely.
57. What D&D alignment are they? Chaotic Good
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about? Yes. Usually about his parents’ deaths, or being helpless as his loved ones are killed before him.
59. What are their views on death? Death scares him. It’s taken a lot of those he loved away, he’s afraid of it.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at? A horrible pun.
61. When bored, how do they pass time? Tinkering with electronics or reading.
62. Do they enjoy being outside? He loves the outdoors, yeah.
63. Do they have an accent? Not really.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction? Probably, “Food! Is this anyone’s? Can I have it?”
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say? He’d try to comfort his loved ones, right up until his last breath.
66. How do they feel about sex? He’s an innocent child not really he’s kinky af. He’s a little awkward when talking about it, and even more awkward when proposed with the idea of it.
67. What is their sexuality? Gayyyyyy
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood? Yeah, but mainly if it belongs to him or someone who’s close to him.
69. Is there anything that they find really gross? Seafood and grotesque wounds.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them? N/a
71. Do they enjoy helping people? Definitely
72. Are they allergic to anything? Nope!
73. Do they have a pet? No, but he’s a softie when it comes to cute and cuddly animals.
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper? Depends on the situation, but when he loses his temper, he acts like a little brat, and gets all huffy and loud.
75. How patient are they? He’s somewhat patient. Again, it depends on the situation.
76. Are they good at cooking? He’s decent.
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often? His go-to insult is “idiot” or “asshole”. He doesn’t insult people often and mean it, but he does when he’s playing around. It’s more of an affectionate gesture.
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy? Very bubbly and affectionate. His good mood is sure to rub off on those around him.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears? He respects their fears, but if they want, he’s more than willing to help them work through them.
80. Are they trustworthy? Of course.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it? Only when he’s really upset, guilty, or downcast. He’s not good at it.
82. Do they exercise regularly? Yeah.
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look? He thinks he’s too soft and cute looking, but yes, he is.
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people? Eyes, definitely. He finds that the eyes reveal more about a person, if you know how to read them.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive? He’s a sucker for ‘tsundere’ trope characters, mainly because he likes to tease a lot. But he looks for those who can have a sense of humor as well.
86. Do they like sweet foods? May I redirect you to question 64. Always keep an eye on your sweets while he’s around.
87. What is their age? 19
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between? He’s short, a whole five feet and seven inches.
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts? Nope.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive? Not really, but he knows he’s not too hard on the eyes.
91. What is their sense of humor like? Very cheesy, he particularly likes puns and jokes about how gay he is.
92. What mood are they most often in? An easy-going, mellow mood.
93. What kinds of things anger them? He hates being lied to, being told he isn’t good or strong enough. Anything along those lines will set him off quick, as well as any bad talk of his parents.
94. Outlook on life? “It sucks, but so do I ;)”
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed? Mentions of his past.
96. What is their greatest weakness? His loyalty. He’d be willing to do anything to keep his loved ones safe. That, and his lack in confidence in himself.
97. What is the greatest strength? His quick thinking. He’s super smart, and quick to pick up on things no one else does.
98. Something that they regret? Not disobeying. He feels he could’ve saved his parents; chances are, he would’ve ended up dead as well if he’d tried to intervene. 
99. Biggest accomplishment? In his eyes, learning how to use his bow. It’s one of the things he takes pride in.
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kartiavelino · 5 years
Dee-1 Will get Candid About America’s Pupil Debt Disaster
Amid 2019’s ongoing pursuit for the following presidential chair, there’s one polemical talking level burning by means of political debates: the scholar debt disaster. The whopping quantities of scholar mortgage debt continues to develop into burdensome numbers, which now exceeds $1.6 trillion. From a socioeconomic standpoint, the crushing weight of scholar loans fall primarily on prime of Black college students and people from center and lower-income households. Sadly, the trajectory of this disaster is fast-paced proper onto the shoulders of future generations to return, and much more formidably, the American financial system as properly. New Orleans rap artist Dee-1 skilled this firsthand after graduating from Louisiana State College. The previous RCA signee used a part of his report label advance to repay his scholar debt—a transfer that proved useful to him as he launched a music profession affixed with surprising bills. This energy transfer additionally turned the muse of his viral 2016 hit, “Sallie Mae Again,” the place the NOLA rapper celebrates paying off his scholar mortgage debt in full. Sarcastically, the success of the only additionally fostered a relationship between the scholar mortgage affiliation and Dee-1, touchdown in a full-fledged partnership. By means of the collaboration, he launched into Dee-1’s Information For School tour, which introduced him to the levels of 18 excessive faculties in 5 U.S. states. He additionally introduced alongside $95,000 in scholarship awards through the Sallie Mae-presented tour run.  BET.com spoke with Dee about his private experiences with scholar loans, its intersection with politics, the implications of the scholar mortgage debt disaster and his recommendation for college students at present up towards the monetary assist epidemic. BET: You used your advance to repay your scholar loans. Was that disappointing to you in any approach? Maybe, you had different plans for that cash? Dee-1: It was very disappointing that I had to make use of my advance from signing a significant label report deal to repay my scholar loans. I simply got here to the conclusion that paying off your scholar mortgage debt is the brand new American dream. Rising up, you at all times thought that in the event you signed an enormous report deal that you’d purchase your mother a brand new home or purchase your self a brand new home. I did not do any of that. I used a bit of it to complete paying off my scholar loans, and I nonetheless felt proud afterward as a result of I lastly cleared that debt out of the best way. However, rising up, particularly in New Orleans, there’s the period of Money Cash Data. You consider the entire vehicles that they’d purchase with their cash and all the massive mansions that you simply’d fantasize about as a child. I did not do any of that with that cash. I needed to pay my scholar loans off.  BET: Earlier than paying it off, would you say you struggled underneath the burden of the funds in comparison with your different payments/bills? Dee-1: Sure. Earlier than I paid my loans off, there have been many months that I did not pay on them in any respect. I did not have that a lot additional capital to have the ability to pay what they wished for that month. I needed to pay hire for my residence. I had day-to-day bills like meals and fuel to get to and from work. I used to be additionally funding my music profession out of pocket, so paying for posters, flyers, studio time, and all of these bills related to being an unbiased artist. It was powerful once you add in scholar loans on prime of that stuff. So a whole lot of occasions, I would not pay my loans and wasn’t interested by the damaging implications of it.  BET: Is the scholar debt disaster one thing that political candidates have to have of their prime Three priorities? Why/why not? Dee-1: After all! If a candidate does not have the scholar debt disaster of their prime three priorities as president of america of America, then you might be under no circumstances able to main this nation. On no account. Which means you are out of contact with what issues most. Proper now, we maintain encouraging youngsters to go to varsity, however we maintain making it tougher for them to pay for it. That is a contradiction that must be addressed by our subsequent president.  BET: What do you consider candidates who vow to at the very least try and cancel scholar debt? Dee-1: It feels good. It is like any individual flirting with you, and telling you one thing very nice that they know you wish to hear, and that is going to stroke your ego and make you smile. That is how I really feel about it, however can they really ship on that and really cancel scholar mortgage debt? I do not suppose it is potential to completely eradicate all scholar mortgage debt as an entire. So, anybody who says that, I might have a ton of follow-up questions for them by way of how they’d implement that. The rationale why politics is hard for me to actually get down with is as a result of I really feel like candidates should run on a platform the place they’re making a bunch of guarantees that they know they cannot maintain.  BET: Presently, scholar debt exceeds $1.5 trillion and is held primarily by middle-class college students and those that come from lower-income households. Is it protected to say that individuals on this demographic ought to maintain off on going to varsity and refuse to take out scholar loans, or go forth with their training, however tempo themselves by means of semesters in order to not construct up debt?  Dee-1: Properly that is the thing– debt in and of itself is not one thing that ought to deter a scholar from going to varsity. My rule of thumb is that this: it is okay to take out scholar loans if you recognize that you will full school as a result of finishing school is the important thing. Simply going to varsity and taking out loans does not make any sense as a result of in the event you’re finally going to drop out, you continue to should pay these loans again, which you took out for no cause. However, in the event you vow to finish school, by no means take out extra in scholar loans than what you count on your beginning wage to be on your future profession. If you recognize that you’ll faculty to be a instructor, and for example popping out of faculty as a instructor, you will make $50,000 a yr. Beginning out, it does not make sense to take out $175,000 in scholar mortgage debt. Then, it will be not possible and you will be in approach over your head once you’re making an attempt to pay that quantity again. Take into consideration the beginning wage of your future occupation and let that function a metric for the way a lot you need to be cool with taking out in scholar loans.  That goes for which faculty it’s best to attend as properly. Do not go to a faculty simply because your pals are going there or individuals are saying that is the ‘popping’ faculty to go to. It’s a must to take into consideration your private monetary state of affairs.  BET: What would your recommendation be to college students who’re at present struggling to repay loans?  Dee-1: At this level, you’ve got already taken the loans out, so you may have to have the ability to separate your needs out of your wants in your private price range. Be certain your wants are on the prime of your checklist, and you will have to eradicate a whole lot of your needs in an effort to make room to repay these scholar loans. Needs aren’t obligatory, so make a listing, separate the needs from the wants, and work out what you’ll be able to take away out of your bills that can make extra space in your price range to repay your loans.  I might additionally say do not be afraid to speak to professionals about your monetary state of affairs. Do not be afraid to speak to corporations that you’ve got taken the mortgage out from as a result of oftentimes in the event you talk with them and clarify your state of affairs, there are alternative ways they will work with you. However, the worst factor we are able to do is be embarrassed and never wish to speak about it in any respect.  What about to college students who’re contemplating taking out a mortgage? Dee-1: Just be sure you use your scholar loans to fund your training and never your life-style! I made errors in that space. I took out scholar loans to fund my music profession in school, have the freshest garments on campus, and issues like that. I do know individuals who took out scholar loans to place rims and Lamborghini doorways on their vehicles. Guarantee that mortgage cash goes towards your training only– that is your tuition, that is your room and board, and many others. It isn’t obligatory that it’s a must to ball out throughout school. I feel that in school, it’s best to truly learn to reside on a good price range. There’s nothing mistaken with penny-pinching throughout your school years as a result of you are going to ball out when you graduate. That is the plan. However, in the event you attempt to ball out in your scholar loans, that will likely be short-lived happiness. I wish to reiterate that you simply should not take out extra in scholar loans than what you propose to make along with your anticipated beginning wage. That could be a rule of thumb that I actually go laborious behind as a result of individuals be at school for six and 7 years typically and taking out loans as a basic research main. But, you took out $100,000 in loans to main generally research, and it is like ‘What?’ that is unnecessary.  So simply be good, be blessed, be actual, be righteous and be related.  http://feeds.guess.com/~r/AllBetcom/~3/dkj3xQBd5pI/dee-1-student-debt-crisis.html The post Dee-1 Will get Candid About America’s Pupil Debt Disaster appeared first on Kartia Velino. https://kartiavelino.com/dee-1-gets-candid-about-americas-student-debt-crisis/
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mysurveys · 7 years
Valentine's Day Survey
Survey #9 on the Countdown to 2018!
In elementary school, did you make Valentine's cards for everyone?
I used to buy the little pre-made kind for everyone.
Do you or your family have any Valentine's Day traditions?
The only thing is when Mom buys me two or three V-Day stuffies from Walmart or Walgreens when they go on sale.
What's the largest number of Valentines you've received?
I'm sure I've gotten cards from entire school classes before.
Do you think it's romantic for someone to ask you out on this day?
I guess it would be, but I'm not big on romance. I don't have anything against it, though.
Do you think it's heartless for someone to dump another person on this day?
It does seem extra mean to purposefully choose that day to do it.
What's your favorite thing about Valentine's Day?
Stuffed animals, I guess.
If you're in a relationship, do you go out and do anything romantic?
I'm currently single and I don't normally do anything for V-Day even if I'm with someone.
Do you watch any chick flicks?
I could only stand a romcom or watching another cheesy Hallmark movie with Mom.
What do you think of people that complain about being single?
Get over it. If you want a partner, go out there and look. It's not that big of a deal and stop begrudging other people's happiness.
What do you think of the people who're disgustingly lovey-dovey?
Sometimes people seriously need to get a room, but I just get away from them if I can.
Is it romantic to propose on Valentine's Day?
I'm sure that if the recipient is into V-Day then it is, but that also seems too unoriginal. I prefer the idea of getting married or proposed to sometime in December on Christmas Day or Eve. Or maybe on the winter solstice.
Were you single or taken on February 14th last year?
I think I was with Sasuke M. at that point.
If you're alone, how do you spend the day?
I don't normally do anything on that date one way or the other.
What's the weirdest gift you've received on this day?
It was weird and awkward when this boy gave me earrings because my ears have never been pierced.
Do you make your own Valentine cards or buy them at the store?
I used to just buy them when I gave them to my classmates.
Do you like the little candy hearts with cute sayings on them?
I don't like the actual candies, but I like the pillows!
What’s your favorite Valentine's Day quote?
I don't think I even know any by heart.
Do you think that this holiday has been overly commercialized?
Duh. Every major holiday here in the USA is used as a cash cow.
What Valentine's Day was the most memorable for you?
Meh. I've never been big on celebrating on V-Day.
Which one was the worst for you?
I've never had a terrible experience with it either.
Are there any actions you regret taking on this day?
I don't practice regret, but I've never done much of anything for it anyway.
When Valentine's Day approaches, are you excited for it?
Not really. It's just another day to me. I get my stuffies beforehand.
How would you describe love?
Romantic love or love in general? Hopefully your knowledge on love is stronger than your coffee vocabulary, but the sophisticated Greeks conveniently made sure to define love's many forms. They recognized six major types.
Philautia can be a healthy experience of being content in your own skin and liking who you are which can contribute to how much love you've got to give to others. But it could also take the form of narcissism and a focus on personal fame and fortune that would inhibit you from loving anyone else.
Pragma is something that occurs between married couples after several years, but it describes any long-term couple who've learned the art of compromise and the ability to show each other patience and tolerance. Falling in love with someone is so easy to do. We need to learn how to stand in it long-term.
Ludus is about flirting and teasing in the early experiences of love, especially between children. It also describes an adult's experiences in the early stages of a new love or even just going out dancing or clubbing when single.
Agape love is about charity to others whether they're close family members or complete strangers. This type of love for strangers has fallen into decline in the last forty years, but I think there's good reason for people to be more wary. There are those out there who will take advantage of anyone who exhibits this kind of love these days.
Philia is about a deep camaraderie that was valued more than sexual love by the Greeks. It often occurs between brothers in arms, but it's generally about showing loyalty, sharing your emotions and making sacrifices for your close friends. And storge is a kind of philia that describes the bond between parent and child.
Eros is a love shown through sexual desire and passion named after the Greek god of fertility. The Greeks knew that eros can be a dangerous, irrational firestorm in your heart that could possess you. It has an aspect of losing one's self-control that the Greeks rightly feared.
But people today want to fall madly in love. They want to lose their inhibitions and self-control, letting their passion overtake them. That can be a very negative thing.
There's so much more to love and loving than romance!
Would you say that you're a romantic person?
Not so much. I know what romance really is. It's not big, flashy shows of affection on a preset date. Love is the little things.
It's that love note on the fridge or that token of affection out of the blue. Men tend to show love that way and it's honestly more genuine than over-the-top extravagances women sometimes expect.
Do you want someone to sweep you off your feet?
In a way. It just means that he's a really special kind of man who has all those qualities I seek.
If you don't have a date, do you go out with friends or just stay home?
I don't do anything for V-Day most of the time.
Do you like reading romantic poems or love stories?
I haven't read poetry in a long time, but I'll read romance in fanfics and I'll watch chick flicks if they're romcoms or if it's something my mother's watching on Hallmark.
Are there any love quotes that have stuck with you?
"I am the cat who walks by herself." That's basically an expression of solidarity within oneself and philautia.
Catwoman has to accept her dual nature and her lonely road, but it's also about self-love. Embracing her innermost desires is a way in which she loves herself rather than remaining oppressed by society.
Would I accept to become a cat burglar? No way, but I respect Catwoman's ability to accept herself in both her most negative and positive aspects as well as her decisiveness.
She firmly chooses to live the life she wants for herself. That in itself is respectable despite how I might disagree with her criminality on a moral level.
I'd be more along the lines of an anti-heroine or anti-villainess depending on your perspective. I've enjoyed it most when Catwoman endeavors to steal back stolen cat items for the greater good.
I feel I'd be something along those lines in a Robin Hood type of way if I were like her and I weren't a Christian.
Is Valentine's Day a good reminder to show love to your significant other?
It shouldn't be a prerequisite or anything, but having a day devoted to love isn't a bad thing either. It's not just about romance!
Love has many forms including self-love. Stop hating on others for having romantic relationships. You can always buy gifts for yourself and for others in your life who mean so much whether they're your parents or your BFF.
Do you try to make Valentine's Day special for your partner?
I tend not to do anything big with them beyond maybe sending an e-card.
Do you expect people to get you anything on this day?
Of course not. It's not a prerequisite. If someone does something for me then I'm grateful, but it's not a must.
Where do you like to go out to eat on that night, if anywhere?
I don't usually do that.
What's the most romantic thing someone has done for you?
Making lyrics and poems for me has probably been my favorite romantic gesture so far, but I've never done big stuff for V-Day.
Do you have any fairytale scenarios that you wish would take place on that day?
No, not really. If I fantasized about love scenarios on holidays then I'd be dreaming of Christmastime and Halloween. The latter isn't a typical day for love, but it would be pretty original if you share a love of all things spooky.
Was Valentine's Day more fun as a kid or now?
It was more relevant as a kid, but I don't mind how things are now.
Do you have any friends that dislike Valentine's Day?
I don't think so. I wouldn't like it if they were V-Day haters holding grudges because they're single. That's so childish.
How about any that are way too into it?
I don't know of any V-Day extremists either, but I don't feel that it's terrible if you want to go big on it with someone else who actually enjoys that kind of thing.
Do you know the history of Valentine's Day?
I do know a lot about it just out of curiosity. It's kind of interesting to study the origins of holidays and their traditions.
What're your plans for the upcoming February 14th?
That's today and it's six in the evening already. I haven't done anything about it but some V-Day surveys.
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